The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, April 02, 1891, Image 4

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    ... Jtai . nlun W -wm-,-whw, ,.--..; vrs:--..vs-.-.
How it TA7"ox-lr..
IKO Orleans St.,
Ba;ti.,Mil..!'cb.20, '00.
1 wag cunilii' (1 to tha
bouse two vtclis with
lumbago, but it. Jacob
Oil cured me ; no re
turn. Y Jl. A. GOETZG.
Finer vi'.lc, Mo., Feb. 7, IfOO.
"St. Jacobs 0:1 Is without a pc r for pains,
bruises, aches, 4c." Rev. T. 0. IIaivkisi,
Tail .r Baptist Church.
C.ncinnutl, Ohio, April 2. ISM.
I suffered with n irrulncd anlclo which
welled vcr much. T und great relief in use
of St. Jacobs 0;l and swelling dlsapjK and.
Molue IIICK3.
The Great Remedy For Pain,
Wyandotlea, riymouth R')ol(H, Liulit
Bramahfi, ItoHt and Single Cimh
Brown IjeghoriiH, l'-i-trida
Cochins, lloiidane and Sil
verHpaiiKlcd Hambti
Ready for Di'livery.
In Amoricn, nnd nre tin licnt mi
thiscnast by u ureiit iliir.'ti'iiw.
Bend for Cntn"KHft
,t. m. garrison,-
Box D5. com.iiiHl. I'tircm (iruve, Or
All orders promptly ntti'iioVd to.
Prices to suit llio Times.
Catt lo branded and ear marked an shown above.
Horses Foil right hImmi ItliM-.
Oar cattle range in Morrow, and UnmGlta
Counties. 1 will i:iy ? 1 OO HO rewa'd for Un
arrest mid conviction of any person stealing my
'i'iiic imoi;i:u
Jewelry EMM
Still Continui'fl to Hell
watoiies, r-3
At the Lowest Possible Prices.
A large stock of Gold Pens, Ama
thyst and Cameo Gold Rings,
GoiH and Silver Watches Always
rJT:"" "--T": o n Hdnd""H
A Full Lino of
1VX UBICAIj insthit-
Huh been uddod to bin larno and well
eok'oted stock.
Work G-urvrniitocrt.
8TUHK iipiunilv Minor, Dciclum A Cci's Mny HI.
Hepiiner, - if iou;oi
Opposite Gazette Ofliee,
Wttfohw rietuu'ii,
Maini)rin Kiliwl
work vuctra.tJ for on yoar. t
Forest Grove Poultry hrds,
Crura Hitter
This rpmpdy ifl born mini? s' well known
nnd popular h t need no special men
tion. All who have imed Electric Bit
tern rpiii the Riitno hiI!( of pniiNC. A
purer niedifMiie (ions tint exi-t und it is
KU.ii;it.H'ei to .. nil that ) claimtd
Elet'tnc bitter will cure ail disea-tHS
1 he liver nnd kidneys. ill remov pim
ples. huilM, B'dt renin nnd other HllW-tions
Caused by impure blood. Will drive
m.tlaria from the i-vntfin and prevent :
well a1 en re all in.ilat in' f evert. For
cure of headache, coiiHliitatiou an 1 in
digest ion 1 1 y Electric Hitters. Entire
satisfaction ini;i rati teed, or lannev refund
ed. Prion r,Oc. an I $1,111) per bottle at, 1.
W. Avers drily store.
Sam KiusMian returned from Portland
Tl-Hifiday biMt, where ho had becu with
Avai.KHKA Coitaok, L B., July 2.
- GfHtWmen: Although it is verv -i -usual
for me to use any ot
waHlieP, Mill, in answer to your reqtiseT,
t have tried Wisilmn'M Violet Cream nnd
BoliHrtine. The former I consider es
pecially eflicucioiw in cmes ot r'Hiiilnu'S
of (he skin, and I have been lining M
every da for the hist fortniiihr. I have
found the Robert. lie an excell 'iit prepar
ation in onsen of tan. sunburn, etc..
caused by exposure to March winds and
a Jtilv sun.
lours faithfully,
Lnxrii Lanutky.
Ilardman folhs siiy they
tlieir spring yrain hh soun aa
will put in
it jets dr)
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
(rinses, !oreM, Ulcers. Nut kheuiu, I'evei
iihh, Ti'ttcr, Chapped Mauds. C'hil
Blains, Corns, and all Skm Eruptions.
a id nositivelv cures Piles, or no piy re-
quired. It ih guaranteed to yive per feel
satisfaction, or money refunded. Pric.
l2.') cents tier box. For sale bv W
Ayers, Jr.
Nov 14. U
Our sheepmen nre lomnjf some
we are infor med, the eul her
rather cohl and stormy for Huh
of the Hheepinan.
be i
hi V'.st
Mrs. J-din Curtis, of Peoria, III.
writes : "L'sed one box of Osajre Pill
previoiip to my Hi'eoml coMliuement; (he
worked like :i charm. Would pay .fit
for a box rather lhau iio wit hout lliein,
as ihev h ve tnoved a (.h'dsend to me."
Write Oh awe Medicine company, Wichita,
Kas., for partienlais. and their book h
wives, mailed Irec, Sold by driitfuiKti
Sold by T. W. Aycrs. Jr., Heppner Oic
iron. 3!8-lyr.
Mr. and Mrs. I). (). Justus and Httl
son called at tliisollice Fiiday last. The
are now lesidim; on 1 (ess Ibtuiipsotih
place, cast of town.
You have heard your friends and
neighbors talking about it. You may
yourself be one of the ninny who know
fjom personal i xpei jeiice jnwl how e;ood
a thiiiL' it is. If you have hvt trio. I it
von are one of its staunch friends, be
cause the wonderful thiiu about it
that when once yiveii a trial, Dr. Kuik'h
New Discovery ever holds a place in th
house, if voii have never used it and
should be nllbtiletl with a out;ii, cold
any Tliro it, Lnu', or Client, trouble, se
cure a bottle at once and ivt it a fair
trial. It is ejuaninteed every time, oi
nemey refunded. Trial Unities Free at
T. W. A.-ers' . Jr.,
Andv Tillard relumed from Pnrllanil
last Pridav, lookin'' rather "worse for
wear," haviuif h;id a lussle "ith Webl'oot
chills while Ihere.
Wnl Touni ins, P id m ister of I btvil o
liiil., writes; ''Lh coic Bitters has done
more bu- me than nil oilier medicines
comb'iied, for that feeling arising
from Kidney and Liver trouble." Jo
Leslie, fanner nnd stoekman. ot. same
place, says: "Pind Klectric Bitters In
be the best Kidney and Liver medicine.
matin me feel like a new man "' J. W .
Uardeer, hardware men-haul, same town,
says: I'lleclnc UiUris is just the thiny
for a man who is all run down mid don't
care whelher he lives or dun; he found
new slietiu'lh, yood a)ie(ile and felt just
like he had a new b ase on lite. Only
10c. a bottle afT. W. A,ers' Dniji Store.
Whyciu't sonm show ou lit tuckle
lb ppner. It would tit a pleasure to i'el
bilked, as a change tr.uu the cluerless
inoiiotony cf Ihe preseui.
These Pills are seientiheally coinpouu-
ded, and nnilorm in aetion. No Kitpiuy
pain ho commonly lollomi; the use ol
I'llls. They aie adapted to both adult
ami children with perfect safely. We
K'uaraiitee they have no iial in t he cure
of Sick I Ihapaouh. Cmist it m, Dyspep
sia and Biliousness; and, as an appetizer,
they excel any other preparation.
J. S. Spr-iy onmeover fumi WaL'ner hist
wet k, and look chaise of the Litiert
Aieat Maiket on the Ut inst., W. 11.
MeAtee retiring fiom the business.
riiK i-TUsr sympt op dkatii
tired feeling, dull hendatlie, pains la
various pints of tie1 hod . t-inktOL' at the
lit r the stiuu mil, los of appetite,
tevefislutess, piuiih'S or sores, nre all
positive evidence of Poisened blood. No
matter how it became poisened it must
hep i died to avoid death. !. Acker's
Km-lish Blond Lhxii has uvn-r fail.-tl t"
J lemove seroluhnis er h phihtic poisons.
Sohl un tor positive guarantee by the
Sheum-Jolitistou Drny Co.
John Harvey, of cattle-t i f fame, has
had Ins trial at Spranue, Wash . receiv
my a sentence of live eais in ihe ptui
tcntiary. THAT TKUlilLLi: COCOH
In the nun niii;. Inn ned or ilillicult
brealhiiiL, raisioi; phltni, tightness in
the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness
in the evening or sweats at hiltM, all or
or any ot these tbm-s are the lirst st aires
of eonsuuiption. Dr Acker's Kmltsh
Coueh Bemedv will cute lliese leaiful
sunptoms aud is sold under a inxitive
The undersigned having been restored
to health by simple means, after sutler
ing for several eais with severe lung
allVelion, and thit dread disease con
sumption, is anxious to make known to
I Ins fellow sutifierH the means or cure.
Billy Crnlttrt'e came over
Wednesday last.
UUL,UU. -n th,,rto w ho d; sire it, he will cheer-
I fully send (tree o charge) a copy of th
I prescription used, hicli I hey will tit id
-v t asurecine for routiimp'i"ii, asthma,
V JptlCnp catib, bioiu-hitis aud alt throat itud '
t it...... ... . i , . . I , j II.. l...n,, ,i i I i;nll'.ii'..rj
I tnii.' maladies. He hopet-
i w ill try bis it'iaedv. as it is invalu dde
i 1 hose desiring tin pies- I ipteni,
winch ,
Will cost 1 1 it 111 lie l hlllg, and in -V
1 a blessinu'. wnl plee-e address Ht:v. l.i) ;
IttAiut A Un.s ts. Wilhauiabuig. K.mga I
j County, Kww York. 4tHKJtii i
Monday, March 2X
Chas E. Fell vs. Thos. QnHid, continned
for term.
The First National Bank of Arlington
ys Avers & Kelt, continued for trm.
ii. W. Rea vs O U. & N. Co., dismissed
at plaiutifTfl C'Rts.
State Vh Rilph Benffe, dinmisserl.
State vs Win. Bare, continued for term.
and G. W. Rett appointed to defend.
W. O. Minor vs John Rank, sale or
pnipeity eontirmed.
Percy O. Blytn vs W. B. CuiKiinyhame.
le eontirmed.
American Mortgage Co., of Scotland,
vs L. 0. Welch, sale continued.
E. Meudiyx vs W. 1L R-yse, jiidmeiit
of lower court reversed in two cases.
Wm. Hughes vs A. 3. Mackay and W.
A. Muckay. decree of foreclosure irranted.
Mary McBee vs Clni8. MoPee. d mur
ier overruled, and continued for term.
The Arliiig''ui National Bank vs l A.
UiiMfiou and Fiank Ci c:l, jndment by
default in one case, an 1 continued for
ierro in the other.
Jan. D. Hamilton, assignee hr Geo. E.
Wright, ordered to fi'e bis tin d account.
Sarah E. Donahue V3 J. J. Dolialme.
J. W. Morrow appointed to take testi
mony in divorce suit.
I. R. Dawson, an assignee for W7. H.
Herren & Co., ordered disclnirgeit when
receipt for payments are filed with clerk.
E. R. S inhume vs W. B. Cunuinghnme
et al, sale confirmed.
1'. C. Thompson va John H, Williams
"t al, confirmed.
Wm. Hughes va L. O. Welch, sale
oonfii med.
Lriui Pelrie v Geo. Petrie, W. R. Ellis
tppointed referee to take testimony in
Itvorce suit.
Lena Pet lie vs Geo. Pei'iie, tesiimony
iffe red aud leoree of divorce grunted.
The new census hai at last been coni-
.jleled. CJhicago is now the second city
n the Union. In IS8.) he had but 5t 3.
)0t and Pliibuhdphia 840K)O. Only ten
eiirs shows Chicago with 1 (IHH.tKX) a gain
f over half a million, wtiile Philadelphia
nas 1,04(1.0 )0 a gain of but 20.1,1)00. It
ooks now as thouizh New York would
noon be playintf sei-ond tiddje ti ('hicayo
is well. In 1H8,) New York had l.zOGOHO
oid now she has LOloVDO. oi a gain of a
itile over oOO.OOJ. Tim South is aNo
diowu to be waking up, Atlanta, with
;U)00 in 180 now has tiS.aOO, nearly
ioubliug h-r former population. Birm
ingham, Ala., with less than 10,000 in
18S0, now bus 2G.lJ.Jt). San Francisco's
ucreaKe has been a little disappoin ing.
out she has passed Uincpiatti in the race
in a handsome manner and is now 8th,
loettv far behind Baltimore with her
The Atlas publishers will reap a har
vest, this j ear, as the census statistics
-md new maps, etc., causes an immense
hoom in the business. We take the
ibove figures from the St ndard Atlas
if the World, which will in all probabili
ty sell by thousands, a it is one of the
nost complete and accurate woi ka of the
and we have ever seen.
It is safe to say that the first agent in
the field ill fairly coin money, as we ad
want the new census Rtatintics and the
new features in this Alias which com
mends it to everyhoty. The History
Company of Sin Francisco, the well
Known Publishers, control the Coast
lights. I hey want agents, and we call
attention to their advertisement in au
oibur column.
The great appetizer, tonic ami liver
regulator. In use for more I ban 50 years
in England. Positive specific for liver
Complaint. Bad taste in the month on
arising in the morning, dull pains in the
head and back of the eyes, tired feeling,
hiwiness, ht'ign 'I'-symptoms of liver
complaint Remed Dr Henle's Eug-li-di
Dandelion Tonic Relieves constipa
tion, sharpens ttieappeiite and tones up
Hit1 entire system. Get the genuine from
your druggist fur $1, and take according
to directions.
In our last issue we forgot to mention
the ball given by the Heppner Social
Club on Fiiday eve, the I'Otli ult. Many
invited guests were present, and all join
ed in saying that it Was the most suc
cessful ball given by the H. S. C. The
music was furnished by the H. A. C. or
chestra. WHAT IT COSTS
Must lie considered liy tile tfreiit imijoritv
of peuple. in Inlying even necenHit iefl nt'
lift.. Itiind'i SiiiHapiU'iltii cnmmemU it
Meir Kill) npeoial fnioe tel the (''' mid
die-o.l;inKtR, tieeuuse it oniiitiineB pn.sinve
t'cniHiiiiy with kirent liiedieinuil tmwer. It
is I lie im.y inHdimne of whioli cun truly
he hiiiiI "IUODihs One Dollar," unci n
tiotth1 tiikijn ncconlinu to direolivins will
iiventfe to lnut u nioutli,
Eriinlt II. Snow, Commissioner U. S.
Circuit Court lit Lexington, O'1., in
iintliorizi'd to receive fees for pulilionlion
of final pronls. 411 tf.
A -nod nheeii runeli mid ninire on
Sn ike river, in Id.dio. For further par
ticulars, i qui ru at the Gazki.tu nllice.
One hundreil and Billy acres of buueli
tfniss, nicely sitiuited. Cull at Oazuttb
otliee. 4Jd-tf.
Settlers ho have paid S100 (or their
pre emptions or commuted homesteads
. Iiould aptil for a reh.itc through Frank
11 Snow, at Lexington, tic makes mi
char-iea unless stieci'ssful. 410 tf.
I have opened mvell appointed tailor-
ini; esta'ilishpieiit iu my tiew luiild
iim on May street , mid mil now regularly
rtH,omni n,,w tf(inaH and will make
o us
best torn made pants roiu S7 to $15
iroods in the market.
Special forms in lival tilimks printed
tn order at the Oazkth otliee. None
hut the best leital blank paper used. A
fill line of blanks for justices, etc , is
kept in slock, at prices ns low us S;ilem,
I'ortlnud or l'emlletou. Wt'U'l iu your
or era.
" L "
Taken upon my r .inch, in Snnd H'I-
Imv tm )iiimlii piiiv ti.r.i.l tilt. ml fivw
!ear, bramb-tl J G on the right hip,
an t has a ralf cup in the right ear.
Owner can have same by proving proper-
ty and pay ing charges.
Ftfe'iBB Adams.
HTpaer, Or., Much 5, VI. fb19
1 "' . i. '
From the lUkur City Do.noerat.
Dr. V. C. Sii'onl. H'.'com pauied by Mrs.
L. S. Irwin ari l nieo-, all of w!iim ar
rived from D 'Toil Tiiurs lay evening, de
pirted yesterday for Sparta. Before
taking his departure. Ur. Sioord called
Bt the Dem orat office, and diirinu the
pleasant iuierview which followed, the
tt ntlem in staled that while 'n the East
b- formed a stock company and as siwin
in Mr Robinson, one of the stochlrilders,
arrived, which would bs only a few days
at the longest, iirraiiir-'miMits would be
made for platiintf inioliiuery on tlieir
mine. Tne .M irrotre niino is a valualile
property and with a million plant on the
same, an ther bullion producer will he
added tu our list.
The mines iu the Greenhorn district
are iMvii'i: very. enconraiiiL' outlook, and
it is u t improbahle tliat seveiat new
m ils will he erected there the comiiiK
suiiimer. A la rye number of properties
have undei'io'rje extensive develota'iit
the past winter and p esenls a m ist en
courain aspect, and the tireless miner,
wlio has waited lon and patiently for
this favorable him of affairs, will push
development woik with renewed enercy.
All through the mining outlook for this
section was never better, and more per
fect assurance was never tnanifestud.
With the ifreat rush to the Seven Devils
district this spring, an impetus in niiuiiitf
affairs will be manifest in all seclions.
new SAjiiM.ixo works at mineral.
Prof. Heib.ot Lnntf bus returned fn m
Southern California and is now iu Min
eral, where he will operate his smelter
during the summer. Prof. Lam! inform
ed the Herald that he will put up samp
ling works and enlarge the capacity of
the smelter as soon us the proper ma
chinery can airive. It. is now on tbe
road, some larje pices, huvinif already
arrived at llnutintnn, where it will re
main till shipped by wuon to Mineral.
Mr. Linitf has trrent faith in the future of
Mineral, but is not a boomer. Ilo de
sires to see the camp move ahead just as
f ist as merit will warrant, and feels con
fident that a prosperous future is in
store for the distriut. Prof. Lai r is a
far-s.-eintf mining man who knows a good
tiling when lie sees it, and his oloae ad
herence to Mineral speaks volumes in
favor of that oainp. If Mineral did not
speak both richness and permanency iu
its mines, Prof Latin would not identify
himself with the district as he has done
Can be made in the next
three months selling the
All the new ISO'-) census returns, re
vised maps, showing the New States,
New Countries, New R lilruads New Post
OIHoos &., &o.
Indexed diatfrains of toe principal cities
showing iIih streets, parks, Ac, colored
charts and diajranis, valuable statistics,
pnlilinal hi tory of the United Stares.
&o. 1.00U II. I'creuce Tables, 6U0 fine En
gravings. TEN BOOKS IN ONE.
A practical, nselul work which everv
business m in, every home, every school,
profession. d in in, mechanic or farmer
wants and wih buv. This is the beat At
las for the price ever issued.
inn I'm inr pi iuf t
MK !
Ever,body wants the
census statistics. Yon
have a golden opportu
nity for money making. Don't waste
time in m ailing, but send $2 for the ele
gant outfit at once. Remember
Atlases will bs sold during 18'Jl on nc
eouut of the new census, mid this is
the lirst and linst in the field. Address,
Tj:i, M.ii k.'t Street, S in Fi iiicisu i, V illfarn la
A Fall anil Aurlieiitlc I. iff or Sutln - Bull
(ii'iieml Sllles, lluir.ili) Bill lieil Olnnil
lilitle Wiuiiid anil ,i giput muny otlnrs of
I he limit Chiefs.
By Flctfher Johnson, Author of the
"Johnstown Flood."
A full and graphic mcouiit of tbe re
cent war, how it was brought about, how
the terrible buttles were (ought, part cu
lms of hlood. curdling massacres, hand to
hand conllicts, narrow escapes, the battle
of Woiindiil Knee, death of Captain
H allurM, slaughter of soldiers, Indians,
ouien and children, Messiah Crazi,
Ghost D. in chs. disgusting dog feasts, etc
Silling Hull's owu story of the Mussa
ore of (leneral Custer and his command.
The whole story is told ill the most vivid
aud life-like manner.
A thrilliiiL', exciting, quick sell it'll
book, rivaling iu substantial interest and
sale, Sinnlev's treat work. A million
copies will be sold in the ueit three
The hook is complete i'. 600 large siz?
panes, aud profusely and superbly illils-
A regular gold
mine for Agt
The itit e res t
aud excitement is intense. An agency is
worth at least f 0111 Sill tu $Aj a day
Sliike while the iron is hut, and big
nnviey is yours. Now don't get left this
tune, previous exia-ricnoe is not necei
miry. Illutri'ed circulars and liberal
teinis mailed FUEW on application, or to
secure it instantly, send (Me. for com
dete ngeniR c nivas-iiig initlit and state
choice of territory.
We have the only Authen
tic and authorized edition
published lo not he de
ceived into handling Ten Year old re
hashed and played out books offered by
other bouses. 'Those who have taken
agencies (or this or other Indian War
ll.mkscaii send their orders direot to us,
and so obtain toe genuine article and
save considerable time in making their
deliveries, as we will tid orders ou day of
their ree.ont Addrs,
Atnswortu liloek.
Porilaud, Or
417 4'JO.
A G 1! irllioletn w, dnppil in Sat
urday last to inform this offije thiit be
bad "wintered" tbrooD.
Work done in the hest manner, and prices to
ult the tiineB.
UTTEW, TUeTaltor,
Sheepmen report; lietter range in and
around Heppner than iu many other sec
tion of Ihe conn try.
The name of Spokane Falls, Wash,
has been changed to Snottnue, hy the
terms of a new charter which was adopt
ed last week
By Geiu Howard and Fletcher Juh u sou.
The last o the great war le roes. He
died honored and beloved by number
less personal friends and bv millions of
his countrymen, who will read with de
light his early life. His grand war
rtcord, at Bull Rim. in th array of the
Cumberland, at Shboh. Memphis, Vicks
bnrg,ChattatKaga. Kaoxville, Missionary
Rid u e, Atlanta, and in the immortal
March to the Soa," whose grandeur and
irlory has never been surpassed in tbe
World's history.
With each copy of the book will be
given a new and very superior
Steel Hate Portrait of the Gen.'l
made from a photograph taken just prior
to bis lust illness, and showing him in
his General's uniform.
The work will contain about 6 )0 pages,
anpeibly illustrated hy portraits, battle
scenes, etc , ft'-m end to end. The book
sle uld find a place in every patrol io
home iu the laud
The interest and excitement is intense.
An agency is worth at least from 81l to
$'25 a day. Strike while ihe iron is hut
and big money is yours. Now, don't
get left this time previous experience is
not necessary. Illustrated ei'cuhirs and
extra liberal terms m died FREE on ap
plication, or to secure it instantly, send
GOo for complt-te uge'its oanvassiug out
fit and state choice of territory.
Ainsworth Blook, Portland, Or. 417 19.
- THE-
'Overland Route."
all Principal Points in the United
Staics,,Cuuuda audEurope.
Pullman Palace Sleepers.
Kuii though on all Express Trains to
Council ISltiffs
Without Change.
Close Connection at Portland for tan
Francisco and Ptiget Sound Points.
Leave Portland for Snn Francisco every
four (4) days, making the trip h. GO
Cabin, $1S. Steerage, Z8.00
Round Trip Unlimited, $30,00.
For further particulars inquire of any
agent of the company.
T. W. LEE,
S. (;. M ELLIN, G.P&T.A.
General Traffic Manager. tf.
110 0 J"TjlJ
Couqhs, Cohle. Influenza. Bronchtthj,
lUlcLiJ Hoar: tn?ss. hr ifon nn Cnimh. CrntiB.
f ?re throat, AsttlfT.S. and.evrry aliection of tht
l:iroat, iHnqsancl Chc-t, inr! Censiimptlon.
-ccdyaiuii)-.rTi.i;vi)t. ' "ri: sir.ed ' I. Irattl.'
KXrt rS!tl fjl-Mlfltfr
(al .lihui or Rvlvl ; MM jL
HIHfll;l l.'..KSvah I Ul. l-M tY Im till Mi i4f HID.
t)i.K tiHi; b-k nfittii, x Lp.-i . runt t t .m: et !., . : I; -vt 1 1 f . fx nt
m-tlu-d .n I wi.-n.M (.ininintt n nt n tcipI iu- oM :.
ilea iu.l rmi-l Hi j..' ; !i olve Ttur.
e.l f: ith fti Prfif.
i A'. l't.l i H -t ii;i.s
! o.r.L'.l in V.w V.-. Hl.-r I: ;, . ,-; M. ,hi:(.-,,
'. a oi .: -.- i;. t.- .-ir 1 t . y d " ro'- ( ;.!.-' PimiI! ; Trv,nfi:l
TH." ITIS PCSrirOY CO.- Chemi?tat
Wasting Eiseises
Wonderful Flesh Producer.
Many have gained one pound
per day by its use.
Scott's Emulsion is not a secret
remedy. It contains tlie stimulat
ing properties of the Hypophos
bhitos and pure Norwegian Cod
Liver Oil, tho potency of both
bcinnf largely increased. It is used
by Physicians all over the -world.
Sold by all Druggists.
SCOT T& SOWN E, Chemists. H.Y.
STOt'h Hlt.VNDS.
Whilf y nt kt't'p ,tnnr subset iplimi paid up yn
can ki'u ymr bran d in freeif charKe.
Alliwin, l. D. Cuttle bnmd. () D on left lin
nnd Iioi-wh Mime hrund on ririlit uhnulder. liaiiKi.
EiK'it Mile.
'I' (' Adkins. bnyvillR. Or-Htrniht markm'rnpn
tho iIukIi ami two cropH and a Hlii in tliu rtRtit our;
hot'HKH. X np-ide finwn on the HkIii. blmuidi-r.
hmmn in finiiit couniy and Hear vulluv. Pu
udttrft.8 aluo at Hurilin.ui.
0 H Atlltiim, UorsPH. J, .n rijiht ttiouldpr: en -tie,
( K on riht liip Uanijte in (i rant and Hoi
row counties.
Atlkints J J HorayB, JA connected on leu
flank; rattle, naniH on U'fl hip.
Herman Alp, Piairjp Cily. Or. On raftle, O
LP lionnfcuul on Ji'ft hip; horseH on left Htilli
and wiinle on mitu. IfunKein (Jrunt coiitity.
Johnny AjcrB. horwH hrnndt-d triiinnieini len
hip: fiiMlc Hiinie tm rihl hip. also crop off right
tJi nuu ujiptr in, tin bit in tt,
Iik'aknian. Geo., Hardmun Horftpa, a flag .
left sliouldor: caitie, name on rittht HliouldtT.
I iiMiit-tiT, J. W., Ili.rilinan, Dr. I 'nt lie hrard
ed B on iefi hip und tlngli; ttpht in tucli ear.
Rurkp. M Ht ( 1-oiiK t'ret'lt, Or On caltlf.
MA If I'niiiiecit (I on lift hip. eiop off left, hut. un
dtr half crtip off rinlit il4trntH. Ha me brand 01
letfi Hhoulder. Itauge iu Uruut and Morrow
A Bowsmiin, Mount Voruor and Rnrne t'aHle
A 11 on rinlil hip, two uropH in eni-h our: siime oi
horspH. on ritrhi bliouldur. liuno in Urant and
Harney oiiuliof,
Jerry Hrowmaii, horsofi brandpd 7 on rifcli:
sliouliit-r; caltle H on Ihe lcf( side. Left oai
half crop and riglit ear upper ttlopn.
Hurt on. Wr" -lltirspH, J Hon rijrht thirfii; cattle
Bume on rik'ht hip-rtplit in each ear.
Himnett, t y HurHeH. H on lt-ft nhonMer.
Mr. (). A.HeiiKe, liorneH braniieu XH on left
shoulder or titie; cattle mime on left side am1
split in left ear, upper half crop in rik'ht,
iii-own, J. V lorne- ami cuttle braudtd Si with
ox-yoke above on left nhouhler.
Hrown, J CllorHeB. circle C with dot in osl
teron left hip; cattle, same.
Hoyer. W li, Lena HorHHS, box brand or righ
hip callle, same, with uplit in each ear.
Bortf, P.O. Horses, P H on left shoulder; cat
tie. Hiuno 4n left him
W.I lirnwnlee, Kox, Oi'-Tnttlo. J 13 connected
on left side: frou on left ear and two huMikhikI
middle p. ecu cut out on rinht ear; tin horses fame
nrat.u ou uie lutt tuigii; itunga in Fox valley,
(irnnt coiintv.
K rain. Caleb. Or- V I) on horses on left utifle;
u nun liiiaitt'f niwB 4iver jej i. hlloUJUUr,
and on lett stifio on all oolts under 5 years: oi.
left shoulder only m all horses over 5 yours. All
rantre in urant couritv,
Cochr ii. Chas.. loan. Or. Hoi-hpa. TIP mn
nected on left shoulder; emtio, (! on both left
hipamt stifle. HaiiKe iu Monmv county.
J' H Cannon. Lon Creek. Or--T on 'cattle on
riclit side, crun off rinlit ear anil slit in lft. tr
Our horsessame brand on left shoulder. Ullage
in urant county.
T li Curl Doub e cross on each hipnncnttle,
swallow fork und under bit iu litfht ear. split in
len ear. Jiange in (mint county. Un sheep, tr-
vertea jVu"u jenr l otut ou imuJder. Lar nmrk
ewes, crop on Jeft ear. utuichod uoner bit m
riKht. V thi-rs, crop jii riuht and un,ip,r half
crop m leti ear All range m trnrnt county.
A. A. Crosby, caitlo tranded "- (or 11 L con
nected) on Ihe riirht shoulder.
Walter i arsner, -Mount Vernon W on cattle on
lefi hip. Ciop and split iu left ear; 7VV connected
on horses on lett sliouldo , uuiiko in Urant Co.
It Chittenden. Piairie City, Or lick, handle
down on cattle riidit bin and snlit in m
horses, same brand on riht shoulder. Ikange in
ijntiit uoiin i j .
Cook, A. J., Lena Horses. 90on riffhtslj-jnlier
( attle, same on r clit hip: eur mark sg:;ars crop
un iei i hi hi Njuii in rii.
Currin. It V- Horses. o on left stifio.
Cochran, H Monument, Or Horses branded
Tl tit A tm left shoulder. Cattle, same on ritiht
nip swawow rTK in rijnt ear una crop off U-It.
Cox A English. Hanlfimn C.atl9, C wilh in
center: horses. CE on left 'iiu.
Cupper, H A Morses H C tm 1 ft shoulder,
cattle H (' on left side, swallow fork on right oar,
It. E. Cochran. Monument, (irant it . llr.-
Horses- branded circle with bai beneath, on lefi
shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, murk
unuor sjope uoiu ears anil iewiap.
Chapin II. Horses branded on right hip,
Cat lie hniuded the same,
fci L Crohs. Ltfivville. Or Cattle branded 4- tvri
crtips and a split in left ear; ou horses a
reversed on left stifle. Also have the fodowiiiR
brands on rattle: 72 on leit bin, 7 on riht hip,
I'l on left shoulder, two parallel bars on lefi
shoulder. Ear marks, two crops.
Wm. Doonan. horses branded OU with bni
over them, on left shoulder; cattle same on left
DmiKlnsR, W M Cattle, H lon riht side.swa'
low-fork in each ear: horHes. It I) on left hiu.
Diinciiii. W. P., Jnlin i)ay tuarter circle V on
rit,'ht shoulder, both on horses und cattle, liange
Grant coutity.
Oriskell. W. E. Horses branded K inside of O
on lefi shoulder. Cattle euuie ou left side of
I'auion, H E. Mount Vernon 7U connected on
cattle on ritiht hip, under slope in right ear.
under bit in left ear; same brand on huiseson
riphi hip. If a tike in (i rant county.
J - li- Ely 4 Sons. Horses branded ELY oi
Jefr shoulder, cattle Hume ou left hip. hole ir
riKht ear.
Ralph Eisk. Prnine City. Or, II F on
nuM shou der; cattle, ou right hip. ltange in
Grant county.
Meek. JaekHon. Horses. 7F connected oi
rinht shoulder: cattle same mi riht hir
Ear mark, hole in right and crop off left.
Florence, L A Cattle. LE on right hip; horeot
Fwith bar under on nht shoulder.
Florence, H P Horses, E on right shot Idei ;
cattle. V on right hip or thigh.
Armstrong, J. C., Acton T with bar under it
on Jeft shoulder of horses; cuttle Bame on lefi
Gay, Henry GAY on left shoulder.
(ioble, Frank Horses, 7 V on left stifle; oattk ,
same on riuht hip.
Oilman-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fos
sil. Or. Horses, anchor t on left shoulder j vent,
stone on left stifle. Catile, same on both hips;
ear marks, crop off rirht ear and underbit in left.
Hange in (Jiiliara, Grant, Crook at d Morrow
Elmer Gentry. Echo. Or -Horses branded H.
S. with a quarter circle over it, on leit stifle
Hange in Morrow and Umalillacounties.
Erai k MeGur, Fox Valley .Mule shoe with toe
cork on cuttle on ribs and under iu eacli ear;
hoises same brand on left stifle.
J . C. Giliwater, Prairie City, Or.-On horses,
O-Oon left should-r and stifle; cuttle, ou right
side. Hange iu Giant county.
C E (ilaze and A P Hnjrler. Dayville.Or
Horses branded j on right shoulder; on cattle,
stripe down the left shonbier. Also. P 8 on
horseBon left shoulder, and same ou right hip on
cattle, iiaime in iirunt c.unty.
Hiatt A. li., Kidite, Or. Cattle, round-top
Titb quaiter circle under it ou the right hip.
Kanuein Morrow and Umatilla counties,
Hinton & Jenks, llamilloii. Dr Cat lie, two bars
on either hip; cmp in right ear ai.d split in left.
Horses. J on riifhi thiih. Hange in Grunt county.
H tidies, 8;imuel, Wanner, Or T F L on right
shoulder on horses; on CHttle. on right hipand on
left sole, swallow fork iu rinht ear and slu in left.
It ante in Hastaek district. Morr w county.
Edwin Hall. John Day Cattle E H on righl
hip; htjrses same on right shoulder, rangin
Grant county.
Kiel A. Hyde, Prairie City. Or. -AH combined
on horses on right shoulder; cuttie on right hip.
Hange in Grant county.
Hughes. Mat. Heppner. Or Horses, shaded
heart 4)ii the left shoulder. Hange Morrow ( o.
Ed Iloll. .way, Caddie, Or.. ln.rsn ai d cattle
branded E H connected, wilh bar under it.
H uusaker, H -Horses, y on left shoulder; cai
tie, Hon left hi;.
Hnnlisiy, Albert Nye, Oregon. Horsps, AH
conn. cud. tm left shoulder; Cuttle on the left
up, crop off left ear,
J F Hudson, Mount Vernon JF connected on
hort-es on riirht thigh; on cattle N B on
right hip. Itnngein Grant and Harney.
Humphreys, M. Uardmaii-Horves. H left
Hiatt, Wm. E. Horses branded bar cross on
left shoulder: cattle same on left hip
Hayes. J M Horses, wineglass on left shoulder
ca'tlt. same on ridit hip.
Ivy, Alfred. Imtf Creek. Or Csltle I Don
ridit hip, crop off left ear and bit in right. Horses
same biuud on left shouidur. lt&nve in Grant
I) W Jenkins. Mount Vernon J on horses on
left shoulder; o catile. J on left hip and two
Ismooih crops on both ears. Hange in Fox ai.d
Bear vail s,
, Jtinkiu, S. M. Horses, horsesho J on lefi
: shjmlder. Cattle, the earn?. Kange on tight
( Johnson. Felix Horses, circle Ton left stifle
j catile. same on rinht hip, umier 1ml f crop in right
, and suiit in left ear
i Jd T-Uort" on left booJdr- oatU
scorn i
Kirk. J C Horses. 17 on either flank: cattle 17
on riiz.ii side.
alike Kenny, horses branded KNY on Ipft him
oat lie orttiie aud crup oil lelt ear; uuder nlope on
Ultf I I Kill
KellH.. ttichard -E K in snimrn. cnttln mi off
hip; hoises Maine ou left shoulder, Beer
vaue. I-. u. uuutess. jiiiintoi,. dnii.t county. Ur.
W G Kiiub riaud. Mtjinu Vt rn,.u. Or 1 Lou
cattle uii itki'lauo ielt Mirs. tw allow folk lU left
ear uutt uuuer ciop iu i igm eur. l.oioes wane
brand o telt elm ,iue . Itu-ige iu Grant Coui.ij .
Keu.tey. Id ppner. Dr. i.oises, .1 Land
aco ot club- on it-iimilla, liui ge iu LmaUlia
aud A oiriw tunnlit s.
M I 1j Htt-V. .ioUiuiiellt. ilr A ti-Ji.mrlo nTi!iE;tU
ah hues exuodmg pu i body of iiguruouLfiHir
ae.n i leu Biiuuiuer, ou cmtle, Uiaiiit.ud ou left
stiou oer, spni iu light tiud u"der bit iu left ear.
n.i'U'e ur.iui coiuny and to u.u Uof Johu lav.
Laurel. ue, hi, uri utile. Z on
rigui inp;nurses, uiime .u imlit shou.dcr.
iu t-naiit couniy.
Liolteii, hiepiten L on left hin nn raid
crup and sptu on rigid ear. Horses same brand on
left bin-inner, t ran l coui.iy. P. u. ad
drt bs. Fox. Oickou
uit-uuiiuii, tiut.n vV. Horses branded half-oir
uie J i. cotititiu.eU on leit huuldur. Cu.Ue. suuit:
loll nip, ituugr. near i-exiugion.
Gt-uigu Lioid, horses branded double II cot.
leciod, ouiut-Uiuos cuitou u swing 11, on left
tnoUiUei' ,
J. v . Leahe.i, horses branded L N on the lefi
r.oulder. cailiu Uiai.deu tnu same on leli hij
-iiuii) uvei iirfiil eye, ini uo shib in right eur.
-diiioi-, Occur. i utile, AL Uou ngm mp; uorsa
-i un iei l biiouiutii'.
.Uorga.i, O .S liorst's, M ) left should
an it?, ouuiu on leU nip.
-ticl.umoer, Juo A, Atwood Horses, M wit
ai over i m rigln sliouidcr.
li. li. .u.uii.. Lei.u; noroes-old mares ZZ on
. igut nip; yoang suck, o.uail it on lufi, olmuWer
JiulUUii, llius ituieub, cuctj i ou lufl shoul
loi Ui.d ielt Hindi; cunlw. I on rmiii imgli.
lUUiphj, J. j.,ioX. Dr. j.oises A li on the
,elt tn.oiiider. i utile, same ua right hiu; ear
mark, crop und spilt iu 1. H ear aud undi-rbil iu
ntsiiL. iloisesuisoiou iultbl.lle. bheep, E Li,
ou. ge in liiitui cuuniy.
.viuciieii. u-c'tr, reuisville Horses, 77 on right
lit, i-itliie. ii uu ngni utue.
.net luruu.ij n iioibett. Figure Son each shoul
:er. came, Mj. on nip,
W J lUclvuru. Veruuii. Or X I on cattle
.u right hip, crop iu ngoL ear. hull crop iu left
jamo ijra"uoit hursts uu lufi-bi , itangu ill Grant
diciiiir, Harney Horses 7H con ected on left
shoulder; cuuib suuie. Kujjgo Gr.oil coumy.
f. U. iiduress, t'ox. Uivgon.
u. V. Jiciialley, iiaiuiiiun, Or. On HorseB, 8
with nan utreie umooi- ou lett liouuler;oii t utile,
tour Ours cmuuciud ou iul, uu ilia right side,
uuiigu in Oi'uin Cuumy.
Aiui. Aiiarew. l.ou Hock Horses AN con
euioo ou iei i shuuiuur: cmiio sumo ou buili hip.-
Auwuiuji, VV. n. la.rboo a wilh null citcift
jvur n on lull shouidur.
JNoidj to, i!, iiurses, circle 7 on left thigh; cai
atj. nuiim on loft Ihl.
D'Fiyitu, E. VA uglier. Or. Ilrands horses
Lit ouleUsliomuei ;cailluou boiniups, I imuio
bino.. on ujiv l iiix jt uiy. liuuid recorded.
Jus. ph Ulnei, t aiijtHH ii, ur. A 2ju e.ilUa
jn leti nip; on iioroLH, sumo ouluii tlugli, Ituuga
.ix (iiui.l couiity
uiu-i, t-t'iii. Eone Itock-P O oj left shou.dei
Puiiiuiu Jobi'iiii, lUot.uiueiit, Dr., brands nor
es J P l o.inecit'a, un ngut shouidur; cuitie the
..ume ou the right mp and uoderslope in rigid
Pearson, Olave. Horses, quarter circle shield
jo .ell shouidur audi! un ieUlutJ. CaiLle, lora
.n lett jar, i iHutcruppuu. z-luh lull hip. iiauge
.ui t-iwiil Mini,
VViuiam Pop..-. Mount Viruon-1 T on cattle on
elLhip, lwo siilb m leit em; s..tuo bnmd ou
uoroea ihi .eil snUu. iiauie iu Lirunl Couniy.
Murker 4V- ijitjuouu, jUuidiiiau iioibub jp ou
1 ll shoulder.
iiper, J, it., Lexington. Or. -Horses, JE con
lieciuii u. loll biiuuiuer; callle, suiue ou iett hip.
under bi iu each our.
lleury Piituerg, noi ses branded wilh a Itonaub
croib ou leit sliouidcr; cuiLie tmiuded with ito
UHUi croos, bar at boliom, on leu mp.
A. t . Puttys, Pel lysv 1 uet torses, diamo d P
on lett btiuuidor, t;uiUe, J11J coi.uetltd and in .
veited on lull hip; crop oil led ear and split in
right WultitJ or ihBiUtJOi right tore leg aouvt) the
juiiu T Powell, Dayville, Or Horses, .1 P coa.
ueo edou ielt slmujour. CaUle OK couiiucted ou
ell hip, twu uuder half crops, oun ou each ur,
wuiti uuuer iiuou . iiaiigoiu uruut county.
luckard, U. U,, Cuuyou luy-U U ou left
diou.der, on horses oniy. H .ngo Canyuu urcblt
and iiear vailey, Oram county.
lloud. Anuiew, ilardinuu Horses, square cross
with quui'Lui-cuuie over a ou leit ttUUe.
hohii-gei, Uins llores. C ii on ion, shoulder.
VVui. huuio, iHoiniiuoui. Brands burses it uc
right shoulder, Kuugo. Grauiaud Alurrow coun
ties .
Uoyse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Hcrses, plain V on
.etc bhouider; culue, sanie brauu ibVersed on
right hip and crop uii rigui eur. liaiign m Mor
row county.
liusU urns., Heppner, Or. Horses branded X
on llio righ. bhouiour; callle, 1a ou the left hip,
crup oft ielt ear uuu uuwiap uu ueciL. Itauge iil
ilui row und udjuiuiug jum-lie.
itnbt iViiiuiiii, Puiiuiettui, Dr. Horses H on
left su.Miiuei; cullle, it, on left hip, crop off
right ear, uhue' uil on lett eur. (jheep. it ou
weuiliero, lound crop off i-itih eur. Aiunge Uiau
tlliaand iVluiiowu (Ui.lieb.
heauey, rtindiew Lexitigiun, Or. Hoi se
Lirauded A li un right shuuider, veut quarter
circle over brat.d; cuiilu bumu un right uip.
itioigu Aluirow cuui.Ly.
Hoy ue, Wm. ii, Uanyville. Or Hit connected
with quuritr gm-le over tup un cuttle uu ngnlliip
and ciup utt nglit eur and split 111 ielt. muses
suiue bran don tell nhouider. liuuge iu Morrow,
bran 1 ui.d Giliiam counties.
itnier, J F, itiuir, Ur Throe parallel ban
wiin bur over on horses on lell hip; uu culile, leit
side, two smooth crops, two splits iu each eur.
uunge in iiiiddie turn, 0 John ay.
iieotoi'.J VV ilurocb. JU on leilbiioulder. Cat
tle, u oh right hip.
Spiay, J. F. Horses branded SF connected ot.
num bhouider; culue buuiu 011 both hlts.
bailing, t,C Ht ppnor, Or noises branded S A
on tell tsuoulilta ; cuiliu buine on leti hip.
rj.iiuner, o L, uuier, ur liorees. iwu-barSon
IcllHLiile. P.aai d, iwu uu leit sidd, a crop
and split 111 right eur, bWaliuv fork aud
uLjut iuil in icit, callle. &iu culue laiger lliau ou
nuibes. iu (uuu, uouiiiy.
A L. bw.iggurt, nila. horses braudp ' I on left
shouiuer; cui tiu oanie Oil left, hip. Giop on ear
eui , s uiliU on lei t nind leg.
biiaignt VV. i!,.-iioibes shaded J 8 on lefi
sLihu; cuttle J S uu leit mp, swallow fork iu right
eur, Uiiunimi in mil,
bwauuun, L, Aipine ilcrses, B 8 on right
bupp, Xhos.-Hurses, b A P ou left hip; cattle
auiiie ou tell in p.
bears, v ii Horses bar over S. ItauireiuFox
valley. P U add.ess, b,x, ur.
fciiube, Ilr A ii iioibub, uo uu on left hip; cat
lie, tuiue on lell side, watue ou loll bide ol neca
curb cut sliurp ui point.
biuiui, E, r, puui itock, Or. Catile, horse
shoe on lell Bido, crop cione iu left eur. Horses,
4 uu leti thigh in Lmalnlaaud uraut
count its.
Jonu bhrier. Fox valloy SC connected on
horses on iigla lap; cu.iie, same ou right hip,
crop ..It rmm eur ai.u uiiUer bitiu ielteai". iiangt
111 Urant con my.
buuiu iiros, John Day, Or-H Z oucattleoa
le L shouiuer. 1
bieveiison, Mrs A J Cattle, tt on right hip j
swailow-lurk in leit ear.
bperry, H li I utile, W 0 on leff hip, crop oB
right anu underbit in left ear, dulap; hurses, VV ol
oil lel l shoulder. 5
bwuggart. li vV Horses, 44 on left shouldei ii
culile, 44 un lell hip.
btewart, Geo., Alardm an Horses circle ood
lell situuider. j-
buutti, ii. E. Loue Hock, Or. Horses branded
a crofbed seven ua leii situuider; cattle situiu ua
ielt side, liuue, Giluaiu cuuniy.
binitii Geo.,huieb braudmi tj 6 on left flan
'IhumpbOh, J A il4nwW, un lell shouiu.rj
cut Ue, z on ietl sliuulder.
lit, eis. a i iiorses. G on left shoulder.
luim-r li. .VV., small capiuit T leit shouldei,
horses; caitle same ou leit hip with split iu bolh
ih. rnton, II. M.. lone, Or. -Horses branded
H 1 couuecltd on ielt blitie; she. p same brand.
P Thomas, Mount Veiuon -I K connected on
cuttle 4u ngni hip, swallow fork m ngai ear and
underbit in same ear; horses, same brand ou right
Slitie, liange iu Johu Oay vailey.
b A Tucker, Piairie Guy F ou cattle aud
hoises on ietl shuulder.
John Tuieiaan, Pmirie City, Or. On horsea.
U) 011 leit stille; un cattle, O with bur under on
teti hip. iiauge iu Grant coumy.
VV li VVnrruu, t aieb. Or Caitle, W with quarter
circle over it, ou iett Biub, spur, iu ngut nar.
iiorse bt,iie bra-d uu iett Bhouider. ltaiigtua
Grum coumy
i . L,,,VuuU' Dnyville, Or Heart on horses on
left sidle; un cattle, i 011 leit aide and uuder bit
in left eur. ituuge in Urant county.
V right, bilus a iieppor. Or. Cattle branded
o VV ou me right hip. tquure crop on right ar
and spt.tia iett,
Francis Widiace. Mount Vernon Square on
Caiue ou the lell hip. upper slope m he left
eur and ui.der slop., m rigut eur. 8.. me brand
on horsea on right shoulder, iiauge in Haruej
and Grunt countv.
Webster, J. 1. Heppner. Or. Horses branded
wih bai over J ou right shoulder; cattle same
on right hip, crop off iefi ear and spin in each.
I.aue, MuiTuW county.
Wade, Henry, Homes branded ace of spades
on le t shoulder aud ielt hiu. Cattle branded
same on tell side ai d left hip.
VV ells, A b Horse. 6-0 ou left shoulder; catt s
Johu Wolfinger, John Day Citv-Un horses
threw piirai.ei i,ars on left slioulder; 7 on stieep,
bit iu both eaiu. Hango m tiraut aud Maihuer
Wyland, J II , Hard man -Circle C on left thigh.
Woodward, Johu-ltoi, 3P couuecu-d on
left shoulder.
Watkins. Lishe, horses branded CE connected
on ielt stiai-
Wallace, ( "harles Cattle, W on right thigh, hole
in ietl ear; liorses, V ou right shouiuer, somr
bttineou left bhouider.
Wren. A A Cattle, running AA with bar ae s
on rib'iii Liti.
J. b. Young. Gooseberry, Or.-Horses branded
Tbon the right shoulder.
W H. Crowley, Limg creek Horses branded
circle 5 tn left shoulder.
Whittier Bros., Drewy, Harney county, Or -Horse
hrui.ried W B. neuteo an lef 1. Nmlder
Williams, Vasc quarter cin-le over three
bars 01 ielt hip. both catil and h .rses. Hang
Gram coumy, p. u. address, Hamilton. Or.
Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle ajuMh
ssdsUt-iaasoftssr. Ksnge iaHmimnxr,