THE WEEKLY EEPPEB GAZETTJB, JSESppfift. QREOON, APRIL 23, a Wb abb going to celebrate! The eagle will be- here on the Fontth. od yon are all invited to assist in pall ing big tail. Poetlahd nnrl Snlein announce their intention "t Imvitiir one of tue great- 8t Fonr:b of Julv celebrations over known to Oregon. Put Heppner ou lb list lo. Many swindles are beinir perpetrnted in all sections of the countn. by no-caller! co operative concerns, says an eiclmni?e. Lookout for their seductive circular, and npvpr invent money without Hrxt makinjr a oiirefnl eiainination. Do not let it be BaiJ Heppner is tbe home of ackers. JusT beforn ailionrnment, cnnerees passed an Indinn Depredation law that will prormlilv put Sritl.Odn.OOO in circu lation. This law practinally remnvea all restrictions ami limitations, anil every settler, or Ilia beiis, can now get pay in full for all losses occasioned by Indiana. In Till! resignation from the V. S. Sen ate of George F. Kdmunls, of Vermont, that body loses one of tha ablest nf it members, a well as one of the moat pro found lawyers that bad evpr held ft a at there for ninny years. Mr.E mnndshns ripen in the service of bis state and nation for nearly thirty years, and asks tbat l.e my be permitted to apend t1 e remainder of his life in quietude and hap piness. Secretary of War Proctor is fav orably Bpuken of as bis Bucoessor. The American hog is steadily rootine his way into Germany. The Cologne Gazette, bis mt.Bt pronounced opponent, now favors letting him in for sundry must excellent economio reasons, all ot which are renlly preferable to the pros, peot of i hutting German sugar and 'ex tiles out of American markets. A vigor ous foreign policy is apt to pay, eapeoial ly when the oondilions necessary to Lack it up are present. We have a commer cial pu I on Germany which we are juBt beginning to work. 8. F. Bulletin. We are all selfish, and will look after onr own interests above all others; but there are indirect benelits which, in our extreme oupidity, we are overlooking every day. e cannot live and prosper within ourselves. E ery busiuess in our Oommunity should be co-operative to sno oe d. Those who wrap themselves in the cocoon of greed will be found hi the tail end of the procession, and will finally fall behind among the stragglers and be lost entirely to the interests 01 the com munity. Faotioual fights must be buried, and all interests pull together in har mony. Then Heppner will be ready for the good wurk of u board of trade. OVER TUE KNOLL. From the F.iifde. C. F. (iolT went out to Heppner last Saturday on business. P. O. Borg, of Heppner, is expected over about the Kith icst., to install tbe K. of P. officers at this plnoe. Ed. 0. Allen and Ye Editor beard of a Halt that bad recently been seen on upper Long creek, and of course taking it all in, tlw for the region. Afterdis aiding many a thorn bush to follow the creek, we returned b gent deal wiser. Vm. Knilio, and mother-in-law, Mrs. JaneOaven, departed fori) lyton, Wash., last Tuesday, in answer to a telegram staling the illness of Itilla Craven, the Jatfer's daughter. Later A communica tion since the departure of tbe above named parties, brinus news that the ill party is belter and thought to be out of danger. A sneak thief male himself rather no torious at John Day laat week by enter ing the residence of the widow Jerrel nml stealing a gold watch and chain be longing to some member of the family and $11) in money belonging to Mrs. Jer rel. The watch bad the initials of tho owner, E. F. F., engraved on the ease, which will delect the thief, if tbe watob in displayed to any extent. From the News. Everything is progressing satisfac torily wilh the lloiiring mill projoot. The $'21)1)0 bonus has been snbacrihed, and it will soon he Imowu whether or not the Bunie is accepted. The only loss of sheep we have heard of is tbe Iohs of about forty bead by John IjUOV. He sheared and dipped them, and the animals went chilled to death during one of the floaty nights latly. Harney Valley will expeieuce the usual Bnuual oveillow this season, which in sures tho hay orop. Two good-sized rivers flowing into the lake, which hasno visible outlet, will oause it to Hood its shores. while the cool went her was on, last week, stockmvu grew very apprehensive as to the welfare of their oattle, which were in a weak condition, being about out of feed. (Iiiihh, however, will Boon be abundant, when all will be serene. A Blretrh of country two hundred miles long and one hundred mileB wide is call ed the "John Day" country, by reason of the river and lis tributaries. Hut all this should not lie coiifouuded with the beautiful John Day Valley of these parts. Exchanges speak of Block dying last wilder in the ''John Day country" tor want of feed. That was not iu this valley, we oau proudly say. It is an outrage on the people of this in terior l ounlry that they are compelled to B u l mi t to the mac hiualionsuf unprincipl ed mail contractors, who are awarded government contracts at prioes below coxt of operating them. Then because they have 'influence" to have miporlaut routes discontinued because they are a losing game. Tooofleu they succeed, as was the case with the IViueville-Mitchell route. statu or Onto, City of Toledo, I Lucas Coi ntv. Frank J. Chunky makes oath that he is the senior partner of the tlnu of F. J. Chfnky & Co., doing business iu tbe city of Toledo, County nd Slate aforesaid, mid that tbni will pav the sum of ONE HUNll(i:L DOLIjAHS for each and every case of outurrb that oantiot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Fuank J. Chunky. Sworn to before Hud subscribed in my presence, this Cth day of December, A. D. 1886. . . A. W. Glbason, SKAl. ( ' Notary Public Hull's Catarrh Cme is taken internally and ectadireotly ou 1 tie blood and mu cous sin faces of the aystem, Seud for testimonials free. F. J. Chicnkv A Co , Toledo O. SJ Sold by Di uggisls, 70o. Ijndies, when your table linen becomes woru, and wheu in need of tine napkins and towels, yon will find that iu your H.-Hich for them Vau Duyu lies the largest slock iu town. 421 22, C. S.. Van Duyn. R. T Brown of Waguer dropped yesterd 'iy. When I take n "smile" in the morniii( that means smiling all day. O. 1'. When the wagon reaches the bottom of the grade theu I put the break 01 . V. O. B. Cl'KKEMT IfOSSlP. Hatt & Romif. Ci:r Barber Shop nd Bath Rooms. A fine line of gold pens, penoiU, to., st Slucnm JohnsUjn Drug Co.'s. a. Call st L07er A Thompson's for a free sample cartofCobiirn & Stiiffo d'n axle irre:ie; Hi" beat ma nfiictnred. Free fr-nn a.-ida and sniBnte d DitlnKum especially adapted for cog wheels, bearing and journal, aluo a first c'aaa remedy for mud fever, bums, bruises and cocked hoofs. Hardware? Yea, at Gilliam & tiisbae's, Main St., Huppner, Or. a. n niarkmnn & Co. hare an exclusive General Merchandise stere. Ktoekmi-n cannot do heller than patronizi ti. Blackraau A Co., ol lluupnor's Pioneer iin :Jc. Th Morrow Connty l,:ind it Trust Co handle Arnmur Packing t 'o.'a kimkIm, aavina merchant 1 the fr iirot from rnrt'aiiu to iluppner, and on many tliinKs much more, a. Poraeveranoe. pluck a-id enterprise will make money in Ihie wild, wild West, lint it IB of no avail unless you set bis bargains, in foot-gear, especially. On to Mat. l.ioluentluirs tor your bargains ill boots and shoes, a. Cuatomer "He Biire and make those clothes larae. t expect 10 put on ten or lifteen pounds ahortly." 'l'ailor "Yea, air. 'I akintf a course of treatments ( uatoiner-"No. I in ju.t hack from my vacation." if he bought hia ciolhe-ial U. Itiacknmn d: t'o.'s th-aunt store he would have no trouble in getting a neui fit. a. County nrript wanted. Apply to W. or A. A." Kobe rt b, Heppner. R. Kills 4Jl-42i H. ninokmnn & Co, Pells the 14 in. Oliver Chilled plow at f 11, with one extra plow point. a. Whon von wnnt your honws shod or whruh ro;iiitred, ye (Jriint county people, dm't forgot that 1j. ohei'iiuru imn a biiop at cox. a The tlpppner Fnrnitare Co. arcexpect in tf a oar-load of Furniture from the East. Buy thorn for bi bargains, a. Nuils by the car lond nt Gilliam ft Bin bee's. Grant county people will do well to call n them. Hosier ! Hosiery I I Fust blnck nud guiiriiiiteeil not to onlor. One thousand pui r fur Bale at ten to eixly oents per pair at 421-22. C. S. Van Duyn's. A delightful rain. Who can oompluia of the weather. Bud Willinfrlinm started over the trail yesterday morning with 6.0UO head of sheep belonging to Major Orrusby. The) will drive to Nebraska. TEE EE MARK ABLE EXPERIENCE Of W. P Hnblmril, .Siipr-rilltemlr-nt of tllP (ilarklllllllH hliitlotl nr llle 11. B. 1'isll ;llll- niiNMiiiii, and now lie wiih lluiitllvd by l)r. Iliirrlli. From the Ori'gonlan. Clackamas, Ur., Feb. 28, 1891. Dr. Darrin It jiivesme great pleasure In say that the home treatment you gave me two years ago was a perl'eet sncoess. For years past I have been ulllioted with moth or liver spots on dill'ereut parts ol my person. I viBited you ouoe and tnok the ''home treatment. Iu a few weeks I was permanently cured, and have nevei seen any symptoms sii ee. liefer to mr. W. F. Hukbabb. HOW BB GAINED 17 TOUNDS. Editor Ureyoiiiau ror twelve years past 1 uiive been seriously nmiuted witti kidney ami liver oomplaiiit, pain in 111 Mime and breast, dizziness and geuerall) out of sorts. With six months' electric and home treatment by Dr. Darrin I am cured of most of my troubles. Have tliiined seventeen pounds iu the time. Thomas Bui'jf. mh. Johnson's or rat kthunotu. MoMimnvillb, Or., r'eb. lb, 1891. Dear Ur. Darrin: Sour electric aud home treatment fur the past eight mouths has wrought almost a miracle on me. W lieu 1 nrst came to von 1 whs about crazy from the enVols of nervous debility, spinal and kidney troubles. 1 was wholly unable to work. Now I am strong ami beany, mid able to handle thirty tons' weight of lumber ncross the sawmill floor every any. It is a wonder ful and radical cure. I thank you will all my heart. 1 will stand by you and recommend yon lirst, last and nil the time. My mother (Mrs. M A. .bihUHiin) who formerly lived in M ill m, Or., now here, lias never hud a return of her deaf ness of twenty years' standing, cured b) you two yuira ago. Gratefully yours, ( li. Johnson. DR. DAIilUN's SYSrKM OP TIIKaTMKNT. Electricity, the invention of the nine teenth century, is well worthy the pa tient years of investigation unit expert ii etit that have been giveu it by some of the ablest and most devoted votaries of science. Oalvaiii, Volta. Humboldt, and others equally distinguished, spent years iu studying the phenomena of this wonderful agent, and then our own Morse gave it physical value in the in veiitiou of the telegraph. And now, in e have become familiar witu the con stant miracle of lightuitig bending obedient to tbe slightest touch ol man. we see a new wonder in the invention oi Dr. Damn, who by skillful nieohttnism. threats tins subtle force to the destruc t iu n of disease nml the building tin ol waning vitality. Dr. Damn treats all curable, chronic, acute and private dis eases, blood taints, lost or fulling man hood, ueivnus debility, effects of errors or excesses iu old or young, loss of mem ory, diseases oaused by mercury iu the improper treatment id private diseases Office, 71 (2 Washington street, Portland Or. Hours, 10 a. m to 8 p. 111. daily Examinations free and ootitldeutial question blanks and circulars sent gra is tuauy uujress: patients oureu at mime. 419tf. I have added to my stuck, table linen both white and turkey red; napkins of all desoiiptions and table cloths to match towels, bed spreads, embioideries, whiti goods; al-o 11 tine line of ladies' and misses' spring underwear, ladies' black satteeti dress goods, Ac. Call und in spect my line before t tirchiisini?. 21-22. C. S. Van Duyn. Sl'tlAYED. From Butter creek, one bay ninre, five years old, ''boot brand un left still cross on left shoulder. Has n small stria in face. Likely ranging near Co lumbia river. Will give Sit) reward for her return to Morrow's stable, Heppner Oregon. 421-425. M. S. Duiskbll. FOR SALE I A Fine ranch of COO acres, well-watered and improved. Has KM fruit trees 2110 iiores bottom land, 75 acres o, meadow grass, good timber on the placet vacant land iiilioiuing, seven miles west of Hnrdniin), Morrow county. Or. It is well adapted for a stock or dairy rnnch This place is known ss the (leo. stew art place. For particulars, enquire of HHOWN A HAMILTON. 19 tf Real testate Agts., Heppner, Or, '7mWn health restorer. vNS,ssd-"- USE IT! IT T9 TUB TTITHCi WFrtTfT VTV It maei th Lav?, nnd Kiitncv in.t S'umnch, run II .i.lulv. Hv-a. n. rreOrs an Ajipv-bu-, Pu-ili.9uu-liu,i.iK- U.u,k1. und MiV-r Trie TVnk Ptrong. Spring lias come, and now is the time to buy epnng gisnls. Ws have a com plete line of Men a. Boys and Misses 8traw Hats. Styles too numerous to mention. Call aud examine. 421-22. C. S. Van Duyn. THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. MY BKCKl TOP IT NOW, SOON IT Will- BI TOO LAT. X have been troubled many years with of the kidneys and have tried i-nu. nfth kidnevs many different temedies nd have louifht aid from different physician! without relief, About the 15th of April I wa iufferins; from a very violent tuck that almost prostrated me to K . manner t .at 1 WaS Uellt OVer. VThen I aat down it wai almost impossible for me to net up alone, or to put on my clothes when kind Trovidence sent Tr. Henley, with the OREGON KIDNEY TEA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced a sing the tea. It had an almost Miraculous effect, aud to the aston ishment of all the guests at the hotel, In a few days, I am bappy to state, that I was a new man. I will recommend the tea to all afflictei as 1 have been. O. A. TUPPER, Proprietor Occidental Hotel itamn row vhi NO MORE BACKACHE! In -Tiistiec'n Court. Precinct of Heppner, County 01 Morrow. Niate 01 urecon. Arthur coiiiu una Frank .McFurluiKt, partners hh Cottiu & McFtirland, riulutlirs, Vi. -lumen GiliL'les. Deft. STATU OF UHEIiUM, ) Countv of Morrow. 1 To JampB Gtngles the iihove named Defendant: IN Till!, rA.Mli; Ulr 1111!. SlAlE-ur Oliliuu.1! von are hereby commanded to appear and answer the complaint of l'lilintitl'8 tiled against yon in the above entitled court and action on or before the 2M day of May, 18'Jl, at 10 o'clock A. -M. 01 suld day. IJeltMidmit will take notice that If he fntlsto appeitroraii8verasnbnve required, the Pluiatitls will take jndiraient UKuinsc Defendant for the mini ol iil.;to and for the nam of I5UKI Attorney fees und for PliiintilVs disbursements of tills action and for an order to sell the property at tached In llle sum action. Tills summons 1b pabltsherl oy oraer 01 u. v. Hea. Justice ot the I'euce tor Heppner precinct. Morrow County, OreKnii, and before whom the said uction was commenced. Dated the 'Jth day ol April, isat. 0. W. REA, r0-4. Justice of the Teuce. NOTICE OF INTENTION. U.S. T-nnrt Otllce, The Dulles, Or., March 24, 'fl. Notice is heruby jriveii that the tollowiiiK iinmeel settler htis liletl notice of liis intention to miike final proof in support f hisclHim, hikI tlna rtaid roof Mill he inude lnifore W. K. lillis, V . O. jtitii uiinnniiiti nil in.-jiinn;t , ui vftvn, May U, 18'.1, viz: Id. No. 2115, for the N NWJ. and VJ SW -j. I', Tn4 S. It ! K. W. M. ii c iihiiiph tho follow inr witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot, said laud, viz: 8. A. Wright, J. M. llayen, j. u. KirKaua u. b. Kirk, all of Heppner, Oregon. 419-424. KetfiBter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Omcc at The Dalles, nr., April 1 1, 1891. Notiee is hereby niven that the following named settler had filed notice of his Intention to nmko tinul proof in support of his claim, and that said nroof will be made before the County clerk of Morrow County at Heppner, Oregon, on June 2, lLtl, viz: WILEY McBEE. m. No. 3031, for the BE! Sec ai, Tp 3 3, R 25 E, W. M. Ha names thefollowinE witnesses to provehls continuous residence upon and cultivation of, Haul land, viz; E. B. Stanton, John Jenkins, Luther Hucston and J. W. Alston, ail of Eight Mile, Oregon. John V. Licwis, 42-2-427. KegiBter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Ottice at The Dalles, Or., April 14, IP91. Notice is hereby given that the followiiur-uam-ed settler ban tiled notice of In r int utio i 0 make tl mil proof In support of hor claim, aim that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow Co., Oregon, at Heppner, Ore gon, on June "J, IH'.il, viz: MAKUAllEl' J. HAfil'EWOOD, (widow,) Hd. No. atttJ, for tho Hee 21, Tp 2 a, K 24 E, W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, aaid land, vi: A. T. King, M. A. Olden, lone: Wilbur Har rah, Lexington, aud C. A. lihea, Heppner, Or. John W. Lmwis, Kegister. NOTIOK OF INTENTION. Land Otnco at The Dalles, Or. April 11, 01. Notice is hereby given that the following nameil settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that aid proof will be made before Frank II. now, IJ. ri. oomniiBsioner at Lexington, or., on June 5, ltM, viz: HAMl'EL H. HOl'E, Hd. No :1W7 for the N1 j NWJ aud Wtf NK'i Sec ;tt'l'p I S, Ii X E, W. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vi: N. Alva Leach, William J. Davis, David A. Porter and H. J. Hill, all of Lexington, or. John VV. Lkwih, 4Jl-42ii. Register. NOTICE Ol- INTENTION. Am Ottice at The Dalles, Or., April 7, 1801. Notice is hereby niven that the following-named settler ltas tiled notice of bis intention to niuketliial proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof will lie made before County Clerk oi Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, ou May a, ism. U: ELM Kit (iEOKOE SLOCUM, Ds. No. 7:), for the S1., SW:, NW4 aw S VV4. See -tl, Tp S, It li E. V. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous renldenee upon, and cultivation of, said land, vi: Hen. Vaughn, W. P. Duttou, 0. It. Halt and Frank Huberts, all of Heppner, Morrow county, t -regon. 420-4.3. John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijtnd Otllce at The Dalles, Or., April 7. 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following" named settler has tiled notice of bis intention to make tinul proof in support of bis claim, and tbat said proof will be made before K. 11. Snow, Com. U. ?. I ire 11 it Court at Lexington, Or,, on May 2ti, is'.M, viz: HENJAM1N F. SV Alili ART, lid. No. 174-i, for the SVi4 K'c m, Tp 1 3, R 2fi K. lie names the fidlowing w itnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cullhatlon of, said land, vu: John II. Piper, J. T. MrAllster, Jas. Muir and J. F. Hrewer, all of Lexington, or. 42u-42j, John W.Lkwih, Register. NOTICE OF IN 1ESTION. Ijind OttU-e at Tho Dalles, Or., MarchO 11, '!!. Notice is hereby giveu that tbe following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make Dual proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge ot Ollliaiu County, alCondou Oregon, on May 2, Usui, vi: JAMES W. HYATT, Hd. No. lit;, for tho NWV NK'4. N'S Nfl and NW !eo 10. l p, 4 S, R. 2:i K, . M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon an cultivation of, said laud, vi.: James Rovae, John Chance, J. . Scrivnerand T. J. Lrtvidsou, all of Uohseberry, Oregon. John W. Lkwis, 4l8-4'.:i. lU'glster. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Ottice nt The Dalles, Or., March. 27, m. Notice is hereby given that tbe follow ing nnmod settler has tileit notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ami that said proot will be made botore County Clerk 01 Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, ou May lj, Im'I, vis : JolIN W. Mt FERRIS'. ls. l'74' for the rW4 Stv :t.'), i p 4 S, RlY.E. W. M. Ho names tbe follow ing w ituewscs to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, vi; Enoch Cave, John H, Ridgeway, Albert Mat toBou aud l. l Uidgeway, all of Heppner, Or. John W. I.kwis, 4R)-I24. ReKlater. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Tie T)vUn. Or., Mir. 9, 1S!U. Nolloe is hereby given that the foUowtn(r natiuHl settler has tiled uotlee of his tntentioii to make ttnal jinnit tn snHrt ol his claim, ami that saiii proof ill la' ma,le before tlie t'ouu tv Jmlne ol tillliam Countv, at toiidon, Or., on Mav J, 1MH, JOHN CHASTE. Hd. No. -V.lil, (or the K'.. Mi'4 and E, SE, h-. 1. I i,. -1 S. Ii. (. K. W. Nl. lie names the folloiiini; witnesses to prove his continuous resilience uiKin anil cultivation of, saW laud, vi.: James Uovse. J. N. itvatt. J. W. Sc'riviier ami T. J Ua la.ou, ail at Uooscuen v. Or. J0UN W. 1-tWtS, 41.4)i Jtc;itwr. II Just Arrived ! The latest styles cf Spring and Summer Faw Ui novelties ann piillin An Elegunt Line of SATTEENS I Of nil KhnflP3 While L'nodrt nml embroidered tlouiiciiios in a lipwildeiing assortment. Ladies' Sailor Wuists, Blouses, Under wear, Hosiery, and other lines kept in a well-regulated Millinery Store. m liU.LE.DltA 1 HIP IS AIRWAYS KEPT IT" ST CI OK. M11S. A.. M. SLOCUMs MAY STREET, HiiPPNER, OREGON. Positively For the NEXT THIRTY DAYS I nery, Dry Goods, Ladies' Furnishings , etc., at actual COST. A RARE CHANCE To get Big Bargains. Call early, ladies, at MRS. M. IU. WARREN'S MILLINERY STORE, Old "Cash Bargain Store," May Street Heppoer, Oregon. 419-423. E. G. SLOCU-VT. It-SPECIAL RATES ON HEPPNER FURNITURE Co Payette Nursery, OF PAYETTE, IDAHO. The Largest General Nursery stock in the 125 ACRES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Send for Catalogue and Price List. Address, PAYETTE NURSERY, 93-8m. KENTUCKY JACKS I Imve two Kentucky Jncks at my uerorsnven uiile&Nortli enstof Lexington, and will serve mares' ; on the following terras: Good pasture will be furnished at will be taken to preveut accidents, but will not be respon sible for any should they occur. B. F. SWAGGART, Lco'inglon, BREWERY SALOON! DAN OSMltlRS, Prop. -Have just added WINES, LIQUOKS & CIGARS In addition to AUGUST BUCIILER BEER -FROM COLUMBIA -AT THE DALLES, OREGON. Big-Customers can rest assured goods in the market Old Brewery MAIN STREET. HEPPNER, OREGON. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Uml Omof at The Dallos. Or., April 50. 1S91. Notice is htri't.v umi that the follow tnfr-nam-ttl etlU'r hua tiled notice ot his Intuition to j make tinal proof in nipport ot nu claim, and I that Mill proof will lw tna.le botore Comity 1 Clerk oi 'Morrow- Co.. Oregon, at Heppner, Ore I gon, on June '.i, l&W, vU: RKIl'K HE!!0STltOM. P. No. CTU7, lor ilie .- N K1, N a SK'-4 SEV, I K'4 sw -I. Tp .' .-. K K. tt. M i He iituiieB the iolUnvliis witnesses to prove his i einillnuo. is resilience upon ami eulllvultou ol. ! sahl laiui. vu: ' fauu'ox. K. S. C.,x, O. E. Varusw orth and c. I J- Anderson, all ol Uardiuan, Oregon. JOHN . J.KW1S. I te-tlT. Kenlster. EIC. GINGHAMS! ntid patterns. ti flt 0 IjUMI at Cost! will sell my entire stock ot Milli . H. HLOCUM. io you: Wont o CARPET ! Call and see the 100 or more Fine Styles and Patterns kept by na, wiiicn we are selling ery Cheap. Also ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, Etc PICTURE FRAMES.! Mountains. Pnyettp, Tdnlio. plnce, twelve miles north of Hepp- $1 per head per month. Due care Oregon the choicest stock of- TUE- BREWERY of lair treatment and the beet KOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijind Offlce at The rwllH, Or- Murch IS, 1S91. Notice Is hereby civtn that the followlng-naiiu-il settler has hied notice ol his Intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said pi-oof will oe made before Frank H. s on , I'. Commissioner at Lexington, Or., ou May 9, IM'1. viz: WU.I.HM M S i AtrFFER, Hd SV for tue SE' Sec. l Tp. 2 N, R E, W. M. tlie followtnir witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou and cultivation of j.v. siii.l hind- vi: t ; l.w.-ih K. kelson. Theodore Cork. Clinton N. 1 PeLk aud Jacob F-tiruat, all of Lexiuh'ton, Mor row County, Oregon. JOHM W. LKW1P, 41.441, Keylsttr. ARTHCR COPPIli Arlington, Spiiragf ARRIVING W JSEK -E3 IE3 ? COFFIN & McFARLAND'S. A Big Line direct from the East. Fine stylish lints, new shapes, and patterns. Gent's fine shot s, ladies' and child ren's shoes, all styles. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA SAD DLES at Factory Prices. A car-load of Fernoline Sheep Dip to arrive soon. WARRANTED TO CURE THE SCAB! Books and Silverware (jiven away to our cash customers. Agents for OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS. Groceries, Hardware, Etc. Largest Stock and Biggest Assortment to be found in Oregon. Mail Orders Solicited. COFFIN & IcFARLAND Always "take the enke" when it conies to having a complete stock of General Merchandise, suited to the wants of this country. See the latest patterns of Woolen Dress Goods in stripes, plains and solid colors all sold at prices to please. Finest line of A call at our Establishment will prove Our claim of having the Largest stock, Greatest Variety, of goods, the best equipped store, combined with low prices, that can be found in any other town in Oregon. To every purchaser of $25 worth of goods, wo will give a fine $4 book. Orders from the country carefully and promptly filled. Country produce bought and sold. Agents for Christy & Wiae. BrThe Big Brick, National Bank Building, Heppner, Oregon, is where you will fiud COFFIN & McFARLAND. CITY 0fTC- ?0EE3 HEI'PNKIl, OKEUON, T. W. AVERS, (Successor to Keeps a Full Line of Drugs, Chemicals, lJateut Medicines, Toilet Articles, Albums, Etc., Etc. Fine Domestic and Impoited Cigars Al ways in Stock. 0 PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED DAY OR NIGHT. School Books ! W. A. KIRK. KIRK A DEALERS IN Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Conceivable Article kept in a First Class Harness Shop. Repairing a. Sjoeololty ! auuj uu iiauu uiu Go to their erore for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for five years. Don't buy eisewuere till you examine their machines and get cash priees. MAIN STREET, - HEPPNER, OREGON. HEY! HEY Let ns go to Mat Lichtenthnl's Exclusive Boot and Shoo Store, for our winter footwear. He keeps the best Bnekintfhnm A Heebt, boots and shoes, the Ftirao 82 50 Slme anrl other Bonds nf stnminnl mnbes. A big stuck, Footgear roust be bought oheup, quality considered, to get snub bargains as you find at MAT LICHTENTHAL'S, MAIN' STREET, - - . HICPPNER, OREGON. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Offlce at The Dulles. Or., April 21, ISM. Notice is hereby given that the followiinr-uara-ed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof In support of his clelm. and that said prrof will be made before V. It. Ellis. Com. I'. S. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on June 10, 1M1, vLc: ALONZOMARKHAM. Hd. No. 3BS7, for the K NEV, and Wi. SEV StT 3. Tp ;t S. R r. E. W. M He names the follow intr witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land. vU: I. N. Bnsey. Geo. Schi'k. Thos, Driskell and Dennis Spillane, all of heppner. nr. JOHN H . KeKister. Hnrry Jonea brrnght in two loads of wool jekterda), the m-kt of the teuson SHRANK MoPAHUAND. Meppne r. Goods Jr., Proprietor, A. D. Johnson.) tf. School Books ! J. 0. HAYES HAYES Am vwiuiaiAU iiijjjiiti o COME ON . NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Offlce at The D:,lles, Or., April 20 lfWt. Notice is hereby ttiven that thefollowinu-nam-ed settler has lihd notice of her intention to muke hnal pr( in support of her claim, and that said prool ill be made before VV. K Ellis 3- viu-uu court, at lleimiier nit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on June 9,, viz: CATHERINE SPRAY. - 36S1, for the NW, Sec 35, Tp 3S, R 24 E, Hd. N W. M. His names the fnllowinc witnesses to prove her continuous residence upou, and cultivation of said land, i;: J. C. Ilayt-s Heppner; Isnnc Knlirhton. E. B. stautou and J. H. Jones, of Elaht Mile, Oregon. 4i'-t2: J.'UN v . I. -:wi!-, KeKister. L"tijr Cret-k's K of P. tKje slilnted on the 20 und 21 inst., aiembersliiu of 17 meuibtrj. was n. with a