CURES PERMANENTLY HGKVlcbes IT HAS no EQUAL. IT IS THE BEST. iinPTi:n7i 'A u ESTABLISHED IN 1.H77. Wvandottes. Plymouth Rocks, Light Braniuhs, Hoho and Sinifln Comb BrowD LfclinniR, Pm fridge Cochins, Hoiidans and S:l ver Spanned HunilniKS. 1.000 YOUNG FOWLS Ready for Delivery. BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR CHOICE SELECTIONS. my Fowls navs rq supsiior. In America, and arc the best on this coast by u roat difference. I GDARANT E SATISFACTION TO EVEKY CUSTOMER. Bend for Catalnnue. Add ress ,T. M. GARRISON, Box 55. com.3!)G. Eorest drove, Or L. SHEPHARD, FOX, OREGON. All orders promptly attended to. Prices to suit tho Timep. S. P. FLORENCE 1L. STOCKRAISER! HliPPNEH OKKUON. Cattle bnuided and nur marked tut shown above. llorne I?' on ritfht Hlmulder. Our oaltle rantu in !lnrmw, and Umntilla connticH. 1 will piiy S!0(MK) ren(l fur the rrent and cmivittiiiii of any pornim Mttmlinj; my took. Til 10 lMorviOiC Jewelry wxiw :i-r- Still Coiitinues to Sell waatciies, . r..:.: . ; oijOCKH, ETOEIiny, ETC.. At tho Lowest Possible Prices. A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame tliyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always BSrr.:-.-.--. ..-Ton Hand"T'. A Full Line of TSOL DHIOAIj INSTnU Has liceu added to his largo and well sulecteil stock. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Worlt O tin l'aiitoccl. 8TOUIC mitiosite Minor, Dnilhim & ('' May HI. IIlIi " -'f rturt ARTHUR SMITH, PRACTICAL, WATCHMAKER ! Opposito Gazetto Ollice, HEPPNER, Watches, OREGON. Optical (joods . fl.Ml. . tt.VJ. .N D C'locks, Watolun Cleaned, MttitiNprintf Kitted IF.tmni.r; X J Iieo -rder Ruli-'ftH town ot it-r"i'r. IS H-eFSIi.J THE JKltSICY LILLY." Anoi.ksea Coti agi;, L. H., July 2. Cattlemen: Altlioiijih it is verv "' iiHiial fur me to una wiy lotioua or wiialies, .Hill, in nimuer to yniir renset, f have tried Wii'dci'iV V inlet Cream itnd Rulif rtirn. Tlie tinnier I nmniiler ea peo.iully cfiiciieiinn in ciwi s of rnuirliness if ll;e i-ki'i, and 1 luive lift n neiii! "t every day fur the last f..rtiiii;lit. I have foil tl tin) Ki.liertine an excellent prepur ation in c:ineH of (an. Hiiiiliuru, etc, caused by exposure to .March winds uud a July sun. Yours faitlifnlly, LasotbI. To Messrs. WiBilnm k On. Thad A' matron: wat) over fn ra Alpine one day last week. BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best SaU'e in ihe wold for Cuts bruises. Sores, Uleers. .Sill lilieum, rever Sorea, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Unl- Blains, Corns, and till Skin J'.ruphous, a id positively cures 1'ih-s, or no pay re ouired. It is u'liaranleed t.i itive perfeet satisi'action. or moiiev refunded. Price 25 cents nor box. For sale by T. Ayers, Jr. Nov 14. '0. Clias. W. ISIessner, of Arlington, was ill our city Wednesday last. TWENTY DOLLAR GOLD PIECES. Mrs. John Curtis, of Peoria, Ill writes : "Used one box of Osajie Pill previous to my Second con linemen! ; they worked like a charm. Would pay $W fur a box rather than do w it hunt them, as they have proved t Godsend to me." WriteOsau-e Medicine company, Wichita, Kas., for partieulais. and their book to wives, mailed Iree. Sold by druyu'ists. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Ileppuer Oie Kon. 3'J8-Iyr. Mr Knihten, Sr., of Eiyht Mile, was in town Thursday of last week. THE FIRST STEP. Perhaps you arc run down, can't eat oit'i't sieop,'t think, can't do any thing to your satisfaction, and you won der what ails you. You should heed the waiinnt;, you are taking the lirst step in to Nervous I'msiralinu. lou neeti a Nerve Tonic and in Electric Hitters you will find the exact, remedy for restoring your system to lis normal healthy con dition. Surprising reHiilts lollow the uae of Ibis great, Nerve loinu and Altera tive. Your appetite returns, good diges tion is lealoreil. and the Liver and Kid neys resume healthy action. Try n bot tle. Piiee OUo. at T. W. Ayers', Jr., Drugstore. E. L. Mullock has hail his Billiard table cut down to the "icgulalioii size. PRONOUNCED HOPELESS, YET SAVED. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, ot Grototi, S. D., wo quote: "Was taken with u bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, cough set in and finally ter minated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up by saying 1 could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, deteiinined if 1 could not stay with my friends on euith, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and (.aihlB I gave it a tiial, took in all light boftlea; it lias cured nie and thank Wod I an now a well and lieaily woman." Trial free at T. W. Aycr's, Jr., City Lrug Store, regular size, 5llc and If 1.011. D. R. Jay lie is repotted by Ilia SM, Clias., us being "on Ihn mend." HIBIURD'S RHEUMATIC AND LIVER PILLS. These Pills are scientifically compoun ded, mid uniform inaction. No griping pain ho commonly folhnHiig the use ol Pills. They aie adapted to both adults and children Willi perfect safety. We guarantee they have no equal in Ihe cure ol Sick Huaiiaciih, Cousl ipatmn, Dyspep sia aud Biliousness; and, as an appetizer, they excel any oilier preparation. Louis Stallenberg, of Colorado, has ar rived to again accompany Sam Palmer "over the trail." DO NOT BUh'FER ANY LONGER Knowing Hint a c ugh can be checked in a day, and the lirst stages of con sumption broken in a week, we hereby guarantee Dr. Acker's h.nglish Cough Remedy, and w ill refund Ihe money to all who buy, lake it as per diiections, and do not find our statement correct. Sold by iSlocuin Johnslon Dtusj Co. Hilly Barrett was over from the Sand Hollow secilioii Thursday Ins.. He re. ports having sticci ssfully "wintered" his hand of I, Kill) sheep. I hough be lost, a tott since the storm abated through then eating some poisonous need. GOD'S BLESSING TO HUMANITY So says an Oregoti pioneer ninety years old. (liiovu, Or., March 11).- I have used the OREGON KIDNEY I EA unit obtained ininieiliaie relief, ll is I's blessing to humanity. I take pleasure in recommending h' H"1 nlllii'led. I am now nearly ninety years old, came to Oregon in lMI J in Mm employ or the Hudson's II. iv Company, mid since I he gan using Ihe OliKGON K 1 1 N E TEA I enjoy good health.- David Munuois. Those of our pimple who own fine driv ing stock have 'chipped in'' to the amount of SOU to make a good roa. I up lowatds Mr. I'hos. id's ranch, on Balm Fork. CATARRH CANT BE CI' RED with LOCAL APPLICA TIONS, as they cannot leach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or i slifutiniial disease, and ill order to cure it yyo have to take internal lenn dies, llall'e Catarrh cure is taken internally, and nets directly on Ihe blood onl mucous surfaces. Halt's Calanli cure is no iiuaek medicine. II was prescribed by one of the nest physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription It is composed of the best tunics kmuMi, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly i ti Ihe mucous surfaces The perfect combination ot the two ingre lienls, is what poultices such won derfnl results in curing oiitarth. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEYS CO., P' ops., Toledo, 0. Sold by diuggists, price 75c. Mr. John Barker, of Lower Butter creek, was in town on Thursday last. His stock having ooiiie through the win tor without loss, ho is very well content ed. Ho proposes to seek the Ileppuer maiket for his wools tho coining season. It onunot be beat. A CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by the use of opi ates given in the form of soothing syrup. Why mothers give their childien siuih deaillv poison is surprising when they can relieve the chihl of its peculiar troubles by using Dr. Aeke'r liahy- pbhe,,r.Wbr.-Jol.un DruJiaodcrcd liver, which Wu,mou. L.wr Hehool clerk. O. M. Malloty, has al most completed the BsaeBsmenfc uf Dist. No 1. ''Onf of my (iiiiHiniriH wme in to-day and asked me for the bet oonul: tuedi cine 1 had." Bays Lew Yoni'U, a on un dent di niriri'1t of Newman Grove, N-b. '(.)r collise i showed liitll Cl.iilnlierlilill'ti CoiikU Keuiedy mid he did not ask to see any other. I iiavo never yet sold a medi cine that would loosen and relieve a severe cold ho quickly as that remedy does. I have sold four dozen of it with in the last nixly days, ami do not. know uf a Blliyle case where it failed to liive the most perfect satisfaction." 50 cent bittlea for sale by yioeum-Johaston Drnn Co. Towns Mathews has just received some liuhtinii clnckena. His loosteris a reuis tered bud, which proves that he has won a battle. UOW'H I'll IS! We offer One Hundred Dollars R wanl for any case i f Catarrh that can not be cured bv taliimr Hall's Catarrh Cure, f. J. CHENEY CO. Props , lohdo.O. We, t'ne undersigned, have ku"n b J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm Weal A Truax, Wholesale Druatfists, To ledo, Ohio. Waldiun. Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale DriiKt!ists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall'sCatanh Cure is taken internally, noting directly up"ii the blood ami muooiis surfaces if the sys.em Price, 75c. per. bot'le. Sold by all Druiiiiists The Butter creek coal prospectors are buying supplies here, which they claim to be saving money on, as compared wit Pendleton, and besides it is much nearer. Frank Shipley lias given up his position with the R-coril, owing to II health, but hopes to improve by plenty of on door exercise. A MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD EMPLOYE WINS HIS CASE, AFl'Eli SEVEN YEARS CONTEST. While employed as audit of the Michi gan Ccoitral Railroad Company, at Angus la, Mich., my kidneys became dis used, and from an impoverished and impure stale of the blond, my general health was entirely umlei mined. I consulted the leading phy sioiaus of this city and Ann Arbor, and ail pronounced my ease liright's disease. In October last, I be gan taking Hibhard's Rheumatic Syrup, and am to-day a well man. It affirils rue pleasure to render suffering humanity any good that I can, and I wish to Bav that I think it the greatest blood, kidney aud liver medicine in the world. E. Lauzilkue, Agent M. C. R. R., Albion, Mich. Sold by T. W. Ayers. Jr., Heppuer, Or A few bead or horses became imprison ed in a fence curlier by a snow drift near I'ress Thompson's place, east of here, and died from starvation, but this paper has not heard of many losses, where stock bud a chance to "rustle." ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bit ters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric bitters will cure all diseases o the liver and kidneys, will remove pim- nlos. boils, salt renin and other iiliections caused bv impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and in digestion tiv Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refund ed. Price olio, and $l.UU per bottle at T. W. Ay ers' drug store. Win. Boohr and D. A. Porter favored this ollice will their presence Saturday last. Mr. Porter has spent several months in the valley, which oounlry does not seem to have agreed with nun w ell as "bunchgrnss." FACTS WORTH KNOWING. In all diseases of the nasal mucous nienbrane the reimdy used must be non-irritating. The uiedimil profession has been slow to Irani this. Nothing satisfactory can be accomplished with douches, smills, powders or syri.iges liecaiiso they are all irritating; do not thoroughly reach the affected surfaces and should be abandoned as worse than failures. A multitude ot persons who had for years born nil the worry and pain that catarrh can intiict testify lo radical cures wrought by Ely's Cream Balm Advertisers rent their space, anil have a right to repieseut their wares as they see lit, A newspaper don t know, nor neither has it the time to asnerl in whether or not the goo Is are "all wool and a yard wide " The customers must see for themselves. LIFE OF S1TITNG BULL AND THE INDIAN WAR. "The Life of Silling Bull and the In dian W ar," is the title ot a new work by ihe famous writer and lecturer, W. e'letohor Johnston, Author of 'T'he John s .own Flood " The lever heat to wh ch public excitement has beeii moused by leason of the pi uding Indian War, makes i he publication of this gieat work one of special interest and importance, end every patriotic Aiuen lonn su uiht rcail it. I'he book oomprises graphic and fasci nating story of the greatest Indian Na tion ; n full mid authentic life of Silti g thill, the f orciu ist of Aineric.iu Indian-; ii vivid and realistic description ol the Messiah Craze and Ghost D nice, and a mil history ot the great Indian war of hS'.KIill. i'he volume teems witti inci dents more thrilling than romance, and fully establishes ihe fact that "truth is stranger than fiction" In it are to be loiind in all their wild reality and vivid j savagery, a living history of Ihe Sioux N ttion, from tho e iriiest time to Hie present day; graphic descriptions of their peculiar in itinera and strauge cua toms; their disgusting dog feasts aud weird sun-dance, their religious beliefs and ceremonies, etc.. eto. General Miles, General Cusier, Buffalo Bill, Sittiug bull, Red Cloud, Wnite Eagle, el o , etc , are prominent figures in the thrilling and blood-curdling story. Tne book, which is nroftiselv illustrated throughout, is gotten op in Ihe finest sty le of the book makera art, and reflect, the gtealest credit on all ooneerned lu its production. We piediel for it an enormous sale. It is sold by subscription. The General Agents for the Pacific Coast are the well known, enterprising bouse, the P.icilio Publishing Co., Sail Fruuoisco aud Port laud. See their advertisement in this paper. 417-lt. Ira Stone writes from Bickleton th it they have had a line winter, as stock have bad green grass to Itiuch on up to Feb. lil. Sinoe that time, suow has fell to Ihe depih of l'J inches, and up to March 2, remained slightly crusted. The only thing whuh s picving an annoy ance is tins "grip;' it being mulling n i couiinoii to see a man ornamented with a nose as large as a sugar beet. The mo-t of our ailments omiie from UTTEH, I iV I IO jTC. is " i:eui:d Bl Il.bixa, HKPPNER, OR. Work done in the Lest manner, anr price, to init the tiu)en. QRANT COUNTY TRADE SOLICITED. tITTKR, TheTnllor. SITTING BULL 4 xlTHL" i VUI V r A 1? A Full anil Aatheiltic Life or Sitting Ruil (idierul Miles, Kuir.ila Hill Iteil I'loinf Mule WoiiiiiI ai d i ureal many ntlieis of Hie (ireat I'll iefs. By Fletcher Johnson, Author of the "Johnstown Flood." A full and graphic account of the re cent w ar, how it was brought about, how the ternhle buttles were fought, part Ca lais of blood curdling massacres, hand n hand eontl c'S, narrow esnapes, Ilia battle of Wounded Knee, death of Captain Wallace, slaughter of soldiers, Indians, "omen and children, MesBlall Ciazs. Ghost Dances, iliigilstlhg dog feasts, etc. Soling Bull's own story of the Massa cie o Geneial Custer and his command. The whole story is told in the most vivid aud life-like manner. A thrilling, exulting, quick sellii'g h.,..b rivi.lii... in Mubtaiitnil hiteiest and ....I.. ' ...I n7,..l? A till ll ill I copies will be sold in the next three monihs. The book is complete in COO large siz pages, aud profusely and superbly illus trated. ir iiieu. R8EHTS WiTEO A regular gold mine for Agt-.. The interest and exuitenieut is intense. All agency is worth al least fmui $10 to a day. Stiike while the iron is hot, and big money is yours. Now don't get left tins time, previous experience is not neces sary. Illustrated circulars and liberal tonus mailed I'Rl'.li on application, or to secure it instant ly, send ouc. lor com plete agents oanvasHing outfit and state choice of territory. umilt't 1 i i 1 1 mi caras have the only authen tic and authorized edition published. Do not be de eeived into handling Ten Xear old re hashed and played out bonks oflvred by other houses. Those who have taken agencies for this or other Indian Viai Books can send their orders direot to lis. and so obtain the genuine article anil save considerable time in ninking theii deliveries, as we will ti l orders ou day ol their receipt. Address, PACIFIC PUBLISHING CO., Aiuswortu Block, Portland, Or. 417-419. NOW, GIVE ATTENTION To the nnriUiiatian ol your blood, for at no season is the body so susceptible to the benefits to be derived from a good medicine, as in March. April and May. Hood's Sarsnparilhi is the people's favor ite spring medicine. It stands unequall ed for purifying Ihe blood, curing scrof ula, salt rheum, etc., regulating the kid ueys and liver, repairing nerve tissues, strengthening and invigorating the whole body, as well as checking the progress of iicuto anil chrouio disease, and restoring the afflicted parts to h natural, healthy condition. It you have never tried Hood's Sarsaparilla for your "spring mediciue then do so this season. TO CONSU UPTTVES, The undersigned having been restored o health by simple means, after suffer ing for several years with severe lung affection, and that dread disease con sumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. I'o those who desire it, he will oheer fully send (free of charge) a oopy ot th prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for consumption, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis and all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is luvaluable. Those desiring the prescription, whioh will cost them nothitig, and may prove a blessing, will please aildress Rev. Ed waiid A. WhjSon, Williamsburg. Kings County, New York. 400-302. FOR SALE I A 'zond sheen raueb and range on Snake river, in Idaho. For further par ticulars, ii quire at the Gazblte ollice. 413 tf. FOR RENT OR SALE. One hundred nnd sixty acres of bunch- grass, nicely situated. Call at Gazbttb ollice, 405-1 f. FOR SETTLERS. Settlers m ho have paid $100 for their pre-emptions or commuted homesteads In in lil apply for a rebate through Frank II Snow, at Lexington. He makes no charge.-, unless successful no tr FOR ea; The By rne and McCullough plaoe, on Willow creek, 10 miles above Heppnet For terms, apply in person or by letter. In Frank By rne, Fossil, Gibiam county. Oregon. 410 tf. TAII.rtltlMtr I have opened awell appointed tailor ing establishment in my new build ing on .May street, and am now regularly receiving new goods and will make cus tom made pants rom $7 to $15 best goods in the market. A. Abuhamsiok. Special forms in legal blanks printed to order at the Gazettb ollice. None lint the best legal blank paper used. A tub line of blanks for justices, etc., is kept in stock, at prices as low as Salem, Portland or Pendleton. Send in your or 'ers. STRAY NOTICE. Tallin up on my ranch, in Sand Hol low, one brindie cow, aged about five years, branded J G on the right hip, and has a half crop in the right ear. Owner can have same by proving proper- : tv and paving charges. j Foster Adams. j Ilepppnir, Or., Much 5, '91. 41.1-19 j A GREAT SEED FARM. Siu Piiii,t,ip, the great English horticiillun-t, writing in 1740sys: "The best method to have cabbages good is to : procure fresh seed from abroad every y ear, for it is apt to degenerate in Eug l.oid in a few years." j The above is a simple illustration of ; the fact that the best seeds will rapidly I degenerate under unfavorable conditions j The wise will take heed, therefore, and bnv their seeds of D. M. Ferry A Co., ' Detroit, Michigan, whose world wide reputation as the bkst and RBMABr.s, as well as the most extensive seed gron ers sad dealers, is due to the fact that they take advantage of every circum stance of climate, soil, methods of cul ture, selection of seed-plants, etc., to pro cure the best poss.b e seeds and keep them up to that high standard, Scud our name to the hrtn s address. . aud you will receive i. copy oi ttor beed W. II Last TupsdHy'd west-tv u 1 expire i met wttb flu accidVnt n. ar Dink, a' slfepinyi cur rnltintr fr- m h truck oatiH- liitf ft seven h'iir del V U ii'l tiof r Hammond nnstainerl n hmken rib, hm1 h I IhiIv h;tl an arm broken. BihIl'w 18s, between Hiliranl nnrl KameUt, www torn i uu by an past-bound freight, mid ;i help r j enifinp jimipHtl tlin tmok near O'lyn-e. the paPNeiiger arriving lit Pendleton tbirtv ; hours Int". I Frank H. Snow, Coinminsi 'ner TJ Circuit Court at iAxinuton. Or., S authorized " receive lees tor punitniiiioii i 414 tf. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. or..Mireh in. Notice is herehv uiM-a Mail the IiiIIom i'le named Bettlcr Inm lileil notice uf bin intention e liuike tiinil proof in support of hi chiini. unii that aniit proof will he iniiile before llic Frank 11. nuow. i . .-. i inniiiiBMuner hi i.e-iniouii, wi., on May 1, ls'.il. viz: MAUTHA J. PKM.ANJ), (wtoVnv of Henrv I'enbital, ilci'i'iipeil.) IM. i'llu, for the S li 4 jce T. 1 it, It i". K M. She names the fnllo-.vhej wit'icsses to prove hi" riiatiimiiiai reniilence upua iiml euhioition o . SHiit liiinl. viz: Unhcrt J. Hill, (ienre-e sperrv. Mrs. Kli a .1. McAlister timl Lntna llarneU, all of hexhiL'tua, MorroA' Co., (r. John V. h':woi, 416-IJ1. KeKlsler. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La (irmn)o, (tr., March 4, 1S!H. Notice is hcreiiy friveii tlmt tin; followinjj iiHineti settler has tiled notice of liin intention to make final proof in support ni" his chum, and that said proof will be made before the County LierK ot .Morrow i ouiiiy, hi iieppuer, uri'sou, on April 20, iJS'.fl, viz: EltNKST Cl'iM'KK, D. S. No. 103-iTi. for the K NWi SWI4 NV4 K'C. 41 l p. 4, S. K. J7, K. V. M. He names the followinL' witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon uud cultivation of, said laud, viz: Itohert Matteson. Geo. Cray, J. W. I.eahe. J. (Junoiir, all of ileppuer, Oregon. A. Ci.r v v k it , 4K.-421. Ilejjinfer. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., Feb. ll, lsot. Notice is hereby iiiven that tin1 t'nllowhifr naineil settler has tllcil notice of bis intention to make final proof in Bnpport of bis cliiha, anil that fluid proof w ill lie nni'le before V. K. Elhfl, Commissioner f. S. Circuit Court, at ileppuer, Oregon, on .March s, ls'.n, viz: ROBERT JOHNSON, lis. No. 10130, for the SW'.i' Sec. 2, Tp. 2 S, R 27 E v t lie names the followiair witnesses to prove his coatiaaoiis resilience upon .'.ail cilltlvallon ol sillil land, viz: Tearance McEntire. J. T. Putts ami A. Tillard Lena, Oregon; J. J. i'otts, Ileppuer, Oregon. 413-11H. A. Cl.J-lAVKlt, Register. -THE- UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. "Overland Route." TICKETS fn all Principal Points in the United Stines, Cauadti aud Jiurnpe. ELEGANT NEW DINING CARS- Pullman Palace Sleepei-s FREE COLONIST SLEEPING CARS Hun Through on all Express Trams t OMAHA, OotLiioil Bltiffs AXI) XSlVnNTfe CITY Without Chimge. Close Connection at Portland for an Fraueisco and Puget Sound Points. ALL IRON STEAMEKI: Leave Portland for San Francisco even four (4) days, making the trip u. (JO hours. Cabin $16. Stceraije, $8. On Round Trip Unlimited, $:i0,00. For further particulars jnquire of any agent of the company. T. W. LEE, S. (A MELLIN, G. P & T. A. General Trafiie Manager tf. IREETRIAl 1 PACKAGE profTharris' PASTILLES FOR THE CURE OF I VITALLY WEAK), 'rte 7 too "loir sprint ion to bulnrsior itudr; tone mental urn In or g'ii-t ; bl-XI AL IXCKSUKS in mliUlle lire, or lfi..ti ImldH rout urtnrl It! voiiltl. lunir uru Ait, vimns ni Minors nniii.iTYor VftAL men iM. is- rOl,lTUtY l.o;SKSlih fc.UU.Y IIH.IY in YIH'Mi nnd MID BLK MUiBs lack of vhn, vigor, and Mrciiglli.ttitlt ieal 01 gum Impaired nnd vn-akeiifrt i fmntmiMr lit npi'rcnf liinij ol'l 5Rt. Until Wfc OA! UUntof PHH Jrl AJiKXT itl-.Sll.TS ,1 -tnei t i-oatcd bdi) cut etl in tuM twelve ve7. AT.lpnf of our ftilth in Prof. TTarrii LO bC SOLUBLE MEDICATED PASTILLES. Ik TDI Al eight .iamriiil AUSOU iKl.Y HU 8, men, yann; or oirt, itifferiiij rrnm lhl prevnlent irnuhn hnuM neitrt ihetradilrPM to wc cfin fnmfh ueitloui to be minwercd, that we may ktinw tlie trtio conrtiiio iteaeli cue aii'i r'PT niviMcine to eileol a promi't cure. Located in New York (after l'i Tt-nr. nt Si. I,oui), we offer 111 a ehftnee to de ettred hv the ccl.'tirotfil I'aailllo Treatment. THE HARRIS REMEDY CO- Mfg. Chemists, 99 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. CURES Cora Throat, i Couihs, Coltl?. Infliienia. BronehHIt, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Croup, at. Asthma, ftritl even,- a flection of tii Throat, Lunqs and Chest, mc ludmp; Consumption. pcdy Aud'ienaaubuc. Mciiuin si.ncd 'L Butts." Thio liarW blurk Ic on ?&6 EGSt atcrrroof! Intheworidi KMEN jh.m cicim. Tvw. Bjaoai If You If aws CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS COUGH OR COLD Throat Affection SCROFULA J Wasting of Flesh Or any Disease wliere the Throat and Zunfft are Inflamed, Lack of Strength or Aervtf Tower, you can be relieved and Cured by PURE CODLIVER OIL With Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Ash for SeotVn E mutton, and let no ex planation or Bollcitation induce you to mccept a mhatitute. Sold by all Druggists. $COTT & BOWNE. Chemists, N.Y. Are yon nvirried? If not, aorul your nil'treHH w ith stamp, to the Ararirm CorrespHddiig Citlb, 1'. O. Hn (U3. Cla-rkBhurir, Va. 7u 442. 5T(K.'h BItANUS. While vmi kppp xitir rtiitmctii'tinii naitl tin im cm k-'mt your bran J in freeuf fiinrm. Allison, O. D. ( itllli bnind. () D m left lui hihI luirHi'H BiiiriH hriUHl tn right tihunltler. Jtun' Eltht .Mill. I (' Atlkina, Dnyvillo, Or-HtrniKht marknoros tho ihih una two ttnips and a siit in the riht fiir; iKnnfs, jj up-iiit) down on the rijiht wlnmlil' r. hiiiiiiB in In tint county and Hear vallnv. PL) itluifs (ilho at ii;ii tini.iii. (' If AilkniM. UurtiMM. j, i.n ri(rh( hfnihlpr: rti -t, (' It on rilit hip Huiige in (i runt autl Moi- row rounl ich. AiIkiiim, J .1 ILorht's, JA connected on le'l Har k: cntt ic. miiMt' on UFt hip. Herman Alp. Piainn ( lty. Or. On ctittlo, O LP uniitiMCtoi on Inft hip; horwH on Jeft, Btitlc tnd w an on iiohg, Hiluku m it rant county. tjohiniy Ayi'n. hom'H hnntdi'U tnuiiKic on loll lip; cutth rtmni on riwhl hip. alrio crop oil rihi ur mid upper hit on t-nnio. Ith-akin.'tii. ()., Haiti man IIothph, n fine oi left -tlionidcr: cut l ie. -nnin on riL'lit sliouldMr. i afintfi-,.). V ., Ili.rilmaii, v)r. ( attic bvanu- 'd i on it-f i hip and thih; Hplit m each ear. Tliirkc. M St Ijonir t'roi-k. Or On rattle. MAY connt'ctt'tl on left hip. ciop off loft ear. un- I.t halt crop oil nidil. itorneM. Baine tirand on 1.4ft shoulder. Itajiga iu Uiant and Morrow unity. A liowmaii. Mount Vfrnor. anl Dnrns Cattln, V B on nutit hip. two cropB in each ear; Riniu ot. iiorsfB. on rifxhi tihoulUHr, Kane in Orant and Harney (miintit'f. rry liniHinat', Horses brntiued 7 on nirh shoulder: cattle H on the left Hide, ljeft eai half crop and riht ear npit'r Blopn. 9 Harlon. W i" -lloiBen,J t( on r;Ktit llua; cattle mine on riL'ht hiniHidit in each ear. Hennelt. t y JIoibkh. it on leit slionnltsr. Mrs. ('. A. Uentfe, horBeH branded XB on lefi lOtdder oi' stifle; cattle same on left side ant' .plit in left ear, upper half crop in riht. Brown, J.r li:rse-ana cattle branded a will1 ix-yoke above on left shoulder. Hrown. J Cllorbes. circle C with dot in ofl' leron left hip; cattle, same. lioyor. vv tj, Ijena llorHHS, rmx tirand or v dp catlle, t-aiiie. with Mplit in each ear. lioi'K. I'. O. llorweB, I' 11 oh left shoulder; cai le. naitie on left hip. W J Un .wnleti. Fox, Or-Pattlo, JB connected n left iside; eroo on left ear and two splits and middle p. ere cut out. on right ear; on hordes same brand ou tlie left tliiyli; Kaniro in Fox valley. Grant county. iL ( inn. Onleb. Or- Y l on horeea on left stifle; U with Qtiiirter cinrld over it, on leTt Khoulder, ind on left Htiilo on tdl colu undor ryeais;on left i-liotilder only on all lioraeB over 5 years. All raite-'e in Grant county. 'V IJt'annoti. Lon Oeek, OrT on cattle on 'iptht side, crop off ritrlit otr and slit in left ear. our liotsew same brand ou left shoulder. Kane it Grant county, T ll furl Dniib e crns on each hip on cait'e, -wallow fork antl under bit in right ear. split in eft ear, Itttnue in (jrmit ctmnty. On sheep, ir verted and spear point oil shoulder. Kar mark -i ewes, crop on left ear. puuehed upper hit in itfht. Wi-ihers, crop in right and under half rop in left ear. All range in Grant county. A. A. Crobhy, catlle tranded (or H L cor lecled) on tlie right Hlmulder. Waiter .ai.-iner, Mount Vernon W on rattle on eft hip, ciop and split iu left ear; 7 W connected -n hoi'Hison leftshoulde . Hun go in Grant Co. K t'luttonden, 1'iairie 'ity, Gr I ink. handle lown on entth; rudit hip and Hilit in riglit ea ; mi-ses, Hume brand on t'iuhl shoulder, luuige iu ii.uii eoiinly. ('ot)k, A. J., Lena IIorspB, llOon right r1i:)hUbi .'attle, same on r ght hip: ear mark square cmp iff left and split in right. Curnn. Ii V- Horses. 33 on left stifle. Cochran, u II Monument, Gr Horses branded I' 1 A on h ft hh iuhter. Cattle, same on right lip. swallow fork in right ear and crop off left. Cox A Kiiglish. Ilarduian Ca.i9, J with iti ji'iiter: honies. CE on left Mo. Cupper, H A Horses HC on h ft shoulder attle II C on left side, hvv allow fork on right ear. It. K. Cochran. Monument. Grant Co, Or. llorses branded circle with bai beneath, on lefl -liouhler eallle same brand on botii hi us. mark ii tier rilope both enrs and dewlap. Chapin H. Horses branded on riglit hip. utile I mauled the same, H L Cnir-s. Dayvillo. Or Cattle branded two :rupH and a split in left .ar; on horses a reversed on left stifle. Also have tlie following ir.mds oti cattie: Ti on lelth'p, 7 on right hip, 2 on left Hlmulder, two parallel bars on loft -boulder. Kar marks, two crops. Win. Doonan. lnues branded OO with bar ver them, on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Douglass, W M Cattle, R V on right side, swa tow-fork in each eiir: horses. H I) on left bin. Uunciiii. W.R.Jolm -ny Quarter circle on righi shoulder, both on horses and cattle, liange Grant cniit.ty. Driskell, W. K. H'irsps branded K inside of G on left shoulder. Cattle Bauie on left side of neck. hamon, K li. Mount Vernon 7U connected on cattle tin riglit hip, under slope in right ear, under bit in left ear; same brand oa horses on right hip. Ihmge in Grant county. J.B.l-dyA tons. Horses branded KI.Y on left houlder, cuttle Mame on left hip. hole ir right ear. Ralph Fisk, Praino City, Or Hordes, H F on right shoulder; catlle, on right hip. Range in Grunt county. Meek, Jackson. Horses. 7F connected or right shoulder; caitle same on right hip Kar mark, hole in right and crop off left. Florence, Li A Cattle. LF on right hip; horsnt F with bar under on right shoulder. Florence, S H Horses, F on right Bhoi Ide: ; cattle, F on right hip or thigh. Armstrong,.!. C, Acton T with bar nnder it on left shoulder of horses: cattle same on lefi hip. (jay, Henry GAY on left shoulder. Goble, Frank Horses, 7 Fon left stifle; cattle, same ou rifdit hip. Giltimii-French, Lund and Live Stock Co.. Fos sil. Or. Horses, anchor M on left shoulder ; vent, Siime on left stdle. Calile, same ou both hips; ear marks, crop off right ear and nnderbit in left, liange iu Gilliam, Grant, Crook ai d Morrow counties. Flmer Gentry, Echo. Or --Horces branded It. S. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle linge in Morrow anil Umatillaeounties. Fra k McGiir, Fox Valley Mule shoe w'th toe cork on cattle on ribs and under in each ear; ho sen siime brand on left stifle, J . C. Gill water. Prairie City, Or. On horses, 0 -O on left should r and stifle; cattle, on right side. Uniige in Grant county. C li Gluze and A P Snyder. Payville.Or Horses hrandi'd t on right shoulder; on cattle, stripe down the left shoulder. Also. P 8 on horses on left shoulder, and same on right hip on cattle, liange in tirant Ci.nnty. Hin ton A Jenks, Hamilton. Or Cat tie, two bars on either hip; crop in riglit ear ai d split in left. Hoists, J on right tlngh. Iiangin Grant county. Hughes, H imnel, Wagner, Or T F L on right shoulder on horses; on cuttle, on right hip ai d on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Range in Httystack district, .Morr . w emmty. rdwin Hall. John fay Catlle K H on riglil hip; horses wune ou right shoulder, f tiniiii county. lliel A. llde. Prairie City. Or. -AH combined on horses on right shoulder; cattie on right hip Range in Grant county. Hughes, Mat, Meppner. Or MorsfM, shaded heart on the left hotdder. Range Morrow Co. Fd Hollewny, Saddle, Or., horses nnd catlle branded K H connerted, wirh bar under it. Hunsaker, 11 - Horses, W ou left shoulder; ca tie. Hon left hi; Hanlisiy, Albert Nyo, Oregon. Ilorsef, AH conieettd. on left shoulder; Cattle on the left i ip. crop off lefl ear, J F Hodsoii, Mount Vernnn JF eoiineeferl on hoists on right thigh; on cattle M B on ngnt hip Uai gein (irant and Harney. Humphreys, l. Uardmau-Horse. H left fliit k Hintt, Wm. E. riorses branded bar cro?B oi. left sliouliler; cattle same on 'efl hij Hayes, J M Horses, wineglass on left shoulder cattle, same on right hip. Ivy. Alfred. Long Oreok. Or Cattle I Don right hip. crop off left ear and bit i- right. Hor-es same biand uu left shoulder. Range in Grant P W Jenkins. Mount Vprnon J on horwg on left shoulder; o cattle. J on left hipsndtwo smooih crops on both ears. Range in Fox and BHir vidl vs. Jtr-kiti. S. M. Horses, horspfhoa J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sam?. Range on Eight Mile. Johnson. FelixHorses, circle T on left stie catile. same on right hip, under half cmp in right and sold in left ear mm. j i uortea dv od anoajaer; csme, Kirk. J ( Horses. 17 oa either flank: itfl IT n riglit s'd .1, Mihe lei ny. hoir-es hrat d d KN Y tin left hip; :U lie rfai iif in d ci-v '-li l it . a..; , -r iot .n iieiiei, Itir-hard KK in .-..ptrire. rattle on lift lop. h.ii,-M is iiiH J-jit s.iou.u-r. 1,hi H'" B"r V tli- J. 1'. li. ;i,u til. lilttLtoil. i.lU-.t Cout.tJ, t.lT. W ti K d. Mount V. tU,,u, Or iLt u eatuu uu i ,g:a tiii.t iett sioi. im.i.i.w t,n k iu i. n :'iir ai d iiiio. r nnji u r g;,i t-m. i.uihihMiiit) biatul ou tea fho .,e . i;a .gu in ln.ti,t t; U1.ij, K ei.ey. rii, li. pt hit; t ir. i i'oj w ls. j Land .ce oi ciiibs on i. it autio. Kui.fce ,n C muiUitt and a orrow cotinu' b. .tit 1j si.j, it)nuiiieiit. Or A triangle iih all 1 liter ( XU.liUK (,a L Oodj tj Ugiire ot tZU.i i-rer-oii let i Mii'UniiT, nil cfUie. nmini.tid .u a ft Mieiiiuer, p.u in ujejj,! uu,),.,. n t iU ,al. 1U g- ,ii UiMut oohmj ana lo p.. its of Johu li l, Pimu.o inj. j ai ue. Z ou ngln mp, horses, same n rtn chou.d- r. Jm. ge in (.uu t county. Lulleii, mepnen - L on left hip on cntUe, ropH.-dsplu on nghi ear. 11, .rs. h same biuiid on .t il sle-inoer. !tai:g, t.raoi uoUi.ty. P. ttd d.tbS. l'ox. Oregmi. leiMineii, dimi. . Horses branded iiail'-en .e J L eoiii.ei:. t-0 o,i lell wimuiat-l. i ti 'le. n.illl .., e:il nip. haiigi . nt-ur Lesmguiii. George Lord, hoiser, brat. Ueil double II col. iieeted, Quuieiiiues called u awing 41, on left will ill liter. J. . Lenhe;, horses branded L N .-l.ocnli r. caile iHiti.deil me same i .t ui i le ui .'i 1 1 -till eje, tin Ce .-.i s li . i oil 'he left it-li In 1 .Kiiwr, tM iil. v uliU:, .11 uii rr. j ,, . it lie i ei i r-Jiou a T. .tiot.i.., .iU.iar. l ) ,,ti tl.; , , 'iieoit lell mlv U.iiULf, Jao A, Alwood -il.:ii,e, tl ..ti tiei on ngiu shoulder. ti. ii. .U ui.. ii.u; noiBes-tdd mares ZZ on ngut ni.i;yoa;ig aumti., a.u.di ll on tsin.ui'h-r .uuiaii, iiura litjreen. cilute 1 uu lullaiioul dei tell iiiiwh; raule, i on rigiiL Hugh iMurjihj, J. d., F.,x, Or. noises ti on tlie tell siiotuder. Uilile, sjiiuo ou right hip; ear iiiai k, crop ami iput iu 1. tl eat aud u.ioerbii in num. Il.-iHi. U!so i ou leU sl.fle. biieep. l!, K, itu. ge li. Gnthl cotliily. Auiclieii. uscMr, CenABville Horses, H on nghl hit-, t;uue. n on riglu nide. mi. taieu, iJ w iioiseh. Figure 5 on each shoid Jw, caiue, ilt on Hip. VvJ -ueKern. Mouui Veriu,n. Or-X I on cattle on right nip, fiup ui ngnt ear, halt urop m lelt nttuu- Utauoou uort s ou ieli hi . Uangu itiGmnt cuuuti. Hi. n irr, Harney Horses 713 con ected on left t.iiuunui, nimu Sil.lie. Uuilge Ur,u P. U. .dori'e, i'ox. Oregon. county. li. V. .ueiialley, llaoalton, Or. On Horses, 8 with nail circle u,,uer on lelt t.houlder;oo I all le, lour ijurs cotinecied ou Lop ou Uij right side, linage in Gram County. rmii. Andrew, Lone Rock Horses AN uui. neci. d ou iell hiiuuiuer; came same ou bothlupi-, Aewinan, . h. Uwrses A wuh hull ciieia over n on led shoulder. iVirdiioj, l!, Homes, circle 7 on left thigh; cat lle. siuiie ou left lou. O'1',;, Li. Wagner, Or. llrunds horses L i i on lei t shoulder; caitle on boiniups, l laiuio 1V v br.ui . on any part of ody. biand recorded. Jos.-pli Ulier, t anion i ay, ui'.-A a on uuLLlo on lell nip; on lioiocs, eaine on left thigh, Itaugo iU ti I not coiiuiy oner, l eiu. Uick-P O to lefl shou.dei I uti.uiu Josepn, .Uoiiuuieni, l r brtiutis ior es j P t o:,i,ecied. on ngnt snouioer; untie the nanieoutiio rigiii tup uud undersiope in right ear. Pearson, Ohive. llorsos, quarter circle shield mi iell shouider and lk on k-u hip. l aiile, lorK iu lei: no, ngiitcioiipud. 'lou loll hip. Uunge on i'.igtil ,Uue. Wniuim Popl-. Mount Vi nion 1 T on catlle on left in p, two siiiB m left eai; sime brand oa horses ou .ci i stillu. jiaiue in UranL county. lurker & liieaoon, ilarduiau iioraoB iP on l it shottlder. 1 leer. J. 11.. Acton Hotkm .1 K ....... ..ta,! lell shuiildei ; calllo, sume on left liip. under bit in each ear, lUmiy t'atborg, horses branded with n Koinaii crtms on ietl shoulder; oaltie Oiuuded wuh Uo mail cross, oar at tmiloiii, tu leit mp. A. C. Pollys, PeitysviUo liirses, diainoed P on left shouider. Cuulo, J HJ coiiueuLed and ill . vurttid on leit hip; crop off lelt ear mid split in iigm w.dlle or iiiuiduot right lure log above Hie kiiee. Joliii T Powell, Dayville, Or Horses, .IP con uec tduu ,eli sn.uhiei. liille UK coutiuultnt uu mil nip, two uudr-r halt croi-s, otle ou each ur, waiLu uuuerihroa . itatigo ui (jraut ooumy. hickard, u. JJ., I ui.yoii t H.y jj O ou left Miouai. r, on hoi-bes only, li .nge Canyon ureeK and near valley, Grant county. Rood. Anurew, ilarduian iiorseB, square crua Willi qimiLei-ci, over it on iell stine. lU-nieger, Clirisllorses. i; K on ietl shoulder. Wm, ituttio, lUonumem, Brands Iioisms it on rignl Bhouider. itange. Grauiaud Alorrow coun ties. iloyse, Aaron. Ileppuer. OrHcrses, plain V on -ell snouider; caiue, sumo brauu mvelsed oil ngnt ui) ui, d crop ult nguL ear. Uango m .ilor ruw cuuniy, luish oros., Hepjuer, Or. Horses branded X on ihw r.yh shouioer; cattle, IX on ihe leH nip, crop oil iel I em and dewiup ou uocK, Uuuge ui borrow and unjoining eounue. Hust, Peiiuletoii, ur Horses It on leii. suouhior; caiiie, it ou iett hip, crop utl right ear, undei jit on left ear. csheep. it oa wuaiiieis, luund crop off iigu tar. iiange Uuiu tiliaaud Aionow u nu.ues. luai.ey, rtmdtew i.exmgtor, Or. Hoi 8a tinuided . li on right shoulder, vent quarter tjirciu over brai,d; caLtle oame ou right hip. Morrow county. iloiHe, Win. Ji, Uairyvillo, Or HR connected Willi'ier ein lu ovur lop on catuu ou rigutiup aitu crop oil right our aud pl,L iu lelt. uoisua stiuie on left ohtmnler. iiuuge iu Morrow, Ui'tinl and Gilliam counties. itiiier, J F, liuter, OrThree parallel bars Willi bar over on horses oa lell lup;ou calile, left side, i wo smooth crops, two spins in uucu ear. liange iu jiuldie Purs of Joiiu iJay. Uecu.i'. J wiiorneB. Ju ou leit shoulder. Cat lle, O "h right hio. I Spiny, J. F.-H(rBes branded 8F connected oi. right Hioulder; catlle same on both jum. bailing, 1,0 Ileppuer, Ur-uorses branded S A on iell snouider; calile same on left hip. b.UUlier. li L. linter. I Ji-H, ,r..u i ,,,..!, hllbtihe. P. Hi ii M iwii Iiiiih i.i. iuii uilu .. and spins in right ear. swalhev fork ami undeihit in lelt, cattle. Won caiue imgur tlmu ou huihes. Range in tiian. county. A L, Hwiiggart, Klin, horses brunde ' I on left shouider: cuiiiu miiuo on left hip. Ciop on car eat, wtULie on lelt mud leg. birnight W. K Jioies shaded J 8 on left Htuie; cattle J 8 on left luu. swallow fork in nht car, uniierbit in lull. bwitggmi, L, Alpine Horses, B S on right shoulder. bapp. 'i'lios. Horses, 8 A P on left hip; cattle same on iell hip. bears, w ii Horses barover a. Ban ge in Fox valley. P O address, Fox, Or. hhohe, Dr A J noises, ua on on left hip; cat lie, same ou lett side, waLtle on left bide of neck ears cm sharp at point. bniiih, li, t, Pilot Rock, Or. Cat'le, horse shoe uu lelt side., crop close in left ear. Horses, lou lelt thigh itange in Uinuiiliuund Grant (JUI I Ut let), John bhrier. Fox valley NO connected on horses on right hip; caaie, Bame on right hip, crop oft right ear and under bit in lelt ear. Range in Grant couruy. buiith ilros , John Day, Or H 'I oucattJeou le tshoulder, bievoimon. Mrs A J Cattle, 8 on right hip Bwadow-tork ui left ear. 8 perry, K G-CatHo, WC on leff hip. crop ofl rigni and underbil in left ear.dulap; horses, W t oit h;it shoulder. bwugart. i W Horses, 41 on left shouldei : caitle, 44 ou left hip. biewart, Geo., liardman UorseB circle cod left shoulder. buuih, L. ii. Lono Rock. Or. Horses branded ucror-wd seven on left shoulder; catLle same on lett side. Range, Giliuuu county. binith (iet.. horses branded G d on left flunk 'i lioiiipBon, J A lioraes, g on lett Biioulu. r; caitle, Z on iett shoulder, iip. ott.. b i' lloivos. C on left shoulder. iurner It. W., small capital T le.t shoulder, horses; caiiie same tin left tup with split m both ears. I h.. niton, H. M lone, Or.-Horses branded H 1 connecied on iett stifle; shef p same brand. P Thomas, Mount Venion -TF connected on cuttle (ui right hip, nwallow fork in right ear and ui ui-rhit in same ear; hoits, sjiaie brand on right Blitle. Range in John Guy valley. b A IticKer. i'niirio t)ity F on cattle at.d hoises on left shoulder. dohn iuieman, Prmrie City, Or.- On horses, hi on leu si die; on catile.O witti bar under on lell hip. itange in Grant, county. R Warren, Caleb, Ur Caitle, W with quarter circle over it. ou iett side, split, iu rigid ear. Hordes h.une bra-d on left ahouider. lUngeiu Gram couuty F L Wood, Djiyville, Or Heart on horses on hdtstitle; uu cattle, 'ion left side and uuder bit 111 left ear. KinoiM in Cmtit n,,,.,,. Wrigm, biias a llepp .er, Or. iiattle branded o W mi tne right hip. square crop oil right oar and spl t iu leit, r rat, els Wallace, Mount Vernon Square on came on the iett hip. upper slope it. he left ear and under sloprf m ngnt ear. 8 .me brand on hoises on riidit shoulder. Kange m Harney and nriiiit county. Web.-ier, J. 1. Heppner, Or. Horses branded wth bar over J on right shoulder; cattle sam ou rigid hip, crop off left ear aud spue in euch. hanye, .Morrow county. Wade. Henry, Horses branded ace of Bpades on le.t shoulder and lelt hio. Caitle branded same on lett side a..d left hip. V ells, A a Horses, Owo ou left shoulder: catt same. John Wolriitger, John May City On horses, time p. rahei tmrs on left shoulder; 7 on shep, hit iu both eais. Range in Grant and .Madiuer COUhlltB. VV iim.d. J H, Hardman Circle C on lefMlunh, Woodward. J ohn iiooo, wP connecU-d on lelt nhouider. Wntkins. Lishe. horses branded CF. connected On lelt nGtle Wallace, t 'harles CatUe, W on nght thigh, hole in left ear: horse-, VV on right shoulder, wimf saineou left shoulder. Wien. A A Cattle, running AA with banc as on riglit hi. i. J. b. Voung. tiooselerry. Or. Horse branded 1 boa ihe righi shoulder. I W. H. Crowley, Lm.g creek Horses branded i circle h on lefl shoulder. I Whit tier B-os., Drewy, Harney county. Or -HorsHS bmt.dod W Ii. eonrievte-i on lefi shoulder Wiliiam-. Vaseoquarter circle over three ' hair, or leit hip. both eatile a id h.:rses. Kauga Gram count); P. U. flddress, Hamilton, Or. I Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or tinrM nr... : L"1 ,B u wim on ieii nip; catties All trot Jt 8uaranfri for imt vir. tt On.. H enonsr.