THJC WEEKLY EEBPNElt OiZfiTti, HiiPWilOft, OW-SOON, OOTOIiEIi 29, 18B1. I GEO. LOUD, Contracting, Building General um Work! tST" Moving Buildings a Specialty. tig lor this work. Have full HEPPXER. OF.EGOX. JS. IS. . 15. Have You Tried The S. B. Headache Cure? If you have not, you would be surprised to ce liow much better it is tluiii pills for tlie Blood, Kidneys and Constipation. Afl a regulator U bfiitR Suraii purl 11a, taken in teURpoollflll doSCH. Foil KAI.K BY BLOCUM-JOIINSTON DMVG CO., Heppner, Oregon. ESTABLISHED IN 1877. Wynndottes, Plymouth llocks. Light Bran alia, IioHe ami Single Cntub Brown L-peJiorna, lJ;ntrilge Cochins, iforuliins and SjI ver Spangled IJuiiiburKH. 1.000 mu FOWLS Ready for Delivery. BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR CHOICE SELECTIONS. Some In Amorion, and are the beat on tliiH count by H (treat difTerenee. I GUAR A NT E SATISFACTION TO EVERY CUSTOMER. Bend for CatuloKiio. AildrpHH J. M. OARKIHON, Box 55. eorn.ii'Ki. Forest iimvo, Oi 'I'll 15 IMO.VlCi;! Jewelry Etfislmeiil I-oe--i: Still Continues to Boll WATCHES, . CLOCKS . JEWEIinY, ETC.. At the Loweat Piwsiblo Prices. A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always Lr--- --on Hand ----rH?tE A Full Line of 1VC DSICAL I3STStTXXXT ZVEjEjNTTSS Has been milled to li in lurxe and well- selected atook. REPAIRING A PECIALTY AND ALL Worlt G-unrniitoocl. 8TOHU opposite Minor, Hudson A (Vi May Hi 1 1 o i i i i - -1 r - --Li 1 1 ARTHUR SMITH, IMtACTlOAL. WATCHMAKER Opposite Gazette Ollice, HEPPNER, : Watches, Clocks, OREGON. Optical Goods . $1.50. tl .SO. A .N D WatcllOB Cleaned, Mainsprings Kit (oil All work (jnariuitft'tl for one year. If aha Art lntnle tiy foril i nir good liny and uniiti. giving plenty oi tiruik tiui proper grooming Von i etui iM u hi IS. I'A KM AN'S Heppner Fed Yard, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon, He IniH uoml shelter for IniimleH tuiil hneks Kruo eiunpLtiK hoiihe tunl eimkinj; uleiiM.N. ST. PENDLETON, OREGON. Thin Institution oiler to mlvmitaKe tor home unit Courtte of nl in I i en einlivue ouni; ImiitH every nil couiiort. 1 he ult the hrniieheM eNnary to the tienuiMiti. HOllil rt'lltieil etliu'iition. Ihe I jiii.utmnes, l.inetir Dmwtnn, Voeul Mtlsie in ehi, nud nil klinlw o( needlework form no etni eliniye. Tenm moderate. For linlher huonimtioii iuMivnm SlSTF.R Sl'l KRIOR, PKNIN.ETOS OAZETTD Blior, fieppner, : ; tf : Oregon. 1 P Htrongljr Recommpudf d. From the. Wasco Bun. Tbe name of Hon. Charles W. Fulton, of Astoria, is now being prominently mentioned in connection with tbe ap pointment of United States circuit judge anon to be made by tbe president. Last week tbe meuibers of tbe Wasco county bur and a number of tbe citizens of Tbe Dalles joined in signing a petition to be presented to tbe president, asking such appointment to be made. The members of tbe legal fraternity in Portlaud and olber cities bave also united in siguing a similar petition. Should Mr. Fulton be appointed it will necessitate tbe election of a senator in Clalsop county, to take hie place in tbe next session of tbe legis lature. In tbe senate, at tbe last ses sion, Mr. Fulton was clearly tbe leader of the republican side, and if be retireB From that pos tiou bis constituents will lose tbe services of an energetio and conscientious representative. REMARKABLE CURES Mrs. Michael Curtaiu, PlainBeld, 111., makes tbe statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a loWess victim of conxump tion and that no medicine oonld cure her. Her druggist suggested I)r. Kiug's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from the first dose. She continued its iue and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does her own housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at T. W. Ayers' Drug Store; large bottles 50o. uud il.OU. a A Correction. In a recent issue tbe Gazette criticiz ed Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 10 Spruce St., New York, as to their manner of obtain nig rulings of newspapers tor their an nual. We were under the iuipreasiou that the Gazette bad been incorreotly rated, and kuowiug that every reason i ble effort bad been made to cause said rating to be correctly published, we thmightitan oeeasio'i to enter protest. It has since transpired that the Duly Gazette was wrong in tha matter, having received proper representation at tbe hands of Messrs, R iwell & Co. TWENTY DOLLAR GOLD PIECES. Mrs. John Curtis, of Peoria, III., writes: "Used one box of Osage Pill previous to my second confinement; thev worked like a charm. Would pny for a box rather than do without them, as they bave proved a Godsend to me." Write Osage Medicine company, Wichita, Kits., for particulars, and their book to wives, mailed free, Sold by druggists. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Heppner Ore gon. 3J8-Iyr. Ileury Padberg, a successful sheep man of the Lexington section, culled Friday last, lie located here in an early day in the oattle business, bul after ten years' hard work, sold out aud bought 5IIU ewes. He made more in the sheep business during the first year than the whole of the preceding ten years. So much for the Bbeep business in East ern Oregon. HAPPY UOOSIERS. Win. Tiinnions, Postmaster of Idnvil e ml., writes: "Eleotrio Hitters has done more for me Ihan all other medicines combined, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, lanner ami stooknuiu, of same place, says: "I1 ind Electric Bitters ti he the best Kidney anil Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man.'' J. W. tiardeer, hardware merchant, same town, says: lLlectric Jiitters is just tbe thing lor a man who is all ruu down aud dou'l care whetheFhe lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt jusi like be had a new lease on life. Only OOo. a bottle at T. W. Ayers' Drug Store. The up train on tbe branch should urr rive iu Heppner at 0:10 p. m., but may be early or late, owing to the amount ol local Irnllio on tbe line. Agent Hart is ipieritly asked if Ihe train is on time, and wbeu his answer is an aflirmntiveone, he means that it le t Willows Junction on tune. Govern yourself aeeordinirh. readers, for the agent don't know wbeu tbe train will reach lleppuer. "THE JERSEY LILLY." Anqi.khka Coti'auk, L. B., July 2. (.li1 it tic men: Although it is verv un usual for me to use any lotious or washes, still, in answer to your requsot. I have tried Wisdom's Violet Cream ami Robertine. Tbe former I consider es peeially ellieaeious in cases of roughness i i no hki'i, ami I have been usiinr 't every day lor Ihe last fortnight. I have louiKl the Uohertme an excellent prepar ation in eases of tan, sunburn, etc.. caused by exposure to March winds and a July sun. Yours faithfully, Liu.m Lanhthv. Our mill is in successful operation, and our people are happy again. It is a note worthy fact that nut a single enterprise ol uote, arid within the reach of our citizens, has been allowed In lag. Heppntr is wit limit doubt tbe most enterprising town of its size in Oregon. Bl'CKLlN S ARNICA SALVE. Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cuts bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Kevei Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Cbil HlaiiiB, Corns, and all. Skin Eruptions, a id positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. D is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2o cents per box. For sale by T. W, Ayers, Jr. Nov.U.'O. Mr. J. J. Patterson returned on Mon da'a train of last week from Manhatten, Kansas, where he had been visiting re lathes. He was accompanied by bis daughter aud Mr. Orchard, a relative. Mrs. Patterson wa eompebed to remain at Arlington with their sou who is quite ill. tVraollue tlie tiling. Colorado, Tkxas, Apl. 8J, 1S90. Pemoline Chemical Company, New York; Geutlenieu: Y'our favor of tbe 25th uist , iu relatiou to tbe Pemoline Sheep Dip to band. Will say that Mr Kseh, your agent, arrived here iu March aud secured some scabby- bucks, also ewes from two different Hooks and dip ped them and cured tbeiu. They were bad cases. The wool and skin w as left in lin.) coudilion. Yours very truly. Sigucd,) J.T. lUawtss. A. S. Haines threshed 2.900 bushels of wheat on his Eight Mile ranch this year. His Blue Stem went 35 bushels per acre but his Little Club did better 39 bushels per acre. He only regrets that he bad no greater acreage. TO CONSUMPTIVES, The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffer ing for several years with severe lung affection, and that dread disease con sumption, is anxious to make known to bis fellow sufferers the means of onre. To those who desire it, he will cheer fully send (free of charge) a copy of thd prescription used, which they will fiud a sure cure for consumption, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis and all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring tbe prescription, which will cost them nothing, and mny prove a blessing, will please address Rev. Ed ward A. Wilson, Williamsburg. Kiugs County, New York. 400-302. Jas. I. Webster and family leave early this week for Webfoot, where they will make their home. Catarrh in Colorado. I used Ely's Cream Balm for dry ca tarrh. It proved a cure. B. F. M. Weeks, Denver. Ely's Cream Balm is especially adapted asaremidy for catarrh which is aggra vated by alkaline dust and dry winds W. A. Hover, Druggist, Denver. I can recommend Ely's Cream Balm to all sufferers from dry catarrh from per sonal experience. Michael Herr, Phar macist, Denver. Ely's Cream Balm has oured many cases of oatarrh. It IB in couHtant de mand. G. W, Hoyr, Pharmacist, Chey enne, Wy. The prognostications of our local sig nal fl ig service last week, were correct in almost every instance. See the ex planation of the Bignul flags in this issue. Slooum-Jobnston, the druggists, take especial pleasure in supplying their cus tomers with the best medioines obtaina ble. Among the many excellent prepara tions on their shelves may be mentioned Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, a favorite during tbe winter months on account of its great success in the cure of colds. There is nothing that will loosen asevere told so quickly, or as promp'ly relieve 'he lungs. Then it counteracts any ten leuey toward pueurnonia. It is pleasant tut! SHfe to take, and fully worthy of its popularity. Jas. MuCuniber, of Echo, dropped in Thursday on his ny from the Blues. The speoiul atteution of our readers -especially our lady readers is called ro tbe unique (double head) advertise, meut of tbe Queen Toilet Co., Cincin nati, Ohio, to be found in this issue. It is the most liberal and reliable in America oi its kind aud their preparations the most effective. 439-tf Uncle Chas. Cochrane made us a pleasant call Satu'dsy. St. Patriok's Pills are carefully prepar ed from the best material and accord iug to tbe most approved formula, and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill that c tu be produced. We sell them. Slocum-Johnston Drug Co. LasS Monday, Alfred Florey, while driving down Main street iu a heavy wagon ran into Dr. Shiploy's rig, which was standing with team hitabed in front of E. L. Matlook's plaoe. The col lision resulted iu a broken wheel and others damages. Heppner's Main street is wide enough for a careful driver. To counteract the desire for strong liiuk, take Simmons Liver Regulator. Sentinel : John Day City can boast of ih- fact that there ia not a toung man residing within her borders ho frequent aaloona or huve eyer been kuowu to make a practice of gambling. Can any other town in Eastern Oregon Bay as much? Dr. R. L. St. John of Howland, Put- mau couuty, Missouri, takes especial pleasure iu recommending Cnamberlain's Cough Remedy, because he knows it to be reliable. He bus used it iu his prac tice for several yeurs, and Bays there ia no better, it is especially valuable for colds and no a preventive aiid cure for croup. This most excellent medioine is for aale by Slooum-Jobnston Drug Co. Wm. Ulair and Charley Burnett were iu our city M mday. They report busi nesB quite lively down at Lexington. Nobody can be troubled with coustina- tiou if they take Siminona Liver Regu lator. Tbe Mattesou Bros, were down from Upper Rhea oreek Monday. Aa a preventive and cure for croup. Chamherlaiu'B Cough Remedy has no rival. It is, iu fact, the ouly remedy that can always be depended upon aud that is pleasant uud safe to take. There is not the least danger iu giving it to children, as itcoutaius no injurious snb- itauoe. tor sale by Sluouui-Johustou Urug Co. the tare betweeu Portland aud The Dalles by U. P. b.iat has been reduced to 50 cents one way. So much fir op position. If you are troubled with rehumatism or lame back, bind on over the seat tu pain a piece of tlaunel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. You will be surprised at ti e prompt relief it affords M cent bottles for sale by Slocum John stou Drug Co. Salary L'5 per week ; Wanted Good Ageuts to sell our general line of mer chandise. No peddling. Above salary will be paid to "live" ageuts. For further information, address: Ciiioaoo (Iknkual Supply Co., No. 178 West Vau Bureii ist CHICAGO, ILL. A LIHEKAL OKFKK. While iu Portland, we had the pleas ure of seeing a plaut of the Crouch Houston system of eleotrio lighting iu operation. Will Houston, formerly of this place, is a member of the eompauv and desires to ooufer with our people before putting in a plant, in which ha will take out -third of the stock. This is certainly a very liberal offer, and re- assures tbe DUblie that than.. ;.....:.... is oue of merit. r icuimu ; Settlers who tiled timber-culture or pre-emption claims on railroad land in l(vs3 or 1NS7 eau recover their fees by applyiuu to Frank II. Suow, lT. S. Com- niias.oner, at i.exiutou. Brinjf your, Or. DUrAg receipt. -Wlo-tf. J Heppner was full of people last Mon day, and tbe boys all bad aveiy pleasant time. Tbe Spokane Review has just celebra- ! ted the comoletioo of their new, 8200,000, seven story building. Ralph Dittenboefer, representing Ditienhoefer, Haas & Co., of Portland, Sundayed in Heppner. Chris. Reimnger is taking life easy a few dais in Heppner's whirl, after a aeasou's haid wotkiu tbe Ritter country. Mr W. R Norway, the pleasant repre sentative of J. A. Folger & Co., of San Francisco, was in Heppner over Sunday. Victor Sta idecker, representing Mi on ey, Valentine Sr Goldsmith's Portlaud wholesale, fancy drygoods and millinery establishment, visited hia Oustomers here last week. Seutiuei : It ia currently reported around town that M. S. Hellmau's and den departure was ea'ised by an irresist ible desire to see ex-Preaideut Cleve land's new daughter. J. M. White, of Lexington, was in Heppner M"uday. He is associated with J. F. McMillan in tbe threshing bimuess this year, and baa, so far, turned out 00,000 bushels of grain, mostly wheat. They are now threshing at J F. Willis' place on Clarke Canyon, aud have about a ten days' run. A break dow last week will delay them several days. Tile Leak Aiivei'timng (Jar. Leak's gloe advertising car, whioh was to have been here the last of October, will not arrive for a month yet When last beard from it waa at Ellensbnrgb Besideseontaining samples of the Leak gloves and J. A Folger &Co.'s teas, coffefs etc, there will be an excellent exhibit ol the mineral and fruit resources of Placer couuty, Calif. There will be free, stere optican exhibition during the stay of the oar at Heppner, prob ibly showing some of the beautiful, mining scenery, as well as tbe great orchards of Plaoer country. TWO BOTTI KSCURKD nKK. 0 CA it roll, Ia., July, 1839. I vas suffering 10 years frem shocks in uiy beet-i, ho muctt io. that at unit 1 tliiiu'i expect ;n recover. I took medicines from many do torn, but didn t ct any relief until 1 took Pastor Koeuitr's Nerve Tonic; i he second tloai rul loved mu, und si bottled cuieil me. . W. PECK. VANISHED. Hev. II McDONOUGII. of Lowell, Mas:-, vo'ielu-sfor tin; ioIIowIuk: There is anitcoj which I iuiv'H knowledge, and I am very g!ar to ivaii myself of thu opportunity to maki kuown the ood derived l'roin the f Koe nine's Nerve Tonic, The subject is ayouup lady, who had been Buttering fro?n early iliiliiho'id. On my recommendation she pro tuied your remedy, ami for three mon t lis the Hthof oiiUepsy to which she has beon so lung subject have ceased entirely. FREE A Valuable RonTc on Nerrona Diseases Hontlreeto unyaddrrst;. and poor p;itient.s ran also obtain this medicine iron of charge. Thta remedy haB been pr .r ;d by the Rever BnaPastorKoeniK.oIF'" ' ue,ind.,sinee 1870, ana Is now prepare- er his direction by the KOENIC IVIED. CO., Chicago, III. Sold by Druggists at 91 per Bottle. 6 for 95. I,iirneSi.e. S1.75. 8 Bottles for WO. TO TEAUHK11M. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK 11 .Morrow County Anauiil Institute will ho nelfl at tap Heppner ptilillc school baildin!; on Novenihi'r i.lth, lath ami 1 th. All teachers anil those expecting to teach are reipiircd by law to attend, otherwise they are liable to penalty ns ciesciiiieu in bccuoii page j.i, oi lie iircgoii school Law. v. I., sai.ino. MU-jO Superinteiulent. NOTICE OF CONTEST. V. 3. Land Office. The DalleR. Or.. Sent, 29. 1S!)1 Complaint having been entered at this ollice ny Joan u. Armsiroii(,'oi Lexington, Or., auainfel W illiam F. Wallace for ahaluloiiine; liis Honie flleail Entry, No iU, dated Sept. S, Issti, upon tlie NW1 ot Sec ai, T 1 N, K an E, In Morrow county, oreiton. with a view to tlie cancellation ot said entry, the said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at this otlice on the iMth day of imiv , ifv.'i, ar iu o chick a. ,a., to respoiKl and furnish teBtimony concernlae said aliened aban donment. K. It. Snow, U, y. ConnniSMioner, is authorized to take testimony In tliiH case at bis unice in i.eiiigroa, at ui A. .m., iov, ai, l.s'.n. 448-.,"i2 John V. Lkwis, Kegister. SUMMONH. IN THE CIRCl'IT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for tbe Comity of Morrow. TUB TOWS OF IlKI'l'NER, Plaintiff, vs. O. Rust, doing business under the name of tbe Empire Well Alitor Company of Ithaca, New York, Defendant. To O. Hast, doing business under the name of the Empire W ell Auger Company of Ithaca New York, I'efendant: In Ihe name of tbe State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint iiled agaiiiHt yon in the ahove entitled action on or betore the tlrst day of tbe next reg ular term of tlie above entitled Court, to-wit: the fourth Monday of March, 1ML'; and If son fail to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take Judgment against you for tlie sum of eleven hundred and ninety and forty one-hundredths dollars ISlPin.mi and for olaintltr'H costs nml dislnirsements of this action. 1 his sunouons is published by order of W. L. Rrmlsliaw, Judge of tbe Seventh Judicial Dis trict oi tlie state of Oregon, and dated October ie, I!1. ti. . KKA, ")! riatntill 's Attorney. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Ottiee at I.a Grande, Or.. Oct. '21, 1SD1. Notice is hereby given that the followiiig-uain-ed settler has filed notice of his intention to make tinal proof ill support of Mb claim, anil ouo saui prooi win oe mane oeiore the t ounty Clerk of Morrow Countv, Or., at Heppner, Or., on Dee. 4, Mil, viz: JOHN BYI AND, Hd. No.2!)70. for the W'4 NV4, NE'f NWW and NH L, NKV Sec -'4, Tp 2S, K 27 E. Vt M. He names tlie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said laud, vi: A. II. Stamp, T. J. Matlock, W. 0. Rover, John H. UllaiuH, all of Heppner, Oregon. 44'.'-M A. Ci.kavks, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Offlce at The Dalles. Or. Oct. 23. 1SU. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of her intention to make tinal proof in support of herclaim.audthat said prooi will lie made before Frank H. Snow, C, s. commissioner at Lexington, Or., on Dec. 6, ly.U, viz : MRS. El Nit E BROWN, P. S. No. 6S3S, for the SE1. of Sec 12, Tp. 2 S, R 23 E, W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James Nolan. E. s. Jones, Walter Smith. C. W ilson, all oi lone, Or. John W. Lewis, 4411-51 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Offlce at Ij Grande, Or., Oct. Hi. 1S91. Notice is hereby given that the follow intr-nam-i! settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will tie mailt' before tlie County Morrow tounty .Oregon, at Heppner, oregoa. oa .xtnemner l's. rrcu, iz: ISAAC Pilll'I'S. (PeiiniB Tompkins take sjKH'irtl notice) I1 s No. B202 for the E4 SE1, Sec 22, T 2 S, R 2S E, M. He names the following w itnesses to prove hi. eontimtons residence uiajti, Hint cultivation of, said land, viz: Henry Jones, Washington E. Elliott. Phillip Dougherty aud W illiam Lord, all of Heppner, 4H-M A. CLKW K, Register. NOTICE O' INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., Oct. 2, 9t. Notice is hereby (riven that the following named Bettler has tiled notice of his intention to make Dual proof in support of hia claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, Or., on Dec. 5, lwt, viz: ARK A HAM B. CHAPMAN, Hd No. Xil.i, for the E'J NE Sec 11, SK PEi Sec and SW4 N Kec V, 'I p :i S K E V M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuance residence upon, aud cultivation of, said land, viz: A. J. Cook. W. H. Clark Chas. Cate and Giles Daiutherty, all of Lena, Oregon. 1. A. Cleaver, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijind OHiep at The Ha lies. Or., Heft.:a, ism. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof ill be made before W. K, Ellis, U. S. CoinmisBufiicr, at Heppner, Oregon, on November 14, viz: ARK HAM LCELLINO, Hd No. for the N4 bee t Tp 5 8 R 25 ElVM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of, said land, viz: James H. Wyland, David H. Miller, George W. Chapin and Walter Bennett, all of llurdinau Oregon. John V. Ekwih, Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijind Ofiiee at I.a Gran do. Or., Oct. 2, lWt. Notice is hereby given that the i'olluwiinr-nain-ed settler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of his Halm, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow Co., Or., at Heupner, Or., on Nov ;, lsyi, viz: FOSTER ADAMS, D. H. No. 7002 lor the Lot 4 oec 4 Tp 2 S K J.l E W M. He names tlie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of, said Land, viz: Juy Deviu, H. Wade, A. H. Stamp aud W. A. Kirk, all of Heppner. or. A. Cleaver, Hi;-I'd. Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Sept. 2.1, ism. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make linal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before tbe County Clerk of Morrow County. Or., at Heppner, Or., on November ii, WA, viz: MEN.O A. OLDEN, Hd. 3G2S, for the Va N'i4 sw NWJ4 and N i S 4 Sec 21. To 2 S. K 21 E. V. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his ctMiuiiuoua resmence upon, auu cultivation ot, aaitl land, viz: Milton K. Morgan, Thomas II. Morgan, Thomas L,. lJorinan, Josepti ii. .Mattliews, ol lone, Mor row Co., Or. l"-50 John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., Sept. 2fi, ism Notice is hereby iriveu thut the I'lMlowfuiF. named settler has filed notice of his intention to nuiKe nuai proot in support ol Ins claim, and inaisam proof win be made betore the County Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on Nov. 14, ltiui, viz: WILLIAM HENNER. 1. 8- No. 9.H1H, for the NEi NE'-'j Sec 22 and E Vi, SE'i aud SE1'. M-X Sec l.i Tu T, M Ii s W W l lie names the following witnesses to prove i.utiiiiiuuuB it-Biin'iiee upon auu cultivation in, Btint initii, viz : V illiiim Kuark take special notice. G. W, f-perry and Lanes I'enland, of Lexing ton, v, it. Casey and Win. Floreou, of Heppner, Or. a. Cleavkk, 1 '"-SO. Keglstor. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Laud Offlce nt The Dalles, Or., Sept. 29, 1HM. Notice is herein' given that tlie iollowinir-mi ni di settler haB tiled notice of his intention to uume nuai proot in support ol his claim, and that said prool will be made before County Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on November 14, lti'Jl, viz: JAMES HAMS, 5'?-1"3. tor the SU',4 E'NWi and N W N E'4 Sec 1 1 , Tp li S Ii 2.1 E V M . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: James H. Wyland, J. J. Mcliee, n. Luellillg and William Luclliug, all of llariinian, nr. John V. Lkwis, 41o-4,i0. Kegister. NOTICE OP INTENTION. Land Ofiiee at La Grande, Or., Sept. 1.1. IS'.lt. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has Hied notice of bis intention to make liual proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will bo made before County Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on November 6, lsul, viz: JACOB U. HUNK, D S. lOOSfi, for tlie Nt,: NE!., and SE NEW and M'.'4 SEi Sec. 25, Tp :l S, 14 2 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous reaidejice upon, uud cultivation of, Haid land, viz : J. W . Doiik, u. T. Clem. L. F. Jlcl'herson, J. Kinney, oi Heppner, Oregon. , A. Cleaver, 4'-'l!'- Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Ollice at La Grande, Or., Sept. 21, 1S1I1. Notice is hereby given that the following naineil settler has tiled notice of heriuteutioli to make anal proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before W. it. Ellis, Commissioner U. S. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Or., on November r, ism, viz: CATHERINE DllHERTY, Hd. No 4, for the N's NH'4, B'i NE!i and NE'4 SEi4 Sec 14 Tp 2 S, I! 2H E, W Jl. She namesthefollowiiigwitiiesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: John Mullaly, Edward Hill, B. M. Daugberty, of Lena, ur.; J. G. Doherly, of Heppner, or. A. Cl.K.WKK, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Uiud Ofiiee at LaGrando, Or., Sept. t'l, lS'.ll. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has Iiled notice ol his intention to commute and make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that Bald proof will be made be fore the Couuty clerk of Morrow County at Heppner, Oregon, on November 0, lstll, viz: JOHN W. DOAK, Hd. No. 4I,W, for tbe lots 3 and I, See. 30, and lots 1 and 2, Sec. 31, Tp 3 s, K 2u E W. Jl. He iiameB the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: L F. Mcl'herson, G. T. Clem, II. B. Thompson, J. G. Kunk, all of Heppner, Or. lt-49. A. cleaver, Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at Ia Grande Or., Sept. 15, lstll. Notice is hereby given that tlie l'oliowiiig named settler has tiled notice of his intention to commute aud make final proof in support of bis claim, aud that Haiti proof will be inaile he fore County Clerk of Morrow Countv, at Hepp ner, Oregon, on November 0, l.S'.il, viz": GEORGE T. CLEM, Hd. 48,M. for the EU SWV. mut swu fttri 22, and NE1:, MV See 27, Tp 3S. R 2S E. W. M. He names tbe following w itiu.Kna o. .r.-a i.t continuous residence upon, and cultivation oi. said land, viz: John W". Doak. J. G. RnnV. Tt VT n0t..B Tr n Thompson, all oi Heppner, or. ' ' a. clkaver, Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Ollice at The Dulles. Or., Oct. 7 '91 Notice is b.'ri'liv 1 1 , , i il... ,-..ii t .....- od settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof iu snnnort of his ehiiin that said proof will tie made before F. Ii. snow Com. L. s. Circuit Court, at U'xiugton, Oregon on Nov. 21, 1S91, viz: CIIaKI.ES W. VALENTINE, Hd. No. 4ISW, for the Sia NE1, and Lots 1 and 2 sec ti 1 p 2 S It 2il E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove hts continuous residence upon, ami cultivation of, said laud, viz: James Lench, William Penland, Cvrns Sliinn and 1) A. Porter, all of Lexington. Or. 47-''2 John W. Lewis, Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Ottiee at La Grande, Or.. Oct. fi lsui Notice is hereby given that tlie followin'g uainetl settler has filed notice of his intention to ...n,- mm, inn,! in support oi his claim, and ml" inooi mo oe mane tHMore the ? Countv viem tit .uorrotv t ounty, or. ou November 23. lvo. viz: at Heppner, or., CHARLES CUNNINGHAM. R -iJ E w'l"' 'r "le '0tS '' 3"J 4 81,0 3 Tp He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation of, stud land, viz: Thus. Morgan. Thos. Hnwan. Barnev Daugh erty and I'hos. P. yuaiii. all ot Henone'r. nr. . Clkaver, Kegister. NOTICE OK INTENTION. Ijind Offlce at Tlie lialles. Or.. Oct 1S91 Notice is hereby given that the followiug-nam-Cil settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof iu aopport of his claim, and ' , i ta'tore the County gon, ou November il:, lwi. viz- "l"",r- "re' JACOB D AMBROSE Hd No. 2H-M, lor the S1, NEv and' EU -E1. See ! :f2, Tp IS K2it E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon, and cultivation of 1 aid land, viz: James Leach, of Lexlinrton Or Willi..,, t.,.. ton. John lianou aud Frank Geutrv, of Hepp- ner, Or. John W. I.vwts, Kctster. ISal'siTibe ft ir awak ail B9w7, ihe Gazette. $ti yar. Wide ! NOTICE OF INTENTION. land Office at La Grande, Or. Oct. 7, 1801, Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow Co. Oregon at Heppner, Oregon, on December i. IMd, viz: JOHN GEHERIUTY, Hd No. 3fiai, for theS', NWV and X4 SV-; See 4 l p4S H 'H E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove hiB continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vU: Robert Dexter, Robert Watkins, Freeinan Green and John McKenzie, all of Heppner, (jr. A Cleave , 447-V2. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Office at The Dalles. Or., Ociober in, ism. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make tinal proof In support of IiIn claim, aud that said proof will he made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on November Jl, l.v.H, viz: AI.RERT H. T. GLISAN, Hd. No. 32SII, for the NEi See 10, Tp2 N, R 25 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz: G. W. Swaggart, Richard Neville, J. L. Morrow and E. L. Matlock, all ot Heppner, Or. 17-."vJ. John . Lkwih, Register. STOCK BRANDS. Wiiilo you keep your subscription paid up yon can keep your brand in freeof charge. Armstrong, J . ('., Alpine, Or. T with har un der o on left shoulder of horaea: cattle same on lefi hip. Allison, O. D Eight Mile. Or Cattle brand O D on left bio and liorHeu uiima hru.,,1 -;..i.. shoulder. Range. Eight Mile. Adkins, T C, I layville. Or - straight mark across tbe thigh aim two crops and a slit in the right ear; horees, J, upside down on the right shoulder. Range in Grant county and Hoar vallev. PO address also at llanlmrtn. AdktiiB, C. li., liurdman, Or. Horses. J, on right shoulder: oh lie, C K on right hip. ltunge in Grant and Morrow counties. Adkins, J. J lieppner. Or. Horses, JA eon necteit on le t Hank: cattle, aame on loft hip. Ayers, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded trtangieon lell bio: ent.tlp ii i 1 1 Him upper oil. on HHine, mjui. rercy n.,, ()r. Hiirwes human crohs on rignt aiiouider. Kan ye iu Morrow county. Eieakman. (ieo., Hardmaii, Or. Horsea, a flaK .ii imi BimuHiKr; ciillie, hume Uu riHllt HllOUlOVr. naiiniKier, o . w ., iiardinan, ur. t attle brand. eo n ou ten nip anu ungti; split m each ear. Unrke, ai Ht C, jbong t.:reeK, Or On cattle, MAY connected on left hip. ciop off left. tar. un der half oron off riifht. HnrHPH. Hmtia liriinrl ..n letft shoulder, linage iu tiraut and ilorrow conniy. Jiownman. A.. Mount Vrnnn nnd Rnrno Cattle. A li on right hii. two crooa in each phi-: same on horHes. on right shoulder. Jiange in (jrant and Harney counties. Bromnaii, Jerry, Lena, Or. florseB branded 7 on ngm HmiunitT; cattle ti on the left aide utuLHiu nun crop anu rigni ear upper slope, Harton, Win.. Hon oner. Or. -llni-n(M .1 R rislit thtgj, cattle. Maine on right hip; split in each ear. Kenuett, Cy, Lena, Or. Horaea, B on left shoulder. Urown, J. P., Heppner. Or. -Horse? and cattle uriiiiocu si wiiii ox-yoke above on left nbouldcr Jirown, J. C, Hejtpner, Or. HorHes. circle wnn ooi in o ter on lnrt tup; cattle, name, lioyer, w. j Ilepp:ier. Or. Ih.rHeN. box nranuo' r n. tup cattle, same, with split each ear. JJorg, I'.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B ou left shouldHr; emtio. sam ou left hin. iirmvnlee, W. J., Fox.Or-Catlle. J H connected cm left nide; crop on left ear and two solitsand middle p.ece cut out on right ear; on imrseH sunie oifiini on ma ieiL liugli; Jtange m fox valley, Grant county, Cain.E., ( uleb.Or.- Y D on horsea on left stifle; U will, quarter circle over it, on left nhoulder, anu on nrc siine ou all colts under S venrw: left shoulder only on all horses over ft years. All rtuitfoin (Jrant county. ( at, t han. It,, Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses n on rignt Hlioukfcr; cattle same on right hip. llautie Morrow and Umatilla tumnties. ( rowley, W. 11.. Loug Creek, Or. Horses oranopii circle n ou lett sliontder. Cochnm, Chax., lone. Or.- Horsoa. HP con nectcd on left Nhoulder; cnltle, V, on both left hip and stifle, limine in Morrow county. Cannon, T. H.Xdiik Creek, Or. 'J' on cattle on riKin mue, crop on right ear and slit in left ear. Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Kange 111 t i (till. UIHUUJ , Curl. T. II.. John Uav. Or. Donh'n prima each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. liaiie in (Irani cmiiuy. en stiecp, irverted A. ami spear point ou shoulder. Kar marko.1 ewes, eron on left ear. punched upper bit in right. Withers, crop m ijiil uii iiuorT nan crop iu leit ear. All raiigi in Grant county. Crosby, A.A., Heppner, Or.-Cattlo branded!- (or H L coi neeted) on the ritrht, HlifinliUr Carrier, Walter, Mt. Vernon, Or. W ou cattle on left hip, ei op and split in left ear; 7W con- uecieu uu iiortjet on leit tmouuie . lianue m Grant Co. I hitlntitiRn. 11.. Prjiino Tift- fr l;nlr v. n , u ""u,l! rigni nip anu aput in right eai norhes, same oraiid on right Bhoulder. liange in V.tttllt LUU.llj, Cook, A. J..Lena.()r. HnrHon flfWm r;..r, iei. Caltle. sameon r aUt bin- ut,r n t, ,T Currin, It, YM CuiTinsville, Or. -Horses, oa on left Htitie. Cochran, o II Monument, Or-Horsea bmnded I 1 A. A ou left rdinuldr. Cuiilo u.... . juiiKiinu. jiiuuinaii, vr. t;auie, (J witfc in center: horses. t'K on left Sio. t upper, H. A., Monument, Or. Horses H C on h i eiinuicier cauieuu on left side, swal. low fork on right ear. Cochran, it. K., Monument, Grant Co Or - riorKeH uramied circle witli bai beneath, on lefi shoulder; caltle same brand on both hips, mars under slope both ears and dewlap. ( hapin, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded -on riifht hin. ChUIr hrHinlwl tlu uu...a Cross. H L. Davviilnv Or ( 'utilt lirm.,i.ui l m. crops aud a split in left ear; on horHes a reversed 7 on lett stifle. Also have the following u mmso i.ttuit1 joii leunip, t on right hip, ti on left shoulder, two numl u Lima 1 .r. bhoulder. Kar markB. two emus. Ooonan. Win.. Hemmer. Or.- HormH KpUn.llui OO wnh bar over them, on left shoulder; cal tle same on left hip. OoutrlasH. W. M .(iallowav. Or. TnMla H n right side, swa low-fork in HHith hhi- h..rB1.a ii n on left hin. Duiican. W. P.. John Drtv.Or tlnurfnp uu nmii BiiouHifr, Doinonnoraea and cattle, liange Grant county. Driskell W. K, Heppner, Or. Horses branded n. mwKitt ui u ou ion snomaer. t,;attle Baine on left side of neck. Lly. J. li. A HoilS. Douglas. Or. Hnrnoa ed KLi on left nhoulder, cattle aame ou left nip. note ir rigni ear. Fink, ltaloh. Prairie Citv. Or-rTmM tt P right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. ltunge in Grant county. Meek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses. 7F connected oi. riifht shoulder: oatila aamn right hip. Kar mark, hula in rnr,t nml Horence. L. A.. IleDOner. Or. Cattlfl T V nn right hip: horses F with bar under m. ri.,ltt Florence, 8. P. Heppner. Or Horses, F on right shot Idei ; cattle, F on right hip or thigh. Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GA H ou left shoulder. Goble, Frank. Heppner, Or. Horses, 7 F on left stifle; oattl. , same on right hip. Gilraan-Krench, Land and LivMock Co.. Fos sil, Or. HorseH. anchor H on left shmihlm-: venr same on left stitie. Cnttle, same on both hips; initio, viiiii on i-ikul enr hiiu unuerotr in lett. Itange in GUliana, Grant, Crook and Morrow counties. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. -Horses branded H. 8. with a qunrter circle over it, on left stifle Itange in Mormw anil Umatillacounties. Giltwater, J . ( ., Prairie City, Or. On horses, 0 -0 on left nhoulder and stifle; cattle, on right side, linage iu Grant county. Glaze, C. E., and A. H. Snyder. Dayvitle.Or Horses branded J on right shoulder; on cattle, stripe down the left shoulder. Alo. P 8 on horses on left shoulder, and same on right hip on cattle. Hange in iirant cunty. Hiatt A. li., Itidue, Or. Cattle, round-top A with quarter circle under it on the right hip. ttanttein Morrow and Umatillacounties. Hin ton A Jenks, Hamilton. Or Cut tie. two bars on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horses. J on right thigh. Kmige in Grant county. Hughes, 8ainuel, Wagner, Or T F L on right shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Uange in Haystack district. Mor'.-w connty. Hall. Kdwin. John I'ay.Or. Cattle K H on righi hip; horses same on right shoulder, l augdiu Grunt comity. Hyde. Hiel A , Prairie City. Or.--AH combined on horses on right shoulder; cattie on right hip. Hughes. Mat. Heppner. Or. Horsw, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Kange Morrow Co. Himsaker, B . Wagner. Or. Horses, W on left shoulder; ca tie. Hon left hi: . Hardisty. Albert, Nye, Oregon-Horses, AH connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left hip, crop off left ear. Hodson.J F. Mount Vernon. Or. JF connected on hordes on right thigh; on cattle N Bon right hip- hange in Grant and Harney, HumphrevR, j ll. Hardmau, Or. Horses Hon let. Hank Hiatt, Wm. K., Ridge, Or.-Horses branded bar cross ol left shoulder: cattle same on lef' hip Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass on left stiouldei cuttle, same on right hip. Ivy, Alfred. Long Creek, Or Cattle 1 D on right hip. crop oft left ear and bit in right. Horses same bnmd on left shoulder, Hange n Grnt countv. Huston. Luther. Eight Mile. Or.-Horw Hon the left shoulder and heart on the lpft stido t'at- Uf',9"I,n." u" le hip. Kange in Morrow county. Jenkins ., L. ..Mt. Vernon.Or.-J on hiirsniin shoulder; o. cattle. J on left hip and two u n 1 lu "angein fox and near van -j a. unicin. o. M shoe J on left Heppner, Or.-Horses, horse- U . - V voitio, ixiw NUDj, ttnitKC "II i.ikto .iue. Johnson, relix. Lena. Or. Horws. circle Ton left hlirie: CJittle Hmhim on rioht K.r, ...J... l it croi) in nuht aiuJ sulit in left ir ' i Kfj,myi Ufkl: U-H'pner, Or.-Horwa branded , . nrii. uiii, wnuvanuieuu prim oa jft i Keller, Kichard, Blanton. Grant ennnty. Or. EK in square, cuttle on left hip; horses same on left shoulder. Hange Heer vallev. Kirk J. T.. Heppner. Or. Horses ri9 on left shoulder; cattle, nil on left hip. Kirk. JO, Heppner. or. Horses. 17 on either flank:eaitle it ou right side. humhHrland.W. fi.. Mount Vernon, Or. I L on cattle on right and ltdt sides, awadow fork in lefi ear and inder ciop in right enr. Horses samt brand on left hin udder, Itange in Grant countv. Kceney. h.lj, Heppner, Or. Horses J L and ace of clubrt on lett stifle. Huuge in Uuiatilla and ormw counties. Lesley. M C, Monument Or- A trianglefWwith all hues extending pu t l.od.v of figure on t-llictr-seson left shoulder, ou caltle diamond ou left shoulder, split in riglua u u-.. it iu left ear. Itange iu Grunt county ai:d ui parte of Johu Day. Ijuireiice, It. L.,Pn irie City. Or. -Cattle, Z on right hip; horst'S, same on right bhoulder. Itange in Grant county. Loft en, Stephen, 1 ox, Or. H L on left hip on cat'le. crop und sput on right ear. Horses same brand ou left shoulder. Kange Grunt county. Liieuallen, John W., Ij "-: Or. HorseB branded half-cucle JL connected on left shoul der. Canle. buiui- on let- hip. Itange, near Lex ington. Lord, George, Heppner. Or. Horses branded double 11 coi.necu Sometimes called a swing H, on let'1 shmilder. Afiixweil. M . B. Ho-se. branded long link on left shoulder; cattle, same on lef Bide. Kar mark, ui.der bit in left ear. Minor, Oscar, Heppner, Or. Cattle, M D on right hip;hoi-He. M on left shoulder. Morgan, 8. N., Heppner, Or. HorseB, M) on left Mhould"! cattle, same ou left hip. McOumber, Jas A, Kcho, Or. Horses, M with bar over on right shoulder. Ataui,. H. H., Lena, Or. Horses old mares ZZ on right hip; young stock, small zz on left shoulder, Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle T on loft houdur and left thigh; caltle, L on right thigh. Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or.-Horses, 77 ou right McClaren, j, G., lirownsville, Or,-Horsefl, jtigureftoiieiich HlMtuuiHr. cattle, MU on hip. McKeru.W.J. Mount Vru(.inr-X 1 0n cattle ou right tup, crop iu right ear. half crop ill left same brand ou horstB uu left hi, . Itaiige iu Grcut county. McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Mule shoe with toe-cork on entile on ribs and under in each ear; hoisen Hume brand on leit stilie. McGirr, Hurney, F. x, Or.-Horses 7H con nected on left shoulder; cattle same. Itange Mcihtley, O. V., Hamilton, Or.-On Horses, 8 Willi halt circle under on lit shoulder; on CatlJe, four bars connected ou top ou the right side. Itiuige in Grant County. iSHd.Andrew, Loue liock, Or. Horses A N con nected ou left shoulder; cattle same ou both hips. Newman, W. It., Heppner, Or.-llwraea IN with halt circle over ii ou left shoulder Neville, Jas li ppner. Or. Horses, N on left i-lioulder; uullle warne on left hip; ear mark, three sills iu r'ghi, liungu in Morrow couniy. ordyke, K., Wilvertou. Or.-tiorbos. circle 7 ou lett thigi,; cai tie. same on left hip. O'l'lyng, K. Wagner, Or.--Hranda horses L i on left Nhoulder;eaitle oil bothhips, ('laims . Y. "''"'I" 'v part of ody. Brand recorded. Oliver, Joseph, t anyon City, Or. A 'i on cattle on lett hip; oil brses, same on left thigh, Itange iu Grant county. Oiler, Peiry. Lexington, Or.-P O on left shiui.'ldi , Olp. Herinun, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O LI coniHtcLeU on left hip; horses on left nil tie and warile on uose. itange in Grant county, Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile. Or. iloi-Bes, quar ter circle shieto ou itjft Hliltulder and m on left hip. ( aiilo, fork m let: ear. right crooned. 24 on left lop. Hang, on Wight Mile. f x., .w...,.iiujii. Teinoii.ur. i runcairieon lefunp, two alns iu left ear; same brand on horses on left sutie. Itanye in draut couniy. i'al'ker A, (ileUNHII ilm.Oiiui. tr H... I U, 1' It shoulder. 1 iper, J. 11., Lexington. Or. "Horses, JE con nocttjd o. lull shoulder; cultle, same ou left hip. under bii in each our. Pat berg, Heury Lexington, Or. Horses brand, edwithu Itoinui crosu on left shoulder; cattle brnuded with Houiuii cross, bar ut bottom, ou lett hip. Potter, Dan, Lexington-Horses branded MP connected on left Bliouhler; cHLtlo same oa right hip. Powell, Jonn T., Dnyville, Or-Horses, JP con. iiec ed ou lett Bhoulder. Cattle OK couuected ou left hip, two under half crops, oue oil each ear, wattle under throa . Haunts Hi GraUt county, liickard, G. D., ( lty, Or.-F C ou left shouidur, on horses only, lt.aige Canyon creek and bear valley, Grant couuty. ltooU. Anurew, llaiiiunm. Or. HorseB, square cro -witli quarter-circle over it on lett stifle. lieiiinger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses. O It on lefi Htiuuith-t, , ltudio, Wm, Long Crock, Or.-Brands horses it oi right Hhouider. Itange Giant and Morrow counties. ItojHe, Annn, Heppnor, Or Hcrses, plain V on .ett shoulder; cauie, same brand reversed on right hip und crop oil right ear. Itange iu Mor row couniy. Itiihh Itros,, Heppner, Or. Horses branded X on the righ. shouioe-r; cattle, IX ou Ihe left tup, crop oil leit eur and dewlap ou neck, ltunge in Morrow and adjoining counties. Uust, William, Ponulelon, Or.-Horses It on ten shouluer; cuttle, li ou left hip, crop off right ear, undeioit on left ear. hheep, It on weai hers, round crop off ngh eur. ltunge Uma tilla and Morrow c tuuues. iteiuiey, Andrew. Lexington, Or.-HorseB nrauded A It on right shoulder, vent quarter circle over brand; cattle saiuo ou right hip. Itange Morrow county. lioyse, Win. li Duiryville, Or HK connected with quarter cnr-le ovor lop on cattie on right hip and crop oft right eur and split iu left. Horses same brand on lett shoulder. Itaugo iu Morrow Grant and Gilliam counties. Hitler, J F, Hitter, Or-Three parallel bart wnn bar over on horneH nn ift in... u..i side, two smooth crops, two splits in each' eat iiiu m iiiiuuie rora. or dotiu Uuy. Itecior. J . W.. Heppner, Or.-Horses. JG o left shoulder. Cuitle, o on right hip. 8pniy, J. F., Heppner, Or.-Horses brandeobl niiaie,UUl ' n wm,uMw'; catilo same on bolt Bailing, C C HoDoner. Or Hnnu hi-nn,!! h & on Jelt snoulder; caltle same on left hip. n, j jlj, iuiLcr. ur-norses. two-bar Sm lull Blille. Piaiit B. iwohmpj .,ft and three splits in right ear, swailov fork aurf uuderbit in lett, catlle. Bon calUe larger than od hoiBes. ltunge m Grau: i i v H Bwaggart. A. L.. r:;i. ( r. n,.PU,u h.njj on leit shoulder; ceitle same on left hip. Crot on ear, wattle on left hmd leg Klraight W. K Heppner, Or.-IIorses shaded J a ou lei stiilo; catlle J 8 on left hip, swallow .hii ., unuei uii in leil. DWaggarl. L. AIihiim. I lr -tl, u a : . . shouluer , o 0 uu ugiu bapp. riios., Heppner, Or.-Horses, 8 A Pod tetl hip; caitit biune on leit hiu. HeaiM. VV. H h'Y. (irii.. i i ,, , . ' "umun uur over d. Itange iu Fox valley. blllltll. K. K. IJI I. ll liiolr '..l.l. 1 shoe on left Bide, croo clnse'in ufi a, iJ I Ion left thigh Lunge in UniiuilUMml i-ir.... counties. Bhrier.Jolm. P.-r I - wn horses on right bio: eaiue. sumn on ri.ri.r k, cropott rigni ear and under bitiuleftwir. K.i in brant couuty. Blllltll HrilH . .folltl llnt. U V ... le l shouluer. ' " ' "-eatueon rjteveuooil, Mrs A. J.. Hammer nr-l'.iil. u oil righi to, j owallow-fork in left ear. bwaggart. (4. w.. Il,.,.,,.,n , in u ,. left should. ; catlle, 44 ou left bin St ewart, Geo., HarUman, Or.-UorBea circle lett shoulder. Blllltll, li. E. Lione Koek. Or. Hr.. L,J. a crossed sevoo on lef t shoulder; cattle same o, Hui.tli OeoT H . 3 v..... US ou lett ttaua, "" . . , neppner, Or. Homes, z on lett slioulu. r; catOe, 2 on left shoulder. llPoeUt. ti. T.. 1 .mu ii iipo.. .. shoulder. "u 10" Turner U. W.. f 1 .. t ....... . (1. c n leit suoultlet. hrsBS; cattle' sam ,, T hi! with split in boti, ears. H iin rnlon. 11. ,l. l....a u , . HI connecteti otl left ,',&: ,e..:3 CT liiomas, k" .Jit. Vernon. Or -I k - m Wl!, '"P' t'W,"""w f"rk 1,1 "K'" r and bit iu wuue ear; bores, same brood on right atihe. Itange in John Day valley. Turemun, John, Prairie I lty, Or.-On horses (I on ielteliHeion caule.o with rr unSerTn left hip. liange in Urant coumy. Vamterpool. H.T.. Lena, i ir- H. ...., vv nected ou right aboulder;euitle, aame oa right Wilson. J olin fj.. M,.lom ..- ti Horses branded J j ou Uie left shomder. ' Itau'ie Morrow couniy. vtarreli.w n. ( aleh. Or Puola v .:.k circle- over it, ou left sitie, spl'it. iu gM Grant eonuty .L. ,Bii. aiioumer. ItaugeiP VVood, i. UDajvillo, Or-Hearton horse, on lefts die; on cattle. 2 on left side anil nnri "5 let i ear. Itiutge in Grant county. . Wriiflii. SiImm a hu , : ... . 'r o W ou me rnrhi Li,, 'A Ulidspl.tinleit. ' UU ffl Haliuce. l-rancis. Mount Vernon.Or-Squareob catlle ou tbo irtt hip. upper slope u. he left ' ear ami under slop , right ear. S.,me brand s;d";;r,,c,ou7,t;,.t " S VVch,(.r, J. X.. Heppner, Or.-Horaes branded wlh bar over J on right shoulder: cattle same on right up, crop oft , eft ear ami iplU mob Kange. Morrow county. v "- Wade. Heury. HeLpner. Or.-Horsee branded ace of p,im on le.t Bhoulder and lefthnT wills b'''',rm,,m' 'eft ift n,pm- el , A. ti., Heppner, Or.-Horoa, on left shouiiler; can e Bame. W ..itii... 1..1... i t .. tin- ,,,v,., ;r . . ,. 1 ';r-on hon. on Jeft stionlilur. -i ... bit in both ears, counties. liange in Grant aud Malhuer thoti.!""d"1 Hardman' (,r--:ircle C on left Woodward. John, Heppner, Or.-Hor- TIP connectiHl on left shoulder. VP W atkuis. LiBhe. Heppner, Or. -Horeea branded Lt cotuiectet on left stiri... Wallace, t'fiariea, Portland, Or.-Cattl Won nghl ilogli.ho,. in left ear; horstCw in right aliuul.ler. son,, sameon left shoulder g 111 tier ftrou llra,. u. bmaVuTAt u "." " !n-T. Or. WillismH v,lt. ii '.;V.7:,r' on ldr. rant conniv n iiiiams. J O in-lVx. r- m. ht id eui-h wtr (iuiig W'teu, A. A wUh "'V eppner. Or.- 'attie, nuiutitg A A oii rigni hut. .. "' iooieiMrrv it -Homvs brandy $ 1 " I! v vi , .. i t. I tja ;' " i