THE WEEKLY HEPfSEB GAZEITE, aKP-tysifilt, QUEZON, XOYEMHliH 13, ?1. THHCAZETTE TssOregoniau says tlie Chilian outlook It (tanning. The dispute between Brazil nnd Ar. (rentine has been referred to President Harrison (or adjudication. It is claimed that the trouble is being fomented by English agents. Wheat is going up, no- We bear thai it is selling as hih as 81 cents at x ington today. A little brush with Cbili will make it $1 a bushel and more, which price may be reaobed this season, iu au event Thb South Amerioau Journal, of Lon don, England says: The business res ill to of the reciprocity measures of illume an already discernible in the trade of the United States. Even Englisbjcompanies operating in Brazil are now purcbaaiuu supplies largely in the United States, i secure the benefit of the reduction of 25 per cent, in duties. The Town Talk, of Astoria, and Mer- ourv, of Portland, have been indicted by the United States grand jury, the former for being mixed up with a lottery scheme for the purpose of increasing its circula tion, the other for sending obsoene matter through the mails As there are laws regarding the rights and privileges ol newspapers as well as anything else, tht line mnyt drawn somewhere. A liKPORTEit of the Evening Telearam intei viewed Governor -Vnnoer recently on the subject of calling an exira sen pion of the legislature, and bis exnelleu oy stated positively that be is opposed to It. He tlnnhs that tlie general gov ernment should provide for the building of Tlie Dalles and Celdo purtago road, which is auol her one of the governor',-inonnsisteiK-ies, in the faoe of the fact that only last winter ho blloed the Cascade portage hill to become a law. This portage is now in partition, but i1 gives no relief for this upper oountrv, though a step in tne right direolion Every farmer and stockman of Eastern Oregon is auxious for au "open river." We Can and Do Guarantee Dr. Acker's Blood Elixir, foi it has been fully demonstrated to tin people of this country that it is super ior to all other preparations for blood diseases. It is a positive cure for sypbi litio poisoning, Ulcers, Eruptions am! pimples. It purities the whole system and thoroughly builds up the couslitu tion. Sold by Ulooum-Johustou Drug Co. THIS INBTIIUTK. An interesting Session Wlilrli KenVrts Credit oil uui'Hupt. and Teaeliers. As the Gazette, B"me weeks ago, pub lished the program of the institute in de tail, it is not ooiisidered necessary to again repeat it, as it was carried out to the letter, with very few exceptions, tin teachers participating witli a hearty goodwill. Institute convened last Mon day morning with a fair attendance, which increased iu numbers and gener al interest as it progressed. Eveumu sessions were held in the M. E. church, the superintendent being ably iiBsisteo in bis work ou Monday liml Tueada evenings by Prof. J. H. Stanley, princi pal of the tlillsboro schools, and ex-ail-perintendeut o Morrow county, and on Tuesday evenings by .State Sunt E. b. McElroy. It would certainly mil be proper to overlook the able efforts ol the choir, quartets, trios, duets, and the instrumental solos rendered by Mrs. J N. Brown and Miss Lizzie Matlock du ring the evening sessions. The presence of our people on these occasions, with such ooiiucil as various ones gave, was well received. One important action of the teachers in yesterday morning's session, was the establishment ot The Morrow County Teachers' Union, an organization to im prove the capability of teaclurs with a view of increasing salaries and the gener al upbuilding of schools in this county. It is not known that any other county in the stuto has taken steps in this direo tion, and our teaohers deserves credit for Kteppiug out boldly and demanding their just dues for what they purpose to give tne public as educators. An impromptu banquet and enfertaiu Ulent was a pleasant feature of last evening after exercises at the church. It was gotten up by the ladies of lleppuei for the eiitertaiuiueiit of the teachers, who eaob invited a few friends. This being the oase it is hoped that uo one will feel slighted by receiving no invita tion to attend the affair, as it was not in the power of our ladies to extend invita tion ou this occasion. In roferriug to the musical part of last evening' entertainment, the Gazette is pleased to say that it was a success. The toaBls were responded to with zeal, and iu all it forms a bright page in the best of Bocial events among the people of Morrow county. NOTES. Prof. A. W. Wier w is iudisp ised last evening aud ooalil not attend the ban quel. Miss Julia Hurt and Mr. J. 0. Hart rendered one of their beautiful selections at the banquet last evening. The singing of Mrs. I'herou E Fell, and also that of Mrs. C. il. Charlton, assisted by otherB, was loudly applauded. The efforts of Supt Saling to build up the schools nf Morrow county are til ing appreciated, tie is proving himself nn able mail in this oapumty. The Gazette believes that Heppner bas gainedthegoodwill of every teacher of Morrow county by her hospitality during the Institute. It is to be regietted that space will not allow the Gazette to make more ex tended notes of our teachers' gathering. You did ell;couio again next year. Some excellent speakers and music al talent were overlooked iu last eve ning's entertainment, but blame not the master of ceremonies for it, as he had less than live minutes to arrang the programme. Let him oil' this once. A move should be set ou foot to es tablish the "Normal" plan of institutes (or teachers in the stale of Oiegou. A four-week's review iu the branches, with thorough drills in theory and practice of teaching, would raise the standard of our educators. In addition to Profs. McElroy and Btanley, the following teachers were present at the institute: 1.. W. Lewis, T. E. l)aie, Prof. A. W. Wier, Prof. T. C. Aubrey, Inez Voruz, May Bailey, Ada Bedford, Eva Wier, Q. T. Mounts, Maggie White, Mr. lialsiger. Miss Conlev, Mark L. Noble, Thou. Morgan, Belie Toonias, W. P. Snyder, Maud Hanney, CA Hudson, (i. C. Johnson, J. E. Tib bets, Lilhe Ballard, Martha Neville, C. W. Keed, Etta Keed, II. L. McAlister, W. J. Cantvvell, J. W. Shipley aud Frank (Shipley. Hibimt-d's Klieuaisiic and Liver Pill. These Pills are scientifically compound ed, and uniform in notion. No griping pain so commonly following the use .if Pills. They aie adapted to both adults and children with perfect safety. VVe guarantee they have no equal In the oure of Sick Headache, Constipation, Dyspep ia and Biliousness; and, as an appetizer, they excel uoy other preparation. A LESSON SEEDED. Judging from telegraphic reports, the government is unticipaliug a jar with i:ioli. Kvervthmis imIiiihiim mid excite went ut tlie navy yards ol tne Atlaunu ooust, as the work of repairing war ves sels, ready for service, goes meauily on. iuis looks ominous, and from tne tact that Chill, under the junta government, is not inclined lo make uuy amends lot the receut slaugnter of tne Daitiuiort's sailors at Valpai also, leads one to con clude that it does not bene geueral op pearauoes, aud tnat war s luimiuent. A war Willi Chill would uo us some good. Uowevei, It would be very uiuuu like a mother applyiug lue Keen limb ol a peach tree to her uuiuly child iu bnug it under subjeociou. The early es- lablibhmeut ot me Uulted mates ol America, as a republican government, the hard tussle of our leVoluiiouary In cu rs to establisu tbe same aud the se vere conliict in 1812, preceding aud up to that date, witu tbe motner country lo seoure her respect aud our rigbis as a tree aud luUepondeut nauon among tbe powers ot Ibe earth. Bellied to re v. r tbe jestiny ot tne Ameriuas as to tbe kind ol goveruuieut must acceptable lo Ibem i'ueu lolloped ihe famous "Alouroe doo irine" of 1817, preventing foreign inter leieuce by luituer acquisition of tern lory. i'he fate of Maximilian, who, iu ItilH, through the assist auce of tbe French, and while the Unit ed Scales was involved iu civil war, be came established as Empuror of Mexico, reminded tbe powers ot cue hemispbcie that, thuugii Monroe Lad long eiuoe g-uit tiom tbe land uf tbe hying, Uis pi ind oles suit prevailed. Tuis ou'riue b.f servtd to inculcate our contlutui wit,, ibe desire tor liberty, and uo kind ot a goveruuieut under Ibe sua utt'ords murt (it a people Uesinug to enjoy tbe full est o its measures of iiidepeudeuoe tUau , republic. Ihus Hie Uuned Stale?, early iu us hisiory, set up a policy nbiui. uas not only made it strung, but lias ai most made it tne unoousciuus protecto rate of tbe many lepuulics ol bom Num. and South America. In a certain measure, Chili owes what little republicanism sbe tias to ttie Unit cd amies, il now appears tbai the lat icr, while not allowiug Cbili to pass uu der foieigu duunuatiou, will be uumpe.l ed to adiiiinister u cbastisiug. Ac stnt d before, it will prove higuiy bene ucial. Since the civil strife of the Uo".-, our navy has beeu Constantly diuudmn. down, with the exception, perliaps, ol tbe lunt five or six years, i'nl tbe pat, oige of tbe National Guard nut, oui ilaodiug army consisted ot only 2o,ullu uieu, aud many ot them not euuu uc ivoiud inke the most Valuable soldiers. Our coast defenses are ot au anoieut pat tern, aud it uttacked by modern war ships of even a fourth rate power like Chili, which, by the way, is quite for midable ill tbat line, it would do a wou derlul amouut of damage buto.'e it Cuuid oe chicked. A nice lut e rouud win, Chili would cause us to more olusely fol low the old uUiige ot nations, "In tiiueui peace, prepare tor war." We can mar--ibal a laud army secoud to none in tut world, but our weapons are not the la test. Our navy cau he made quilt strong iu a shot time, aud wt cau boast eveu now of having sonn as good warsuips us float, but wheu oui coast defenses are Considered, the simply amount to uutiiing. "Arbilru tionl Arbitration I" has beeu theury, am. under it we have beeu led tu conside .var a tiling of the past, not appareuto thinking lor a moment that some little unail-lry power would get its baclt U ind bombard the lile out ot uur co..h cities heiore we Could belp oiirseive. Tbo ehaaliseuient of ibe impudent ires passer, wtituu would surely lollow, wotiiu not restore the ruiued properly. T'Ui large powers hold each other in check, so the principle of arbitration nm settle their grievances for years to come, out we must not overlook the am,,li, powers, as our country is luuliued to do. Wuile tlie preci his 'Mlouroe doctriue' yet serves us well, the Culled Slalei in I era i es loo muuh foreign interference. Iu Chill, and in every country on Hit bemisphere, European interests are found, aud they go so far as to meddli with governments, iu their desire to (cither these interests. United Stater ueeda broader iiilerpietationof lue'Wtou roe doctrine," a more powerful navy aud modern weapons, may Ulna stir us up sutliLieutly to see it. U'UEA T MO V EVENT. Large quantities of wheat lire now be ing delivered along the Heppner branch. Up to date there has beeu shipped from Douglas 1SU cars, Irom lone lid, Lexiuu- ton til) and Heppner tit); total 4UJ cars; estimated at 275,UUU bushels. bhippeii oaiculuto that two-thirds the crop it gone. lteiently the Portland warehouses have been iu such a crowded ooiiditiou, Hint with one exception, warehouse men have directed the railroad company to bring bo more n bent lor them Horn tint scotiou until further orders. Tne com pany have plenty of cars, so that the.' have furnished them to the local waie houses for loading, mid have side-tracked the loaded cars until shippers can re ceive the wheat. Uules Poitlaud deal, ers commence to unload, the railroad company will soon have all cars iu use lor storage purposes. The railroad com puny have certainly done their part so far. The want is ships into which wheat may be loaded in order to sllord apace iu Portland. The Orcgonian is in error concerning the Portlaud blockade. Some tune ago it said there was none down there. Therd is wheat iu oars on side-tracks along this branch which has beeu loaded over it week, the consignees of which are tumble to receive it. At one time the M. Co. L. & T. Co. hail over 31) ,000 bush els iu cars aud ou platforms, ready to ship, only awaiting notice that Portland WarehoiiHe men could unload cars it for warded. Our latest advice is that it is vet on the switches. The blockade be low has made no ditlWeuce iu the price up this way, as local dealers are pur chasing freely, and there is pleuty of room for storage in the M Co. L. ft T. Co. 'a warehouses along the line. Seventy-six and one half to seventy. eight is being paid. A large lot of lilue Stem at Lexington attiacled competition last Saturday. It seems flint buyers eon oluded Unit if they could uot get it at a profit, they would run it up on each oilier. It Dually sold fi r Si! 1 s' consul etably more than Portland value, freight added. It is safe to say that uo more buyers will bid on pool wheat again this year. tint) Kewai-ii. 1100. The readers of the Gazette will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science bas been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the on ly positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a Constitution ill disease, requires a constitutional treat ment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly uhii the blood aud mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying ( tie foundation of tbe disease, aud giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so tuucu faith iu its cu rative bowers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case thai it fails to oure. Send for lit of testimonials. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, 0. 5"Sod by Druggists, Too, OVEKW HELMING I'KOOF. Of the Superiority of Eloctriclty In the Cure of IliKfHM-N Ijj Dr. lari-ili Who fan Doubt U'lleu Mo Many Tenth? So mnoh h"s been said in the praise of Dr. Darriu that it seems useless to add further proof of bis u underfill skill. We take pleasure in publisbing, h wever, tbe following opeu Oard with other refer ences : Mr Elitor. Dear Sir: About three or four years ago 1 t ok my boy to Dr. Darriu and put him under treatment fur scrofulous blood poisoning aud dropsy. ine doctor soou cured bun and be ohb rot bad a return of tbe trouble siuce, so tbe cure is permanent lo this day. I bad the boy at the hospital, nn ler the 0 rre of several physicians, aud they gave nim up, wheu I employed the services of Dr. Darrip, with the result ss above stat ed. I reside at Sluugbror. WhsIi., and an be refered to. Pohn Howlex. More People Cuied hy lr. Damn. Geo. Schmidt, Astoria; deafness, onrrd. liev. J. E. Coenour, Portlaud, Or.; skin disease, cured. Maggie Synhoest, La Grande, Or ; cross-eye, cured. Isaao Thompson, L'iCenter, Wash ; deafness, inred. James Daily, New York hotil, Portland; deafness, btteen years, ourcd. Milton Jones, Perrydule, Or.; cured of polypus of the nose. Dr. Dirrin continues to treat all class es, therioh aud pnoralike, freeot charge, n bis ollice, 7u Washington slreet, Pnrtla'id, Oregon. The Nurmnndy,' Seattle, Wash., from 10 to 11 a., m. to 8 p. m. at his former pnoes. Be gives m-e and contideuiial examinations to all it the ollice or by letter, lie dents all mrahle chronic, acute and private dis--ases, and makes a sp-i-i illy of all ills uses of Eye. Eur, N ise. Throat and Leiiigs, L res of Manhood, Blood Taints, iypbillis, Seminal, Gleet, (lor.o1 rhce i, .Stricture, Spermatorrhea i,Sininnl Weal -ices or loss of Desire ol Sexual Power in nan or woman All peculiar Ferns e troubles, Leiicorrhcc-i, Displacements, tc,are confidentially uud successfully treated, and "ill undei no circumstances take a oase thai be cannot oure or benefit. Consultation free. OureB of private liseases guaranteed and never published n the papers. Circulars and question dunks sent free. Inquiries answered. It Is Well Woktii Tnyisa There s in successful running order rt the southeast corner of Third and Vladisou street, Portland, Or., a Keeley Institute for the oure of liquor, opium, norphine, cocaine and obaooo h dins, by ' he now celebrated Gold Cures of Dr. Les lie E. Keeley. Already a number of Port. laud people have been permanently cured and in tbat oity there is no longer tny question of the reliability of the oueern. Heppner has also a respected esident who cau testify to the etlicacv it the cure. Write to thu fuslitilte call there for full particulars. The most skeptical can be satisfied, and the promise of such glorious results is worth investigating. 451 -1 f Tlie Westurn Bottler's Chosen Speeillc. With every advance of emigration into 'be far West, a new demaud is crested (or Hosletter's Stomach Bitters. Newly leopled regions are frequently less sal ubrious than older settled locnlitiea,nn account of the miasma which rises from ccutly oleareil land, particularly along he banks of rivers that are stibjeot to leshets. The Httricultural or mining migrant soon learns, when he ri"es uoi ilrcady know, that the Bitters afford the inly sure protection against malaria, and rhose disorders of the stomach, liver and nowels, to which climaliu charges, ex nosure and unaccustomed or unhealthy water or diet suhjeot him. Consequent y, he places an estimate upon the great lousehold specific anil preventive oom uensnrate wild iis intrinsic merits, and. s caret ill to keep on baud a restorative ind promoter ol health so implicitly to be relied upon iu time of need. A Close Call A few days ago, while hauling a load of wheat through the lordou Fork of Eight Mile, enroute to lone, Geo. Shipley met tyith a severe iccident, though, not as Beiious as it is in uiuety nine out of a hundred similar cases, if r. Shipley was ou tbe grouud on the right side of his wagon, and iu ittcmptiug to put on tbe brake with bis right arm, his left beiug disabled by a sprain, the lines tripped him, throwing him under the front wheels, passing over bis right leg just below the knee, across ihe right groin and full length of his body. By throwing bis left arm across His throat he, perliaps, prevented a fatal termination of the accident. The wheel passed oil over, striking his chin, bin hv dint of great effji t, he inclined his chin to the left, the wheel glancing off. Mr. Shipley succeeded in stopping the wagon here. Considering that the wagon had 3,HoO pounds on it, his escape from sud den death iB remit) knble. However, he was able to goon lo lone with his load, but bas uot doue anything since. DB. ACKER'S ENGLISH PILLS Are active, effective and pure. For sick headache, disordered stomach, loss ol appetite, bad complexion aud billions uess, they have never beeu equaled, either in American or abroad. Sold bj Sloouin Johnston Drug Co. Thanksgiving Dance. On the eve of Nov. 25th, Johnny Keeney will give a a dance in Ihe oue hall. Arrangements are being made to have a most enjoysble lime. Tickets 81. Music by Keeuey's oro bestra. MAiiRiKn. News coined down from the tall pines of I lie Blue mountains that oui friend, Geo. Brown, of. Par ker it Glea sou's mill, was married to Miss Leathers ou Wednesday evening last. May hap piness aud prosperity be touir lot. CAN'T SLEEP NIGHTS Is the complaint of thousands suffering from asthma, consumption, coughs, etc. Did you ever try Dr. Acker's English Kemedy? It is Ihe best preparation kuowu for all lung troubles. Sold on a positive guarantee at 2oo. and f)0c. by Sloctiiu-Jobtistou Drug Co. Mal Church's Trial. Mai Chnrotn the slayer of Louis Hadsel I, is on trial, or expected to be, at the present Grant oounty term of court. In additiou to counsel at home, the services of Hon. W. It. Ellis have been secured for the de. fense. Pap Simons aud T. J. Mai look are also over at Canyon City this week. Fahewkll Party Miss Iva .-naggart was leudered a pleasant party by her friends at the residence of her parents in Heppner last Tuesday evening. It was a very pleasant idTiir, a farewell to her before leaving for Seattle, Wash. A Pleasant Occasion. Mr. John Jack and Miss Annie Pirruin gave a pleasant entertainment Isst Saturday eve. which was well appreciated by the audience. A dance followed the performance, the elite of Heppner participating. Mr. and Mrs. Jack departed Mouday for Port land. Nbw Mas. Lee Sum wishes to inform the publio tbat he has secured the assist ance of an experienced washerman, aud will hereafter be able to get work nut ou time aud iu good condition. 451-54 PALACE I ill f IloiJiJiior", Oregon, Is Now Open to The Public ! Good Mefllfl. Reasonable. American and European Plan. s ' First Class Jtoonn. Free Bath. W. VON COFFIN & MeFAllLAND. A Blir Line direct from the East. Fine Stylish Hats, new shapes and pattenm. Gents' Fine fthnes. ladle's aud Children's shoes, all styles, ban Jose, California baddies ut Factory prices. A ear load of Feruoline bheep Dip, a buro Cure for the Scab. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Mitchell Wagons, Oliver Chilled Plows, Etc. COFFIN & MeFAllLAND. Big Brick. National Bank Building, Heppner, Oregon. COUNTY lOlMtT PltOcEKMMiS. N'cdneuday, Nov. 4, ltiill. All were noted present exoept Com missioner Thompson. The following bills were ordered paid: .1 I) Wilkinson. 832; Minor Urns, 810.25; TJBolles, 815 211! John Jenkins. 40; W C CJeik-er, 847.70; f P Gamines. 851 -92; J W Matlock, 88333; W L Ssliuif, 8111.75! H HI ckimiu, $3j.65; U W Ken, justice fees, $10.41). Iu the ohhc, State v0 D Weleh. the following oust hill wus nllnwed: (i W Uea, 816.75; Anna Gi ilium. 85; Win Gil liiini, 8o; Ji-tT Kuk, .13 It); .Me ismi Kiik. $4 60; U.iine Thomas, $3.10. IiUhe ht ytate vs diss Sheldon, the toll'WiK hills wee ullowe.l; G W Ilea, tflOlfy.'jess MHtlock, $1.50; Geo Gray, loll J.'v yfKsuiUM, 8150; Orncke! K.ny M.ftraj l Kea was i.lso allnwed ..ti.Qiu ihe aSry, J Epperson, nuu6 3jiu the case, biate vs Dick treat. Issue of scrip confirmed on nffidavit of J M W'lkinsou a d three others for tmuntj ou ooyole sealps The followiuK iniBOelhineous bills were allowed: V 0 Thompson, $6 35; J W Morrow, $23.08; bloouiu-Jobiistou DruK Uo, $8 10; W V (Jai'ow, 80; Hall & O'Doiiuid, $5 75; Miuor Urns, 85 05 In the case, State vs Johu uud Frank Shellon, the following cost bill was al lowed: G W Kt-a, $13 95; A J Breeding, $2 50; Charles Bai uelt, 83 30; Jess Lew .illen, 43.30; Dave Lipscomb, 81 50 J F brewer resigns es road oiieolor of .liotiiot No 11, and B F tjwiiKKiirt is ap pointed. The sura of 8904 .90 waa Bllowed ns witnesses und juror's feeB for September term. Thursday, Nov. 5. Commissioner Thompson present ou this (lay. The following miscellaneous bills were allowed: W B K inn, 8150; . I M Baker. $12; J A Thompson, $4.20; Julius Keith ley, 8133.33, Gilliam & Bi.-bee, $11; A J Ci ok, 420; J J MoGi-e 8760; Gazelle, 812 3j ; li 1' Gaueu, $50; D W Bairil, !60; tl blackmail & Co, 87 8j Win Blair, H5; W V CaUow, $12 50; JJan Osmers, $7 60; Boners & tioyed, 8470; 0 L Heed, 840; Nate McBie, $lu0; J W Morrow, 147 71 Salary of School Sup't increased to $49. bill of Chas Brown continued for te'm O S Jibi, J F of ArliUKlou, allowed 81 35. Court ailj mrued. COU1IT UOl'SE NOTES. Will'ord Ce ill, of Lower Willow creek, brought iu eiht Cuy .te sculps Mouday moruiu. Our jail is emntier thau tbe provrebiul or.uile, whieh speaks well lor ihe moruls of our people. Clerk Morrow reports the month of Ootohttr as a busy oue piite an im provement over the preceding miulh. The followiuu were admitted to full oiti7.euhip, Nov. term: Catheiiue D. herty.Chas. Watt Valeutiue aud Nioholus tiouiey. Deputy Clerk Wells completed Ihe eo, y of the tin roll fur tlieoeo y ot stale, lait Monday, aud he same has beeu for warded. J. J. McUee has platted tbe cinirt house property that the same may he deeded to Ihe county. It is a Kilt from our, lilirral lellow lo nsmac. Me Is Junes. Ou last Friday sud Saturday J. W. Morrow, county clerk, sent to La Grande aud Tne Dalits Land offices, for setilers, the sum of 82.600. J his shows where the uiouey goes. The followiuu circuit court oases have been tiled since the Sept. term: Town of lieppuer vs. lue Empire Well Aiuer Co.; G. W. Suuuk'art vs. Urahuiu hewi son;l'. 1 Hooker vs. J. A. Fiisioe. Sheritf Nohle returned last Thursday from Peudleton where he had lieen Called as a wiiuess ou the Garrison, hoise steal lug oase. Gamsnu "swiped" theauimal uetr Kuho, and was captured by .Mr Nolil, iu Heppi er. The follmviuK marriage liceuoes have lieen issued aiiu-e our last report: John E Steele aud Ethel Akers; Martha C. Hnskius aud W. J. Emery, Nauov J. Miller aud Jeremiah N. Ends; Marietta Uoiiahoo and Jasper Grillith; Lizzie Neville and Jas. Leahey, Ava S-iuilh and i Geo. thornton; J. W. Stewart Hiid An nie Hauby; lVira Skilluiau nml lliiiih Fields; Hoi a Crabiree audJas. 1). Ham iiton; V E tiardinau aud I) H. Jetikius; Heme C. Ayers aud J. W aiieuburger; Joey Leathers uud Geo. A. Jjrowu. HOTEL !!1 CADOW, Manager. Formerly of C. P. Hotel Company 4 j IF YOU WANT To keep your Sheep healthy, ami Insure a good cup, use HAYWARD'S : HliLT : DIPS. A Sure Cure at Moderate Cost. 1IAYWARDS PASTE DIP Mixes with either UOI.D or WARM WATER. HAYWARD S LIQUID DIP Ib Non-Poisonous, Improves the WooJ and does Not stain it. citRrwVy 4b wis Kj Woi'L Commission Mkuchanth, Fifth and Townaend Sts., San Francisco General Agents. For sale by Sloonm-Jobnston Drug Co. 436 474 ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Highest cash price paid for wheat, outs, barley. Apply tollickson & Youmr, Concord Kmldiiitr, rorthind, Oregon Correspondence sulicited. 440-tf Slocnm-Johnsfon Drui? Co. Fresh goods reoeived weekly. a Kuhl, tbe bilker. Buy your bread nnd cakes aud save money, try it. a See J. W. Cnttins for Rock Springs coal. Leave orders at Gazette othoe. New firm, and prioea as low ns ever. Lichtenthal & Schiizinger'e, old Btund. a Collin & McFurland will buy wheat at all stations on the Heppner branch. a. Hardware? Yes, at Gilliam & Bis bee's, Main St., Heppner, Or. a. See your wife about some new fnrni turn and then call ou S. C. Smith. Full stock. a Nails by tbe car load nt Gilliam St Bis bee's. Grant county people will do well to call on them. a. Oo to S. C. Smith's furniture store and examine the tine line of carpet sam ples just received. a Wauted More customers to huy poods of the Heppner Furniture Co. Great bargains this spiini;. a. Dnikb, medicines, toilet nrtioles and everything in his line at T. W. Avers, Jr. Call for a refreshing ice cream soi'a. a When you want your horses shod or wagon repaired, ye Grant county people, don't forget that L. Shephnrd bas a shop at Fox. a. When yon are weary and need a few minutes rest, drop iu an 1 see Tom Brad ley at the Bnivedere. He knows how to make you feel at home. 427-tf FOKD the PAINTER. Paperhane ing, and all other work iu his line Cheap for Cash. Ollice ou "tbe run." 4tf. HOW A 1IHL MAKE MONEY. "I give my experience for the benefit of others. I sent $6.00 to the Qiireu Toilet Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, and received 3 agents out tils and mv own conuty for territory. I started tnof my friends to work and also canvassed myself Tor one month; my friends nor myself never canvassed before, but we found it uo trouble to take oiders, even clore to drug stores for people could not belp buying wheu they saw with their eyes what these remedies can do. I now have nine sub-agents iu the towns snd a branoh office at my home, which the company mentions iu their advertisement iu our ocmity papers." "My clear profit last month was 810c Oue county gives me all the business I can attend to." Ki.M Blackbcbn, Ageut for Dt-outiirCo., Ind. This Company's advertisement appears in this issue of our paper. Ed. 436 tt STRAYED HOUSE. At the ranch of Jerry Brosman on Lit tle Butter creek, i ear Lens, a four year old horse, bay, white hind legs, half moon star in forehead. Came to my ranch Oct 24ih. Nn brand. Owner oau have same by proviug property anil pay ing all charges. .In It nr. 1!rusman. Lena, Or. Nov. i, '91. 4oO-4o4. CHAS. H. DODD & CO. IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, AND FARM MACHINERY. Front, First and Vine Streets, - - PORTLAND, OREGON. Son Agents for Oregon no WftSHiNnrnN for DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. DEERE'S GAZELLE PLOWS Rpoinlly Improved for icn:-? Deere Power Lift Sulky Plows. Buckeye Shoe Grain Drill. buckeye boe areas Graiu Dull, Buckeye Setders, Bm-kej e spring Tooth Harrows. IV. DcERE'a DISC HARROWS. DEERE'S SEEOER3, Xhe latot Improvtd implement for sowinsr miMonirr f-illoiv. '1 he moat complete and successful tool for this purpose in use. We also have a full line of Buggies. Phaetons, M. iniain Wagons, Platform aud other Spring Vehicles, SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. Spring Too h Harrows, Deere Ila.rows, Scientific Feed Mills, Pacific Fanning Mills. HAISH liARB WIRE, Etc Send for Cimil"- ' rv-" ' FRANK (JILLIAM. E C -t CO o3 MS -s D if o H O X E GILLIAM TT 1 m Haraware. Plumber's Materials, Etc., HEPPNEK, - - - OK KG ON T. W.AYERS, Jr., Dealer in Choice Perfumes and Fine Toilet Articles, Pure Drugs and Medicines. A Fine Line of Cigars, Books, Stationery, Paints, Oils Brushes and everything in Druggists Sundries. Call on Me for School Books, Bear in mind our Stock is Complete in Every Department. HEPPNER, OREUON. W. A. KIRK. KIRK jst DKALKItS IN Sudilles, Ilaaness, Whips, Spurs, aud every Conceivable Article kept iu a Fin-t Class Harness Shop. Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWIXQ MACHINE. Warranted for five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines and get oash prices. MAIN STREET, - HEPPNER. OREGON. 11! Drugs, Medicines, Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc. To our Now Rriek Store, nxt donr to FT. RIackmin & Co 'a. where we will be pleased to meet our friends itud make new ones. SlocumJohnstoii Drug Co., KEPPXER, OREGON. SWEETS, FIRST IN OYSTFRS, FIRST In the Hustle with their Countrymen. Tlie Heppner Five doom North "f the I'alnoe Hotel, Hopuei-, Or. Fine Tin port i1 nnd DiiiipsHc ('iiiir a ml Tnhaccos. Freak Fruits aud other Goods llcceivcd Daily. - -rif f mmmmMMmmmmmmmm jlCTWi'iiifaiiiw'i'wi rr y j liTvri -sinMf iv s 7lv T.H. HISHF.B & BISBEE, v. - ft x-- N -DEALEUS IN- Ml J v nv mm ana iwm, J. 0. KAVEH We have Removed our Large nd Well Selected Stock of c