The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, April 02, 1891, Image 2

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THURSDAY, April 2, 1891.
Eastern Oregon and Wauhington him
been vim'ed by very dr neasuus for the
past fire years, aud it le Dot an unciiui
mon tUiui; tu heur the remark that farm
icg here duu't pay, aud particularly in
Morrow county, but is it true?
Every lesidrnt of this oummunity who
will take the time to think fur oue mo
meut ou (Lib euliject, will tell ynu that
there are no eud of people in Morrow
oounly.urmers, who are making money.
Although crops have been ebon, yet I lit
avernge per acre lias been mucb grentvi
than tbe best flections of the Middli
Stated. To be sure, improvidence ami
extravagance have the game effect on
farmers in Alorrcw county as elsewli re.
Successful farming depends on mucL
besides favorable rains, etc. It take
close tnnniiBiuiiif,', dustry, patience ami
no end of "(frit," to muke farming i
This country will always bave more 01
less grazing land, aud being adjacent ti
tu immense grazing country, will ul
ways support sheep, homes and oattle
But there are thousands of acres of till
able laud in Morrow county which bave
long since ceased tu support stock, be
cause tbe native grasses are gom
through excessive grazing, mid Ihn
should be settled up by farmers win
will produce a more valuable and need
ful orop than the dimiuutive grassei
which follow the destruction of tbenativi
biiuchrass. In this connection, it it
Dot nut of place to say that there is noi
enough bay produced for the needs m
stock in Morrow county through any
bard winter.
It is necessary to encourage immi
gration ot farmers tu Morrow county t
take up these broad acres of govern
meut land, and to buy out tbose who art
discouraged and innotive. Many of thi
earlier residents did not understand tin
fiist prinoiple ot farming, but have buili
homes aud made other improvements
They bave plowed up the soil till it lb oi
no value fur grazing, and quite a latg
majority of them have gone a" ay. Tliesi
ranches can be made tu yield revenue ti
subsequent owners if they are the rigln
kind ot men, as well as help puy a shart
of the tuxes. Suou resideuts will prove
of inestimable benefit to every buaiues
mau, stockman or other resideut of the
However, we cannot accomplish any
thing without organized eflort. To sii
illy by and continue to live oil ourselves,
like the bear that hibernates in winter,
will end in decay nud ruin. Hepp
ner should bave is a board of trade to
bring ubout organization that all may
share their part of the expenses, ami
therefore render themselves justly en
titled to the benefits uicli will accrue
from the tiPjrtH ot sucb a body. Yet n
is feared that an organization of tlio
kind oaunot be perfected in Heppner
There is too much blind opposition. On i
people mean well, but too many are
wont to cling to the "has beens" ot tint
section. Time has made many changes,
aud we must meet the inevitable. By all
menus, it a majority of our residents
deem the move worthy of consideration,
do nut light it as loug lis tbe progressive
arc doing tbe "digging up." In all
events, let factional stnfe be buried for
ever, aud dou't make a bowl if your own
private funnel is not patronized as much
as your neighbor's. 1'iogressive com
munities are co operative. If oue suc
ceeds, others are likely toabare Ibe bene
fits. Tbrt past is gone forever, and the
future is upon us. Morrow county needs
more taxpayers; more producers of farm
products; more people to buy groceries,
hardware uud dry goods. To bring alimii
this result, it must have more live citi
zens to successfully till the soil thai
nature has provided for us.
Will we help ourselves iu this ex
tremity? It is a well known fact that a "color"
can be panned out ot the soil almost
any where ou Willow creek. This must
hnvu wiitiliml flown from until prnmti inri.
somewhere above lis in the mountains,
ao.l .v., ima n,wl.,ui,ulu tl.i.l II, o nti,.ai-u
of the Willow creek prospects are on the
right truck.
Citizens of Heppner, it is not neocs-
Bury for '"Ibid" or "that" individual (o be
put forward in any work lor the up
building of our town nud country, to get
the help of the Gazette. We will work
with anyone iu the wido world, if it is
shown to us that they are laboring loi
the public rood. The Gazette has opin
ions ou everything nud is not afraid to
expreBS them, but it is no ''organ." The
Gazette will not only give its assistance
as a paper, to give Heppner a proper
showing, and induce farmers to locate
here, but will put up as much hard cash
bs anyone iu the town having like inter
ests, to further any project tu that eud.
Snow ns n farmer in Morrow county
and I will show you n iniiii who is get
ting "ahead of the bounds " lteniember
that Morrow oonnly raises more wheat
per acre the driest of seasons than one of
the liest Middle states, isut those East
ern farmers rnise pork, vegetables, etc.,
and make every nii'kle count. They
labor six days in the week, aud labor
hard too. They have no time to loaf,
and when I hey go to town to do a little
business, it a all done in oue day, and
then they are back at woik again. Ex
travagance is a greater enemy In nnr
country than anything else. Mote this
down, and take lessons from those who
are succeeding ou buncbgtuas in Mor
row. The following advertisement, publish
ed by a prominent western patent medi
cine bouse would indicate that they re
gard disease as a punishment for sin :
"Do you wish to know the quickest
way to cure a sworn cold? We will tell
you. To cure cold quickly, it must be
treated before the cold lias become set
tied in tbe system. This can always be
done if you choose to, as nature in her
kindness to man gives timely warning,
aud plainly tells you in nature's way,
that as a punishment for some iudiscte
t ion , you are lo be afflicted with a cold
unless you choose to w mi it off by
prompt aotiou. The firs' symptoms of a
cold, in most cases, is a dry, loud cough
and sneezing. The Coiigb is soot fol
lowed by a profuse watery expectoration
and the sneezing by n profuse watery
discbarge from the nose. In sevore cases,
there is a thin, white coating on the
tongue. What to do? it is only neces
Bary to take Chamberlain's Cough Heme
dy in double doaeB every hour. That
will greatly lessen the aeverilv of the
cold, and in most cases will elWtmilly
counteract it, and cure what would liavn
been a severe oold wilhiu one or two
days time. Try it and be convinced.'
bU cent bottles for sale by SKicuui-John
Bton Drug Cu.
Owen and Ben French are over from
Chinas Prairie. Tbey were compelled to
feed their stock from l)ro. A) to Alaroti
20, aud would bave fed longer bad feed
held out.
It ' dangerous to tamper with irri
tating liquids and eiciliog snuffs. Use
Ely s Uresm Halm, which is safe and
pleasant, and is easily applied. It cures
tbe worst osset of cattarh, cold in the
head and bay fever, giving relief from
Ihe ttrat application. Prioe 60 oents.
Editorial Correspondence.
Your correspondent does n"t. appar
ently, understand the difference lietween
tbe di maud notes which were the first
iss e, by the United States treasury, and
tbe subsequent issues of legal lender
notes. The distinction consists in this.
that when tbe demand notes were issued
the government received iu payment for
dues nothing but gold and silver coin,
the former in unlimited, and the latter in
limited amounts; consequeutly it paid
a 1 its dues iu like ooiu. So that when
i he demand notes were is-oied tbe con
tract implied that the holders of them
mere to be paid iu lawful monev at the
time of the issue, which was as before
stated, gold and silver. And thus were
the equivuleu of coin in the payment of
nil debts due the United Statea.
As the war progressed aud was pro
longed, tbe necessities of the govern
ment demanded more credit aud means
In continue its efforts to sustain its ex
istence. To obtain which, and to sus
tain tbe credit of the nation, tbe issue of
bouds was found to be tbe only mode to
procure tbe necessary funds, and to dis
uose of the bonds, it was absolutely es
sential that the takers of the bond for
loans Buould have a guaranteed secuiity
for their payment. As tbe foreign capi
fallals were the main reliance upon to
lake tbe greater part of tbe bonds, a satis
factory guaranteed basis must be as
sured them. This is and has been the
on ll r Be required of all nations who are, or
have been, i u financial distress Hence
ihe United States, through congress, iu
authorizing tbe issue of all bonds pledged
certain revenues of which the custom's
luties were especially set apart as an
insured security therefore, backed by the
raws aud the faith of the nation. As
hese duties, at the time of the passage
if the- law and long previous thereto,
were payable iu lawful mouey of the
United States, which was coin, the bonds
ike the demand notes were pledged to
lie paid in like lawful money, that is, tbe
receipts from customs. &o.
The legal tender notes, so called, were
authorized after the law pledging the re
ceipts of oustoms to ull bonds issued,
and of course as tbe receipts from ous
roms or was already pledged by law and
the f"itb of the nation, therefore the ex
lepl ion was made neoessary in the case
f the issue of the subsequent treasury
notes, which were declared legal teuiler
ior the payment of all debts due to the
individual or the United Slates. Gjii
gress could not constitutionally, us in
oud faith, reoeive them for the pledged
revenues, uutil the resumption ot specie
payments, wheu of course all the legal
renders were redeemed iu coin, ou de.
niand, by the United States. It is hoped
this statement of facts will give readers
i better understanding of Ibe reasons
liy the first and seooud issues of tbe
legal tender notes were of different
values. Oue beiug equal to gold while
the latter was not ami depreciated with
the iuoieused value of gold.
J. h. S.
In all diseases of tbe nasal mucous
ineuhriiue the remtdy used must be
non-irritating. The medical profession
lias been slow to leaiii this. Nothing
satisfactory can be accomplished with
douches, suiiffs, powders or syriuges
iiecatise they are all irritatiug; do not
thoroughly reach the affected surfaces
and should be abandoned us worse than
failures. A multitude of persons who
had for years born all the worry and pain
that catarrh can inflict testify lo radical
cures wrought by Ely's Cream liuliu
Editor Oazettk: Allow me to oall
the ulti ntiou of those interested lo the
following recent rulings in rtgard to pub
lic lands;
Claimants of restored Innds under the
seooud section of the act of September
21), IHliO, have preference right tu file
bjniestead applications for six muulbs
iroiu Feb. 3, Will.
Claimants under the third section have
preference riulit to purchase for two
years from Feb. 3, lH'.ll. 'ihe presenta
tion of a notice of intention to purchase
under said sectiou is not required to
protect the rights of Biicll claimants. No
applications to pirohase will be received
liy the local land oilicera unless accom
panied by tbe full amount ot the pur
chase mouey.
It will thus bo seen that there is no
occasion for baste ou Ihe part of claim
ants uuder either Bection. Th com
mission uf the General Liud Ollice bus,
however, recommended lo the secretary
of the luterior that claimants uuder the
third scot on be required to come for
ard within a given period, say sixty
days, and file in the local ollice notice of
ibe right of purchase iu ended to be
claimed within tbe two years named.
Snub a regulation will probably Boon be
i're-eiuptioti Minna on even numbered
sectionB may be accepted when settle
ment is alleged prior to March 3, 181)1,
(date of approval of lepeahng uui), it
offered wilhiu throe mouths from Buub
settli nient.
Timber-culture and pre-emption filings
allowed in 1887 upon railroad lauds are
illegal aud must be canceled.
Applicants to puioliuse restored lands
must bring two witnesses who are aware
of Ihe (nets in regard to rights of claim
ant uuder the uut. F'hank 11. Know,
U. S. I'oiiimissiouer.
8tatk of Ohio. City of Toledo, I
Lucas Coi'nty. j
Frank J. Chunky makes oath that be
is the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Ciiien'HY & Co., doing business iu Ihe city
of Toledo, County aud State aforesaid,
anil that tirm will pav the sum ot ONE
HUNDHED DOLLARS for eaob and
every case of catarrh that cannot tie
clued by tbe use of Hull's Catarrh Cine.
Fuank J. Chknky.
Sworn to before and subscribed in my
presence, this Gtb day of December.
A. D. 188(5.
, , A. W. Gleason,
-r ' Xottiry Publie
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken luternally
aud acts directly ou the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Scud for
testimonials free.
F. J. Chunky A Co , Toledo 0.
V Sold by Druggists, 76c.
The Nkw Firm. The uew firm of Pap
Simons J; Son are too well-known to tbe
public to need much praise at our hands
Words are cheap, but thorough, mecbani-
eal work counts iu this climate. The
senior member of the tfrro, J. R. Simons
better known to us all as "I'np" Simons,
is a blacksmith of over thirty year-' ex
peiieuoe, aud has spent the p st six years
iu the shop ou the Matlock corner, where
our people have found him able to maim
faclure and repair untitling and every
thing in bis line. E. L. Simons, or
"Hei t," as bis friends ate vont to oall
him, the junior member of the new firm,
takes uo "back seat" as a horse sboer,
having followed this business from a
mere youth. Resides he is a thorough
blacksmith. The firm of I'ap Simons
& Son will succeed.
The ohildreu's lie llh must not lie neg
lected. Colds in the bead aud sniitll e
bring on ca airh and lung affections
Ely's Cream Ralui onres at once, it
is perfectly sale ami is easily applied
Into the nostrils. It an cures oatarrh,
the worst cases yielding to it.
Of W. F nnhhsril. Superintendent of the
( Im-knnias station uf rlii U. 8. Fish Coin
missian, ami lion h was Hanilleit by Dr.
From the Oregontsn.
Clackamas. Or.. Feb. 28, 1891.
Dr. Durrin It j-ives me great pleasure
to say that the home treatment yon gave
me two years ago was a perfect success.
tT years past 1 have tjwi unnoted with
motb or liver spots on different parts of
my person. I visited von one and took
the ''home treatment." In n few weeks
I was permanently cured, and have never
seen any symptoms sit oe. Refer to mJ.
W. F. Huhbabd.
Editor Oregonian For twelve years
pat I have been seriously afflicted "with
kiduey and liver complaint, pain in the
spine and breast, dizziness and generally
out of sorts. With six months' electric
and home treatment by Dr. D irrin I am
cured of most of my troubles. Have
gained seventeen pouuds in the time.
Thomas Bdff.
mk. Johnson's great htkbnoth. Or , r'eb. , 1891.
Dear Dr Darriu: Your electric and
home treatment for the past eight
mouths lias wroncht almost a miracle on
me. When first rame to you I was
about crazy from the effects of nervous
debility, spinal anil kidney troubles. I
was wholly unable to work. Now I am
strong and bearly, and able to handle
thirty tons' weight of lumber across the
sawmill floor every dav. It is a wonder
ful and radical cure. I thank you with
all my heart. 1 will stand by you and
recommend you first, last nud all the
time. My mother (Mm. M A. Johnson)
who formerly lived iu S dem. Or., now
here, lias never had a return of her deaf
ness of twenty years' stundjug, cured by
you two y ars ago.
Gratefully yours,
Charles ii Johnson.
Electricity, the invention of the nine
teenth century, is well worthy the pa
tient years ot tnvesng ition and expen-
n ent that have been given it by some
of the ablest and most devoted votaries
of science. Galvani, Volta. Humboldt
nud others equally distinguished, spent
years in studying the phenomena ot this
wonderful agent, aud then our own
Morse gave it physical value in tne in
vention ot tne telegraph. And now, as
we bave beoorae familiar with the con
stant miracle of lightning bending
obedient to the slightest tonoh of man.
we see a new wonder in the invention of
Dr. Damn, who by skillful meohanism,
direots this subtle force to the destruc
tion of disease and the building up of
wiiuoiK vnaiiiy. ur. jj.iiriu friars an
curable, chronic, acute and private (lis
eases, blood faints, lost or failing man.
hood, ueivous debility, effects of errors
or excesses in old or young, loss of mem
ory, diseases caused by mercury in the
improper treatment id private rhseaseH
Ollice, 71 14 Washington street. Portland.
Or. Hours, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.. dnilv.
Examinations free ami confidential;
question blanks and oironlars sent gra'is
touuy address; patients cured at home.
Hardware? Yes, ut Gilliam & Hlsbeo'e, Main
ai., iieppuer, ur. n.
Nails bv the car load nt Gttlinm ,tc tliflhfKV
Grant county puepie will do well lo cull on them.
Walker lllntoa Is over from "the Creek."
Mrs. J. N. Drown arrived home from Snlem
hint evening, she wtm accompanied by her
niouier sua uroiiier, Mrs. . I'tirMu and
Master C hester.
I-aiirl Oillce at The Dulles, Or., March IS, 1801.
Notice Is hereby irtveu that the follnwlne-
luiiaeil Kettler bus tiled notice, of his Intention
to make tilail nrauf la BiiDPort ot his c alm, and
that said proof will be iniiile before Frank II.
s iw, I'. S. 1,'oiaiiiiHiiloiierat Lexington, Or., ou
-way y, isyi, va:
Hd. r0o, for the sE'j Bee. Is, Tp. i N, K 25 E, W.
He mimes the following: witnesses to prove hii
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud, vi'.:
Joseph Kskelson, Theodore Cork, Clinton N.
I'eck and Jacob Kurnst, all of Luxington, Mor
row County, Uregon.
John V. Lewis,
418-123. lieglster.
Land Olllec at The Dulles, Or., Feb. 24, 1801.
Notice is herebv clven lhat the folloivlnu-nain
cd settlor has tiled notice of Ills intention to
make tinal proof In support of his claim, and
mat sain prom win oe aiiiue netore county
Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon,
ou Afnil 3, mil, vl.:
EltlK llKlia.STIlOM,
I. S. No. 0,707, lor the KW'.i NEW, SH SEW, SE'4
ijH'j Kec. 5, T.iS, U i K.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, una cultivation ot,
said bind, vi:
o. E. Fariisworth, Kd. S. Cox, Frank P. Earns
worth, C. J. Anderson, of Hardinan, or.
Ill-It). John W. Lkwis, Iteglstcr.
Ijmd Office nt I,a (Irunde. dr.. Feb. IS. 1851
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make Until proof in support of hit claim, and
that said proof will be made before tile County
t ier oi .Morrow i o., Oregon, at ueppuer, ore
goo, oil April I, Istll, vl:
P. S. No. 10.1W, (or the NE'i See. U, T 1 8, R 27
E. W. M.
He names tbe following; witnesses to prove his
continuous resiuence upon, ttnu cultivation ol,
stild laud, vi:
John Kenny, Fell Johnson, Andy Tillard,
l'nt Kelegtlttr, of Heppner, Or.
Ill-hi. A. Ci.RAVEn, Register.
Ijind Office at U (Iraude. Or., Feb. IS, 1801.
Koticp 1h hcrpliv uivioi Unit Hip litllitwltiir.itum
ed settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make Dual proof In support of his claim, and
that said proot w ill be made before W. it. Ellis,
Coin. V. a. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon,
oil Api u i, liwi. ll'.:
D. H. No. 10.I2S, for the NW'i SW'i, WU NWW,
NEW NVI .-co. 3J, T 1 S, K 2S E, W. M.
lie names Ihe following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence, upon, and cultivation of,
said land, lU:
'1 honnis McKutlre, Koliert Johnson, Terrenee
Mchullre, Andrew llllard, of Lena, Oregon.
Ill-Ill. A. Clk.ivkk, iteglster.
Unit Ollice at The Dalles, Or., March, 27,1801.
Notice Is hereby given that (he following
named settler has tiled notice of Ids intention
to make limit proof in support of Ids claim, nud
that said proot will lie made before County
Clerk oi Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon,
ou May lo, vl.:
lis. 11710. for the .-.'. See 3... nu n. RJst.W. M.
He names the follow lug w itiiessos to prove his
continuous rcsiiieucs upuu, auu cultivation oi,
said land, vi:
Enoch Cave. John H. lildgeway, Albert Mat
tesou and U. I1. Hidgew ay, all of Ueppuer, Or.
John W. I.k.wis,
410-121. lleglsler.
Und Office t The Dulles, Or., March, 2,' tWl.
Notice Is hereby given that the followiug
named settler lias tiled notice of his Intention
to make tinal proof In support ot Ids claim, and
that said proof will be made before W. K.
Ellis, Commissioner t:. 8. Circuit Court, at
Ueppuer, Oregon, ou May lit, lsyl, viz:
It. W. KolUSilN,
Hd. No. 1279, for the Sin, see 24, Tp 3 8, R 24 E,
W. M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
eoiillnuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud, vl:
iNUituol I. lierktng. Martin P. oerklng. John
V. Allslott and A. a. Haines, all of Eight Mile,
Oregon. John W. Lkwis,
41U-4JI. Keglster.
U. S. Und Oltloe , The Hallos. Or, March 21. '91.
Notice is hereby given tlist the followlng
nanied settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make tiual proof in support of hisclslm. and thu
said proof will be nisde before V. K. Ellis,
V. S. Commissioner at Ueppuer, Oregon, on
May 11, ISO!, vis:
I'll AS. K. MII.I.ER.
Hd. No. 2115, for Ihe N'j X Slid Wtj'SW'i
Sec ft. Tin s, K 2 K, W. M.
lie names tin- follow lug witnesses to prove his
eotiibmoiis residence upon aud cultivation of,
said laud, vl:
s a. Wright. J. M. Haves. J. C. Kirk and C. a
Kirk, all oi Ueppuer, Oregon.
Joun V. Lxwts,
titX lUgUUtf.
14 V- :
Cn yoa
for Coughs, Colds nnd Consttmption ii borond question tlio rrreatest cf all
.Modern Hemetlies ? It will sto; a Coug'i in oue nitjht. 1; wid elie-. k a Cold iu B
a day. It will prevent Croun, relieve Asthma and cure Consumption if tacn
iu time, " You cnr.'t alTord to be without it." A ! cent bottle ma v save vou
$100 in Doctor's bills may save your life ! Ask your druggist for it, cr writeH
to W. II. Hooker & Co., 43 West Broadway, New York, lor book. B
....:. .;:. .. El ' ':'!:::.:. .C...a,EI
t'For Kale by SLOCDM-JOHNSTQN Dru.; Co., Ueppner, OreifoD..
Just Arrived!
The latest styles cf
An Elegant Line of
Of all shodes and patterns.
White goods nnd embroidered flouncings in a bewildering assortment.
Ladies' Sailor Waists, Blouses, Under
wear, Hosiery, and other lines kept in a
well-regulated Millinery Store.
is auvavs kept ikt stock.
For the NEXT THIRTY DAYS I will sell my entire stock of Milli
nery, Dry Goods, Ladies' Furnishings , etc., at actual COST.
To get Big Bargains. Call early, ladies, at
MILLINERY STORE, Old "Cash Bargain Store," May Street,
Heppner, Oregon. 419-423.
Columbia Brewery Depot,
Of the Columbia Mrewwry, at The Dallea, wonUI
oountiet) thfit he hu- ia-wi trcim Jmn ll. iiattr the 'ity urewery in tieppnor, ana not
established depot ut the well known utand, fur the sale of the beet
Lager Beer and Porter,
either in the keg or bottled, which he will be plensed to supply enstomersin
any quantity wholesale and retail.
The Public are invited to call
the assurance that then
tT Tim Heppiier Depot will be in charge ot Mr. Dan Oauiera, who will cheer-
full' supply nil older a.
Payette Nursery,
The Largest General Nursery
stock in the Mountains.
Send for Catalogue and Price List
(Registered Vol. X. No. 8161.
T-wl ivunA Grand dam liy Plowboy, Xa 1745; Dam, Sir
lUUlglCU Colin, Na 2022. Oot by Royal Sundy. Bred
by Tliomas DeuliursS Wliittington, Scotland. Shipped to America by
John McHaltie, Aberdeen, Scotland. Sandy is a Chestnut, with silver
mane and tail. Weight 1600. Trots well, and is a sure foal getter.
Torill S'"le LpaP $ 10 1 Season, $20; Insurance
J; Special terms for two or more mares.
SANDY will make the season of 18D1 at Sargent .1 Keiffer's stable
at Heppner, Oregon.
413-421. NELSON JONES.
Uo yoa know that a Iitao couqti u a dangerous
tbiu i A: 3 you aw-aro that it often fastens on the j;
lun-.;sand far tooof ten runs into Consumption andt
cutU ia jjsat'i? 1 eoplo suCcricg from Asthma.
Bronchitis. i'ueutaooU Consumption wia alls,
toil yoa tiiiit i
aiTora t3 ncrj'oct i'.? Can yovt tr;fle
rua so sonov-s a matter r Are you civ a: j t::at
Spring and Summer
Goons, Novelties Wu Etc.
at Cost!
13 o youee;
Want a
Call and gee the 100 or more Fine Styles
and I'attertu kept by us, which we
are Belling ery Cheap. Alio
inform the citians of Morrow and nnrrnundinf
and examine his stock with
will find it first-class.
Pnyettp, Tdaho.
English Draft and Coach
The Shire Horse Society.)
1 ,, .u.
A Big Line direct from the Enst. Fine stylish lint, new
shapes, and patterns. Gent's fine shots, ladies' and child
ren's shoes, all styles. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA SAD
DLES at Factory Prices. A car-load of
Fernoline Sheep Dip
Books and Silverware given nwny to our cash customers.
Groceries, Hardware, Etc.
Largest Stock and Biftest Assortment to be found in
Oregon. Mail Orders Solicited.
Always "take the cake" when it comes to having
a complete stock of General Merchandise, suited to
the wants of this country. See the latest patterns of
Woolen Dress Goods in stripes, plains anil solid colors
all sold at prices to please. Finest line of
A call at our Establishment will prove
Our claim of having the Largest stock, Greatest Variety,
of goods, the best equipped store, combined with low
prices, Hint can be found in any other town iu Oregon.
To every purchaser of $25 worth of goods, we will give
a fine $4 book. Orders from the country carefully and
promptly filled. Country produce bought nnd sold.
Agents for Christy & Wise.
JSTThe Big Brick, National Bank Building, Heppner, Oregon,
is where you will find
T. W. AYERS, Jr., Proprietor,
(Successor to A. D. Johnson.)
Keeps a Full Line of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet
Articles, Albums, Etc., Etc.
Fine Domestic and Imported Cigars Al
ways in Stock.
School Books ! tf. School Books !
Saddles, llaaness, Whips, Spurn, and every Conceivable
Article kept in a First Class Harness Shop.
Repairing; a. Specialty !
Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle
Go to their store) for tbe Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted tor
five yeare. Don't buy eisewliere till yon examine their macbinee tai
get cash prices.
In'E. Minor' Building.
These Gentlemen nre well known nn having Mastered the
Tonsorinl Art in nil of its Importnnt Features. Cull on
tbem for a Good Shave or Hair Cut.
Splendid Bath Rooms in Connection.
E. Minor's Building,
HEY ! HEY ! !
Let na go to Mat Licktentbnl's
Exclusive Boot and Shoe Store,
for onr winter t-mtwear. He keeps the bit Bnckinchnm & necbt boots
and shoesr, the Farito S2 B0 8he and other woods of i;,mliir. ran sen. A
bij stock, Fuotnear miisl be bought obeup, qnality considered, to get
sucb bargains as yoa find at
I-e 1 A rV It MoPA