2 I'tUL Wli,i.jX d-tjri-AjClk UUuHiv. JtJUrrAAll, UftiUjuA, .ilJLilfci 16, luta. THE GAZETTE. Btnxi tor the farmers. Hippnfr needs a board of trade. Morrow comity cau wise grain aod- pleoty of it, duo t. it 7 Tbi Qmtte notion that Gai Jo ir 'ill wioning in tbe East. Tm democrats, bo-chIIm!, bare cap tured tbe leKulaiure of Ctuti. We mrwt wnrk together and get our flouring mill in oooUitiou to supply tbe trade. Oeorok Francis Train, tbe crunk of crunks, is nliny nf n.ujjdiuR tbe globe again in tbe uear future. It now looks aa thuiigli Harrison would rot be acunuidiite for president 10 92, Blaine auil McKiblry teem to 1)3 the favorites. Jkssib Stbitt. the boy ulepDcrof 8ev mour, Ind., has been tukiDgnnothernHp, goiuv to weep nu J niv its, turn at last ao ooulIs was still uapi iug. The National Capital Snveings, Build- inn a!"' Loan Aabooiatnin, of Cbicauo, asftindiiiK loalitution, busbenn takeu in by tbe strung arm of tbe law. Heppneb is pulling together on every thing of a public nature. We may f H t rn thA tjfHk means of securing desired results, but not mater.ally. The Oregnninii'e telegrams report that tbe Union Pacitio direotoM are well aiiiivfled wild the outlook. It is well that someone is aiitiBiied wilb tbe earth Obeoon Eclipse was beaten by Mon tana at JJutte ou the Hill iust , tuuninv ereo eigliihe of a utile. Tune 1:30. Ecliise evidently did not want to win trim race. Neither Cleveland nor Bill will fill the hill as the democrat io nominee foi president next year. Tbe pnrty must have New Xork, hi d the nomination ol either meaa the loss of that slate. Lonos'I'iieet, the victor over Tennv, bus hurt one of Ins legs, ntirl lawyer uroc will Dot cottHOUt for it "go" the "Bwn- back" at present. Teuny is also "ofl." but be will perhaps oe in condition to start in tue greut Ulncago race. It is snid th it the leading newspapei of Mexico are suhsidised by tbe govern, me nt, mid that editors of independent journals we imprisoned for speaking tneir mind. Mexico's republican form of gnverLineut Is ceituinly not a auoqeoa, Gov. Fiiiiiiy, of Wanbiuglon and out own I'enuiiyer are having a little cor respotidenue over tbe leal interpretation of the extiadiiiou clause of the constitu tion. The latter will make tbe laws to suit his uwn sweet will in every oaae with regard toTffecta. An exchange says to look out for "sweuted" 6 and $1U gold pieces. After going through lout proem tliey an worth, respectively, $1 and 88. VVUhi few gold coius reach Ibis raiioh are nol "sweated" to hurt. A good muuy let ut sweut without the money. PoirTLANB wou unotber game of base ball oyer tjpokaue lust Sunday, the fntmor liuin.r Him viuilura 'I lit iht o.t-ni of winnings of the four olub, Hpokune, i'otiianu, oeimio auu j.ueoiua, luriniug ine raciro xnonrmeai ' MKIu n n; 'it'ui'iiiiXI, uTii, .lTaTTd' .&3. tcvinn Jite ,li mi s pf j piired it tbe EioIiiink-i Ijauk of Columbus Grove Onto, ou the tub inet., a pistol iu each bund, shouting the cashier and taking 01,500. Another man was shot and a bystander on the street badly hurt. A last accounts be was still at large. Law Sunday Mrs. P. VV. Parker, ol Astoria, was drowned at Clatsop BbhoIi, while bathing. Mrs. Parker waa tin wife of the editor of the Antoriun. Also ou Wednesday of last week, Miss Nellii lloise, dntighterof Judge Boise, of halein. and Will iSieel, of PoriliiuJ, were drown d at Illwneo. The wild, wierd wnvei are do playlhiuga. At HI. Paul tbe 8th inat. according to tbe Uregoniau, lutjoo nee won a milt and one sixteenth in 1:43 Meadowbrook also wou a mile nod oue-eigbtb ou tin snnie day in l:44Jg. This is oertaitil pietty f at t'me, nod in tbe latter east plieuiimenally so both breaking records. From some cause I tie first mentioned race was dtclaied off. Our locul horse men suy it is too fust to be true. Tim flour question is of vast Impor tance to Ibis interior. It appears Ibat the Uippuer mills could not supply tin tlt niiind, thus compelling our nierclmiio to liny ol the Walla Walla aud Wnitshurv mills Long Uieek Kagle. There is plenty Hour 'at Pendleton. Why not buy berer . O. Xes, and there will l)i plenty at Heppuer, if we mistake not the kind of push of which our citizens art constructed. Our people should not pass the mill enterprise by. There may not be "millions in it," but there ought to be gi;d returns on money invested, anil indirectly a big thing. The lleppnei Mills should be in operation tbe yeai 'round to bold our trade, and tbe latter is quite necessary ns anything connect ed willi our exislaoce as a town, linos it up, oitizeus, and see what there is iu it aud what you can do. I.twis E. Rottkhuan, of Peoria, 111., whs in tbe Niagara fails exouraiou tram which went tonnckuiChatsiiortliaboiii four years ago. Though his wounds healed up in a abort time, be has bud pains iu his head ever since. Last 8 p temherbe blew out of bis Heme a wire nail iuebes long, badly rusted. However, the paiuin hia head still continued, lie went to Chicago recently and hsd an irregular piece of oak oue aud a half inches loiug. live-eighths inches thick and three? Vights inches wide takeu out of the iuside angle of tbe left eye. Altogether it is a remarkable case. . IrtoKHT dispatch from tbe East says; Ai a result of the tiiud in the Masouio fraternity of Ohio, mowing out of the dilTurences betweeu the Northern jurisdiction aud the Ceruean rites, there is a split iu the Master Mason grand lodge uf Masons ludentitled with Ceroeau, aud this oulmiuated in tbe creation of tbe g.aud lotlge of Ancient, Free, and Aooepted Maaous of Ohio which has received a charter from the secretary of state. An irrevocable oleuae iu the count it utioo provides that this grand lodge shall teoognize as Masonio no degrees iu Masonry exoept entered appreutiee and fellow oraft muster. Our .shall it n oi gnixe suy body us Mhfouio which ooiifers other tbsu these three degr es. It will not, however, proaoibo tnyene for having taken any fit ths so-oalUd higher degrees. BAND HOLLOW NOTES. Black Horse bas gone buckle berrying. Jay Devins will finish stacking bis graiu this week, a good crop. Foster Adams sold bis cattle to Assess or Mctiee a short time ago. I think be c tiers bis horses for sale. Billy Morrow's "Old Reliable" is Just showing what it oan do this year wheat, narley, rve, o rn, Un my I - - Elmer Gentry bas about finished de livering horses to Geo. Koasell in pay meut for the ranch. It is a nice place. In the long time ago I promised to aend you some nores from this section once in a while. This will be the once. A. H. Stamp will finish putting np hia ba this week and had a splendid coo as usual. He is tbe boss farmer of this seotion. Henry Wade'a crop is not as good aa it should be this year. A good farm, but noor furming; too inuou volunteer grain. It doa I pay. Oeorge Bussell bus moved hia family to Milton. He will move bis horses to that seotion if be cau find a suitable place for them. Bev. J. T. Galloway has most of bis bay to haul in yet. He is thinking of moving to Lexington to spend the winter, Ibe cougregatiou there want bim to preach for them and be would have better ohance to school bis children. Milt and Ham Morgan have each put up a new cow barn this summer. They bad a good crop of nay aud grain. Their orop of sweet corn looks hue and wil innke a lot of fodder, whicb, together with their hams, means butter for tbe ti pjiiier folks this winter. Clyde Haling is working with tbe McCnrty & Edward thresher, oi Butter Creek. H. N. M. Sand Hollow, Angus: 10 1891, IIAIID1IAN NOIKi Headers are up iu our seotion of the country now. Boru Aug 5th, to tbe wife of John Adams, a nine pound girl. John ouly touches tbe higu places at present, aud thiuks it almost au insult it you don't addreKS him aa. Papa Adams. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Dennis, and Oobe Williams left for their home in Halem last week, taking with them the horses belonging lu li. H. (ilaesfurd, which tbey will deliver to uini on arriving. It seemi that Ibe ynnng people of Hurdmati are all g.-ttiug or I'oing to be married about tbe Paine time, (exoepi poor me.) UoDd by to our j illy dances, for the young folks will auou all be old married people As the bridal couples passed through here last evening (Sunday) the boys made them botb treat before they would ,et them go by. Ho remember boys, al ways have uioney iu your pookecs for ibe treats when you get married. Mr. Editor, please exouse my short re port lor this time. Will try to do better in the future. Ocolo. Uardman.Or., Aug. IU 1801. Bert Bosworth left this morning, over land, for Waitsburg. Daily stage botb ways between Monu ment aud Lung Creek, tf E. C. Ashbuugh waa a pleasant caller at tbe Uuzette oluoe lust Tuesday. Towns Mathews and family left Tues day for au outing at Teel spriuga. llailey is bossing tbe well work forthe hotel oompauy, and la domg a good job ot II, County Clerk Morrow reports matters aa being very quiet arouud the court house. Look to Simmous Liver regulator for relief from sickuesa arising from a dis eased liver. John Murphy aud Willie Welch pulled !U Huuilay for Long Creek loaded with Jrediaudise. TaJoTS:"1110118 Liver Regulator after your dinner. lt prevents dyspepsia aud indigestion. v This kind of wCS'l"" i oouduoive to siakuess, yet Heputf-JJ reasouubly uealtuy Ibis year. on"u' 1UiB " jiu. a. luuouiuuer paasoa lurougu town lust Friday euroute to tbe cool allude of tbe iilues. Three acoideu ts ou the seashore this seusuu w ill render it uut the most popu lar, summer resort. Allen Evuus, of Alpine, came in Thurs day ou his way ibe mountains in the ca pacity of camp-lender. Air. and Mrs. J. N. Brown and Miss Lillie brown departed yesteiday for their mountain ranub. A. Hirchburg returned from La Grande Tuesday lust and left for Long Greek Saturday morning. Those of Heiipuer wbo are outing in tbe Blues or elsewhere are more uumeiuiis ibau those lemuiuiug at home. Minor Hi cm. ate getting rigged in shape in their new quarters. Ditto aloouui'Johuston Drug Co. Prof, 0. U. Crane, of Ella, will leavo shortly tor Cnliioruia where be has a school engaged for the winter. Elder Hpauldiug, ot the M. E. Church, preached to a large cougiegatlou last 6uuday moruiug aud eveuuig. Uuole Hilaa Blown, ot Lo ,e Kook, is in lowu. He is tuiukiug gome ot buying piuperty aud looutiug here. Our spriukler man, W. H. Purmnu, still cuuuuuea to do good work ou our streets. U should be well paid fur it. Mrs. Emma Kiloup will move iu from ber ranch auuruy to school berobtldreu. Our Heppuer school is attracting atten tion. We hear that 11. M. Thornton is taking yotiug lailies uut ridiug iu his uewlv-im- prove i snlehill wugou overst AiuDully spriugs. The services of Elder Clspp, of the Keoigauiaed Cbuieb of Jesus Cnrist, have beeu quite w ell attended by our oilizeus. 11. Blackmun & Co. have recently put in a large sayligul in the root ot their store building. It adds much to the appeatauce ot the interior. Our to n is still quiet, mjat of om people beiug lu the uiouutaiua. Tue cool weather ot last week did uot have ibe effect predicted by tbe Uuzette. Hull lloswortb, foremau ot the Long Creek Engle, arrived Tuurs.lay eve last ou his nay home. However, he la tarry- mg with Ibe tiaxette folks a tew day be fore goiug away. Doric Lodge, No. 20, K. of P.. of Hepp- ner, is having quite a revival iuits rauas. Ibe fraternal orgaunatiuus. let them be whatever tbey may, oauuot receive loo many accessions of good material to their rauka. We would advise oar friends to seud their cbildreu lo the Heppuer school rather tbau to send them away al leu times the expense. Tbe dueutors pro pose to make it the best school iu Eastern Oregou. Dr. B F. Vaugban returned from Mc- Dully springs last Sunday iu company no u. u. wills. The doctor is still ailing, Ibe springs not beuenling bim. We hope be will soou reoover from bis present iudlsposiliou. Us. and Oeorge Wells and Melvin Logan got haik iueeduy from McDull'y springs, ihey bad a good lime, and y that plaoeof reoreanou is mote lio- eraley paliouiseU by ilepusriles than loose ol any oilier secuun. j BB A Man a'Iain. From ths OregonUn. There is probably nothing as disgust ing asaaiciiy speoimen ot humanity. By this we mean those people who suffer iramaisease winou easily yields to med iae! ana electrical soieuce. Tbey are miserable themselves and make other miseraoie. Ui cause soma doctors in forms yon that your ease is hopeless does not make it so. Take tbe case of Mr. Tucker, president of tbe Bank ot Genesee, Idano, whose oard we give be low, ai soeaxs volumes lor Dr. Darrin Genesee, Idaho, Aug., 4, '91 W. Damn Dear . ir: The eleotric and medical treatment you give me one year ago for obronic catarrh and other troubles or nueeo years' standing baa proved BiicoeeHtnl. i formerly resided in McMinnville, Oregon. Yours trnly, H. A. TUCKER. Dr. Darrin is permanently located at at bis office, 10 Washington street, Portland, with a brencboUioe at "The Normandy" in Heattle. Wasbimrtou. (Jthoe hours from 11 a. in. to Up. m , at half bis former prices. He gives free aud cnnnueutial examinations to all at the office or by letter He treats all curable chronic, acute and private dis eases. All tumors, goitres, warts, moles and superfluous hairs removed by elec tricity Curea of private diseases guaran teed and never published in the papers. Circulars and question blanks sent free. Inquiries answered. ADVERTISED I.KTTElff). Tbe following ia a list of letters re maining iu tbe postotlioe at Heppner, Or., Aug. 10, 1891. Chatuian, A B Landing, E P Gilbert, W Taylor nam Tokura, Newt In oalling for the above letters please say advertised. A. Malloby, P. M. BOYS AND GIKLS, Boys may be bad (and sometimes girls) for ordiuary Ber vice at waves, or unou in denture, to woik, attend school, and be Drought up ao,newbataa your own :i aud children may be bad fur legal adoption. Anuress, E. T. Doolet. Sunt. Oreeon Bovs' and Girl's Aid Society, Portland Oregon. Strayed or Molen. One hay horse, seven years old. hran. ded L L ou tbe left shoulder, star in forehead: One bay ho'se. fourteen yeare old, branded J F conneoted on tbe left shoulder, large, white star iu fore head; bad a halter on when last seen, Information leading to their recovery will be rewarded 85 eaob. Or if deliver ed at my rauoh on Butter creek, will give io eaou. Ed. f . Day. Lena, Or. 437-410. Notice. To whom it may oorcern: state to the publio that I I desire to will not be responsible for any debts contracted by ai.,u v uni;.., ' 437-38 Wm, Gilliam. FOR SALE ! A good reflidence property, oontain- nit? one ho re of irronud, tiioe residence, (rood well end otithonveB. Tbis ie a good bargain. For partiaulHrH, call at thin office. 334-tf. NOTICE OF INTENTION, Land Office at The DtillcH, Or., Auif. 8, 1891. Notice ts hereby Riven that the foliowlug-nara. edueuler lias tiled notice of hit Intention to make tinal proof in aupuortof his claim, and thdtaaid proof will be made before W. H. Ellis, U. 8. (JoniniiHaloner. at Heoutmr. Oretrmi. on September '22, WM, viz: UfiUKUb . MAAWKLL, Hd. No 8!W. for the bKw of Hae. 25. Two. a South, K 23 Euat W. M. He names the followltiir witnesses to Drove hU ooniinuom residence upon, and cultivation of. auid land, viz: Jticob Joliiiaon. Tliomai Graham A. 8. ShatU dock and Nathan McCoy, all of liooaberry, Or. JOHN W, IjKWIR, 4,18-443. Hester. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Iaiid Office at La Grande Or., Auguat 8, 1891. Notice la herebv uivou that the fnllowimr- named settler has tiled notice of hia Intention to make tlnal proof In upportqLbijeJfij anoH illiUIr9t -SUKie before County v..-i Morrow County, at iieunner. Oreiron. on October 10, 1891, viz: JOHN HAKKER, lid. No 5.r)0l. for the bv: hEu and R'i RWU. Sec. M, Tp. 1, N, K 27, E. W. M. He names the following wltneanea to prove hia continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, aald land, viz: M, M. McCumber, Thoa. 8oott, and J. A. Mo Cumber, of Galloway, and Thoa. W. Avert, of Heppner, Or. John W. Lkwis, 4:-HS. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ind Office at Ia Grande. Or., Aug. 8, 1891. Notice is herebv Riven that the following- named settler has filed notice of hit intention to make final proof lu support of hia claim, and that said proof will be made before VV. K. Ellis. Commissioner U. 8. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Or., on October 10. lwi, viz: A lif li K u AVE KS, Hd. No. 3372 for the dEU Heo. 4 To. UN. R 9ft E. W. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove hfs continuous residence upon and cultivation of, aald land, viz: John Barker, R I.. Shaw, and D. Uttelbrldgo, of (ialloway, and Thomas Byers, of Echo, Or. D. M. Uttelbrhlge, Cyrus Cox, K. T, Handera aud Sherman Uaatiua take uotlce. A. Clkavkh, 4M-3. Ueglster. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Any. 9, 1801. Notice Is herebv elveri that the folio wins'-nam ed settler has tiled notice uf hia luteutiou to make tinat proof in support of hia claim, and that said nroof will be made before the Count? Cleik of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, ou Heptember 17, 1891, viir Hd. for the E4 HEW tec. 12. To. 4 S. R2SK and UVi bV4 Sec, 7, Tp. 4 S, k '26, E. V. M. lie names ttie foiiowine wltueaaei to Drove hia continuous residence upon, aud cultlvatlou of, aid laud, U: rrank till iarn flra.C. Reinlnrer. and Rilai A Wriirht, ot Hard man. and James O. Williams, of Hard man, or. John w. Lkwis, m-m. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. IjitkI Othre at LftGranri, Or., Auiriut 11, 1891. Notice ie herebv Riven that the follow inir ntm- ed let tier hm filed notice ol hU intention to mnke HurI proof In mpport of hli claim, and that mid proof will bo made before the County Clerk of Morrow County at Heppuer, Oregon, OU October V2, ISM, via: W Aalil Mi I ON E. ELLIOTT D. 8. 0331 for the 8ec li, Tp i 8, R 27 E W. He namei the follow in wltiieiiei to nrove hi contiminui residence uuon. aud cultivation of, anid land, vtz: Win. straiirht. Henry Wade. Jainer Griffith. New tou Uritnth, all ol Heppuer, Oregon. A. Clrwrr. 43M13. Kegiiter. FAT Arc made by feedlnir txd hay and grain, riving You can gt It at W. S. PAltMAN'S Heppner Fed Yard, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Hebai good ahetter for bugglea and hacki raa campiug houa and cooxiug utanaUa, OREGON State Normal School, MOXMO UTH. The Leading Normal Scool of the Northwest. Beautiful and Healthful Location. No Saloons. BOARD OP KEG E NTS; Hia Excellence, Sylvester Pennover, Governor; Hon G. W. McRride, Secretary ot State; Hon E. B. McElroy, Huperiiitendeut of Public Instruc tion; Benjamin tchoineld, President; J. B. V. Butler, Hecuefarv; Executive Committee: J. J. Daly, P. W. Haley and J. B. V. Butler, Polk; Jacob Voorhees, Marion; J.-C. White, Polk; Al fred Larey, Clackamas; A. Noltner, Multnomah; New buildings, new apparatus, full faculty, light I expeiis3 kiiu lance at-ieuuanro. iormai, Aa vanced Normal, Business, Art aud Music depart ment. Special attention given to phvsical cul ture. Volunteer military organization. Those ( receiving oipiomas are authorized to teach in any county in the state without further exam ination. Tuition has been reduced in Normal! and Business departments from 4U to 25 a year! A year in school forflfiu. Expenses: Tuition! in Normal and, Blialness 6.2o per term of tenj. wwki; ouD-ormai, .t per term; Doara at isor iuBt uming nan,ii.,)uperw,eeK; iiirnisnen roon wnn ugnt ana nre, ft per week; board in prjvat, i families, l:t.60. First term opens Sept. 22. 1891 students majf-te.r any time. For catalogue address: . 1. JU CAMPBRI.J-, A. I t., Ffr--.. or J. iVI HOWBLL, A. JYI., Vioe Pre. Whitman college. The 4dest, best equipped, and most thorough Institution of hieher learning in the Inland Empire. OiTefsTiiHiructlon in three College courses and three Preparatory ones. Contains a high grade Normal School and Business College. Excellent iacillties in Music, Art, Elocution, Book keeping, Penmanship, Stenography and Tvpawriting. Begins its twenty-sixth year of academic and tenth of college work jYXoxxclAy, September 7, 18D1. For CaUlogue or Admission, apply to A. J. ANDERSON, Ph. D.. President of Whitman College. Walla Walla, Wash. For admission to the Ladles' Mall apply to Mr. N. F. Cobleigh, Superintendent. 438-441. 7. XI. BIMOW8. Hard Blows by the Bellows and Hammer ! PAP SIMONS & SON, At tbe Old Stand on the Matlock Come'. With this announcemnnt, it is hardly necessary to sny that they have not .LUST TH Hil K Uiur on doing a lirst class job of black smithing, horse-shoeing, machine repairing or my thing else in their line. Pap Simons' Old Stand, HEPPNER, W. A. KIRK. KIRK u DEALERS IN Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Conceivable Article kept in a First Class Harness Shop. Repairing a Specialty I on hand the Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted.for five yeare. Don't buy elsewhere till yon examine their maohines and get cash prices. MAIhBTBEET. - GO FOR Lb.WQrfer8p5hiug" aria Tur'niture. Cupboards Tables, Stands Baby Buggies, Mouldings, Samples of all kinds of Picture Farming a Agent For the La Grande Marble Works. NEXT DOOR TO MINOR BROS., HEPPNER, OREGON, I Have For Sale This Year ,000 BUCKS, -CONSISTING OF- I5Q0 Al 2500 KNOWN IN THIS COUNTRY AS THE Ross kwm mi Will have 500 forsale in Heppner this fall. For trms euqaire of Thos. Morgan, Agent, Heppoer, Oregon. CI ins Ctinningjlinm, 432 tr nwmV..'. ' l '- " ' a , ri tj i-i COFFIN & McFAHLAND, A Big Une direct from the Eait Fine Styliih Hata, new abaiet and patterna. Gents' Fine Shoea, Ladie'a and Children's Mtoea, all stvlea San Jose, California baddies at Factory prices. A car load of FeruoUne Sheep Dip, a 8ura Cure for the bcab. Dry Goodd, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Mitchell Wagons, Oliver Chilled Plows, Etc. COFFIN & McFAHLAND. Bif Brick, Nation Bank Building, Hcppntr, Oregon. 13,8 S tEffl fl m sc. uT nw Jm4''WH?trtvl-. t''t" rs. - ....."""to: X3. Xj. BIMOWM OREGON. J. C. HAtEH HAYES Celebrated HeDDner 1 1 . HEPPNER. OREGON. TO- JILu Mirrors and Curtain Poles, Carpets J ust Received. ts to Order, Thoroughbreds riLOT ROCK. OREGON. VttT - Wmift L."- . mm-m -' Tsi' i;.. ;". ' PALACE HOTEL,- Heppner, Orocoiii Will Be Open About the Mid die of September, 1891. FIRST CLASS ROOMS, SPLENDID TABLE, MODERATE F'RICES. FREE BATHS. W. VON CADOW. Manager. Formerly of II. P. Hotel Company Odd Combinations. NAILS AND SUGAR. PEARL BARLEY AND PADLOCK Strange Combinations to be Found Only at Tbe Combin ed Grocery and Hardware Store of P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY, .DEALERS IN Groceries. Hardware, Tinwnre, Confectionery Wood & Willow Wave and Agricultural Implements). .Agents for NEW HOME Sewing Machines and IMPERIAL EGG FOOD. LUMBERMANS' TOOLS A SPECIALTY. Tnble Cntlerv. 8hrir. Sciasnrs, Pncket Kniven. and RizorH at llpmnrkiibly Low-. Pi icpr. Speoiut iuducementa to Cmsh Cus tomers. Oive ns a trinl. tf. Corner Wain and Willow Streets, Heppner Or. NELSON JONES, President. E. R The Morrow County Lid f Trust Company PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK $25,000. General Forwarding k IIEPPXER, OBEGON. The Highest Market Price Paid for all kinds of Grain, Sheep Pelts, Hides, Etc. Storage Cnpacitr: HEPPNKR WAREHOUSE: 5,000 Saga Wool. 60,0000 Uunhrl Grain. b- aPe; LA9 art.OOO Buahela Grain, HEPPNER BAKERY! May Street, Heppner, Or., C. lit XJ II T, Proprlet o r. KEEPS FRESH BIADXAKES, PIES AND CONFECTIONERY. FINE CAKESforWEDDING PARTIES Etc., Made to Order on Short Notice. SATISFACTION GURANTEED AND . PATRONAGE SOLICITED. C. RTJP1L, Proprietor, May Street, - Heppner. Oregon. FRANK GILLIAM. oh d i riff s3 xd' "tfi- ill t?jmMk a 5 t i i w it:, i' s GILLIAM & BISBEE, DEALXia I General Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. Plumber's Materials, Etc., HEPPNEIi. The Heppner Min Street. Opposite nonpros of bll rmc .mponei ana Domestic Liyrars and Tobaccos. FRESH FRUITS AND OTHER GOODS RECEIVED DAILY, I TOMATO KETCHUP HAMMERS. CANNED GOODS & AMMUNITION. BISHOP, Treusurer. T. E. FEhU " Secretary. 10NE WAREHOUSS; i 4v,uuu oKanejs uraio. v WAREHOUSE: T. H. BISBEE OREGON Candy Factory, City Hotel. Hrnpner. Or kips of comm.