The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, November 19, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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The politionl parties of Morrow are
quiet at present, tbuiiKh the ground jH
being canvassed for iuitable candidates
for tbe various oflioes which will be
filled again next year. One of the moat
important to Ibe people iu the Gazetie'a
opinion, is tbat of representative to the
legislature. We bave beard Hon. J. 0.
Thomson, the present incumbent, spoken
of for re-election on the democratio Bide,
wbile many republicans favor J. N.
Brown, of this place. However, we do
not know that either is a oandidate1
Sat one thing is oertain, tbat tbe peo
ple of Morrow county will seleot some
man who will use his influence for no
open river and a reduotion of freight
rates, as well as internal improvements
That kind of a renreeentative will help
the farmers a few oents per bmhtsl ou
their wheat; the sheepman a little per
pouud on bis wool; the merchant a great
deal on every invoice of goo Is, thereby
enabling him to sell cheaper; and every
one else in the commuuity will be bene
fitted, of course. We think there will bt
do trouble to find the right kind of tim
ber for such a representative from thai
already in the minds of the people, or
tbat may present itself before eleotiou.
According to tbe estimate of Mr. Oli
ver, it will require over $30,000 to put in
Heppner's proposed gravitation system
of waterworks. At present we caunoi
raise over 815,000 to $18,000, as out
bonded indebtedness oanuot be ovei
820,000 and we bave spent quite a con
siderable amount of tbe 85,000 nlremii
eoured. To wait till the next sessim
of the legislature means a delay of tw.
years, at leant, before a panicle of tii
protection can be provided. Iu j uh no.
to property owners, wouldn't it be fc
good idea for the town oouucil to pur
chase a tire engine, providing cisterns at
various places within the business poi
t ion of Uimi for a temporary water mi,
ply f One little blaze Hill u
stroy property enough to pa) lor pii'iii
in a large system of waterworks.
Democratic papers may fill the spact
in their colomns with nanus of "good'
men who would be willing to represent
Ibis distriot in tbe next congress; but
these efforts are futile' as without doubt
a republican will occupy I hut positioL
for the ooiuiug two years, and we are ui
the opinion that Hon. W. H. Kills, a man
well qualitieii iu every particular, will
be the fortunate individual.
If ot b tou o.uii.oi ei-e a way clear i,
give seme immediate tire p-oleolion, i.
would be well (or the property owners ot
each Llock to combine, put iu a largi
well and tank, UBing a hut air eiipiue foi
pumping purposes. This could he useo
in irrigating as well, and iu many wayt
would pay for the cost.
Tun Gazette urged our town to havt
the charter amended nt the last session
of the legislature, allowing a bonded in
debtedness of uot loss than 840.0U0. No
attention Was paid to the matter, and bo
here we are without mouey enough to
build a good, respectable dog pound.
Thb fall eleotiuns being over, the po
litical horizon is pructioally clear. All
that may now be heard is the
marshaling of presidential forces in the
far distauoe, aud u little sooutiug of lea
aer lights here uud there. moo are bobbing up here and
there, and makiug themselves heard. Iu
this issue, we publish a letter from a re
publioau of Uiuatillii who speaks out
through tbut able eheet of liberal oou
viotious, the East Oregoniau.
Tnouaa Hon. Henry Blaokman still
persists in saying that he is uot a candi
date for oougress, bis uiuue is still being
mentioned in tbut connection.
Dnitku States' war with Chili has Bp
parently "petered out."
A Republican Bubscriber of the K. O. Tliinki
lie Htftmts Head and StiiHiltltirs, ns a
I'audiuuto for t'ongnwH, Abovt) Alt
Iu a recent issue of the E. 0 ap
pears tbe following from one of their
republican subscribera:
Atiikna, Nov. 13, 18'J1.
To tlieKilitor of the Kant OrcKontiul,
As your paper ia read by republicans
all over the country, 1 take the liberty
of writing a commuuioatiou and giving
toy views of the political situation in
this county, so far us it relates to our
next congressman. I see that many
papers in this new congressional district
mention the name ot .Slate .Senator
J. 11. Haley as the democratic candidate.
Well 1 suppose Mr. Italey is the strong
est democrat iu the district; Eastern
Oregon is entitled to the congressman
without a doubt, and we must have him
the congressman, not Haley.
There is only one way for the repub
licans of Eastern Oregou to accomplish
this simply go to the state convention
as one wan aud demand as their right,
not as tavor, that the candidate shall
be au Eastern Oregon man, and that be
must be a man without a single staiu ol
character either in public or private
life. With such a miiu for our stand
ard bearer iu Hub district, I dou't think
Mr. Italey would know he was iu the
raoe. While we bave several bucU men
in our party men that would ho a
credit to this new distriot iu the halls of
congress we have one who stands out
head aud Bhuuldera, uot only above all
deinooiatic competitors, but above any
niau in the district, aud equal to any in
tbe state, That man is V. R. Ellis, of
Heppner. He will give Btreugth to the
ticket iu every precinct iu the district.
1 say to republicans who bave the good
of the party at heart: Oo to the prima
ries; instruct your delegates to Hie coun
ty convention to vote for no man as a
delegate to the state convention who is
out pledged to support W. K. Ellis Bri.t,
last and all time. We are entitled to the
next congressman, aud must bave him
from Eastern Oregon. Wedou't ask it
as a favor, but insist mi it as a matter ot
justice to our party and the people of
this district in geueral. Bear iu mind
(hat Ellis will get not ouly the repub
lican vote of the distriot, but a portion
ot the democratio vote which no other
repnblloan oould ever exiiect to receive.
A Kkfiblican Si'BsraiBKH.
Huhscribe for the Uasette. Wide
wake and nswiy. 4 a year.
Council met in regular session last
Monday evening. Absent, Mayor Mat
lock uud Couuoilrueu Faruswortu.
Minutes ot last regular meeting read
and approved, with corrections regaiding
the donation ot 82J to sigual servioo
station, etc.
Councilman McAtee was eleoted chair
man for the eveiuug.
Letter frum G. W. Foor to Otis Patter-
sou, inquiring about artesian well plant,
read aud tiled.
Petition for sidewalks and orosswalks
from Patterson corner to Canuou street
aud eatt ou Canuou to Chase, referred
to the committee on streets and public
property to report at next meeting.
Report of Emery Oliver, on tbe sub
ject of waterworks for Heppner read,
It appears oo first page of the Oa
zette in this issue, except as to some
minor detail.
Ou motion of M illory, seoonded by
.Morgan, report was ordered filed.
On motion ot Gilliam seconded by
Mallory it was ordered tbat the com
mittee ou streets aud public property
secure the services of a surveyor to es
tablish grades for sidewalks in Boutb
Bills paid: W. L Mallory 8107,52; H.
Biackiuau&Co., 82.80; Harry Fniilips,
HUM; A. A. Kobene, 816.66; J. W. Has
uiua, 812; Chris. Borchera, 82 .50; Morris
Hull, $2.o0; Billy Gordon, 86; Emery
Oliver, flSl.SU; Kip Van Wiukle, 828.50
bouie discussion followed on the oross
walk question, us to quality of thoBe put
down, both pro and von.
Motion made my Mallory, seconded
oy Morgun, that the people of Heppner
Cake their oowsoff tbe Blreets of Hepp
uer after the 23rd iost , aod thai three
uotices be posted as curried.
A motion was made by Morgan, seo
uded tiy Ga-ngues, that Geo. Noble
.ml Hemy Weluu be served with a writ
eu untie t-i uouipiele their sidewalks,
van earned.
Hie inuivhul u us r. minded that the don
tx must be collected or uogs killed.
iUu.Vlee reported Iu tavor of payment
I s.doou tax quarterly. Committee on
ndiauoes reminded to bring iu an or
linauoeou the subject.
Aoj mrued.
I'lle Wrut.-ra tivi l i''h ClhiM-li Speeiflc.
Willi every ailv "f niiyi.ilion into
ue tar Weal, a ne demand is crested
,ur HuHlettn's tilomach Bittern. Newly
.eopied regions ale ('tquenlly less sal
ubrious than older seined localities, ou
account of the miasma which rises from
leoeully oleared laud, particularly along
rhe banks' of rivers that are subjrot to
.resbets. Tbe agricultural or mining
emigrant soon learue, when be does nut
already know, that the Bitters afford the
ouly sure protection against malaria, and
'hose disorders ot the stomach, liver aud
oowela, 10 which olimalio charges, ex
posure and unaccustomed or uuheaithy
water or diet subject bnu. Consequent
iy, be places au estimate up .n the
Household specific uud pieveii'ive ooiu
.lensinaie won ns intrinsic mviits, ii'ii:
- c oeutl to keep on b.o.d a
ool proiuolei ol be.iliiiso implicitly lu
Od relied upon lu time of ueed.
i.o m; ckilek.
From thu Eagle.
Aloert Uallauoe departed last Friday
tor tleppuer for freight.
Mrs. Alex Lauranee, of Prairie City,
died .Sun day night of scarlet fever.
Several new building sites iu differ
ent parts of the city have beeu Contract
ed for by parties wlu intend ereoting
dwellings aud permanently locating here.
Joe Blackwell aud other parties inter
ested iu the Myrtle mine near tbe head
of Boulder creek, have empluyed two
hands, and operations will continue
during tbe winter season.
0. E. Goffbas been busying himself
collecting delinquent taxes iu Northern
Grant. It is the intention of Grunt
county's sheriff to make a "clean aeep"
of the tax Collecting business.
W. A. Sample has departed for the
stall's to he i resent as a delegate from
Eastern Oregon, to the National Farm
ers' Alliance and Industrial Union,
which convenes at ludiauapolis, lud.,
Nov. 17th.
A. C. Fiiuk, of Haniiton, was very
seriously injured last week by beiug
kicked by u horse, it is supposed. Mr.
Kriuk is quite tin old gentleman, and it
will likely be some time before be will
recover from the effects of this accident.
They have a man in Pendleton who
bids fair to solve the town oow prob
lem He lives iu the lower end of town
and milks all the stray cows that come
bis way. It has been bliggested that be
ue appointed pouud master aud take bis
pay iu milk.
N m. Townscnd and Pleas Fanning re
turned from a business trip to Pendle
ton Friday last. The two gentlemen re
port an excellent road frum the North
Fork to that metropolis. They say "it
ib only a shame that it is not completed
to the Long Creek valley."
The editor ot this sheet is absent this
week, being at Canyon City, acting the
part of defendant iu a libel suit. We
have just prepared onraelf to act as
ednor aud devil, uud will administer and
take all thrashings, receipt for money
tor several months to come. Now, if
you have any "odds" with this shoo.
come aliing, axle grease peddlers includ
Another child killed by the use of opi
ates given in the form of soothing syrup-
Why mothers give their cbildieu such
deadly poison is surprising when they
can relieve tue child of hb peculiar
troubles by using Dr. Acke'r baby-
soother- It contains no opium or mor
phine. Sold by ttlocum-juuueou Druir
Co., Heppner.
floon Timk. The Eight Mile camp
re of veterans occurred last Fnda) eve
ning, and birring a little dilliculty which
loourreu netween i;y. fauna and Lee
Kilbourne, was a veiy pltasant affair.
Thete tieutlemeu beoame iuvulved iu a
quarrel over something that occurred at
tlie table, winch led to blows, tbuugh
the (jnzelte docs uot pretend to be fully
acquainted with this affair. A goodiy
representation of the soldiers, their
wives, sous mid daughters were preseut,
together uitb a number of frieudu, listen
ed to the exercises and partook ot the
bountiful lepasi which was prepared
for the ocoesion. Hon. VV. It Ellis bad
beeu invited to make an address, but be
ing iu attendance ou circuit court at
Cauyou City, was uuuble to be pieseut.
Do you waut to save from 25 to 50
cents ou every dollar you spend? It so,
write for our Mammoth Illustrated Cat
alogue, containing lowest manufacturers'
prioes of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Clothing, Uadware, Agricul
tural Implements, etc.
Mailed ou receipt of 50 ceut for postage.
The Great Pandame ittd Pn'n r:
pie nf the
verso ud1 lu
ne 10 KH.-.tore
Health lu
Experiments by scientists are constant
ly auu surely pr vm eleci a ny lo u
the great motor power of creation
Electrioity is tb'm-Bt powerful ohem
ical agent, as we I us the basis of ohem
ioal action. It i . the primal element ol
light aud heat ; the barometer of life and
tne sustainer of health. Uiseures yields
readily to its m iguetic touch, and pres
euce. Thnusnn Is of nffl cted aud suffer
ing bear witnesi to its healing power.
The electro-magnetic, as practiced by
Drs. Damn, has revoieutionizad the
praotice ot medicine, as is shown by tbe
Ed. Hynes, Albiua, catarrhal desfoeps,
P. C. McFarlane, Vanoouver, eoiatk
rheumatism, on red.
Thomas Bell, Mocksburg, dizziness,
kidney and liver complaint, restored.
J. K. 0"nninghum, Wapiuita, Wasco
Co , Oregon, total deafness two years in
one and partially so iu tbe other, cured
Mrs. J. E. Smith, Prineville, Or., nerv
ous debility and general weakness,
almost bordering on insanity, restored.
Hensnn McCoy, the Dalles, Or., deaf
ness and terrible pain in the ear aud
for six mouths, until be was nearly orazy,
restlessness and insomnia. Restored to
health by electrioity after all treatments
bad failed.
Dr. D.irrin continues to treat all class
es, tberioh and pooralike, freeot charge,
at bis office, 70 Washington street,
Portland, Oregon. The Normandy.
Seattle, Wash., from 10 to 11 a., m. to 8
p. m. at his former prioeB. He gives
free and ooiifidentiul examinations to all
at tbe oflice or by letter. He treats nil
curable ohromc, acute and private dis
eases, anil makes a specialty of all dis
eases of Eye. Ear. Nose. Throat and
Lungs, L ies of Manhood. Blood laintn
Syphilid, Nominal, Gleet. Gonorrhoea,
Striotnre.Sperinulorrboaa.Seininal Weak
ness or luss of Desire ol Sexnul Power iu
uiuu or woman All peculiar FVmnl
Troubles, Leuoorrbcca, Displacements,
etc, are confidentially and annnmoiriillv
treated, aud will uuder no circumstances
take a case that he cannot oure or hensrlt.
Consultation free. Cures of nrivntn
liaeases guaranteed antl never nublislied
in the papers. Ciroulars and question
blanks sent fm. luq-iiries answered.
The Oregonian, at great exnense. hno
prepared a sectional map of Oregon, and
offers it as a premium for subscriptions
to the weekly Oregonian. The man it
corrected up to date, is 40x50 inches in
sizp; scale, six miles to the inch. If is
neatly HuiBhed and on rollers ready to
bang up on the wall. Thia is the finest
map ot Oregon ever issued, and should
be in every household in theBtate. Any
one sending 83.00 ill receive the Week-
ly Oregoiimo fr hrteeu mouths (if the
tib-criptinn is received prior to January
I 1 Of ill 1 !..... J
in.i&,) auu oue ot inese maps as a pre-
miiiu. 1 lie puce or the map without
lie II I.e. i- 8J0I). Address
UttKUOKUN l'( BM-1U (1 Co.. Pi
1 tland
i2 53
Oi eou,
Died at her home near Kight Mile,
Nov ill, p m., Mrs Eliza Farreut,
wife of J F M. barrens, and mother ol
Mm. AnnieGilliaiii, of Heppner.
Mrs Fanens was u native of Missouri
15 jearB old. an I I lie mother of ten cliil
dren, all liviu but o ie. Interment oe
oiirrtd. N .v 12ih. iuOdd Fellows' oeiu
tiiry neur flardinan Although a verj
disagreeable day, there was quite a larne
attendance who followed her tu the ctm-i-tury
a distauoe of tweuty miles from
her home. It was a very sad scene to
see the husband and children weepiuir
over t no ir rave of their dear one, aud
could not be oomforted. Mra. Farreiis
was an nllentionnte wife and mother, a
kind neighbor and will long be remem
bered by a large circle of friends.
Salem papers please copy.
Ilnrdmuu, Nov. l;t, '91. tt
It is surprising that people will use a
common, ordinary pill when they can
secure a valuable English one for the
same mouey. Dr. Acker's English pills
are a positive eure for sick-headache
and all liver troubles. They ure small,
sweet, easily taken, aud do uot gripe.
For Bale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co.,
Heppner, Or.
Finb TiMitKit. I'erlmps, the best tim.
ber growing iu the Blue mountains enn
be fouud ou Rock creek, in the vioiuity
c f Will Mallory's eaw-mill. This cIiisb
of timber Mr. Mallory is using iu making
lumber mIiioIi he delivering in hrpp
net all the way from $15 to $:)0 per
tlionsaud feet, depending on the quality,
and whether desired rough or dressed.
The same oau be bought at the mill at
prioes ranging from $H to $25 per thous
and. He has a general assortment on
band at present, aud is sure to satisfy
oustoinera. 427-tf.
At the ranch of Jerry Brosman on Lit
tle Butter creek, near Lena, a four-year-
old horse, hay, white hind legs, halt
moou star in forehead. Came to uiv
ranch Oct 24lh. No braud. Owner oau
have same by proving properlv aud puy
mg all charges. Jekky Brosman.
Lena, Or. Nov. 4, '111. 450-454.
CIIANliE ok Klli.M.
On account of oliauge of firm, from M.
Lichtenthal to Liehtentbal & Hcher
zuiger, I am very desirous of squaring
up all my old accounts. Those owing
must settle within the next 30 duvs,
either by dsn or note.
Heppuer, Or , Nov. 4, 'til. 4 jo 53
Nbw Man. Lee Ham wishes to inform
the public that he has secured the assist
ance of an experienced washerman, aud
will hereafter be able to get w ork out on
time aud iu good condition. 451-54
Are active, effective aud pure. For sick
headache, disordered stomach, loss of
appetite, bad complexion aud billious
ness, they have never beeu equaled,
either in Americaa or abroad. Sold by
Slooiini Johustuu Drug Co.
Ir Is Well Wohth Tbyino. There
ia iu successful ruuuing order
at the southeast corner of Third and
Madisou street, Porllaud, Dr., a Keeley
Institute for the oure of liquor, opium,
morphine, cocaine and 'obaoco habits, by
the now celebrated Gold Cures of Dr. Les
lie E Keeley. Already a number of Port
land people have been permanently
cured and in that city there is no louger
any question ot the reliability of the
concern. Heppner has also a respected
resident who can testify to the eftioaev
of the cure. Write to the Institute or
call there for full particulars. The most
skeptical can be satisfied, and the
promise of such glorious results is worth
4ol-tf !
Ben Matteson had (lie misfortune to
bave his wagon to run over his right
foot, whilt oomiug to town Tuesday. It
was loaded Willi over 1 14 cords of wood,
and the injured member was badly bruis-d.
$3.00 PER DOZEN. $
Above Coffin & McFarland's Store,
Views of ail kinds
All those wisbiiig PhotOjjrapln, pletHH call Ht once antl see samplei-
M. S. EASTMAN, From Portland.
Heppner, Oregon,
Is Now Open to The Public !
Good MfalH, Kenionable. American and European Plan.
First Clasu Rooms. Frt-e Baths.
A Big Line direct from the Kant. Fine Stylish Hats, new Bhapes and pnttornii, Genta
Fine shot's, Ladle's and Uhlldrcu'B shoes, all styles, ban Jose, (Julii'ornia
teiruldlen at Factory prk-eB. A car load of l-ernoline Sheep Dip, a
buru Curd for the ticab.
Dry Goodti, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Mitchell
Wagous, Oliver Chilled Plows, Etc.
Big Brick, Kational Bank Building, Heppner, Oregon.
A Plennnnt Occurrence at the Hotel de Palaoo,
Haturday Evening.
At invitation of Senator Heury Black
mau, teu persona assembled at the Pal
ace Hotel dining room last Saturday
evening to partake ot an elegant ban
quet. With the exception of Messrs.
Henry Heppuer, Wui. Hughes and the
press representatives, it was a gathering
of former aud preseut representatives of
Morrow oounty, or as Uuintilla, tbe ter
ritory which now forms Morrow county.
With tbe exception of Col. J. L. Morrow,
uot an ex-Bolou of this section was ab
sent. The spread was maguifloent aud
the guests in good spiiits.
In the mutter ot toast g, tbe following
program was carried out:
Ex-Members Or. Legislature
Hon. Heury Blackmail
Preseut " " " J. O. I houiaou
The Slate of Oregou" J.Q- Wilson
Our Governraeut...." J- ti. H perry
Morrow Comity " T. E. Fell
Tue Agricultural Interests
Hon. Wm. Hughes
Our Commercial Prospetity
Mr. Heury Heppner
The Press Universal. .Mr. Otis Patterson
The Ladies Mr. A. J. Hicks
The coinpauy parted alter expressing
regrets tbat Col. Moriow could not be
preseut, wilh sincere wishes for liis early
recovery, aud thanking Mr. Von Ctidow
for his kind eutertuiuuieut aud so sump
tuous a repast.
May our solons of the past aud present
meet again and aguin under us pleasant
circumstances us pruvailed lust Saturday
lion Keuai-d. $100.
The readers of the Gazette will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
treaded disease that soienoe has Beeu
able to cure iu all its stages, aud that is
Catarrh. Hall s Catarrh Cure is the on
ly positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh beiug a constitution
al disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting direotly upon the blood
aud mucous surfaces of the system,
thereby destroying tbe foundation of the
disease, aud giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution a d as
sisting nature 111 doiug its work. The
proprietor have so much faith iu its cu
rative powers that they offer One Hun
dred Dollars for any case lhat it fails to
cure. Send for list ot testimonials.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
tSTSold by Druggists. 7oc-
Ijind Olltoe at The halles. Or., Nov. 13, ISM.
Notlee is herebv given thai the foilowinir-uam-ed
settler bus lded notice ol his Intention to
make tinal proot in sappurt of his cltilui, and
thai said nrool will be made belore the Comity
Clerk of Morrow cotllitv. ur.. at llelil-ner. Or..
011 lieeemlKT je. i?vi, vu:
IM. No. 2I1S, for the Sw. U. if ;i S I! '.'1 E
W M.
He names the following witnesses to j.rove his
continuous ivsi.leuee upo.i, ami enlti.aliou 01,
saut land, v U:
Aureus lUt-ira, John W. Allstott, R. W. Hob
Insou aud F. M. Courtier, all 01 Eight Mile, or.
M John W. Lxwie, Keglstar
made to order.
W, VON CADOW, Manager.
1 onnerly of U. P. Hotel Company
To keep your Sheep hralthy, and Insure a good
clip, une
A Sure Cure at Moderate Cost.
Mixes with either COLD or WARM WATER.
Is Non-Poisonous, Improves the
and does Not stain it.
Wool Commission Mkrchanth,
Fifth and TownBerui Stg., San Francisco
For sale by Slooum-Johnston Drug Co.
436 474
Highest cash price puiil for wheat,
natfl, barley. Apply to llickaon & Youuir,
Couconl Bmliliiiir, Portland, Oregon.
tjiirrespouileuce solicited. 440-tf
Slncnm-Jolinaton Druur Co. Fresh
goods received weekly. a.
Huhl, the baker. Buy yonr bread and
cukes aud Rave money. Try it. a.
See J. W. Con ins for Ruck Springs
coal. Leave orders lit Unzette office, a
New firm, ami prices as low na ever.
Lichtenthal & bcliiizinger's, old stand.
Collin & McFnrland will buy wheat
at all atatious ou the Heppner' branch.
Hardware? Yes, at Gilliam A Bis
bee's. Main St., Heppner, Or. a.
bee your wife about some new furni
ture and then cull ou S. C. Smith. Full
stuck. h
Nails by the car load at flilliam & Bla
ise's. Grant oouuty people ill do well
to call on them. a.
On to S. O. Smith's furniture store
ami examine the tiue line of carpet sam
ples just received. a
Wauted More customers to buy goods
of the Heppuer Furniture Co. GreBt
bargains tins spiing. a.
Drugs, medioiues, toilet nrtioles and
everything in his line at TW. Avers, Jr.
Call for a refreshing ice oream soda, a
When yon want your horses shod or
wngou repiiired, ye Grant county people,
li.m't fomet lhat L. Shephard has a shop
at Km. a-
When yon are weary and need a few
miuntes rest, drop in and see Tom Brad
ley at the U-lvedere. He kuows hnw to I yon f-el at home. 4'27-tf '
A fine lt of iuioortcd Shot (in nt
Thouipaou Ai Cos at baiwaiu prices. uolfie
jobber profit.
Front, First and Vine Streets, - - PORTLAND, OREOON.
Solc Agents foh
Specially Improved for 1R01-3
Deere Power Lift Sulky Plows. Buckeye Shoe Craln Drill.
Buckeye Use f reus Grain Drill, Buckeye Seeders, Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrows.
Tfct attest improved implement for sowing summer hllror.
tool lor
We also have a foil line of BuRpics, Phnetons, Mi untniii Wagons, Platform and other SariM
Vehicles, SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. Spring Too h Harrows, Deere HarTowT
Scientific Feed Mills, Pacific Fanning Mills. HAISH BARB WIRE, Btc
Send for Circular nd rrirj: Arcc
ral Hardware, Stoves and Tinware,
Plumber's Materials, Etc.,
T. W. AYERS, Jr.,
Dealer in Choice Perfumes and Fine Toilet
Articles, Pure Drugs and Medicines.
A Fine Line of Cigars, Book3, Stationery, Paints, Oils
Brushes and everything in Druggists Sundries.
Call on Me for School Books.
Bear In mind our Stock is Complete in Every Department.
Saddle Ilaaness, Whips, Spurs, and every Conceivable
Article kept in a First Class Harness Shop.
Repairing a
Kept Constantly on hand the
Go to their store for the Improved WHITE
nve years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines and
get oa9h prices.
imuu f uu i sckof
Drugs, Medicines, Fancy Goods,
Etc., Etc.
Slooiiiai-Jolmstoii Co,,
In the Hustle with
Tlie Heppner
Candy Factory,
r FTO,lr!Srl1,.ltliePl,Uoe U ,P, H,,,,,,,,,,. 0r :
lipnrh nnd D-miPnHo I'i'Juvs uid Tobaccos
reli Fruits and other Goods Received Daily
Okeoon and Washington fob
The most complete and luccessful
tins tiiirnoKe in iiv.
Speoinlty !
Celcijratcd Heppner Saddle
SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for
T. H.
We have Removed
Large fnd Well Selected
their Conntrvmpn