8 IHi. WiiK.Lf HiiW.Nitt GAZm'Ji, OWOS, A?iii.L isD, 1&0. THE GAZETTE. Lamabtinb wag neked by a friend if he did not upend too much in adTertiging. "No, whs bis reply," advertisements are absolutely necessary. Even divine wor ship needs to be advertised; else what is the meaning of ohurch bells?" Ex ohangs. Col. Comptom, oomnjander of the post at Walla Walla, will be the subject of a oourt of inquiry concerning the act of bis soldiers at Walla Walla last week. If their murderous acts were permitted without due care to prevent such, he will be made to aull'er. It naturally occurs to one after a mo ments thought, that the dedication of Col. Compton to the effect that he oould not keep his soldiers lit their quarters in Fort Walla WalU, u heu apprised of their intentions to mob Hunt, was an admis sion on his part of very poor discipline at the post. It will and should be in vestigated. Calif, is the abbreviation adopted by the pustal authorities to avoid mistakes in delivering mull addressed to Calnomia. And all mail addressed to parties there lierearter must nave Ualif., and not Dal, as this so resembles the abbreviation for Colorado, Ool , that it is sometimes im possible to determine to which place the letter suould ue sent. A mou of Bold'ers took the town of Walla Walla last Friday night and shot to death a prisoner, one A. J. Hunt, a gamoler, wno was confined in the county jail at that place. The oanse or this out rage, as stated on our thir.l page was the shooting Wednesday night of Private E. filler, of Troop D, l-onrth oaval-y, by Gambler A. J. Hunt. The sol liers made an iinsucoesaful effort Thursday night to lynch Hunt. Governor Pennoyer is a standing dis grace to the state of Oregon. An.ici pating President Hairisou's visit to this state, ho aunoiinos that hu will not meet the chief eiecutive at the state line, as becomes him in his position, but if the president wishes to see him, he will he found lit Hulem. In other words, Harri son muni pay homage to Pennoyer This is a little of the hitter's old, worn-out State right's doctrine, and he is reoeiviug a just scoring from the newspapers all over the Union. I ennoyer is not a Southern man, however, or he would be more hospitable. Tim fact thnt Heppner's big $40,000 hotel is unfurnished and unoccupied, is doing the town a positive injury. Any one acquainted w ith the facts knows thai a technical defect in the title of the lot on whioh the hotel is built has oaused all the delay and trouble. An soon as this matter is settled, the hotel will not long remain uuocnupied, as several ap plications are on fiie from parties desir ing to 1' use the property. Yet the con summation of tlic plans of the hotel com pany should be hastened as rapidly as possible that the present ooudition of mutters shall not stand us a detriment to Heppuer. The Gazette takes pleasure in an nouncing to i's patrons that it is again advertising through its columns, the famous Cooper Ulieep Pip. Until re cently this, dip was manufactured in England, only, hut lately Wra. Cooper A Nephews, the proprietors, have seen the necessity of being nearer their large and increasing trade in America, and have established a branch bouse in Galveston, Texas. Sheepmen have learned, by ex perience, that the old lime and sulphur dip is very injurious to the wool and docs not always accomplish the desired effects. Hence the popularity of the Cooper dip, which cures the scab with out injuring the lleece. LlHTJTKNANT-CflLflNKIi IVANHOK, of the Third Iti'ginieiit, has been dismissed from the service of the Oregon National Guard. A coiirt-mai lial, held at Port land recently, found him guilty of ap propriating the funds of i Co. to his own use, and iiIho of conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman. Governor Pen noyer thought the. tirst tiuding belonged to a court of justice, but had sentence duly executed on the hitter charge. Ivau lioe is an old army officer, having held the position of iiinj ir there, to which he worked up from the ranks. TheGazette regrets that Col. Ivanhoe should have forgotten his duty to the third regiment and the Oregon National Guard so far as to become tho subject of a court-inart.nl. OVER THIS KNOLL From the Unig Creek Eule. Long ('reek is wnking up, and the sound of the, hummer is heard iu every direction. Judge Clifford occupies the bench at Canyon City dining the coming term of court, which couvense next Monday. Tims. Sinyer found a $51 gold nugget on the old Deep creek "diggins" reoeuily. It w as a pretty speauuen, the pure thing. Otis Patterson, of the Gazette, returned to Heppner yesterday, after succeeding in domesticating cur K. of P. goat for onr new ly made Knights. Mr. Bert Boswortb, of Heppuer, is ex pected here soou ami will take a position on ahe Eagle. He has been connected with the Gazette for some time and is a valuable man. Mr. Bosorlli will be come au acceptable member to Long Creek's society. Win liudio and wife returned from Pendleton and Walla Wnlln, respectively, last Monday, Mrs. Radio's sister, Miss Kills Craveu being much better. They returned via the rendieton mid l ong Creek road, which Mr. liudio reports in a hail condition, but that work bad Com menced. static of Ohio, dry of Tulkik), ( Li'oas County. Frank J. Chknky makes oath that be is the senior partner of the Hrm of F. J. Chknky & Co., doing buaiucss iu the city of Toledo, County and Htato aforesaid, and that firm will pnv the sum of (INK HUNDRED DOLLARS for eaoh and every case of catarrh that can not be ouied by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Fhank J. Chunky. Sworn to before and subscribed in my presence, this 6tU day of December, A. D. 1KS6. A. W. Gl.EASON, Kotaru Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts direotly on the blood and mn oous surfaces of the system. Heuil for testimonials free. F. J. Chknky A Co., Toledo O. U&T" Sold by Druggists, 75o. LINGERING EPISTLES. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the Heppuer Postoflice: Boone, Geo, Mrs, Aline Motlabb. Lindsey, Josei h. J. T. Tuniupsou. Flense say "advertised" when calling fur these letters. A. Mai.dohy, P. M. Pole Thompson bud an exciting run away Monday last, the team getting away wiih the front part of the ruiiiiin gears of his wagou ou M.ty st., and taking quite a turn around town. No particu lar damage wai don. Cl'KBENT (OSalF. A fine Hnff of gold pns, pencils, etc., at Slocnm Jnhnston Drug Co.'s. a. fall at Lfl7W & Thompon's for a free sample enn of 1'ohnrn 4 Htafford'a axle great; the txwt ma afactured. Free from a.-ids and guiantA d njttogum especially adapted for cog wheel, bearings and journal, also a first claM remedy for mud fever, burns, bruise and crnckf d hoofs. Hardware? lea, at GUI km t Btsbes's, Main St., Heppner, Or. H. Blackman ft Co. tiRVe an exclusive fleneral Merchandise stere. Utockmen cannot do better than patronize H. Blackmail ft Co., of Usppusr's Pioneer BrL-k. a The Morrow County lnnd ft Trust Co. handles Armour Packing ( 'o.'s good, Raving merchants the fr-ight from Port 'and to Heppuer, and on many things much more. a. Perseverance, pluck and enterprise will make money in this wild, wild West, hut it is of no avail unless you get big bargains, in foot-gear, especially, Go to Mot Lichlenthai's for your bargains in boots and shoes. a. H. Tilaokman A Co. Sells the 14 In. Oliver Chilled plow at $14, with one extra plow point. a. When voa want your horses shod or wagon repaired, ye Grant county people, don't forget that l. Biieptmru has a hop at fox. Nails by the car lom! at Gilliam A Hishee'B. traut county people will do well to call on them. a. Wanted More customers to buy goods of the Heppuer Furniture Co. Great bargains this spring. Mat Lichtenthal has just received a fine lot of Ijftdie and Minuet r ine Slippers; also a I'ul! Lin-of Ladies', Mise" and Gents' Shoes, all at the holtoin price. Don't neglect to call on Mat when you wish to buy. LEXINGTON LOCALS. A fine, small shower the last week. T. J. Carle is up from lone to day. Mia. M. J. I'enland is back from visit iu Umatilla county. her J. F. Brewer was in last Monday prov ing up on a timuer-oulture. Alva Leach caught a nice, large sal mou, last Monday, down by the mill. It weighed about nine pounds. Jim Cvpert lost a valuable mare and colt last week. Win. Blair and family and Arthur Brewer have returned home from a visit to Wasco county. He suys he saw some very nice couutry. Nclse Magunseu was up to Hie county Feat Monday evening and returned Tues day morning Charley Barnett. and Harvey Hazleton are out with a shearing crew shearing sheep for II. M. Thornton, Mrs. Hurd, from Pendleton, has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gammell the past two weeks. She returned home the latter part of last week, stopping to visit friends on Sand Hollow for a few days. April !M, "Jl. TEE REMARKABLE EXPERIENCE Of W. F Iltlbhul'it. Superintendent of the I JiK-knauiN Million of the tl. 8. Fish Com mission, and how lie wiim Handled by Ur. llHITill. From the Oroeonian. Clackamas, Or., Kelt. 28, 1891. Dr. Darriu It gives me great pleasure to say that the home treatment you gave me two years ago was a perfect success. r years past 1 have been nllhcted with moth or liver spots on different parts of my person. I visited you onoe aud took the "home treatment. ' In a Tew weeks I was permanently cured, and have never seen any symptoms mi ce. Refer to me. W. r. Hurbarb. HOW HIS GAINKD 17 TOUNUS. Editor Oregoniau For twelve venrs past. I have been seriously alllicted with kidney and liver complaint, pain in the spine and breast, dizziness and generally out of sorts. With six months' elect no and home treatment by Dr. Darrin I am cured of most of my troubles. Have gaiued seventeen pounds hi the time. 1 hiimas Burr. Mil. Johnson's okkat hthknoth. MoMinnvii.lb, Or., r'eb. A, 1H91. Dear Dr. Darriu: Your electric and home treatment: for the past eight months lias wrought almost a miracle on me. When J lirst came to von I was about crazy from the effects of nervous debility, spinal and kidney troubles. I was wholly unable to work. Now I nm strong and hearty, and able to bundle thirty tons' weight of lumber across the sawmill lioor every day. It is a wonder ful and radical cure. I thank you with all my heart. 1 will stand by you and recommend yon lirst. last aud all the time. My mother (Mrs. M A. Johnson) who formerly lived iu S ilem, Or., now here, has never had a return of her deaf ness of twenty years' standing, cured by you two yi nrs ago. Gratefully yours, Charles L. Johnson. Pit. DAltlim's SYHTKM OK TREATMENT. Electricity, the invention of the nine teenth century, is well worthy the pa tient years of investigation and expert n ent that have been given it by Borne of the ablest and most devoted votaries of science. Galvani, Volta, Humboldt, and others equally distinguished, spent years in studying the phenomena of this wouderful agent, aud theu our own Morse gave it physical value in the in vention of the telegraph. And now, as we have become familiar with the con stant miracle of lightning bending obedient to the slightest touch oi man, we see a new wonder in the invention of Dr. Darriu, who by skillful meohauism, directs this subtle force to the d est r no tion of disease and the building up of waning vitality. Dr. Darriu treats nil curable, chronic, noute and private dis eases, blood taints, lost or failing man hood, neivous debility, effects of errors or excesses iu old or young, loss of mem ory, diseases caused by mercury iu the improper treatment of private disenses Office, 71 )j Washington street, Portland, Or. Horns, 10 . m. to 8 p. in., daily. Examinations free and oonlldeniial question blanks and oirculars sent grn'iB to any address; patients cured at home. 41'J-tf. STKAYED. From nutter creek, owe buy mnre, fire yenrs old, "lioot" liriimt on lett ptitie. eniHH on lett ohoil Idttr. Hits n smnll at rip iu face, liikely rnngiinj near Co Itimbm river. Will utve 810 reward for her return to Morrow's Btulile, lleppuer, Orot'ou. 421-42i. M. 8. DmsKELL. FOR SALE ! 1 Fiu I nnd a aw Fine much of (i(K) ntTes, well-wnterej I unproved. Has 1(H) fruit trees 2(H) Borea button) land, 75 acres o. meadow drass, ood timber on the plaoel viieant land Rdjniuini;, seven miles west o( Ilarduian, Morrow county. Or. It is well adapted for h stck or dairy ranch. This place is known as the Geo. Stew art plaoe. For particulars, enquire of MtOWN A HAMILTON. 19-tf Real Estate Ai;ts., Heppner, Or. IT T3 THW TD.L MKTTr,TNTT. It roiiw thp Livrr nnd Kutni'Vt iml S'om.ich, cir II iitl.uh.-, IviK' u. iTOitoi an Appv M-tfcf Tho!ik Ptrnnfr. LEE fc TOY, Washingand Ironing! SATISFACTION GURANTEED. Court Street, 2nd House above the MM. HEPPNER, - OREOON. 26 Ot. 23. IIATT, TONSORIAL ARTIST SHAVING, SIIAMI'OOXIXG and HAIIllTTTING SUMMONS. Ill Justice's Court. Precinct of Heppner, County oi .'iui nm, .-uHie oi wregou. Arinnr comn ana Flank McFarland, partners us Coffin 4 McFarland. Plaintiffs, vs. James Ginsdes, Deft. STATE OF OREGON, ( County of Morrow, ( 88 To James Glngles the atiove named Defendant: IS THE NAME OF THE STATU OF OIlliiiON X you are hereby commanded to uppear and answer the complaint of Plaintiffs filed uL-ainst yon in the nhove entitled court and action on or before the zui day ot May, 18111, at 10 o'clock A M. of saiit day. Defendant will take notice that if he fails to appear or answer as above required, the 1'laiiitltls w in lane jiingmeni aymnsl ueteiHiani lor tiiu sum of Jlil.ilo and for the sum of io.oo Attorney fees and for Plaintifls disbursements of this action and for an order to Bell the property at tached in the said action. This summons is published by order of fl. W. Rea. Justice of the Peace for Ileupner nreetnet. Morrow County, Oregon, and before whom the said actum was commenced. Dated the 9th day of April, Will. O. W. RF.A, 420-4. Justice of the Peace. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HERKRY GIVEN THAT I HAVE tills day been appointed bv the county court of Morrow county. Mate of Oregon, administra tor oi the estate of Frederick S. Poppenna. de ceased. All persons havinit claims against said estate will present them properly verttied to the administrator at the otlice of Brown & Hamil ton, at Heppner, Oregon, within six mouths from date hereof. BKNJAMIN Pnpi'RNOA, Administrator. J, N. BttOWN, Attorney for Administrator. uaieu Heppner, or., April &i, lsui. 4'j;i-4'j7. NOTICE OF INTENTION. U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., March 21, 'ill. Notice is hereby itiven that the lollowtiiK named settler has filed notice of his intention to make tiuai proof in support of his claim, aud thi.t said proof will be made before V. It. Ellis, U. H. Commissioner at Heppuer, Oregon, on May 11, 181)1, viz: CIIAS. E. MILLER, Hd. No. 2145. for the WW, NIVli and IV!-,' SttV Seeli, Tp4S, K 2li E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said iaud, vi: . A. wriclit, J. M. Hayes, J. c. Kirk and C. 8. Kirk, all ol Heppuer, Oregon. jobn v . LEWIS, 419-424. Register. NOTICK OF INTENTION. Lnnd Oflice nt The Dallen, Or., April I t. 1891. N'nllr-o la IimtpIiv t'ivon thnt tho fiillniiinr. natncil settler has t'iUni notice of Mb iiiU'titiou to make final proof In support of his claim, and that Raid proof will be made before the (.'imnty clerk of Morrow County at Heppner, Oregon, oil June 2, IH'A, viz: WILEY McllKE. Hd. No. 3Cjl, for the SKU Sec :H, Tp 3 8, It 25 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, said laud, viz: E. B. btanton. John Jenkins. Luther HueBton and J. W. AUIott, all of Ki-lit Mile, Oregon. JOHN W, LKWIf, 422-i7. lit'Kister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Ottice at The Dalles, Or., April U. 1891. , April .1 follow Notice is hereby Riven that the follow iiur-imm- ed settler has hied notice of In r hit ntio i make linal proof iu support of her claim, and that st) id nroof will be made before the Countv Clerk of Morrow Co., Oregon, at Heppner, Ore gon, on June 2, Ijs'.U, viz: ftl A Kt i A Kl'i 1 J. II rli!RHIKJl), (W1MOW.J Hd. No. for the NEW Sec :!", Tu 2 S. U Jl E. W, M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, aaid bind, viz: A. T, K uir. M. A. O den. lone: Wilbur Har- rali, Lexington, and C. A. Khca, Heppner, Or. 42J-U7. John W. Lkwin, Register. NOTltJK OF INTENTION. bind Offleo at The Dulles, Or. April 11, 91. Notice is hereby iiiveu that the lollouiinr- nanicd settler has Hied notice of his Intention to make tlnal proof in support of Ills claim, and that sain prooi win oe inane, oeiore rraua n. jsnow, I'. S. ooinuiiBsioner at Lexington, Or., on June 0, ley i, viz: SAMUEL B. HOPE. Hd. No:27 for tho N' MY) aud NE' Sec He names the following witnesses to prove h continuous residence upon and cultivation of, Ham irtnu, viz: N. Alva Leach, William J. Davis, David A, Porter and K. J. Hill, all of Lexington, nr. John V. Lbwis, 421-4'Jfl. Keuister. NOTICE OK INTENTION. Land Olllcv nt The Dalles, Or., April 7, 1891. Notice is herein iriveu that Hie fol inviiiL'.imni eil settler has t)el notice of his iiitenlinti f-n make llnal proof in support of his claim, and that salii proof wilt fie niaile before ('ounty Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Orujron, Ull I'M) in.'l, , . Ds. No, rare, for the 1 ml, MVJ. mi swu NV',, Hee -tl, Tp 'J S, It a E. V. M. in iiaincn uie miikiw i iik MiiiienHcs 10 jirovc Ills eoiitiiiiums reHlileiico upon, and cultivation of, said land, vi: lien. Vauithu, V. P. Hiitton, 0. 1). Hatt and Flank Uoherts, all of Heppuer, Morrow county, Oreyou. 4'JU-l-a. John V. Lewis, liCKister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. IaiuI Otlice at The lallei, Or., April 7. ISiH. Nut k-e in hcrchv iriveii Hint the foUoutric- named Hettler hits tlleil notice of his intention tu inn ke nntu proof in support of las chum, nd tlitit mid proof will he made hefore K. H. Snow, font. U.S. Urcnil Court at U-xiniftou, Or,, on May Jfi, I8iil. vi: BKNJAMIN F. SVA(i(IART, Hd. No. 17;t, for the NV',4 Hoc 10. Tp 1 S, K 26 K. He names the following witneMses to prove his continuous residence upon, ami cultivation of, wild land, viz: John II. 1'iper, J. T. McAllster, Jas. Muir and J. F. Brewer, all of Lexinirton. Or. iN -VX. John W. Lkwis, Kefftstcr. KOTIUE OF INTENTION. I.andOmceRt The PhUcb, Or.. Mnroh, 27, isri. Notice is hereby ffivun thnt the tollowiiiff nanied settler has filed notice of his intention to make tlnal proof in support of his claim, and that suld prooi will be made before County Clerk of Morrow County, ut Heppner, Oregon, on May 16, vi: JoMN W. Mt'FEHUIN. Ps. (1741), for the sVi.4 See Tp -I S, Ii 2fi E. W. M. He 1 1 nines the following witnesses to prove his continuous re i do nee upon, and ctiltivutiou of, said land, viz: Kuoch Cave, John H. Ridiiewav. Albert Mat teson and U. V. lUdgt'way, all of Heppner. Or. John V, J.kwls, HeRister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lnionuit TieDiliei, Or., Mir. 9. 1S-.U. Notice is hereby piven that the followiiiR named settler has tiled notice of Mb intention to inak tlnal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Coun ty J mine of Gilliam County, at Condon, Or., ou May;.!, im, viz: JOHN CHANCE, Hd. No. Will, for the KU Nt1 aud E1, SEKt Sec. 4, Tp. -1 S, K. -2A, K. W. a. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, aid land, Janu's Koyse, J. N. Hvatt, J, V. Serlvner and T. J. Davidson, all of Gooseberry, Or. John V. I.fwis, 4I4'rt. KeKisier. NOTICE OK INTENTION, taml OltW at Thi- HaUra. Or., April '.'T. '91. NiMici' is iHTt'lty Kivon tlitu tho tollowing luimeil st'tthT 1ms tik'U not lot' of hi. Intention to make tlnal proof tu sii)Hirt ot hi. olaim, and that .aUt priMtf will te niadi' before Kraok H. Snow, u. . Comnitssloner al Lc.lngtou, or., ou June 16, lf'Jl, vis: (iKORUE W. Sl'KKKY, 1M. No. S70U, for the N Wl. 1, Tp 1 S, R 26 E, W. M. He mine, the following witnesses to prove Ms contiuuou. resilience upon and cultivation oi, saiil Irtuit, viz: John T. McAll.ter, J. Henry Tiin'r. (Mln M. HihIbou and Nels Maguuson. all ot U'xliigton, Orenou. Johs W. I.KWi!.. Kesister. City Uiirber Shop ut'xt iKtor to City Hotel, Heppuer. Or,, Paviu & Jone, r 55 Just Arrived ! Tli e latest styles cf Spring and Summer Fancy Goons, novelties ii fnniinsnj, An Elegant Line of SATTEENS I GINGHAMS! Of all shades and patterns. - White goods and embroidered flouncings in a bewildering assortment Ladies' Sailor Waists, Blouses, Under wear, Hosiery, and other lines kept in a well-regulated Millinery Store. II CELEBRATED H & " COM ,1 IN Al.WAYH mi51FX IN STOCK. MFCS. M. SLOCUM, MAY STBEET, HEPPNER, OREGON. Positively at Cost! For the NEXT THIRTY DAYS I will sell my entire stock of Mill! nery, Dry Goods, Ladies' Furnishings , etc., at actual COST. A RARE CHANCE To get Big Bargains. Call early, ladies, at MRS. M. E. WAEREN'S MILLINERY STORE, Old "Cash Bargain Store," May Street Heppner, Oregon. 419-423. E. G. 8 LOCUM. i-iepjp ner fuenituee Co. -HAVE 03NT ZIAiNTI)' Bed Uoom 8(t, P;irlor Sots, Fancy Rockers Book Crhbs, Secretaries, Settees, Sofas, Rod Lounges Springs, MattreHces, Hahy Carriages. (iirlH Tricycles, Hammocks, Croquet 8ew, Carpeta, Bird CiigeB, Chairs in sets, ('enter Tabled. CJothea Kackt. Hefrgeratoru, bideboards, Wardrobes and Picture Frames. Kepairing done. Undertaking: a Specialty. SL0SUM BROTHERS, May St., Opp. Minor Bros., Heppner, Or. Payette Nursery, OF PAYETTE, IDAHO. The Largest General Nursery stock in the 125 MIES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Send for Catalogue and Price List. Address, PAYETTE NURSERY, 93-8m. KENTUCKY JACKS ! GllQWLEirS KNOB FARM" I have two Kentucky Jacks nt ray place, twelve miles north of Hepp uer or seven utiles North east of Lexington, and will serve mares on the following terms: SIO "27G INSURE. Hood pasture will be furnished at will be taken to prevent accidents, but will not be respon sible for any should they occur. B. F. SWAGGART, L egi nglon, HEPPNER May Street, Heppner, Or., RUH1V, Proprlet c. KEEPS FRESH BREAD, CAKES, PIES AND CONFECTIONERY. FINE CAKESforWEDDING PARTIES Etc., Made to Order on Short Notice. SATISFACTION GURANTEED AND PATHONAGE SOLICITED. C. KUPIL, Proprietor, May Street, - NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office itt The lMUen. Or., April 20, l&U. Notice in hert-lij- tiven that the follow iiiK-nam-el Bt'ttler has tM notice ot hii intention to ntHkc tiunl irHf in mptortof hit claim, and tlmt irtid proof will h made before County Clerk of Morrow Co.. Oregon, M Heppner Ore gon, on June U, lS'.U, vix: KKK'K BliKtiSTKOM, Ps. No. 6707. ior the NKV SEU SEV si:, r. Tp : s, k E. w. m. He nauieii the ftl!onin s itnesi to prove his contlttuoutt resklcncti upon and cuhi.atioii oi saiil laud, vi : Sam Cox, K. S. Cot, O. E. Earnmvorth aud C. J. Anderson, all oi ilnrdiuan. (.'ri'Kon. John W. Lswiji, EIC. E. II. MLOCUM. Mountains. Payette, Idaho. 1 per bead per month. Due care Oregon. 422-425. BAKERY! o J?, Hftpner, Oregon. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijind Otlice t The Dalles, Or.. March 18, 1891. Notice it hereby triven that the follow i itf namtni tottler has tileU notice of Mi Intention to make final pnof lit support of his claim, and thai said prooi win oe maoe oetore rrann H. ! Si ow, l . S. Commissioner at IjtUKtoa, or., on May 9, IS'-tt, vii: ( WILUAM M SlAVKFEn. UL o.-Jtio, for uie Sec. IS, Tp. i N( R 35 E, W. t Jl. lie names the follow Ine witnesses to prove hit continuous residence upon anil cuitivatloa of suit! land, viz: Joseph KsWt'tson, Theodore Cork. Clinton V. : I'eck and Jacob Earnst, all of Lexington, Mor row County, Oregon. i John W. Liwis, I iU-438. RKlata. i CHAS. H. DODD & CO. - IMPORTERS OF - Hardware, Iron, Steel, AND FARM MACHINERY, Front, First and Vine Streets, ::::::: Portland, Oregon. Sole Agents for Oregon mm safe DEERE'S NEW Sinful Pouble, or Triple Furrow. They are so Blmple and come so nar absolute perfection, that those who have used them or Btten them work can not gay enough In Hn-ir pi nine. Wo furnish thutn with or without Beat attachment. Scut attachments are extra. DEEKIl, I?0"W":R LIFT STJLKIir PLOWS. BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. Buckeye Hoe Prcu Grain Drill, Buckeye Seeders, Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrows. DEERE'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDERS ffae toleit improved Implement tor sowing: summer fallow. The most complete and succesbful tool for this purpose in use. We alio have a full Une of It he trie, rnrrlngfM Flinotonn, Mountain Wagon Platform aud other Mitring Vrliiclt h. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. Ltwrence it Cbapin'i Spring-Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrowa, Scicntillc 1'ccd Mills, Pacific Fanning Mills, HA1SH BARB WIRE, ETC., ETC. BKXW F0U stt'at- rnicrnRs and pfCK msts ARTHUR COKKIX, Arlington Spjfixigf :ARRIVING ! "17" E3C ES 3E, E3 ? COFFIN & McFAllLAND'S. A Big Line direct from the Enst. Fine stylish lintH, new shapes, and patterns. Gent's fine shots, ladies' and child ren's shoes, all styles. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA SAD DLES at Factory Prices. A car-load of Fernoline Sheep Dip to arrive soon. WARRANTED TO CURE TFIE SCAB! Books and Silverware fjiven away to onr cash customers. Agents for OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS. Groceries, Hardware, Etc. Largest Stock and Biggest Assortment to be found in Oregon. Mail Orders Solicited. coffin & McFarland Always "take the cake" when it comes to having a complete stodc of General Merchandise, suited to the wants of this country. See the latest patterns of Woolen Dress Goods in stripes, plains and solid colors . all sold at prices to please. Finest line of A call at our Establishment will prove Our claim of having the Largest stock, Greatest Variety, of goods, the best equipped store, combined with low prices, that can be found in any other town in Oregon. To every purchaser of $25 worth of goods, we will give a fine U book. Orders from the country carefully and promptly filled. Country produce bought and sold. Agents for Christy & Wise. ttS-The Big Brick. National TCnnk "Rnil,lir. XT r - is where you will find coffin & McFarland. NOTICE OF INTENTION. ' Land Office atThe Pftlics, Or., April 'M lsoi XntffA B hupuliv at t-an tK.. .1... -ii 7. ' make Hnal proof In upport of hi ilsiin, m,rt that laid proof will be made bpfore W K Kills oS'Li.Jo.s'si:':.,,1-'."1'"' at o: tJ v. , ALONZO M. MARKIUM, Hd. No. 3W7, for the V, NEk and V SKli Sec 3, Tp 3 S, R 2f, K. W. M H St He liamei the follow ina nitnencs to prove hli aid land, viz: ' I. . Bsey. Geo. Schiok. Thru. Driakcll and Dennli Spillane, all of Heppner. Or. , John w. Kenlster. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I.nd Office at The Pallet Or, Msrrh 11 1S11 Notice Ii hereby piven that the following, named ettler hai filel notii e of hl intention to make final proof In inport of hie claim and that laid proof will be made before W R Ellii. CommiHHioner V. 9. Circuit Court, at Heppuer, Oregon, on Mav It',, sji viz- R. W. RdBISON, Hd.JJo. 1279, for the SV;.4 Sec 21, Tp 3 8, R 24 g, He name, the following viTtir.ng nrovp his Mia tana, viz: Samuel I. CerX W. Allitottaiid.A Oregon. id land, viz: and Washington for DEAL PLQVJS. Goods "-.iiiujj, iitppuur, vjreKuu, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dulles, Or., April 20, 1891. Notice la hereby (riven that the following-named settler has tiled notice of her Intention to make tlnal proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be made bnfore W. It. Ellis, o,ryu&Tvi.cottrt' " Ut'ppner' oregoni . , CATHERINE SPRAY. W M0' NW! Tp 33, R 24 E, His names the follon-iiiR witnesses to prove her continiuMis residence upon, and cultivation of said land, vi: J. U. Hayes Heppner; Isaac Knishton, E. B. btanton and J. 11. Joues, of Klein Mile, Oregon. , .lull.- ... Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March9 19, '91. Notice is hereby given that the following, named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In snpixirt of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Jndce of MUlain County, at Condon Oregon, on May 2, lS'Jl, viz: mix- - JAME3 HYATT. N;-..,W-for NEu, N'NVUand sW ' N i, Sec in, Tp. 4 s. It. Ii E, W. M. .e iiaiiit me Inllort liig w itlii'ssti In nrnve his