The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, March 19, 1891, Image 2

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    THE GAZETe'.
THURSDAY, Muich f), ifV.H.
Gun. Palmeb was elect. A by the XI I
noia legislature last e (It us TJ, ij. ueu
Btor. CommissiiiNkb GirfF, t,f the general
land ullice, hm tuutlere.l hia resignation
on aeunuut of fsiiiinur health.
Prospects are flattering for n good
priOH fur our ,,ools this maeon. The de
mand is steady lit present, tlxmli there
id no particular rabe in the market.
TtIK news of the death of Hon. John
F. Swift, U. S. Minister to Japan, readi
ed tins country ou the lllli inn!. He was
a republican, lint was too plain spoken
and hunest to be popular witli the
It 13 likely that the road to Dayville
will be built anyhow, and, a la Cuss
county, the right to the 5 per oent. fuini
settled in the courts. If we lose there,
no one ill be injured much, aa the road
must be built.
Although a bill was paased at the
last session of the legislature providing
for an additional circuit judge in t lie
first judicial disiriet, the governor finds
that lie cannot make t lit, appointment,
because of some alleged defect lu the
Is Mr. J. P. Unillev's letter, published
in last week's issue, where it read "the
banks are exempt from taxation," slumlo
have been "their bords are exempt iruin
taxation." This correction is made lu
justice to Mr. fladley, whom we have no
desire to misrepresent in any way.
Wool rates East and to San Francisco
will be reduced so low this season thai
there is no excuse in shipping fiom other
poiuts. The finest assoi tmeut of wool;,
raised in the Northwest will come to
Heppner for sale and ahipmeut. Tin
buyers coiae where the wools are, aim
one olip sells another.
Amonci the many persons mentioned as
suitable timber to represent ttie seouno
Congressional district of Oregon, we heal
the uaiueot lion. VV. K. Ellis, ul ilcppnci.
lie is a man of mature age and judg
ment, has acknowledged anility, and is a
lawyer by protessiou. lie is in ever.i
respect pre-eminently fitted to represeni
our district. Tho republican party will
do well to select him as their nominee
one year hence.
Ah THE 13. 0. says, why couldn't the
state of Oregon, or rattier Salem, "go:
along" without a dome for the stale
house, two ) ears longer, just as well la
the "cow" counties and other sections
can do without state roads? And it it
also be very consistent to uak why tin
governor did not follow up his policy tu.u
veto the appropriation ol $110,1100 for tin
portage railroad at the Cascades, whicl
benefits only one county, that of 'aso 'i
Peiiuoyer has more symptoms of a dema
gogue than uny man the Gazette kuowt
Oob friend, J. V. Wellington, of tin
ruyallup Coinineioe, very truthfully
Bays: 'One of the worst feature of any
tow n, and one that does it more nij r.
than anything else is the system u
faction lighting sometimes indulged in
by somu of its residents. Opposing in
teresls clash together where if lhe
would liannoni.e and co operate, greai
good would result to the eniire coiiiiuu
mty. i'aelicui fights never beiielitieil
any town, and never will, and towns thai
should lie on the high road to prosperity
are hindered anil held back by fhein."
A Ni.w OiujKakh mob, ooiuposed of
the "best eitizoiiH," lynched some ltal
iau murderers at that (dace last ."Sunday
it is likely to become an an internation
al issue between the United Males ami
llaly. It is claiineiHhat, the mob aecoru
plished w hat tin' jury should have done.
The murderers of Chief Hennessey Iuhi
October, met a descving fate which ii
bribed jury would not inlliet. let mob
Violence is to be deplored under any cir
cumstances, it would have been liettei
to have meted out lawful punishment ti
the corrupt jurymen, leudermg a rope
tifiou nf their acts less likely in the t'u
tiue. There lies the seat of the trouble.
Thtc national debt is being paid as fas
as it- becomes due, and in some cases,
even before it is due. Only a short linn
ago, many millions were paid oil' at i,
premium, to relieve the sfi ingency ol
the times. The national banking s siou,
is a creation of the late war, and has been
found reliable, safe, and equitable evei
since, lu course of time ell bonds wib
have been redeemed. In the event ot
the filial repeal of the national banking
act, the oounlrv will sillier, unless soim
similar plan is put in force. Without
doubl, bunkers would just as soon de
posit coin for their circulation as bonds.
The hih premium on bonds and tlu
taxes to the government take all tin
profit accruing from iiitereston the hnndt
used as security. It is not so much the
increased profits of national liauking
that make them popular, but rather the
demands of the business world.
If a person will think just oiUMiiomeiit,
they will know that hunt is the snuice ol
all production. Ibid seasous make ban
crops, winch puts our farmers in ver.i
bad humor, rife to noccpt the theory thai
the government is the cause of id, theii
trouble. The government cannot regu
late the rainfall, or perform any hk.
miracle. Now, farmers, isn't it u faei
that if you had raised good crops in
Morrow for the past five years, ou
would feel prelty well eoateutcdi1 lid
us have a few seasons where our farm
era reap from !2- to 4d bushels of wheal
per acre, and th? re will be little room foi
complaint. The principal alliance move
nients may lie found in those section
where our farmers have had short crops,
and it does appear to a casual observei
that our government is receiving all the
blame for it.
' Demand note" means payable on de
maud. Payable in w bat? Lu thccomol
the realm, of course. '1 he demand notes
of the late war were taken up by legal
tender notes and eventually redeemed in
coin, lu the palmy days of the demand
note, the government had sutVteieiii
means to take them up at any time. This
was enough to satisfy holders. Hut the
flovernmeiit could not satisfy everything
by its paper, promising to pay. In oui
opinion, the exception clause of tin
greenback lia-1 nothing to ilo wiih hs de
preciation. Why should it ? If the lu
te. est on the public debt had been paid
in demand notes, would not those notes
bad to have been redeemed la gold? Pay
day will come. To do its outside busi
Besi, the government nee. led some gold,
and was it not good judgment to secure
a little of It in the payment of "duties on
imports?'1 I'niou reverse! and doubts of
final siicH'UHH bad more to do with the de
preciatiou ot the greenback than any
thing else. At that stage of the t
there was also a lack of "hard com" to
make good this promise to pay. ami it is ,
no wonder that currency fell below par. '
With thin indue of Hit (inZ"tte, it com- j
pletea ila emhlli year of i-xislt'iiw, ninl j
goes boldly forth to wrestle with t lie i
ninth. It baa bad boila and toothaobt
like oile r people, and h;,s be. n charged
Willi everything, from uiiick.-n stealing
to holding up a stage, let it has sur
vived all, and to-day is a belter papei
and ia a moie prosperous condition than
at any previous period. L'uder the pres
eut management, it has been fotlud with
its voice and coin on the side of improve
ment and progress. T he paper has made
some money, jet It has put in all back
into the pluul and in other enterprises ol
lleppuer. The paper's plant, as it stands,
has C'-st the propiietoreon-siderably i.vei
SD.UilU, and is not done yet. All presses
aie ran by steam power, and it's job
otlice is equal to any m iia.-tein Oregon,
lu t lie future, as in the past, it proposes
to he valient ami true to Heppuer's in
terests, and to tie, so of Kastern Oregon;
but in doing so, does not propose to b
the organ, mouthpiece or tool of any individual.
Or all the great nations, only one has
a larger circulali n of numeyper oapita
than the United rtlales, that ol France,
which is Stt 1 he United States h.,s a
circulalion per capita of a little over
3Jo. Kranee has a poor system of bank
ing, and Iherelore few baiiki, requiring
more money lo carry on the business.
It is discovered that only fi per cent, of
our actual cireiilaiioii is used to carry mi
business, checks and drafts taking the
place of money in ill per cent, of finan
cial transactions. In a country where
there are few banks and no system ol
general banking, private paper cauuol
take the place of mouev to auy great ex
Eni-roii Oautte: I tbiiuk you for
) our courtesy io your reply to my opin
ion oa the hanking system. However,
v ii are wrong again. The sixty million
of national demand uotes weie not back
ed by gold, or redeemed. On each and
very one was "good lor all debts, both
public and private.' They were at pai
with gold throughout the entire war.
The I wo exceptions on the greenback
issue caused them to depreciate, or caus
ed a demand for gold. Now, Mr. Editor,
iiconlnig to your own argument, w ho
poekeis llio premium now on hands? It
is the banks that have bought them up,
or our niou-ycd men to keep their wemth
Horn being taxed, ii the banking sjslein
u not profitable, as ou say, why is n
they arc so bitterly opposed to its being
lone away with?
One more question, and I am done fo,
ibis lime. How are the banks establish
oil'.' Is it not on the indebtedness of Hie
people, or on the war dehl? Pay oil" the
national debt, and tho banks urn knocked
out. of existence The banking system,
alone, in lime will pauperize very labor
ing man, woman and cbijd iu the U. t.
As ever yours,
J. P. Hadley.
Ilardman, Or., Mar.jh 14, '91.
Jons Davidson ih heard from down at
lilla ok City, Tillau.ook county. He
is in the saloon business, aud doing
quite well.
J. W. Blake of Coinlun was in town
I'uesd iy. He bail the misfortune to lose
,iis oldest daughter recently, an enter
taining girl 12 years of age. '
Clias. McFarliiiul caine up from lone,
Sat. where he speii t most of last week.
He says K. 0, Wills is improviugiu health,
winch tins paper is pleased to learn.
From tlio l-'otcj.
The K, of P. installation of officers in
i lm llennion lodge ol tuis placj will take
ilace ill the near tut-.ire.
MissSeliiui Cub. -,(-, formerly of Monu
ment, hut at presc.u, residing at llepp
uer, visited her Chant, county friends
and relatives lh.8 last week.
.Sheep that have lie-Mi sold lo Eastern
oiyers thus lav have brought a,
. on no price, Jf2.,rx) p.-r head b jug the
iinoiint paid, to lie delivered arter the
diem jug season.
Frank Mattes reoeived a telegram Ibat
the mad over bis rouii. in California in
the neighborhood of Redding, has failed
'o arrive for some day-., and was sup
posed to have been snow bound. Frank
eft. lor that section last week.
Kelly, the veteran stage driver on Hie
Wonument and (;,Liiyon City mule, has
esigned, Hid ( Ireen resuming the reins
in Ins stead. The person is unfilled lo a
pensinu who has the grit to face the
"airy" gales so common to Oregon in the
winter season.
The department has a, lowed n daily
mail between Long Creek and Alba,
which now gives us a dailv mail service
through to Pendleton. Mr. 'Vntlos, the
contractor, will put on ihe service as
soon as he ictiirns from looking after
other lines.
The report Ibat a counly seat light oc
curred near Ittirns not long since, in
i Inch several parlies were killed, mid
'thcis seriously wounded, has proved
io l a 'lake." Hums papers
state that the very best business anil so
cial relations exist between Harney City
nut burns at present.
Ij. W. Lewis cnini! over from llurdinan
last Tuesday, having closed out his sa
loon in that burg last week. He au
unowlcdges being one of the victims in
i little stage wreck, having in his pos
sess!, ai a pencil drawing which oleaily
illustrates the aceident, as viewed by a
oystiiiuler. L W. claims that he would
not make a singe ilriver, especially wheu
reniale passengers are on hoard.
We have been informed that it is very
probable the Department will change
i he schedule of the Heppner and Canyon
City mud roiue, requiring the mail lo
leave lleppuer in the evening at six
o'clock, and arriving al Canyon City on
the following day at ,r near Ihe same
Hour, making Ihe entire frip in twenty
lour hours less than by the present
schedule. This will be a great benefit
lo (his interior section.
rrota tin? Nt".v.
i ins vaiiey ai no utsrant cay will sup
ply a large area with llour. fruit and
vegetables When we begin to even
iimke our own II uir the day of prosperity
will dawn.
The News begs 1, nig Creek's pardon
for having announced that the town was
incorporated under Ihe name of "tllen-
Ion." We saw the printed bill that bad
been introduced, which was tothat ell'eot,
hut it seems thai this lull was wilhdrawu
or iinieiid.'d, and Long Cr-'ek dnlv ill
Oorporaled Pel baps Ihe last bill insures
the lives of the council "tor a period of
live years," and Iney w mid rather be
called Long Creek than tllcndou (or
that reason.
Grant county's stockmen have been
more embarrassed wiilnn the past few
in. m I hi perhaps (ban during any similar
period in the bl.siory of the county.
.Slock losses last ye r struck a severe
blow, and if creditors push them some
oi iboni may have to s a-riltcp property.
Hut if stoi.kiiien are granted a little time
they will doubtless come out on top, for
there has been no loss the past winter,
while there is every indication of a good
rKui 1'at: If
ilnn't atop Lnn
froiu i v 1 1 1 l! the krunv nwav. antue of the i
b,i)M ill in iki' it warm f,,r lnm I
It ia reported here that he shiiI his !
name in to Ihe F. A. lie wants to net in ;
on tlie ttiniuii),' aide. Well, when the!
r'. A. i mi Lion for nuy ullioe, they are Int. j
AlaroU 14, '91. A. F. Viun. i
This is the Gazette's birthday. Eight
years old, without a struggle.
We have an abundance of correspon
dence which cannot appear this week.
H. .1. La Francp, representing the
Colder & Chase iniisio bouse, is iu town.
Hugh Fields arrived from Brownsville
last evening to look utter bis Murrow
county interests.
St. Patrick's ball, given at the opera
bouse by Johnny Keeney on Tuesday
ve, the 17th inst, was a grand success.
E O. : Cass Matlock lost about fifty
sheep in H pile up at his ranch on But
ter creek recently. His total loss for the
winter will prolvably reaob one hundred.
Mike Kenny was in town Saturday
hit, and is yri-titied o find himself
fully recovered from the injuries re
oe'ved last fall by a horse falling on him.
Mat Lichtenthsl returned from Port
land Friday last, lifter a pleasant visit to
'he metropolis, where he met 0. W.
Yoiinggrsn, Oliver Wright aud other
E. K Botes left for Michigan, vis. San
Francisco, yesterday morning, having
sold his interest ill the saloon business
to Mr. Tuttle, who will continue the
same alone.
H. Sweeney, who for years has accom
panied the Friend & Bitter shearing
cows on thpir annual tour, arrived here
Tuesday from Tillam iok county, and is
ready to fall in when the time comes.
Wm. Rodin is vpry sick with "grip,"
and pneumonia, at the residence of his
parents who live in Walla Walla. He
was visiting there wheu taken sick, and
has had quite a serious time, all
though tui, loving rapidly at present.
a o - -3 " -i -r - - L" -r f -. .-- -
!1 . I
. U ' ' y ,"I Ij 2 ?t J;
i c " !r ? ?j y ?( 'f V ' X I1 Z o i
Of the Firxt Nuliimal Hank at llepp
uer, in the Stttte of Oiajmi, at the
Close i f limincm, Feb.M, IHUt.
Loans aud discounts $125,485.07
Overdrafts secured and unsecured 3,5'Jl.(i2
CJ. S. Honda to secure circula
tion 12.500.00
Due from approved reserve agents 1,571.77
Due from other National banks 446.47
Due from Slate ihtuks and
hankers 288.95
Banking-house furniture and
Current expenses and taxes
Premiums on U. S. bonds
1 'heck and other cash items
Hills of other Banks.
Fractional paper currency,
nickels and cents
410 tiO
2,,il0 00
470 71
Specie 18,0!R10
Legal-' ender notes 354. UO
Kcdeinption fund with U. 8.
Treasurer (5 per cent, of
circulation 5G2.50
Capital stock paid in $ 50.000.00
Surplus r ii ml 12.000.00
Undivided prolils 7,555.7!i
National Bank Nolesoiitstand-
ing 11,250.(10
Individual deposits subject to
check 41,357.11
Deinatid certificates of deposit 2.417.20
Pi inn certificates ot deposit.... 9,729.9,1
Due to other National Hanks.. 30,114 19
Due to State Banks ami bank
ers S01. 79
Total $171,219.83
Statu of Oukoon, )
County of Mouitow,
1, George Conser, Cashier of the
above named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the
beat of my knowledge and belief.
Gko. Consick, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
7thdayof March, 111. Oris IVrruitsos,
Notary Public.
Correct Attest: Frank Kellogg, 1'.
A. Kliea ami James 1. Uliea, Directors
() the Kutionitl Uanh of Heppner at
lleipner, in the alate of Oregon,
at tlie elose of Imsiness,
February I'd, .s';ij,
Loans and discounts 897,510.55
Overdrafts secured and unse
cured 3S3.59
U. S. bonds to secure circula
tion 12,500.00
Stocks, securities, judgments,
claims, etc 3,769.08
Due from approved reserve
ngetils 4,029.29
Due from other Natl, liks 2;i5.5-
Biiiikinghouse, furniture, ami fix. 2.282 0,
Current ex. and taxes paid... tilo.29
Premiums on U. 8. bonds 2.300.00
('becks and other cash items.. 12S.00
Hills of other Hanks 76.00
Fractional paper ciirreucy,
nickles, and cents 3 87
Specie 6,042.70
Legal-tender notes 400.00
Hedebipliou fund wilh U. S.
Treasurer (5 per cent, of cir
Cupiliil stoi'k pai J in $
Surplus hunl
I'luiivuU'il protiis
Nut. R notes nil I st uiul in l;. .
10,750 00 nupiiiil l,'J7,itHI
In liviuuul doioita siioject to
neiiiiiiul I'ertitioatea oT ileptisit
Time o;rtiliiMtes ol dopant. .
Iue to other Nat. hanks;
4 '-ilii Ji j
Notes aii,t luliH r iliuoiuteil. 5,ultU.0t' i
bills payuhle lS.liU0.IHl i
ToTAt, 8131,504 3S
Statu of Oukoon, I
Col'NTV OP MoKHOW, f fc"
I. Ed. K. Uislmp, Ciislm'r of tlie above
iiinutHt hank, ilo Holeninly ve;ir tliut the
nli -ve statt'iiiout ia (mo to tlie beat of
my k,iowlt'iiie ninl belief,
Ei It. Hisirop, Caahier.
S'ibseribed and sworn to before me
llua Kt h day of M.ireli, JSJl.
W. 11 Ellim Notary I'uhlie.
Current Attest: Nelson Jone, I'. V.
Ttioanxiou, O. E. Faruowortl Director.
mi a ci
fif r",,.t,s .ind Contaimntion
4 V
f Modern Kemedies? It will stop a Cough in one niyht. lc will check a Cold in
f a day. It will prevent Croup, relieve Asthma and cure Consumption if taken
. in time, " You can't afford to be without it." A 25 cent bottle may savo you
! S 1 00 in Doctor's bills mav save your life 1 Ask your druggist for it, or write
? to VV. II. Hooker & Co., 46 West Broadway, New York, for book. B
&.!! 1 BBlii
US' For bale by SLOCUAl-JOtliNSituvl Jjrug Co., Ueppner, Oregon.
10 TO
)S"0ALL! CALL!! Next
GarngueB Buiklitiy, Heppner, Oregon.
Job work, Repairing nnd Furniture. Cupboards Tables, Stauds
Baby Buggies, Mouldings,
Direct from the East Cheap for Casb.
Picture Framing a Specialty. Carpets to
Agent For the La
E. ft. BLOt'UM.
Dealers in and Manufacturers of
Mi oi Mi anil Office rake
Mai tresses, Lounges, Wall Paper and Carpets.
Columbia Brewery Depot,
Of llm Onlumbifi nrpwory, at TIip D;illns, would
uouniics that tin tins ii'ii-jf-u trom !nu) ii. tMitfr tho ity liipWHry in noppniir, nnu Has
GHtubliHlied n do pot at Hit) well known stand, tov the miiu of the best
Lager Beer ami Porter,
either in tlio keg or bottled, which ho will tm pleased to supply customersin
any quantity wholesale aud retail.
The Public are invited to call and examine his stochwith
the, assurance tltat they will find it first-class.
I'll" Heppner Depnt will bo iu chure of Mr. Dun Osiners, who will cheer
fully supply nil tirdera.
Payette Nursery,
The Largest General Nursery
stock in the Mountains.
fin ix
Send for Catalogue and Price List.
93.8m. Payette, Idnho.
.liia. M. linger, of Upper Willow creek,
reports prispects roikI for tin ahnml
nnce of fruit this oomiiitf beimnu. Mr.
Huuer lnis h fine orclianl.
Kli Keeney days there were, two
"seriips" in town Mnmliiy, anil neither lit
the Belvedere. Well, snob thiims lire
liahle to happen, anywhere.
"ltucl" Will milium a id IkH Hasey hail
flume woriln ..Moiiilav at E. L. Matloek's.
wtnoli cnliiiiiiHted in a scrap. How
ever, tt was of short tl'iratiou.
John Brown anil Arthur Smith go! in
to a ilillioully at the brewery Monday
afternoon. Il.nvever, bystanders inter
fered aud prevented any tiL'htiUK.
Mrs. ,1. N. Hrnwn was Kllckjd with
pneninoiiia si ortly lifter her arrival at
. aleui, tint has nearly recovered u;ain.
She is expected home next week.
The soil or Morrow and adjoining
counties is well so iked for once, anil
stockmen espect plenty of tfruss, Htuj
farmers are jubilant over crop prospecls.
1joh1 (llh'i- Kt liriuule. Or., March 1. '01.
Nolii-e is ln'ri'l" Kivon Unit tlu1 folloivin);
11111110,1 (letlli'r lms'liU-,1 notiee of hi Intention 10
nuike linal proof in snpviorl of hie I'laiin. ami
thai sal,! proot Ik' inaiio Iioforo Ihe County
dork of Morrow t.'o., at Hoppncr, Or., on Mav 2.
iwi, U.:
Ds. No. Ioj:. for the V. Ntt V K NW t, N"
M ' Soo 1.'. I s. K' K. W. M.
Mo nainos tho nnloivintf winioss-s to prove his
oo niiu.o.ih roshlonoo upon ami e.iUivalioa of.
sai.l hnnl. ii-:
.lorrv Bros nan, J. 1 Ayers, tl. M. Vinson and
1). M. i resioy, all ol Leuti, Or.
A. CLE ivita.
- a ' ' ' ' r m
Do you know that a little cough 13 a dangerous
thin;';? A: 3 you aware that it often fastens on the
luns and far" too of ten runs into Consumption and
ends in D-'ath? l'oopki suffering; from Asthma.
Broncoilis. I'ltcumomiv atiU Cousumptiou will iJJJj
tell yoa that fc
T vynwrp mm A fW9 R
v E Q i) t a i U-iJ e 5 hi Li kuwuti'-a
Can you atlorJ to ncjlact it? Can you triiloB,
with so'serious a matter 'I Ara you await) that
ii bovond ouestion the greatest of nil
door to T. W. Ayers' Drug Store,
Mirrors and Curtain Poles,
Grande Marble Works.
E. H. a LOCUM.
inform tlie citizonfi of UTorrow nnd mirrmirdinK
Ijnid Oflirp at La (Irnnrle, Or., Feb. 11. ISM.
Notice la hereby elven tlmt the follewlnu
niimed settler has nleit notice of his intention
to make Until proof in support of his claim, and
that miiil proof will be uauie bciore County
clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Uregon,
on .nurvii txi, invi, vi.:
Ds. rwic. for the ' i Vi S. 1, NWi Ucc.
1J, Tp. S. K -'7 K. W, W. XI.
He imiiicB the followiiij: witnesses to prove his
continuous reuitlenee upon, and cultivation of,
said bind, viz:
Almost Hale, Thomas B. Miller. William Dun
can and James H. 1'eiilaiid, all of Heppner, Or.
A. Clk ivica,
ns-m. Kcsister.
I. S. Lanrt Office, The Ilallcs. Or., Feb. 11, '91.
Notice is hereby ctvon that the following
nanu',1 se'tler has lileil notice of his intention to
make linal proof in support of his claim, ami tliKt
sai,l proof ill he mailt' before Frank H.Snow,
C. S. t'onniiisHioner at Lexins;ioa, Oregon, on
March ,, viz:
John t. McMillan,
Ps. ?..v.', for the NYl'i, Sec S. Tp. I S. R .-, E, W. M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resilience upon ami cultivation ot
saitl lauil, vi:
William F. Barnett. V. B. McAiister. Cvrm C.
Boon and Ransom Licuallen, all of Lexington,
John V. Lkwis,
The civil aetion, (reorge Frown V8
Aaron R lvne, c ame un before Gov. RJa
Tuesday, but the Gov being "under the
weather," the oaae was postpoued till
,T. B. Simons has nnrchased the black
pmith shop no the Matlook ooruer from
J. J. Hubert.
Sj3rii-x Goods
A Bio Line direct from the Eiist. Finn ntylinh lints, new
Bhnpes, ninl piittpi'tis. Gent's fine shots, linlies' ninl chilil
ren's shoes, nil styles. SAX JOSK, OA I , t-'ORNIA SA U
DLES at Factoi'i' Prices. A cur-iond of
Fernoline Sheep Dip
Books and Silverware (jivon mvny to our cash customers.
Agents for 0L1VKR CHILLED i'LO'VS.
Groceries, Hardware, Etc.
Largest Stock and Biooest Assortment to be found in
Oregon. Mail Orders Solicited.
Always "take the cake" when it comes to having
, a complete stock of General Merchandise, suited to
the wants of this country. See the latest patterns of
Woolen Dress Goods in stripes, plains and solid colors
all sold at prices to please. Huest line of
Our slice department cannof be excelled in style, quality
and low prices. Ilitud and Sewed shoes iu Button, Con
gress aud Lace. Heavy Brogans and Boots of all kinds.
hats and Caps, Woolen Underwear and
Blankets, Robes, Gloves, Mittens, Trunks, Valises, Sew
ing Machines, Guns, Pistols, Wallpaper, Doors, Windows
and Glass, Paints and Oils, Harness and Saddles. Our
San Jose, Oil., Saddles are giving the best of satisfaction.
AVe have a tine assortment of side saddles and others.
Stoves aud Tinware, If yon need a cook Move, range
or parlor heating stove, don't fail to see our stock in
these goods. Common beating stoves in all sizes.
n,,! , nil Wagons, Hacks m MIMA
And Harrows, Clocks and
Kye, Alfalfa and Timothy, Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Blacksmith's coal, Sulphur, Lime and Salt, Cedar Shin
gles, Groceries and Hardware. Fernoline Sheep Dip,
something new. Guaranteed to cure the scab in sheep
or no pay.
A call at our Establishment will prove
Our claim of having the Largest stock, Greatest Variety,
of goods, the best equipped store, combined with low
prices, that can be found in any other town in Oregou.
To every purchaser of $25 worth of goods, we will give
a fine 84 book. Orders from the country carefully and
promptly filled. Country produce bought and sold.
Agents for Christy & Wine.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Oregon.
T. W. AVERS, Jr., Proprietor,
(Successor to A. D. Johnson.)
Keeps a Full Line of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet
Articles, Albums, Etc., Etc.
Fine Domestic and Impoited Cigars Al
ways in Stock.
School Books !
Saddles, HaJnesR, Whips, Spurs, and every Conceivable
Article kept in a First Class Harness Shop.
Repairing: ti
nun Tnn
,11111 I II I II 11 I I II
Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated hum Sddte
Go to their store tor the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE, Warranted for
u jcuro. ,un i any eisewuere tut
get oash
-ntorniEToits of
Id E. Minor's Building.
These Oentlem-n are well known as having Mastered Ihe
Tonwnal Art ii, all of its Important Features. Call on
them for a Good Shave or Hair Cut.
Splendid Bath Rooms in Connection.
MAN STREET, - . E. Minor's Buildiug, . . HEPPNER
Let ns go to Mat Lichtenthal's
Exclusive Boot and Shoe Store,
for our winter footwear Fie keeps the best Bnekineham A Heebt boot.
nd shoes, the Fargo 82 5,1 Shoe and other go.,,1, of siaudard makes. A
baiiToa flU. l,0"g.h, CO""'J"' 'o
Watches. Chop Feed, Seed
School Books
Specialtr !
I 'n In hnn
I ,11 11 I'M
you extimme their machines aDd