THE WEEKLY HEPPNER GAZETTE, HEPPNER, OREGON, OCTOBER 29, 1891. THE GAZETTE. SIGNAL SKUVICK KE'OKD. For Week Ending Wednesday, Uot 28, 1HU1 Moan Mean Pre- ( 'Imr. Date Temp. Max. Mid. bar, oip. acier. Oct23 ShOU 79 10 1 43.0U 20.97 traTe cK.'ily U 'H.Ui 71.iw MUQ 30.14 11.(11 cioMy 24 Sj.0 ttl.uOi !Ui.iiO 30 18 trace cWy 2: .'.'-t (iU Si tu 4(Mm .10 13 o.U) fnir 2ft 4ti INI tid.tfi I 37 UU 3U.(if5 I IMJU fair 27 4.'m m.X ift.ui, uuiA O.ui fair 28 CI.ipu WW 41.W 2ti,b9 I 0.(4 clo'dy Out of the forecasta received to date for weather, 7 hare pn ved correct and 2 partly cor rert. tot temperature ti have proved correct TIip ttiKii' 1 flaw, aa dinplayed here, are for Eastern Oregon, and not Heppner alone, There fore what iniKht not be techuicu ly correct here, might be exactly soelttewuere in the erection. A. Smith. Observer. THItt PAPER is kept on tile at E C. Dnke'e Advertittinct Agency. IH and 05 Merchants KxchaiiK"i Han t'runciHCu. California, where con tract for advertising mui be made for it. 1? C. I'EN'l'LAND, HECKETAKY OK THE J Oreuou FrebB Association, 26 Ash Street, 'between Eirt and Second, I'ortltind, Oregon, is .our only agent located in that place. Advertis .eni should consult hiin fur rates and space in .the Gazette. Here and There. A. J. Putterson is visiting below. T. A. Ruea got io Friday from Port Intnl. A. Andrews dropped in from Alpine Tnt-scluy. 'Gene GilliHm was over from Corncob early tins week. Jus. IthK't whs in from bis Bbea creek ranch S.enrtliiy. W. J. MnAtep visited the folks at Tut Dalles iliis week. Miss Mil Gauo di parted for ber borne 01 Knzviile rnendii). Mrs. N. S. Whetstone re'urned from Portland lai-t Friduy. Daily Mage both ways between Monu ment und Lung Creek. tf. G. S. Thompson, representing Staver Sc. VV Biker, is in our city. Mr. Henry Klein, of Helena, Montana is stopping at tbe Palace. Jus. J. Adkins was severely bruised last week by a horse falling on bun. We are under everlasting obligations lo Felix Johnson for the fiuest box of apples I hut ever came to town. Snpt. Haling bad a runaway out at Gooseberry Saturday lust, aud his ODe horse shay was badly wrecked. Rtv. Potwine arrived from Pendleton Saturday am) held servicesiu the Baptist churob finudny morning and evening. J. D." Hamilton and wiferetnmed from Portlmid last Friday, beginning house keeping in their property iu this oity. The first of September has arrived and Thro. Duuiier has advauoed the price of cabinets to $4 per doz. One half duz-u. 2.o0. .4. Blaokmim & Co. will give a plug of fltnbacoo (your piuk) to every customer ipiittjbaBiug gcotU to the amount of five .dollars. Gid Halt has moved bis barber shop iinto the Palace Hotel. Drop into the office and jou will liud him. Baths in .Connection. t For a pleasant shave, a stylish bair .out, siilendid b iths aud an eltioiicious ishauipoo, call ou Cuailey Jones, City hotel barber shop. Hon. H 0. Gay reports bis Rhea creek .crop much better than he expected. He was considerably damaged by the flj' d last summer. For every purchase of goods amount ing to 2 50, a phiu-of "Merry War" or "Sailors' Delight" tobaoco will be given at H. Blackmail & Co.'s. Mao Riley, L D. Allen, Reuben Allen and Dun Leathers were in town lust week to complete Mr. h. 1 Allen's title to a pieoe of government land. Mr. Joseph Crauk, a former resident of this seolion but now of the John Day region, was iu Heppner Tuesday. This ofliue acknowledges a pleasant call. 8. P. G irr.gnes returned on Tuesday's train from a pleasant visit with relatives and friends in the tar East. But 'r. G irrigues thinks Oregon is good enough for him. We are informed that Henry Sehizin- ger has purchased a half interest in the boot aud shoe hnsineaa of Mat Licbteu lhal. The new firm should and will succeed. S. W Florenn had the misfortune to meet with a runaway acoident a few weeks ago, badly disabling his team. It seriously interferes witu his fall wood bauling, as he has but one team. W. B. Parsons came in from Jnp Grif fith's ranch Inst Tuesday, where he had been building a house. He returned to bis home at Ella on Wednesday's train, where he was summoned by the illness of his wife. Geo. Lord's force were busy last week moving John Kovoe's residenoe nut of Hantaan to his ranch, three-fourths of a mile distant. W. E Kahler purchased the vaoant lot and has moved a house on it, where he will hereafter reside. Died At Hantaan, on Sunday last, of paralysis, Mrs. Oraddick, an aged lady Deoeased had been under treat ment for partial paralysis, returning borne late la-t week, when she was again stricken dowu, death ooming to her re lief. Hardman's proposed flouring mill promises to b- more than mere talk. The site for the mill has been purohaeed. We are informed Inat it is baoked by Messrs. O'Douuel -ud Brophy. of Walla Walla, aud will be ereoied in the uear future. Married -At Hardman, on last Sun Jay, the 25 h ins am, Mr. V.U. Jenkins and Miss V. E. Hardmau, Riv. r. M. Bell, of Heppner, performing the cere mony. The wedding occurred at the Meiliodisn-hnich, a large congregation witnessing the ceremony. Our good wishes are with them. The owner of Mattie Mullen, the clip . fr..m iho V.xnt. has sold 8 m Hamil- ton to Ike Spliiwu lor i,uw. w . .. Id Hnd good horse. He has . ...1.1 llh.,nl,iies. two bllllsaud .. to 'I.isb tinerrv. as well as a bne now and cult to W. J . Let z-r. The lat ter paid 810U for bis slock. A man can t bring tine stock to Oregon and get away from here with an or ii. Charley Mitchell returned last Mon lay from the Upper oountrv. Joe Vey and brothers, of Lower Butter creek, were in town Tuesday. Ted Minard was in from Galloway on some laud business last Tuesday. Thad. Armstrong and son, of Alpine, were in town on busiuese Saturday last. R. C. Hart had the misfortune to lone his fine Clydesdale stallion last Friday night. Under "New Today," find D. W. Horner's ad. of harness at reduced pi ices. Nobody need suffer from Ununor and melancholy if they take Himmous Liver ttegulutor. Ladies' olnaks regardless of cost at H. Blaikmau & Co.'s. A large assortment to Belect from. Go to Frank & Billy's for a demijohn of "Ouevalier's Old Castle " Quantities to suit purchasers. See ads. of the Heppner Milling Com pauy and A. Abrahamsick iu this issue under "New To day." Hank. Sohiizinger will bring bis sheep in from Liltle Wall creek as soon as fall gruzing gets good. Unole Tom Sontt and J. T. Hoskins, of Oalloway, were in the oity on some laud business last Tuesday. Highest ensb pnoe paid for wheat, oats, barley. Apply to llicksou & Young, Coucord Building, Portland, Oregon. Coi respoudeuce solicited. 440-tf The play of Damon aud Pytnias will uot take plaoe iu the near future, it be ing iuiposbihle to secure sufficient local talent at tins time. However, Mr. Jack and MiasKiimiu will likely give an enter tainment Saturday evening. A. M. Slooum reports the total ship meat of gram from Douglas this year as 175 car loads. Tina is more than the lota, stiipment ou the branch last year, aud before the seasons ends there will be seut out from that place 50 or 75 more car loads. The excellent standing of the Port laud Business College is not deterior ating under the supeior management of Prof. A. P. Armstrong. Each suc ceeding term opens with an increased scholaisiiip over previous terms, whiob speaks for itself. A big band of cattle arrived here last Monday from the Gumau Fieuch pos sessions in Haystack. Also Tu. sdni, a baud from the Middle fork, Adeu bloau s weaie ialormed. They all were rcoeived by E Miiv, representing the American Dressed leat Go. A. Vinson, of the firm of Niles & Vin son, dealers in marble, tombstones, etc., of Walla Walla, was iu our oity Mouday aud Tuesday in the iuterest of the firm. This is considered one of the largest es tablishmeuts of the kiud on the Pacinc ooast, und they do an enormous business Our reporter happened t drop into S. C. Smith's furniture store Tuesday and was shown iu a beaniifiil frame, a crayon picture of the statuary, "Tne Widow's Cruse." It is the work of Mrs. J. N Browu, of this place, and should be highly valued, as it is a most excellent picture. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Following is the program of tbe An nual Institute of tbe teachers of Morrow county, to be held at Heppner Novem ber 9, 10 and 11, 1891 : FIRST DAY MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9. Enrollment end Organization. 9:30 to 10 30 A. M. History. Introduced by T. C. Aubrey Followed by Miss Belle Thomas 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., Friday Afternoon Khetorloals. Introduced by VW. Viier Followed by L. W. Lewis General Discussion. 1:30 to 3 p. M. Primary Language Lessons. Introduced by Miss Inez Voruz Followed by Miss Ada Kedlord 3 to 4:30 p. M. Primary Number Work. Introduced by Miss Eva Wier Followed by Miss Q. T. Mounts 7:30 p. k. Opening Address Supt. W. L. Baling m usic. Address Prof. J. H. Stanley Address Kev. P. M. Bell MUSIC. Announcements. SECOND DAY NOVEMBER 10. 9 to 10:30 a. M. Methods ol Teaching I'hyslol ogy Introduced by . V. snyder Followed by Miss May Bailey 10:30 to 12 M. How Shall we Secure Keuular Attendance? Introduced by John F. Koyse Followed by Thos. Morgan 1:30 to 3 p. M.-Methods in Geoeranhv. Introduced by J. F Davis Followed by Miss Maud Kauney 3 to 4 p. M. Methods tn Orthography. Introduced by C. A. Hodson rouowea uy .Mars i mime 7:30 p. M. Address Prof. A. W. Wier Music. Address State Supt. E. B. McElroy Auaress r senator n. macitmau Music. Announcements. THIRD DAY NOVEMBER 11. 9 to 10:30 A. m. Methods tn Primary Reading. Introduced by F. L. IloskinB tollowed by W.S.Connor 10:30 tn 12 m. Oeneral Discussion L'pon Selected Subjects. AddreBS Prof. T. C. Aubrey Music. Address Rev. R. U Smith Volunteer Speeches. Day sessions will be held in the public school building, the evening sessions in the M. E. Church. The Won' .i Hunched. The facilities of the present day for t:. -eduction of everything that will coi luce to the mated ial vclfarc and conifot jf ir.anl:l:;d i.;;: a!::io.t ur.'.lr.u'-cd an vlie.ii Syrup of ris v.ns fi-t j.r alucc Jie wcr'.d v.-.s urichcd wilii t'.:e or.1, perfect laxative kuov. u, as it is the ou!;. remedy which is tru'.y pleasing and re. freshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring- time or, in fact, at any time and the bc'ter it is known the more pop ular it becomes A fine lot of imported Shot Guns Thompson & Co's at bat gain prices, jobbers profits. First Syniptons of Death. Tired feeling, dull headache, pains in various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, fever is!inesn, pimples or sores, are all positive evidence of poisoned bloi.d. No matter bow il became poisoned it must be purifi ed to avoid death. Dr. Acker's Euglish Blood Elixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold under positive guarantee. Bound Over. On last Saturday Ohadiah Welch was arrested, charged with oriminally assaulting Annie Uilliuui, the 12 vear old daughter of Wm. Gilliam of Khea creek. Some mention was made of the matter in a former issue, but no names were given, as we did not desire to prejudice Mr. Welch's oase. A re porter heard the psincipal part of tbe testimony aud the Gazette thinks that there wbb sufficient evidence to warrant the notion of Justice Rea in holding him in the sum of $250 bonds, whioh, we tin der-ttand, were furnished. Mr, Welch's reputation is not the best, having been HOi-imed many times before of handling little girls in an imi roper way, as well as actiug towards them iu a orimiual way. NOT UNDERSTOOD. The Dlffereroe Between a Qualified and Un qualified ANsertion. Ii) the issue of October 1st, referenoe was made to tbe attempt of O. Weloh to rape the person of Anitje Gilliam, though no names were mentioned at that time Iu said article the following lungnage was used: "This paper is very reliably informed that an old man, a resident of this county and a supposed pillar of the church, if loud prating constitutes such, is guiltj of insulting actions, and even an attempt to rape the person of a thirteen-year-old girl." Some of our church people are some what disposed to consider this an un warranted assertion In what pnrtion lar this afreets the chinch, we are tillable to understand. We are informed that Welch is not a church member, yet by his actions he would lead one to sun pope that he is, and of such a devout (?) personage one would expeot even more of him than one of worldly notions. Anyone with an ordinary amount of penetration can readily see that the Gazite does not consider Welob a "pil lar of the church, but rather a riisgnst- ng hvpoorite who would fain make peo pie believe he was such an important and godly individual. The church -s, and should not be, held responsible for snch a nerson. but the world ill criti cise the the wrong doing of a pretender of godliuess, because more should bs expected of him, aud besides "people will talk." serious Danger. Threatens every man, woman or child living in a region of country where fever and ague is prevalent, since tbe germs of malarial disease are iub tied from the Bir and are swallowed from the water of such a region. Medicinal safeguard is absolutely necessary touullify thisdaugei As a melius of fortifying and acclimating the system so as to be able to resist the malarial poison, Hosteller's Stom ach Bitters is incomparably the hest and the most ponular. Ir regularities of the stomach, liver and I bowels euoourage malaria; but theseare speedily reotiHed by the Bitters Th. functions of digestion and secretion are assist, d by its use, and a vigorous as well as regular condition of the system promoted by it. Coustitu ion and phy sique are thus defended against tbe in roads of malaria by this matchless pre ventive, which is also a certaiu and thorough remedy in the worst cases 01 intermittent and remittent fevers. CURED what is SCROFULA It Is that Impurity In the blood, which, ac cumulating In the glands of the neck, pro duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which causes painful running sores on the arms, legs, or fectj which dcvelopss ulcers In the eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or deafness; which is the origin of pimples, can cerous growths, or the many other manifesta tions usually ascribed to "humors;" which, fastening uon the lungs, causes consumption and death. Being the most ancient, it is the mo6t general of all diseases or affections, for very ten persons are entirely free from it. How Can It Be By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by the remarkable cures It has accomplished, often when other medicines have failed, has proven Itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. Borne of these cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. "My danghterMary was afflicted with scrof nloussorencckfromthetimesliewas22monlhs old till she became six years of age. Lumps formed In her neck, and one of them after growing to the siie of a pigeon's egg, became a running sore for over three years. We gave her Hood's Sarsaparilla, when the lump and all Indications of scrofula entirely dis appeared, and now she seems to bo a healthy child." J. 8. Cahlile, Nauright, N. J. N. B. Be sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparilla Boldtijalldniggiiti. flliliforSS. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, LowoU, tflass. 100 Doses One Dollar A FAIK OFFEB. The first twenty-five new subscribers of the Oczette who pay the oasb for a year in advance, or old snbscribers who pay up all arrearages and one year in advanoe after October 29, 1891, will each receive for one year, free of charge, the Rural Noitbwest, a femi-mouthly jonr drI for tbe faimer, fruit grower and stockman. 449-tf Tub Patterson Pvb Co. Good Property. Mr. Edward Torey of Baker City, mineralogist, was shown float cold some lime ago from Ochoco. Crook county. Upon examination he found two ledges, one containing free gold and some silver, running as high as 810,(100 to tbe ton, and the other a small amount of silver aud gold. He has put in a small mill tuat does free milling ork very nicely. These mines are ouly a titer distaaeo tram Prravill. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENT. Preaching morning and evening at the Baptist ohurch, in this oity, Sunday, November 1st, by Elder S. B. Letsou. Even subj-et, "What does tbe Catholic ohnrch teach?" Preaching also at Black Horse sobool bonse on Saturday evening at 7 o'clook. "Judge 5 Rictntly the following Notla apptarti In tin Ban rrancmvv had been sick only about two weeks, and it was not unui u,c w. four da vs that the malady took a serious turn. At the beginning of his illness he suffered from diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the kidnev- refused toperlorm ineirinncounsHnu :in.n.iliioim Thus ended the life of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia." I-lke tnousanus m ;" timely death was the result of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease. IF1 YOU re troubled with diabetes, gravel, or any de rangement ol tne KiaueyB or urinary u!Kuus, ...., a-iav nmner treatment until vou are forced to give up your daily duties ; don't ...r ,nnv nn worthless liniments and worse plasters, but strike at the seat of the disease at once y uwk ...c . known remedies, the celebrated Oregon Kid- t it ha saved the lives of thousands. whv should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely vegetable and pleasant to take. Jl.OOa pack age, 8 for 5.00. Flve Timber. Perhaps, the best tim. ber growing in the Blue mountains can be fonnd ou Rock creek, in tbe vicinity cf Will Mallorj's saw-mill. This class of timber Mr. Mallory is using in making lumber which be delivering in Hepp nei all tbe way frrm $15 to 830 per tlmiiBaud feet, depending on the quality, and w hether desired rough or dressed. The same can tie bought at tbe mil) at prices ranging from H t.. 825 per thous and. He has a gener-il assortment on tand at present, and is sure to satisfy natouKr. CHOICE QUALITY MILLINERY STORE, MfVIN ST., HEPPNER. Leading Millinery House of the City. SELLING OUT TOUETiRE FROM BUSINESS. Hat Frames, Hat Trimmings. Etc LATEST STYLES and LOW PRICES. tS" Ladies' and Misses' Fine Sailors at 75 cents each.23 WARREN & VORUZ, Proprietresses. HEPPNER BAKERY! c. May Street, Heppner, Or., RUHIy, Proprietor, KEEPS FRESH BREAD, CAKES, PIES AND CONFECTIONERY. FINE CAKESfobWEDDING PARTIES Etc., Made to Order on Short Notice. SATISFACTION GURANTEED ---AND PATRONAGE SOLICITED. C. RTTriL, Proprietor, May Street, - Heppner. Oregon. MATRIMONY AND S. O. Smiths FURNITURE EMPORIUM Are closely allied, because a married oouple without Furniture la like a government without a ruler. Biff Ski of Furniture Just in. Complete in Everytliiiif , Agent For the La Grande Marble Works. OLD STAND ON MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. r Best Grade ! Of Work at Lichtenthnl Sc Soherzinger's. Exclusive Boot and Shoe Store. They are Constantly adding New Goods and Carry the Best. Bee the Fall Stock. Bottom Prices Tor Uah. Best Grade of Work. Liehtenthal & Scherzingcr, MAIN STREET, OPP. CITY HOTEL, HEPPNER, OREGON. NEW TO-DAY. ill DEPART The Tmmenqe Stock of merclrirdie of the Firm nf H. I'laokmnn k Cn . will lie sold out RKOARITKS OF COST in order to close out Vmpinrsfi. Parties rh-sirouR of mnMng purchases for CASH ill find it to thir interest to n. WE BUSINESS. 1 call o & Co nip fiml hp ennvinefd. H. Blackmail & Co., "When the leaves begin to turn," , Is time to think of fall purchases. , Have you Bought your OVERCOAT or Your CLOAK For this winter's wear? Have you laid in your supply for the season? 1 Not, Call on And inspeot their Complete Stock 9- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, STAPLE and FAN CY GROCERIES, ETC. Extra Good BUTTER ALWAYS AT HAND. WW 11 M M) DO flCr-TBSI! l Dili WPBE EMPORIUM, Heppner, Oregon. to 'I' XI il.i nirN.'W nnil'lina nn Main Bt. ir to Udliam iV HiHbee'a. E. G. BLOCUM. E. H. BLOCUM. WM 111 OOMFMY For Great bargains ! 820 will buy a three lloom Suite. Picee Bed Main St., Heppner, Or. In connection with my Tailoring business I have opened up a fine line of GENTS' FURNISHINGS, INCLUDING Underwear of All Kinds, Negligee Shirts, Hosiery, Etc., Etc. ALSO HAVE OS HAND AN ELEGANT LINE OF PATTERN'S FOR SUITS. Ve have La i tie Stock of Removed our nd Well Selected Drugs, Medicines, Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc. To i U. ...... .ll.MT III II. KIlLl.ltlllllll it '..' ,,,, ,, , i.,. ...... , where we will 1lll.lHIl t4HllCit Ur lllHMll l UNO IIIIIKH 1IUW O KF.ITNF.U, OIUifiON. IT fAVING IN MY EMPLOY THE BEST WORKMEN that can be procured, I am still maintaining my well- earned reputation as one who turns out nothing but the NOB BIEST and M08T STYLISH SDITS. Prices reasonable. A.. ABRAHAMSICK, OLD STAND ON MAY STREET, - - - HEFPNEIi, OREOON. STRIKING BOTTOM ! AN Al MACHINE-MADE HARNESS, Such as ia selling for $28 to $33, S231 REDTJCJilD TO S23! (trCANII DOWN.'W A full Btock of everything in the line of Harness, Saddles, Robes, Whips, Spurs, Bits, Etc. r. W. HORNER, OPPOSITE MORROW'S LIVERY STABLE, HEPPNER, OHEdON. Blacksmith & Horseshoer. Special Attention Given to Repairing Farm Machinery, Wagons, Hacks, Etc. 437, Shop Opposite- J. W. Morrow's Foert Yard, Ifoppner, Oregon. Odd Combinations. r a v v NAILS AM) SVO All. VEAUL BARLEY AND I'AUl.OCK I V'O.I.IVO KETVUUP& HAMMERS. ..i:U m)I)S it AMMVX1TION. 427-tf. 12 Cts. per Pound. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE A LOT OF 1 HE rHolCKBT quality of California peachea and aprlcnta, a-Hltiered ami ruled undi-rtheirown in pervlBinn and ahlplieri direct to Heppner. whieb they have decided to otter for the next 30 dayg al the extremely low price ol 12! cenu per pound, by the Back. This in the Brat opportunity ever ofTered to the people of Morrow and (iraut connliea to pur chase their winter anpply of fruit at wholesale nrlcel. Call on or addreai " U. M. MALLORY 4 CO., At th. Foatofflro, Heppner, Or. OtteX , 1W1. V") HIGHEST CASH PRICE Flour Exchanged for Wheat. HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. Or, W. JIARKJNGTON, Maoager. 8 Strange Combinations to In; Found Only at Tho Combin ed Grocery und HuiiUmo Store of l C. THOMPSON COMPANY, D10ALKU.4 IN Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery Wood & Willow VVai-e and Agricultural Implements. Admits for NEW HOME Sewiiij,' Machines and IMPERIAL EGG FOOD. LUMBERMAN'S' TOOLS A SPECIALTY. Tnble Cutlery. Hlii'iirn, SimmjiU'". P Kfmitrkiilly Lew Pmik-h. S.itiu! towers. (Jive nn a treil. rift Knivi'i, nnd ll'izormit lh'llKVIllt'IltH to CuhIi Cuh. tf. Ooruor Main ami Willow Streets, Helmet Or, A. tl)