THE WEEKLY HEPPKER GAZETTE, HEPPNER, OREGON, JCTSE i, 1891. 1 THE GAZETTE. Union Pacific Railway-Local Card, No, 81, mixed leaves Heppner 80 . m. No. 32, " arrive " tll p. m daily except tiunday, (MAWV AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. HIhco lenves for Canyon City daily, exiiej Sundiiy. at 6:30 a. h. Arrives- daily, except Monday, at 5:00 p.m. Thre ip saving of 16 bnnrs in time ami 810 v cmh by taking this route to Canyon. rpilIH PAPKHiskept on file fit E. C. Pake's 1 Advertising Agency, Hi and ttt Merchant KxcliH!iR. ban Francisco, California, where con tracts for tvlvartitiing can be made for it. C. W. LOMLKR & CO.. 429 Ffth street. Port land, Oregon, are authorized to make advertising contract for the Heutmer Uazettk. THE GAZETTED AGENTS. Lexington W. B. McAllister Wagner,. B. A. Hu .maker Arlington, Henry Hemiuer Long Creek, The hagle (jallowav, Bob Shaw Camas Prairie,. Oscar De Vaul Mattcson, Allen McFerrln Nye, (Jr., H. C. Wright Hardman, Or., C. M. Spencer Hamilton, Grant Co., Or Mattie A. Kudio lone T. J. Carl Prairie City, Or, B. R. MeHaley Canyon City, Or., 8. L. Parrish Pilot Hock, 0. P.Skelton DayvilUj.Or Mr. Adams, P.M. John DayTtto, ... Postmaster Athena, Or - John Ellington Peudleton, Or., Win. G. McCroskey Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or Postmaster Bhelby, Or., Miss Stella Flett Fox, Grant Co., Or., J. F, Allen Eight Mile, Or., Mrs. Andrew Aimuaugh Upper Khea Creek, B. P. Hevland Loue Kock, Gilliam Co W. H. Colwell. AM AOKtiT WANTKD IN BVEKY PRKCINCT. Here and There. Dannor, Photographer. 96-tf. Club dbuoe at opera bouse to-morrow evening. Milwaukee beer od draught at the "Gem." 423 tf. Dm Staveu returned to Lou Greek last Tuesday. Dr. A. U Fox, returned from Long Creek Tuesday. R. Allen, of Hardman, was a visitor to our city Monday last. Dr. J. H. Fell returned from Portlund last Saturday evening. Perfectly sure, perfectly harmless is Simmon a Liver Regulator. Weiuhart's beer on draught at Farnk . Tattle's, opp. City Hotel. 423 tf The best riding ever seen can be witnessed at Heppner June 13. "Uncle" Liabe 8perry,and son Reub., are iu town takiug in the races. Mr. J. H. Allen, of Eight mile, return ed from Purl land Tuesday lust. Theo. Danner is a rustier and gets there all the s:tme taking pictures. 96-tf Hardware? Yes, at Gillinm & Bis bee's, Main St., Heppner, Or. a. Notice the article on "The Wool Mar ket," whiou will be fonnd on the out side. The two tallest and heaviest elephants on earth will perform at Heppner June 13. Jake Yonng is well satisfied with bit crop prospeots. Hia home ranch is near Gooseberry, Fred Hallock is doing a first class job of pidhtiug un the inttnor of the opera house. City Barber Shop next door to City Hotel, Heppner, Or,, Davis & Joues, props. 422 tf. Mr.Shipley, brother of Dr. L.F. Shipley, is up from tbe valley visiting uie ioiub here. S.mmons Liver Regulator has never Wn known to fuil to oure Sick Head ache. - Jas. Hurt was in town early this week, resting up a bit. Jas. has not been very well for some time ' past. Jimmie Matlock returned from Port land Tuesday wbere he has been attend ing BiBbnpSoott'H Academy. Jerrv Brosrnan was on tbe sick list last week, but is getting better. Swinburne is attending him. Henry Sohirzinger will start for Long Creek early next week to gather up horses of tue "circle H" brand. HerjDner will receive more wool this season inan any iu tenor point Worth west. I'aste tins in your "Uncle" Lish Soerry says his 570 acres of grain on his lone possessions is looking well, aud promises a iuu crop, Jerry Young is limping around with a verv lame. foot. Jerry out his foot while chounintf wood in the mountains recently. Henrv Welch crot in from Long Creek Sunday, after a season's hard rustling. He was accompanied by his daughter Emma. Dr. Lewis, of Long Creek, who was reported very sick in .our last- issue, is much better. His early recovery hoped for. T?,ir almvma. hAtmuttinff. shampooing oranythiug in tbe tonsonal line, call on Gid Hatt, Matlock corner, Main St., Heppner. Thna. OrAham. who lives north of B. Ij. Akers, near Gooseberry, had 40 acres of growing grain badly iujured by tbe bail last week. Every body is coming on excursion trains, on wauous. on horseback and on foot to see the great show at Heppner on Saturday June Id. fl.uiflnn Globe: The Wasco warehouse at Tbe Dalles is now reoieving from 500 tn fi() bushels of wheai a day. Tbe price remains at 80c. Rip VauWinkle came up from the lower section last Monday, and says that wln-rn be was uo rum lell last ween, This is down near tbe sand, Dr. in tue bat. Bud Willi ugh ara, who has charge of Major Ormsby's bands as far as Huntington, lays he was met by an armed rancher on the M Iddle Fork and told to move on, and taking the matter rather lightly Bud's usual manner he was the sub ject of much abuse, but tiring of it he "per suaded" the gentleman to take supper with the outfit, who then left without ceremony. D. A. Herren was working with sheep on the saddle" between Willow and Khea creek, last Tuesday, when the storm came up, and though It barely sprinkled there, down at his ranch on Willow creek, irrigating dams were washed out, aud grain knocked down to some extent. Over ou Khea creek, lu plain fight, a flood of water came dowu "raising" Ned generally. Chas. Xngraham returned from the East on Monday's train. He has been sojourning in Kentucky for some time past, and reports a most enjoyable visit. He has secured letters of many foreign countries of patent for his famous lamp, and France has ordered a medal struck In his his honor as an inventor. It was reported in our last issue that George Noble's house on his McKinny creek ranch was destroyed by the cloud burst last week. We have since learned that this Is not the case, though the barn was taken away, and the ranch badly damaged otherwise. Mr. Noble estimates his loss at 1,000. Fossil Journal: Mr. A. Taylor, of Heppner, arrived Wednesday from Mitchell with E. Math ews, who is traveling for Jacobs & Co., of Port land. This drummer saw from 20 to 30 wagon loads of wool unloading at one time in Heppner last week. Few salea have been effected there as yet. A contest at the race track Friday between Bid dy McGee and Billy Hale's horse, was decided in favor of the former. On (Saturday afternoon Biddy had a round with Geo. Harrington's Bul ger, -U a side, quarter of a mile, the former winning again. Geo. tiwaggart is her backer. Heppner's up train was behind time about three hours last Monday, walling for the arrival of the Portland tralu, which was delayed be low Hood Kiver by a bridge being burned out. Passeugers were transferred around to The Dalles by boat Though It rained quite hard at the head of Butter Creek last week, Billy DouglasB reports ouly a moderate Bhower at his ranch.' There was not enough rain to lay the dust at E. G. tiloau's place below Billy's. Mr. and Mn, E. G. Sloe urn returned from Portland last Monday eve. They were serenad ed by the Heppner cornet baud on the eve oi their return, at the residence of the groom's mother. Frank Gilbert, while handling one of Dan Stalter's mares, recently, received a heavy blow on the left side of his head, producing Bell's palei , or paralysis of the facial raulses. The Sloe um-Johns ton Drug Co. will soon re move to the new brick on Main street, which is in course of erection. Minor Bros, will be their neighbors, and good ones they are too. Work was reeumed on the portage road around The Dalles and Celilo rapids last Monday. With fair progress, we may yet have an open river before the year closes. The Matteson Bros, are now working in slate in their tunnel near old Black Butte, and are hopeful than ever. The Gazette adds again, may they succeed. Bam Kinsman got back from Vancouver last Tuesday where he bad been with cattle. He will leave tomorrow with sheep aud cattle for Troutdale. Newt. JoneB, Gid Boyer, Joe Rector and Will Spencer are back from "the sand," where they have been riding for range stock. Milt Morgan, of Sand Hollow, has a fine crop of rye. This makes very good hay, and is a sure crop iu this section. Jas, Hager reports very heavy rains at his place ou Willow creek last week, but says no damage was done. ' M. Swearngen reports that grasshoppers are appearing In destructive numbers in the Eight Mile country. Our friend, Haley, has established a shoot ing gallery on Main St., next to Mat Lichentbal's shoe store, J. P. Brown, who lives north-east of here, says his orchard was ruined by ball fell last Tuesday. Pardon the Gazette for Inflicting so much storm newB on our readers, but It may interest some. C.L. Spinney, representing the Union Ins., Co., of San Francisco, was in our towm last week. Chris. Reinger will herd one of Ike Large' s bands on John Day, near Bitter this season. F. 0. Bucknum arrived from Portland on Mon day's train, and will remain here this week. Seven Blx-horse loadB of wool came in from Johu Day "town" and vicinity last week. Iu many sections of Morrow county, grass hoppers are becoming quite numerous. B. A. Hunsaker, and daughter May, are over from Haystack visiting friends here. "Judge" Dutton and Norman Kelly reports their crops In excellent condition. Several of our Butter creek boys were in at tendance at the races last week. Wiley McBee made proof on his land before J. W. Morrow, last Tuesday. Frank Gentry, of Black Horse, says six inches of hail fell in his vicinity. J. F. Willis and W. M. Staufferwere callers at the Gazette oflice Tuesday. D. Cox reports blooming crops up on his Hiuton creek ranch. J. O. Hamaker, representing the State Int. Co., is in our midst. Will Kirk returned from the Big Bend coun try last evening. "Grandpa" Florence returned from Sprague r nuay eve last. Squire E. B. Stanton was over from Eight jMue luesuay. UPPER KHEA CHEEK ITEMS. Mr. H. H. Hahn says he will be oil for Cali fornia In a few days. Nero has had a severe attack of rheumatism, but is getting better. Mr. Summerfield started to-day for Southern Oregon. We lose a good neighbor, but hope be may find a better place. Mr. Free Green informs us that he is going to work for Mr. Pen laud, on a fence running from the forks of Khea creek to tik Inner. Some of our neighbors went fishing the other day, and caught a nice lot of fish. Don't tell the Heppner boya about it for there will be a stam pede, Mr. John Rush, of Six Dollar, has employed Mr. Fred Thomas to sink his well deeper. We hope he may be successful iu getting plenty of water. Mr. C. Peck came ud last week and brought five cows that will be milked in this neighbor hood. This is a fi ne place to make butter plenty of grass, good water and cool nights. We had the "solendidest" rain of the season. beginning Wednesday night and continuing until Thursday noon, making everything look green and fresh. Prospects for crops are good. Grain is growing very fast. Gardens are just beginning to grow. XtKBO. Upper Rhea Creek, May 29, 1891. LEXINGTON LOCALS. J. W, Redford was in town yesterday. The S. B. man visited Lexington last week. Z. T. Wright's agent was In town a few days ago. Quite a number of Hermner folks came down to attend Memorial services last Saturday. F. H. Parsons came up from the Redford place yesterday, and expects to stay on his ranch awhile. MIMOHUL DAY. Memorial Services were held here last Satur day. The services were conducted by the W. R. oi mis piaee, ana openeu dv uie nauuiuu song, America. weiuonai services ay me omens- itriiei Corps. Bong "wearer my uoa ro i nee. Declamation By Miss Annie Hill, "Memorial day." oong, oy cnoir "vover mem uver. Recitation, by Dell Lieuallen "Bringing Flowers." Recitation, by Flossie Gammell "To-day." The address bv Kev. E. E. Thompson, was erv appropriate for the occasion, and one of the best that we have ever heard. Services closed with souk, entitled "Decor ation Hymn," after which the procession was formed In front of the school house, with the old Bokliers in the lead. They marched to the cemetery, where they decorated the graves iit meir comrades, ana neia otner services ap propriate for the occasion. On returning, the . a. it. met at meir nau, wnere iney leuaerea vote of thanks to Rev. E. E. Thompson for his services. At It Yet. Jas. Rhea Is back from the Long Creek country, where he has been to aseist Sam Palmer on the start for Nebraska with several thoiiBHiid muttons. He Bays that Major Orms by was approached by twenty armed men, while encamped near Hitter, and asked to move out immediately. He explained, however, that he was Btoppiug there temporarily and would move on in a few days, and was not molested further, but before leaving Major was informed that no sheepman could make his range in that section. War is expected there this summer between sheepmen aud settlers. Council Meeting. On roll belne called, all answered present except Councilman Farns- worin, Mayor luattocx presiaiug. luinuieB oi laBt meeting read and approved. Bills allowed: r. uarrieues. sty.w: u. a. van iuyn, k.ui: a. A. Roberts, ?-2Uii; W. F. Kuark, ffiO; J. W. Ras mus, 74.(.'), Motion by McAtee that bridge on Lower Main Btreet be moved on crossing at VYilliiicham b, and that new one be erected in Its Htt;ad, to be '24 feet wide; seconded by Morgan and carried. Council adjourned to meet at next regular meeting, two weeks from that date, Monday, June id. VANDALtRH.-rSome vandals have been amus- nir themselves bv breaking into Chris. Rein In ti er's residence on McKinney creek, every time he abBentB himself from home. Several articles have been taken. It is nothing unusual to find a window smashed iu. or a door off its hinges. Chris, proposes to stand this thing no longer, as tne parties wuo nave oeeu aoiugims mincniei are known. Al. Florence is moving his cattle over to the John Day. Squire Scrlvner is down from Hardman for few days. The roads to Heppner are lined with wool teams. Chas. Cate was over from Butter creek Mon day. Thrown from a Horse. On Saturday morn ing, 8. 1. Stratton, who teaches the Rhea creek school, got on his horse, which, up to this particular time he considered to be perfectly gentle, to take a ride down the creek from C. A. Rhea's place where he Is boarding. Mr. Stratton had not proceeded very far, however, when the horse became frightened and started to run, I Being on the horse, bareback, and having noth . . . Incr kiit hglranmro" utlh uhlohln hnM him if .-.I.- V,,.,, 1- anA M "'O luiSS iuunuii weiiio ou luio. uuu"' I r a found himself unable to manage the Neville were callers at tbe Gazette office last Saturday, Miss Martha lssueceea ing Hdmirnbly with hei school. Our "boss" men are taking much in terest in duingsof the turf, and as ar ult, races are had ahnoBt daily. The Dig races commence this afternoon. Fnt-secgers aud freight aie still going thrjURh ou tbe stage line as of old. The move to turn tuts business to Baker and Pendleton has failed completely. When you are weary and need a few minute ret. drop iu and see Tom Brad ley at the Belvedere. He knows bow to make you feel at home. 427-If O. W. D irt, the Chancellor Comman der of Vernon Lodge No. 43, K. of P., of John Day, came in from Portland on Tutisday's Uain, leaving for home yester day. At last mail service has been estab lished between Hardman, Morrow coun ty and Wagner, Grant county. It is something badly needed, and tbe peple rejoice. C. P. Bowman, who lives at Henry Tbompsou's plane un Big Butter oreek, has been very ill with typhoid pneumo nia, but is improviog. Dr. Geogbegan whs called to attend him B. L. Akers, of Gooseberry, says bis section has the best prospects for a good urtip Ibat it Las had for six years. Mr. Akers has 1U0 acree ol wheat and 25 of barley and rye, all looking well. animal. After running at a break-neck speed for some distance, the horse suddenly turned to cross the creek, throwing Mr. Stratton very violently to the ground, striking on the back of bis head and Bhoulders, knocking him senseless, and cutting two very ugly gashes In his head, He was picked up by a man passing by and taken to Mr. Rhea's, and shortly after brought to town where his cuts were dressed. Mr. Strat ton thinks he will not trust any horse hereafter. no matter how gentle he may be. ,ARI3 YOU ii to Paint Your Thl Spring? If to Call on - - T. W. AYERS, Jr., THE CITY DRUG STORE, ; Where you can get Iead any Color you want. We also carry a complete stock of ills, Colors, Brushes, Glass, Etc. A Fine Line of Wall and Decorating Paper Ju received from Chicago. Call and tee them at the City Drug Store, T. W. AYERS, Jr., Proprietor. of July Goods JtjLt Xxi ! Elegant Hats, White Goods, India Linens, Embroidered Flouncings in both Black and White. All Fresh, and at Prices to Si Customers, at MRS! A.. M. SLOCUM'S, ' MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. jr. xt. siMoira. With this announcement, it ia hardly necessary to say that they have T faT TU1?TI fJPTP nn rlninrr a firot olooa irVl rf Vilanlr. Bmithinfr, horse-shoeing, machine repairing or any thing else in their line. Pap Simons' Old Stand, HEPPNER, E. Q. 8LOCUM. E H. BLOCCM. HEPPNER FURNITURE Co. and Jns. Hayes have been busy repairing dain ruck to roads. Bascv canvon was bablv washec out, and required a new bridge whero the Crocket Kirk dam washed road crosses the month of it. The Khea creek road, neur crocket's nlace. was also washed out. BeBldcs his ranch was budly washed out and he sustained tne loss 01 eigut, tnorougnbrea ducks, Wiley McBee says that the hail of last storm injured his crop to some extent, but the gain is greater tnan tne damage. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Next Lord's day. June 7th. Eld. S. B, Letaou will apeak morniui; nod evening. the Lord willing at tbe Baptist clinrob at Heppner. Moruiuu nubieot: Uood news tor all the people." Evening to mo : "sometuinga mndels should know." Uubeleverg are especial ly invited to attend tbe evening services. A oordial invitation is extended to all. Eld. a. B. Letson. Mil Foot Rack. On Sunday a foot race between a noble specimen of the Columblas and Frank Whetstone occurred down on the Uewiaon com mons. The Siwaah lacked cash to back his ability as a sprinter, but he readily converted a saddle into 11, and the race and a "busted" Indian was made in a jilt'y. Frank it too nim ble ou foot for an everyday footracer. Thi Coming Link. Tbe Chicago, Union Paoitio & Northwestern Line of ten tbe beet aooommodationi to tbe traveling publio eD route to Chicago Through trains, fust time, magnificent sleeping oars, elegant dining cars, colo nist sleeping cars and handsome day ooBohes. 427-32. Hon. Henry Blackman, accompanied by Henry Heppner, of Arlington, return ed home Tuesday eve last after an ab aenoe of several weeks. We are pleased to say tbat bis bealtb is much better. Charley Lewis returned from Long Oreek Monday. He reports bis father moob. better Tbe big races begin today. See new ad. of Warren & Vornz, liners. Mrs. A M. Slooum bas 1th of July goods, bee ud. Slocum-Johnston Drug Co. Fresh gooda received weekly. a. Kubl, tbe baker. Buy your bread am cakes and save money. Try it. a. The Blocum-Jobneton Drug Co. come to the front with a new ad. in this issue You can't help but read it. Drngs, medicines, toilet articles and everything in his line at T. W. Avers, Jr, Call for a refreshing ice-cream soda, a J.D. Hiokey.wbo 'tends camp for Ed. Day. says it rained very bard in the mono tniuaon the day of waterspout last week. The Gazette's household has used Hpppner flour exclusively, since the new mill was ereoted, and no better is made anywhere. Messrs. W. L. Matlock & Co.. tbe pioneer candy makers of Heppner are in the Held with an elgeantly obosenstook, Headquarters for ice oream, Notioe new ad. H. H. Glaaford, who is now at tbe bead of tbe commissary of Oregon's in sane asylum, vmited bis family near Hardman last week. They will looate in Salem in the near future. Ed. Oopner and family and Master Bobbie Stott were caught in a deluge of water in Rood Canyon Tuesday of last week, while on their way to .d a ranob. near Lone Bock, and narrowly esoaped drowning. Johnny Beeler bas a nice little or chard on hiit ranch, 12 miles np Willow creek. Though situated in a very high altitude, his plum trees are loaded with yonng fruit, aud apple trees give promise of doing well. Married In - the Willamette valley, on May 30, Mr. W. E. Kahler and Miss Josie Miles. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kahler have the good wishes of many friends iu Mor row conutv. Thev will make their home in Hardman after July 1st. Hon. John Minto, of Salem, w is in oar town tbe nrt of tuis week, leaving for Arlington yesterday morning. He is making a general tour of Eastern Oregon as an agent of the U. S. government, looking np tbe demands and interests of sheep huxbaudry. F. K Sweet and B. B. Carson, of Prairie City, got in town Monday witb two, big loads of wool for Smith Bros.' ranch, which ia situated between Prairie City and John Day. These gentleman leave today loaded with merchandise, for Heptonstall, Dart St Co. Dorio Lodge No. 20, K. of P., will bold a special convention in tbeir oastle ball this evening, to make arrangements for tbe reception of Grand Cbano dlor, A. A. Cleveland, of Astoria, who will be here at tbe next regular convention of Done All that is strange and curious in na ture will be exhibited at Abrahamsick's building, on May Ht , for a few days, commencing J urie 5tu. ''Best show ever in town." Pendleton E. O. "Fathers can teach their sous a valuable lenson." Walla Walla Jonrnal. Two departments; one admission of 50 cents to tbe whole; children 26 eenta. H. Blackman & Co., FIB FIRM MORROW com X!. Ij. SIMON8. Hard Blows by the Bellows and Hammer ! PAP SIMONS & SON, At tbe Old Stand on the Matlook Corner. OREGON. Bed Hoom Sets, Parlor Beta, Taney Rockers Book Cases, Secretaries, Settees, Sofas, Bed Lounges it . . t . . ill-lot iPninunlu 14 a mm rift Ira I mnnrtt Ha tit t.Arnnu. Bird Caffs, Chain iu Beta, Center Table. Clothe Hacks, KefrsKerators, tiiduboarda. Wardrobes and Piotura Frames. Repairing done. XJiidert dicing o Specialty. SLOCUM BROTHERS, May St.,,.Opp. Minor Bros., Heppner, Or. For Firet Quality Goods at Lowest Prices, go oro--LEEZER & THOMPSON DEALERS IN Hardware, Tinware, Groceiies, Confeetionery, Wood and Willow Ware. Agents for New Home and Favorite Sewing Machines. Lumberman's Tools a Speoialty. Highest market price paid for farm produce. tf. Comer Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or. ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR CONSISTING OF OF THE LATEST STYLES FULL AND IMMENSE LINES OF Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Crockery, Etc. CAR LOADS OF LIME, SULPHUR, WOOL SACKS AND TWINE FOR STOCKMEN. The Celebrated Bain fans and Hacks ! AND A FULL LINE OF Oliver Chilled Plows Constantly on hand, for which we are -SOLE AQ-ENTS All the above lines will be sold at BED-ROCK PRICES! JJiSrWe cordially invite the public to inspect our stork before pur chasing elsewhere, and we will satisfy one and all that we can sell as low rs the lowest. Our Bargain Counters contain a cheap line of Hats and Overalls almost given away. Do not forget the BRICK STORE, Main Btreet, nearly opposite the Palace Hotel. H. Blackman & Co., Heppner, - Oregon. HEY ! HEY ! ! COME ON ! Let us go to Mat Liobtenthal's Exclusive Boot and Shoe Store, for our summer footwear. He keeps tbe best Buckingham & Heoht boots and shoes, the Fargo 82 SO Bnoe and other goods of standard makes. A big stook, Footgear must be bought cheap, quality considered, to get such bargains as you find at MAT LICHTENTHAL'S, MAIN STREET, - - - HEPPNER, OREGON. MARY E. WARREN. INEZ VORUZ. CITY MILLINERY STORE. Mrs. M. E. Warren having completed her Cost Sale, has concluded tocontlliue In the Millinery business, Miss laei Vorui being associated with her. THE NEW FIRM HA9 ORDERED A Stock of 3Vtilliixory, Which will be on hands before this ad. reaches you all. Special Attention will be given to Cutting, Fitting and General Dressmaking Don't Fall to Call on the New Firm of then you Will Buy. Heppner, Oregon. IT IS SAID Thatthe Man with the Longest Pole gets the persimmon We have Experimenting wit ii ours. Examine their Goods, Get Prices; May Street, Opposite Minor Bros., AT- The Heppner Candy Factory, Main Street, Opposite City Hotel, Heppner, Or. i'fflCTK OF EL KINDS OF CONFECTIONED!. Fine Imported and Domestic Cigars and Tobaccos. FRESH FRUITS AND OTHER GOODS RECEIVED DAILY, Larger Quarters !; To accommodate our Increasing Business, we will, in a few weeks, move to our new quarters which are being built bu Henry Heppner, between II. Blackman Co.' 3 and Gilliam $ Bisbee's Stores, MAIN 8TEET, Slooum-Johnston Drug Co.. HEPPNER, OREGON. SEETHE RESULT On Other Side of Pole. 11 ii w 11 It w 1 M oeenw V w THIS IS TIIK Long PERSIMMON Pole. We couldn't find any Persimmons,, so we used it to knock down Prices. The Pole was so Long that when ws rammed It down Into our Trices, the bottom fell out. NOW Extra Good BUTTER ALWAYS AT HAND. mill Ell GEHERHL KDWISE EMPORIUM, H eppner, Oregon. W. A. KIRK. J. 0. HATES KIRK HAYES 13 DEALERS IN Baddies, II fulness, Whips, Spars, and every Conceivable Article kept in a First Class Harness Shop. New Goods. Arriving daily. Dress flonneioiji, par asols, surah silks, kid gloves, faos. skirts, chemises, night irowns, silk laoe dress patterns, domestic table oil cloth and many other lines of dry goods too numer ous to mention. C. S. Van Duyn. LEE & TOY, Washingand Ironing! SATISFACTION OtIRANTEED. Court Street, 2nd House above the Mill. ft KPPKKR, - ORKOOM. M Repairing (t Specialty ! Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWINQ MACHINE. Warranted foi five years. Don't bny elsewhere till yon examine their machines and get eash prices. WAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON.