The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, November 26, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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Heppuer, no in Morrmv oonnty, wants
to have tbe honor of a United States sen
ator bailing from tbnt town, and iu oritur
to get it her citizens stand ready to vote
fnreithera democrat; or a republican.
Hon. W. K. Ellis is put forward for a
place on the republican ticket and lion.
HeDry Ulackroan, at present state seoa
tor, for the democratic nomination.
This is tbe fi-Jt that we have heard
about tbe matter of anyone here desiring
the U. S. Senatorsliip. It will be some
time before tbe snooessor to Hon. J. II.
Mitchell is chosen, and as he bids fair
to sucoeed himself, there are but few as
pirants. However, Eastern Oregon, on
the republican side, has presented the
name of lion. W. R. Ellis as good ma
terial to represent tbe second congres
sional district of Oregon. Mr. Ellis is a
very capable man, and his reputation, in
both public and private life, is unblera
ished. Hon. Henry Blackmail has beeu
repeatedly mentioned in this oonueotion
with congressional honors, hut is not a
candidate, first, beoause be is not dexir-
ous of beoorain;; the party lamb of tbe
democracy in a district overwhelmingly
republican, and second, bis business in
terests prevents him from accepting such
nomination at the bauds of his party at
this particular time, even if ho bad a
fighting chance for 'election. But there
re no would be U. S. senators in this
neck 'o the woods. And wo would re
spectfully call tbe attention of the sub
editor of the Oregonian to the tact tbnt,
si'far, Oreg'in has not adopted tho sys
tem of electing U. S. senators by a di
rect vole of the people, though that is.
without doubt, the best way. Uncle
Sam's constitution will bavo to bo re
modelled a littlo to allow nny such privi
leges, uules it should finally prove that
Gov- I'ennoyer is a bigger man in bis of
ficial capacity than tbe president, with
oongress thrown in. There is a slight
presentiment that such is the caso, since
the Gov. does not care to degrade him
self by dropping down from the position
as governor of tbe great state of Oregon
to be a U. S, senator.
Maybe tho Oroyonian soi ibo has some
authority for his statement in this purtio
iviiion lias invented an electric car
that does away with the trolly, and con
sequently all overland wires, render
ing it safe and niisiirlil ly. Where the
trolly system is in use -and it is about
the only one that lias been tried so far.
previous to tbe invention of Edison
human life is constantly endangered and
tbe streets rendered one uiacs of wires.
Of this new plan of propelling oars, Edi
son says:
"A freight train of course would need
a motor because oft lie number of cars, id
turingh a single passenger car could be
run, carrying its own motor beneath it,
thenoe to the wheels, and thence back to
the side rails to tbe power house or stn
tionary engine. Three of these station
ary engines, of from 0,000 to 12,(100
horse-power each, would run tbe whole
Pennsylvania railroud system between
here and Jersey City, and I'hihidelpbia's
freight, localexpresa tr.iius and all."
About six years ago a prominent cili-z-m
of Union named Willis Skiff went,
one dav to North l'owdnr, a small town
iu Baker county, to buy wheat, stopped
' at the hotel, disappeared the evening of
his arrival, and has never been seen
since. Three men, the hotel-keeper
named Bolder, n Dr. Tibbetts and Dave
Wiggins, wore tried for murdering him,
but were acquitted for lack of evidence.
His body was never found. A Moiithna
man who passed through Union lately
says that a man was banged in that state
recently, who before his death confessed
that he was Dr. Tibbetts, and that be
killed Skifl and sunk bis body. in l'owder
river, lie said he did tho deed alone,
Bolder and Wiggins being innocent.
Skiff was killed for tuonty it was sup
posed he had with him, though it turned
out that he had very little,
Tim Harney Items (ells a tough yarn
about the discovery of a genuine wild
man by Reuben Hit, at Brierly spring,
near Harney lake, Hitz saw him fallow
ing in tbe mud, and at lirst thought il
was souio sort of a wild annual, hut Horn
discovered that it was a man, powerful
iu strength and covered with hair. A
tight ensued, and Mr. Sitz succeeded iu
knocking tbe wild man down with a club
and binding him with a cord. On re
gaining consciousness he said he bad
been running wild for seven years He
was placed in a sod jail, bill escaped, ami
was last seen going towards Jackass
mountain, which is a good place (of Mm.
A Cmo.uio paper has held an election
on tho pronunciation of the word '"ad
vertisement." The question is decided,
as 2il) Voles were polled lor "ad-ver f .'
uient" and lilU for "ad -ivrtiso-mout,"
which laittfr has the dictionaries on its
ide. But the pronunciation does not
bother many editors; it's gelling the ad
vertisements that gives them tho most
Hon. W. 11. KnniN, ex -prosecuting at
torney for Morrow and counties included
iu the same judicial district, is gaining
favor with the republicans as proper
material for erongressmau from Oregon's
second district. Long Creek Eagle.
Fiikd Pacus'I'i'min, it fonuer resident
of Feudleton and lawyer by profes
sion, has beeu engaged in some (rami,
lent laud grabbing, so says tbe Tacoiua
Ledger's Seattle correspondent, and the
lawyers are hot on his track.
Fon'skca, the dictator of Brazil, has
beeu forced to resign. Hie opposition
to him was so strong that he coi.oluded
it useless to hold out against it.
From the Portland Oregonian.
"A close personal and political frieud
of Hon. James H. Kaley, of Pendleton,"
tells the Wasco Sun that it can b' def
inately stated that Mr. Kaley will refuse
to be a candidate for the democratic con
gressional noininati.'U iD the eastern
district, "preferring to take his chances
of again becomiug joint state senator
for Umatilla and Union counties." This
the Sun thinks is a wise conclusion on
his part, because ''while he possesses
many elements of strength, the fact of
his beiun a banker would lose to him
many votes that otherwiso tho demo
cratic nominee would be sure to re
ceive." In tbe absence of a direct stale
meiit from Mr. Haley himself, the above
announcement will be looked upou with
some suspicion, especially since theed
itor of the Sun supplemented it in the
same article with an eernest advocacy of
the nomination of Judgo A'fred 8. Ben
nett, of The Dalles. There is nothing to
be said against Judge Bennett from a
democratic standpoint,, but he is far
from being so popular a man as Senator
U di y among the people of that political
fail f i. Senator Kaley is not enough of a
banker to hurt him very much, and then,
too, financiers are quite popular with the
democrats just now, as witness the eleo
tion of Flower in New York. Hut it is
hardly worth while to quarrel over tbe
democratic congressional nomination
when such good republicans are men
tioned as Judge Ellis of Morrow county;
Judge Moore, of Columbia, and Hon
Charles W. Fulton, of Clatsop, any of
whom, if nominated, can lie eleotod. On
second thought, perhaps, it is true that
Heuator Kaley is not seeking the liomi
nation. Ho may have no relish for play
iiift figurehead iu tbe next campaign.
By tho way, why have all tbe Eastern
Oregon democratic papers overlooked
Mr. Jjarnes, of Wallowa?
The Western Settler's CIiokpii SriffMe.
With every advance of emigration into
the far West, a new demand is oreated
for Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Newly
peopled regions are frequently less sal
ubrious than oldur settled localities, 011
account of the iniaHina winch rises from
recently cleared land, particularly along
the banks or rivers that are subject to
freshets. The agricultural or mining
emigrant soon Icarus, when lis dues. not
already know, that the Bitters atl'ord the
only sure protection agaiimt malaria, and
those disorders of the stomach, liver and
bowels, to which olimatic charges, ex
posure and unaccustomed or unhealthy
water or diet subject him. Consequent
ly, lie plaoes an estimate upon the
household specific and preventive ooni
nit nsurate wi! h ils intrinsic merits, and
iH careful lo keep on band a restornlive
and promoter ol heall b so inipliuilly to
be relied upon in time of need.
Tl'lllf NOTES.
Fausta, a yearling (illy by Sidney,
paced a mile in '2:2V., nt Stockton
Tuesday, beating bis world's record of
2:'2f'j, made there Saturday.
I'hn yearling filly Frou Fron, by Sid
nev, was ilriven by Willnrd Sanders in
2:2(i, beating Bell Bird's time one quar
ter of a soond, at Stockton Tuesday.
The reoord madej at the Stockto:,
trunk by A'thaoTin, Ly Matidon, and
owned by G. L. Warlow, of Fresno, w ,
a splendid one. ft was a square and performance, and Matt Dwy
er, tbe driver, was congratulated on all
sides. The cult trotted the half in 1:14! j
and finished the mile ill 1 :!!). He did
uot make a skip. It was announced
from the stand that Athadon had made
the best yearling stallion record in the
world, anil was certainly the faslest coll
of his age in existence.
A great race meeting will be held til
Independence, Iowa, on August 22 to
September il, 18!)2. C. W. Williams has
Hindu public a programme for tho next
sensou's raoe. lie oilers $200.0(10 in
purses. There will be ono 810,000 stake
every day in addition to the regular
purses. Koine day during (lie meeting
there will be a $00,000 slake for slab'
lions, in which an entrance fee will be
charged. This, it is expected, will be the
moans of bulling together such slal
liona as Palo Alio, Allerton, Staiuboul,
Nelson, Axlell, Delmarob and others.
Another child killed by tho use of opi
ates given in tbe form of soothing symp
Why mothers give their childien such
deadly poison is surprising when the)
can relieve the child of its peculiar
troubles by using Dr. Acke'r baby-soother-
It coiituJns no opium or mor
phine. Hold by Slocuiu -Johnson Drug
Co., lleppner.
SoMii of our cxehauges are booming
tbe Honorabh's W. U. Ellis, A. S. Ben
nett and Henry Blackmail of Eastern
Oregon, and 0. W. Fultou of Astoria, for
congressional honors from this district
ut the next June election. Whatever
the opinion is by the politicians, Eastern
Oregon must have either one or tbe
other, senator or representative. The
inland empire must and will he heard.
The Dalles Chronicle.
'lnr. Union Pacilic is u great company,
says The Dalles Chronicle, btfl it cannoi
have everything its own way. It may
(lodlo its cost that tbe cutting of pass,
eager rates to fill cents between Tbe
Italics mid Portland, iu order to hurt
the Regulator, will only have, tbe effect
t aiilngonizing (ho merchants of Th.4
Dalles who will retaliate by shipping all
eastern freights over (be Northern Pa
cilic to Portland.
l'be Portland World insists that Kee
ley's "gold cure'' for morphine, opium
and liquor, is a humbug. The living
(acts are against joti. We guess tbe
World did uot get an advertisement from
Keelc's Inslilule, recently established
in Portland. has been chosen na tbe
place for holding the next republican
national convention. It took seven bill-
lots to decide the matter.
Hon. V. U. ol Heppnoa is being
mentioned as a probable onndidnte
for Congress on the r publican ticket.
Uuiou Republican.
Tlie Gnat Fuinhmerilal Principle of tho
verse arxi 1' t'uwer lo K.--tire
Health to Humanity.
Experiments by scientists are constant
ly and surely proving electricity to be
the great motor power of creation.
Electricity is the in st powerful chem
ieal agent, as well as the basis of chem
ical action. It is the primal element of
light and heat ; the barometer of life and
the sustainer of health. DisefiKes yields,
readily to its magnetic touch and pres
euce. Thousands of ofllicted and snlTer-
! ing bear witness to its healing power.
1 Tbe eli-etro-magneiic, us practiced by
Urn. Damn, lias revolutionized the
practice of medicine, as is shown by the
Ed. Hvncs, Albiua, calairhal deafness,
i'. U. McFarlane, Vancouver, sciatic
rheumatism, cured.
Thonies Bell, Mecksburg, dizziness,
kidney and liver complaint, restored.
J. It. C"nninghani, Wapinita, Wasco
Co , Oregon, total ueafnss two years iu
one ear and partially so in the other,
Mrs. J. E. Smith, Prineville, Or., nerv
ous uelnlity and general weakness,
alrnnat bordering on insanity, restored.
Henson McCoy, tbe Dalles, Or., deaf
ness and terrible pain iu the ear and head
for six months, nut'l he was nearly crazy,
restlessness and insomnia Restored to
health bv ehctricity after all treatments
bad railed.
Dr. I) irrin continues lo treat all class
es, tbe rich Hnd poor alike, free of charge,
at his ollice, 7u) Washington street,
Portland, Oregon, from 10 to 1 a. m.
to 8 p m , at one-half his former prices.
Ho gives free and confidential examina
tions to all at the ollice or by letter. He
treats all curable chronic, acute and
private diseases with ; electricity, and
medciue when required.
At a special meeting of Rawlins Post,
G. A. K, the follow ing resolutions were
IVIieveus, Tbe sorrow that must come
to all by dealh has overwhelmed our es
teemed comrade, Win. H. Craddio and
bis family, in tbe dealh of his wife;
therefore be it
JiemlvU, That we, tho comrades of
Rawlins Post, extend to our sorrowing
eomr atle and his family our most heart
felt sympathy in their great ibereave
oiont. (J. W. Smith, )
It. J. Hill. I
1 Com.
J. 1 1. Inhkkkp
Lexington, Or., Nov. Hi, ls'Jl
The Oregonian, at great expense, has
prepared a sectional map of Oregon, and
offers it as a premium for subscriptions
lo the weekly Oregonian. '(he map is
corrected up to date, is 40x50 inches iu
size; scale, six miles to the inch. It is
neatly finished and ou rollers ready to
bang no on (he wall. This is tbe finest
map of Oregon ever issued, and should
be in every household iu thestate. Anv
mie sending SU.UO will receive tbe Week
iy Oregonian fur tifieen months (if the
subscription is received prior to January
1, 1H'.)2,J and one of these maps as a pre
mium. The price of tbe map without
the p iper is 2 00. I Address
OlIlCOONlAN Pi DLISIlINd Co., Pot tl.'ind,
Oregon. o2 5!I
The pav oar came up Sunday last, scat
tering a little lucie among the boys,
t'liere were on board. K. ,V. Baxter,
Gcn'l Sup't Of. Div, C J. B. rie, Ass't
Sup't, J. A. Borie, Ch-ef Traiii Dispatch
er. Tbe engine was driven by Engineer
Jos. J'eters and tired (jy O. H. Pickett."
Henry Heppner was in filed to join the
crowd at Arlington, coming on up to
Heppuer. It was the lirst visit to this
place for some of the parties ou board,
anil they were much impressed with tbe
appearance of tbe town. They give
lleppner credit with having one of the
heat holels in Oregon.
Are active, effective and pure. For Bicli
headache, disordered stomach, loss of
appetite, bad oomplexiou and billions
ness, they have never beeu equaled,
either in American or abroad. Sold by
Slocuin Johnston Drug Co.
Land Contls. r. Testimony was taken
at Pendleton Tuesday before County
Judge Marlin in (he conles(caseol Louis
(ielh, adtuiuisii'ator of the estate of B.J.
Tervin, deceased, vs. Aaron Vinson, of
Walla Walla Railroad land belonging
lo tbe deceased northwest of I eudleton
was (iled upon by Vinson. It is under
stood that tbe case is tbe result of the
famous trip made by bis partner, A. B.
Niles, ou an engine run at break-neck
pace over the mountains by Engineerat.
Cyr to beat the mail to La Grande, the
quickest time on record.
It Is Wkli. Woutu Tuvinu. There
is iu successful running order
at the southeast corner of Third and
Madison street, Portland, Or., a Keeley
Institute for the cure of liquor, opium,
morphine, cocaine and 'ohacuo habits, by
the now celebrated Gold Cures of Dr. Les
lie E Keeley. Already a number of Port
land people have been permanently
cured and in that city there is no longer
any question of the reliability of the
concern. lleppner has also a respected
resident who can testify to the efficacy
of the cure. Write to the Institute or
call there tor full particulars. The most
skeptical can bo satisfied, and the
promise of such Ldmiciis results is worth
investigating. 4ol-tf!
Fish Timiiku. l'erliaps, the best tim
ber growing in ttie Illue mountains can
be found on Kock crei k, in the vicinity
f Will Mnllor's saw-mill. This class
oftiulher Mr. Mallory is using iu making
lumber " loch he delivering in Hepp
nei all the way from li to Sot) per
thousand feet, depending ou the quality, '
ami w lietlier desired rounh or dressed. ;
Hie same oau tie bought at the milt at1
pnei a ranging from !H to 82o per thous-
aud. He has a general assortment tin i
hand at present, aud is sure to satisfy!
customers. 4'J7-tf.
Sl'liAVKIl llOliSK. '
At the ranrh of Jerry llrosmau on Lit
tle Butter creek, near Lena, a four-year-old
tiorse, bay, while tnud legs, half
moon star in forehead. Came to my
ranch Oiit IHth. No brand. Owner oau
have sunie by proving property aud pay
ing all ehaigos. jismtY IJkosman.
Lena, Or. Nov. 4, '!! lolMo-t.
CIlAMiK Of KlltM. 1
On account of change of firm, from M.
Liehtcnthal to Liclileuthal & feher
zinger, I am very desirous of squaring
up all my old accounts. Those owing
mi. at settle within the nest 80 days,
either by c .sh or note.
lleppner, Or., Nov. 4. 'HI. 4oU 53
Nkw Max. Lee Sam wishes to inform
the public that he has secured the assist
ance of au experienced washerman, aud
will hereafter be able to get work out ou
time aud iu good condition. 451-54
$3.00 PER DOZEN. $3.00.
Above Coffin &. McFarlftnil's Store,
10 : FOR TEN DAYS. :
Views of ail kinds
All those wishing Photographs, please call tit once and see satnpleE'
M. S. EASTMAN, From Portland.
52 tt
L IIeirrier,
' '
X boarders; only 7 per week. Table unexcelled by any lintel In Oregon. No Chinese
employed in the culinary department. Special rates to partiee. Electric bells; free baths
W, VON CADOW, Manager.
Formerly of U. P. Hotel Company
A Tlig Line direct from the linnt. Fine Kty!Inh Huts, new shapes and patterns. UentB'
Fine Shoes. Ladle's and children's shot's, all stylOH. win Jose, California
SaddleB at Factory prices. A car load of Fernollne Sheep Dip, a
Sure Cure for tho Scab.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Mitchell
Wagons, Oliver Chilled PIowh, Etc.
Big Brick, National Bank Building, lleppner, OreRon.
$100 lid ward. S100,
The readers of the Gazette will he
pleased to learn that there is nt least one
dreaded disease that eeienee has heeu
able to cure in all ils stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the on
ly positive oure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh heinir a coiiRtitutiou.
ul disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, noting directly upon the blood
aud miliums surfaces of the system,
thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, aud giving the patient strength
by building up-the constitution a'.d as
sisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith ill ils cu
rative cowers that they offer Oue Hun
dred Dollars for any case that it fails to
oure. Send for list of testimonials.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
C' Hold by Druggists, 7.3e.
Sentenced to Fifteen Yeaus Parties
who have just returned from Canyon
City report that the jury in tb ease of
the State v. Mai Church, indicted for
murder iu the first degree for i he killing of
Lea is Mouuuien tlaat spring,
brought iu a verdict of manslaught
er, and raeouvueiided that he be given
the full extent of the law. Jmfee CliU nd,
however, omitted the Hue uf S3.01X), and
sentenced him to fifteen years in the
penitentiary." Much sympathy was
shown Ctinioh by people in Grant coun
ty, we are informed.
It is surprising that people will use a
coinmou, ordinary pill when they oau
secure a valuable English one for the
same niouey. Dr. Acker's English pills
are a positii-e cure for sick-headache
and all liver troubles. They are sniallj
sweet, easily taken, and do not gripe.
For sale by Slocuiu-Johuson Drug Co.,
Heppuer, Or.
Little Conteuneu TheChiuese mur
derer, who was tried at Canyon this last
term of court, wiib found guilty of mur
der in the first degree uud sentenced to
tie hanged some time lu January. The
Celestial is very little oouoerneo in the
matter as an interested party, and ill
undoubtedly swing uulesa the governor
should inteifure.
Do you want to save from 25 to 50
cents ou every dollar you speud? It so,
write for our Mammoth Illustrated Cat
alogue, containing lowest manufacturers'
prioes of Groceries, Dry Goods,. Boots
aud Shoes, Clothing, Uadware, Agricul
tural Implements, etc.
Mailed on receipt of 50 cent for postage.
made to order.
To keep your Sheep healthy, and Insure a goo
Clip, 1180
A Sure Cure at Moderate Cost.
Mixes with either l'OU or WARM WATER.
Is Non-Poisonous, Improves the Wool
aud does Not stain it.
Woi'i, Commission Merchants,
Fifth anil Towtiseml Sis., Pan FmnctHCp
General Agents.
For sale by Slooum-Jouostoii Drup; Co,
4116 474
Highest cash pneo. paid for wheat,
oats, barley. Apply to Hickson & Young,
Concord Building, Portland, Oregon.
Correspondence solicited. 440-tf
.Slocura-Jobnston Drug Co. Fresh
goods received weekly. a.
llnhl, the baker. Buy your bread nnd
cakes aud save money. Try it. a.
See J. V. Con ins for linck Springs
coal. Leave orders at Gazette office, a
New firm, and prices as h,w as ever.
Licbteutlial & Schiiznif er's, old stand.
Collin & McFarland will buy wheat
at all statious ou the Heppuer branch.
Hardware? Yes, at Gilliam & Eis
bee's, Main St., lleppner, Or. a.
See your wiie about some new furni
ture and then call ou S. C. Smith. Full
stock. a
Nails by the car load tit Gilliam & Bis
Ivo's. Grant county people ill do well
to call ou thetu. a.
Go to S. C. Smith's furniture store
and examine the Hue line of carpet sam
ples just received. a
Wanted More customers to buy goods
of the Heppner Fnrniture Co. Great
bargains tins spting. a.
Drugs, medicines, toilet nrtioles and
everything in his liue at T. W. Avers, Jr.
Cull for a refreshing ice cream soda, a
When yon want your horses shod or
wBgon repaired, ye Grunt county people,
don't forget that L. Sbephard has a shop
at Fox. a.
When you are weary and need a few
minutes rest, drop iu aud see Tom Brad
ley at the Belvedere.. He knows how to
make yon feel at home. 427-tf
A tine lot of imported Shot Gu s at
Thompson & Cos at baigaiu prices, uo
jobbers profits. a
Front, First and Vine Streets, - - PORTLAND, OREGON.
Sole Agents for
Specially Improved for ifioi-2
Deere Power Lift Sulky Plows. Buckeye Shoe Grain Drill.
iluckeye Hoe Pre Graiu UrUl, Bockeye Sccder, Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrowi.
The Uteft Improved implement for sowing summer fallow. The most complete aud successful
tool for this purpose in use.
We also have a full line of Bugpics, Phaetons, Mriiutain Wagons, Platform and other Sprino
Vehicles, SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. .Spring Too h Harrows, Deere Harrowi,
ocieuunc reea miiis, racinc ranmng ivinis, nAisn haku wiKU, Ate.
Send for Ct'rruhrt Prire f.Uts.
II 1" k
I pi VX
& si S VV K
General Hardware, Stoves and Tinware,
Plumber's Materials, Etc.,
Dealer in Choice Perfumes and Fine Toilet
Articles, Pure Drugs and Medicines.
A Fine Line of Cigars, Books, Stationery, Paints, Oils
Brushes and everything in Druggists Sundries.
Call on Me for School Books.
Boar In mind our Stock is Complete in Every Department.
Suddles, Haaness, Whips, Spurs, and every Conceivable
Article kept ijj a Firwt Class Harness Shop.
an u v uuiiaiiuiiiutticuidiui lo nia OtURli
Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for
five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines aDd
get cash prices.
Drugs, Medicines, Fancy Goods,
Etc., Etc.
To our New Brick Store, nxt door to H. Blackmnn i Co.'s. where we will
b-3 pleased to meet our friends and make new ones.
SlooumJohiiston liiuij Co.,
111U1 1
In the Hustle with their Countrymen.
Tlie lleppner
Candy Factory,
Five North of tin- Palace H .tl, Heppner, Or.
Fine 1 in pm-tnl a ml LhmirsHe i'iirs tnitl Tnhacens.
Fresh Fruits and oilier Goods lleceived Jaily.
& CO.
'ST'. I
Oregon ano Washington for
We have Removed our
Large f nd Well Selected
Stock of