THE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, April 2, 1891 Union Pacific Railway-Local Card. No. St, mixed. leaves Hepnner f:IS it. No. &', " arrives " S-JU p. i:i.i it, m. 5 JO p. m.. daily except Sunday C-sVKoiV AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Htnge lenves for Citnynn City daily, excel I Sunday, t6:30 A. u. Arrives-daily, except Monday, at 6:00 P. M. Tlif re ip : Raving of 16 bonrs in time and 10 ir cash by taking this route to Canyon. rMII8 PAPUKis kept on file nt E. C. Dikn'i 1 Advertisi-iff Anenuy. rtl Riul (to fllercliftiits Excluuur, Han r'riuii-inco. ('ulifurnin. where uo.. traow for (ulvHrtitiiiiR ran be untde fur it. 11. W. L'MLKKCO..M9 Ffth street, Port land. Oreiton, are nuihorized tn make advertising ooulncu fur tlie Ueuunor (iAZh'TTB. THE GAZElTE'd AGENTS. Lexinelon, W. H. McAllister. Wiifjner, J. F. Sorny. . Arliutjtou, Mr. Beuuett, Moody's ware house. Long Creek. Eagle. illowiiy, Boh SlniW. Gooseberry. Or.. W. S. Pnrmnn. Cumns Prairie, Osoar DeVuul. Mntteson, Allen MciSVrrin. Nye, Or.. 11. C. Wriirht. Hiirdimin, Or., C. M. Spenoer. Hninilton, Grant Co., Or., Mattie A. Radio. Inue.T. .T. Carl. Prairie City, Or., R. R. McHaley. Canyon Citv. Or., H. L. Parrisb. Pilot Rnck.'G. P. Skelton. Diiyville. Or., Mr. A.lnnin. P. M. , John Jay, Or.. Postmaster. Atbenn, Or.. .lolin Edinir'nn. . Pcudletmi. Or., Wm. G. McCroskey. Mount Veruou, Graut Co., Or., Post master. Eibt Mile, Or., Mrs. Andrew Asu baiitfh An agent wanted in every precinot. tf. Here and There. Danner, Photographer. 96-tf. Geo. lord is up from Ella working at his trude. Mr. 1 ry Wilson is now owner of the Belvedere. Work whs resumed on the artesian well Mouduy. J. W. Gilmore was np from tbe Lower Columbia this week. Fred'Poppen nnd familyVere over from Eardinaii Tuesday. Tims. Qiiaid retnrnr d Saturday from the John D.iy country. Ask Morris Ball how many callers ihe hud Sunday eve last. Mrs. Walter MoAtee is recovering rap idly from her recent, illness. Mr. F O. RnoUniini and wife are visit ing relatives and friends here. Tlieo. Danner is a rustler aud gets there oil the s ime taking pictures. 96-tf ,7ns. Jours pnrohased 1,000 head of cheep from Andy Tillard last week. The F. O. B. Cigar Co., of Salem, Or , trnut a first class traveling salesman. See ad. Spring stirs np till Idle. Yon lose year np Peine, lii'l weak, l o hot, mill Oil 1 so tired. Take Simmons Liver Iteitulamr. Coffin & McFarland have shipped Mor row county potatoes as fur east as Kau as. I speaks for itself. Felix Johnson was over fron Butter oieek last Monday with a load of apples of his owu raiaiu . Citv p isonera who onnnot pay their Hues should he required to work them out on our streets, Gilliam & Bisbee commenoe their print: trade with a nice display ad. It penks for itse!f -next week. Win. Radio got in Monday from Walls Wnlln. nfter a tussle with "grip." He was on his way to Loug Creek. Mrs. Marv E. Warren has moved her tock of millinery from Main to May St., in the old "Cash Bargain store stand. Robert L L'lr'e. brotner of IsBac Iiarge, nnlW A. Tillard arrived Mon thly from tbe East, and may locate here. W. R. Parman has purchased the Lower Veed Yard, and begins his career as a business man of Heppner, with a display d. Dan Rice savs grasshoppers are hatch ing out iu ihe vicinity of Hardinanby tbe millions, bat they will likely uepan Be fore "crap" tune. Xdinnv Orton. of Prairie City, and W. W. Hinton. of Long Creek, will ship three carloads of stall fed oattle from Heouner to-morrow morning. The new nd. of Coffin & McFarland Ifinms no with a out of where they live They are a progressive firm and deserve to succeed iu every particular. Orimd filearanoe sale of hats at H Blsoknian & Co's. Pi ice reduced from 5to2 amU2.50to 1. Drop in ami get yourself some dandy head gear 19-lt. Cheslter Sargent's "10 cent" delivery rto tonk another turn mound town yes terdav afternoon. Tne waeonmakers have a standing job on Chest s outfit, tf. Alvah W. Patterson, brother of Ihe n...-ttu nnnomnnnieil by onrZie, is ex pected goon 'roui Indiana, the hayseed's paradise auu lue zioiue ruuuu ui 'uauer." Married- At the City Hotel, at 7 o'clock on Tuesday eve, Mr. A. L. Spray, of this dace, ana 'Miss Mil Griltiu, of Council Grove. Oregon, Justice Rea performing the ceremony. Heppner's Cornet Band have rental the miner story or ,1. n. nniu u ui,huiuK, nnm.oila t h (lazHtte's rettlietio Quarters, where will practice and keep band they Drooertv hereafter, Geo Conser. of the First Na tional Bank, spent Sunday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rhea, on Rhea nrek. the iiarents of Mrs. Conser, with whom she has been visiting. Officers and members of Dorio Lodge No. 20, K. of P.. are reminded that the i,ul,u muiii every Tuesday evening in (hHirflas'le Hall, in the lower brick Let ns have a full attendance. Messrs. P. O Borg, Press C. Thomp son and C. A. Rhe.i leturned Monday evening from Pendleton, where they successfully "rode the goal" through tue Chapter degrees of Masonry Nn. .imp the nnort that Cason Canyon, he) nnd Rhea creek, is in bad nnndiiiini iiuunssable. Melting snows li.if ont izrput trulleys in that pait of tbe road from Eight Mile to Heppuer. We hope our oonncil can see their way olenr to build a sidewalk t the depot, and also other parts of the townon South Maiu street, for that matter. We think our taxpayers will gladly bear the expense. J. E. Maslerson was cilled over from John l)ay as a witnessou the Deal case which was to have been called at the March term of court. By mistake lie was ordered to appear one week before time set for holding court. Mis. Freboh haB vacated the Liohten thal hoarding home nd moved into the Rood property, opposite tbe artesiau oil. Mr. and Mis. N. 8. Whetstone have takeu charge ot the boarding bouse Tbroiiitb euro "hook or orook," the notice of the Heppner school district tor ruled hula to repaint the sohonl house, waa pnblished iu laat week' issue full of errors, lor which the printer is respon sible. The word "repairing" was used for "repaintine," and the da e of notice ' April 25. '91," instead of March Zi. '91. bee notice in this issue as it appears cor rected. It is quite likely that Mr. and Mrs. Pry Wilson will tke cbarue of the Pal ace Hotel when realy for occupancy, with Mr. Jas. Bradley as mixologist in ehare. Mr. and Ms. Bradley arrived from Pendleton Tuesday evening, and for the present Mr. Bradley will look after the needs of the Belvedere's cus tomers. Io the case of Ahrabamsick vs Tattle, a suit to recover rent, the jury returned a verdict last Thursday in tavorof plain tiff to the amount of $150 and costs. Mr. Tullle appealed the case, however, and it will be tried in the circuit court next September, unless settlement is made sooner. Blue blood counts in horses. "Sandy," Nelse Jones' still lion, was dammed by a tnormiublired mare by Sir Colins, Keg. ister No. 2022, got by Eoyal Sandv No. 3993, was imported from Scotland two years ago, aud cost, landed in New York, 82,100, aud shows himself worth the money. Mrs. A. M. Slocnm's opening nf spring millinery is in progress at her well np poiuted establishment on May street. In this connection it will not be nut of place to mention her large ad. which ap pears in this issue. Bead it, aud observe that the progressive prosper. Ed. L. Matlock has been rustling on his ranch of a seutiou or more, south of town, fr the past two weeks, aud hav ing completed his fencing aud other op erations, has departed to gather np his horses, which lunge near the Columbia. Heman Cnlwell, one of Eight Mile's bnchelor resideuta, Nconmpauied by Bill Iiigrutn, a well-tried Benedict, were in our oity Saturday last. They oomplniu of nothing else but muddy roads, aud that's not a bad thing here, is it? We are, without doubt, iu the artesian belt of Eastern Oregon, the strike at Butter creek goiug for to prove it. Andrew Rood has just recovered from the "grip." OBLIGE UJ. As we are going to open a new set of books, all pereous ow ug us on account are renuested to call aud Bettle the same, either by cash or note, ut your earliest convenience, aud oblige. 419-420. JjEEZKIt & 1HOHP80N. Mrs Win. Rudio is reported a ouite sick at Dayton, ttasn. bee Mrs. Marv E. Warren's "Cost Sale" of Mil- iluery, llry UouJu, etc. Mr. J. a. SDrav took charee of the Liberty Meat Market o.i tne ist lust, ftoiead. Mr. Minor, brother of Kllis Minor, is in from the Kast vihidag- relatives here. Chas. Maun was over fro.n the Mann Bros'. posseasioi.s on Butter creek, Friday. Jake Johnson, the well-known mayor of tioosuerry, wus seen in town lust week. Andv Cook, the Butter Creek stockman, re ports grass shore in his neighborhood, on Saturday last. Ben French lost his house aud conte.its over la Caatas prairie by lire. Bishop Morris, of the Episcopal Church, will be here to hold sen ices o.i the olh and ulli. Henrv Welch and family left for the John Day this nior.iiug, where they will live this summer. This nllice was the recipient of a call from MrB. W. it. Kills and idius Juste Miles, yesterdoy after noon. Henry Wade reports an occasional snow bank yet! ou his premises at the head of sand liullow. Gov. Ilea and family have moved from oppo site the Gazette ouiee to Kills Minor's property ou May s.reec. 8. J. Freed.nan, representing Esberff, Bach- mau v Co., ot 1'ortta.iu, vlsueu ills customers here over ouuday. MissJusie Miles, one of Heppner's teachers for the past year, left this inoruiug for Camas valley, ujugias io., ut. Alhprt tlR:nin. of Balm Fork, left his dlmen- Biuus iur a.ioiher year s trouble w ilh our laiuily puruus plaster yesterday- F. J. llallock haviuir completed his labors as deputy clerk, is rus.icating at the ranch of V . u. iuttuu, ueiuw luvu. Grant Kobison. Clarence Lonir and Frank Whit.aore are UD fro it UuiUbijldt Co.. Cal.. to assist lu shearing .dorrow county's shlip. Dr. A. L. Fox. who has been attending Mrs. Joe Luck, uau, repor.s her as almost entirely recovered from her recent aud set ere illness. The staats Zcitung. a rattling good German paper of rvmlaud, i.uw callB itself the Oregon otaa.s iciliu.g, has cdarged to a ti-col folio. rhtt. r.Atp. called on our foundry Saturday and sued hliiisell up for one more year of the Gazette. He leel sorry lorour irteuus, qui mey wtll have the paper auynow. Twenty odd hardworking Scandinavians ar rived here recently to locate ho.nes and grow no with the country. Ihey will stop over in the Gooseberry Eight Mile sections, dome of then are men ot means. We wel come such to our county. A new race track up on Jas. Jones' ranch is one thing that is bei..g built now that is pleas lug to horsemen. It is planned the shape of a kite, haiing two nice iwu-yard stretches, on whit horses can make guud time, starting place aud "pule at sa.ue place, SB in a circle tracx. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Potter gave avery pleasant whist iinrtv to a number of Iricuds last Friday eve, o..e feature of the occasion being an elegant lunch. Mr. George Thuruto.i and Miss Inez voruz took lirst, and Mr. Harry Warren and Miss Katie .Morgan the "booby" prizes. The guests ail report an enjoyaDie ttuie. THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE, II will be gratifyiug to all who realize the vital necessity of purifying the blood, to know that Hibbard's Rheu matic Sjrup can be relied upon as a blood mediciue. Mr. B. C. Robiuaon, of Marshall, Miub., says: Ohstlkmbn:-! have suffered intense ly from b:lliU8nesa aud rheumatism for over three years, and tried so mauy rem edies that I lost i.U faith. Hearing ot Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup I bought buttle aud it helped me. I have now used four bottles, and it has restored my liver and kidneys to healthy action, ami done more to uurtfy my blood tliau anythiug I have ever tukeu. I am pleased to recommend it as a wuuderful blood medicine. Very truly yourt, B. C RobI.vson, Marshall, Mich. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., City Drug store. FOR SALE I A Fin and 2U0 Fine rnncb of 609 acres, well-watered I iuiumveil. Una 1UJ fruit trees, 200 acres b itloia laud, 75 Here of luendt'W Krnss, stood timber ou the plane, vao nt laud utljounug, seven miles weal of Hardmuu, Morrow cuuuty. Or. It is well ntluided fur n stuck or dairy ranch. For uurtioulars, enquire of BKUWN ft HAMILTON. 13-tf Beat Jiutnte Agts., Uepuuer, Or, BICYCLES. Wait for Fred T. Merrill's Catnlofc-ne, out iu h few dHys. Oyer 400 fine Bull Besriuif Utillow Frame Warranted au-ei Bicycles. Ohsu or iustailmeDts. Type writers. C innei). Skittes, ete, in stok sud txiu jltt. sold Had rxcuautfed. 127 Wash ington St., PortlHud. Or. 819-lt. NOTICE. Sealed bids for repainting- the Heppner School bnildiiiK "ill be received ot the ottioe of the District Clerk, Ul-trict No. 1, od or before April 21, 1891. Kiglit reserved to reject nny end all bids. 8cificatione call be seen at the pott i ffi ie. Heppner, Or., March 25, 91. Or u Patterson. Cbairmau 60I100I Board. C. M. Malloby, JJiatnvi Clerk. A18-i21. Chinamkn Disohabohd. On Hnndny night last. Marshal K minus raided Sam Lee's wash bouse, capturing K on Lee and three other Celestials, who were hiling away the moii'itonons hours in that elegant pastime, denominated "hit ting the bamboo." All but H:itu Lee were put ill tiie city jail, he giving bail for his appearance Monday morning. 'Ihe marshal had an abundance of evidenoe, as be not o ily caught the Chinamen smoking op'um. but filled the recorder's oflioe full ot pipes, lamp", "Engshe" and other parapbernlia. The three China men that were j tiled on Sunday eve. pleaded guilty under the ordinance on opium smoking, and not having money to pay hues, were, returned Tor safe keep ing. Sam. however, fought the case. ilh Gov. Rea as council. (W. R. Ellis for tbe city, and succeeded in proving tbe worthlessness of the ordinance pro blotting opium smoking, anm was re arrested, however, tinder another ordi nance, hut a jurv decided that it. did not hold good iu his case, so Sam Lu e and his relatives were all liberated. The marshnl only did his duty in this matti r, nnd should not he hlnmed for fulling to convict tbe Chinamen. Our cottnoil should provide our town with a city at torney, anil have him mend tbe gHps in our city laws, ns well as frame all new or dinances. II is uot economy to coutiuue longer iu the old rut. 'One ot my customers came in to-day and asked me fur the best oollgb niedi oiue 1 had," says Lew Young, a dp mi nent druggist of Newman Grove, Neb, "Of oonrse I showed him Claiuberliiiu'a Cough Remedy and he did uot ask to see any other. I have never yet sold a medi cine that would loosen aud relieve a severe cold so quickly ns that remedy does. I have sold four dozen of it with in the last sixty days, and do not know of a single oase where it failed to give the most perfect satisfaction." 50 cent bottles fur sale by Slocum-Jobuston Drug Co. That Hotsl. It is not for lack of ap plications that the Palace Hotel is va cant. People make the inquiry daily. "Why is this hotel not opened?" Well, there has not been sufficient tune for the company to get their affairs arranged to end of buying furniture. Everything will be perfected by not later than May 15, and perhaps earlier. The report is also being circulated, even by our own citizens, thai the stockholders would sell out for25oents on the dollar. Wedo not believe a word of it. The editor of this paper, for one, will not take a cent less than the stock cost. That hotel wns limit for the benefit of Heppner. If the stockholders establish a first-class hotel they will be satisfied, even if it does uot pay one cent of dividends. However, it will eventually pay a fair rate of inter est, and iudirectly benefit every man in the place. In any event, so loug as no one else but the stockholders are losers, there should be no grumbling on the part of busy outsiders. It is fortunate for Heppner that there are citizens in it who realize there are others in the world besidets themselves, nnd who have busi ness eontigh to see that by belpinar thers thev help ourselves. Our inter ests are mutual; let ns work together. The ioiii f.tiricaed. The facilities of the present day for ths production of evcrythinj that wiil con luce to the material welfare and comfort jf mankind are almost unlimited and .vhen Syrup of Tigs was first produced .he world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and re freshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring time or, in fact, at any time and the better it is known the more pop ular it becomes. From Willow Ckkbk Minks. W. G. Scott says the tunnel on the "Little Laura" is completed 110 feet. They cal culate to tap the ledge 4:)J feet from the surface. The Gazette has confidence that this mine will prove a bonanza, and tbe Willow oreek district, ere long will attract as miion attention as Greenhorn, Cornioopia, and many other noted sc- tions of Eastern Oregon. Only last week, a sixth interest nf the Little Laura was sold to Frank Rogers nnd Will Yerkes, of Heppner, for a neat consider ation. Eli Keeney was arreBted Saturday and taken before Gov. Kea, charged with assaulting "Shcp. A jury discharged him, as there was not evi dence that Mr. Keeney did anything more than to preserve order in his saloon. OVERWHELMING PKOOF. Jutles 11 S. St'-alim, Avsncintr Justice of ths Supreme I onic in urton, r.x-iuuyur llill, Proiessor Ixwiney ami Al llermall Scroirijin 'XVwtifv as to the Wll iiry of Or. LUr-riii's Treatment. From the OrcROiilan. Sit ruiii'h liits been Slid on tbe evbject of electricity nnd its murvelnns results in I be care of diseases almost by nature that it seems useless to 8 iy more. The following prominent names 01 people, some of whom are known thmiiith out the state aud nation, speak volumes fur Dr. Darrin and his new end sure cure by electricity. Wo understand the duo tr dives medioines when required, which added to the electric treatment, makes his ptaotioe doubly sure. Glance at the following names nf people who have been cured and are nuder the dootor'a treatment: Judge E. 8. Htrahn, Albany, Or., Ei-MayorO. H. Hill's son, Albina, (Jr., dit-baniing ear; Professor J. P. Looney, Hillsborn. Or.; Alderman W. A ScroKifin, 272 Alder street, Portland, Or., deafness. Mrs. V. A. Morris, Newberit, Or.; asthma and broi.ohibi ten years; res tored two years bki. Mrs 1. B. Kennedy, 251 Sixth street; rheumatism thirty-tive years; onred. E. A. Shaw. Forest Grove, Or.; total deafness; an far restored as to be able to hear ordinary convtrsntBon. Mrs. E. Mann, Union house, corner Sixth and E streets, Portland; cured of painful rbenmatisin. James J. Mt-Guwan, 127 Thirteenth street Portland; heart disease, pnlpita tioit and nprvmis debility ; cured. Geortie K. Papenlwrif, Tnnlitnn, Or.; Deafness 10 years so he could scarcely bear asonndj enred m twenty tninulna. Mrs. John MoGinnis, Vancouver, Wash , paraljzed arm enred 16 years ago by Dr. Darriu, while in Sun Friiiit ico. Dr. Damn treats all curable, chronic, aoute and private diseases, blood taints, lost or failing manhood, nervous debility, effecte of errors, excesses in old or yunutf, loss of memory, diseases caused by tner cury in the improper treatment of private diseases. Ulhoe YU wnHiiWKion sireet, Portland, Or Hours 10 a. 111. to 8 p. m., daily. Examination free and confi leu tia!: mutation blanks and circulars sent itnitis to any address; patients cured at home after nue visit to the doctor's office. 419 If. RELIABLE MEN 07iMTl.n ua truvolinir aulAnmen for a first class Cittar Company. Must give Kood rtfeienoes. t . v. a. uiuAit iv., 419 42C. Salem. N C. UIBEHTY Meat Maricet Keep constantly on hand Fri-sh ft'id Halt afi-atf, ytsh and Poultry. Hbtl.t-t Ca-ti Price Ioid lor all kinds uf Fat tt'ock, SPRAT BROS, UEPP'8, - - OJtEGON. WHAT HVE3 18. The following la an outline of a discourse de livered by Eld. S. B. Letson, at the Baptist church In this city, on Friday evening, March 31, setting forth the position of the church of Christ (Christian church) in regard to what saves us. GOD'S SIDE. God saves ns 1 Tim. 4:1c I.ove of God saves us John 3:lli Grace of God saves us Mercy of God saves ns ... JesuB saves us The Holy Spirit saves us The Gospel saves us The Blood of Christ Baves us ..Titus .... Titus 8:S ...Matt. 1:21 itom. 8:9-13 ...Hum. 1:10 ....Horn. 5:9 THK HUMAN SIDE. nearing saves tiB Acts 11:14 Faith saves us Hcb. It :ti Hepentance saves us 2 Car. 7:10 Confession saves us Horn. 10:9 Baptism saves us 1 Peter :l:2t Prayer Baves lis Rom. 10:1H We wive ourselves l'hll. 2:12 We Bave each other 1 Cur. 9:22 Let man attend to the human tide and Godwin do Hit part. This cuts up by the roots the two theories that "man can do nothing to save himself," and that sinners are saved by "faith only." A Flowing Well. The lepnrt came in from Butter creek late last week that the diamond drill, which is being used for oonl prospecting at the bend of Butter oreek, had sirnok artesian water. This has since been verified by Mr. E H Locke, who returned from the mines early this week. The How wns strmk lit adeplb of 300 feet, aud it baa been de monstrated by the use of piping thai it will rise to a considerable height This well is only 10 miles from Heppner, and proves clearly that there is artesian water on this side of the Blue mountains, and that we may yet get such a well in Heppner. The Heppner well is com pleted to a depth of 050 feet, hut the project should not be considered a fail ure till n depth of 1,500, at least, is reach ed. In the event that no flow is had. our well is not n loss, for it has already been demonstrated that there is already an inexhaustible supply of water to be bad by pumping. Citizens of Heopner. take a fresh supply of "oouruge,' and 'get in." DR. ABOHN. AT PORTLAND UNTIL JULY 5th DR. ABORN, Fourth and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon, tbe most suc cessful physician on the American ennti nent for the speedv, positive, absolute nnd permnoent cure for Catarrh of the Head, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumnmn and consumption. Twenty-five years' successful practice. Instantaneous relief and permanent cures often effected upon first consultation. Dr. Abnrn, by his original, modern, scientific method, effects Speedy and radical cures of tbe most ibstinatc and long s'anding cases of Nasal Catnrrh, Ozena, Deafness, Dis charges from the Eire, Asthma, Bron chitis and Consumption. Also Stomach Disorders, Bilious Colio, Gull Stones and Jaundice, Heart, Liver, Kidnev, Bladder and Nervous Affections; Diseases of Men. Also all ailments pe culiar t. women. Dr. Aboru can be consulted from now until July 5th, when he leaves for Europe. Note. Home treatment, seen rely pack .ed, sent by exprois to any part of the Piicifiu Coast aud Tei ritories for those who cannot possibly call iu person. 111-jnne 1. GO FOR Job work. Eeoftiririe ntid Furniture. Cupboards Tobies, Stands Baby Buggies, Mouldings, Mirrors and Curtain Poles, Direct from tbe East Cheap for Cash. Picture train a mill mm to Drier. WAV Agent For the La Grande Marble Works. NEXT DOOR TO MINOR BROS., HEPPNER. OREGON ;r. OFT. SIMOKTS. Hard Blows by PAP SIMONS & SON, At tbe Old Stand on the Matlock Corner. With this Announcement, it is hnrJIy necessary to say that they have not LOST THEIR GRIP on doing a first class job of black-gal smitliinc, horse-shoeing, machine repairing or any thing else in their line. Pap Simons' Old Stand, HEPPNER, OREGON. RESERVED FOR: GILLIAM & BISBEE, . Hardware Merchants, HEPPNEH, AT THE LOWER FAtt? HORSEiS! LIVERY I FEED STABLE! Fed well with hay nnd grain and well groomed. Customers never go bHck on the place where they get their money's worth. Camping ground for teamsters and cook room adjacent, all free to purchasers of hny aud grain. Rigs for drummer, aud the public generally. W. S. PAKMA-IST, Prop., (3UCCE3SOB TO SARGENT 4 KEIKFEB.) IIlSXVLVIre, - OREGON. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at U Grande, Or., March 4, 191. Notice is hereby given that the following, named settler has tiled notics of Mb intention to make Anal proof in support nf his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner. Oregon. on April 20, W.U, viz: D. 8. No. 1032S. for the TM 8WW. NWU KWSt SW14 NWH fee. i Tp. 4, 8. R. 27. E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, said land, viz: Konert MalteBon, Geo. Gray, J. w. Lane, J. Cunnltr, all of Heppner, Oregon. A. CLKAV, 416-421. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION, Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 10, 1S91. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has nled notice of his Intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said pruof will be made before Ihe Frank H. 8now, li. 8. Commissioner at Lexington, or., on May 1, lbitl. viz: MARTHA J. PEKLAND, (widow of Henrv Penland, deceased.) Hd. 2510, for the BE Sec 35, Tp. 1 S, K 24 K, W. M. She nameB the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, said land, viz: Robert J. Hill, George W. Pperrv, MrB. Eliza J. McAlistcr and Latua Barnett, all of Lexington, Morrow Co., Or. Jobs W. Lswis, 416-421. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Litton!? it Tt? Dtll-i, Or.. Mir. 9, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following nained Bettler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said prmvf will be made before the Coun ty Judge of Gilliam County, at coudou, Or., on May 2, 1891, viz: JOHN CHANCE. Hd. No. 2019, for the EU NEW and EU SEH Sec. 4, Tp. 4 S, R. IB, E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: James Royse, J. N. Hyatt, J. W. Scrivner and T. J. Davidson, all ot Gooseberry, Or. John W. Liwts, 418-423. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., MarchO 19, '91. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge of Gilliam County, atCondon Oregon, on Mayii, 1SD1, viz: JAMF.3 W. HYATT, Hd. No. 1195, for the NW NE, NJ4 NWfc and SW KWIi Sec 10, Tp. 4 8, R. 23 E, W. M. He names the following witnesBes to prove his continuous residence upon an cultivation of, said land, viz : James RoyBe, John Chance, J. W. Scrivner and T. J. Davidson, all of Gohseberry, Oregon. John W. Lewis, 418-423. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., March 16, '91. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has Died notice of his intention to make final proof in Bupport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow Co., at Ueppncr, Or., on May 2, IS'Jl, vU: SYLVESTER T. TIPPETTS. Ds. No. 1027S, for the W'X NWI, BE NW !t, NW i, SW!4 Sec 12, Tp. 2 S, K 28 E, W. M. He natneB the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Jerry BroBinan. J. L. Ayerfl, 0. M. Vinson and D. M. eresley, all of Lena, Or. A. Cl'.avf.b, 417-423. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., Feb. IS, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following-nam ed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make liual proof in support of his claim, and that said pruof will be made before W. K. Ellis, Com. U.S. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 4, 1891, viz: JOHN J. POTTS. D. 8. No. 10,429, for the S NW), and lots 3 and 4 sec. 2, T 2 S, It -27 fc. V. M. James Gurner. take special notice. He names the following witnesses to prove his coutlnuouB residence upon, and cultivation of, soid land, viz: Thomas McEntire, Terrence McEntire, Robert Johnson, Andrew Tillard, of Lena, Oregon. 411-19. A. Cliavek, Register, TO ALL X3. Xi. BIMOIfBi, the Hammer OREGON. MAIN STREET- "!!fc-,. NO CAT ASTROPHE. Only selling to make Spring stock, How's Overalls, 15,25 and ren's shoes, 25, 50 and 75 cents a pair, less than half cost. SPECIAL BARGAINS in everything es pecially in dress goods remnants. DON'T YOU FORGET the P. S D., in the PIONIBR BRICK, H. Blackman & Co., MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. For First Quality Goods ot Lowest Prices, LEEZER & THOMPSON DEALERS IN Hardware. Tinware, Gmcnies, Confectionery, Wood and Willow Ware. Agents for New Home and Favorite Sewing Machines. Luinbermaa's Toole a Specialty. Highest market price paid for farm pro Jooe. tf. Corner Main aud Willow Streets, Heppner Or. NOTICE OF INTENTION. land Office st Ls Grande, Or., Feb. 27. 1831. Noties is hereby given that the folio Inff nsmed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make anal proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Couuty Cierk of Harrow County . Or., ou April 1Mb, 16'Jl, T ' WALTKIt CROSBY, Ds. N. ri!i, for the B'x SB !4 and 8E sWVi Sec. i, Tp. SB, It 27 E, W. tf. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, said laud, viz: Wm. II. Yerket, W. R. Newman, Thomas Owens and Andy bteveiison, all of Heppner, Or. A. Curtves, 41V4M. lien Ister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Uod Office at The Dalles, Or. Feb. 27, '91. Notica is hereby given that the followtug named settler has filed notice ot his intention to make dual proof In support of his claim, and that aald proof will be made before W. It. Ellis, U. H. Comuitaslouer, at Heppner, Or, on April 11, 'VI, D. W. BA1RD. Hd. No. 1907, for the WU NE14 and K'i NW4 See. S4. Tp IM.H 'Jf. K. W. M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous reaideuce upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz: W.H. Rush. Herve Rush, W. 1! UcAtee and Joseph Tolbart, all Ueppurr, ur. tfVBia IV. A.KWIP, room for an immense soon to arrive. This? 50 cents a pair; child NOTICE OF INTENTION. UndOmce at Ths Dalles. Or., Feb. Is, lltl. Notice Is hereby given that the followlne nanied settler has filed notice of his intentlea M make final proof ill support of his claim, and that suid proof will be made before County Judge of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oresoa, ea April 14,10111, vU: ALFRED H. PALMER, Hd. No. 3116. for the W'4 SW, Nl'SWJi, mrV sK'i bee. IU, T i , R JS E. lio names the following witnesses to prove kle continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, sul'l laud, viz: Henry Whltson. John Yaunt. Wm. Kataa. G. M. Peck, of Lcxliuitoil, Oreson. at A-li Jons W. Lswis. Rasister. FOTICE OF 1NTENTXOK. Und Office at La Grande, Or, Feb. li, MM. Notice Is hereby given that the followlnff-oasi-ed settler has tiled notice of his Intontloa vs muke llual proof In support of his claim, as4 that said proof will be made before Couatf Clerk uf Morrow Co.. Oregon, at Heppner, Ore gon, ou April 4, Ism, viz: PAT KELEOBAR, D. 8. WVi, for ths NK'i NWV and IfU KKU XK'i NK' see. an, T 1 , It E. W. 14. He names the following witnesses to prove hit continuous retideuce upon, aud cultivation o! said land, vlx: John Kenny, Felli Johson, Thomas OUflllen, James Diiigherty, of Heppner, Oregon. Albert iUuf lake special notice, all-la. A. Cuuvga, rUlTa. bUUXUMS.