THE HEP.PXER VE,EKLT GAZETTE: DECEMBER 3, 189J-. m Have You Tried The S. B. Cough Cure? .- Poodle who attended the Portland j, Exposition last year and tiiis. erfy that it is thy best thing they evvrlrled for Cough. & Croup l?TA Fair trial is all ttctj-S. For tale by Sloram-Johnston DR.l;o.,IIoppnor. oresfGrovPouUryYards. VI pSJABLlSftED IN 1877 . Wyatfijotfes, 'Plymouth BofsVa, Liabt "Braiiinhs, KPise anil Siiitf lo Cumn Brown ,Li.'liorn, P.utriilt;e Cochins, ttouuans and nil. vtjrSpaugledHauibiiigs. J'" l.OOfl YQURF FOWLS Keady for Delivery. , - BOOK YOUR ORDERS - FOR CHOICE ' SELECTIONS. In America, and are the bent on I GUAEANTI' '.TrSFACTION TCl EVERY?" e,ifOMJ51f. . ' '- . HendJor Catarogue. r . 1 " Address ' J. M. (JAKRISON, Box 55. com.300. ' Forest Grove, Or Jewell j EslaisM r--pE'-i: PO.BorGr ' t Still Continues to Sell WATCIIESHE CIjOCKS, a EWELny, etc.. At the Lowest rossiMt! Prioes. A large stock qf Gold Pens 'Am'e thyst and Cameo G6ld Rfngs, Gold and Silver Watches Always . ; '- ' ?on H and- 7.: "'' A Full Line of 1VC DHICALi IWBTIITJ- ' '' IWH33XTT13 Has, been mlited to his huge and well- seleoted stock. , REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL wTorJx. CJrtxiJLLtorci- 8TOHE opposite Minor, Podson & Co's; May Bt. Hsilri4r - - tf OieiOii ARTHUR SMITH, PliAOTlCA.!, WATCHMAKER ! ' Opposite V'azMu Ollice, HEPPNEU, I :," OREGON. Vatches, . A Optical Clocks, ':-)'v Goods ; , VAhoii C'JiltwiM, ' '. . $1,110, MnitiaprinKH Fittad $1.50. Ml work qnaraneetl fm one ;nr. tf Arc made by feeding good hay and grain, giving plenty of drink and proper grooming Von en u get it at ' W. S. CAKMANS," Heppner Fetd Yard, Lower Mtilu Stri'i't. lli'inine,, Ort'tf-m. ' He. lum Kim.l Klu'lter for bu'if-H eml hacks Free ciimpiliK limine tuul eiioklu meutillH. ST. JOSEPH'S flCHDEPIY, FENDLETO.N, OliKdON. Tliis fnstitutloji (rlVt-rta yiiiMiK lutlles every tdvtmtage for home and s'oi lni comlort. The oourse of Htiidti'R emrtrarc all the luauctics HcccMsary in tho aetiniMtiou ot a solid and ret) ned education. ' The Languages, .Linear Drawing, Voml Music In cIhoh, and an kludn Of itee.lleworlc form no evlia cliarge. 1'entvs uiuduriic. For further inionimUuii adtiicNS SlSTKR Sui KRIOR, PENDLETON- Klratt'CliiMaij OAZETTB SHOP,. Utppner, : : tf . Vreutm. Keep oonMtatilly rfrt hanil Fresh nmt Hnlt )IeatB, Fistiuiut I'otillr). llinl"'-i I'linti Pi-lee pant tor all kiuiln of fat Slock. ern-fiL-x- Dnae., HEPI'NKIt, ' - OLL.illN. "AV.tKFSIS" gnt tnMmo tvli f i-nt 1. ftu ill fn!lit: I'Dr. lop l'llil Ftio ill. 4iy Pnirtrl.t. ir PLES ktft mi. I Of a uuf t . VVOIiLl) KAIK NOTRJ Pueblo, Culorml'i, is raising mnney wifli wliioli to equip ami eend to Cbt ca,o a "coboy baud." -.Wyomidft's building at the Fair will be of the French chateau style of archi tecture, 50 by 70 feet, two stories high '!i ' and will co,t,ubmit $'20,000. J , ' , HI Among the aiosfiutorastinS exhibits in tba Mires and alining bailding will be (v colbction of vhe implements used by the " forty-niners' in California. Commissioner Mark L. McDonald has undertaken to oolloct a numbet of o? the '"old" miners' fraternity "audlfild them to the Fair. Chief Skitr has alfi bekn promised an old placer plant in complete hydraulic operation. He will also have an exhrbit of the primitive methods employed by the early miners of New Mexico in reducing ores. . ' 1 TO CONSUMPTIVES, The uudorsigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffer ing for Bever,al years with severe'lung affection, awl that dread disease con sumption, is anxious to make .known to his fellow Buff'Tors the means of core. To those who desire it, he will 'cheer fully send (free of charge) a copy of 'tk: prescription used, which they will fiud a sure dire for . consumption, asthma, catarrn, bronchitis and all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all 'sufferers will. try his remedy, mh it is invaluable. Those deniring tho fireseriptiou, which will cost them notTiing, and may prove a blossing, will please address Rnv. Ei waud A. Wilnon, Williamsburg, Kiul's County, New York. ., 400-302. ,. To Cft-in Dirty Kngine -Dissolve a pound of concentrated lye in about two gallons of water, and with a jnop saturate the engine with the liquid being careful that it does not get into the holes of the journals and bear ings. After .the lye-has eaten all the grease and gum from surfaces, clean perfectly. by sorapiug and bl.Vsbing, ani apply after the iron is dry and free from grease a thin ooat of lead paint., And ailer this is thorchly "set," paint tne iron a deep blackand varnish heavily oolorion, striping or decorating aooord ing to tjiHte can be done afterward. Then the greater park-of the works can be easily and'quickly oleaued witli a dust ing brush Or cloth, and escaped oil ouu be mopped off thoroughly wilbut little trouble. . .. . PREPONDERANCE 'OF EVIDEOE, If," as the saving goes, "straws show which way the wind blows,"-' the testi mony given in black and wlnto regard ing the merits of an article, : and by those, too, whose daily experience is cal culated to make them-familiar with such subjects, then the following note' carries more than ordinary weight: , - ,' 178 W. Vn Biiren St San Fuanoih(i, June J, 18K8. Dear Sir I have tried a bottle of your Ilobertine for the complexion, and fiud it (a most delightful preparation, beauti fying theakin and leaving no bad effects. For the future I shall nso no other preparation. Sincerely yo.irs, Jeituhys Lewis. A lllg Calliedml. Archbishop GroBS is laying plans for building a Catholic cathedral on the property recently purchased by him.iMi Portland, bounded by Fourteenth, Six teenth, D and C, which will cost $05,000 The new building -will be the largest church on the l'acilic ooast. According to presout plnns, it will be built entirely of stone, will have two stei pies, and face tlie eant. It will be 100x200 feet long and fifty foot wide, with an arehepisco pal residence in the rear. TWENTY DOl.LAK GOLD PIECES. Mrs. John Curtis, of Peoria, III., writes: "Used one box of Osage Pilln nrevions to my Second oonllnement: thev worked like a charm. Would pay $20 for a tmx rather than do without them', as they have proved a Godsend to me. Write Osage Modfuine flpmpauy, Wichita, Ivas., for particulars, ami their book to wives, mailed free. Hold by druggists. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Heppner' Ore gon. 3!W-lyr. (iave All a Job. Nearly every carpenter in the town has had a job on the Gazette's new ollice and so far as the quality or quantity of work is concerned, we have no com plaints to make. Wo are indebted to George Lord for the designs as regards finishing, and to Messrs. Rogers and lloyed for coming to our rescue in get ting tho building in readiness for iuiuie diate occupancy. These gentlemen will complete the front this week. We want every mother to know that oroup oau be prevented. True croup never appears without a warning. The lirst-syuiptom is hoarseness; then the child appears to have takeu a cold, or a cold may have accompanied tho hoarse ness from the si art. After that a pecu liar rough oough Is developed, ivhioh is foil wed by tho oroup. The time to act is wlwn the child tirst becomes hoarse; a letv doses of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy will prevent the attack Even after a rough eough has appeared the disease may he prevented by using this remedy as directed. It has never been known to fail. AO rent and $1 bottles for sale by 8hicuni-Jii)iiiston Drug Co. ItOlMi OVKR. - , Last week, Wui. Floreon, better known as "Butuher Jiilf," was arrested, charged with abstracting sheep from the bauds, of Wut Peul.and. On this he was bound over to await the autiou of the grand jury.' ' .; , Late last week he was again arrested on complaint of W. R. .Casey, who charges htm with forcibly euteriu bin bouse iu the mountains 'and - taking therefrom some small articles. To this Hill waived examination. . . Deserving t'ralne. , Vfe desire to say to our oitizen that for ijfnrs we have beeu selling Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Buokleu's Arnica Make and Kieetrio liittere, and have uevi'r handled remedies that sell as well, ur that have given snnti universal until- (aetiou. a do not hesitate to guitrau- t i' theiu every time,,nd wn.stand ready i to retund the pnrt'liase price if ealisfnc- ' t"ry rebiilta do not follow their use i These remedies have won theh' grei t i popularity purelv oa their merits. - Sin- 1 oum-Johuslon Diug Co. NOW AND THEN. . One Who Falls to Hfe Much Improvement t in the Granite Knntle Valley bine Twenty Years Aco. Clerk J. V. Morrow arrived' from Graode Roude last Thursday eveDiUK, - pving his father at Hot Luke, near iion, in.very comfortable quarters, in mpany witR Jiok Howard. "Uncle" Jack thinks his recovery will be speedy through the use of the medicinal waters at thabplaoe. J. W. informs us that he bus not seen much of Grande Ronde since he was a ioy, twenty years ago, when he. .lived yiith his parents at La Grande. In those days he was wont to gallop over the prairie on a eaynse, and consequently became well acquainted with every part of the valley. He says there has been little improvement since ''those days, taking into consideration the growth of othei' Bectious', the same old barns, cabins and out-house remaining in many instances. Will even noticed that the same binrds w ere off the barns Rnd the identical rails off the (euoes as in his ebildbood'days, which is another evidence that true enter pride is not run ning wild over there.. f1 t m . l.i .1. 1.1. . Mr. iuurrow comes uoiue luoiouguiy convinced that every resident of Morrow oounty hiis good reason to be satisfied, and particularly the farming portion. We, haa more vim and rustlo to the sijnsre inch than can bo fouhd in most countries on a whole section, apij be sides it counts here. " . Stay with Morrow county. Oar. Mailers will notice the advertise ments in thoste columns of Chamberlain & Co., Des MoioeR, Iowa, if-om per sonal Mpsiienta w e can say that Cham berlain's Cough Remedy has broken up bad colds'l.Vr our "children, and we are acquainted ith miAiy mothers in Oen terville who woulu hot be without ii iu the house orVgood many times its oost, and are recommending- it every day. Centerville (!S. D.) Chronicle and ludejf. 50 cent and $1 bottles fer sale by jlo-oum-Juhnston Drug Qo. ' Want Peace. 'Squire Cliff Jones, the supreme justice of Eight Mile preoinot, dropped in to see oitr new quarters, opposite the "brew-' eree, while in town Saturday. Lie-re ports the arrest and subsequent fining of . Lee Kilbonine, lor disturbing tke-.G. A. R. sifpper recently,' and says it will be continued for the benefit of the dis turbing element till quietude is secured. Persons snbjeot to ormiiis will b in terested in the experience of J. F. Miles, Wesley, Venago oounty, Pa. He was taken very severely nnd called in two doctors, who prescribed for him but tailed to give him relief. A druggist of Hiltlyr, Pa., thefi gave him a double dose of Chamberlain's Co''( Cholera and Di arrhiea Remedy., and in, twenty minutes be was all right-, and is enthusiastic in hfs praise of the Remedy. '2!i and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blocuui Johnston Drug Co. Moving Iielow. 8i Bennetf am family depart this w eek for the Willamette vulley, where they have bougvt a farm. They have resided in this county and old Umatilla for a number of years, and long for a little of that ease and comfort of former days, and wliich we all know can he had in the Willamette valley. May they pros per in their locatTou. "Of oourse it hurts, but you must giiu nnd bear it," is the old time consolation given to persons troubled w;ith rheuma tism. "If you will, take the trouble to dampen a piece, of H inuel with Cham lnon 's Pain lialni and bind it oni ever the sent of pain your rheumatism will dis appear," is the mr den aiYJ lunoh more satisfactory advice. 50 cent bottles for sale by rilocum Johnston Drug Co. , Aunlher Hliipaicnt. tVo. Wright, representing the Puget Sott'nd Dressed Meat and Packing Co,, came m last Friday and took out five carloads of cattle Saturday morning, Messrs.-' Marlatt nnd Minor furnishing them, for which they were paid 2.' cents per pound for steers and 2 cents for cows. -i There is no danger from whooping cough when Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is freely giveu. It keeps the oough loose and makes expeotoration easy. 50 oent bottles for sale by Slooiim-Jolm-ston Drug Co. BUCKLtN'S ARNIGA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, bruises, Hores, Ulcers, Snltlifiemu, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped' Hands, Chil Rlains, Corns, and all. Skin Eruptions, Hod positively tiures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Slonum Johustou Drug Co. Nov. 1, 'lJ2 A Proposition. If yon will pnv your sithsoriptino to the Gazette in full and one feur in ol vant'e, we will send oti the following books at prices stated herewith: "Six Great Rooks for Rural Homes," 2n cents; "Famous Fictiou by the World's Great est Authors," ten volumes, 50 oeuts ; Coope'iB "LeathersttH'king Tales," 20 cents. ili-tf. Tim Pattkuson Pru. Co. A Million friends. A frie'id in need is a friend indeed, and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in lr Kmg's.New Discovery for oousumptinu, coughs and colda. If you have Bevr used this graN oough medyiine, one tri il will civbiuce you that It has won derful curative powers iu all diseases of throat, chest and lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is c anned or ninnev refunded. Trial bottles free at Slocuin-Johiistou Drug Cu.'s store. Large bottles 50 ceuts and $1. STRAY KH. Ona bitv uiare, weight botween 1,1(X) nud l,i!0t), branded I) U ou the Mt sbonKier; hwa a little wbite on one bind foot. Also iron rny mure, s,ttie weight; brnndt'd O J ou left Btitie. Will pnv 10 eHrh for their rot 11m to tw Tress CresH well ulare ou llinton cr'ek. 1) O. JrsTt's, 44T 457 Heiipuer, Or. , Frmtk H. Snov', (otmnitsioner U. S. Otremt Court at Lrt xmftoi'i( Or., is authorized to rcocivo fees for pulilieatiou of thtul proois. 4U tf. Gazette foi pale ut Thornton's News! Stuud. tf. j ARLINGTON "MAflEK. Phil Hfypner spent Sunday with bis sisterl Mrs."Seu.ator B'ti.''au. Chft. Benrdsley, who broke his arm two vfeeka ago, is getting along o. k. H. ty. Condon, the banker, is a dad, Mr . 11. E. having presented him with a fine .lighter. Several of the little folks are on the sick list, among them being Vera Snow and Zalla ZeiglerV " Circle" Morrow passed here Monday eu route to the springs, where we trust he will be relieved of his iallammatory rheumatism. Another addition to Arlington's pop ulation' arrived last Thursday a the home of 1'rof Ziegler. Tne young"'ldj was ot the'fe:mail persuasion. ii JVlrs. Nivens and two children, who ha va been the guests of Mrs. J E. Fr.ick for several weeks past, left for their home in Centralja, Wash,, Fridav last. Mr. Frick accompanied them as far as Portland. . . ' WtJ uave bean informed. on good au thority that Livney Cole, of Sobuttler Flat, has gone to Kdlem with the avowed intention of joining the Benedicts, tak ing Mrs. W. G. Brown, formerly of this burg, ns his life partner. ' C.M. Brown, of Ferry canyon, while bringing a load of grain to town .last Thursday, had the misfortune ti fall from his wagon, and Before he oould,get out trie way the wheels passed over his leg, AEter making several fut attempts to get blok ou the wagon seat, he was compelled to' lie i3iill for ons-aud a half hours, when the stage came along and conveyed him to town, where be"was at tended to by Dr. Gei'seudorfer, who found On examination thatM":, Brown was suffering w ith a compound fraoture. At last nccounts he-was progres'sing favorably, . ' ' . St. Patrie Ha are ciireCully prepar ed from thd best rpuk'riai nnd acourd imf tn the most aiTjirovcd formula, ,nd are the poat perfeot catliartio nm liver pill tjiit chu bo produced,- We sell them. kloeuD'-J,xhDeton lhng Cor' . Nql'ICE OF CONTEST. U. 8. tail Ollice, The Dalles, Or., Oct. nt): Coinulaiiit Uuvintr been enternil at rhiKolline iiy Howard L'. iio'lsoii, of Morrow county, Or., owtoiini uM iiiiioiei i... yaieiuy lor aiiaiuioiong nju HoincHteacI Entry, No. UatuiLJailc i"), lwii, upon llie Nljfof S, SVV!, of NKij ao NEy of NVV'4,(i! HxW, Tp 3 8, It a Ii, In M,v?row county, oroR.m, ith a view to tle cancellation of aaid uatry, the said partieB jre hereby um nioncd to iinpeiir ut this otllee OK the lstlbday of January, I'M, at 10 o'clock A. 11., to reapttriil and furoUJi teBlnnony coneerutiif;suiilaUet,'u(laUoi-' doiniient. litis Patterson, Notary Public, is au thorized' to take testimony in thlB ease at !!b ollice in lb;ppuur tit Hi A. .M., January ll,i,ii2. i-:l-t:7 John V. Lewis, Uegfster. NOTICE OF INTENTION. , Land Ollice at Tho Dulles. Or., Nov. 27, lKOl. Notice in hereby fciveu taut the followirtg named Bottler lias tiled notice of his intention to make liiial proof in support of his cluiin, and that Bald proof will be made, before the Omnty Clerk of -Morrow county, at Hi'lip!iur,Or.i-on January 11, 1MI2, viz: JACOB II. WII.T.TAMK, Hit. No. 17:, for the a'.. KWU and W'4 SW'i. Sec5, Tp4S, Hi", H, IV .f. " He names tlie followintr witnesNCB toprove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of Bum mini, viz: f fBiuie, Klliehten. of Klslit 'Mile. Or., and .T II. Alien, Kobert Knighteli and J. M. Iloue, of minimal!-, ur. JUII.N W. LEWIS, 'l-'l-l- ' Kegister. Tlie Original lute's MiriW DICTIONfiRY. 1Y SPKCIAL AKRANGRMKNT WITH THE 1 niilihshei's. we are ar.e to oJitidn. a numbtir ol the rthovc luiok, hih! nropoHe o funiish" t'itpy toejich of our Hiibwciibers. "f I he ilu'iionary 10 a necessity in'every home, school and husiness inwise. It tills a vaeanev. and furnishes knowledge which 110 owe hun dred I'thcr voiumea of the choicest books could siiiily. Youugaml old, educated and ignorant, rich ii ml poor, should have it within reach, and reier to as contents every day iu the year As Some have asked if this Is renllv tin Oriw. tnul Webster's I nabridgeii Dictionarv; we are able to state we have Uarned direct from the puhlishtTrt the fact. 4hat this is the ver)' work eoiiiplete on which about forty of the best yours ot the author' life vere,HMell employed in writing. It contains the entire vycabularv of about lim.imti words, including the correct stall ing, derivation and tMinitiou of same, and is the regahir standard hI.oi containing about JftKUHHUtjiiare inches of printed surface, and is bound in doth, halt' moroeeo and sheep. Until further" notice we will furnish this valuable Dictonary irst To any new subscriber.' Second To any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now in arrears who pays up and one year in -advance, at the following prices, viz; . Full Cloth bound, gilt side and bafk stamps marbled edges 75 cts. 3, Half Mo occo, bound, gilt side arrti back stamps, marbled edges. $i.oo. Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled edges, $1,20 Fifty cents added in all cases for express age to Hoppner. yAs the publishers limit tlie time and miudier of nooks they will furnish at the low prices, ue act v isc all who desi' to avail them seles of lids great opportunity to attend to it at once. ' 1 A NATURAL REMEDY FOB . Epllsptlc Fits, Falling Sickucsa, Kjs terics, St. Tltiis Dffut'O, Norrous uws, Ujpoohondria, Moluc- cholia, Iuel)iity Sleeplesb ncss, Dlzaiaesa, Brain nnd Spinal Weui . -ness. Thi8 medicine has direct action upon the uervo crira, allayins Dll'irritsbilitis hml bacreaahig tho flow ami power of nerve fluid U li perfectly harmlusa and leaves no ua pleaeant effoots,. FREEis Tmlnifchlit PooR on Nerroiu neaea sect free to tuiv ddrt s. ii 1 uMir nation is in alsn 11 lit aid thi lutHili iii tV o( rlmrije. Tills wmedy has been rr -d by the Rever-entil'astorKoenw.otF'- . ue.Itul., since is;6, and is uow prepare'' Mrbisdirectiou Ity the KOENIC MED. CO.; Chicago, III. Sold by Dnijrcriit ut SI per Bottle. 6 for Irae Slxe.t.75. O ltota for HI). Sold In 1'nrtlniid, Oifgiit, by Suell, HeiUhu & WtHHtarU. S'1 SUMMONS. IN THE COlNTYCOL"RT OF THE STATE OF Oregon, for tht County ol Morrof. Jamkj W Smith, ) . PUiintiiT, i - ' vs. I N.1I. Farnham V ami Miles Jakett, j : Defendants. J To MileB Jnrrett, one of saiil fendaiiln: ' lutheiiRino of the state of Oregon, von are herehy reiiilrei to appear and annwer tlie con plaint filed HKHii'&t you in the above entltlvd Hi'tion within ten daya frout JJie date of trie service of thin summons npoli you, ii served in Morrow county; or if served ianyather county in the State of Oregon, then within twenty days from tiie dnte f such service uuon vou: or if Berved upon you by publication, then you are. requirt-u m so appearand answer sain complaint on the firnt day of the January, Ihw, terai of said Court, being Monday, the 4th day of Janu ary, A. 1). and if you do not appear and auBwer or otiierwise plead to said complaint on SHid tirst dav of the .lanuary term of said Court, above lneiitioiled, pialntiU'wiO take 'Judgment' fcgaiiuit youaor -he sum of ff-ti, principal and interest, and "for 'accruing interest, fortlie mim of I 'd attorney's fees in this action, and for the coats and disbursements of th,in action. This summons in published in the Heppner (lAftA ,hv irilHr. nf tlie Hiki) .Tnlitis K'.Mthlv. Cttunty judge of Bail Morrow tlounfy, whicU said order is, dated Oet4)ber :(0, lK'U. . . Jaynk A R.TAV. ' 4-j)-rMj Attorneys ftaf I'laintiffi'"' j " VUMM0NS4 ' t- ' ' f ' , " ' ' tn the-crrictTrr,rftnKt of the state Xof Oregon fur tho County of Motrbw.. , The Town ok Hbvpner. i 4 . .. I'luintin, ? vV ;,. I). Rust, doing busiuesH . ! , ' under the name ot tne . Empire Well Anger (.'onmanyot Ithaca, New V.ifL- ' Defendant. To O. Kust. dolne bnsfnesVrnnder the name of the Empire Well, Auger Comnany. of Ithaca New YorkDefemlatit: v In the name of the State of Oregon yJn are hereby reiiired to appear aiul answer tile eom- t i n 1 uea atraiusr vou in me uoove euiiut-ti etinn on nr before the first dav of the next retr-H' mar term ot uw anove entitled uuin, 10-wu: the fourth Monday of March. lHif: and if ou fail to bo anawer, for want thereof the piaintilt' will take judgment against you for thesum of eleven hundred and ninety and forty onerhundredthH dollars ($lliu 40) and for-plaintifr's costs and disbiirwenients of this action, 1 This summons is published by order of . L. Bradshaw, Judge ot the Seventh Judicial Dis trict of the state of Oregon, and dated October ir. 1 win " ' (J ur u v t i-iil - . , Flaintitt s Attorney. N()TIi.4CTF INTENTION. Mud Ofiiee atTheraltes, Or., Nov,. 13, 1891. Kolice is herebv'given that the fnl lowing-nam- eit settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final oroof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Or., at ileppnee? Or., 011 December liti. isiu, viz: MAK1IN r. OEKK1NU. I?1, No. 2-lla, for the SWJ See. 14, Tp 3 S R 24 E lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,, viz: 1 Aaron s. itatues, John w. AiifltntT, k. h. iior- Ihbou and F. M. Courtier, all of Eight Mile, Or. :-r7 jPuhn w. iewi(s, KegiBter. NOTICE OF INTENTION.' - . . . Lalid Oflice at La Grand, Or., Oct. 21, lffiil. r Notice is htrebv give,M that tlie following-nam ed Hetller has fi letv. n&dee'of his intout'iou to make final proof ft) support of his claim, and that Bnid nroof willlie nade before the County .Cierk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, 0(., gji nee. 1, invj, xw. . tfOHN liYT.AND, ' Hd. No. 2.I70, for the WiN.,, KE NWJitind NW NK?i, He24, Tp 2 S, R 27 K, V. M.. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residenue upon, and .cultivation qf said hind, vi: i A. H. Stamp, T. J. Matlork, W. G. Bover, Johft H. Williams, all of Heppner Oregon. . 4111-M A. 1'LEA.VEii, RegiBtetv ' NOT1UJ5 OF INTENTION. ' - Land Oflice at The Dalles, Or Oct. 2:1, H!1. Notice is-h'reby given that tlie; follriiwing named settler 1ms tiled notice of her intention to make tlnal proof in support of -her claim, and that mid. proof w ill be made before Frank H. Snow, U. S. commissioner at Lexington,' Or., on Dec. 5, 1801, viz: ' . -1. , f . MItS. EUNICE BROWN, D. S. No'. GKW, fottheSE1 of Sec 12, Tp. 2 3, R23 E, W. M. . . v Hhft names 'the foUowing witnesses to prove her conwuuoiis residence upon ana cultivation ot Baid hind, viz: JameB Nolan, E. S. ones, Walter Smith, C. WiUon, all of lone, Or. y ' John W. Lewis, 44'.i."i4 ' t ' ' " Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Oilieo at Tlie Dalles, Or., Nov. 2, 18!H. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his clai 41, and that paid proof will be vinade'.efore County Clerk of Morrow Coun'i'Or.,' at 'Heppner, Or., on December 11. IStil, viz: . GEOROE H. HALL, Hd No. 2770, for the K1 ji SW aud VA NW! i, Sec SU.Tp S. R 21 E, W M. . . Tfe names tho following witnesses to prove htB eofttinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: ifeorge Hohnot, Fran'k Barton Thomas'.,Gra ham, Curret Akers. all of.Gooseberry, f)r. , 1 Jd,HN v. Lewis., - 4,Wvi . , . T a RegiBter. ' : NOTICE OF INTENTION. - Und Office at Tlie Dalles, Or., Nov. 5, lfl Notice is hereby given that the following nametl settler has tiled notice of his intention to inake final proof iu Bupportof hisclaiin, and &htt aaid proof will be made before W. R. Ellis. Ii. H. Commissioner a, Heppner, Oregon, ou December 11, lh'.H, viz: JAMES II. JOKES, " Hd No. 110-or the NEfi Sec So, Tp 3 S, R 24 E, A. M. ,-. . He names the following witnees to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said huid, vi.: K. I). Stanton, M. C. Fuqua, Willialn Ingrum, Heman Caldwell, all of Eight Mile, Or. John W. Lkwts, , 4.'0-."A Register. NOTICE. OF .INTENTION. Ijind Otllce attaOrande. Or., Nov. 11, 1S91. Notice is hereby give that the following-named settler has filed notice oi his intention to make tl.naH p r o of tn support of his claim, arid that said proof will be made be-' fore the County Clerk of Morrtfft' County at Heppner, Oregon, on December 21 1891, viz: NORMAN A. KELLEY, Hd. No. 3074 ft.p Lot landSEi NE'-4; 8WJ4 NE ; NE4 SE4 See 4 Tp 3 R 27 E W M. He names the following witneBses to prove hii continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: Julius tCeithley, James M. nager, 9. P. Devin and James NuUHe, all of Heppner, Or. m A. Cleavkr, 52-57. , " Register. . NOTICE OF INTENTION. Laud Office at The Dalles, Or., Nov. 11, lwn. Notice is hereby givei t Chat the tollowiug-nam-edsettler iias tiieti notice of his intention to uiako titinl proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before F. H. Snow, I'. S. Comrhissioner, at Lexington, Oregon, on Decembers; Wl, viz: - OLIVER V. TAYLOR, Hd. Sw. 5014, far the NE1 Sec 14, Tp2 N R 23 E W M. Hd, mimes the following witnesses to prove his contimff'Us reshienee upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Julio Cecil, of Poutflas, Or., Henry l. Koehler, August Dice and William Thomas, of Ella, Or. John W. Lewis, 4Ti2-4.t7 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. f . .bind Ollice at l.a Grande. Or.. May 22, 1S9L Notice Is hereby given that fhe followintj named settler has liled notice oi his intention to make final proof in support oi his claim, and that suld proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, or.",' on December 12, li'l, vi.: GEOKGK D. S. No. 10,173, for tlie W'4 of SW and SW4 of N W oi See 21, Tp 1 S, K 27 E, W M . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upoi, and cultivation of. said land, viz : Ueore isom, Elbert It. Ring, John Johnson, William Let nice, all of Heppner, Ot, 4jikv a. Cleave a. Register, NOTICE OF lNTENTIjJjy Und Office nt The Dalles. Tv., Nov. 27, 1S91. Notice is hereby given ihntthe following-named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will hn made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, ou January 11. is2, viz: ISAAC KN10HTEN, Hd, No. ISIS for the Wu NK1 N Wi-E" ' and NK'i SW'4. Sih 34. Tp 3 S, R 24 r W M. .. tie names ifie following witnesses tc prn-his 1 continuous residence upon, and cultivatioift I AMiil lund vif A J. H. Alleix Robert Knlghten. J. M. noguc, of ItHrdman, O?., aud Jacob H. Williams, of Eight Mile. or. , John W. Lewis. 4'4-:ii - Register. I H. Hlaokmau vt Co. have au Pxohi8'"v( ! Ooneral Morohandise store Stockmen I cannot do better than pa'ronize H. Blfti'kojaD A Co., of Krppuer' Pioneer Briok. ' a. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Orticet J.a Orande, Or., Nov. 1B.1SS1. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of liiB intention to hittke unal proof in support of his claim, and that Bnid proof wjll be made before W, It Ellis, Commissioner L". S. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Or., on Jaiumry-1. IK'.rj, vi': IiOHKKT KKICK. D. S. N. lttttfi, for the SWf Sec 21,Tp3 S, R 29 E, W. M. (.1. NIMcClinanur)hn . Doak. lake notice.) jle names the following w itnesses to prove his foniinuoiis residence upon and cultivntion of w rl vi-,. Alhcrt AverB. John Skogiaiid. Austin Gentry. Giles H. Dangherty, ail ot Lena, Oregon. 'ti-ii. A Cleavek, Kcglster. rCM 'HMVITQ A COMPLETE AORT- "Hient at the OazetteWlice. '--,. STOCK BRAN 1)8. WhilO you kf P your suhscriptioti paid up yet oan JL'ep your brand in free of charge. ATiantrong, J. t Alpine, Or. T with bar nn dern An left eh iblder "of norms;? cattle eanie on Wi hip. Allison, Oc T)., Eight Milo. Or. -Cattle brand. Orlion Xe'p and horws same brand on right 8liouWr-wiitfe. Efirht Alv-'wfe. Adkjim", 'I'. yvole.Oi- trBight mark across the tjf.Rlivind twoiiy and a si it in tlie right ear; hofsPs,x upiile rtowi on the right shoulder, hange iirant emmty and earvailev. PO adiirfw alsi HarC!.o, . ' A'dkauH, J. .1'.. HprVperOr. Hor&ee. JA con nectt? on te't tlank.' te,iameon left hip. Avers. Johnny, lnfc Or. Horses branded triHiigieon len hip; wattle same on right hip; aLo crop on ngju euc-anu npper 01c on same, lilyth, Percy H., Hoppner, or. Horses Roman crtfl on right shoulder. Kan ye in Morrqw county. Hleitkman, (jdo .Hardman, Or. HoreB, a flag on left shoulder; suille, sme ou right sliirfiUkT. haiMUBter, J. W.-Hurdmsn, Or. I'attk biuhd ed H oa left.ljjpjuid thigh; split in each ear. Hurke, r& K Ldnir (reek, 0rr41n cattle. biai connecieoon u;p, cioporr left ear, un. der half crnnptPigi-t. Horses, same bniud or letrt Haouiuer. Kituge-nn tjrant and iiyrrow liowsman, A., Mount yraon ao' Burns' Or. Cattle, AB on right Iih, twcnit in each ear; Hiiniu uu inHHtjs, itu 'iwiv Huouiuur, itaiige in Hionnaii, Jerry, ljtn, 4r.-iorsei branded 7 oa ngm snouiuiirt eatite onrttie -left side, Left ear half crop and'.cight ear tipper siou-'.-, , Hrfrtoh, Win., Heppjier, Oft -liorseB, J B cn right thig.i.catth, same oi'ifj'i(fht. hip; aplit il each ear. V '- Hennott, Cy, i-erfti, Or.-lIorBeB. ;B on left shoulder. ' i.-'V . V . Hrown. J. P.. Honnner ?t:-TInrpR nnd njiitlp branded 8 with ox-yoke aboVen left shoiuder. mown. J. l.., iieppner, ur. Horses, circle C without in 0 t terui left hip; catlle,-Bame. Hoyer, W. G,. Heppner, Or.H(trses, bos ' brand 07 r gh! hip cattle, name, with split ih eatih ear. T Borg, P. O., Heppriei Or. Horses, P B on left f shoulder; cattle. Hamo on left hip. . i Hrownhw, W. J., Fox.Or Cattle, JB connect W on -left wide; crop on left, ear aud two splits and middle piece cut out on right ear; on horsGrsamft brand on (be left thigh; 'Hange in Fox valley, (irautcounty, Cain.E., Caleb.Or.- Y D on-horses on left etifl U with quarter circle over it, on left shoitltief, and on ' left stifle on nil colts under fi years; on left nhoulder only on all horsoB iver 5 years.r All range in Grant county. ,' fct ( lark, Win. dl., Lena, Or. Horsot., WHO con nected, on left shoulder: cattle wi&n on rilit, hip. Ha ge Morrow and. Umatilla counties. ('ate, ("has. Ii Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H V on right shoulder; CHttle same on right hip. Range Mirow au4 Umatilla oounties A'rowfVv' H., Long ('reek, Or. Horses brii)(o ciwle 5 on left shonlder. ('ocifrun, ('has., lone. Or. Horses, HP con nected ou left shoulder: cuttle, (; on both left khip anoVstine.1' Range in Morrow county. " tjinnon, i . B.,Long ( reok, Or.--l tm cattle on right side, crop oft right ear and slit in left ear. fcur horses same brand oa left shoulder. Range in (-irunt county. l'url,T. H., Jdm Day, Or.-Doable chibb on efecft hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Grant county. On sheep, inverted A a"d epear point ou shoulder. Ear marko-i ewes, crop 011 left ear, punched upper bit io right. Wethers, crop m right and under half crop iu left ear. All range i Grant county. Crosby, A. A., Heppner, Or-. Cattle branded"-, (of H L ecu necteti) on the right shoulder. Ciirsner, Walter, Mt. Vernon, Or. W on catfle on left hip, ciop and split in left ear; 7W con nected on horses on left ahoulde-. Range in Grant Co. Chittenden, R., Prairie City, Or. Pick, handle down-on cattle riiiht hip ami split in right eat; horwee, same brand oiyight shoulder, liange in Grant counly. Cook, A. J.,Lenn,Or. Horses, 90on right slionl Jer. Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square croo oft left and snlit in ritiht. . ('urrin. U. Y,, ('urrinsvilie, Or. -Horses, CQ on left stino. Cochran. J II Monument. Or Horses branded T t A A on left shoulder. Cattle, same on right nip.awaiiow rorK in rrgnt ear ana crop oitl ett. ('ox & English, HardnmnvOr. Caitle, C with in center: norses. y & on le 14110. ("upper, H. A., Monument, Or. Horses H 0 ou It ft shoulder cattle H 0 on left side, swal fttw fork on right ear. Cophran, It. E Monument, Grant Co , Or. Horses branded circle with bai beneath, on lefi shoulder: -cattle same brand on both hips, mark uiider(lope both-ears and dewlap. ( Ihajiin. H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded on ritrlit inn. Cattle brauded the sumo. . Cross. 8 L, Dayville, Or ( 'attlebranded -f- two crops and a split in left ear; on horses a reversed 7, on left stifle. Also have the following brands on cattle: 72 on left hip, 7 on right hip, Ti on left shoulder, two parallel bars on left shoulder. Ear marks, two-crons, Ooonan. Wm., Heppner, Or. Horses branded OO with bar over them, on left Bhooldor; cat tle same on left hip. DiflitrlaHs. W. M . Gallowav. Or. Tattle. R D on tight side, swa low-fork in each ear; horses. K I) on lett , 'np. Dunt'tf'., W. P., John Day,Or. Quarter circle W ou f Aht sWmldur, both on horses aud cattle. Range tirant oounty, DriekAM, W. E., Hwppner, Or. Horses branded K inexie ot O on left shooidor. (battle same on left side of neck. Ely. J. bt.Jt Sons, Donglas, Or. Horses brand ed EIA on left shoulder.'cattle same on left hip. hole ir right ear. r , t iek. Ralph, Prairie City, Or Horses, R F on rignt shoulder; cattle, on right hip. Range in Grant oounty. Fleek, Jackson, t Heppner, Or. Horses, 7F connected oi right shoulder; cattle, smne on right hip. Earmark, hole in right and crop oft left. Florence. L. A., Heponer. Or. Cattle. LF nr, right hii: horsea F with bar under on right boulder. w 1. 1 a 1 n - h i. a ra. nepijiitTp. jr noreetv ? On right sboi Idei ; cattle, F on right hip or thigh. Gay, Henry, Heppner, r. GA1 on left shoulder. ' . (ioble, Frank, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7 F on left stiile; ciitth , same on right hip. r Oilman-French, Lan"d and Live Mock Co.. Fos sil, Or. Horses, anchor 8 on left shuulder; vent, same on left slifle. Cattle, same on both hips; ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in ltft. Range in Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow counties. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. HorseB branded Fl. S. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle Range in Morrow anil Umatilla counties. (iiltwater, J.C., Prairie Citf, Or. On horses, 0 O on left shonlder and stifle; cattle, on right side. Range iu Grant county. Glaze, C. E., and A. P. 8nyder. Dayville.Or Horses branded d on right shoulder; on cattle, stripe tlown the left Bhoulder.- Also, P 8 on horses on left shoulder, and same on right hip on cattle. Range in Grant Cuunty. Hams, James, HHrdman Or. Horses Bhaded S on lwf 1 shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Range in and about Hardman. Hiatt A. B., Ridge, Or. battle, round-top 4, with qnarter circle under It on the right hip. Kanae in Morrow and Umatillauounties, Hinton Jc Jenks, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two bare on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horses, J on right thigh. Range in Grant county. Hughes, yamhel, Wagner, Or T F L on right srmulder on horses; on cattle, on right hipand on l' .1 side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack district. Monvw county. Hall, Edwin, Johu Day.Or. Cattle E H on right hip; horses same on right shoulder, tangein Gntut county. Hyde, Hiel A.Prairle City, Or. AH combined on horses on right shoulder; cattle on right hip. Range in Grant county. Hughes. Mat, Heppner. Or. Horses, shaded heart on tne left shoulder. Range Morrow Co.' Hunwiker, B . Wagner, Or. Horses, V on left shoulder; ca tle, t) on left hi: Hardisty, Albert, Nye. Oregon -'Horses, AH connected, on left slioolder; CattJejn tap lejft hip, crttp o3 left ear,- . 1 Hodson.J F. Mount Vernon. Or. JF connected on hordes on right thigh; on oattia. N Bon right hip. Range in Grant and Haoiey. '' " HumphrevH, j il bardinan. Or. iiorse,H On lefi tlaiik Hiatt, Wm. E Ridge, Or. Horses branded bar cross ol left shoulder: cattle same .oa left hip . f es, J. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, wineglass 'on left shouldei cattle, same 00 right hip. Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek, Or CatMe 1 Don right hip. crop off left ear and bit in right. Horses same bnoid on ieft shoulder. Range n Grant count Huston. Luther. Emht Mile, Or. Horse H on thaft shoulderana heart on the left stifle ('at tletlne ou left hip. Rang in MorriJw county. Jenkins, D. W..MU-Vernon, Or. J on horseson left shoulder; e cattle, J on left hip and two smooth crops 4fi both ears. Hange in Fox and Bt'srvalljM, Junk in. H. Heppner, Or. Horses, h)rse shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the Mffls. Uanve on Eight Mile..' Johnson, relix, Lena, Or. Horses circle Ton left sutie; cattle, same on rrght hipiffiider half crop tn right an4 sulit in left ear Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded RNY on left hip cattie same aud crop off left ear: nndr lp on t h richt B.eiier, itienarti, man ton. iirant connty. Or. i :,, " V A . V"UI"; E K in wiuar-N cattle on left hip: horses same I . Jtlfnw- J. Long t iw . Or-HorBes . qnar on U'ft shoulder, ltauge Ber Taller. j ierfir? over three bars on ift hip; cattie sain Kirk J T., Heppner. Or. Horses i shonlder: cat t le. on llt hip. Kumberland.W.G.. Mount Vernon, Or. I Lon cattle on richt and h'f! eiO- -. hw. 'Iw fcrk in h ft ear and u ciop m rigid ear. Horses same brand on lP-honlder. Uange in Grai't counlv. Keenly, Mi Vinicr. Or.-Hofii4 J L and ace of duba - l-tt stitle. Range in Umatilla and Vorruw cootnli-K. Lesley. M C MoniiineaOr A trianul - '.'-rith all lines extending pa t body of figure on i hr ncb on left shoulder, on cattle uirniu'lnl nu i.-t't ff;,'iulder, nplit in righ.a-i- a --U-. i" left eir. L Mkv 1" liraiit county and t.i parte of Johu Dny, rLaurence, R. L.,Pn irie City. Or. -Cattle, Z on right hip; horses, same 011 right shoulder. Range in (irant county. Soften. Wlenhen. lox.Ur. W Lon left no on cat'le. cmp and split on right ear. llnrnes saim brand on left snoTiiVev. Rangy Grai.t county. ' , i.ieiiallnn, John W., -L Or. Horses branded half-cn cle J L ctinnected on left shoul der. Cattle. Biun' ou lef hip. Range, near Lex IUKIOII. Lord. Georer Hpntmpr Or. Huruua hmnHail double H eoi nectt ometnues called a swing H. on lefi shoulder. maxwell. M. H.-Hoiseb branded long link on ' left shoulder; entile, same on lef, side. Ear mnrk, under bit in left ear, A Minor, Oscar, Heppner, Or. Cattle, M 15 on rirht. hip; horse. M on left shoulder. Morgan, . 8. N.. Heppner, Or. Horses, M ) on lefi should"- cattle, same on left hip. McCniber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses, M with bar over on right shoulder. tottnt., H. B., Lena, Or. Horses old mares ZZ on right hip;-yonng stckn small zz on left shoulder. , . . Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle . T u left ifiiuoder aud, left thigh; cattle. Z on. iiht t thigtl. ; , Mitchell. Oscar, iwne, Or. HoraeB, 77 on right hip; cuttle. 77 oa right skJe.' K, McClaren, 1). (j., BnnHvillerOr, Horsee,, Figure 5 on each shoulder, cattle. M2 on hip. Meivern.W.Jv Mount Vemou.Or Xlin ca'io. on right hip, crop iu right ear. half crop ju left Bame brand ou horsts an ,jf 1 hU-r Range iu Grant county. . McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley., Or.-Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattie on tibs and under in each ear; horses name brand n left Btitie. ''' McGirr, iiaruey, Fi x,' Or.Hopses 7B con nected on loll shoulder; cattle same. Rjuige Grant county. - McHaley, O. V.Jlnmilton, Or. On Horses.'S with hull circle under on left shoulder; on Cattlt-V four bars connected on top on tlie right side' Range 111 Grant County, it Meal.Andrew, Lone Rock, Or. HorseB A N con- -nected on left shoulder; cattie same1 op boUihipH. Newman, W R... Heppner, Or. Horfct H with half cirJe over it. ou loft shoulder. . Seville, Jjis , 11 ppiier. Or. Horses, N on left ' Hhoulder;cattlebflmo on left hip; ear mark, ahree slils in r.'gln. iinnge iu M.n-ow county. '" ' - Nrdyke, E., bjlverfon. Or. Horseli. Circle 7 on " left thigh; 00 tie. same aiu lef t hTp. . KO'Elyjig, hj Wagner, Or. Brands horBes (-) on LeftHfiouider;cnttlou -boUilnjjs, Claims Y braiuioiLanv partof' ody. Biaud.recorded. Oliver, Joseph, Caujon City, Or. on (ttle on left hip; ou horses, same on leftthigh, Raima v in (irant county. Oiler., Perry, Lexington, Or P O on left shou.iiB'i . , . - Olp, Herian,aiairie City, Or. On teuttle, O LP connected ou lull hm: hnrMOH jhi inft. huHh aul warue on nose, liange in Grunt county. yiwtiriii, votive, iLignt rtine. 1 r. rionea, quar ter JjircJo shieio outwit shoulder aud Z on left hip. Cattle, fuck in iefC iar, right cropped-iM on Wl hip. t Range (n Eight Mile. - Pope. Wm.,iMouiitVtiion,Or. ITunctttleoh left Iwp, two elila in jtfr ear; same brand on" horses on tell stilhj. haue tn Wnuit cnty. 1 Parker tt GietlHon. liaKiniRii.Or. HnrMHk iPnn l ft Hlioulder. . - Pij)er, J. 11., Lexlugton. -HorseB, JE con nected o. left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip, under bi' iu eneh ear. Put hor if,ri7 I .UviiiUl,.n' i It- K 1 ediLha Romai crows on left shoulder; cattle uitiuueiw wim jioman evose, oar at outLoni, on. left hip. ... fotter, uan, Lexington Horses branded MP connected on left snouldur; caitle same on right bin. Powell, JotmT., Dayville, Or Horses, JP con net; ed on left, shoulder. Cattle OK connected on left hip, two under half crops, one ou each ear, wattle under throa. , Range iu Grant county. liickiml, G. D., Cauyou City, Or. F Con left shouidur, on horseB only. Range Canyon creek and Hear valley, Grant county. Hood. Aniirew, Hardman, Or. Horses, Bonaro cron- with ouaruir-circleoveriton left stifle. Reniiigcr, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C R on lefi shouliioi. .' ' Radio, Win. .Lung Creek, Or.-Brands horBee R tn right shoulder. Range Grautand Jlorrow counties. Royse, Aaron, Ileppiier, Or HcrseB, plain V on ieft shoulder; mtUe, same brund reversed ou right hip and crop ott right ear. Range in Mor. row county. Rush liros., Heppner, Or. Horaos branded 3 on the riglu shouluer; cattle, IX on the left tup crop oil left ear aud dewlap on ueck. Range it Morrow and adjoining counties. Rust, William, Peiule-toii, Or. Horses R oa left Bhoulder; cattle, It on left hip, crop ofl right ear, undeioit on left ear, 8heep, R ub weaiherw, round crop off ngh tar. Range Uma tilla and Moitowc miities. Reaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or. Horse branded A R on right shoulder, vent quartei circle over brand; cattle same ou right hip. Range Morrow county. Ruyse, Wm. 11, Oairyville. Or HR connected with quarter circle over top on catlleou right hip aud crop off right ear and split in left. HorseB same brand on ieft shoulder. Range in Morrow, Grant and Gilliam counties. Hitler, J F, Hitter, Or Throe parallel "ban wiLn bur over on horses on left hip; on cattle, left side, two smooth crops, two splits in each e&i Range in iVuddle Fork of John Day. Rector. J. W., Heppner, Or.HorseB, JC 01 lef t ahouider. Caitle, o on right hip. Spray, J. F., Heppner, Or. -Horses branded fcl connected 01 right, shoulder; cattle sttme ou both hips. Hailing, C C Heppner. Or Horses branded 8 A on left bhoulder; cattle ame on leffhip.- Hkinuor, ti L, Ritter, Or Horses, two-bar Sol1, leltsiitie. Piiiin 8, two Pars on left side, a crop and three splits in right ear, swallow fork an uuderbit in ieft, eat tie. 8 on catLle larger than on horses. Range in Gram county. fciwaggnri, H. F., Lexington, Or. Horses 2 with dash under it on left stilio . cattle H with daHh under it on right lap, crop oft right ear and waddled on right Jund leg.. Range in Morrow, Gilliam and Umatilla counties. ' Swuggart. A. L., Ell. Or. Horses brande t 2 , on iott shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Crop on ear, wattle on left hnad leg. btraight W. K, Heppner, Or, Horses H.aded J 8 on lei . stifle; cattle J 8 on lef t hip, swallow fork in righ ear, underbit in ieft. ? - Bwaggari, L, Alpine, Or. Horses, 8 on riglil shoulder bapp'. Thog., Beppnef, OrHorses, 8 A P on left tup; catti. "same ou!eft hip. ' - Wears, Vi . H., Fox, Or. Horses Ur over 8? Range in F"ox valley. bin ith, E, F, Pilot Rock, Or. Catile, horse shoe on ieft side, e&plose iu left ear. Horses, 4 on left thigh Range in Umatilla and Grant counties. , bheiei'.John, Fox, Or. NC ' connected on horses on right hip; cauie, same on rigid, hip, crop tt right, ear and.under bit in left ear. Range in (irant county. " "V bmith Bros , Joht Hay, Or H Z on cattle on le tehoulden Htevenaon, Mrs A. J Heppner, Or. Cattle, 8 on n girt hi,; swallow-fork in left ear. bwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on left snouidt ; cattle, 44 on left hip. btewart, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses cirole oi left shoulder. Smith, E. E. Lone Rock, Or. Horses branded a crossed Beven on left shoulder; cattle same on left side. Range, Gilliam county. Smith Geo.. Heppner, Or. Horses branded G 8 on lett turns, 8 perry, E. G.. Heppner, Or. Cattle W C tin ieft tup, crop olf rigut and underbit iu ieft jear, dewlap; horBes tt C on left shoulder. . Ttiouipbon, J. A.', Heppner, Or. Horses, 2 on left houiu r; cattle, 2 on left shoulder. Tippet. 8. T.,' Leua,Or. Horsea, C on left shoulder. " IVnarlt. W.Heppjier, Or. -Small capital T lelt hwutdei, horses; cattle same on left hip with split iu both ears. Thornton., H. il., lone, Or. -Horses branded H 1 conoeeted on left stifle; shec-p same brand Thomas, p ,Mt. Vernon, Or. -TF connected on cattle on right hip, swallow fork in right ear and . underbit in same ear; horses, same brand on right title. Range m John Day valley. TurHinan, Johu, Prairie City, Or. On horses. -lt on lon stitie; on cattle, O witn bar under on left Hip. 1 Range in Grant county. Vanuerpool, H. T.. Lena, Or; Horses HV con nected on right BhouJder;cattle, tame on right hip. cVieon,'John (J,, 8alem or Heppner, Or.-- Horses brauded Jy on the left shoulder. Range Morrow county. ,, Warren, W B. ( 'aleb, Or Cattle. W with quarter Circle over it, oa ieft side, split iu rigtit ear, Hordes satne bra4d on left-itiioulder. Raiigein Grant county. WotMl, b L, D) vUe, Or fleart on horses on leftstitie; on cattle. 2 ou left Bide and under bit ' in left ear. Range in Grant counLy. Wright, Siias A. Hpiiiier, Or. Cattle branded" 8 Y ou the right hi. square orop ott nghL ear and split iu k?tt, 1 Wallace, Francis, MomitVernon.Or 8quareon cattie on the left hip-, uTper elope in he left ear and under slope ,u ngbl ear. Same brand oh ou right shoulder. Range in Harnej and Grant count v. Wetwier, J. J.,. Heppner, Or. Horses branded w-ih liar over J on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip, crop off left ear and split in each. Raii, Morrow county. Wde. Henry, Hetpner. O.Horsee bianded are oi sputie. -ou iet snguUler and left hio. Cattle braudw same on left snie and ieft nip. W ells, A. S., Heppner Or. Horses, 8a on ieft shoulder: can same. W oinnger. John, John Day City. Or On horsee three parallel bars on ieshfiultier; 7 on sneep bit in botk ears. Rae in Grant and Maihuer counties. ' "s Wyland, JH, flardinan, Or. Circle C on" lef thigh. Woodward. John, Heppner, Or. Horses. CP connected on left rtoulder. Watkins, Liahejppner, Or.-Horsee branded Tjt connecteo on ielt stifle. Wallace, Chariea, -kortiand, Or. Cattle, W mt- nghiihigh.hoi. ui lefuear; horses, W on right' siiouioer, onv sainetm left shoulder. Whittier Bros.. Druorav W-,,.- ... Horses branded V B. coimi on lefi ii;-uh)er Williams. asci, Hamilton. Or. Quarr cir cle over three bars on left hip, both caule and har h ro rypuwr. aiue, running A A . ' 5