The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, March 26, 1891, Image 2

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THURSDAY, Mvod 23, 1891.
Lawbb.vos Barbett, tbu great sotor,
died suddenly of heart disease io New
York last Saturday uiglit.
Thb promise to pay ia imo I; paying is
better, and tbe latter ibonld fulluvv the
former. But it dou't always do it in tbe
newspaper business.
Fblton was chosen Duited Slates sen
ator by California's legislature, ou tbe
19ih iust. He is ttorth over a milliou
Money rules tbe roost m California.
The proposition to colonize Morrow
oouuty witb well-to-do people is a good
one. More wheat per acre ia raised iu
Morrow oouuty tban iu tbe state of la
diana. Farmers must farm to make a
General Joseph K Johnson, the great
flnnfeilsrutB leader, bas been summoned
by death to the unknown. With the ex-1
oeption of uen. JJaeungaru, uen. John
son is tbe last of the great Confederal
Hkppneb will get more wool for Bale
and shipment tbia season tban any other
point in tbe state, which bnyers are keep
ing in mind. Judge tbe tbe future by
tbe past, and remember that tbe big
prices for olips have been paid in Hepp-ner.
This paper respectfully asks Mr. Had
ley to luspeot competent authority ou
the subject of demand notes. Ou pagt
6b4, Vol. IV of tbe International Cyolo
pecliu, is tbe statement that tbe "demand
notes" of the war were payable ou de
luaud. Any other good authority will
confirm tbe statement. They wore taken
up by greenbacks, uud subsequently re
deemed iu gold. These are solid factt
that are not giveu at random, but by
reference to good authorities,
If A borrows one hundred dollars ol
B, it is a positive fuct that B will warn
his interest. It niigbt be paid in lawful
money, or by another note. In any event,
it is business to keep interest paid up lu
flash, and not by any promises to pay
Tbey must be met sometime. There
fore as a business proposition, the gov
ernment made its interest payable if I
money. Like an individual, it wou'.ii
have been oompelled to buve taken Ui
its paper at some future time. If tl e ex
Oflptiuu clause raised the devil w'.th tut
greenback in 1801, wby did it, not con
Ali over tbia county, and thi3 paper
niight truthfully say in every part ol
tbis judicial district, comes a olaraoi
over tlie delays, vexatious and expense
occasioned by tbe sicknesi of Judgi
Bird. For mouths there has been un
term of court iu Morrow oouuty of suflio
jent length to clear the docket, and it is
growing wouderlully larger as each suc
cessive term comes to baud. Our farm
ing community are loud in their de
mands for his resignation. Judge Bird
is dependent entirely on bis salary an
judge of tbis district, and without il
would have been sadly inconvenienced
during his late aud severe illness. Wt
have neard many say tlrnt so far as the
alary is couoemed, it is tbe smallesl
part of it. It is the thousands of dollars
expenses which are piling up in this dis
tnot everywhere, and which must be
paid out of tbe people's pockets, that ie
causing the ugitvtiun. It is indeed to be
regretted that such a state of affairs
should exist, but can we blame the tax
payers for "kicking?"
The following advertisement, publish
ed by a prominent western patent medi
cine house would indicate that they re
gard disease as a punishment for sin :
"Do you wish to know tbe quickest
way to cure asevore cold? We will tell
you. To cure :i cold qniulily, it must be
treated belore tbe cold has become Bet
tied iu tbe system. This can always be
done it you choose to, as nature m hei
kindness to man gives timely warning,
aud plainly tells you in nature's way,
that as a punishment for some indiscre
tiou, you are to be utlliutud witb a cold
unless you choose to ward it oil by
prompt action. The firs1 symptoms of a
cold, ill most cases, is a dry, loud cough
and sneezing. Tbe ouugb is bool fol
lowed by a profuse watery cxpeotornlion
and the sneezing by a profuse watery
discharge from the nose. In severe cases,
there is a thin, white coating ou the
tongue. What to do? it is only neces
sary to take Cbamberlaiu's Cough Heme
dy in double doses every hour. That
will greatly lessen the severity of the
cold, uud iu most cases will el'Vectnally
counteract it, and euro what would have
been a severe cold withiu one or two
day b time. Try it ami he convinced. "
50 cent bottles lor sale by Blocum-John-ston
Drug Co.
A Lively Match In the Opera Hn-ise, and thf
Auittenca Well Pleasta.
According to prior arrangement, the
sparring match between Billy Boss and
Billy Wihnortb, the latter to put Ross
cut in eight rounds, came off at tbe
Opera House Monday evening, being
introduced bv a two-round oontest be
tween Frank Whetstone and Johnny
Wilmorth, the seconds for Ross aud
Wilmorth, respectively. The second
round ended with about even honors be
tween tbo boys, though Whetstone near
ly scored b knock down in the second
round, Wilmorth , recovering himself,
however, before he reached the floor. It
was a neat little contest, eight ouuoe
gloves being used.
When Ross and Wilmorth came on the
stage there was much oueering, both be
ing complimented on their fine appear
ance, iliey were in piuit oonaiuon, nuu
really looked well in their neat suits and
bared waists. II iss is three inches taller
tlian Wilmorth, but the latter had the
advantage of him in weight just two
pjouds, weighing 116. C. W. Ryohard
Wrts selected as referee; Ed. Sainmons,
timekeeper. The contestants having
suook hands, adjusted their gloves aud
gme through the other preliminaries,
aivanoed to center of the stage in the
Both men sparred cautiously, as if
each was learning the style of tbe other,
and the round ended witb honors even.
second Bound.
On timo being called, bolh men sprang
lightly into position, Jims assuming tbe
defensive. Wilmorth led with his right,
and oaught R iss lightly ou the mouth.
The latter oouutered and Wilmorth came
back aguTu with his r;.;ht, but neither
failed to reach the objective poiut. Aftor
some oa'atious span-lug, Wilmorth
a .night i'voss on the breast with his right,
aud th e retaliated with a good one
ove. the heart. When time was called,
i) either seemed to have any particular
idvautage, but it wns plainly evideut
that Wilmorth onuld not "do" Boss in
uight rounds, unless there was some im
In the 3d round, honors vere about even.
However, Wilmorth got a good one in
ju Rjss' stomiob,
Both mpu started lighting in dead
earnest, Ross reaching Wilmorth iu the
neck. In getting away, the latter slipped,
uearly falliug, but reguiued position iu
itnutly, Boss did all t he leading in this
round, with one exception. When time
was called, both repaired to their re
spective corners, louking well.
ripra bound .
Wilmorth led off but was stopped, and
Hubs oouutered. led again
twice in succession, getting in
Boss' jaw. Boss oaiue back and
twice on Wilmorth's breast.
sixrn hound.
Ross feinted with his left and. caught
Wilmorth in the face with bw right
1'he latter led at Boss twice eitoh with
right uud left, lauding three twueis on
ribs and stomach Close tignfcing; fol
lowed, Ross getting in with his left-
Ross got Wilmorth ou the jaw with
right. Wilmorth led buck with 'right
mid left, caught Ross both times, once
on face and once on cheat. Jitter
some sparring Wilninrth got in another
on Boss' chest, and the hitter dime trnok
uviou with right, reiiouiim Wilmorth's
fnoe lightly both times. The- latter came
buok with right ou it ,bs' rib.
lilllHTII bound.
Wilmorth led with right, but Ross
(topped it. Wilmorth led ai;ain with
an upper cut, catching Rose in the stom
ach, Wilmorth led again Willi a fierce
blow, but Boss dodged it, the former los
ing bis buliinoe. Boss citnubt him iu
the neok before he could reoover, laud
ing him against the Bcenes. Both men
led right and left on the other's face and
clinched. On call oi releree to "to break
away." the men separated and assumed
positions and were still lighting
Spring fights are undoubtedly ripe.
Joe Woolery, of Hardman, is in town.
Geo. Stewart is down from Hardman
Foster Adams says Blaok Horse is "in
it" this year.
Lishe Sperry and T. J. Allyn were up
from lone Saturdav.
M. B Galloway, the photographer, was
in town Thursday last.
Mrs. Qeorge Conser is visiting the
home folks on Rhea orek.
Miss Inie Vornz will begin s term of
school at Lena next Monday.
Johnny Horner is learning the "gear'
makers trade with bis father.
Miss Mounts will teach a term of
school at Alpine this summer.
Geo. Vineeut. the Butter oreek gard
ener was witb us Friday last.
J. H. Piper snya wheat looks well
down on b's ranch below here.
Tbos. Rhea returned last week from
a business trip to Crook oouuty.
Facts speak loudor than words. Sim
mons Liver Regulator will always cure.
"Jakey" Cobn, representing the Her
man Heyneman's cigars, was in town
Mrs. Joe Hayes and Miss Millie Neal
were visitors at the Gazette office Thurs
day last.
N. Donnelly is beard of at Boise Oity,
Idaho, where the Guzette will hereafter
reaob him.
If I o salmon hunting again, I'll put
ou goggles so I can see them through tbe
mud. i rank n.
Liye Hendryx got back from Salt Lake
Friday last, having disposed of the John
Enplish stallion.
Major Ormsby got in from Nebraska
Friday last, and will take back a few
muttons in tbe near future.
Basohel Halley, of Eight Mile, says he
has not been able to sow bis spring grain
yet owing to the ground being too wet,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. R. Bishop gave a
snppei to a party of friends at tbeir res
idence in Heppner, on last Friday even
ing. Jas. P. Rhea and Os Mitchell have sold
their steers to Portland parties and will
deliver 6oon. Prices are not the best at
Meppne r.
Do you know that a little cough to a dangerous j;
thin"? A -3 vou aware that it otten tastens on tne$
luii' -s and far too often runs into Consumption and t
ends in Death? l'eonle suflertug from Athma.
lirorxi litis, lucumcnu and Consumption will ail j
toll voa that k
Can yon sJTcn-d to ne-;ie, t it? C-ui you ti-ai.'
r 'r wii.h so iwr'.c.i a mutter .' Aroyour.a..'i.ii
S aJ F'2 i'i 5 L'ik i i
r,-,r c.nn,rh C.-i-U anrl Comumpt'vi
B Modern Remedies ? HwiU sto; a Cour
B , T. .. -II r'rnllTl 1'P leVft A
I in ttm " You cae.'t afford to ba without it." A 2o cent tat le .may save you
I "oOin'Docto?s bills-may save your life I Ask your drupst for it, or write
5 to W II . IIookeb & CO., 48 West Broadway, New ork, tor book. B
6 a c a a ! b m rm . b b b a a a a ; :- .B.B..iBiB-iB..B-B-: bii
For Sale by SLOCDM JOBiNSTON Drug Co., Heppner, Oregon.
ii ly-ond question t!:0 jrrtatest of ru"
,: iti one niirht. l! wi.l check a Cold in P
elievo Astlima ami cure Consumption if taken!
A BiK Line direct from the East. Fine stylish lmts, ,.Pw
n , n ...t' Cad .,ua in lua nnr nhl III.
A car-liiaii of
shapes, ami pattprns,
ren's sImss, all slylfls,
D1ES ut Factory Prices.
10 TO 20
JS-CALL ! CALL ! ! Next door to T. W. Ayers' Drug Store,
Garrigues Baihling, Heppner, Oregon.
oue on
Tbe Heppner Furniture Co. have re
ceived a fine line of oarpets, which tbey
will sell very cheap for the next ten days.
Call and get bargains.
Having bad a mild winter, there is
quite a surplus of bay left in Grant Co ,
which can be bought for 88 and $10 per
Our school is prospering under the
management of W. O. Hoseason (former
ly of Heppner) as teacher. Mr. Hoseason
gives satisfaction.
The residence of J. W. Lemons was
consumed by tire on last Monday, losing
all his household goods exoept an organ,
lounge and some bedding.
MoKern Bros, have a force of men at
work on their ditch running from the
John Day river, and when completed,
will furnish water to irrigate quite an
amount of valuable land.
Mr. Heury Ridenour, of Reno, Ney., is
at this nlnoe bovine mutton sheep. He
is paying $2.50 per head for two-year-olds,
they being tbe Only kind he can
buy, as there is nothing older in the val
ley. A few more days of fine weather will
find farmers busy seeding and stockmen
busy shearing, etc.
In nil diseases of the nasal mucous
mencbrane the remedy used must be
non-irritating. The medical profession
bas been slow to lenru this. Nothing
8iitinfiictory can be accomplished witb
douches, stinlis, powders or syringes
because they are all irritating; do not
thoroughly reach the affected surfaces
and should be abandoned as worse than
failures. A multitude of persons who
had for years born all the worry and paiu
that catarrh oan inlliot testify to radical
cures wrought by Ely's Cream Balm
TU nrvV P nn J ri n 0 Ann Furniture. Cuoboarda Tables, Stands
UUU HOI J.H ..'g
Baby Buggies, Mouldings, Mirrors aud Curtain Poles,
Direct from the East Cheap for Casb.
. miii n iiAl
L'namitim n Vnnnio. ttT I '(limAtC trt IlK WW
nmrni ti oiniiduj. uaiycw iu uiuci
Agent For the La Grande Marble Works.
E. G. 8LO0UM.
time was called at the end ot this round,
which closed the contest, the decision
being in favor of Ross.
Fernoline Sheep Dip
Books and Silverware givnn away to onr cash customers.
roceries, Hardware, Etc.
Largest Stock Rnd Biggest Assortment to be found in
Oregon. Mail Orders Solicited.
Always "take the cake" when it comes to having
a complete stock of General Merchandise, suited to
the wants of this country. See the lutest patterns of
Woolen Dress Goods in stripes, plains and solid colors
all sold at prices to please, finest line of
Our shoe department cannot be excelled in style, quality
and low prices. Hand and Sewed shoes in Button, Con
gress and Lace. Heavy Brogans and Boots of all kinds.
Hats and Caps, Woolen Underwear and
Blankets, Robes, Gloves, Mittens, Trunks, Valises, Sew
ing Machines, Guns, Pistols, Wallpaper, Doors, Windows f
and Glass, Paints and Oils, Harness aud Saddles. Our
San Jose, Cal., Saddles are giving the best of satisfaction.
"We have a tine assortment of side saddles and others.
Stoves aud Tinware. If yon need a cook t,tove, range
or parlor heating stove, don't fail to see our stock in
these goods. Common heating stoves in all sizes.
- Wiint a
Call and see the 100 or more Fine Styles
and ratterni Kept oy ub, wmcn we
are selling Very Cheap. AIro
Cbas. Hodsoii w;h up from Lexington
Saturday with a well developed case ot
Vrin." He will begin teaching at the
Rhea oreek school house as soon as he
Jas. V. and O. A. ltliea made a trip lo
Portland last week. Tbey report the
tbe place Hooded with those who wish to
dispose ot cattle, therefore prime beet is
not worth over four oen's. While there
the visitors met Olias. Yoituntfreu, p. y.
Kiiiniiird, Holmes tiayniau, Mnrry
Ileardsley and Jimmie Clark, wbioli
shows tuat a fair siinukliu of former
Heppnerites are iu tbe metropolis.
Ed. 0. Woodall oamo in ou Wednes
day's stage from Long Oreek, iu response
to a letter informing biiu of tbe serious
illness of bis cousin, Sirs. Tarver, whose
death was unknown to him till his arri
val here. However Mr, Tarver nud
children hud started East with the bud)
juet twelvo hours before, to the yreal
dissappoiutnit ut of Mr. Woodall.
A. U. bitter aud John Foster had n
"surup" iu the recorder's ollioe last
Thursday, consisting ot one round, no
rules, a black eye for Hitter, and a
broken list for Foster. First blood unani
mously awarded to Foster. They were
assessed the "regulation" ior tbia class
of fuu. The Gazette kuows alj about it,
by experience.
Andrew Iteauey reports the grain ou
his hill ranch as looking well. Ho aavs
it's as greeu as a meadow, and oan lie
serti 5 or 0 miles away, ljate freews
nipped the blades of bis grain a litile,
but it amounts to nothing. Stock came
through in excellent couditiun iu An
drew's neighborhood.
A. II. Hooker, of Eight Mile, was over
Monday to attend court. He will have
in about 85 aores of wheat tbia sonsou,
and says Dot a barrel of water has run
olf his ranch the pnst winter. He has
just been allowed a pension, having beeu
soldier of the late war.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cun not be
cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. Props , Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have kuown F.J,
Cheuey for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions, and Uiiancially able tocarry
out any obligations made by their tirm.
West & Truiu, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, Ohio.
Walding. Kinnau & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hali'sCatanh Cure is taken Internally,
acting directly upon tbe blood and
mucous surfaces if the sysiein. Price,
76o. per. bottle. Sold by all Druggists
He Was Disidiarirotl bv , Justice flownicr, the
Testiuumy Hliowing tlmi he Was not
the AgieHHur.
From the Knst Orogoniiin.
Wilse Coyle is acquitted.
He hud bis examination Saturday be
fore Justice Bowmer, of Milton, aud
walked out of the court-room a free man, i
albeit with a bullet hole in his neck and
a slightly disfigured countenance.
The testimony was in (Joyle's favor.
It showed that he drove up with a Mr.
liayltss to Mr. Warner's ulaoe near Mil
ton, where Michael Uyaa was employed
loading hay. They were asked to alight
and did so, Ryan being out of sight be
hind the haystack at the time. While
Coyle was tying the horses Kyau came
out from behind the haystack with a
pitchfork iu his baud, which he used
after the manner of a caue aud walkeil
rapidly towards him, saying:
' Do you want me to settle for thoBe
"1 dou't want iinjthing to do witb
you," replied Coyle, and he retreated,
m.itioning with his hand, Hyuu still ad
vanning. The latter threw his hand be
hind bun Mini both drew their pistols and
tired oue shot each, almost simultaneous
ly. Immediately afterward each tired
another shot, and Coyle whose pistol
failed him, then turned anil rau, Ryan
pursuing biin. After going about
twenty-tive steps, Rviin overtook Coyle,
threw huu dowu nud jumped on him.
Baylies attempted to drag him off, aud
by grabbing bis pistol prevented Ryau,
who several times pulled the trigger
with the weapon pointed at Ooyle's head,
from giving the latter his quietus, the uaru
mer descending upon his baud. He flually
secured Ryan's weapon, and Coyle was
helped to bis bnggv; he drove to Walla
Walla. Ryau was taken to Walla Walla
hy his sister. Other testimony showed
that Rvnn bad frequently threatened to
kill Coyle on aoeouut of the laud trouble
iu which tbey were involved, aud of his
arrest on the charge ot stealiug posts
preferred by Coyle,
Ryan, w ho wns shot tw ice below the
groin iu hie leg will recover. Coyle looks
much the worse for wear, but ia doiug
While employed as ageut of the Michi
gan Oeutral Railroad Company, at Augus
ta, Mich., my kidneys became diseased,
and from an impoverished and impure
state of the blood, my general health was
entirely undermined. I consulted the
leadiug physioiaus of this city aud Auu
Arbor, and all pronounced my -wse
Brigut's disease. In October last, I be
imlu taking Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup,
and am to-day a well mau. It affords
me pleasure to render suffering humanity
any good that I can, and I wish to say
that I think it the greatest blood, kidney
and liver mediuiue in tbe world.
E. Laiizilkkb, Ageut M. C. R R.,
Albion, Mioh.
Bold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Heppner, Or.
List of letters remaining nuoalled for
in the Heppuer Postolliee :
Lewis, John. Nolemnn, Alex.
Peterson, Mis. N. Russell, A. W.
Speers, Miss Kate. Sprague, M. E.
Vei niau, O O.
riense say "advertised" when calling
for these letters.
A. MaHjOrt, P. M.
If you are in need of a carpet, call on
the Hi'DouerFurnitureCo., May St. lhey
have over 100 different samples to piok
from, nud will give you great bargains
for the uext ten days.
Sealed bids for repniriug the Heppner
school building will be reoeiveil at tue
oftiea of the District Clerk, District No.
1 , ou or before April 21, 181)1. Right
reserved to reieot any and all bids.
Specifications caD be seen at the post
Heppner, Or., April 25, '91.
Otis Patterson,
Chairman School Board.
0. M. Mallohy,
District Clerk. 418-421
Oeo. Lund has recovered from a
month's sukues. Since his return from
the East recently, he has beeu stopping
at Tbos. linen's.
The entertainment aud supper of the
Epworth League, which was given at the
Opera House last eve, was well atteuded
and appreciated.
Johnny Woodaid's English Shire, five
years old, weighed 2.110 ou tbe Morrow
soalee Saturday last. The country is
beginning to appreciate good stock.
Sib Phillip Miller, the great English
horticulturist, writing ill 1740 says : "The
best method to have cabbages good is to
procure fresh eeed from abroad every
year, for it is apt to degeuerate in Eng
land in a few years."
The above is a simple illustration of
tbe fact that the best seeds will rapidly
degenerate under unfavorable conditions
The wise will take heed, therefore, and
hnv their seeds of V. M. ierry & Co,
Detroit. Miohiiran. whose world wide
reputation as the bust and most reliable
s well as tbe MOST extensive eeed gro.
ers aud dealers, is due to the fact lhat
they take advantage of evtry oircnm
stance of climate, soil, methods of oul
tore, selection of aeed-iilauts, etc., to pro
cure tbe best possib e seeds and keep
them up to that high standard.
Send Minr uaine to the firm's address,
aud you will receive a oopy of tbtir Beed
Anuul for 1881, fre.
Columbia Brewery Depot,
Of the Columbia Brewery, at The Dalles, wmiM inform the citizens ."""ow and TOmmming
counties that lie line ipiiseu irom .jwnii . tiavim ,.,. n-r-.
established o depot at the well known stand, for the sale of the best
Lager Beer and Porter,
either in the keg or bottled, which he will ha pleased to supply castomerBin
any quantity wholesale and retail.
The Public are invited to call and examine his stock with
the assurance tha t they will find it first-class.
gj&- The Heppner Depot will be in charge of Mr. Dan Osmers, who will cheer
fully supply all orders. "
Payette Nursery,
Largest General Nursery
stoek in the Mountains.
Send for Catalogue and Price List.
And Harrows, Clocks and Watches. Chop Feed, Seed
Rye, Alfalfa and Timothy, Wheat, Barley aud Oats.
Blacksmith's coal, Sulphur, Lime and Salt, Cedar Shin
gles, Groceries and Hardware. Eemoline Sheep Dip,
something new. Guaranteed to cure the scab in sheep
or no pay.
A call at our Establishment will prove
Our claim of having the Largest stock, Greatest Variety,
of goods, the best equipped store, combined with low
prices, that can be found in any other town in Oregon.
To every purchaser of $25 worth of goods, we will give
a fine $4 book. Orders from the country carefully and
promptly filled. Country produce bought and sold.
Agents for Christy & Wise.
Tbe National Bank Building, Heppner, Oregon.
T. W. AYERS, Jr., Proprietor,
(BacceBsor to A. D. Juhnson.)
Keeps a Full Line of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent .Medicines, Toilet
Articles, Albums, Etc., Etc.
Domestic and Imported Cigars Al
ways in Stock.
School Books
School Books !
Payette, Idaho.
English Draft and Coach
(Roistered Vol. X, No. 8161. The Shire Horse Society.)
1",.l . ' Grand dam by Flowboy, No. 1745; Dam, Sir
.etlllieC. Colin, No. 2022. Got by Royal Sandy. Bred
by Thomas Denhurst, Whittington, Scotland. Shipped to America by
Johu Metlattie, Aberdeen, Scotland. Sandy is a Chestnut, with silver
mane aud tail. Weight 1000. Trots well, aud is a sure foal getter.
Saddles, HaJness, Whips, Spurs, and every Conceivable
Article kept in a First Class Harness Shop.
Reraiiiias a Specialty I
?nniv An linnrl IIia PaIi
jiaiiuj uu uaiiu mo veil ui a
Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for
five years. Don't buy eisewbere till you exitmine their machines and
get cash prioes.
Id E. Minor's Building.
These Gentlemen are well known as having Mastered the
Tonsorial Art in nil of its Important Features. Call on
them (or a Good Shave or Hair Cut.
Splendid Bath Rooms in Connection.
E. Minor's Building,
Single Leap, $10; Season, $20; Insurance
$2o; Special terms for two or more mares.
SANDY will make the season of 1891 at Sargent & Keiffer's stable
at Htppuer, Oregon.
Let ns go to Mat Liohtenthal's
Exclusive Boot and Shoe Store,
for our winter footwear. He keeps the best Buckingham & Heoht boots
and shnrs, the Fargo $2 50 Shoe and other goods ot standard maties. A
big stock, Footgear must be bought cheap, quality considered, to get
such bargains as you find at