in, wjs,rAajt4 tfAtsixfc, tmmNlsh, iM;uJS. 2J0VEMBlli 20, xaui. T II K CAZLT'l 1L Union Pacific Railway-Local Card. N";, "1, mixed leaves llpprifr H h. m. " HI, " nr. at Arlington 10 , 10 a.m. " " lwived " 3:"iu p. m. " s'l, " ar. at rl:ti) p. in, daily Bicppt Sunday. Kimt bitnud, main linear, at Arlington 8:50 p. m. Weec " ' " IcaVHH " 4:11 p. m. Nijilit tiaina are running on same time as before. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. li. Bisbnp are in Port- iu from Monument ArlkiiiB was iu Ilepp- diiily, at Htnue leaves for Monument eicci t SundHY, at 6:30 A. M. Arrives daily, except Monday, b :W P. M. Direct connection oan be made at Monument with tbe Long Creek ntivde. Daily Muge between Lung Creek aud Canyon City, connecting at the bitter place with the stage for BuruB aud Sil vies valley. rpHIS PAPKR in kept on tile at E. 0. Hake's 1 Advert isiiiK Ageury, til and 85 Merchants KxelianKs, Han Franoibco, California, where cou traele lor advertising can be made for it. 1? C. 1'KNTI.AND, HECKKTARY OF THE l it Oregon I'ress Association, 211 Ash Street, between First and Second, Portland, Oregon, is onr onlv agent located in that place. Advertis ers should consult him for rates aud space in the Utu.ette. THE G AZETTE'S AG '-NTS. Lexington ' V. B. McAllister Wagner, B. A. llmisnker Arlington, Henry lleppuer Ixjng Creek The Kagle liullmvuy Boh Shaw Camas Prairie, Oscar Ie Vanl Matteson, Allen MeFerrin Nye, Or 11. 0. Wright llardmau, Or C. M. Siieneer Hamilton, Grant Co., Or Mattie A. ltudio lone, T, J. Carl Prairie City, Or, K. It. .Mcllaley Canyon City, Or 8. L. l'arrish Pilot Hock, O. 1'. Sketon Dayville, Or., Mr. Adams, P. M. John Day, Or., Postmaster Athena, Or John Ellington Pendleton, Or., . Wm. O. McCroskey Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or., Postmaster Shelby, Or MissSteila Klett ox, Lirant Co., or., J. r. Alien Eight .Mile. Or Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh Upper lihea Creek, B. F. Hevlaud Lone Kock, Gilliam Co V. II. Colwell. UouglaB, or a. White AN AUENT WANTED IN EVERY PKECIKCT. Here and There. Thornton. Daily singe both ways between Monu ment and Long Cretk. tf. J. II. "omig, formerly of Heppner, is now located at Eugene, Get your laundry work done through Thornton, aud be suited. Try Tborulon's Flor de Madrid and other Hue brands of oigars. A. II. Wiudsor has returned from Co volln, Wash., to bis ranch near Lex ington. W. S. Davis, representing Klosterman & Co., of Portland, was iu town over Sunday. The First National B iuk furniture has received some oil and varnish, and looma up like new. Gazette for sale at Thornton's. Price 10 cents per copy. Buy a oopy and send to the tolks at home. I'bil Heppner was iu town over Suu day. lie is now managing tbe warehouse DusmesH at Arlington. Jas. and Nels Jones were oalled down to Independence lust Friday by the dan gerous illness of their brother. W. J. Leezer will take charge of tbe Oitv Hotel as soon as Mrs. Basey's lease expires sometime in rebruary. The report comes to this office that onr friend, John Kenny, will shortly em pun; in tne matrimonial Doat. Sirs. Dave McAfee and ohildren re turned Inst Saturday evening from a visit to relatives at Westou and Moscow. Holland Thompson is around again, haviug almost euti-ely recovered fioni the brokou leg received some time ugo. Morning forecasts are now received at ' Heppner from the San Frauoisco signal office. These ure for 24 hours, 0 a. m. to 6 a. m. On account of tbe indisposition of Eev. K L. Smith, there will be no servioes at the M. K. Church next Sunday moruiug or evening. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien, of the Willows, who has been quite ill with typhoid fever, is recover ing rapidly. The Gazette is in receipt of a onyuse cablegram tbnt Billy Boss, formerly of Iicppner, has been getting married over at Print ville. Aaron Vinson, of the Walla Walla marble works of Niles & Vinson, arrived last Thursday from Long Creek, euroute to Wulla Walla. Work has oommenoed on tbe big ditch near Echo. Tbe present onutraclors popose to push work, and complete sever al miles before winter sets in. J. H. Piper, of Alpine, raised over 2,000 bushels of wheat this year, for which he reoeived 67 and 74 cents. His yield Was 30 bushels per acre. Work on the Matteson coal mine is to oemmence soon, and will be resumed with all possible vigor. Such energy should bnug about final sucoess. Tobacco, cigars, stationery, etc., etc, at Thornton's Suhscriptious taken for every periodical under the suu, including the Gazette, at publishers' p ices. Part of the Blackwell band of cattle broke out of tbe corral last Frilay night, and though they were found the follow ing moruiug, were not tuken down till Suuday. Mrs. W. J. Leezer writes that her brother is still seriously ill at Fairheaveu with tjphoid fever. Little Willetta has almost entirely recovered from ber recent illness Ed. Holloway, of Saddle, raised 18,000 bushels of wheal this year, receiving 70 ceuts for 15,t)00 bushels and 74 cents for 3,000 b .shels. He has not disposed of bis oats or barley. Dee Cox killed two line deer in tbe m'untaius last week. He remained a little longer than he anticipated when be left borne, and bis arrival relieved his family of considerable suspense. Joe Hayes presented this office last Thursday with three genuine Eastern hickory nuts. They look natural as life, and remiud us of how we used to spend tbe long winter evenings of boyhood days. Ben Parker and Peter Gleson came in from the mill Sunday, leaving Mouday for Portland, "here Mr Gleeoo hopes to get some relief from a skin disease from which he has beeu suffering for some time. Mrs. Geo Noble returned last week from a visit to her former home iu Mo. She enj yed herself so well there, aud bad Buch splendid health all the time, that she would really like to make her home there again. Mrs. A- M. Slocnm invites her friends to visit her millinery establishment and inspect ber immense stock of fall and winter goods. A complete line of Sax ony aud German knitting yarns and fas cinators now on hand. 51-tf Billy Douglas, Mike Kenny and oth ers ate orumozmg a new echo 1 district in their seo'ion, to be made irom the ter ritory iu township otie south, range tweutj-eisrht east, and part of township two south, same range. It will prove a great oonvenienoe. Mr. auJ Mrs. E. land. Cali Kjchard got back fiom Portland liu-t night. Pry Wilson anl. last evening. "Lnolb" Clark uer yes'erdny. Johnny Uinton iH smiling on his old Irieuds again. Sirs. Emil Vi.ruz is vlsiiing her parents on Eight Mile. Barney P. D.iuohertv ,-,f r,n ,.ii.i early this week. Ed. Cnx aud John Luelling were over from Hurdman Mod lay. Jack Hiuton and brother, of Gmnt county, are in Heppner. I he Heppner branch is doing an im mi use business this year. Chas. Cniiuiugham, the Pilot Rock sheepman, is in Heppner. Waldrcm Kliea has been on the sick list for the past two weeks. Our young meu are talking of having a grand social dauce abont Dec. 15th. Miss Elsie Franklyn, of Hamilton, is visiting her auut Mrs. Thos: Bradley. S. F. P' dim brought in noma fins . It oieaas ior tne Palace hotel lust Sunday. Johnny Keeney went down to lone yesterday to play for last eveuing's dance. H. W. Fountains, special agent of the Singer Setting Machine Co., is in town. Chas. Sheldon left Tuesday for the Long Creek ceution, where he will spend a week. J. P. Iliniley, of Hardmati, aud B. L. Akers, of Gooseberry, were in Heppuer yesterday. Sum Clark is in from Camas prairie, Uuiatilla county. He reports good enther over there. Mayor Cornoyer, of Pendleton, claims there is more horse aud cattle stealing this year tuao usual. The young people of Hrppner's school Will shortly orenniza H IllHrurv innimo Success to their t Hurts. Mr. and Mrs. It. Lieuallen and G. W. Brock, of Lexiugton. were registered at the City lintel yesterday. The first of September has arrived aud Theo. Dnuuer has ndvanoed the price of cabinets tu 84 per doz. One half dozen, 2.oO. T. J. Matlook, W. B. Ellis and Pap Simons, accompanied by Jclinny Hin ton, arrived from Canyon City Tuesday evening. Chas. Sperry and bride nrrived from Sprague last Wednesday evening. We did not learn when the couple were married. Mr. Benedict, a Pendleton milkman. was held up by highwaymen the other evening ueur that town aud rubbed of in cash. A SPLENDID SCHOOL. From the Hillsboro Democrat. On Wednesday ufternoon a represent ative of this paper visiied the public School. Iu our large and commodious sohooi building we found Miss Farubam at the head of the tiist primary grade with 54 bright lit lie f:.ces in attendance. Miss Wilcox, of the second primary, has 4o pupils. Jiiss Willis, of the third primary, 40; aud Mrs. Pittengcr, iu the fourth primury room, has 54 scholars ; uiukiug a total for the four primary rooms of 100. The iirth, sixth and sev enth rooms, more properly called depart ments, have each two grades. Miss Parish has the fifth departineut with 52 pupils, Miss Wells the sixth with 59 pu pils. Prof. Stanley, the piiuoipul, re ports 53 on the roll, making a total for the grammar uud high school depart ment ut 164. The sohooi malrioulaies at present 300 pupils. We found sanolars and teachers, one and all. striving to make the school a success. We noticed in the high school that the studies taught other thau the common school branches, are ulgebra, book-keeping, physical geography, geometry, geueral history aud composition. We believe we arj justified iu saying that at no time iu the history of Hillsuoro souools ooulJ we find a more studious and oourteous sei oi pupns or a oetter aud more ooui- peteut faculty in oharge of the work Any family haviug children to educate cau do uo better thau make their home iu Hillsboro. . Hie World Enriched. The facilitiee of the present day for the production of everything thut will conduce to tbe material welfatc and com fort of muukiud are almost unlimited, and when Syrup of Figs was first pro duced the world was tnriched with the only perfeot laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt aud effectual to uleause the system gently in the spring lime or, in fact, at auy time, aud the better it is known the more pop ular it becomes. Rock Springs Coal! H" 1 1 mmmrn mm i I i i i . - - - I will keep constmtly on hand the BesT Screened Rock Springs Coal, which I will any part of Heppner deliver in At a Ileasonable Price. The Immense Stock of merchandise of ; the Firm of 17. Blnckman . Co , will be sold nut KKOARPLES OF COST in j order to close out business. i Mrs. Eliza Saunders, of Walla Walla, oioiuer oi mrs. J ut Morgan or Sand Hollow, is visiting her fneuds aud rela tives here. C. A.Khea aud daughter Miss Ellor, departed lor Portland Wednesday. While below they will visit relatives at Hillsboro. Mrs. Judy Mitchell and children have recently bad erected in the Musouio cem etery of Ibis pIhco a beautiful monument, iu memory of Judge Win. Mitchell. xNewer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Junes, tbe baher, wants to see his old mends there. Baths in connec tion. f Will Von Cadow went down to Port land yesterday to be iu attendance ut the Grand Lodge, Sons of Hermauu, a German order, which conveues in that city this week. F. E. Southard, representing Iiivers Bros., wholesale- dealers in wall paper, spent several days iu Heppner this week, leaving for Arlington aud the outer country Ibis morning. Quite a number of young people gathered at the residence of Mr. aud Mrs. J. C. Hart last Monday evening to oelehnite the seventeenth birthday of Miss Julia. All had a most enjoyable time. "TJucle" Jack Morrow, aocompanied by J. W. Morrow and Dick Howard, de parted Monday last for Pnrdy springs, Umatilla county, here "Onole" Jack hopes for relief from a severe attack of rheumatism. P. A. Wm thin gton, one of Wepton's solid men, visited his extensive buuob giaes possessions, Dear Lexington, this week. Pres. is a candidate, on the citiz ens' ticket, for Mayor of the oity of Wes ton, tne election oomiug otl on Dec. 7th. In his new quartern, City Barber shop stand, yon will fiud Gid Hntt He oan't part a bald head in the middle or shave wbislsera where none exsist. but he's lightning on good subjects. Shaviug, huirontliug nnil shnmpooiug done iu a satisfactory manner. Badly Hurt. On lust Monday Ed. Duy'd team ran away with him, over near Ins home on Butter creek, throw ing turn oil and injuring him anite severely. He is injured interna y. and we are informed, received a dislooatiou of the ankle Dr. Shipley was called, and when last beard from, DBy was much oetter. Leave your orders at the Gazette Office. J. W. COWI1MS, Heppner, Or. - iff DEPA K m llihliaid's Itheninaticand Liver Pills. These Pills are scientifically coin pound ed, aud uniform in action. No griping paiu so commonly following the use of Pills. They aie adapted to both adults and children with perfect safety. We guarantee they have no equal iu the dire of Sick Headache, Constipation, Dyspep sia aud Biliousness; and, as an appetizer, they excel any other preparation. Incipient Blaze. Lust Snndtiy night the residence of Mr. John C. JjHl oangbt tire, and when discovered, was blizing quite livelv. With a little effort tho fire ns extinguished. The fire start ed in a morn occupied by Morris Bull, and is supposed to have caught from a lighted citjar. Keppuer is still lucky in the matter of fires, but our time is oora-itiK- A FA 111 OKFlilt. The first twenty-five new subscribers of the Guzefle who pay the cash for a year in advance, or old subscribers who pay up all arrearages and one vear in advanoe after Octobor 29. 1891. will each receive for one year, free of oharge, the nurai nortuwesi, a semi-montniy lour nal for the farmer, fruit-grower and stocKinnu. 449-tf The Pattekson Pub. Co, In connection with my Tailoring business I have opened up a fine line of GENTS' FQEN3SHINGS, INCLUDING Underwear of All Kinds, Negligee Shirts, Hosiery, Etc., Etc ALSO HAVE ON HAND AN ELEGANT LINE OF PATTERNS FOR SUITS. TTAVING IN MY EMPLOY THE BEST WORKMEN -U- that can be procured, I am still maintaining my well earned reputation as one who turns out nothing but the nob biest and most stylish suits. Prices reasonable. A. ABRAHAMSICK, OLD STAND ON MAY STREET, - - - HEPPNEll, OREGON. Parties desirous of making purchases for CASH will find it to their interest to call on us. WE MEAN BUSINESS. Come and he convinced. H. Blackman & Co., "When the leaves 'begin to turn," , Is time to think of fall purohases. , Have you Bought your OVERCOAT or " Your CLOAK For this winter's wear? Have you laid in your supply for the season? SOMEWHAT ROMANTIC. License to wed was isrned vesterdav to Green W. Brock, of Lexington, and Miss M, E. Baker, lately from the East. Tbe couple were married at Lexington to day. This is the sequel to a nronosal of marriaire through a correspondence wuicn commenced some time atru and continue:) up to a few weeks sinoe. The lady arrived at LiexinKtou last Monday evening, when, for the hrst timo, she met her prospective bet now happy spouse As is usual in all similar hapyy occasions, tlm Gazette tenders congrat ulations, This makes the fourth impor tation of this kind for Morrow county, Lexington bachelors sooriiig three of the number. There is little doubt but that many persons suffer for years w ith ailments that could easily be cured by the use of some simple remedy The following in cident in an illustration of this fnot: My wife was troubled with a paiu in her side tbe neater part of the lime for three years, until cured by Chamberlain's Paiu Biilni It has, I think, permanent ly cured her. V also have used Cham berlain's (JotiKh Kemedy whenever need ed and believe it to be tbe best in the world. P. M. Poston, Pennville, Sulli van Co., Missouri. For sale by Slocum Johuslon Drug Company. At IIeht. The baby bov of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mallorv died at TI ninn. Or Inst Sunday morning at. 3 o'clock. Mrs. Mallory arrived home Mondav eve with the remHinsof the infant, which were laid to rest in ueppnercemetery Tuesday Inst. In the hour of sorrow they have our sympathy. e ure It you have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparllla do not bo Induced to take any other. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is a peculiar medicine, possessing, by virtue ot Its peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation, curativo power superior to any other article, ft. Boston lady who knew what she wanted, and whoso example is worthy imitation, tells her experience below: To Get " In one storo where I went to buy Ilood's Sarsuparllla the clerk tried to induce me buy their own Instead of Hood's; lie told rae thclr's would last longer; that I might take It on ten days' trial; that if I did not liko it I need not pay anything, etc. But lie could not prevail on me to change. I told him I knew what Ilood's Sarsaparllla was. I had taken It, was satisfied with It, and did not want any other. K. of P. Election. At a regular con vention of Doric Lodge, No. '20. K. of P., on last Tuesday evening, the following were elected for the term commencing the first meeting in January and ending the first meeting iu July, with the ex ception of M. of A., M. of F. and M. of E., who are elect-d for one year: C C, . P. Voruz; V. C, H. S'-herzinger; Pre late, VV. (i. Saling, M. of A., Sterling Keithly; K.of H & S.. T.U Aubrev; M. of F. J N. Brown; M. of E., J. R. Si-mom-; Trustees. O. V. Harrington, An drew fwod aud Thomas Quaid. When I began taking Hood's Sareaparlll I was feeling real miserable, suffering a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak that at times I could hardly stand. I looked, and bad for some time, like a person in con sumption. Hood's Sarsaparllla did me so much good that I wonder at myself sometimes, and my friends frequently speak of It." Miis. Ella A. Goff, 61 Terrace Street, Boston. Sarsaparilla Boldby alldruggisu. SI; all for J5. Prepared onl) fcy C. I. HOOD 4 CO., Apothecaries, TaweU, Maat iOO Doses One Dollar HEPPNER BAKERY! May Street, Heppner, Or., C. R U II 1, X r opi-ie tor. KEEPS FRESH BREAD, CAKES, PIES AND CONFECTIONERY. FINE CAKES'orVEDDING PARTIES Etc., Made to' Order on Short Notice. S ATIS F ACTI ON GUR ANT EED AND PATRONAGE SOLICITED. C. 11UTIL, Proprietor, May Street, - Heppner, Oregon. If Not, Call on And iuspect their Complete Stock. CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, STAPLE and FAN CY GROCERIES, ETC Extra Good BUTTER ALWAYS AT HAND. ' MINOR BROS, SE1EI. IH EMPORIUM, Heppner, Oregon. Itemovel to Tli4r Now Hntt-nnir on Main St. mit U"or tu li uii am A, liinhtte h. NELSON JONES, Prcsiilcni. E. li. BISHOP, Treasurer. STRIKING BOTTOM ! AN Al MACHINE - MADE HARNESS, Such as is selling for $28 to $33, SB28! FIEDTTCJUD TO IVCAHH IOWrV.-Ra A full stock of everything in the line of Harness, Saddles, Kobi, Whips, Spurs, Bits, Ktc. x. w. iioshjjvis i, OPPOSITE MOUKOW'S LIVERY STAIJLK, HEl'PNEK, OKEUON. T. E. FELL, SeereXarii. Tbe Morrow Oounty Laml it Trust Coup? PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK J2.-..000. wm d Forwarding Iptiis, U Com HKl'PNKR. OREGON. The Highest Market Price Paid for all kinds of Grain, Sheep Pelts, Hid? )s. Etc. MAaIMONY AND ftjrn i ruins KMP 0 11 1 UM Art) cloHcly allied, beamso a inurrk'rt noiiplu without Kuniitiiro 1b lika a K'v'r;imtMit without n ruler. viirxmi'i ni ii i mt 1 1 mm i vi m i UUIAJU ui nuiiiuiiu 0U,H 111. Agent For the La Grande Marble Works. OLD STAND ON MAY HT1UCKT, IIKPI'NER, OUKGON. ii e i m price Flour Exchanged for Wheat. HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. IJKITNKIl WAllKIIOI'KH: j 5,01)0 Has Won:. 50.00111) r!alirl (m.iiii lMH W.AH WAIIKHOI'SK: un,ooo iiusiiuia c; IONK WAltKHOCriK. I'll, (MM) lin-lifl, (irmn lf ft 1 1 & . Odd Combimitioi V 'TO NAlh,-i A,h nVtlAJ!. PEAI.T. I1AHLVY AM) PA ht.OCK - Sir I lilJHl I' JilM O roocrv to 1)1' TOMA TO KE'lVliUl' JIAMMKHS, ; CAX.XKD niHWH ,v .!.1MU'.V7'M.V. JmhimiI Only ut The l.'uiul.-ii.-llnnlwiire Stot'P of 7'H !! iL E10M'ISON COMPANY -JMvWjKKH in G. W. IIAUUIXaTON, Manner. I fet-1 it my duty to any a fuw word in regard to Ely 's Creftra Balm, nod I do eo entirely without solicitation. X have used it more or less balf n yenr, and bHve found it to be motif admirable. I have suffered from caUrrli of the worst kind ever fince I was a litMe boy sod I never hoped for cur', but Cream JiHlm flee ms to do even t tint. Mhijv of niy Hcqiitiitifancen have uHed it with excel leut results. O.Hcar Ontum, 4o Warren Ave., Chicago, III. Recently the foliowlnn Notice apneargd In tH San Franciwo Chronicle. "Judge S had been sick only abont two weeks, and it was not until the last three or four days that the maladvtook a serious turn. At the beginning of his illness he suffered from diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the kidney-refused to perform their fund ionsand he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia." Like thousands of others his un timely death wasthe result of neglecting early symptoms of kidney dlease. IF VOU are troubled with diabetes, gravel, or any de rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs, don't delay proper treatment r, you are forced to give up your daily duties ; dm't waste your money on worthless liniments and worse planters, but t:ike at the seat of the disease at once by u'.ng the greatest of all known remedies, thi celebratedOregon Kid ney Tea. It has ?si-ed the lives of thousands. Why should it rvjt cure you? Trv it. Purely vegetable w.'i pleasaut to take. Jl.OOa pack age, 8 foe j.00. NKW '10-DAY. A QUERY ANSWERED. "Oh, where! Oh, wltce ran I (jet a aline, 'That IIIh like a ylnee uml won't wear thrauah, That feels no eanii an'l. htnk ho neat Thai utliera v HI envy t'ie ntyle of niy fed?" Khi'l friend. In your a tention let me, nay: Come alonf vjiih me, I'll ahow you the. way To Mai t Ilnvh'n, where they hare made, The 0' t bra uit of rla e i sold to the trade. Home. imn',. ivjo I tln iaiht I would htiy A pair of these shoes, just to iire. them a try. They tnre suelt satiU''ldm. Tit ti'd vied another pair For at least six month, which is ipiiti; rare. Grnci'i 1 fnp.hvu' v, Tin .vine, ionfcrtioiitM-y Wood rt VViiiir.v Want ittiil j,'ii:,i!tm al ltnijlciiuiiitrt. A;'"iili f .r NKW UOMK S-wit.f,' Mm'liinps mi.l IMfKIJIATi LUAHU-RMAXS' TOOLS A SPLCIALTV. Kt tii'irki-iily ixi . ( , t i f. im'i,.; tii.iiiiriiieiitH to CmH Cuh- triM. If- ' fii.-i- Miiin nut) Willow Stwis, 11 tiimfi1 Or K. II. :-l.VI mm fi mi cum. Slock LICHTENT HAL & SCHERZINGER, lias tho llcst Selected of Furniture iu Mnln Mtroet, Heppner, Or. jyUuili-rtiikinn iiihI I!i'mirini a Speuinlly. MAIN rilKKET, OPP. I'. 0. TUC.VH'SON'H, HBPPNER, OH