9 ';-fN THE WEEKLY HEPPNTSR GAZETTE, JULY 30, 1891 ON TO HERAT. Russia Extending Her Influence. SCANDINAVIAN NEWS. Reading Dime Novels Leads to Suicide. CUTTHROAT ROBBERS. NEW CIRCUIT JUDGES. Italy Is Overrun With Brigands. INDIA'S BORDER MENACED. More Labor Troublei Threatened Belgium Ex-Queen Natalia Will Not Get Anything. London, July 21 Advices from India bring the intelligence that Russia is again at work on the northwestern fron tier endeavoring to extend her influence in that region across the border into Hindoostan and Afghanistan, whose domination the St. Petersburg govern ment has long coveted. The dispatch at hand Btate that a Russian exploring party, 60 strong, is engaged in survey ing and prospecting in the plateau of the Pamer, but the intimation is also conveyed that while these are the osten sible objects ot the expedition it!i war like character suggests a far different purpose. As the Painer region is already com pletely under the influence and control of Russiu, further efforts to extend Rus sian lnnuence would seem to be equiva lent to carrying coals to Newcastle. It is assumed that the purpose of the ex pedition is to sow seeds of Russian in fluence beyond the frontier, where the growth shall be fostered pending the appearance on the scene of the Russian troops, which it is suspected may be already under orders to proceed to that locality. Ever since the operations of General Komarof, on and beyond the Oxus, where Herat was threatened by Musco vite troops, the northern borders of In dia have been menaced by Russian sol diers. It was not known at that time how many troops Russia had pushed forward to the frontier, nor has it since been possible to estimate, even approx imately, the number left there when the pretenses of evacuation was made. His known, however, that a much larger force remained than was stated, and it is also known that these troops have since been reinforced on several occasions. The effect of the advices, which are vouched for as being authen tic, is to induce the belief in political circles here that another attempt on the part of Russia to obtain a foothold in India is not far distant. HICLOIUM I.ABOH TROIJHI.IiS. London, July 21 A Brussels telegram says that signs of renewal of the strikes at Charleroi, Monsliege and other con gested labor centres in Belgium are numerous and alarming. As every one of the previous strikes in these places has been accompanied bv evew miAcioa of lisordar, resulting in bloodshed and destruction ot property, the mur- NOTES FROM THE FAR NORTH. A Swedish Count Wants 500,000 Crowns For His Title New Cus tom House For Chrlstlania. TRAVELERS NOT PROTECTED, Outrage. Committed Within Sight Cities (iuards Flee at Sight of Danger. of rit'Ht Vings of the workmen, who are egged mi me mrge numoer ot socialists agi tators that inlest the manufacturing and mining towns of Belgium, the law abiding population and local authorities are not alarmed without cause at the return of discontent of the overworked and underpaid laborers. The trouble between the employes and the musters has been and still is that the workmen blindly follow the lead of a number of irresponsible agitators. Whene ver the men have grievances that might be remedied without trouble, that are just and would at once appeal iu hid sense 01 justice 01 tne employers, they are induced by these self appointed advisors to make such extravagant claims as preclude the possibility to compliance, with the invariable result that the men are hopelessly beaten at theoutsetof the strike which follows. Kven now the iron workers and min ers are making demands that are cer tain to be rejected because of their in justice, and lor their inevitable defeat in the strike which cannot long be de ferred, they will, as on previous oc casions, have nobody to blame but themselves. SWEDEN. Stockholm, Julv 12 P. C. Airren. No. 6 Kommendorsgatan, Stockholm nas mysteriously disappeared. No marriage will take place between uount iteinhoia von Rosen and Mrs, Ellen Hartman, the beautiful actress, Mrs. Moore, ol Philadelphia, the grand mother of the Count, has refused to fur nmli lum with 500.000 crowns, whin. sum he was modest enough to ask for as a suitable wedding present. A new city hall will be built in liar snamii, tne aldermen having appropriat ed o.OOO crowns lor the purpose. Their silver wedding was celebrated lately oy jonn Lindalil, the well-know restaurant owner, and his wife, ( VVistandn, Snioland. A railroad will be built betwee Bergsjo and Hudiksvall, Vorrland, the city of fludiksvall having appropriated Tiu.uuu ior tne purpose. C. Ringquist. of Orebro. 75 years old and at one time a patrolling officer of that city, committed suicide the other ctay oy drowning lumseli. Ihe government has appropriated ou.uuu crowns to tne uenerai exporting union oi oweuen. Ihe Motala church is to be furnished witn electric iignts. J. liree young men were drowned June lb wiule tailing off Landstrona, Skone. hamuei Gouenius, one of the most prominent wholesale merchants of (Stockholm, died recently at the ad vanced ago ol 85 years. Snow fell June 15 and June 111 at Bcve ral places in Daleearha. John Johnson, a 22 year old laborer of Tviksta, committed suicide the other day. It is said that Johnson became in sane by reading too many dime novels lhree hundred and fifty Swndish. Americans arrived at Gothenburg May Herman Saetherberg, the prominent pnyeicmn ana poet, was SO years old juneiu. tie is in the best of health and yet loves to worship the Muses. Yy. W. Thomas, the minister of the united states in Stockholm, and his beautiful wife, are at present traveling in uurmern oweuen. IX-QIIKKN NATALlJi's CLAIM. London, July 21 Of the justice of ex Queen Natalie's claims against her di vorced husband, Milan, whom she in sueing in Paris there does not seem to he any doubt, but of her chances of re covering any part of her squandered for tune there seems to be a great ileal. Milan long ago spent all of her money that he could get his hands on, as weil as every franc of his own, and all he was uum to borrow from cunliilin and women. INinty-Bix person emigrated to Brazil June to, by way of Malmo. lierytiell, the famous utilist, who has Deen staying in Lund for some time left Copenhagen June 17 for America. A new' Methodist church is to be built in L,andsKrona, Skone. Ihe Swedish ueinle mipnd iMi enn oral for liquors annually, which is about one nan ol what they pay tor bread. A largo Newfoundland dog saved a boy from drowning the other dav at a sum mer resort in the vicinity of "Stockholm. ilottrius, "the miracle docior," is at present in Gothenburg, deceiving a crippled, suffering humanity. Archbishop Sundberg has admonished the ministers not to give one-sided prominence to the general doctrine ol' sin and grace, but pay more attention to real life. London, July 18 A private letter from Cagliari, Saidima, gives a startling ac count of the almost unrestrained depre dations of brigands in that part of the Italian kingdom. The writer asserts the authorities are so completely powerless to cheek the outrages that they give more attention toward suppressing news of their occurrence than they do toward apprehending the outlaws, and it has become scarcely a matter of doubt that the local oflicials in the smaller settle ments are interested in shielding them mat armed bands of ratlhmnto un.i rouoers should be able to roam at will m a wen-settled part ol a civilized coun try, oiten within sieht of town i ol- niost incredible, but siwh Is .ll.ai . ik Li- tact, mimerous mainm-aa nra given of attacks on travelers atteuled by a number of guards eneasred tection against such onslaughts, where the guards disappeared at the first sign of danger, leaving their employers at the mercy of the robbers, who relieved them of their valuables and nftor, ob jected them to most outrageous personal vi caLuieil t. Frequent complaints have heen mode to the government authorities of the danger by which travel in Sardinia is attended, but it does not appear that anything has been done or is likely to be done to put down brigandage and in Bure safety to travelers. Cost of a Woman's Vote. Ill a recent school election in Burleiuh county the vote of a lady was challenged uy some snort sighted man. The lady's brother promptly knocked the chal lenger down and naid a fine nf 414. w the privilege. Female suffrage comes high on the slope, but some people out there are bound to have it. Jamestown in. o.) Alert. Three Will Likely Democrats. Be APPLICATIONS ALL IN SHAPE. The Preldeut Will Troh ibly ShikI I .i Their Names tu ( ungre-ts Rurly In the Hestfitiu. I AO At I : Sleep, a Weary Feeling, Pains In: j Body or Limbs, Want of Appetite, : Eruptions. If you suffer from: :any of these symptoms, take j ! DonTim Washington, I). C. Julv 18 Presi dent Harrison will orobablv Iih.v Ida nomination for the nine new circuit judgeships ready to send lo the Senate soon after the meeting of Coiwress. The papers of the applicant have been nut in shape at the department of justice so that the President can readily judge ibe merits of each candidate and the strength of bis support. Those who know sumelhiiiL' of th leeling of the President and the attorney I general in the matter, believe that three I of (be nine places wi.ll go to Democrats. I lie natural course to admit u-mild i... i.. 1 ELIHIB D Hi 'WHY? Becams Vour Blood It Impure!" ,.Mave Pa "mr used mercury? jf B0 I 'J."ViOU Si"'6 ?ouf?1U,e needed attention ;at the timer Uon't you know that anl ! loW the mercury is In the system, you S swill feel the effects of It? We new i,Zl ; ell you that you require a blood medicine ! . tci ensure freedom from the after effects sK?i".1ri EnK"ii biou': !,'mi" 19 'he only known medicine that! . will thnrotighly eradicate the poiwin from ! ;the system, (let it from your drill; Hst i ;or wnte to W.H. HOOK ERA CO : ; 48 West Broadway, New "ork. -.... ........................ mm..m..t A For sal,- in w.H. m-Johnstoii, I)riiK i.o 5k yobr talr for it. Ii5i5t oi FaVirj it. EiiEl BOGGY flilly barait&.. ill balrj laV H?n. PRICES QUOTED ON APPLICATION. GEORGE ENGtT&lllNciNNATI, OHIO Chicago Man's Electrical Invention for Subduing Fractious Horses. n g men At proscnt he is living ou the income which the Servian government guar anteed to him as the price of his remain ing away from Servia, and this is the only source of revenue he has. It is not likely that he has anything loft over when the periodical payment is due, nor is it probable that the treasury at Bol grade can bo further drawn upon to help him out of his trouble. Ti.....,.r .1... r iiiooHiy sausiaeuon JNntauu 18 likely to get out of the suit is the op portunity it will all'ord her to expose the disreputable life her husband has led for years and let the world know the woman upon whom he has lavished her wealth. SAMOAN MALCONTENTS. London, July 20 Advices from Samoa via Melbourne, eavs that King Maleotea has ordered Chief Maltnfa to come to Apia. This Mattafa refused to do, de claring he would cause him to he ar rested. Malcontents in large numbers have gathered about Mat lata and it was feared they meditated the capture of Apia. Vigorous measures have been taken by the authorities to scatter the gang. Now everything is quiet. Chuibtiania, July 12 The trig tobacco uictory, called Langaards, in Christi- ania, was burned down the other day. Sheriff If. (). Christonscn, of Stavan ger, died at tho advanced age of ill) years. He was a prominent politician. Baron Arthur de Rothschild, of Paris embarked recently on his yacht Eras. and is at present visiting the different towns ou tne coast of Nor nay. ihe fifth meeting of Norwegian labor ers was Held in I trainmen Julyl2tb Kith, 1 ltti and If.tli. The big factories of Jacobseu A Co. ii Unesvik, near fredriksHtad, have burned uown. The Storthing has appropriated $''.ri, ooo ior tne molding ol a new custom nouse in t iiriHtiiinia. three new school buildings are to be erectou in i iiristianin, and additions are to oe made to two old buildings. The expoitsof timber from and Sweden to London were valued at 2,000,0110 during the months January May. A new steamship ompanv lias been organized in Christiania for the purpose of opening a new steamship line be tween Norway and China. The Storthing has appropriated $45, 000 for the Aas agricultural colleue. The elections in the district of Brcemo have ended with a complete victory for the Liberals. Several other districts show big gains for that party. The number of tourists arrived at nergen up to June lotu was smaller than tnat ol the corresponding season last year, IIKNM.tKK. A carriage drawn bv a nair of sniritorl horses that dashed north on St. Clair Btreet yesterday afternoon at a fnrimm gallop made a number of pedestrians halt in anxiety for the welfare of the one passenger who sat in the vehicle. No river was on the box anH tha lines hung Black on the humps A lock had been traversed when from n. apparent cause the pluneinK horses threw themselves on their haunchna oni came to a sudden stoo. The mn i.,:,io opened the carriage door, steDned not. ith n Qm; u: e . ' . . oimic uii ins IBCe. anri flftirl in a reporter, who had been watchino u progress of the runaway tnm you think it works pretty well?" It was Mr. Ilolson, a liverv man who claims to have invented a""press the button ' electrical contrivance h mi.;h runaway team mav tie ntrmnoH t. stanter. Beneath the driver's box a two-volt dry battery is placed, in the top of which are inserted three copper pegs that project from the ends of the lines. Running inside the lines are cop per wires formine a circuit tbrnnor. ti, horse's nose by small polished balls of iuunuium, wnicn press lightly against ...v, mura ui tut) nosirus. Tne cir- umuupeueu ami ciosea Dy means of two uutrons, one oi which can be oper uw.i a j tne unvtir, ,-uiiiiini ne be thrown from his seat before he can press the button, another button located beneath the seat, inside the carriage, can, be on- nrufnrl lur tl.a i iie reporter tested the merit of the invention by pressing the button inside the carriage after the horses had been anoHea to quicken their pace to a run t apparently worked like a charm in addition to his device for stopping runaway teams, Mr. Holson has also patented an electrical atinmlntur r.,r starting lazy or balky horses and giving them "style." This device is operated through the lines also, the enrront hoi applied to the horse's sides by copper plates in the back band. As a humane invention, d with the use of whips and spurs, several prominent veterinary surcronnu li,i..o dorsed the device. appoint uemocruti in the southern cir- uitM where there are ho f,.i i..... mblicans who are eminent at the bur Inereinaybe objections, however in appointing a Democrat in the Fifth cir- iiil, comprising Alabama, Florida. leoigia. Louisiana. MUnisoimi ,i Texas, because it is Justice l iimnr'u uit, and the aDnointment nf n tiai.ir,. cratic judge would make the court Dem ocratic. Just how much weight this consideration may have is not known in most cases the noliticul .,,iuuh would make no difference in tin, imm inent of the court, anil ii hunt ntiQcti.'uu of a political and constitutional choice aie iniwn it wuld be e.isv In tnlrA h,. ppeal to' the supreme c art 'if indinient was on Democratic lines. 11 the rule of keeninir Bach mmi publican is followed it will nrevont the appointment of Congressman r,,n,0,t. son, of Texas, who has been rather mnre conspicuously mentioned than any other democrat, ine same rule would pre vent the appointment nf n n,, ,n Congressman in Justice Field's circuit nlCtl COlTlDnseS ( ,'ulifrirnm l,ll, Nevada and Oregon. . ' ' The fourth circuit, including Mary land, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia, would be barred because it is presided over by Chief Justice Miller. The sixth circuit comprising Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee, is presided over by Jus tice Brown, of Michigan, but the circuit judue is a Democrat. This leaves only the eighth circuit, which includes Arkansas and Missouri with a lot of other Western States, where a Southern Democrat could be appointed without overturning the po litical balance of the court. It may be decided to run the risk of a Democratic court in Hn. T,,,. ;..,..,if IH I. ii.. r.u.... .......uuKii ni.c resineiu would in igh She Resident would nrobahlv come K) ffW.t a conclusion with extreme reluctance. s mm 7 , ii": ii ' Hoc) ly f HHIS is the machine that is used in the Office, Court-room, and for reporting lectures and sermons. While its speed is greater than anv other known method, it is so simple that any intelligent person can cain a speed of zoo or more words per min ute, in five or cix weeks, without the aid of an instructor. Circulars and testimonials sent to all who mention this paper. ' E. T. PIERCE, FAYETTE, OHIO, Sole Agent for U. S. and Canada. 8 . . . UQaHHH ill uitimnncy'""i'a3,i,.jegai!t I. Urn . if if mmmntmf Wi, ' r- rf- "3 SSKa Bimntin.in-im INSURpas; T0NE,'T0UCH Finish-.4 Largest MPianoFactorik 2'Iew Englahd Piaho c? 3 IT WILL DAV - ... . By Giving MORE POWER and USING LESS WATER than any othef Wheel THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL & ENGINE CO. SPRINGFIELD. 0.. U.S.A. FAULTLESS! ff Nature ia faultless and o is tha noble ""eovery, continaing only Na ture's own remedies. "The" " Scores Or. rIK(t m.,1 I,,!!,, , Ing fur a Dnnallnii of w.liion ItlKKKV JESTS. Whaling- llni-k Alnrs llamugeil. San Fkancihuo, July 20 Advices from Alaska state that the whaling bark Mara struck on a shoal at Sitka and damaged her rudder. She will return to San Francisco for repairs. Failure of Clio l-ai-i Strike. I'arib, July 20 The strike of railroad employes in this city has resulted in a complete failure, the men having re turned to work. A Ship lluilly Itlatresaeil London, July 20 - The Butch ship Khersonese, from Dundee, for San Fran cisco, bus been towed into Montevideo with her canto heated and hift.,i with the loss ot her lore and main-toD ntootn Fire Were Urowneil. Dt'BUN, July 20 A dispatch from Donegal saya that by the capaiiing off that place of a pleasure boat containing six youtha yesterday five were drowned. C.oi'UNu.uiKN, July 12 The Czar of Kuflsia will visit Copenhagen between August 20 and September 1. rietur rjetursou, the ox-bishop of Ice land, died at the ago of 8H years. lie was appointed a biahop in hstiti, mid re signed only two years ago. three men were drowned while row ing in Frederiksholm's canal at Copen- iwo wen preserved bronze vessels nave oucn louna aootil lour toot lielow the surface in a swamp near Aars. They mm uu rem io ine museum ot .Norse an tiquitics. The receints of the mvnnunani (.,. ine uioiun oi April last lroni tariffs and inernal revenue were 1.0fl(t.4tirt 7 . compared with $Ut4,412.4rt during 'the A corpse that was completely mummi fied and must date from a very remote period has just been found in a swamp near pevei. n was sewea up in the hide of some animal by means of fine cords maae oi sinews. FINLAND. Mboru, July 12 Six new public ...t.n.oa I.- u..;i. i .1... T. "wio mo vv i.u wuui hi iiiw p&nsn oi Nykyrka. Count Heiden, the general governor of Finland, will resign. The city of Abo has 93 factories, at which about 3000 worktngmen are em ployed. Oscar Evanpoika, of Sippola, was brutally murdered by a farmer named Liikiatoc. Liikietoe was arrested, Hostess Te he I f Downeast, but really the New Kmrlnn.i custom of having pie for break fast seems vuiy luuny. Mr. Downeast Ah. madam if .,,. could taste New England pies you'd want them three times a dav. Good News. When a sick man rnfusnu in oa,i t., .. doctor that is a sign that he still clinss "'oi oAftB killings. Unless a man lives shouts, the less noise he ter. Ram's Horn. as high as he makes the bet- City Editor Does Senator Feller wear whiskers? Reporter No; they wear nun. itasnington star. yuesier l wonder why it is that a man is heavier when he is in liquor .......,.,, ,,, ,u,t,r ; ,i0ster mat easiy explained. it's because he ' hall shot." Boston Courier. Miss Summit (at the seasideL-Wh-t me you oegininng tnat novel over again lor? I thought you had nearly finished it. Miss Palisade So I had. But I lost the place. Life. It is safe for you to assume that the man who is alwavs eager to tell you a bit of scandal about somebody else is a ways just as eager to tell somebody else a bit of scandal about you. Hornet ville Journal. An Acquired Experience. When a young man first meets an ex penenced coquette he is apt to think now artless she is; before he gets through with him hfl ia rifaif,, ...... a. think how heartier .h ii ''.u Journal. ' Nkw York, July 20 "I would not have Dr. Briggs for my spiritual ad viser." This remark was made in a very em phatic tone by Uusseil Sage regarding the fight between the Union Theological Seminary and the Presbyterian General Assembly. It must not be supposed from thiB that Dr. liriees had plicatioo for the eiiar.! great Wall street niillionnii-o'a annl ne nau just read a report that he was going to sue the Union seminarv for $o000 which he had given to it on condi tion that true blue Presbyterianism should be taught there, which condition some people claim, the directors of the institution violated in retaining Professor Briggs after the General Assembly had vetoed his appointment to the chair of biblical theology. "I don't believe in all these new iBtiis,'" continued Mr. Sage. "Thev are tearing up the very roots of faith uai we want is lo keep right along in the straight line marked out by the miners oi me cluirch. We must have aii aiicuoring ground or we will be cast about in all directions. I am an old school Presbyterian, and I don't want to nave anything todowith the Briggses. the Westminster Confession of Faith is good enough for me. "As to the $(5000 I gave to the semi nary, i have made no effort, to rannv :i yet. 1 hope the trouble will be settled amicably. If it is not, then I may take some legal steps. I certainly would not have Dl con n cent of the money if I had known that the directors were Koine to run tho seminary in accordance with the Briggs theological ideas. My check Was ffivpn with the clear understand institution was to conform with the f resbyterian doctrinal basis, and was to be under the supervision of the General Assembly. The di their compact and. unless thv nnnio lit lenuB, iney nave no right to the money." Mr. Sage's ideas on this point are shared by many prominent Presbyteri ans who have made large donations to the seminary. It is said that John Crosby Brown, whose father, the fnnn.Io. 1 of the firm of Brown Bros. & Co., gave 30,000 to the Beminary, is dissatisfied and may sue for the recoverv of the money on the ground of breach of con tract, Edwin T. Morgan and other h ex-Governor Morgan, who donated isn . 000, are also reported to be dissatisfied. ' YOUTH lip ?, S.u.man ra- keep UP FRAZER AXLE GREASE BEST 1ST THE WORI.lt. outlninl1u"tiMa? """"Pas!, actually .!,. i ? L 110X68 of anyothar brand. Not effected by beat, tr dtl I HE UKS 171 HP. Dentil of a Vale Orailuale. New Haven, Conn., July 20 A cable from London announces the death of William N. Thatcher, who last month graduated with high honors from the academy department of Yale. He was a son of Judge Thatcher, of the Colorado supreme court, and nephew of Professor Thatcher of Yale. His home was at Pueblo, Col. mm COOPER Hip K A-ZBliii Dipping I)1 2 .AMERICAN RRAIXV LOCAL AEENT ISlllNGTON STATE NKWS. ques- nniount WILL SEAT TWO THOUSAND W. H. Nw Il Fife Talks Ahoul IkmUnI Cluirch. Mr. W. II. Fife, of the board of trust ees of the First M. E. church, said thin morning that the new stone church will be built to accommodate 2000 persons ordinarily and 2500 when crowded and will cost, completed and furnished, in cluding the site, $100,000. The latter will cost $12,000, that being the price asked for six lots at I and Sixth avenue, which he thinks will be bought as a church modeled after the Victoria church will require at least six lots. The matter is to be closed up this week Trustees C. 8 Barlow, W. O. Chapman; and b . A. Elder have been appointed a committee to conclude the details and have the work begun. Local Agents H. BLACKMAN A CO., COFFIN A McFAKLAND Ifeppner An Inaana Mnu Creates a Disturbance in the Visitors' Gallery. Cook's letter: "Dear Fraim I hno nothing to write about today, and I re main, with kind love, manv kisses nnH a couple of sausages, yours ever, Ba bette. " Bl umen lese. WITH liYNAMITR Au Attempt to Blow Vp Newcastle. Cabin at An Vuselfltih flulelde. Undying fame awaits a Frankfort woman who has originated a novel and unique, though painful, method of com mitting suicide. She went into a gical garden there and fed herself to the bears. The system has obvious advan tages, but unlike others it affmvU r,u. sure to at least a few viz, the bears Chicago News. T ii -7-.-m . . , iou ii soon see wnetlier I Will or not. Now. I want vnnr tipt-nt or me casn without any more fuss." "Nary one." The conductor paused for a moment or two and then called the brakeman. "Now, are you going to get off with out a fuss, or will we have to throw you oft ?" The man skhed and said hn London, July 20-The House of Com. ?ff Quietly. When they got on the dat- mons this evening was the scene of a I l?rai a , the conductor had his hand on sensational occurrence. In the midst ol i TT 1 , P9senger st his eye the Illative proceedings a iTX SS" ttU had been sitting in the strangers' gal- up?" lery suddenly sprang to his feet with a "Certainly. Ticket or money." yell. Great excitement arose when the , After another look the man shook his excited individual was to be seen flm,,.. 1 head. "Let her ao. Cantain " ishitig a package of some kind, which I .The conductor pulled the rope. The he hfilll 1H hid l.na Tl.- . Oil K.dlrna 1 1 J . . i 7 j V j iue man vio-1 ot'u"ciieu ana me train came :iy "?auou 'ne DUnal Pon the floor l" 8 Bl0P' he man stepped off and of the House. J then, handing the conductor a bit of Constables immediately hurried into P8teboard said : the gallery and after ejecting the die-! - "l don't cheat no railroad company When captain, nere ye are." ... "nyin thunder didn't you give me this before? You can ride five miles urther on this ticket. Step aboard lively, now." ,,veI mini?' Captain ; I would hav He Hail Hie Ticket. "I'll take your ticket, if you please." The man looked up at him. "Han't got any," he answered slowly. "Well, the money then. Where are you going?" "Han't got any money." "Well, then, what are you on here for? If I don't get either money or ticket I must put you off the train." "You wouldn't Btoo an express train i., 1 : . " vouV' F ' now' voxM ca?e9 uPn. one Pno'. a beautifully I" w-jv HID UUUCI. Henry Bennent, who confessed to rob bing the First National bank at Port Angeles, has been declared insane. Simon Moses, an Indian, has been held for trial at Mount Vernon for ikill ing Old Moses, a medicine man. The Skagit News has been sued for libel in the sum of $20,000 damages for publishing an article said to reflect on J. M. Bennett and S. S. Murphine. The Menestash canyon, near Ellens burg, is full of prospectors and placer mining is being prosecuted with great vigor. Five carloads of horses, valued at $10, 000, were stolen from the range at Ritz ville early in Julv. It believed they were shipped to Chicago by the thieves. The Grand Lodge of Good Templars is in session at Spokane, more than 100 delegates being present. Wte . The Olyinpiintity" council has decided" io can an election to vote on the Hon oi Doiniinir the c.itv to the ot ifaiiuioi). Deputy George Bush has been ap pointed special deputy collector of cus toms at Port Towimenil. Aberdeen citizens are indignant ba t .nisi! they have no telegraphic commiii nii ion. A deer weighing 750 pounds was killed at l-u'iir d'AIene a few davs ago by J. M. l-arkins - ' "' -'fA. I'H Twenty liiiinpback""wha'ieB were seen disporting in the Kemiahmoo bay Sun dav. They were each about :10 feet long. Damage to the extent of $200 was done by fire to the Denver eating house, Seattle, early this morning. SON Kl.TIKS IN l':lllllie,. iTIie Upholsti'rur. A handsome mahogany parlor set is io empire style picked out in gold. A choice pure Louis XV. style is done in carved gilt, with a delicate peach and olive covering. One of the most beautiful parlor suits is decorated with exquisite Watteau upon the backs of various pieces. Ladies' decorated desks and secretaries are made in the most novel varieties with numerous contrivances and ingeni ous devices, which are well calculated to please the (air sex with irresistible decorations. Folding screens are made with the loveliest reproduction of Watteau upon the panels. Fine mirrorB are in some mi wcr vuoa mm into enstviv the bundle was carefully Dicke'd im on,i cautiously examined it was found to contain nothing more deadly than a lot of papers referring to some" grievances real or fancied. ' Musical criticism. Mistress (benevo lently to her maid, in anticipation of a compliment) What would von dn i you could play the piano as well as I can? Maid I should take Nebelsnalter. Nkwcastle, July 18 An attempt was made at 1 o'clock yesterday morning to blow up the cabin of August Sanders, a miner. The damage done w as not great, the charge being a light one and fired off evidently for the purpose of scaring Sanders. The Btriking miners stoutly assert that they know nothing of the matter. Thev are loud in exDressinna nf conuemnation ot the perpetrator of the need, wnictt tney cbaractente as thi work ol some one who in no way repre eents them or their methods. tn view of the attempt to blow im FriHv nhmitt,i tM u Sander's cabin Col. Haines counter-1 Panmiiat of I'hila.ioinhi. cu j-.I -A manded the order to withdraw the rally and peritonitis sei in yesterday militia at this point. ' when all hope was gone, ' vu wain nve miles back if I did. I live over yonder. So long, Cap. "-Detroit r ree Press. An Egyptian booth with elaborately designed fretwork top is a striking odd ity for a hall stand, and a full length miirorin the rear reflects the fret to good effect. Jewel cases of the daintiest and most delicate forms, beautifully covered, are made particularly ior "mamselle's bou doir." A masterly carved bull's head forms the back of a curious hall chair. The Dolished leg and seat and carved legs closely resemble the cloven hoof of the bovine. A delightful suit is in the of XVII. century design, hand carved. Ihe broken curves and graceful outlines muni, it-using contour, it is in five pieces and is covered with tapestry in duplication of the same early period. It Filled the Bill. "We have no use for bear stories," said the editor. "Our readeis demand something spicy. "Well," said the man with the manu script "this story is about a cinnamon bear." Indianapolis Journal A thousand was cut short our days -None arc exempt from death. Fanny Davenport's Mother Head. Canton, Pa., July 21 Mrs. Fanny Klitabeth Davenport, widow of the actor K. U Pavenport, and mother of the the famous actress Fannv Davenport, died oi utr cuimge near nere last night. She had been sick for some time and last m iriru nreath. rf6aiti Eking UjPowder: Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard,