WWfl WHERE Tho Tlrtnei or merits of a remedy lor ta iu do not FORE. consist in Us bcin as (ood for reiief ua other remedies. Lut In the fact that it Is better, in beiug more prompt und sure, and therefore the best for the specific purpose. It is not ua idlo catcb line lUut strikes tho eye thus: ST- JACOBS OIL THE GREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN, 13 THE BEST. It Is tho best cure for all aches and palm, end it holds THE TRUE PROOF. To this specific tact Archbishops, Bish ops. Clergymen, Lawyers, Doctor.. Gov ernors, Generals, Senators, Members of Congress and Legislatures. O. S. Consuls, Army and Jiavy Officers Mayors and Official., testify and unite In faying: "We suffered pains OTHER REMEDIES FAILED, and St J.vobs Oil cured promptly and per manently ' For the same reason THE POOR MAM finds wha he seeirs and needs, is not deceived an will : ave it at an; price. IV. ESTABLISHED IN 1877. Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks, Liijlit Bramnlis, Rose mid Sint'ln Comb Brown Leghorns, V.utritloQ Cochins, Hoiiduns mid Sil ver Spangled Hiirabu.gs. i.va YMIIG FOWLS . 1 1 for Delivery. ;ijR ORDERS FOR C'lOICt 8LLLCTI0NS. In America, and are the boat on this coast by a groat difference. I GUAI! ANT E SATISFACTION TO EVEHY CUSTOMER. Bond for Catalogue. Address J. M. GARRISON, Box B5. com.39li. Forest Grove, Or L. SHEPHARD, FOX, OREGON. All orders promptly attended to. Prices to suit the Times. 8. P. FLORENCE STOCKRAISER! OHKOON. Cnttle tvandednnd onr mnrkod ns hIiuwii above. Horses V in: right shoulder. Our ca.tlo rnnge in Morrow, and Umatilla Counties. 1 will pay 910(1.00 reward for tin1 RrroHl unit conviction ot uuy pftrsou stealing iy stock. TIIIO IMOfVEKW Jewelry Estatnisnmeat F.O.BorG Still Continues to Sell WATCHES, :rr: -. z -- cijOoks, JEWELnY, ETC. At the Lowest Possible Prices. A laie stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always "V ... "on Hand:.-, i- A Full Line of uhicaij insthtj MENTS Has been added to his largo And well' selected stock. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Work Giinrniatooci. STOKK oiposito Minor, Uodson A Co's May HI. IIoiIier, - tf- oreitoti ARTHUR SMITH, PRAOTlOAIi WATCHMAKER Opposite Guzotte Office, UEPPNFU. Watches, Clocks, OREGON. A. D Optical I iflfMK -- wv-,v4 . , Watches Cleaned, Muinspruiip Fitted (1.90. J1.50. mf . js. ill AU work juarantttd for o4 ytar, tf Tlie print abop, and even one member of the firm Rome? the way, sepm to be wonderfully interested in the progress of Clnrk'a Canyon. "THE JERSEY LILLY." Asqi.esea Cottage, L. B., July 2. Gentlemen: Although it is verv rr nsuiil for me to use nny lotions, or wiiBbes, ntill. in answer to ynur requset, I have tried Wisdom' Violet Cream and Robertme. The former I consider es pecinlly efficacious iu cases of roughness of the 'skin, and I have been uainj! H every day for the hint fortnight. I have found t tie Roberline an excellent prepnr iition iu cases of Ian, sunburn, etc., caused by exposure to March winds und a July sun. Yours faithfully, Ln.t.iE langtiiy. To Messrs. Wisdom & Co. Monday was tho liveliest day of the season, so far. BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve iu the world for Cuts, bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, a id positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to ive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2!i cents per box. For sale by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Nov. 14, '0. Filings are bi-iiiR taken on "II. II. land." La Grande, district. TWENTY DOLLAR GOLD PIECES. Mrs. John Curtis, of Peoria, III., writes: "Used one box of Osnne Pill orevione to mv Becond coiifinemeut; they worked like a oharni. Would pay $'20 for a box rather than do without them, ss tbev have proved a Godsend to me." Write Osiufe Medicine oompauy, Wichita Kas., for particulars, and their book to wives, mailed free, bold by UruKitists Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Heppner Ore gon, aya-iyr. Hnppuer's hotel will be opened about May lo, MERIT WINS. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, x)r. King's New Life Pills, Buckliu's Arnica SaUe and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satis faction. We do not hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and wa eland readg to refund the purchase price, if satisfac tory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. T. W. Ayers, Druggist. SpriDg Cghts are ripe. A WONDEU WOKKER. Mr. Frank IIuiTinan, a young man of Princeton, Ohio, states that he had been under the oare of prominent physicians, and used their treatment uutil he was not able to get around. They pronounc ed his ease to be consumption nud insur able. He was purHiiaded to try Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs und colds and ut that time was not able to walk across the street with out resting. He found, before he had used half of a dollar bottle, that be was much better; he continued to me it and is to-day enjoying good health. If you have liny throat, eiiest or lung trouble try it. We guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free at T. W. Ayer'a Drug Store. Ileppner's residents ure anxious for "City water.' HIUBARD'S RHEUMATIC AND LIVER PILLS. These Pills nro scientifically compoun ded, and uniform in action. No griping paiu so commonly following the use ul Pills. They uie adapted to both adults anil children with perfect safety. We guarantee they have no equal in the cure of Sick Hi!aia;iih, Constipation, Dyspep sia anil RilioiisucHs; and, as an appetizer, they excel any other preparation. Our streets aro dry once more. OUR VERY BlvS'J' PEOPLE. Confirm our statement when wo s.iy that Dr. Acker's English Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other prepa rations for the throat and lungs, n whooping cough and oroup, it is magic and relieves at once. Wo offer a sample bottle free. Remember, this remedy iB sold on n positive guarantee by the Slo-cuni-Johiistou Drug Co, Subscribe earlv for tho Gazette, and get the spring doings. Kit. ACKER'S ENGLISH PILLS Are active, ofi'eelive and pure. For sick headache, disordered stomach, loss of appctile, bail complexion and billious uess, they have never been equaled, either in American or abroad. Sold by Slooiitn Johnston Drug Co. Tim Gazelte is not immaculate, has corns like other people. It GOD'S BLESSING TO HUMANITY So says au Oregou pioneer ninety years old. Foiiuht (umvii, Or., March 11). I have used the OREGON KIDNEY TEA nnd obtained immediate relief. It is God's blessing to humanity. I take pleasure in recommending it to the nlllioted. I am now nearly ninety years old, came to Oregon in lSI- in Ihe employ of the Hudson's liny t'oinpanv, and ince I be gan usiug the OKEGON KIONEi TEA I enjoy good health. -David Munkoe. Wm. Kiimmc rlnml, a fnrmerof Clark's Canyon, reports his crop iu Uue ooudi tiuu. CATARRH CAN'T BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATION'S, ns they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and iu order to cure it yyo have to take internal remedies. Hall'e Catarrh cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood nnd in noons surfaces. Hall's Catarrh cure is no quack medicine. It was prescribed by oue of the nest physicians iu this country (or years, nnd is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined wilh the best blood purifiers, acting directly t n the mucous surfaces. The perfect Combination of the two ingre bents, is what produces such won derful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials free, F. 3. CHKNEY.v CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price ;5o. Henry Heppner wasup from Arlington last weett, returning home Monday. THE BEST' RESULT. Every ingredient employed in produc ing Hood's Sarsaparilla is strictly pure, and is the best of lis kind it is pojsible !...!..... All tl.u )!..,-! - . i,i i , . ft i i i ,n nil iii-i ,,s m, ctll f fullv selected, personally examined, and ...,.'.. i... I '3 . I ou I y i oe ursi i tit i iicii. i oai inuu l lie titmwif nurolmst' until Hmu'w Harsutui' rillu is pn?irt'il, evoi) tiling is carefully which? j "lib 5 view to attaining the boit retult Why dpn't you trj it ? GOOSEBERRY GATHERINGS. The welcome Chinook bus come at last, the snow is fast disappearing, and the farmers are out "rmstling" among the fence oorners to see if their machin ery came throng!) ihe winter all right. Our Gooseberry school will close in about two weeks, and the present teach er. S. I. Strattoo, of Better cree. 1 as giveu good satisfaction. Our school seems to run almost continually, tbeyeur 'round. Oregon agaiust the world for schools. We notioe a communication in the Ga zette of March 5, from R. Allen, in re gard to the national banking system. 1 presume that Mr. Alleu has come in con tact with some of those demagogue alli ance orators, who have been tl lodiug the country with their misrepresentations in general, it either shows demagogneism on their part, or stupid iguorance. They even go so far as to claim that the money iu a bank is now taxable. Now, that statement either shows profound ignor ance or a premeditated falsehood, for the tax rolls show that Ihe bank pays taxes on its capital stock, and thecapital stock covers all of the money the bank owns under its charter. The alliance men olaim that if n person borrowB a sum of money from the bauk and give your note for it, thut the bank pays no tuxes on that note. Now, that statement, "Mr. Alliance," is another falsehood; for the oopitul stock of the bank covers the very money it gave yon for that note, conse quently the bank pays taxes on the money you borrow from it, Oue of the "big guns" of the alliance once told the writer that a banking in stitutiou bought their bonds of the U. S. Treasurer, nud I claimed that they bought them in the open market, at a premium, and he told mel was crazy; but I see the Gazette has aonfirmed my state ment, and I am rejuioed furthermore that the Gazette showed np all the facts in the case in regard to the national banking system. It will make the ulli- auce orators (?) squirm after making the statement they have made in regard to the question, but that is just what we want to do. We will admit that the bonds a bank deposits with the U. S. Treasurer are not taxable, but the capital stock oovers and iucludes the money required to purchase those bonds, so the bank really pays taxes on its bonds. I will close by ask ing the "demagogues" to prove their as sertions, and if they do not, they will stand committed. M. T. Jug. Gooseberry, Or., Marob 12, '91. WAGNER NEWS. The snow is still ou the ground in "The Basin," and unless the weather changes, it will be he'e next May; al though it has gone off on the river. There has been some excitement here in the past two weeks about school affairs. This district is divided, nnd dis trict No. 41 out off, the line being be tween "The Basin" and Haystack. We held a school meeting in "The Basin" school house the 2d of March, nud the following directors wore elected : War ren Cursner, long term. B. A. Hunsaker, two years, and Miss Luriuia Wagner win elected clerk for the next year. The Haystack distriot held their meeting on March 7, und the following directors were elected: Parmer, Collins and Kale, with W. A. Fisher for clerk. There was a lively time for awhile over the election of Collins, Mr. Hughes running against him. Some hot words were used, but no blood shed. Well, Mr. Editor, I see that Penny" has vetoed onr nppropi iation bill. As 1 have said before, that he is u "gone goslin" as far as politics is con cerned, for Haystack people have gone baok on him, nud that settles the "cat bop" wilh him. I think any governor that would veto a bill for public im provement and then sign u hill lo appro priate 860,000 for the capital dome, has lived iu Webtoot too long, and stood out iu the rain till the moss has grown over his skull and absorbed what little iutelli geuco he ever hud iu his pinohed up and bigoted brain. I think he would make a better "off-bearer" in the saw mill that he owns, than be would as governor, Mr. Editor, you aud I have belonged to the governor, nnd so has Dick Neville. Mr. governor, you should have asked Dick Neville wuut he thought about it before you signed that bill. Well, "Old Penny," maybe you will watit to be gov ernor or president, but you will get left, lor I won't vote for you. Iain a demo' unit nnd so is Diok Neville, aud he will down you sure. I am going to hunt up old Columbia Joe and gel his iullneuce, and thou wo will fix you, aud don't for get it. There will bo an entertainment nnd play at tho Four H Hell, next Monday night, by tho Haystack amateur troupe. WANTED IN WAGNEKI Some one to put up a first-class store; nlso some one to start B blacksmith shop; a road from here to Hcpptier; a cook; m ply to Dock Hughes. Some one to raise a racket. It is getting too quiet here. Some one to bring a horse iu here that una got a reooru oi ,y oi n mile iu i mm- uies, sua ureas: un tnese Haystack bloods. Some warm weather to take this snow off. Suck Ear. Wagner, Or., March 12, '111. Do not weaken Ihe stomach witli strong chemicals. Sinimous Liver Regulator is mild but effective. TO CONSUMPTIVES, Tho undersigned having been restored o health by simple means, after sutler- ing for several years w ith severe lung affection, aud that dread disease con - sumption, is anxious lo make known to bis fellow sufferers tbe means ot cure. To those who desire it, he will cheer- fully send (free of oburge) a copy ot th prescription used, which they will find a euro one for consumption, asthma.! : catarrh, bronchitis and all throat and1 I...... ,,,lU.l,Ud Hu ll,tl,H nl untTrr ",'K - - ,, . a 1 will Irv his remedy, as it is invaluable. ! on 1..... ....... !,., ...,.3.. .l,... i imnc iironiuK u o, , , piou, nuii-ii will cost them noiinug, ami may prove Uivner can have same by proving proper a blessing, will please address Rkv. Ed- ty aud uaviusr charges. wakd A. Wilsom, Williamsburg, Kings County, New Vurk. iOO-m, IN MEMORY OF Uncle Alec Brassfield, bo died Decem ber 20, 1890, aged 66 years. The oruel cancer seized him for his prey, and from earth was taken away. After nine months suffering he passed away peacefully, leaving everlasting tes timony. All was well, his soul was go ing home to glory. Ho died rejoicing, singing God's praise. Ha leaves two children, and m:iuy friends, who will miss him. Bro. Brassfield was an everyday Chris IN tian; always fall of the love (rod, willing to do anything that was in the cause of God towards saving souls. He has been a member of the M. E. church 43 years. The church has lost a faithful servant, and heaven has gaiue.l one. He has gone to meet his wife and children, w hom all were true Christians, which was proved by their daily walk. Oh, hat a grand meeting that was. Both sons were min isters of the gospel. He won the good will of every oue who knew him. His recovery was pretty bright, until the last three weeks, when all hopes were blighted, tie bore ins surtering with great fortitude nnd patience; but on the morning of the 20th of December, the Lord said, it is enough, thou good and faithful, come up higher. We write these lines with tears iu our eyes, as wa have kuown Bro. Brassfield so long, may the good Lord comfort us in our grief; and when it is ours to die, take ns to that part of glory where Uncle Alec has gone. "Blessed are they that die in the Lord." Body, I pray you, let me go, It'isu wou'l iimt struggles so. Body, i Bee on yonder height, A "mime Unit sliinelh from the place Where beauty walks with naked luce: It In u ilaine you cannot see. Lie down yon clod, and set nie free. Body, I pray yon let me 0, It is a soul dial slrlveth so. Body, 1 hear dim suiind-salar. Drippiiig lro.it some (Hi iner star; Dim Bounds oi joyous harmony, It is my mate tiiat sinus, and I Must drink that Honjr or hreak aiy heart. Body, I pray you let us part. Comrade, your frame is worn nnd frail, Your vital powers begin to fail. I long inr life, hut ynu nir rest; Then iludy. let us Ijotli lie Messed. When you are iyiuif 'ueatli the dew, I'll come sometimes anil siilK to you. But you will teel no pain nor woe, Body, I pray you, let nie go. Thus strove u beauty vain. He lirnke his Imnds ami lied amain, lie lied, tin body lay liereft. But on his lips a smile was left As if that spirk Innkiiie; hack Shouldl upon his upward track With joyous tones and hurried hreath Seine message Unit could comfort death. A FllIKND. 'LIFE Or GENERAL SHERMAN. Tbe enterprising Paoifio Publishing Co., of Portland and San Fraacisoo, are again to Ihe front. this time it is with the "LIFE OF GENERAL SHERMAN,1 written by the decensed general's fellow- warrior aud bosom friend, Majur Genera Howard, assisted by that most popular of all biographers, W. b letcher Johnson Author of "The Johustown Flood'' and tbe "Life of Sitting Bull and the Indian War," also brought out on this Coast bv the Pacific Publishing Co. A grentful uatijii is at all limes ready to honor the memory of her brave sous who, during life have followed the Stars nnd Stripes upon the gory held of batlle; nnd Una is paitieulnrlv the oase with the lust of the great War HeroeJ who has just been siuuiu nied by the grim call of death to throw olf this mortal coil, full of years; full of honor; full oi glory; full of the love, iillectiou ana grtilituitu ot his teliow citizens; full of everything, indeed, that goes to ensure and enviable immortality to the memory of the departed. This beautiful work, just issued by our friends, the Pacific Publishing Co., will be no nieau factor in keeping green for many years to come the story of tbe late general's early life, his great war record at Bull Kiln, at Sliiloh, at Memphis, at Vicksburg, at Chattanooga, atKuoxville. at Missionary Ridge, at Atlanta, aud last but. very far from the least, that glorious aud immortal "March to the Sea," the generalship and military graudeur of which Las probably uever been surpassed in me unions oi wanaie. ah luese mat tors are most graphically aud vividly dealt with by the able authors; and when it is remembered that General Howard has, with the consent of the late general's family, had access to all the private diaries and correspondence of General Sherman for the purpose of en abling him to do justioe to the subject he had taken iu hand, there can be no doubt but that the book under notice is an authentic nnd reliable biography of the deceased soldier. It is illustrated by portraits, battle scenes, etc., frin end to end. The steel plate eugrnviug of the late General, from n photograph takeu just before his last iduess iu his gener al's uniform is a very fine likeness, and a master piece of the engraver's art. The book should liud its way into every patriotic home iu the Oouutry, See the publishers' advertisement in this paper. 418. Frank II. Snow, Commissioner U. S. Circuit Court at Lexiugton, Or., is authorized to reoeive feeB for publication ot fiuul precis. 41 1-tf. FOR SALE I A flood sheep raucb and range on Snake river, iu Idaho. For further par ticulars, inquire at the Gazislte office. 413-tf. FOR RENT OR SALE. One hundred nnd sixty aores of buneb grass, nicely situated. Call at Gazettb otlice. 405-tf. FOR SETTLERS. Settlers who have pnid $100 for their pre-emptions or commuted h.unesteads flioukl njiplv for a rebate through Frank l 11 W , ..f T ...,l.,n !-.. r,,.,lna j clllr(,ea UHe8a successful. 410 tf, 1 All.ORIMi I have opened awell appointed tailor ing establishment iu my new build' ingon May street, aud am now regularly receiving new goods iiiul will make oils- torn made pants rom S7 to 815 best goods iu the market. A. Abrhausick. ; Special forms in legal blanks printed ! to order at the Gazettb otlice. None but the best legal blauk paper used. A : fuli line of blanks lor justices, etc , is kept in stock, at prices us low as Salem, 1 Portland or Pendleton. &oud in your or lets. STRAY NOTICE. Taken upon 1UV ranch, in Sand Ifnl- l.,. ...... I...:...l! , ..!..., (!, in,oil? Uliuuic l.", fK .,,.. n eitr , branded J G on the right hip, i i . i ... . nun uas a can uiop in iud i m in riu , Fostbb Adams. j Hopppoor, Or., Mach 6, 'J. 41M9 W. II. UTTEH, ' RECORD " BUILDING, HKPPXER, OR- Work done In the best manner, and prices to suit the times. GRANT COUNTY TRADE SOLICITED. UTTER, Tlio Tullor. A. E Powell, of Sand Hollow, was in towu Saturday last, seeking medical at tention for a slight attaok of "grip." His sheep are in good oonditioo, losiug I only forty head out ot 2.0j0, during the winter. :LIFE OF: SII1MAN ! By Gen. Howard and Fletcher Johnson. The last of the great war heroes. He died honored and beloved by nnmber less personal friends and by millions of bis oounlrymen, who will read with de light his early life. His grand war record, at Bull Run, in the aimy of the Cumberland, at Shiloh. Memphis, Vicks bnrg, Chuttanaga, Knoxville, Missionary Ridge, Atlanta, ant in the immortal "March to the Sea," whose grau.leur and glory has never been surpassed in t lie World's history. With eaoh copy of the book will be given a new nud very superior bteel Plate Portrait of the Gen.'l made from a photograph taken just prior to his last illness, aud showing him in his General's uniform. The work will contain about 600 pages, superbly illustrated by portraits, battle scenes, etc., from end to end. The book should find a plaoe in every patrotio borne in the laud. A regular gold mine for agents. The interest and excitement is intense. An agency is worth at. least from SlO to 25 a day. Strike while the irou is hot and big money is yours. JNow, uou t get left this time previous experience is not necessary. Illustrated ciionlars aud extra liberal terms mailed FRUE on ap plication, or to secure it instantly, send GOc for complete ngents canvassing out fit and state choice of territory. Address, PACIFIC PUBLISHING CO , Ainswortb Block, Portland, Or. 417-1. -THE- UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. "Overland Route." TICKETS l'o all Principal Points in tlje United States, .Canada and Europe. 3 ELEGANT NEW DINING CARfes Pullman 3?alaoe Sleepers, FREE COLONIST SLEEPING CARS Hun Through on all Express Trains to Council J31ff s AND KANSAS CITY ITt'fiouf Change. Close Connection at Portland for ran Francisco and Puget Sound Points. ALL IRON STEAMERS Leave Portland for San Francisco every four (4) days, making tho trip iu 60 hours. Cabin, $16. Steerage, 8S.00 Round Trip Unlimited, $30,00. For further particulars inquire of any agent of the company. T. W. LEE, C. MELLIN, G. P T.A. General 3'raJJic Manaqer. tf. LIFE. a!) jiiw- Here's The 'Sucker, ' Tht one thin you'll ilwavv fii d in every cow boy' outtil hen ho go on the Bpiinsr round-up is a " Fish Brand " Pommel Slicker. T! ey make Ihe only perfect saddle coat, and come either black or yellow. They protect the whole front of the rider's body, being made to fit round the outside ot the saddle eniirs. When used as a waikirj coat, Ihe extension pieces neatly over an each other, making a rcgniar orercoat with a doub storm proof Tront When riding, the satirle i d-yasa bone, from pommel to cintie, ard the rider it ctv tirely protected in evcy part of his body. These ' Slickers," being of extra width, make fin blankets forcamp. Beware f worthless irrma'iont, every garment stamped wiih " Kish brand " Trade Matk. Don't acept any inferior coat when yna can hav the Fish Brand Slicker" delivered wulv out extra cost. Particulars and illustrated catalogue free. A. J. TOWER Boston. Mass. Couohn, Colds. Influenza, Bronchitis, Hoarseness. Whoooino Couah.Crouo. I for throat. Asthma, and every afiectioo of the CAtW RES j ij&liu rMf, Une aad Chllt, iodudiRf OofliuiiBtlaiL II 1UU I CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS SCROFULA COUGH on COLD Throat Afibcticn Wasting of Fle:h ore Inflnmcdt Lack of Strength or rrtu 1 ! b-J I Fowtr, you tan lo rel'.cvid and Cured b'J PURE COD LSVER CEL. With Hypophosphites. PALATABLE AS iVSiLK. Ash for ScotCs Emission, and let no cap jptanation or solicitation induce you to eccept a substitute. Sold by all Druggists. ! SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, N.Y. STOCK BRANDS. While you kpppyonr RubsL-ription paid up yet can kep your bnmJ in froeof charge. Allison, O. D.-C'attlebnind, O D on loft hip nnd lurnoH mime brand ou right choulder. Kniiye, Eittlit Mile. 'I' V, Adkins, Pnyville, Or - Ktrnighr mnrkacrnPB the tluuli ani two cropB nnd it lit tri the right nr; Iioihoh, X up-iide down on tho right hhoulder. lutntrB in (ii-iint county timl Hoar vuilev. 1' U address ttlso at llurdmui. C H Adkins. Uoreen. J, f.n right shonldpr; ra -tie, (' It on right hip Hunge in Grunt and Mor row counties. AdkinB, J J Hordes, JA connected on loft flank; cuttle. Hiuneon inii hip. Herman Alp, 1'inirio City, Or. On cattle, O LP cimuucteu on left hip; horses on left stifle and wartle on noso. Hum go in Grant county. Johnny Ayorfl. horncR brandi'd triangle on left hip; cuttle uuine on right hip. uUo crop oil' right ear and upper bit on wiino. Illoakman. Geo., ritirdtimn H(,rRpH, a flagon left slionldi.-r; citltlo, same on right NhoulitiT. I nmiinter, J. V Hhrtlinun. Or. t.'altlo bmnd- etl u on lell hip aiul ititgii; split in euch uur. I3nrke. M Ht Long CreeK. Or On cattle. MAi cttniiuett'd on k-ft Iiid. cioo off left ear. un der half crop off right, llornes, eame brnnd on let ft btiouldur, luuige m Grant und Morrow county. A IJowsman, Mount Vornoi: and Burns Cattle, A H on right hio. two croon in each ear: Riimti on horaeg. ou right Hhoulder, Jtange in Grunt und liuriiey conntieH, Jerrv Hrosman. horses branded 7 on rierhi shouhlfr; cattle li on the left side.. Left oar half crop and right ear upper slopn. Harttm. Wr -liorses.J H on right thih: cattle same on right hip; Hplit in each ear. liennett, i,y norseH. li on lelt r.lionlder. Mrs. (!. A.llenge. horMes branded XH on left s).oulder or stitio; cuttle name on left si tie and split in wit ear, upper half crop m right. j iirown,J, r h:rro- aim cattle uruiuled H with 1 ox-yoke above on left shoulder, lirown, J C HorseH, circle C with dot in net, terou left hip; cattle, hHtne. Hoyer, W G, Lena liornen, box brand or.rijh hip cattle, name, with split in each ear. Borg. P. O. HoraeB, 1' 11 ou loft shoulder; cut tie. wiine on left hio. VV J Browniee, Fox, Or Cattle .Til connected on left Ride; rnip on loft ear und two HplitK and middle piece cut out on right ear; on hornes fame brand on the loft thigh; liungo in Fox valley, Grant county, E Cain. Caleb. Or- Y D on horne8 on left stifle; U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder, and on left stitie on 'till colts tinder i yearn; on left shoulder only on all horses over C years. All range in Grunt county. T lil'unnon, Long ('reek. Or--T on cattle on right side, crop off right ear nnd elit in left ear. Our hoisesHume brutid on left shoulder. Kange in Grantcounty. T H Curl Dotib'e cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear. split in left ear. liange in Grunt county. Ou shei-p, in verted A nlld spear point on tdmulder. Ear mark ti-i ewes, crop uii left ear, puuehed upper bit in right. W ft hers, crop in right a"d under half crop jn left ear. All range in Grant county. A. A. Crosby, emtio trunded "- (or 11 L con nected) on the right shoulder. VV alter Carsuer. Mount Vernon W on rattle on left hip, ciop and nplil in left ear; 7W connected on horses on left kIiduUIo , Kange in Grunt Co. It Chittenden, Piuirie City, Or I ick. bundle down on cuttle ridit hip and split in right ea ; horttes, same brand ou right shoulder, hango in Gram counly. Cook, A. ,L, Lena Horses, 9Uon rightshanl fer Cattle, samoon r ght hip: oar murk Bipiare crop off left ami split in right. Currm. It - Horses, co on left stifle. Cochran,,; II Monument, Or Horses branded T 1 lit A on Iff t, slinuldur. Cattle, same on right hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop off left. Cox & English, Hard man Caitla, (J with t in center: horses. CE on left, Md. Cupper, H A Horses H C on Irft shoulder cattle II C on left side, swallow fork on riyhf our. 11. E. Coelmin, Momiment. Grant Co, Or. Horses brandfd circle with bat beneath, on left shoulder: emtio suino brand on both hips, mars under slope both ears and dewlap. Ctiapin II. Horses branded - on right hip. Cattle branded the same. H L Cross. Uayville. Or Cutllo branded two '' crops and a split iu left ear; on horses a reversed 7 on left stifle, Also have tho following brands on rattle: 72 on let t hip, 7 on right hip, 72, on left shoulder, two pnnillel bars on left shoulder. Ear marks, two crops. Wm. Doonan. hnn.nH branded OO with bar ovor them, on left shoulder; cattle Bame on left hip. Douglass, W M Cattle, H V on right Bide, swai low-foi k in each ear: horses, It D on left bin. lUmcan. W. P., John liny Quarter circle on right shoulder, both on horses and cattle. Knugo Grant county. Driskell, W. E. Horses brnnded K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on left side of neck. Iiamon, H E, Mount Vernon 7U connected on cattle on right hip, under slope in right ear, under bit in left ear; same brand on horses on right hip. Hunne in Grant county. J.R.Ely A Hons. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cuttle same on left hip. hole ir right ear. Halph Fisk, Prairie City, Or Horses, R F on right shoulder; cuttle, on right hip. liange in Grant county. Fleek. Jackson. Horses. 7F connected on right shoulder; cattlo same on right hip Ear mark, hole in right and crop off loft Florence, L A Cattle. LF on right hip; horgOB F with bar under on right shoulder. Florence, H P Horses, F on right shor.ldei; cattle, F on right hip or thigh. Armstrong, J. C, Acton T with bar under tt on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Gay, Henry GAV on left shoulder. Goble, Frank Horses, 7 Fon left stifle; cattle, same on right hip. Oilman-French, Land nnd Live Stock Co.. Fos sil, Or. Horses, anchor S on left shoulder; vent, same tin left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips; ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in left, liange in Gilliam, Grunt, Crook and Morrow counties. Elmer Gentry, Echo. Or. Horses brandod H. 8. with a quarter circle over it, on lett stifle Kange in Morrow and Umatillaeounties. Frank MeGirr, Fox Valley Mule shoe with top cork on cattle on ribs and under in each ear; hoises same brand on left stifle. J . C. Gilt water. Prairie City, Or. On horses, O -O on left shoulder and Btifle; cattle, on right side, liangtiin Grantcounty. C E Glaze and A P Snyder. Dayville.Or Hornee branded & on right shoulder; on cattle, stripe down the left shoulder. Also. P on horses on left shoulder, and same on right hip on cattle, liange in iiratit c.unty. Hiatt A. U., Kidge, Or.-( attle. round-top A witli quarter circle nrder it on the riht hip. Kaiiue in Morinwand Umatilla counties. Hio ton A Jenkn. Hamilton. Or Cat tie, two bars on either hip; cmp in right car and split in left. Horses. J on riglu thigh. Kange in Gmnt county. Hughes, &iuiiu'l, Wagner, Or T F L on right shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right hipr.tid on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left liange in Haystack district. Morr. w county. Edwin Hall, John Day Cattle K H on right bip; horses same on right shoulder, tangjin Grant county. Htel A. Hjde. Prairie City, Or.--AH combined on horses on right shoulder; cuttle on right hip. ltarge in GrHiit county. Hughes, .Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Kange Morrow Co. Ed Holloway, Caddie, Or., horses and cattle branded E 11 connected, with barunder it. Hunsaker, H A -Horses, y on left Hhoulder; cat tie. Hon left lii; Hardisty, Albert Nye. Oregon-, Horses, AH connecttd. on left shoulder; Cattle on the left hip, crop off: left ear, J F Hudson, Mount Vernon JF connected on horses on right thigh; on cattle. N 8 on right hip. Kaiigein Gmnt and Harney. Humphreys, j 4l. Hardman Horses, H on left fl.ir.k Hiatt. Wm. E. Horses branded bar cross ou left etuiuhler; rattle same on left h Hayes, J M Hordes, wineglass on left shoulder cattle, same on right hip. Ivy. Alfred. Long Creek, Or Cattle 1 D on right hip. crop off left ear and bit in right. Horses same bnuid on left shoulder, Kange in Grant county 1) W Jenkins. Mount Vernon J on horses on left sbouloer; oi cattle, J on left hip and two smHih oops on both ears. Kangein Fox and Bear vail -js. Junkin, 8. M. Horses, horseshoe J on left shoulder, tattle, the mam). Mile Itauge on fcighl Johnson. Felix Horws. circle T on left stifie VO, IIP, MlUC uu ,lgll,u,f, UIU. I IMIl UI in llgUV and sullt iu left ear Kirk. J l-Uorwe N ea lett skoal dri eewle. CF Kirk. J C Horei. 17 on either flank; cattln t on nht idn. MiKe Kenny. horaoB brandwl KNY on left hip; cattle Bitiue and crop oil inlt er; umiar slope on ttie riuhl KWler, Hichard E K in square, enttle on l--ft hip: horntw wim ou i-'ft Mumlilr. Kantfe B-?t viiUfj'. V. O. uddreuM, liiantun, Uraut County, Or. W O KimberlHud, Mount Veriion, Or i L on cattlB on riKht au(i left hiites, tmi.Uow fork iu i.'ft ear and iiuuer eiop m i ,Kni vur. Utnn name brand on icit hho.iide . Haue- iii Grunt umiuiv. heuiu-y. I;U, Ikppner, Ur.-imrM. J L mid ftfn tif clubd on loll hiiHu If i M t'Lealry. Muuaiuent, Or Atriaru-1,, rinjth eiieiidiiiK pa I OuU) of i,BUie on Ef( V" ..-..., .. uiUUn.lid uu. lfcf shoulder, sunt in rifhland under bit in lufi Z. llaiiKO I" Uraiit eom.iyaiid i p..,.Uo( j h , 1 i u turenee. Frame Cily, Ur-Cuiu", Z ? a nelil hip; horses, nauai cn ni-lit shoulder, ilm, in t'l'llnt coutoy. """few Loltcn, blepnen-lSLoa left hip on cat'l. crop and spin ou riKlu ear. Horses same brand ,,' lell stmuMcr. Iiu8e Oram county. V. U ad dress, tox. Urecou. au UHUdluu. Juan W .-Horses branded half-cir cle J L miiii ;ed on lert shoulder. Cuole Sam, on lell hip. UanKr, near Lenuxtuii lieorKe Laird, horses liniiul.,,1 ,l..Vi- n neelinl. 8.niit-Iiii,HM cliu.l u 11 cot.- suouiner. WlUtf ii, OQ yft 1 1A I ,.l I .... wattle ovor rwlit eye, .lira, ! m r.il.t ur 1 Morgan, a A Horses, M J on loft shoulder McCmnbur, Jaa A, Atwood- -lluraos, M wit oju tivui mi ngui snouJuer, li. li. Maui.. Lei. a; lioiaes-old nmrea 77 ngiil mo; young suck, aai.dl ci oh Si j,:,!011 Morgan, liiori-lioies, ein7.t r , i . , der ana lelt Uiwh: entile 6 o piih , V .' ' a"Ul- iUuri.Uy. J. j.. K, lett siiouider. l jii tin .ioiseti a if on the mark, crop und soat in l.-ii. , SHUltt on litfht hut: e,.P right. Hornet also 4 on lett stilly. Itui.go in GrutiL ununrtr. eat- uud tnulerba in olieep, E K. f'r- 5 - hoi. VV J McKetu. Mount Veriion iV-Y t n on riKi,t h., ct,,,, m n,T!!; UaulL1 X 1" Huuie Uiumt on ,.urst8 on la ittA MeUirr. Barncy-llurse, 7B orai-iected on left U. V. Meliulley, lla.uill.on, Or.-On Horse. S wall hall oii ele uuuer on lea l,oul, ; oj'Tmtie turn- bur. eo,,eeu.d uu U.p ou UB ,t 8iae lluiitte in Gimil t'ounty. lue fteiil. Aii.lrew. Lmuh Itock-Horees AN UNmvin"ii 'vvS'''!i 'UT: ""t,""""" butullip" overTlVefliiVuMer''""" W"h '" C""10 Hi! saS ;;;r' c,rc'8 7 ,m left Oiler. 1-eiiT. Lime llock-1' 0 o, eft ghon iler Pi. mini. Jnsi'iili, lUuuuuiuiit, lr bniiKlsToM ee J i' i iiiMiecu,!. ul, lil!M Bi,,,,,ld ,r; ,le " HHuieuntliengHtlup uuU uderlupe on lea lluU,ier mm u en ' liu C,' a mi Y iiliiun f iipu. MUUnt V.'rnon-l T un cattle on efll.ip, two .in ln lea e,; wme bmui SS hofte. on lelt. witle. l(limf m ur,iul 0S , j umler hi in uiieli our. lluary Piitbern. tmraes branded will, a lioman ciro on lett enoulder: cattle branded ,JI man cnw, bar at bottom, on lelt li,p. V; 1,'e'ty?' 1Jo"'v,llo-llor8e, diamond P on i-al,o,der. Cattle, J 11 J connected ai d in. vertoloii ea hip; ciop oil lett em-and split in "nee '"' ""'"J',0,; "I"1 L"ta '"! ""ove tlie John T Powell, Uayville, Or-Horsee. JP con nec ed on lett shoulder. Cattle OK coil uected on left hip, two under half crope, ou n each ear wattle uuiiei- thioii . liange 'mllt ou"' "lr- 1, mn"?'' Ui U- l-'"-uu l-ity-f U i left ehou 1,-r, on liowes only. H.,uge Canyon creek ami Hear valley, u rant county. Hood. Anurew, llanlniau-lloraes, Bqnareoros. with qminer-emile over it on lea untie. Iteiin.Ker, Uirut-Mon.es. C 11 on lettshoulder. .Hui. Ituuio, Monument.-Hrnnds liornea It on Uea ' 1""iB0' Urntmliloriwoouu. Itoyse, Aaron, Heppner, Or-Hcrses, plain V on .etc eliouidiir; catue, aiuu brand iveied on riKhl hip and crop oil riglu, ear. llaugn in bor row county. e iii.li iiioa., Heppner, Or. Horses branded X on tlie ngli, ulioul.ier; cattle, IU on the lett hip, crop oil lett. cur and uewlap on neck, lianuu in Aim row aud aOjoiniuji oountioj. Ilusl VViiiiani, I'euoletou, Or.-Ilorses K on lett sliouluei j cattle, 11 on lett hip, crop off right ear, underlet on left, ear. tjlieep. H en weainero lound crop olf nBli ear. lluniie Uma ttllaanu iVlonowo mnues. lieaney, rtmdiew LexinBton, Or.-Horse Drandeu A K on right shoulder, vent quarter circle over bruud; cattle same on right hip. liange Morrow county. Uojsc, Wm. 11, Uanyvillo. Or-HIt connected with quurler otivlo over lop on cattle on right hip and ciop ottnglii ear and split in lelt. iloisea aaiuo Liai.don left snounler. Uauge iu lloirow. brant and tiillniin counties. iliilur, J 1'', Jtuier, Or-Tiiree parallel bar! Willi bar over on horses on lell hip; on cutlle, lett side, two smooth crops, two splits in eacli ear. hangu in Middle r'orK of Julin Hay. Ituctor. J VV Horses, JO ou lelt shoulder. Cat. tie, o on right hip. , ,L Spray, J. If.-Horsos branded SF connected or. mint siiouider: cattle same on both hits. bailing, i t! Hej.pnor, Or-llorses branded S A on lelt Buoiilder; cuttle same on left hip. Dallllior. li L. Killer li, ll..,..JU ....... K.,-a lilt slltle. P.ain IS. two OarB ou left side, a crop and tlo ee stilus in right ear, swallow fork and liuderbit in lell, cattle. Hon came linger than on hoises. llai.ge in limn, counly. A. L. Bwaggarl, Ella, horses brande ' t on left siiouider; eel lie same On left lnp. Crop on ear ear, wattle on lelt nind leg. Struigiit VV is.-lloises nhadod J 8 on left stille; cattle J Sj on lett hip, swallow fork in right ear, underbit ln lelt. Wwiiggnii, L, Alpine-Horses, 8 S on right snouluer. " bHpp. Thos.-Ilorsea, 8 A P on loft hip; cattlo same on left hip. hears, WH-Horses bar over 8. RangeinFox valley. P O address, Fox, Or. bhobe, Dr A J-llorses, Da on on loft, hip: cat, tlo. same on left side, wattle on left bide of neck ears cut sharp at point, bimtli, E, F, 1'iiot Hock, Or. Cutile. home, shoe ou left side, crop close in left eur. Horses, 4 on left thigh Kange in Umatilla und (iruut counties. John Shrier. Fox valley NO connected on horses on right lnp; caitle, same on right hip, crop ll rignt ear and under bit iu leitear. liange ui Uraiit county. Smith Urns, John Bay, Or-II Z on cattle on le tshoulder. bteveiisoii. Mrs A J-Cattle, 8 on right hip swallow-tork in left ear. bpeiry , IS U-Cattle, WO on left hip, crop ofl right and underbilm left ear, dulap; horses. WO on left shoulder. bwaggart. li W Horses, 41 on left shonldei; came, 4i on left hip. Blewait, Ueo .ilardman-Horses oircle oon lettshoulder. biuilb 1. U. Lone Hock. Or, Horses branded a crossed seven on lefi shoulder; cattle same on lelt side, liange, Gilliam counly. bniith Ueo.. horses branded U S on left flank1 .mi''v1""",1' -"'". I on lett ah.oulo.tr;: cattle, on left shoulder. Tipiiets S X-llorses. 0 on left shoulder. turner K. W., small capital T lelt shoulder, ear"""' L'"' mm "n '"P with 8p'lt bo" thrrnton, H. M.. lone, Or.-Hnraes branded li I connected ou left stille; she, p same brand. P ' Thomas, Alouiit Vernon -TK connected on cattle on right hip, swallow fork in right ear and uiiderbit in same ear; hortes. same brand ou right stille. Hange in John Day valley. b A Tucker Prairie City-F on cattle and hoises on left shoulder. John luieman, Prairie Cily, Or.- On horse.. 10 on lett slide; on callle. O with bar under on lett tup. Kange in liraiit counly. W li Warren, ( aleb, Ur-t'aitle, W with qaarter circle over it, ou left side, split iu tight ear. Horses same bra.id ou left shoulder. Kange in Grantcounty. F L Wood, Dayvillo, Or-Ilonrton horses on left stille; on cattle, ion left side and under bit in lelt ear. Kange in lirant comity Wright, Silas A. Ilepp.ier, Or. Cattle branded b W ou the right hip. equare crop oil right oar and spl.t in lelt. Francis Wallace, Monnt Vernon-Square on caule on the 1.-11 hip. upper slope in he left ear and under slope iu right ear. S.,me brand ou horses on right shoulder, liange iu Harney and urant county. Webster, J. L Heppner. Or.-Horses branded Wlh bar over J on light shoulder; cattle same on right hip, crop off, eft ear and split in each, l.ange, Jlorrow county. Wade, Henry.-Horsss branded ace of spades on lea siiouider and lelt hio. Caltie branded same ou lelt side and left hip. Mime1'"' A ilurs"B' " ou left shoulder; catt e John Wolfinger, John Day City-On horses, three parahel bars on left auoulder; 7 on sheep bit in both ears. Kange in Urant and Malhuei Wylai.d. J II. Hardman Circle C on lef- lldoh Woodward, Johu-iloriK, UP connected on left shoulder. Watkins Lishe. horses branded UK connected on lett btirle . Wallace. Charles-Cattle, W on right thigh, hoi. m left ear; horses, W on right shoulder, some same on left shoulder. Wren. A A ('attle, running AA with bar ao as on right l.i n. J. b. Young. Gooseberry, Or. T S on the right shoulder. Horses branded Horses branded W. II. Crowley. Long creek circle 5 on left shoulder. W'hittier Bros.. Drewv R.n, ,.... n j Horses branded W H. connected on left .I'.iulder Vtlliinmrt. :,sr,i mmrta. ;K.la .1 : bars oe lea htt, bi,th cattle arid hjrses. Rung. lirani counly; P. O. address, Hamilton. Or. Williams. J 0. Long Creelt. Or Horses, ouar. ter circle over three bars on left hip: oatus aame. edtuteeckeae. lUa u ItmiHxMty'