The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, June 04, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    I'fcUfi WiftUKLY HMXWUH HliWJfih, OJW&p, iJJVZ 4 VSl
Sow It Worls.m.
IBM Orleans 81,
Balto.,Md.. Feb. S6,t0.
I was confined to ttat
house two weeks with
lumbago, tratSt. Jnoobl
OU cured mo ; no re
turn. WH.A.GOKTZB.
Fi'ucmille, Mo, Feb. 7, 1890.
"St. Jacobs 01! Is without a peer for palm,
bruises, aches, 4c." Rcw.T. Q. Hawkins,
Pastor Baptist Church.
Cincinnati, Ohio, April 2. 1830.
I suffered with a Fpraiocd ankle which
welled very much. Found great relief In us
of 6t. Jacobs OU and swelling disappeared.
Molue Hicks.
The Great Remedy For Pain,
Wyandottea, Plymouth Rooks, LiuH
UraniBbs, tose ana Binifie unmo
Brown Leghorns, Pm fridge
Cochins, Houdaus and Hil
verSpungled Hamhui ge.
Ready for Delivery.
iFowlsltave no Superior.
In Amerioa, nnd are the best on
this coast by a great difference.
Bend for Catalogue.
Box 55. com.396. Forest Grove, Or
All orders promptly attended to.
Prices to suit the Times.
Cattle branded nnd ear marked as shown above.
Horses F on right (thou liter.
Oar cattle range in Morrow, and Umatilla
comities. I will pay SI 00.00 rowanl fur the
arrant and conviction of any person stealing my
'riiis riorv i i i
Still Continues to Bell
At the Lowest Possible l'rioes.
A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame
thyst and Cameo Gold Rings,
Gold and Silver Watches Always
A Full Line of
Has been added to his large and well
selected etook.
Worlv GruArantooct.
STOKK opposite Minor, Dorison & Co's May Hi,
lloppoer, - -lt Oreuuii
Opposite Gazette Office,
Watches, A, Optical
Clocks, yy Goods .
Watches donned, - J 1.6a
Mainsvrinss Fitted tl-M.
All work iiuarantetd for one year, tf j
Lone Rick i" seeking Heppner aa
wool market this year.
Buttermilk aud Sweetmilk canyons.
over on the Lone Rock road, need atten
tion from the supervisor. Hie road is
choke full f rocks.
It is rnmorpd thnt "Uncle" Nat MoBee
and Marshal Riisraus have purchased an
interest in the Heppner lumber yard,
lou miicbt ask them about it.
This remedy is becoming so well known i
and popular as to need no special men-
tion. All who have used EJectrio Bit
ters siug the same song of praise. A
purer medicine does not exist and it is
Guaranteed to do all that is claimed.
Electrio bitters will cure all diseases o
the liver and kidneys, will remove pim
ples, boils, salt reniii and other affections
caused by impure blood. W ill drive
malaria from the system and prevent as
well ns cure all malarial fevers. For
cure of headache, constipation and in
digestion try Electrio Bitters. Entire
satisfaction guaranteed, or money refund
ed. 1'rioe 50o. and $1.00 per bottle at T.
W. Ayers' drug store.
'Monev is tight," snv many of our
people. Times are getting better now,
but will yet stand some improvement.
Pat Quaid says that Geo. Swaggart did
not fill bis connection with raoe "bosses"
to suit the critioal eye of Pat, nnd con
sequently be has superceded hiiu. May
Put reap a world of glory,
Anolesea Cottaok, L. B., July 2.
Gentlemen: Although it is verv rn
usual for me to use any lotious or
washes, still, in answer to your requset,
I have tried Wisdom's Violet Cream and
Robertine. The former I consider es
pecially effioacious in cases of roughness
of the skin, and I have been using 't
every day for the last fortnight. I have
found the Robertine an excellent prepar
ation in cases of tan, 8 unburn, etc,
caused by exposure to March winds and
a July sun.
Yours faithfully,
Lillie Lanotbt.
Prof. T. 0. Aubrey had a runaway the
other day on the road from his Eirfht.
Mile bum o the liny school house, on
Rhea creek, where he is teaohing. In
passing through a gate, the Prof, was
compelled lo leave the outfit a moment,
and in this little time the horse went
abend, somewhat recklessly, on his own
account, completely wreokiug every thing,
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
bruises, Sores, Uloers.SaltRheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hauds, Chil
Blaius, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
B'ld positively oures Piles, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or money refunded. Prioe
'25 cents per box. lor sale by T. W.
Ayers, Jr. Nov.14,'0.
N. A. Kelly struck placer gravel in a
posthole, up on his ranch above town,
some time ago, and on panning nut a
handful, found a color. This section bag
been prospected but little, and might pay
well for a little closer attention in that
These Pills are scientifically compoun
ded, and uniform in action. No griping
paiu so commouly following the use of
Pills. They aie adapted to both adults
and children with perfect safety. We
guarantee they have no equal In the cure
or aic'K mbadaciib. Constipation, Dvsoen
sin and Biliousness; and, as an appetizer.
tuey excel any other preparation.
We have reoeived from R. W. Mitchell,
Superintendent of the Portland Industrial
Exposition, an '"Advanoe Courier" con-
tinning a general description of the prin
cipal features which will be offered by
the Exposition opening September 17th
aud closing October 17lu, 1801. He very
thoughtfully supplies us also with blank
applications for intending exhibitors
which can be obtiiiued by culling at this
oflloe. There is every indication of the
Exposition of 181)1 being far ahead of
any of its predecessors. The musio will
be furtiinbe I by the great imperial Band
of Mexico, and the other features are ou
as equally a high plane.
In almost every neighborhood there is
some one or more persons w hose lives
have been saved by Chamherlniu's Colic.
Cholera ai.d Diarrhoea Remedy, or w ho
have been oured or clironio diarrheal by
it. Such persons take special pleasure
in reoummending the remedy to others.
The praise that follows the introduction
and use mukes it very popular. 25 and 50
oeiit bottles for sale by Sloo urn-Johnston
Drug Co.
roil COHOHU AND CltOI'P, wo beat
them all. 8. B. C. C.
Va'VV- - ' I
A strictly tiist-claes machine. Fully
warranted. Made from the very best
material, by skilled workmen, and with
the best tools that have ever been de
vised for the purpose. Warranted to all
that can be reasonably expected of tbe
very best typewriter extant. Capable of
writing 150 wo'ds per minute or more
according to the ability of the oper
ator. A machine that will manifold
more than double the number ot sheets
thau Buy other typewriter without affect
ing the alignment iu any respect, as on
this machine the aligumeut is iude
struotible. PRICE,
If there is no Agent in your town, ad
dress us ou the subject, as we are more
liberal with our Ageuts than any other
Company in our line.
International Typewriter Co.,
2 Park Square, ttoxtou, Mass.
3 . I
Grain looks well and will yield heavy
unless we bave some nnoalled for leath
er in tba next month.
The frnit orop will be very large bete
this year, for the amount of trees, as
tbey are loaded with yonrg fruit.
All the sheep of this plaoe are sheared
except George Perry's band, which will
he sheared in a few days. His wool will
go to Heppner this year.
Some of oar people have visited the
opal mines, but bave not looated any
olaiins yet. They will be of a great deal
of importance to Lone Rook if they prove
valuable, as they are only twelve miles
from the valley,
Mrs. J. L. Colwell and family, from
Wenatchee, arrived at Lone Rook last
week by the way of Heppner, where W. H.
Colwell and wife met them. They will
spend the summer at Lone Rock with
friends. Also will make Eight Mile a
visit, as that is Mrs. Colwell's old home
R. M. Johnson took 7,000 pennds of
wool to Heppner last week for W. H.
Colwell, ou two wagons. He reports tbe
roads very good, except Buttermilk and
Sweetmilk canyons. There is about two
miles of those two- canyons that need to
be worked very much. Tbe road down
to the Morrow county line is in good
repair. Now could not the people of
Heppner contrive some means to oause
that to be worked? It tbe loose rocks
were thrown out of the traok, it would
improve it very much and oause many
more to go to Heppner to trade. The
work that has been done on tbe oanyon
made it passable, so that people have
ventured to go to Heppner with farm
produoe and wool. And now jusi keep
the roads so we can get there, and that
will be one of our trading points. Also
the people of Lone Rook are very anx
ious to have a mail route from Heppner
to Condon, via this plaoe, and by an
effort by all parties interested we oan get
it through; so let's try.
Lone Rook, Or., May 25, '91.
Tired feeling, dull headache, pains in
various parts of the body, sinking at the
pit of the stomach, loss of appetite,
everisuness, pimples or sores, are all
positive evidence ot poisened blood. No
matter bow it became poisened it must
be pnritied to avoid death. Dr. Acker's
English Blood Elixir has never failad to
remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons,
Sold uinler positive guarantee by the
slocum-Junnstou Drug Uo.
The Cincinnati, O., Enquirer says
MoMahon's Circus is numbered among
tbe few legitimate arenio exhibitions,
and deservedly so when its standard iB
measured by the individual ability ot its
performers. Tbe riding is the yery best
ever seen here. The acrobatic and gym
nastic feats undoubtedly excell that of
any other organization, while the many
novelties and new aots were an agreeable
surpri e. It is vouched for by parties
posted on the salaries ot arenio talent
that MoMahon has the highest list in all
branohes of any show in Amerioa. The
keen-eyed emissary of the Czar who
accompanies Jo-Jo, on being questioned
as lo Jo-Jo's salary, says he receives
$1,000 per week. Not the leastal tractive
feature of tbe great show is tbe monster
pnohyderm, Queen Jumbo, tbe largest
elephant in the world. The performance
of Jumbo and mate Romeo must be seen
to be appreoiated. It goes without say
ing the few remaining exhibitions in
Cincinnati will test the capacity ot the
Times-Mountaineer: There is quite a
movement n woul aud daily large quan
tities are beiug brought to the ware
house. Buyers bave not manifested any
engerntas to procure the dip, and report
the .boston market quiet. Very few
sales have been made and prices may lie
quoted at 15 to 18 cents per lb. The
prioe paid there was much lower than
this quotation. V,u.
The great appetizer, tonic and liver
regulator. lu use for morethau bUvenrs
iu Eugland. Positive epecitio for liver
complaint. Hud taste in the mouth ou
arising in tbe morning, dull pains iu the
bead aud back of the eyes, tired feeling,
dizziness, languor-symptoms of liver
complaint, iteinedy Jlr. ileuley s JLng,
lish Dandelion Tonic Relieves constipa
tion, sharpens tbe appetite and toues up
the entire system. Get the genuine from
your druggist for $1, and take according
to directions.
Mat be Ampdtatkd. The many friends
of Mr. Couser hope that there is uo
foundation for the following report from
the Albany Demoorat: "There is a pos
sibility that the legot Conductor Couser,
injured in tbe Lake Labish aooident.
will bave to be amputated. Tbe matter
will be deouled in two months. Dr.
Maston of this oity has joiued in one or
two oousultations over the matter."
Eugene Guard.
An Unrivaled Blood Purifier.
Found at last in Hibhard'a Rheiimat
io Syrup A remedy which expels all
poisonous matter aud taints of disease
from the blood. A well known citizen of
West Lebanon, Ind., testifies to its value
Ubntlkuen: It affords me much
ileaeuro to state that my wife has re-
wived greater benefits from Hibbard'a
'll.eumaiic Syrup than from any medi
hne she line ever taken. We have us
ed six bottles, aud find it to be the best
family remedy and the greatest blond
purifier that we have us d. It is truly
nil it is claimed to be by its founder.
lou oanuot reoomeud it too highly.
Yours Truly.
Frank Wallace West Lebanon, Ind.
8old by all druggist. Prepared ouly
by The Charles Wright. Medicine Com
pany, Detroit, Mich.
Last September a lot of wool upon
whioh ltHjo per ponud was offered
here was shipped to San Franoioo.
In Jan'y, aooouut sales were rendered ou
a sale at 20c per pound. After deduct
ing oharges for inauranoe, Btorage, com
missions, trieght and interest, the sale
netted 16 and a fraction.
Mr. John Carsgbar, a merchant at
Caraghar, Fulon Co., Ohio, srvs that St.
Patrick's Pills are the best selling pills
be handles. The reason is that they
produoe a pleasant oatbartio etl'eot and
are oertniu and thorough in their ao
tion. Try them when yon want a relia
ble ontlmr'io. For sale by Slucum
Johnston Drug Co.
The rancher smiles again.
Yon can't see anything without telling
it, oan you ?
Miss May Matlook has been on the
sick list but Is improving.
Tbe wool reoeipts at Heppner will be
folly a half million pounds more this
season than last.
Confirm our statement when we siy that
Dr. Acker's English Remedy is in every
way superior to any and all other prepa
rations for tbe throat and lungs. In
whooping congh and oroup, it is magio
and relieves at onoe. We offer a sample
bottle free. Remember, this remedy is
sold on a positive guarantee by tbe Slo-cnm-Johnston
Drug Co.
Tbe prioes paid for wool at Heppner
so far this season range from 12 to 10
This is abont as good as 14 to la'i for
wools of last, season. However, buyers
seen unwilling to take much more at
that figure.
Mrs. - John Curtis, of Peoria, HI.,
writes: "Used one box of Osage Pill
previous to my second Confinement; tbey
worked like a charm. Would pay (20
for a box rather than do without them,
as they bave proved a Godsend to me."
WriteOsageMedioine oompauy, Wichita,
lias., for particulars, and their book to
wives, mailed free. Bold by druggists.
Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Heppner Oie-
gon. . iras-iyr.
The Marshal fired two fellows ont of
town last p'riilay. Thev bad become a
little on the bubo order, and were not
The grand jury at Walla Walla hns
indioted several persons for complicity
in the lynching ot Hunt at that place
When you make up your mind to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla, do not be iuduoed to
buy some other preparation instead.
Clerks may olaim that "ours is as good as
Hood's" and all that, but tbe peculiar
merit of Hoof's Sarsaparilla cannot be
equaled. Therefore bave nothing to do
with substitutes, and moist upon bnviug
Hood's Sarspirilln, the best blood puri
fier and build ng-up medicine.
R. Alexander, of Pendleton, has been
elected Graud Representative to tbe
Sovereign Grand Encampment, I. O. O
F. of tbe Wurld, which meets at St.
Louis September next.
J. P. Hadlef, of Hardman, waa a visit
or at this offce reoently. Mr. Had ley
may be known to many as an aotive ad
vocate of tbe Farmers' Alliance.
The undersigned having been restored
to health by simple means, after suffer
ing for several years with severe lung
affection, and that dread disease con
sumption, is anxious to make known to
his fellow sufferers the means of oure.
To those who desire it, be will cheer
fully Bend (free of charge) a oopy of thd
prescription used, which they vill find
a sure cure for consumption, asthma,
oatarrh, bronchitis and all throat and
lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers
will try bis remedy, as it is invaluable.
Those desiring the prescription, whioh
will cost them nothing, and may prove
a blessing, will please address Rev. Ed
ward A. Wilson, Williamsburg, Kings
County, New York. x 400-362.
Pendleton.--is to haye a league ball
team. They have seonred Al Lawsou
and A. Foineham, to professionals.
Pendleton has some good local players.
E. Campbell baa added one hundred
sacks of wool to our Heppner market.
Seven Devils is soon to bave a paper
called the Devils Own.
State of Ohio, Citi of Toledo, )
Lucas Codnti, ( 88
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be
is the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, oounty and State afore
said, and that said firm will pay the sum
each and every case of Catarrh that
oannot be oured by the use of Hall's
Catarhh Core, x
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my preseuce, this 6th day of December,
. . A.D. 1886.
seal. A. W. GLEASON,
' Notary Pdblio.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internal
ly aud acta direotly on the blood nnd
mucous surface of the system. Send
for testimonials, free.
f-sBTSold by Druggtis, 75o.
Teachers' examination was held at the
school house, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday of lust week. Superintendent Sal
ing, Prof. J. C. Hudson and A. W. Pat
terson forming the board of examiners.
There were ouly seven applicants, of
which Miss Cynthia Winters and John
F. Davis reoeived eaoh a first grade cer
tificate. Miss Carrie Wilson, Thomas
Morgan, W. P. Snyder and Mnrgaret
White received each aeoond grade cer
tificates, and Miss Lillie Ballard a third
grade certificate.
A suggestion: If you are troubled
with rheumatism or lame baok allow us
to suggest that yu try toe following
simple remedy: Take a pieoe of flannel
the size of the two hands, satnrate it
with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind
over the sent of pain. It will produces
pleasant warmth and and relieve you
of ail paiu Many severe cases have
been cured in this wav. The 1'aiu Balm
can be obtained from Slocnm-Johnston
Drug Co.
Henry Schirziuger, supervisor of road
district No. 31', waaoooupied several days
last week in repairing the Spring Hollow
road, which was considerably dHUiiged
by the recent cloud burnt in tuul section
We snys Frank Gilliam's place wa pretty
badlv toru IU', but that the benetils
derived from toe so.tkiug will amount to
more than the dumnge.
The cyclone at Arliugton Inst week
did more linmugo than whs at first re-
ported. destroying the store building of
D. S. Rnlslou. and also the old skating
nuk owned by Jj. O. Ralston. Mr. aud
Mrs. Sprinkle and L. O. Ralston
wereiu the store when the aooident
happened, and thouogu reported seri.
onsly hurt at first, really escaped with
out any injuries whatever, which is
something miraculous. Mr. Sprinkle's
Block was damaged very little. Tbe
tall of rain waa Blight.
I have opened swell appointed tailor
ing establishment in my new build
ing on May street, and am now regularly
receiving new goods and will make ous
tom made pants rom $7 to 115 best
goods in tbe market
A. Abrhaubici.
Frank H. Snow. Cotumicwiuaer V. S.
Circuit Court at Lexington, Or., is
authorized to receive foes (or publication
of final proof, 4U-U.
Simmons Liver Regulator has never
failed to relieve Constipation ot the
While in John Day "town" recently,
we bad tbe pleasure of visiting the
orchard and flower gardens of Jaa.
Norman. His trees are all loaded with
young frnit, and witho. t donhi will have
an immense crop. That section seems
to be admirably suited for fiuit raising.
Trying to hold a drovo of caule together in a
tlreDchtng rata means an amount of exposurt which
few can withstand without terioua result.. II
aickness does not follow, it will be found that such
hardship usually brings on rheumatism and similar
complaints. At such time a " Fish Brand Slick
er " is worth its weight in gold, and is invaluabla
10 anyone uposad to stormy weather. For all sad
dle uses, you want a Pommel Slicker, which ktepa
the entire saddle, pommel, and cantle dry, and com
pletely envelopes the nder from head to foot Ht
ean'igttwt1twhtvtrtkwathtrt And, besides
keeping him dry, it keeps him warm. Every rang
rider has one. Why shouldn't you? Beware of
worthless imitations; every garment stamped with
" Fish Brand" Trade Mark. Don't accept any
Inferior coat when you can have the " Fish Brand
Slicker" delivered without extra cost Particulars
aad illustrated catalogue free.
A-J. TOWER, Boston, Mas
Land Office at La Grande, Or., May 22, 1891.
Notice is hereby given that the followiiiR
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before W. K. Ellis,
Com. U, B, Circuit Court, at Heppner, Or., on
JulyS, 1891, viz:
D. 9. No. 9401, for the Hl4 NEJ4 SEJ Sec. 4,
Tp. 1 $ R 27 E W. M.
He nages the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
James L. Howard, Galloway, Oregon; Thomas
H. Crow, John Kenny, Michael Kenny, of Lena,
Robert G. Powell take notice.
U7-i,i2. A. Clravrr, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., May 20, 1891.
Notice is hereby ei ven that the followiiitr-nam
ed settler has filed notice of hiB intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before V. R. Ellis,
U. 8. Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, ou
juiy a, irvji, viz:
D.S. No. 7032, for the and 4 NWW Sec,
12. Tp. 4 8, R 26 E.
He names the following witnessed to prove his
continuous residence upon, ana cultivation oi,
said land, viz:
James Talbert, W. H. Rush, H. C, Rush, John
rtusn, oi tioppuer, un-gon.
427-4;t2. John W. Lewis, Regtb-ter.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or.. May 28, 1891.
Notice is hereby given that the rol low im?-nam
ed settler has filed notice- of her intention to
make final proof in support of her claim, and
that said proof will be made before tne County
L.ierK oi .-iorrow county, ur., at Heppner, ur..
on July 11, ism, viz:
Hd. No. 3796, for the 8WJ4 of See. 33, Tp. 1 S. R.
25 E. W. M.
She names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous resiaeiice upon, ana cultivation oi,
said land, viz:
E. D. Palmer, C. N. Peck, W. B. McAlister, J.
S. Boothby, all of Lexington, Oregon.
John W, Lewis,
427-32. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., May 22, 1891.
Notice Is hereby etven that the following
named settler has nled notice of hia intention to
make final proof In support of hiB claim, and
that said proof will be made before the W. R.
Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon,
uii juiy 14, io;i, viz:
Hd. No. 8999, for the SWW Sec. 35, Tp. 3 8, R. 24
E, W. M.
He names the following witn esses to prove his
continuous residence upon ana cultivation ot,
said land, viz:
J. C. Haves, of HeoDner. Or.. W. W. Brannon.
J. O. Ingraham, Isaac Knighten, of Eight Mile,
John W. Lewis,
427-432. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or. May 19, 91.
Notice is herebv eiven that the followinsr-
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and that
saiu prooi win oe made oetore w. k. ehis, v. a.
Commissioner at Heppner, Or., on July 9, 1891,
Hd. No. 3115, for the NEJi Sec 15, Tp 5 8, R 25 E
W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
oi, saiu lauu, viz:
O. V. Chapin, B. Lieuallen, E. S. Cox and S.
H, Cox, all of Hardman, Or.
John W. Lewis,
426-431. Register.
Land Office at LaGrande. Or., May 19, 1891.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before W. R. Ellis,
Commissioner U. 8. Circuit Court, at Heppner,
Oregon, on July 6, 1891, viz:
Ps. No. 7783, for the SEJ Sec 1, Tp 4 S, Range 29
E, W. M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
Andrew Tterney, Vinson; P. A. Cornell, and
Kein Morton, Noun; C. C. Cunningham, Pilot
Rock. A Cleave k
42LM31. Register.
Land Office at La Grande, Or., May 12, 1891.
Notlee is hereby given that the following-named
settler has riled notice of bis intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that suid proof will be made before County
Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon,
on July a, 1891, viz:
Ds. No. 9909, for the N 8 W W, E W 8WV, 8WV
6Eli, Sec 13, Tp 3 8, R 29 K. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
James Dougherty, Loren Gentry, Albert Avers,
Johny Skogland, all of Lena, Morrow Co., Or.
A. Cliaver,
426-431. Register.
Und Office at The Dalles, Or., April 29, 1891.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of her Intention to
make final proof fn support of her claim, and
that wild proof will be made before the County
(. htrk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or.,
on June 18, -A, viz;
D.S. No. ran), for the SEW Sec. 20, Tp. 2 8, R 26 E.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous resldenre upon and cultivation
of, said laud, viz:
Arthur Minor, Frank RoVrts, Oily Johnson,
Elmer Slocuin, of Heppner, Morrow Co., Or.
John W. Lewis,
42-1-429. Register.
Ind Office at The Duties, Or., Apr. 29. 1891.
Notice ts hereby givtm that the following
named settler has filed notice ot his Intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before W. R. Ellis,
Commissioner U. S. Circuit Court, at Heppuer,
Or., on June 18, lS'Jl, viz:
Hd. No. 1616, for the 8VJ4 of Sec. 22, Tp. 8 8, R 14
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, vis:
Peter Brenner, Bruce Haines. C. E. Jones,
James Jones, of Eight Mile, Or.
Johm W. Lewis,
424-429. Register.
Li this day been appointed by the County
Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, ad
ministrator of the estate of Sarah E. 8nyder,
deceased. All persons having claims against
the estate will present them properly verilied to
the administrator at Qooseberry, Oregon, w itnin
six months from date hereof.
Dated April Uh, ltttl.
424-ta. W. p. ANYDER, Administrator.
Contracting, Building
(sml Carwta worKI
W Moving Buildings a Specialty. Have full
rig lor this work.
While VOTl keen vnnr Rnhanrlntinn nuM Hn -
oan keep your brand in free of charge.
Armstrong J. C., Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der n on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison. O. TV. V.iaht Mils. Oi- T .! k J
O D on left hip and horses same brand on right
shoulder, Rana-e. Eight Mile.
Arikinn .Tf!. Onwitl 1f. Mtn:k x.
the thigh ana two crops and a slit in the right ear;
horses, J, upside down on the right Bhoulder.
nange in Grant oounty and Boar valley, P O
address also at Hardmiin.
Adkins. C. R.. Hardman. Or TWam t An
right shoulder; ca tie, C R on right hip. Range
in Grant and Morrow counties.
Adkins. J. J.. H Arm tie n ta
nected on left flank; cattle, same on left hip.
Ayers. Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded
triangle on lett hip; cattle same on right hip;
also orop off right ear and upper bit on same.
Blyth, Percy H.. Hennner. nr. Hnrspn Hr.mnn
cross on right shoulder. Range iu Morrow
Bleafcman. Geo.. Hnrdmnn. Or Rnrooo D flt
on left Bhoulder i cattle, same on right shoulder.
KanniSter. J. W.. Hnrdman. Or. saHI hr&nH
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
iurae, ui oc iong i;reek, Ur On cattle,
MAY connected on left hin. oionnff Infr anr nn-
dor half crop off right. Horses, same brand on
iem Bnomuer. Jiangs m urant aud Morrow
Boweman, A., Mount Vernon and Burns, Or.
Cattle, A U on right hip, two erops in each ear;
same on horses, on right Bhoulder. Range in
Grant aad Harney counties.
Urosman, Jerry, Lena. Or. Horses branded 7
on righi shoulder; cattle H on the left side.
ijeit ear nun erop ana ngnt ear upper elope.
Barton, Wm.f Heppnvr, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattlr, same on right hip; split in
each ear.
Bennett Cy, Lena, Or. Horses, B on left
Brown, J. P., Heppner. Or. -Horses and cattle
branded B with ox-yoke above on left shoulder.
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
0 with dot in i4 ter on left hip; cattle, same.
Buyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand or riga. hip cattle, same, with split in
each ear,
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder: cattle, same on left hip.
Brownlee, W. J., Fox,Or Cattle. JB connected
on left side; erop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece out out on right ear; on horses same
brand ou the left thigh; Range in Fox valley,
Cain.E., (!aleb.Or.- Y D on horses on left stifle;
v wild quarter circle over it, on lett. snouiuer,
and on left b title on all oolts under ft years; on
left shoulder only on all hoiaes over & years. All
range in Grant oounty.
Crowley, W. H Long Creek, Or. Horses
brandtxi circle 5 on left shoulder.
Coohran. Chan.. Inn a. Or. HnrnAA. TIP nnn
nected on left shoulder; cattle, (1 on both left
nip ana suae, nange in Morrow county.
Cannon, P. B.,Loug Creek, Or. Ton cattle on
rieht side, crou off riu-ht ear and slit in left ear.
Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Range
in urant county.
Curl. T. H.. John Dav. Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
county. On sheep, inverted A ftd spear point
ou snouiuer. tar marxou ewes, crop ou len ear,
right and under half orop iu left ear. All range
iu uraui oouuty.
Crosby, A .A., Heppner, Or. Cattle branded! -i-
(or H L cor nected) on the riirht shouldur.
Carsner, Walter, M.t. Vernon, Or. W on cattle
on left hip, ciop and split in left ear; 7W con.
nected on horses on left shoulder. Range in
Grant Co.
Chittenden, R., Prairie City, Or, Pick, handle
aown on came nenr. mp ana sput in right ear;
horses, same brand ou right shoulder. Range in
uruui vuuinjr.
Cook. A. J. .Lena.Or. Horses. 90on riorhtRhnnl.
der, Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark square
Currin. K. Y.t Currinsviile, Or. -Horses, o on
left stifle.
Cochran. J II Monument. Or HnraAa hronHwl
T I Jt A on left shoulder. Cattle, same on right
hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop off left.
Cox & English, Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with
T iu center; horses. CE on left Sip.
Cupper, H. A., Monument, Or. Horses H C
on icit snouiaer- came a u on lett side, swal
low. fork on right ear.
Cochran, K. E Monument, Grant Co , Or.
HorseB branded circle with bar bonoAth. m loft
shoulder: cattle same brand on both hipB, mark
tinder slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded
d on ritrht hiD. ( 'attle brauded the saiha.
Cross, 8 L, Day vill e, Or ('attle branded two
crops and a split in left ear; on horses a
reversed Z on left stifle. Also have the following
brands on cattle: 72 on left hip, 7 on right hip,
72 on left shoulder, two parallel bars on left
snouiuer. car marics. two crops.
Doonan. Wm.. Hennner. Or. HorNna hrnnrinH
OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat-
tie same im ierr nip.
Douglas, W. M , Galloway, Or. Cattle, R D on
right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, R
on left hin.
Duncan, W. P., John Day.Or. Quarter circle
n vu riKiiv m turner, uuui uu uursw auu cattle.
RnniTA Grant countv.
Driskell, W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses branded
a. inside or u on leit snouiaer. uattle same on
lnft ui Ha of neck.
Damon, R E, Mount Vernon.Or. 7U connected
on cattle on right hip, under slope in right ear.
umier mi in ieit ear; same Drana on noises on
right hip. Range in Grant county.
Elv. J. B. A. Hons. Dnuslas. Or. HnriM hrnnH.
ed ELV on left shoulder, cattle same on left
nip. note ir ngni ear.
Eisk. Ralph. Prairie City. Or Horses. R F
right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. Range in
Grant county.
Eleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7F
connected on right shoulder; cattle, same on
right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop
off left.
Florence. L. A.. Hennner. Or. Cattla. LF nn
right hip; horses F with bar under on right
Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses, K on
right shoi Idet : cattle, i on ritrht hin or thisrh.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. OAK on left
Goble, Frank, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7 F on
left stitte; catth , same on right hip.
Oilman-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fos
sil, Or. Horses, anchor 8 on kft shoulder; vent,
same on left stifle, ('attle, same on both hips;
ear mams, orop on ngni ear ana unaermt m left.
Range in Gilliam, Grant, Crook aud Morrow
count ieB.
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H.
S. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle
Range in Morrow and Umatillacountiee.
Giltwater, J .C, Prairie City, Or. On horses,
O -O on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, on right
side. Range in Grant oounty.
Glaze, C. E.. and A. P. Snyder. Dawille.Or
Horses branded d on right shoulder; on cattle,
stripe down the left shoulder. Also, P 8 on
horses on left shoulder, and same on right hip on
cattle. Range in drant county,
Hiatt A. B., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top .
with quarter circle under it on the right hip.
Ran ice in Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Htnton AJenks, Hamilton, Or Cattle, two bars
on either hip; orop in right ear and split in left.
Horses, J on risht thigh. Range in Grunt county.
Hughes, Samuel, Wagner, Or T FL on right
shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right hip and on
left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left
Range in Haystack district. Monvw oounty.
Hall. Edwin. John Day, Or. Cattle E Hon right
hip; horses same on right shoulder. Jranguin
Grant county.
Hyde, Hiel A., Prairie City, Or.--AH combined
on horses on right shoulder; cattle on right hip.
Range in Grant county.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded
heart on the left shoulder, Range Morrow ( )o.
Huiisaker, U , Wagner. Or. -Horses, V on left
shoulder; oa' tie, 9 on left hi'
Hardisty, Albert, Nye. Oregon Horses, AH
connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left
hip, crop off left ear.
HodaonJ F. Mount Vernon. Or. JF connected
on horses on right thigh; on cattle. N Bon
right hip. Range iu Grant and Harney,
Humphreys, 4 41. Hardman, Or. Horses, H on
left tiank
Hiatt, Wm. E., Ridge, Or. Horses branded
bar cross ou left shoulder; cattle same on left
Hayes, J. M., Htppner. Or. Horses, wineglass
oi left shoaldei cattle, same on right hip.
Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek, Or Cattle 1 Don
right hip, crop off left ear and bit in right. Horses
same brand on left shoulder, lUnite in Grant
Huston. Lnther. Eight Mile. Or. Horses H on
the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle. Cat
tle same on left hip. Ranee in Morrow county.
Jenkins, D. W.,Mt, Vernon.Or. J on horses on
left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two
smooth crops on both ears. Range in Fox and
Bear valleys.
J an kin. S. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse,
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sams.
Range on Eight Mile.
Johnson. Felix, Lena, Or. Horses, circle T on
left Mine; cattle, same on right hip, under half
crop in right and sulit in left ear
Kirk J. T., Her pner. Or. Horses, 09 on left
shoulder; cattle, by on left bip.
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
KNY oa left hip, cattle same and orop off left
ear; under slop a the right
Kirk. J C. HeoDner. Or. Horses. 17 on either
f!Hnl:i!attl 17 n rieht sid.
Keller. Richard, Rlaototi. Grant oounty, Or.
on left BhoulrW. Range Ileer valley.
Kumberlitrd.W. G., Mouut Vernon, Or. I L ou
cattle on right and left sides, swallow fork in left
ear ana aimer ciop in right ear. Horses same
brand on left shoulder. Range in Grant county.
Keener. Kli. Hi npner. Or. Horses. .1 L and
aco of olnbs on left stifle. Range in Umatilla
and i orrow counties.
Loniey.M 0, Monument, Or A triangle Iflwith
all liues extending pa t body of figure ous I hor
ses on left shoulder, on cattle, diamt.nd ou left
shoulder, split in right and auder bit in left ear.
nange m ura"t con nty ana to parts of Johu Day.
Laurence. R. L..Pmirt 4Hv Op I'uttio 7. nn
right hip; horses, same cn right shoulder. Range
i uiuiiiouuiiijr,
Loften. Steithen. Fox. Or R 1. nn Infr. bin
on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses
same brand on left shoulder. Range Grant
Liieuallen, John W., Lexington, Or. Horses
branded inliinlo .If r,mu,i.,n
der. Cattle, samt-on left hip. Range, near Lex
Lord, George, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
double li coi.neoted. Sometimes called a
wing H, on left shoulder.
Minor, Oscar, Heppner, Or.-Cattle, M D on
right hip; horse. Mon left shoulder.
Morgan, 8. N.. Heppner. Or.-Horses, M)
on left shouldet cattle, same on left hip.
mct umber, Jaa A, Echo, Or. Horses, M with
bar over on right shoulder.
Mani., B. ti.. L,eutl. Or. Hnrana nlrf mum 77.
on right hip; young stock, small as on left
Morgan, Thoa., Heppner, Or.-Horees. circle
T on left shoulder and left thigh; cattle, Z on
right thigh.
Murphy. J. J., Fox, Or.-Horses A B cn the
left shoulder. Cattle, same on right hip; ear
mark, crop and split in left ear and underbit in
right. Horses also 4 on left stifle. Bheep.E K.
Range in Grant county.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 ou right
hip; cattle. 77 on right side.
MoClaren, D. GM Brownsville, Or.-Horses,
Figure & on each shoulder; cattle. M2 on hip.
MoKern.W.J. Mount Veruun. Or X I on cattle
on right hip, crop iu right ear. half crop m left
same brand on horses on left hip. Range in Grant
McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Male shoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in
each ear; horses same brand on left stifle.
juuitr, oaruey, r x, ur. fiurses 7B con
nected On left Mhniilllur- nutria U
Grant county.
McHaley, O. V., Hamilton, Or.-On Horses, 8
with half oirele under on left shoulder; on Cattle.
four liaro nmiiiu.iul ..n ,.. .. a.. ' . , '
Range m Grant County.
Meal.Audrew, Lone Rock, Or. -Horses A N con
nected on left shoulder; cattle same on both hips,
Newman, W. R., Heppner, Or.-Horees N
with half circle over it on left Bhoulder
Neville, Jas , H ppner. Or. Horses, N on left
shoulder; cattle same on left hip; ear mark, three
slits in rjgla. Range in Morrow county.
Nordyke, E., bilverum. Or. Horses, circle 7 on
left thigh; uaitle. same on left hip.
O'Flyng, E. Wagner, Or. - Brands horses
Kl)n i shoulder; cattle on both hips, Claims
,y. brtt"(1 on mv part of uody. Brand recorded.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 2 on cattle
on left hip; ou horses, same ouleftthigh. Range
in Grant oounty.
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left i.
Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected on left hip; horses on left stifle
and wartie on nose. Range in Grant county.
Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile. (Jr. Horses, quar
ter circle uhield on Jeft Bhoulder Bnd 24 ou left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24
on left hip. Hang on Eight Mile.
Pope. Wm.,Mount Vernon.Or. -1 Toncattle on
left hip, two slits in left ear; same brand on
horses on lett stifle. Ranve in Grant couuty.
Parker A Gleasun, Hardman, Or, Horses IP on
left shoulder. ,
Piper, J. H Lexington. Or. -Horses, JE con
nected oi lett shoulder; cattle, same on left bip.
under bii in each ear.
Patberg, Henry Lexington, Or. Horses brand
ed with a Rumai cross on left shoulder; cattle
branded with Roman cross, bar at bottom, on
left hip.
Powell, John T., Dayville, Or Howes, JP oon
neo ed o left shoulder. Cattle OK oouuected on
left hip, two under half crops, oue on each ear,
wattle uuderthroa.. Range iu Grant county.
liickard, G. D., Canyon City, Or.-F C on left
shoulder, on horses ouly. Ringe Canyon creek
and Hear valley, Grant oounty.
ItooU. Andrew, Hurdumn, Or. Horses, square
cros witli quarter-circle over it on left stifle.
Keninger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C R on
left shouldei,
Kudio, Wm. Long Creek, Or.-Brands horses
it oi right Bhoulder. Range Grautand Morrow
Royse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Heroes, plain V on
left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on
right hip and crop off right ear. Range in Mor
row couuty.
Rush Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded X
on the right ehouluer; cattle, IX on the left nip,
crop off left ear and dewlap on neck. Range in
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Rust, William, Pendleton, Or.-Horses U on
left shoulder; cattle, K on left hip, orop off
right ear, underwit on left ear. Sheep, R on
weathers, round crop off righ ear. Range Urns
tiilaaud Morrow c mnties.
Reaney, Andrew,. Lexington, Or. Horses
branded A R on right shoulder, vent quarter
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow county.
Royse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or HR connected
with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip
and crop off right ear and split in left. Horses
same brand ou left shoulder. Range in Morrow.
Grunt and Gilliam counties.
Hitter, J F, Ritter, Or Three parallel bars
witn bar over on horses on left hip; on oattle, left
side, two smooth crops, two splits in each ear.
Range in Middle Fork of John Day.
Rector. J. W., Heppner, Or.-Horses. JO on
left shoulder. Caitle, O on right hip.
Spray, J . F., Heppner. Or. -Horses branded 8F
connected oj. right shoulder; cattle same on both
bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
Skinner, G L, Uitter, Or Horses, two-bar 8 on
left stifle. Piain 8, two bars on left side, a crop
and three splits in right ear, swallow fork and
underbit in left, cattle. 8 on cattle larger than on
horaes. Range m Grantcounty.
Swaggurt. A. L., Ella. Or. Horaes brande- 2
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Crop
on ear, wattle on left hind leg.
Straight W. E., Heppner, Or. Horaes shaded
J S ou let. stifle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow
fork in righ i ear, underbit in left.
Bwaggori , L, Alpine, Or.-Horses, 8 S on right
Sapp, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P on
left hip; catut same on left hip.
Bears, W. H.. Fox, Or. Horses bar over B.
Range in Fox valley.
tthobe, Dr. A. J Heppner, Or.-Horses, D8 on
left lap; caitle, same on left side, wattle on left
side of necK ears cut eharp at point.
Smith, E, F, Pilot Rock, Or. Cattle, horse
shoe ou left side, orop close in left ear. Horses,
4 on Jeft thigh Range in Umatilla and Grant
bhrier.John, Fox, Or, NC connected on
horses on right hip; cattle, same on right hip,
crop utt right ear and under bit in left ear. Range
in Grant couuty.
Smith Bros , Johu Day, Or H on cattle on
le t shoulder.
Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, B
on right tiii ; swallow-fork in left ear.
Swaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
left should, ; cattle, 44 ou left hip.
Stewart, Geo., Haramau, Or. Horses circle o
or left shoulder.
Smith, E. E. Lone Rock, Or. Horses branded
a crossed seven on left shoulder; oattle same on
left side. Range, Gilliam county.
Smith Geo.. Heppner, Or.-Horses branded
G S on lett flaut,
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, g on
left siiuuiu. r; cattle, 2 on left shoulder,
lip pets. 8. X., Lena, Or. Horses, C on left
Turner R.W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
lett shouldei, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in both ears.
lb ruton, H, M., lone, Or. Horses branded
H i connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Thoiaas, P .ftlt. Veinou, Or. -IF connected oa
cattle on right hip, swallow fork in right ear and
underbit m same ear; horses, same brand on right
stifle. Range in John Day valley.
lucker, ti A, Prairie City, Or. F on cattle and
horses on lett shoulder.
Turanian, John, Prairie City, Or. On horses,
10 on leit stifle; on cattle, O with bar under on
left hip. Range in Grant county.
VanderpooL H. !.. Lena. Or; Horses HV con
nected ou right shoulder ;cat tie, same on right
Warren, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle, W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split in right ear.
Horses same braad on left shoulder. Range in
Graut couuty.
Wood, F L, Dayville, Or Heart on horses on
left stifle; on cuttle, 2 on left side and under bit
in left ear. Range in Grant county.
Wright, Silas A. Heppner, Or. Cuttle branded
8 W on the right hip. square crop oil right ear
and split iu lett,
Wallace, Francis. Mount Vernon.Or Square on
oattle on the left hip. upper slope in he left
ear aud under slope iu right ear. Sttme brand
ou horses on right shoulder. Rauge in Harney
and Grant countv.
Webster, J, 1,, Heppner. Or. Horses branded
wuh bar over J on right shoulder; cattle same
on right hip, crop off left ear and split in each.
Range, Morrow couuty.
Wade, Henry, Heppner. Or. Horses branded
ace of spaded ou leit shoulder and left Md.
Cattle branded same on left side aud left hip.
Wells, A. 8., Heppner, Or. Horses, " on left
shoulder; cati s same.
W olhnger, John, John Day City, Or On horses
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sbeep,
bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Malhuer
Wyland, J H, Hardman, Or. -Circle C on left
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, UP
connected on left shoulder.
Wat kins. La she. Heppner, Or. Horses branded
TJE oonnecteo on left stifl.
Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on
right thigh, bolt in left ear; horses, W on right
snouiaer, snrw same on left shoulder.
Whittier Bros., Drewsy, Harney county, Or. -Horww
branded W B. nmnected on left houlder
Williams, Vasoo, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cat Us and
horses. Range Grant county.
Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle smne,
and slit in wrh mr. Rang in Grant county.
Wren, A. A., i.eppner. Or. Cattle, running A A
with bar ero ou right hi p.
Young, J. 8., Gooeouerry, Or. Horse branded
T B oa the right shoulder.