The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, October 29, 1891, Image 1

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Then Subscribe tor the I
Free Brand Column.
NO. 449.
Every Thursday Afternoon
A' fi.00 per year, $1.25 for six months, $0.75
for t -ree mout-nB; in advance. If paid for at the
tnd of six inontha, $2.50 a year will be charged.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
The - EaLE, " of Long Creek, Grant
County Oregon, is published by the same com
pany every Friday morning. Subscription
price, I'-' per year. Forndvertising rates, address
CXIXiT xH FAITEBSO, Editor and
Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette,"
Heppner, Oregon,
osasa-oiT omcx.&.x.s.
nvernor 8. ?'"'
Seo of State O. W. MoBnde.
Treasurer Phil Metachan.
Supt. InBtruotion . h. d. Moblroy.
ludire Seventh Distriot W. L. Hradsnaw
District Attorney W. H. Wilson
Joint Senator Henry Blackmail.
Ilepresentative . '.lhJnP9"11-
ounty J udge 4- Jail Keith'.
' Oommisaioners J. A. lhompaon,
H. M. Vaughn. . ,
Clerk J- W- MoJrrw-
" Sheriff Ijpble.
' Treasurer J- W. Matlock.
Assessor J- J. McOee.
Surveyor -C. B-t-ane.
school sup't w.saiiiiB.
I'oroner James Daugherty.
tia.i T.J. Matlock
' ouncidmei'i O. K. Farneworth. V.
M Military. W. J. McAtee. S. P. Garngues, Thoa.
Morgan and Frank (iiliiam.
Kecordei -A. A. Robert a.
Treasurei iVi1,lMzel
Marshal J. W.
Done Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev
ery Tuesday evening at 7.30 o clock in
their Castle Hall, National Bank build
ing. Sojourning brothers eordiallv ln
... ..i..t .T J Unnv.RTH.CC.
' W . L. Baling. K. of K. 4 S. tf
6. A. B.
Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
Mch month. All veterans are invited to join.
0. C. Boon, J, A- Willis.
Adjutant, tf Commander.
Heal Estate, Insurance and Collection
Cilice in
Heppner, - ' tf - ""9"
J. H. FELL. M. D
. Surgeon.
Attorney at Law.
Brown & Hamilton
Practice in all courts of the state, lnsnrance,
real estate collection a id loan jwaJts.
Prompt attention given to all business entrust
ed to thorn. . .
Opposite Gazette OfIce, Heppner. tf
President. Cashier.
Made on Favorable Terms.
First" National Bank
President. Vice-President.
George W. Conser, Cashier.
Transacts a General Banking Business
-On all part of the world
Bought and Sold,
Collections made at all points on Rea
sonable Terms.
Surplus and Undivided profits, $19,025.00
Keeps constantly on hand Freeh and Salt Meats,
Fish and Poultry. Highet Cash Price
paid for all kinda of Fat Stock.
.V T mh.r ia miles of Heppner. at
what is known at the
$10 00
17 50
$6.00 per 1,000 feet, additional.
D. A.. Hamilton. MaraKX-
Frank H. Snow, Commissioner U. S.
Circuit Court at Lexington, Or., is
authorized to receive fees tor publication
( final proofs. 414-tf.
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Is tbe l'ue to take
It is tbe DINING CAR ROUTE. It ran
(No Change of Oars)
Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed,
Of Latest Equipment
Tourist Sleeping Cars
Best tbat can be constructed and in
which aooommodations are both
FREE and furnished for holders
of First or Second-Class
Tickets, and
Elegant Day Coachs.
A Continuous Line connecting with all
Lines, affording Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be
Secured in advance through
any agent of the road.
To and from all points iu America. Eng
land and Europe can be purchased
at any Ticket Office of this
Full information concerning rates, limp
of trains, routes and other details
furnished on application to any
agent, or
Assistant General Passenger Agent.
No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington,
After a few Joyful daya with the
Speckled Trout
Balsamic Breezes
among the
Sparkling Springs
Tall Tama racks
Dark-hued Firs
Sturdi) Pines
of my old friends, the
(Flrit vacation in thrre years),
I have returned to the dealt
and pen with tanned skin, ex
panded lungs, hardened muscles,
appetite like a spotted caynse,
steady nerves and unlimited
capacity for business. With
Boiling Ink
I am apain acting as
Intermediary between
on one side and the
on the other,
waking up the former and unwinding
the red tape that is so troublesome
to the latter.
j all matters relating to Public Inds in
Morrow County are now. as heretofore, receiving
eneriretle and careful attention at my office In
Frank H. Snow,
C. 8. Commuwrioner.
At this time of tbe year
tbe blood changes, its cir
culation is sluggish and
the system is not properly
nourished. The result is
loss of appetite, weakness,
an oppressive feeling of
fullness, too hot, and Ohl
so tired. To cure and
prevent SpriDg Fever
Take Simmons Liver Reg
ulator. All nature is now
waking and everybody
should invigorate the
liver, kidneys and bowels
with Simmons Liver Reg
ulator and they would
not have so much bilious
ness, headache, dyspepsia
and malaria all the rest
of the year. You would
not expect a plant to work
off a winter's decay and
bloom as good as ever
without attention in the
Spring. Don't expect it
of your system. Take
Simmons Liver Regulator
Willows, Cal Sept. 18, 1889.
"Prior to 1871, 1 used Simmons Livr Regula
tor while livins in Virginia, and have oontinued
its use since cominu West. 1 consider it an ex
cellent Spring medicine." W. A. Skuorn.
.U1 wr 4 ournai.
All orders promptly attended to.
Prices to suit the Times.
nuttvat re iter ana is n la
fallible Cure for PHeau
Prioe 11. Br DrajrgiiM or
BoiMlS Nsw York Oil.
Coming Bark to Erin A Remarkable Cor
- rt jionnenee. - - "
From the Dublin Freeman.
O'Dnnovan Rossa publishes tbe fol
lowing correspondence. Tbe first letter
is from Mr. Rossa to Mr. Blaine, Secre
tary of State:
"Dear Sir: I beg to apply to you for
a passport to Europe. I am an Irishman
who has tried to drive the Euglisb out
of Ireland. England arrested me in Ire
land in the year 1865, and sentenced me
to penal servitude for life. In 1871 she
gave me a patent of conditional pardon
(a copy of which I enolnse), and she
shipped me from Chatham Prison to
America, and forbade me returning
witbiu 20 years. That 20 years is up,
and I desire to take a trip to Ireland
and other places in Europe. 1 wish for
a passport tbat will save me from arrest
on my landing in the Cove of Cork, pro
vided I commit no crime on shipboard
during tbe voyage. I do not deny, and
do not wish to deny, that I have while in
America done all I Oonld to belp Irish
men to free Ireland from the tyranny of
England. You, by your speeobes and
by your contributions, have belped in
that direotion yourself."
Rossa received a passport in regular
form, with a letter saying the Depart
ment of State could not furnish l ira with
a passport in any other form, and could
not give him a guarantee against arrest
in foreign countries on criminal charges
Rossa then asked whether a treaty ex
isted between the United States and
Great Britain, under which an Amerioan
citizen could not be imprisoned for po
litical words or acts uttered or commit
ted in America, adding that all of bis
family bad served in tbe American war
against England (meaning tbe late Civil
war), and saying tbat be bimself took
part in the Irish war against England,
lioasa also pointed out that he bad
eleven children in the United States.
Mr. Blaine replied: "I have to state
that there is no arrangement of any kind
in force between tbe United States and
Great Britain on the eubjeot to which
your letter relates."
Rossa thus comments on tbe corre
spondence: "Tbat letter is plain enough.
I thought it was right and proper to let
the correspondence end here; so that
after all the talk we have beard from
Irishmen about Amerioan citizens being
free from all accountability to England
and Ireland for an; thing politioal said
or done in America regarding England,
there is really no snob protection given
him by bis papers of American citizenship."
Why He Feels Twenty Years Younger !
HEPPNER, July 13, 1891,
Gentlemen Mr. A. A. Wren of our
letter to you. He has been using O. K.
wished to inform you. Kespectfully,
Ttnr BTAUI? urtilr ivr rnwPA vv Portland.
Gentlemen In behalf of Buttering humanity I wish to (rive a testimonial of the wonderful
relief I have received Irora using OREGON KIDNEY TEA. For over twenty years I have been suf
fering Irom kidney trouble, much of the time I was not able to be around, my mind was dull and
Inactive and I was In pain all over. I received a sample package of l). K. T. and after using It I
fi, mh wi.r l n,,fia. m cmittmip miner It. I nurchasea a box of the Tea and have used
about half of It. I can truly say that I feel twenty
and I have no pain, in fact I am entirely cured. 1
relief until I began using O. K. T. II this testimonial Is ol any use to you, use it as you like.
Very grawiully, A. WREN.
Wites Gathered By Those Who
Are Progressive.
And With View to Benefiting the Stockman.
Farmer, Horticulturist, Dairyman, Etc. j
A great majority of farmers in fatten
ing hogs adhere to the notion so oftei
expressed, "When you get a hog a goiu'
keep'm at it as long as possible." Tbi.
means praotically tbat tbe hog should
be fed to a large weight. Experiments
made for tbe purpose ot determining tli.
economic weight of hogs show ooncln
sively that tbey never should be fed be
yond eight or nine months of age, aud
tbat the largest profit is found, as n
rule, in a weight not to exoeed 201
What is known as the food of support
plays a very important part in tbe profil
or loss of large weights. 8uppose, as
many farmers say, tbat a resolution if
mnde to turn the hog when he leaohes
300 pounds. He must take from bis
food an increasing amount eaob day, or
else Ik; drops back. The German exper
iments indioate that 2 per oent of the
live weight in food must be taken each
day to support tbat live weight. If tbe
hog weighs 300 pounds this umoants to
six pouuds of food daily. The only piofit
is in the food that if applied to make
new weight. " ' "-v f '
A reoent pig feeding experiment at the
Maine station illustrates this prinoiplr
excellently. The pigs were taken at
ages ranging from five to eight weeks.
During the first 100 days of tbe experi
ment, not far from two pounds of digest
ible food produced one pound of growth,
while during tbe last fifty days the
ratio wbs four pounds of digestible food
to one of growth. Every ponnd of pork
made during the 'nst fifty days oost
double in exabaeW' fond to that made
in the first 100 days. Tbe lesson taught
hy this principle is, practically stated,
that tbe most money ean be made fmm
young hogs turned st medium weight
As many of oiitvrmere have em
barked in tbe b.ig-rt .fyig business, these
few remank on tbat inUustry should be
well received. It is a well-known fact
tbat no business pays any better tban
tbat of raising hogs, amount invested
considered. Tbe better tbe management
the larger tbe returns.
Fames with cattle on the f all river
(Calif.) summer ranges are rounding
tbem up.
The question as to how muoh an ani
mal weighs when ready for market is
not of so mucb importance as is tbe
cost of getting it in that condition.
The Ocbooo Review says that Howard
& Baldwiu started 275 bead of beef cat
tle below on the 9th instant. They ex
pect to turn off 1,000 bead of beef this
Acoording to the Daily Stockman live
stock receipts at Omaha for 1891 up to
Ootober 1, show a decrease of 48,074 cat
tle, 122,776 hogs and an inorease of
17,750 sheep as compared with the same
period last year.
The South Western Stookman, Wil-
oox, Ariz., says: Tbe beet market is
looking up and cattlemen are now alow
to recognize tbe fact. Buyers on Oot. 2d
offered 2 cents per pound, sixty daya
delivery. Tbe prospects of a higher
prioe for beef has also raised tbe price of
pasturage, which is now from 75 oenta to
SI per bead.
The festive "rustler" must be getting
in his flue work in Apacbe county. The
St. John Herald says: Honest stock
raiBers will have to work early and late
from this on and see that everything
able to walk is branded. A six months
calf, following its mother is no longer
any protection. Tbe grand jury deoided,
by ignoring bills, tbat tbey were straight
maverick (slickears) and belonging to the
ods no first caught and branded them.
Ihe gate has been thrown wide open.
With a couple of good horses, a strong
lariat, a branding iron and enough filthy
lucre to buy a ton or two of grain, an in
dustrious man. in one or two winters, can
own two or three hundred head of cattle.
If the brand is indistinct or tbe bair
sufficiently long to bide it it is maveriok
put your brand on and on it yourself
loo are now perfectly sale in doing so
provided you get the right kind of a
grand jury.
Ewes intended for breedeis should be
fed upon bulky fuod rather than grain.
town requests us to send Vie enclosed
T. with such satisfactory results that he
BL.uJuin-duruvai ust vnuv w
years younger. My mind li clear and active
have tried all other remedies but received no
Tbe fleece of a wood sheep will alwayt
pay' for what it has eaten tluoe the last
time it was shorn.
When yon fiud a sheep tbat shears hi
icellent fleece, furnishes a good oar
oass of mutton, can rustle largely for t
living, and stand more abuse than any
itber, there will be found a great per
cent of Merino blood in its veins.
Territory wools in San Erancisoo hayt
been fairly active, but the demand has
not yet been sufficient to make mucb of
hole in tbe large lines held there.
These are generally in strong bands,
md it is pretty well understood that tbe
parties holding them will not break th
irioe. Prioes are: Eastern Oregon. heavy,
12 to 14; medium, 14 to 16; light and
origbt, 17 to 20; Valley, Oregon, 19 to 22.
Tbe consumption of wool in Europe
ind North America for tbe year 1890 id
estimated at 1,944,000.000 pounds in the
grease, or 1,061,000,000 pounds dean, ao-
ooiding to the Textile Record. This rep
resents au average yield of about 55
pounds to every 100 pounds in tbe
grease On tbe oleaa biisis, tbe con
sumption of wool has increased within
ibe last deoade 17.5 per ceut.
Tbe Rooky Mountain Husbandman
ays: J he all-important questiou with
tbe wool grower is tbe wintering of bis
Hook. If be can be assured of getting
bis flack through aafely he cunuot fail to
make his calling a suocess. But we take
this opportunity of saying that while
good Bheds, good ranges and large rioks
of hay are great things in insuring a
flock to winter well, these are nut tbe
only things to be considered by any
meana. One Verv important matter, and
the one to be considered at tbis seaBon
of tbe year, is the condition of tbe flock
at the beginning of winter. Tbe cost ol
wintering a band of sheep may be ma
terially lessened by having the fleck iL
prime coudition to commeuoe with, anu
a great deal of loss is often precipitated
by not having tbem in proper shape.
"We know from experience in tbe use
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that it
will prevent oroup," says Messrs. Gad
berry & Worley, Peroy, Iowa. Tbey al
so add that the Remedy has given satis
faction in tbat vicinity, and tbat they
believe it to be tbe best in the market for
throat and lung trouble For aale by
Slocum-Johnston Drug. Co.
As the time approaches tor the World 's
Fair, greater interest is bei g felt in tbe
marvelous City of tbe Lakes. Tbe Cos
mopohtan niagnzine has devoted 28
pages of tbe November number to
most interesting and exhaustive article
upon Chicago from the pen of tbe fa
mous novelist, Col. Charles King. Count
Jaoassy, who spent some time on tbr
ground for that purpose, and Hurry
Fenn, have illustrated the most obarm
ing ftatures of tbe city by twenty-eight
sketches. An article upon "Alfalfa Farm
ing" in tbis number is by John Brisbeii
Walker, who, aa the result of ten yenre
spent in the saddle, in direct superin
tendence of bis farm Berkeley, one of tbe
largest alfalfa farms in Colorado, givei
tbe reader muoh valuable information in
regard to tbe irrigation and curing of
tbe wonderful plant which is destined
to become one of tbe most valuable pro
ducts of tbe United States. General
Sherman's letters to bis duughter, writ
ten from the field during tbe war, are
perhaps tbe most valuable oontributiou
tbat has yet been made to tbe literature
of tbe war. Judge Tourgee furnishes a
charming story called "Au Outing with
Queen of Hearts." Louise Chandler
Moulton, Commander Crowuingshield.
ex Postmaster-General James, are among
tbe other contributors. Gen. Horace
Porter's article on "Militia 8ervice" is
worthy tbe attention of everyone inter.
ested in the National Guard. Very cu
riously, but very little attention law
ever been given in the magazines to the
frightful tragedies of the Rom in Amphi
theater, wbicb were carried on through
oentunes, and in which the lives of bun
1reds of thousands were sacrificed. C.
Osbourne Ward, whose book "The An.
oient Lowly" last year excited m'lob at
tention, and who has made this subjeot
bis life woik, gives an article in tbe No
vember Cosmopolitan on tbe "Massacre
of tbe Roman Amphitheater" and tbe
article is illustrated by drawings by
Dan Beard, and from famous paintings,
oovermg pages of history which will
bold tbe reader's closest attention.
There is an old adage: "What every
body says must be true." Henry Cook,
Of Hhv Anoxville, Uliio, in a recent let
cer says: Chamoerlains Cough Rem
edy has taken well here. Everybody
likes it on account of tbe immediate re
lief it gives. there is nothing like it to
loosen and relieve a severe cold. For
Bale by blocum Johnston Drug Co.
Florida, at its reoent World's Fair
convention, deoided to raise 8100,000 for
its represeutaion at Chicago in 1893.
The first infantry Regiment. National
Guard of California, has decided to at
tend the Exposition in a body, and has
inaugurated a plan for providing for tbe
expenses of tbe trip.
A company has applied for space to
erect a buildiug in the form of au ice
berg in which to make a polar exhibit.
A group of Esquimaux, with reindeer,
furs and all the paraphernalia of inhab
itants of tbe polar regions, will be in
stalled in tbe building if tbe concession
it granted.
The women of Illinois, who have tbe
pending of 880,000 of the 93,000,000
appropriated by the State for its repre
sentation at the ExDosition, have been
granted, for their exclusive use, one.
tenth of the space in tbe Illinois Build
ing, which, altogether, is sometliin
more than an acre and a half. Tue
women will make a separate exhibit.
One of the unique features of tbe Mexi
oan exhibit at the Fair will be the cele
brated Patidure family, consisting of
five persons, who are probably the most
expert workers iu clay and mod lers of
figures in tbe world. Tbis family will
be 6ent to Chicago by tbe State of Guad
alnjar. It is tbe intent inn to provide a
Mexican house for them to live in during
the Fair, and a workshop where tlieii
work may be inspeoted.
The Official Report of the Minnesota Dairy
Aim rood LiitiiiiilHt,ioner miown tne
Royal Bukniir Powder the Rest
in the Mate.
The last report of the Minnesota State
Fod and Dairy Commission ootitains
the details of tbe State Chemists' experi
meats and analysis to determine tbe
strength and keeping qualities of tbe
various bukiug powders. Samples of
the numerous brands on sale in the
ntnte were purchased and first analyzed
to ascertain their leuvt ning power. Tbe
Royal Baking Powdor is shown by the
tests of both State analysists, Prof Eber
man and Prof. Drew, to ooutaiu the
greatest amount of leavening gas of tbe
cream of tartar powders thus purchased
aud tested. Hence this powder is of
ficially ranked at the head of the list.
The report attuebes great imjiortauee
to a series of experiments made to as
certain the cbaraoter, efficiency and keep
ing qualities of tbe powders. Baking
powders that vary iu strength before use.
are unreliable and will not give even re
aults; besides, it is au indication of tut
use in their compounding of improper
ingredients. These tests were applied to
a large number of samples of different
ages of tbe three oreitoi of tartar pnwdeia
best known in Miuuesota. Tbey showed
tbe strength or leavening power of tbe
Royal very much greater than that of
tbe others. The uniformity of Btrtunth
of all tbe samples of lioyul tested v
remarkable. Its leavening power vvat
piaotioally unimpaired even iu the old
est speoimeus. jT'he dill'erenerf in thtd
amount of leavening gas in different
samples of both the other brands was sw
great as to seriouuly impair their useful iu baking. As much as 24 per oeut.
luss was found iu samples a few months
old. All thefamples of Royal examined
by Dr. Drew were reported of satisfactory
strength aud quality.
' If, as tbe saving goes, "straws show
which way the wjud blows," the lesti
; niony given iu black aud white regard
ing the merits of an artiule, and by
those, too, whose dally expenenoe is cal
culated to make them familiar with such
subject', then the following note carries
more than ordioury weight:
San Fkancihoo, June 3, 1K88.
Dear Sir I have trieM ahoitlo ( yom
Itobertiue for the compiexiou, and Hud
it a most delightful preparation, lieauti
fviug the skin and leaving no hud effects.
f or the future 1 aliall use no otliui
preparation. Siuoerely yours,
Burn At Sand Hollow, October
to the wife of A. H. Stamp, a sou.
Mrs. C. Cate, of Sand Hollow, Ihih
moved to Heppner to eohool her daugh
ter. Oscar, son of J. II. EdwardH, will at
tend the Heppner school dunug the
I have been informed that Bi n Math
ews has sold bis upper Sand Hollow
ranoh to H. Wade.
The Misses Uowerton have returned
from a visit to their brother, J. A. How
erlon, publisher of tbe Ilwaao Advance.
Tbey are much pleased with that section.
A grand cattle gathering will oora
mence down on "the Band" this week.
Joe Rector, Newt Jones, Prioe Florence
Elmer Gentry, Ben Mathews, Clyde nml
Ed. Siding and S. N. Morgan will par
ticipate. Hugh Younger killed a yearling bear
near Johu Byland's place laat Friday,
having chased it from the Anderson
oamp near Bam Morgan's ranch. The
animal ran until given out, when it lay
down in a ditch and allowed Younger to
kill it with a rock.
McCarty, Edwards & Turner finished
threshing for tbe season on the Mill in
stant. They have operated 04 days,
threshing between 40,01X1 and 5u,0IKi
busbe!?. Their earnings paid for their
outfit in full, with $800 left over hh a
net profit, 8. N. M.
Sand Houow, Oct. 24, 1X91.
Do you want to save from 25 to 50
cents on every dollar you spend? If si
write for our Mammoth Illustrated Cal
alogue, containing lowest manufacturers'
prions of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Clothing, Had ware, Agricul
tural Implements, etc.
Mailed on reonipt of 50 cent for postage
178 W. Van Huron St
HoMB iNncsTIiT. What Is the use of
sending out of tho connlry for your
huckswlion yon nun get tho best riu'ht i,t
home? Buy the Itoss bucks from 'Pom
Morgan or CLua. Cunningham. Si -e ad.
What Natives of the Scenes ot
Biblical Events Say For It.
Two Natives in Heppner Often Mistaken
There arrived in Heppuer last Satur
day two personages who, to the individ
ual of brief observation, would be of
little interest. They are Az ibia Akaree,
aged 21, aud George Etooh, aged 19.
We have heard some people call tbem
Jews, partly, perhaps, from tbe fact that
tbey aro foreigners, but more particu
larly from lack ot acquaintance with tbe
study of the races of people. It is
pointedly proven every day that oue-halt
of the people of this earth know very
little about the other half. And it would
seem sometimes that, proportionately
speaking, one man knows, cares or ap
preciates little regarding the other 999,-
These young men are from Lebanon,
Syria, a contry of more than usual in
terest to students of Biblioal history and
Masonic tradition. Azabia is from tbe
town of Ziilla, 20,000 inhabitants, while
George bailtiirom a village of 4,000 peo
ple Pathrono. The whole is under the
.Sullan of Turkey, who have owned it
since the sixteenth century, having
wrested it from tbe Arabs at that date.
The young meu do not speak very oom
pluneutary of tho Sultau and bis Mo
hamniedau laws.
One would naturally suppose, how
ever, that eveu iu Ibis f,ir-od' corner of
too Turkish possessions the Mobam
uieduu toligiou would bo the prevailing
one, but this is not Ihe ouse. alia has
iourtoen Culholio churches, and of tbe
20,000 people only three are Moham
medans. Pathroue bus four Catholic
chinches, one Greek cliuroh aud one Mo
uammeduu. lioth young meu are Roman
The people ot Syria generally speak
Arabic, exceot, perhaps, iu the cburoues
where the serviced are written in Syriao.
ibese luuguages, reduced to writing,
reiuiud one o Hebrew, being a oomblna
non of marks aud dots', aud is written
and read from right to left. Arabio,
whieu is the language theBe strangers ;
ipenk, is more like the English lau
gunge iu accent thau many of tbe
curopuuu tongues. The Syriao lan
gU'ii;o bus many words of, and, in faot, is
derived from Persiuu, Greek, Latin, Ar
abio, Tarter and even Frenoh aud Eng
gliHh. In many sections tbeSyriuc and Ar
abic are badly mixed, aud the inhabitants
apeak neither one nor the other, but a
combination of both.
The State of Lebanon, where the fa
mous cedars grow iu ancient times, ig
still noted for its forests of evergreen,
beautiful, grassy raeiidows and terraoed
slopes. Wnenr, corn, rice, etu., are raised,
is well as ootton, grapes, mulberries aud
thn olive and fig. Tub silk industry is
i be most important one of the state.
That section produces fr m 30 to 50
bushels per acre iu wheat. There is no
modern machinery. Every stalk la out
with a renp-hook utid tramped out by
horses or donkeys. There is not a rail
road, a street-car or other modern oou
vunienoe iu tho laud, riteum vessels are '
leen occasionally and are really the
only invention that would loud one to
think of the present as tho preseut, and
not more of the epoch, as we are wont to
imagine it, ot 2.00J years back. The
belter clssses dress much like the Turks
in Turkey proper, but the peasautry
follow the ancient Btyle of arranging
the toilet.
The people of tho cities . follow all
kinds of occupations iu their way, and
are reanonalily iudiibtrious and extremely
Akaree and ICtocb came in from Port
land on a peddling expedition, and are
the younr men with whom "the boyB"
around town nml so much tun last Mon
day. They are, pi rhapH, not extremely
well vi rsi d iu the language and Customs
of this country, having been here only
three years, but they undoubtedly rep
resent the most wonderful and interest
ing country on the globe.
Both have n iioiinoed nllHgiimoo to the
Sultan, and propose to become citizens
of Uncle fiun. Ktoch prides himself on
having acquired a smattering of English
in the way of reading ami writing it.
Nobody can have dyspepsia if
take Simmons Liver Regulator.
11. Blackmail A: lio. have an exolusive
General Merchandise store. Stockmen
cannot do bettor than patronize H.
hlackiuaii & Co., of Hoppuor'a Pioneer
iirick. a.
A "i'ropu.
If von will pay your suhtorintion to
the (iazcttc iit. full iintl one crr in ad
rttmw, we will smid you the following
books at prices stated herewith: "Six
(ileal li inks for Rural Homes," 25 cents;
"Famous Fiction by the World's Great
est Authors," ten volumes, 50 oents;
Cooper's "LeathorHtockiug Tales," 20
t:t-tf. Tun Patthuson Pub. 0.
One h;iv mure, weight between 1,100
and 1,2)1), brawled 1) II on the left
should, r: (iuh a littlo white on one hind
foot A '"m i' oi ;ruv inure, same weight;
branded I) .1 ,.n but hIiIIc. Will pay 810
e a i 1 1 f -r li ejr leturti to the Press Cress
well ph. i c (i, llintori creek.
L. (). Jlhtlb,
4-15 457 Heppner, Or.