The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, July 30, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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And Much of the Funds
With Him,
Loan Company Wrecked by Its I'reHt
ilflut KhI Kiuaucleriiiff In llroi.k
lyn, MiiuKO ami New V.irk.
New York, July 20 Benjuiiiiu R.
ftpellman, Jr., recently maliier o( Ihe
Twenty-sixth ward hank, llronklyn, has
disappeared anil an examinttliou of his
aci'ountn showed that on leaving the
bank he was short $10,000. On account
of intemperate habits he had been re
quested to resign, which lie did May 30.
He then went to Albany and has now
disappeared from that city.
lie was bnrn in Albany -t! years ago
and had been connected with the First
National bank ot Albiny and wrh its
teller when an offer was male to him to
go to Brooklyn, lie was well known in
Albany anil was popular.
Chicaho, July 20 William Luth
Btrohm, manager of the Carey Lombard
Lumber Company, who has been miss
ing from his home for over a week, is
upposed to be a defaulter to the extent
of $10,000. He waB last seen by his wife
a week ago Tuesday, at which time he
had to make a business trip. The Sat
urday previous he left the office of the
lumber company with $2000, which he
was going to deposit in the bank. Fail
ing to appea.1 by Tuesday inquiry as to
his whereabouts developed the fact that
he had left the city.
A hasty examination of the books
showed that he waB over $10,000 short.
Although a married man and the father
of five children, Luthstrohm, when he
left the city, was accompanied by a wo
man. It is known the defaulter has
been engaged in considerable specula
tion on 'change of late, yet the tirm of
whose interests he was manager had
implicit confidence in his honesty. His
wile and children are left destitute.
New York, July 20 The report of
Receiver J. Edward Simmons, of the
American Loan and Trust company,
will probably be filed with the supreme
court in a few days and is expected to
contain some interesting disclosures.
One about this company that the
books are expected to show is the thor
oughly rotten condition in which Presi
dent Rowland JN. Hazard left the com
pany. To the officers of the company
and to President Hazard's friends large
loans were made on the slightest se
curity. The condition of affairs becoming
known to soire of the directors, they
demanded a change. In order to save
themselves Hazard and hiB friends
bought in their stock, using for this
purpose money borrowed from the com
pany by hocus pocuB. It is said that in
settling up its affairs, the receiver will
be able to pay the preferred creditors in
full, but it is doubtful if the ordinary
depositors will get anything, while the
stockholders will save nothing from the
Miaundrralamlliie With Her Mother.
Wtfe of V. N. Norton, of I'ort .ami.
Minneapolis, July 21 Mrs. C. K. Nor
ton is distressed over the disappearance
other 18-year-old daughter, Bertha, who
left home last Friday. The mother and
daughter had aslight misunderstanding,
as a result of which the daughter left
home in apparent anger.
The young lady is a favorite with a
large circle of friends, anil her going
away is thought to be the result of a
mental derangement. She graduated
from the high school class of '91, and, in
order to make up for the time lost in
sickness, studied night and day, against
the advice of her relatives and friends.
For the past week her mother says
she had been acting strangely and un
like herself for, being the most dutiful,
obedient and loving of daughters, she
had become perverse, contrary and sub
ject to fits of temper totally unlike her
former self. Mrs. Norton is the wife of
C. E. Norton, at one time city ticket
agent at Milwaukee and now stationed
in Portland, Or.
Waiters at the pavilion at Minnehaha
say they saw the young ladv Saturday.
She came from the park and after stay
ing half an hour in the pavilion, went to
the depot and got on board a train,
whether an east or west bound one, the
waiters do not know.
JL Chicago Detective Caught Him After
a Year' Chase.
Washington, D. C, July 21 Loring
B. Loomis, at one time member of a
large land claim firm in Chicago, was
captured after a chase of 10,000 miles for
embezzling $38,000. Loomis was a junior
member of the firm, having an income
of several thousand dollars. His ability
and energy made him very prominent in
Chicago real estate circles and there
were few more successful men in the
A vear &aa he embezzled $38,000 of the
firm's money and disappeared. Loomis
... last located in this city where he
had been engaged in the real estate busi
ness with a man namea uiarK ior some
mnntho A f!hicazo detective who made
the arrest, left with bis prisoner last
night for the West.
Dangerous Immigrants.
A dozen titled adventurers coming
over here from Europe, who are intro
duced into the best circles, who turn
the heads of the belles of society and
who induce our dudes to imitate their
snobbish follies, contribute more to cor
ruDt the habits and customs of the best
classes of our people, who consider them
selves pre-einineniiy mueiu-iwi
million of poor immigrants.
than a
A Miracle.
-I hear that you have leen
First Ijidy I hear that you have been
very ill. j Charleston sailors w ere arraigned today.
: Second Lady Oh yes, I was. I had attorneys for the defense will ask for a
three doctor?, but being naturally of a 1 separate trial for each of thesis prison
strong constitution I recovered in spite 1 era an(i this point will le adjudged
oi it all. Pharmaceutical Era. i tomorrow.
Honest John Bardsley's
Peaulinr THenrle Advanced lu Explana
tion or the Canse of Phirudel
plilu's Treasurer's Downfall.
I'hn.adeu'iiia, Pa., July 20 Two em
inent specialists in mental diseases, it.
Wood, ami (!. Mill, have found a plaus
ible explanation for the crimes of "Hon
est" John Bardsley, now beginning a 15
years' term in prison. They say he has
Among papers of the ex-city treasurer
now in the hands of the city officials
have been found evidence for the past
two or three years that Bardsley has led
a grossly immoral life, so consistent with
the paresis theory as to be, in his case,
almost certain evidence. An intimate
friend of the ex-treasurer says his dissi
pation began but a year or two ago and
that it was carried to a great extent up
to the time his financial rainbow became
visible to the police.
A desire for wild financial transac
tions, glaring misjudgments, an over
powering ambition to become rich,
coupled with excessive immoralities, are
the most striking symptoms. The facts
that have come to lisdit concerning the
apparently sudden change in John Bard
sley's moral habits in the past three
years appear to furnish proof of the
truthfulness of the hypothesis that
paralytic dementia grappled with
"Honest John's" mind about the time
he left the Council to become treasurer
of Philadelphia.
The investigating committee of the
Council will hold another public session
In Russia and India Crops Are Nliort
lu England They Are .ate.
London, July 20 The harvest pros
pects of the world have been summar
ized by the Times. In Russia there is
grave difficulty, with small hope of re
lief. In India, serious anxiety, aa fam
ine prevailB over a considerable portion
of country. In the wheat counties, Nor
folk and Suffolk, the crop is above the
average. Harvest will be late and prices
will be high. There is a good outlook
for English farmers to break the record
of a long series of disastrous seasous.
People Believe It Is In Answer to
'holi Prayers.
London, July 18 Rev. Charles II.
Spurgeon, the famous divine, whose
death has been hourly expected by his
physicians for days past, is apparently
recovering from his severe illness, anil
his people firmly believe his improved
condition, which bids fair to lend to his
complete recovery to health, is due to
the efficacy of their prayers.
During the past two weeks daily
prayer meetings have been held in the
City Temple for his recovery and indi
vidual members of his church have
formed small praying circles at. their
homeB to unite in petitions to the Su
preme Ruler lor the sparing of his life.
Nephew of a Cardinal led.
Nnw York, July 20 Edward Tascher
eau, nephew of Cardinal Taschereau and
brother of the chief justice of Quebec,
died at the Roosevelt street hospital this
morning. His remains will be shipped
to Quebec this afternoon. Edward Tas
chereau waB an attorney at law and
came to this city to be treated for rup
ture. Ho was 28 years of age. His wife
attended him in a private ward of the
freight Cars Wrecked.
Manhpiki.d, Ohio, July 18 A telegraph
operator for the Erie railway at this
point says that two freight trains col
lided at Hepburn station last night and
that a number of cars were wrecked, but
no one injured.
Cheyenne, Wyo., July 18 The Stuker
Bros., druggists and men of some means
and big backing, Homer Merrill, asso
ciate justice of the Stale supreme court.
Carl V. Aener, a merchant and member
of the Legislature, and the Bennet Bros., j
ranchmen and miners, want to put a line
of boats on the Green, Grand and Colo
rado rivers. I hey have organized a
company with $250,000 capital, after fig
uring ana prospecting two years.
They plan an excursion route, the
start to be made at Green River, T tah,
and the end and feature to be a trip
through the grand canyon of the Colo
rado, explored 20 years ago by Major
Powell and in 1889 by Frank V. Brown.
Lives were lost both times. Brown and
Stanton, his engineer, believed a railroad
through the canyon feasible. The new
conmanyis in earnest. It is the purpose
to arrange for portage around the dan
gerous falls and eddies. The company
has a party in the field now.
Bx-fttate Treasurer I.ery Denies an Al
leged Transaction.
Pittsburg, Pa., July 21 Ex-State
Treasurer Levy denies that he had any
transactions with John Bardsley. In
regard to the statement that on a stub of
Bardsley's bank book an entry has been
discovered to the effect that Levy had
been paid $500 "for certain kindness to
me" (Bardsley,) he said : "I cannot un
derstand how my name came to appear
on the stub of jsarclaley's liank book. 1
am positive that he never sent me a
check; 1 never received a check from
Bardslev and the entry that apiiears in
the book as fas as I am concerned is
without even a shadow of truth.
Want Heparute Ti-ii.
San Hie(Ki, C'al., July 20 The men
jjeld by the coroner's jury fur asnault 011
A. Repulsed Lover's Mad
An K4tliiiahle Young Lady Seized by
a tlrute, Taken Into the Hiuhe
and Foully Slain.
Hanover, N. II., July 18 As Miss
Christie Warden, accompanied by her
mother, sister Fannie and Louise Good
ell, were returning to their home a mill!
from the village at a late hour last
night, Frank Almy, about 30, jumped
into the road in front of them and seiz
ing Christie by the arms, said : "I want
you." i
The mother and sisters attempted to
defend her. Almy fired at them but
missed. They ran for assistance. Then
Almy dragged his victim into the
bushes from the road and shot her
twice through the head, one shot tear
ing out her left eye. When help ar
rived the girl was dead and her body
stripped of nearly every article of cloth
ing. Almy fled.
Miss Warden was-a beautiful and most
estimable young woman, about 25 years
of age, a graduate of the State normal
school, and popular teacher. Almy was
formerly an employe of her family, and
his attention to Miss Christie had been
repulsed. She was the daughter of An
diew Warden, a wealthy farmer and
leading citizen.
It was midnight before news arrived
at the village. The sheriff's office is
sending out searching parties in all
directions. Almy is about 5 feet 10
inches tall, has a dark moustache and is
of pleasing address and well educated.
The father of the murdered girl offers n
reward of $500 for the capture ot the
murderer. The town will undoubtedly
oiler an additional reward.
Famous Suit to Recover Note In Pro
grei aL Mount Vernon.
Ml. Vernon, Wash., July 21 The
famous Hamilton-Alverson case was
called up in the superior court this
morning. The case is an injunction re
straining the payment of and to obtain
poses-ion of notes to the amount of
Judge Calkins, of Tacoma, and Judge
Karrell, of Paoli, Ind,, appears for
Serena Hamilton. Colonel True, of
Seattle, and Major Maguire, of Anacor
tes, for William Hamilton ; and W. II.
Ilurd, of Laconner, Roland & Piles of
Seattle, for Alverson. Judge Denny, of
Snohomish, occupies the bench.
The city is full of prominent people
from different parts of the sound inter
ested in the case and the court room is
packed with visitors.
Charge That the Prizefighter lilies
Want to Fight l-'lt zsimmouti.
Sr. Paul, July 21 There is no doubt
that every effort possible will be made
to keep the Fitzsimmons-Hall light
from taking place tomorrow night.
Every moral organization in the State is
roused up on the matter.
Fitzsimmons' backers are charging
that i lall is at the bottom of all the dis
turbance because he doesn't want to
meet I'itz. They say that Hall's friends
got the papers to take up the fight and
make capital out of it, and that the
papers have aroused the churches and
Christian associations, which now are so
Jiinmie Carroll Baid today that the
fight would come off. He does not be
lieve the reports about Hall wishing to
postpone the light.
A large number of seats have been
sold at from $20 to $50, many orders
coming from Omaha, T acoma and San
San Francisco, July 21 McCarthy,
the Australian, who is to meet Greg
gains, of this city, at the new Pacific
Athletic Club this evening for a purse
of $1000 is the favorite today at 10 to 7.
Sealing Hark Man In lHstregs Salmon
Catch Oood-Weather Hot.
Sitka, Alaska, July 13 (via Nanaimo,
P. C, July 18) The sealing bark Mars
arrived in Sitka on the 8th instant in
She broke her rudder on June 15th
while whaling in the sea otter bank off
the mouth of Cooper river where she got
on one of the sea otter shoals.
She came off with no other damage
than the Iosb of her rudder. At the
time of her mishap she had nine whales,
Her captain reports the whalers making
a large eaten.
The Balmon canneries in Alaska are
running to their full capacity.
The citizens of Alaska are very much
disgusted with the manner in whi h the
court is conducted. It iB a disgrace to
any country.
Alaska has been very unfortunate in
worthless men to till government otlices,
Some use too much liquor and others
are. too officious and always meddling
with the natives private anairs, which
of course causes a great amount of bad
feeling between the citizens and govern
ment officials.
The weather has been very warm and
clear for two months. The gardens are
very much in need of rain.
The steam schooner Klsie sailed from
Sitika for the westward on the 1st of
July on the new mail contract.
The Novell's successful opening of the
Silver Bow basin of immense gravel de
posit is fully demonstrated by the results
alieady obtained. The gravel exceeds
in richness the most sanguine expecta
tions. Old miners stated that it is the rich
est strike ever made on the Pacific
coast, which promises to make
the owners bonanza kings. ft will
materially increase the gold production
of the country, so much desired by
I liuauciers throughout the land.
j I.onijon, July 21
reatlesi) niht ami
I ttiie morning.
-Hpurneon passed a
is much exhausted
Highest of ail in Learening Power.
England Getting Tired
of Making Grants.
Electrocution Finding' Favor In Ger
many Russia Engaged In Active
Military Movements.
London, July 20 The Radicals are
wild over a rumor that it is intended to
ask Parliament for a grant for Princess
Louise of Schleswig-Holstein, grand
daughter of Queen Victoria, who a fort
night ago was married to Prince Albert
of Anhalt under the auspices of the
Queeu. While the bride's thrifty grand
mother would doubtless be glad to see
the Princess provided for by Parliament,
it is not at all likely she would brave
public opinion by asking for what would
unquestionably be refused, and it is cer
tain Lord Salisbury would never advise
or consent to such arequest.
jNevertheless, the suggestion has been
made in all seriousness, probably as a
feeler, and the Radicals are eager for the
verbal battle which the introduction of
the matter in parliament would precipi
tate. In such an event the Radicals
would not be left to conduct the fight
alone. Nearly , all the Liberals
and a great many Tories would join'
them in opposing the scheme, and the
vote upon the question would be the
death knell of all future grants to mem
bers of the royal family, however near
to the head.
Berlin, July 20 The judicial authori
ties of the government, having investi
gated as far as possible the syBtem of
putting murderers to deatn by electric
ity in vogue in New York State, are pre
paring a report which is decidedly favor
able to the adoption of the method in
Germany as a substitute for beheading.
It is assumed by the electrical experts
and others who have engaged in the in
quiry that the recent executions in
America were highly successful, and
they are all of the opinion that the
many objections jyhich have been estab
lished against the gallows and the block
as means of' inflicting capital punish
ment are wholly removed by the electric
St. Petershurh, July 20 Preparations
have been making for some weeks for
giving the Czarowitch a grand reception
upon Ins arrival on the Kussian frontier
and to escort him to St. Petersburg,
where a series of feasts will be given 111
his honor, surpassing anything of the
kind witnessed in Russia for many
years. Since the narrow escape of the
Czarowitch from death at the hands of a
fanatical policeman in Japan, the young
man has had a much larger share of
popular sympathy than he ever com
manded before, and his welcome home
will be much less perfunctory than Rus
sian receptions to members of the hoiiBe
of Romanoff are wont to be.
turkey's public debt.
Constantinople, July 20 The depart
ment of the Turkish public debt has
submitted a scheme for the conversion
of the debts of the Porte, which is
likely to be accepted by the Sultan.
Several attempts of this kind have
recently been made, but invariably with
the result that the plana submitted
failed to meet the approval of the Sul
tan, whose action in the matter has had
the effect to inspire a degree of financial
confidence in the government which it
haa not enjoyed for many years.
Vienna, July 20 The government is
informed of fresh arrivals of Russian
troops on the Gallacian border in num
bers lar Deyona tne ordinary require
ments ot trontier duty, it is also re
ported the Russian fortifications have
been strengthened and equipped with
guns of heavier calibre than those hith
erto mounted. It is presumed that the
pretext for this extraordinary military
precaution was iurnisned oy Austria m
augmenting the military on the same
frontier with a view of preventing an in
vasion of Russian Jews, if this be the
case, the St. Petersburg government has
been remarkably quica to take advant
age of a precautionary measure, made
necessary by the effect of its own decree,
to concentrate a military force on the
border of a friendly country entirely out
of proportion to its needs in time of
Arab! P,.sha Long to Return to the
Land of Ilia Birth.
Colombo, Ceylon, July 18 The health
ol the Egyptian exile, Arabi Pasha,
which has been steadily declining for
the past two years, has now reached a
Btate gravely alarming to his friends, of
whom he has made thousands since his
banishment to Ceylon, a little more
than seven years ago.
From time to time within the laBt six
years various persons of standing and
influence have voluntarily undertaken
the lhanklesa task of appealing to the
British government for his release, with
the unvarying result of meeting with
an unqualified refusal on the part of the
home authorities and upon one or two
occasions the petitioners have been in
formed that Arabi ought to consider
himself forever thankful that he was not
put to death as his original sentence de
creed. The present information concerning
the rebel exile is that another effort to
obtain his release and return to Kxypt
to end his (lays in tne land 01 nis rurtli,
is being made, which has the moral and
material support of hundreds of promi
nent officials and residents who have
been his friends and associatex through
out his enforced Mtay in Ceylon and
thone who have had him in charge are
hoping that they will be sncwjsnfiil.
It is staled that Arabi's physician has
informed the authorities that his patient
will not live many months longer in his
virtual confinement, but will succumb
to the exacting climate and the incura
ble nostalgia from which he ia con
stantly suffering.
TJ. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1S89.
Montreal Orangemen Urged by Rev.
Fulton to Rise In Their Might.
Montreal, July 20 The Queen's hall
was crowded yesterday, tha occasion be
ing a mass meeting oi Orangemen to
celebrate the anniversary of the battle
of the Boyne by listening to a sermon
preached by the Rev. JuBtin H. Fulton,
of Brooklyn. The address was bitter
and was looked upon by the few Catho
lics who attended it as a direct incentive
to an outbreak of religious strife in
Montreal. Yet the remarks were ap
plauded, and when he called on Orange
men to rise in their might and fight for
the loyal cause the applause and cheer
ing were deafening.
He denounced the belief of Catholic
ism in bitter words. He claimed the
people of Quebec were priest-ridden,
through the Jesuitism of Mercier, the
people were pauperized to support these
men. Referring to Premier Mercier's
proposed reception, he alleged that Mei
cier was the robber of millions, and he
said, in excited tones, "Orangemen, if
you are stout of heart, you will have a
chance this week to avenge your wrongs
on this man, the slave oE Jesuits."
The greatest indignation prevails
among Catholics and in some quarters
fears are entertained that serious rioting
will occur at the proposed monster re
ception of Premier Mercier next Thurs
day night.
Chicago Tribune. I
I called on a doctor to ask him what
he thought of the talk about typhoid
fever. He is one of those doctors who
can afford to be brusque, and your
brusque man is apt to be honest. lie
heard my question, and still looking over
his book, never lifting his eyes, he re
plied :
"There are worse things than typhoid
fever stalking the streets of Chicago,
and men are running after them instead
of avoiding them. I mean the long
dresses which fashion has ordered women
to wear. A long dress on the street
picks up the refuse of the walks, and the
woman who wears one carries enough
germ life to her home to sicken the
whole family. I would like to see
these people who are always on the alert
for epidemics take care of themselves
and use a little common sense. If my
daughter wore one of those long dresses,
which she does not, to my knowledge, 1
would make her take it off in the out
house and have it cleaned liefore it was
brought into her own room."
The Supply Exceeds the leiiiand.
There are a few pairs of $500Jfgarters
in Philadelphia, but the market for
them cannot be called brisk. Philadel
phia Record.
litest llt'L.ialml ENOLll.
l'ilUftra Foalflve Cure for Stb:
lleutlucili, IlllluuanPM, ami;
tloiullliittlan. Mniall. pleuM-.
it autl a fuvurlte wltu Hit-;
lud lea. Hold in Kngland for ts.j
il In America for 2&v, Get;
jthem from your Drugglsta, or;
Lend to W. H. HOOK KB A CO..
4G Writ Broxlifftj, New York.
Thfl Celebrated French Sure,
Is Sold oh jl
to cu ro any
lorm 0! nervom
diaeaae, or any
disnnlar of the
BEFORE geuerative or- Ar I tn
lam ol either sex whether arlaliig from the
excessive use 0! Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium.
r through youthful Indiscretion, over ludulf
encc, &c, such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful,
nets, Bearing down Pains in the Back, Seminal
Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn
al Emission: , Uucorrbcea, Dialness, Weak Mem.
ory, Loss of Power and Impotency, which If ne-
jiected often lead to premature old age ana insan
lty. Price $1.00 a box, 6 boxes tor 16.00 Bent by
mail on receipt of price.
A WRITTEN GUARANTEE, forevery 16.00
order, to refund the money if a Permanent
cure Is not effected. Thousands of testimonials
from old and young, of both sexes, permanently
mired by APHRODiTim. Circular free. Address
Forsale by Slocum, Johnrton Drug Co., Hep
ner Oregon.
difud ftldti. u hoj A
(?drUU) jMjULyJUjbf.
raynul cnnED THE BEST
lor Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads
rW,t3KHjU;ilJ. S'.ld 10 lclrr. KKtlUlli f Alii
ul- an
X A oaraphlet of information ami nb-
(0. . , . t,n. lun. Ihnnlhn M... ... ,7
in Patents, Caveat, Trade,,
its, Covrliihts, sent fiee..,
ttrM MUNN b CO. ,
6000.00 year I being tnnrla by John t..
floixlivln,Troj',X.Y.,Ki worK for ui. lUdt!ei,
youitmv n t mnke a much, tiut n can
li vntt uuieklv Iioh to earn I'nmi i& to
10 a liar at the Hart, mid mote as von ea
on. Buth icxes, all Re. In any part of
.1nef1cri, you can conimfti'e at home, giv
ing all your time, or umic moment onlv to
the work. AH 1 new. Urent iav SMifc'inr
evrrv wcrkr. We start vou, "furnishing
tcerythinff. EASILY, SL'EKIJILY learned.
I'A tin (JUL A ItS FKF.K. Addren at om-e.
'can ha enrtied at our SErt line of work,
ii'iilly and honorably, by thole ot
either sex, vouiifl: or old, and in their
own Ioralttif,vherever they live. Any
one inn do the work. Khsv to lern.
Wa furnish everything-. We Uni t you. No risk. Yuu can devote
your spar momenta, or ail your time to the work. This is an
ntlrely new lead, and bring wonderful iuccspi to every worker.
Beginners are earning from 25 to 50 per week and upwards,
and after a little experience. We can funii&h you the em
ployment and teach you Fit KB, No apace to explain here. Full
information FltKK. TRUE A CO., AtUlttTA, MA INK.
So said Bul
wer, that
greatest of
Novelists, and he
never spoke more
truly, and he might
have added with equal force, that mtrU
is the essence of success. Wisdom'i
Robertine is the synonym of merit, and
Its history is success. The magical ef
fects of this preparation have been attest
ed by thousands of the leading ladle tf
society and the stage. It is the only arti
cle ever discovered which gives a Nairn
al and Beautiful tint to the complexion,
at the same time removing all roughness
of the face and arms ana leaving tbs
skin soft, smooth and velvety. If has
long been the study of chemists to pro
duce an article that while it would tWs
tify the complexion would also have the
merit of being harmless but these two
important qualities were never bro(W
together until combined in
'W loMCliilfiMaeiijf:ca.otwfGE,tii
JulUM.' "TO,Kl ATLANTA. 9A, joi
A TEAR! I tinderlk5 to livtcfly
IhIi I.v iiiii'lligi'iit in i smi oi itiilii 1
I'Mii ttiutl unit write, unci ulin
ft or InstrucUon.uMI work intlumi'lonal;'.
(o enm Hire 'I houHiitiu IJnllni'x ;
Vpttrlntliclron-n lotdilllPLwIiorfVPi tliev llve.I will ntso tliriiUh
.die alluution ormployiiii'iit,rU lili lt vm cun f-iu n Ihatamottu
No money fur tne unit nttri'rsafol 11 1 ulmviv ImimIv anil mili-t: r.
(turned. I d pairs hut one worker ihm cui li i! Inn let ot county. 1
Iihvb Iroaily taught nnd iirovlrii'tl with emiiloj inrnt 11 Hnr
iiimuer. who are maxing over a yt-Hr eni n. it a i,
nd NO Kill. Full nartSfiilfli'B V K ) I. AtiUr.-ss bi mit
i:. C, AI.I.X. IIuk 4SO, Aii(l"Mta, Muim
-f:i,A IX
i '.A kT! .
On tbis Wonderful
Bole Proprietors
Write for Catalogue. Mention this Paper,
f 1 $
-To, Til cycles.
BLY BROTHERS. a yarjpn Bt . New f orlt, Prlcn no cta.1
for you:
iSpection at our
,r kale by T,
ihbi uikio
Kt-Mayor Unnii-I F. Beatty, of Hatiy'j
Celebrated Organs ind Pianos, Washing tun,
New Jersey, has retunwd home from an en
tended tour of the world. Read his adver
tisement in this p;tpr and send for catalogue.
Dar Sir: Wa
returned homo
iprll t, lawit,
from tour
around to
world, vliilluf
IE urn pa. Au,
(Holy (.and), la
dta, Ceylon, Af-rlca(E(ypti,Oos-aaica,
the Sai,l ui
Weatara Aniait
ca. Vat In all
our great onrnay
of IS, 74 rotUt,
we do not rarneni
bar of hearlug a
piano or au orjaa
tweeter In too
than Beatty 'a.
For wa belleva
wa hiri tha
from a Photograph UV la London, ln B t ru me n ta
huslaud, una. md at any
price. Now to provo to yon that tbla atatemeot ta
absolutely trim, a win i like fur any reader of thla
paner to order on? cf c ir Tceich.eaa uricani or planoa,
and 0 will utter you a fT'eat baornln. Particulars Free,
Satisfaction (JUAUaNTEEU or money promptly ra
fn ailed at any time witliln tiireo (3 yean, with InterAt
at 6 percent, oo either Piano or Urun, fully warranted
uu yeart. 1870 we Irft borne a penniless plowboy ;
to-lay wa bae nea iv one hundred thousand gf
Beatty's organs and "pianos in use all over the
world. If they were not good, we could not bare
Bold ao maiy. Could wet No, certainly not.
Each and every Instrument la fully warranted for
tan year, to be manufactured from the best
material market afiordj, or ready money can huy.
Church, chapel, and Par.
Beautiful Weddtnjr, Birth-
my or tiuimay rreaenia.
l&talocMifi Fro a. Addreai
iitii V. Beatty, Washington, New Jersey.
Sun limn rorliinpuhstf heen mnrleii
.oik fur ui, lty Anna rage, a mini ,
Wna, anil Jim. Hon 11, Toledo, Ohio.
1 00 cut. Othfrnnredoinirat well. Why
nit you? Home pnrn ovar CMHMIO ft
noiith. You can do the work and llva
t li .imt, whernver you ar. Bvt; b-
K In ner aro eimllv earning from o to
f 10a day. All ajrea. Wealiow you how
nd tnrt you. Can work in upara tlm
or all the time. Big monfy for work
en. Failure unknown among them,
NEW and wonderful. Particular! fra.
II. Hullett fe Co.. Box S8O Purtlund, lUatu
The Great French SpeoiJIofor Debility.
A re you troubled
with any form of
nervoua disease or
any disorder of the
Generative organs,
al ining from youth
ful indiscretionH or
over indulgence,
such as
Power, &
mal Weakness, Nnoiiirnal Emissions, Weak
Memory, Loss of Power or Impotewm ?
Wa Guarantee Six Boxes to Cure Any Case.
A WRITTEN GUARANTEE is given for every
$5.00 order received, to refund the money
if a permanent cure is not affected.
Is used and recommended bv the leading
physician of this country and Europe, and
there is no question as to ils value. It will
give vou Manhood.
Price, If 1 .00 a bos, C boxea for $0.00. Sent
hy inuil on receipt of price, securely wrapped,
nnd protected l'om observation. Address,
! For sale by T. W. Ayers, jr. druggia
Hepner, Oregon
TIVl'.HV Itl'.HIMlC'T'.
AND m&q
und Manufacturers,
tCTnB.i,v. LSI--
Box 2 1 0.
1 fl
lion. Dai
A X y7 Jl
Being oompou ided from numerous herbs and roots, which
have been in ue among the Usage Indians for years, it
is the use of the .e roots and herbs which renders that gener
ally dreaded event so remarkable safe and easy with them.
'1 lie use of 0 iage Pills should begin three weeks befur
xpected confinement. Thousands of Testimonies open for
omoes. na itir Circular, t'nte, pet boa,
w. Ayers, Jr. Drnmrlst nenpner. Ore"
wrapper, tui
wrapper. put pam, on rceeipt of M.oo,