TE3 HEflXttEa QkZVMm, BSBNUft, 0BE3GX J&XfiH ft, IML. T THE GAZETTE. Vvov Picfc Railway-Local Card. No. 31, mixed, lpve Hepnner 8:00 a. m. No. H;'t " arrtvtJB " ti:5i p. m., daily except Sunday. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Stnce leaves for Canyon City daily, exrei t Snuciny, ut6:30 A. u. Arrives-daily, except Monday, at 5 :UC p. M. There ip ! saving of 16 bnnrs in time and $10 ir cash by tukiug this route to Canyon. THIS PAPKBia kept on file at E. C. Pake's A(lvettini:K Aueuuy, HI and 65 Merchants FxelmiiK. San FrimeiHeo. California, where eou traclK for ailvertisins ran he made for it. C, W LOMLKH A CO.. 42 Fflh street. Port land, Orejjon, are authorized to make advertising contracts for the liuuuner UAZtTTK. SIGNAL SERVICE UECOIti). For Week KiicIImk Wednesday, April 29 18S1. Mean I Mean Pre. Chnr- Date Tump. Max. Min. Bar, oip. acter. Apr 23 4f (X) 21 45 hi 2', -111 HO a r.7 .hi 271 Ell 511 ail 45.00 Ml Ml I 42.00 ; 30.1105 1 0.12 Icloudy 54 (l 35.50 ?JIJ Ii5 ! 0.14 fair 55,111, I SB.S8 I 30.15 0.06 fnir 71 im I 41 00 30 1121 1 0UI I fair 75.IKI I 4(1 00 30.155 I 0.00 I fair 57.00 I 40 00 : 311.03 I irace cloudy 111 (XI 28.00 I 30.15 I 0.IK) I clear A. Smith, Observer. THE GAZETTE'S AGENTS. Lexington, W. B. MoAlliater. Wngner, li. A. Hnnniiker. Arlington, Henry Heppuer. Lonif Creek, Eagle. Galloway, Bob Shaw. Gooseberry, Or.. W. S. Parman. Camus Prairie, Oscar DeVaul. Matteson, Allen MoFerrin. Nye, Or., II. C. Wright. Hardmon, Or., C. M. Spenoer. Hamilton, Grant Co., Or., Mattie A. Rndio. lone, T. .T. Carl. Prairie City. Or., R. R. MoHnley. Canyon Cilv. Or., S. L. Parrisb. Pilot Hock.'G. P. Skeltnn. Payville, Or., Mr. Adaum, P. M. John ay, Or., Postmaster. Atliena, Or., John KilinK'on. Pendleton, Or., Win. G. McCrnakey. Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or., Post master. Shelby, Or. Miss Stella Flett. Fox, Giant Co., Or. J. V. AH. n. Eiiht Mile, Or., Mrs. Andrew Asb bmiyu An agent wanted in every preoinot. tf. Here and There. Work is progressing on the Artesian well. Danner, Photographer. 90-tf. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Stevenson were in town over btinday. E. C. Aslibnugb. of Eitjbt Mile, was in our town Tuesday last. A. G. Burtholeuiew, of Alpine, called around this way last Monday. Theo. Danner is a rustler Budgets there all the s une taking pictures. 96-tf Two big loads of pelts and hides rolled in from over the knoll yesterday moruiug. Milwaukee beer on draught at the "Gem." 423 tf. Mr. C. S. VanDuyn and sms, Walter f-and dins., returned from Portland last : -Bo turd ay. Morrow county's opal mines are ore . ating nonsiderable excitement. We are 'iu it" yet. Green Mathews is visiting friends and relatives hire, having arrived from Port land Tuesday eve. Some Bi ow and "blustery" weather was experienced iu the inouutniu section during tho past week. The Fossil Jonrnnl says that Stant. S. Dement, of that place, surfered a broken leg a week ago last Friday. Lout A brass door key. Finder will dense return the same to Geo. Bishop. lt. Portland is already getting ready for be Fourlb of July celebration and "is iu it" too for a big time on that ocoasion. Subicriptions takeu for the Weekly Sunday and Daily Oregonian at the Ga zette office. Ladies of the Christian ohnrch will give an ice cream social at the opera home on May 6. All are invited to at tend. Three four horse loads of wool, from Canyon City, arrived early this week. This is the first of the seasou from that vicinity. The musical jingle of the belled lead horses of freight teams from Grant coun ty, is now frequently heard on our Streets. We welcome the. E. M. Hnwley has returned to May- field, Santa Clara Co , Calif., his stay in the Heppoer country being a brief one. 'The Gazette reaohes him at his bome. A. B. Maekey has finished sheaiirig, and is hauling bis clip to Heppuer. He boasts of having plenty of new lettuce and garden truck dow n at his Sand Hol low much. C. M. Mallory left last week for Cali fornia, aoconipnuied by Tbos. Lane. Mr. Mallory goes there for his health, and we hope that be wilt be benefitted much thereby. Douglas Tilden, the young California sculptor, is making a great hit down in the country of flowers and tropical fruits, lie is n hrother of Charlie Tilden, of Little Wall oreek. Born To the wife of Art Hamilton, on Mahogany Ridge, the 21st inst., a 7 pound von. It is said that Art has grown to e height almost equal to the tall pines of his mountain home. ' Andy Tillard, a i-heepman of the Butter oreek section called at our quarters yes terday, accompanied by Hugh Fields, who had just returned from Goldenriale. Hugh says Go'deudale is having dull times. Phil Heppner came up from Arlington Inst week iu time to attend the club dance, and is sojourning with us this week. Phil has closed bis business in Arlington, and the Gazette hopes he will locate here. Minor Bros, are desirous of bnying up a car load of Morrow county potatoes for Nebraska markets. Our potatoes are finding great favor in Eastern stales. Morrow oonnty heads the list iu the pro duction of "spuds." it was a Dakota editor who wrote: "The price of our paper is not advanaed by the MeKmley hill, but we wish to cor rect the ii'isapprehension of some sub scribers who appear to think that it was placed on the free list." F O. Bnrkiiuin arrived Tnesday eve from a tour of Klickitat. (Wash.,) Sher man, Gilliam and Wasco counties. He says the prospects for crops everywhere are belter than for years past. However rain is needed in some localities;. Mr. C. Ruhl arrived in Heppner from Portland on las' Thursday evening. He is a practical baker by trade, and will open np biieiness in the bakery bnilding ou Mav street, next door to A. Ahrabam mrt'e tailor shop. Mr. Ruhl comes to tiB viti the v-ry best of recommends- ; rl re l is PliK or nun a lioerai Condon Globe: Arlington Lodge, No. 63. of the Ancient Order of the United Workmen was organized at Arlington on Monday right last, by O. B. Whitmore, Graud Official Iustruotorof Ibis jurisdic tion. The following officers were elected and installed: W. O Zigler. P. M. C. A. Hhurle, M. W; O. S Ebi. Foreman; C. W. Shurte. Overseer; J. Keeuey, Reooilr er; W. A. Eodkey, linnncier: M. C. Thompson Receiver; D. Morris, Guide; Geo. Leghorn, I. W ; W. L. Hamlin. O. W;0. H. Ebi, W. A R .dkey and W. O. Zeigler, Trustees. Mr. Whitmore is in Condon for the purpose of organizing! Lodge at this plaoe. Condon Globe: The county clerk is now busy recording large plats of the proposed rout of ditches to run from points on the Umatilla river to points on or near Willow oreek, in Gilliam Oounty. One iB tiled by tlie"Colnmbia Valley Land & Irrigation Co.," and thnnther by the "Umatilla Improvement Co." Both com panies are incorporated, and the object is to take water from the Umatilla river, Butter and Willow creeks, for irrigation purposes. The ditoues will be of great benefit to the arid regions lying along the Columbia river. E. A. Heath, of the Harney Press, who was arrested for sending obcene literature through the mails, was dis charged by the United States grand jury. arter considerable research and argu ment The greatest discussion arose as to the meaning of "obscene," the in dictment only failing through lack of one more vote. Mr. Heath spent Sunday in this oity, leaving for home Monday moruiug. ' E. G. Locke was down last Sunday, from the Butter creek prospect. They have begun working on the new well, 120 feet higher ami 1500 feet to the south west of the first hole where artesian wa ter was struok recently. Only about 12 inches of coal was found iu the first hole, but it was of fine quality. The vein may thicken nearer the mountains, L. A. Connella, of Portland, represent ing R L. Polk & C i., publishers of Ga zetteers, came up to Heppuer Wednes day evening. Mr. Uonuella is taking contracts for the Oregon, Washington and Idaho Gazetteer nud business di rectory. This book is issued biennially. The one now being prepared will be on exhibition at the World's Fair. East Oregon Herald : Mr. Morgan, representative of the FirstNational Bank in Heppner, was in Burns several days during the week. We are srry to learn through him that our Senator, Henry Blnckman, is still in poor health, lie ex pects, in a few days to visit the springs of Arkansas, hoping tberebyto get relief. Dr. Almrn, the successful Eye, Ear, Catarrh, Throat and Lung physician, of Portland, will not be able to leave for Europe this summer owing to his lame and increasing practice. Those who wish to consult him should go direct to his offices, Fourth and Morrison streets. A. H. Hooker reports the crop pros pect still looking good in the Eight Mile oountry. Prof, D rland, who hnndles bottled electrioty for headache, accom panied him to town last Monday, after an extensive visit to the Eight Mile section Ed. Wineland, of Lone Rook, who is now sojourning in Heppner, has in his possession a veritable "mad stone," wbicbhas cured many persons of that dreadful disease, hydrophobia. It has been in the family for years, his father having owued it before him. The work on the Miiu street bluff near our home rauoh, is progressing rapidly, with a large force of hand at work under tbedireotion of Marshal Ras mus. A ledge of basalt oomes to the surface at this point, and the boom of blasts are beard daily. Jeff Jones, G. B. Tedrnwe, nnd other ligbtuing strikers, have been busily em ployed in shearing C. A. Rhea's bands lor the past ten days. "Litm" has also disposed of 3,0(10 bead of sheep this spring. Verily, this is the sheepmen's harvest. Special forms in legal blanks printed to order at the Gazettb office. None but the beet legal blank paper used. A fuli line of blanks for justices, etc., is kept iu stock, at prices as low as Salem, Portlnnd or Pendleton. tJend in your or 'era. The council proceedings of last week were omitted, the first time since the Ga zette passed uuder the present manage ment. This was due to the absence of the editor, and a new band being in charge who was not clearly "on to" the ropes. A foot race last Saturdny eve, between Cash Rychaid and Os Mitchell, oansed uo end of fun. It was a tolerably even thing about half way through, then Cash led out nnd Os made it worse my falling down. M. D. L. Frenoh, of Southern Kansas, is visiting the bome folks on Hinton creek. He will travel in this section for the Chicago hardware firm of Henry Sayer & Co. The front of the City Hotel barbershop has taken on a ooat of black and gold which looms up as a handsome contrast with its mure somber surroundings. Jaa. Yeager is still suffering from par alysis of the right side of his face, but is able to work at his trade of carpenter ing. Mrs. Joe Hayes left for the valley in response to a telegram announcing the serious illness of her mother. Miss . Nicholson, who taught ont in the Gooseberry neighborhood recently, is visiting nt Albauy, Oregon. Chas. Pence is up from 'Frisco visiting relatives here. He will visit Fossil sea tion before returning. L, L. Oimshy will take 22,000 head of sheep out of this looality. Hestarts three outfits this week. Henry Heppuer will shortly begin the erection of a brick on tki site of the old store building. A lot of shearers cleaned up the Thorn ton band at Jas. Fristoe'B place this week. Luther Huston and H. E. Warren c li ed on this otlioe while in town Monday. Born In Heppner on the 23 inst., to the wife of John Depny, a 12 pound boy. H. Blackmnn & Co. sell the 14 in. Oli ver Chilled plow for $14, casb. 423-1 1. Canyon City friends' visited Mr. Joe Romig aud family early this week. Geo. Westervelt visited the Long Creek section last week. J. J. Pierson, the Long Creek pho tographer, is in town, Mrs. J. N. Brown is convalescing from a severe sick spell. H. A. Salisbury was over from Vinson early this week. Mrs. Dr. Geogbegan is improving rapidly. "Buster" Keithly is riding for Al. Flor ence. Girl wanted to do general bonse work in a small family. Enqnire of Mrs. E. R. Bishop, Heppner, Oregon. 4231 1. POTATOES ! We want 20,000 lb of potatoes by ay 9. Will pay 65 to 70 cents in i trade, fr ifood i able putatoea. lots, varieties merchant 23 It, MINOR BROS.Q Dan Summers will be np from Lexington Saturday next with Marshall, Coaoh and Hamhleton- thiB section by aid see him. 422-lt Who Can BbatIt? E. G. Look left a peculiar petrification at the Gazette office yesterday. It is nothing more or less than a toad, just as natural as life. It was discovered in the heart of the core taken out by the diamond drill at the head of Butter oreek at a depth of 100 feet below the surface. It will be kept at the Gazette office for a few weeks where the publio are invited to oall and inspect it, after which it will be sent to the Smithsouiau Institute at Washington. At thb Opera House John Jack Bnd wife, Annie Firmiu, entertained good audiences at the opera house Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of last week. Tbe programme was very good, yet quite old to a number present. Miss Firmin's "Galatea" was especially good, and the "Pygmalion" of John Jack did him oredit. Other parts of tbe programme seemed to weary the andienoe oonsider aoly. There was nothing wonderful about Master Firmiu Jack's singing; but Mr. W. J. Richards, as a pianist, is fault less. It was said by several that he was one of the most accomplished pianists ever to visit Heppner. The music fur nished by the band boys on the oooaeion was very creditable, yet not as fully ap preciated bv Mr. Jack, as they felt it should have been. Tub Coal Pbospkot E. G. Locke, the U. P. mining expert will be over iu this section to make a thorough iuvesti gntion of the Fossil coal mines, in about ten days. An unexpected flow of arte ian water while drilling for coal on Butter oreek brought operations to a standstill hut be has now moved tbe machinery 1,500 feet up the hill and started to bore afresh. We do not know what measure of suocess Mr. Locke will bayein that en terprise, but evidently he is B stayer, aud if he will test the Fossil mines as thor oughly as he is doing those on Butter creek, tbe proposed private road from The Dalles to the mines will surely be forestalled by the Uuion Pacific. Fossil Journal. A Useful Invkntion. Harold A. Sal isbury, of Vinson, Or., received on Maroh 10, 181)1, full pateut for a clasp designed to hold timbers together without mor tising, bolts or nails. It is more es pecially adapted to wood and hay raoks, where mortising, bolts, etc.. would have a teudenoy to weaken timbers. Tbis in vention obviates entirely all difficulties encountered in the use of racks made the old way. It oan be used for bnildiug bridges, box care, etc, but iu tbis ooun try is designed fur wagou rooks. A boy ten years old oan put the heaviest rack ou and off a wagon, when made with the Salisbury clasp, as it cbh be removed in seotions, and renders all heavy lifting unnecessary, as is often experienced iu handling the rack put up by the old method. Tbis patent applies to the clasp, only, and is undoubtedly a valu able and useful invention. It Pays. It pays to advertise. Near ly every firm in town is represented by a neatly printed card all of which occu pies a prominent position in the post office. These people appreciate the fact that to be "in if they must keep their names before tbe publio. This is just what your newspapers bBve been advoca ting all the time. Of course people who live in others seotions of onr country and who do not pet tbeir mail here, will not see them nt all, hence the price of $1.50 to $2.50 per card is all they are worth. It costs a little more to Keep your name before the public in tbe newspa pers. But then the latter helps to pay taxes and nots as a general pack-horse for the community. Does more for the upbuilding of your town in a minute than any other factor in a month. Circu lated in more post office than one, and therefore is worth mote money as an advertising medium. Ads cau be changed once a month without extra charge. But as advertising of any kind pays, we are glad to see our people tackle the post office plan. For the bene fit of those who thinks they cannot af ford to do business in Heppner newspa pers, we will kindly ask residents of ont post offices, nnd of Grant county, alao Eastern Oregon, to come down to Hepp ner and take a look at the post office ads. No extra charges for this. Advertising pays. The sale of reservation lands has de layed tbe issuing of Land Notices. Ap plicants need not feel uneasy. They will get around soon. Charley Mitchell left last Tuesday for Ritzville. Some good news is crowded out for lack of space. Weinhart's beer on draught at Frank Tnttle's, opp. City Hotel. 4?3 tf Dr. J. T. Grant, representing Buck ingham & Hecbt, is in town. Drop in at Frank's plaoe, opposite City Hotel, when in town. Best liquors, wines and cigars always in stook; Ore gonian and Gazette on file. 423-tf. McAtee Bros., of the "Gem," have Milwaukee beer on draught at the price of oommon beer. 423-tf. Major Ormsby tackled tbe mountains with a band of sheep, enroute for Nebraska, last week but found too much snow. Bud "illingbam is helping bim collect tbe sheep bought in the Long Creek section. FARMERS I We will again pay premiums for the boss grain and garden truck this fall, so prepare to show us hat our county is made of. 423 424. MINOR BROJ. WIIAT IS SCROFULA It Is that Impurity In the blood, which, ac cumulating lit the glands of the neck, pro duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which causes painful running sores on the arms, legs, or loct; which dcvelopes ulcers In the eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blinduess or deafness; which Is the origin of pimples, can cerous growths, or the many other manifesta tions usually ascribed to "humors;" which, fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption and death. Being the most ancient, it Is the most general of dl diseases or affections, for very few persona are entirely free from It. "72" CURED Ey Uklng Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by the remarkable cures it has accomplished, often when other medicines have failed, has proven itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. Some ot these cures arc really wonderful. If you suffer from scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. " My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof ulous sore neck from the time she was 22 months old till she became six years ot :ifie. Lumps formed in her neck, and one of them after growing to the size of a rigeon's egg, became a running sore for over three years. We gave her Hood's Sarsaparilla, when the lump and all Indications of scrofula entirely dis appeared, and now fhe seems to be a healthy child." J. S. CABLII.E, Kaurlght, N. J. N. B. Be sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparilla Roldbyallilnifrglitt. Ilsittforts. rnrarntonty by C. L H001 CO., Apothecaries, Lowed, Mum. IOO Doses One Dollar I SPRING APPORTIONMENT. Supt. Ealing has made the following apportionment of publio school funds: C. M. Mallorv, Dist. No. 1, $717.40; A. B. Hiatt, Dist. No. 2, $109.85; C A. Hales, Dist No. 3, $77.20; J. C Kirk, Dist. No. 4, $18;.00; W. M. Douglass, Dist. No. 5 $11255; A 0. Pettys, Dist. No. 6. $98 95; Paul Reilman, Dist, No. 8, $85 35; Geo D Kly, Dist No 9, $104 40; H 0 Gay, Uist No 11, $153.35; Wm Blair, Dist No 12, $240.40; Austin Y.icnm, Dist No. 13. $90 80; A. B. Williams, Dist No 14, $142 50; Lon Maikbam, Dist No 15, $142.50; U S Crane, Dist No 16. $104 40; Wm Dnran, Dist No 17, $194 15; C E Platts, Dist No 18, $i)9 00; Andrew Rood, Dist No 19, JliB.10;Viley McBee, Dist No 22, $12070; Thad Armscroug. Dist No 23, $104.40; W C Metier, Dist No 24, $frl.30; Wm Melhs, Dis' No 25, $0625; R L Shaw, Dist No 26, $120 70; A G Bar riiolomew. Dist No 27, $10440; Wm Thomas. Dist No 28. $IHJ 80; Luther Hus ton, Dist No 29, $18600; A T King, Dist No 30, fl45 20; T C Aubrey, Dist No 31, $123.45, T A Rhea. Dist No 32, $12345; Brown. Dist No 33. 71 75; T J Carl, Oist No 35. $77 20; N R MoVay, Dist No 36, $215 90; J M Baker, Dist No 37. $169.. 70; Cyrus Leyde, Dist No 33. $134.35; J A Woolery, Dist No 40, $2j7 75; S N Morgau, Dist No 41, $14520; Luther Hamilton, Dist No 42, $90 80; Allen Evaus. Dist No 44, $79.95; W H. Wil mot, Dist No 45, $82.05, 0 C Sallng, Dist No 40, $85.35; F E Holland. Dist No 48, $93 50 J H Inskeep,Dist No 49, $101.20 ; J T MoAlister, Dist No 50, $93.50; A L Reed, Dist No 51, $98 95; E C Keeney, Dist No 52, $41.3d; Homer Gray, Dist 64,98.95; B F Tennis, Dist 26, joint, $35.90. Baby is Sick. The woeful expression of a Des Moines teamster's countenance showed his deep anxiety was not entirely without cause, when be inquired of a druggist of the same oity what was best to give a baby for a cold? It was not necessary for him to s iy more, bis coun tenance Bhowed that tbe pet of tbe fami ly, if not the idol of his life was in dis tress. "We give our baby Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," was the druggist's an. swer. "I don't like to live tbe baby such strong medicine," said the teamster. ' Yon know John Oleson, of tbe Watters Talbot Priuting Co., don't you? Inqnir W. A. KIRK. KIRK DEALERS IN Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Conceivable Article kept in a First Class Harness Shop. Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines and get cash prices. MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, T. W. AYERS, (Successor to A, Keeps a Full Line of Drugs, Chemicals, Tatent Medicinesl Toilet Articles, Albums, Etc., Etc. Fine Domestic and Imported Cigars Al ways in Stock. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED DAY OR NIGHT. School Books ! tf. School Books ! GO FOR A.LL Job work, Eepairing and Furniture. Cupboards Tables, Stands Baby Buggies, Mouldings, Mirrors and Curtain Poles, Direct from the East Cheap for Casb. Picture Framing a Specialty, Carpets to Order. Agent For the La Grande Marble Works. NEXT DOOR TO MINOR BROS., HEPPNER, OREGON' or. ix. sxivcoisns. Hard Blows by the Bellows and Hammer PAP SIMONS & SON, At tbe Old Stand on the Matlook Corner. With this announcement, it is hardly necessary to say that they have not LOST THEIR GRIP on doing' a first class job of black smithing, horse-shoeing, machine repairing or any thing else in their line. Pap Simons' Old Stand, HEPPNER, - FRANK GILLIAM. GILLIAM General Hardware. Stoves and Tinware, Plumber's Materials, Etc., CYCLONE AND STAR WINDMILLS, Wood and Willow Ware, Crockery, and Glassware, Blacksmith's Supplies, Guns and Ammunition of all kinds Lubri cating Oils. Agricultural Imple ments a specialty. A car-load of STUDEBAKER WAGONS Eight from tbe factory. Anything in the hack line from a $.'i00 top buggy to a $25 road cart. Nails nnd barb wire in car loU, right from the factory. We ran save you rnonoy on anything iu oar line. Give us a trial and be convinced. Job work a specialty. Next door to batik building, Mam streot, HEPPNEK, - - - OREGON. ed tbe druggist. "His baby, when eigh teen months old, got bold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and drank tbe whole of it. Of course it made the baby vomit very freely but did not injure it in tbe least, aud what is more, itonred the baby's cold. The teamster already knew tbe value of tbe Remedy, having used (t himself, and was now satisfied that there was oo danger in giving it even to a baby. For sale by Sloe urn Johnston Drug Co. President Harrison is expeoted at Portland ou ihe 5th inst. ELECTRIC CURES BV DR. DARRIN. Linton Paine, Mulino, Oregon; rheu matism all his life in different parts of tbe system, enlarged liver and diseased kidnevs, restored to health. Miss Sophia Lude, 147 South Water street, Portlaud; numbness in feet aud limbs, severe pain iu the head and bleed ing of tbe nose, restored. D. i. Gruhiiui's ohihl, Springfield, Or., painfully afflicted with granulated cou juuctivitiis, complicated with u leers of the eyeb lis for nine mouths, cured. "J. A. Lindsley, news agent of theO. R. & N. Co., residence 310O street, Portlaud; consumption, bronchitis aud oatarrh, cured aud gained fifteen pounds. David Ross' son, Woodland, Wash. ; pniuful hip disease, bad to be onrried to the dootor s office, oured. Mr. Ross has a daughter residing at the Merchants' hotel, Portland, and cau be referred to. Dr. Darriu treats wuh eleotricity and medicines all curable curouio, aoute and private diseases, blood taints, lost or failing manhood, nervous debility, ef fect of error, or excesses in old and young, loss of memory, disease oansed by mer cury in tbe improper treatment ot private diseases, irregularities in women, etc., aud never published in the papers. Of fice, "01 j Washington street, Portland, Or. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. daily. Examination free aud confidential, ques tion blanks nnd drculars scut gratis to any address. Patients cured at bome after one visit to the doctor's otlioe. dtdicines sent to any address without tbe doctor's name appearing. Spring stirs np tilt bile. Von lose yonr ap petite, feel weak, too lint, and Oil! m tired. Take SinliuiMis Liver Kricalatui'. J. 0. HAYES HAYES HEPPNER.OREGON. OREGON, Jr., Proprietor, D. Johnson.) TO 33. Zj. SXlVEONta. - - OREGON. T. H. BISBEE. & BISBEE, -DIA1.IH8 IS- H. Blackman&Co., 01112 PI III FIRM OF ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR CONSISTING OF .EST OVBLTIB OF THE LATEST STYLES FULL AND IMMENSE LINESOF Xi?r Goods., Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Etc. CAR LOADS OF LIME, SULPHUR, WOOL SACKS AND TWINE FOR STOCKMEN. Tie Celebrated Bain Wagons and Hack ! AND A FULL LINE OF 011 iver Chilled Plows Constantly on hand, for which we are -SOLEAGENTS- All the nbove lines will be sold at BED-ROCK PRICES! BWe cordially invite the public to inspect our stork before pur chasing elsewhere, and we will satisfy one and all that we can sell as low as the lowest. Our Bargain Counters contain a chpap line of Hats and Overalls almost given away. Do not forget the BKICK STORE, Main Street, nearly opposite the Palace Hotel. H. Blackman & Co., Heppner, - - Oregon. "Oh, Where Did You Get that HAT ?" "AT MINOR BROS," "Well, I Want One Tho Lnrffout and Best Selected Stock to be found East of Portland, Constlng of Latest Novell iei in STIFF AND SOFT HATS ! TB 0KLRBBATEO J. B. STETSON'S In All Htyles, at Qreatly Reduced Prices. The Young Hen are following the example of their elders and coming to ns, are outfitted in shape before going to see their "Little Pig." If you Want to Koep in Sight, Call on MINOR BROS., May Street, - Heppner, Oregon. For First Quality Goods at Lowest Prices, -GO TO LEEZER & THOMPSON DEALERS IN Hardware, Tinware, Oroeeiies, Confectionery, Wood and Willow Ware. Audita for New Home and fnvorite Hewing Mucliiiiex. Lumberman'!1 Tools a Hpeoialty. Hitfbefft market price paid for furra produce. tf. Comer Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or. HEY! HEY Let as go to Mat Lichteutbal'i Exclusive Boot and Shoe Store, for our winter footwear. He keeps the beat Bnokineham A Heolit boots and ahoea, tlie Furxo i'l 50 Shoe and other l'"mIh nt atundard mnkei. A big stock, Footuear mnat be bought olieup, quality oonaidered, to get ucb burtfiiiui as you find at MAT LICHTENTHAL'S, MAIN STREET, - - - HEPPNER, OREGON. MORROW COUNTY. Just Like That!" COME ON !