f - 8 THE WEEKLY HBBPSBB GAZETTE, HBBP3BB, OflBQpy, APBIL to, laflL f I I " . III' Iliurt-B.'eui imm Hie tiepnner Noma I nh irnvp tl, irniTnnn i-.ir.j c, i. TT 1 1 ZS If I8 1.MI one over ll)J per cent, end of tl, .,.,, '.iT.. vc-n, oai. (1 H n fill n I YET REMEDY FOR PHIN CURES CvetTV llt1 ilt-aa' ooreIhroat WoIjnds. cuts, Swellings THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Baltlmera, MA Forest Grove Poultry yards, ESTABLISHED IN 1877. Wynndottes, Plymouth Rooks, Light Braniiibs, Rose Hud Single Comb Brown Leghorns, Partridge Cochins, ilotiduus unci Sil ver Spangled Hnaibu.gs. 1.000 fun FOILS Rendy for Delivery. BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR CHOICE SELECTIONS. my Fowls naveno Sunerior. PROXOUNCEU HOPELESS, SAVED. From b letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of Griiton, S D , we quote: "Whs taken with a bud cold, which settled on my Luniks, cough set in and flimllv ter minated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up by saying I oould lire but a Mhort time. I gave mvself up to my Savior, determined if I could Dot stay With mv friends ml unrtli T u,,.til.l mr.,, my aliNent ones above. My husband was advised tn get Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs nnd Colds. I gave it a trial, took iu all i igbt buttles; it has cured me and thank God I B'n niiw a null tin. I liu.-l., , ,1 'n- .1 ...... .- ".j.. ..u.( wuiunii. 1IIHI free at T. W. Ayer's, Jr., CityDrug Store, regular size, ouc anu yi.uu. Jus. O. Williams reaped a lamb bar vest of just 100 per cent. How's this? "THE JERSEY LILLY." Angi.esea Cottage, L. B., July 2. Gentlemen: Although it is verv usual for me to use any lotioua or washes, still, in nnswer to your requset, I have tried Wisdom's Violet Cream and Robertiue. The former I consider es pecially ellionoions in cases of roughness of the skin, and I have been using 't nviirv Hnv fttr tliu liiot p..,.;..,., r found the Itobertine an excellent prepar ation in cases of lan, sunburn, etc. caused by exposure to March winds and a July sun. lours faithfully, Lillie Lanqtiit. HanW Hcllirvillimr ilnflu that l.ia rnn. baud bas increased 97 3 7 per cent. BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. Th Itmt n ir. .l.u ,.,...1.1 I... -..,.. bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, a id positively oures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by T. w. Ayers, Jr. Nuv.R'O. In America, and are the best on this coast by a ureal difference. I GUAHANT K SATISFACTION TO EVE It Y CUSTOMER. Bend for Catalogue. Address J. M. GARRISON, Box 55. com.3'J(J. Forest Grove, Or L. SHEPHARD, Blacksmith & Wagonmaker. FOX, OREGON. All orders promptly attended to. Prices to suit the Times. Enoch Cave and Johnny MoFerrii, dropped over from Butter oreek Satur day lust. TWENTY DOLLAR GOLD PIECES. Mrs. John Curtis, of Peoria, III, writes: "Used mm lu.-r i.t ,lu.,a P.n previous to ray second confinement; they worked like a charm. Would pay If20 for a box rather than do without them, lis they have proved a Godsend to me." Write Osage Medicine oompany, Wichita, Kas., for particulars, and their honk to wives, mailed (ree. Hold by druggists. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Ileppner Oce tiou. 308 -lyr. OliarleV fllllrt ttlivn uliutlrma,, nwa I. over on Hotter ithIi lw,.ul,ua l.UP ;. such an abundauoe of range. The Hfnrmer Mnniul f!lh nc tl, Ond of tllP ,M4iil our.,.,.. ,.f .1.. ........ ... .1 - "tn ..i uMij"?, ;,i it, e opera house last Friday evening. The H. . v. (iriiirsira lurnisuea ore untile music for the occasion. Although Ihe attendance of ladies was not as lame as usual, and the smoke which filled the room early in the eveomg being very dis agreeable, yet everyone eemed tn en joy themselves, the oocasion beinsit pronounced bv even one n a til.m.i,,t Hir.iir. Several visitors were present, among those uofed by our reporter weie Phil Heppner. of Arlington. Geo. Wen. tervelt, of Portland, and Wnld.nn Ithea. of Rhea oreek. The next ball of the series will be given on the 8th prox. Times Mountaineer: The Third R-ei-ment O. N. G. will go into camp at The Dalle about ihe middle of July. This was left at the discretion of the colonel i and commanders. Nnn olfieers, privates and mnsicians will re ceivel 50 a dflyduring theencan pment; lieutenants, $2; captains, fluid and staff officers. 83; rolonel, 81 It is a settled fact tlmt The Dalles will have sll the "Klnricnis pomp and panoply oi war" dnring Iheeiieampment days of July. Milton riaiile: Look out, ye unsus pecting farmers, for a man named Wil son, who is now traveling in Eastern Oregon on the "obeap goods" soheme. With samples of cloth he solicits orders for olothinjr tn be filled by a Chicago house at remarkably low figures, de then measures his victim with a tape line in fifty different directions, onllects pi mi Huvuuce money, smnes Blandly and departs. Eiist Oregonian: A. M. Elam, of Mil ton, was in the city to day on bis return fmm a Visit tO Ills ranch i.ino milaB ll.ic, side of Lexington. He savs the crop outlook this season in Morrow county, Which has met Willi an muni- .lion ments berelofore. is very hopeful, and ranoliera believe they will secure one good harvest at. luui St.w.k ia i a..A condition, and there is every prospect for better times. There is an old adage that "What everybody says must be true." Henry Cook, the leading merohant of New Kii"xville, Ohio, savs: "Chamberlaiu's Cough Remedy has taken. well hi re, ever body likes it. Thev say it gives mmediate relief." That is what makes tao popular. It is prompt in relieving a severe cold so quicklv. For sale by Slocum-Johust in Drug Co. Little Inridi'iita of a Jelly Trip to Long freek Glass will not sustain a tweuty-tou pressure. G. W. R. You don't know where to ebon off. Hank S. Lew, old boy, take something. Don't care if Ido.-L. D. H. Vinegar bitters does not grow on mountain range, therefore keen vonr in on Hamilton poktoffioe.-P. O. B. If we like your beer, we'll take some.- T. A. R. and 0. P The morning suu is liable to warn shoe- sob's.- W. L. S Your jnkes are pretty dry. P. O. P & E. V. . IN W. H. UTTER, T I LOR. " KECOliD " BUILDING, HKI'I'NEH, OR scoTrs EMULSION CURES 8. P. FLORENCE STOCKRAISER! UEPI'NEIl OltHOON. "EVERY SPRING," Snys some of Ihe best housewives in Now England, "We feel the necessity of a good medicine to purify the blood, and we all take Hood's Harsaparilla. It keens the children fYno frAn, li,nn-a my husband says it gives him a good appetite, and for myself I could never do all mv work if it. was tuft r,,r tiit Hph-ndid medicine. It makes me fuel strong ami oheerrul, and I am never rrnnlilfJil with liun.hn.l.u il..,i i:....i .......... iiu ,ui UJJUV lillCU feeling, as I used to be." Billy Ruark appenrs on the street weaiing a star as special pohoe oflieer and nigbt walohnian. Billy will here after BStist in promoting the nenee of II, o city. The following statement from Mr. W. 13. Denny, a well known dairyman of New Lexington, Ohio, will be of interest lo persona troubled with Rheumatism He Bays: "I have used Chamberlain's I am Biilm for nearly two years, f uir tint ties in nil, and there is nothing I have ever used that gave mo us muoh relief for Rheumatism. We alwatskeep allot tie of it in the house" For sale by Sloci'ro Johnston Ding Co. Ben Poppen, of Hardman. gave the of See a call Friday last. He reports even - thine ftonriHliina ni-ap IKo... l....i. . " ; iudii:, uiufJB iiiiik- mg hue, farnieis still sowing grain, sheep shearing just begun and a bright outlook for the future. The K. of P. boys accepted the hospi talities of Mr. and Mrs. Pry Wilson, both on their way to Long Crock and ou the return trip. IIIBBARD'S RHEUMATIC AND LIVER PILLS. These Pills are scientifically compoun ded, and uniform in notion. No griping pain so commonly folloing the use ol Pills. They aie adapted to both adult Hiwl illiihlren will, hu.funl ...,r..... tir. - ....u (roiin,, niiiriv, ,, t guarantee they have no equal in the oun ..r j n ti . 'ii oiliv ni'jAUAyiiB. vjonsiijiaiion, JJyspep sin and Biliousness; and, as an appetizer they excel auy other preparation. I HAD a Ncvere attack of catarrh nnd became so deaf I oould not hear com mnu conversation. 1 suffered terribly Irom roaring in my bead. I proonred a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm, and in three ei-H cnuiu, near as well as 1 ever coiini ana now I can say tn nil who are afflicted with the worst of disease" catarrh, take Ely's Cream Balm and be cured. It is worth 81,000 to any man woman or child suffering from catarrh. A. E. Newman, Grayling, Mich. Mrs. Hannnh Hallock, mother of Frerl J. Hallock and Mrs. W. P. Dutton, ar rived home from Portland last Thursday, where she had been visiting her son, H. H Hallock, and other relatives living iii that city. Cattle hrnmM mid imr marked m Bliowa uhnve. HorauH V mi riKlit nhimltlr. Our ciittln riuiK in Morrow, nnd Umatilla counties, twill my f 1 00.011 rewind fur the arrest and cnnviutimi of any pomiai Btuiihug my touk THIS IMOJVISISI Jewell yEsiamisM Still Continues to Sell WATCHES, oijOcks, a ETOELnY, ETC At the Lowest Possible Prices, A large stock of Gold Pens, Am thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always -Si.:-t-j - on Hand--.:--rj A Full Line of IVt DSIOAL I3V8THU MEKTTS Has been added to bis large and well selected stock. Dan Rummer. f!lu,a m,.! iri,.,.. Tt., nott ami Arthur Hudson "ere up from Lexington baturdn.v Inst. DON'T FEEL WELL, Ami yet yon nre not sick enough to con sult n doctor, or vou refrain from so do ing for fear you will alarm, yourself and friends we will tell yon just what yon need. It is Hood's Sarsnparillii, which will lift you out of lint uncertain. Ilnoomforhiiile. llllll,rur,,na n..,l.li.... into a stale of good health, oonlidenn nml ...n..,rll,.,.Uu V.. .... :.!.... " " "ii mm hum (intent Ibis peculiar medicine is in oases like yours. IHE FIRST SYMPTOMS OP ni'ATii lired feeling, dull headache, pains in various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of the stoinaoh, loss of appetite, feverishness, pimples or sores, are all positive eviileooe of poisened blood. No mailer how it became poisened it must be p 'ritied lo avoid death. Dr. Acker's English Blood Elixir bas netw failed to lemove scrofulous i.i- av,.l,il,iw. n Nohl uiuler iiosihve uiiiirnii.,u i... it... Slocum-Johnstou Drug Co. LYMPH CORE. From the Oresonian. The ease of W. M. Rlmades, the gentle man from Ileppner, who commenoed the lymph treatment on the 28th of March, has given very encouraging results. He has had i leven iujeotions, having been given the lust one Friday. He is increasing in weight, his appetite is gcod and his pulse and respiration are nearly normal. His temperture, as usual, goes iiu after each injection, that being one of the characteristic reaotions of the lymph treatment in genuine tuberculosis Rboades had a bad oonghing spell three or four days ago. but the cough bas gradually diminished and is now much lighter than at the time be entered the hospital. "I know that I have been benefitted by the treatment already," said be to a reporter, "for 1 am feeling much better. my appetite is very good, end I am gain ing iu weight. That is snffli ient denoe for me that there is some good iu me lymph. I am satisfied with tbe treat, u ent and think it will oure me entirely " RAIN MAKING SCHEME. Congress, Bt the last session, made n special appropriation to put into oper ation a scheme for promoting rainfall in arid regious during oerioda of drouth, by producing coooussions in (lie upper atmosphere. This is undoubtedly a good move. The experiment is cer tainly worth trying, whether it suoceeds or not. For if it is demonstrated that rain may be produced at will by the means of ooncussion, Ihe discovery will revolutionize the oondition of things iu many parts of the world. Deserts will be tilings of the past, and arid regions need never suffer fram Ihe effeots of pro longed drouths, for whenever rain iu needed, it can be produced at the will of those inhabiting the raiuless region Suoh aa invention or discovery, whioh ever it may be termed, would ho ,.f i estimable value lo some parts of Eastern uregoo, for if rain could be made to fall wherever nnd whenever needed all thui region lying east of the Cascade mountains would soon be trunaf.irmo into productive fields, some of which has not sumcieut moisture to produce the crops. The result of the operations of Pro fessor Carl Myers, of N. Y., the lender of this experiment, will be watched with great interest, not only by eon ressmen, but by the residents of such districts us well. CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUCHS COLDS 'Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains tbe stimulat- phites and pure Norwegian Cod T : -VI it. i 1 iL uiver jiit me puieuuy ui uulii being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggists. 8COTT & BO WN E. Chemists. N.Y. Work done ill the hen manner, and pricea to lilt the times. r , GRANT COUNTY TRADE SOLICITED. UTTEH. The Tailor, A MAGNIFICENT OFFER The great 'World's Fair Word Con test" is exciting universal interest and is on of the nborhinu tonins nf ll, Huv A Free Trip to Europe nnd 88110.00 for expenses is offered to whoever constructs the largest number of F.naliah from letlern oontaiitfd in the text, "The Wurhra Fuir" A.l.l.rir,....! mmiiiwuiii (-ill iir-o, UlH sisting of an Upright Grand Piano, val- Mt-u m nuu, Oliver lea-sets, Sewing Muchinna un.l m...... nl f..l I .... ...... , uj,,,, ,,.i usrini HIIU valuable articles, will also be awarded in order of merit. A special prize of a 14 kt. Gold Watch vuln.ul .if ".n .iii k Bwarded to the girl or bov, under 16 years of age, sending in the "largest list. Evervnne sendim n Hut r nnt toaa th,. 20 words will receive a prize. As the Winner (if lha Aral tvriva rv,,i,r n.,1 n.. ,n makefile extensive trip offered the op tion of $1,000 in o-sh is given. Send seven 2c. stamps for oomplete Rules, i iruiiiiui vaiaiogne aim a sample copy of the beautifully illustrated paper "The Home lascinstor." Ihe contest is open to BliV Derson in tha TTi.ilml 4iufa Canada. In oase of ties on the lanmst list MiA Rraf t.riva irill h n,..n-,lrl , ,.,,uu . nnniiicu i.u iud one bearing the earliest post-mark, dis tance, etc , considered. Address Tum Hhud FianiviT, " 22-424. MontieaHia'uada. GEO. LORD, Contracting, Building AND General carp(er work! X t-Mi,Tinu Buildings a 8p"cialty. Have full riC lor this work. HEPPNER, OREGON. WALU WILL A V. C. A iRICL'LTL'HAL SOCIETY JUNE 24-27, 1891. Walla f alia, fall, PLAYING A TERROR. Ileppner people are anxious about om prospective waterworks. They hopo tin Well oau be Huddled Very shortly, STAND YOUR GROUND. When you make up your mind to take Hood's Sarsanarilla. do not hu iititnn.1,1 t.. buy some other preparation iiiHteail. ('lei ksmiiy claim that "ours is as good ap Hood's" and nil that, but tbe peoniiiu merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla caunot be equaled. Therefore have nothing to do with substitutes, and insist upon having Hood's Sarsparilla, the best blood puri fier uud building-up medicine. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL WTorlt Oiini nntoof l. BTOUE ouiKwite Minor, Doilaon & Cn'a Was HI. Heppiier, - -if. Oregon 3. E. Cam has beeu seriously ill nl tbe Oily Hotel for the past two weeks, but is improving rapidly. ARTHUR SMITH, PRACTICAL, WATCHMAKER Opposite Gazette Office, OUR VERY BEST PEOPLE. Confirm our statement when wee.iv that Dr. Acker's English Remedy is in ever) way superior to any and all other prepa rations for the throat aud lungs. In W llOOllillkr Collilh and nronn it id mu,.in and relieves at onoe. We offer a sample bottle free. Remember, this remedy is sold on a Oositlve iroiiranttm hv ll,u slln. cuin-Johnstou Drug Co. HEPPNER. Watches, Clocks, Wutohos Cletuiett, Mai up ring Pitted A. J3 OREGON. Optical Goods . - $1.S0. . tt.tw. The K. nf P. hoys, with the exception of nt. got back fiora Ismg Creek last Thursday evening, the latter returning Friday evening by stage. TAKE IT BEFORE BREAKFAST. Tbe great appetizer, tonic and liver ICLMlllltor. In Use for nwirulliiu, ftl.,1...... ill England. Positive mtHi.iHn f,,r li..., conipbiint. Had taste in the mouth ou arising in the morning, dull pains in the iii-iiu nno oiun oi me eyes, urea teeling, dizziness, Innguorsyniptoing of liver cimiphiint. Reinedv llr. Henley's Eug- llsh Dlltlilt'lion T.tiiin M.. K.,.. ...... ......... ,nvn,ii,9iin. lion, slmrpeiiB the appetite and tones up Ibj entire system. Get thegeiuiine from your druggist for $1, and take aocording to directions. Mr. Natter rpliirnuil l.,mn .-.n. - -' u.,,MV, wim hum. Natter and Miss K ilie Inst Wednesday 'veiling. Maatir Frank will remain in the VlllleV this Sllmmnr u l,urutl,u r : I .. have b eu visiting since their return from California. MERIT WINS. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years e have beeu selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr King's New Lite Pills, Hnokliu's Arnica' Salve and Electrio Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well or that have given such universal satis faction. We do not hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and we stand readg hi ii-iimu nit; o iri'i use iimi ,r a,,, inry i-eBiiiis uo not follow their use. inese remedies nave won their great popularity purely ou their merits T W . Ayers, Druggist. TO CONSUMPTIVES, The undersigned having been restored to health bv simolH nipiitia (,riu o. , lin ing for several ) ears with severe lung iK-uiiuii, aim luai oreau disease con sumption, is anxious to make known to his rellow sufferers the means of oure. I'o those who desire it, he w ill oheer fully send (free of chio-.ru'i u .., .i. - . , .. i,.,,, , 1 1, prescription used, which they will fiud a sure cure for consumption, asthma catarrh, bronchitis nnd all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, aa it is invaluable. Ibose desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please address Rev. Ed WAHO A. Wll.snM U'illi.,.,,.,1. ...... I.':. County, New York. 40O-3o'2.L Frank H. Snow, Commissioner U. S. Circuit Court at Lexington, Or., is BMthoriKeil tn r,iov.i fuuo P... ....t.i.-- ..: ... ..... ... iwl J,.TtIOU of nunl proola. ii ii FOR RENT Oil SALE. One hundred and sixty nores of bunch, grass, uioely situated. Call at Oazkttb office. 40o-tf. Among the passengers who landed in Uetroit from a western train Ihe other morning was a young man wearing u cow-boy hat, a bear-skin overo.at. the law of a grizzly bear as R hreauf r,!,, and other outward tokens of beiug a ter ror irom the Tar west. As he h to make some inquiries, Officer Button queried of hiifi: 'From Colorado?" "No. from Montana." "You oan shoot, throw the lasso aud ime the bowie-knife, I suppose?" "i.'erlainly, I can." "Killed your man?" "Three of 'em." "Going to stop over?" "Yea, for a few hours. T good deal about Detroit and want, tn sen the town." "Yes. Let me give yon a pointer. We've got a little bit of a saweil-off man iu town who had one of his ears slioed off by a western tough. He does noth ing but walk around and look for chaps of your build. When he finda lights right ou to him, aud it's good-bye tough." "No!" "Sure as shooting. He's done up seven oreight iu a mouth. If von uo nn town leave all those thiuua in the nankuoo room. If you don't, if he catches Hubt of that hat or overooat or beai's elaw you'll be a goner." Do the authorities alio him to hon ou to people that way?" "lliey can't help themselves. I'm giv. mg you a friendly tin. Look out for sawed off." The man sat down to think it over, came to a deoisiou after awhile, aud got into a seat iu a corner of the room and sat there five loug hours before he got his truiu further east Detroit Free Press. Running tj mile ilnsh: purse f son Trotting 2:.W clafls: purse 51X1 Trotting For lonil 2-yeur-oltls: purse. .. iloo (OloHed April 1st with HI entries.) Kininiiigri-K mile dash; purse.-. 4(10 i roinng z. ".' class, purse (iuo I Him,, ,,v i ,.,u... 7. Trotting ;l-year-oUis; purse S. Kimntiig mile, for i-veiir-okls . !. Trotting 1!:40 class; purse ... 10. Huniiiug-i'j mile dash; purse 11. I'lieiiig- Free-lor-all; purse 12. Kuuntug lino yards; purse 13. Trotting For 2-yeur-ol(is,fri'0-for all 14. Trotting Free for all; purse 15. Running mile, fora-j ear-olils . Tlie Porlliiod, Walla Walla, Spokane Portland June Ki-20, IftOl. - Purses Walla Hll,i.I,,-.i.,7 ' . ' Spokane J une 2'J-July -li - ' " two 4(KI 4110 BOO 400 lilKI 300 4110 700 400 Circuit. 7,?I00 0,h(KI 7,000 lii'iliiccd Railroad Hates on all Lines. Thn Sorl,irt-,,-111 ' Y'"-.' iiriinui,. in ii'i mg io any and nil comimiiilcutious with reference to trtiusoortation Irnpl r,.il!ij,iD ,1 ,i sired information. Secretary, STOCK BltANDS. While yoa keep onr suhscription paid up yci oan k,'8u your brand in freeof charge. Allison. O. D.-Cnttle brand, O D on left hir and linnwa same brand on right ohoulder. KaiiKe. iiiglit Mile. B tl?L Adkin. ""yville. Or- Utrnight mark across the thigh ami two crnps and a alii in the right ear; noises. X upside ilnwn on the right shoulder liaiiKB in (irant county aud Hear valley. PO address also at Hardmon. C It Adkins.-Horees j riKht ),n,ier; 0M . tie, (. Hull i right hip ltange in Grant and Mor row coanties. Adkins J J-Hore JA connected on left flank; cattle, sameon lefl hip. Herman Alp. P,iri0 Pity, Or.-On cattle, O LPcnnected on loft hip; horses on left stille and warile on nose. Kiuige in Grant county. Johnny Ayera. horses branded triangieou lett lup; cattle same on right hip. also crop off righl ear aud upper bit on same. Blylh, Percy H.. Heppner.Or.-Horses Homan Cross on rn hi Miiinl.lur ll n m " county. ,"s ,u """"w l leakmnn. O-eo., Hardman-Horaes, a flag or left Bliouhter-.ciil tie. sameon right shoulder. a 1, i j i ' ". riKraman, ur.-t:utlle brand ed U on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. Ilnrke. M 8t O, Long t'reeft, Or-On cattle, MAY ciinnected on lefl hip. oiopoff left ear. un der half crop off right, ilorses. same brand on letfl shoulder. Hangs in (irant and Morrow county. A llowsman. Mount Vernon and Durns-Cattle A 11 on right tup, two crops m each oar; same on horses, on right shoulder. Kange in Grant aud Harney counties. --..j .........o, .kuim-ii oranaen on riglit Bhoiilder;caltle Hon the left side. Left ear nu iik'il ear upper slope. Barton, Wi -Horses, J Bon right thigh; oattle sameon right hip;pht in each ear. Bennett , (ly-Hnrses. H on left shonhler. yirs t,. A. Heiige. horses branded XB on lefl split in left ear! Z -half 'in 'right""6 """ " jibi,- aim euuie uranded a with ax-yuke above un left shoulder, Iroorn .1 I ' II. :..iV,. , I i ' l ""'dud. unuie wun aor. in oeu terou left hip; cattle, same. noyer. w i. ijena-Horses, box brand or rigV I! v' .""'"iV w,tl' "I'bt "1 each ear. n ' ' o on leu shoulder; cat tie. same ou left hn. ' W J Bn.wnlee. Fox, Or-Pattle. JB connected on efl side; crop on left ear ad two splits ihkI ; t-.wn i ul nut (in riKi r ear: nn (ioi-hph- unma n i o ..1. , 1 " .Horses on left stifle; ...... ,,a,B v,.r it ,(n 1(,tt shoulder V$ Z r Site VM. range in Grant countv! " ,'"'rs- A" 1 "' V- r--Horses, HP con nectcd on left shoulder; cwtle, (I ou both left Inpiliid stifle. Range in Mnrtow counrv .;i. 'i1!'"""1' L,i"B- 'rmk' 0r--'1' cattle on , ui,,p on rigni ear and slit in left ear. Our horses same brand on left shoulder, itange T il ( url-llonb'B ctobs on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear. split iu loll ear. Hange in Grant county. On slieun ir vertrd A aud spear point on shoulder. Ear mark '!;JT'"iri,'? "" Ie,t ear- Pinched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right uud under half crop in left ear. All raiigeiu Grant county. A. A. Crosby, cattle branded (or H 1, con nected) on the right shoulder. lef, l!!!"r' '"""""i" V1',!'",,t Y"-W on oattle on left lup. ciop and split in left ear; 7W connected on horses on left ehoulde Kange in Hrant It ( h.ttenden.. Piairie City, Or-1 ick. bundle r "-,,D,m ,i1(, auu spin iu right ea hi irses, same brand oi, right shoulder, hange in r.i.,1, a i ' i u ,w fut I " .1,, !, soon ngntshonUei 500 DOLLARS Can be made in the next three months selling the NEW STANDARD Census Biiasof iHe Woriri! All the new 1890 census returns, re vised maps, showing the New States, New Countries, New Railroads New Post OlHoes &c, &c. BEAUTIFUL Iudexed diagrams of the principal cities allowing the streets, parks, &c, colored mini i aim uingrams, vaiuniiie statistics, political hiftory of the United States, &o. 1,000 Reference Tables, 500 fine Engravings. TEN BOOKS IN ONE. A praolioal, useful work which every business man, every home, every school, professional man, mechanic or farmer wants and will buv This is the best At las for the price ever issued. 1 1 I I a 1 I isvervuody wants the tll Census statifltioa. Vnn I hrtVtt ft Of). (Ion nnnnrtit. Ilitv for mnnau vtiutfin. 1Y.i- . w..n...g. Ami u nnsif time in waitinK( hut send 82 for tbe ele- Kimt outut ut once. liemeiiiber ONE MILLION Atlases will be sold during 1891 on nc oount of the new census, and this is the first aud best in the field. Address. I HI- HISTORY COMl'ANY. 723, Market Street, San tVauciseu, 0 iiliornla 4ia iZ6. 5 I VI """!""" r. KOI nip on left and so if in nul.t Curnn. it X- Horses, w on left stifle. I' A" Ar!",!'l"r 1"'1'Vne,ltV Or-Hores branded II 4 A on left, shoulder. Cattle, same on right hip swallow fork in right ear and crop off left eeni'i-Vl.l1'?- J1r,i,.,,?!,-t:aitte, C with , in rati'li'Vl"!'' lA77H.rMeB Hl" on l,ft l'onller. ll J 1, f' 8i',le' "Wlow fork on righl ear. 11. ll. ochran. Monument. Grunt Co, Ur.- shoulder, cat tie same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlup. Chapin Il -Horsee branded r. on right hio. I aide hraudl the same. p B h Cross. Dayville. (Jr-Cutlle branded two crops and a split in left ear horses L reversed Z on left stifle. Also have the f owinS brand, on raltle: Ti on lelthm, 7 on right" i p Ll i'6ft "'"'der. two parallel burs on left sh alder. Ear marks, two crops. over r!""?"" , 7,"ud , 00 Wllh bar hip "uiueij tuiue same on lefl uouglass, W MCattle, It 1 on right side, sw,., low-fork in eadi ear: horses. K D o,i left hip - ... iin uny quarter circle V on "? . i1" . ' b"h on ''"''sesand cattle. Itange Grant county. i.iwinr Uriulrull ur V II l... . "1 " , ; ""rses oranued K. Inside of IJ ueVk Bbouli(,r- ('aul0 "M on left side of- iHitinn UP T..n r -r-, SSLta. til J'rtf' u'nieV m"p fngnfeai; riih, hir, ii,.; ',," nrandon horses on rlK"V."!fi- nange m Grant countv. i ?.' V ,1 " "orees brum ed ELY on rigid ea?. 'CHttl68ttme D left b n"' Itnlnh PiBlr P-n;-. -!... r. ri , Ji, w '. ,.i ' ' , oorses, K ( on Grant county?' ou " 'P- ""-fin riii!rk:i'!,',l!',iS;n-!t!'r"M- 7F conneoted o. l'.ar mark, hole in right and crop off left. P tl.'hT6' L A-('alt.16, ' right hip; horses F with bar under on riglit shoulder. llorence, S P-Horsen, F on right shm-Jdsi cattle, F on right hip or thigh. "loude, , Armstrong, J. t' Acton-T with bar under o onlefi shoulder of horses; cattle same on let! Gay. Henrv fiAV nr. loft al,n,.i.iA. ",r,, j onlV,rjIh,,,irrtr;Ho,M"- " n flank " Mike Kenny, horsed branded KNY on left hir,. SI" rlSf,r r"P " Ml ""d"' on Keller. tiichard-K K in square, cuttle on left hi p; horses same on left shoulder, llanca IleVr vail,; . P. O. aildreas. Hlautn,,. Grant coumy. Or. W G Kimberlaud, Mouut Verlion, Or-I t, on caule on right au,l it,fI ,le. svallow fork iu 1 "ft ear and uiuler ciop ,u r.gnt ear. llo,,,.s si,in; brand on. cltsli.i.ldo. iu G r.nlt com" "n f ,.,lh'' '''""'!"'-7 ".. J L a and J orrow eouuliee.' ""' ,u "atilla ni l L,,sley, .Wouunieiit, fir A triangle BTilwiih l!;."UJ"m,'""k.1"n'!l"""11 ,1"d,"' hit' in left ia" II 7 I u ' u l" 18 Jo iu Uay. U L. Laurence, Prairie t oy, Ur Cattle X ,m rigid IllD: horses, mm. . ..i ....... "".. "n in l.iani couuiy. "lumuer. iiange Li.lt, Siepnen-is L on left hip on cotile drvss. !,. Oregim" ' eUU"l)'- 1 weualleu, Join, W .-Horses branded halfjir. ole JL counee.ed on ell shoulder I V i on lei, lup. Ihuige. near l3u' iU- """" Georgi. Lord, horses branded double H r, utZ5X?Ml' M "IK l-se. caJ!,,;,'iei;U1nr' at U '6" bi'oVu,":Sgnr,ii!rwuuil-,lu' o. a. :ii,ini.. Lena; horses-old mares 77 xTtc: right. .Horses ul.Po 4 ou ie, .uLTtSiZl T I? lla. gu in Grant county. oneep, h. Ii. lUileheii. Oscar, Ceu j sviile-Horaea 17 ; i. hip; ealiie. 77 on rigni s1Uo. ' " ou ngil iliuCiareu, il a li,,,-M Kiu..M k . . der. came. M2on hip. g " ia" eucn 8,'"u' W J iMcKeru. Alouui' Verlion Or Y r ,. ... ISt ul. Andrew. L,uuw Kuifc iin w over il ou lefl shoulder " w"'' ""ela shiS;?o,' "..ut.r',.'-.'-HB, N on left sins in r-glii. ii, l ,.J ""u"rniurk,lhree NordikH s -ii. "oriow couuiy. ,l , ."'.. ,7. """wo. eircle J u lull inich: t. in Giant couuiy ' "mUi u Uugli. lluuga C;:" i"?k-''Ji left shou.de. es. I V i: .7...Z7.. ''.""""umeut. dr., brands how. I oinoSJr'ffl1" oi-'"ild in lei; ear, iigl.tcionoMn S,U ''!" faille, tora on Light il,' U"t",d- "n lull hip. lbullp, left 1,'. Iwo'slu'sT1 ?.!7""-1 T " " l.U"ZZl&r:,"U"'U- JJ"nau-lliUB It on on left' si, ,,?,'., TLinJJnl'""' U'",mu d verted ,, it.u J- c o ,,i, I f,"""1 ""dm. JXltl1' J?"yvillu' Or-llorc,.JP con. lefl hi,, two , , 1 "ulu Ulv nnanectal ou w, .' in .V,?. '..a .'' each ear. Illckurd G i ' ,"""K1)'ul"'uuteouuy. shouiZ ; A,":.' t.,.uu..1 -. left and Hear va.i,.,. Gran; "oun." S" 1 ""J'U cre wuu Mar.HMratnSMreC All work uuiiranfceut for on year, tf The M. E. nnh.it will Ka iiiu.1 a i.. , , u,,,, I'liiiiin, morning and evening, May 3, by Rev J. i. uimoway. mere will be no services in the M. E. church on Knn.lut. fuu lo except those of Suudnv evening under the auspices of the Epworih League All are cordially invited to be present. Are you married? If uot. scud your address with stamp, to the American Corresponding Club, P. O. Uo 613, Clarksburg, W. V. 87U-WX FOH SETTLERS. Settlers who have paid $-100 for their pre-emptions or commuted homesteads iliould apply for a rebate through Frank H. SnOW. Ht. T.UTin.rK.n 11.. ... .. I , "..p, ...u. Air. UMHt'B Ull charge unless successful. 410 tf. 1 A 1 1.0 KIM. I have ooeneil awell umiin..1 t,.;i... mg esiii'iiisueieui iu my new build THE OR EAT SPRING MEDICINE. Il Will be L'r.ilifiii, j t,. ull nh,i ..,l,. the vital necessily of purifying the oiomi, to know that Hibb.ird's Rheu luahe 8) nip cau be relied npou as a blood medicine. Mr. B. 0. Robiuson, of Marshall, iMioh., says: Ukstlkmen:-! liave snfrered intense ly irom I' nliailuau u,l rhunn,.,! dn. f... ........ ..u. ,.ull , itM,iu, IBUJ 11I over three years, and tried so mauy rem- rjuee luai i lost all taitu. Hearing of Hihhard's Hnenmatio tivrup I bought a bottle and it helped me, I have now used four laitrla Anil It I, no raalA.I mv liver and Iii.Im. ,a I,aui,i,v - -..... .l .UJ IKIIUU, aud done more to purify my blood than any i mug i nave ever taken. I am pleased to recommend it as a wouderful blood medicine. Very truly yours, H. C. Robinson, Ma-shall, Mich. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Cily jLhug-store. FREE TRIM rM w rHG E PROF. HARRIS' FOR THE CURE OF VITALLY WEflKi. Jo .. b. im, , KM IK In ilV; S3 .B w. m pi.i.e s i-i'li'-.it Ion lo Mr. and M F. P. Thnmnui, ln Monday mornniir Inst for the vulluv i,,r. .V, i,..,r.. V omul. .uouiiay morning last for the ... ..,, uu m reguiany i where they will visit friends, after whu h receiving new goods an, wil n,i,k ,,o ! t ... '"fnus, ai er wuun torn made pants rom 7 o Vl&Lh 1 in L."' "VZ'ISL '"u"' u" ,;,,a,e goods in the lion tt i. iuiioiukd win reium to goods m the luaiket. Heppuer, however, aud complete the A. Ashhamsicb. work of bis oonferenoe jtu. loi- Tc M Kl'il s Cl Uii, It v s.'l,1.; 'a' in.'iii,:.V h v ili vim N,"',!a kVKEN v?e saVScI' v, ,'V ft,- iiti5 euvM in i year. .1 Al.-Ol i 1 1 f V t I'lP turn. THE Mn?m3REKPOYCii! Wf mat 0?m 'PMOMeyt u K03 J00JILI3M 1S33 m uo at JMUM iiiiiii itv,,., i- ut. 4 1, . r ... sa.n7onriht hi,,. ' " Un'UB-' "&t- 1 1 ii ncli. Land and Livestock Co.. Fos Iin Ur-l',rB,'a. anchor S on lefl shoulder; vent, - ".. .v.. onur-. ..mue, same on Doth hi, is- ear marks, crop off right ear and nnderbit in eft' coSe,'." i'"'am' (irH"t' ,;ro',k ,:i,UrVlr.r,f... , rr . . . - u " ' " ,"y. yr " norseB nranded H. S. wilh a quarter circle over it r, lr, nn Banw in Morrow and UmatillacJunties. o,,rk Vm I '"'!"- "Ule slioewith toe- r , ." ,,ob ami under in each ear- horses same brand on left stifle o'-it;',ni'',,""',t,"''ii'rR"'le. ' 0r'-" ", 0 -0 o left hulder and stifle; oattle, ou right t b Glaze and A P Snyder. Davyille.Or Horses branded J on right shoulder; on cattle. Btr.pe down the left shoulder. Also. P B ,oTB ! "h"Wer. and same on right hip on callle. Kange in Grant c.unty Hmtt A. B., Hidge, )r.-( utile, round-top A with quarter circle ui'der it on the right hip Kanae in Morrow and Umatilla counties; lluiton A Jenks, Hamilton. Ur-Cale,two bare on either tup; enip in riglit ear and split in left Ilorses. J on right thigh. Hange in Grant county .-,,,,,.., nagner, ur 1 t L ou right tTluiJ Jii'T T " "iP and ; , .... n ,u I lHIIL Kttr nu Hilt in lelt. KHiiftc.in HiijMiack districi, Alorr. w countv hlturln Hull I,, I... Il Ji..l i, ' . . u- r "' ')-HiiiHrai on rich! hip; durees same oo r.Khl shoulder, iauifjin lliel A. Hyde, Prairie City. Or. -AH combined on horses on nghl shoulder; cattle on right hiu Kange ,n Grunt connly. v Hugl.-s Mat, Heppner. Or-llorses. shaded l i ii n "'""""" nange .Morrow Co. hd Holloway. Saddle. Or., horse, and cattle branded K 11 connected, wilh bar under it teSrEStaS.' -""" '"'"'"-"ndder;oa, Hanlisly, Allien Nye. On-gnn. Horses AH conni cliKi. on left shoulder; Cattle on the left J F Hudson, Mount ernon-J? connected on h"?.''t on., nKh5 th'h o" vattle N B on right hip. Kange in Grant and Harney, flank'" UardulJ,n-1l'e.. H on left HlAlf IV m r U , j , , ,," """Br- oranaen oar crosa ol lef shoulder: cattle same on left h,L ..loi"' M-Horsee. wiueglaseonleft ehoulder callle, same on right Inn. riJnf'K"1, ng Creek. Or-t'attle I Don v.,.p,.,t ir-iienr anil on m right ITorsM Sn,uv""d UU le" BhoUJd''r' S left rrlLV!- Moanti VTn0u-;J on. h"rei on hJm'l'll"',i'- ,;-Hlm- horsesho. J on lefl Mile r,,r, nuo, nange on tight Johnson. Felix cattle, same on and split in left 1.,-. T T ii sfti '"ir"' Ov-Utrm,, plain V on righlh luiadinT ' bruuu 'versed oir row coun.y r""u "r- "'"! -ar. on'lne',!r",',ll'P1,Ut'r' 0l'--"orses branded X b,ludeay,AfImd,,,w , ' "gln, Or.-Hors. circ s over ,r,"" l""'" "''""er, vent quuiler w,u;;.r,,,!:,'1viil0' connected and crop oil ria hi ..-u " . . . , L'ul "U '"p Grun,u,.UGdimiu:; iu wil,. h, , ',:.', "i"'1'1'' ' '1'ireo parallel bam s,i ,w, " V."" ealiie, left 1,,,,,,.,. ,,, ,i 1,1,111, P . i Wi , spins in eacn ear. !! Jllu'Je t'ora of Johu iJay. tie, o on rigLl h. " U WU ""dder. Cai- J. hl'iiiy. J. P. Ii.ii-.. u i i-iuhi hii .ni.iu " wuuutu or connected oi. on ieu r.,,,110, . ' "-uoi'sus uruuued a A Wkin,, 1 7 T ' ""ie on ictl hip. left s Z t s"lt'r- u'-"'"-se. iwo-burS on slmohl" T"ei("H- E"- horses brunde I on left UUeUcm'ih1Vsil-TJ,lu,',,')'' Bl""ld J on left i?"' U' Alpine-Horses, B8 on right same'ieltVp10"'''6''' B A P UD left 5sr pMiddWoaxrCrer s- ia F lle'same on tf.Z'i""" UB on on le,t '"Pi el ears cut sharp ai pTul. ""l a"c" -iww. ,:,.,'uul ltuok. Or. Catde. horse. 4 on lufi ,, , , ' 1 p 111 1,ft eur' Horses, couuue" B w Umatilla and Grunt horso,flrr,IJ'i!; ? W-N(! connected on ..r P;,T t",t"', same on rigni hip, niTralltruury"'''"1 W lel'XI'uluer8' Juh" 0r-H 1 outtleou Operry , G-t aule, W 0 on leff hip. crop ofl oifir;noUulderUU l0" ""d"ta cattTerLtV068' a 8h0,llde' leuSder."0" """-Horses circle o on acrZ!!.dtJjOUi 'iuck'"r- Horses branded 1011 siue. Itange, UUnuin county, lilofm (i"0"Iion' frundH.1 u sw left flan callle v ,m T7 . 'on leu sliouiu.r caiue, i on lett shoulder. Tiirn. . 'w i-""-seB. O- on left shoulder. hiH,r. , i ' ,caPital 1 lelt shoulder, luiises, callle same on left h,p wilh sphl m uoli lh, rnton, 11. M lone, Or.-Horsei branded HI connected on lelt .ime; she. p same brand. cattle I'.n'r"8,', I10"'" V muoa "TF' connected on Sderl n , " wlU"'" '"rk 111 ngni ear and sii&rsss; irv;;er u " lUoul'reoUJ,m,m','i''",ne Cit'.Or.- On homes, lelthm Ili '"'' O WW bar under ou 1 ; """K" m Gram couu.y. lUcou':", Urttjd -"-' e 1, u 1 n in. ., leftsiiflH-o, '. ".""' "r-neurt on horses on i... wii icil siua aud under bit inletlear. Itanae 11, Grant S W on i,' ""M'""- r- battle branded aouspl.tinleit, ou MnJ"!?,""" Vernon-8quare on i i?,.i .7 IV" 'P-upper slope ii, he left Bluup ln ,JKllt eur S.ime brand 8Uuu'U- H-ru o.,ng,11,,1p,cr,)pottlljf, 11r; l,1 hautti, liiorruw uomtti-. onJte.,,Uua':.H.U? b.nded.,sc ' P'd" same ou lel. ,oeT,.d lett h,p "tU DnUlaM JV ells, A s-llorsw, 0- on left shoulder; catt .l,.l,r. 3lfi T. .. mull,OI-um uay city On horaea three parallel oars on left shoulder?? bit 11, boih ear.. ltanKB , ,,,. ' U counties. UBM Wyland, J H Hardman-Circle C on lep thieh .ef,sruTd.r:Ju"U-Hut' ouunZt onWleftk:r'fi.L'8he' h0ree branded DE -nnted in .'"r;.1 h8r!?,tle' ? nKht thiKh. hol Tfi&r. D ""'-- on Vrhi k$ri'Ma"- n,nni'" AA " b" - . ... .iiMjeeirry, ur. Uortiea branded T S on Ihe righl shoulder. ..iJIli ?' l'rn,wl''- V;nB creek-Horses branded circle 5 on lefl shoulder. w Vl,i(,m U-. I rr Hore hraiXTiv H' "'T. ,C"n" ' 9f- . '""--iri 111 IHfl B.-'fHll'o "illiBtnt. !t keoldwi oauK