i'HE WEEKLY HEPPNER GAZETTE, HEPPNER, OREGON. NOTEMBER 19, 1891. THE G A Z E T I E. Union Pacific Railway-Local Card. N", SI, mixed Iprtob llftpnnpr 8 a. m. " SI. " nr. itt ArlinRtun 10 30 a.m. " ' luavs " Si'JU D. m. " S3, " ar. at Heppoer rt:40 p. m. daily except cmnuay. Knet bound, main line ar. at Arlington 8:50 p. m. Wtwt " ' leavoa " 4:J0 p. in. Night trains are running on same time aa before. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Stage leaves for Monument daily, excel i Sunday, at 6:30 A. H. Arrives diuly, except Monday, at 6:00 P. II, Direct connection oan be made at Monument with the Long Creek stage. Daily atHKe between Limit Creek and Canyon Cilv, cimneotiiiK at the latter place witii tue stage tor iuru aim on vies valley. nHIH PAPER i kept on file at E. C. Pake's 1 AdTurtiaing Agency, 111 and 65 MerclianU KicIihukk, Ban Kraiicwcu. California, where cou traclti for advertining ran be made for it. I C. 1'EN'iI.AND, t-KCKKTAKY OF THE V. orraoa 1'h'm AMOciatlon, Aih Street, between Kirt and Second, Portland, Oregon, la our onlv agent located in that place. Advertis ers should consult liitu for rates and space in the Uuzette. Here and There. Thornton's new stand. Where is Thornton's new store? H. Heppner came np to see hie friendp lust week. Thornton has moved into the Palace Hotel' storeroom. E I. Holloway, a Douglas farmer, wa in town oHtiiidiiy. Geo. V. SwHuaart returned Friday from a visit to Athena. Daily etaite both ways between Monu ment uud Long Creek. tf. Willie Welch and Kofcoe Shaw are 'in fioin Louk Creek for freight. Bill Ingruin, the Blackstoue of Eight !Mile, ub in town yesteiday. Rev. Potwine will hold services in the Bfiptid church this evening. Twenty-five new anbsciibers were ad 'ded laat week, and still they come. Thornton has a larger storeroom and buiier stock. Club room in cunueotion. Prof. I'. C. Aubrey has 800 sacks of rfiue potatoes stored in ton ready for noirket. Thomp. Keiffer is over from Long 'Creek, after an abseuoe of several mouths. 11. A Ford will hang paper for the :next. sixty days for 25 cents per roll. 11 .19 91. Hon.. I. C. ThomDSon raised 1,600 bn. of wheat this jear which he sold tit 70 mini 8d cents. T. 11. Bibe returned home from ISrtlem lurt W ediii-sdav. He reports his 'Son in poor health. W. B. McAlitter, the T.exiniftnn post master ami vender of gruoeries wac in town yesterday. Hon. T. E Fell has been under the weather for some days past with unirulnia in the head. Rev. P. M. Bell's subject for next Hti' iluy evening's sermon is "Motive." B--kiUlar service at 11 a. in Toe ti in of Gilliam & Bisbee have ad ded hanginif shelves iu their storeroom to make room for their big stuck. I eter Brenner, of Eight Mile, was over Friday. A large average of wheat is be ing sown iu his neighborhood. Geo. French got in Fridiy from his sheep drive for Palmer. He found good feed all the way through. , Joe. Keeney got in from Pendleton last Saturday to look after his stage lines in this section. The number of cattle that have been shipped down the Heppuer branob this season is something enormous. T, Ij. b'reeland, of Portland, is assisting E. It. Bishop in the bank. Mr. Bishop leaves the first of next week tor Port land. T. J. Brcm6eld, representing a Port land firm, visited his relatives, Mr. nd Mrs. U. E. Fell, here the first of the week. Th6 first of September has arrived and Tbeo. Danner hue advanoed the price of cabinets tu 81 per doz. One half dozen, 2.50. Geo, A. Crow, representing W. J. Van Schnyver & Co., of 105 and 107 Second street Portland, was in Heppner over Sundav. J. W. Oilman, Ed. Horn, A Beard and Win. Paul were over from the Oilman possessions last week looking after ship meuts of cattle. W. D. Crawford, representing the Payette nursery, was in Heppner over Sunday. He reports deliveries good and cash "on the block. "Old man" Luelling has discovered some uold croppings up on his moun tain ranch back of Hardman, and tbey say the prospect is a good oue. The weather has moderated in these 'ere parts, and a general, fall Sizzle sozzle is at hand. The farmers are pleased to see rain and less freezing weather. Wheat sold in Heupner last Saturday at a price unprecedented in this season's th, hi hnvinir in Morrow. Little Club went at Sl and Blue Stem 85 cents. J. 0. Williams, the Spring Hollo aheonmnn. was over esterday on bust n.... Hinalieen are out of the mountains, and winter range is extremely good near him. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north bnsiness room. Charley Jones, the baher, wants to see his old friends mere, tion. nn in Thornton's for Flnr 6 Madrid -nrl iitlier fine cigars, chewing and smoking tobacoos. Has the Oregouian i nthar iwioilicals for sale. Subscript ions takeu. Agent for Portland steam laundry. n M Mnllorv has taken their baby son over to Union with hope of finding some reief for it. The little oue ite ill for several days. Mrs. alallory was accompanied by Miss Ida -Avers. Mrs. A- M. Eloonm invites her friends ....,; i,., millinarv eatahhuhinent and inspect her immense stock of fall and winter goods. A complete line of 8bx ony and German knitting yarns and fas ciuators now on hand. 51-tf Oscar Minor, Lee Matlock, Frank Roberts and Dave MoAtee, four sore - footed and leg-weary goose hunters, got back from the Columbia last Thursday. Tbey ere not successful in killing many geese, but had a royal good time. In his new quarters. City Barber shop stand, yon will find Oid Hntt He oan t part a bald head in the middle or snsve whiskers where none exsist, bnt hes lightning on good snbjects. Shaving, baironttiiig and sbsmpouing done in a satisfactory manner. Keeley's Gold Cure for the habit of K nsiug morphine, opium, eto , is no fake. It is just as represented a sure cure, a boom to roaukmd. Our interest Hi the world at large leads us to ouminenJ it l. ik. relief nf the UnfoTtaOStS. BM Nels Jones returned from Canyon City Friday. John Q Willsoa departed for Salem last Monday. J. W. Morrow is building a stable on his Heppner property. Born In Heppner this morning, to the wife of F. O. Buoknnm, a boy. Floyd Tlmnjiis has started a very neat oigar stand iu the City Barber shop. P W. MeK'.berts got in from Long Creek Tuesday on his way to Poll Uud. Some interesting correspondence from Galloway was overlooked till too late for this issue. Frank Farnsworth has taken the Dost office olerkship, recently vaoated by floyd Thomas. Rogers k Boyed completed a barn for Frank Qiiliam, on his Spring Hollow rauoh, li.st week. Porf. T. C. Aubrey has sold one of his Eight Mile ranohes to Stacy Roberts. Consideration $1,500. Although the robbery of the Snmmer- ville bank sccurred Nov 31, no trace of the perpetrators has been touud. Geo. R. E. Cullan, of Portland, repre senting Hawthorne's History of Oregon, was in Heppner over buuday. Isaac KnightoD and son Robt, of Eight Mile, spent Tuesday in Heppue". Mr. Knighton has not yet completed hauling his wheat to town. Billy Ross, of Heppner, is here, and is matched to fight Johnny Woods, of Priueville. on Nov. 28tb for $100 a Bide. The figbt to take place in Glaze's bull. Uouooo Keview. Died On Butter creek, last Sunday, the 22nd lust.. Mts. Geo. Vinceut, aged 32) ears. Deceased was only ill a short lime. The bereaved family have the sympathy of many friends. Miss Minnie Witter, of Eugene, who has been visiting Misses Leaiba and 1 tie Matlock for a few weeks, departed Mon day 1-T Walla Waha, where ehe ill visit relatives before retnrniug below. Died On Butter creek, on Sunday, the 22d iust., Andrew Crow, aged 83 years. Deceased was stricken with paralysis some time ago, and recently suffered another shock, resulting fatally- Lee Cantwell, son of John T. Cant, well, of Eight Mile, is attendingthe Port land Business College Hia brother Jack, who has jiiHtcumpleted a very successful term of school in this county, leaves next week to ntiend the same school. These young men deserve success for their untiring eflorts to secure an educa tion. Glee Club A number of Heppner's people, representing some of our best musical talent, wa organized last Mon day evening into what they call The Mozart G ee Club. The principal object is improvement m musical culture. though the club will furnish tbe miiBical part of programs for tbe various social features of our 0 ty when desired to do It is officered aa f Hows: J. N. Brown, Pres.; Wrs. Homer MoFarland, Vioe Pres , Alvah W. Putternoii, Seo ; Miss May Bailey, Asut. Seo ; T O. Autirev, Musical Director; Mrs. 8. P. Garrgues. Acst. Direuioi ; Mrs. J. fc. Bron, PiauaM; Miss Lizzie Milt lock and Mrs. Homer McFurlaiid, Assistants; Rev. K. I.. Smith, Treas. Thii orgauiz i lion will certaiulv prove a great soci.,1 as w It as miixioal feature, and deserves euoouragemeut. The World Knrichrd. The facilities of 'he present day for the production of evert thing that will conduce to the material welfare and com- idrt of mankind are almost unlimited, and when Svrnp of Figs was first pro duced the world was inriched with the only perfeot laxative known, as it ih the only remedy wnicu is inuy pleasing and refreshing to tue taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse tbe system gently in tbe spring time or, in fact, at any time, and the better it is known the more pop nlar it becomes. Good Wohds Stute Superintendent McElroy returned from Eastern Oregon yesterday, wnere ne attended the Morrow county teachers' institute and supervis ed other features of educational work. He reports a fine attendance of teachers and an active interest in sobool work at tbe institute. The material iiitertsta of the state are advancing The wheat orop was good this year and far above the average and is bringing good prioes. The farmers are greatly encouraged and correspondingly happy. Heppner, the oounty seat, is rapidly improving and now has one ot me oest uoteis in the state. Tbe ladies and citizens of Hepp ner gave tbe teachers a splendid public reception and hauquet al tue close or the institute sulem btateman. There is little doubt but that many nersons suffer for years with ailments that could easily be cured by tbe nse of some simole remedy, ine following in cident is an illustration of this faot: My wife was troubled with a pain in ner side the greater part of tbe time for three years, until cured Dy unamoeriaiu s Pain Ba m. It has, 1 think, permanent ly cured her. We also have used Cham berlain's Cough Remedy whenever need ed and believe it to be the best in the world. P. M. Poston. Peunville, Sulli van Co., Missouri. For sale by Slocum- Jobuston Drug Company. In Goon ConpitioN Mrs. Lizzie Carnes. sister of the editor's better half, arrived here Thursday evening, leaving for Walla Walla Monday morning. She was just returning from a tour ot East ern Washington, being the department, inspector of the W. It. U, working in connection with the G. A. R , for tbe state of Washington. She reports Wash ington's coips tu be in a thriving Oondi tion. I feel it my duty to say a few word in reuard to JSly s (.ream Jialm, and do so eutirely without solicitation 1 have nsed it more or less half a year and have found it to be most admirable. I have suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since I was a little boy and I never hoped for cure, but Cream Balm seems to do even that. Many of my acquaintances have used it with excel Irut results. Oscar Ostum, 15 Wamo Ave., Chicago, III. Another Wedding Ou last Snnday occurred the marriage of Mr. E. h. Simons and Miss Mary Armstrong, at the residence of tbe bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Tlisd. Armstrong, near Alpina. Rev. P. M Bull officiating. Only near relatives of the contracting parties were present, but it was a very happy ococa sion. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Simons, in which list tbe Gazette hopes that it is enrolled, extend congratula tions. Caftcred at LABr. luia office is in receipt of a card announcing the mar riage of Dr. J. Harlau Fell and Miss j Inez M. McHaley.at the residenoe of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mo- ! Haley, ot Prairie City.Grant Co., on lat Wednesday evening, Nov. 11th. Tbe wedding was a quiet one, ouly relatives of the happy couple and a few intimate friends beiug preseut. Mr. ad Mrs. Fell will shortly go to housekeeping in John Day, which they have selected as their future home Accept congratnla lions "Doo" has been running the gauntlet for some time, but was com pelled to surrender at last, and we are pleased to state nnder very propitious . nreTamstanoM. I Back Aoiin. "Uncle" Jack Moirow and D.ck Howard returned Friday fmm file mountains, Mr Morrow being unable, to continue the trip on to MoDntlVy spritik'S. However, he is contemplating spending sometime at a mineral spring which cau be reached by rail perhaps the Arkansas springs. He is really in better ooudiiiou than a few days ago, and hope of early recoveiy is entertained. Teacher Was bobs Alatk L. Noble the Lexington pedagogue, had some trouble last Monday Willi a youug fel low named A. F. Masou, who persisted in visiting tbe school and disturbing it. Mr. Noble spoke to the yonng man re garding his conduct, which somewhat exasperated him, and at the close of tbe school he called on Mark to apologize or take tbe consequences. He did neither the first nor took the otner. Beside r. Mason was arrested and fined $25 by the Lexington J. P. Proclamation. 1 he following is the governor's Thauksgiving proclamation: Inasmiioh as gmtitude for favors re ceived should find due expression, I do hereby appoint Thursday, tbe 26th of November, as a day of public thanks giving to Almighty God, to be observed by the whole people of Oregon in tbe u Min I appropriate manner in return for tbe blessings of peace and plenty which have been bestowed upon them during tbe past year," Hibbard's Kheamatic and Liver Pills. These Pills are scientifically compound ed, aud uniform in action. Mo griping pain so commonly following tbe use ot Pills. They ate adapted to both adults and children with perfect safety. We guarantee they have no equal in the oure of Sick Headaobb, Constipation, Dyspep sia and Biliousuess; and, aa an appetizer. they excel anv other preparation. TO HUH UN THE I.OSElij. Some Facts cbout tbe Cattle Stealings ot Treat & Gingles.--Hailroad Agent on the Main Line Kefuaea to Give Information Regarding Stolen Cattle. Mr. S. N. Morgan has been scouring the sands of the Columbia this fall in an endeavor to round up bis cattle, aud while in Heppner last Saturday, gave tbe Gazette considerable information concerning the cattle stolen by Treat & Gingles. Tbe last two oar load of their pilfer- ings consisted of cattle of the following brand!-; 14, J if, cocneoted; I, J 11, con nected; 3, W S. aud one Q inverted. The other two oars were not seen by any one except tbe sons Postmaster Tteters, of Castle Rook, who noticed that some ot the cattle bore the brand 8 N, which is Mr. Morgan's brand. They were shipped by one, Parker, but this is known to be an assumed name. The company's agent at Castle Rook, how ever, refused to give auy other informa tion, claiming that they bad no right to do so, unless the parti desiring Bnch had an order from the court. Being desir ous ( t knowing iLe rules of the company in this respect our reporter sought fur- ber light fiom J. C. Hart, the U. P. agent at Ueipner, which be politely gave without any hesitancy. He sa)S that though bnt few agents will refuse to give such informal iou, tliev cauuot be compel, d to do so, unless orders are re ce.Vrd from higher railroad autboihy, or from Hie conns to open books. There is ueitaiulv, a very good reason for this. It the ugeut gave nuch information wit fl int Kind, some honest shipper miuht be thus injured, for his business wou.d be exposed to a certain extent. Ou the other hand, it gives a thief tbe pportunity to skip, sell and pocket the pioeeeus oeinre all me necessary routine oo. Id be gone over to apprehend biro Mr. Morgan thinks that the principal part of Treat & Gingles' shipments oame from Eight Mile country. He, as well as many other stockmen, lire or the opiuiou that stook yards at Castle Rock accommodate few, if any honest stook meu, and should be removed. Tbe oaarges per oar to Portland are $10 more at Castle Rock than from Arlington, and the same as from Umatilla It is not aoouvenient point for shipment iu any sense, except for those who deem it best to escape as little notice as possible. Ibis iron-clud rule, which Mr. Morgan complains or, should be mod died. An affidavit made before a notary nr justice ami filed with lbs agent, should be sufficient to guarantee him or his com pany against any damage to shippers. Our stockmen should look after the mat ter aud save tuem-itlv. a many lossea in the future, which, under the present circumstances, after stook are once on the railroad, will be difhonlt to prevent. Dyspepsia Makes the lives of many people miserable, and often leads to self-destruction. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, " all gone " feeling, bail taste, coated tongue, and Irregu . larity of tbe bowels, are DlStreSS some of the more common AftOr symptoms. Dyspepsia does e ., not get weU of Itself. It baling rcqnirea careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa parllla, which acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good appetite, and by thus Sick overcoming the local symp toms removes tie sympa-l"laaacne thetlc effects of the disease, banishes tbe headache, and refreshes the tired mind. " I have been tronbled with dyspepsia. I bad but little appetite, and what I did eat m j distressed me, or did mo i. ,ltUo go1- I an hour bum alter eating I would expe rience a falntness, or tired, all-gone fceilng, as though I tod not eaten anything. My trou ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which Is that of a painter, and frnm being more or less (but up In a fiOUT room with fresh paint. Last ex-,0h spring I took Hood's Sarsa- OlOmacn rllla took three bottles. It did me an Immense amount of good. It gave me an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied the craving 1 had previously experienced." Geo roe A. rOE, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. Sit six for is. rrepared only by C. 1. noOD ft CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Ma. IOO Doses One Dollar AmmI' t fclltmln Matlet tpvmnt In t t,w c had been sick onlv about two weeks, and it was not until the la!,t three or that the malany iook a kiwim hi, u. At the beginning of hi Ulnen ne aunereo irom diabetes and utomach diaorder. Later tue kidney relaeo to ptnonninai """r '.Til he raited quietly away. Thus ended the life of one of the moat prominent men in uu- fornia." Li inouaana. a, -timely death wa the retult of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease. YOU . irmihlid with diabetes, grael, or any de rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs, lon' delay proper treatment until you are forced to give up your daily duties ; don t waste your money on worthless liniments and worse plasters, but strike at the seat of the dues v at once by using the greatest of all known remedies, the celebratedOrrgon Kid ney Tea. It hat saved the lives of thousands. Why should it oo cure you t Try it- Purely workable audpicaauUioultt. fl.OOspadt- wsfactaoo. In connection with my Tailoring buBiness I have opened up n fiue line of GrJUlSTTS' FUENISHINGS, INCLUDING Underwear of All Kinds, Negligee Shirts, Hosiery, Etc., Etc ALSO HAVE ON DAXD AX ELEGANT LINE OF PATl'ERNS FOR SUITS. HAVING IN MY EMl'LOY THE BEST WORKMEN that can be procured, I nm still mnintniiiiiip; ray well earned reputation as one who turns out nothing but the NOB BIEST and most stylish suits. Prices reasonable. OLD STAND OX MAY STREET, 449-tf HEPPNER BAKERY! May Street, Heppner, Or., C. RUHL, Proprietor, KEEPS FRESH BREAD, CAKES, PIES AND CONFECTIONERY. FINECAKESforWEDDING PARTIES Etc., Made to Order on Short Notice. SATISFACTION GURANTEED AND- PATRONAGE SOLICITED. C. I1XTTIT, Proprietor, May Street, - Heppner, Oregon. STRIKING BOTTOM ! AN Al MACHINE-MADE HARNESS, Such as is selling for $28 to $33, S23! REDUCED TO 23! WCASH DOVN.-l A full stock of everything in the line of Iliinipss, Saddles, llobes, Wbitm, Sp'.irs, Bits, Ktc. I. WT. HORNER, OPPOSITE MORHOW'S LIVERY MATRIMONY AND FURNIrrURE EMPORIUM Are closely allied, because a married oouple without Furniture Is like a guvernment without a ruler. Ri! Agent For the La Grande Marble Works. OLD STAND ON MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. Best Grade ! Ot Work at Lichtentbnl & Soherzinaer's. Exclusive Boot and Shoe Store. They are Constantly adding New Goods and Carry the Best. Bee the Fall Stock. Doltom Prices For Cash. Best Grade of Work. Lichtcnthal & Schcrzingcr, MAIN STREET, OPP. CITY HOTEL, HEPPNER, OREGON. HIGHEST Flour Exchanged for Wheat. HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. O. W. HARRINGTON, Mann)ier. 8 NEW Rock Springs Coal! I will keep constantly on hand the BesT Screened Rock Springs Coal, which I will deliver in any part of Heppner At a Reasonable Price. Leave your orders at the Gazette Office. J. W. COWINS, Heppner, Ot. 11 Li - - - HEPPNEK, OREGON. STABLE. BEl'PNER, OREGON. -M iff j WJ U1IU&. CASH PRIG TO - DAY. SELLING OUT TORliTlPiE FROM BUSINESS, Th Immense Stock of merclinrrlioe nf the Firm nf H. Wnrlimnn k On . foM nut RE(UllI)t.E-S OF order tn alone out hupinepa. roll H.BIackman&Co., "When the leaves , Is time to think of Have you Bought your OVERCOAT or Your CLOAK For this winter's wear? Have you laid in your supply for the season? -If Not, Aud iuapeot their Complete Stock. CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, STAPLE and FAN CY GROCERIES, ETC Extra Good BUTTER ALWAYS AT HAND. NELSON JONES, E. R. President The Morrow County PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK $25,000. km hmim and Forwarding Agents. HEPPNER, The Highest Market Price Paid for all kinds of Grain, Sheep Pelts, Hides, Etc. Storage Cnpnoityi HEPPNER WAREHOUSE: I WNK WAREHOUSE, enin k.. v.,ni RO.OO0O UiuhrlH Grain- SiO.000 Biiklirla Grain. DOUGLAS WAREHOUSE; ,000 Ilushela Grain, Odd Combinations.- NAILS AND SUGAR. I TOMATO KETCHUP HAMMERS. PEARL BARLEY AND PADLOCK. CANNED GOODS & AMMUNITION. Strange Combinations to be Found Only at The Combin ed Grocery and Hardware Store of lC. THOMPSON COMPANY, DEALERS IN Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery Wood & Willow Ware and Agricultural linpleinorilfl. Agents for NEW HOME Sewing Machines aud IMPERIAL EGG FOOL). LUMBERMAN'S' TOOLS A SPECIALTY. Tiible Cutlery, Bhonrii, SciBsom, Pocket Knivea, and Rizora at Kerjmrkubly Low Priced. Hpcoiiil iuduoementa to Cash Cu tomern. (live na a trial. tf. Corner Main and Willow Streets, ITpppner Or. E. a. huh;um. HEPPNER MM COMPANY. Has the Pest Selected Stock of Furniture in FACT! Wot? For Yourself. ti'Uudertukiuu aud Uupuiriug a Specialty. MAIN SIKEET, - OPP. V. 0. THOMPSON'S, - EBPPNER, OR will be COST in Purlieu desirous of mnhing pnrdinneg for CASH "ill HnH it to tlieir interest to on n. WE M KAN BUSINESS. Come anil he ennvinrerl. begin to turn," fall purchases.-, Call on MINOR BROS. EMPORIUM, Heppner, Oregon. Itomoved to Th nr N.iw TluiMinff on Main Ht. iu xc door to liiilimnd Hitibee'e. BISHOP, Treasurer. T. E. FELL, Secretary. Land & Trust Com p OREGON. E. II. Bl.OCUM. loealad. slunrtiST.