IJK WKEKL.Y HJFNEK UVIWIE, HKPPNEK, OKEUp.N, JUNB 4 mi THE GAZETTE. Waokve will hveBtter bsvediieot mil service to Heppner, vis HardmaD. Ocb esteemed nei(bbor cornea ont with (even column folio tbis week. Though we don't get along like neirhbora should, the Gazette is planned at tbis effort on bis part to make bis paper more inter esting to patron i. Thb United States supreme court up hold! the constitutionality of the origi nal paokage law passed br oongress, and also the neoeasity for the ttate to re en."ct its prohibition "tier the passage of tbe' congressional aot in order to shut out liquor in original packages. HE Farmers Alliance ?ery justly ob ject to alien ownership of publics land, this is perfeotly right, but they ruin it all by advocating that the goverment should loan moDey at a cheaper rate of in terest than that at which it can be bor rowed. Tbe people should support tbe government not the goverment tbe peo ple. Ocb neighbor assures us that we are mistaken about something, which be re fers to in a mysterious way, hardly know ing himself what it is. That be, him self, is responsible for taking the oouuty printing at $25 per year, this paper again affirms. However, the Gazette is willing to conoede that newspaper rows are very foolish, yet it asks nothing at tbe bands of the Record. We hear tbut many of Morrow conoty's supervisors are awakening to the neoes eily of better roadn. and are appreciating the responsibilities devolving upon them by looking after thoroughfares in their respective districts. This is as it should be. We have not had tbe best reputa tion in tbe matter of keeping up our roads, but it is hoped that hereafter no one will have reason to say, "Morrow oouuty baa the worst roads in tbe stute." Poktland, East Portland and Albinn carried consolidation by 8,412 majority. Kren Lotan with bis sack oould not stem the tide of popular sentiment, that con solidation is the best for all. It oobIb less to maintain one oity government than three, and eveu we buuohgraHserB take rauob pride iu saying that ''Oregon lias the biggest, bUHient and bebt town in the Northwest." This sentiment, echoed and re-echoed, will give Oregon and Portland niuoh prestige abroad, re doundiug iu great good. A citizen of Oregon, who citnuot rejoioe at the stio cess of consolidation not worthy to reside within tbe limits of our state. A ooUMOM oarrier oaunot refuse pas sengers or express, matters not from where they oonie. Mr. McCoy, in his efforts to force the sale of the Monument-Canyon City stage line, has pulled off bis stages between Mouument and Long Creek. He resorts to tuis as a dirty means to ruin the Heppuer-Monn-meat line, and to compel the purohase of his Grunt oonnty lines heretofore mentioned. Fruits en-mute for Canyon City have been sent over to M nument, and will be taken to Long Creek, and should Mr. McCoy refuse to oarry them, an action should he brought ugaiust him for damages, aud without doubt will be. In nny event, Heppner will see that Biagos run regularly batween Monument and Long Creek, oarryiug freight and passengers as of old, and no discrimi nation ou the part of Mr. McCoy will be ' tolerated. This action on his part will hurt Heppner if not remedied immediate ly. Heppuer may quarrel alittleoooasion ly among themselves, but when aroused to tbe faot that their mtereuts. are en dangered, stand together shoulder to shoulder. The town of Heppner doe not propoe so be iuoouveuieuced) in the least by Mr. MoUoy, or any other would be schemer. DKATII OF .11! HUE BIKD. From the Times Mountaineer. Hon J. H. Bird died at Passadenn, Calif., lnat Saturday night, after a linger ing illness of seerval months. He was taken sick iu tbis city in December, 1H8'J, aud after improving somewhat went to California for his health, accompanied by his sister, Miss Lulu Bird. A few weeks ago his mother left The Dull for the home of her son, and was at bis bedside when he died. A telegram was reoeived a fow days ago by friends announcing his critical oonditiou. Mr. Bird was aged about 33 years, and a young man of unusual promise. In early life he atteuded the public school in The l)alles, and afterwards matriculated at the university at Salem. He was ad mitted to tbe bar in J miliary, 1879, aud Was elected to the legislature the follow ing year, where his judgment and abili ty won praise from bis fellow mem bers. For several years be practiced bis profession iu this city, and was very sncoeBHful. In 1880 he was elected judge of tbis district, and served iu that oapnoi ty until siokneHS dubarr-d hi in from the performance of ollieial duties. His clear understanding of law, honesty of inten tion and judicial discrimination made him many friends among members of the bar and litigauts, and no one ever occupied tbe poeitiou who stood higher iu tbe eatimntiou of the people. Though not unexpected, tl.e death of Mr. Bird will be a sad blow to the community, as his future gave promise of great achieve ments iu the profession of which be was an bouored member. His mother brother and sister especially she who has so faithfully watched over him dur ing his long illness will receive the sympathy of our oitizens in their sad ben uvemeut. PROGRAM OF RACES. Tuesday, June 4th. One half mile dash for two-year-old; slakes $300. Other races will be arranged for this day. Friday, June 6th. Three-eights niile dash for two-year-olds; Purse, 8j0. Six hundred yards dash, free for ail saddle horses; Purse $50. Saturday, Juue 6th. One half mile aud repeat, free for all; Purse $150. Five eights, mile aud trottiug race free for all buggy boises; Purse $u0, beat three in five heats. IIbppneb Rkpbiisknted. William Hughes, who lives near Heppner, bus beeu appointed a member of the board of equalization, by Uov. Penuoyer. Ac cording to the law passed by tbe last legislature, one should be appointed from each judicial district. They are required to canvass the assessment lists of the counties representing their respective districts, of whioh Crook, Wasco, Sherman, Ciilliaui aud Morrow comprise the otitni reprcAtit i by Mr. Hughes. The m-in tiers of the b ar.t from districts havingodd iiumbera will serve till our next state eleutiou. when others willbeehoseu by the people in their stead. Those from districts having even numbers will serve two years longer, wheu their place will be filled in the tame manner as before. Tbe governor made an exoelleut selection (or our judicial district. Don't forget to see the preserved hit man body, dead for seven years, aud hundreds of other interesting curiosities at Prof. World's Mujee, AbrBtiBinsiek's building. 1st. Dept., Natural Freaks; 2ml Dent.. Auatomionl Casts; 50 cents admission to both; open from 10 a. in. to j IV p. m. ll urawe UU IfcB U1C11IO. VWiUO ud bs couvinoed. He big bills. A MYSTERIOUS POWER. Kleetrleitj A Wonderful Bsmedr for th Present Age. Dr. Durrin (JontiDnw to Astonish tbe People W lib klectrle Cares. Eleotrio-Magnetism, the wonder of the age, and tbe mod of treatment is the aome of perfection. It penetrates the se cret ambusb of diseases and exerminates it, root and branch, forever. It removes more agony and silent suffering than tongue can tell. It core tbe most hope less cases and relieves aoute pain that every known means have failed in, whioh can be substantiated by the evidenoe of thousands of persons who have been cured bv Drs. Darrin, at 70 Washing ton 8t.,'Portland. Tbe Doctor treats all curable chronic, acute and private dis eases Examination Iree from 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. daily. Bead the following: ' Chronic Catarrh Cared. Dr. Darrin: One year ago you treated me for Chronio Catarrh in the bead and throat. Your Electric and Medioal treat ment permanently cured me. I reside at 313 H street, Portland. B. WETTERMARK. Deafness Permanently Land. Maoleay, Or., May 28, 1891. Dr. Darrin: Dear Eir, you wish to know if my hearing is all right and if I am satisfied with tl.e treatment I re ceived. I will answer yon by tbis that 1 can bear just as well now as I could direotly after you operated on me and tbat I think it a perteot cure. Truly yours, HENRY SLOUGH. R. H. Wbitson, foreman of tbe Record, made a trip to his possessions near Lexington last Saturday. He found his well badly filled up with mud from tbe reoeut rains; otherwise everything and tbe bouse cats were in their accustom ed plaoes. From him, we learn that buuehgrase is prospering at it never did before. More thorough farming and seasonable rains are responsible for it. In a local of reoent issue it was stated tbut A. A. Wren bad 60U acres of grain, and rye five feet bigh on an average Mr. Wren has 30 acres of rye which "till 'he bill" as represented, but has only 200 acres of grain in all, inoludiug wheat rye and barley. It is looking well in every respect. In addtion he has 25 aores of corn whioh bids fair to make a good orop. Johnny Locknane, mixologist at Frank's place, opposite City Hotel, has on hand the following: Punches, gren adine, milk, orgeat, ziufuudel, straw berry, betbesda. Cocktails; pineapple, soda. AIbo port wioesangarees, egg lemonades, sherry cobblers. Oregonian aud Gazette on file. 426-tt. J. W. Muir, who lives a few miles south of here, has 100 aores of wheat in splendid oonditiou. Ha will cut 20 acres of it for bay, but will harvest the remain dor for the grain. He belieyes iu not over-crowding tbe grain, whioh ooin ides with the ideas of our most pratioai farmers. Of speoial attention to tea drinkers: Leezer & Thompson are now making a speoiaJty ol teas both green andnaturul blacks importing direct from Japan. Having just reoeived a large invoice tbey are now prepared to furnish beat quality at low prices. Cull and inspeot. a. Drs. Swinburne and Geoghegan per formed an operation on Uraut Johnson's neck, lust Monday, taking out a small tumor. Uraut is getting along first rate, aud will soon be none the worse for bis experience with a surgeon's knife. A petition is being circulated by the Gooseberry people lor a road from their sectiou d,uwu to lone, aud will alao ask (or u mail service to that point. The section is badly iu need of better roads aud more direct mail facilities. Perseverance, pluck and enterprise will make money in this wild, wild West, but it is of no avail unleBS you get big burgaius, iu loot-gear, especially. Go to Mat Jbitohtenthal's (or your bargains iu boots uud shoes. a. On Sunday afternoon a raoe was run at the para, Moiiie McCarty, better Known as the Muuuiug pony, and a Butter creek horse being (be contestants. It was for $25 a side, and Molbe got away with it. MoMahou's Cirous Advertising Car with its Boore ot bill poster were on .Saturday aud tiuuday uud deoorateu the bulletin boards aud deud walls with the most attractive show paper ever seen here. H. Blackman & Co. have an exoluslve General Merchandise store. Stockmen uanuot do better than patronize H. Blackman Sc Co., ot Heppner's Pioneer Unok. a. When you want your horses shod or wagon repaired, ye Grant county people, don't forget that L. Sbepbnrd has a shop at Fox. a. Wanted More customers to buy goods of the Heppner Furniture Co, Great bargains tins spiiug. a. II. Blackman & Co. sells the 14 iu. Oliver Chilled plow at 14, with one extra plow point. a. MoAtee Bros., of the "Gem," have Milwaukee beer on draught at the price of oouimon beer. 423-tf. FORD tbe PAINTER. Paperhang ing, and all other work in bis line Cheap for Cusb. OUice ou "the ruu." 4tf. Nails by the oar load at Gilliam fc Bis bee'e. Gruut oouuty people will do well to oall on them. a. Subscriptions takeu for the Weekly S uud ay and Duily Oregouiau at tbe Ga zette ollloe. If. Call on 8uow to prove up, or make laud tilings. Ollloe Lexington, Oregon. a. Pap Simons k Son, the bos horse shoera and blaoksiniths. a, Al Henshaw, a solid stockman of Lone liock, was iu town early this week. Siuimous Liver Regulator bits never known to fail to cure Dyspepeia. Be on baud on Saturday June 13th ta Heppner to see the great bIio. Dr. B. F. Vaiighati uses laughing gnss iu extracting teeth. No pain. 428-tf. Dr. J. II. Fell left yesterday for Long Creek. FOR SETTLERS. Settlers who have paid $400 for their pre-emptions or commuted buinesteads thou Id apply for a rebate through Frank 11 Suow, at Lexington, tie makes no charge unless successful. 410-tf. Fin TiMiimi. I'arliups, the best tim ber growing in the Blue mountains cau be found ou Hock crei k, iu the vioiuity if Will Mallory's saw-mill. This class of timber Mr. Mallory is usiug in making lumber whioh he delivering iu Hepp- nei all the way from $15 to (30 per thousand teet, depending on the quality, and w hether desired rough or dressed. Tbe same oan be bought at the mill at price ranging from $8 to 823 per thous and. He ha a general assortment on hand at present, aud is sure to satisfy oustoiner. 41'i-tf. G. W. Parker lost a fine mare at Tom Moigau's feed yard last Tuesday. She bad a young oult, and Cost Mr. Parker 100 only recently. TO DAY'S HACKS- Tbe contest ot two-year-olds came on at 1 o'clock this afternoon. They started Bob White and Lady Opal In the lead, Mosquito close be hind. At the end of first stretch, Bob White was in the lead, Lady Opal second and Mosquito third, which position they held around the turn and past the quarter post, Lady Opal and Mos quito were very close together at this polnt From here to the finish, Lady Opal took the lead, eomlDg out a length ahead. Bob White and Mosquito finished a tie. A race for $10 a side was then made between Biddy McUhee and Beecher, the litter an un known belonging to Waldron Khea. Beecher won the race quite easily. Everything went off pleasantly. Pools told on first race. Lady Opal and Bob White alternat ing as first choice; Mosquito second choice. Born In this city, to the wife of Frank Mc Farland, May 30, a son. KI10M OAKKSDALK. Editor Gazette: Since my last writing tbe weather baa changed greatly. We have tine, growing weather. Farmers have just finished seeding. We are told by old settlers that this seaaon is a little later than usual. Tbe prospects are good for another abun dant harvest about thanksgiving time. Some of the farmers who were fortunate enough to hold their wheat over, are now getting 75c per bushel. Flour is 84-80 per barrel. Oakesdale has one flooring mill and one planing mill. Tbe future prospects for the place are very id ittering; at least it appears so to the citizens of the place. Real estate has advanced 50 per cent, in tbe last two months, and the people here seem to think tbey are sure of its mak ing a Spokane or Chicago in the next five years. Rye is almost ready to out. Strawber ries and cherries are ripe. Tbe weather i warm and dusty. Eats Pakskll. Oakesdale, Wash., May 22, '91. WELL SAID. In referance to the ooming oelebration ou July 14th tbe E. O. says: "It is in variably tbe case that a oelebration mors than remunerates a city for tbe work done and the money expended by its oitizens. It is also tbe case tbat when a oity oegleots to celebrate and tbe natal day is marked by quiet, sleepy indifference, it deserves the appella tion of a 'dead town.' Tbe one brings people and mouey in the other drives people and money out." Business men, property owners and oitizens, when you are approached by tbe soliciting committee whose duty is at best a bard and thankless task, please remember that your contributions are not requested for tbe benefit of tbe in dividual, or of any set of individuals, but tor the benefit of tbe entire oity ; that Pendleton canuolr afford to be "dead in 'be shell" on Independence Day."t Our townspeople can take this o them selves, and profit much thereby. MLTON NOTK8. Editor Gazette: The weather is very dry. Grain is burning so that it can not master a good orop, except near tbe foot hills. The grain is beading out Strawberries and oberriea -are in full blast. Tbis is truly tbe laud of fruit pud flowers. -' - Grain eight and ten miles from Milton, near the foot bills is waist high, in splen did oondition and will undoubtedly yield a bountiful harvest. Kate Paebkll. Milton. Or., May 29, '91. ATTENTION KNIGHTS I Grand Chancellor, A. A. Cleveland, of the Grand Jurisdiction ot Oregon, K. ot P., will visit Doric Lodge No. 20, Tues day eveuing, June Otli. It is extremely ueoessary that all officers and members be present on this occasion, and no ex ouses for absence will be aocepted from the former, unless sickness or unavoid able absence from town should prevent. Brothers, let us rally 'round tbe mys tic triangle and give our Knightly brother cordial greeting as beoomes his rank. In F. 0. & B., O. W. Rtohard. 0. C. Doric Lodge No. 20. ADVERTISED LETTERS. The following is u list of letters re maining in the postofJioe at Heppner, Or., June 2. 1891. Criawell R B Morse John Eugelke Henman Morse T C Gray Ethel Morris W A Ginton Ida Porter I G Hazleton Harvey Smith Mrs J Jones 11 A Ward B F leathers Dan Wright B D Long Miss V. In calling for tbe above letters please say advertised. A. Mallory, P. M. FOR SALE I A Fine ranch of 600 acres, well-watered and improved. Has 100 fruit trees 200 acres bottom land, 75 acres o, meadow grass, good timber on the plaoef vacint land adjoining, seven miles west of Hiirdm ui, Morrow county. Or. It is well adapted for a stock or dairy ranch. This plaoe is known as the Geo. Stew art place. For particulars, enquire of BROWN A HAMILTON, 19-tt Real Kstate Agts., Heppner, Or. $10 mum I will pay $10 reward for the recovery of the following desoribed animal : One bav. three-year-old filly, branded 75 on the left shoulder. To be delivered at my rauob in Spring Hollow. Henry Scbirzinokh, 428-431. Heppner, Or. 'Vl of good pasture A V ... .,.;.... i. ...i III I'i.A " """"K Utlf ilL'ILiai lrla. P,,.l,t hundred acres in one body, all under fence, an abundanoe of water, 140 acres limbun unit fluituhlA imnrnTementn. h'nr term, inquire of T. C. Aubrey, Eight sine, uregon. io-ii. FOR RENT OR SALE. One hundred and sixty aores of bunch grass, nioely situated. Call at Gazette offio. 405-tf. When in Heppner, teamster, stop at tb lowtr feed yard, near the creek, on Alkali street. II is owned by Geo. M. Vinson, who has ample accommodation for tbe public iou oan't miss tbe place, for it ia right ou the road to tb depot 425-tf Mat Liohtenthal has just received a fine lot of Ladies Fine tilippera; also a Full Liue ot Ladies' Misses aud Gents' Shoes, all at the bottom prioe. Don't neglect to oall on Mat when you wish to buy. a. IIV 'TITO SUPERIOR COURT For the Commonwealth of Heppner, Ore. Mil WOOLEN GOODS, 1 alntlff, SHODDY, Deft We, the Jury, in tbe alxve entitled cause are agreed and find : First That tbe Brownsville Clothing is tbe best on the market Seoond That C. S. Vanduyn keep a Full and Complete Assortment of these Goods always in stock. Third Tbat the Brownsville Woolen Mills use neither ootton nor shoddy iu tbe manufacture of their superb olotbs. Fourth That all our people are dis posed to support Home Industries, as shown by the immense demand for Brownsville Good. Fifth That 0. S. Vanduyn sends every one away on both feet and very bappy with a Brownsville suit. Sixth That O. 8. Vanduyn gives the best bargains in Heppner. Seveuth Tbat C. S. Vanduyn's goods are just what they represent them. Eighth-irUat the Brownsville Suits are the most popular goods in the mar ket. Ninth That C. S. Vanduyn has suits to fit tbe largest men and smallest boys. It is so ordered by the Court and the Clerk will make proper entry of the find n gs of the Jury in this oase, and cost will be assessed to the defendant. Jas. Jones' two-year-old goes by the name of Bob White, instead ot Raoine, as given in our last issue. BLACKSMITH SHOP AT Monument. Chas. Johnson, Prop. Biacksmltliinic, Horse shoeing, and General work. Anyone nulling fault with my shoeing can gut work doUe over free of charge. Wagon maker's Shop in Connection. Give ma your patroDage, 428-431. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., May 20, 1891. Notice i hereby given that the follow lug-named settler hue tiled notice of his luteuUou to make hnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow (Jo., Or., at Heppner, Or., ou July IU, ibWl. viz: JACOB H. PEARSON, Hd. No. 5316, for lots a und 4 and EW SWJ- Sec. iil. Tp. 'Mt 2i E W. M. He .iifjt't the followiiifr witnesses to prove his coiaX i'Vx-iiduiiee upon, and cultivation of. (ieor rv VW-"1' AndJr J- Cook Thomas R. id, ena, Oregon, Uoorge Wells, of HOW til Heppuer, Oicgo. A. Cleaver, Iteglster. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., May 23, 1891. Notice U hereby given that the foliowing-nain-ed settler has hied uoiiue of his intention to make until proof in support of his claim, and that suid proof wilt be made before W. K. Ellis, Coin. II. e. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 13, Ihui, viz: MJUERT HYND, D. 8. No. 10231 for the bWNE and NWJ4 fsEf; and NE $ aud SEJ4 r WW riec. 30. Tp. 1 ti, it & K W.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of, said iuud, viz: William Letrace, Joseph Dubois, Elbert Ring, W. B. Barrett, of Heppner, Oregon. i2l-i.it, A. Cm a v Kb, Re later. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land OInce at La Grande, Or., May 23, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias died notice of his intention to make nnul prooi iu support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the County Judge of diorrow County, or., at Heppuer, Or., on July 13, itwi, viz: HAROLD A. SALISBURY, Hd. No. 51!)n, for the dW; See. 11, Tp. 8, R, 29 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said laud, viz: John Alolalla, B. M. Dohcrtv, Wm, E. Hyatt, James Nelson, all of Vinson, 0r. iZt'iM a. Cleaver, Register, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Laud Office at La Grande, Or., May 22, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has Hied notice of his intention to muke iiual proof in support of his claim, and that Baid proof will be made before W. R. EIUb, Commissioner of U. 8. Circuit Court, at Hepp ner, or., on July 8, lyi, viz: THOMAS bCOTT, Hd. No. 5280, for the SK aud BW' Sec. 21, Tp. 1 N, K. 21 E, W. M.. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of, said land, viz: T. W. Ayers, E. G. Sloan, Felix Johnson, of Heppner, Or.; W. M. Douglas, of Galloway, Or. A. Clkavbh, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at Ijl Grande, Or.. May 20, 1891, Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has nled notice of his intention to make limtl proof lu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county Or., at Heppner, Or. ou July 7, isyi, viz: . HENRY KELLEY, D. S. No. 9165, for the S'i NWj and NEW dec. ti, Tp. 2 a, R. a; E, w. m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said laud, viz: Richard Neville, Dan Gallagher, Dnvid McAtee and James Leahey, all of Heppuer. Or. 427-4.i A. Clkavkr, Register. ""iB 0 irtii.ii nil, mt Vin"' COFFIN & McFARLAND. A Big Line direct from the East Fine Stylish Hats, new shape and patterns, acuta' Flue Shoes, Ladle's and Children's Shoes, all styles, ban Jose, California Saddles at Factory prices. A car toad of ieruollue Sheep Dip, a , Sure Cure for the Scab. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Mitchell Wagons, Oliver Chilled Plows, Etc. COFFIN & McFARLAND. Bif Brick, Nttloul Bank Building, H.ppti.r. Oragon. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Notice is hereby given that the following' nameo. seiner nas mea notice oi nis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before w. R. Ellis, Commissioner U. 8. circuit Court, at iieppner, uregon, on jmy z, I'm, vu: JAM Ed H. ALLEN. Hd. No. 1828, for the K BWW, NWV 8W and 3El4 N Vfbi Sec 13, Tp 4 a, R 24 E, tf.V He names the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said lanu, viz : XT Uw.i At tl.4n1.n dm . Tu.a Knighton,' Robert Knighton, J. h! Williams, of iupDi sine, ur. joun w. lew is, 426-431. - keg liter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dal lee, Or., May 14, 1891. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 2, 18m. viz: FRANCIS M. GENTRY, Hd. 3771. for the NE' Sec 11. To 2 8. R 26 K. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ana cultivation ot, said land, viz: W. G. Sweetzer, Wm. Duran, W. W. Kirk, A. 8. Wells, alt of Heppner, Or. John W. Lewis, 426-431. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., May 14, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge of Morrow County, Or., on July 2, 1891, viz: CHARLES B. CRANE, Hd. No. 2051, for the SWU of Sec 4, Tp 1 N, R 24 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove hit continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: W. W. Bmead, W. D. Parsons, George Lord, Emlle Voruz, all of Ella. Or. 420-431. John W. Lkwib, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION, Land Office at The Dulles, Or., April 20, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has hied notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Ellis, Com. U. S. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on June 9, 1691, viz: CATHERINE SPRAY. Hd. No. 3681, for the NWV Sec 3o, Tp 3 S, R 24 E, W. M. His names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: J. C. HayeB, Heppner; Isaac Knighton, E. B. Stanton and J. H. Jones, of Eight Mile, Oregon. John W. Lewis, 422-427. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., April 20, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow Co.. Oregon, at Heppner Ore gon, on June 9, 1891, viz: EliICK BERG8TROM, Ds. No. 6707, lor the 8WW NEJ4 SEJ4 8EU 8EH Sec 5, Tp ft H, R 26 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: 8am Cox, E. 8. Cox, O. E. Farnsworth and C. J. Anderson, all of Hard man, Oregon. John W. Lbwib, 422-427 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office atThe Dalles, Or., April 27, KI. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Frank H. Snow, U. 8. Commissioner at Lexington, Or., on June 16, 1891, viz: GEORGE V. 8PERRY, Hd. No. 3709, for the NWU sec 1, Tp 1 S, R 26 E, W.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, said land, viz: John T. McAHster, J. Henry Piper, OUn M. Hodson and NelB Magnuson, all of Lexington, Oregon. John W, Lewis, 423-428. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dallee, Or., May 12. 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ana that said proof will be made before W. R. Ellis, Com. U. S. Circuit Court at Heppuer, Or., ou June 26, 1891, viz: SAMUEL I. GERKING, Hd. No. 2834, for the 8W4 8ec. 15, Tp. 3 8., R. 24 E, W.M, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, suid land, viz: J. W. Allstott, R. W. Robinson, F. M. Courtier and A. 8. Haines all of Eight Mile, Or. 426-131. John w. Lewis, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., May 12. 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that Bald proof will be made before W. R. Ellis, Cora. V. H. Circuit Court, at Heppuer, Or., on July 2, 1891, viz.: TED MINARD, Hd. 3409, for the SE Sec 2, Tp 1 N, R 2S E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of Baid land, viz: R. L. Shaw, I. G. Bogard, ol Galloway, Or.; ThoB. Crow, of Heppner, Or.; Chas. Cunning ham, of Vinson, Or. 426-131. A. Clkater, Rkqiptkr, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., April 14, 1891. Notice is herebv given that thn follnwinff.iiom. ed settler haB filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the County vienui Munuw vu., oregou, ai neppner, ure gon, on June 2, 1891, viz: MARGARET J. HAGUEWOOD, (widow.) Hd. No. 3653, for the NEJ Sec 27, Tp 2 8, R 24 E, W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her wiuiimuuM rt'Hiueuce upon, ana cultivation of, said land, viz: A. T. King, M. A. Olden, lone; Wilbur Har- ran, Lexington, aua u. a. Knea, Heppner, Or. 422-427. John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. U.S. Land Office. The DaIIpr. Or Miv A 'Ql Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of hisctaira.and that said proof will be made before Frank H. Snow U. S. Commissioner at Lexington, Oregon, on juue ., iovi, viz: JOHN B. ELY Hd.No. 1548, for the NEVi Sec 32, Tp 1 N, R 23 E, He names the following witnesses to prove his tuiuiuuuui resilience upon ami cultivation oi, said land, viz: Robert Bayer, Edward Holloway, Wm. Wilmot ami n. r. niimoi, an oi isougias, uregon. John W. Lewis, I30. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Tinrl nfllna at Tha n11u D U-0 lorn Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Frank H. Snow, U. S. Commissioner at Lexington, Or., on ' ' MARTHA WILSON. Hd. No 2858, for the KU bWJ and NW4 Sec 26. TD 1 8. R 23 E. W. M. 1 ' He names the following witnesses to prove hit wiiiiiiuuur reuueuuv upuu ana cultivation oi said land, viz: David H. Grabill, Adrian Engleman, George n. ntwc ana juiu urDiti, an oi ioue, Morrow county, Oregon. Johm W. lwm, 25-- Register. GHAS. H. DODD & CO. . importers r r- Hardware, Iron, Steel, AND FARM MACHINERY, Front, First and Vine Streets, ::::::: Periled, Oregon. Sole Agents tor Oregon DEERE'S NEW HOLINE.ILU i i. n.su orTrlcls Furrow. Bier ft re so limpla and oom n new abioluW perfection, that thaw who nave uaad them or awn them work oan not aay enough In their pialee. Wo lumiah them with or without teat attachment. Seat attachment! art extra. POW!H LIFT BTJLKT PLOWa BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. Buokeya Boe Prate Grain Drill, Buckeye Seedera, Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrowa, DEERE'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDERS the lateat Improved Implement fee towing tummer fallow. Tht most complete and tucceiaful tool lor thit purpose in uafl. ITe etleo hv foil line of Bngelen. Carrlagra, PhnMonn, mountain Wagoaa, euaw - plBtform and other Mpring Vehicles. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. Iawrenoe It Chapln't Spring-Tooth Harrowt, Deere Harrowt, Scientific Feed Mllli, Paoiflo Fanning MtUt, HAiSH BARB WIRE, ETC., ETC. rkxp fob spemu, cunium and phice i.isTit For Sale by MINOR BROS., Heppner, Oregon. Payette Nursery, q OF PAYETTE, IDAHO. The Largest General Nursery stock in the 125 ACRES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Send for Catalogue and Price List. Address, PAYETTE NURSERY,. 93-8m. FRANK GILLIAM. 1. GILLIAM ra Hardware, Store and Tinware, Plumber's Materials, Etc., CYCLONE AND STAR WINDMILLS, Wood and Willow Ware Crockery and Glassware, Blacksmith'! Supplies, Guns and Ammunition of all kinds, Lubricating Oils. Agricul tural Implements a Specialty. A Car load ol STUDEBAKER WAGONS Right from the factory. Anything in the hack line from a $300 top buggy to a $25 road cart Nails and barb wire in car lots, right from the factory. We can save you money on anything in our line. Give us a trial and be convinced. Job work a specialty. Next door to bank building, Main street, HEPPNER, HEPPNER BAKERY! May Street, Heppner, Or., C R 0 11 Proprietor, KEEPS FRESH BREADXAKES, PIES AND CONFECTIONERY. FINE CAKESforWEDDING PARTIES Etc., Made to Order on Short Notice. SATISFACTION GURANTEED AND--- t A htt? rkivr a m? cat TnxmTT C. RUHX. May Street, - GO FOR AJLL Job work, Repairing and Furniture. Cupboards Tables, Stands Baby Buggies, Mouldings, Mirrors and Curtain Poles, Direct from the East Cheap for CaBh. Picture Framing a Specialty. Carpets to Onto. Agent For the La Grande Marble Works. NEXT DOOR TO MINOR BROS., HEPPNER, OREGON- and Washington for. DEAL PLOWS Mountains. Payette, Idaho. T. H. BISUEE, & JBISBEE, DEALXHS IN- OREGON. Pronrifitmr A 3 Heppner, Oregon. TO;