2 . THE HEPPNER WEEKLY GAZETTE: DECEMBER 3, 1891. THE GAZ B TTE I A HUE. PALACE HOTEL Z.O.RD LY-TTON. i - ' - - , Edward Eobert Bulwer-Lytton, vi bo died last week in Frauoe, was the only on o the elder Bulwer, the grent nov - elist. He war1 born in 1831, and at an early age began his education uader privano tutors. IA 1819 he went into the diplomatio service" under bis unule, Sir Henry, who was then British envoy to the United States. Afjijrwards served I diplomatically at Floronce, Paris, the i Hague, Vienna, CoperihaKen, Athens;; LiTbtn,MadriH and aain at Tienud an:jrl,ecry 01 ure WM raised, and ofl-in-Paris, and sie in other diplomatic re-1' i'estiKHtiou., smoke was seen issuing frcm lations. He wns poet of some note, that of "Lueile" being his best produc tion. ,' ( 4 ' Ithas been suggested that the north and wt sides of the new hntcj-'iould be protected by shutters mailt! of some good non-conductor of heat. In the con struction of this building, this was in tended, and it should not be delayed any longer. The frame buildings on both tbe north and west would make a disastrous Are for the hotel building. Om business men would give them selves some protection by clubbing to gether and buying a oheiuioal engine. The warning-t'sterday morning ought to be suffloien) cause more or iess in terest in the mattor. r- 1 Thb death of Gen. Alviu P. Hovey, governor of Indiana, makes Ira J. Chase, I.ieut.-Qov., bis suoccssor till another is eleoted. Wakk up, oitizeus, and think a little more about Are protection. You will need it badly homo day. HON. W. It. KLLI3 A CANDlOiTE. From the Long Crook Ealc. , List ,VI indity one of Pendleton's 'well rtspected oitizeus calle'd at this office, and having Eastern Oregon at heart i,u tbe matter of congressman ..from the second district, said: "Why don't some of yon ropnblioau papers put up a candidate furoongress so we can be sure to elect an Eastern Oregon man?" We replied, that to our knowledge, the republicans had a man in tlia field, and a mighty strong one at that, he be ing Hon. W. K. Ellis, of Heppu. r. -"Is that so? I had heard Mr. Ellin' name frequently spoken of, but had nol learned definitely that he was in the race. You see the democrats nominee is sure to be Sen. J. II. Haley, of Pendle ton, and if the 'republicans suooeed in nominating Mr. Ellis, it will be a square fight between tbe two pmrtics, and East ern Oregon will be the wiuuer when the light is ended." ' ' In speaking of the probable result of 1 tbe election iu oaso Mr. El'is and Mr. Kaley are the choice of the two parties, our Pendleton visitor further said: "Mr. Ellis is a gentleman of rare abili ty and has an attractive way about him that will make voles iu his behalf iu whatever part of thi district be visits. Mr. Haley stands nvsJl with Umatilla poanty people, and I bclive with bis party generally, from the simple fact, he has befriended many a poor man. But the distriot being republican, Mr. Ellis would have the better liiinil, andehaiioes are, would bo elected, You see we Umatilla county fullows want an East ern Oregon man, and if Hie matter is properly worked, an Eastern Oregon man will be eleoted." "RKAIj U9TATE TKANHraw. The ; following real estate transfers have been made in Morrow county dur ing the month of November, as shown by tho records in tho olerk's ollicc: U. 8. to Henry lllaekniau; U. K to Lafayette l'enland; U. S. to Naucy Polly; Flora Jtulledge and husband to Win. Feulnud; U. 8. to Flora liuohanau; W. J. Leezer and wife to P. C. Tlioniisou; Win. Ben ner to Win. l'enland; U. S. to Win. Ben ner; Frank Oilliaui et al. to J. B. Hperrj ; U, S. vs Elmer E. Bosnian; U. S. to Jas. II. Allen ;Trnsteeof II. Lodge No CO, A F. 1A. M., to tl. M. Mallory; IJ. S to Win." Cox; U. S. to Wm. Oox; Hylves-1 ter White aud wife to Paul Trotclnorf; Anthony W. Kane to Michael Keunev; U. H. to Aotbony W. Kane; U.S. to A. J Breeding; Cyrus Bennett aud wife to CO. Curtis, U. H. to Wm. A. Martin; Jacob II. Wattenburger et u.. to F. A, Uuggius; D. B. Hendricks and Alice Hondrioks to W. E. Kahler; Win. A. Biddlo et nx. to V. E.I'.oyse; 1). B. llen drioks et ux. to Wm. A. Biddle; Jnhn Kenney to Michael Keeney; A 0. Chris man et ux. to Lizzie Morgan; U. H. to Abner C. Cbrisman; Jas. 1.. Ayi rs et ux. to Antono Vey; U. S to Jas. T. Ayers; Alfred Ayers et ux. to Anlonu Vey; U. S to Alfred Ayers; Geo. Nolile et nx to Wm. A. Kirk anil J. C. Hayes; U. H. tolliehard Seutz; l! N. Bnsey to Surah J. Basey, his wife; T. C Auhrev et 111. to 8. Uobeits; U. S. to Elizabeth , Harry man; O. W. llalo to F. II. Wilson; W. E. Elliott et ux. to Hugh Fields; Thos. Gilfllleu to Michael Kenney; lT. H. to Washington E. Elliott; U. a. to Thos. GilfilK'-i; Hannah E. Halloek to Win. V. UuttouiU.S. to UanunhE. llallock; U.S. to Alfred Ayers; Alfred Ayers and wife to Joseph Vey; V. S. to Alfred Avers; Thos. Qua'nl et al. to Elizdieth Whet stone; W. A. Kirk to Mary E. Kirk;T, W. and E. J. Ayers to W. A. Kirk ; U. S. to Robert H. liule; II. Blackmau et in to Wm. Peulaud. The World Kurlelinl. The facilities of the present day for tbe production of everything that (vil) oonduce to tho iniilurinl welfare and com fort of mankind are almost unlimited, and when Syrup of Figs was tirst pro duced the world was turiched with the enly perfect laxative known, as it ii the only remedy which is tntlv pleasing ami refreshing to the tiiste an ' pi-iii.t aiul effect;.! to cleanse If - . - , i ivnlh in the spring timo or, u aev time, in Hi- pup aud the belter it is kuown fclar it becol., , P. fiarrpes Loses His Planing Mill by Violation of the Fiend. LOSS, SOMETBSNG NEAR r,000 No Insurance The RnrkPt Brigade ou Hand, Ha inn the Lninlier Ynrd and Oilier Property. About 'f o'clock ' yesterday rnof.g, S. P. Oarrigues' planing mill situated at the corner of.May and Court streets. Our reporter stepped into the Palaoe to hang up bis overcoat, and by the time be had regained the sidewalk again, the flames wore shooting out of the Bhed ro.jf, near where tbe engine was located. Before many persons had arrived at the scene of the oonilagration, the entire structure was wrapped in flames, and in less than one hour's time, was a mass of smould ing ruius. At the time the fire was discovered, J. W. Cowitis was loading Borne planed lumber at tbe front entrance of tbe mill, aid a team from Hamilton's sawmill was unloading on the east side. Mr. Oarri gues and biB asBistant, Mr. B. W. Ally, were in the yard ge'tting iu lumber for the planer. The fire ran out over ihe miii ;.. . ah.. iu... ,iu iiinictuu mi. rvny uarrieu Olll a sack of chop, and when be went back for another, the Humes were everywhere, and not an. I her thing could be saved. UMie Ure undoubtly started from the engine, and, perhaps, burned under the floor for some time before being discov ered. It was a hot little blast, and a disastrous one for Mr. Oarrigues, who had no insurance, nnd loses about $5,000, his machinery being totally ruined, lie was on the cvef moving his null to another part of town, the lease on the ground expering soon. All tJie available bnckeliTiu our stores were brought out, the citizens funning theniHelvi'into a bucket brigaile,.suviog the lumber yard and adjoining struct ures. The win being from the soiilh west, and everything damp with melting snow, rendered it quite an easy matter to confine the conllngration to the mill. NOTliS. All the 'tire engines iu tile oountry could not have prevented, more or less damage, but a -OO chemical engine would have prevented the entire de struction of the mill, and perhaps, the machinery could have 'been saved. Our citizens worked with a will.,, and did good service. A gentleman, well, versed m water matters suggests that our town could provide permanent mains and hydrants for 818,000, about what money tho town can lawfully raise, depending on the mill to pump fiom a well to furnish a water supply, till the gravitation system could be perfected. All mains laid nmi hydrants oonneolod would be per manent, and the additional expense for the temporary protection till the town could do better, would be small. Suppose yesterday's fire had started in any row of frame buildings in tho busi ness part of town, where would our town be at present, with nothing but a few buckets and ladders, scatteied to the four winds? Permanent Ure protection is out of question now, but let us have somethinig temporary. Mr. Oarrigues has broken ground for his neW mill, down near t'je M. K. Church. .... 1 Mntowt AND .Kl'JCIUK. Editor .1. II. Kline Mint anil liiHtiintly Killeil liy II In Friend. MdMiNNvini.R, Or., Nov. 30.-J. II. Stine, editor of the Whiteson Advannn. Was shot last evening by II. C. Cook, a section boss on tho narrow gauge. Cook then shot himself twice. Both men were killed instantly. Hlinn, Cook aud a German section hand bad been to Amity on foot, a dis tance of three miles from Whiteson. When about half way back on their re turn, Mtiuo walking about ton feet iu ad vance of the others, Cook, quickly and without warning, drew" a pistol and fired at Stine, the bullet striking him iu the back of the neck ami breaking the spinal column. Then turning the pistol 011 himself, lie tired one shot into his breast, missing tho heart about two inches. He then placed the pistol to his temple and fired a second shut through his brain, Tho sect ion baud, t hinkiug his time was also uoine, started to run at the first shot and did not stop until ho got to Whiteson. A ecjuad of men returned and found both men dead. No oaiiao is known for the deed, ex oept it be a sudden fit of mental aberra tion. Cook had been acting singular for several days. The section baud with them said that he hud Inkeu but two drinks vt whisky during the day, and showed no signs of intoxication. The luuu were goou menus nnu always on the best of terms, and were talking pleasantly at the tune of the shooting. Thy were both about 1H years of age ami veteraus of the civil war. Nothing is known of Cook's family re lations, lie was brought here by the coroner last night, and hundreds viewed his remains to-day. IStii.c leaves a wile mid oue child. He had been connected with papers at In dependence, Grants l'nns, St. Heltuis, Heppncr and other points. Ho will he buried at Independence. I Mr. Stine was tho first editor of the Ga.'Hte, but shortly after starting the' paper, become associated with Col. Bed ingtou, and finally sold out to him. mitiinuv I'Aiuv. The friends of Mr. aud Mrs. 3. 'K. Simons, to the number of about forty, gathered at their residence iu the north part of town, on the evening of thellOth, n!t , to celebrate Pap's Stiih birthday . All preparations had been made iu such a tmiuner that Mr. Simons did uot gain the j ,., , . , , slightest inkling of the allair, and when be returned homo iu oompauy with bis estimable wife after a shopping tour ou the evening above-mentioned, he was iisherd before a house full of company It was a complete surprise t him, and, needless to s iv, a most agreeable one. Tiiero wer present til foil, wing: lions. ,1. It itpetry and wife, W. U. Eibs and wi. JuJun Kjithly aud wife, T. J. j 1 S. : : A" The Official Government Reports: 't - The United States Government, after elaborate tests, reports the Royal, Baking Pcwder to be of greater leav ening strength than any other. (Bulletin 13, Ag. Dep., p. 599.; ,4'. ' The Canadian, Official Tests, recently made, show the Royal Baking Powder highest of all in leavening strength. (Bulletin 10, 16, 'Inland Rev. Dep.) In practical use, therefore, the Royal Baking Powdkr goes further, makes purer and more 'perfect food than any other. - Government Chemists Certify: . '"The Royal Baking Powder is composed of" pure nnd whole some ingredients. It does not contain either alum' or phosphates, or other injurious substances. , ' Edward G. Love, Ph. D." "The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the purest-and most relia&le baking powder "offered to the public. "Henry A. Mott, M.D., Ph.D." e ' " The Royal Baking Powder is purest 1 quality and highest in strength of any baking powder of which I have knowledge. " VVm. McMurtrie, Ph. D." Matlock and wife, Messrs John Easmos and wife, 0. M. Charlton and wife, I O. Borg and wife, J. J. Hobertsand wife, John T. Kirk and wife, D. V.-Horuor and wife, J. Willinorth an! wife, Thad. Armstrong and Mesd imes E. G. Sloan aud Ellis Minor. tiomHliihtf tor thu New Year. The world renowned success of Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters, and their con tinued popularity for over a third of a century as a stomachio, is scarcely more wonderful than the welcome that greets the annual appearuuee of Hostetter'a Alninuac. This valuable medical treat ise is published by the Hostetter Com pany, Pittsburgh, l'a., under tjjeir own immediate supervision, employing sixty hands in that department. They are running nhuut eleven fciouths,iu the ysar ou this work, and Clie issa of the same forlHUz' will be more than ten mil- I lions, printed in tbe English, German, V reuoh, Welsh, .Norwegian, Swedish, Holland, Bohemian uud Spanish lan guages. Beferi to a copy of it for val uable and interesting rending concerning health, and numerous testimonials as tu the ellioacy of llo.stetter'a Stomach Bit ter's, amusement, varied information, astronomical calculations, chronological items, etc., which can be depended on for correctness. The Almanac for lH'Jii can be obtained free of cost from drug gists and general oountry dealers in all parts of the country. ARLINGTON LOCALS. J. E. Friyk was a passenger on the early west bound train Tuesday morn ing. Dr. Carl T. Baoon, of La Grande, was iu town a few boms Monday, before pro ceeding to Portland. Henry Heppuer, who lias been dis porting himself iu the metropolis duriug tho past week, returned Suuday. Several of the little folks on the siek list, although their ailments are not of ail inluctioiis or contagiofls character. C. M. Brown, who had tiis leg broken last week, diet. Beurdsley aud Clyde Kennedy with brokeu arms, are pro gressing favorably. lteoorder F. C- ltollo shortly intends taking a six weeks vacation in Cali fornia. J. W. Dennett wilj act as dep uty during bis abseuce. Will Yon Cadow, of Heppner, passed through here last week on his way to attend tlrauil Lodge at Portland. C. A. Khea went below at tho same time. Thanksgiving passed olT as quietly as an ordinary Sunday, except that dancing was indulged in by several couples at the anuorv hall, which was very tame, compared with ilauces of former days. Ere this appears in print, Prof. U. O. Hurley, phrenological, physiognomical nnd hygienic lecturer, wili have given Boino of your residents a few useful pointers. . J'eeember 1, '1)1. How's This? We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that cannot he cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have knowu F. J. Chone) for the last lf ears, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus iness transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their tirm. , West & Tmux, WaiIoinii, Kisxan ,i Maiitin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter uallv. acting direeily upon ttie blood and mucous surisees ot the system, lesti mouiais sent tree, rnoo iu cents per tiotiie. Sola oy all druggists. j Bkokkn Into. "Uismark," ' chancellor of these august the iron Heppuer knolls, has ret"rued from his ranch, after holding down said claim most success- riilU' P.,,- o.,n, ,.,!. a III' ............ i... , .. ,- ", . , ','-., dou t live iu Heppuer, but has a little oabiu here where he "stops" when in the oity. Ou bis nrriyaj be was astounded to tind that Boiueoho 'pad broken into bis villa during his abseuce, ttiktng a jinm bcr of things. In wrath, "liisinark" called out most loudly, ".Vlein O-.itt in Himiuel; Sacre minto hoosick;" and fotttiwith strode over to U-corder Hoh erts. Hut for the arrival of two news paper men, the Heppuer rcichstag would preheuded. I iu .11 ,r.u II.. I .... 1.. ...... ..dj ..... IS THE Baking Team Too Lively. While en route to Spring Hollow last Sunday, Frank Gil liam and Henry Soherzingar came very near having a runaway. Frank was hold ing the strings, and while attempting to hold the team and got into the buggy, bij.overcont wrapped abont the wheel, throwing him beneath the wheels, one of them passing over his head, bruising that important member quite badly. But Frank held on to the lines nnd saved fur thet disaster aud a runaway. ' Back Fitosi Malheuk. T. G. Dundas and Chas. Maun are back from the Mal heur country. They report Grant coun ty's roads iu bad condition, and say that tlieJlidleton road from Comas to Dor- iflsu'is a -''holy terror," having very heavy grades. They found the Beech creek road very bad, and the McKin ney creek thoroughfare full of rooks, caused by driving sheep over it. A Cash of Insanity. Last Monday a man named John Wood was brought up from lower Sand Hollow fur examination before Judge Keithly as to his sauity. This ordeal having been undergone early this week, proved him a fit subject for the asylum, whither be will be taken, tho authorities starting with him to morrow. He is subject to fits, and for some time after be is out of tbe convul sious his reason is entirely dethroned. Death in Haystack. On the 25th ult., in Haystack, Mr. Mate Sr., aged 73 years departed this life. The interment took place on tbe 7th ult., followed to his last resting place by many friends. He was born and raised in Georgia, and while yet a young man, joined a lodge of miisonj,- of whion he was iu good stand ing at the time of bis death. fo Tuisitm Yet. Pry Wilson began suit against Eli Keeney et al , this week for a settlement of the Belvedere saloon property, giviug bouds aud plaoiug Tom Bradley in charge of the same. There seems to be some difficulty ill ai riving at a proper adjudication of affairs con nected with tbe business. Attached in Haystack. Tbe ohattels of Enos O'Flyng, iu Haystack, were at tached recently by Joe Frizzell, of Gil liam oounty. Geo. Mo Haley, of Prairie City, has bad a chattel mortgage od them, but it appears that it expired re cently and' was not reuewed. TniKKY Shooting. From tbe 20th to the 2ot instant there will be turkoy shontiug iu Hcppuor, oondncted by Marshal Biennis and J. J. Boberts. There will be plenty of turkeys nnd lots of fuu. I) m't mis it. 4,')-J-o6 Jone Festivities. Johnny Keeney wishes to inform his friends that he will L'ive a grand masquerade bull at lone on Christmas night. Miisio by his orches tra, nonet Dfi, laoies tree. Itig up ami go. uiggest tuing or tne season. 454 57. Xi'Aiu,Y A FirtR. -Early last Monday morning the office lamp of the Palace fell, scattering burning oil here and there, nnd before it could be extinguished, bad ly scorched the counter. These little warnings couio occasionalv. Where? At Abrahaiusick's. Iu addition to -his tailorinV busiuess, he has added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee stiirts, hosiery, etc. Also has ou hand some elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrahamsick. May street, Heppner, Or. STKAYKll HOKSK. At the ranch of Jerry Brosman on Lit tle Butter creek, near Lena, a fonr-.vear- old horse, bay, white hind legs, half moon star in forehead. Came to mv p ranch Oct '2Kb. No brand. Owner oan have same by proving property aud pay ing all charges. Jerky Brosman. Lena, Or. Nov. 4, '91. 450-464. vV9 TO WGOL GROWERS! IF YQU WANT To keep j'ourBheep healthy, anil hiaure a good c clip, ime HAYWARD'S : iHEEP : DIPS. A Sure Cure at Moderate Cost. HAYWARDS "PASTE DIP Mixes with either COLD or WAkM WATER. HAYWARDS LIQUID Is Non-Poisonous, Improves tho and does Not stain it. DIP Wool CM I IJIH I V As WISH, Wool Commission Merchants, Fifth and Townscnd Sts., 8an Francisco -General Agents. For sale by Slooum-Jobnstou Drug Co. 436 474 ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Highest cash price paid for wheat, oats, barley. Apply toHiokson & Young, Concord liuilding, .Portland, Oregon Correspondence solicited. 440-tf Slocnm-Johnston Drug Co. Fresh goods received weekly. a. Buhl, tbe baker. Buy your bread and cakes aud save money. Try it. a. See J. W. Cowins for Rock Springs coal. Leave orders at Gazette office, a New firm, and prices as low as sver. Licbtcntbal & Schirzinger's, old stand. a Coffin & MoFarlaud will buy wheat at all stations on tbe Heppner branch. '; a. Hardware? Yes, at Gilliam & Bis bee's, Main St., Heppner, Or. a. See your wife about some new furni ture aud then oall on S. C. Smith. Full stock. t Nails by the our load at Gilliam 4 Bis bee's. Grant oounty people will do well to call on them. a. Go to S. O. Smith's furniture store and examine the fine line oi carpet sam ples just reoeived. ' a Wauted More customers to bnv goods of the Heppuer Furniture Co. Great bargains tliisepiing. a. Drugs, medioiues, toilet artioles and everything in his line at T. W. Avers, Jr. Call for a refreshing ice-cream soda, a When you want your horses shod or wagon repaired, ye Grant county people, don't forget that L. Sbephard has a shop at Fox. a. When you are weary and need a few minutes rest, drop in and see Tom Brad ley at the Belvedere. He knows bow to make you feel at home. 427-tf A fine lot of imported Shot Guu at Thompson & Co's at bargain prices, no jobbers "profits. a Flnk Timiieb. Perhaps, the besttim.4 ber, growing in the Blue mountains oan be found ou Rock creek, in the vioinity of Will Mallory's saw-mill. This class ot timber Mr. Mallory is using in making lumber whioh he delivering in Hepp nei all tbe way from $15 to $30 per thousand feet; depending on the quality, aud whether desired rough or dressed. The same oan be bought at the mill at prioes ranging from $8 to $25 per thous and. He has a general assortment on hand at present, and is sure to satisfy oustoniers. 427-tf. New Man. Lee Sam wishes tu inform the public that he has secured tbe assist ance of an experienced washerman, and will hereafter be able to net work out rn time and in good condition. 451-64 Do you want to save from 25 to 60 cents ou every dollar you speud? If so, write for our Mammoth Illustrated Cat- alogne, containing lowest man af act'iurs, prioes of Grooeries, Dry Goods, Boots j aud Shoes, Clothing, Hadware, Agrioul- urai inipienidBla, etc . i 1 Mailed ou reoeipt of 50 eeferfor posta ' CHICAGO GENERAL SUPPLY CO. I i Heppner, 111 !!! " CONDUCTED on the AMERICAN AVid EUROPEAN PLAN. rrtalfKE MEAL TICKET fl. PLEASANT ROOMS. WITH FIRE IS EACH. FOR STEADY . JL honrderm'.imlv 17 per week. Table unexcelled by tiny hotel In On'L'nn. Nn Chinese employed hi tho cji'.fciary department. Speeiul rates to parties. Electric bells; tree baths - ' W. VON CADOW, Manager. Formerly of U. P. Hotel Company ' FRAN K'GIMjI AM. GILLIAM ii III llfllllVVIIIIj j s r . . Jo - - i ) was x t " ; DEALEH8 IN General llll 1 U I I 111 V Plumber's Materials, ICtc, IIEPPNEIi. - - - OREGON W.,A. KIRK. KIRK A. DEALEIW IN Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Conceivable Article kept in a First Cluss Harness Shop. Repairing a Specialty ! Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppuer Saddle Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Wairanted.for five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examiue their machines and ; get oash prioes, ' " MAIN STREET, - - HEPPNER. OREGON, SWEETS, FIRST IN In the Hustle with ' Five doors North of the Fine Imported aid Domestic Cigars and Tobaccos, Fresh Fruits and, other Goods Received Daily. 717YN A COMl'LF.TE i l ME XT ON JiltUlUl FOR SALE CHAS. H. HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, AND FARM MACHINERY. Front, First and Vine Streets, - - PORTLAND. OREGON. 5" BkA- iiiiit -- --I g-iT - on Aqcntb rom DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. DEERE'S GAZELLE PLOWS Specially Improved for isot-2 Deere Power Lift Sulky Plows. Buckeve Shoe rvni n-m BU.HC Pre- GraioDriu,Bucteve Seeder., Brol DH"- fa, UttRE'S DISC HARROWS. , . . w this W h.TrdnHBeofBnKjrIiM, phaetons Vehicle cloi, SCHOT TIER FARM WAGONS.. 8pr i, foo-h Hnw. rT u" SP"f Oregon, 111 T. H. BISHKE & BISBEE, Ti uiu i vu ixiiu iiiniitivi J. C. HATES OYSTERS, FIRST their Countrymen. . Palaoe Hotel, Heppner, Or. ASSORT- HAND AND AT THE DODD & CO. WM OFFICE. IMPORTERS OF jf - dSJiS: - . - Omrcntt Mn u.B.-.V.... DEERE'S SEEDFRCS pi.rpose - in ue I'Vun ,in u-.. ..r. . .. . . Lists. V.