The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, March 19, 1891, Image 3

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THURSDAY, Mm-ch 19, 18J1
Union Pacific Railway-Local Card.
No. 31, mixed, lonviw Hepnner 0:1 n. m.
No, SM, " . urrivHH " 5-au p. m., daily
except bunday.
StiiL'p lenvtH fop Canyon City daily,
pirl t SuiMhiV, at 6:30 a" m.
Arrives duily, except Monday, ut
5:Ul P. m.
. 'i'ltt-r ir wiving of Mi hrnira in time
a n J !0 cunt by taking this route to
rpUIS PAPER i kept on tile at E. C, Duke's
I Advert itii i Agenuy, til nnd US Merchants
KxcluusK'. Han Kriincineo, California, where co..-
iruL'ih for utiVHi ttBinK ran be made for it.
C, W L M & CO., 429 Ffth street. Port-
land. Oregon, are authorized to make advertising
Colli fill If foi Him llnuuildr liAZtTTK.
Lexington, W. H. MoAlliater.
Wugiier, J. F. Spray.
Arlington, Mr. Bennett, Moody's ware.
l.iini! Creek, Eagle.
Onlloway, Bob Slmw.
Gooseberry, Or.. W. S. Panrrnn.
I'tmutH Prairie, Oscar DeVaul.
Matleson, Allen MoFerriu.
Nye, Or., II C. Wright.
Hanlniiin, Or., C. M. Spenoer.
Hamilton, Grunt Co., Or., Muttie A.
lone, T. .T. Curl.
Prairie City, Or., K. R. MeHaley.
Cioivon Citv. Or., 8. L. Parrisu.
Pilot Knok.'U. P. Skelton.
Uiiyville, Or., Mr. Adams, P. M.
John .'ay, Or., Postmaster.
Athena, Or., John Ellington.
Pi-wlli-ton, Or., Wdj. Or. McCmnkey.
Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or., Post
master. Eight Mile, Or., Mrs. Andrew Asb
buiigh An agent wanted iu every preeinot. tf.
For Week Ending: Wednesday, Starch 18 1801.
jiian M.'au Pre- Char-
Dute Tutup. Vtnx. Min. Bur, oip. acter.
Xar 12, 31.(0
47 on I sum i an.ia ans I fi
iii, mi it!4 ml i a; i iu ii m I f
lo. Hi (K)
14 J I T,ll
Hi 41) (Kl
17 s HH nil
lHl Ml IK)
57 ml 82. HI J 04' U.II0 , cloudy
57 IH) ar, oi) I O.o;i iclouuy
SLIM Ml (HI 1 31)07 O.UO fair
5D.U. I 3ti.HI I JO am I 0 57 I clundy
A. Hmtth. Obsorver.
Here and There.
Dunner, Photographer. 96-tf,
Hon. W. B. Ellis left for Portland yes
terday. J. F. Willis was up from Lexington
L. L. Onnaby returned from Nebraska
last Thursday.
Mrs. Sara Lefler, of Clark's Canyon, is
reporied quite ill.
Mis. 0. K. Cute was over to tbe me
tropolis Sal unlay last.
There's nothing certain about US hav
ing any couit until July 6.
Bub Foster returned Saturday from an
extended visit to California.
Wm, Barrett came through tbe winter
with twenty tons nf nay left.
Hon. Kmiry Blackmail is expected
home from Potiland to morrow.
Then. Dauner is n rustler aud gets there
ell I lie s one taking pictures. 96-tf
Mrs. Joe Lnokman is reported by her
.husband us being much bteter.
J. 0. Warmoth Came np from Matlock's
stock ranch, near Ella, lust Saturday.
Hubert Larue, brother of I. C. Large,
is expected in from the East next week.
Mr. and Mis. W. G. Buyer will move
out oil their Hinton creek ranch next
Al. Florence was in town Saturday,
looking a little thin from a receut round
with grip
You cannot feel well without a clear
bead, aud for this take Simmons Liver
Dr. Geogheg'in was called out Hundny
last, to attend iVlr. Hughes' baby, who is
quite sick.
Will Kirk has been under tbe weather
for the past two weeks, but is almost
himself again.
D Cox says spring oame at the right
time, as nearly all the feed on Hiutuu
creek was gone.
Leo Hagar left Tuesday morning for
Feudleloii after a pleasant visit with
his relatives here.
W. G. Buyer has purchnsed a fine En
glish draft slnlliou aud proposes to
raise good horses.
Mr. E. S. Saling has returned from
California, where he left bis sou iu a oon
valesceut condition.
Link Swag'.'nrt writes this ohnrnal
that he has deferred bis moving to Mor
row Co. until May.
The drummers always like to stop
over at Heppuer Lecause there are Biich
iflociable people here.
Jay Dvvan thinks that Black Horse
received her share of tbe moisture dur
ing the lute storm.
Simmons Liver Regulator, bear in
tniuil, is nut an experiment. It is en
dorsed by thousands.
Soott Kirkland passed through Hepp
uer nceutly, on bis way from Milton to
the John Day oountry.
Mr. Ultor has removed his tailoring
bnaiuess to the Record offloe where his
cubIou eis will rind hi in.
Sam Junkiu was over from Eiht Mile
last week on the lookout for a epriug
job with some of our sheepmen.
Messrs Tuttle & Bates have moved
their saloon from May street into the
tironertv opposite the City Hotel. ,
Thos. P Reilev, formerly proprietor of
the Heppuer aoua worn", nsneo menus
aud acquaintances uere last ween.
A warm rain Tuesday nijjht and yester
day morning dissipated all visions of dry
streets, and resoaked the surrounding
country .
A. A. Curtis returned Saturday from
California, the illness of Mrs. Curtis oall
iug him home rather sooner than he an
ticipated. Marshal Rasmus fired two able-bodied
hobos out of town one day last week,
and be is siill ready for all comers of
that genus.
John Q. Wilson arrived from Salem
on Ibuisitay last, and will remain some
time to look after his possessions
iu this vicinity.
"Chuck" Gle son is almost well again,
and returned to his duties on the Ella
ranch some time ago. 'Chuck" had a
pretty severe time of it.
"Judge" Duttou hs anticipated all
Tivai gardeners, and has oabhage plants
almost large euoiigh to plant (The re
porter has not seen them.)
Nearly all of Heppnei's business men
belonji to a Protective Association, that
preolu les professional bummers from im
pi.sing on thtm. It i" good thing.
From remarks of Johnny Kirk, Inst
Saturday, tins paper would infer that the
billowy "suoiliifts linug "D longer on
Kliea creek than on tht Heppoer flat.
H. H. Ginut reported everything
frozen up at his ranch beyond Rhea
crek the latter part of last week, when
Heppner was wrestling amid the joys of
spriugtinie. At the p esent writiug,
htt e son is fouud uuynhero iu Morrow
except iu the moiiutuiii sections, which
will likely remaiu ou till the heat of
Anson Wright was ia town last week,
and he lookrd full a half foot fuller than
usual. Naturally enough, e scibe iu
quired into i he cause of the tiuusforma
iioii, and foiiu i that it was due to the
advent of a U pound b'iy at his house ou
reo. 10, which occurrence was entirely
overlooked by our Heppuer papers.
Subscribers "ho fail to get their pa
pers will please report at ibis office.
nhere they will be supilied with the
missing numbers. We uiay or may not
tie to blame lor you not receiving your
paper, out in an) event, we have plenty
Gazette's left over to make go.d all de
D.ive 1'rcRsley was over from Bill tt r
Creek Thuoday last, a toothache causing
the trip ut thai puitieolar time, niouk
men of the Lena sentiou are rejoicing
that the buuoiigruss is once more uncov
ered f r spring browsing, aud that there's
moisture enough to guw auother good
Messrs. I otler, Lewis and Sheldon,
assisted by Homer McF.irlaud in the
mauipiilatiou of their ''Kaz io" inst'u
nients, promise to supercede all tbo
wiud, string aud other bands iu tbe city.
They made a great hit uu their appear
ance at the Club dance two weeks ago.
J. B, Natter returned Monday from
Petaluma, Cal., aud believes he will stay,
as he found no place on his tiavels that
suited him so well as Heppner. His
family are still iu California, but will 16
turn soon, should Mr. Nutter deoide to
locate here agaiu.
Levi Shauer is reported as doing very
well up at his new location, Spokane.
He expecrs quite a ruab there id the
spring when operations will begiu on
ihe Great Northern. The full of suow
n that vicinity bus beeu about the same
as at Heppuer.
Three years ago this coming summer,
Morrow couutv was visited by a very
destructive tornado, yet in Lieut, fiud
ley's bulletin, published in tnis issue, he
aays they do uot occur west of the 1UU
meridian. Ihere must he au ucoaSMual
A project is oa foot to extend the mail
service from Condon to Loue Kock, uu to
Heppner, and to increase it to a daily
servioe. This would plaoe tbetwocounly
seats in close communication with euuh
oiher, and our oitizeus should encour
age it.
Elder S. B Letson, of Athena, will
begin a series of meetings uuder the aus
pices of the Christian Cuurch, of Hepp
ner, at the Baptist chu ch this eveuiug
Mr. Letson and wiie arrived from Athe
na on Wednesday eveuiug's train.
Dick Neville, tbe author of the sub
lime "Hop Along Joe," has a quantity of
spring poetry, which be holdB above par.
We are thus shut out from presenting
any of bis ell'oi ts to our readers, whicu
fact they may I 1 ! I o o o o.
I. C. Large reports his family as en
tirely reoovered from the "grip." He
sustained no losses of stock during tbe
past winter, aud while in tovn ou last
1 uesday, reported some snow yet on his
Rhea creek possessions.
The orchestra, which was to have fur
nished music ut the Cuion Sunday
school ut the Baptist church, Sunday
last, did not materialize iu lull force,
only the organist aud two other
mnsioiaus being present.
Our friend Sloan P. Shaft, has pur
chased the interest of A. A Jayue iu the
Arlington Advocate aud has moved tbe
plant to Coudou, the oounty seat . of
Gilliam, wliere he will hereafter publish
the Cunilou blobe,
Dr.. E. R. Swinburne and M. D. Hay-
niau have both bad a tussle with sick
uess wnhiu the past week. The "boys"
gave Dock his favorite remedy, and
strange as it may seem, he has entirely
Lon Markham, who lives in Clark's
Canyon, says the rouds betweeu his place
and Heppner have no bultom. But this
extreme seems to suit very well, for
there's visions of big orops right iu sight.
Mr. A. T. Snumiei field, who located a
mountain ranch iu l'euland prairie about
two years ago, was in Heppuer luesday
last, and seems to be prospering in bis
m iiiutain home.
Auyoue wishing to buy a good second-
band organ cheap, aud ou easy terms,
will do well to oall on S. J. La Franoe,
who will be at the City Hotel until Fri
day night. 417.
Jas. Tolbert snys the Hardman road,
up the hill beyond Mrs. Freuou's place,
is nearly imp ssable. We oau stand it.
It's uot very often they getsu thoroughly
The young maD, Constnntine, who was
in trouble a short time ago, was oaugbt
iu au act recently, whioh even beasts
are uot even guilty ot. He left for other
The following advertisement, publish
ed by a prominent western patent medi
cine house would iidioate that they re
gard disease as a punishment tor sin :
"Do you wish to know tbe quickest
way to cure BBevere cold.' We will tell
you. To cure - cold quickly, it must be
treated before the cold has become Bet
tied iu the system. This can Blways be
done if yon choose to, as nature in her
kindness to man gives timely warning,
and plainly tells you in uture's way,
that as a punishment for some indiscre
tion, you are to be afflicted with a cold
unless you choose to ward it off by
prompt action. Tbe firs symptoms of a
cold, iu most cases, is a dry, loud ootigh
and sneezing. The cough is soot fol
lowed by a profuse watery expectoration
aud the sneezing by a profuse watery
discharge from the nose. In severe cases,
there is a thin, white coating ou the
tongue. What to do? it is only neces
sary to take Cbamberlaiu's Cough Reme
dy in double doses every hour. That
will greatly lesseu the severity of the
cold, and in most cases will effectually
counteract it, and cure what would navo
been a severe cold withiu one or two
days time. Try it nnd be convinced."
50 cent bottles for sale by Slocum John
ston Drug Co.
Fred Staddon called at the home ranch
of the Gazette on h'B anival from Walla
W.dla, Monday evening. He left Tues
day for Long Creek. Mr. Staddou is
book-keeper (or Allen & Radio.
The Worid Enriched.
The facilities of the present 'day for t..
jroduction of evcryt'"-:l3 t'121 v-'-'' COi
luce to the matenal welfare and comfo:
jf mankind are almost unlimited i
ivhen Syrup of Ti'S was first pnxlucei
'.he world was enriched with the only
perfect laxative known, as it is the only
reiuedy which is truly pleasing and re
freshing to the taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse the system gently in
the Spring time or, in fact, at amy time
and the better it is known the more pop
ujar it becomes.
Henry Welch started thre mn f r
Lis John Day possessions l ist r rinay.
and Inft S itnrd .y in person to superin
tend the lambing and other spriug nov
elties .
Sad Dkath. Tbe wife of Thos. Tar
ver, aged Si years, died of heart disease,
at the City Hotel, on last Tuesday at 3
! o'olouk a. m. Mr. aud Mrs. Tarver, ao
I oompanied by their two children, arrived
i from Kansas recently, on their way to
Long Creek, where they desired to locate
for the benefit ol .Mrs. larvers health
she being snhjeot to Heart disease The
fatigue occasioned by the trip from Kan
sas, together with the high altitude or
tilts region, was uot conducive to im
provement iu her case.auo taking serious
ly ill 'n their arrival, the never railien
Mr. Tarver and the children star ed with
the remaius for Osage Co.. K ins , jester
day morning, funeral services being
held I
at the City H del just previous to com
lUHiicing their s irrowful joiv nev. Mn-.
Tarver was a cousin of Messrs. Ed. an
Chas. Woodall, of Long Creek, bith of
whom are quite well-kuowu to many of
Heppuer's reaiden's.
Want Fishing. - Citizens of Heppuer
and Upper lilow creek complain that
the dam at Lexington prevents trout and
salmon, and particularly the former from
reachiug these turbulent waters up this
way, in which the angler was oiioh wont
to entice them safely to tne bank. For
some seasons puBt, they have u it ben
there to entice. Consequently there
has been no solace for the angler hot the
big bhiok boitle, that wonderful adjutiot
to successful fishing. It is hop d our
friends of the lo'ver Hour mill will lis
I heir dam so that fish can come up as of
old. We believe they will do it, through
due regard f ir tbe rights of others, aud
without any reference to the laws on that
A Rich Stuikk Mr. Hoot. White,
prospecting between Cable Cove and the
head waters of Rock creek, in the Gran
ite district, discovered a rich ledge which
may prove a valuable property, says the
Oregon Blade. Uncle Billy Wren
brought some specimens to town yes
terduy which will assay nearly $2,000 iu
silver to the ton and a small per cent, io
gold. The owuers ot the mine will start
a pack train as soon as the snow will per
mit and bring it to Baker City, prepara
tory to shipping it to Deliver for treat
ment. About twenty tons have been
taken out already, and the "Lucky Muu's
Find" may be a real Bouaza.
Serious Dilemma. -Froseouting attor
ney Wilson, of The Dalles, writes Hon
W. li. Ellis that he has cominiinioated
with several circuit judges of Oregon,
none of whom can pieside at our March
term of court. If we can do no better.
Judge Fee, of Pendleton, will convene
court ou next Monday or Tuesday mcru
tug, and then adiourn the same until
July 6, at which time be will be able to
oresule for us. This is better than to
wait until September before hilviug any
court, but it is hoped that some judge
can come to Morrow county's aesisLauce
iu this matter, and bold the March term
at the regular time.
Freighting Under Difficulties. Pry
Wilsou and Mel Churoh started for Moo
umeiit Sunday with a wagon load of
blacksmith's supplies and tools for Mel's
new shop. Before getting faraway from
town, the wagou mired down and the
wagon-tongue was broken out. Comiug
to town they procured a new one, whioh
was also broken out further on. J. he
pilgrims then proceeded ou their way,
aud nu doubt are in Monument ere this.
A Wonderful Country. The oou
litious of wiud, weather aud climate
vary wonderfully in Morrow. No one
knows this better than our friend, Old
Hatt. When there's snow iu Clark's
Canyon, the streets of Heppuer are bare
and muddy: the horses could uot be in-
duoed to go down Main stieet, and the
sleigh jiuglers refused to jingle. This is
a most wonderful country.
XT,, Mrintr Pntf llilltr .,anar A
Chus. Lewis were up Balm Folk recently
IU queai Ol jaua laoons. jraii vuuiu vui
,.......,,.,,.1 , I,.. o .,,,,1 ,,if.,.
the buys had captured three of these
toothsome oiraa, rat suggesieu inai me
boy s bud better not kill all of them, aud
that there wasn't much fun iu it, auy-
Runaway. - Chester Sargent's "10 cent"
delivery rig took a whirl around town
Friday last, to the damage of the vehicle
The horse started near Sargent & KeifT
er's stable, and ran over a block before
it was stopped.
Jerry Brosiuan was over from Butter
oreck Friday last.
Theo. Parks is permanently located at
Bobsonville, Tillamook Co.
Miss Ivy Mitchell, of lower Rhea creek,
is visiting her relatives here.
Mat. Mosgrove, one uf the apostles of
the gripsack, was in tunn over Sunday,
The editor went to Sunday school last
Sabbath, and friends are anxiously en
quiring into tbe state of bis health.
Mr. W. G Scott was down from his
miuiug possessions lust Sunday, and re
ports the tunnel iu 90 feet ou the "Little
Dr. J. E. Adkins, of Hillsboro, informs
this offioe in a substantial way that he is
yet among the living, aud presumably
As Recorder Roberts has just imported
a four-year-old club, wereluctautly yield
the "noor ' to him, as ins argument is
good enough.
Gov. Rea has been on the sick list for
several nays the pas week, but is iu the
harness Hgaiu, apparently very mile the
worse for wear.
E. G. Locke returned Sunday from
Butter creek. As yet they have struck
nothing in tbe way of coal, though the
drill is down 250 feet below the surface.
It la that Imparity iu the blood, which, ac
cumulating In the glands of the neck, pro
duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which
causes painful running sores on the arras,
legs, or Xcct; which developes ulcers in the
eyos, ears, or nose, often causing blind'iess or
deainess which is the origin ol pimples, can
cerous growths, or the many other manifesta
tions usually ascribed to "humors;" which,
fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption
and death. Being the most ancient, it is the
most genen! of til diseases or affections, for
very few persons are entirely free from it
"kb?" cured
liy t.klng Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, liy
the remarkable cures it has accomplished,
often when other medicines have failed, has
proven Itself to be a poleut and peculiar
medicine for this disease. Some of these
cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from
scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla.
"My daughter Mary was n filleted with scrof
olona soreneck from the time she was 22 months
old till she became six years of nre. Lumps
formed In lier neck, and one of them after
grow lug to the size of a rlgeon's egg, became
a running sore for over three years. We gave
her Hood's Sarsararllla, when the lump and
all Indications of scrofula entirely dis
appeared, and now phe seems to lie a healthy
child." J. 8. Cablii e, Kaurleht, K. J.
N. B. Be sure to get only
Hood's Sarsapsriila
Boldbyalldruirgini. fl; iirforfS. prepared onlr
by C. I. HOOD A CO., ApolUcii(i( Lowell,
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
All present except Mayor Matlock.
Recorder Roberts acted as mayor for tbe
Minutes of last regular meeting read
aud approved.
The report of Marshal Rasmus, reooin-
memling street improvements, read, ap
proved and ordered plaoed in the hands
of the oommittee ou streets and public
The following bills were allowed:
Gazeite, Sf'l.SO; Slocum Johuston Drug
Co.. Z2r
J Report of finance committee was read
an I unproved.
Committee on streets and public prop
erty were ordered by motion, made nnd
curried, tit proofed with fliioh afreet im
provrTtiHiits rtg they think nosirv, the
nwHlnd to tnke chnrye of the work as
strt C'i!Miifsinier.
Copy of IVndMou'r ''vug" ordin-inoe,
presen'otl co mcii by cnineiliuun Mor
trun. mid rHd. Motion m ule and rjirripd
th;tt the commit t(e on Ofdinnnoea bo in
structed to draft ami present for ihe con
sideriitinn of the ootiueil au ordiuunoa on
iMofion wia nvidt) and carried that the
streets from Morgan street to the corpor
ation line near Hiram Clark's, be ope-ned
np fnr trtivel, win lost, and the committee
on sheets an i public property ordered to
investigate and report at the next regu
lar niu'lniL'. A!f mntion was marie and
Ciirrud fur the nfores dd committee to ex
amine sheets in Shipley's addition, with
a view nf opening up the anuie.
Mr. Klecltnor asl.s the council for an
advance of well funds to enable him to
pay np arrearages. On motion, hn was
Hllnweri the sum of $400. Also ordered
to have needed street improvements
commenced immediately.
Motion was made and carried to ad
adjourn. $5 WAltD
Will be paid for the
return of a small
black marc and
mare colt. Mare branded R (Radio's
brand.) appeals like a spear-hoad on left
shoulder, last seen In Clark's Canvon.
417 tf.
TVR ABOTtV Fourth nnit Hfr.rripon
SUrtt.f.fl. Pio-tlnni! Hrmmn fho mn.f otin.
oessful physician on the American oouti
neiin lor tne speedy, positive, absolute
and permanent cure for Catarrh of the
Head. Asthma. Bronchitis. Pneumonia
and consumption. Twenty-five years'
successful practice.
Insliiiilinrniis relief nml ni.npnt ram aflra
efliTlcil upon first consultation.
Dr. Aborn, by bis original, modern,
scieutilio method, effects
Speedy and radical cures of the most
tbstinate and long standing cases
of Nasal Catarrh, Ozena, Deafness, Dis
charges from the Ears, Asthma, Bron
ohitis and Consumption.
Also Stomach Disorders, Bilious Colio,
Gall Stones and Jatindioe, Heart, Liver,
Kidney, Bladder and Nervous Affections;
Diseases of Men. Also all uilmeuts pe
culiar tj women.
Dr. Aborn can be consulted from now
until July 5th, when he leaves for
Note. Home treatment, securely paok
.ed, sent by ex pre-s to any part of the
Pacific Const and Territories for those
who cannot possibly call iu person.
411-june 1.
The M to Wealth
Cannot be successfully traveled with
out good health. To reach wealth or any
coveted position in ii To requires the full
possession ar.d operation cf all the fac
ulties kind nature has endowed us with.
These conditions cannot exist unless the
phycical being Is in perfect working
order, and this Is Impossible when the
livsr and spleen are torpid, thus obstruct
ing tl:e secretions, causing Indigestion
and Cpopsfa, with all of their accom
panying horrors.
English Dandelion Tonic
exerts a specific Influence over the liver.
excites it to healthy action, resolves Its
Chronic engorgements, ar.d promotes the
secretions ; cures indigestion and consti
pation, charpens the appetite, tones up
the entire eystcm, and makes life worth
Lund Office at The Dallcfi, Or., Feb. Ul, 1801.
Nnlii'C in hereby tdven lliat the following-muri-ei
Hottk-r Jiiih tiled notice of ids intention to
imike liniil proof in support of his claim, and
Hint Hniri proof will be made before (.'onnty
Clerk ol Morrow County, at Heppuer, Oregon,
on April :t, viz:
D. 3. No. (1707, fnr the SV"4 NEU, HEW, SEW
tiK'i Sec. 5, T-"i H, K ! E.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
en ill liunl, viz:
(, K, KuriiHworth, Ed. 3. Cox, Frank P. Fanm
wortli, C. J. Anderson, of Ilanhnnii, Or.
John V. Licwib, KeiBter.
Ltini Ollice at La Grande, Or., Feb. 18, 101.
Noilcc in hereby given Unit the following-named
Rett er has liled notice of his Intention to
make linal proof in support of his claim, and
that Kai) proof will be made before the County
Clerk ol Morrow Co., Oregon, at Heppner, Ore
gon, on April t, k, viz:
D. P. No. 10.1W, for the NEW Sec. 2-1, J 1 8, R 27
E, V. M.
He iiiuih'b the following witucfwffl to prove his
coiitimioua residence upon, aud cultivation of,
Bald land, viz:
John Kenny, Felix Johnson, Andy THiard,
I'at Kelcghar, of Heppner, Or.
4H-1D. A. Ci.kaVkr, Register.
I.nnd Oirtce at La (.ramie, Or., Feb. 1R, 1K91.
Notice in hereby given that the following-iiani-ed
settler has tiled notii e of ids intention to
make li Mill proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be mudu before W. K. Ellis,
Coin. ( . Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon,
on April 1, 1WI, viz:
JO.-EI'H T, I'OTTr",
T). 8. No. 10.42S, for the NV" SW'W, WU N'WW,
NE4 NWU riee. T 1 H, II W E, W. M.
He niiuicH the following witiiorws to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said laud, .;
I'hoiitiiH McLntire, Itobert Johnson, Terrenee
McKntiie, Andrew Tiiiard, of Iuia, Oregon.
Ill-P.p. A. Clkavkh, Jteginter.
Lund Ollice at La Grande, Or., Feb. 1, 101.
No: Ice Ik hereby gh ;i that the folio wing-named
hi-ltler lot lih'd li'iiii'i; of' ins intention to
inuke liniil proof in support of his fMm, Hiid
that said pn ol will be made before W . K. Ellis,
Com, ('. s, circuit Court, ut Heppner, Oregon,
on April I, lb'.)!, viz:
JnllV J. I'OTTH,
1), s. No. In, , for the 'a N W-4 and lota 3 and 4
w.a, i ii -r, w. m.
James duriicr, bike pedal notfre,
He iiamen the following uftm-shCH to prove htl
coidlnnons residence upon, and cultivation of,
soid bind, viz ;
Ihoii.iis M Entire, Terrenee M Entire, Kobert
Johiicon, Andrew 'J illard, of ixuia, Oregon.
UI-I'J. A. Clkavkk, Register,
Laud Ollice at The Dalles, Or., Feb. fi,
Notice Is tierebv give.)) that the followim?
naiiicd settler has iiied notice of his intention
tt make liiml proof iu support of Ms claim, and
thai nam prool win ne nmot; wiure . n
Ei!i. I', p. Coinintudouer at Heppner, Morrow
county, Or., on Mitrch ii, 1-d. vi:
f .Wll fcL . HKK-oN,
ltd. :i-Ml, for the .-W-; Hee U', TUA. K V, K, W. M.
H Ni'iws tbe folloAin" witnsfd to prove his
eoinimio is n itnlenee upon and cultivation of
said land, vi:
John 1!. ftentrv, W. c. Licy, V. W. Kirk and
W in. liarbni, nil ui llcjipner. Or.
Juun W, Lrwis, 7. klirwr.
Land Offlee at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 9, 1891.
Notice fa hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Frank H.
Suow, V, S. Commissioner at Lexington, Or.,
on March Jl, ltmi, viz;
Hd. 2S61, for the WWSWW, NEl,4SV.i,8EiJWi.
See 1H, fp 1 N, K 21 E, W. II.
no names tne follow Ing witnesses to prove his
cuiumuous residence upon ana cultivation ot,
said laud, viz:
Charles W. Keed, Sylvester White, Joseph Fil
kins aud Charles Fflkiiis, all of baadle, Marrow
county, Or.
John W. Lewis,
412-417. Register.
tnni" OfTlno at Tim n..ll,ia (t VaY Q lUul
Notice is herein given that the foifnwing
named settler has filed notice of hie intention to
make final proof in support of Mb claim, and
that said proof will be made before Frank H.
Snow, V, S. Commissioner at Lexington, or., on
March 20, 1HU1, viz:
Hd. 3511, for the 8EW Sec 2, Tp 1 N, K23 E, V. M.
He naiues the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, mid cultivation
uf, said laud, viz:
Sylvester White, Paul Irofdson, Joseph Fil
kins aud Charles Ellkiiis, all of baddle, Morrow
county, Or.
John W. Lrwis,
412-417. Register.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Morrow.
J. T. Thorn pon,
RachclS. Thompson,
To Rachel S. Thompson, Defendant.
and answer the eoniolahtt tiled against vou
in the above entitled ault within ten days from
the date of the service of this summons upon
you, if served within this county; or, if served
within any other county of this State, then with
in twenty days from the date of the service of
thlB summons upon you; or, if served by publi
cation, theu on or before the first day of the Cu
cuit Court of said County and State, to-wit,
Monday, March 2:1, lsui, and if you fail so to
answ er or appear for want thereof, the plaintiff
win uiKe judgment against you, dissolving tne
bonds of matrimonv nuw existine between vou
and plaiutiu, on the grounds of desertion, and
lorsucn renot as is prayed tor in nut complaint
tiled herein.
This summons is served on you bv publica
tion, by virtue of an order made by "Hon. L. R.
Webster. Judge of the 1st Judicial District of
Oregon, w hich said order is dated at The Dalles.
Oregon, February 12, 1891.
412-417. Att'y for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
inu uouuiy oi .uorrow.
The National Bank
of Heppuer,
R. W. Beardou and I. M.
Piper, et al
To R. W. Beardon and ;i. M. Piper, Defendants:
and answer the Coiunlaiut filed acainat
you iu the above entitled action within ten daB
from the date of the service of this Summons
upon you, if served within this County; or, if
served in any other County of this State, then
within twenty days from the date of the service
of this Summons upon yon; or, if served by
publication, theu on or before the flrat dav of
the next term of the Circuit Court of said Coun
ty and State, to-wit, March 23, 181J1, and if you
fall so to answer, fur want thereof, the Plaiutlll'
will take judgment against you for the sum ot
One Hundred and Ninety-nine dollars
balance due on promissory note, and ten (10) toer
cent, interest ; from September ot), lisyo, and for
attorney s tees, ana costs ana disbursements.
J his summons Is Bervedon vou bv Dubllcation.
by virtue of an order made at The Dalles, Or.,
by Hon. L. It. Webster, Judge of the First Ju
dicial District of Oregon, baid order is dated
February 1U, 18'J1.
412-417. Att'y for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Morrow.
Foster Adams,
EUar Adams,
To Ellar Adams, Defendant,
aud answer the complaint hied airainst vou
in the above entitled suit within ten days from
tne date ot tne service ot tins sum
mons unou vou. if served within
this county; or. if served within any other
county of tnis state, theu within twenty days
from the dale of the service of this Btiuunons
upon you; or, if served by publication, theu on
or before .March 2-i, lhiil, the first day of the next
term of the Circuit Court of said countv aud
state, and if you fail so to answer or appear, for
want thereof, the plaiutiil' will take judgment
against you, dissolving tiie bonds of matrimony
now existing between you and plaiutlll', us pray
ed for in his complaint.
ihis summons is served on vou bv publication.
by virtue of an order of Hon. L. R, Webster,
Judge of the First;.! mlicial Dist. of Or., which said
order was made at The Dalles, Oregon, February
iu, ma.
412-117. Att'y fur Plolutiir
In the Circuit Court for the County of Morrow,
state oi Oregon.
The American Mortgage Co,'
of Scotland, Limited,
Mylan E. Handy and Phoebe
To Mylan E. Handy and Phoabo Handy, Defen
and answer the complaint tiled against vou
iu the above entitled cause, by the tirst dav of
the next regular term of the aliove entitled
court, to-wit: March 2;ld, A. U, lH'Jl; and if you
fail so tu answer, lor want inereoi me planum
will take iudgiuent against you for the sum of
eight hundred and twelve dollars, with interest
thereon at tne rate oi eigni per cent, per annum
from Feby. 4, 181M until paid; for the sum of
fiftv-six dollars with ihtcrest thereon at the rate
of eight per cent, per annum from Dee. 1, 1hi,o
until paid; for the sum of ono hundred and II f ty
dollars attorneys fees and for costs and disburse
ments ol this suit; and for the foreclosure of a
certain mortgage executed by you in favor of
piuiutin ami conveving tne loiiowing aescrioe'i
premises, to-wtt: the sEI-i Sec. 28, Tp. 2 N, R. 26
E., W. M., in Morrow County, Oregon, and for
such other relief as is demanded iu the coin
nlaiht. This summons is published by order of
lion, James A. Fee, Judge of the sixth judicial
district of the State of Oregon. Said order dated
at Pendleton, Or., Feb. 6, 'HI.
J. I, bkuwin,
411-417. Attorney for Plaintiff,
In the Circuit Court of tb Bute of Oregon,
for Morrow County.
Margaret Dun ton, Plaintiff,
vs. 1
John A. Hcndrixand Leathy f
J. Hcndrix, Defendants. J
P To John A. Hcndrix and Leathy J. Hcndrix,
In the name of the State of Oregon, You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
cause, by the first day of the next regular term
of this court, that being the 2iid day of March,
A. D. l!d, and if you fail so to answer, for want
thereof the plaintiff will take judgment against
you for the sum of Two Hundred and Sixty Dol
lars (fJ'JO), with interest at the rate of 10 per
cent, per annum from Nov. 21, InHft, and the fore
closure of a mortgage, given to secure the same,
on the Northwest quarter of Section Twenty-six
2ti), Township Three (:S) South, Range Twenty
six (2ii) E.W. M., and for such further relief as is
demanded in tbe coinnlaint.
This summons is published by order of Judge
James A. Fee, Judge of the Sixth Judicial dis
trict of this State. Said order dated at Pendle
ton, Or., Jan. 17, ".11.
Heppintr, Jan. 2J, 1801.
410-416. Attorney for Plaintiff.
Land Office at U Grande, Or., Feb. 11lfWl.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has hied notice of his intention
to make Dual proof in support of his claim, aud
that said proof will be made before County
Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppuer, Or., on
March ;W, , W.d, viz:
Ds. No. Kri'iH, for tbe ' HEW aud NEW 8WJ4
and SK'4 NW'i Hec. 25, Tp. 3 8, R 27 E, W. M.
Frederick II. Htaddon, take special notice.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of,
: said laud, vfz:
j August Hale, Thomas it. Miller, William Dun
t can aud Joel Groom, all of Heppuer, Oregon.
I A. Clkavkk,
413-418. Kegiiter.
Mra. Hpnry B'akrnmi an l ohiUlrnn
reitifDed yeBteTtiay from B 'isn, Iiiiio,
wliere tliey Imve beeu vnitiug roiufivt-fl
for kdm months.
Tf'i r T 'aTSi 'T'lr-. ,
Only selling to make room for an immense
spring stock, soon to arrive.
How's This?
Overalls, 15,25 and 50 cents a pair; child
ren's shoes, 25, 50 and 75 cents a pair,
less than half cost.
SPECIAL BARGAINS in everythi ng es
pecially in dress goods remnants.
DON'T YOU FORGET the P. S D., in the
H. Blackman & Co.,
I8uooeeor to
The LnrKenl Stiwk nf Clothing evor brwitflit to Heppnnr, bought FOR
CASH in llin Ent, Bnil will be sold at urii m nevor hnnnl of bi'forfl.
BOlfH' SUITS t 81 25 and upwards. MEN'S and YOUTHS' SUITS,
-: ITO $25 :
Owing to the mild winter, will offer for the next THIRTY DAYS
Ten to Fifteen Per Cent. Below Former Prices.
For First Quality Goods at Lowest Prices,
Hardware, Tinware, Grnceiies, Confectionery, A'ood and Willow Ware.
Age nts for New Home and i'tivorite Hewing Machines. Lumberman's
Tools a Sueaialty. Higheut uiarkec price paid fur furm projuoe.
tf. Corner Muin and Willow Streets, Heppner Or.
Land Office at La Grande, Or., Feb. 'J7, tn.
Notice is hereby gneu that (he followiii-?-nauied
settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make liuftl nroof in suiinortol Ids claim, and
ttiat said proof u ill be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County Or., on April ijth, Ibyl,
Di. No. 9725, for the HU BE !4 and HKJ4 8W54 See.
Tp. 3 8, K 27 E, W. M.
' H niLiiies tbe following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon uud cultivation of,
said land, viz:
Win. H. Verkes, W. R. Newman, Thomas
Owens and Andy htevenson, all of Heppuer, or.
415-420. Register.
land Office at TheTalles, Or, Feb. 27, '91.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has Died notice of his Intention to
make dual proof iu support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before W. u. Ellis, ('. S.
Coiuiuissioner, at Heppuer, Or., on Apilt 11, 'Ul,
D. W. 11A1RD,
Hd. No. 15fi7, for the WW N E ! and NW NW.'
Bee. U, Tp. a rt, It & E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove bis
coiitimioua residence upon and cultivation ot,
1 said land, viz:
! W. II, Rush, Harve Rnsh, V. II. Me A tee and
Joseph Tolbert, uli of llvp;.uer, or.
i Juun W. Lkwik,
J 41M. hUnuKr.
Ijind fUhco at The Dalies, Or,, Feb. 18, 1891.
Notice is hereby given that the follow lug
named settler has liled notice of his Intention to
make tinal proof In support of Ids claim, and
that said proof will he made before County Judg
of Morrow County, at Heppuer, Oregon, on April
14, laui, U:
Hd. No. 31 If,, for the WW HWW, NEW. 9 WW, NttV
ah'i w. iu, T t ri, it a5 E. '
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of,
said laud, U:
Henry Whitson, John Vaunt, Wm. Estei, C. N.
reck, ol Lexington, Oregon.
I'Htf John W. Lrwis, Register.
Ijiiid Ofllee at La Grande, Or, Feb. 18, 1891.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has Died notie of his Intention to
make linal proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before County
Clerk of Morrow Co.. Oregon, ut Heppuer, Ore
gon, o.i Ai-i il i, IyM, Ai:
I). H. lOJ't'i, for the NE'i NW, and NW NEW.
K1'. NEL4 Sec. .JU, T I .h, R E. W. M.
He names the tollon lug w Uuesses to pror hla
co it! iiiiiiin rt-hidtMnxj upon, aud culllvaiiou of,
snid hind, 1.;
John Kenny, KelK Johnson, Thomas Gilflllen,
James Iji glieriy, ol Heppner, Oregon.
Alhuri tttkw special notice.