THE WEEKLY HEPPNER GAZETTE, HEPPNER, OREGON, NOVEMBER 12, 1891. 7 Til H GAZET'l E. 1'IIK U .ZKTTK-8 AG .NTS. Uxi::i!tou w. B. McAllister huKiii-r, B. A. lliiimukur Arll.iifioti, Usury Uemmer L.ihk Ciwk, 'lheWle Uiillovwiy, Bnbhhaw Cu.uiis I'ruirte, Osrar be Vaul iiiilli'Min Allen Mt'Frrrin Nil', ur II c. Hunt. i. mi, ir C M. Spencer in ..inn.,, vjiuui i.u., ui., . ...amine a. itiuiio ' T. J. Oirl rrume cuy, nr., k. k. .Mclliik-y lla.iyua W.y, Or., s. L. 1'nrriult 1 ilm KiM-k u. p. bku ton Im -ville, nr., Mr. Adanie, 1'. M. John Liny. Ur., t'ogtinuster Allienn. ur John Kilinton l'emlltlon, Or., Win. u. MeiJrimkey Mount Yeniuli, CJrantCo., Or., .. Pustiimnler fcUiullry, Or M in Stella Kk-tt rox, Oraiit Co., Or., J. K. Allen KIkIU -Mile, or Mrs. Andrew AshbuiiKh I (ipcr lilK'il cri'ek, B. F. tlt land Kink, UtllluuiCo v. H. Cuhvi'll buuituu. or B. White Ah AUKrT WANTED IN KVEKY 1'KliLlNLT, Union Pacific Railway-Local Card, N", HI, mixed li'iiven Mppiirer 8 a. m. " SI. " " " leaves " 3:2n p. m. " " ar. at Heppner rl:lo p. ui. except Sunday. duily Knut bound, main line nr. at Arlington 8:5n p. m ni'iit leavea i:M p. ui. Nilit trains are rtmiiluit on Bame time oh before. C4NYUN AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Moire leaven fur Monument daily, jxwi I Sunday, lit 6:30 a. m. Arrives iliuly, except Mouday, at 6 :K; p. m. Direct iiptiiiecliou oin lie made at Monument with the L iuk Ciwk tajH. Dully hIiikh liptwevu Lotiu Creek ami Ciiuyon Oily, eniineoiiiiK lit 1 lie bitter place witti ihe Blithe tor Burua and -Sil-vies viilli-y. 'PHIM PAl'KIt in kept on tile at K. 0. Ilnko's t Ailvet!ini:itt Agency, 111 and bTi Merchants lixt'liiiiiui. Niii Fruiii'ibuo. California, whore. uu truelb for lulvei-UMiig (an be nmiie for it. 1,1 C. I'liXll.AM), MiCHKTAItY OF THE J . Oremiti Tret, Association, ili Ash Street, between Hit unit second, I'oriland, Oregon, is our only Hj.'cnt locatctt in that pliiee. Advertis ers should consult liiiu lor rales and space in the Uiuelle. Here and There. D W. Brjanl o.lled jtsterday. 13 F. iSwiigKiut called Tuesday while Dr. 3. P. Giant wad umoDg bis friends iiere (lift week. Daily Rtnue both w.iya between Mnrjii ini lit and Lung Creek. tf. Willis Stewart has bought the livery business (if J. W. lUoiruw. Hun Henrj Iiluckiiturj returned from .below last .Muinlny evening. Charley Mann is contemplating a visit to Malheur iu Itie near future. Hi ll Puppen and family, of Hardmani wcie iu the city early this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fields departed Tuesday for their I nine at Brownsville. H. F Green and Miss Knsa Johnson, of Long Creek, were at the Palace Thurs day. Onrain, Bi undage k Thompson are just compleung a HU8etbfu' threshing sea SoU. Wheat nt Ij' xinu'tor. .yesterday morn ills; stnrteil ntf at 82 cents per bushel. lluu'n II ir? Geo. Nubie l as sold his Main streot prnpertv t.i K rk & Hiyes. OjuaiJdri,. lion, $1,6J0. Dwellings are springing up in Long Cieek and pioperty is advancing iu piioe with it. did Halt has moved his baibershnp from the Palace Hotel to the City Bar ber 8liop staud. Mr. J N. Davis, the efficient teacher of the iS.uid Hollow sohuol, attended the institute tnis week. Arthur Hudson, a popular yonng man of Li silicon, is in Porilaud learniug the .bit ot I'hotogiapby. E. F. Everett, a friend of Chas. Mann's -nhiiis just from Englaud, is visiting "Heppuer aud vicinity. C. H. Stokes, who is conneoted with the Wi stern Union Telegraph Co., was fit the Palace last week. Chas. J' lies and Gen. Thornton have .muve.l from City Hotel to the Palace .-Hotel's north buuness room. T. G. D .iidus struck out eBrly this week for tlie Malheur seonou where he will look after some laud matters. Dr. J. M Oonnaway, the Creek druggist, has sold otu to E. M. Crockett. He is sure ol succei-s at that point. W. A Fisher dropped a box of elegant eating ppph-8 over our way Friday last, for whioli I e again has our t bunks. The first of September has arrived and Theo. D. inner has advanced I he price of cabinets to Si per dia. One ha.f doZ 'D. 2.o0. Miss Maggie White, leneher of Morrow oouuty, and Mis. Perkins, of Lo-ier Widow creek, wi re visitms at the Ga zette office Tuesday afternoon. Geo lioiidelnisli, lepresenting Honey man. De Hart & C ., and G. (5. Thomp son, representing Slnver & Walker, both of Poitiaud, were iu towu this week. A. C. lvtts has returued from Mo DutlVy springs, but his limb is uo better, thoiiuti he thinks the swell inii aud n fl , malum has reduced some. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Cliarley Jones, the biher, wants to see Ins old (r ends there. Baths iu connec tion. Felix Johnson and wife were over from Butler creek Friday last. Their sou, Jiiimne. accompanied them on his way lo Vaucouver where be will atteud tcbool. The Milton Eagle says that W. F. Butcher, the well known attorney, has announced himself aa a oandidate on the Faimei's alliauce ticket for congressman in Oregon. 11. E Warren, an Eight Mile subserib er. is getting hisorop down to Heppner. Prices are apparently on the upward .tp-.idenoy judging from the Lexington sale last atuiday. The friends of Frank Shipley are gratified to see him on our streets again in an improved coalition, and with every encouragement of complete reoovery iu tbe near future. Albert Arnold, of th Middle Fork country, called at our effioe early this week. He came over the new road pan of ihe dMance and reports it an ex celleut thoiou(, considering every thing. Chi.s Eamttt, Buy and Hogh Me Ahster were up from LfXiiigton tbe fiist of Ihe week. Thev report that the wheat pool went to Mr. Biairof Lexing ton. K'ne Sum at c3 aud Little Club at Sl. Mrs. A- M. Elocnm invites her friends to visit her millinery establishment and inspect her immense stuck of fall and winter goods. A Complete line of Sax on., aud German knitting yarns and fas ' oiuators now ou hand. 51 tf One o' tbe best protected towns ugainst fiie in E.siern Oregon is Canyon Cily. Bi-ing near the mountains with plenty ot water in Hie gulches, it was uot diffi cult to put iu a gravitation sj stem, which j Mr. R. H. Whitson is up from L-xing ton. Hon. Wm. Hughes came in from below iiibi lUmiday. A iood ktBiit barrel at the Gsztitte of- nce ior sale very oheap. Ai diew Roud and family have moved oho uiu uoyer s property. L. W. Iwis got in Sundav from Hard. "no iu aneuu ine lusuttite. uoose minting is the prmoipal sport .'u ui Ariiugiou at present. George Lund is back after an overland suee. anve tor Saul Palmer. Mr. J. B. Ely and wife leave this week ior a nioutu's visit in the valley. Jaok Clark is up again, having almost reuovereu rrom reoent injuries. Born To the wife of W. O. Allison, of uio county, ou Nov. 1st, a daughter. Dan Neville has returned from tbe Cast after a summer's driving for Palmer. "Sn ike in" a few loads of cord wood on subscription before winter comes to baud. Lime Swiok and Mr. Baker, of Hamil ton, were in Heppner the first of the ween. Mrs. G. W. Swaggart returned Satur day eve from her viaii to Athena and V estou. S. J. Krapmer, representing M. Seller & Co., of Portland, as in our towu over Sunday. Teachers' examination is in progress today, and will Ooutiuue till tomorrow evening. Thos. Morgan, the efficient Eight Mile teaoher, called on us while alteudiug tbe institute this eek. Our new 32-inch paper cutter arrived Tuesday, and has been placed iu posi lioti in the new office. H. Clutpiti (jot in yesterday from tbe Weston conutry. 'Ihe crops up there are not up to aveiage ibis year. Prof. E. B. iMcElmy's arrival and par ticipntiou in the institute work, assisted ouderfully to mcrease the iuterest. W. p. Snyder, one of our hardworking teacheis, called this morning before leav for his school iu the Vaughn district. There will be no services at the M. E. Clmron (."ion lb) next Sunday morning, hut wih He beld in the evening as usual. Jus. Hint has relumed from Athena, and is now employed by J. W, Morrow, uis uioiiier sun lesides iu tbat section. Eight .lile was represented earlv this week by Milt, R. W. B .bison, W. C. McKimmey and J. S. Ingraham and sou, Chas. Dr. A. L. Fox was called down to Douglas a few days ago to attend E Uiopst, ho was suffering from au ab cess on the knee Married In Pendleton on the 3d inst, Mr. Edward Leroy and Miss Florence Hurt, both of Athena, Or. The Gazette extends congratulations. Mrs. H. E. Hallook leaves this morn ing for Porilaud where she hopes to ben efit her health. Her daughter, Mrs. W. P. Duiton, accompanied her. Dr. J H. Fell and Miss Inez McHaley were married at Prairie City last eve ning. Full particulars of the wedding will appear in our next issue. Pi of. J. H. Siauley, principal of the Hnlsboro schools, participated in the in stitute exetoises this week, departing yesterday morning fur home. 'rs. C. L. Andrews leaves tomorrow for her home at Seattle. She will ue ao conipnuied by Miss Iva Swaggart, who will remain tbere tnis wiuter. Rev. E. L. Smith, the pastor of the M, E. church, will deliver a sermon to yonng men next Sunday eveniug. All are mv led, aud especially young men. Messers. Kirk & Hayes have started a narness and saddJery shop at Condon, Gilliam county, with Jeff Hayes as manager and M. E, Smith at tbe bench. The gathering io the opera bouse last eveniu i reminds us all that we should lay asidu our little troubles and differ ences and meet together more often for social improvemeut aud enjoyment. The famous Heppner bills were cuver ed withatnautle of snow last evening, but warm wedher today removed it iu aud arouud Heppner. Three itiohes of snow is reported at Hamilton Bros.' sawmill. Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Chnrlton arrived fmm i riueville last Monday, and will make their future home here. Mrs Charlton, nee McCarty. is a teacher o some note, ami formerly resided will her mother, Mis. Catherine Spray, o Eight Mile. In his new quarters, City Barber shop stand, you will find Gid Halt He oan't part a bald head in the middle or shave whiskers where none exsist, but he' lightning on good sulijeots. Shavitig, uaiicutliug aud shampooing done iu a satisfactory manner. Wm. Clark, one of our Btanuoh Butter creek supporters, is taking iu Morrow's metropolis this week. Fall range n-gt-tiiim np just High enough, in his sec tion, to furnish tender, toothsome feed for sheep, and ere long will put fat on the uumetous cattle and horses, G. T. Evans, of Haystack, was in Heppner last Thursday and Friday. He is O'lusidenibly interested in the Hay- stnck-0a ville road, and when it is again brought hefote the people, says be will take an active interest m its final com pletioo. We kuow it will bring lots ol trade here. ' Uncle" Jack Morrow, being severely attacked by rhe .matiem, departed Tues day tor njODuttey springs. He was ao- ooiupauied by 11 J. Howard aud J. W. Morrow, our county clerk. Mr. Morrow will remain with his father till heisoorn fortahly settled At the springs, when be will return to his duties here. Elsewhere in this issue oppears a men tion of Ihe Keeley Institute, of Portland, where cures of the liquor, morphine. opium, tobaoco, cigarette aud other habits are permanently effected. Tbe Gazette can recommend it as being all that is re presented a dead shot on the worst of these habits, as well as those of lesser importance. Our council should meet together and mak pnb io tbe engineer's report on the proposed Hinton oreek gravitation sys tem of water works for Heppner. While the people are aware that the report is a favorable oue, they wish to be made acquainted with it in detail. Prompt action on the part of tbe council might Attached. On last Saturday the Record plant was attached by Portland and Morrow county ceditors for some thing over 82UO. P.. H. ' hitson and r. J. HalloOK aie Hrkiiiiv to be paid for work as printers during the regime of J. W. Coffey as editor aud proprietor ol tba Record, while Dan Horner, having assumed a board bill owed by Mr. Coffey to C. C. Sargent, wants his money out of the proi-ot. Ihe i'oriland parlies. Palmer & Rey and Tatum & Bowen. have claims tor type, material, etc. .besides the attachments, we are informed tbat there are two mortgages on the plant. one in favor of (',. A. Rhea and Geo. Noble for $700, and another in favor of Mr. Uorley'r. motherfor S20U. Under the circumstances, this is more than the pl nit will bring, uud tbe othei olaimants, it appears will be compelled to look elsewhere, tbounh It may be set tied without fntber trouble Mr. Coffey put his money into tbe Reoord in uood faith, though rather nundvisedly it seems. aud it is to be regretted that be should find himself financially embarrassed Mr. Hicks, who now has charue of tbe Record as lessee, is doiug fairly well. and it is hardly l.kely tbat the publica tion of the paper will cease, at present, at any rate. A KEtwioN. An interesting reunion of five sisters, after a lapse of thrity years, to k place last weeK at the home of Dr. Taylor in Tbe Dalles when Mrs, "inker ol iacomii and Mrs. John Clarnn of John Day met Mrs. Dr. Taylor, Mrs L. D. Oakes ot Bake Oven, and Mrs. BeneUeld of Lexington, Morrow oouuty. There is still one more sister not here, Mrs. Unborn ol Wiliamina, Yamhill county, aud only one brother, Chas, rirausou of rossil. Chroniola. Uot away. Unole Jake Shaner says inai ue bus not recovered his watch wiucu was stolen a lew auys i:o, nor do, s he expect to do so. He thinks it was taken by oue of four h iboes. The paity suspected was arrested at Arliug tou, but as the proper ty could not be found in u s effects or on his peraou, be was released. However, this does Uot oause Mr, Shaner to tbiuk he made any mistake in his attempt to stop the thiel. Youh CHANCK.-On Nov 13th Bnd 14th. or next Friday and Saturday, John Q. Wilson win otter at publio sale in Hen.. ner, to tbe highest and best bidder, 20 mares and colts, 20 yearliuus. 13 two- year-olds and 50 mares aud geldings len per cent interests with good seonrity, and 5 p roent. discount for oash. D.iu'i forget lus chauoe to get Some good horses. Peculiar Many peculiar points make Hood's Bar laparllla superior to all other medicines. Peculiar In combination, proportion, and preparation of lngredlcnts, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses VV the full curative value of the V S best known ttsmslltia jTSr ot the vegetable klng-ZOfdom. Peculiar In UsyHgiVystrengtb. and economy jKr Hood's Bar aparllla lsCjytlie onlymcdl cine ot which can truly be saidtk ! " One Hundred Doses One O' iDolIar." Medicines in larger and smaller bottles irequlro larger doses, and do not Produce as good results as nood's. S Peculiar In Its medicinal merits. Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hith erto unKnown, and lias won for Itself uie title ot "The greatest blood puruicr ever discovered." Peculiar in its " good name nomo, mere is now Lowell, where JtV f other or. ,f nui rccora ox sates no other preparation ever attained such popu larity In so short a time. Ct an' retamcl popularity ypr and confidence among all classes S ol people so steadfastly. Do not be induced to buy other preparations, but be sure to get tbe Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla Boldbyallitrugijlitj. Jl;Ixforgs. Prepareionly by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothocariei, Lowell, Mm IOO Doses One Dollar than of purifiers phenomo- abroad, has a". it more sold In made, blood Peculiar In Its tisi; save the town heavy losses. The World Enriched. The facilities of tbe present day for the production of everything tbat will conduce to the material welfare and com fort of mankind are almost unlimited, and when Syrup of Figs was first pro duced the world was t uricbed with tbe only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is tmly pleasing Bnd refreshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system geotly io tbe spring time or, in fact, at any time, and the better it is known tbe more pop ular it becomes. Rtcently the foltotolnq Notice appeared In the, San Francisco Chronicle. "Judge S had been sick only about two weeks, and it was not until the last three or four day that the malady took a serious turn. At the begin uing of his illness he suffered from diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the kidneys refused to perform their functions and he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia." Like thousands of others his un timely death was the result of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease. . IF YOU re troubled with diabetes, gravel, or any de rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs, rfon'r delay proper treatment until you are forced to give up your daily duties ; don't waste your money on worthless liniments and worse plasters, but strike at the seat of the disease at once by using the greatest of all known remedies, the celebratedOregon Kid ney Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands. Why should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely vegetable and pleasant to take. fl.OOapack age, 6 for $5.00. There is little doubt but that many persons suffer for years with ailments tbat could easily be cured by the use of some simple remedy. The folio win; in cident is an illustration of this fact: My wife was troubled with a pain iB her side the greater part of tbe time for three years, until cured by Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It has, I think, permanen1 ly cured her. We also have used Cham berlain's Cough Remedy whenever need ed and believe it to be Ihe best in tbe world.-P. M. Poston, Pennville, Sulli van Co., Missouri. For sale by Slooum Jobnston Drng Company. I DE D 1 ..1 LI, In connection with my Tailoring business I have opened up a fine line of GENTS' FURNISHINGS, INCLUDING Underwear of All Kinds, Negligee Shirts, Hosiery, Etc., Etc ALSO DAVE ON HAND AN ELEGANT LINE OF PATTERNS FOR SUITS. TTAVING IN MY EMPLOY THE BEST WORKMEN that can be proei-red, I am still maintaining my well earned reputation as one who turns out nothing but the NOB BIEST and most stylish sdits. Prices reasonable. ABRAHAMSICK, OLD STAND ON MAY STREET, - - - HEPPNER, OREGON. HEPPNER BAKERY ! To Snbseibers, New And Old. In order to put the Weekly Oregon ian into the homes of those now without it, tbe publisher of that paper makes the liberal offer of fifteen months for $2.00 to a 1 1 who subscribed prior to January 1, 18t)2. This offer applies not only tn new subscribers but to renewals as well. In addition to this, each new subscriber renewing, is given bis choice of either "The American Livestock Manual." or tbe "Standard American Poultry Book," which will be sent free, postage prepaid. These are valuable works of reference for the farmer. 43-. tf C11ANUK OF FlItM. On account of change of firm, from M. Lichtenthal to , Licbtenthal 4 Scher linger, I am very desirous of squaring np all my old accounts. Those owing must settle within tbe next 30 days, either by o .sb t r note. M. Lichtenthal. Heppner, Or., Nov. 4, '91. 4.00 53 the Gazette. 2 a year. Wide How To Get Tbb News. To become thoroughly acquainted with the pros and cous of Iheg reat political isnrce-sary to read-both a republican and dim.cralic paper. The Portlaud Telfgn.m fids Ihe bill in Ihe latter dse. It is d-;-awake, nesy, eigi.t page paper, liber ul and authentic, published A fine lot of imported Shot Gui s at every etemug aud should have plenty of (Thompson & Cos at bat gain pricoa, uo rftxd sti of ail political bribe j Jobber! profits. a, Subscribe for awake and newsy. c. May Street, Heppner, Or., RUHIv, Proprietor. KEEPS FRESH BREAD, CAKES, PIES AND CONFECTIONERY. FINE CAKESforWEDDING PARTIES Etc., Made to Order on Short Notice. SATISFACTION GURANTEED AND PATRONAGE SOLICITED. C. RTTHL, Proprietor, May Street, - Heppner. Oregon STRIKING BOTTOM! AN Al 5231 MACHINE -MADE HARNESS, Such as is selling for $28 to $33, REDUCED TO $23! A full stock of everything in the line of Harness, Paddles, Robes, Whips, Spni's, Bits, Etc. I. W. HORNER, OPPOSITE MORROW'S LIVERY STABLE, HEPPNER, OREGON. -S2 MATEIMQNY AND FURNITURE EMPORIUM Are closely allied, because a married oouple without Furniture Is like a government without a ruler. MITIIM .MKT 111 M11T1.1 6 Agent For the La Grande Marble Works. OLD STAND ON MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. Of Work at Licbtenthal & Soherzinger's. Exclusive Boot and Shoe Store. They are Constantly adding New Goods and Carry the Best. Bee the Fall Stock. Bottom Prlcea For (,'anh. Best Grade of Work. Lichtenthal & Scherzinger, MAIN STREET, OPP. CITY HOTEL, HEPPNER, OREGON. HIGHEST CASH PRICE Flour Exchanged for Wheat. HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. G. W. HARRINGTON, Manager. 448 NEW TO-DAY. Rock Springs Coal! I will keep constantly on hand the BesT Screened Rock Springs Coal, which I will deliver in any part of Heppner At a Reason able Price. SELLING ODT TO RETIRE FROM BUSINESS. The ImmpnuB Stock of merchapdioe of the Firm nf H. Blaohman Xc Co., will b Bold ont REOARDLESS OF COST in order to oloRe oat bnaineaa. Partien dpnirons of makinsr nnrphanpB for CASH ill find it to their interest to enll on no. WE MttAN BUSINESS. Come and he convinced. H.BIackman&Co., "When the leaves begin to turn," , Is time to think of fall purchases. , Have you Bought your OVERCOAT or Your CLOAK' For this winter's wear? Have you laid in your supply for the season? If Not, Call on OK JbSJyg And inspeot their Complete Stock. CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, STAPLE and FAN CY GROCERIES, ETC. Extra Good BUTTER ALWAYS AT HAND, Hi BROS. GEKERHL BilSE EMPORIUM, Heppner, Oregon. Itemovert to Tlimr Nw RniMin on Main 8t. next uuor to liiuiHin v me nee b. NELSON JONES, Fresulant. E. R. BISHOP, Treasurer. T. E. FELL, Secretary. Tie Morrow County Land & Trust Company PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK 125.000. teal Cwnn anil Forwarding Agents. HEPPNER, OREGON. The Highest Market Price Paid for all kinds of Grain, Sheep Pelts, Hides, Etc. Storage Capacity: IIEI'I'NEB WAKEHOUBE: I 10NE WAREHOUSE. 5,000 Bagr) Wool. 50,0000 lluBheln Grain- 20,000 IlaalieU Grain. DOUGLAS WAREHOUSE: ur),000 llushelii Qrnln. Odd Combinations. NAILS AND SUGAR. I TOM A TO KETCHUP & II A MMER8. PEARL BARLEY AND PADLOCKS. CANNED GOODS & AMMUNITION. Strnngo Combinations to be Found Only at Tbe Combin ed Grocery and Hardware Store of P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY, DEALERS IN Leave your orders at the Gazette Office J. W. COWINS, Heppner, Or. 450 tf Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery Wood & Willow Ware and Agricultural Implements. Agents for NEW HOME Sewing Machines and IMPERIAL EGO FOOD. LUMBERMANS' TOOLS A SPECIALTY. Table Cutlery, Shear. Scissors, Fookct K Dives, and Razors at Remarkably Low Prices. Speoial inducements to Cash Cus tomers. Oive as a trial. tf. Comer Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or. E. G. B LOCUM. HEPPNE E I E. II, SLOCDM. COMPANY Has the iicst Selected Stock of Furniture in Morrow Oo-axaxtrtr. FACT! See For Yourself. iirUuilertaking and Repairing Specialty. MAIN STREET, . OPP. P. C. THOMPSON'S, . . HBPPNBB, OB h tfaa bt d beept at U ot U. I