The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, April 23, 1891, Page 8, Image 4

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Relief of Consumptive Patients
9rf Tub oknuink n ncver sold bt weight.
At Druggists and Dealers, or sent by mail on
receipt Oi & cts. (6 package 41.00) in stamps.
o?jstfaj Poultry Ids,
Wyandottea, Plymouth Rooks, Libt
Brniab, Rime nnd SinlH Cmb
Brown Leghorns, Pi-tridye
Cochins, Hoininus Bni Sil
ver Spangled Hnrahuigs.
Rendy for Delivery.
In Amorioa, and Bre the best on
(liia ciiiHt by a (treat difference.
Bend (or Outalnuuo.
Box 55. com.3!)6. Forest Grove, Or
All orders promptly attended to.
Prices to suit the Times.
Cattle branded and onr marked bb shown above.
Horses r on right shoulder.
Our cattle runge in Morrow, nnd Umatilla
counties. 1 will pay 1 100.00 re-ward for the
arrest aud conviction of tiny parson stealing my
Jeweiru Estanii
Still Continue to Sell
a mxr eijH."V, etc..
At the LoweBt PoKsible Prices.
A large tock of Gold Pens, Ams
thyst and Cameo Gold Rings,
Gold arid Silver Watches Alvys
- on Hand-rrrrrzr:
A Full Line of
Has been added to bis large and well
seleoted stook.
8TOKK Moor, Dwt.oo 4 Co', n Bt.
HcoDiwr, tf. Orouon
Opposite Gazette Oflloe,
. $1.50.
WaUbcw Cleaned,
Mainsprings Fitted
muFowlstiavB no supeiior.
All vork qwirmtd for o Ifw. tf
He. F. M. Sbront, Pastor United
Brethren Churob, Blue Mound, Kan.,
says: "I (eel it my duty to tell wbat
wonders Dr. Jving 8 Hew JJisoovery has
done for me. My lungs were badly dis
eased, and my parisboners thought I
conld live only a few weeks. I took five
bottles of Dr. King's New Disoovery Bnd
am Bound and well, saining 26 pounds
in weight."
Arthur lxve, Manager Loves runny
Folks Combination, vrites: "After a
thorough trial and convincing evidenoe.
I am confident Dr. Kings New Discovery
for consumption, beats 'em all. andoures
when everything elae fails. The great
est kindnesB I cnn do my many thou
sand friends is to urge them to try it."
Free trial bottles at T. W. Ayers'. Ji.
Drug Store. Regular sizes 50 oents and
81.00. 3
The ladies of the Episoooal ohurch will
shortly give an entertainment and jap-
auese tea party.
Perhaps yon are run down, can't eat
can't sleep, oan't think, can't do any
thing to your satisfaction, and yon won
der wbat ails yon. You shonld heed the
warning, you are taking the first step in
to NervoiiB Prostration. Yon need a
Nerve Tonic and in Eleotrio Bitters you
will find the exact remedy for restoring
your system to its normal healthy con
dition. Surprising results follow the
nse of this great Nerve Tonic and Altera
tive. Yonr appetite returns, good digea
tion is restored, and the Liver and Kid
neys resume healthy action. Try a bot
tle. Piine 50o. ut T. W. Ayers', Jr.,
Mrs. E. E. Thompson and child depar
ted last Monday for Iowa.
Knowing that a cmgh can be cbeoked
in a day, and the first stages of con
sumption broken in a week, we hereby
guarantee Dr. Acker's English Cough
Remedy, and will refund the money to all
who buv, take it an per directions, and
do not find onr statement oorreot. Sold
by Slooum-Johnstnn Drag Co.
C. B. Crnne left for Ella last TburBduy,
Anolesea CoTrAGB, L. B., July 2.
Gentlemen: Although it is verv rr.
UHiuil for me to use any lotious oi
washes, still, in answer to yonr requset,
I have tried Wisdom's VioletCreani and
Robertine. The former I consider ea
peoially efficacious in cases of roughness
of the skin, and I have been using
every day for the last fortnight. I have
found the Robertine an excellent prepar
ation in cimes of tan, sunburn, etc.,
canned by exposure to March wiuds and
a July suu.
lours riuthruiiy,
Lillie Lanotbt.
The Gazette mau Is absent with tbe
K. of P. boys this week.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts.
bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil-
Blains, Corns, nnd all Skin Eruptions,
a id positively cures Piles, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or money refunded. Prioe
2ft oents per box. or sale by T. W
Ayers, Jr. Nov.14,'0.
Prof. T. C. Aubrey dropped down from
Eight Mile Saturday last.
Mrs. John Curtis," of Peoria, III.,
writes: "Used one box of Osage Pills
previous to my second confinement; they
worked like a charm. Would pay $20
for a box rather than do without tbem,
us ihey have proved a Godsend to me."
Write Osage Medioine oompnuy, Wiohita,
Kas., for particulars, nud their book to
wives, mailed free. Sold by druggists.
Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Heppner Oie
gon. 808-lyr.
Ed. nnd Andrew Rood were in from
Eight Mile Saturday last.
Says some of t tie best housewives iu New
England, "We feel the neoessity of a
good medio. Ld to purify the blood, and
we all lake Hood's Sarsaparilla. It
keeps the children free from humors,
my husband nays it gives him a good
appetite, and for myself 1 could never
do all mv work if it was not for this
splendid medicine. It makes me feel
strong and cheerful, aud I am never
troubled with headache or that tired
feeling, as I used to be."
Hugh Fields was
last week.
over to Pendleton
These Pills are scientifically compoun
ded, aud uniform in notion. No griping
pain bo commonly following tbe use ul
Pills. They aie adapted to both adults
and children with perfeot safety. We
guarantee they have no equal In the oure
of Sick Hbadaouu, Constipation, Dyspep
sia nud BilionsiieHs; aud, as an appetizer,
they excel auy other preparation.
8. B. Hope, of Lexington, will shortly
locate at Clumbns, Wash,
Are active, effective and pure. For siok
headache, disordered stomach, toss of
appetite, bad oomplexion aud bilhous
uess, they have never been equaled,
either in Auiericsg or abroad. Sold by
Slooum Johnston Drug Co.
Prof. Hodson is teaching a successful
school at Six Dollar.
When you make up yonr mind to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla, do not be iuduoed to
buy some other preparaliou instead.
Clerks may claim that "ours is as good as
Hood's" and all that, but the peouliar
merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla caunot be
equaled. Therefore have nothing to do
with substitutes, and insist upon having
Hood's Sarsparilla, the best blood puri
fier and building-up medicine.
Ely's Cream Blm gives satisfaction to
every one using it for oatarrhal troubles.
U. K. Mollor, Druggist, Worcester,
I belive Ely'eOresra Balm is the pub
lic's Bush & Co., Druggists, Woroester,
An artioleof real merit. 0. P. Alden,
Druggist, Springtleld, Mass.
Those who used it speak highly of it.
Geo. A. Hill, Druggest, Spriugtield,
W. P.
Balm has given satisfactory
Draper, Druggist Springfield,
Are you married? If not. send your
I address with stamp, to the American
I Corresponding Club, V. O. B 043,
' Clarksburg, W. Vu. STO-OJ.
From tbe Long Creek Eagle.
One of our roost respected young men
while ootside of the corporate limits of
the city not long since, was made the
snbjeot of a laughable joke, and as a re
sult from fright, never stopped to get a
fall breath until be was safely under the
protection of our city marshal, the par
ticulars in tbe case being as follows: Be
ing (ouiewbat infatuated with one of our
neighborhood ladies some distance from
town, he had decided to call one Sunday
evening. A sister of bis lady friend, being
eager to see how fast a pair of long legs
oould earry tbe visitor, toward unknown
regions, dressed up in her father's every-1
day garments and armed with a huge,
well-seasoned tamarack club, entered tbe
parlor, and only a few surly remarks was
a sufficient hint to the visitor, and the
last seen of him in that seotion, he was
measuring the diatanoe toward town in
a manner that would have shamed a
fleet-footed antelope.
Our young men should look twioe be
fore leaping, and under such circum
stances, should participate in a hand to
hand encounter before running. Jokes
are always seasonable, you know.
At 5 o'olock yesterday afternoon a
vag stopped a citizen in front of the City
Hall and asked him for a dime to get a
bit to eat.
"Look here, man!" sharply replied
the other, "on Wednesday you hit me
for a dime, on Thursday I gave you
another, and now yon have the check
to demand a third!"
"Is that so!"
''Of oourse it's so, nnd I think it is pil
ing it on most too thick."
"Then you are tbe man I struck
Wednesday over on the cornel ?"
"I am?"
"And now I've taokled you for the
third time?"
"You have."
"Well, old man, I beg your pardon.
That's too muoh gall, even for me, nnd
my exouse is that you have improved so
muoh in your looks that I didn't reco
gnize you !" j
He was handed a quarter.
In all diseases of the nasal mucous
meiibmiie the reimdy used must be
non-irritating. The medical profession
has been slow to Uniii this. Nothing
satisfactory can be accomplished with
douches, sunns, powders or syringes
because they are all irritating; do not
thoroughly reach the nliecteu suriaoes
and should be abandoned as worse than
failures, A multitude of persons who
had for years born all the worry and pain
that catarrh can infiict testify to radical
cures wrought by Ely's Cream Balm
List of letters remaining uncalled for
in the Heppner Postoflice:
Anderson Arthur Hinton Mr E H
BiggB Mrs W T
Kenyon J B
Murphy Chas B
Morton Dr D B
Moore George
Fhipps Harvey
Bennett Sarah
Bartett Elder J
Cole C R
Constnntine Abel
Huthaway J
Skoglaud John
Hinton, id.
Please say "advertised" when calling
for these letters.
A. Mallokv, P. M.
The undersigned having been restored
to health by simple means, after suffer
ing for Beveral years with severe lung
affeotion, and that dread disease con
sumption, is anxious to make known to
his fellow sufferers the means of on re.
To those who desire it, he will oheer
fully send (free of charge) a copy otth ;
prescription used, which they will find
a sure cure for consumption, asthma,
catarrh, bronchitis and all throat and
Inng maladies. He hopes all sufferers
will try his remedy, as it is invaluable.
Those desiring the prescription, wbioh
will cost them nothing, and may prove
a blessing, will please address Rev. Ed
wahd A. Wilson, Williamsburg, Kings
County, New York. 4U0-362.
Eva Howerton was taken suddently
ill at tbe City Hotel last Thursday,
The great appetizer, tonio and liver
regulator. In use for morethau 50vears
in England. Positive specitio for liver
complaint. Bad taste in the mouth on
arising ill the morning, dull pains in the
head and back of tbe eyes, tired feeling,
dizziness, languor-symptoms of liver
complaint. Remedy Dr. Henley's Eng
lish Dandeliou Tonic. Relieves constipa
tion, sharpens the appetite aud tones up
tbe entire system. Get tbe genuine Trom
your druggist for $1, aud take accurdiug
to directions.
Must be considered by the great majority
of people, in buying even necessities of
life. Uood'i Harsaparilla commends it
self with special force to the great mid
die olasses, because it combines positive
economy with great medieimal power. It
is the ouiy medicine of which can truly
be aaid "100 Dog: s One Dollar," and a
bottle taken according to directions will
average to last a mouth.
Frank H. Huow, Commissioner U. S.
Circuit Court at Lexington, Or., is
authorized to receive fees tor publication
of final proola. 114 tf.
One hundred nnd sixty acres of bnncb
grass, nicely situated. Call at Gazbttb
office. 405-tf.
Settlers who have paid $100 for their
pre-emptions or commuted homesteads
fhould apply for a rebate through Frank
H Suow, at Lexington, lie makes no
oharge. unless successful. 410 tf.
I have opened awell appointed tailor
ing establishment in my new build
ing on May street, aud am now regularly
receiving new goods and will make cus
tom made pauts roin 87 to 815 best
goods iu tbe market.
A. Abbbamsu k.
Special forms in legal planks printed
to order at the Gazkttii office. None
but the best legal blank paper used. A
ril, line of blanks for iustices. etc.. is
kept iu stock, at prices as low as Salem,
Port I uu J
or i'eudletou. oul iu your
"Hello!" cried the white-haired pas
senger, as his red-whiskered friend en
tered tbe car at Cumberland street.
"Glad to see you. But what's the matter
with you? Going to lose your fortune
or yonr sleep?"
"Been on a jury," briefly answered the
red-whiskered man.
"That's touah," remarked the white
haired passenger, with a glance of deep
sympathy. "Couldu't agree. Is that
"Yes." mournfully replied the other.
"H'in. Well, old fellow, I can svm-
thize with you. I've bee;, there. H:ird
e9t j,)0 j ever tackled in my lite. How
long were yon out?'
"About sixteen hours."
"Why, you had a picnic," cheerfully
commeuted the white-haired passenger.
"I was on a jury in Denver ten years ago.
They kei t us out three days and three
night9. One cuss wouldu't give iu, so
the judge tried to starve us out."
"Didu't get anything to eat?" inter
rupted the auburn-bounded mouth.
"Not a bite," was the answer. "Not
even water, though nobody asked for
that. There were five flasks of whisky
in the crowd, and they didn't go very far,
for we wasted three of 'em trying to con
vert the fellow who held out. The cross
eyed constable at tbe door got tired and
passed iu some shooting-irons. We tried
thembut the cuss wouldu't budge. At
last we borrowed a rope and decided to
tie him up and gag him while we went
iuto court and gave a verdict. The con
stable was with us, I tell you. Well, Bir,
hen the fellow saw the rope he Onved.
Got an idea we were about to hang him.
He expected to be shot, but believed be
wasn't for the reason that the pistols
would make so muoh noise Howevei,
he ciime over to our side just as we were
about to gag him, and said :
"Gentlemen, 1 don't mind being starv
ed to death or shot down like a man, but
I object to having my euemies going
around after the funeral saying that I
died like a horse-thief. The prisoner is
not guilty."
"Aud that," continued the white-bnired
passenger, "is what I call doing jury
duty. The ell'ete eastern efforts can't
hold a candle to if" Brooklyn Eagle.
I was alone on the back veranda of a
Georgia hotel wheo I hiurd tha eoolt,
who was cutting meat right below me,
call to a boy, and as the latter arrived
and asked what was wanted, the cook
"Julius, I want yo' to kerry dis yer6
note down to Mary Ann Williams, an
gib it to her on de sly."
"Doau' let her fadder see it?"
"Doau' let her mudder see it?"
"Doan' let her brndder Jim see it?"
"No. Yo' spook around dar' till no
body sees yon."
"What's iu do note?" asked Julius.
"Yo' nebber mind dat. Diit's my biz
ness. Yo' jess go 'loug, an' doau' stop
on do wa."
"Axin' Mary Ann to dun marry ye?"
quizzed the boy.
"Uul Wbat yo' tulkin' 'bout? Boy,
I'll riza big fuss wid yo' if yo' git too
"Wall, I wauted to dun tole yo' sum
thin','' answered Julius.
"Yo' doau' know nuIKu'."
"Yes, I do."
"What do yo' know?"
"I dun see Sam Fluwers nu' Mary Ann
Williams gittiu' mar'd at 10 o'clock dis
mnwnin' by Elder Comsiock!"
"It's dun true."
"Yo' seed all dat?"
"An' bhe's dun mar'd to Sam?"
"Fur shure."
"Den dat settles it. Gin me back dat
note. Dnt was a preposiahun to dat gal
to dun affiliate her afftxuna wid de un
dersigned for du term of her uateral life,
but if she's bad de conemigninity to pick
up wid snob a nigger as dat Sam Flow
era, I witlidaw de monhfin au' lays de
subjick on de table. Boy, yo' git dat
odder ham out of the sto' house, and
doau' be all day, neider!" New York
The following advertisement, publish
ed by a prominent western patent medi
cine house would indicate that they re
gard diseaso as a punishment fur sin :
"Do yon wish to know the quickest
way to cure a severe cold? We will tell
you. To cure a cold quiohly, it must be
treated before the cold baa become set
tled in the system. This ciiu always be
done if you choose to, as nature in her
kindness to man gives timely waruiug,
mid plainly tells yon in uatnre's way,
that as a punishment for some indiscre
tion, you are to be nflliotcd with a cold
unless you choose to w.ird it off by
prompt action. The first symptoms of a
oolil, in most cases, is a dry, loud cough
and sneezing. The Cough is soot fol
lowed by a profuse watery expectoration
aud the sneezing by a profuse watery
discharge from tbeuose. In severe cases,
there is a thin, white oontiag on the
tongue. What to do? It is only neces
sary to take Chamberlaiu's Cough Keme
dy in double doses every hour. TliHt
will greatly lessen the severity of the
cold, and in most cases will effectually
counteract it, and cure hct would havo
beeu a severe Cold withiu one or two
days time. Try it and be Coovinoed."
dO cent botslea for sale by Sli'tuin-Jobn-stou
Drug Co,
E. O.: 1'endletou sports are looking
forward to a boxing contest tonight
betweeu Billy Ross an Idaho middle-
eweight wtio is said to be a "good
on," and James C.ieev, the lightweight.
A purse is being raised for the match,
while Boss must stop lim small opponent
iu six rounds to wiu.
"Oue ot my customers came in to-day
and asked me for the best oougb medi
cine I had," says Lew Young, a on mi
nent druggist of Newman Grove, Neb ,
"Of oomse 1 showed him Ctamberlain's
Cough Remedy and he did uot ask to see
any other. I Lave uever yet sold a medi-
Uine that would loosen and relieve a
i severe cold so quickly as that remedy,
do.s. I have sold four dozen of it with- j
i i" tbe last sixty days, and do not know
1 of a single case where it fulled to give
the most perfect satisfaction.' 50 oent
bottles lor aula by blutuui JuhuatuD ;
flip a1
Wasting Eiseisss
Wonderful Flesh Producer.
Many have gained one pound
per doy by its use.
Scott's Jimulsioti is not a secret
remedy. It contains tbe stimulat
ing properties of tbe Hypophos
pbites and pure Norwegian Cod
Liver Oil, the potency of both
bein p; largely increased. It is used
by Physicians all over the world.
Sold by all Druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chomists. N.Y.
The great "World's Fair Word Con
test" iB exciting universal iuterest and is
one of the absorbing topics of the day.
A Free Trip to Europe and 8SU0.00 fi r
expenses is offered to whoever constructs
the largest number of English words
from letters oontained ill the text, "The
World's Fair." Additiouiil prizes, oou
sisting of an Upright Grand Piano, val
ued at $f4UU, Silver Tea-Sets, Sewing
Machines, and many other useful and
valuable articles, will also be awarded in
order of merit. A special prize of a M
kt. Gold Watch, valiidd at $50 will be
awarded to the girl or boy, under 10
years of age, sending in the largest list.
Evervone sending a list of not less than
20 words will receive a prize. As the
winner of the first prize may not care to
make the extensive trip off-red the op
tion of $1,000 in csh is given. Send
seven 2c. stamps for oomplete. Rules,
Premium Ciitrdngoe and a snmple copy
of the lieanlifully illustrated paper "The
Home Fnsciuator." The contest is open
to any person iu the United States or
Csnnda. Iu case of ties on the largest
list the first prize will be awarded to the
one bearing the earliest post-mark, dis
tanoe, etc., considered.
Address "The Home Fascikatob,"
422-424. Montreal Canada.
JUNE 21-27, 1891.
1. Running V mile dush; puree ? "HO
2. Trotting 2:"iS cluss; purse. ftK)
3. Trotting For loeiil J-yt'iir-olds: purse. . . M)
(Cloned April 1st with 111 entries.)
4. Runiiiuir 5-JJ mile dash; purse 400
5. Trottiufj class; purse OW)
0. Run i it up 1 mile; purse . tXH)
7. Trotting y-year-ohls; purse 400
8. Kuniiiiiff H mile, for 'J-vear-oltls 400
9. Trottintf 2:10 class; purse 500
10. Running mile dash; purse 400
11. 1'aeiiiK Free-for-all; purse li'H
12. Running 000 yards; purse ;!00
in. Trotting For 2-year-olds. free-for all ... 'JiW
11. Trotting Free for all; purse 700
15. Running mile, for -i-year-olds 4U0
The Portland.
lii Walla, Spokane Circuit.
Portland June lfi
WhIIii Wiillii June
ID, 1501, - Pu
Spokane June 'ill-July 4,
Railroad Hales on all Lines.
The Secretary will take pleasure in replying to
any aud nil communications with reference to
transportation, track facilities and any other de
sired information.
Can be made in the next
three months selling the
All the new 1890 census returns, re
vised maps, showing the New States,
New Cnnntr ien, New Railroads New l'ost
OUiaes &c, &c.
Iudexed diagrams of the principal cities
showing tbe streets, parks, &c, colored
charts and diagrams, valuable statistics,
politiosl history of the United States,
&o. 1,000 Reference Tables, 500 fine En
gravings. TEN BOOKS IN ONE.
A praotioal, nseful work which every
business mau, every home, every school,
professional man, mechanic or farmer
wants and will buv. This is the best At
las for the price ever issued.
UMWIV I UveO'body wants the
4lllv I iN ' ce"8"9 statistics. Yon
nULlii I kj have a golden opportu
nity for money making. Don't waste
time in uniting, but send 32 for the ele
gant outlit at once. Remember
Atlases will be sold during 1891 on ac
count of the new census, and this is
the first and best in the field. Address,
723, Market Street, Sua Francisco, rwiirnrnl
Ths one thins; you'll always fit d in tvery cow
boy's outfit hn he gos on the tpiina; reund-up
it a " KiS Brand " Pommel Shcker. TVey make
the on If perfect saddle coat, and come either biack
or yellow. They protect the whole front ot tht
rider's body, being made to fit round the outside ol
tbe sadd e enure. Wheo used as a walking coat
the erenaion pieces neatly ovtr ap each o her,
nuking a regular overcoat with a doubt storm
proof Trout When riding, the tacVIe m drass
bane, Irora pommel to cmde, ard ihe r;derici
tirely pioircied iaeveTrpart of his body. Ihess
" SUckera," being of xlr width, make no
blanke s for camp, B-ware f wonhless in'iia'ioiia,
every garment Mamrd wi.h " ! uh iwand " Tradi
Hark. Don't a-cept mv infri r coat when yon
can have the ' Fish Brand Slicker" d?t:verrd with
out extra cost. Particulars aud illustrated catalog u
A. J. TOWER, Boston. Mass,
Walla Walla, fell.
Here's The Si.fcK
W. 1 1 . UTTEW,
Work done In the beat manner, and prices to
suit the times.
UTTEH.The allor.
General carpenter Ml
tMovinu Buildings a Spciulty.
rig lor this work.
Have full
While yon kfcp your oubscription paid up yci
can keep your brand iu free of charge.
Allison, 0. D. Cuttle brand, O D on left Inl
and horses same hraud on right shoulder. Range,
Eight Mile.
T C Adkins, Dayvillp, Or- Straight markacrotw
the thigh and two crofts and u slit in the right ear;
horses. J, up-ide down on the right sliouhh-r.
IxiuigH in (irant county and Hear valley. FU
uddrefB also at Uardmnii.
C R Adkins, HoreeH. J, en right shoulder: ra -Up,
( R on right hip Range in Grant und Mor
row counties.
Adkins, J J Horses, JA connected on left
flunk; cattle, saiiieou left hit).
Herman Alp. Prairie City, Or. On rattle, O
LP cmmwtPti on left hip; horstH on left stifle
and wartle on none. Range iu Grant county,
Johnny Ayers, horses branded trmngieon loll
hip; cattle name on right hip. also crop off right
ear and upper bit on same,
Rlyth. Percy H., Heppner, Or.Horses Roman
croriH (in right shoulder. Itango in Morrow
Hleakman. Geo., Hanlman Horses, & flag o?
left shoulder; cattle, hiiiiih on right shoulder.
I wiiiinter, J. W., Ht.rnman, Or.- Cattlo brand
ed li on left iiip and ihigli; Bplit iu eauh ear.
Ilurke. M 8t (', Long Creole, Or On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip. oiopofT leftear. un
der hid f crop off right. Horse, same brand on
let ft shouldur. Knuge in Urunt and Morrow
A Howeman, Mount Vernon and Burns Cattle,
A B on right hip, two crops in each ear; same on
horses, on figln Hhoulder. Jiauge iu Grunt aud
Harney counties,
Jerry Hrosman, horsea branded 7 on right
shoulder; cuttle li on the left side. Left uur
half crop and right ear upper slopo.
Barton. VVr -Horses, J H on right thjg'.i; cattle
same on right hip; split in each ear.
Hennett, Cy llorsen. B on left shoulder.
"Mrs. C. A.Benge, horses branded XB on left
shoulder or stifle; cattle same on left side und
snlit in left ear. unuer half crnn in riuht.
Brown, J. IJ hrsp- and cattle branded S with
ox-yoke above on left shoulder.
Brown, J C Horses, circle C with dot in obl
toron lpft hip; entile, sumo.
Buyer, V G, Lena Horses, box brand or rih
hip cattle, same, with split in each ear.
Borg, P. O. Horses, P B on left shoulder; cat
tie. same on left hip.
WJ Brownlee, Fox, Or-Catllo, . IB connected
m left side; erop on left enr and two splits and
middle p.ecp cut out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Ituuge iu Fox valley,
Grant county,
E Cain. Caleb. Or-Y I) on horses on left stifle;
U witii quarter circle over it, on left shoulder,
and on left stifle on all colta under 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Urunt countv.
Cticlir n, Chun., lone. Or. Horses, HP con
nech-d on left shoulder; cattle, i) on both left
hip und stifle. Range m At or row county.
J' B Cannon, Long Creek, Or T on cattle on
right side, crop oft right ear and slit in left ear.
Uur horses same brand on left shoulder. Itunge
in Grantcomity.
T il Curl Doub'e cross on each hip on cattle,
hwujiow ront alio unuer nit iu i ignt ear, spat ui
leu enr. uange in urani, county, un sheep, in
verted A. and spear point on slit adder. Ear mark
o-l ewes, rmp on k'fl ear, puuehed upper bit in
rigid. Wrthers, crop in right aud under half
crop in left ear. All range in Grant county.
A. A. Crosby, cuttle branded (or H L con
nected) on the right shoulder.
Walter t 'arsner. Miatnt Vernon Won rattle on
left hip, ciop and split in left ear; 7VV connected
on horses on hiftshtmlde . Uange in Grunt Co.
K Chittenden. Piairie City, Or l ick, handle
down on cattle riuht hip and split in right ea ;
horses, same brund on right shoulder. Uange in
Grant counly.
Cook, A. J., Lena Horses, flOon right ahaalier.
Cuttle, Humeon r ght hip: ear mark square ciop
off left und split in right.
t 'nrrin: U Y- Horses, 23 on left stifle.
Cochran, tf U Monument, Or Horses branded
I1 1 it A on left sh-mlder. ('tittle, same on right
hip-swallow fork in right ear and crop off left.
Cox & English, Hardumn Ca.tte, C with i in
center: horses. CE on left 'liu.
Cupper, H A Horses HO on If ft shoulder,
cuttle H V- on left side, swallow fork on right our.
It. E. Cochran, Monument. Grunt Co , Or.
Horses branded circle with bat beneath, on left
shoulder: cuttle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin H. Horses branded on right hip.
Cattle bruudedthe same.
ii L Cross, Uayville. Or Cattle branded two
crops and a split in left ear; on Imrsos a
reversed Z on left Btifle. Also have the following
brands on rattle: 72 on lett Inn, 7 on riglik hip,
12 on left shoulder, two parallel burs on ldft
shoulder. Ear marks, two crops,
Wm. Doonun. horse branded OO with bar
over them, on left shoulder; cuttle same on left
Douglass, W M Cattle, It I on right side, swai
low-fork in each ear: horses, li I) on left hm-
Duncan. VV. P., John Uhy circle W on
right shoulder, both Horses and cuttle, linage
lijKtit roUlllfc,
Driskell. VV. E. Horses branded K inside of O
on left shoulder. Cattle same on left side of
Damon, It E. Mount Vernon 70 connected on
cattle on right hip, under slope in right ear,
under bit iu left ear; sumo brand on horses on
right hip, liange in Grant comity.
J. B, Ely & fcions. Horses branded ELY on
left shoulder, cuttle same ou left hip. hole ie
right ear.
Kaloh Fisk. PrniriB Citv. Or ITnr II V nn
right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. Uange in
urain coumy.
1j leek, Juckson. Horses, 7F connected on
right shoulder; cattle Bame on right hip
Ear mark, hole in right and crop off left.
Florence, L A Cuttle, LE on right hip; horses
F with bar under on right shoulder.
Florence, H P Horses, E ou right BhovJdet;
came, r on ngnt nip or tnigji,
Armstrong, J. C Acton T with bar under it
on loft shoulder of horses; cattle same on left
tiny, Henry GAY on left shoulder.
Gobi, Frank Horse. 7 Eon left stifle; cattle,
same on right hip.
Gilmun-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fos
sil, Or. Horses, anchor H on left shoulder; vent,
same on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips;
ear murks, crop off right ear and underbit in left.
Uange in Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow
Elmer Gentry, Echo, Or. Horses branded H.
S. with a quarter circle over it, on left Btifle
Hun ge in Morrow und Umatilla conn ties.
Frank MoGiir, Fox Valley Mule shoe with toe
cork on cuttle mi ribs and under in each ear;
horses same brund ou left stifle.
J. C. Gill water, I'raine City, Or. On horses,
O-O on left shoulder und stifle; cattle, on right
side. Uange iu Grant county.
C E Glaze and A P Snyder. Payville.Or
Ht ir, bee branded J on right shoulder; on cattle,
stripe down the left shouhier. Also. P 8 on
horses on left shoulder, and same on right hip on
cattle. Uange iu tirunt county.
Hiutt A. B., Hidge, Or. Cattle, round-top i
with quarter circle urder it on the right hip.
lianuoin Morrow nnd U mat ilU counties.
Hinton Jt Jenke, Hamilton. Or Cuttle, two bare
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left.
Horses, J on right thigh. Uange in Grant county.
HugheB, bmuuel,- Wagner, Or T F Lou right
shoulder on horses; on cuttle, on right hip and on
left side, swallow fork in right ear and sht in left
liange in Haystack district, Morr.-w county.
Edwin Hall. John Hay Cattle E H on right
hip; horses same on right shoulder, l angjin
inini irnuiitj.
Hie! A. Hyde. Prairie City. Or. -AH combined
on horses on right shoulder; cattle on right hip.
Uange in Grant county.
Hugh"B, Mat, Heppner. Or. Horses, shaded
heart on the left shoulder. Uange Morrow Co.
Fd Holloway, Smldie, Or., horses and cattle
branded E H connected, with bar under it.
H u nsuker, H t. -Horses, V on left shoulder; ca'
tie, on left hi:.
HardUty. Albert Nye. Oreton. Horses. AH
connect d. ui left shoulder; Cattle on the left
ip. cnti on left ear,
J F Hodson, Blount Vernon-
connected on
ImtM's on right thigh; on cattle N B on
rigni nip- uange in ursnt anu nurney.
Humphreys, - l. Burduian Horses, ki pe left
Hiatt, 'Wm. E. Horses branded bar cross ou
left sii.midMr: cuttle Biime on left hip
Hayes, J M Horses, wineglass on left shoulder
cuttle, same on right hip.
Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek. Or Cattle I D on
rUht hip. crop off leftear and bit in right. Horses
saine brand on left shoulder, Uauge in Grunt
D W Jenkins. Monnt Ternon J on hor nn
left shoulder; m caitle, J on left hip and two
smm.ih crops on both enra. liange iu Fox and
Bear vull
.Innkiu, 8. M. Hones, horseshoa J on left
shoulder. Cuttle, the nam, Uange on Light
JohnRiin. FoHt TTofaiir rtnlnTni lofr orifn
cat lie. same on right hip, under Ualf crop in right
and sidil : in left ear
. j . 1 J; 'i iiiDow, v ou whi
houhlwt oaiM, ttt, on Wit &ip.
Kirk. J C Horses. 17 on either flank: cattle 17
on right side.
M ike Kenny, horses branded KNY on left hip;
cattle Hume und crop oil leit tui ; under blope on
the riuht
Keller, Hichard E K in square, cuttle on left
hip; horses same on ltdt sinmldi r. Hut gc lifer
vullei'. p, O. undress. Biuiiton. Um..t cnui.ty, (jr.
W G Kimherlaud, Mount Vernon, Oi 1 Lou
CHtlle OU right tiUti iPtl Mile., hVWilit.W fink iu h ft
ear and umier emp i li i .gia em. i.oim-s
bra ltd ull let! shii .hie . liit-'ge in G t mn c u-i .
Keoitey. Mi, Hi ppner. Or. I miter., ,j L ami
ace of clubs on Jen stille. l.ui .gc in L iuultUa
aud ft tirmw cuiiim s.
Al t L siej, iMiUiuiieiit, Or Atriungjc 7Vy.ith
all Lues exit editig pu l bod j td luure onlii hor
ses ou lei i sin. unlet', oil i-i"'lf UHiim.Ud i u ,elt
shouMer, sp!ii in rigln and oiah r b.t .u left . ur.
iiioigu ill Wraut cou.iiy und lopuilHui' Joim l,i
it 1j Laurence, Piume lay, i r t mile, L on
right hip; lioi ht-s, bainui.ii t-huu.di r.
in Grunt etiuuiy.
Lolten, hifpui-n .-i L on left hip on cat tie.
crop m,d spin on rigiii ear. Horses same biund on
left HlemiuiT. t.iaia com.iv. 1'. (;. ad
dress, rox. Ui'i'Kon
uieuuiieu, Jono vV. Horses branded hulf-eir
ole J L. couneti.etl on lelt slioulder. Cunlu. suiue
on lett hip. Lang-, near Lexington.
George Lord, horses branded double II con
nected, tiouifUmuH cuiieu u swing U. on left
Minor, Oscar. -Cattle, MI) on righthip; horse,
al on lei i stiounier.
Morgan, t A-HoruHe, M ) on left should
cattle, bUilie on lett lilp.
iUct umlwr, Jus A, Atwood-llu-fbos, M wit
bar over on right shoulder.
ti. li. AliiUl.. Lei. a; horses oJd mnron ''
rignt hip; young suck, sumil && lt)L BhomJer
Morgan, Ihob-iiorees. em-jw i i, lui nmml'
der ui.d lelt Uiiidi; uuUJe, 6 on riuht thorn
Murphy, J. J lox. Or. ii m m A Kin the
left si.oulder. (, ultly. same ou right hip; ear
murk, crop and sput m l.-H ear auu Unoeroit in
rigid, iioises 4 ou k-U bldlo. blieep, JLi K.
Hu. ge in Grant, county.
Mitcheii. u-ictr, 1'eiijsviUo Horses, 77 on right
hip; culiie. iiou right side.
.ucCiuien, i. ti UiirtHM. f iguro 5 on each shoul
der. culUe, Alii on mp,
W.J Me Ker a. Mount Veriioii. Or X I ou cattlo
oil right hip, crop iu ngnt ear. hall crop hi i,-tt
suinu bruitdou noists u" ld iu . liuugo m U ruut
iiiLtjiiT, Harney Horses 7B connected on left
iihoulder; cuuiu bimit). it.uigo county.
P. O. duress, l-ox. Oregon.
O. V. iUcludhj, iiuo.iiion, Or. On Horses, 8
with hull cnvle in.oor ou lott shoulder; on t uu ie
four burs connected ou top ou the right side.
Uunge in Giuiii L'uumy.
iseul. Andrew, Luno Hock Horses AN con
iiecieu on lett shoulder; culUe sumo on both hipt.
.Wiiiuu, W. U.-Uorseu J Wilh hull circio
over ll on lelt shoulder.
Nevilie, Jjis Ji ppner. Or. Horses, N on left
-houlder; cutlJetmue on left hip; i ur murk, llueu
silts in i"gm. iiuiigt in Monow cuuniy.
Nordjiie, iL noises, cucio t on itu Ungl ; cut
tle, siouu on left Iul.
O'l'lyng, li. Vagiier,.Or. Brands horses
L j i on left siioiiluer;cuilie on boihhips. t. jaun
1 , l";tPi ;oti any puu ut udy. liianu recorded .
Joseph uhver, i.unjoii i:ny, ur.-A a on e.utio
on lelt nip; uu Iiuraea, tjauio ouiulL thigh, iiungu
in tiruiil ciiUuly
Oiler. Pciia. Lone lick-t' O of left shou.dei
Put num. Jtjsepti, Monument, Or., brands hor
esJ PCionhJcu u. on ngia snouJder; emtio the
Kauiuunthurigiaiiip and uudoiMopu in right
Pearson, Olave.-Horsoa, quarter circle shield
on .el t shoulder nnd zl on lelt nip. Caule, torn
iu lei; ir, iigntcioipL-d. iet( lllp Huiiuv
on h.ignt iduti.
William Pop.-. iMount Vernon 1 T on cattlo on
Jell hip, uvo suts in lelt, e.o ; s-mio brand oa
horses on icii stiilo, ituuvu in oraut county.
Parker iV (jibimoii, tJuidinun noises iP on
I'll shoulder.
tiper, J. U., Lexington. Or. -Horsus. JE con
nected o. leil snouhier; cuttle, suine on lett hiy.
under bi in each mir.
iiuury I'utourg, horses branded with a Homau
cross on lelt siiotiider; eaaie biumied with Uu
man cross, bar at, bottom, ou leit nip.
A. C. Pellys, lJOI LlSVlllO 1 O.IVl ilimn.t ,1 U
Oil left shoii.der. (. ulilu.JllJ couiieuud und in .
veited on lelt tup; crop otf ielt tar and spill Ul
ngnt wuttlo or msideol right lore teg ubov me
Jonu i Powell, Duyville, Or HorBea, .1 P con
uec edotiieiLsiiouhier. I 'utile Oli connected ou
lett hip, two under half crops, oli uti each eur,
wattle uuderuuo.1 , Knugutu uraut county,
Klckurd, ii. t uuyuu l ity-t? O on left
shoulder, on hordes omv. it .n,f i 'mn-.n, .r.,.-u-
and Hear valley, tirant uounty.
ltood. Andrew, iiaidniau itorses, square cross
with quarter-circle over it on lett stiilo.
lieiungur, Chris -Horses. C H on leu shoulder.
Win, Uutlio, Mohumeui. Brands liorsus li ou
right shoulder, liaugo. GrautuudMortowcouu
ties. Hoyse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Hcrsea, plain V on
ielt snouider; caiue, sainu bruiid loversed on
rigid hip and crop oil ngnt our. itaugu m Mor
row county,
hu.-h uiiw., Heppner, Or. HorseR brauded X
liiu nyii. biioui.uir; cuttle, J A
crop oil ielt ear and uewiaiJ ou
.Uorrow und unjoining uounllUi.
on mo left nip,
!Cl. iiuugw iu
uust VViiimm, i'oiKdeton, or Horses It on
lett anouiuer; c.mie, it uu ielt hip, crop olf
right eur, undent on lett ur. oueep. li cu
weuihers, i.uiini oiop oif nyu ear. iumgu Uinu
tilluund Miiiiowu uinties.
lieuuey, Aindlew Lexington, Or. II o) 88
branded A H on nyht shouider, vout qtiuilor
circle over brund; caLtie auuie on right hip.
lt.o,gu .Uorrow com.iy,
Uoyse, Win. Ji, Uanjville. Or 111! connected
with quarier eireJe over lop on catueon rigid hip
una crop ull right eur ami split in ielt. noises
suiue biumi on lull snouider. liunge iu Monuw,
Grant und Giliuun counties.
liuter, d F, liiutr, Oi Three parallel bure
Willi bar overun hutsus on hut hip; on cattle, left
side, two smooth cioj,u, two sputa iu euch our.
liunge m jiiiuuie f uitt. of Joim jJay.
Iteeu.r.J vv iturses. JO ou lelt shoulder. Cat
tle, (Jon righthip.
.ypiuy, J. F.-llorses brandod HF connected or.
riunt snouider; calue sumo on b.ilh nips.
Waning, t. C Heppner, Or nurses bruudod S A
on ielt siioiililer; catlio suuie on teLt hip.
fcJriiniier. (j L, i.uier. Or llurses. twu-barSon
hit snile. I'.iiiu two oars on leit sid.t, u crop
und thieo siUus in right ear, swulhev lorn uud
Uhd'TOit in lelt, cuttle, oou cuui luiger tauu oa
hoises. in Giuil, couniy.
A L. ijw.tggarl, IZlu. liorneo brutide ' I on left
shomuer; eetiie .i.nuu uu lei't hip. Ciop on cur
eur, waitie on lelt niud leg,
bliaigm VV. K-iloisos shaded J 8 on lefl
stitie; cattle J iS ou lott hip, awuliow fork iu right
ear, unueioit iu lutt.
bwnggun, L, Alpine Ilcrsca. HS ietu
tv-r x-uos Horses, fcj A 1 on left hip; cattle
sumo on ielt nip. '
bears, vv n Horses bar over b. Uauge in Fox
vulley. P O addiess, Fox, or.
bhooo, Di A j jioiBes. ua on on left hip; cut
He, hiiiuo on lett. side, wutUe- on ielt side oi ueuk
ears cut shut'p ul pcuii.
biuuii, ii, r, Pinn Hock, Or. Catile, horse
shoe on ielt side, crop ciose in left ear. Horses,
ion lett thigu Uunge m Umutiiluand Grant
John tthner. Fox vulley NO connected on
horses on light hip; cmue, bame ou right hip,
ciop oil right ear uud uuuev bit in ielt eur. Hunga
in Orut.t couniy,
biniih Bros , John Day, Or U Z otcattleon
le l anouiuer.
bioveiisoii, ilrs A J Cattle, a on right hip '
swaUow-iork m lett, eur.
bperry, b G t attle, vV C on leff hip, crop oft
rignt und underbit in lull ear, dutup; horses, W 0
on lett shouluer.
bwuggari. u vV Horses, 44 on loft shouidm;
violin-, -t uii ieii nip,
biew art, Geo,, liurdinan Horses circle coo
lett shoulder.
buiiih, H. Lone Uock, Ur. Horses branded
a crossed seven ou leti shoulder; cutUe utuiu uq
letfside. Itauge, tiiiiiain county.
buiitn Go..hvrses bruud.xi G b on left flans:
Ihompoou, J A -Uoiwjs, i on left thoulut.r;
cattle, ' on left shoulder.
.Upsets, b 1 Horses. O on left shoulder.
Jluruer li. W., small capital T le.t shoulder,
horses; uuitlo same ou lelt hip with bplit in both
Ih. rnton, H. M., lone, Or.-llorses branded
11 1 connected ou ielt slille; shet p same biaud.
P Thomas, Mount V'eniou -TF connected on
cattle ou riKm lujj, hwalitfw fork in ngnt ear and
uiiUertut in sutuc ear; hutees, suiue inuudou right
stitie. itungo in John JJay vailey.
to A 1 ticker, Piuirie City F on cattle and
hoises on Mi shoulder.
John Xuieiuun, Priitrie City, Or. On horses.
IU ou leit sliUe; uu cuttle, O with bar under on
lett hip. iumgo in Grant county.
W K varau,( Hieo, Ui Cuttle. W with quarter
circle over it, ou ielt side, split iu rigat ear.
Horses siiie bru-'d ou lit ahouider. ItuUgeia
Grant couuty
b L VVuud, Uayville, Or Heart on horses on
lefistitlfjou cutue, ion leit side and uuder bit
in left eur. Uange iu Uruut couuty.
V right, ..Suns a. Heppner, Ur. CattlB branded
b VV ou tne right hip, tquure crop oil right our
and sphtin leit,
Frin.cis Wallace, Mount Vernon Square on
canto ou the lett hip. upper biup-it m ho left
eui and unuer slopo in rignt ear. S ane nraud
ou hor.-es on rigni ehouidwr. Uunge iu Buruef
and Grunt countv.
Vebier, J. 1. Hpppuer, Or. Horses branded
wih bui over J on nWnt snouider; cattle sumo
on ngnt hip. crop oil ivii ear ued eput in eucu.
iiaime, iMuir(w counti'.
Wade. Henry, Horses bmnded ace of spades
on le.t shouldor und ieit loo. Cuttle brauded
same on Ml side u,.d leit hip.
V ehs, A o Horses, v on left shoulder; catt
John WoIBnger, John Day City On honws
three pir.d.el ours on left snouider; 7 on sheep,
bit in both eurs. liago in Urunt and Alaihur
Wyltuid, J II. Ilardican Circle C on lef thigh,
iMnlnl. Johu Itoi-soo, ijP conuected on
left shoulder.
Wutkii!. Lishe, horses branded UE connected
on lett stirl
Wallace, Charles Cattle. W on ncht thigh, hols
in left ear; horse, W ou right shouluer, some
suineon left siioulder.
Wieri, A A Cattle, running AA wilh bar so ss
on right hip.
J. b. lnunff. Gooseberry, Or. Horse branded
T b on the right shouider.
w II frowlev I nut
i cireiV t ,u h-'t si ,,nii .r
creek Horses branded
Wltittier Hrih?., Drewy, Rarney countv, Or. -H..rses
tmo del H. etnnin iti.1 nn lefi fl oiilder
William.. Vi
cir 1 over threa
bir op lelt hi
rse-. ltuugS
t,ri'ul Cl'"hl. ; P. O, address, Hamilton. Or,
Williams. J O. Umg Wk. Or-iiormi
. quar
tm-u- oer inree imis on l-ri nip; cuttle kumsw
and tiit i& each usa Uacb iu Unmt oouuty.