THE GAZETTE THURSDAY, March 26, 1891 Union Pacific Railway-Local Card. No. 81. mixed, leaves Hepnner 9:15 a. m. No. SS, " arrives . " 5:80 p. m.. daily except Hunduy. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. t-itnge leaven for Ciinycin City daily, eii"f t Snudav, lit 6:30 A. M. Arrives dally, except Monday, at Fire at Widla Wall on Sunday, tbe 14tti iuet., destroyed the saddlery thop ... nr li n fu.:.,., al, knma and a wagon shop. Mr. Chips is the of the Heppn-r school assembled n the HEPPNER SCHOOL EXERCISES. A number of the patmoa and friends 5:lC P. m. . 'ilit-re if and 81lp Uatiyou. saving of 16 hours in time cash by taking this route to 1 AdverUriiK Agency. Ht and 65 Alerchants ic.haiuc.lSnn Francisco. California, where cc- tracus for advertming ran Do mime ior it. 0 W LI IMLI'.l! 4 CO.. 4211 Ffth street. Port land Oreson. Hi e authorized to make advertising coulricte for the Ueuuner OAZfcTTK. THE GAZETTE'S AGENTS. Lexinglon, W. B. McAllister. Vaguer, J. P. Spray. , Arlington, Mr. Beuuett, Moody s ware- house. Until! Creek. Eagle. Gnllnnav, Hob Shaw. Gooseberry. Or.. W. S. Parman. Camas Prairie, Oscar DeVaul. Matteson, Allen McFernu. Nvp. Or.. H. C. Wright. Hardtnau, Or., C. M. Spencer. Hamilton, Grant VO., ur. Radio. lone, T. J. Carl. Prairie City, Or., R. R. McHnley. Canyon Citv. Or., 8. L. Parnsh. Pilot Rock.'G. P. Skelton. Dsyville. Or., Mr. Adams, r. M. John Jay, Or., Postmaster. Mi. John Kdington. SloTlbdon.Or.. Wm. G. MeCroskey. Mount Vernon, Graut Co., Or, "Eight Mile, Or., Mrs. Andrew Asb baugh . An agent wanted in every preempt, tt. Mattie A. Post- For We SIGNAL SERVICE KEl'OltD. ek Ending Wednesday, aiarcn to io' IMoun I Date Temp. Max. Mar 1(1: W.50 All IfxKI a 44.011 a 8ti.'j.i sst. satiu 24 (till U5 45 00 52 1 Mi IN 54.51) 47.IHI tjo.ou Mill. M eau liar, Pre-cip. Char-acler. 39.00 3II.U) 41 00 ui.ui so (XI SU.5II 41.9H 30.185 80.13 30.105 J..S6 30.11)5 30. a 0015 "6.00 1 cloudy 0.02 fair 0.12 1 fair trace fair O.OO I fair I 0.00 clear 0.30 I cloudy A. Bmtth , Oheerver, Here and There. 96-tf. Weston, at Salem Lambing is in full blast. Banner, Photographer. Kv. D)unis is down from Cant. A. P. Ankeny died Tuesday. Albert Ayers is over from Butter creek this week. J. D. Hickey is baok from Denver, Colorado. Mayor T. J. Matlock is out rustling with "his sheep." Business seems to be picking up in every department. "Uncle" CIihs. Cochran called at these quarters Tuesday. Mrs. Annie Crump moved out to her ranch Saturday last. Hon. W. R. Ellis arrived home from Portland Friday last. o.ih, K,n1i snvs that there ii yet niuoii snow in the Blues. L. O. Connor is preparing for a sum v...,. loitini with muttons. Henry Padberg came up with the Lex- ingtoti ueieguuuu iuouu-j. A. S. Parkins leaves to-day for Wash in,, lull w here he will locate. Theo. Banner is a rustler and gets there nil iho a, me taking pictures. uhniA con regation of j..m,m,ra in town Monday last. Lanns Penland wintered his 1,600 head of sheep without tue loss Albeit Willis has just consummated the trade o a ranch uear Lexington. W 3 Parman, onr Gooseberry agent, was noticed in the village early tuts week. , Br Geoghegan bought a fine piano o 8. J. La France during his stay here last week. , Mrs. Andy Stevenson and family moved out to the ranch, on Skinner Fork, early this week. Thad Armstrong and Ben Swggart were up from the lower country early this week. Brewery Bluff is being pared little to make thoroughfare. W. E. Kahler, one of onr Hardmau , merchants, called at tuis ouice wu.. - town Tuesday. Owen Kane strikes for Wash this week, wheie he will rustle hard till cold weather ugaiu. Jas. O. Williams, the Spring Hollow .sheepman, was over Monday - "Court iug, we reckon." The Hale boys and Lishe Watkine were down from tue omow, . - of the Blues the first of the week. Mrs A. A. Curtis has so far reoovered as to be able to accompany Mr, Curtis to Idaho, they starling ibis morning. Anthony Kane returned home last .A vt, it,,,, college, "here he has been attending school the past winter. ranch of down a better and more sightly r -,,11 i.n. taken a nlace m the "e"r:Z7 V the rancl V, ' k,. whose ulaoe is near Lena. Commander J. r. WW East" or West reachmg here that evening Pros Att'y Wilson and Judge iee left Tnesuay for their respeotive homes, after rbrleYtbouoh effective session of ' ,o4nm Monday from wUaWa la, h viug been detained at AVungtou e Saturday th.ough irreg- ular trains. On Tuesday last, Mrs. W. G. Boyer Willow creek, as members of the Cuns tian c huroh here. Miss Gnssie Goldstone is visiting her reUtiveS.Mr. and Mt. "!. the Cohu Bros. She will return to Francisco shortly. Ed. M. Hawley got in from California auu mill Will ICiumu yesieroay .- ,al,firQ118 dtfWn short tune. r-t Drinci ml loser, having had S3.0,K) worth ot g.xxlsm the place at the tiru of the blaze, on wdion he dad but $1 000 inmir anoe. He is a hrother.iu-law ot ye scribe. This paper hopes our friends below will uot forget to let our fish come up Willow oreek, and that even onr miller, J. B. Sperrv, will arrange so that the fii'iiy tribe cat) -navigate, the stream above Heppnei, for our friends above like Hsliiug, loo A nnml er of the old soldier boys g"t together last M mday and enjoyed a re nniou on a small seal?. The Gazette man "reuned," too, on general pritici. plea, not having seen anything more ter rible th'to I lie oyclnrainit of the "Battle of Gettysburg." C. R. Griffin, representing M.J. Keller & Co.. of Oakland, Cal., was in town early this week looking np business in his line. The priuta propose to wear good clothes hereafter, judging from the way Mr. Griffin got iu his work on our ranch. Among the Eight Milers in to attend court the first of the week, our reporter .t,ne,i I. H. Allen. Jake William, N. R. MnVav. John T. Moreland, Pete Breuner aud Jake Young, all of whom are happy iu the promise of big orops this season. Nelse Jones' Shi '6 horse, "Sandy," was bred by Thos. Denhnrat, of Whit tiugton, Scotland, who is noted as a breeder of high grale coach horses, heavy horses that can travel. "Sandy, as a heavy horse, is a fine trotter. Mr. J. E. Cannon's business bore, as the representative ot the Soandinaviau i..,-,;,,rutmn Anaoniation. is to seonre options on Morrow oonnty land for the purpose or cotouiauus u no..-.--.-Soandia-Americaus. Died On Eight Mile, at 4 p. m. Sat urday, H'nroh 21, Kiss Hiliua Lovegreen, aged 23 years. The interment took place at the Hardman cemetery last Mouaay. Miss Lovegreeu had a host of friends who will sadly miss her. TV !., In. , ,H rennrlK having lost lePS than one hundred head of sheep out of his bauds numbering 20,0j0 head, lhia is a smaller luss thau he would have sua taiued during the same length of time iu the summer season. We are reliably informed that the peo ple between Alpiue and Lexiugton are anxious tor a post uthee. it win requue oulv a small change in tne preseui, i-ouk. from Eoho to Heppner to waoh the pro posed P. O. Hon Henry Blaokman returned Mon day from Portland where he has been under a ph)8ioians care for some weeks. His friends will oe gratified to learn that he has almost entirely recovered. Price Horence bad up 400 head of cattle to feed through the storm, and re ports a loss ot oniy eigui ueau. u. u mber were not found last fall, but came through iuexoelieut oouditiuu. Jerry Colin, of this plaoe, will short- ,., ,v.i,,.rl, i hiiHiness for lumseii nere, ut nreseuD contemplating establishing a grocery store. The yi ung man has the best wishes of the Gazette. nnrt linn adiourned till June 22i whioh will make it inoonvenient for jury men and others, but much better than WBitiug till September term ior me cus tomary doses uf justice. C. A. bales, of Galloway, was caneu in to attend court, aud says that it will be very inoonvenient for him to attend the teim iu June, that being in the midst of our busiest seeson. Sandy Olds has been found guilty f manslaughter, and has reoeived his sen teuoe ot one year. The change of venue had something to do with it. Ibis is Old's fourth trial. Bill Tilhird and Geo. Shipley had a 'scrap'' in froutof the City Hutel Satur day last, which created some excitement for a time. The boys will have their limes," anjbuw. Our streets are getting dry again, and buuohgrass is growing nicely on ad hills. Later Since writing the above, we have had an elegant shower. Chas. Mitchell oame up from Lower Rniter oreek on Saturday, and will here after make hie home with hiB mother, Mra J ii, v Mitchell, or ueppuer. A. A. Curtis left this morning for his borne at Shoshone, out win nae.j '"'" to this section in the oourse of a few months. a n flTiatt nf Ridge, made us a pleas ant oall Monday last, tie reporie . over in the "Potts," and range is looking well. a ,. J E Cannon, representing the Scandi navian Immigration Association, of Port- laud, is in the city in me luiereai ui firm. ' u;s. lmva ctionld ioin the Post at Lexington and secure a meeting of that organization here, occasionally. R R Duran, who has a coal prospeo nn the head of Butter creek, was over from Black Horse Saturday last. J F. Willis was up trom ijexingion Saturday to attend a regular meetiug uf Hennner Lodge, A. F. & A. M. v H7r,oht was over from Lone Ronk. Saturday. He has had a Biege of "grip," but is recovering fast. Rev S. B. Lttson preached 8 very interesting sermou at the BaptiBt church Hnndsiv eve last. Ted Minard, of Lower Buuer orees, .. ;n ittendanoe at our onei term oi court this week, Aiii,ino lik it for dvsoepata and icdi gestion. Simmons Liver regulator is a safe, sure cure. R 0 Wills, the lone merohaut, was in Heppner early this week, looking healthy and strong again. Holmes Haymnn returned trom rorr- land Tuesday, alter an aoseuco u months. Master Arthur Kiloup iB reported as doing well at the Sisters' school at Pen dleton. T,.u cl.. Ttn T?nsard came over from Galloway early this week to attend court. palph Benge, Otto Summer and Albert Willis were up irom ij-njBv"" j i.,t Mrs Emma Kilcup and daiignier. au, spent Monday last with friend, in Bepp- ner. - , n miarlilei sufferers with dyspepsia are cured by Simmons Liver Regulator. Born In Clark's Canyon on tne 40J . nt & T Hoot a hnv. inSt., tO Ul Wilts - 1 p. Oallownv and Ben Mathews were over from Alpine Monday. Mrs. Joe Luokmau is reported as be ing convalescent. L. L. Ormsby left Tuesday morning for Idaho. BASKING. nrionirial'a room lu the school OUllOtng. on last Friday afternoon, to witness the closing i zeroises. The following is the program h rendered on that occasion. S ing-Bv pupils of Prof. Hudson 8 room. , Recitation -"And Old Woman's Com plaint." Martha Neville. (Well ren dered) , ., Recitation--" The Holidays." Orvil Jones. .. Recitation -- "The Quarrel. Lillie Henderson. Dialogue By Prof. Hodson's senooi. Dialogue By Mies Mounts' school. Recitations --By Osoar Borg, Alma Thompson and Master Kirk. Dialogue --" What We Learn at Sohool "By five little girls. Kecitatiou "The Old Shoe. 'Pearl Runituiion "F.venincr Time." Annie Smith. ,. Dialogue "A Little Girl's uream. Six pupils Reoilatiou By Annie Anderson. p..;,n Uv (larrie RllHh. Song 'The Whip-ponr-will.' Miss Miles' room. T , Reoitatious-By Eugene Basey and J ad Hart. , ., ..... Dialogue "The UmnKarus iaiuku ter." By Miss Miles' room. Song Prof Hodsou's room. Dialogue-By pupils of Miss Voruzs room. . , Dialogne-"Ting the Dolls bash. rionu-Bv Myrtle Swagsjart. (Weil rendered.) , , t D . Recitations -Frank N-.ble, Elbert Sut ton, Willetta Leezer, Mao Rush und Ger trude Bishop. . Bialogue "Kecreanou. girls EDrroGAZETTB: "Demand note" does not mean payable iu coin. The word demand was uot on the bil.s issued Tuat was given them by the people; our . . ... rr u nn.,.n. i treasury was empty, me u. o. Bo.c.m- ment was in nerd or money, auu uuu gress ordered their is8ue,jUerefore the name of demand notes. Von say the ex oeption olause bad nothing to do with its depreciation, let us Bee, now, if you are right. Ou each bill were mose wuiua "good for all debts, both public and pri vate, except duties on imports and inter est on the public debt." By that except ion the government orced the people to take her owu money, whioh she refused to take herself. That was on pur pose by the Wall Stieet "Gold Bugs," so that gold would advance, r or mosu iiuoi., Suppose Vaudeibilt would isaue bills to the amount of one million oouars, ou each bill these words, "Good enough f ir the people, but I will not receive them, dou't you thinK iney woum PreCli"e? Yours, J. P. Hadley. Hardman, Or., March 21. '01. NOTICE OF ISTESTIOH. Land Office at The Dallet. Ot., Much!) Id. '91. Notice is hereby gUeu that the following named settler has tiled notice of ids intention to make Dual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge of tiilllain County, at Condon .Oregon, ou May 2, 18111, viz: J AM F.St W. HYATT. Hd. No. 14W, for the SWt, NEV,, N'J N)V1 aud SWi NW), Sec 10. Tp. 4 S, II. li, W . M. He names the following wltuemea to prove his continuous residence upon au cultivation of, said land, viz: . , , James Itovse, jonn v nance, j. . rtn, ..v. T J bavldsou, all of Uohsebcrry, Oregon. John W. liwis, 418-423. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. InlOS'i it T iu D ilie, Or., M ir. 8, 1801. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof In support o his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Coun ty Judge of Gilliam County, at, May 2, 18111, viz: JOHN' CHANCE, 0 Hd. No. 261!), for the EH SE! and EH SE Sec. 4, Tp. 4 S, K. ffl, E, W. M. . . . He names the following witnesses to pro e his continuous residence upon and cultlvallou oi, KJamedRovse, J. N. Hyatt, J. W. Scrivner and T. J. Davidson, all of Gooseberry, or. John tt. Lewis, 418-423. Register. Recitations Bessie Sutton aud Elbert Do'ilogue and song-By Ethel Sperrv , Miss Hart aud Lottie Mutters. (Well rendered.) , ReoitatiooB-Ira Vanghan, Uate Don ley, Clara Morgan, Lee Slooum and Ethel Walbridge. Dialogue "Stay At. nouie. . j.kvv Garuigues and Oh is Van Duyn. Reoitatiou-Mamie Stolt, Oaisy Clark, Ralph Thompson, Ralph Bishop, Maud Maliory and May Thompson. Dialogue Four little girls. u..;.:c Willie Dntton, Olhe Wright, Edith Jenkms and Dollie Rush. Closing exercieee Song by Mr. Hod- son's pupils. Over 100 different patterns and styles of carpets just received by the Hepnner Furniture Co. They will give you a bar gain; oall on them at once. Back Aqaih. "Uncle" Jsok Brown is back from Salem, looking well again, which is pleasiug to his friends. I he Salem Statesman says of him in a recent issue- "A. J. Brown, of Heppner, was id Salem yesterday, and will be here visit ing fur several days. Mr. Brown is tbe father of George and Allie Brown, (respectively, typo on the Statesman, and deputy sheriff ot Multnomah Co.,) and Mrs. Andrew Brey. For twenty-five hi- Tiroivn ws the leading blaok- smith of Salem. He shaped the big ;Ar in tho state bouse, and did iron work for the court house and the Acade my of tbe Sacred Heart, "Jaok Browu ... ; n,B davs the "crack" horse- her of this whole section. He has not r;,iod hero for ten or a dozeu yearn, ,i,D i,...o don't look natural to bnu with its busy streets aud metropolitan a: l tannin nf tllP HITS. AC Olio uuie uo best property ou tbe mmu street-prop tinrtv feet front of it, has ad- . . ..... . :.. il.a nual mnetv vanced 1 ooo iu pnuo u days." W. MoAlpin for die- r'.t vr,-in in caUM ts at the Hepp ner Furniture Go's. For ten dnVB they will sell carpets dirt cheap. Don t full to see them. Adjourned Coekt. Word having been reoeived that Judge Fee would convene court ou Monday evening, Clerk Morrow ..ii.i no Monday morning at H UII1CJ viwio t. , o'clook, adjourning till eveuing. Jne Fee and Prosecuting At'orney Wilson both arrived on the eveuing train, and by 9o'-)lock bad disposed of considerable "default ' business Court was called again on Tuesday morning, much being accomplished before "train-time, ad jolirulUg till J HUB 'ii. tfuogo i r. u tbe reputation of being a rustler, aud verily, he deserves it. The V, Cii.i iteu. The facilities of the prrsont day for til production of evcryth;n;r tha'.wiU con duce to the mittiial v. clfare and comfort of mankind arc almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing ana re- fresHirif; to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently iu the Spring time or, in fact, at any time and the better it is known tne more pop ular it becomes. Shootino Scrape Last week, Win. Hogoboom, of Walla Walla, shot Henry Muier a Bun of a wealthy farmer, in self- defense, inflating a flesh wound whioh proved fatal, blood-poisoning ensuing. Tbe oo"-ouer's jury exonerated Mr Hogoboom. AT.T. MEDICAL authorities agree that catarrh is no more nor less tban an in- flamation of the lining memorane oi tue nasal passages Nasal oatarrb and all catarrhal affotions of the head are not di-eases of the blood, and it is a serious mistake to treat them a sucn. jno con scientious phvsioiati ever attempts to do so. It is held by eminent medioal men that sooner or later a specific will be found for every disease from whioh humanitv suffers. The facts justify us in assuming that for oatarrb at least a oositive cure already exists in Ely's Crenrn Bulm. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I .and Office at The Dalles, Or., March 18, WM. riuuue in nuiruj )iit sv ,n' named settler has Hied notice of his i'ite"toli to make liual proof In support of his claim, and that said proot win oe maue w - -Slow, U. S. Commissioner at Lexington, Or., oi May 1801, viz: .,,. Hd. V&, for the bE Sec. 18, Tp. 2 N, R 25 E. W. He names the following witnessei to prove his continuous residence upon am uuhyov-w. Joseph Eskeison, Theodore Cork, Clinton N. IV k and Jacob Earnst, all OI wxingioii, row County, Oregon. 41S-42.3. ReiHtw. I uli-- NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land oroce at l-a oranac, ur f "''( v-,..,, v,Av.v iv that the following- named" settler has tiled notice of his intention ,o,ui ,u.t i annTiort of htsclaim. and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, ur., March JO, , 16'Jl, viz: JAMES H. PENLASD. Ds. No. mm. for the WJ4 BE and NEJi BWJ and nEW Sec. li,, Tp. 3 S, R 27 h, V,. M. Erederick H. staddon, take special notice. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation oi, August'Hale, Thomas R. Miller, William Dun can and Joal Groom, all of Heppner, Oregon. A. Cleaver, 413-418. Register. That Fcnns Gdn.--E. ......aat..,i TnpAiiuv morning -i. nc.urma ill Tnttle's saloon m....; Tmtio nml others, we learn that he had Albert Matteson on his knees in his saloon when aisooveieu, . p- ... j:.. lo,unt heintf a SlX-ShOOter, Mr Tuttlo rushed to the rescue and held MoAlpin in such a position that hecuuid j ., .i.maop though he pulled the trigger twice, makiug two beautiful r le noor. ua G. A R. Doings. On April 6, "Jl, the members of Kawlins Post, "No. 81, will meet at Lexington to commemorate Hie 25th anniversary of the G. A. R. This day has been set apart for this purpose by Coiiimauiier-:n cuiei, w. u., of Decatur, Ills , and the olergy, press, school children the Women's Relief Corps, reu, Sons of Veterans aud oitizens gener ally are extended au invitation to be present. Hon. W. R- ."H B, and others of Heppner, will be present on this no- ounioTi. ntul ibis ex oeoieu uio NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., March 16, '91. Notice is hereby given thai the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to moke final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of .Morrow Co., at Heppner, Or., ou May i, 18111, viz. gyLVEgTER T TIPPETT8, Ds. No. 10278, for tile W! NV), SE4 N !4, NVt He names tile following witnesses to prove Mb continuous residence upon anu cuunaiiou oi, Jerrv Rrosiiian, J. L. Ayers, G. M. Vinson and D. M. 1'resley, all of Lena, Or. A. Cleaver, 417.423. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., Feb. 1J, 1891. xT.,rt ia h.n.Kv that the following- named settler has Bled notice of his Intention to make Unul proof in support of his claim, aim that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppuer, uregou, on March 30, 1891, viz: JOEL GROOM, Ds. 9916, for the a'A SW! See. 1, NWK Sec. 12, Tp. 4 S, R 27 K, W, W. M. He names tlie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, BAug!s(t'Hale, Thomas B. Miller, William Dun. can and James H. feulaud, all of Heppner, Or. A. ClkaVeh, 413-418. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., Feb. 11, '91. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of Ills Intention to make final proof in supportof hisclalin, and that said proof will be made before Frank II. Know, U. S. Commissioner at Lexington, Oregon, on March 28, 1891, viz: joiin t. McMillan, Ds. 7222, for the NW, Bee 8, Tp. 1 8, R25 E, V. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of 8awmtam V.Zi)arnett, W. B, McAllster, Cyrus C. Boon and Ransom Lleuallen, all of Lexiugton, Orego"' John W. Lewis, 413-418. Register. NO CAT ASTROPHE. Only selling to make room for an immense spring stock, soon to arrive. How's This? Overalls, 15,25 and 50 cents a pair; child ren's shoes, 25, 50 and 75 cents a pair, less than half cost. SPECIAL BARGAINS in everything es pecially in dress goods remnants. DON'T YOU FORGET the P. S D., in the PIOIVI3I3R BRICK, H. Blackman & Co., MAIN STREET. HEPPNER, OREGON. $10 by Recorder Roberts, and not having Bnmed wjll ajjr,,s9 the gathering the cash, was asaeu u e- to jail. He chose the former. Mike Kenny. Press Thompson and W E Ehiott complain that "grubs are working on their sheep. It is a new thing, working on the sheep's bead, and wheu once attacked the animal is sure to die, the iusect not stopping opera ions until the brain is readied. Mr. Jilliott has lost UI0 bead from this cause. lN"JTVV' FIRM NEW GOODS! NEW PllICES! "One ot mv enslomers came in to-day and asked me for the best oough medi ciue I had," savs Lew Young, a on tni nontdruggH of Newman Grove, Neb, "Of course I showed him Chamberlain s Cough 'Itemed v and be did not ask to see any other. I have never yet sold a meai cine that would loosen aud relieve a severe cold so quickly s that remedy does I have sold four dozen of it with in the last sixty days, and do not know of a single case where it failed to give the most perfect Butiataonou. ou vvu bottles fur sale by Slocnm-Johuston Drug Co. T Will be paid for tbe I return ot a " IU black mare and mare oolt. Mare branded tt l"nn brand ) apnea's like a spear-bend on left shoulder, last seen in Clark's Canyon. 417 tf. NOTICE OF INTENTION, l.d nfflon at T.a (irande. Or.. Feb. 18, 1891. Notice Is lierebv given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proot will be maue ociore n. a. mus, Com. I), a. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, ou April 4, Win, viz: V ' JDUKPH T. POTTS, D. R. No. 10,428, for the NVt'!4 BW, WJ NW, NKI4 KWJi Sec. :. T 1 S, R 28 E, W. M. He names the tollow lng witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ana cuiuvauoii 01, said land, viz: Thomas McEntlre, Robert Johnson, Terrcnce McEntlre, Andrew Tlllard, of Lena, Orertnn. 414-19 A. Cleavek, Reitlster. Itsuooeeosof to w, HEPPNER, - 9 O. MINOR,) OREGON. iiivs arrived; Henry Heppner oame up on Friday eveniug, remaiuitig over till Monday. NOTICE OK INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., Feb. 18, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the followiiiK-nam-ed settler has Bled notice of his intention to make final proof in supportof his c aim, and that said proof will bo made before W. R. Ellis, Com. U. S. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 4, 18'Jl,: D. 8. No. 10,429, for the BM NWfc'and lots 3 and 4 Sec. 2, T2B, R 27 E, w. H. James uuruur, mas oi-viii" nu... tin names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation ot, BOTlion''as McEntlre. Terrencu McEntlre, Robert Johnson, Andrew Tlllard, of Una, Oregon. 414-lil A. Cleavkb, Rctilster, Tbe Largest Stock of Clothing ever brought to Heppner, bought FOR CASH in the East, and will be sold at nriees never hard of before. OW SUITS at 11.25 and upwards. MEN'S and YOUTHS' SUITS, aud San the prison onr county be tried at there iu that country It is uufortnnate for both ere in the cunuty jail and n,t. i heir oases could not this March term of oourt. n Ri.ea oreek. the 20th inst 4o t. e wiif Jae. Hayes, a.girh Since writing the above, we are luforme lot the death of the infant on the eveuing following iis birth. The importance of purifying the blood can. ot be overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good heal th, At this season nearly every one needs t good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich ihe blood, and we ask you to try Hood s ,. s.irsaparilla. Itstrengthens PeCUIlar a,id builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while it eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used give to Hood s Sarsaparilla pecul- -rQ tgQf tar curative powers. Ko w " other medicinehassuch a record of wonderful cures. If you have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other Instead. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses On Dollar DH, ABORK AT PORTLAND UNTIL JULY 5th DR ABOKN, Fourth and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon, the most suc cessful physician on tne amenouu u nent for the speedy, positive, absolute .....i lormiment cure for Catarrh of the Head, Asthma, Ilronohitis, Pneumonia and consumption. Twenty-five years successful praotice. Instantaneous relief and permanent cures often effected upon first consultation. Dr. Aborn, by his original, moaern, soientifio method, effeots radical cures of the most NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or.. Feb. 24, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the followlug-nam- ..D r,tbi of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wtll be made before County Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, uregou, ou April S,imL viz: nnoTnnw TJ. S. No. fi707, for the HW KE!4, NH 8E'i, SE BEV4 Hec. 6, T ft S, K 20 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: , O E. Karnsworth, Ed. 8. Cox, Frank P. Farm, worth, C. J. Anderson, of Hardman, Or. 4H.JD, John W. Lkwis, Register, Ten Owing to the mild winter, will offer for the next THIRTY DAYS IOO OVERCOATS ! to Fifteen Per Cent. Below Former Prices. MINOR MAY ST. - BROTHERS, PITUPPNBK, OR. Speedy obstinate and long s!a m cases 1? ii l.irs W 1 NOW. GIVE ATTENTION To the pnrifinatian of your blood, for at nose won is the body so susceptible to the benefits to be derived from a good medicine, as in March. April and May. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the people s favor ite spring medicine. It stands unequall ed for purif)ing tbe Uond curing scrof ula, salt rheum, eic, regnlattog the ki -nexs and liver, repairing nerve tissues, strengthening and invigorating the nrei.armg to mase tiKu.". T 1. : j tha afflicted Parts to a The Morrow Co. Land k Trust Co are " , i.nsatipr nn i retiii iiik - , meats around tbeir """"""r.t it will i nalnral. healthy oondition. It vou nave and larger sheds for wool, so th. t it w.U MM Sargapari,!? for yonr Road to Wealth Cannot be iiiccetsfully traveleJ with- out fjood health. To reach wea'.tn or any coveted position In llle requires the lull possession and operation or au urn ultlei kind nature na enuuweu u. These conditions cannot exist unle the physical being It la perfect working order, and this Is Impossible when the liver and spleen ere torpid, thus obstruct ing the secretions, causing indigestion and c:pepsia, with all of their tccom. panylng horrors. DR. HENLEY'S Fnfrlish Dandelion Tonic ...rf. tneclfic Influence over the liver, etches it to healthy action, resolves Its chronic engorgements, end promotes the j aerations: cures Indigestion ar.d canst ! i nation, sharpens tne appeu.e.ion.. the entire sistem, and makes life worth living. of Nasal Catarrh, Ozena, Deafness, Dis charges from the Ears, Asthma, Bron chitis and Consumption. Also Stomach Disorders, Billons Colio, Gall Stones and Jaundioe, Heart, Liver, Kidnev, bladder and Nervous AffVetjons; Diseases of Men. Also an auuiciuo uo- ...liur t . irompn. Dr. Atiorn can be consulted from now , until July 5th, when oe leavea ior Europe. , Note. Home treatment, securely pack ed sent by expros to any part of the PMcitic Coast and Teiritories for those who cannot possibly cull iu persou. 411-jnne 1. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijind Office at U Grande, Or., Feb. IS, 1891. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler hasiiled notice of his intention to make final proof lu support of his claim, and that said oruof will be wade before the County Clerk of Morrow Co., Oregon, at Heppner, ore- can on April 4, 1K91, viz: gon, on Apr . QlhmSi D. S. No. 10,101, for the NEJ4 Sec. 21, Tl S,R 27 E W M 'lle'names the following witnesses tp prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation oi, said laud, viz: , . .., John Kenny, rcox joiuiboh, Pat Kelcghar, of Heppner, Or. 4H-W. A. cleavbb, Register. For First Quality Goods at Lowest Prices, GO TO LEEZER & THOMPSON DEALERS IN Hardwnre, Tinware, Groceiies, Confectionery, vVood Bnd Willow Ware). Agent, New Home and i'avorite Bewiug Machines. Lumbermau'i Tools) a Specialty. Highest market prioe paid for farm proJuoe. tf. Corner Main aud Willow Streets, Heppner Or. NOTICE OF INTENTION. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Office at In (irande, Or., March 4, 101. v,i,. 1. hi.ri.hv riven that tile following named settler 1ms tiled notice of his intention to that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, at iieppuei, v,,,"-, on April Hi, l'l, viz: ,,.,. EKNEHT CCPIER, I). ,fl.No. .l032.'i. for the W gWSi, NW), HWH " " ::. , ...... . ,.., his He names me iunu",n r - - - continuous residence upon aud cultivation oi, "itobert ' Mai'teson, Geo. Oray, J. W. Leslie, J. Cunnltr, all of Heppner, Orenon. 416-421. "enlsKr. Und Office at The ball-.. '",3 v.. lire is herebv eivcn lhat trie following-na- e"er has IlleS notice of his intention to E Hnal proof In supportof Us clalui, and that said proof will he made before the Frank II. snow, LP". Co,umiioner at Lexington, Or., on May 1, lwl, viz: MARTHA J. PENLAND, (widow of Henry 1'enland, deeeaMd.) Hd. 2r,U, for the t;fc!4 rc Aj, Ip. IS, U25E, Viie names the tollowlnst witnesses to prove her cni'linuou. residence upon aud cultivation of, ""Krla-rti'lHIl r,(WeW. Pperry, Mrs. Elir., J. McAlisu-r and iitna Barnctt, all of Lexhuiton, Morrow Co., Or. j0HM W. Lr.w... 41S-421, Kr'- NOTICE OF INTENTION. named ttl"r has' ffled notice of his lntentloii to make final proof In support of hi clalin, ami that said proof will be made before W R. EHiV Commissioner V. B " ?art- Heppner, Oregon, on March !, 1'J1, vn. ROBERT JOHNSON, 1),. No. 10130, for the BWtf Sec. 2, Tp- 3 8, R 27 E W. Jl NOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Office at U Grande, Or., Feb 27 1891. Notice is hereby given that the follow ,iS. named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof lu supportof his claim, and lhat said proof will be made before the Count, Clerk OI Morrow v,uMiity v., , VU' WALTER CROSBY, Ds No. 978S, for the fi BE H and SEX 8W!4 Sec. Q To 8 tt. H 27 K, W. M. , , .... o, witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultlvallou of, 1 t ul, !v. li v'erlies W. R. Newman, Thomas oweni and Andy Stevenson, all of HepP"". ur- A. tiliKAVKK, 415-420. ""tor- NOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Office at The Dalles. Or., Feb. W. 1891. Notice Is hereby given that the following: named settler has tiled notice of his intention W make tiiinl proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Judge of Morrow Counly, at Heppner, Uregou, ea April 14, 18'Jl, viz: ALFRED H. PALMER, Hd. No. SWI, for the wu SWS, NESWX, KW SsL' Me. ill, TaS, K'if E. lie names the following witnesses to prove hlj conllnnous residence upon, and cultivaUoa ol, said land, viz: M llcnrv Wliitson, John Vaunt, Win. Estee, C. It. Peek, of Lexington, Oregon. 314-lu John . liwis, Kegiwi. ile names the following witnesses o Pv M, ; continuous re.ld .oi.llnuous residence upolf and cultivation of, said '""J"; H NOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Offlce at The Dalles, Or. Feb. 27, '91. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler hns tiled notice of his mention to make final proof in support of his clalin. and that said proof will be made before VV. 11. hills, b. 8. Commissioner, at Heppner, Or., on April 11, !, vis: D. W. BAIRD. TM. No. 1507, for the WW NE)4 and K4 NWW HenVnies the following witnesses to prove his Muitiuuous residence upuii and oultlvauon oi, i.rvn Rush. W. II. McAtee aud i WYenSe McEntire, J. T. Pott, and A. Tlllard, WTtaUri, .U of UeppuOr FOTICE OF INTENTION, Und Office at U Grande, Or., Feb. II, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following-Milled settlor has tiled notice of his Intention t make llnal proof In supportof his claim, an4 that said proof will b made before County Clerk of Morrow Co.. Oregon, at Hepputr, Ore gon, ou April I, IS'Jl, vli: PAT KELEOHAR, D. S. 10,135, for the NE'4. NW' and NX NK, SE'i SKf See. :, T 1 S, R E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his cniilluuoiis residence upon, aud cultivation t, ""jobnKeiiny, Fellt Johnson, Thomas OllfUlen, James D.on'herty, of Hepnner Oregon. AO...-, i.k sLMclal notice. gil ' A. OUIIVII, 1 r 1 ,pring medioio then do o tbw to the main wrebouw.