The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, April 16, 1891, Image 4

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All Aches.
ChaaJL YogalerCo.,
Baltimore, Bid
V. A. Steven dropped down from the
Hardman ection Ssturlny lait.
This is what you ought to have.
Forest Grove Pc
Wvandottes. Plymouth Rooks, Litflit
Braniahs, Kose and Single Comb
Brown LPj-'horns, PMitnilge
Ooohine, Hondana Biid Sil
ver Spaugled Humbuigs.
Ready for Delivery.
lfact,you moat have it, to fully enjoy
life. TuonaHnus ore gearcuing rorii aai
ly, and monrniuir because they flod it
riot. Thousands upon thonsando of dol
lars are spent aunuully by our people in
the hope that they may attain this boon.
And yet it may be nau by an. we jruar
aotee that Electric Bitters.if used accord
ing to directions and the use persisted
in, will bring you good digestion and
oust the demon. Dyspepsia, and install
instead EuneDsv. W e reoommend JMeo-
trio Bitters for Dypepsia and all dis
eases of Liver, Htomaoh and Kidueys.
Sold at 50c. and $1.00 per bottle by T.
W. Ayers.Jr.
T. D. Mathews, a prosperous Alpine
farmer, was in town Saturday last.
It is surprising that people will use a
common, ordinary pill when they oan
secure a valuable English one for the
same money. Dr. Acker's English pills
are a positive cure tor sioK-neaaacne
and all liver trouwes. rney are email,
sweet, easilv taken, and do not gripe.
For sale by blocum-Johnson Urug KjO ,
Ueppuer, (Jr.
This remedy is becoming bo well known
and popular as to need no special men
tion. All who nave used J&iecirio mi
ters siug the same Bong of prnme. A
purer medicine does not exist and it is
guaranteed to do all that iB claimed.
Electric bitters will cure all diseases o
the liver and kidneys, will remove pim
ples, boils, salt reniii and other affections
caused by impure blood. Will drive
malaria from the system aud prevent as
well as cure all malarial fevers. For
nura of headache, coustipatiou and in
digestion try Electric Bitters. Entire
satiafaotion guaranteed, or money refund
ed. Prioe 50c aud $1.(10 per bottle at T.
W. Ayers' drug store.
Hi j Fowls Have no Supeniir.
In America, and are the best on
this coast by a great difference.
Send for Catalogue.
Box 65. com.BUO. Forest Grove, Or
Coroner Dauglierty was
Butter creek Friday lust.
over from
Blacksmith & WaKonmaker,
Anhi.kska Cottage, L. B., July 2.
Gentlemen: Although it is verv un
usual for me to ubb any lotions or
washes, still, in answer to your requset,
I have tried Wisdom's VinletCream and
Robertine. The former I consider es
pecially efliasoious iu cases of roughness
of the skin, and I have been using 't
every day for the last fortnight. I have
found the Robertine an excellent prepar
ation in cases of tan, Biinburn, etc..
caused by exposure to Maroh winds and
a July sun.
lours laiuiiuuy,
LlLIilE LanqtrT.
All orders promptly attended to.
Prices to suit the Times.
mr .if. i.i
t'attle brandM rind inr-mrkfKl an shown above
Hurew V un riitht ahouhlor.
Our onttlo rnngo in Morrow, anil Umatilla
eountiiw. lwitl pay 1100.00 reward for llm
arrest and oouviotiou of any pernun atoaliug iny
J e v; e r u Esiauiisnmeni
Btill Continues to Sell
At the Lowest Possible Prions.
A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame
thyit and Cameo Gold Rings,
Gold and Silver Watches Always
A Full Line of
M DSIO AIj inbthu
Has beeu added to his large aud well,
selected stook.
An exchange truthfully says: "One of
the worst features of any town, and one
that does it more injury than anything
else, is the system of faction fighting
sometimes indulged in by some of its
residents. Opposing interest .clash to
gether where it they would harmonize
and co-operate, great good would result
to the entire community. Faction fights
never win, and towos that should be on
the high road to prosperity are hindered
and held back by them."
The Heppner Social Club gave the
second series or dances at tne opera
house last Friday evening, the H. A. C
oroheBtra furnishing splendid music for
the ocoasion, and was a pleasant affair
thmnghnut. It is a faot that each sub
sequent dunce seems more enj iyable
tliati the preoeding ones. Tbeir next
ball will occur on the 24 th inst.
Baker City is in debt $100,000. An
eichanue says this is 833ljj dollars for
every man woman and child. The float
ing scrip of the city is 830,000, and in
creasing 81,000 per month. Besides
they need an extension of their water
system, a new city hall and sewerage
By accident, a lamp was overturned in
Brown k Hamilton's office, Friday even
ing last. The lamp was broken and the
oil lemted. making it lively for Jan.
Hamilton aud A. M. Gunn, who were in
the office Bt the time. Prompt acliou on
their part prevented a conflagration.
The sheep-raising industry never had
a brighter outlook iu this section than at
present. The losses during the winler
were quite small, and the dip this spring
will be large and of a hue quality.
I'riceB of both wool aud mutton have an
upward tendency.
The sale of the reservation lands at
Pendleton is not coming up to ihe ex
pectations of the people over there. This
paper has not heard of any section
bringing over 81,000, nnd muoh of that
land is selling as low as 81,50 per acre.
Heppner will have the biggest of the
big blow-outs on the 4th of July. The
races will be an attractive feature of that
occasion. Keep it in your mind. Our
citizens are already awake, and propose
to do something.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle is nn ad
mirable little sheet, but wouldn't it be
better to fill up with live news rather
than use stale stereotype plates, Bro.
Miss Ellor Rhea and brother, Wnldron,
were over from Rhea oreek, Friday eve
last, to attend the Heppner 8. C. dance
and visit friends and relatiyes at Hepp
Mr. J. T. Onllowny, of Hand Hollow,
was in town Saturday last.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
bruises. Sores. Ulcers. SaltRheum, Fever
Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands, Obil-
Blains, Corns, and all Skiu Eruptions,
nod nositivelv oures Piles, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or money refuuded. Price
SB oents per box. For sale by T. W
Ayers, Jr. Nov.14,'0.
H. M. Powell, of Sand Hollow, wai
over Saturday last.
Another ohild killed by the use of opi
ates given in the form of soothing syrup.
Why mothers give their children such
deadly poison is surprising when they
can relieve the child of its peculiar
troubles by using Dr. Acke'r bnhy-nootlier-
It. contains no opium or mor
phine. Sold by Slocuni-Johnson Drug
Co., Heppner.
Rbea creek was thoroughly represented
S iturday last by C. A., J. P. and T. A.
Rhea. These gentlemen report their
stock in excellent coudition.
Mrs. John Curtis, of Peoria, III.,
writes: "Used one box of Osage 1'ills
previuus to my second couunemeut; they
worked like a charm. Would pay $20
for a box rather than do without them,
as they have proved a Godsend to me."
Write Osage Medicine oompauy, Wichita,
Kas., for particulars, and their book to
wives, mailed free. Sold by druggists.
Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Heppner Ore
gon. 308-lyr.
Saturday last was a very busy day for
Heppner and lieppuer's business men,
Mrs. Michael Curtain, I'lainfleld, 111.,
makes the statement that she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs; she
was treated for n nion (h by her family
nhvsiciun. but Brew worse. He told her
she was a hofH!len victim of cunsumi
(ton and that no medicine oould ouie
her. Her druiraist suggested Dr. King'B
New Discovery for Consumption: ahe
bought a bottle aud to her delight fouud
herself beuefitted from the first dose.
She continued its life and after taking
ten bottles, found herself sound and well,
now does her own housework and is tie
well as she ever was. Free trial bottles
of this Great Discovery at T. W. Ayers'
Drui Store: large bottles 50o. uud
81.00. 2
That at this season the blood is filled
with impurities, the aooumulatinn of
months of olose confinement in poorly
ventilated stores, workshops and tene
ments. All these impurities and every
trace of sorofula, salt rheum, or other
diseases may be expelled by taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla, the best blood pun
tier ever produced. It is the only medi
oine of which "100 doses one dollar" is
"The Heppner Park Association, in
corporated," is the result of united euort
on the part of our oitizens. We must
work in uuisou to succeed.
In all diseases of the nasal mucous
membrane the remtdy used must he
nnn-irrituting. The medical profession
lias been slow to learn this. Nothing
satisfactory can be accomplished with
donohes, snuffs, powders or syringes
because they are all irritating; do not
thoroughly reach the affected surfaces
and should be abandoned as worse lb an
failures. A multitude of persons who
had for years horn all the worry and pain
that catarrh can inlliot testify to radical
cures wrought by Ely's Cream Balm
A nice shower Friday last did a world
of good to this deserving part of the vine
Heponrr will shortly have one of the
best race tracks in Oregon. This is what
we have needed for years.
Miss Mollie Stevenson visited her
parents, who live on Skinner Fork of
Willow croek, last Sunday.
W. A. Baird made homestead proof
before commissioner of the U. S. circuit
court, W. R. Ellis, last Saturday.
Phineas T. Barunm, the great Ameri
can showman, is dead. He was one of
the greatest advertisers the world has
known, and he succeeded.
Frank H. Snow, Com. U. S. oircnit
court at Lexington, Or., is authorized to
receive publication fees and receipt for
the same in the name of the Gazelte.
Mr. W. G. Boyer says his ewe hand is
doing fine. He' has reaped a 100 per
oent. harvest of lambs so far, but of
oourse it will not be quite that hifh
when the job in finished.
The following is the result of Long
Creek's eleotion, held on Monday of last
week: For Mavor, C. H. Le; for Conn
oilmen, Ed. C. Allen, Orin L. Patterson,
Ed O. Woodall and Chas. W. Conger;
for Reoorder, C. F. Goff; for Treasurer,
Fred Staddon; for Marshall, C. E. Dns
tin. For the Charter Yes.
Times-Mountaineer: Those who file
on homesteads and proffer a 820 gold
pieoe, need not he surprised if they are
rennested to nroduoe the exact change
816. It is a department mlin" and de
signed to save the land officers the
trouble of rushing hither and yon for
change when they are busy.
Thursday last, Marshal Rasmus pulled
three representatives of Hepnnfr demi
monde. One put up her fire and was
released. The other asked for time to
rustle the proper amount of "wherewith"
but, rustled out of town as fast as they
could, taking the train at Lexington
Friday morning. Its good riddance.
The town needed it more than their ooin.
A law pnssed hy the recent state legis
lature empowers the oouuty conrt to pay
for Danrhers or contrars not more than
$10 nor less than 81; for each hear. So to
$1; wildoat or catamount, $2 to 81; wolf
or coyotes, $2 to 81; mnskrat. 'la cents to
five cents; hlacktail rabbits, five cents to
one cent; that person in pursuit, shall
have two-thirds of the bounty it same is
killed by auother.
East Oregonian: Heppner people are
said to be much excited over the discov
ery of artesian water at the Butter creek
coal mine, nnd will renew the effirl to
find it near their city. Water often
shoots some twenty feet into the air from
the drill-hole at the coal mine. The
flow is prevented by means of a stop
valve while drilling is progressing. It is
thought it will not interfere with mining
operations in case coal is struck.
Times-Mountaineer: Umatilla county
is forming a pioneer association, and the
date to constitute membership is fixed
at "during and prior to the year 1865, or
immediately after the disbandmeut of
l'noe s army. lint why should the lat
ter event be particularly mentioned we
cannot tell, except several of the pio
neers were members of "Pap" Price's
army, and this may acoonnt for the 1'irge
democratic majority in that county. We
are not waviug the gory uudergarment.
Study your advertising. Compare re
ceipts from one paper with those from
another. This is the best test, ana every
newspaper of good circulation is willing
to submit to it. Do not content yjur-
self with the knowledge that the total
amount von speut last year brought
profitable returns. It is quite likely
that a portion of that amount was spent
unwisely, and that a few good mediums
served to make up the deficit of half a
dozen poor ones, put on the list beoause
their rates were low. Exchange.
Times-Mountaineer: Since April 6th
The Dalles land office has received 84,500.
It was expected, ilb the La Grande
land office a" a precedent, which took in
about 825,01)0 the first day of the for
feited lands sale, that there would be a
great rush at this office. The fac'B are
that while there is much more land un
der this jurisdiction the fanners lire too
busy plowing and seeding to spare the
time to oome to The D.dles, and it, really
makes no difference to them, as tney
have plenty of time in which to enter.
The land so fur entered is by old settlers.
There is little jumping, and there has
been but two or three cases of ouutest.
WW y Ei fsH U
7s:tiag Eiceises
T A I L O 1.
Wondstful flash Producer.
Many Lave gained one pound
per day by its use.
Scott's Emulsion is not a secret
remedy. It contains the stimulat
ing properties of the Hypophos
phites and pure Norwegian Cod
Liver Oil, the potency of both
being largely increased. It is used
by Physicians all over tlio world.
Sold by oil Drugyists. .
SCOTT & BOWME, Chemists, N.Y.
Work done In the iCBt manner, and prices to
lull the times.
UTTER, The ' allori
Gsp al GarpBRtei I'M!
l3T"Moving Buildings a Bp-wialty. Have
rig Jor this work.
Can he made in the next
three months selling the
All the new 1890 census returns, re
vised maps, showing the New States,
New Countries, New Railroads New Post
Offices &c, &a.
Indexed diagrams of the principel cities
showing the streets, parks, &c, colored
oharts and diagrams, valuable statistics.
political bi-tory of the United States.
&o. 1,000 Reference Titbles, 5U0 fane h.a-
A praotical, useful work which every
business man, every home, every school,
professional man, mechanic or fanner
wauls nnd will hnv This is the best At
las for the price ever issued.
WlljUnV I Everybody wants the
UH , I census statistics. You
ilvJlJli 1 kj have a eolden opportu
nity for money making. Don't waste
time in waiting, hut send $2 for the ele
gant outfit at once. Remember
Aliases will he sold during 1891 on ac
oonnt of the new census, and this is
the first aud best in the field. Address,
723, Market Street, Saa Francisco, Calirornia
J. H. Kleckner, the well man, suspend
ed operations last week, owing to an at
tack of grip, which unlit him lor duty
The well is enlarged down to a depth of
500 feet.
Geo. Muir says his crop prospects are
the btst. His ranch is only a few miles
north of Heppner.
Says some of the best housewives in New
Entjlaud, "We feel the necessity of B
good medicine to purify the blood, and
we all take Hood's Sarsaparilla. It
kt,eps the children free from humors,
my husband says it gives him a good
appetite, and for myself I could never
do all my work if it was not for this
splendid medicine. It makes me feel
strong and cheerful, nnd 1 am never
troubled with headache or that tired
feeling, as I used to he."
Wilbur J. Hurrah, of Lexington, wns a
pleasaut aud entertaining caller at the
Gazette ranch Saturday hist.
Work O-uarautced,
TOUK oppoaite Minor, Doriioa A Co'i Ma? St.
Heppner, - -It Oregon
Opposite Gazette Oillce,
Wfttcket Cleaned,
MatDtpringt Kitted
Goods .
. tt.w.
These Pills are scientifically compoun
ded, and uniform in action. No griping
pain so commonly following the use of
Pills. They ate adapted to both adults
and children with perleot safety. We
guarantee they have no equal in the cure
of Sick Heabaohk. Constipation, Dyspep
sia and Bilionsuess; aud, as nn appetizer,
they exoel any other preparation.
A. B. Mucky reports 80 per cent, of
lambs this spring. There is plenty of
grass and water down where he is rang
ing his band, and they are in good condition.
ttl vork guarantied for t4 ar. tf
The undersigned having been restored
to health by simple means, after suffer
ing for several years with severe lung
atfeotion, and that dread disease con
sumption, is anxious to make known to
his fellow sufferers the means of on re.
To those w ho desire it, he will oheer
fully send (free of charge) a oopy of thj
prescription used, which they will hud
a sure cure for consumption, asthma,
catarrh, bronchitis and all throat aud
lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers
will try his remedy, as it is invaluable.
Those desiring the prescription, which
will cost them nothiug, and ninv prove
a blessing, will please address Rkv. Kn
wahi) A. Wilson, Williamsburg, Kings
Coiiuty, New York. 4(H8tA
W. M. Heuuriokson, J. F. Willis and
on, Albert, were iu town Saturday last.
The great appetizer, tonic nnd liver
regulator. Iu use for more than DOvears
in England. Positive specilio for liver
complaint. Had taste in the mouth ou
arising in the morning, dull paius in the
head and hack of the eyes, tired feeling,
dizziness, languor-symptoms of liver
complaint. Remedy Dr. Heuley's Eng
lish Dandelion Ionic. Relieves cor.sli pa
tinn, sharpens the appetite aud tones up
the entire svstem. Oet the genuine from
yonr druggist for ?1, nod take according
to directions.
'Overland Route."
Prof. T. 0. Aubrey, the efficient teacher
of the Heppner school a year ago last
winter, was iu town Saturday. He re
ports muoh progress in Eight Mile.
Must he considered hy the great majority
of people, in buying even necessities o(
life. Hood's Sarsaparilla commends it
self with speoial force to the great mid
die classes, because it combines positive
economy with great medicininl power. It
is Ihe ouiy medioine of which can truly
be said "HXI Dos-s One Dollar," and a
bottle taken according to directions will
average to last a mouth.
Frank H. Suow, Commissioner TJ, S.
Clrouit Court at Lexington, Or., is
authorized to receive fees for publication
of tin al prools. 114 tf.
One hundred nnd sixty acres of bunch
grass, nicely situated. Call at Gazktts
office. 405-tf.
Settlers who have paid 8100 for their
pre-emptions or commuted homesteads
fhould apply for a rebate through Frank
11 Snow, at Lexington. He makes no
charges unless successful. 410 tf.
I have opened awell appointed tailor
ing establishment in my new build
ing on May street, and am now regularly
receiving new goods and will make cus
tom made pauts rom 87 to $15 best
goods in the market.
A. Abrhahsice.
John Stevens, who recently returned
from Alaska, speaking about that coun
try, said that the Alaska display at the
World's Fair will give the people abetter
idea of that country than anything ever
written about it. Private enterprise
will make a magnifioent display of fur,
fish, timber aud the mineral wealth of
the northern country. The idea that
Alaska is n desolate ice-bound country,
said tne gentleman, is erroneous. Along
the southern coast the climate is mild
aud pleasaut, audit is the exception that
overcoats are neoessary. Most persons
associate the fur, seal and salmon iudus
try with it as the most important, if not
the only product, when in fact the miu
era I and timber resources are of infinite
ly greater consequence nlthough they
are virtually unknown. Exchange.
i'o all Principnl Points in the United
Stupes, Canada and.Europe.
Pullman Palace Sleepers,
Run Through on all Express TrainB to
Council liliiffssi
Wifiof Change.
Close Connection at Portland for fan
Francisco and Puget Sound Points.
Leave Portland for San Francisco every
four (4) days, making the trip iu GO
Cabin, f!6. Steerage, $8.00
Round Trip Unlimited, $30,00.
Are you married? If not, send your
address with stump, to the American
Corresponding Club, T. O. Bot 643,
Clarksburg, W. Va. 870-441
For further particulars inquire of any
agent of the company.
T. W. LEE,
General Traffic Manager, tf.
.S. C.
- I
Good USTews
The World Renowned
Reduced 20 per cent.
100 Gallons fell !
Scab-cure & Preventive
Improves tlie Fleece!
Speoial forms in legal blanks printed
to order at the Oazktte office. None COFFIN & MoFARLAND, )
but the best leL'al blauk paper used. A
fuli liue of blanks for justices, etc., is
kept iu stock, at prices as low as Salem,
Portland or Pendleton. Send in your
eiosi ai'nlkMiio' to
In or gij.l; SI VI At,
mnin'or Httnc; .ii-rt mi mi
1(11. t . i tliY l.OSSKS Htih Fliil.Y lM AY In Vdl'Mi nnd Jllll-lll-h
Atir lh Isrk 01 vim. vlscr. nti-1 t "vi.Kti'.v i,l M-Mialorgni
.ni: r.ii'p.I nn.l .-,-,i1fri'i"1 ; vhimi-i- i in aftx I'l'Mvc oM vfc.
2VA!r",M"n"'--' ia "arris'
JL.i-.L VII men, yi.ui'C or nM. jug trcm Oil,
TH" iirtiTl'S Rl":
sr.?: VCFK.
W1L COOPER NEPHEWS, Galveston, Texas.
linrO Cougbs, Colds. Influenit. BroncMKi,
U nCu Hoarstness, Whooping Cough, Croup,
ir Throat. Atthma. arid trery afiectioa of th
hrort, Longaaad CMtf. including ContumptloiL
While yon kpppyonr fmheeription paid np you
can Kt-ep your bran a in tree or charge
AlliHon, O. D. Cattle br:iml, O D on left hip
and horses same brand im rifjiit ohouiuer. itungu.
Eifflit Mile.
T C. Adkins, Dayville, Or - HtraiRht markacrosB
the thigh ami twn ciopH aud n hI it in the riwht ear;
hornea, j, upside nnwii on tne right utiiiiuii'.'r.
Himtce in Grant county ami Hoar valley. PO
address also at UarUinmi.
C K Adkins, Horsea. J, on rifjht shoulder; pit- I
tie, (" It on right hip Kange in (j rant and Mor
row counties.
Adkins, J J Hor&pa, JA connected on left
flank; cattle, same on left hip.
Herman Alp, Pmirie City, Or. On cattle, 0
LP connected on left hip; hordes on left uulle
and warile on nose. Hun go in Grant county,
Johnny Ayurs, horses hrni'ded triangle on lelt
hip; cattle name on right mp. aitio crop on right
eur and upper bit ou name.
Rlyth.Per'-v H., Henpiier.Or. Horses Homnn
croan n right tlmuider. itarge iu Morrow
Weiikman. lieo., iinramnn Horses, ntiadnii
left shoulder: cattle, tame on right HhonhhT.
1 annifcter,.J. W., Hhrilman, Or. Cnttlo brand
ed B on ief i hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Unrke. M at C, Long Creek, Or On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear. un
der half urnp off riulit. llornen. same brand on
letfi shoulder. Ktiugs iu Grunt uud Morrow
A Uowpman, Mount Vernon and Burns Cattle,
A H on right lap. two crops in each ear; same on
hurries, on righi shoulder, liange in Grant aud
llurney counties.
Jerry Hrosman, horses brnnded 7 on right
shoulder; cattle H on the left side. Left eur
half crop and right ear upper slopn.
Hart on, Wr -Horses, J Hon right thigh; cattle.
Biinio on right hip;split in each ear.
llennett, t'y Horses, H on left shoulder.
Mrs. C. A.Henge, horses branded XB on left
shoulder or stifle; cattle same on left side and
split in left ear, tipper half crop in right.
Hrown, J. P horse- and cattle branded 8 with
ox-yoke above on left shoulder,
Brown, J C Horses, circle C with dot. in net,
teron left hip; cattle, same.
Hoyer. W U, Lena Horses, box brand or righ
hip cattle, same, with Mplit in each ear.
liorg, P. O. Horses, P B ou left shoulder; cat
tie. same on ten inn.
W J Brnwnlee, Fox, Or-Pnttle, JR connected
on lefr side; crop on left ear and two Bplitsand
middle p.ece cut out on right ear; on horses snme
brand on the left thigh; Kutigu iu Fox valley,
Grant county.
K Cain. Caleb. Or- Y ft on horses on left stifle;
U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder,
and on lert stitle on all colts under fi years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Grant countv.
Cochn-n, Chan., lone. Or. Horses, HP con
nected on left shoulder; cattle, V, on both left
hip and stifle. Kange in .Morrow county.
J'UCannon, Long Creek, Or--T on cattle on
right side, crop off right oar and Blit in left ear.
Our horses same brand on left shoulder, ltauge
in Grantcounty.
T H Curl Doub crosa on ench hip on cattle,
Bwallow fork and under bit in right ear. split in
left ear. Hango in Grunt county. On sheep, in
verted A nd speur point mi shoulder. Ear mark
oa ewes, crop on left ear, puuohed upper bit in
right. Wethers, crop in right and under half
crop in left ear. All range in Grant county.
A. A. Crosby, cattle branded (or H L con
nected) on the right shoulder.
Walter ( arsner. Mount Vernon VV on cattle on
left hip, ciop and split in left ear; 7W connected
on horses on left slioulde , Hange in Grant Co,
li Chittenden. Piairie ( itv. Or l ick, handle
down on cattle riuht hip and split in right eai ;
horses, same braud ou right shoulder, hauge in
Grant counly.
Cook, A. J., Lena Horses, 9()on right shoalier
Cattle, same on r ght hip: ear mark square crop
off left aud split in right.
I nrrin. it i- Horses. on left stifle.
Cochran, a JI Monument. Or Horses brnnded
Tl & A on left sh-mhler. Cattle, same on right
hip swallow fork in right ear and crop off left.
Cox A English, llarduian C'aitla, C with I in
center: horses. CM on left 'iiu.
dinner. H A Horses H C on If ft shon dor.
cattle H 0 on left side, Bwallow fork onrighroar.
it. 11.. t ochran. Monument, Grant Co, Jr.
Horses branded circle with hat beneath, on left
shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, marls
turner mope uotu ears anuuewiup.
Chanin H. Horses branded on rieht run. I
Cattle hrnuded the same.
fci L Cross, bay vi He. Or Cattle branded two j
crops and a split in left ear; on horses a
reversed Z " lnft stitle. Also have the following
brands on cattle: 72 on lelt hip, 7 on right hip,
'tt on left shoulder, two parallel bars on left
shoulder. Eur marks, two crops.
Wm. Dooiian. hnrses branded OO with bar
over them, on left shoulder; cattle same on left
Douglass, W M-r-Cattle, 11 V on right side, swai
low-fork in each ear: horseB, 11 D on if ft hip.
Duncfin. W. P., John Dviy Quarter circle W on
right shoulder, both ou horses and cattle, liange
Grant county.
Driskell. VV. E. Horses branded K insidoof U
on left shoulder, ( tittle same on left side of
luunon, R E. Mount Vernon--7U connected on
cattle on right hip, under slope in right ear,
under bit in left eur; same brand on horsuson
right hip. Hane in Grant county.
J.B. Ely& Hons. Horses branded ELY on
left shoulder, cuttle game ou left hip. hole ir
right ear.
Halph Fiek, Prairie City, Or Horses, It F on
right shoulder; cattle, ou right hip, Kange in
Grant county.
Fleck. Jackson. Horses. 7F connected on
right shoulder; cattle same on right hip
Far mark, hole in right nnd crop off left.
Florence, L A Cattle. LFon right hip; horans
F with bar under ou right Bhoulder.
Florence, 8 P Horses, F on right Bhov.ldei ;
cattle, b on right hip or thigh.
Armstrong, j. i ., Acton i with har nnder tt
on left shoulder of horses; cuttle same on left
Gay, Henry GAY. on left shoulder.
Goble. Frank Horses. 7 Fon leftBtifle: cattle.
same on right hip.
Oilman-French, Land nnd Livestock Co.. Fos
sil, Or. Horses, anchor tt on left shoulder: vent.
same on left stine. ( Mile, same on both hips;
ear marks, crop ott right ear and underbit m left,
Hange iu Gilliam, Grant, Crook at.d Morrow
Elmer Gentry, Echo, Or. --HorseB branded H.
8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stitle
liange in Morrow and Umatillacounties.
Frank McGirr, Fox Valley Mule shoe with top.
cork on cattle on rum and under in each eur;
hoises same brand on left stitle.
J . C. Giliwater. Prairie City. Or. On horses.
O -O on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, on right
siue. itange in tiraut county.
C E Glaze nnd A P Hmder. DavTille.Or-
Horses branded d on right shoulder; on cattle, i
stripe down the left shoulder. Also. P fci on
horses on left shoulder, and same on right hip on
cattle. Kunce in hrant c.-nnty.
Hiatt A. H., Hidge, Or.-Cattle. round-top A
wit li quarter circle urder it on the right hip.
ttanue in Morrow and UmatillAcotintieB.
llin ton A Jenks, Hamilton. Or t'attle. two bare
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left.
Horses. J on right thigh. Hange in Grant county.
Hughes, Samuel, Wagner, Or T FL on right
shoulder on horees; on cattle, on right hip and on
left Ride, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left
Kange in Haystack district. Morrow county.
Edwin Hall. John Day Cattle E H on right
hip; horses same un right shoulder, rangin
Grant county.
Hiel A. Hyde, Pmirie City. Or.--AH comhined
on horses on right shoulder; cattle on right hip.
Hange in Grant county,
Hughes. Mat, Heppner. Or. Horses, shaded
heart on the left Bhoulder. Kange Morrow Co.
Ed Holloway, Saddle, Or., horses and cattle
branded E H connected, with bar under it.
Hunsaker, B A -Horses, y on left shoulder; cat
tie. Won left hip
H ard is t y, A 1 bert Nye. Oregon . Horses, A H
Connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left
hip, crop off left ear.
J F Hod son, Mount Vernon JF connected on
hort-es on right thigh; on cattle. N B on
right hip- Rangein Grant and Harney.
Humphreys, t Al. Kardmau Horeee. H on left
Hiatt, Wm. F,. Horses branded bar cross ou
left shoulder: cattle same on left hip
Hayes, J M Horses, wineglass on left shoulder
cattle, same on right hip.
Ivy. Alfred, Lng Creek. Or Cattle I Don
riirht hip. cropuft left ear and bit in right, Horses
same bnuid on left ehuuider, liange in Grant
D W Jenkins. Monnt Vernon J on horses on
left shoulder; o caitle. J on left hip and two
smooth crops on both ears. Hange in Fox and
Bear vail ys.
Jnnkiu, S. M. Horses, horseshoe 3 on left
shoulder. Cuttle, the sain 3. Hange on Fight
Johnson. Felix Horses, circle T on left stifle
cattle, same on right hip, under half orop in right
and split in left ear
Kirk. J. T., Herpofr, Or.-Hortea, 69 on Itft
bcaidei M on Uft Up.
Kirk. J C Horses. 17 on either Uauk: cattle IT
on right side.
Mike Kenny, horses branded KNY on left hip;
cattle same aud crop off lelt tr; under slope on
the right
Keller, Kichard E K in square, cattle on left
hip; horses same ou if ft shoulder. Hange Beer
vallev. P. O. address. Blaiiton. Grant county. Or.
W G Kimberlnud, Mouut Vertion, Or 1 Lou
cattle ou right aud left sides, bwallow fork i" left
ear and under ciop tu right ear. lioibcs same
brand on left alio. ildo . ltauge in Grunt county.
Ketmey. Mi, Htppuer, Or. Horses, J L and
ace of clttbri on lelt stifle. Kui:ge in Umatilla
and ft ornw counties.
M V Lt-slev. .Monument. Or A triangle Tilwith
all hues extending pa t body of ti;ure on j hor
ses ou leu shoulder, oQ otttle, di nut. ud uii left
shoulder, spat iu righiaud under tut ttileft'ar.
Ifat'ge i" comity ami tu parts or John Lay.
It Lj Laurence, Prairie Cuy, Or tattle, Z on
right hip; horses, baaie tu niiht shou.der.
in Grant county.
Ltollen, oiepnun a u on left hio on cnt.t n.
cro and split ou j-ight ear. Horses same brand on
letl shoulder. Uangy Oral it County. P. tJ. ad
drcbs. Fox. Oregon
liieualleii, Joim VV. Horses branded half-oir
cle J L conneced on lett hhoulder. Caitle. wtine
un left hip. Hang-, near Lexington.
tieorgu Lord, horses brund jd double H cot.
nected, Sometimes culled a swing ii, on left
Minor, Oscar. Cattle, M D on right hip; horse.
Mon lei i shoulder.
Morgan, ti Ss Horses, M ) on left shoulder
cattle, same ou left hip.
McCuiuber, Jas A, Atwood HorseB, M wit
bar over on right shoulder.
H. li. Aifuii.. Lena: horseB-o!d mares ZZ .on
right hio; young suek, small zl on left shoulder.
Morgan, Xhoa lloibos. ciruie T on iuf t shoul
del ana left lluidi: cattle, L on right thigh.
MurpUy, J. j., Fox, Ui-.-iiorses A It on the '
lett smmider. e'attle, same u right hip; ear
uuti k, cnip and split in h it ear and umieimt in
right. ili'i-Kes aisu 4 on leU btilio. fcilieep E K.
ita. ge in Grant county.
Aluciieii. U"car, I'wujsville Horses, 77 on right
nil-; cut i ie. H on right side.
lUuCiureu, i j liortiud. Figure 3 on each shoul
der, cattle. AVI on hip.
I WJ lUcKeru, Mouut Vertum. Or V T n
ou right hip, crop m right ear. half crop in lett
same ui aou ou jmrstB ou let i hi, . liutiyu in Grant
fttutjtrr, Barney Horses 7B connected on loft
uhoulder; came, sam. Kange Grant county.
P. O. i.ddress, l?ox. Oregon.
O. V. lUcUullt-y, Hamilton, Or. On Horses, S
with hall uu-ole ui.uer ou lelt shoulder; on Cauu
four bars connected ou top ou the right aide,
Uungu in Grunt Counly,
iseul. Andrew. Ijoiib Rock Horses AN con
nocteu on lett shouluor: cattle sniue on both hips.
ftuwmau, VV. it.-iiorsos W with half circle
over u uu lett shoulder.
Neviiie, Jas , li. ppner, Or. Horses, N on left
F-huuiuei-i cattlotaine on Jeit hip; ear murk, three
Bills in l-'ghi. ianye in .Uor.ow Cuuniy,
Nordyku, li noises, cuuio J uu iu LUighfcat
tle. Ha Hio oil left Iul.
KU Fl.viig, E. Wugner, Or. Brands horses
i I on left shoulder; eui tie on boiiihips, t. Juiui
( brail., ou any purl nl oUy. Btanu ruorded.
Jus. ph Oliver, tuujoii i ity, or. a ou catUtt
on letl nip; uu hoiat-s, eumo ou left thigh. Kauire
in uiai.t county
oner, leu j . Lione Uock P O oj left shou.dei
Puinuill. Jobeoh. lUoniiiiiHiit. i ir lu-inuiu Iimpi.
es J P Connecieu, on ngiiL shoulder; cuttle the
same on the right hip aud underslope in right
Pearson, Oluve. Horses, quartor circle shield
on iwll shouiuer and zl un lett hip. Cattle, fork
in lei; Miir, right cropped. Won lull hip. Kange
un I'.ighl id ne.
William 1'ope. Mount Vtrnonl T on cattle on
left hip, two slits in lelt ear; same brand oa
hurws on ieit stitlu. Itauie m Urant county.
Parker & Gieueou, limumau lioi-ses iP on
it shoulder.
i iper, J. ii,, Lexington, Or. -Horses, JE con
nected t.. lull siiuukior; cattle, same ou lett hip,
under bi in each ear.
Heury Putuwrg, hoi ses branded with tt Koman
cross on lett shoulder; cattle brauded with iiu.
man cross, bar at botioiu, on lelt nip.
A.i:. 1'ettys, Pcllybvuu Horses, diamond P
on lelt shoulder. Cattle, JilJ connected and in .
veited on luit hip; crop ott lelt ear uud split in
right wattle or lusideot right tore leg above the
J oh n X Powell, Day villo, Or Horses, J P coU
itec ed ou ieit shoulder. Cattle OK couuocted u
lett hip, two uudor tialf crops, oue ou each ear
wattle under lluou . Kange m tjraht county.
htckard, G. !., Cttnyuu City t i) on left
shouidt-r, on horses oniy. Huge Canyon creK
and Uear valley, Grant county.
Hood. Andrew, llardniau llorses, Bquare cross
with iuurter-circle over it on lelt stitle.
Keiunger, Chris llorses, C H ou lett sheulder
Wm. Kudio, Alontiuieui. liruuds horses ii on
right shoulder. Kange, Grautaud Morrow coun
Koyse, Aaron, Henuner. Or Hcrses. rjlain V on.
left shoulder; cattle, same brand leversed on
right, hip and crop oil right eur, Hange in Mor
row counLy.
Kuch tiros., Heppnor, Or. Horses branded X
on the rigliu shouiuer; cuttle, IX on the left hip,
crop olt lult ear una uewlup ou neck. Kange in
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Kust William, Peiuletoii, Or. Horses K on
lett shouiuer; catllo, it on left hip, crop ott
right ear, undent ou left ear. fthewp, K on
weuihers, round crop off nyh ear. ituuge Uma
tilla and Morrow c miities.
Keauey, inidiew Lexington, Or. Horse
hrundeu A K on right shoulder, vent quarter
circle over brai.d;- eultle same ou right uip.
Kange Jiorrow cum.ty.
Kuyse, Wm. ii, buuyvillo. Or Hit connected
with qum-ler cireie over lop on cattle on right hip
and crop ott right eur una split iu ieit. xiorsus
suine brand on ieit shouiuer, Kauge iu Morrow,
Grantuiid Gilliam counties.
Kttier, J F', uuier, Ur Three parallel bars
with barovei ou noises on lett lup;ou cutile, left
side, two smooth crops, two spins m each ear.
Kauge m .Uiddle boia. of John xJuy.
liwctor. J vv llorses. JO ou lelt shoulder. Cat
tle, (j ou right hip.
Spray, J. P. HorseB branded SF connected dr.
rimil Bhoulder; cuttle sume on bjth hips.
bailing, C t! Heppner, Or HorseB branded S A
on Jell snouldei ; cattle same on left hip.
fcUinuer, G L, uiuer. or Horses, twu-bar S on
Kit suue. : lwo Ocirs ou lett aide, a crop
und splits in right ear, swallow fork and
ULdfi oiiiu ieit, cattle, tiuu cutuo larger than uu
Uuises. m Gmiucouuiy.
A. La. ttWiiggart. E!U. horses brande on left
shouider; cei tie same on left hip. Crop on ear
eai, wuiuu ou ieit lutiU leg.
btiaight W. E. Horses shaded J 8 on loft
stiiie; cattle J 8 on Jett lup, swuiiow fork in right
eur, underbit in lelt.
ttwaggan , L, Alpine He rBes, S S on right
toapp. Thos. Horses, 8 A P on left hip; cattle
same on ieit hip.
bears, vv il dorses barover y. Range in Fox
valley. P O address, Fox, Or.
bhoue, lr A j jioiBos, uo on on left hip; cat
tie. same on lett side, wulUe on left side of neck
ears cut sharp at point.
biuiin, H, tf , puoi Kock, Or. Cattle, horse
shoe on ieit side, crop oioe in left ear. Horses,.
4 un Jell thigh luuige iu Luiaiillaund Grunt
John Bhrier, Fox valley NC connected on
horses on right hip; catiie, same ou right hip,,
crop wtt right eur and under bitiu ieit eur. Kange
in Grant cuuniy.
biuitu brus , John bay, Or H Z on cattle oa
le t shouiuer.
biBveiieon, Mrs A J Cattle, 8 on right hip.
swallow -turn m lett ear,
bperry, ll G Cattle, W U on teff hip. crop oft
right and underbit in left ear, duiup; horses, VV 0
on lelt shoulder.
bwugyan. G W Horses, U on left shouldei ;
cuttle, uu left hip.
biewurt, Geo., Hardman Horses circle o oh
lelt shoulder.
binitli, i!.. E. Lone Hock, Or. Horses branded
a crossed seven on Ieit shuulder; cuttle same on
lelt side. Itajige, Guuaui county.
bmilh Geo.,horses brauded G d on left fianK!
Ihoiupsou, J A lioisue, Z ou lett ehuulutr;
cattle, z on lett shouider.
I ip(..ete. B X iioioes. C on left shoulder.
Turner it. W., small capital X ieit shoulder,
horses; cutUe same on lett hip with split in both
Ihrrnton, H. M.. lone, Or. Horses branded
H I couneuied on lelt stitle; shet p same brand,
P Thomas, Mount Vernon -TF" connected on
cuttle on right hip, swallow fork in righi ear and
underbit in same ear; horses, same brand on right
stitle. Kauge iu John bay valley.
b A lucKer. Prairie City E on cattle and
hoises ou left shoulder,
John Tuieman, Prairie City. Or. On horses.
10 ou lelt elide; on catlle, O witn bar under on
lett hip. ltauge in Grant county.
W li Warrou.Cuujti, Ur C-aiUe, W with quarter
circle over it, ou left Bide, split iu ngiitear
Horses same b'a-id uu lett Bhoulder. lUugein.
Grant couuty
F L Wood, Duyville, Or Heart on horses on
left stifle; on cattle, i on lett side and under bit
in Jefi ear. Kange in Urant couuty.
Wright, Silas A. Hepp.ier, Or. Cattle branded
B W ou tne right hip. uquare crop oa righi ear
and spl.t in lelt.
Fruucis Wallace, Mount Vernon Square on
cattle on the lelt lup, upper slop m he left
ear und under slope ut right ear. tjuine brand
ou horses uu right shoulder. Kauge in Harney
and Grant countv.
Webster, J. 1.. Heppner. Or. Horses branded
w'th bar over J on right shoulder; cattle same
on right hip, crop off left eur and spat in eucn.
Kauue, Morrow county.
Wade, Henry, Horsss branded ace of spades
on lea shoulder and left hip. Cattle brauded
same on left side and left hip.
W ells, A a Horses, avo uu left shoulder; cattJa
John Wolfinger, John bay City On horses
thrte parallel oars on left Bhoulder; 7 on sbeep,
bit in both ears. Kange in Grant and Maihuer
Wyland, J H, Hardman Circle C on left thigh.
Woodward, John Uurom, iJP connected un
left shoulder.
Watkins, Li she, horses branded UE connected
on lett stifie
Wallace. Charles Cattle, W on right thigh, hols
in left ear; horses, W ou right sltouiaer, some
Bameon left shoulder.
W ieu, A A Cattle, running AA with bar ao w
on right hip.
J. a. Umng. Gooseberry, Or. Horse branded
T b on the right shouider.
W. H. Crowley, Long creek Horees branded
circle 5 on iett shoulder.
Whittier Bros., Drswy, Harney county. Or. -Hon
unii.ded W H. etmnecteil on lef i houidT.
Williams, Vasco quarter ciix-le over thre
ban ot ie l hip. both catUe aud h'jrses. Kanga
Grant county; p. O. address, Uanuiton.Or.
Williams, J O. Long Creek, Or fioraea, qnar
tar circle over tare bars on left hip; osttJs mm
ad aiii is saoo m. Umam Omat mm .