2 THE WIE&Lf HEBXEfi GAZETTE. Ht3t, OREGON, OOIQHJSR 25, l&U. THE GAZETTE. LONG CREEK, from the Eagle. Long Creek's process flouring mill is running nis;lit and iliiy. It is turnini: ont an excellent grmle of iliur, anil is giving general sulifaotiou. C. (1. Castmry, who in flip filling out in Morrow county, writes tnia olh;o that due to matters that are unavoidable lie is meeting v itu ill luck. Giia itH rustler and all bo wants is time and be'li get there. Long Creek is to have a brass band. A meeting was held Saturday evening and oflioers were elected and steps taken to purchase instrument. The busine a fraternity of the town bhould give the new enterprise every possible encourage ment. The Journal that deals wholly in "foxy" comments on typographical errors that appear in the columns of its exuhan ges m certainly "hard up" for neivs. No man becomes so thorough in proof reading but what an error will occasionally pas being detected, and any leas'unable minded man will pass Biich unnoticed. News has reached this oflioa th t a mau named Tibbetls has made the dis coverv of an immensely rich ledge of ore on Elk creek above the Johnny Unghes' claim, and that great excitement prevails Where the ledge was disclosed to view it is between two and one-half and three fei t 'hrongh, and is decidedly the richest ore found on Elk creek. Just the ijuau tity of ore in this tied, auails inline developments. A VVOItl) FOlt ELLIS. From the Times-Mountaineer. Next June will witness the election of twocongressmeu from this stale, and it is not premature to prepare 'slates." In the li rat district the .Republicans ol the Willamette valley w ill name some eligible candidate ho will uniluubtidly be elected, and the second district ban also good material for the position. We have heard several men mentioned ; bin the 'i'lnies-lVlountaineer, aller carefully canvassing the held, (irmly believes that llou. W. H. Kllis, of Jleppner, would more fully represent Kiibloru Oregon than atiy other person, iiis interests are identical with those of the Inland Empire, and the greatest reliance can la placed in his honesty and lutegiity. Having lived east of the Cascade moun tains for many years, he lully under Btauds the lmpoi taiice of opening the Columbia river to the navigation of the producers, and "ill no doubt use Ins utmost endeavors to accomplish this object. We hope the next Kcmiblioaii nominating convention will place the name of lion. W. li. Ellis fur congress on the ticket, in tin; .Second district, anil we are nuiinlied hu will cany the strength of the party. Tub touchers of Oregon either need the support of patrons in eudeavoiiug to maintain order and discipline or the es tablishment of a reform school of more than ordiuary dimensions. The teacher will liud his work more congenial if the state will undertake to nssist iu edu cating the unruly spirits. Hut nuul Biioh an institution is founded, larger and more thorough than anything now within the limits of the state, the teachers are foroed to do (he best they can. Thel'oit laud agitation is sullicicnt to convince one Hint this proposed school should uoi only bo large enough to contain ah the unruly pupils, but u goodly number ol the parents, as well as the editored' the Oregouiau. If these older heads are con trolled, there will he little trouble with the ohihlien. Jf coiporal punishment is to be abolished, give us a bigger reform School, Advocates of reforms should not stop when they have shown the heal means ol teaung down, but slmuM tni on a little further and prove how a bel ter and more substantial hiiucIuiu can be established in Us stead. PRIVATE WOHnd FOB WOMKS. The eminnnt and naccerful electric physicians, Drs. Darrin, have discovered and perfected a system of treatment that has caused a revolution in the treatment of female diseases. Wherever their treatment is tested and know it has done away with nearly all dosing with nause ous drugs and surgical operations, where by so many precious lives have been lost. It has proved in thousands of eases to be a positive cure for the following female diseases. Ovarian tumors, polypus ulceration and dropsy of womb, ii'fl immation, con Keatiouaud falling of womb leucorrhcei, painful and suppressed menstruation, tl aiding, frequent urination, bearing down puns, backache, hmdache, hack ing cough, melancholy, absence of ambi tion or desire to live, or, iu fact, auy complaint h iving itsoriginin a disorder ed state of the generative aud accom panying organs, whether from onnta-giousdi.-eases, hereditary, accident, tight lacing, miscarriage or other causes. Their method of treatment is harmless, pleasant and mild. Dis. Darrin refrain from making public the names of hundreds of ladies who have been restored to health, with due deference to the delicacy of their afflic tions. The doctors are perinanetly located at 7(); Washington street, Portland. Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sunday, 10 to 12. They are eipiaily successful in the treatment of all curable ohronio. acute and private diseases, such as errors ol youth and impoteiicy. Eleetiicity is the principal factor iu their treatment OCR VERY BEST PEOPLE. Confirm our statement when we s.iv that Dr. Acker's English Kernedy is in every WBy superior to any and all other prepa rations for the throat and lungs, n whooping cough and oroup, it is magic and relieves at onoe. Weoffera sample bottle free. Heineoiber, this remedy is sold on a positive guarautee by the Slo-cum-Johuston Drui! Co. Wiikn Columbus was made a prisoner in Han Domingo the Governor who ar resled him feared there might lie an at. tempt at rescue. Ko ho trained a big gun on the ciitrnnoo of the citadel, in oantle, m which Columbus was conlined. That ciiiinon has lain in the whim place over since until now, hen Mr. Ober, a Word's Fair repreK-nbitive, recovered it, aud Willi ttw permission of the Governor uSnn Domingo, brought it to I ho Uni ted Slates. It. has been shipped In Chief of Constriiclion lliirnliain in order that ho may uso it iu some way in oriiu meuling the Exposition grounds. A wiihat blockade for Easteru Ore gon and Washington is at hand. Port land warehouses are full of wheat, with the exception of those of ll.dfour, Gulh rie & Co. Our brunch people have re ceived word not to ship miy cars loaded with wheat, except those consigned lo the above-mentioned liriu. Tins move might he construed into a plan to lower the price of wheat, but. iu this instance is certainly not the ease. Wheat has been rolling into Portland for weeks past, and as few ships have nnived (or cargo, the bulk of Una jeais' wheal crop, mi. mis oceu snipped, remains in l'oit- UPI'Eli HHUl CHEEK. Mr. Editor: Ft, bus been some time since we have been permmitted to write you, having been away from home most of the time, but hope from now on, I will be able to give you items from our part of the country. We are having nice rains. Mrs. Annie Webster visited her sister, .Mrs. R E. Ilevbiud, one day last week. Mrs. li. li. Hevhiud is visiting her parents, Mr. D. W. li.ord, o.u Six Dollar U.oiyoii. Mr. Ered Thomas has Mr. D. A Uerren's band of sheep on his ranch for a few days. I hear that there am parties iu these parts, losing some of their horses. I nope they will find them. The bnncligrassers have been busy hauling their winter wood. They had bett-.-r m.,ve to the timber. The llami.tou threshing machine is at Air. Ambrose's. They will go from there to Mr. Peulnud's Saufurd ranch. Mr. Wm. Penland was in these parts the other day looking for the MoKeuzie ranch, but he look the wrong road. Hincel last wrote, there has been Borne changes in our neighborhood. Mr. Jack AiclvHiizie has sold his ranch to Mr. .jini.li liurcb. Mr. Hamilton has just finished thresh ing bis large crop of grain. We have not heard the average, but know that it must be large. I hear that a prominent farmer of our neighborhood was calling at James Tol ben's a few days ago. He must be con templating changing cooks, I here is a lady in our vioinity who wanted a cellar, aud her husband was loo busy to dig it. He went to help one ol Ins neighbors harvest aud hen he re lumed livuie she had one dug 10x12 feet. 1 feet deep. If any one has a woman that can neat that, we would like to hear from them, t Nifliio. Oct 11, '1)1. ' There is more catarrh in this section of the Country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed JocaJ rem edies, aud by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronouueed it in ourable. Hcieuce has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, aud there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly upon the blond and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred ilul lais tor auy case it fails to cure. Seud for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. CaT'Sold by Druggists, 7oc. PALACE HOTEL, Hi II! 1 Hlt Bio Saw!. On Nov. 13th and 14th, Jchn Q Wilson will offer for sale in Heppuer, 20 uiaers and colts, 20 year lings, 13 two-year olds and 50 m ires and weldings. Twelve mouths time will be given all who desire, it with 10 peroeut interest, approved security, and 5 per oeut discount for cash. All horsemen should be present here at these dates. ill J.- H.l-tu.iiTljiifl, 111 r!fif n ea is i :rs f M mil Heppner, Oregon, Is Now Open to The Public ! Good Mt'ulH, ReaHonablo. American and European Plan. First CliiHs Koonis. Free Births. W. VON CADOW, Manager. Formerly of U. P. Hotel Company land. If Tun Ileppner mill is worth operating at all, it should be run night and day. All (lour made iu excess of present de mands will liml ready Bale before the season ends. This is the Gnzotle's opinion only, which the paper "begs pardon" for offering, as the present di rectorship, perhaps, knot? their business. Wo are infoinied that as soon as water increases in the oreek in sutlicienl quan tity to run the mill, steam power will be dispensed wiih and the mill run lo its fullest oapacity. Tim amiizingstiiteiuenl is made by Kd wnrd Alkiiison. the eminent statistician Of Boston, in Frank Leslie's Illustrated weekly this week, that the invi ntion of the automatic, sell bin ding, wheat harvest er enabled this county to resume specie payment iu 18711 by making it possible lo gainer me enormous wheat crop and get it to market. LAST V KICK'S HACES. Siiinu Close Contests Between Visiting and J.ocal Horses -- llfueou Versus Uray bil k, No lio. The race last Friday between Joe Cot ton and Pay Day, quarter of a mile, re soiled in a victory for Cotton in 23; secor.ds. The main slakes were $00 side. Little outside betting was done. The slakes iu the race between, Dea con and Gray Dick were withdrawal huniiay'h haois. Our sporting people were called out to the track Sunday to see a quarter dnsh iietween Geo. Ahins' JLieacou una Jim Jones' i'im. tBI) a side, on two tirotiosi- HonH- at the (500-yard stake mid at the ud ol the quarter stretch. Deacon won on both, coming out at the end ol the counter in 112 5. "Uncle" Charley Cochrane acted as tapper ; George Conner and lMntik farrier, judges at the 300 yard stake and George Uarriugtou aud Dave McAlee at the end of the quarter. ll was a close ram , and some money changed hands on the result. There is little doubt but that many persons suffer for years with ailments that could easily becur-d by the use of some simple remedy The followin in cident is an illustration of this fact: My wife was troubled with a pain in her side the greater part of the time for three vears, until cured by Chamberlain's Pain Balm It has, I think, permanent ly cured her. We also have used Cham berlain's Cough Kemedy whenever need. ed and believe it to be the best in the world. P M. Poston, Pennville, Sulli van Co , Missouri. For sale by Slooum Johuslon Drug Company. Morrow County Still In It. S. N. Morgan, of Sand Hollow, won second orize, offered by the Uural New Yorker, for the best 18 heads of wheat, which consisted of six different varieties. The Hist prize was wou by a Canadian farm er, so Mr. Morgan is the boss of the United Slates in the wheat raising line, from the K. N. Yorker's standpoint. We saw some of the same kiud of grain at Minor Bros. Saturday last, and it surely is hard to beat. DK. ACKER'S ENGLISH PILLS Are aotive, effeotive aud pure. For sick headache, disordered stomach, loss of appetite, bad oomplexion and billions ness, tbey have never been equaled, either in Ameriena or abroad. Sold by Slocum Johnston Drug Co. SniiKP Dyino. Norman A. Kelly re ports that the sheep are dying enroute from the Blues Jas. Jones lost 400, J. M. Huger 300, Nels Jones 11 bead, aud others various numbers. Alkali is sup posed to have been the cause, and others are warned to be on the lookout while bringing their stock from the mountains. CHAS. H DODD IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, !R0 a. CO. STEEL, Front, First and Vine Streuts, FARM MACHINERY. POKTLAND, OREGON. DEERE'S NEW Deere Sole Agent, fb nnrciN no whshinoton for DEAL PLOWS. DFERE'S GAZELLE PLOWS. Su!ky P'ow. B'icWeye Shoe Grain Drill. Power Lift buckeje iiuc i'rtas Graiu Uml, iiu jLte Seeders, BiuLcye bpriiig Tooth Harrow. ft COFFIN & McFARLAND. A Big Line direct from the East. Fine Stylish Huts, now shapes and patterns. Gents' Fine bhooH, Ladiu'g und cliiklren's shuen, all BLyles. sun Jobc, Caliiornia baddies at Factory prices. A cur load ol H'nioliue sheep Dip, a bure Cure i'ui tlie scab. Dry Goodn, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Mitchell Wagons, Oliver Chilled Plows, Etc. COFFIN & McFARLAND. Big Brick, National Bank Building, Heppner, Oregon. W, A. KIRK. KIRK milliard's Ulieniuatic and Liver Pills. These Pills are soieutillcally com pound ed, and uniform in action. No griping pain so commouly following the use of Fills. They nie udapted to both adults and children with perfect safety. We guarantee they have no equal in the cure of Hick Ubadaohb, Constipation, Lyspep sia and iiilionsness; and, as au appetizer, they exoel any other preparation. J. 0. HAYES D1SALEHSIN Saddles, Haaness, Whips, Spurs, aud every Conceivable --Vrticle kept in a First Class Harness Shop. Repairing ti Siiecialtji?-! raxea eoDiier m Go totheir ptre for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted.for five eufs. Don't buy elsewhere tiil you examine their machines and ' get cash prices. MAIN STREET, - - HEPPNER, OREGON. BISUEE Ja.mks Yates, a Eugene msn, boasts of having the largest pntnto on record one weighing pounds. Mr. Yates is not "iu it." Any fanner in Morrow county will challenge Mr. Yates to call him and go from 2 to 4 pounds better. The Gazette had a potato on exliliition last year w hieh weighed nearly I) pounds. Sol Hmsrii, the Oregon diplomat, him returned from Tin key on a brief visit. Two years absence has not weaned him from Oregon's attractions, KlUNAIi l l.AIIS. The following is t tie interpretation of the signal II igs as displayed on the Palace Hotel: White flag, sin feet squsre, indicates clear or fair weather. Wuc II ig, six feet square, indioates rain or snow. White and blue Hag (parallel bars of white and blue), six feet square, indicates that local rains or showers will occur, and that the riiiulall will not be general, lilnek triangular flag, foni feet at the base and six feet in length, always refeis to temperature; wnen placed above number 1, 2, or 3 it. indt cates warm weather; when planed beiow numbers 1, 2, or 3 it indicates colder weather; when not displayed, the hull cations are that the temperature will re main stationary, or that the change iu temperature will not vary more than four degrees from the temperatuie of the same li mr of the nrecrdioir dav from March lo Oc ober, inclusive, and not more than six degrees tor the remaining oioaius ot lie year, vt lute Hag, six feet square, nilli id ,k square in center indicates the approach or a smlili'n and iiTi'inf fall iu temperature. This signal is not in be displayed unless it is expect ed that the temperature will fall to forty two degrees, or lower, and is Usually ordered at least twenty-four hours iu advance of the cold wave. When the last mentioned is displayed, the tern perattire Hag is aUvajs omitted. 4W-tf. A Mind of Her Own. Some of the young men criticized Miss Lehman rather severely for breaking up the dance the evening of the 3d which was intended as a farewell party iu honor of M iss llattie Hill, wtio was starling to Washington. Miss Lehman took a six shooter nnd paraded the streets Monday evening, presumably with the intention of lispatohing some of her critics, but there was uo blood shed. Miss Lehman is principal of the Harney sellout at 814") per month, was elected county superintendent at last election, and were it permissable by the laws, would now be serving iu that capacity. Wealth oc Thk Blues. The Gazetie was sliowu lust Friday some samples of die uewlj -discovered firebrick and building stone which was reoeutly dis covered iu the Jilif mounlaius. Prut. Huberts, who is in the employ of the government, sujb that it is even a better qualily thau the manufactured article. Iu its natural state, beueaih the sin face, It cau he out out iu blooks like ola, but upon being exposed to the surface haid eus, and the more it is heated the harder it gets. The discovery promises to be a bonanza. Quick "oils. Mr. Von Cadow, of the Palace Hotel, met with a small loss by lire on October lSih. lie carried insiir mice iu two companies represented by Messrs lirowu & Hamilton, and within eight days after the lire the above-named lii in had adjusted the loss, communicated with the insurance companies aud paid Mr. Von Cadow for all damages lie bud suifored. Nobody will suffer from liver disease if they take Simmons Liver R-gulator. HOW A TIltL MAKES MONEY. "I give my experience for the benefit of others. I sent M.00 to the Oneen Toilet Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, and received 3 agents out tits and my owu county for territory. I started to of my frieuds to work and also canvassed myself for one month; my friends nor mvaelf never cauvasseu oeiore, one we lonnil it no trouble to take oiders, even clore to drug stores for people oould not help buying when they saw with their eyes what these remedies oan do. I now have nine sub-agents in the towns and a lirauoh olhce at my home, which the company mentions iu their advertise meut iu our ocuuty papers." "My clear profit last mouth was SlOc 'Jne couniy gives me all the business X can attend to." hi.i.A Blackbuun. Agent fur Decatur Co., lud. This Company's advertisement aoneara iu this issue of our paper, Ed. 436-tt Slociim-Jobuston Drug Co. Fresh if nods received weekly, 8. Pap Simons & Son, the boss horse sheers and blacksmiths. a Uuhl, the baker. Buy your bread and cakes aud save money, iry it. a. New firm, ami nrices as low ns Lioliteiitliul & Schiizinger's, old stand. a Coffin & MoFarland will buy wheat at all statious ou the Heppuer branch. Hardware? Yes, at Gilliam & Bis bee's, Maiu St., Heppner, Or. a. See your wife about some new furni ture aud then call ou S. C. Smith. Full stock. B Nails by the car load at Gilliam ,fc Bis b"e'a. Grant oounty people will do well to call ou them. a. Go to S. C. Smith's furniture store and examine the Hue line of carpet sam ples just received. . a Wanted More customers to buy goods of the Heppner Furniture Co. Great bargains this spi ing. . Drugs, medioines, toilet artioles and everything iu bis bus st T. W. Avers, Jr. Call for a refreshing ice cream soda, a hen yon want your horses shod FRANK GILLIAM. " - , V i -1 DttRE'o DISU HARROWS. The latest unproved implement for sowing p tool for lliir. . We also have a full line of Ttugejes, I'haelo Vehicles, SCHUTTLER FARM WAOO.N'S Scientific Feed Mills. Pacific Fainiimj r Wlo DEERE'S SEEDER?, The most complete nud successful ;; : ' it! use. :.. u iUi ii Wai;nim, Platform and other Spring t-'pHii; Too h Harrows, Deere "H arrows. Mills. IIAJSII BARB WIRE, Etc. 189 FALL OPENING. 1891. MILLINERY ! INCLUDING ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN Hats and Millinery Novelties. The Most Complete Line of Ladies' and Childrens' Underwear and Hosiery in the City. SAXONY AND GERMAN KNITTING YARNS, ALL SHADES. Pleas Call and Examine Before Buying Your'Fall Stock. MRS. A. M. SLOCUM, 4tf Opposite Palace Hotel, May St., Heppner, Oregon. General GILLIAM & BISBEE, DKALEIIB IN Store and Tinware, Hardware Plumber heppner. Alatepials, Etc., ORKGON ssssssflliN m T. W. AYERS, Jr., Tlie I3rttgg;ist. Dealer in Choice Perfumes and Fine Toilet Articles, Pure Drugs and Medicines. Fine Line of Cigars, Boohs, Stationery, Paints, Oils Brushes and everything in Druggists Sundries. Call on Me for School Rooks. Bear In mind our Stock Is Complete in Every Department. HEPPNER. OREGON. NELSON JONES, President, E. E. BISHOP, Treasurer. T. E. FELL, Secretary. )firi Wl li SWEETS, FIRST IN OYSTERS, FIRST In the Hustle with their Countrymen. "2Flo Eleppner .,. Five doors North of the 1'nlnoo Hotel, Heppner, Or. fine Tntportrd and Domestic (U-gum mid Tobaccos, sre.sli, traits and oilier Guods lleceircd Daily. NOTICK TIMBER CfLTUUE. j U. S. Ijoid OIIH'0, The Dnlloa. dr.. Got. 22 Isot I Coiimhitiit linviiiB been enti'ri'il at tills oliice I by A. J. llurHii. M.irniw rnuuty. nt!aiiit Hunt A. I t imiiinehnine for Iniluro to eoniplv with lu'w as I 1 iniui-i 1 uiiiire tntrv No. 2'.H'. ilatoil Ki'li "S INVI. upon the NV4 ot See. S. Tp. ;l S. U K in Morrow t'ountv. Hn-itou. wilh a view lo tlie oaiu'e lalton o( a.ii.1 entry; coiUoBtaiit alk-Kina that eluimant has never liroken or eanse.t tu be broken 6 aeres the lirst year, tlhl not break or eaiiRo to he broken s aere the aeeood vear, dirt not eultiiate any of u,e tract at anv time since tiling, or caused to he cultivated: the said par lies are hereby summoned to nppenr at this olhee 011 the Alh day of Pee., ln. at lu o'clock A. M. , to respond and furnish testimonv con cerniiiR said aliened failure, w. n. Kills. I' s toiiimissioner , is anlhorUed to take testimonv In this case at his olhce in ileimner. Dp . ,,t m M., N ov. '21. IMtt. John W. I.kwis. ll,'2 lj..(.iu,r 4- liegister. notice -timber ctlttke. or U. S. Iind Otlice. The l),ill.. n, a.,t on .--.. r, .,r v.iiiiu county people, I u npiaim na lns heeu entered at this ottiec t iisfi 111111 aj. ouru aro nun a ai,i, ' m- nnier. ir.. aiiaiiis! r ,,ri., 1 Slcllee lor failure to c.mmlv u iti, ..u i j .. a. 1 her Culture Entry ,o. ',.7,'dated April 111 lv"i" few ,",'::!!!, hi TPS . K e! in Morrow I s1'.. 1111 it lew 10 I lie cane., h, 01 said entry : contestant alleuiiiK that defend ant has who ly hilled to comply t,h tlie T . m,e,i , "H'""ui Panics are heix-hv sum day of Pecenihcr, l.yn, Ht 10 o'chvk .1 J o respond and furnish testimonv concern' J,ca.ath,oihcelute,,r,,;, at Fox. When you are weary nnd need uuuutes rent, drop iu and eee Tom Brnd-! ley t tlie tMvedere. Uekuowe how to ujiike you feel Ht home. 4'J7 t A M. Ounn ia not dealinur in riuis thoiiuh he ia q ite H Utliin heu it cmies to horscshoeum and all kinds of hlnok oiuitliiuir. His ehop ia opposite J. VV. Morrow's feed yurd, Heppuer Or. Call on bun. . TO WOOL CW! IF YOU WANT To keep your Sheep healthy, and insure a Rood cliti, use HAYWARD'S : HlIP : DIPS. A Sure Cure at Moderate Cost. HAY WARD S "PASTE DIP Mixe w ith either COI.D or WARM VATER. HAYVVARD S LIQUID Is Non-Poisonoua, Improves the and does ot stHin it. Woi Commission Fifth and Townseud Sis., DIP Wool Mkrchants, an Francisco General Agents. For sale liv Sloonm-Johnston Drue; Co. 436 474 Ihe Morrow County Land & Trust Company PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK 25.000. General hmim and Forwarding kk HEPPXER. OEEGOX. The Highest Market Price Paid for all kinds of Grain, Sheep Pelts, Hides, Etc. Storage Capacity: HEPPNER WAREHOUSE: 1 IOXE WAREHOUSE. 5,000 Bass Woo,. 60,OOUO Basheld Orain- 20,000 Bn-hels Grain. DOUGLAS WAREHOUSE: 2S,000 Bushels Grain, T. IX. SX1VE3N-9. E. rj. sijvtoixrsi FOKI) thP PAINTER PaperhanB-m-i, and all other work in his line Cheap fqc Cash. OKoo on "th run." 4tf. Hard Blows by the Bellows and Hammer ! PAP SIMONS & SON, At the Old Stand on the Matlock Come". With this Hiinouncempnt, it is hardly necessary to sav that thev liav not LOST THEIR GRIP on doing a first class job of black- smnuing, tiorse-siioeing, roacuiue repairing or any thius ola it, tlicii lino Par. ...... ol 1 ot 1 else iu their HEPPNER. OREGON.