The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, November 12, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Wrong Location of
State Line.
The First State Lays Claim to a Lare
Tracts of the Latter,- and Iudiaoa
May in Turn Claim Chicago The
Work of bribed Surveyors.
The Contest Will Be Compromised
When Mill Florence Becomes of Age.
or Sc urine
the Democratic
Joba.n, of Amtrlas, Not Deed, Bat 11t-
log With the Women He Idt.i.
. Indianapolis, Nov. 6 The Indiana
and Ohio boundary line question is
assuming startling aspects. The survey
which is now being made under the
direction of the national government
will probably establish the fact that the
true line, as declared when Ohio was
organized into a State, begins 12 miles
west of the present boundary line, at
the north, and runs directly south to the
present line between Ohio and Indiana,
thus making a strip 200 miles long and
of an average width of six miles, to
which the State of Ohio lays claim.
The strip described includes the cities
of Fort Wayne, Richmond and Union
City, a population of about 200,000.
State Senator Shookney, of Union (Jity,
who has access to trustworthy sources of
information, is authority lor this asser
tion regarding the discoveries of the sur
veyor. Their report, he says, will be
ready for submission to the government
in about three weeks.
An inquiry into the cause that led to
the luggling ot these boundary lines,
disclosed the fact that at the time Ohio
was made a State there were post
traders located at Richmond and Fort
Wayne, whose trade with the Indians
was profitable. If the line had been run
correctly these costs would have been
taken into the new State of Ohio and
the occupation of these traders would
have been gone. The post traders
bribed the eovernors who located the
land, and the the Richmond and Fort
Wayne posts were left to the Indiana
The question is an important and
complicated one, for should Ohio's claim
on Indiana be enforced, Indiana on the
same ground would have cause of action
atrainst Illinois. If Indiana loses on it
she would by the same ruling be entitled
to a slice of Illinois and this would give
the Hoosiers Chicago and the World's
Frofesslonal Diver l)rwuel.
Athens, Mich., Nov. C The wrecking
tug Emerald recently located near here
at the wreck of the Pewable, which
sank several years asro. Tuesday Oliver
Polkey, a professional diver, went down
to the wreck to recover her treasure. In
20 minutes his signal stopped and it
was discovered that he was fast in the
wreckatre. Six men were unable to pull
him up. The tug was started and he
was at last milled to the surface. Water
had rushed into his armor through a
hole in the hips and strangled him. He
canned several times after reaching the
tug and died. He left a widow and
child, who live at West Superior, Wis,
Loss of a Collier Feared.
London, Nov. 6 A boat belonging to
the collier Kathalene has been washed
aBhore at Clacton Sea, Essex. It is
feared the collier, which carried a crew
of seven men, has foundered witn an on
La Blanche and GregB"' to Flglit,
San Francisco. Nov. 6 The Occiden
tal Athletic Club has matched George
T,a Blanche and Alex. Greggans, middl'
weights, to fight on December lzth lor
a purse of $2000.
An Artist Expelled From Russia.
London, Nov. 6 A dispatch from
Vienna to the Times says: A tele
gram has been received in that city
from Pennelt, the artist, stating that he
was arrested at Beroichev, Ruasia Pol
and, and was confined for 36 hours. He
was subsequently released and expelled
from Russia.
Bogus Check on a Seattle Bank.
San Francisco, Nov. 6 P. L. Bates,
as agent for the State of Oregon, ar
rested John Davidson, a machinist, at
Vallejo yesterday. The prisoner will be
taken to Oregon. Davidson cashed at
Ladd & Tilton's bank, in Portland, a
check on a Seattle bank for $175, and
Ladd & Tilton's bank afterward discov
ered that Davidson had no funds in the
Seattle bank. Coming to San Francisco
Davidson enlisted in the navy and was
Hastened to the cruiser Charleston, from
which ship he deserted in San Diego
ratal Train Collision In Spain.
Madrid, Nov. 6 Two passenger trains
collided at Famaiicas this morning and
a number of passengers were xiuea,
The exact number is not known.
Brazil Still a Republic.
Paris, Nov. 6 A dispatch from Rio
Janeiro states that elections for mem
bers of the new chamber of representa
tives is ejected to take place in Janu
ary. Congress will revise the constitu
tion ana wm reiam im icuuumi
fndnrnlized character. Thedispatcn tur
ther states that a commission has been
appointed for the summary treatment
of persons charged with being enemies
of the repuonc. upon cunvicuuii ui
that charge they will be banished from
the country.
The Czar Was Warned,
Berlin, Nov. 6 It transpires that the
Czar altered his route in traveling to
Lividia, because of his having received
a warning from the police of a plot
against his life.
A Jockey Among the Dead,
Temple, Tex., Nov. 6 Only one of the
four men killed in the railroad acci lent
Wednesday was identified. He was
V. E. Green, jockey, from Louisville.
Tal on Private Deposits Repealed.
Buenos Ayres, Nov. 6 The Senate
today passed a bill repealing the tax
levied upon private bank deposits.
Turn n( Out Beet Sugar.
T.ns Angeles. Nov. 6 B. S. Weir,
chief United States sugar inspector at
Chino, is at present in this city, xne
suar factory concluded its running on
RaSta a wnek azo. It has consumed
11 117 tons of beets, turning out 1,500,-
000 pounds oi sugar, in. iju.j. .
shut down now, until it can be ascer
tained from Washington whether it
will be permitted to hold its syrups over
until next season before they will lie
run through the machinery and reduced.
Trouble at the Tennessee Mines.
Tenn.. Nov. 6 Up to last
night 127 of the released convicts re
turned to Nashvi'le. Miners in the
Coal Creek district are still in a ferment
as the releasing of the convicts does not
seem to have satisfied them and uniess
' other demands made by them are con
ceded by the operators a strike may oc
cur. The governor has not yet done
pnything in regard to the ordering out
of troops, but said they need not be sur
prised if they are called out.
San Francisco, Nov. 6 There is a
strong likelihood that the Blythe case,
involving its millions of property, will
be brought to an abrupt conclusion
within the next 50 days. On December
19th, Miss Florence Blythe, the legally
recognized heir to the vast property,
will attain her majority. Within a
week, perhaps on the following day, a
compromise with the other claimants
will be made, and so the litigation will
be brought to a close. It is said that
Miss Rlvthe will eo as far as $1,250,000
to end the case. It is now on appeal to
the sunreme court, but the compromise
will quash all proceeding as far as the
more important claimants are concerned.
Three of the Victim Dead.
BOMRAY. Nov. 6 Three of the soldiers
injured in tbe railroad accident yester
day have died.
Veteran French Actor Dead
Paris. Nov. 6 Charles Jean Joseph
Thiron, a veteran French actor and
member of the Societaire Comedie Dran-
caise, died today.
Took Arsenlo for Baking Powder.
Amherst, N. S., Nov. 6 The daugh
ter of Georee McKay last night put
arsenic in pancakes by mistaking it for
baking powder. All ot tne mmuy par
took of the cakes. The daughter is
dead, but the remainder of the family
are slowly recovering.
New York, Nov. 6 Franklin K. Lane,
of Tacoma, who has been here for seve
ral weeks agitating the holding of the
next Democratic convention in Tacoma,
left last night for the West. When
asked in regard to the prospects of get
ting the convention, he said Tacoma was
the only city so far which had made a
bid, and the bid was handsomer than
any ever made before.
The city of San Francisco's bid for the
Republican convention, being a dupli
oaia nf that nreviouslv made by Tacoma,
was calculated to strengthen Tacoma s
chances. The chief objection to holding
the convention in Tacoma was the dis
tance, but if the convention Bhould be
held in the summer and all the expenses
of the delegates paid, this objection was
not considered strong, especially since
the trip to the Pacific coast will take the
form of a pleasure trip, which one to St.
Louis, Chicago or Cincinnati at that
time could not.
As Result of Election
in Chili.
More Than
1406 Miles in
Bicycle Race.
the Great
The international bicycle race in New
York resulted in the triumph of William
Martin, who broke the record and made
more than 1406 miles in 142 hours. His
success is that of an Irish-American,
and the g.een flag and the stars and
stripes are the proper emblems of his
rolling supremacy.
Vmu Nnv. 8 Johann, the arch-
Duke of Austria, a nephew of the Em
peror, gave up his place in the army a
year and a half ago and started on a sea
voyage with his morganatic wife. Noth
ing was heard of them for over a year
and they were supposed to have perished
by shipwreck. News has now been re
ceived in this citv that the Arch Duke
was safe and well ana was uvmg uu
his wife in Chili, where he is said to
have served as a soldier in the recent
Chilian revolution.
This news was received in a letter to
Camillie Stubil, a member of the Casino
Company, and a brother of Jennie Stu
bel, the arch-duke's wife. She was an
actress in Vienna when the arch-duke
met her and fell in love with her. The
letter was from actor Stubel's mother.
She said she had received a letter from
the arch-duke. He wrote that botn ne
and his wife were well. He wrote how
he had gone to sea as Captain Johann
Orth and had been wrecked off South
America. He and his wile were picxea
up and reached Chili, where they are
living comfortably. He said nothing of
what he proposed to do next.
Arch-Duke Johann's rocal relatives
were very much excited over his infatu
ation for the chorus girl. She was a
member of the Conried Opera Company
and was very prettv. The insurance on
thn An.h-Diike's ahiD. the Marguerite,
was paid recently to his relatives by a
Hamburg- comDanv. Proceedings for
partition of this property in Austria
were begun several momim ng
Stock Market is
Sinyptoms of a Freight War la Lnfavor
alilv Aneotinir Prices of Stocks-
Grain Will Probably Soon Range
Higher A Revival Looked For.
Wk Perhaps You Don't Know Us,
t :A 3
We extend an inYltntlon to call and see free testa at our Clinic,
"Arcade chambers." Hours 1 to 3 p. M. Lady Attendants,
We till mailorders same day received (securely sealed, postpaid).
If nut es represented we will refund Your money.
' QUEEN ANTI-HAIRINE" removes Heard or Superfluous
Hair Iroui the Face, Keck and Arms, or Moles and Birthmarks.
Made into a paste, only a few minutes application is required. It
la powerful, yet mild In its effect. It dissolves and destroys the
follicles of the hair without the slightest pain, injury ordiscolors
tii.n totbemostdelicntoBkin. Trv it. One Price. 81.00 per Bottle.
roniotemeliair nasnoequai. iiisapomauevvaseimo
miutN UAIRIN1F" to restore and
form), t- our applications will stop the hair failing and prevent dandruff
Will positively prOW a lUXUriaill growui Ul bu uiiicw.uriwiii.iuj k.m,
that tne roo'.a are ticm. naiuie viiu im. fi."u . .
It cures Bcaln diseases, and
Baldness is not an indication
coverine for the head. When
the oDiilermis ("kinl is alive, so are the roots ana "(Jueen uairtne" applied to tne Burtace opensine
V .. . C ,' ' .-- . l .li.litv I. Ik. nl. .In. luittla will m.tIiv. tha mtat. abentii-Al
gives nourisnuieni. uu .... -.... "- ,
folH'tlos. and ei
of ili merit. Try it
Price, 1. 0 per Bottle.
It Is Believed Be Will Cause Ample
Reparation to He Made for the Kill
in. of Sailor, of the American
London, Nov. 6 A dispatch from Val
paraiso today says Admiral ueorge
Montt has Deen unanimously eiecieu
President of the republic of Chili.
Ban Francisco. JNOv. d rucaruo
Trumbull, who came to San Francisco
some months ago as a representative oi
the insurgent party in Chili, and who
was arrested while here for his connec
tion with the Itata affair, returned trom
the East last night, and expresses him
self as entirely satisned witn tne out
come of the Piata case.
"I learn," said he, "that Admiral
Montt has been chosen president, and
while I have no official knowledge, I am
confident of its accuracy and wired him
my congratulations. I have known
.force Montt rjersonallv for a long time
and have the greatest regard for his
ability and integrity. He is recognized
bv all classes as a conservative man who
never allied himself with radicals or ex
tremists, and is, in my opinion, just the
man to heal breaches and harmonize
various factions."
"What," was asked, "do you think
of the prospects of war between Chili
and this country?"
"There is, 1 think, no fear of such a
contingency. The authorities at Wash
ington probably realize that patience
must be exercised in dealing witn a
country that has just emerged from a
bloody revolution and wnose anairs iu
consequence, are i 1 a badly unsettled
condition. There is no doubt that
ample reparation will be made tor kill
ing of the men from the Baltimore and
an investigation is now going on.
"JJisoatches sent nere accusing tne
police of Valparaiso of participation in
killing I denounce as false. It is a well
known fact that the police of Chili
are armed only with wooden clubs and
carry no pistols or knives at any time. The
fact is the attack was tne wont oi a moD,
composed probably of the lower classes,
wno are outer in tumc iccuhk wnmu
this country.
VVtiat has led to tnis leeung v
Well, mainly, I should say the action
of Admiral Brown in spying upon the
movements ot insurgents and iurnisn
ing Balmaceda with information. That
this is true I will not assert
most positively, but I know that
the admiral informed Balmaceda of the
strength of the insurgent's forces which
landed at Quintero bay. I anticiDate
affairs in Chili from this time on will
move smoothly. Congress will meet on
the 18th of the present month at Santi
ago, and one of their first acts will be
to make certain amendments to the con
stitution, which if made long ago would
have rendered unnecessary the late up
rising. Minister Muntt'a Family Arrives.
New Orleans, Nov. 6 Senor Pedro
Montt, the Chilian minister to the
United States, met his wife on board
the steamer Andean yesterday after
noon. The lady was accompanied by
four members ot the unman legation.
The Dartv left in the evening lor Wash-
ineton. None of the members of the
party could be induced to speaK aooui
Chilian allairs.
By Prince of Wales and
Czar of Russia.
One a Golden, the Other a Silver Annl
wer ary-Irlsh Election In Progress
Today Horrible Instance of Super
stition and Barbarity.
The sporting hero of the hour was
born in Dublin, Ireland, January, 1809.
He was 3 vears old wnen orougnt. to
the United States. His chief claim to
distinction is found in his astonishing
performance of last week, but he has
won several races as an amateur in the
West. Until now he has been unsuc
cessful as a professional, and in a race at
Detroit had the misfortune to break his
left leg. The superior endurance by
means of which he won at New York in
the event which gives him world wide
pre-eminence as a Dicyiisi is saiu iu uo
in a great measure due to his abstemious
habits. Martin is a total abstainer from
alcoholic liquors of all kinds and from
the use of tobacco.
Peace Keigns In Brazil. ,
Eio Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 6 The
situation of affairs here todav is reas
suring. Troops which have been guard
ing the telegraph offices since the dis
turbance commenced have been with
drawn. Complete order . prevails and
the usual amount of business is being
transacted. The government has ceased
to interfere with any telegrams and the
general impression is that a revolution
is not likely to occur. The prosperity of
the country has been unimpaired by the
recent occurrences.
London, Nov. 6 It is said to be with
the entire consent of the Prince of Wales
that the Princess of Wales will be with
the Czar and Czarina at the celebration
of their silver wedding on Monday next,
instead of helning to celebrate ner hus
band's fiftieth" birthday. The Princess
will present to Ihe Czar and Czarina the
gift specially manufactured for the oc
casion in uenau oi tue rrtuw. i
gift consists oi two large pilgrin bottles
in Bilver, wnicn are umquo m ""
form and workmanship. They were
sent to Russia by special courier.
The Duchess of Edinburgh, the Czar's
only sister, will also be present, but
without the Duke, who is enjoying him
self in London in the absence of hiB
Russian wife. The Princess of Wales
will remain with her sister, the Czarina,
until nVmiit. thn close of November.
The two sisters are strongly attached to
each other, and have not remained so
long together in years as on this oc
casion. There appears, nowsvei, u u
no ground for the gossip' ttat jtnere is
any coolness between the Prince and
Princess of Wales. -.
Tin Ore Found.
San Diego, Nov. 6 Last July Warren
Wheatley located some deposits of tin
ore on the eastern slope of the Laguna
mountains, 05 miles east of this city.
He has been engaged in making prepar
ations to develop the mineral. Today
he returned with a quantity of ore
which local assayers shows runs overSti
per cent, in tin. Wheatley states the
deposit may be traced by croppings for
over two miles and that nine locations
have already been made. San Fran
cisco capital is promised to a very large
amount to develop the mine.
Will Entertain Journalists.
San Francisco, Nov. 6 The Press
Club of San Francisco is making arrange
ments for the entertainment of the dele
gates to the convention of the Interna
tional League of Press Clubs to be held
in this citv next January, when it is ex
pected 200 newspaper men will be here
from the Eastern States and Canada
with a sprinkling of journalists from
Hiscock Denies a Rumor.
Troy, N. Y., Nov. 6 The Troy Times
publishes a dispatch from Frank His
cock, at Syracuse, saying the statement
that he has been tendered the portfolio
of the secretary of war is without the
slightest foundation.
Bun on the Bank Continues.
Boston, Nov. 6 The run on the Five
Cent Savings Bank continues this morn
ing but it is lessened in degree. Presi
dent Evans says the run is about over.
Some who withdrew have today re
turned their deposits again. Less than
1 per cent, of the deposits were with
drawn on the heaviest day of tbe run.
Appointment of Receiver Approved.
Boston, Nov. 6 Thomas P. Beal has
had his bond as receiver of the Maverick
Bank approved by the court. The as
sets of the bank cannot be handed over
to him by the examiner until an inven
tory has been made of them by the ex
aminer. This will require a delay of
several days.
Democrats Claim Ihe New York Legis
lature. New York, Nov. 5 An Albany spe
cial to the Post says: The Republican
estimate of the composition ot tne leg
islature, as announced this afternoon, is
Senate, Republicans 18, Democrats it;
Assembly, Republicans 65, Democrats
63. The Democratic estimates made at
the capital today are vague, meir
cla!m is that both branches of the Leg
islature are Democratic.
New York, Nov. 5 Official returns
show that the State Senate will stand
17 Republicans to 15 Democrats. Ihe
Assembly will probably stand 63 Repub
licans to 65 Democrats, although in one
case it will take the official count to
Columbus, O, Nov. 5 The latest fig
ures with nine counties estimated and a
few others unofficially made by the Re
publican State executive committee,
placa McKinley's plurality at 20,840.
The Republicans now claim from 48 to
60 on joint ballot in the Legislature.
Canton, 0., Nov. 5 Major McKinley,
in the course of an interview today,
said : "Ohio has gone Republican and I
accept the result as indicating that this
State stands by the Republican party
with full faith in its protective principles
as embodied in the tariff law, and more
than this, Ohio stands as she always has
in favor of a full dollar and sound cur
rency." NEBRASKA.
Omaha, Neb., Nov. 5 Official returns
received from 39 of the 90 counties in
the State showing the total vote 35,828
for Post and 35,077 for Edgerton. Par
tial returns received from other counties
of the State furnish the basis for a care
ful estimate of the result. This shows
Judge Post's election over Edgerton by
a majority of over 6000.
to be Bopn
l'he Treaty With Germany
Chicago, Nov. 6 A Washington spe
cial to an afternoon paper says : The
new reciprocity treaty with Germany
will probably be announced at the com
ing meeting of the German reichstag.
The details are perfected and the treaty
made, but tbe German minister asked
the privilege of making an arrest of the
formal announcement in Germany. The
treaty makes concessions to this coun
try on breadstufls and cereals, no
higher than the duties conceded to Aus
tria, Hungaay, in the new treaty with
that country. These duties are about
one-half those charged on similar pro
ducts from other countries. Germany
makes these concessions in return for
the free entry of beet root sugar.
A Brothsr to the Rescue.
Boston, Nov. 6 Charles Raymond, of
Chicago, brother of William Raymond,
of Thomas Dana & Co., it Is said will
put $100,000 into the new firm and all
merchandise and liabilities will be as
sumed by him.
Cork. Nov. 6 The nolling places are
guarded by strong bodies of police. The
polling nas Deen going on miuvcij
since morning and both parties are de
termined to bring out their full strength.
The unionists are said to be standing very
generally by their candidate, Captain
Sarsfield. Every precaution has been
taken to prevent serious trouble. The
priests are actively at work for the anti
Parnellite candidates, and Canon O'Mah
any is conspicous among the solicitors
for Flavin, Redmond is directing his
supporters in person.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 6 Vast quan
tities of beet root refuse mixed with a
small perentage of rye flour, is being
nti iMi lor nreau and is sum to uo pala
table and nourishing. The frequent
complaint of dishonesty in the manage
ment of funds entrusted to government
officials for relief purposes, has caused
some falling on in contributions ano
there is a growing demand that expen
diture of money made by private charity
be used by private hands.
The celebration of the Czars silver
wedding will not be attended by any
great public demonstration, it being the
express desire of the Czar to avoid this
owing to the suffering of millions of his
Paris. Nov. 6 The acceptance of a
dntv of 25 francs per 200 pounds on
American salt meats Dy ine cusiuws
mmmittae of the chamber of deputies is
regarded as a victory of the protectionist
element over the advocates of 20 francs.
The government also strove for the 20
franc duty, but was overwhelmed by the
protest from pig breeders in all parts of
Calcutta, Nov. 8 The British author
ities of Madras have instituted an in
vestigation relative to a case of horrible
barbarity and superstitution reported
from Madura. Rain has been very
much needed in that vicinity and the
drouth was attributed by the supersti
tious natives to the malignity of an evil
minded female deity. To propitiate this
deity they resolved on reviving an old
practice of torture known as "hook
A victim was iounu wno consenteu to
undergo the ordeal. The points of iron
hooks were pushed into his back, a rope
was fastened to the hooks and the poor
wretch was hoiBted into the air. His
shrieks of agony were regarded as evi
rlnnce that the uoddess was being made
to hear and would answer with the long
looked for rain. After the man had
hung for an hour he was taken down
apparently not fatally injured, although
with two deep wounds in his back.
Whether rains followed is not stated.
Rt. Pktrrhburo. Nov. 6 The Russian
government is pushing forward the
building of a fleet with more energy
than vr and several private Bhip yards
will soon become he property of the
government. The Czar is said to be
anxious to make Russia a first class
naval power, and he means to have a
strong fleet of sea-going iron-clads and
belted cruisers.
A Forger. Arrested.
Pabkersburo, W. Va Nov. 6 A rail
road detective named Robinson today
arrested B. 8. Barrett, near Charles
town. The prisoner Is alleged to have
forged $75,000 in notes and used tham as
collateral to secure money from Cleve
land, Ohio, banks. Barrett was, until
he ran away, a prominent church mem
ber and business man in Cleveland.
New York, October 31, 1891.
Still we have on Wall street the
stagnant and feebly-oscillating condition
of nneculative business that has pre
vailed fnr aiv wnalcs nast. Ihe interest
in the stock market i6 almost entirely
confined to the "room traders; thei
outside public are absent or listlessly
waiting; the operators oi large uttum
and large transactions are waiting for
prices to drop although eome think
they are buving some specialties quietly ;
and London, though doing more than
has been expected of it, is eo vacillating
that it affords no real support to the
market; the trouble there being that
purchases are constantly made in ex
pectation of a rise at New York, which
hope being daily disappointed selling
nuicklv followB the buying. There is
one fact, however, that deserves notice,
viz., that the constant auacas oi tue
"bears" fail to produce any general or
important yielding in prices. This sug
gests that there is counuence enuugu io
induce persistence in holding; and
probably also means that margius are in
good shape, which is the more probable
from the fact that those now in the
market have made handsome profits out
of the antecedent rise. These consid
erations make it probabTo that, if the
"bears" are intent upon persisting in
their efforts to break prices, they
niav find it to be a long undertaking
and" one that will need to
be kept up until holders are
willing to sell from sheer weariness oi
waiting. That may prove be a protitless
process and a waste of time ; and the
question is whether the pessimists are
not likely to conclude that it would be
more prudent to change Bides for the
purpose of promoting a rise upon which
t.hnv miorht resume their hostile tactics
under better auspices. The capitalist
leaders see nothing in the situation to
induce present buying, whatever may
be their real views as to the luture.
Prices are certainly not temptingly low;
some are high, an things couhiuuibu.
The great factors calculated to encour
age a rise are as yet mostly unripe, and
it is not wise to to discount iqoiu tuu im
in advance. Belore the most active
period of crop forwarding iB due some
adverse accident may arise that would
damp the ardor of the market; and it is
regarded as quite possible that such in
fluences may originate in London, where
the money market is likely to take an
unfavorable turn and where further
trouble mav develop out of the increas
ingly demoralized condition of Argentine
ati'airs. Indeed, the protracted appar
ently strained effort of the Bank of Etig-
to keep the money maricet easy is sus
pected to be possibly due, among other
things, to a wish to protect the import
ant class of houses dependent upon
South American interests, ihese are
among the considerations that make the
leaders of speculation willing to defer
buying until we are nearer to the ma
turer effects of our large crops.
Quite unexpectedly, too, the market
is unfavorably affected by omiuous
svmptoma of a freight war one of the
last things to be thought possible in
view of the largest tonnage of agricul
tural freight waiting to be moved that
has been known in the history of the
countrv. The Baltimore & Ohio and the
Chesapeake & Ohio are accepting re
duced rates, and to meet their cuts the
Grand Trunk and the Canadian Pacific
are making still larger reductions. It is
hardly to be supposed that the othor
trunk lines can long withstand these
attacks upon their business, flua the
RUHR W ill be more difficult to handle
from the fact that the Canadian lines
stand outside the operation of the inter
State law. In a few weeks the supply
of freight will so far exceed the ability
of the roads to handle it, that the
strongest of all motives to maintain
rates will be brought into play, and this
affords a reasonable hope that this reck
less competition may soon come to an
end ; but nevertheless, there is an un
certainty about the results which is cal
culated to create caution in buying.
Thursday's market was exposed to
two new influences which, however,
ahout offset each other. As had been
generally anticipated, the Bank ot Eng
Innrl rate of discount was put up to 1 per
cent., which reflected the hardening
tendency in the London money market
and the effect upon the bank of the con
tinued larire shipments of gold to New
York. The action of the bank, whose
raaarve is now reduced below average,
must be regarded as the beginning ot a
defensive attitude to retain its gold;
and it w not at all unlikely that, from
this time forward the measures to be
taken for that purpose may produce de
rangements in varioiiB directions, and
that among other effects, we may wit
ness some reaction on the London stock
market. Simultaneously with the ad
vance in tne uanK rate cxma uia news
that Russia has forbidden the export of
all kinds of grain. This, if true, would
carry the implication that, in view of
our abundant crops, the United States
will be drawn upon lor a large portion
of the supply of cereals which has ordi
narily been contributed by Russia.
Should this prove to be the case, our
crops would naturally bring higher
than have been couiueu
and the addition to our ext
OtIFFN ANTI-ODOR" (powdered form) aaptied to the pens sllsrs exefsiT persptrstion.
ii,. nenii mentlv cures offensive feot. armptte. c A m aeliltfl and asrmlees remedy, rnoewic.
(Hir( ONDOLINE" (liquid, pure and harmless), irheo applied to the skin restores and beaatifies
the ( ouitiloiion- removes and presents Tan, Sunburn, Kreckles, Pimples snd Blackheads. This r
noivncl preparation cannot be eicelicd. A sinels snplieMien has a msrTelous effect, and each
l litioual one improves tlio complexion. Trv it; it not delirhied with it, return the Wltle, and we
ill refund vour money. One Bottle will restore tho compieiien.
OnBKMTonRTt'o- Tour preparation formulas (after a careful analysis!, I am free to say, are
hirmWand certainly effeotuar it iuii aeoording to directions. J. K. Hesse, M. D..4M Freeman Ato.
it it i.v 1' O Order, 'Besiwercd Letter, or Draft to home office, and mention this paper.
QUEEN TOILET CO. I 74 RACE ST., CINCINNATI, O. (local Agents Wanted.)
I Itl.r. Samples 01 our tioodn and "Howto he Beautiful" seat for two stamps.
An Extract obtained from
the Tallow FI110 True,
w..i iirt,.-t -rstutii results:
Cost of FBRNOLINB SHKEP DIP for 10,000 ,h.p,
i ...... And Huluhur for two dlpP-K"
iifTniAnon In flrifc cost.
10,000 ran, .heop dipped In B1TOU1I SHEEP DIP produced 1
' 4R.fi3 lb, of wool, t 18 centt per lb., An . , ,
10,000 dipped in I4we and Sulphur Proanoe - 7,103.77
per iu.t
.. . . i . .9U .nst iif Tl tl- .
v"rr"o rNOWNi. SHEEP DIP. . 1,018.88
t tv mill.. Cr, Orenon.savs; "The action ot r .n.nvm
rar. K. m. jouusoii, .w", "7k"-' f, beneficial, and it is moreover very convc
EKP DIP on the wool and the sheep thswsslvss is Dene.u, u
it to use." ..., FERNOT.INE DTP does not only
Mr. I. K. Coleman. Montell. Uvalde Co., Texas, says: ?""y, .,, rml.nii it for
wn th. rah but soltcna and promotes the growth ot tne woo., nu
screw worms." v.. Ix onKIP DEP. ask him to write to
If your dealer does not keep FalBlOI.INi iia.r-
roadway, New York.
ano. oo
How to mk MONEY
with SHEEP
bo mailed free to any address
upon application.
nil' FIN di Mc FAHLANDJIIeppnor Local Agents.
. . vsmtriniiniiiiii
n m.. nrnnn rw.. rnnaTIPATIIIN. lfluiux.iuns
a DISORDERED STOMACH. ' VVT jnw wrappers
The Genuine FtAMBURQ TEA i pttfto ttn! YEL10 W WRAPPERS
u-ilh Facsimile Signature of EMIL FRhSh. V
nrniunrnM Jtt nrV AnvNva. 8AH FRANCISCO.
Cattle, branded and ear marked as
shown auov;noraos If on right shoulder
Our oattlo rang In Morrow and Uma
tilla counties. 1 will pay MU0.00 reward
(or tho arryat andoouvietlou. of any per
son stealing my stock.
nV 1 1 f
ports would bo upon a very importan
If therefore the report of the ac
tion of Kussia ahould be confirmed, we
mav anticipate a corroipondinj; increase
in the imoorU of (told and a movement
ni orain tn the seaboard which it will re-
the utmost capacity of the rail
roads to accommodate. The foregoing
factors, providing tho one relating to
Kussia should prove real, may mere
fore be reuarded as introducing new ele
ments of much importance to the course
of the stock market. The influences to
some extent counteract each other; but
the balance will largely incline towards
the "bull" interest; for with an abund
ance of money, extraordinary exportB of
grain at good prices, and the railroads
overwhelmed with freight, the stock
market would naturally assume a bouy
ancy that would take little account of
any adverse tendencies in our securities
on the foreign markets. As today is a
half holiday and the exchance will be
closed on Tuesday, the full effects of
these factorB are somewhat iiostponed
and their first force checked. .But, after
these interruption!, the market should
be watched for Indication of a revival.
ifaNRY Clews,
This Is Wbal Does It.
Bam Fhakgisco, Nov. ft The forecast
in Washington is rain in the western
Elder Flower
Is not a co.imiitlc In the semo in which that
toria la popularly uwoil, bul injrmuuL'iitly huauti
tW.ti. u crunk & mti, smooth, clear, vulvety
Kftin. and Ijv Untly line Kr"ul.)r mak!S the
uumpluJaiori aovoral nlia'Uj.s winier, it in a con
stant protection IIOIU HIU UUOrts ui. nu..
wind, ami prevt nU suubnru ami f;8, and
tjlacklioada will nuTcr come whilu you use it.
it clearing tin: fauo lar bettor thai, soap and
water. on null on and build up tho tjkin tissui;n
and tliua prevent thu iormatiou of wriaklcu.
it given tho trc.shtums.cloumetH and Hinuutliiiuriu
of filtia that you had when a littlu gin. hrery
lady. yuui.Kur old, oiJKiit to uao it, M It Kivea a
muru youuiiui appeumnuo tu auy ''
permanently, it contains no amd, p wdor or
alkali, and is ua liarmuwa an dew, and a unur-
ImIiuik to the hktn as dew is to tne iiower. rrice
WL.oo at all dmUU and hair ilrcusurB, or at
Mrs. (iervaisu Oialiam'MOtaliliihiimnt, 1'oH
Htreot, Sttiii I'raueiHco, wlioronho treat la'lie
for all bleriLShex oi th! faccor Uguru. Ladiaa
at a diHtantie treated bv letter, bend Htainp lot
hjr little boon, "How to be BeaULllul."
hA.vii'LK HOliLK Hent free to any lady on
rooeipt of 1U cent hi stamp to pay fur postage
aud packing. Lady agents wan lea.
Face Bleach.
Cures tha worxtcaflf; of FriT.kie.i, Bmiburn,, Mutli -patches, PitnileB una all fikln
t nut. fmna mi.mj. iiarn loss aim vi-
fwilvc. T Bainiilo i art lie seut. lily agents
i hO Druggist In this town who nrtonlr,
hill ol niv uiuDitrallon will liuyo his tiaiuO ud
ed to tills advurllaomiit.
My preparations aro lor sulo, by wliolesalo
druKKisu lu UhiuMo and evory city wust ol 11
lllUtt I'
A strictly' first-claas machine. Fully
warranted. Made from the vory best
material, by skilled workmen, and with
the best tools that; have ever been de
vised for the purpose. Warranted to be
all that can be reanonably expected o
the very best typewriter extant. Ca
pable of writing 150 words per minute
or more according to tbo ability of the
operator, A machine that will manifold
more than double the number of sbeeta
than any other typewriter without allect
ing the alignment in any respect, as on
tins maetune me uuguinmm
riUCE, - - -30 $100.00
If there Is no agent In your town, ad
dress us on the subject, as we are mora
liberal with our agents than any other
company In our line.
International Typewriter Co.,
2 Park Square, Boston, Mass.
Portland, Orflffon. A. V. Armstrong I'rin.
ltraarh School : O.i'iTAi. Bus. OiLi.EuK, Salem. Oregon,
Kama oouriss of study, same rates of tuition.
HnsinesN. Shorthand,
Tyirwriting, Penmanship, and Kntfith Dtpartntenti
C-ln session tliniusliout the year. Students admit
ted at auy time. Catalogue from either school, frea.
And 8o Camo t From Paris to
Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 6 A special
to the Journal from Hioux Falls, H. !.,
gives the answer of liaron de Hteurs to
his wife's plea for divorce. He
is Resident Minister for the
Netherlands to l'aris, and his home
is at The Hague, lie claims that his
wile has nervous disease and that the
children were taken from ber on the
advice of her physician. He denies
that he tried to incarcerate her in an
asylum. He may appear in person to
light the divorce,
The Pittsburgh Lamp
one of those inven
tions that seems to be
finished. It seems to
reach the end as to
goodness of light
m every way,
and ease of
management. !
The only care
it requires is
'. filling and wip
Dirt falls out when the chimney
is taken off, not into a pocket as
in other central-draught lampsv
Tutting in a new wick is a very
easy matter indeed.
All this seems strange to one
who knows how troublesome other
good lamps are.
It is in all the good lamp-stores.
Send for a primer.
Ktubufih, pa, .r Pittsburgh Brass Cc.