The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, April 23, 1891, Page 7, Image 3

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    TfiB WEBBLT HBPP5B1. OAJDTia, HEEMfBR, OREQQJf, A"PItIL 9ft, 1801.
Mov Pacific Railway-Local Card.
No. SI, mixed, leaves Uepmier 8:00 n. m.
No. ' aiTlvea " til'il p. m., daily
pxeept Sunday.
Wiicfl leaves for Canyon City daily,
ejiiM'i t Suuilay, at 6:30 A. M.
Arrives - dally, except MoudBy, at
6:t.' v. M.
'1 litre iF : saving of 16 liaurH in time
and $U ' caHh by takiutf this route to
'pills RVPKlt iB kept on tile at E. C. IHke'6
1 Aiivi tmi iii Aem:'. til and 115 Alerchaiittt
l'Xcti;ti u-1, Niii t'l'aiu'ihc,. t 'alifornia, wlioru uu..
liii;.& i't't- luivt.rtihin; ( an tie. made fur it.
I'. W LtiMld'.K4CO.,4ai Fftli street. Port
land, Orison, are aailioriziil to autke advertising
cuntriL'tc tor tlie lluuuiidr liAZfcTTK.
Fur Week Knilltijl vt eiliieKilny. Ap'll 22 1 Kit 1
Mian I
Dtite Temp. t:ax.
Mill. Har,
oip. Char
acier. Air Iti r li ,10
i ; r,ti .in
ih :,t Tin
tit, rn rw
2.1. ttt mi
'21 ' f-.rt
1)1. uu
til Till I ;;7.0'l '! truce I fair
711 IKl 4IMHI 20 K.S 0.0(1 c ear
Nl i H.i.lll I II.IHI
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71 III I
:i: mi :! iT 0 00
;ir mi I .in .i , iMi)
:i7 ui , Hn.wri ! (i wi
tB.wi I 2li '.17 I mice
A. Smith. Observer.
Lexington, W. li. MoAllister.
WnKiier, li. A. HmiH.iker.
Arliiiotmi, Henry Heppuer.
Lung Creek, Ewjle.
Ualltuviiy, But) bliuw.
UiwiBibeiry, Or., W. 8. Pnrmnn.
Cauias l'riiirie, Oscar UeVaul.
MnltOHoii, Allen MuFeniu.
Nye, Or., H C. Wriylit.
Ilaitlniiiii, Or.,C. M.iSpenoer.
Hiiiiiiliou, Grant Co., Or., Mattie A.
lime, T. J. Carl.
Piaine City, Or., It. R. McHnley.
Ci'iiyuu Cilv. Ur., S. h. l'umsli.
1'iltil R.iek.G. P. akelton.
Dayvnle, Or., Mr. AditniB, P. M.
John .'ay, Or., Postmaster.
Albetia, (Jr., John Eilinu'nii.
Pendleton, Or., Wm. G. McCrnnltey.
Mount Vernon, Graut Co., Or., Post
ninster. aiielby, Or. Miss Stella Flett.
Fox, Giant Co., Or. J. P. AH n.
Eilit Mile, Or., Mm. Audrew Asb
buuyli An ayeut wanted in every precinot. tf.
Here and There.
C. W. Culp left Friday last for Fossil.
Banner, Photographer. 96-tf.
See D. F SvvaBL'art's ad. of Kentucky
Mis. E. T. GeigliJ'gan is recovering
from her reeent illness.
John Ltielling, of Hardman, left Fri
day last for the valley.
Commissioner Vnnirlin came over from
Eialit Mile Friday last.
The only Barnnm is dend; yet, his
show will live on forever.
Mrs. Judy Mitchell is visiting ber son
0car, at lone, this week.
Blanks at the Gnzpttu office oheap fie
the client est. Send fur ciitaloirue.
M'ss Edna VmiDnvii returned from
& vmit in t lie country Saturday last.
Theo. Danneris a rustler mid gets there
all I lie s i id t taking pictures. 96-tf
Johnny Friend will not shear this year
as he says there's nothing iu it in thi
Tht'B. MeCnllongli bus almost recover
ed from bis severe illuess of a short time
B. S Piigne, of Oregon's Weather
Bureau, was a visitor to our town last
Mr. J. B. Hunt loaded four big teame
yesterday with freight tor the John Day
11. L. S'vaggart, brother of Geo. and
Ben Swnggart, arrived fiom Athena last
Chicago has expprienoed another very
destructive tire. The loss will amount
to over $l,00j,000.
J. h Aers will shear this week, and
then prepare to seek summer range
ncroBs "the knoll."
C. W. Conger .mil Wm. Crabtree, rep
resentatives of Oeek, came ovet
on Sunday evening.
Mrs D. G Grrigues loft for Portland
Sntmdii Inst, nriern row nkuuUi'g visit
will) her relatives here.
D. A. Sbeppard thinks of making n
prospecting tour over iu the Blue Moun
tains in the uear future.
Mr. Unv's, representing Klesterman &
Co., of Port land, looked after the needs of
customers here last week.
Dan Summer, Evans Bros., Wm
Browning and Joe Masen were up from
Lexin ton S.iturday last.
The Ellwnod stallions, in charge of
Prof. L I) Keen, are attracting much
attention from our horsemen.
Koad notk will commence in Dipt. No.
84 and adjoining district thin week. Both
are iu the Sand Hollow Hection.
Geo. Speny, one of Wm. Penland's
cnmp teuders. was in town Friday last.
He reports the sheep iu tine condition.
Lost A brass door key. Finder will
please leluru the same to Geo. Bishop.
Potllnnd is already getliDg ready fot
the Fourth of July celebration and "is in
it" too for a big time on that ocoasion.
Sub-criptions taken for the Weekly.
Sunday ard Daily Oregoniau at the Ga
zette office. '
Mr. Jerry Cohu iR receiving goods foi
his giocery store, next door to the post
office, and will soon be ready for busi
ness. The coach horse, in care of Prof L. D.
Keen, at Billy Morrow's stable, is the
finet auimul that ever struck thes'ere
Gilliam A Bisbee have abont com
pleted their big sheds for agricultural
implements, wagons, haoks and buck
boards. Oscai Mitchell, nf lone, brought over
a car load of cattle from his ranch. He
will ship them to Portland.
Dr. A. J. Shobe is getting better fast,
nnil his many friends hope that he will
have entirely recovered ere many weeks.
O E Farnsworth has added much to
the beauty of his Heppner home by hav
ing a coat of paint applied to his dwell
G. R Shirk and W. T. Campbell
dropped in Saturday to see the steam
presses, i.nd leave their size for onr
family paper.
Henry Heppner's genial face was seen
lip at his n.-i in-sake last week. It seems
as though Henry ought to be one of our
residents again.
W. J. Herren, father of D. A. Herren,
of this place, died at Hah-m last week.
Mr Herren was B pioneer of Oregon,
Li. hly respected by all.
A gentleman struck Heponerlat week
with an Edison poonoe.nttb, and reaped
a hnives! of ilmies. nnil everyone seemed
to Ih- ml sfied with Hie investment.
Billy Tavior caught a fire salmon he
tween L'-xiiu-'toti and Hepnner one day
last eek. Toe Portiaud fish dealer
tailed to nail his box op aeourely.
E. A. Heath, tditor and proprietor of
the Harney Pr.8s, a paper publish i at
Harney, Oregon, called at the GaZ'tte
ollioe Monday. He came over ou ibe
stage, ou his way to Portland, where he
is to appear before the TJ. S. grand jury
to niiswr to a ubargeof printiugobscene
matter iu bis paper. Th 8 consisted of u
poem published by hiin DrOemher last
ip'tning being said of ii, howiver, until
recently. He thinks it was brought up
hy the citizens of burns, who had takeu
offense at bis tight over the couuty Beat
quarrel between the two towns.
Senator Henry Blaokman left yester
uay ior rorwana, remaining over one
day. trom there be will take the fast mail
for the Hot Springs, Arkansas, for the
benefit of h a health. Ho expecs to be
gone about a mouth, aud will taken
course of troulineiit. We oouimend the
Senator to the Arkansas people, (as it is
democratic ahom 4(),0j(J) as he is of the
sum- political faith. We wish him a
pleasant tr p Bud a speedy reoovery.
The editor of this paper was shown an
oil painting, last, week, representing a
sunset scene iu Scotland, which was exe
cutetl tiy Mrs. B. F. Swaggart. Mrs.
swsggait took ber hist lesson in painting
only recent!), but this picture is an ele
gant piece ot ork, showing both taste
and talent.
S. N. Morgan. Clyde Baling and Jay
Devtu were iu from Sand Hollow Satur
day, and report crops in growing con
ditiou. Jay will shortly Hike his cattle
do 'U to "the sand," "where they will
range thiB summer. The best range iu
norrow county is found there, though it
is somewhat overstocked at present.
La grippe has assailed the Indians is
different parts of tne country, aud is
playing havoc amongst them, espectall
ou the Columbia reservation, about 5UU
of whom are afflicted, aud amongst the
Palouse Indians the death rate has been
almost one u day for the last fifteen
Urn Hah, a Chinese miner from Grant
oonuly, passed through the city Friday
ast, eurouie to his native oonutry.
where he will douotless spend the re
mainder of his lite as a retired million
aire from the wealth be hoarded up b
his miserly life in this country.
Newt. Jones returned from Iowa last
week. He has concluded not to go to
Malhuer, aud will probably remain here
this slimmer. He was .much pleased
with the co nut 'y be visited while east.
aud says finer peop'e never lived than
those he met there.
Mnj irOrmsby started E ist this week
with two bauds of sheep. waiioiiB aud
trail traps having arrived from Nebraska.
He will be back agaiu next sprug to
take away some more Morrow county
sheep. The Gazette will reach Major
along the route.
Geo Vincent, of Portland, representing
the Lancashire Insurance Co, of San
Francisoo, Oal., as a special ageut, called
at the Gazette oflic last week. George
is a rustler, aud will undoubtedly make
sucoess, us ho understands his work
Our boys have been having a time with
the Gazette's ugiue during the past
week, oaused by a defeotive fire-plug
But thanks to the btacksinithiug firm of
tJap Simons & Son, we are now ready to
proceed with shop duties without in
Vawter Crawford, of the Gazette force,
and Joe Hayes accompanied by their
irows, went down the oreek Sunday last;
but it seemed that luck was against
(hem, as they failed to get even a repre
sentative of the finny tribe as a trophy.
Frank Shiplev, who was employed iu
ihe Gazette ollioe for over a year, has
.own up the printing business fur the
present and accepted a position a
feacher of the Black Horse school. He
lias taught before, and is successful.
Pendleton Tribune: James Casey, the
champion lightweight of the Northwest,
now iu Pendleton, has aoceptetl a chal
lenge to fight to a finish, on May 7th,
the well known Ktd Walker, for a purse
of $250. the loser to get 850.
H. N. Woodcock, representing Nortb
iop & Stnrgis, ot Por land, called Tues
day. Mr. Woodcock is on his return
home from Main, where he has been
"pending a vacation of four months,
among friends and relatives.
Oscar Allison, of Eight Mile, dropped
iu the Gazette office Monday. Oscar re
ports ever thing nourishing over in that
section. He thinks of canvassing tins
country for the Pacific Coast Home Sup
ly Association., this summer.
S. F. Pedigo, of Hardman, dropped in
to see ns while iu town Thursday Inst.
He re orts a nioe shower iu the vicinity
of tlai,in,,u that morning, the road be
ing quite muddy eveu near Heppuer
as Rhea oreek bridge.
Phil Heppner, of Arlington, paid Hepp
ner a visit on the occasion of our last
Club dance, which fact was dnly notioed
hv our sorihe, but his notes got some
what mixed, and therefore, pardon is
asked for the oversight.
Judge Bird has resigned as Judge of
the 7th judioiftl distrio!. Someoneof the
d"iiiocratic faith will be appointed to
succeed him, and the Gaz-tte knows of
no one better qualified than Mr. Frank
Mr. B. F. Swnggart has two fine jacks
at hia ranch telve miles north ot Hepp
uer. His address is at Lexington, Ur.
Stook men will find pasture there at the
low prioe of $1 per head per month.
See ad.
Bills are coining in - daily that must be
settled by this shop, aud in order to do
so, must have what is owing this office.
Delinquents would o mfer quite a favor
at the preseut, if they wonld settle up.
Miss May Bailey, sister of Mrs. E R.
Bishop, writes friends at Heppner that
she will teach another term of school at
Prairie City. Miss Bailey has the repu
tation of being an excellrut teacher.
T. Armstrong, of Alpine, was a pleas
ant caller at the Gazette's headquarters
Monday. He reports everything quiet
over there. Stock are in good couditiou.
Sheep shearing bos j ist begun.
A Kansas boy earned a bible at Sun
day school by committing one thousand
verses to memory. He then trnded his
bible for a shot-gun, aud acoidentially
shot his aunt in the leg.
Thos. Keeney, wife and two children
returned fro n California last week, on
there way to their hmn at Long Creek,
but were detained here through sickness
nf Mr. Keeuev.
C. W. Culp disposed of one of his im
ported perclieron stallions to Parker and
Gleason Inst week; consideration $1,800.
Mr Culp s agent for the ElUood stables,
DeKalb, Ills.
Boys, when yon return from yonr fish
ing tours, von should not fall to report
your luck. There is no law prohibiting
your telling how many you succeeded in
This office expects to see onr pilgrim
friends, ' Rocky Mountain" Smith and
JolinTalt, now very soon. Talt is the
most reliable printer that "hits" the
Ham Palmer lias purchased 20.000
head of sheep from Morrow county's
range, hot will likely sdd as many more
to Ins drive before be departs f ir the
All around town onr reporter sees evi
dence of paint and trnprovem'-ntii. The
brushes of John Kerns. R A Ford and
assi'taut painters are busy enough this
Mr. O. E. Farnsworth and family
moved out on their rauch, uear Hard
man, last Tuesday mornin.', where they
will remain for the summer.
The Misses Mas ns, daughters of Jos
Mason, were c ulers at the Gazette office
Saturday last. Miss Ella is teaching iu
the Pettvs district this spring.
The K. I'. boys left Sunday morning
for Long Creek in high spirits." We
think, though, they were ail consumed
ere their arrival iu that village.
The latest song of the sensou given to
music-loving people, is "Hug Me to
Uealu Darling." Musio dealers may
rest assured of its popularity.
C. E. Fell has mado some improve
ments On his HeotlOMl. ruul.lunnu r.p....
eriv this spring, adding much to the
general appearance of the same.
A delegation from D iric Lodge No. 20,
K. of P., of this place, left for Louw
Creek Sunday morning last to institute
Hermou Lodge No. 40. of that pi aoe.
-4 New Cure for Conmmntinn and
BnwhitiH b'l Eh'clrHti A Yuitng
Lathj nf thisCilu Treated and
(Utroil h'l thu .Kuhllv .1.
From the Oreuoaian.
EuirOK DliKfl iKTlV- Permit ma tr.
"ay through your v.du able paper what
ur. uarriu pas none tor me. i''or the
lllist SHVen veat-a f h:iv Ddp,',ul.,
afUioted with bronchitis aud heavy cough.
which develooed ilitoanoi-irunin an-e,.tii,ii
of the right lung. All treatments failed
to cure me until two months hiii
when I commenced treatmeut by Elec
Mcitv. uuder Dr. I)., rril, S Rllnurciiiiitn
Now 1 am cured ard rej iioe in perfeot
ueaun, anil oan be seen at 133 Wash
mgtou street, room So, Portland.
E. V. Outo.ylt
E. Nolsoii.a.Swpile. IVBtiflosto the Efficacy
nf I'JIectric Treatment.
Editor Oueoonian: For a year prior
to o nuing nuder Dr. Damn's Electric
and medioal treatment Iliad bidu gradu
ally losingniy health from various causes
I was troubled with nervous debility.
sleeplessness, eto. Dr Dirriuhas cured
me so I feel as well as ever in my life.
Refer to me at- 145 O street, Portland. My
friend, Mr. McGrew, of the above addees.
was also cured by Dr. Durriu. E. Nelson.
Dr. Darrin treats with electrioitv and
medicines all curable chronic acute
and private diseases. blood taints, lost or
lulling maiihoo I, nervous debility, effect
of error or exoesses in old or voting, loss
of memory, disease caused bv mercury in
the improper treatment of private diseases,
irregularities in womeii, etc., and never
pup.ished iu the papers. Office, 70J4
Washington treet Portland. Or. Honrs
9 A. M. to 8 P. M. daily. Examination
free and conbdeutial: question blanks
anil oiroulars sent gratis to any address.
Patients cured at. home after one visit
to the doctor's office. Medicines sent to
any address without the doctor's name
The Worfi Punched.
The facilities of the present day for til-,
traduction of everything that will con
luce to the material welfare and comfort
if mankind are almost unlimited and
.hen Syrup of Tiys v;as fir-t produced
.he world was enriched with the only
perfect laxative knov.'ii, 03 it is the only
remedy which is truly pleasing and re
freshing to the taste aud prompt and
effectual to cleanse the system gently iu
Lhe Spring time or, in fact, at any time
and the better it is known the more pop
ular it becomes.
E. E. Sharon of Penleton is in the citv
on business, lie will be here some time.
C. S. VauDnyn accompanied by his
sons Walter aud Charley left for Portiaud
City Barber Shop next door to City
Hotel, Heppner, Or,, Davis & Jones,
Props. 422-tf.
Phla alirvn la In naDil rf anma ntn,t
Leniii iieiun win ft-ioir iiiiiikc un uj
britigitn; in a few loads they caut dispose
n..t:.. ...;il ..I. it u..
of elsewhere.
Quite a number nf Heppnerites went
over on Rhea, creek fishing last Sunday.
They oonght a very line fish. It was
au excel 1 1 nt day for suckers so they say.
Din Summers will bs up from
Lexington Saturday next wilh Marshnll,
t .e fine French Coach and Hambletou
ian hoise, brought to this section by
John Lord. Horse men should see him.
Bo Sure
If you have made up your mind to bnj
Hood's Banaparllla do not he Induced to take
ny other. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a pecufla'r
medicine, possessing, ty virtue of its peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation,
curative power superior to any other article.
I Boston lady who knew whr.t she wanted,
and whoso exarrp'.c Is worthy imitation, tells
her experience below:
To Get
" In one store where I went to buy Itood's
Sarsaparilla the clerk tried to induce me buy
their own instead of Hood's; hetoldmothelr's
would last longer; that I might take It on ten
days' trial ; that if I -A not like It I need not
pay anything, etc. Eut lie could not prevail
on me to change. I told liltn I know what
Hood's Sarsaparilla was. I had taken It, was
satisfied with It, and did not want any other.
Thcn I began taking Hood's SarsiiparllU
I was feeling real miserable, suffering
a great deal with dyspepsia, and so woak
that at times I could hardly stand. I looked,
and had for some time, like a person In con
sumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla did me so
much good that I wonder at myself sometimes,
and my friends frequently speak of It." Mns.
Ella A. Gorr, CI Terrace Street, Boston.
Soldi) 11 druggists. $l!lxforS. Prepared onlj
T C. I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, I enroll, Mass
100 Doses One Dollar
The Road to Wsaltlil
Cannot be successfully traveled with
out Good health. To rcich wealth or any
coveted position In life requires the full
poicecsion ard operation of ell the fac
ulties Llr.d ra'.uro has endowed us with.
Thece conditions cannot exlct unless t!io
physical being is In perfect working
order, and this Is Impossible when th
tlv:r and spleen are torpid, thusobstruct
In3 tr.a secretions, causing indigestion
ard (vtpcpsla, with all ot their accom
panying horrors.
English Dandelion Tonic
xerts a specific Influence over the liver,
txcltes II lo heal'.y cc'.lon, re:olves Its
chronic encorjcmcn'.s, tr.d prcno'.es the
secretions: C'jrcs indirection ar.d constl-
I pstlon, cr.arp;nj ir.s ir;c'."i, lores up
the entire cyc'.cn, and mikes life worth
Attempt to Dsuvkr Prisonsbs. An unsuc
cessful atte apt was made Thursday night la.
ro DreaK tne Jdll ana release uic vraium.
Deal, Itev and Bare, who now reside there,
oherilf Noble, who was the first arrival next
morning, found the cell door very badly dis
figured iroiii the use ot crowbars, one pudloek
wnich holds the door, unlocked and leil ou the
floor. No lastriiuieiils were to be seen. 'Ihej
had Rained admission to the Jail by breaking
one of the soulh ni .ulows. The prlso.iers ap
peared very much alarmed, thinking they were
going to be inotibed. However, it isa ver
probable that thev would have held the caudles
lor their murderers to work by, as was evident.
Joe Dc-al said, "None ot inv friends were eou
netted wilh it." These reports, however, ar.
yet to be substantiated. Marietta ltlai.
was arrested T uesday afternoon ou a warraa
for sMKis.liiL. in an attemut ot iail-delivery b
sheri.l Noble, and given a heart ig before Ki
corder lioberts. r-he plead not guilty. Ka
one ot the prisoners, who is charged with hori.
stealing, was brought ia, and wheu placed o
the sta id, turned state's e. tdence. t?aid .Man
etta Blair, with the assistance of two men (lid h
and that the bars used by her would be fouiu.
hidden in the well at the house where she lived.
Upon examination, this was found to be true.
The well being drained, the bars were found,
having ou them sears and, show ing thev
had been UBed for prying open the door. Mini
Blair, however, still denied the charge, Bayiuj.
she was innocent; but at last broke down cry
lug, acknowledging the charge, saying she did
it alone, having no assistance except the prison
ers. J-he was ttieu found guilty and placed un
der Joilo bonds. Being unable to give bonds,
she was sent to jail. Although she said she din
it alone, Kay tcsiiucd that there were two otliei
persons with her one a low, heavy-set cleau
nhaved man, the other a tall, sli.n fellow wear
ing a moustache, who. n he thought to be Thus.
Owens, who li, es up the creek. Mr. (Jwens w as
accordingly urreBted and brought before Re
corder lioberts, eduesday, (W. It. Kills, attor
ney for stale and J. ...Brown for the defendant)
anil plead not guilty. He said he was at home
on Thursday night. Hay did not testify posi
tively that he was there, but that one of the
men Bulled his description, and he thought ii
waBhiin. Al. Crosby tesililed that he worked
all day Tllttrsduy with Owens on his ranch, nine
miles from town. 31igs Blair again testiued
that she did it alone aud that Owens did not
assist no one being there at the time.
There being no other, Recorder Rob
erts, after some deliberation, gave a verdict of
not guilty. N'o other arrests, as yet, have been
Unconstitutional The supreme court
declares state appiopriutions for wagon
roads to bi unconstitutional. The fob
loxiug is the opinion of Lord Syllabus,
judge of same: "The act eutitled an
act to abpropriate $10,001) to aid Till
amook comity in the constiuctiou of a
wagon road from Neiialem river in the
north end of said oouuty to Fuqua to
road in the Southend of the oouuty, and
to use $10,)() of said npprapriatioo iu
a branch road from South priaire to
Nehart's bay. and to create a board of
commissioners to oonstruct said work,
approved February 18. 1389, is in coufloit
with article 4. section 23, supdivisiou 7 of
the constitution, which deoiares that
the legislative assembly shall not pass
special or local laws in any of the fol
lowing enumerated cases; that is to sn
for laying, opening aud workiug on high
ways, aud for the election or appoint
ment of supervisors. The said act is nm
a geueral law, but a special aud local
law, within the meaning of that oluust
of Ihe constitution.
Opal Minks. Levi Shaner oame ii
from Spokane Thursday evening. He
and W. J, -Shaner have located an opal
mine over in the Blue Mountains, aboui
30 miles from Heppuer and 12 miles from
Hardman. The stone is of the finest
quality, and will take on great polish.
He thinks there is quite a quantity of it
there. He sold one very small polished
stone for tflO. The reporter was shown
some of the samples, and they are beau
tiful gems, indeed. This is undoubtedly
a rich find.
A Monstrous Tooth. lid. Matlock, while
cleaning out the Well Springs, ou his ranch
norih of town, found part of the skeleton of
some huge aid, nal, consisting of a piece of the
jaw-boae containing one tooth, winch is seven
inches long, three inches wide and Ii inches in
circumference. From the tooth it is thought to
have been a hcrbiverous auimal of the early
agcB. This 1b quite a relic.
Hpring stirs up tilt tide. Yon lose ynurnp-pi-lile,
leel weak, ti o lint, and Oil! so tired.
Take Simmon l.ivt-r Kealutor.
Job work, Repairing nnd Furniture. Cupboards Tables, Stands
Baby Buggies, Mouldings, Mirrors aud Curtain Poles,
Direct from the East Cheap for Casb.
allium a
Agent For the La Grande Marble Works.
j. xi. wiivroTvrsj.
Hard Blows by the Bellows and Hammer !
At the Old Stand on the Matlock Corner.
Wilh this announcement, it is hardly neceRsnry to say that they have
not LOST THEIR GRIP on doing a first class job of black,
smithing, horse-shoeing, machine repairing or any tiling
else in their line. Pap Simons' Old Stand,
Plumber's Materials, ".Etc.,
Wood and Willow Ware, Crockery, and
Glassware, Blacksmith's Supplies, Guns
and Ammunition of all kinds Lubri-
Right from the factory. Anything ii the hack line front n S'iOO top
buuey to a $25 road cart. Nails and barb wire in car lots, right
from the factory. We .'an save you tnonpy on anything iu
our line. Give us a trial and be convinced. Job work a
specialty. Next door to bank building, Main street,
Ijiu Office at La Grande, Or., March Ifl, '91.
Notice U hert-tt)' trhen thill thy (ollowinif
naine'l settler han filed notice of his intention to
make firm) 1-nn.f in nupjxirt of hiK claim, and
that slid proM ill ha inwle before the ro'inty
Clerk '-f Morrow Co., at Ihfppiirr, or., on May l,
Ihtfl, viz:
D. No. lojT. for the VU NW',-E'i NW , NW
4 t'H See 1 1, Tp. '.' H, K 2 E, W. St.
He immen the loMow inir witnewfi to prove hi
continuous n-nideiice upon and cultivation of,
said lrtii'1, .
Jerry KntS'iiafi, J. L, Avers, G. M. Vinson and
D. M. iTcklcy, ail ui Leua, Or.
A PasNousNA. On the farm of Blair
toward, iu the Waldo hills, has been
found a phenomena. On this uluCe is
the lately d "Covered coal mine, above
wniou ur. forward has sunk a well.
Iu sinking the well, when twenty-seven
feet under the ground, huudreds of
perfectly formed shells were found,
tmougst which were clam shells, perfect
in form, but examination ptoved that
hey ate composed of beaoh sand. Tt is
iiipposed (hat after the clams died the
diells filled with sand, which took the
lerfeot shape of its cover, when the
-hell deaoyed. The indentations aud
reuses are as well define I in the sand
s they are are on a clam shell. The
and is of the ooeau type, but
uiw came it and the shells iu the Waldo
ills, covered by twenly-seveu feet of
mil? These shells are uot less thau 250
'eet above the sea level, aud the sur
rounding oouutry, unlike Eastern Ore
gon, gives no iudioatiou of having mice
leen an iuland sea. Woodburu I u de
pendent. The TitEsiDENT Comino. President
tiarrisou, who is to-day speakiug to Cah
toruiaus, is the second president who has
jver visited the Pacific coast. Several
x-preaiilents have made visits to Cali
fornia Presideut Hayes being the that
to reach the coast while iu office. Ben
jamin Harrison will be the first of all the
presidents to visit the stnteB ot Oregou
ud Washmgtou. It is but natural that
the coming of the chief officer of the lia
public to our state should uwakeu the
keenest interests and arouse the great st
enthusiasm. In the towns where he
stops he should uud will be given a credit
able reception; uot as a worthy citizen,
but as the headship of our uatiou as the
embodiment ot the American idea and
the repieseutative of American greatness.
As we believe in that idea, and aa our
patriotism rises into fervor as we con
template the grandeur of our nation, we
cannot refrain from houor to onr visitor.
It is but fitting, then, that he be made
welcome, showu hospitality aud the lull-
tst good will.
Temporary Insanity John Woods of
Alpine, who was thought to be losiug
his mind, wus brought to town Monday
by a brother aud A. G. Bartholomew.
Woods returned from the asylum about a
yearago, where afier six months treat
ment, lie had entirely recovered, but it
seems this was only temporary, as he has
linen in a distracted ooudiliou for some
time, gradually growiug worse until he
neaaine quite dilirlous on Monday, but
iu Tuesday there wasBUOh a change that
they decided to return wilh him. Iu tact,
te seemed better than he has for scie
'itne since. It is hoped he will speedily
In all diseases of the nasal mucous
nieirbraiie the remedy used must be
tiou-irritating. The medical profession
iias been slow to lcaiu this. Nothing
satisfactory can bb accomplished with
douobes, snuffs, puwders or syringes
because they are all irritating; do not
thoroughly reach the affected surfaoes
and should be abandoned as worse than
failures. A multitude of persons who
had for years born all the worry and nam
that ontarrh oau uiliiot testify to radioal
cures wrought by Ely s Cream Balm
Cr. 13. IIATT,
Zleppixer, Oregon.
in ah
Stoves and Tinware,
Agricultural Imple
ments a snecialtv. A ( ar-load of
Land Office at The Dalles, Or, March, 2-r 1811.
Notice Is hereby riveri that ttie followlnpr
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of tils cUirn, and
that said pnof will he made hefore W. K.
Ellis, CommiMiioner I'. .4. Circuit Court, at
Heppner, OreK'n. on May 1(1,, viz:
Hd. No. 1279, for the a tfec 21, Tp :J 3, It 21 E,
W. M.
He names the followintr witnesses to prove his
eontinnoiiH residence upon and cultivation of
aid land, viz;
hamiiel I. (ierkintf. Martin P. Orklrifr, John
W. Altstott uud A. a. iiuiiics, all of Elyht Mlie,
Oregon. JoHW W. Lkwik,
H. B!ackman&Co.,
Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
Crockery, Etc.
The Celebrated Bain
Olliver Chilled Plows
Constantly on hand, for which we are
All the nbove lines will be sold at
BWe cordially invite the public to inspect our stork before pur
chasing elsewhere, and we will satisfy one and all that we can sell aa
low as the lowest. Our Bargain Counters contain a cheap line of Ilata
and Overalls almost given away. Do not forget the BRICK STORE,
Main Street, nearly opposite the Palace Hotel.
H. Blackman & Co.,
Heppner, - - Oregon.
We are daily receiving the choicest stock of good ever shown
in this or any other western city. All the nowi st and nob
biest tjles of
INGS and HATS Daily
Our Btock is almost complete. We are hhowing 200 styles of
suits, ranging from ?j5 to &M. Over 800 pairs of pauts to
select from.
We have just put upon onr shelves a large stock of very fine
Bpring Goods, consisting of Henriettas, in black and all
colors, cheaper than ever before. Worsted goods, plain and
stripped. Fine Lawns, iu white and check, Satteens, tine
black, figured and stripped; also India Silk dress patterns.
Is somewhat broken, and for the next ten days we will make
Special I'rices. Come at once if you want rare bargains.
MINOR BROS., Heppner, Oregon.
For First Quality Goods at Lowest Prices,
Ilardwnre, Tinware, Omceiies, Coufeetinnpry, A'ood and Willciw Wnro.
A urn t for New Hume hik) FnvnritH Hwinif MhcIihihh. Liiinberinau'i
Toulu a Heoiilty. Hiubciit murkec prioe paid fur farm pioJuoo.
tf. Corner Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or.
Fed well with hay and grain and well groomed. Customers never go
back on the place where they grt their money's worth. Camping
ground fur teamsters and cook room adjacent, all free to purchasers of
hay aud grain. Higs for drumi'ier-i, ami the public generally.
W. S. PA 'IMAN, Prop.,
l.-fi.TK !: J BAKUIiNT 4 KEU'FKK.)
fawns and Hacks !