THTfi WEEKLY HEPPNER GAZETTE, HEPPSER, ORBGCW, JtOTEMBER 8, 1891. THE GAZETTE. SIGNAL SERVICE KECOftO. MONTHLY SUMMARY. Following is a Bam miry of ihn weather at Heppner Station for the month of October, 1891: KtevAtion above a-a level 150 fet Mt-an tPiupfruture 511.- Departure from normal .W Mnximuin tHmperature, Oct. 8th .83- Blftxitnum temperature, Oct. 1st ii Mhhu of maiiuium temperature 07 Mean of minimum tempera: we fJ7 No. tim- B minimum temperature 3 or helow.. 7 Tola-1, precipitation , OSS inches Departure from normal 0 47 ii dies Prevailing direction of wind Southwest No cloudle-8 days II No. partly cloudy cUyB 11 IN o. cloudy days U No. dayn on which .01 or rain or snow fell ft Dat b of light frost. .2d, l.ih, 13th, 14th, nth, ihith Dates of killing or injurious frost. . . . 1st aud 31st A. Bmith, Observer. THIS PAPKK is kept on tile at E. C. Pake's Advertising Agency, (14 and 85 Merchants Exchange, 8an iTHiicisco, California, where uou traoie for aitvertibinij can he made for it. C. PENTLAND, SECRETARY OF THE Jm orenon Vrvm Aswooiiition, J.6 Ash Street, between Kirot and Second, 1'ortlaiid, Oregon, is our only agent located in that place. Advertis ers whoulcl coiiBtilt him for rates and space in the Gazette. Here and There. Mat Lichtenthal leaves fur Portland toilny. Willie Welch, of Long Creek, is in for freight. Fossil's flouring mill is a rip-roaring success. Cy Hbinn took in Morrow's metropo lis Tuesday. Mrs. Ella Welch arrived from LoDg Creek iast evening. Hon. Joe Thomas came up on Hon da) 's train from below. Marshal Rhsuius is buiding an addition to bis Hei puer residence. Jerry Broemau and other friends call ed Monday while in town. Under "New Today," see J. W. Cow- ins' ad. of Hock Springs ooal. Good soaking rains favored this section of Morrow the nrst ol the week. Geo. Noble went over to Peuuletou Tuesday, retnrniug last evening. Jas. Royae.of Lien, was over last week, having completed the turesliiug season. Mr. Tilden and wife have moved in from Little Wall oreek to remain this winter. Henry Welch is making extensive ira proveuieuts on his Main street residence property- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hooker, of Eight Mile, were visitors to Heppner Saturday. Dan Walter and Geo. Ftewart departed fur theEiist Mondayeaou witba car load of horses. Messrs. Klein & Martin have returned to Helena, without buying any sheep, however. Unole Chas. Kirk reports his sheep at Three Hock flat, where they will remain till snow comes. Messrs. bite & Douglas stopped threshing operations last Saturday, after a run of sixty days. Mr. Siokes, the oontraotor, came np from Portland Monday to attend to some business at this place. D. XV. Hornor has seour?d a new "gear maker" in his establishment, opposite J. W. Morrow's stable. Will Houston onme up from below lasi week, but was called home immediately by the sickness of his little daughter. John Znllinget has recovered from his injuries of last summer sufficiently to enable him to get around ou orutobes. The first of September has arrived and Theo. Danner has advanced the price of onbinets to $i per doz. Une halt dozen 82.&0. . Gid Matt has moved bis barber shop into the Palace Hotel. Drop into the office and you will find bim. Baths in connection. t A. J. Millen, the miller for the Hepp ner flouring mills, has been on 'he sick list since Saturday last. In consequence our mills are idle. For a pleasant shave, a stylish hair- out, suleudid baths and an eflioiioioua shampoo, call ou Cuailey Jones, City hotel barber shop. The little folks bad quite a party at the Palace Hotel, last Sunday afternoon it being the birthday of Urover Cleve land Von Cadow. Work od the Gazette office is moving along slowly. The change from old to new quarters will hardly take plaoe be fore December 1st. Fred R. Sherman, well known here, ar rived from La Grande, overland, Tues day. Fred reports all well and prosper ing in their new borne. Charley Johnson, manager of the Lexingt"n wheat platform, was up Tues day eve to attend the regular convention of Doric Locige, K. of P. Henrv Pudberg's fine bouBe, whioh be is bnililiug on Rhea creek, is almost ready for tbe painters W. J. Davis is the contracting builder. We are pleased to note that Miss Ida Fell ieimpoving rapidly in generel health, though she suffered quite a Severe at tack of neuralgia last week. It ib not an nnnsnal thing to see from twenty to thirty-five wheat wagons roll intu Heppner from Hardman and Eight Mile iu one hour in the afternoon. Harry Warren hasgiven np his plaoe in T W. Ayers' drug store, leaving for Portland yfSterday morning where he will attend a eolioul of pharmacy. J. S. Ingraham complains that it is yet too dry to pli w for fall wheat np about Hardman. The prospeot are good, however, for a more thorough soaking The Heppner Flouting Mill Co. have built a capacious platform for wheBt just east of the mill. The sickness of Mr. Millan has checked operations tempo rally, but will he resumed shortly. Lime Swick, of Monument, arrived from St Joe Tuesday, where he bad been with a car load of horses. He found them dull sale, lumping the whole load off at $1,000, and they W6re a fine lot of horses, loo. "Grandma" Ayers departed for Kansas yenterday. she is nearly HU yeais old, and this would seem quite a trip for her, vet pome of these old people are snr- 3 . . i ... j l Ul... prisiogiy amoinous bdu strung, one was accompanied by Mr. Onev. "Uncle" Nat Webb is down from Walla Walla to look after his sheep in this sec ti"n. He teports that Pat Russell, a well-known farmer of that region, re cently lost bouse, barn, outbuildings and farming mxohinery to the amount of $20,U0O. by fire. Besides H car loads of cattle which will leave tomorrow, Tom Rhea will ship three of sheep while Sam Kinsman will raise the number five oar loads more. Mr. Rhea ill be accompanied by his son, Willie, whogee below to at tend school at Vancouver. A second orop of apples is not a com mon thing, bnt Felix Ji'hoson h s just such a thing in his Butter creek nrcburd. They are of the Red June variety, and compare favorably i.b first crop in flavor, lie picked ab uit a bnnhel from the trie, leaving some Shmples at W. L Mrttli.ckA Co's fur tbe satisfaction of tbe carlo as who will fine them genuine ppl. Joe Es'nelson and family were in from Social Ridge Tuesday. Daily stage both ways between Monu ment and Long Creek. tf. One dollar a year will cover your doc tor's bill if you take Simmons L v, , Regulator. They sav that Gns Caspary, of Hay stack, is "flat broke'' and has made an assignment. Win. Ayers and wife left yesterday for their S.ilem home, aftr several weeks visiting friends. Mrs. Dave MoAtee and daughter are visiting relatives up at Weston and Moscow, Idaho. A fine lot of imported Shot Guns at Thompson & Co's at baigain prices, no jobbers profits. " a F. O. Bucknum is in from a tour of the Northwest. He "ill remain at Heppner for a few weeks. , Geo. Wright, the Taonma Btock buyer. came in early this week, and departed for the John Day sectiou. Dr. J. H. Fell haelooated at John Day 'town," being associated with Dr. Ash- ford iu the prHdioe of medicine. Lev. Denison departed Tueslay for his home uear Galesburg, Ills., after several months visit at this place. Some Gooseberry parties are about to purchase one of those fine Peroheron horses which Prof. Keeue brought to town. Mr. S. McBride has purchased proper ty in the Nels Jones ad lition. and there fore has become a permanent fixture of our plaoe. No servio 8 will be held in the M. E. church next Sunday morning, though the usual servioes iu the evening at 7 o'olock. Glen, a little son of W. J. Davis, of Lexington, got a fiuger badly mangled while playing with a toy wagon one day last week. Mrs. I. N. Basey returned last Satur day evening from a visit below, accom panied by her mother, who will remain a (ew weeks. M. C. K. Royse, of Fairbury. Neb., one of the Riivse brothers, was in town last week, lie haB been ou the Sound siuce last spring. Wayne Honstim has purchased the riuht to sell the Cleveland sand band iu barney county. E. G. Isperry has purchased the pateut right of the same tor Morrow, Sherman, Wasco, Uilllam and Grant comities. It is a good thing The World KmicheU. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will couduce to the material welfare and com fort of mankiud are almost unlimited, and when Syrup of Figs wns first pro duced tbe world was mriched with the only perfeot laxative known, as it it- the only remedy which' is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and' prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in tbe spring time or, in fact, at any time, and the better it is known the more pop ular it becomes. Special to the Gazette. Portland, Nov. 5, 1:30 p. m. Elec tion returns thus far received indicate Mo Kinley's majority 20.000; Flowers, 45, U00; Russell, 7,000; Boies, 10,000. Iowa and New York legislatures iu doubt. In New York tbe entire state democratic ticket is elected. In Massachusetts the republican state tioket, with the excep tion of governor, is elected. In Iowa, indications favor the election of the en tire democratic Btate ticket. Ohio legis lature republican on joint ballot by 37. Pennsylvania republican by 50,000. Iu Kansas farmers alliauoe met a crushing defeat. Republican congresmau elected iu South Dakota. Iowa legislature now stands, democrats control senate, and re- nnhlinana the house. In New lork the senate now stands, demoorats 15, repub- loans 17. There is some douot aooni two republicans and one democrat. Tbe assembly is a tie. A Successful Meeting. Onr re porter had some conversation with an officer of the Heppner Park Association a few dBys ago, aud was informed that the last meeting was a most euocessiui one. from a financial standpoint, though be said that it is a pretty uimtuit matter to make all ends meet when members of tbe association will slidearound through the bushes to get into the grounds with out paying anything, yet after all they are pretty well out of debt. Now we have no idea who of the association would act like this, but in any event it oertainly is not a very business-like move on the part of an outsider, and much less a member. Anent the suocess of the as sociation it is proof that Heppner can support a good, mile track, provided it is properly feuced in and guarded by officers armed with stuffed clubs for im pudent trespassers. Fine Timreb. Perhaps, the best tim. ber growing in tbe Blue mountains oan be found ou Rock creek, in the vioinity of Will Mallory's saw-mill. This clasB of timber Mr. Mallory is using in making lumber bioh he delivering in uepp- nei all the way from $15 to SoU per thousand feet, depending on the quality, and whether desired rough or dressed. Tbe same can be bought at the mill at pnoes ranging from 88 to $25 per thous and. He has a general assortment on band at present, and is sure to satisfy onstoiners. STRAYED HORSE. 427-tf. At the ranch of Jerry Brosmnn on Lit tie Butter creek, near Lena, a four-year-old horse, bay, white hind legs, half moon star in forehead. Uame to my rauch Oct 241b. No brand. Owner oan have same by proving property and pav ing all oliarges. Jebry. Bkosman. Lena, Or. Nov. i, '91 450-4fl. CHANGE OF F1HM. CHlUiCH ANNOUNCEMENT. Rev. E. G. Michael, presiding elder of tho Pendleton District, will preach at the M. E. Church (South) Saturday at 7 p. m ; also Sunday morning and even ing. This beiug the quarterly meeting occasion, the sacrament of the Lord's supper will be administered at the close of tir Sunday morning sermon. A cor dial welcome is exteuded to all by the pastor. Oun Weather Sionals. The weather signals displayed from tue flag stuff of the Palace Hotel are for twenty-four hours, and the telegrams announcing what kind of weather is mapped out for us, leave Sau Francisco in the morning, but owing to iBsiifficienoy of telegraph service, do not reach here uutil the fol lowing morning, consequently twelve hours elapse before the corrected signal is displayed. However, a ohange will likely be made so that fliigs can be dis played for toe twenty-four hours follow ing 0 a. in. instead of 6 p. m. as hereto fore. Our people Bbould bear in mind that some predictions may not be tech nically correct, but as they are for the entire Eastern Oregon, will not fall short of tbe right thing. A stand protecting tbe large barometer basjbeen ereoted on the roof of the Palaoe, L. D. Boyed doing tbe job. Torn Out. After a set ies of oas unities inoludiug the serious and prolonged ill ness of his wife, Mr. John jack and Miss Firmin' ably assisted by local talent, will give a pleasing entertainment at the Opera House Saturday evening. All are pleased that Mrs. Jack, whose stave name is Miss Firmin, aud by which she is universally known, is again able to appear on the stage m her pleasing roles. This is an ocoasiou of a benefit play, for Mrs. Jack, a reciprocity play, as it were, for both Mrs. Jaok, and the audience will be beuefited. Give ber a rousing housp. Sand in Tub Chaw. Billy Crank, of Ritter, who is oamp-tender for Ike Large, relatei a peculiar thing whioh he discovered in a mutton a few days ago. The gall bag as filled witb black sand, though otherwise the sheep was in nor mal oonuitiou. How tins came there is amysteiy, uuless the sheep had been attempting to live on saud. We have noticed a good many humans who un doubtedly nad sand in a very capaoions gall, bnt to fiud suoh a condition in tbe carcass "f a mutton is unprecedented. On aoonnnt of ohange of firm, from M. Lichtenthal to Licbtenthal & Soher- zinger, I am very desirous of squaring up all my old accounts. Those owing must settle within tbe next 30 days, either by 0 .ah or note. M LlOHTENTHATj. Heppner, Or, Nov. 4, '91. 45U 53 IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? Not if you go through life a dyspeptic. Dr. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are a DOvitive cure for the worBt forms of DvsnepMa, Iudigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. Guaranteed and sold the Slooum-Johnston Drug Co. bv Knocked Off The Cars. Geo. Sim mons, breakman on tbe braucb, was knocked off the side bf-a car Monday morning last while sn itching. He was banging on to a ladder, and in leaning out the switch target struck bim in the heal, bnt not seriously injuring him, though it was a close oall. Another Reminder.-On Monday last a spark ignited some shavings upstairs at the plaoing mill, and before being dis covered burned quite a bole through the weather-boarding. A buoketof water stopped what might have been a more serious fire. Let us have water works very soon. Subscribe for awake and newsy. tbe Gazette. $2 a year. Wide THAT TERRIBLE COUGH In the morning, hurried or difBouH breathint, raising phlegm, tightness iu the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at night, all or or any of these things are tbe first stages ot consumption. ir. Ackers English Cough Remedy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by the Slocum-Jobnston Drug Oo. COMPOUND EXTRACtAvW A Novel I.nvestion. Dr. J. A. Barker Bod D M. Hastings, representing the Cleveland Patent Saud Band, are in tbe city, having Hived from Pendleton by private conveyance last Sunday evening. All that have seen their band, pronounce it a complete success- In addition to sales already me tioned, they bave sold Klamath comity to Eli Keaney aud Morrow to W. G. Swagjart. if DEPARTURE. In connection with my Tailoring business, I have opeced tip a fine line of GENTS' FUENISHINGS, Underwear of All Kinds, Negligee Shirts, Hosiery, Etc., Etc- ALSO HAVE ON HAND AN ELEGANT LINE OF FATTERNS FOR SUITS. SELLING OUT TO Uia iRK FROM BUSINESS, The Immense Stnpk of morchandie of the Firm of H. Blnckmnn k Co , will be sold out REGARDLESS OF COST in order to olose out hnsinoss. 49-tt HAVING IN MY EMPLOY THE BEST WORKMEN that can be procured, I am still maintaining my well earned reputation as one who turns out nothing but the NOB BIEST and most stylish suits. Prices reasonable. V. ABRAHAMSICK, OLD STAND ON MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. HEPPNER BAKERY! o. May Street, Heppner, Or., I XT II Iv, Proprietor, KEEPS FRESH BREAD, CAKES, PIES AND CONFECTIONERY. FINE CAKESforWEDDING PARTIES Etc., Made to Order on Short Notice. SATISFACTION GURANTEED AND PATRONAGE SOLICITED. C. RUPIL, Proprietor, May Street. - Heppner, Oregon. STRIKING BOTTOM! AN Al MACHINE-MADE HARNESS, Such as is selling for $28 to $33, $23! REDUCED TO $23! A full stock of everything in the line of Harness, Paddles, Robes, Whips, Spurs, Bits, Etc. D. W. HORNER, OPPOSITE MORROW'S LIVERY STABLE, HEPPNER, OREGON. MA.TRIM03STY AND C.Smith' FURNITURE EMPORIUM Are clcaely allied, became a married eouple without Furniture la like a government without a ruler. Hi? Stock o Furniture Just in. Complete in Everything. Agent For the La Grande Marble Works. OLD STAND ON MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. Pnrtips dpsirnns of mnhing pnrphftSPB for CASH will find it to tlipir intcrpst to M fn II on I WE M HAN BUSINESS. Comp noil lip convinced. H.BIackman& Co., "When the leaves begin to turn," , la time to think of fall purohnses. , Have you Bought your OVERCOAT or Your CLOAK For this winter's wear? Have you laid in your supply for the season? 1 Not, Cull on Aud inapeot their Complete Stock. CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, STAPLE and FAN CY GROCERIES, ETC. Extra Good BUTTER ALWAYS AT HAND. 1H!!I! BROS. U WWD15E EMPORIUM, Heppner, Oregon. Itomuvoil to Tliair N.iw Rnil(lin on Main Ht n-xt uuor to tiiumni mnoee e. NELSON JONES, President. E. R. BISHOP, Treasurer. T. E. FELL, Secretary, Tie Morrow County Laoil & Trust Company PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK $25,000. Best Grade ! Of Work at Lichtenthal & Soherzinger'i- Exclusive Boot and Shoe Store. The Importance of purifying the blood can. not he overestimated, for without pure blood yon cannot enjoy good health. At Uils season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and wo ask you to try Hood's Danilisr Barsaparilla, It strengthens rcCUIIal ana builds up Uie system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while It eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used give to Hood's Barsaparilla pecul- Tn Itcplf lar curative powers. No ' w llwCII other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures. If you bave made up your mind to buy Hood's Barsaparilla do not be induced to take any other instead. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Hood's Barsaparilla Is Bold by all druggist. Prepared by C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar They are Constantly adding New Goods and Carry the Best. Bee the Fall Stock. Bottom Prices For Cash. Best Grade of Work. Lichtenthal & Scherzinger, MAIN STREET, OPP. CITY HOTEL, HEPPNER, OREGON, teal Ui ?! I hmiw Urals. HEPPNER, OREGON. The Highest Market Price Paid for all kinds of Grain, Sheep Pelts', Hides, Etc. HKPl'NKIt WAHKHOl'MS: I 5,000 Baits Wool. 50,001)0 liimlifls (irnln i)(iP(ii..H wAi:i;noi un,uoo jttimiit.5i.i KIN li WAKKIKH'BE. 20,000 Unfile! Grain. HIGHEST CASH PRICE Flour Exchanged for Wheat. HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. GL W. HAIIRINGTON, Manager. 448 NEW TO-DAY. Odd Combinations.1 NAILS AND SUGAR. PEARL BARLEY AND PADLOCKS. TOMATO KETCHUP & HAMMERS. CANNED GOODS C AMMUNITION. Giyk Him Help. Od Monday next the annniil iiiHtilute of Morrow oonut will btuin in this oity. Tbe teachers of the ooooty are lttboring hard to elevHte themselves nnd their profession. The euperinteudeiil requests the oitizens of Heppner to HRftist him in eutertaiuing the teachers coming from a distance. - Send Them In Now that the thresh ing season is over, we would be much pleased to h ive yoo machine men Bend in a foil report of the various crops threshed in Morrow. It will be the big gest advertisement that Morrow conutv 1 ever received. Don't forget to make 8 report to the Uxzette immediately. A Wheat Pool Messrs. Boober Bros., Metier. Cmw ami Evans Bros, have a wheat pool of 20UOU bnshels which they will put n p at l-xinutun neit .Satnrd and auction off to tbe highest bidder. This will, perb .ps, attract the crtam o ta wheat linyart. Ktctntly tht following Katlct tppearwd III Ms m Juilee S had been sick only shout tw .nrt it was not until the last three or four days that the malady Uxjk a serious turn. At the bcciniiinK of his illness he suffered from diabetes and stomach disorder. l-aier in, kidneys refined to perform their functions and he passed quietly away. Thus ended .the life of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia " Like thousands of others his un timely death was the result of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease. IF YOU " re troubled with diabetes, gravel, or Ml (de rangement of the kidnevs or urinary organs, 4on1 delay proper treatment until you are i A ,n un vour daily duties : dnn't waste your money on worthless liniments and worse plasters, but strike at the seat of the disease at once dji.i h,c -. , ?u , i .r,Hie. thece ebrated Oregon Kid- nev Tea, It na! saveu tivcs ui uiuuii... Why should it not cure you Try it. Purely -Mreuble snd pleasant to take. $1.00 s pack- . fcc t CO. Rock Springs Coal! I will keep constantly on hand the BesT Screened Rock Springs Coal, which I will deliver in any part of Heppner . At a Reasonable Price. Leave your orders at the Gazette Office J. W. COWINS, Heppner, Or. Strange Conibiimtions to lio Found Only lit The Combin ed Grocery mid llmdwuio Storo of P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY, DUAM'.KH IN Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery Wood t Willow Ware and Agricultural Implements,. Aleuts for NEW HOME Sowing Machines and IMPERIAL EGG FOOD. LUM HERMANS' TOOLS A SPECIALTY. Table Cutlery, Slienrs, HcisMors, I Remarkably Low Prices. Special toiuers. Uive tta a trial. ckcl Kiiive, and Razors at inducements to Cash Cni- tf. Corner Main and Willow KtreeU, Heppner Or. E. 0. BLOC (J M. II. HI.OCDM. mm mm company. 4,'fl-tf For Great .Bargains ! 820 wiU buy a three Piece Room Suite. Bed Main St., Heppner, Or.