The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, April 16, 1891, Image 3

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THURSDAY, April 16, 1891
Union Pacific Railway-Local Card.
No. 31, mixed, leave Hepnner 8:00 a. m.
No. 3V, " arrives " ft:M p. m., daily
except Sunday.
Btaee leaves for Canyon City daily,
excel t Sunday, at 6 :30 A. M.
Arrives-daily, except Monday, at
5:00 p. m.
Tlnre if anvinR of 16 hours in time
and 810 ir cash by taking this route to
rpHIS PAPHH is kept on file at E. C. Pake's
L AdvertianK Ageuuy. rtt and 65 Merchants
Exchang'sHan Francisco. California, where con
tracts for advertising fan be made for it.
0. W. LOMLl'.K 4 CO., 4211 Ffth street, Port
land, Oregon, are authorized to make advertisiug
contracts for the Ileuuiier liAZliTTK.
For Week Emilia; Wednesday, April 15 1891.
Torn p.
I I Mean Pre- 1
Min. Bar, cip.
April 9 S3 iX)
111 45 011
11 4050
12 51 III
121 51 HI
14 56 5,1
16 5J.5'J
5 50
li.'. Iltl
U5.5U I
IS8 50 I
US 01)
42 00
30.00 II 0J
SO. ISIS 0.(
3II.III5I 0.(1(1
.HUlluM (I (XI fair
zy.lil I u.iw rair
311.118 trace fair
I cloudy
I cloudy
37.00 I JO 05 I u.utl I clear
A. Smith, Observer,
Lexington, W. 11. MoAlliater.
Wagner, li. A. Hmisaker.
Arlington, Henry Heppner.
Lon? Creek, Eagle.
Gnllownv, Bob Klmw.
Gooseberry, Or.. W. S. Parman.
Camus Prairie, Oscar DeVaul.
Mntteron, Allen McFerriu.
Ne, Or., H. C. Wriirht.
Hanlniim, Or., C. M. Spetioer.
Hamilton, Grant Co., Or., Mattie A.
lone, T. .T. Carl.
Prairie City, Or., R. R. McHaley.
Cenyon Citv. Or., S. L. Parrish.
Pilot Uock.'G. P. Skelton.
Dayville. Or., Mr. Adams, P. M.
John Jay, Or., Pout master.
Atheun, Or., John Kdinii'on.
Pendleton, Or., Wm. G. McCrnskey.
Mount Veruou, Grant Co., Or., Post
master. Shelby, Or. Miss Stella Flett.
Fox, Giant Cm., Or. J. F. AUn.
Eiiibt Mile, Or., Mrs. Andrew Ash
bauyh An agent wanted in every precinot. tf.
Here and There.
Ella over
Danner, rhotographer.
C. B. Crane was up from
Master Willie Hunt ia severely on the
sick list.
The Belvedere oorner is taking on
little paint.
Woolly Clark, dropped down on us.
Tuesday last.
A. H. Hooker dropped over from Eight
Mile Sunday last.
We regret to hear that Mrs. Dave Mo
Atee is on the sick list.
G. B. Hatt will likely take charge of
the Matlock barber shop.
Where is onr "Slick Ear?" We would
like to bear from him once more.
Blanks at the Gazette office oheap as
the cheapest. Send for catalogne.
Born To the wife of Wm. Dunonn,
near Heppner, on the loth inst., a girl.
Theo. Dimnerisn rustler and gets there
all the sime taking pictures. 96-tf
Mrs. Marin Slocum, and daughter.
Mrs. Mary A. Thomas, are Bick with la
Mrs Milt Brown, who lives south of
town, is seriously ill with iuflamatory
J. W. Morrow's sheep passed through
town Monday morniug, presumably to
shearing pens.
Our correspondents must be busy with
spring work, as we do not hear from
them as olteu as of yore.
Mr. Phil Cobn, the popular manager
of H. Blnckman A Co.'s store, returned
from Portland Friday last.
Chas Fuller, of Geo. Swaggart's lower
ranch, boasts of having a crop of onions
big enough for table use.
Lon Murkham, a progressive rancher
of Clark's Canyon, has iu quite a orop
this season, which looks well.
Mr. S. J. LaFrauce of Hood River, rep
resenting the Kohler-Cbase Musio House,
.of Portland, was in town early th'S week.
Not a ripple disturbs the equanimity
Hunnnnr not a "insh"or a horse langb
is heaid. Tom Morgan has gone to Burns,
Tf vnu wish anything in the line of
garden and flower seeds, you should
tackle Frank Roberts or Charley Royse.
Rnlnh DittenhcBfer. representing Dit
enhrpfer. Haas & Co., of Portland, was
with friends and customers here this
Ofcar Minor and the Marlatt Bros,
started their band of 15a head of cattle
towards their mountain oow ranch, Mon
day last.
Dr. A. L. Fox nnd Harry Warren were
over to Rhea creek fishing Tuesday
morning. They brought back a nice
Salmon nre running iu all small
streams, but so far they are not navi
(rating the turbulent waters of Upper
Willow creek.
Moses Ashbaiigb, of Eight Mile, was a
pleasant caller at the Gazettes sestbetio
quarters Monday. He reports piogress
on Eiuht Mile.
L. D. Boyed has been engaged the past
week iu fitting up Ban Osmers' place,
next door. Dan has one of the neatest
resorts in Heppner.
Mr. J. H. Romig, though having sold
bis interest in the City Hotel barber
shop, is still at his old place, being re
tained by the new management.
W. J. Richards, Portland's young com
poser, is wilh Ibe h irmin-,lR0k Dramatic
Co. His inimitable imitations of Blind
Tom secures for him applause nightly.
In Astoria, an organization has been
perfected under the title, "The Anti
Mossback Club." In Heppner all would
be eligible. We have no other kind.
John Jack, the old-time favorite, is
again to visit us next Tuesday and Wed
nesday. He is the flagstaff of to-day
both ou the American and English stage.
Most of our shearers have purchaser!
blades and repaired to corrals in the vi
cinity, where big scores will be made
this Beason, as the wool is quite free
E. O. Herald : Hon. Henry Blackman
is no Ht his home in Heppner. bnt not
yet entirely recovered from the illness
with which he was taken while at the
State Capitol.
Messrs. Hatt & Romig hive disposed of
their barber shoo in theCity Hotel build
ing t: Messrs W. A. D.ivis and Charley
Jones, The Gazette hopes that the new
proprietors may sueceed.
Mr. W. D. Lord hB again taken his
position with Dan Owners, after n va
cation of some mouths. Mr. Lord i a
ery pleasant gentleman, end knows now
to give people courteous treatment
E. O. Herald: If yon want to feel
like kicking yourself, and desire a siege
the most horrible blues, and wish way
down iu your stomach that yon had
never been born, just s t around on the
street corners, ou dry goods boxes and
in the saloous "cuss" ibe town aud oonn
ty and talk about your neighbors. Do
nut go to work trying and to do
something for yourself and town, for
people who do that are invariably happy
and contented with their neighbors and
Mr. Homer McFarland returned from
an exteutive tour of Grant county Fri
day lust. The elements of that seotion
played havoo with bis complexion, and
beoame in looking more like a rancher
than a dry goods man. He was at the
Long Creek jubilee, April 1st., at which
Pry Wilson officiated as dead man. We
guess be got "fooled" with numerous
8. It. Reeves will shortly take eharge
of a hotel in Mosoow, we are informed.
Hnd Mr. and Mrs. Reeves been aware of
the fact that Heppner had such an ele
gant hotel building bafore selecting the
Moscow location, they would have made
an effort to secure lease of same, They
are excellent hotel people.
Miss Annie Firmin.of the Firmin jack
Dramatic Company that play here next
Tuesday and Wednesday, is the lady
who oreated the part of Meroy Minick
in Wilkie Collins' great dtama, "The
New Magdaline." She is also a cousin
of the eminent English divine, O. H.
E. O.: H. R. Siblv and C. J. Cnrlaon
returned lasteveniug from their trip to
the Butter creek coal miues. luey went
with a view to developing the Blue
Mouutaiu Coal and Mining Company's
property, and to deoide upon the best
means of conducting the work, preara-
tions for which are iu progress.
Up in the Palouse conutry last week,
lightuiiig ran down a stove flue, lifted
the lid off, escaped through a knot hole
in the floor an then exploded, damaging
the floor considerably. The oooupanls
were badly scared, but no one was hnrt.
Bunchgrass will soou be ripe for the
lightuig-rod peddler.
O. F. Goff, one of Long Creek's busiest
business men, is in the city. He has
been tarrying with ns since Sunday last,
and is nlways a weloome visitor to Hepp
ner. He says Long Creek has little emu,
but are on the hustle," and when the
wool crop is harvested, her deuizeus will
have plenty of shekels.
Line Hendrix was over from Rook
creek Tuesday. Lige has had a very
hard d-al, but if his oreditors will be
satisfied with what is due thern aud give
him a chance to realize on his property,
the Gazette is satisfied that he will ooiue
out O. K. in the end. "Never kick a man
when he is down. -
Mr. Geo. Westervelt, representing the
Feruoline Chemical Co., of 18 Broad
way, New York, is looking after the in
teieslofonr sheepmen by seeing that
they are duly provided with the famous
Fernoliue Sheep Dip. JIB will remain
here till about May 15.
Pap Simons had the misfortune to out
the roretingerur ui leu uann laar. Satur
day, makiug a painful wound, and ren
ding him uuable to attend lo shop
dutieB. He was trying to make a jack
knife out of a hatchet.
Dr. J. T. Grant, the olever representa
tive of the famous Buckingham & Hecht
boot and shoes, oame in Saturday last
aud remained with us till Tuesday of
Ihis week. While here he purchased a
car load of horses for the Texas market.
The Heppner Park Association no
longer exist in the imagiua ion only,
but is a thing of reality. Our people are
to be complimented for pushing the
matter to actual organization. It speaks
well lor the town aud country.
Hazlett, "The Pilgr.m" priuter. dropped
in on us this week. He is ns well known
a oharacter, perhaps, as "Rocky Moun
tain" Smith, and in thirty years' wan
deriugs has visited almost every city,
town aud hamlet iu the oouutry.
E. O.: Billy Riss, an Idaho middle
weight is in the city. Arrangements are
makiua for a ulove oontest between Ross
aud Casey, the lightweight, to take place
Tuesday night. Ross agrees to stop
Casey in six rounus.
Died Iu Hepuer, Tuesday evening
at7:30 infant sou of Mr. and Mrs. O. E.
Farusworth, aged 14 months. The fu
uenraloocurred yesterday afternoon. In
the hour of distress, the afflioted family
have our sympathy.
Ed. W. Coppner was over from Lone
Bock early this week. This "Rook" is
on a firmer foundation than ever, and
aeea visions of a direot mail route from
Heppner to Condou via their place.
Stock are in good condition over there.
Homer MoFarland. who returned from
Grant oouuty last Friday, says that seo
tion is verv Dro'oeroUM. having reoovered
almost entirely from the effects of the
hard winter over n year ago
F. O. Bucknum returned Friday last
from Gilliam oouuty, and left this morn
ing for Portland. Mrs, Buoknum will re
main a few weeks longer with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jounnv .blder.
Married At the M. E. parsonage, in
Heppner, on Saturday the 11th inst., Mr.
James K Munamaker and Mrs. Maria
Downing, both of Rhea creek, Rev.
Thompson tying the knot.
J. 0. Peterson writes down from South
iok P. O., Idaho, that be is progressing
reasonably well. He is located on the
north fork of Clearwater, sixty miles
from Lewiston.
The spring apportionment of the
school fund will he made next Monday.
School clerks are requested to cash meir
orders as soou as possible.
Ed. Holloway, J. B. Ely and Robert
Sayer shipped two car loads of wheat to
Heppner last week receiving 60 oents
per bushel therefor.
Morrow county can well Bfford to give
8300 towards Oregon's exhibit lor tue
World's Fair.
Sudden Death. Fred Poppenjay,
better knowu as Fred Poppen.of Hard-
man, fell dead in his field while seeding,
hurt Monday morning. Mr. Poppen had
no premonition of sickness whatever, and
wbs an unusually healthy man. The
cause of his death is reported as heart
disease. His remains were interred in
the Hardman cemetery Tuesday last.
A Much Needed Road. Last Friday,
Gilliam oouuty viewers were at work
looking over a proposed road from Con
don to the head of Dry Fork, intersect
ing the Heppner road at that plaoe. The
people of Dry Fork wart a post office,
and are willin,' to join the citizens of
Lone Rook in a petition for i mail route
direct from Heppner. This will prove a
great convenience to Heppner, Condon
and all intermediate points. Paper mail
from Heppner is too old to be of much
value when it reaches that sectiou of
country, to say nothing about delay of
Wm, Proceed With the Work.
Ernest C. Looke. who bad been wailing
at Pendleton to obtain word from Gen
eral Superintendent Hewitt of the coal
department of the Union Paoifio, received
a telegram from headquarters yesterday
to proceed with the work, which shows
that Mr. Hewitt must be well satisfied
with operations so far. Mr. Looke left
for the coal mines yesterday afternoon to
proceed with the drilling. It is said
that work at the present drill hole, which
is now down 500 feet, will be discontin
ued, and that themaohiuery will be start
ted in a new place.
Counterfeit Monet. There is a man
around the oonntry.says an Oregon ex
change, with a roll of counterfeit money,
and Bhowing bank clerks and others, for
$i0 apiece. bow todistiuguish oonuterfeit
paper money. It is a Recret that a few
paid for years ago. Here it is: Every
hill is numbered; take the last two
figures in the number of the bill; divide
by 4; if no remainder, "D" must appear
as the letter mark on that bill; if 3 re
mains after dividing the Inst two figures
by 4, "C" must appear; if 2 remains "B"
shows; if 1, then "A." This rule is infal
lible. Suppose the number on the bank
note yon have is 237.485; "85" nre the
last two figures; divide by 4, there is are
mainder of 1: then if "A" is the letter
on that note it is genuine; if
"A" doesn't appear the bill is bogus; sub
pose the bill is numbered 346,474; "74"
are the last two; divide bv 4; there is a
remainder of 2; theu "B" is the letter,
and bo on.
Wonderful Springs. The Long
Creek Eagle is strong in its praises of
the onrntivd qualities of McDnffy hot
springs, situated near Ritter, Grant Co.
Among other things, it says: "Peter
Gleason,of Morrow county, being only
one instance in many, after being treated
by some of the most eminent Portland
physicians for nn unknown disease of the
skin with no definite results, songht this
wonderful health-giving spring, and lias
dailv been improving in health, being to
day almost a well mau." Many other
residents or Morrow county oan also tes
tify as to the benefits derived bv bathinr
iu the waters nf the wonderful hot
springs. Verily, it is a second Arknusaw
wonder. They are now owned By Mr.
Gilchrist, and oan be reached from Hepp
ner by a two days drive over a rather
rough conntrv, though abounding in a
wealth of the grandest soenery God ever
gave to any country under the sun. This
is not a paid ad.
Dr. Vaughan is on the list of those who are
Miss Edith Vsughan returned from Peadelton
Monday last,
Heppner will have big races on July 4th. Be
sure to be here.
A. Andrews, of Alpine was around at our
quarters yesterday.
Ed. Wlneland, of Lone Kock, was a visiter to
Heppner early this week.
I'ry Wilson, Lone; Creek's "dead man" April 1,
'91, was with us last week.
Walter Crosbv completed his pre-emption
proof before clerk Morrow yesterday.
Mr. Robison, son of R. O. Kobison, was over
from Lone Rock the first of the week.
Miss Mamie Stott left yesterday morning to
visit Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Coppner, of Lone Kock.
Art Ammerman has accepted a position with
Hamilton Bros., of the Willow creek Sawmill.
A. I. Huff, of the I'nion l'acfic. came up from
the Willows Friday last to attend the club dance.
Major Ormsbv cot in Thursday last from "over
the knoll." He has been buying sheep for his
Eastern drive.
Our band bovs should take a little more in-
trest in their organization, and then our people
should reciprocate.
Died -On Rhea creek, Tuesday, Mrs. Sarah
Snvder, aped 4.", years. Deceased was a relative
of Rev. Howcrtou of this place.
Dont foreet the fact that Heppner will have a
4th of July celebration. We want the help of
every citizen ol -Morrow county.
Saddle P. O. has been changed to Douglas and
moved down to Donelas station. Thov will
shortly be favored with a daily mail.
Billy Boss got back from Pendleton Tuesday
evening. He was nimble to get a glove contest
at that places. Billy does not propose to light
lor tun.
The citizens of Hepnner are already preparing
for a big 4th of July. They are commencing
early, and want all to come.- Big races on that
The Gazette oflice has blank applications to
purchase rostored lands, 'ihey must be filed
within 110 days from April 7, ltwl. Full instruc
tions will be published next week.
BR. ABORN. Fourth nnd Morrison
Streetfl, Portliinij, Oreeon, the most suc
cessful physicmn on the American conti
nent for the speedy, positive, absolute
nnd permanent cure foe Catarrh of the
Hend, ARtliraa, Bronchitis, Pneumonia
and consumption. Twenty-five- years'
successful praotice.
Instatitaneous rclicfand permanent cures often
effected upon first consultation.
Dr. Aborn, by his original, modern,
aoieutiBo method, effects
Speedy and radical cures of the most
tbstinate and bg standing cases
of Nttsa Catttrrb, Ozena, Deafness, Bis
ohnrKes from the Eirs, Asthma, . Bron
chitis and Consumption.
Also Stomach Disorders, Bilious Colic,
Gall Stones and Jaundice, Heart, Liver,
Kidnev, Redder and Nervous AffWiions;
Diseases of Men. Also all ailments pe
culiar tj women.
Dr. Aborn can be consulted from now
until July 5th, when be leaves for
Notes. Home treatment, securely pack
.ed, sent by expra to any part of the
Pacific Coast and Territories for those
who cannot possibly coll iu person.
411 june 1.
The Ileppner Parle Association perfected their
orgiiuiauon lust Monday in Matlock's hull. J.
N. Brown wbb chosen Pres. pro-teni,; phU Cohn,
Sec'v. pro-tein. The articles of incorporation
were read, showing Nels Jones, Henry BUitk
man and (j. VV. 8wa?Kart as incorporators, ani
that the objects of the association were to hold
exhibitions of live stock, etc., as well as to
maintain a race course. The followinjr Rent'.e
men were ehoneti as directors: Jas. Jones, Phil
Conn, (i. W. HtirriiiKtou. (i. W. tSwatrnart and
tieo. Conser. The board chose the following aB
othcers for the eiiBiiing year: (Jeo. Swagsart,
Prea ; G. W. Harrington, Vice Pres.; Phil Conn,
Seu'v. and Treas. The race track iB rapidly Hear
ing completion under the management of Ed.
rianinian, the property having been purchased
from Jag. Jones.
Heppner has organized a rod and gun club, the
principle object being to see that fiBh and game
are protected by law. The following committee
were appointed to see that tish are not stonped
in Willow creek by traps, dams etc.: V. P..
EIHb, Elmer slocum, Lee Matlock, Frank McFar
land and Otis Patterson. Oscar Minor was elec
ted president; Wm. Potter, Vice.; A. A. Roberts,
A. S. Hill, of Portland, cousin of Mrs. W. R.
EIUb, visited the folks at Heppner during the
oast week. He left Tuesday for Portland, ac
companied by Master Kobbto Stott, who went
away delighted that he should be permitted to
enjoy such a nice visit with his relatives below.
The Heppner Park Association has a big race
no alreadv. to occur June 1st between Nels
Jones', Dave McAfee's and Ben. Swaggart's
colts. They are alt Woodbury's colts, and will
make an interesting match race. Woodbury is
owned by NelB Jones.
Mrs. Walter McAtee, accompanied by Miss
May McAtee, left yesterday morning for the
East, where they will hereafter make their
home. Mr. McAtee will remain in Heppner for
a time, when he will join them.
Mr. W. C. Young, of Hoqularn, Wash., was in
town the first of this week as advance agent of
Firman-Jack Dramatic Co. Mr. Young is a
Btockho hler and also manager of the beautiful
little theatre in iloquiam.
Spring stfra up tht bile. Yon lose your ap
petite, led weak, too hot, and Oh I so tired.
Take Shuiuuus Liver Regulator.
Hatt & Romig, City Barber Shop and Bath
Rooms. a
A fine line of gold peris, pencils, etc., at Slocum
Johnston Drug Co.'s. a.
Call at Le7er & Thompson's for a free sample
can of Cohurn & Stafford's axle grease; the bent
ina ufactnred. Free from aoids and gnrantei d
not tu gum especially adapted for cog-wheels,
bearinanaud journals, also a first class remedy
for mud fever, burns, bruises and cricked hoofs.
Hardware? Yes, at Gilliam & Bisbee's, Main
St., Heppner, Or. a.
H. Blackman & Co. have an exclusive General
Merchandise stere. Stockmen cannot do beter
than patronize H. Blackman & Co., of Heppner'a
Pioneer Bri;k.
The Morrow County Land & Trust Co. handles
Armour Packing Co.'s goods, Having merchants
the freight from Portland to Heppner, and on
many things much more. a.
Perseverance, pi nek and enterprise will make
money in this wild, wild West, but it is of no
avail unless you get big bargains, iu foot-gear,
especially. Go to Mat Lichteuthal'a for your
bargains in boots and shoes. a.
Customer "Be sure and make those clotheh
large. 1 expect ro pot on ten or fifteen pounds
shortly." Tailor "Yps, Bir, Taking a course of
treatment?" Cu8tompr-,,No. I'm just back
from my vacation." If he bought his clothes at
H. Hlackman & Co.'s elegant ttore he would have
no trouble in getting a neat, nt. a.
When vou want your horses shod or wagon
repaired, ye Grant county people, don't forget
that h. tihephmd has a sh op at Fox, a
The Heppner Furniture Co. are expect
ing a oar-load of Furniture from the
East. Buy them for big bargains, a.
Nails by the oar load at Gilliam & Bisbee's
Grant county people will do well to call on them.
H. Blackman & Co.,
Ijry Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
Crockery, Etc.
The Celebrated Bain toons and Hacks
From the Oregonian.
Mrs. C. Saodstnnp, cor. Water and
Curry Sts., South Portland ; deafness,
Mrs. J. Ellis, 325 Clay St., fortland,
Or., deafnesa aud diseases peculiar to
ner sex, onren.
JD. S. Wella, founniles north ot Albiua,
on Vancouver road; deafnesa live years,
Chas. Macnuson, Salem, Or.; asthma
sn he coul. I scarcely walk or Bleep, re
stored to health.
J. B. Tiohnoi's daughter. 10 years old,
Salem. (Jr.; both eyes orossed, cured so
both eves are perfect.
Stephen Wylie, Nasel, Pacifia Co.,
Wash.; liver oomplaiut and an aggrava
ted oase of piles, cured.
C.;E. Kuotta. Mulioo, Claokamas Co.,
Or.; "nervous debility and piuiples on th6
face, cured.
Wm. Gates, Hillsdale, Or.; total deaf
ness iu one ear and partially so in the
other, cured iu teu minutes.
l)r. Darrin treats with eleotricity and
medicines all curable chronic, aoute and
private diseases, blood taints, lost or fail
ing maubood, nervous debility, effect of
e'ror, or eoesses in old or young, loss of
memory, disease oaiised by mercury iu
the improper treatment of private dis
eases, and never nublinhed iu the papers.
Office, 70 Washington street, Portland,
Or. Hours 9 a. in. to 8 p. m. daily.
Examination free Bnd confidential; ques
tion blanks aud circulars sent gratis to
anv address. Patients cured at home
after one visit to the Dis. oftioe. Medi
cines sent tu any addreBS without the
doctor's name appearing.
Job work, Bepairing and Furniture. Cupboards Tables, Stands
Baby Buggies, Mouldings, Mirrors and Curtain Poles,
Direct from the East Cheap for Casb.
Olliver Chilled Plows
Constantly on hand, for which we are
All the above lines -will be sold at
Picture Mm a
For the
La Grande Marble Works.
Hard Blows by the Bellows and Hammer !
At the Old Stand on the Matlook Corner.
With this announcement, it is hardly necessary to say that they have
not LOST THEIR GRIP on doing a hrst class joD ot dibck
smithing, horse-shoeing, machine repairing or iny thing
else in their line. Pap Simons' Old Stand,
cordially invite the public to inspect our stork before pur
chasing elsewhere, and we will satisfy one and all that we can sell as
low as the lowest. Uur Bargain uounters contain a cneap line or Mats
and Overalls almost given away. Do not forget the BRICK STORE,
Main Street, nearly opposite the Palace Hotel.
H. Blackman & Co.,
Heppner, - - Oregon.
Ladies, when your table liuen becomes
worn, auu when in neen or nue napmns
and towels, you will find that in your
search for them Van Dnyn has the
largest stock in town. 421 1L
C. S.. Van Duyn.
Mr. Alle nEvans. of Alpine, was in uur
town yesterday. He reports 95 per oeut
of lambs.
rw ot mv ouslomers oame in to-day
and Bsked me for the best oongh medi
ciue 1 had," says Lew Young, a on mi-
uent druggist of Newman urove, aro.,
"Of course I showed him Chamberlain s
Cough Remedv and he did not ask to see
any other. I have never yet sold a medi
cine that wonld looseu and relieve a
severe cold so quickly as that remedy
does. I have sold four dozen of it with
in the hist sixtv days, and do not know
of a single oase where it failed to give
Ha nerfect satisfaction." 50 cent
bottles for sale by Slocum-Johnston
Drug Co.
Be Sure
If you have made up your mind to buy
flood's Sarsaparllla do not be Induced to take
any other. Hood's Sarsaparllla is a peculiar,
medicine, possessing, by virtue ot its peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation,
curativo power superior to any other article.
1 Boston lady who knew whr.t she wanted,
and whoso exarcplo is worthy imitation, tells
her experience belowi
To Get
' In one storo where I went to buy Ilood's
Sarsaparllla the clerk tried to Induce me buy
their own instead ot Hood's ; he told mo thelr's
would last longer; that I might take it on ten
days' trial; that if I d'.d not Uko it I need not
pay anything, etc Dut he could not prevail
on me to change. I told him I knew what
Hood's Sarsaparllla was. I had taken It, was
H will be eratifyiug to all who realize satisfied with It, and did not want any other.
the vital necessity of purifying the
blood, to know that Hibbard's Rheu
matic Syrup can be relied npon as a
blood mediciue. Mr. B. C. Robinson, of
Marshall, Miob., says: -
Gentlemen: I have suffered intense
ly from biliousness aud rheumatism for
over three vears, and tried so many rem-'
edies that I lost oil faith. Hearing of
Hibbard's Uneuraatic Syrup I bought a
bottle and it helped me. I have now
a k,.ttta nnrl it has restored
mvlivHr and kidne'js to healthy action, j Ella A. Goff, CI lerraco Street, Boston.
' . . ..-If.. 1.1. .,,,1 tl.un - . .
and done more io uurnj iuj
nnvthiug I have ever taken. I am pleased
to recommend it as a wonderful blood
medicii:e. V-ry truly yours,
li C. RobixsoH. M"ull. Mich.
Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., City Drugstore.
Hardware Merchants,
We are daily receiving the choicest stock of goods ever shown
in this or any other western city. All the newest and nob
biest styles of
INGS and HATS Dally
Our stock is almost complete,
suits, ranging from $5 to $30.
select from.
We are showing 200 styles of
Over 800 pairs of pants to
, C3B Bi
When I began taking; Hood's Sarsaparllla
I was IcellDg real miserable, suffering
a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak
that at times I could hardly stand. I looked,
and bad for some time, like a person in con
sumption. Hood's Sarsaparllla urn mo so
much good that I wonder at royscll sometimes,
and my friends frequently speak of it." Mas.
Bold by ill drogglBU. f 1 1 ut for iJ. Prepared onl
j C. L HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Iowe:i, Hau
IOO Doses One Dollar
Land Office at La Grande, Or., March 10, '91.
Notice In hereby Riven that the following
named settler has Died notice of his intention to
make final proof In support ol his claim, and
that SRld proof will be niaile before the County
Clerk of Morrow Co., at Heppner, Or., on May I,
lfclll, viz:
C. No. Ifr.'TH, for the Yi'4 NW1, HK'4 SW tf, NW
)i dW)4 Sec VI, Tp. I S, II E, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove Ills
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
Jerry Brosman, J. L. Ayers, G. M. Vinson and
D. M. 1'resley, all of Lena, ur.
417-423. Heuistcr.
land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 10, imi.
Notice Is hereby elven that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the trunk
H. Hnow, V. . Commissioner at Lexington, Or,
oil May 1, lMd, viz:
(wiiw of Henrv l'enlaud, deceased.)
Hd. Jiiu, for the Ht bee S3, 'I p. 1 , R 35 E,
W. M.
Phe names the following; wlttiemes to prove her
continuous residence upon anil cultivation ol,
said land, viz:
llohert J. Hill, 'icorge W. Hin-rry. Mrs. I-.llza J.
McAlister and Lutua Uaruett, all of Lexington,
Morrow Co., Or.
416-421. Register.
Land Oflice at The Dalles, Or., March, 2r 1K01.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof In supixtrt of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before W. it.
Ellis, Commissioner II. 8. circuit Court, at
Hepnner, Oregon, ou May IB, IWM, viz:
It. W. KUDIiiON,
Hd. No. 1279, for the HW'i Bee 21, Tp 3 S, B 21 E,
W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: . .
rtamuel I. Gerklng, Martin l". writing, jonn
W. Alistott and A. S. Haines, ail of Eight Mile,
Oregon John W. Lkwis,
4111-421. iteglster.
I', fl. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., March 24, '91.
Notice Is herebv given that the lollowlng
liained settler has tiled notice of his Intention lo
niHke final proof in supportof hlsclalm, and thi.t
said proof will lie made before S . It. Ellis,
r. 8. Commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, on
May 11, 1MJ1, viz:
Hd. No. 2M5, for the N'$ NW4 and Vi'4 ti'4
'i .. ., u i u w
ile'naine's'the fol'l'owlln! witnesses to prove hit
continuous residence upon and cultivation oi,
said land, viz: . , , , ,.
H. A, Wright, J. M. Haves, J. C. Kirk and 0. S.
We have juBt put upon our shelves a large stock of very fine
Spring Goods, consisting of Henriettas, in black and all
colors, cheaper than ever before. Worsted goods, plain and
stripped. Eine Lawns, iu white and check, Satteens, line
black, figured and stripped; also India Silk dress patterns.
Is somewhat broken, and for the next ten days we will make
Special Prices. Come at once if you want rare bargains.
MINOR BROS., Heppner, Oregon.
For First Quality Goods at Lowest Prices,
Hardware. Tinware, Gmcpiiea, Confectionery, Wood nnd Willow Ware.
Audita (or New Home ami favorite Sewinir Machines. Lumberman'!
Tools a Specialty. Hi(jbeut uiurkec price paid lor farm proiuoe.
tf. Corner Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or.
Kirk, all ol Heppuer, Oregou
Johk W. Lswn,
Fed well with hay and grain and well groomed. Customers never go
back on the place where they get their money's worth. Camping
ground for teamster nnd cook room adjacent, all free to purchasers of
hay and grain. Rigs for drummers, and the public generally.
W. S. J5AIIMAN, Pi-op.,