THE GAZETTE. TEVBsDAY, April 16, 1891, CWICAOO had a $,100,000 fire last Sno- J ones, the scales msn.wbo got rich ou the expression, "Jones he pays tbe frei(fht, is lieutenant governor of New York, and stands a good show to be Uill e sucessor. lie is a hustler, says so exchange. John Boss and George Edwards, tbe Frederiokson murderers of HoutU Bend WHsh., who liud recently been grunted anew trial and change of venue, were killed by a mob last Saturday morning Mob lnw is again to be deplored, but from what the writer oao learn, it is a wonder that tbe oili7ei.s of South Bend have put up with matter as long as tbey nave HoSTBn McFabland says 200 yards of masting on the Dayville road, costing perhaps, $1500, will increase the trade of Heppner 8200,00i a year. Why not do something. Heppnerites? If we had a board of trade: tbe funds for this our pose Oould be raised by tax on its mem bers, each paying in pioportion to tax able property, as assessed by Recorder Huberts. A few enterprising oil izune cannot longer sustain the whole burden of such expenses. I Ton don t advertise in your home papers, you are not "in it." Neither it your town Too many people who are engaged in business advertise only when everything is busy and pushing, and after that Dever aie heard from till tbe next season arrives. It is wrong principle. If advertising is good at one time it is also valuable at another. Th h irder and duller the times the more the necessity for making aneoial sales hi d informing tue public or it. Keep ni your energy and never hibernate. Ti follow up tbe plan of many business men, a newspaper ought to close up shop during me winter mouths. It ohoulu also battle-whang away on presses anu material forty yeais behind the times and never hire a printer because it takes money; "blacksmiths' would do you know. However, tbe leust deserving people are apt to aak the most. This ap plies to communities as well. Strangers are surprised to find newspaper iu Heppner printed on a steum oylinder press. It speuks well lor am town of 7t0 to 1,000 inhabitants. There is not another town of its size in Oregon mat caii dohsi or as much. The Unzulte is happy in the assurance that most ol our people Bppreoiate the faot, and are nut sleeping, themselves. The papei, nowever, could have run along iu thi old rut and the capital required to bin this imiohiuery kept iu the pockets ol the Gazette's capacious breeches. No legitimate newspaper is established ou a charity basis, and now all that the Us zette cau ask of the people is to do all they oau for themselves, and the reward will oomo iu time. A newspaper. should be patronized on business piinciples, only, ana uot lo "stand iu here or there, or lor iear or Doing critioised, or inn other thing except that direct as well as indirect benefits will be derived there from. When a oomuiuuity will help themselves, then a paper has faith and neart to "get in. Since our legislature appropriated nothing for Oregon's exhibit lit the World s iair, the move to get together representatives of tmoh county lit Port land next June, to oomplute arrange- meuts to raise funds for that purpose, Is ooroinenoiiuie. According to tbe esti mate, Morrow county will be asked for $JU0, a very smull ainouutoompared with the benefits to ho derived should our people use any effort at all to have the county properly represented. Tbe ap poiuimeut of delegates to this meeting devolves on the judges of the varioiiB counties. While mrungly iu favor of the move, Judge Keithly has wisely inter yiowed many of our citizens on tbe sub ject, and one and all seem to be m favor of Morrow falling into the procession, and sending delegates to the June meet ing at Portland. Though our represen tatives in the Oregnu legislature failed to do their duty towards the state iu this matter, the enterprise of our people will not allow the matter to rest, anil Oregon will be nicely represented at Chicago in was. OVER THE KNOLL. From the News. Charley Oray received a knife wound in the baud while at work in the slaiigh, ter house, last Monday, skinning a beef but no serious results are anticipated. We are pleased to note tbe success at tending the labor of the tlonriug mill committee. About $'2500 was raised us a bonne, and parlies who have been cor responding with the committee have been written to. Representative Herman has presented a uiiiuerously-sigued petition from people iu Grant aud Morrow counties, usking i ir direct mull communiuaiiou between Hardman, in Morrow oouuty, to Wagner, ii (ji tint county. The News is cheated out of another first-class item because the gun failed to do its work. Gen. Joe MeAllister was iu to n a few days ago, and after he re turned huuie he imagined that someone bad rebbed him of his pension money. He aiinonnoed bis determination of shooting himself, aud neighbors tried to enooiirnge him iu that proposition. Joe did lire a gnu in hiscHbin, and when his neighbors arrived on the scene they found him quietly picking up chips to make a lire for supper. Of courso they were disappointed, having had their ruii for uoihing. Joe afterwards said that the lues of mouey was only imaginary. From the Eagle. Homer McFarlaud departed for Hepp. Her last Satuiday. LONE ROCK ITEMS. I FEEL it my duty to say a few words T, , . . : . in regard to Ely's Cream Balm and DF,,iiK , nere, 11 do so entirely without solicitation. I (strange) and the average deuizeu of , have used it more or less half a vear, and uiese parts is supremely haDrjv. Finn l hftTQ frvil I' I if tn ka h.ob n,4 ; 1. 1 T "I?'"?! ,elleDt oroP. Prospeots. plenty I have suffered from catarrb of the worst o. icii. iiuiii Hinmna winter OI 'yu-l. kind ever nn T a liltlo h and T and a most profitable increase of all KiDoa ot stock. Elisba Sperrv. the lone mnnarnh nn,. chased a fine four-year-old jack of our iuuio uuu Dorse-raiser, w. 0. Brown. last week. Judging from the class of men going into the mule businesn . would suppose that it is more profitable hisd norses. as rustlers, the mule is a success la every sense of that word. Our oommunity lias beeu visited by a mrum epiuemio, resemouug diplheria, wuiuu uas caused considerable alarm It lias proved fatal in several cases all auuits. 117 T,;l a "iu. jyicney, one ot our prosperous oneep-raisers, uas retired from the busi ness. He sold his home ranch to Natl Scott -consideration, 81,500. The mild winter and ample feed has given to our sheep-raisers a mos splen- jiu urop oi wooi, one mat will be de- s'rable and oommand the top prices. Our teamsters are loud iu their onn detonation ot the worthy or unworthy supervisor over that portion ot the Hepp. ner road leading out from Khea creek to ward your city. 8aid road is in a de plorable condition, and owing to the small amount of work required, is a dis grace to me community. April U, 'HI. K The following advertisement, publish ed by a promineut western patent medi cine uouse would mdioate that tbey re gard disease as a punishment for siu : "Lo you wish to know tbe quickest way vo cure a severe cold? We will tell you. To cure :i onld quickly, it must be ireateo, Deiore the cold has become set tled in the system, 'lhis can always be done if yon choose to, as nature in her Kindness to man gives timely warning, and plainly tells you in nature's way, that as a punishment for some indiscre tion, you are to be afflicted with a cold unless you cbuoBe to w:ird it off bv prompt action. The firsl svinotiima nf u uoio, iu most cases, is a dry, loud oougl and sneezing. The ooutrh is annr. f,l. lowed by a profuse waterv exneatornlinn and the sneezing bv a profuse watery uincuurge irom lueuose. in severe cuses, there is a thin, white coating ou the tongue. What to do it is only neces sary to take Chamberlain's Cough Keme- ly in double doses every hour. That will greatly lessen the severity of the ioiu, and in most cases will etlectnallv counteract it, and cure what would hav" neen a severe cold within one or two days time. Iryit and be convinced." iO cent bottles for sale by Shieum-Jobn-iton Urug Co. Hosiery! Hosiery I I Fast black aud luaruiiteed not to color. One thousand pmr for sale at ten to sixty cents per pair at 421-22. C. S. Van Duyn's. Alvau W. Patterson, brother to the Eagle mau, accompanied by the daugh ter of the Gniette family, arrived at Heppner last Monday,' fresh from UouBier laud. Major Ormsby, an Eastern sheep buyer arrived in the city last Friday from Heppner, and began at once to ciroulate among our sheepmen, meeting with fair success. ',J. W. Keeney was arrested Wednesday evening for usiug obsoene language iu the presence of ladies. He was taken before Jttdga Everts, and ou pleading guilty to tLe cbrge, was taxed an X Lewis Hadsell, the Muiiuineut hotel man paid Long Creek a respected visit lost Friday, returning to Monument gain baturdny. He reports pleasant weather ou the river, Bud spriug graiu sowing more fun aid thaniu this section. fKE REMARKABLE EXPERIENCE Of W. P Iliihliiu'il, Mipcrinteiirirnt of tin- Clackamas htutiun or the I). 8. Fish Coin lllixHioii, unit uuw lie wiih ilundlcd by bi: llurria. " From the Orcgonlan. Clackamas, Or., Feb. 28, 1891. Dr. Damn It gives me great uleaanrt- to say that the home treatment vou cave me two years ago was a perfect success. For years past I have been afllioted with moth or liver spots on dilfereut parts of my person. I visited you once aud took the "home troatment." In a few weeks I was permanently cured, and have never seen any symptoms sir ce. Refer to me. W. r. Hukbabd. HOW HH GAINED 17 FOUNDS, Editor Oregonian For twelve venro past, I have been seriously afllioted with kidney and liver oomulaiiit. nain in the pine and breast, dizziness and generalh lit Of Sorts'. With SIX months' nlentrin and home treatment by Dr. Durrin I am cured of most of my troubles. Have gained seveuteeu pounds iu the time. Thomas Bum; MB. Johnson's great stiiknqtd. MoMinnville, Or., r eb. zfl, 1891. Dear Dr. Dariin: Yuur nrnl home treat incut for the past eight mouths has wrought almost a miracle on me. n urn 1 iirsn enrue 10 VOU I wns about crazy from the envois of nervoui lehihty. spinnl and kidney troubles. whs wuony iiunuie to work. nw I am strong aud hearty, and able to handle thirty tons' weight of umber across th sawmill door every day. It is a wouder- rui and radical cure. I thank von with all my heart. 1 will stand by you and recomineud yon lirst, last and all the time. My mother (Mrs. M A. Johnson) woo 1'iriueriy nveu iu oiiieia, Ur., now here, has never had a return of her deaf ness of twenty years' stnuding, cured by you two )'f ars ago. Gratefully yours, CiuKtiKs L. Johnson. DR. DARRIN's SYSTEM OP TREATMENT. Electricity, the invention of the nine teenth century, is well worthy the pa tient years of investigation and experi n fiit that have beeu given it by some of the ablest and most devoted votaries of soieuoe. Gnlviiui, Volta, Humboldt, and others equally distinguished, spem yours in studying the phenomena of this wonderful agent, aud theu our own Morse gave it physical value iu the in vention of the telegraph. And now, an we have become familiar with the con stant miracle of lightuiiig bending obedient to the slightest tonoh of man. we nee a new wonder in the iuventiou ol Dr. Dnrriu, who by skillful mechanism, direols this subtle force to tbe destruo tion of disease and the building up ol waning vitulity. Dr. Damn treats all curable, chronic, acute and private dis eases, blood taints, lost or failing man hood, ueivous debility, effects of errors or excesses in old or young, loss of mem ory, diseases caused by mercury in the improper treatment of private diseases Office, 71 Washington street. Portland, r. houis, ID a. m. to B p. m.. daily. Examinations free and confidential: question blanks and oiroulars setit grn'is to auy address; putients oured at home. 419 tf. boy never hoped for cure, but Cream lialm seems to do even that. Many of my acquaintances have used it with excellent result. Oscar Oatruu, 45 Warreu Ave., iuicago, in. state of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County. I Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business iu the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for ench aud every case of catarrh that cannot be oured by the uee of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before and subscribed iu my presenoe, this 6th day of December, A. i. iseo. . i A. W. Gleason, i seal f ' Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iutorually and acts directly on ihe blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo O. Sold by Druggists. 75o. "HEALTH RESTORER. USE IT! IT 13 THE IPTjlVL WEPTOTNT!. It rouses the Liver and Kidnevs nnd Stomach, cures II -iiilmhe, lv-;pe si;i, erentes an Appe tite, Purifies the Impure Blood, utid Makes The TVeok Strong. rr UNDEH S iig-.nmrit)i ra Jpsed everywhere. 91 a hottlot w fw1?. THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. 3VtY BPlCKI TOP IT NOW. SOON IT WI1L BE TOO LATE. I have been troubled many years with disease of the kidneys aud nave tried many different remedies and have sought aid from different phystciant without relief. About the 15th of April I was suffering from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in sucn a manner inai 1 was ueiu over. When ! sat down it was almost impossible for me to get up alone, or to put on my clothes, when kind Providence sent Dr. Henley, with the OREGON KIDNEY TEA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea. Xt had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aston ishment of all the jruests at the hotel, in a few days,! am happy to state, that I was a new man, 1 will recommend the tea to all afflicted! as 1 have been. G. A. TUPFEK, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, tianifl Kosa. uu, NO MORE BACKACHE! Just Arrived ! The latest styles cf Spring and Summer Hals, Fancy Gits, lisveilies w Wip, Etc. -An Elegant Line of- SATTEENS I GINGHAMS! Of nil shades and patterns. White goods mid embroidered flounoings in a bewildering assortment. Ladies' Sailor Waists, Blouses, Under wear, Hosiery, and other lines kept in a Millinery Store. well-regulated ,11 "H A S" W)COT li IS ALWAYS li ICIr IN STOCK. MRS. A.. M. SLOCUM. MAY STREET, HlSPPNER, OREGON. Positively at Cost! For the NEXT THIRTY DAYS I wilt sell my entire stock of Milli nery, Dry Goods, Ladies' Furnishings , etc., at actual COST. A RARE CHANCE To get Big Bargains. Call early, ladies, at MRS. M. 10. WAEEEN'S MILLINERY STORE, Old "Cash Bargain Store," May Street Heppner, Oregon. 419-423. E. G. SLOUIJI. 1 SUMMONS. In Jiifltiee'H Court, Precinct of Heppner, County ot Morrow. State of Oreirmi. aii i i i) in 1 1 nil (i Frank McFarland, partners hb Collin k McFiirland, J'luintUlH, vs. James Glneles, Deft. b't'ATJS Or OREGON, ) Coimtv nf Mnrrnw i Hfl To James Ginffles the above named Oefenrlftnt: i "U. aaiu ur THE H I ATE OF OREGON yon are hereby commanded to nnncur n nri answer the complaint of Halntill'B liled aRiiiiiBt uu in ine uuuve eimueu court ana action on or leiore the a;d dav of Mav. isui at. u n'r-innu- a M. of said day. Defendant will take notice that if he fulls to appear oransweras above required, the PInintilfs will take judgment against Defendant for the sum ot f0l.H0 and lor the sum of ?J0.tH) Attorney lees and lor rianitl Is diKbiirm-imMitu nf th a aeHoii and for an order to sell the property at tached iu the said action. iiiis summons is published by order of O. W, Ilea. Justice of the 1'eaee for Ilepimer precinct, Morrow County. Oreiron. mul bt'inrn whom rim saiii action was commenced. Dated the Itth day of April, ISM. (i w ft FA t-0-4. Justice of tlie Peace.. E. H. BLOCUM. oo youee: Want a CARPET ! 4 Call and see the 100 or more Fine Styles aim rauerns Kept Dy us, wnicn we are selling Very Cheap. Also ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, Etc EfSPECIAL RATES ON PICTURE FRAMES. 3 1 1 KI'I'N l '.i; F UHNITURE Co. Payette Nursery, OP PAYETTE, IDAHO. The Largest General Nursery stock in the Mountains. 125 ACRES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NOTlUJfi OF INTENTION. Und Offlco at The Ball, Or. April 11, M. Notice is hereby elven that the folh.u'iutr.. n uneil settler hns filed notice of hiB Intention to make 11 mil proof in mipportof hit ehilm. and thut iwu iHuoi win oe inane netore l-rans. tl. Snow, (.'. S. ooiinniBBloner at Lexington, Or., on June 5 IW'.ll, viz: SAMt'KI, B. IIOPH, UdNo aw (ji'theN N't4aml W14 SE.'iSeo He names the following witnesseB to prove M continuoiiB rt'Bldenee upon and cultivation of, naicl land, viz: N. Alva Lcaoh, William J. Dai-Is, David A Porter and K. J. Hill, all of Lexington, tir. John w. l.EwiB, Register. NUTICK 0- INTliXTlU.N. Lund Olliec at The Dalle!, Or., April 7, 1891 Notice Ib hereby Riven that the folloivinK-nani-ed settler has Hied notice of his intention to make tlnal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will fjo made before Comity Clerk of .Morrow County, at Heppner, Oveuon, 011 May ai, 1111, viz: HLMEll tiKOHGE SLOCUM, Ds. No. 7;1J, for the S'.t SWU, NW'.i SM'1 .NWli. See a). To 'J 8. It & K . M He liameB the following wltncBBCB to prove his continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of, said Itind, vl: Hen. Vaughn, W. P. Duttnn, (i. B. Hatt and brank Koberts, all of Heppner, Morrow county 1 Iregon. tao-4-A John v. Lewis, IteKister. 93-8m. SeTid for Catalogue and Price List. Address, PAYETTE NURSERY, Pnyettp, Tdnlio. English Draft and Coach 1 Morse W SAHDY NOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Ollice at The Dulles, Or, April 7. loot Notice Is hereby given that the following named aetller has Hied notice of his intention to make limit proof iu simnnrt of hiu clti, that said proof w ill be made before F. II uow Coin. U.S. circuit Court at Lexlinton. or m.' May 26, ism, viz: HK.NJAMIN P StVWClllT Hd. No. 17M, for the Sec 10.' Tp i S, U "0 E He names the following witnesses to nr.ive hi continuous residence noon, and eiililvati,.,, ,.r sald land, viz : 1 John II. I'lper, .1. T. Mi Allster, Jas. Muir and . r. Brewer, all of Lexington, Or. '.M-l-o. John V. Lewis, Register. (Registered Vol. X. No. 8161. The Shire Horse Society.) TVlitrrnf. Grand dam by Plowboy, No. 1745; Dam, Sir 1 Ulhltt. Colin. No. 2(V22. ftnr, hvlln! s.a,.A by Tliomas Denliurs, Whittington, Scotland. Sliipped to America bv Jolm Mc Hattte, Aberdeen, Scotland. Sandy is a Chestnut, with silver .utmo uuu uiu. u eigui ioui.1. xrots well, and is a sure foal getter. Tei'lll S SJnle LeaP 10 Season, $20; Insurance n'o; opecial terms for two or more mares, SANDY will mRke the season of 1891 at Sargent & Keiffer's stable ai urppuer, uiegou. 418 4'2L NELSON JONES. ARTHUR COl'PI.V, Arlington. IMiANK MoPAHlA1VDi Hepime r. ARRIVING "17" H E R El ? AT; COFFIN & McFAllLAND'S. A Big Line direct from the East. Fine stylish liatu, new shapes, aud patterns. Gent's fine shots, ladies' and child ren's shoes, all styles. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA SAD DLES at Factory Prices. A car-load of Fernoline Sheep Dip to arrive soon. WARRANTED TO CURE THE SCAB! Books and Silverware given away to our cash customers Agents for OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS. Groceries, Hardware, Etc. Largest Stock and Biggest Assortment to be found in Oregon. Mail Orders Solicited. COFFIN & McFARLAND Always "take the cake" when it comes to having a complete stock of General Merchandise, suited to the wants of this country. See the latest patterns of Woolen Dress Goods in Btripes, plaidB and solid colors all sold at prices to please. Finest line of A call at our Establishment will prove- Our claim of having the Largest stock, Greatest Variety, of goods, the best equipped store, combined with low prices, that cau be found in any other town in Oregon. To every purchaser of $25 worth of goods, wo will give a fine $4 book. Orders from the country carefully and promptly filled. Country produce bought and sold. Agents for Christy & Wise. fiThe Big Brick, National Bank Building, Heppner, Oregon, is where you will find COFFIN & McFARLAND. CITY IjE-CJO- STORE Hiil'P.NKR, OREGON, T. W. AVERS, Jr., Proprietor, (Successor to A. D. Johnson.) Keeps a Full Line of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent .Medicines, Toilet Articles, Albums, Etc., Etc. Domestic and Imported Cigars Al ways in Stock. Fine PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED BAY OR NIGHT School Books ! tf. Srlnnnl RL- f I hav added to my atook, tnble linen, hoth white und turkey red; niipkitiB of all descriptions mid table cloths to nimoli; towels, bed spreads, embioideties, white (foods; aUo n flue line of ladies' and misses' spring underwear, Indies' black Ratteen dress goods, Ac. Call aud in speot my line before p urchaaing. 21-22. C. S. Van Duyn. STUAYED. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijind Ofllce at The Dalles, Or., Mnrohn 111, '91 Notice is hert'bv L-ttti tlmt th f.oi. ...(..'.. mske Until proof in support of his clnim, and that mi. I proof will be inmie twfore the Conntv JihIkc of Gilliam County, al Condon OrcKou, oil May 2, Will, vl.: JAMES W. HYATT, ,.l', -,N5'1.'W' 'ortho xwv NE,.XXWt,and SH NV" See 10, Tp. 4 S, If. 2! E, W. M. Ho names the followTiiB witnesses to prove his eontlnuons residence upon uu cultivation of said laud, viz: James Royse, John Chance, J. Y. Sorlvnerand T. J. Davidson, all of (iohseberry, Orexon. John V, Lewis, 418-421. Hegister. BREWERY SALOON ! TjN OSMIi:RS,'Prop. Have jnst added the choicest stock of Mr. W. C. ount says that he has traveled all over the tound and Eastern ssh., as ell as much ol Eastern Ureson. aud tliai he la belter Elcasedullh Heppner than any Utile town he as seen on Ihe trip so far. He says our petiole eem satlslied n ith their tow ti aud have a pros perous air. County script wanted. Applv to V. It. Ellis or A. A. Koberts, Heppner. ' 4Jl-lj It- Blackmail A Co. Sells the 14 in. Oliver Chilled plow at (14, with one extra plow polui. H. lllaekman & Co. have received 140,1X0 founds oMrclKUt within the past two weeks, .lat's why they put in a spring ad. I' mm Mutter creek, ntie bnv mare, five years old, "boot" brand on left atilie. ernaa on left shoulder, lias a small atrip iu face. Likely ranuing near Co lumbia river. ill give $10 reward for tier return to Morrow's stable, Ileppuer, Oreson. 421-425. M. S. Dkiskbll. FOR SALE ! I fin J and a 2(H) fine ranch of COO acres, well-watered I improved, tlaa 100 fruit treea 200 acres bottom land. 75 aorea n meadow graaa. kihkI timber on tbe placet vao'int laud adj. lining, eeven miles weat of Hnrduinn. Morrow county. Or. It ia well adapted tor h stock tir dairy ranch. This place is known aa the Ueo. tstew- an pince, rnr pariioniara, enquire of BROWN A HAMILTON, ' 19-tf Real Katate Agts., Ueppoer, Or. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijind Office at The balles, Or., March, 37, lsn Notice Is hereby siven that the lollowiiic. named settler has Hied notice of his Intention to make liual oroof in sumiort of lou ..lui,,. that said proof will be made before Co'ontv ;,f Mrrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, JiiIIn'w. McFEIlKlN. Us. t7li, for the bWl4 Sec ;lo, l'p 4 y, n E W M He names the following witnesses to prove liif eonllnuous residence upon, and cultivation ol said laud, vis: Enoch Cave. John H. Kldtewav, Albert Mat teson and I', f. Uidgeway, all ol Heppner, Or. JOHK W. l.KWIS, 419-424. Keilister. WINES, LIQUOitS & CIGARS In addition to AUGUST BUCHLER BEER -FROM THE- COLUMBIA BREWERY AT THE DALLES, OREGON. ffnfSCustoiiier8 can goods in the market rest assured of fair treatment and the best NOTICE OF INTENTION. IntOll'sit Tie Oillix, Or., Mir. 9, ln Notice ts hereby given that the followiiis named selller has lied notice of his intention to make liual proof In support ol his claim, and that said proof will lie made before the Conn ty JucIbc of liilllam County, at Condon, Or., on May Imii, via: JOHN" CHVNYE. H1. No. Jtilft for the K' XKl. a,l v- upi. c.. 4, Tp. 4 s. K. '.'.!. E. W. 9. ' He names the followimr witnesses to i.r,-.v hi. contiiuious residence upon aud eultiwilion of said land. vl. : ' James Koyse, J. N. Hyatt. J. W. Scrlvner aud 1. J. Davidson, all of Uooseberrv, Or. John v. I.iwis, RegUttr. Old Brewery SE3t.o,, MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. W. A. KIEK. DEALERS IN Saddles, Haaness, Whips, Spurn, and every Conceivable Article kept in a First Class Harness Shop. Repairing fi Speololtjr ! J. 0. HAYES KIRK HAYES on da to fllftlr ofnrA frM- tVia T-..J TITTTTnrn s-s A : " OB. Wl.iu MACHINE. Warranted far u, o ara. .uon i ouy eisewbere till you examine their machines and get oasli prioes. MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. HEY ! HEY ! COME ON Let us go to Mat Liebtenthnl's Exclusive Boot and Shoe Store, for our winter footwear. nd shoes, ucu bargains as you find at Hfl lipana ll,a T...ii . . ... quality considered, to get LICHTENTHAL'S, - - - HEPPNER, OREGON. MAT MAIN STREET, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijimt Office at La drande. Or., March 4. 1891. Notice is herebv civen that the follow injr natned settler has liknl notice of his intention to make liual proof in support of his claim, and Ihat said proof ill lie made before tbe Conntv V .VI I. .l .-Hill UV on April JO, IS'.'! County, at Heppner, Oregon, viz: ERNEST CI PTER, D. S. No. 1S. for the E'3 sVi4. wu swu iWV, NVV'., mv.ji p. 4, s. K. '.'T, E. W. XI. lie names tbe follou Inir witnesses to prove his eomin enee upon and cultivation of. Leslie, V. us n sn said land, vl; iiooert Malteson. tleo. Cray, J j. luuuiit, all oi Heppner. Oregon. . . . A. O.KAVBK, 4a6-431. Bealsur. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I-and Office at The Dalles, Or., March 1R, m Notice is hereby xiveu that the followine nameii settler has tlliil notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of Ms claim, and that said proof will be made before Frank H Si ow, I . S. Commissioner at Lexington, Or., on May y, ism, viz: WILLIAM M. SiAl FFER. Hd. SVv for the SEU Sec. V. Tp. 2 N, R 25 E, W. He names the following witnesses to prove his . .. uu.i.nMisi resilience upon aim cultivation of satd land, vi: Joseph Kskelson. Thcolore Cork, Clinton X I'eck and Jacob Earust, all of Lexington, Mor row Couuty, Oregon. ... JoH.y w. Lurts, 4J8-42S. E4rl.r. Sprinir has come, and now is thp timo to Duy spring Bonds. We have a com plete line of Meu'a, Boys' and Misses' Straw Hats. Styles too numerous to mention. Call and examine. 421-2i C. S. Van Duyn. Sealed bids fi TEAMSTERS 1 I desire tn oontraot with a teamster to haul 100 tons of baled hay from Bob Stanfleld's p;noe on Bijr Butter creek to Honnnor. Call Bt County Clerk's office 420-21. J.' W. Morrow. 3. B. Ely ltil. wm in Heppner Saturday notice; nr ronalriiinrs t. TT school h;i.4i :;, u. u" ""ppw a; iii im reoeiyea at the oftice of the District Clerk, District No. 1, on or before April 21, 1891. Rieht reseryed to rr set. an -n u?j -v- -..uum una 09 seen at tbe post ntppner, Ur., March 23, '91. Otis Patterson, n r -i. Chairman Soliool Board, U U. Mallory. District Clerk. 18-421. l is wveL it M sn'1 f,lmilv' " Lexington, l. si week. He represents J. D. Wright 4 Son'. ?hl.m,Vv-,fhn?' "i " "'''"toK,, iuia timnirv h ith u ie ho rue if a irin ' regon h0 W h