' THE HEPPNEK WEEKLY .GAZETTE: DECElibEK 3, 1891. I'll E (",A i li T T li. Union Pacific hHilway-Local Card. , N", M. mixed IrnvcB Heppner a. ra. " . " nr. M Arlington Kl-.tll u.m. " ' linves " 3:'Jil j m. '.!, " ar. nt Hoinmer SM iH in. duily Knur hound, rauiii line ar. at Arliuauin 3:50 p. m. '' leavos " 4:au p. 111. Night tniinB are miming on same time n before. CANYON 'AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Stage leaves for Monument excei t Sunday, at 6:30 A. M. Arrives daily, except Monday, at o:uu p. u. Direct connection oan bo made at Monument witb the Long Creek stae. Daily Btage between Long Creek aud Cuuyon City, connecting at the latter place witb the stage for Burns and Sil vies valley. THIS PAPEH ie kept on tile at E. 0. Dnke'n Atlvertining Agency, rtk and 65 ivlerclmiits Kzchangs, Kan tViuuiihco, 'Cilmornia, where ctiu triictn for aivertiBiii can be made for it. If C. I'KNTI.AND, SKCHKTAKV (IF THE i Oretron I'reiifi Ansudntimi, 'Jti Asli Street, between' Klrat and Second, Portland, Oregon, is , our only aent loeated in that plaee. Advertin ' urn should consult him for rates and space in the tiaxette. . THE GAZETTE'S AG iNTS. Lexlnpton . Wagner, Arlington, Long Creek .1 tialloway, Camas l'rairie, MiittL'son, N ye, Or llardinan, Or., Hamilton, Grant Co., Dr., lone, 1'ralrte City, Or.,... Canyon City, Or Pilot Hock,. .-. Dayvillij, Or., . John liuy, Or., v Aiheuu, Or Pendleton. Or ...V. B. McAllister ,...R. A. lluiisiiker . . .Henry Heppner The htitfte Bob Shaw Oscar De Yaul ....Allen McFcrrin 11. C. Wright C. M. Speuci't . ..Mattie A. limliu T. J. Carl K. U. Jlcllalcy S. L, Pun ish U. P. Sketon .Mr. Allium, P. M. Postniast- John Kilington Win. G. MeCrnskey Mount Vernon, Grant Co.jfir. postinnster Shelby, Or., Missstcila Klett l-ox, tirantuo., or., j. r. jin-u Klght Mile, Or., Mrs. Andrew Aslihangji Upper Uhen Creek,. 11. V. llevland Lone tliK'k, (iilllaniCo W. 11. Cohvcll. lio'nglus, or S. tt bite AK AfllSNT WANTKI) IN KVKUY I'lUiClNCT. Here, and There. '. Thornton. HUuzjtte on Thornton's counters. Price, 10 oents. . if. Billy JoiTes, of Butter oreek, wus'ovei yesterday. Bruce Haines, of Eight Mife, was "tn Heppner yesferday. Daily stasre both ways between Monn nient and Long Creek. tf. Johnny Von Cadow is the Gazette's newsboy. Buy a paper. tf. The list of those paying taxes on $1(100 or over, will appear in this paper iu the near future. Mrs-. Lousie Sanders, of Walla Walla, departed yesterday for her home, after a pleasant visit in this vicinity. J. F. Willis, of Lexington, informs us thut the veterans are preparing for a grand camp-fire on New Sear's eve. ike Large has built a flue new house over on one of his Rhea creek ranches this fall. B. A. Ford did the panting. Will aud Johnoy Spencer came up from tha valley last evening. This is Johnny's first visit here for some time. The first of September has arrived and Thco. Dauner has advanced the price of oabinets to Si per doz. One half dozen. 2.50. Mr. Vawter Crawford and wife re turned from two months' visit to the Willamette valley aud Eastern Washing ton last Friday. Geo. Thornton is nursing a "skunuod" finger, the result of trying to drive too fighting .outlines out of his plaoe Friday evening with a wire door mat. Geo. Thornton has the first enamelled sigu for Heppner. It reads prominently on his plate glass front; "News Depot, Flor de Madrid cigars, end Tobacco." cUewer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see , his old friends there. Baths in conueo tion Billy Ross' boxing contest, at Prine ville, came off the 28th ult., we are iu- 1U1IUVU, UU IUID IJHCI KttU MUU who won, though will wager it was - Billy. ft The suprise parties given at the resi- - denoe of Mr. and Mrs. John Rasmus and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Conser, last weelc.were overlooked by our ceporter in the hurry ofjpoviD;r. "" ' A" " Jrv viiunei, oi llgilU mud, qo in Heppner Saturday and left bis measure fur our valuable, family paper. Eight , Milers are sowing wheat for another big crop, he says. W. G Soott was in from the "Little Laura" mine 1 sX Saturday. He repo ts that the tunnel is in to a depth of 203 feet. At present they are working iu very soft gray rock. E. L Matlock, the auctioneer, sold a two-horse wagon iu front nf his place of business last Saturday for 86 50. It had no bed, but tha running gearB were in fair shape. Cheap wagon. ' Paschal Halley depnrted Monday to join his tiarents at Niedford, Paschal leaves a number of warm frierds in the Eight Mile section who regret much that he could not remain with them, Weston Leader: Wm. Duran, of Heppner, was in the city the first of the week greeting his old friends. He reports a vast amount of summer fallow being sown in Morrow oouuly.this fall. Where was Charly Miller, of Ehen oreek, last Sunday and what was be doing? Will that famous, rimrock'-d valley echo back an answer, or ninRt we oall on Boh Ford and Ike Large for the information? , Our reporter no'ioes that quite afmrn- ber of Heppner's people nine at toe Piiiace mi Sundays, which shows that thev enjoy those splendid, Sunday din ners, and also' desire td give the hotel ' their support. Settlers who filed timber-culture or pre-emption claims on railroad land in 1883 or 1887 au ren.tfer their fees by applying to Frank H. Snow, U. S. Com missioner, at Ltinton. Brine your .filing receipt. - 435-tf. Mrs. A. M. Plncnra invites her friends to visit her millinery establishment and inspect her immense smca oi inn nu wuiter goods. A complete line of Sax- ony,and Uerman Knuring yarns nmi ma oiuators now on hand. 51-tf Someone sent a beefs ek, mutton-chop or some other soi t of meat through the mHil addressed , -, party at Heppner. arriving at its destination Monday night. From the odor given out, it must have been a temptin.' morsel a few weeks ago. 4 ' In his new quarters, City Barber shoo stand, you will find Gid Hntt. He can't part a bald head in the middle or shave whiskers where none exsist, but he s ' lightning on good subjects. ShaviDg, haii'rutting and shampooing done iu a satisftctory manner. J n lge Keitbly informs this p'iper that the South half of township one North, range twenty-four east, is not in any precinct in the comity, tbongb hereto In belong to lone, lbe rror will be rectified at tbe. next nession of conaty eonrt. Tlie Wul.Irop children. l'ry Wilsun came oyer this week on business. Ira Stone is over from Bickletou to inni a few days. Senator IMaekrnan returned from Port land last evening. A. II. Hooker, of Eight Mile, was in town over SnufJay. David Mitchell, of Echo,, was visiting relatives here last week. C. M. Mnllory and family will short ly move to Calif., we are informed. Wm. CraMree is over from Bitter for Long Creek freight. He leayes for home tomorrow. 8. C. Smith, tha furniture dealer of May street, has some Hue. Christmas goods. a John W. Doak has gone to Siuslaw, Lane oouuty, where he will- temain thie winter. '" . . , Mrs. F. O. Bttcknuiri was taken much worse last week, . bufUnppily,, is now oonvalese.ut. 'tpV"1' '" . Mrs. Theodore Dnnnerepiiut Thanks giving with h& mother, Mts. Muir, who lives urlrth-east of Lesjaglftn. V. Q. Houfwf weift out .with Sheriff Noble last 'Alobday to assist in bringing in John WoiKb, the insaue man. ' Jeff Hayes left this week forCoudoiifr where he takes charge of the Kirk & Hayes saddlery and harness shop. W. C. Aylsw.fcT.th, representing the VValdrop children. arrived last eening. leaving this morning fy Pendleton. . Married In HepiKer, on the 19th ult., Mr. JoIid T. Thw!pi(n and Mrs Sarah A. Stout. Kevv K. L Smith officiating. M. Jas. MoIIaley ran n large splintei into Vr hand a few days ago, from whioh fhe has suffered, quite severely ever since We are informed that Dr. Fox at called to tiee Kd. Day last week hasten of Dr. Shipley as was stated in our lasi issue. - , An old fellow they oall"Al" was arrest ed and lft-.'iJ the other day before the re- cordei's ei'oTft for drunk and disorder!) condiiift. (). H. Oolviu, ef Lexington, one of the old soldier buys, was over yesterday. Hi is preparing to raise a hig crop of gran next year. Farmers and stookraeu are pleaded t roe il rain once more, and hope for a lit tle more warm weather before winter go. his grip on us. Kathleen Douavan and children, rela fives of Johnny Nailen, of Monument, were expected to arrive here this week from New York. A'eo Sweek, the Portland lawyer bother of Lawrence Sweek,of Hamilton passed through Heppner, en route hon i early this week. . 1 Ralph Fongc-r, a wiper, for tie TJuioi Paoifio nt The Dalles, was stfuck by tin tender of a passing looouiotive recently, dying in a few moments. "Butcher Bill" is at present ownfine'd in jail awaiting bondsmen. In the pros ecution last week, Messrs. 3. !."' Brown aud W. li. Ellis appeared for the 'state. A. A Eoberts informs na that Frank Goble ami wife sold a quarter section ol land iu Black Horse, yesterday, Justin Beamnn hting the purchaser. Consider ation, $500. Chas. Maekey was brought up from the lower part of Morrow yesterday, charged by Press Loonpy with haviut sioleu horses. His examination is sel for tomorrow. Messrs, Browifc& Hamilton are making valuable additions to their library. We also notice that Frank Kellogg and W. R. Ellis are doing likewise. Progressive lawyers are in demand. Sam Tillard, of Pendleton, isin town on his way home" from Long Creek and neighboring towns. He saw Billy Rosi. over at l'riueville", and savs he . is married and doing well. Snow fell Tuesdav in sufficient quan tities to whiten the ground, bat yester day it passed away like a dream. To-day the ground is frozen to some extent, and there is a tendency toward a little winter. During the month of November, Coun ty Clerk Morrow issued licenses to wed to the following : Mary Armstrong and Egbert L- Simons, Sarah A. Stout and John T. Thompson, M. E. baker aud G. W. Brook. Parties desiring fruit trees or other nursery stock (grown witbofirfigation), oan do no better by placing their orders withll. II. Whitsou, of Lexington, who is agent for this county for Rawson & We-' ber's nurseries, The Dallest We are. under eternal obligations til our friend, F. O. Bnoknum, for valuable assistance given us in moving our cylin der press. "Buck" is an old printer and knows more about a power preBS than the man that mattes them. J. B. Carmichael and family, who re side near Lexington, visited Heppner last Tlmrsday. They were acoompaAieri by Mr. Carmicliael's father, of Iow a, who arrived last week on a visit to his so ai d other relatives iu Bunchgrassdom. NR. MeVcv, timf Walker and Ed. Rojse were over from Gooseberry Mon day. Mae has just finished sowiug about SO acres in wbeut. Mr Walker will sow VM acres, while Ed. Royse, who hasjust purchased the Biddie ranch, is breaking out preparatory for spring mowing. Christmas goods at Mrs A. M. Slo otiui's, including plneh goods, albums, cards, sachets, headrests, throes, novel ties. Also a fine line of India silks, pompons, and other materials for faucy work. Latest styles of everything ap pertainiug to millinery. Clearauce sale on hats till Jan. 1, 1802. 64 57 Come out arid hear the Waldrop chil dri'B on Friday, Dec. 11th. Little Miss Oza, the elocutionist, Master Oda, the young bass singer, Master Yda, the three-year-old whistler, anitMaster Udn, the baby musician, assisted by V$ C. Ay Isworrb. n singer and musician of note Great combination of musical genius. 2t This Space COFFIN & :iffimiiiill Christmas Goods, JCKT RECEIVING. Audy Tillard and Johnny Ayers, Butter creek sheepmen, were in to.n last Saturday. The Union Suudav school of the Bap tist church here will give a basket social iu the near future. The musical and lileiary prodigies, the Waldrop children, will appear at tin- opera house, Friday, Deo. 11th. 2t Martin Stewart was arrested Monday for fast ridin-j and use of obscene lan guage within the city limits. He was lined $10. Prof. U. G. Hurley, au able and elo quent orator, and phreuologisr, spoke to quite a large audieuoe nt the coutt house last evening. The Palace, Mr. Vou Cadow informs us, is overtiowing with bnainess, 'hat ca pacious hostlery not having enough rooms to accommodate the trade on many occasions. The children of "Grnodraa" Matlook remembered her with presents and an elegant dinner to-day the occasion of be, litu birthday. Prof. Keene boasts of a thoroughbred Frenolfooaoh dot;, imported from direo; from Frauce. He is a valuable nuiuia) and keen as a whip. ' O. D. Dotv, a joung colored fellow a photographer is assisting Mr. M. S. hastman m bis work t tins place. He came up from Portland last week. Preaching next Sunday morning and evening at tne M. E. church, by the rector, Rev. R. L. Smith. Evening sub- jeot, "MTiral Men." All. are invited. Our friends, Jfcas'rs. Houston .& Payne, who are driving stage across, the moun tains, report bad roads over there, the re sult of having teaming on muddy roads Mrs. M. F. haling, of Eight Mile.has returned from her visit . to Missiruri. Upon her arrival here she was taken quite ill, though much better at present. A big, Thanksgiving dance ' was the prominent feature iu Haystack's festivi ties on the 2titu lost. It was given at the 4 H. ball. The fun was somewhat mbellished with two tights. On onr fourth page appears the illustration of J lie second Boler, Lord Lvtton, better knuwn as "Owen Mer hth." also some facts concerning bis life, vhicb was one of usefulness. W. A. Fisher, the Haystack fruilrais r, brought in for ibis office yesterday, i box of apples which for size and Uavifi uave not been surpassed by any thai 'lave fctne our way this season. Frank MiTntire fired his pistol off on Main ;.treet, near the Belvedere saloon last Friday, and then headed bis botfce lown the oreek. He was pursued- Wy -be marshal, but was not caught. . The report oomes from Mouut Vernon !hat the George brothers, of that place 'iad quite a- ro on Thanksgiving eve ning in which one was quite badly hurt. vVe do uot know how true the repjrt is. however. Salary $25 per wek ; Wanted Good Agents to sell our general line of mer ihandise. No peddling. Above salar; vjll be paid to "live" agents, For further information, address: Chicago Genehal Supply Co., . No. 178 West Van Buren St., CHICAGO. ILL E: O Republican:. A. B Dayja ac companied Mrs, . C. M. Ma'llory and daughter Maud, on their jonrny home to Heppner Monday with the remains of VlrB. Mallory's little Bon that died here Sunday. Hibbanl's Kheniaatic and LiveY Pills. These Pills are scientifically compound ed, and uniform in action. No griping painso commijjily following the use of Pills. They are ndapted to both adults and children with perfect safety. We guarantee they have no equal in the oure of Sick Headache, Constipation, Dyspep sia and Biliousness; and, as an appetizer, they excel any other preparation. ( Htj'wiiil Notice. Tbere seeiHfo be the opinion BtnongHt some farmers that the Heppner mill will not extihange flonr fur wheat in small quantities. This is uot the cane. Brine nn your wheat and no matter how email the amount, we will exchange and give you the best quality of Hour. 52-55 Hei'pner'Floubino Mill Co. A FA IU OFFER. The first twenty-five new subscribers of the Gazette who pay the cash for a year in advance, or old subscribers who pay up all arrearages and one vear in advance before January 1H!)2, wiil eaoh receive for one year, free of charge the Rural Northwest, a semi-monthly ur nal for Jhe farmer, fruit-grower and stockman. 449-tf TlIK PATTKHfcON Pl'R. Co. Recently the following Notice appeared In th oan rranvwvv snrvim.iv. T.irl rr c ... , iarl hpMi sick onl v about two weeks, and it was not until the lost three or four days that the malady took a serious turn. At tne Deptiniill'K01 nifliune&s hc suucicu uum diaheles and stomach disorder. Later the kidney s refuned to perform their functions and he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life of one of the most prominent men in Call- timely death was the result of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease. IF you are troubled with diabetes, Krave!,.or any de rangement of the kidneys or urinary orpins, don't delay proper treatment until you are forced to Rive up your daily duties ; dtm't waste your money on worthless -liniments and worse plasters, but strike at tle seat of the disease at once byusitiKthe greatest of all known remedies, the cHebrated Oreffo Kid ney Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands. Why should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely vegetable and pleasant to take. $1.00 a pack age, 6 for $5.00. is for an ad. of McFAllLAND'S NEW SPACE IS -OF T W. AYERS, Jr., HEPPNER, OH, ' 4 d. .S&'O'IESXLa' y k Baker :: and Confectioner, tth STREET, Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING ANfD MAliK.OX rillOIlT XoTiV Rock Springs Coal! I will keep const mtly on hand the BesT Screened Rock Springs Coal, which I will deliver in any part of Heppner At a Reasonable Price. Leave your orders at the Gazette Office. J. W. COWINS, Heppner, Or. ,f STliIIQNGBOTTOM ! AN Al MACHINE - MADE HARNESS, Such as is selling for $28 to $33, HJi:rTJOJi:i3 TO M-CASII DOVVX.-W 4 A full stock of everything in the lino of Harness, Saddles, Robes, Whips, Spurs, Bits, Etc. r. r. iiornbr, OPPOSITE MOUKOW'S LIVERY STABLK, IIEPPNEK, OKEUON. MATRIMONY AND FURN IMTJIM KM PORITJM . Are clost'ly allied, bcraiise a married ,ouple withojit Furnlturo is like a govermiuMit without a ruler. Jin Stock of Furniture Just Agent For the La Grande Marble Works. OLD STAND OX MAY STREET, HliPPNER, OREGON. mim FIoik Exchanged for What. 1IEITNEK FLOtil!IN(i MILL COMPANY. O. W. IIAliliINT(JN, Manatfor. A QUERY ANSWERED. "Oh, where! Oh, whe.it enn I (jet a Am, That fttn like a ylore. tind won't weitr through, Hint feelx nn eiiHi ami liiiiku no neat That iithem will envy the ntyle (if my feet" Kind friend, (" '(nr.ntior let tne mi: dime almiij with mi, I'll xliow yon the way 'Jo Mat A' 'id.AV. where they have, made The I" t In and " "- gold to the trade. Same, munllm uyo I tii'iwjht I would bun A pair of thcue, rJincs. junt to (jive, them a try. They (jure Hiteh milii fnidion. I'll nut need another pair For at leant nix montliH, whieh in ijitite rare: LICHTENTHAL & SCHERZINGER, Main re- MwiJn"1- Or. TO - DAY. RESERVED HEPPNER, OR. PARTY CAKES AN) AT I'tH'VI.AH I'RICKK. in. Complete in Every thins. CASH PRICE 44H I I I 1 ' U I .ilL 1 . The Immense Stock of merchandise of the Firm of H. Rlackman fc Co , will lie old out REGARDLESS OK COSin , order to nloae ont Jijfcl! H.Blackinan& Co., 'When the leaves, begin to turn,' , Is time to think- Have .you Bought your OVERCOAT of : V . Your CLOAK fc IT . Eor this winter's wear? , " Have )Su lard in-your If Not, And iuspeok (heir Clothing, dry goods, boots and SHOES, HATS, STAPLE and FAN-. CY GROCERIES, ETC, . Extra Good BUTTER ALWAYS AT HAND. NELSON JONES, E. R. President. The Morrow County Land I lrust Company PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 ' '. , , - ; h.d hmm and Wing Agents. i - IIEFl'XER. .OREGON. The Highest Market Price Paid for all kinds of Grain, Sheep Pelts, Hides, Etc. ' Stornge GoiJfieitr: MKI'I'NKR WAKKiKH'HK: I ' IONK WAKKIIOI.SK, 5,ua'.' Hhkh Woo . BOAIO0O HuhIipIh (fraiu- a(),(l(K) llubel drain. Donii.'As WAHKIIOI.'BK: Urt, lluHliels rrli. Odd Combinations NAII.S AM) St'dAH. I TOMATO KETCIIVV it U.V.lV.KKii. PEA HL HARI.EY AND fADI.OCKK CANNED OOODS fc AMMUNITION. Strnnyo Comhiuntions to he Fouii'l Only at Thfl Corohin ed Grocwy ""find Hardware Store of P. C. THOMPSON COJMPANY, - DKALEHH IN Orocories, Hardwiirti, Tinware, Confectionery Wixid t Willow Ware and Agricultural Implements. AgnntH for NEW HOMK Sewing MachinoH and IMPKIUAL KOCi FOOD. LUMUEIIMANS' TOOLS A SI'ECIALTV. Tulllt ClIllfTV. HIlHiira, Scif'i'ri, P.ifkct KnivM, M(1 U'ZDrH nt Iti'iUHiki.blv Ijih Pi lit. h. !..! iiiluci Hii'MlK iu Cwli t'1.1 toniiTH. Oivft ufl n irii't. If. (n-nr niu ami Willow StrwutH, Heppner Or. K. (I. Hi..)f 1JM. mum imrnm mi Has tlie llest Snicded Stock . of Furniture in iAl'r! tto S "Uuili-ilakiutf mid Hupairinu Spi'Oinlty.' ' j utiv aiwvifT . - DPP. RC. THOMPSON'S. .'' . HRPPNER. OB m din nrriimn nnnvi miCHXTiwc I I' U U 1 I I I I L I I V lllili rilUiU DU0I11 Parties desirous of making purchases for CA"SH will find It to their interest to call on us." WK MEAN BUSINESS. ! jfimo and be convinced. in to t 3- of fall pun supply for the season? Oall on- Complete Stock. EMPORIUM, Heppner, Oregon. Itemoveii to Thair Now Huililinor n Main 8t. next door to (Jillmm & Bisbpe'a. BISHOP,' T. E. FELL, Treasurer. ' Secretary. K. II. HUHTM. For Yourself. 1IW10S. fT3 V