The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, August 13, 1891, Page 7, Image 3

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Here and There.
Who lire not in the monntalnn?
Pap Simona is "Boiter" on the sick list.
Mra. J. B. Sperry is vitititig in the
L. W. Lew's has returned to Morrow
count)' again.
Mies Alice Tillard. of Pendleton, is
visiting here.
0. M. Mallory and fumilv are enjoying
a ittle miiiintuiu air.
J ndge Keithly is bnildinK a baro over
on hie home, property.
Mm tin AmlerBnn, the pioneer herder,
hiiH a joD with Johuuy Kirk.
Mrs. Cora Svinbiiroe will leave Mon
day fur UoutU Beud, Wash.
Fur a Rood bicycle, call at the Ob
zet'euftioe. Will sell cheap.
Dr. J.T. Oruiit i nith ns in the
intereg- of Buckingham & Hecht.
Couuty sorip wanted. Apply to
43j-tf. GKO. CUN6ER.
Homer MoKurland islookintf at the
wonders up ui Spokune this week.
Yecterday Emil Vurnz and wife hied
themselves to the Blues for a few days.
Coroner D.utgherty'a simliuR counts
Dance was uoticed on our Btreet Monday.
W. tt. Ellis telegraphed to A. A.
Roberts tuduy that his baby is improv
ing J. F. Davie, the successful teaoher of
the Leiia school, called on us last Sat
urday. City Burber Shop next door to City
Hotel, Ueppuer, Or,, Davis & Jones,
props. 422-tf.
1 hresbing is now in order. John Royne
took fiut a lot of repairs for his maohiue
Milts Al Builly left lust Tbnrsday for
rortlnnd to attend the state gatbenug of
Orant Johnson and wife left for 'Frisco
on Friday lat They were culled uway
sooner than they anticipated.
Prof. J. C. Hodson has been elected as
principal of the Newberg school. It
pays $luO per month,
Cliaa. Johnson and A M. Slooum oame
up from the lower oouutry Tuesday after
an absence of several days.
Prof. T, C. Aubrey is preparing to im
prove hi property on Uale stree' which
he purcliiiHed from Uon. W. It. Ellia.
(Jet there, every body I Theo. Dinner's
Photograph gallery, while you can get
Cabinet pictures for tf3.50 per doz.
Married -At the City Hotel last Sun
day, Mr. Johnny Ends and Mins Nancy
Miller, both of Hardman, A. A. Roberts
doing 'lie heavy work of tying the km t.
Mr. Albert Wright is jmt completing
the deliveryor "The Lite of Gen. W. T
Sherman." He has sold quite a num
ber in this vicinity.
For shaving, haircuMil g, shampooing
or anvlhing in the touBoiial line, oall
on Uii) liutt, Matlock corner, Main St.,
Heppner. tf.
Dick Howard, Fred Hart, Willie
Frixtoe, Albei t Kea, Jas. Hart, Frank
Borg and Jack hornor pulled out Tues
day for the mountains.
The many friends of Gid .Boyer will
bo pleased to hear that he is arouud
again. He is spending a few days at
Jas. Jones', above towo.
The (1 zetteia in receipt of an interest
ing letter Iron Dr. K. K. binburne who
is now at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands.
We will publish it in our next issue.
Jas. D. Hamilton made a tour of the
Lexingion country last Monday, and
says.thtre are six stack's of gfam this
.) ea r w here t here whs only oue last season.
Albert Erwin, Editor of the Leonard,
Tex h, Graphio, says: "For the' cure ot
.orarups in the stomach Chamberlain's
Oiioho, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
Thus. Morgon, assisted by Mr. C.
Ijeyde and others, have just oompleted
the Lower Main street bridge acros
M illow creek. It is a good, snbstantial
Died At Lexington, Aug. 8th. Mrs.
Douglas, aged 82 years. I'he death is
attributed to old age more than anything
else. Her remains were interred in tbe
Lexingti u cemetery ou tbe day follow
ing her death.
Applications are already being made
to the board of directors of the H. ppuer
school forsaliolarsliips. Quite a number
of our o ouutry residents will take advan
tage of the situation and move to town
ibis f ill to school their ohildren.
Jas. Lea hey had Uncle Johuny Lock
Dane arrested last Saturday for trea The trial wag postponed till Friday
of ibis week. Jiuimie claims that Uncle
John has been cutting bay for himself
ou the laHer's mouutain ranch.
J. L. Beymer was over from Eight
Mile Tuesday. He has been coffering
terribly for some time with bis hand,
caused by a soraob from a pitchfork.
The wound was poisoned in some manuer
and Mr. Beymer has had aaerious time
with it.
D. A. Hen-en is building a flne barn
nu his Willow creek ranch. It is 72 x
159 feet, and when completed will hoi i
2UU toLS of bay and 8.00J sheep. He
has a new fHnged "railroad track" hay
carrier to me in tue barn, aud Dave says
it bents them all.
The Baldwin Sheep and Land Co , of
Hay orerk, are-probably tue largest and
tn"8t suooessful breeders of high grade
and thoroughbred sheep in tbe state.
Their card elsewhere announces that
they will have a seleoted lot of rams iu
.Heppner Sept 15th.
Difld-Iu tbe Eight Mile oonntry on
the 10 b inst. Btebaid F., infant son of
'Mr. aud Mrs. Richard McElligott, aged
1 year and H mouths. Dr. Shipley
savs tbe little fellow's death w as caused
b having swallowed somet bwg with
sharp, cutting edges.
Jas. Garrity was arrested Monday eve
fob drunk and disordeily. Tuesday
morning he failed to put op his fine oi 810
and is boarding it out at the rate of 82
per day- Ueppuer ought to have a ouain
gang and there would not be so much
fnu iu boarding with the city.
Sheep dipping time will soon arrive
again and we recommend our readers
to get a supply of Kernoline Sheep, Dip
from their dealer This DiR Pnre
tract of the Yellow Pino Tree, has the
qualities of t Hiceucy. cheapness, safely
and convenience, it-d is giving satisfac
tion. Al. Roberts says that tbe long unan
swered query of "Who killed Cock
R..bu?" will be laid in tbe shade for a
time by "Who killed the Crow?" if any
more pranks, in which the little bird par
ticipates, are played on bim. It was
tneau trick to put our town pet in bed
with Al.
Salary $25 per week j Wanted Good
Agents to sell our general line of mer
chandise. No peddling. Above salary
will be paid to "live" agents.
For further information, address:
Chicago General HcppIiT Co.,
No. 17t West Van Buren St ,
A postal from Sam Teed informs ns
that he whs well aloog towards bis des
tination, Chicago, on the 3'd inst. His
trip was rmt a pleasant one, there being
too much oust and tbe weather excess
ively hot. Harvesting was just begin
ning in Montaua when be passed through
and he is well impressed with that section.
mm. Mary js. Miller, the widow of a
most respected Kuight of Pythias, visited
our city last week and succeeded in dis
posing of quite a number of K. ot P.
books, noi ably ' Pvthnn Jewels" and
"History of the Order." Hhe also sold
Jorio Lodge twu emblematic charts.
There is some talk nf organizing an
Uniform Rank, K. ot P., iu tue near fu
ture. In f .ot ibere is quite a revival iu
the ranks. Brothers should not fail to
oome out; work every Tuesday night.
Depnty Distriot Grand Chancellor,
P O Borg, and Chancellor C immauder,
J. J. Roberts, of Dona Lodge, returned
from Long Creek and John Day Friday
last. They ha 1 a pleasaut trip.
Sam Kinsman is ousting about for
a stuffed club with wbiob to everlasting
ly beak the bones ot the misoreant who
scratched his new lop buggy with a
uail, or other hard substance.
A letter to D irio Lodge informs tbe
members Ibat Ben Einriok is in the
hospital at Portland aud will probably
lose his band from the effects of the ao
oident a short time ago.
CIikb. A. Johnson will take charge of
Wm. Pdulund's warehouse at Lexing
ton during the wheat season. He is
a very responsible gentleman and ably
tilted for ibe place.
T. D. Mathews leaves for the Palonse
country this week where he will engage
iu threshing till the season closes. He
has recently bought the Galloway rauob
at Galloway, Or.
Johnny Cochran oame over Saturday
witb a load of apples which he disposed
of at a fair price. He went below this
week returning Tuesday.
Walt. Hilvertooth andDaveMoAtee got
in from the mountains la ,t Friday. Wult.
left-yesteiday for Walla Walla.
Jas. Keeney and E. O. Wit man, repre
senting oue of our leading life insurance
companies, are iu town.
G. W. McCarty aud J. H. Edwards.
started their thresher last week in the
Muir neighborhood,
Jerry Brosmao and wife and Felix
Johnson were visitors from Butter creek
I ist Saturday.!
J. A. 8 1 each, the sawmill man of
Round Basiu, was iu town last week.
Will Potter and wife returned from the
famous Hood River country Monday.
Miss Etta Minor returned from Hood
River last Tuesday evening.
Wood Oilman was over from Haystack
early this week.
The Great BellfOt
Whioh people in mn down state of health
derive from Hood's Sarsaparilla, conclu
sively proves that the medicine makes
the weak strong. It does uot sot like a
stimulant, imparting bout ions strength,
hut Hood's tjarsaparilla builds up in a
perfectly natural way all the weakened
parts, purifies the blood, aud assists to
healthy houou those important organs,
the kidueys and liver.
Home Indchtby. VVbat is the use of
sending out of the oouutry for your
bucks when yon oan get the best right at
home? Buy the lions bucks from Tom
Morgan or Cbas. Cunuiugham. See ad.
A Warning. The death of the Mo
Elligott child over ou E.glit Mile is a
warning to mothers to bd more careful
as to what is lett. around ,or infants to
handle and swallow. A child invariably
puts evert thing in its mouth, aud a
great many things go into the' stomach
that ought to be out in the rubbish pile
Knowiug that a c ugh can be cheoked
in a day, and the first stages of con
sumption broken in a week, we hereby
guarantee Dr. Acker's English Cough
Remedy, and will refund the money to all
who buy, take it as per directions, aud
do not find our statement onrreot. Sold
by Slooum Johnston Drug Co.
Dressmaking. Mrs. W. W. Smead
wishes to inform the lady readers ot the
Gazette, aud the public generally, that
she is prepared to do all kinds of fashion
able dressmaking and sewing. Shop at
residence, opposite the M. 0. L. & T.
Co.'s warehouse. Prices reasonable,
and satisfaction trnaranteed. 435-38.
Installation K. op P. At the regular
rue. ting nf Uermion Lodge, No. 43. U. D.,
at Long Creek last Monday evening the
fullnwing officers were installed: 0. F.
GolT. P. C ; Ed. O. Allen, 0. C ; Lncian
H Powell, V. C j Wm. A. Rndio, Prelate;
Oscar Rme 'art, M. at A ; 0. E. Dust in,
I G.; Wm. Carter, O G; The lodge is
in a prosperous condition.
OrjB Fink Stock Bob. Gilmore bc
Oompauied by L. .Yl. Rice, ot the Pnget
-Sound D'-essed Meat Co, end Dan
Frenoh, of The Dalles, got in from b"low
last Saturday evening. They pnlled
out Sunday morning down tbe branch
with ten car loads of oattle from the
Oilman-French L'nd and Live Stock
Co' s posessious over in Haystack. It
was their intention to have started down
Saturday evening, but the oattle became
frightened at the blowing of the locomo
tive whistle and broke out at the corral
delnyirg them till morning.
Are active, effVative and pure. For sick
headache, disordered stomach, loss of
appetite, bad complexion and billions,
nees, tbey have never beeu equaled
either in Americas or abroad. Sold by
Slooum Johnston Drug Co.
Fine Timber. Perhaps, the best tim.
ber growing in the Blue mountains can
be found on Rock creek, in the vioiuity
of Will Million's saw-mill. This class
of timber Mr. Mallory is using iu making
lumber "hioh he delivering in Hepp
net all tbe way from fin to jdU per
thonsaud feet, depending on the quality,
and whether desired rough or dressed
The same oan be bought at the mill at
prioes ranging from $8 to S2o per thous
and. He has a general assortment on
band at present, and is sure to satisfy
customers. uiu
For the next sixty days, we ill sell
P.M-ket Kniv-s. Table Cutlery, Boissors,
Shears aud R izors at a reduction of 2-i
oer rent, off regnlar prices, to cash oos-
tomera. We have the best line ot these
stood in the city and it will pay you to
take advantage of this offer.
Heppner, Oregon, July 30th, 1891.
P. C. Thompson Compact
436 440
Do you want to save from 23 to 60
cents on every dollar yon spend? If so,
write tor onr Mammoth Illustrated Cat
alogue, containing lowest manufacturers'
prioes of Groceries, Dry Goods, B iota
and Shoes, Clothing, Hadware, Agricul
tural Implements, etc
Mailed on receipt of 50 cent for postage,
178 W. Van Buren St.
The snbject Sunday evening Ang. 16th
at tbe M. E Chnich will be of special in
terest to truth seekers.
E. E. Thompson.
A Remindbb op Old Times. Henry
Welch, who has been iu bad health for
some time, is over from M mument. He
is feeling mnob better. Pry Wilson is
also over from that seotioa wbiob re
minds ye scribe of the long sgo. Heury
and Pry are old residents of Grant oonu
ty, and used to hunt their oattle together,
and perchance took in a shckear occa
sionally. Oue day they sighted a hue
tellow up ou the hillside, and both agreed
that the first to get bis rope on the oalf
was to be the nappy owner. As Henry
was monnted on a race nag be bad tbe
best of Pry who was riding an ordinary
plug. The former Quickly "roped" tbe
calf and threw him, and while Henry was
attending to other little details of tbe
capture. Pry heated the iron, whioh
Heury thought was hit, aud put nu tbe
brand. Just as "Hen" let thn calf go be
caught sight of the brand which he
recogoiZHl as fry's. Witb an air of
abused confidence be said in a sty le beat
known to his mends and acquaintances,
Now I ry. that's no wav to treat a fel
low." Pry couldn't keep from laughing;
in fact he just rolled and halloowed till
his sides hurt. "Hen" finally joined
when he got over his "miff," aud now
tells the story witb as much zest as any
Wateb-works. As stated in onr last
issue, tbe Palaae Hotel company have
begun in earnest to provide water-works
of their own. Finding Mr. T. W. Ayers'
proposition an impracticable oue, the
directors ot the company decided to die
a large well, ten feet square, on the for
mer site ot tue old Morrow well which
was filled np a few years ago, using a
hot air pump to raise the water to tbe
tank, which will h Id 5,000 gallons and
which will be placed on top of a derrick
over Htty leet bigb at the rear of tbe
hotel building. Evry thing connected
with tbe arrangement has been ordered
and tbe well is being sunk as rapidly as
possible. Water was struck in the well
at the depth of six feet, but it will be
gunk to a depth ot a' least fourteen feet
so tbnt a bountiful supply ot water may
be bad. The hotel will use ab mt 1.00J
gallous daily, so tbe capacity of the tank
is considered sufficient tor all emergen
cies, Tbe example of tbe hotel company !
will be followed by many residents of
Heppner it oity water is not provided
soon, an I when once in use will ba con
tinued even though the city at some fu
ture period should find itself able to fur
nish au adequate supply. The town
th -old asortan in the near future
wuetber or not au available water suo-
ply can be had.
Ditch Cheek -D. A Heiren gave the
editor au invita'ion to dome out to his
Ditch Creek possessions and enjoy a few
days' hunting which he says is good out
there. Dave, C"sh Mallory aud others
disoovnred the Ditch Creek prairie aiung
in the 70's, and were attraoted by the
beauty ot the place aud surroundings,
tbe fine grass, ami cold water which does
uot lion out of a sidehill as oue nould
expect, but out ot little elevations or
mounds light in tbe middle of the prairie.
these springs seem to have no bottom,
or at least cannot be sounded by any or
dinary sapling. When Dave and bis
companions made their first visit, a pole
was found in oue of these springs on top
of which was a griuning skeleton -sup
posed to be that of an Indian. With a
little work the head waters of Ditch
creek o Mild be made to fl iw into Willow
oreek, whioh would materially increase
the volume of water iu tbe latter stream.
aud Dave says would do no damage to
the rauohers on Ditch oreek, for there
are a number of big springs below tbe
poiut where the Btreuui could be tapped
and they would have all the water tney
Stock Shipment S im Kinsman bobs
below today with eight oar loads of o it
tie, Emmett Cochran furnishing three.
Price Florence three, aud Sam two car
loads. A friend of ours remarked Tues
day last that with a little calculation e
might make as good an item trom tbe
above as Mark 'i'waiu did out of a lo id
if hav in his early o ireer :,s oitv editor of
tut Virginia City, (Nov.,) Enterprise.. He
found one miserable alnck coming iu
witn a "i ig ' ot hay. Items were
pre scarce
up snub a
and bis expeneuoe limited. M
everything by sixteen he got
roar on me nay qneanon us Virginia
City had never seeu before. But it is
not necessary here just to state to the
pnblio that the shipments of live B'ook
from H-pDoer are on tbe increase, prov
ing conclusively that there is yet some
thing in the stock business iu Eastern
The State Normal The Gazette
takes pleasure in culling the attention oi
our readers to the larga ad. ot the Ore
gon brate normal school, situated a
Mouraouth, Polk couuty Oregou. Thus
having children to educate cannot over
estimate the value of "Normal" traiuiug
n hi.e the Gazette man does u t
pretend to be any wonder in this world
hat little success he has achieved he
attributes to a course taken in a normal
college. It inculcates push, energy and
method into the student ami fits him for
tbe work ot life. Here he learns bow to
study; the real work begins when he
leaves the institution for tbe business
world. Our readers must remember
that this is a slate institution and that
tbe faculty has been lucreased to meet
a corresponding increase in scholar
('aptubed thb Bkkh. Mrs. Emma
Kiloup's two young sons captured to
swarms ot bees in rather a peculiar man
ner this week While outcuttiug thistles,
a swarm of bees collected arouud them,
from wnere they do not know. Thinking
they were "yaller jackets." the Ikjvs pre
pared for battle, bnt discovering their
mistake and the number of the insects,
starred homeward, tbe s arm following.
Arriving at the ranch they were "hived."
In a short time another swarm following
the hist, came along and they bio were
taken care of. The little fellows will
now have a splendid opportunity to ex
periment in the myateries of bee culture
Bio Fish. Frank McFarland got bnok
Monday eve from Hood Kiver. bile
there be bad a most enjoyable time fish
ing, catching the biggest trout that was
ever lauded witb a hook and line iu that
yiciuity. It whs 29 inches long and
weighed 8 pounds He nsed au ordinary
ho i a and line and an 8 z, rod. Frank
s beating his own reoord, for last sea
sons he captured tbe largest trout ever
taken nut iu that neck u' the woods
up to tuat time. Trout Lake and Cloud
Caplun are having quite a unmlier of visit
ors this year. Mr. MoFarlud will re
turn to Hood River tomorrow.
New Liabvillb T. G. Dundas and
wife returned from Camas Prairie last
Saturday. Mr. Dundas informs ye editor
that Major Downs, of Portland, passed
through the prairie a few data ago en
route for tbe O'Brien mine at New Lead-
ville where he will take oharge as fore
man. Ibe Major proposes to gel bis
supplies from Heppner, aud says be oau
make a pack road to our town which will
place the camp within thirty-in lea of
Heppner. Mr. Duudas brought back
some fine specimens.
Send Report. From time to time, we
hope those rnnuing threshing machines
in Morrow comity wi.l send in reports,
so tuat our readers may learn something
of Ibe quantity of gram produced in
Morrow and the average per acre. There
can be no better advrtiseniei of the
county, because it speaks fur itself.
Don't forget this.
Arm Bkokbn. Last Friday. Joel, the
young son ot Mr. J. G Young, who lives
near Henry Gay's, was thrown off hay
rake, breaking his left arm Just above
the elbow. A younger son of Mr.
Young's was rn the rake at tho time but
esoaped serlons Injury. Dr. A. L. Fox
set tbe arm Saturday and tbe little fel
low is doing well.
The V, on'-i Enrlciaeu
The facilities of the present day for tb
production of everything that will con
duce to the material welfare and comfort
of mankind are almost unlimited and
when Syrup of Figs was first produced
ihe world was enriched with the only
perfect laxative known, as it is the only
remedy which is truly pleasing and re
freshing to the taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse the system gently in
the Spring time or, in fact, at any time
and the better it is known the more pop
ular it become
In 4 Wreck. Netse Jones, accompan
ied by Woolly Clark, arrived yesterday.
Nela is direct trom Malheur, and reports
that be was in quite a little wreck on
Burnt river bridge. 'I be smoker jumped
the track, telesooped, but fortuuately
careened back onto tbe ties, "right side
up with care.". All were jolted up con
siderably, but no one was hurt. He
found hia stock in good condition over
on Malheur.
The following frank statement from
J. E. Hare, of Trenton, Texas, will be
of interest to many nf our citizens. "My
little boy was very bad off fortwo months
with diarrheal We used various med
icines, also called in two Doctors, bnt
nothing done him any good until we
used Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, whioh gave imme
diate relief and son'n cured him. I con
sider it the best rae lioine made and can
conscientiously recommend it to all who
need a diarrhoea of colic medicine. Fur
sale by Slocum Johnston Drug Co.
The phonographman made Heppner
another visit last week.
WHAT 19 ,
It is that Impurity In the blood, which, ac
cumulating In the glands of the neck, pro
duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which
causes palutul running sores on the arms,
legs, or loot; which dcvekipes ulcers In the
eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or
deafness; which Is the origin ot pimples, can
cerous growths, or the many other nunlfosta
lions usually ascribed to "humors;" which,
fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption
and death. Being the most ancient. It is the
most general ef all diseases or affections, for
very few persons are entirely tree from lb
How Can
It Be
Ey taking flood's Sarsaparilla, which, by
the remarkable cures It has accomplished,
often when other medicines have failed, has
proven Itself to he a potent and peculiar
medicine tor this disease. Some of these
cures are really wonderful. Tf you suiter from
scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla.
" My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof
ulous sore nock from the time she was22 months
old till she became six years of nge. Lumps
formed in her neck, and one ot them after
growing to the size of a pigeon's egg, became
a running sore tor over three years. We gave
her Hood's Sarsaparilla, when the lump and
all Indications of scrofula entirely dis
appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy
child." J. 8. Carlii.e, Naurisbtv.N. i
N. B. Be sure to get only
Hood's Sarsaparilla
8otdbyalldniggUtt. $ It llxforfft. Pre pared only
by C L HOOD CO., ApotbacarkM, Low'U, Hum.
IOO Doses Ono Dol'ar
There set- rt t n DTCD
tied in Ba- UuAll 1 Ctl
ct county, Src-rip n
gon, near what VJr fl
to ua Baker City, ifCMTl !DV
a man who has since oCi 1 I UlT I
become identified with the resources and n f
development of that country. This man AVjU
is no other than Mr. John Stewart, one of th
wealthiest and most Inguen'.ial citizens in the
county. In a recent letter he says : " I had been
Suffering from pains in my back and general kid
ney complaint for some time, and had used many
remedies without any but temporary relief. The
pains in my back had become so severe that I wai
prevented from attending to my work and could
not move about without the tue of a cane. Hear
inf. through a friend, of the wonderful cures ef
fected by Oregon Kidney Tea, I was induced to trj
a box, and from that very first dose I found instant
relief, and before uilng half tbe contents of the
bo the pains in my back entirely disappeared.
I have every faith in the virtues of the Oregon
Kidney Tea, and can conscientiously recommend
It to my friends. I would not be without It foi
Oregon Kidney Ten cures backache, inconti
nence of urine, brick dust sediment, burning or
painful sensation while urinating, and all affec
tions of the kidney or urinary organs of either sex.
tor sale by Slocuiu-Johnstou l'r'fflln.
T. W. AYERS, Jr.,
Dealer in Choice Perfumes and Fine Toilet
Articles, Pure Drugs and Medicines.
A Fine Line of Cigars, Boohs, Stationery, Paints, Oils
Brushes and everything in Druggists Sundries.
Bear In mind our Stock Is Complete In Every Department.
Tie Baldwin Sheep
-A Seleotd Lot of-
Will be Pent
For Sale in Heppner,
T o Tuttle 4 Rutrk'i tat us retire.
V nravei your nana, name wnat you aeiir.
1 site wmsky: irun, scoun or wnu
hire Rye:
i or i
, He
emonade, ioeoold, white wlue, elder. Hennear.
Kg lemonade, ohauipagua cocktail or brandy i
t Onnidln punch or soda cocktail,
K egal port wine sangaree, and pale ale,
tl nsiirpaasable piaeauple cocktail,
A HKellca. Mar'tel. and peach brandy.
K ecoacle. claret outien. or one made of whiskv
K lndiy visit and a sample try.
Shotguns and rifles to rent at Minor
Bros. 436-tf
Slocum-Johnston Drug Co. Fresh
goods received weekly. a.
Pap Simons & Son, the boss horse-
shoers and blacksmiths. a.
Ktihl, tbe baker. Buy your bread and
oakea aud save money. Try it. a.
Coffin & MoFartand will buy wheat
at all stations on the Heppner branch.
Hardware? Yes, at Gilliam dc Bis-
bee's, Main St., Heppner, Or. a.
Fresh Roast Coffee at P. C. Thomp
son (Jo's. Uotfee ground wituout extra
charge. a
Subscriptions taken tor the Weekly
Sunday and Daily Oregnnian at the Ga
zette offioe. tf.
Before nurchasinc railroad and steam
ship tickets, consult agents Union Pa
cific System. 433 Oct 16 91.
Nails by the oar load at Gilliam & Bis-
bee's. Graut oouuty people will do well
to oall on them. a-
Go to S. 0. Smith's furniture store
and examine the fine line of carpet sam
ples just received. a
Wanted More onstomers to buy goods
of the Heppner Furniture Co. Great
bargains this apt log. a.
Drnss. medicines, toilet articles and
everything in his line at T. W. Avers, Jr.
Call for a refreshing ice-o ream sooa. a
FORD the PAINTER. Paperhaog-
ing, and all other work in bis line Cheap
for Uaau. umoe on "ins run. u.
When you want your horses shod or
wagoo repaired, ye Grant county people,
don't forget that h. Shephard has a shop
at Fox.
Frank H. Snow, Commissioner C. 8.
Clrouit Court at Lexington, Or,, is
authorized to receive fees for publication
of final proofs, . 414 tf.
When yon are weary and need a few
miuutes rest, drop in and see Tom Brad
ley at the Belvedere. He knows how to
muke you feel at home. 427-tf
The agents of the Union Pacific
System are provided with railroad and
stenmsbiD tickets to all pointse ast, as
widl as to aud from foreign points.
433-Octl6 91.
Th TTiiinn Pacific System have on
sale excursion and single trip tioket of
all classes, to ell points, whioh are sold
at reduced rati s daily for regnlar trains.
Perseveranoo, pluck Bd enterprise
will make money in fhisUd, wild West,
but it is of no avail unless yufl get big
bargains, in toot-geBr.espeoiaHy- O"
Mat Litobtenthal's tor your bargoios in
boots and Bhoes.
Union PaoiBc System offers unequal
led faoilties to tourists enronte to all
points east. Veslibuled Sleepers, Din
ers, Free Chair Cars through to Mis
souri River and Chioago !lwnt. change.
433 -Oct 16 91.
A M. Gunn is not dealing an guns,
riwmgb he is q .ite a Gnnn when ftonmea
to horseshoping and all kinds of Waek
smithing. His shop is opposite i. W.
Morniw'e feed yard, Heppner Or. Call
on him.
Settlers who filed timber-culture or
pre-emption olnims on railroad land in
W8 or 1887 cau recover tbeir tees by
applying to Frank H. Snow, D. 8. Com
missioner, at Lexington. Bring your
filing reoeipt. 43d-tf.
Next session begins on Monday, the 21st day
ef September, lsul.
Tuition, free.
Four Courses: Classical, Scientific. Literary,
and a short -English Course, in which there Is
no Lstln, Greek, French or German. The Eng
lish is pre-eminently a Business Course, for
catalogues or other information,
Address J. W. Johnson,
34.41. President
V dressed Lumber, 16 wiles of Ueppuer, a'
what is known as the
' " " CLEAR,
110 00
17 60
t&.OO per 1,000 feet, additional.
I. A. Hamilton, Mniir
and Land Company,
and Grade Bains
From oar Ranch-
September 1 5tb, 1 89 1 .
M. Cartwrught,
Pbisidbnt B. ;S. A L. Co.
General Merchandise
A Fall Assortment at Lowest Prices.
Sole Agents for the celebrated Bain Wagons
and Hacks and Oliver Chilled Plows.
Opposite Palace Hotel, Main St, Heppner, Oregon.
"I'm stuck
Said the fly to
This is what you will say in regard to oar prices on
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Boots, Shoes, Hats,
Furnishings ot all Kinds,
We are nicely situated in our New
Quarters on Main Street, and would
be pleased to haye the public call
and Examine our Stock.
Extra Good BUTTER
A Car Load of Lounges and Bed Room
Suits just Received,
Will be sold at Portland Prices.
May St., - - Heppner, Or.
Drugs, Medicines, Fancy Goods,
Etc., Etc.
To our New Brick Store. nit door to H. Blaokman & Co.'s. when w wlU
1 bo plaasvil to meet our (lUiidswul mak. new ohm.
Slooum-Johnston Drug Co.,
Blacksmith & Horseshoer.
Special Attention Given to Repairing Farm
Machinery, Wagons, Hacks, Etc.
437. Shop Opposite J. W. Morrow's Fewl Yard, Heppner, Oregon.
Let oi go to Mat Liobteuthal'i
Exclusive Boot and Shoe Store,
tor onr summer footwear. He keeps the beat Buckingham A Heoht boot!
and shoes, the Furtjo 'i B0 Mtrne and other goods of standard mnkea. A
bigatook, Footgear moat be bong-lit obeap, quality oonsidered, to get
ocb bargains as you find at
Why Go Hungry?
- fititjtatit
Mrs. N. S. W II E T S T O N E
YWtM a4 tnnUre gauntl abould
on you,"
the fly paper.
eepil nniSE
Heppner, Oregon.
IJemored to Th )ir New RniHIna; on Main Hi.
We have Removed
Large end Well Selected
Stock of
St 00
- 85
aaaavla Mm WaataWaa'e IIOHZ COOKIHCfc