THE WEEKLY HEPPNER GAZETTE OCTOBER 29, 1891 5 SUNOL'S FAST TIME. Robert Banner Thinks the Famous Raoer the Fattest Hnrse Alive. New York, Oct. 21 Robert Bonner's eye sparkled last ninht when he re ceived a telegram announcing Sunol'a great victory over time. He said : "I regard Sunol as the most wonderful animal ever fouled. 1 hesitate to coin pare her with Mitud S., aa the latter made her record over a regulation track and all horsemen know the kite-shaped track over which sunol trotted today is a trirto faster than the regulation one. Still it is a glorious record. To show how much superior I regard Sunol to MaudS., I will savthatl paid 10,1)00 for Maud S. and $41,000 for Sunol. "There is a regulations track at Stock ton an I Sunol will trot over it later, but I think she will excel Maud S'h marvel ous speed. I tie.o two horses I regard as nearly evenly nititrli'.'ii. Senator Stanford, from whom I purchased Sunol, has wntien to mo lliti' the mare will trot in 2:00. II knows mine about her capabiiites than 1 do, nn 1 ho may be right. 1 believe her performance of li:IU.( an a '.hree-yea.-olil, in creater than this, her record aa a five-year-aid, and I think everv horseman wi.l tuiee with me. 'The three g patent trotters in the world are, in my opinion, jlaii'l S, Sunol and .Xaitcv thinks. We have not had enough experience with the kite shaped track to te I w hat may be ac cotuplished oil it. Charles Marvin Governor St;ui:ord's trainer and super intenduut on his ranch, has written to me that the kite shaped track being new is somewhat alow. He says after the fall rainH, in a week or so, the track will be packed and koIhI, and that sunol will reduce perhaps by a fraction of a Becoml, tier present magnificent tune. "Maud S is now breeding, but 1 be lieve that when she is in perfect condi t.on and in good training she can trot in about 2:07. I believe also that Sunol can equal her on a regulation track. 1 will bring her here about November 1st, and will jog heron the roads for awhile. In the spring I will have her put in training to beat the record over the regulation track." PHILLIPS BROOKS. The Newly Appointed Biship of Massachusetts. The great-hearted Broad Churchman, Phillips Brooks, the ornament and pride of Boston,' i a now Bishop of Massachu setts. As head of the diocese his In fluence will certainly enlarge still fur ther the interests of the Protestant Episcopal church. PhilliDS Brooks as a man beloved, and the oDDOsition mani fested by high churchmen to his eleva tion to the episcopate is no longer mani- jesteu. When his election was con' hrmed the men who opposed his conse cration vielded with brotherly good will. One Held Dp by a Single Bobber, the Other by Two Men. Every Fat-Ill. y ,s c oil the P ly N.iw lit illc VJll I4t. San Fkmh-ihco, Oct. 20 "I want to raise .fo.OOJ.OOfJ lor the purpose of estab lishiiiiing a gun plant in this city," said Irving M. Scott, oi the l.'nioii Iron Works, yesterday. "I don't want the money for immediate me, but to con tinue operations with. vVe can snake just as good guns here as can bo made anywhere in the world, and we don't have to leave the coa.'t for material. Everything needed for the manufacture of big guns on our coast defences and on our war sh ps can be found in Waidiing- lon, uregon anu u iiilornia." Mr. Scott spoke to Congressman Cut ting and Loud, United States Senator BuumleH, ol Montana, Civ.l Service Commissioner yman, Collector Phelps, Surveyor Killbourn, Postmaster Backus, Major Uonebrake, Colonel Smedbery, Ex-Congressman Vandever and others, who had accepted an invitation 'o run down the bay on the tug Roekavvay ami inspect the iron works. Mr. Scott con tinued. "They did not think we could build war ships out here, but the 8an Fran cisco ami the Charleston prove the con trary. When we made our first bid on the cruiser everybody in the East said we were crazy and that we had not the lacilities here for doing the work, but they made a big mistake. Now, I say there is no reason why we should not make guns. 1 have seen all the gun fac tories of this country and Europe, and we can beat the world at that work, and I am going eo have such a factory here." The party went all through the work shops where 1300 men are employed. In the molders's department, a number of men were at work and Scott said the etfects of the strike had worn off. After passing through the shops the guests were taken to the different launching ways, where the battle ship Oregon is goiug going into a frame and the big Pacific Mail lines and Spreckels giant tug are nearing completion. The tug will be the largest boat of her class in the world, and the Pacific Mail steamer will, it is said, equal in speed any passenger steamer on the Atlantic. The ways where the Oregon is being con structed are the largest ever built in the United States, for the Oregon will regis ister 10,250 tons. The party also in spected the cruiser Monterey and then returned to this city. l'tllM.II'n HKOtlKrt. ii. jjiuuks was uurn in Boston some wtiat more tiian 5(i years ago. He was gruuuaie.i at, Harvard wnen 20 yeara old, and after a course of theological study was admitted to holy orders. From 1859 to 1870 he preached with increasing f-".uuii ii v in rniiaiioipiua. He re moved to Boston in 1870. where h in tri. uniphs of noble oratory and exemplary jimiiiuuu are oneoi ine cntet glories of we utiy. Itie new bishop has a large and hand some presence. His countenance singularly expressive and powerful, 1.110 myiuuv 01.11 s liuernnra whmh nno. sibly impairs his deliverv, ia accouiDa. nied With trifts f voice whinr, am 7. uertully sympathetic and command earnest attention. SUU t)i,ioa,. ih K.iiglita. Montreal. Oct. 2) Artthhishon Tan chereau has issued in Lasemaine. the religious organ of the church, a fierce article denouncing the principles enun ciated in their Montreal address by umiiii iuiisier vvorKinun rowderly and Mr. Wright as directlv rmnnspil tn th latest papal encyclical, and asking Cath- oiicb to remain away irom such leaders. The condemnation of the Knights of iauor oy me cnurcn tour years ao has been suspended. This "has caused a large number of Catholics to join the ivuiiiie. They Awaltln; an Offloal Report I. ui'l lull's in 1'aliroi'iile to be Mettled. Washington, D. C, Oct. 20 Lieuten ant W. 8. Cowles, late commander of he United States Bhip Dispatch, has arrived at Washington and will submit his report in a lew days. He had a long interview with Secretary Tracy la-t evening. The United States supremecourt today denied the application tor a post ponement of the hearing in the suit brought here from California to deter mine whether tille to land in California below high water mark was origin ally vested in the United States or the State of Cal ifornia. Presiding Justice Field said the case was merely a suit over a land patent, that no important consti tutional question was involved and that it did not need a full bench for its trial, the case will therelore come up for adjudgement towards the close ot tne week. fnfljeuza t'reraient. Melbourne, Oct. 20 An epidemic of influenza, sa d to be similar to that which prevailed recently in fJurope and America, ia prevalent in Victoria and Mew South Wales and has prostrated many people of all classes. The deaths are1 riot numerous as compared with the number of the aflicted. Ha l Taken tin 11 ice of White Laborer la California. Dki.ano, Cal., Oct. 19 About four months ago Chinese sectionmen at this place struck tor higher wages, which was refused them. Their pla es were immediately filled with white laborers irom this station, who have continued to discharge their duties Since that time. Saturday evening last word was received here that Mongolians would take the place ol the white laborers. People be came indignant over the matter, and laborers called on the Chinese last night between 10 and 11 o'clock, and told them to take their baggage and leave town, which they did at once without further ceremony. If the Mongolians should return it is feared there will be trouble. Hi r'.ipe Orieved. Rome, Oct. 19 The Pope has written to Harmei, organizer of the French worttingmen a pilgrimages which re' cently visited this city, expressing bitter griet at seeing French Dilgrims aban' doned without provocation to attacks of the ungovernable populace." The Pope in this letter adds that he is deeply grateful to the p Igrims who came to Koine and to those who are prevented irom coming by violence and iniquitous hatred. He sends his blessing. Marysvillb, Cal., Oct. 20 Following the robbery of the Redding and Weav erville stage last night at about 7 o'clock by one masked man about a mile out of this city, at 9 o'clock the Redding and Aituras stage was etODDed and robbed about 12 miles from town by two masked men. The Wells. Fargo & Co.'s box and mail were taken and the driver also made to give up what spare cash he pos sessed. He had about $50 on his per son which be was taking to a merchant at Round Mountain for change. No clue to the robbers so far has been ob tained. The loss is unknown. Soon after the stage robbery last night Under sheriff Ross and Charles Over- halers went across the river in search ol the highwaymen, and found two men in a field who, it is believed, are the parties wanted. Their tracks led to the river where it iB believed after robbing the stage they had crossed in a skirl' The men are lodged in jail. PWtTson Wants tn Row llanlon Knrly In the Spring. San Francisco Oct. 20 With regard to the return race with Dutch, Peterson sayB that he will not row anyone for three months, as he has been in training all the year and is not well. He needs rest till spring and will then bo open to row Dutch or anyone else four or five miles. Having beaten the Australian his favorite distance of three miles, Peterson does not care particularly to row that course again, though he thinks he can surely defeat him at anything over three miles. He will row the Australian four or five miles, with a turn for anvthin from $2500 to $5000 a side in" three months. Peterson would like to make a match with Hanlon to be rowed early in the spring. A Contagious Skin Disease Ciuse School to be Clnseil. d"ight Of 11 in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Auf. 17, 1889, h ftWy ABSOLUTELY PURE aw sE:-'-r. Though It Va Foait la an Opera tlru Willi S;ase SworU Wiikeung. W. Va.. Oit. 19 Earl Dorsnv and William Statler, two well- known society young men of Moumle ville, fought a duel on the opera house stasre in that citv. me 1 nomas usuorn company was playing there the last three nights of last week and the young men quarreled over a girl in the troupe. They met behind the scenes at a re hearsal and the quarrel was resumed. The swords used in a part of the play were on the s age and each man seized one. A hot fight ensued, lasting five minutes, at the end of which time Statler waa stabbed in the neck, inflict ing a painful but not dangerous wound. And One c.f the 1'rlsouers Goes and Telle the Sheriff. New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 20 St. Mary'B orphan asylum, a Catholic insti tution, baa been closed and the sistere have gone back to the mother house ut Madison. The cause is the nresonco of a contagious skin disease which is be lieved to be the seven-year itch. The trouble began about 15 months ago when two children were received from the Trenton alms house. They soon de veloped a skin disease which was com municated to 0. hers. The doctors find ing the disease could not be stamped out ordered the place closed. It will be some months before it is reopene I. Appeals or Aid lo not Itnug In Sutti- fclent Keller. St. Pktersbcro. Oct. 20 Adviees from South Eastern Russia states that extraordinary measures are being taken everywhere by the local authorities to deal with the distress and that a system atic personal application is being made to all well-to-do for aid. The anneals do not bring in as much as was hoped, on account of the stagnant condition of trade. From the district of Jotinchof comes a peculiar etorv to the effect that the dota 01 tne region, which are noted lor saga ity and which are used largely for carrv ng burdens and other domestic dining by the peasantry, have nearly all dia' appeared, having been killed by their owners ana outers tor lood. Wants Deer Forests Ttxed. London. Oct. 20 Professor Brvce. M, P., has made a sensation in Scotland ty his advocacy of a special tax on the owners of deer foreata on the ground that the foreats are a luxury of the ealthiest class and can well bear tb burden. Professor Brvce also advocates the enactment of a law prohibiting mating new aeer forests. Hilvrr Dlscu9,tn Defrirn'!. Omaha. Oct. 21 The debate on the free coinage of silver which waa on the program lor this morning's sess.on 01 the trans-Mississippi congress was de fet red until some day laier ,n the session and ex Governor liubhard, of Texas, addressed the delegates on the deep water harbor on the gulf. S u.len.s U.i ter nret St. Petlr.-burg, Oct. 15 The govern ment has closed the University of Kieff, and placed 600 students tinder arrest. This action is. taken because of the recent revolut'onary behavior of the students. Farmers Waul Free D-llvery. Sew York, Oct. 19 An organized ef fort is under way among tanners to se cure free mail delivery in country towns. Farmers' Alliance, Patrona of Industry, and other orders are canvassing the matter, and letters are being written to congressmen in favor of the project, and petitions tocongresaare being circulated. Farmers asaert that daily mail delivery at their doors will increase the money value of their farms and still more, it will keep them in ready touch with the markets and outside world. A Lovers' Meeting. At the Union depot in Chicago there recently occurred a dramatic incident those who witnessed will not forget. Among the passengers quitting the train just in from the South, was a dis tinguished looking gentleman, and clinging to bis arm was a beautiful girl. To take the Joliet train, there came down the steps a burly officer, in citi zen's clothes, and by his side was the tormer society favorite, George Lipe, convicted of forging his mother's name to valuable documents, who, in spite of all the influence brought to bear, will have to serve his term in the peniten A steel band was about the prisoner's wrist, attached to another about the officer's wrist. The two couples met directly in trout of the big gates. "Oh, papa!" exclaimed the girl, as her face lighted up with pleasure, "here is George come to meet ua after our long journey." She rushed forward to meet the con vict and impetuously grabbed both his hands. Tne shock that the sight ot the manacles produced was positively trightful. Her great eyes opened, her face blanched, she tried to speak but she could not, and then she fell tainting in the arms ot her lather, who bore her to a carriage. The convict, during this ordeal, was a pitiable-looking object. The girl was his fiance, who bad been in Mexico all the winter. He uttered no word ; but, as he passed through the gate, it was seen that his lower lip was covered with blood. In his agony of sell-control he had bitten through it. .New York Press. llrHlinil i Fiul,y Lire. A Brahmin official considers that Hin doo fam ly life is va-tly superior to that 0! the Englieh lauiuy. the Hindoo rig idly observes the laws of hospitality, and in the house the whole internal manage ment of the family depenJa upon tbe women. The Hindoo considers the kitchen j as a sacred place, and in it no one is allowed to wear shoes, tven in the richest fatndies the women consider it a pride to perform the ki chen duties, and no Hindoo would take food utiles it was prepared by a female who has come from a good family, and who iB chaste and hign-minded. A Hindoo wife is faithful to her hus band both 1 uring his life and after bis detth The sublime tenderness of the Hindoo marriage tie is quite inc nij re heneible to ordinary European under standing. No religious se-vice is per fect unless the wife takes her share in it. Divorce is not known in Hindoo law, nor ia there any such thing among the Hindoos. The whole self-adjusting ma chinery of the family life works with perfect harmony. N. Y. Home Journal. Farnoa Slng-inf; Muster Dead. London. Oct. 20 Sienor Scafate. the famous singing master, whose p 11 p 1 1 b include Derezka, Frank Novara, Madame urosBi ana other well-known singers, died at Naples yesterday. Withdrew His Resignation. Montevideo, Oct. 20 Minister of Finance Ben Alcide Montero, who ten dered his resignation on Saturday, with drew it and will remain in the cabinet. Gol.1 Still (omlng Our Way. London, Oct 20 Bullion to the amount of 150,000 was withdrawn to day for shipment to New York. Up to date there has been received from Europe almost $18,100,000 in gold. Almost Out of Sight. Buenos Ayres, Oct. 20 Gold closed yesterday at 344 per cent, premium. Dr. Lopez, minister of finance, has esigned. Associations In Convention. Cincinnati, Oct. 20 The national as sociation of carriage manufacturers be gan its meeting here t tday. Reports of tbe committees and officers were received. The United Typothetae of America began its fifth annual convention here also this morning with over 300 delegates present. The meeting was strictly pri vate. Unity Urged In Ireland. Dublin, Oct. 20. The Freeman's Jour nal today says that there is a strong feel ing throughout the country in favor of reconciliation. It adds: "If the measure of home rule granted by the liberals is inadequate it will again become neces sary to coerce them into submission which could only be done by an united party." Hill on His Travels. Richmond, Va., Oct. 19 Governor Hill and party arrived here at 8:40 this morning. After breakfast they took a drive over the city and at 1 o'clock an iniormal call was made on Governor Mo Kinney. They aiterwards lunched with Ellyson. A Gala Duy For Kusslans. 8t. Petersburg, Oct. 20 At the capi tal ol Russia todiy in a fete occasion, it being the 54th anniversary of the battle of Navidino. It was made a special celebration because of tne launching of three new Russian ironclad', one 01 them the Navanno, being a battle ship of immense size and Dower. These launchings took Dlace in the Dresenre nf all loreign naval attaches and crowds of people. Ran's Resignation Reported. Washington, D. C, Oct. 20 The Post says positively that the resignation of Pension Commissioner Raum is in the hands of Secretary Noble tu take effect November 30. Raum, who has just re turned from Chicago, denies the story, yet it is also stated th t ex-Governor Steele, of Oklahaini, is on bis way here to succeed him. Texakkvna, Ark, Oct. 19 Some time Saturday night eight prisoners confined in the Bowie county, Texas, jail at Ball, the county seat, succeeded in breaking through tiie wooden wall and escaping. Among them are Robert Scott and Spencer Miles, both self-confessed mur derers. The other prisoners who escaped were in for minor offenses, with tbe ex ception of Bud Gibson, colored, recently sentenced to two years in the peniten tiary. He walked 20 miles to this point, hunted up the sheriff, surrendered him self and notified him of the escape of the others. Officers are out and little doubt is entertained that all the parties will be recaptured. A Young Society Woman of Baltimore T.ikes Strychnine. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 19 Mrs. Flor ence Forman, a young society woman, pois tied herseit last nignt and was found dead in bed this morning, She was the wife of James C. Foreman, aged 23 years and has been married about two years. Some inonths ago she was sick and the illness allected her mind. While out walking yesterday she eluded the nurse who had been entrusted to wntch her and bought 50 cents worth of strychnine, explaining that she wanted it tn kill rats. Last night after going to bed she swallowed the poison. Mrs. Foreman was the daughter of Mr. John Hodges, a leading citizen and she was very handsome. 'the ttiovo e tlnce. New York, Oct. 19 The bicycle race score at noon stood: Prince, 170 miles; R ibb, 176; Ashlinger, 175; Martin, 107; Edlen, 160; Lamb, 162; Sheck, 117; Stage, 140; Albert, 146; Boyst, l-7; Luinsden, 125; Wool, 118; O'Flanna gan, 86; McDowell, 52. The Microbe ol Leprosy. Paris, Oct. 19 Great . interest was caused yesterday by report from Simla, India, that an English doctor ' had suc ceeded in discovering, separating and neutralizing the special microbe of leprosy. A Fuur-year-old Lighted a Mated and Tut it on Ills Hnliy Krnllter. Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 19 A sad tragedy occurred last night in the home of John Good, a farmer who resides four miles from this city. The children were play ing upon the lloor of one of the rooms 01 the lowest story of the house, anil their motlie1, Mrs. Good, went up stairs where she remained some time. Upon returning she was horrified to find the clothing of her two-year-old son ablaze. The flumes were soon extinguished but the child died in agony a few min utes later. The four-year-old brother of the child told his mother that he lighted a match ami put it on his brother's feet and it was from this that the clothing ignited. Worst Hur tonne In Years. London, Oct. 19 The hurricane which prevailed on the west coast of Ireland for several days past was pronounced to be the worst storm known in that part of the country in 20 years. Tne river Shannon overflowed its banks and sub merged large quantities of land in its vicinity, drowning a considerable num ber of cattle and sheep and destroying several houses and many barns and other buildings. They VI ant lo (let Emu, London. Oct. 19 A disrtatch to the Times, Valparaiso, says: "Evidence from neutral sources confirms the state ment that tne United States squadron in Chilian waters both in words and deeds displayed enmity towards the Congressional navy during the recent civil war in Chili." The &Mrated French Cure, ; Warranted " A pUftnniTIN F" or monT 10 curt wiiiita reiunaeo. I it Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to euro any form of nervoui disease, or any disorder of the BEFORE generative or AFTER iaui 0! either sex whether arising from the excessive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium, or through youthful indiscretion, over Indulg ence, ,c, such as Loss of BrWn Power, Wakeful new, Bearing down Pains iu the Back, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emission: , Leucorrhcea, Dizziness, Weak Mem. ory, Loss of Power and Im potency, which if ne glected often lead to premature old age and Insan ity. Price J 1.00 a box, 6 boxes for 15.00 Sent by mail ou receipt of price. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE for every 15.00 order, to refund the money if a rerraaueut cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonial! from old and young, of both Bexes, permanently cured by Aphroditinx. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WESTERN BRANCH BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR I ""H'W A iisnfiuct. of mfonatlon andab-yj j A Mint i -1 uie iawv. nbowlng How tof f r;.n,:n r:tu'ii'. ( 'treats. Trade -"V&. K-te-m ifftfHN a co. jgr For sale by Slocura, Johnston Drug Co., pner Oregon. Hep f (tOOO. 00 a yt-jr li belnff mtd by John St. lii-dtviii. l rt)y,N',Y..fn work for ui. Rtd, you nmy nn make ti much, but we eta (rich Vouotili klv how to earn from & la 10 a ilny at the itart, end more you ro i. Bolh ti-xpi, all agei. In any part of merii H. you can eonimenc at bom. bHv lt all your time, or inru moments only to tite work. All ia new. (ireat pay SL'Hlt fo every worker. We Hurt you, fumUhlnar everything. FA611.Y. Sl'EKUII.Y learned. l-AJU kTLAlO hlEE. Add r en at onea. SILSMtS A 40., l'()RTU.D, MAI ML Cyoione Kaiilufr at Kcrmu la. New York, Oct. 19 A dispatch from Bermuda to the signal olBcer of this city announces a severe cyclone storm dan gerous to shipping raging at Bermuda. Say Balmnceda Is Nit Dead Cincinnati, O., Oct. 19 Dr. Francis Rivers and Sienor Carlos Del R o. late of the military staff ol President Bal ma ceda, of Chili, arrived here yesterday enroute for New York. They had with tliem Louis Jlloch, of California, as in terpreter. Through hiinthey said thatBal- niaceda is not dead, all reports ot suicide to the contrary notwithstanding, and they expected to meet him either in New York or in Europe. Newtpaper Mnu Murdereil. Portland, Or., Oct. 19 N. 8. Grove, employed on newspaper work, was lound dead with tits skull crushed tins morning on the river bank in the north end of the city. It is supposed he was murinred. It ceiver Appointed. Chicago, Oct. 19 This morning James Lloyd was appointed receiver for Economic Live Stock Insurance Com pany on petition filed by the attorney general. The insolvency of the com pany is aumitted by the officers. Women'a Hoard of Miaitlons. PiTTHBi'ttu, Oct. 19 The third session of the Christian Women's Board of Missions met today and e ected n atonal officers. Mrs. O. A. Burgiss, of Indian- nolis, was selected for president. The remainder of the session was given up to addresses and receiving reports. Wliy Mm. Mearlpa Ild It. Nkw York, Oct. 19 The Sunday Press has a story Irom Methuen saving that Mrs. Searles' reason for disinheriting Timothv Hopkins was because of his lack of economical habits antl because of his disregard for her feelings. Searles is quoted as saying he ottered to pay Hookins aiiout :i,uuu,uuu irom tne estate in the hope that the veil on the home life of Mrs. Searles might not be lifted. Hurr'ctiif In the IrUli Hea. Dl'bmn. Oct. 19 Severe weather con tinues in the Irish sea. The Dublin mail uacket which left Holvheid last evening arrived at Kingston three hours late, site was compel. ea to pass titrougn treinemluous seas. Utinng most ot the vovaee fitrioii waves Binasiietl a number of paddles and carried away the wheel house, tne steering wneei ana a portion of th i bridge. Passengers were in great fa'r during the stormy passage antl unanimous. y declare their experience to have been a nto-t awiul one. I'omorrow Will Ho (he !ny of tile Kcumenlcal Congrefta Washington, D. C, Oct. 19 The eleventh day of the ecumenical Metho dist c umcil opened with William War den of the Wesleyan Rtforin Union, England, in the chair. The committee made a report upon the subject of a week of piayer, recommending that the week beginning November 15th next be set aside for that purpose. The report was adopted. The com mil tee on Metho dist statistics reported that since the London ecumenical council there has been an increase of 3J per cent, in Methodist believers. The report shows : ministers, 42,ti;b; members, 6,495,399; and adherents, 25,378,000. The resoln lion was adopted making tomorrow's session the last of the conterence. The report of the committeeon execu tive session recommended that a third ecumenical council be held in 1901 and that the executive commission, to con sist of 80 members, be divided into two sections, called Eastern and Western section, this body to arrange for and make necessary arrangements lor the next session. 1'he report went over un til tomorrow, and the topic ol the day, "Church and Public Morality," taken up. Paraes, of New tt-u.h ualea, Falls Out With Ilia C.iblnet. Svdnev, Oct. 19 Sir Henry Parkes, premier of New South Wales, has re signed in consequence of the detent of the government mursday when it opposed the motion for a return of the bill regu lating mining laws to the committee which had considered it, in order that the eight-hour labor clause might be eliminated. The house then adjourned with the understanding that the cabinet would resign. Sir Henry was opposed to the eight-hour provision in the bill, but other members of the cabinet were in favor of the clause. It is said that Sir Henry Parkes, owing to his ad vanced age, will now retire permanently to private life. (thai-gelt With KngHg-liig in Nh.itly Keal K!ate Kpeculation. Boston, Mass., Oct. 19 The Rev. Sam Small was arrested in this city last week on a charge of obtaining $1000 by false pretenses, made by the Rev. II. N. Monroe, an Episcopalian clergyman at Newton, Lower 1'alls. Mr. Small had been stumping this State for the past few weeks in the interest of the Pro hibition ticket. Secretary Merden, of the Prohibition State committee, went ball for him and he has been stumping the State ever since. The case was brought into the civil court to avoid the (caudal that a criminal case might bring to the cause of prohibition. It is said that the transaction which resulted in the arrest of Mr. Small was agreed upon in August, 1890, when Mr. Small was president of Olden university. It is aliened that Mr. bmall induced the Rev. Mr. Munroe to pay 1000 for a lot of land which he declared was worth that sum. The land belonged to the university and it is alleged that the uni versity demanded only $500 for it and hat Mr. Small made $500 by this trans action. When Mr. Munroe heard of this he demanded the return of his money. As it was not forthcoming he caused the arrest of Mr. Small. j'boCTOR IACKERS i PURE i PIKX j PILLS. Thea Celubi-att-d ENOLIfsil Pilla are a Poaltire Cure for Sick; II endue he lMlouaneat, nl Coiiatlpatlon. Small, plena.. ant and a favorite with tbe! ludle. Bold in England tor U. id., In America for 5o. Get; horn from Tour Dro&rfrifts. or" send to W. H. K00KEB CO., 40 wert Broadway, flew Tori. The Great French Specifla for Debility. fSE A MAN AGAIN! YOUJ3AN. Are you troubled with any form of nervous disease or any disorder of the Oenerative organs, snsinartronioutli fu! indiscretions or over indulgence, such as Neruo n Proatra. tie n, Loss of urain Power, Wakeful. less. 66711- '-- mal Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Weak Memory, Loss of Power or Impotency 'I We Guarantee Six Boxes to Curs Any Case. A WRITTEN CUARANTEE is given for every $5.00 order received, to refund the money if a permanent cure is not affected. SEQUARD'S INVICCRATOR Is used and recommended by the leading physicians of litis country and Europe, and there is no question as to its value. It will give yon Manhood. Price, $1.00 a box, 6 boxes for$i).00. Sent by mail on receipt ofprice, securely wrapped and protected fi'om observation. Address, STEWART S HOLMES DRUG CO., WHOLIMLIt AQIN.I, SEATTLE, WASH FS sale by T. W. Ayers, jr. druging. Hepner, Oregon So said Bui-1 wer, that! greatest of ' Novelists, and he ' never spoke more truly, and he might have added with equal force, that i u the essence of success. Wisdom's Robertine ia the synonym of merit, and its history is access. The m.gti f. fects of this preparation have been attest ed by thousands of the leading Indie W society and the stage. It is tbe only arti cle ever discovered which given ffttm ttl and Beautiful tint to the eoaplexioa, at the same tune removing all roiiihnamn of the face and arms and leavm Mta skin soft, smooth and velvety. If hm long been the study of chemist t fn dnce an article that while it would t mi tify the complexion would alio have Um merit of being harmless, but these tvf important qualities went never hrof ht together until combined in WISDOM'S 608 ftOBE$TIJI. fltittff Utile r.irtinrhavheenmadaa Ft'in fur ns, liv Anna I'drd, Auiila, '', mnl .liio. Ilium, Toledo, Ohio, cp cut. (itlierinriMloinfrftivvell. Why "t vim? Simie ffi-ni over fAUO.Oti a idiiIIi. Vmi run lid the work And ' h mm. w heri-vvr vmi are. Ert'i b- gin tier nrc fusil v rarnlnir from ( to Ilia ly. All itjrpn. UihoT you how and atari ym. fan work In partla or all !hf limp. Ills; money ror work er!. Failure uiiltiinwti among then NF.W ami wtiiiuVrf'iil 1'irtirul.nfVM. 2.1liillttttt' Co.tlSwx HBO Tort liuid, Main fwSl mm 1 K A It ! I unitertik to briefl ti any (Billy lntHlie; pi'Mon nretlhrr lm I-.HI read and write, and who, r liislrin tloti.wfll work induatrloualv, ' to earn Three Tliuuaand Dollar a, ,,:":,,,,' """-', ii.r.vrr,ne.v nve.l Will alao rurnlah Mi. oreniil.ynii,iii wlili li y.,n ran ram Ihaternount. ,"m!7 f"r, ""'' ""rri'Mtiil at ali-ee. Ka.lly ami qulcklv l amed. I dralre Inn ,, worker from earh dlairlrt oroiniy i have already taualit and provided with employment a larra nninlier who jra inaklna over milll a year eaeh. Ii'a IS K W li"' llr"lnr" ' B fe K. Adilreti at on". C. Al.l.K.V, 1Ik o, A i, main, Mulutt. WiM Wiriboun Wlpad Out Passaic, N. J., Oct. 20 The great warehouse and contents, loot) barre s of wine, of the Spear New Jersey Wine Company, burned this morning. Tbe office and pleat of the Passaic Item, lo cated in the building, were also de stroyed. Loss $100,000; insurance small. A itriglil. V.iUiijc M .u Ui-ad. New York, Oct. 19 Henry A. Gilder sleeve, Jr., second sou of Judkte Henry A. Gildersleeve, of the Superior court, died this morning of typhoid fever. He was 21 years of age, quite an athlete, a grad uate of Columbia college and Columbia law school and member of Troop A New York cavalry. Tmk MhJiI Hunrly'a I'tacs, New Yokk, Oct. 19 It is announced today that John A. Hchlecher has assumed the chief editorship of the Mail and Express, made vacant by the death of tbe late Major Bundy. Schlecher re tires from the editorship of Frank Les lie's Weekly to accept this place. K lied lr a mtf C', Oct. 19 A dispatch from Breslan, cap tal of the Province of Hili cia, says : iiy a railroad collision today at Kolilfurt five persons were killed and many injured. D'tn't V lr italiour. London. Oct. 19 The Pall Mall Ga zette this alternoon, reterring to the ap pointment of riallour as lirst lord of tne treasury, ana tticrelore as tne conserva tive leader in the house ot commons as successor of the late William Henry Smith, Buys: 'The appointment is not bad thing for the opposition. We prefer to meet fighting men. It will be nothing but a boon to tbe Liberals to have opposed to them a man specially identified with coercion in its most deli am form." 1 lm llllanc Fllliif to Piece. Baltimohk, Oct. 19 United States Senator Wade Hampton, who is visiting here, in an interview with a Sun re porter said: "The Farmers' Alliance is rapidly disintegrating in the South and within the next four years it will en tirely disappear. People are rapidly awakening to the absurdity of the de mands the organization has promul gated." TrftC'ipfJ MdKom tr Kftllre. Boston, Mass., Oct. 19 The noted telescope makers, Alvang and George B. Clark, of Cambridge, are to dissolve partnership because ol ill health of the senior partner. Mr.. I'ariiKll Mill Hick. London, Oct. 19 Mrs. l'arnell, widow of l'arnell, continues in a very weak and prec rious condition. She is unable to sleep without the ai I of drugs and can not partake of solid food. England's buiij u Of oreat'nff. London, Oct. U2 Bullion in the Bank of England decreased 384,000 during the past week. dtfwJ fi(cA c&U . A AfmUbf mill on, Mk 0jaaaJL StoodS Julius' MONEY i'iii(iral)y, by tlunt of iiift or ll, and In ihalr iiik'r.m li clever Nicy live. Any ttl ill li IV I irk. 'v n laam. Wr fur ni sh evcryiliinir. Wn itnrl yuu. No risk. You can darot yutinimrt' m tuts, or all your (line to the work. ThliUaa entirely ni'W lend, it ml 1 1 ring" woinlnrt'ul tttcress to every worker. nt'Kliimirs nr -nriiiir from 'J5 to iitrwrck and upward, and iiKiro nfli r a lltila enjii rlfnca. We ran furnish you jfaa am li'H' li you i llV.V,. No iiiu:oto eaiilalu hare, Full luf.'niiatluti tUKfal. 'I'KUKafcCO., AIJL1A, aUlfcl. WOVEN WIRE ItIel FENCING WIRC S TffVWWt Hurt atLYflbx. II Ilia. , - ka ACKNOWLEOnFO THE REST ror Lawns, Gardens, harms, lunches and Railroads. Hltlt'KH lt.;l)UL'KI. Sold by 1ii Slrltlil.l.KN'S POIIIiTUr NOTING, r. FlteiltlHT PAID 1. Nfltv Thin I p anirimitf I no DRffirHipT r.xtra llaavy Hclvaaf. TO0 MoVullea Wovsa wire FariM Oo.. Cnloaffn. HL OGH PATENOPBJNQiHICilja I',I1lr-t'l'-trJAW.l IX IJVKHY KEMPECT. LIGHTEST, STRONGEST AND EASIEST KIDITTG VEHICLE ON EARTH. 0J3QS1S E0A3 W&C3HS, PilAETOKS, AND SURREYS On this Wonflerful BPBINO-. Of at X BABCOCK & VIELE CARRIAGE COMPANY- Sole Proprietor! and Manufacturer!, Write for Catalog. litntUm thin Pnpfr, FVA WSVTKLE, IXVIA XA, THE POSITIVE CURE. SLY BKUl'HSiW. M n,nr,Nm for. Wcewirt.l EASY LABORS PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH CT OSACE PILLS, PURELY VEGETABLE AND PERFECTLY HARMLESS, Being compounded from numerous herbs and roots, which have been in use among the Osage Indian! for years. It ii the use of these roots and herbs which renders that gener ally dreaded event so remarkable safe and easy with them. The use of Osage Pills should begin three weeks before eipected confinement. Thousands of Testimonies opea for Inspection at our offices. Santf lor Circular, trice, per box, $2. For Hala by K'ir Sale bv T. W. AvT. Jr., ll.'pim.T Or. or lant In plain wrappar, poat-pald, on raettlpt of ai.OO. THI 08ACI MEDICINE CO. WICHITA, KANS.