J THE WEEKLY HEPPKER GAZETTE, HEPPtfER, OREGON, XOYEMBER 8, 1891. THE GAZETTE. THE ElECTIOXS. From private telegrams and newspa per re ports we re led to believe that Ohio has eleoled McKinlcv by r round majority, while Flowers, Boies hiiiI line sell, demnoratio onndiilnt. s of the states, respectively, New York, Iowa ami Jlus Bacbnsetts are also successful. The re sult is Dot at all surprising to republi cans aDy more than to democrats. The only state in which uational ismies influenced the result was in tho state of Ohio, and Mr. McKinley'e eleclion is to our dear demooralio brethren a beauli ful foretaste of what they may expect in the year of our Lord, A. D., 1H'J2. Na tional party lines have been fouuht vigorously aud republican principles no oepted. Ohio has had one of the moat remarkable campaigns ou record. In Iowa, the republicans went into the canvass as they did two years ago, handicapped by prohibition which dues Dot prohibit. There is a lure German population in the state of Iowa, most of 1 them being republicans, who believe in I the privilege of manufacturing, Bulling, and imbibing that beverage of Vaterlaml, lager beer. These republicans, with others, are showing their resentment to prohibition by vntiug the democratic ticket on state matters, changing fmin republican viotories to a small democrat ic majority, so that is all "that is rotten in Denmark." New York is the home of local rottenness io politics. As a demo cratic friend of ours apprises us, the whole of New York city and Brooklyn is under the control of Tammauy, election boards, sack and all. This, with local inactivity, coupled with the popularity of the democratic candidate and the ob scurity of the republican, Fassett, leaves , the latter paddliun in the consomue. Massachusetts is reported to have re elected Kussell, though the remainder of the ticket will undoubtedly bo repub lican. On national issues, Massuchu etts is do more of a democratic state than Oregon. Pennsylvania, to the surpriso of all, goes republican, aud other states are coming to the front as they have in the past. From indications, the republicans feel better over the cieotiou of Melviuley than if they had heeu successful in the amies 01 lowu, new xorn unu Massa chusetts, and lost him. So, while Doth purtios are eujuyiiigsouie victory, neither have it their own way. UOWN IX CAUP. Well, Tat: We will be at our destina tion in four days more. I have been on the road thirty days We have found the roughest roads I ever traveled. Had only two days rain since leaving Eight Mile. 1 haven't seen anything vet that will beat tight Mile. People in Morrow county ought to be "ell satisfied if they have a quarter section of good f ruling land. If my health was so I could live there, I would never leave it for atiy- uiing i nave seen yet. Y u will please send the Gazette to mv address, Lower Link", Lake county. Calif. Wilei McBec. Tehama, Calif., Oct. 27, '91. The Wetrn botHer's Chosen Specific. With every ndvanoe of emigration into the far West, a new demand is created for Hosteller's Stomach Hitters. Newly peopled regions are frequently less sal ubrious than older settled localities, on account of the miasma which rises from recently cleared land, particularly along the banks of rivers that are Bubjeot to Irestiets. 1 he agricultural or mining emigrant soon learns, when he does Dot already know, that the Bitters afford the only sure protection against malaria, anil muse uisoruers ol the stomach, liver and bowels, to which cliinalio charges, ex posure and uuaeeiislomed or unhealthy water or diet subject him. Consequent ly, he places an estimate upon the great household specific and preventive oom ineiisniate with hs intrinsic merits, and is careful to keep on band a restorative and promoter of health so implicitly to be relied upon in time of need. CURING DI.-'KASKS II Y ELECTRICITY. Stubborn Diseases Yield to skilful Treat ment by Dr. Danlri. It is a positive fart that I be nrt of cur ing diseases by electricity is revolution izingthe praitio- of medicine, as is shown by the following testimonial which speaKs lor ltselr : Itemarkiihle Cure or Deafness. To horn it may concern : For years I have been troubled with chromo ca tarrh. So troublesome had it become that I could scarcely breathe through my nose; had entirely lost sense of smell, and became almost totally deaf, accom panied ith ringing noises in my ears. After a course of electric and and snigic al treatment by Ur. Dnrrin I am perfect ly cured of my deafness and buzzing noises. Refer to me at Kalama, Wash. JAMES FLANNAQAN. WITHOUT AN EQUAL. CURES A Resident of Ihis seotion suggests that Heppuer ought to have a carding machine. Without doubt there are sev eral old-fashioned looms and spinning wheels in this section, aud without a carding machine these are well nigh useless, except that the looms might be used for carpet weaving. Homespun and homeknit socks and stockings, and even bome-woven blankets, would be no rarity if some enterprising man would put in a carding machine and work up some of our Morrow county wool. Our Hoosier fruine yearns for sonic of these old fashioned luxuries. The Heppner schools, under the fli oient management of Prof. A. W. Wier, are attaining a popularity not heretofore enjoyed, and which is much appreciated by our people. With all respect to the pomposity of the "Editor Gazette," the school board iB taking an unusual in terest in school allaits, which accounts to some extent for the unusual success of our school, though much credit is given Prof. Wier, who is unequalled us an educator in the aiate of Oregon, riti:ns opinions. A Mountain Myhtbby. There is still a mystery connected with the shooting of John Zollinger last summer At that time it was thought that ,Vial Church was Illegality party, but many have since cnangeu tlieir minds. Whoever com mitted tho cowardly act rode a spotted pony, and thin fact more tliun anything else caused suspicion to full ou (Jburoh, for he was in that vicinity at that time, attempting to escape afier killing Lewis Hadsell at Monument. But they say that a man who rides a spotted pony still frequents the mountains hack of Heppner, robbing sheep camps for a liv ing, and those who have met the Btraii ger say that, at a distance, he hears a striking resemblance to Church. It will he reinembere i that just before the cap turn ol the luttcr.Lishe Walking saw a man riding this iniich-talked of "Pinto," or one very much resembling him, which Wntkins afterwards concluded was the niKiiive ami noise. Ninoe that time it I has linen proven without a doubt, that this was not Church, but someone bear ing much the same appearance as him self. From his actions, way of living, etc., he is thought to be some desperate charactei, eluding the authorities, and, perhaps, is the man ho so cold-bloodedly shot Zollinger. Somb Oai.i.oway Nicws. -IWr. S. Com gall, of Galloway, reports some activity over at his place of residence. Bob Stanlield is feeding 100 head of steers for the spring market, Shaw Bros. 200 head, Win. Wattenberger 40 head, aud Hilly Lnyd 00 head. Cass lingers has just sold 2111) head of steers at 2 cents per pound, all 'round' The sheep of that locality are nearly all out of the mountains. Allen Evans hud the mis fortune to lose 58 head by ulkali poison ing while bringing them out of the uioiintnins. Mr. Corrigall says nearly all have quit raising wheat on hill ranches down there, though he is still in the ring with 2,000 bushels this season, lie was over in this section to buy a few sheep, having succeeded iu securing only part of a baud. Dr. Darrin continues to treat all class es, therioh aud pnoralike, free of charge, at his office, 70 Washington street, Portland, Oregon. The Nnrmmlv Seattle, Wash., from 10 to 11 ., m. to 8 p. m. at his former prioes. He gives free anil confidential examinations to all at the otlioe or by letter. He treats all curaOle clironic, acute aud private dm eases with eleotricity and medicines wneu requned. HOW A 'UHL MAKBS MONEY. "I give my experience for the benefit or others. 1 sent li.00 to the On-en Toilet Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, and received a agents outnts and my own county for territory. I started to of my friends to work and also canvassed myself for one month; my friends nor myself never canvassed before, but we found it no trouble to take orders, even clore to drug stores for people could not help buying when they saw with their eyes what these remedies can do. I now have nine snb agents iu the towus and a oranon olhce at my home, which the company mentions iu their advertisement in our ocunty papers." "My dear profit last mouth was 810c une county gives me all the business oan attend to." Ei.la Blackburn, Agent for Decatur Co.. Ind This Company's advertisement appears in inis issue ot our paper, (Ed. 43(itf REMEDY PAlN RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, LUMBACO, SCIATICA, i.JJ DD & CO. IMPORTERS OF 0 Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Swellings, PROMPTLY AND PERMANENTLY. PALACE HOTEL, CHAS. V HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, AND FARM MACHINERY. Front, Firsl and Vine Streets, - - PORTLAND, OREGON. l'OOI, PIlIKNDN TO HLAMIC. Salem btntosiuau: As many political Bsuirants are killed oil' bv Ho or f. i, u ' .1. frr ds as iu any other way. Home of this district's woulj-ho congressional candidates are likely to he killed deader than a mackerel by theiis. HACK AT TllHM. Salem Statesmen; tjalem would bo a better show town if it had less Jim Crow shows, made up from morphine iiends and women of uui'stionahlo rooule. like theoompnny that recently attempted to give us a oiuck eye. TOO MUCH NOW. The Dalles Chronicle: Our two Dalles contemporaries are both urging that the governor call a special hchhhiii of the legislature iu order to make provision for building a portage around The Dalles obstructions. The Chronicle need scarcely say it is iu hearty aoooiil Willi its neighbors in this luatler. In fact -though it matters lit I le the Chronicle spoke of it before either took it up. ir we have not recently given it as much attention as they, it is because wo be lieve the real question before the people of The Dulles at this moment is that of maintaining that part of tho river now open. JUK1NUCY 1111) IT. One of i nr farmer friends, whoso only fault is that he is a democrat -mid he is not blamed for that, for his father before him was dyed ill the wool, and he never reads the papers- ciinie to town ouo day this week to buy some sugar. His good wife was putting up fruit and she needed about lo pounds ot sweetuess. The dialogue iu the grocery ran about as follows: Farmer W hat lire you doing, young man? Clerk Waiting on you. Weighing out your sugar. Farmer How iiiinh are you giving me? Clerk- A dollar's worth. Farmer Yes I know ! but bow many pounds? Clerk --24. Faimer 24! Why it used to bo only 14. Clerk Yes, but Mi Ivinley did it. Farmer Well, run her buck ami give me only 14 pounds. If I took home 24 pounds of sugar for a dollar the old woman would make me vote tho republi can ticket, uud I'll he hanged if 1 do that.-Kx. Foot Mashed. An accident oooiirred 'own al lone last I'ridiiy which wilfdis. able It. C. Wills for some weeks. In passing between loaded cars he stepped on the coupling link causing the cars to come together, catching his right foot between the hollers. It, was some mm. ules before he could he released from that perilous position. Though his foot was seriously bruised and sprained, no hunoH were nroken, so wo learu from Dr Shipley who attended him. The link was not long enough to allow the cars to come together, else the weight of the eight loaded cars abovo would have liiasned oil' the foot in a twinkling. A u hosier Vihitoh Aden Ader, of uainnriuge, fntouin couutv. Intl.. nn uncle or 13. u. Akers, departed yesterday morning for his Hoosier home, after sev. eral weeks' visit to Mr. Akers and fam ny out at Uoseb-rry. He likoB this country pretty well, but. hardly thinks it equal to "ole Indninv." Hu says that mine never uau snoii a wheat crop be fore us this year-just like Oregon in that respect. Mr. Ader very justly com plains or our roads in this seotion, for there all the roads are graveled and smooth as a floor, winter or summer. Withal, he goes back with a very favor- anie impression of the possibilities of eastern uregou. There is little doubt but that many pci-Hons sillier for years with ailments that, could easily be cured by the use of some simple remedy. The following in cident, is an illustration of this fact: My wife was troubled with a pain iu her side the greater part of the time for three years, until cured by Chamberlain's I'ain Halm. It has, I think, permanent ly cured her. We also have used Cham berlain a Cough Ki'incdy whenever need ed and believe it to be the best in the world.- 1'. M. l'oslon, l'ennville. Sulli van Co,, Missouri. For sale bv Hloouin. Johnston Drug Company. , tlUO Reward. 1100. The readers of the Gazette will be pleaded to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that scienoe has been able to cure iu nil its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the on ly positive otire known to the medical fraternity.. Catarrh being a constitution al disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, noting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. thereby destroying i he foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as- sistiug nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith iu its cu rative Dowers that they offer One Hun drec"i)ollars for any case that it fails to euro. Send for list of testimonials. F. J. CHENFY & CO.. Toledo. O. CS'-Sold by Druggists, 7oe. Camp Fiiik On November 13th, out at Fight Mile Center school house, the old soldiers will indulge iu e ''oainp tire." All are invited to come aud bring their baskets, as there w ill be a line supper. Hou. W. H Ellis is expected to address the gathering on that occasion. The L xiugton and Ariiugtou uiiBts are ex pected to attend iu a body, and it will undoubtedly be a must enthusiastic gathering ot old comrades and friends. LATEB-Mr. Ellis leaves tomurrow for Canyon City and cannot be present which he regrets very much. ill III iiil Heppner, Oregon, Is Now Open to The Public ! V4- -p. "fMf. i7 Sole Agents for Oregon and Washington for DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. DEERE'S GAZELLE Seeeiallv Improvnl for i-,,:-? Power Lift Sulky Plows. Buckeye Shoe Crain Buckeye Uoc fress Grain Drill, lluckcye Seeders, Uutktye spring Toolh Harrows. Deere PLOWS. Drill. Good Meals, Reasonable. American and European Plan First Class Kooms. Free Baths. W. VON CADOW, Manager. Formerly of U. P. Hotel Company --via I IsL -WJ t-i m fll HI 1- k-tl f ff (;i If isjl DISC HARROWS. DcERE'o The latest improved implement for sowintr tool for tli We also nave a full line of BtiRgics, l'hncto DEERE'S SEEDER?. Hie most complete and successlal "IT I'llloW. 11 OSC Ml I1SP. A . , 11 ' , 1 ;i ; ll ll'Tirmie PlnlT . Vehicles, SCHUTTI.ER FARM WAOOXA Hnrirg Tod'h Harrows X Z ?.T1 Scientific Feed Mills. Panfir iniinimr irien mnr, ,,.-r.., . w ...ir.r.. union jniii wiKft. Etc. COFFIN & McFARLAND. A Big Line direct from the East. Fine Stylish Huts, new shapes and patterns Oents' ilne shoes. Ladle's and Children's shoes, nil styles, sun Jose, California buddies at I'nctory prices. A car loud o Fcrnollnt' .Shccii bin a Sure cure for tho scab. Dry Gootla, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Mitchell Wngona, Oliver Chilled Plows, Etc. COFFIN & MeFAHLAND. Big Brick, National Bank Biilliliiuf, Hoppiier, Oregon. Union Paoijsg Railway-Local Card. 2 No, 31, mixpi lcdveB llcimncr R n. m. " 31, " ' Hr. lit Arlington 10 ,1(1 a.ni. " L'2, " g loiivcs ' 'Ji'.M p. m. " 82, " f ar. at lleppnor tl:4u p. m, daily iicupt Hundny. Fast bound, main line ar. at Arlington 3:50 p. m. Wuat " ' " k'livuw " 4:1 p.m. Nilit trains are running on same time as before. CITATION. KKI'OKT YOl'lt KKl'TION. To i.Ti'io:. IM. OH., icr l mm.) Dkpahtm knt or Aon nr i.Ti'io,: KAT1IKH lll'KKAU, I Oclohc the lulitor- Hir : TIiih olliiw has been milking fffortu to colhrt Htiitintics of the crops of lHHl, nu, so far him mcl with Home suooess, yet not over 'JO er centum of the ciriuliira unit out have been answered. The valno of a com piled report iB apparent, ami I would request tlint you invite the attention ot your renders, those who hiivo nveived the blanks, to the ueeessitv of complet ing Hint forwnrdiiiK the hhink at iih early uiue hb posMioie, in order unit your county tuny tie properly represented. Home have the idea that the precinct is to be canvassed to ohtiiiu the diiln to be entered. Hnch is not Ihe oime. It is desired that the data he entered which in their knowledge and belief is a true approximation. The oo-operatiou of the press of the state will greatly fucilitale the collection of the statistics desired. Very rispeotfullv, li. M. r'.turn. Observer. ll.l. I AKIC IT IN IIano. Warren I arsner was a visihir to Heppner the tlrst of the week to buy supplies and house hxlures, us he is just erectniir one or the lnieat ilwcllniKs iu Haystack, lie will take uhnrveof the lluystaok-Day- vnio roan next spiuiK, it otheis will not do so, us he is iiute anxious for its completion, hut has not had tune to L'ive it much attention heretofore. Wntren is u progressive man, and can cuitaiuly make it ko, fcii'in'iiisui 1'ahtv. A very pleasnnl, snciul event, for the yomiK peoide occur red at Mrs. Andy MteveiiHim's ou last iTidny evening. It was the intention of lite sclioolniatcs and friends of K 1. Mte venson to nivi'lhnn a sitnii ise, hut he took unollier view of the matter, kno iim that sonii'lhiiii; was umiiir on and thinking thai he us heiuu sliL'hted, so hied him elf ton ball not far distant from town. The jokers were joked this time, though it was a very pleas int occasion. l-'isi: Stock. I'rof. Keene, the vet eran horsetrainer, ami us Tom Morgan niiKlit remark "knows more boss than any body," arrived from Fossil Hie first of the week with two i hoioiiK'hhred I'ercher- . huh. I hey lire dark, dappled jra)s, with white lniines uud tails, a pretty match teiim, and two of the liuest stnf lioi,., that ever struck the colony. He will haveolhers stabled here this week. Yom Ol Axct! - Drop in town ami stay over till Nov. l;(th and 1411). Why? This is the occasion of John Q. Wilson's hi horse sale. Twenty ui ires and colts, 'Jil yearlings, 1 two year olds and fill marcs and eldinus go at tliis lime. Iwelve months) time, 10 per oeut interes wilh approved secmity, niveu all purchasers. Five per oeut discount for cash. milliard's Uhi'umutic anil Liver Pills. These Fills nrescieutilically com ponniV ou, anil uuiiorm ill nclion. XNo Kripinj; pain so commonly rollowing the use ol Fills. 'They ate adapted to both adults and children with perlect safety. We triiarantee they have uo equal iu the cure of 8ick Hkadaciik. Constipiition, Dyspep sia and liiliousness; and, as au appetizer, they excel any other preparation, A Convesiunok. J. D. Kreps, Supt, or iinenien, western Union, visited Heppner lust week, and will shortly es tablisli a line froii) the depot to Paluue Hotel, wIiitb a telegraph and Reueral up town, raiiroaiioiiiiie will oe established, as stated before in these columns. It will he a ureat convenience for the traveling public as well as our own people. Dlt. ACKER'S ENGLISH PILLS Are active, effective and pure. For sick headache, disordered stomach, appetite, bud oomplexiou and uess, they have never heeu either in American or abroad. Sloouni Johnston Drug Co. loss of Sold by Highest cash price paid for wheat. oals, barley. Apply to lliekson oi Youiiu. Concord Ituildinir. l'orlland. Oremni. Coirespoiideuce solicited. 440-tf A Nt:w Ci KiiK Fred Hart has reoeiv ed the appointment as clerk in the U. P. ollice at tins place, and is making bun. self generally useful in his department. Fred is a bright boy, and will umke a miccessnt anything to which he applies himself. E. 0. Frey reports that t!JV'4 ton of hay was raised on K! acres on Mrs. Coleman's Mardiuan ranch. How is this, ya scissorf man of the Oregon inn ? (iiiANT Co ItiiKK. Sum Kinsmnu re turned from Long Creek country last Friday, having purchased. 300 head of catlle lor shipment to Portland on the ; til ti inst , and ltkl head for John Spray, of ; this place, who will feed them for the spring market. Sleeiiin-.Tohnstoii Drug Co. Fresh goods received weekly. a. Kiihl, the baker, lluv vour bread and dikes and save money. Try it. a. See J. W. Cow ins for Hock Snrincs coal. Leave orders at Unzettc ollice. a New firm, and prices as low as v..r Lichteuthul & Schirzinger's, old stand. a Collin & McFarland will huv when f at all stutious on the Heppuer branch. a. Hardware? Yes. at Gilliam .fc Ris. bee's, Main St., Heppuer, Or. a. See your wife about some uew furni ture and then cull ou S. C. Smith. Full stock. Nails by the ear load at Gilliam .t Ris. bee's. Grant oouuty people will do well to mill ou them. n- Oo to S. 0. Smith's furniture store and examine the tine line of carpet sam ples just received. ft Wanted -More customers to hoy omuls of the Heppuer Furniture Co. Great bargains this spiiug. , Drugs, medicines, toilet articles and everything in his line at T. W. Avers, Jr. Call for a refreshing ice cream sodu. a When you want your horses shod or wagon repaired, ye Grunt comity people, don't forget that h. Shephard hits a shop at Fox. B When you are weary and need a few minutes rest, drop in and see Tom ISrad T N THE COUNTY TOtniT OF Til E STATE OF J. Oi'cson, lor the County of Morrow. In the mutter of the i Estate of ! Citation. M. II. 11ai.es, Deceased.) Tn Mary L. Hales, Win. H. Ilalcs and Grace E. Males, minor heirs of said Estate, and lo all whom it limy concern, ureetiiitf: la tlii! inline of the state ol OrcRon, von are herehy died and required to appear' in the County Court of the Slate of Oi-ckoii, for the County of Morrow, at the Court lloom thereof at Hciiiier, In the Count v of Morrow, on l-'riduv' the llh day of December, lS'Jl, at 111 o clock iii the fiirenoon of that day, then ami there to show cause, if any exists, why an order should not he firanled lor the sale of the li'llowiiif,' described real estate, a prayed for in the peliiii f ) 'lain Hales, unurilinii of saiil minors, liled herein and dcHerihed as follows, to-wit- u and NEi, of sec. .'iii, Tp. I s li. M E., w. M., and Nw'.and Sh of See. V, aud si, of Sec 1 unit i, of Nvtof Hee. One (II, and .; of SI'.', of Sec. One, all in Tp, One (11 North of Hal!oai E., W. M , ami .'" of sec, :iii, Tp N K. '.'li E., W. M., all in .Morrow Couutv, Orei-on' and all the rights aud Improvements therew ith witness, the Hon. Julius Keith) v, .luilce of the County Court of the Stale oi Oreiion. for the County ot .Morrow, wilh the seal of said Court tilli xeit, this ,'itli duv of November, A. D IS'il ,lfi-"-l Attest: J. w. Mo an. wl County Clerk. TOWOOWS! IF YOU WANT To keep your Sheep healthy, and Insure u good clip, use IIAYWARD'S : : DIPS. A Sure Cure at Moderate Cost. FRANK; GILLIAM. T H." HIsitMJ 'J) Sk ? V I! a GILLIAM & 1JISHEE, General - df.alehs in Mm Stoves and Tinware, Plumber's Materials, Etc., HEPPNER, . - . OREGON DIP IIAYWARD S "PASTE Mixes with either COLD or WARM WATER, IIAYWARD S LIQUID DIP Is Non Poiflonous, Improves the Wool and does Not stain it. CHRISTY AS WIS)?, NOTICE OF INTENTION. IjiikI otllce at La Grande, nr.. May ism. Notice is hereliv L-iven that the 'fol l,m l,!,r. named settler has tiled notice of his inlein ion lo make linal prool iu support of his claim, and that said ni'ooi will be made hio'iin. I'muiu- Clerk ol Morrow County, Or., at Hepiuier, nr.', ou December I'J, ts'.d, vi: OEOHHE Pill PI'S. D. S. No. 111,17:1, for the W, of sVU and KW . of .Nl of Sec M. T 1 S, II J7 E, W M. He mimes the lollowimr witncKses to i,r,-u liis eouliniious resitience upon, and eultiinilon of. said lund. viz: lieni'tre soia. Elbert II. R up .lolin .lnl,,. William l.etrace, all of iieppner. Or. . ' A. CI.K.WKII. Resister, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Ollice at The Dulles, Or., Nov. '.', l,yi. Notice is lierehv L'iven that the loll, m in,.. named settler bus Ule.l notice of bin intention lo make tinul nrooi in sunnortof hisehiiiii n ml ti,,.i suiil proof w ill lie made before W, R. Ellis. i. s. i urn iinssioner at Hepiuier, Oret-on, on, December II, ls'.d. viz: JAMEs II. JONES. Hd No UOe, for Die NEi4 See :u, Tp 3 S, R 'J4 E I He names the followiuir witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz: E. H. Stanton, M. C. FiRpm, William Ingram, Hemau Caldwell, all oi Kiht Mile, i 'r. John W. Lkwis. 4.'1-;V Register. 'o,'i. Commission Merchants, Fiftll and Townsend Sis., San Francisco (iENHUAl, AGENT3. For sale by Sloourn-Joliuston Drug Co. 4:56 474 SIMMONS. TN THE COl'NTY COCRT OF THE STATE OF A Oregon, for the County of .Morrow. James W. smith. I'luiiittir, vs. X. II. Faun ham uud MlI.ISS J AKHRTT, l'efenduiits. To Miles Jurrett, one of said defendants' In the mime of Hie stale of Oregon, you nre i.- "'i1"1"'."' appear ami answer the com plaint bled against you in the above entitled action Hilhiii ten davs from the date of the service ol this siimin, ms upon vou, if served in Morrow county: or ii served in anv other couutv n the state ol Orcsoii, then within twentv davs Irom the date oi sucli service upon vou' or if served upon you by publication, then you are required to so appear and answer said complaint on I he hi nt day ol' the .lunuurv. In'.u, term of sul.i Court, heiiiK Monday, the iih dav of Janu ary. A. 1). IviJ: and if you do not appear and answer nr otherwise plead to said coin plaint on said hrst day ol the Janiicrv term ol said Court above mentioned, pluintitl' will take iudirment aeuinst yon lor the sum of s, prineii.nl and Interest, and tor aceruin.r liitr..ut i.. , ... . of fm attorney's fees in this action.' mid for the v' "if',ii'i'iueuis oi ims uCUoli. Iliissnniinons is published iu the Heppner ;; ,' '.' me nun. juiiiis h.elthly, t on uly .ludiic oi said Morrow County which said onler is dated October :i, Ism. .'avne a Ramsay. Attorneys for Plaintiff. T. W.AYERS, Jr., Dealer in Choice Perfumes and Fine Toilet Articles, Pure Drugs and Medicines. A Fine Line of Cigars, Books, Stationery, Paints, Oils Brushes and everything in Druggists Sundries. Call on Me for School Books. Bear in mind our Stock Is Complete in Every Department. HEPPNER, OREGON. W. A. KIRK KIRK HAYES NOTICE OF INTENTION. Irfiml Ollice at The Halles, Or., Nov. . IS'.U. Notice is hereby iven t Hat the i'oUowiiis nameti Nettlcr litis tiled notice of hit intention 'o iiiHKc nimi proot in uport ot his claim, and that Haiti proof will be made before county Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or.", ou lJeeeinber U t.vi, vi.; (iKoluiK H. HALT., Hd No. JTTO. forthe K'a HlA and ES XW'., Sec ;U, Ip A S. li 1M E, V M. He imiuet the t'ollowinff uitnefises to prove his COUliniiiins reKiilein-ti nnon and (Miltiinri.n ,,f ! said land, vi : iieorne Hl(nc, trnnk Parton, 1 homag lira ham, (.iarret Akers, all of Gooseberry, Or. John v. Lfwis, 4."i0-.V' Ke(,'ister. NOTICE -TIMBEIi CI LITKE. TKAi'H VMS' EX A M I N A I lON. N'OTUE IS HEKEHY GIVEN THAT FOU the purpose of maklinr an examination of all persona ho may oiler theumoh es an eandi liateti lor teachers of the schools of this eouniv. the Comity M'bol Superintendent thereof u ill hold a public examination at the Court House, in Heppner, hetfiuniUK at 1 P. M., Wednesday. NovtMiil.er Uth. Hated this Jd dav of November. A. P . U . I,. Salinu, EiUp't. fc'nun 11 (YTL'lJ It i. ... ley Ht the tnlveaere. He kuoivn how to in, Hlllt all other work iu bis line Ciieim make you feel h borne. -7-tf IforCasb. Otlioe on "the tun." 4tf. f. S. Land Olliee, The llalles. nr., Oct "" lslt I'lMiiplaint haviiiK been entere.l at tiiis olliee l; A. J. llunin. Morrow eounty. mniiust Bovd lunnnn;lnime for failure toeoinpiv with law as to limber Culture Kntrv No. dated Feb "i If- "1" ' N of See. , Tp. ;) .-i. u m K' "in Morrow- I'minty. Oregon, wilh a view to the oiuee nation ol sai.l entry: eoutestant nlleitinir hat ehnmant has never broken nr CHiised tn be broken seres the llrst year, did not break or cause to he broken 5 acres the second vear. did not cultivate any of the tract in anv time since r( J'S,V0rV""?;''1 "' '"' l,1"tel; the said par ties are hereby summoned to appear at this othceeuthe ah day of lee.. lwi'. at lo " clock A . ,, to respond anil furnish testimony con eermni: said alleued failure. W. u Ellii r jominissiuiicr. isauthori.wi to take testi'monv in tins case at his olhco in Heppner, Or., at 10 j, ,"- "v' ' ''"''' Jousi W. Lkwis " Kefiister. J. 0. HAYES DEALEItS IN Saddles, Haatieas, Whips, Spurs, aud every Conceivable Article kept iu a First Class Harness Shop. tanUr on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for live years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines and get oash pnoes. MAIN STREET, - . HEPPNER. OREGON. O notice timber ci'lti ke. t. S. Ulnd Ollice. The Hollos. Or.. Sept. an 1H t loniplaint Imvimrheeu entered at this ,lie.. i? . ""'v. lleW.ner.lr.. against l'brl... i, .vVniV" i-"ri' '" l'"'"l'ly itn law as to Tim-: tvr n ture Kntry o. m;. dated April in Am 1 .'onn, o?"'" ?V ! Tl7 "' K -,1 K borrow I l .iintj. Or.aon, with a Wow to the cancellation i a n :,w' r,i !ent allc-in that defend: ant has w holiv nu!c.l to c.mi.u-w on ti... ri. ...ri',,t...... i.. . .. ..'. "t- .mi .- . v , a.. . e.cem nun at.out . i"i.' en . nit' Rnii We have Removed our Large gnd Well Selected Stock of Drugs, Medicines, Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc. To our New Brick Store, next dor to H. Blaokman 4 To 's. whore we will be pleased to meet our friends and make new ones. sSlooiiiii-Joliii-st oil Irti4; Co., BEPPXER. OREGON. rinom iv acres have ......... ,,. uppcar al mis o: nc on the elh day ,.l IVcenibcr. I v..,. , , o'clock , X o respond and furnish testimony com-crn Wan'' V-''1 M'"-- V"""8 t'"'Hh". in ,' .'th..n.-e.l to take testiinonv in I tin rase at hisoihee in Hetunier i m m' l. Jiv.uw,"', Kfiit.r. SWEETS, FIRST IN OYSTERS, FIRST In the Hustle with their Countrymen. Tlie E3Cener -Five doors North of the Palafle H , tel. Hm,.,,.. n. " Fine Tmp'irti'd tinrf Ihnni'stic ppuer. I'J'irs (tin! v. i Fresh Fruits and vtwr Goods Iteceived Jhdly. ' ' 7