The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, November 26, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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Laughton and His Little
I.Ives to Down His Knemlea Senator
Allen May Find Him Sitting as
Speaker In the Next Legis
Conconulia-, Nov. 10 One of Lieu
tenant Governor Laughton'a closest
friends is authority for the statement
that Laughton will run for the Assembly
in Okanogan county next year. It is
i onceded that he can have the Repub
lican nomination and with his popular
ity in this county election is almost as
sured. "Okanogan" Smith, the preaent
representative, is said to have declared
that he would under no circumstances
accept the position again.
When asked what Laughton'a reason
could be for taking auch a position his
friend replied that Laughton's one polit
ical purpose now was to get even on his
enemieB and chief among these are
Ferry, Squire and Allen. Allen will
come ud for re-election next year and
that is Laughton's opportunity to get
even on the little triumvirate which has
been downing him. Laughton being
the best presiding officer who ever Bat at
Olympia there is strong likelihood that
he would be elected speaker of the house
and be in a position of exceptional
Talk or an Attack ou ltiiaala Cause s
Vienna, Nov. 10 Saturday's panic
was partly due to the loose talk current
of the splendid opportunity offered by
Russia's present condition for an attack
upon her by the Oreibund in order to
terminate the peace and prevent Russia
and France from completing the enor-1
mous preparationa mat, are meiy w
place them on an equality with the
lie l'.nyi 1 I'arn.
Carson, Nov., Nov. 10 Arthur Leon
ard, clerk of Wells Fargo Express com
pany, has been arrested on a charge of
embezzling $2000. Leonard has been
running high hand and lost heavily at
faro, $1000 in one night, $8000 in an
other, all in three weeks. He is bonded
by the Vacific Burety company, of San
Francisco, whose agent ia now in Car
son. La Gri.ipa In Ll Fr.inoe.
Paws, Nov. 16 Influenza of a virulent
type has appeared in Periguex and other
towns in the department of D'Orgne.
The large seminary at Periguex is
closed in consequence of the disease.
Kiln M iking In India.
London, Nov. 10 A dispatch from
India tella o a number of private ex
periments in that country with dyna
mite explosion, with a view to induce
rain. The disDatch states that dynamite
was explodod on the hills at Madras at
an altitudo of 500 feet and that the ex
plosions produced smart showers over
an area of four or five miles square.
I'rlnce George liecon'Hng.
London, Nov. 10 The alarm excited
bv the announcement of the illness of
Prince George, the second son of the
Prince of Wales, who is suffering from
, an attack of enteric fever, was allayed
this morning by the announcement that
he had passed a good night and that he
ia making satisfactory progress toward
Revolution In Mexico.
Rio Grande City, Tex., Nov. Hi
News was received here today that on
the 12th instant Catarino Garza and
about 100 men were attacked by several
hundred Mexican soldiers near Mier.
fvtnrinn hnld his around. A vol
ley was fired at his force but with no
damage, and it was returned by revolu
tionists causing the death of three sol
dierB and wounding one. The govern
ment forces fell back in disorder.
Sunieoted of Train Kobbery.
Galena, 111., Nov. 10 Ralph White,
one of the men held at Racine, Wis.,
under suspicion of being implicated in
the train robbery at Western Union
Junction, ia a member of one of the beBt
and wealthiest families in this county,
being a eon of J. W. White, president of
the Hanover Woolen company and
nephew of Senator Cheney, of New
HamDshire. He ia well known here as
an excellent young man, with a passion
for hunting. He left home a week ago
to indnlea in this sport with his cousin
Hnndnrarm who is also favorably known
here. Their friends scoff at the idea
that they had anything to do with the
f.ntmpv niflalals Indicted.
Vnnir. Nov. 16 An indictmen4
against the management of the Louisi
ana State Lottery company has been
found bv the United States grand jury
which completed ita work in Trenton,
N. J., yesterdav. J. P. Labure, M. P.
Arnoult, P. Voirheea. A. J. Iiachman,
W. Vaieton, L. Poche, J. L. Perwig, If.
O. Fahend, P. L. Herwig, C. 11. Hyam,
J. A. Morris, F. T. Howard, J.' F. Hor
ner and Paul Conrad are among those
indicted. They are charged with in
fringing on the lottery law by issuing a
pamphlet purporting to be a decision on
the lottery case in which were secreted
envelopes for the sending of money for
lottery tickets. These booka were sent
through the ma Is.
Another Itepabllean Iret.
Lisbon, Nov. 10 The Republicans
were badly defeated in yesterday's elections.
Chinese Rioters Put to Death Large
Indemnities PalJ.
London, Nov. 16 Tbe Chronicle'! cor
respondent at Shanghai aayB: "The
capture of Tehwei, near Foo Choo, on
Tuesday by 15,000 rebels, was a well
organized riaing, the rebels being armed
with repeaters ana were lea Dy capame
men. The outbreak waa directed mainly
againat the authorities, though anti-
foreign cnea were heard, ine omciaia
ware nowarless. The European resi-
dente are apprehensive of the spread of
the revolt, ine britisn coneui nere in
an interview said that he believed the
recent disquietude only temporary, the
spring and aummer being the favorable
period lor outrages in unina. i,igiu
draft gunboats are an absolute necessity
to protect the Europeans in the interior
and at the river treaty ports, where
massacres will inevitably follow unless
Bpecial preventive measures are adopted.
In spite of the semi-official statement
two Chang rioters have been beheaded
and others bastinadoed. It is a notori
ous fact that the real culprits are still
free, being protected against arrest by
exalted officials. Agents of the Pekin
treasury have paid the indemities agreed
upon, 2000 pounds, to the sufferers at
Wuchu, and 4000 pounds to the families
of the Europeans killed at Wusseh.
American missionary Dart expresses the
opinion that the trouble will be renewed
next spring."
GER MAN REICHSTAG. in Levenin8 p-u-& Gov,t Reprt-Au ,7 j88
Kaiser's Policy Awaited
Gross- Immorality ExIsU In th rrencn I ' Pneoutlng Ger
man and an Eiodui
Country la Impending.
The Loves of Arthur
and Emily.
Mrs. Malllard Leaves Her Htisbanl ror
the I.ovo tif a Farm Hand, anil U
Flnullv Married to Hlin-A Scandal
in High Lira Ended.
TT.imifiri Cal.. Nov. 16 Emilv Mail-
lard and Arthur Insrram were married
Saturday. This ends the Maillard case
Damng if
Frcm That
Queen Regent's Wishes
Prluoeas Stephanie of Austria Said to
Be In Lore With Prince Ferdinand
of Bulgaria Germany Friendly to
Slam The Finns Ignored.
n or money
Mrs. Maillard waa living with her
husband at San Anselo, a small town
about 20 miles from San Francisco, and
announced one day that she was going
to that city for a visit. She was seen on
the train by an acquaintance, but after
that disaDDeared completely, and no
tmna nf har .-mild be found.
Detectives were put on the case and a
reward was ollered. ine papers aa
vanced various theories, and every clue
mho fnllmvoil nn without success. Then
aiirtrinnlv her husband aDneared. and
announced that she had been found and
ha wanted no further search or discus
aion. The next 8tep waa the filing of a
divorce auit by him, and then the whole
atorv came out.
The Drominence of the parties, Mr.
Maillard'a father havirnr been aecretary
to Napoleon in his younger days, and
Mr. Thompkin, Mrs. Maillard'a father,
heinc- a prominent capitalist of San
Francisco, caused the greatest interest to
be aroused in the caae.
Mrs. Maillard was inclined to stout
ness and waa in the habit of taking long
rides and walks through the country.
Her husband did not care tor tnat sort
of thing, and bo her companin on these
trips was a laborer on her father-in-law'e
ranch, named Ingram.
Aa time passed, Mrs. Maillard became
interested in the handsome farm hand,
and one day, as she romantically ex
pressed it, "our eyea met and then we
knew each other'a secret." From that
time her only thought was to get away
from her. husband, whom she came to
hate, and' go with the man that had won
her heart.
She went to San Francisco where she
met Ingram and together they went to a
lumbering camp near Eureka, Hum
boldt county. Here tney were Durieu
from prying eyea until ahe wrote a letter
to her husband and from this her hiding
Dlace was discovered, and a reporter
sent to interview her.
She expressed nersell as tnorougniy
satisfied with the choice she had made,
and though she Bhowed some regret at
being parted from her cnuuren, sne nau
no inclination to return. Though she
had always shown a great deal of family
pride, and had been inclined to be
aristocratic and exclusive in her social
relations, she appeared to enjoy her
rough surroundings, and showed no
scruples at living thus in violation of the
laws of society with a man who was not
her husband.
Ingram, on the other hand, felt
keenly hia aituation, and expressed
araat intnrast in the nrozress of the di
vorce proceedings. The granting of the
divorce and aubaeqnent marriage will
nrnhahlv nermit them to retire 'rora
public view. .
I. d a Satel Nov. lfi It ia reported that
the Ka aer will be decidedly pacific in
the tone of hia speech tomorrow at the
nf tha reichstag. while at the
same time.upholding the ability of Ger
many to uphold ine imperial intereotn.
Mimirit. Nov. 16 There is a strongly
supported movement among the city . U, A y y m -j-Q BE INCREASED
liUUUlllUlD vr --
tha on Han hook or the Kaisers aura-
graph entry on the occasion of hia recent
vieit, to tne eneci wat mo m ui
Kina ia t.ha sunreme law. Lb is wkuou
that the statement is not true of the
King of Bavaria, who is a constitutional
monarch, and that if it waa made aa an
alluaion to tne Kaiser nimaBii, u "
in mil t. t.n the neoDle of Bavaria.
Tha foo no nn tne suoieci runs very t Nov. 07 Tha nuances ox
high in Munich, and it is thought that gpain have so long been shaken that the
w tha anihnritioa dn not themselves ex- ,i,i ,,o nf thnt. envarnment in the
nunee the obnoxious entry, it may be airantinn of a slashinsr economy has not
done against their wishes. The incident aroueed much stir in the London mar-
haa aroused all the Bavarian jeaiousy ui ket although everybody approves ine
Pnmsia. and it is ODenlv charged that hniAnaoanf the aueen resent in stop-
the Kaiser is endeavoring to entrench in tne addition to the navy, while
upon the liberties of Bavarian people. everv other maritime power ia laying
The matter will probably be a matter of ,xr,tion rifrht and left or issuing loans
discussion in tne Bavarian naiuuer ui . hniW irnnc ads.
Deputies. A dispatch from Madrid says that the
HoniALisTS make a iiitM aih tit aw nn ipv was aeiermineu unuil uo-
Berlin Nov. 10 The Socialist mem- cause the queen regent resolved that it
bers of the reichstag held a meeting snouid oe. iu Tf 'To . '.ill
yesterdav to consider their course as to jeciea, ine queou n
the case of Socialist Deputy Smith held have to be content with the. .respectably
in imprisonment under sentence dv ine mil noi iotunuu, n.v-
tribunal at unemniiz. xuey uum- , .
j..:i.j hi. rolaaaa Tha is said, is urging an
pending the session of the reichstag. other economy and that ia the stoppage
It is said that in this they will have the of the pensmna of ex-ministers after a
n-t nf ..nnoirWahla number of certain period, scores oi lormer
ouuuwi v v I . . ,
Sweden Experiences
Beati Grandfather'! Clock-From Gothenburg-
to Dunkirk In an Open Boat
Foreign Commerce of Norway
Separate Minister of Foreign A II a Ira.
The Celebrated French Sure,
Is Sold oh a
to euro any
form of nervous
disease, or any
disorder of the
BEFORE ceueratlre or- Ar 1 fchf
ani of either sex whether arising from tha
excessive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium,
or through youthful indiscretion, over indulg
ence, 4c, such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful
ness, Bearing down Palm In the Back, Seminal
Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn
al Emission,' , Leucorrhoea, Dlzzinesa, Weak Mem.
ory, Loss of Power and Impotency, which if ne
glected often lead to premature old age and insan
ity. Price tl.OO a box, e boxes for 16.00 Sent by
mall on receipt of price.
order, to refund the money If a Permanent
cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials
from old and young, of both sexes, permanently
cured by Aphboditiki. Circular free. Adaresi
For sale by Slocura, Johnston Drug Co., Hep
pner Oregon,
s. v
,.r infrt nation end ab-.
, , B li I
ll .in-.visy. ,..;f., (
(m 00 a ytar U brng mtdt by John It.
Uoodwln.'l'roy,N.V.,t work foriw. Rudar,
you mny n"t make much, but w on
khoii jr nn quickly hi.tT to Mm from f 6 to
10 a ilrty tit the tfttrt, and more you o
un. Biilh ea, an atrea. in any p i
Ameficti, you fan cominrnctJ at homo, glr
i UK all your H hip, or apare momenta only to
die work. All la new. Great pay Sl'KK fof
everv worker. We atart you, furniahfnf
everyihiriK. KA8II.V, Hl'EKDIT.Y learned.
I'AIU'H LLAHB FKKE. Addreaa at onca,
u Lite success
deputies irrespective of party.
IMMORALITY in the army.
Nov. 16 The minister of
bers of the cabinet are drawing these
nnnainna in Snain. althouzn some 01
them served only a few days and then
resiened. Queen Christina wants pen-
has directed a thorough inquiry as io aions abolished,
the alleged instances of immorality in Quite a Btir was created in Madrid on
Haia roan vpn m Rtami) oul unnriav hv rnn nirnmauou ul un aiiuiiv-
vicious practices, which, it is said, were mous paper urging that the property of
especially prevalent in the time of the the church be confiscated as the means
iota Vor,ln,,n and were sUDDOSed to nf oAt.tinor the Btate out of its financial
have virtually disappeared with the difficulties. Notwithstanding plunder
other evils that attended the gilded by the French in the early part of the
niMintn UmmnirA ui laie circum- eentiirv. tne cnuron in opam m suu
.i.n.s. hna pnmn to licrht that leave no varv ri'ch. and has an immense endow-
rloiibt nf a moral ecliDse in certain quar- ment of valuable estates. Of course
ters, and those at Chalons is saia to De Queen Christina, wno is a aevoui iamo'
not exceptional. lie. would not entertain such a proposi-
T-.nm Nnv. lfi The miners of lJas "'"
iwq nolaio hnve Bentmessenaers to Eng- Viekn. Nov. 17 Kumor is again con-
land to solicit aid in their present strike necting the name of the Princess Steph
rm p.n.rliah minnra. The latter will, it nni widow of Prince Rudolph, with
iioliAioil extend their suDnort. that nf Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria. It
if,n,,i, nn nii'i'ml action had been U aaid that the consent of Francis Jo'
6 ... 1, .1-- L ln I I i . I, .1.-1. tl.AiH V.Q.
taken on tne suDjecc. ii ine siruggio sepn is an tnat is mu.iug w v"i
protracted aid may De sent irom auicr- iroinai. ceuiuoo dioijuuiiio
Vienna. Nov. IS Accounts from
thinks that Rhe ouirht to remain
mourning a while longer for her late
husband, who died less than two years
ago. A few days ago she visited for the
first time the chapel at Meyerling,
erected over the scene of her husband's
tragic death, and she also sent iwo
beautiful wreathB for ' herself and her
little daughter to be laid on the Prince's
tomb. , ...
r f , . , , rflOlWIlUHliallUliiK mgun w
many sooner or later, has determined to h Stephanie is well known to be
rid itself of those who by their natural pFerdinand ad to be in
Stockholm, Nov. 7 Seventy Swedish
Americans arrived at Gothenburg Octo
ber 16.
Their iron wedding was celebrated by
Per Moberg, a prominent citizen of Rop
ing, and his wife.
Three hundred and fifty-six people
emigrated to America October 16 by way
of Gothenburg.
At Bollntes Blight earthquakes have
been noticed at three different times
during the last 15 months.
Lieutenant General l'abian Wreoe
celebrated his 79th birthday. He is in
the best of health.
T.inknninir has electric liehts. In two
months motive power will be transmitted
to the city from the Nygvarm waterfalls.
At Karlstad spiders succeeded in spin
ning a cobweb between two buildings
which were 250 feet apart.
The increase in the pub'ication of all
kinds of periodical literature for the year
1890 was 13 per cent.
The Idle Men's Union" is the name
of a society lust organized in btockholm
The date 1772 is inscribed ona clock
belonging to Lena Karlsson, of Getsjo.
It stopped this fall after an uninterrupt
ed service of 119 years.
"Nva Nisse" will be the name of a
new Swedish Puck that is soon to be
published in Stockholm.
An inmate of the Fathoping poor
house who showed symptoms ol trich
inosis 10 vears ago died a few days ago.
An examination snowea mat a great,
number of trichina were still encysted in
his body.
A disp-itch from Dunkirk statos that a
Swedish journalist named Undgren has
arrived at that port from Gothenburg,
having made the voyage in an open boat.
The dimensions of this boat are : Length,
16 feet; width, 0 feet. Undgren's only
means of propelling his boat was by
rowing. He intended also to go to Lon
don and thence return to Gothenburg,
Those CclrbratPd ENULIsUl:
Piils are a I'onlt ivo Curefor SIpW S
ilrudui'lir, lIHlouaneaa. ami!
-M.iunil-ii.tion. (mii all. pleu-
nnt and a fiiTorlte with the-
li:'K-. Sold In Kusriana ior
i vd., In America tor ftftc. Gel.;
iht'ia from your Druggists, org
send to W. H. HOOKER CO
4A Weat Broadway, Sew York, t
interior of ltussia aay that a general ex
odua is beginning of Germana, who, for
a century past, nave naa a .eauing
share in the development of the indua-
trial welfare of that country. There ia
reason to believe that the Russian gov-
flrnment flnticiDfttina war wita uer
n iiniinnniTnni
M l MA lim
U I I WW w
r 1W- W n I J td T TTrf ruik K
ftA till m zJL&it
The Great French Speoifofor Debility.
Arn ou troubled
with any form of
nervous disease or
any disorder of the
Generative organs,
arising from youth-
lul liunscrei '"'"
over indulge
such as
of Brain
Power ,
ness,Sem- .
inal Weakness, Nocturnal Emiseioni, WeaH
Memory, Loss of Power or Impotency 1
We Guarantee Six Boxes to Cure Any Case.
A WRITTEN GUARANTEE is given for every
$5.00 order received, to refund the money
if a permanent cure is noi auccuu.
Is used and recommended by the leading
uhvsicians of this country anil Europe, ami
there is no quewuuit an iu ........
So said Bul-
wer, that
ereatest of
Novelists, and h
aver spoke more
trulT. and he mieht
kave added with equal force, that aural
is the essence of success. Wisdom!
Robertlne is the synonym at merit, tad
its history is nieces. Tha Magical af
fects of this preparation have been attrat
ed by thousands of the leading Udiaaaf
society and the stage. It is the oaly arti
cle ever discovered which give NiUmr
al and Beautiful tint to the eouplexloa,
at the same tune removing all langhiiaai
of the face and anna and lescviag M
skin soft, smooth and Telvtty. It baa
long been the stndy of chemists to pra
dnce an article that while it would ftnrn
iify the completion woaid also hT tha
merit of twin harmless, but these t
important qualities were nrm hroakt
together until comWned in
The Catholics who make pilgrimages
to Wadstena refuse to sefj the bones of
sympathies, would be inclined to the
German side. The Germans are not
harraased n the same degree as me
Jews, but they are made to feel certain
that have been in abeyance.
and menacing hints are thrown out tnai
wnran ia rominff.
The nt net Beams to De 10 iriKiiveu
rather than to force them away. Their
pastors everywhere are persecuted anu
mma hnvfl linen aent to Siberia on the
charue of makinz proselytes ana oi
nreachinir auainst tne Kussian mini.
1'aken c
receipt of almost daily tokens of his
regard. Francis Joseph, it is said, does
not look on tms auair wuu approval,
both because he thinks Stephanie
should be entirely devoted to her hus
band's memory and because he has
doubts about Ferdinand's position.
TUpt.tN Nov. 17 While the cordial
and magnificent reception ol frince
Damrong, of Siam, by the Kaiser was
doubtless prompted in large part by a
Altogether the aituation of Germans in desire to sustain German interests and
pnI,ii iu faat hnenminir intolerable. influences on that kingdom, it is also
construed as notice to France that Ger-
Rusaia is fast becoming intolerable,
TJr,u Nnv. lfi The PoDe has fully re
covered his health and notwithstanding
tho cnnl weather, takes dailv exercise in
the Vatican garden, except when it interpreted, as shown by his subsequent
a Killroari Stilka Coming.
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 16 Trouble is
the freight conductors
and brakemen of the Kansas City, Fort
Scott and Memphis railroad, which
threatens to develop into a strike. Tne
anmWtnra and brakemen have several
grievances against the road and among
other tilings ueinanu nu iuum
wages and reduction of the number of
hours. The company refuses to accede
to the demands. A meeting will be held
next Wednesday at which the said em
ployes will declare a strike.
Baltimore, Md., Nov. lti Charles F.
Mayer, president of the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad company submitted to the
stockholder in the annual meeting here
today, his statement of the affairs of the
company for the fiscal year ended Sep
t.mher an 18HI. The s ockholders were
o well pleased with the statement that
they voted that a minute be made of
their appreciation of the prudent, wise
and energetic management of the affairs
of the company by President Jiayer.
The table of operations for the year
shows net earnings $7,462,000, income
from other sources makes a total of
$8,712,000; from thi- deduct interest on
bonded indebtedness, rentals, taxes and
other charges leaving a balance $,092,-000.
RnkTnK Nov. 18 The eclipse of the
. ... t i
moon last nigm was owourvou m
moat favorable circumstances in this
city as the sky was cloudle-s.
At liarvara pnotograpuu wero ura,
th nlatea bein2 exDosed five minutes,
one at a time, the greatest totality being
exposed 10 minutes. The plates were
immediately aeveiopea anu examinou,
the principal object of the observation
being to determine if possible whether
the moon has a satellite. No sign of such
a body was discovered. Harvard also
established an observatory in Arequipa,
l'eru, where the search for the satel lite
were also made. Observations were
also taken at Harvard of the eclipse of
one of the satellites ot lupiter. This
eclinse beiran at 5:29 and lasted three
minutes. .
Threa lnillaii blvoa fur Oat.
Los, Nov. 17 Judge Ross, of
the United States court, has sentenced
three Yuma Indians to 'death for the
brutal murder of an old medicine man
of their tribe some montliB ago.
Tank to
many should be found championing Si
amese mdepenaence against J reucu g-
- .. ,. .... .,..
frince uamrong nimseu evmeutiv
storms, when he takes exercise in a nan remark8 part of the prince's mission
r,oMullv fitted nn for the nurnose in the . la tn mnn.l Knuland and Ger-
Vatican. i ih repuitc many in respeci xo wuat protounuu
has not come to a decision on the ques- Kiam .nni,i ftxria(.t should France be-
tion of leaving Rome, but that there is too aggressive. England is said
no reason to Deneve inai vub iuh uj to nave g,v6n a favorable reply ana ine
Deeu ttuauuuueu. indications inai uermany wm
r AT 1T Kl,,nT. Avlfa,
BEHNE, JOV. lO 1US I T1- I j I. K.l.nJ k. (h
town of Winterthur is n a state ol miu,'' 'r ,
financial nanic owln. to the suspension announcement of the imperial ukase ex-
i War TsnuMies
Square Hia Aecounts,
Nashville. Tenn.. Nov. 16 A horrible
case of poisoning is reported from Centre
romt in nenaerson county. iuti
drovers went to the house of Joe Kegan
to collect money due tbeni. Kegan
claimed that he could not pay the money
and asked the men to give him more
tune. They reiuseu k uo hub uu tu.u
him if he did not pay at once they
would levy on him.
This angered Regan, and he deter
mined upon a plan to square the debt
and get in a deadly revenge. He in
vited the four men to remain for supper
and during the meal brought in some
white corn whisky, of which all drank.
The debauch continued far into the night,
and one by one the men leu over mio
a sleep from which three of them never
awakened. Next morning the four lay
stretched on the floor of the dining hall.
WhAn found. Jack Baker. John Holly
and Sam Wilson were dead and William
Hagelin was unconscious, but was after
wards revived. Kegan is under arrest.
He is considered to be parti insane.
of the principal bank in the place.
Heavy Bail Fixed.
k'tnusTiiH. N. Y.. Nov. 14 An appli'
ration has been made bv counsel for
James E. Ostrander and Matthew T.
Trombours, defaulting treasurer and as
sistant treasurer of the Ulster County
Savings Institution before Judge
Edwards, at a special term here, to fix
the amount of bail necessary for
tiia clients. Counsel wanted the court
to fix the amount to exceed $20,000
which was strongly opposed by the dis
trict attorney who thought that the
amount should be at least $50,000. The
md OBtrander's bail at $40,000
and Trambours $3U,000. It is not believed
either will be able to outttin sureties at
these figures.
Slashed la a Brawl. .
San Francisco, Nov. 14 In a saloon
brawl this morning Richard McTigue
was slashed with a knife across the ab
Hnmen and Inft thiirh. and mav die. He
accused Frank Cording, a painter, who
was arrested.
ran ha enmcd at ourNKWHn, of work.
rui)llly and honurably. bjr Ihoaa of
either tea, vouns or old, and In their
own locallttra.whflrBvor ihry lira. Any
one law. do (he work. Kii.y to learn.
urnl.h everyihhiR. Wo .tail yon. No rl.k. You can de,ol
iienia, or all your umo 10 uir .- .
...4 ..H I.. I..... u nn.l.rOil mln tl to e,rV worker.
:lnnrr are earntna; from to o per wrea ano uynam
more alter a iitua experience, n e can i.iu,.,, ,.. -
pluvmeiit anil leach you fto apace to eapia u a-,-.
iurrrmaliou PI1KK. TKI E afc CO.. it'JtB'li, lliaS.
Brtiipr little fortune. haffheen madeaUj
fVl ror ua, oy Anna """-r
IVaaa, and Jno. Bonn, Toledo, Ohio,
see cut. Other, nredolngu well, tthy
not you? Soma earn oter S600.OU a
mouth. Von can do tha work and Hre)
,it h ,me, wherever you are. Evv' b -
It) a day. A II age.. We .how yon how
and start you. I'an work In .pare tint
or all the lime. Bltr money for work
era. Failure unknown among then.
N F.W and wonderful. Partlculara fraa.
V.llallult.t 'o..IloOI"iitlund,Mla
A TF.AK1 I undertake to briefly
teach any tulrly intelligent peraon of either
.ex, who can read and write, and who,
alter Instruction, will work Indu.trloualy,
n earn Three Thou.and Dollars a
Vearinthelrown localltles.wlicn-ver they llee.l wlllalaofurnlah
the aituation or emplymenl,nt which you can earn thatamount.
No money for tneunlca. .urcea.fut a. above. F.a.llyand qulcklr
learned, fdcalre but ona worker from each dlalricl orojunty. 1
have already taught and provided with employment a large (
number, who are making over IKU) a year each. It'alVKW
and MO 1. 1 la. Full particular. K KKE, Addre.. at onca,
K. J, ALl.l:S. llux 4ie, Auutiatu, Maine.
Adjustable Extension Stand.
It will
tending to Finland, now prevailing in
linunia in reference to the export of
cereals excenting wheat. The Ukase
entirely iimoreB the Finnish diet, and in
n far abroeates the constitution of Fin'
land, which Alexander L ana nis succes
sors swore to support, irom the tem
per of the Finns there is little donbt
that in tne event of a war between Uer
many and Kussia, they woula De louau
largely on the side of Germany.
Trii Banking Houao Falls.
Tyler, Tex., Nov. Hi The banking
house of Bonner & Bonner has assigned
for the benefit of preferred creditors and
depositors generally. So far as can be
ascertained the liabilities of the bank
will exceed $500,000. The assets are
said to be more than able to cover the
liabilities, but as they consist in part, at
leaat, of Btocks and personal papers, it is
not known whether they will realize
enough to pay deposit accounts and
other debts,
Governor-General to Resign.
WinnkI'EO, Nov. 14 Uispatch to the
Tribune irom Ottawa, Ont., says Lord
Stanley, governor general is on the
point of resigning to go to India.
H w About the Other Three T
San Francisco, Nov. 14 John u.
Church, convicted of an attempt to mur
rlar hia fourth wife last August, was
I today sentenced to pay a fine of $1000
and serve one year in tne county uau.
The most extensive park in Europe is
Deer Park in Denmark. It contains
4200 acres.
The largest park in the United States
is Fairmount, at Philadelphia, and con
tains 2740 acres.
The largest university is Oxford in
England. It consists of 21 colleges and
five balls.
The highest monument in the world
is the Washington monument, being WO
feet from its base.
The highest natural bridge in tbe
world is at Rockbridge, Va., being WO
feet high to tbe bottom of the arcn.
The great wall of China, built 200 B.
C, is 1250 miles in length, 20 feet high
and 25 thick at the base.
The largest foreign landholder in the
United States is the English Syndicate
No. 1, in Texas, with 4,600,000 acres.
The most remarkable echo known is
that in the castle of Bimonetta, two
miles from Milan. It reports the echo
of a pistol 60 times.
The longest Bpan of wire in the world
ia used for a telegraph in India over tha
river Kistuah. It is over 0000 feet and
is stretched between two bills 1200 feet
Tbe tallest man was John Hale, of
Lancashire, England, who waa 9 feet 6
inches in heiicht. His hand was 17
inches long and 64 inches broad.
Ir. Leary Dlstalasad
Bostok, Nov. 14 Dr. Leary, for 12
yearn sugar examiner of thae cuatome
house, has been dismissed by Appraiser
St. Birgitta on the ground that they are
not genuine. "In this connection,''
says a paper, "we might mention that a
Norrkoping scholar claims to have
proven that said bonos are actually St.
ijirgitta's. lie haB discovered that the
remaining portion of the Bkull shows
apvnral abnormal bumns which serve as
a natural explanation of the revelations
of Birgitta."
CmiisTiAmA, Hov. 7 Norway haB 730
The Left waB de'eattd in Christiania,
but polled fully double as large a vote aa
at the last election.
The foreign commerce of Norway dur
inir the first three-nuarters of the cur'
rent year amounted to $27,755,000, soine-
wnat leas loan in eacn ui tut, two
mediately preceding years.
During the first eight months of the
year there were ZIW business laiiures re
norted. as compared with 217 in the cor
responding period last year.
The following extract from Ihe Norm
as to one ot isiornson a cauipmH"
atmnt-hfin on the aubiect of separate uiin
Bter ol torenrn anairs muv dj reau uu
interest: "Someof you perhaps do not
know how we are disgraced by the proB
ent Btate of afi'aira. If a man abroad
amnio r.v tret an invention patentee, in
Norway, where does he write to about
it? ToNorwav? Oh, no; he writes to
Sweden. And there they write to Nor
way, and then Norway writes back to
Sweden, and Sweden carries the answer
abroad. Or, if a business firm fails in
France and its connections here in Nor
way are to be investigated, the corres
pondence of the two countries is not car
ried on. direct, but through the Swedish
ministry of foreign affairs, which refers
the matter to the Norwegian govern
ment. Then the matter IB looKeu up,
and the reBults arecoinmunicnted in the
eamo roundabout way via Sweden to
France. It is Just as if JNorway were a
baby and Sweden her nurse: when
somebody talks to the child the nurse
answers for it.
"Should a Norwegian, while in foroign
parts, be unfortunate enough to need
help from his own country to get home
the correspo dence has to pass through
the Swedish authorities. No matter, be
it ever so little, concerning our mer
chant marine, which ranks the third in
the world, but what it muBt be laid first
before Sweden. In the eyes of the out
i side world Sweden alone, and not we,
has anything to do with it. A minister
i of foreign affairs of our own will be bo
little, some say, well ne won v ue any
bigger to be sure, than we are ourselves.
, But be will be ours!"
Cohkniiaobn, Nov. 7 A monument of
i i.-rorlorib- VII was un veiled the other
day in Nykjoping on the Falster Island.
A laborer, of Esbjerg, has Just been
married for the fifth time, lie is not
quite 50 years old yet.
A cannery will be established at
Fnrtiarir r.v K. A. Abrahainsen who was
engaged in the cannery business on the
Pacific coast some timge ago.
A new statue will be eroded to the
memory of the agricultural chemist
Fjord, on the Laboratory square, in
ilolger Dracbmann, the author, is to
establish a literary variety theatre in
Electric lights will prouaoiy soon ue
introduced in the city of Sorm.
The. Caar alwavs proves himself gen
erous when he visits Copenhagen. At
his last visit two sergeants received gold
medals and gold watches, and every
oldier stationed at Fredensborsj re
ceived either juouey or valuables.
Price. Sl.OOii box, 0 boxes for $5.00. Sent
by mail on receipt of price, securely wrappeu
and protecteu uom uimei vauou.
Fg sale by T. W. Ayers, jr. druging.
lfepner, Oregon
fsjr3. WIRE ROPE
vviKh A ' ! iMi ifrTn n n r
aMl(liil Lt7 raaf cn
lor Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads
I'MCUH Hl'lil.'tJKI). Hold lij tlnnli'. Kltl'.Klll 1 1 AID
No ui;irliil ac i naKKiiyc
The ifuUiulaa Woven Wi
irl Kxt
Wire Fonoe
lloavy Helvajre.
Co.. Chicago. Ill
TJm Sonk Stand, Mualo Htunrl, AtlM Stand. Albans
Stind, Blbli SUndFlo Stand, elm Lamp, Ifire,
LulKuT? SI .1 W..I.I.,T.,- "t, Boaton,
R040 WiGOHS,
On this Wonderful
--r 14 -jar- ' ' I 1 a-
Solo Proprletora and Manufactureri,
for r,,Ml"- VraHoa rarer. i", r rl J, t, r
Mill aaaaa I W 1 W 1 iLl J ?VJ
't.!Vl'i, M dI'J '
kt.v BHtTHEIL-l M BUNewYora. PrtceMets.1
Being compounded from numerou herbs and rooti, which
have been ir. use among the Osage Indians for year. It
u the use of these root, and herbs which renders that gtMr
ally dreaded event soremarkabl safe and easy with them.
The use of Osage Pills should begin three weeke befor.
nected confinement. ThOUSanoe OT I esiirnoniB. l
Inspection at our offloee. - cis". f nee, peioom .
rr .... fr -S.