The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, March 12, 1891, Image 8

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Stomach Troubles,
p oh, O I d d I n cc3,
Haartburn, Oonsti-
pat'on, Fullnesc, Food Rising,
' Disagreoablo Taste, Narvous
ncss. At flruppistsand Dealers, er sent by rnn! on
rccvii't ol" '.; els. ("i boxes Slvil i ' e.iim;js.
tamil Kia f.eoiei ic-intif 2-fi-ul stump.
THE CHARLES . V0:E'-ER CO., Baltimore, Hd.
Siablemen and Stockmen.
Cu'a. Swellings, Bruis:s. Sprains. Ca!l, Strains,
Lameness. Stitiness, Cracked Hels, Scratches,
Contractions, Flesh Wounds, Str.nglnf, Sera
Inrmt, Distemper, Colic. Whitlow, Poll,
Fis'uh, Turners. Splints. Rinqbon san:l Spayiil
In their early Stages- CircctioniUiiiicauSti.
I l I I I I 1 I" I I 1 1 I I I I V 1,1
UllllI .! 1 III
WynnilnttPB, Plymouth Books. Liiilil
Brninnlm, Rush mid Single Comb
Brown I.eelmriis, li' triilya
Cochins, Hfinilsi us mill Sil
ver Siinnt;led Hiiuilm jrs.
Ready for Delivery.
Oj Fowls nave no SunBrior.
In Araorica. and nrp tin boston
tliis c mat liy it irrpal dilTeronee
Bend for CatitioKun.
Box 55. com.SMU. Forest Grove, Or
All orders promptly iittemled to.
Prices to suit the Timet.
Cattle, branded and ear marked as shown abovo,
Horses 1'' tin right shoulder.
Our out tin nui (t in Morrow, mid Umntilln
Conntien. 1 will ,'iy UMlMMMl1 rewa'd Tor lln
ani'Ht unit conviction of any person stealing m
TH 1 : lIOIVi.:iCI
Jewelry s
Still Continues to Hell
watches, rr..::..-.- ..
a 13 W EURY, ETC.
At the Lowest Poaailile Prions.
A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame
thyst and Cameo Gold Rings,
Go.H and Silver Watches Always
ir:- . "on Hand T'TTiE
A Full Line of
Hua been ndilcd to bis litiifo nut! well
selected stock.
Worli Gvi arnntcod.
8TOKK opposite Minor, Dodmn A Co's May Hi.
Ilepimtir, m tf urotton
Opposite Guiotto Ollice,
Watches, A. Optical
Clocks, ) Goods .
Wati'heii Cleaned,
Muint,priiig0 Fitted
All utorlc Quurauteed fur nne ysr. tf
The party "ntv the "Canyon" school
limine, Friday pvpniiitr, i H "rand no
ress. fln nts'er supper heinff one of the
"ilrnvtiiig caida." Messrs. J. D. Hnmil-
ton, Geo. Wells, S M. Teed nnd Willis
Stewart were lu attendance from Uepp
In nil diMens-s of the nasal n.ncon"
men briine the remidy used mil at be
noit-initiilina. Tile medical profession
lias been slow to len.n this. NoibiDK
satisfactory enn be accomplished villi
douches, anutTs, powders or syri.itres
because they am nil irritittiii"; do not
thoionlily reaaii ttie affected suifaoes
and ahould he abaniloned us worse ih-in
faiinres. A miiltiiiiile of perMins who f'ireiirs horn all the worry and pain
that catairh can n Hint testify in radical
cures wrought by Ely's Cream B.ilm
Dare Hamiltou ami w lie have almost
recovered from "Krip."
Anoi.esf.a Cotiage, L. B., July 2.
Gentlemen: Although it is verv
HHiial for me to use any loliouo or
waahes, still, in answer to your requset,
I have tried Wisdom's Violet Cream and
Robertine. The former I consider es
pecutlly eflicaciom iu cases of roughness
oT the skin, and I have been nsin t
every day for the last fortnight, I have
found the Robertine an excellent prefW
ntion in cases of tun. sunburn, etc,
caused by exposure to Murob winds aud
it July bud.
Yours faithfully,
I jii.r-iK Lanotht.
To Messrs. Wisdom & Co.
Mrs. S. R Reeves will visit ber ITepp
ner friends very soon.
The Best Salvo in the world for Cuts
uruises. Sores, Ulcers, halt Rheum, Fevei
Soies, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil
blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions.
n id positively etifs 1'ilea, or no pay re
quired. It IB .ua anteed to liive perfect
iatislaotion, or wouey refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by T. W
Ayers, Jr. Nov 14. '0.
Mi. and Airs. .1 li. limit were over
from the "Canyon" Saturday.
Mrs. John Cimih, of Peoria, III.,
erites: "Used one box of Osae Pill
pievioiis to my second contineiuent; the)
worked like s oliariu. Would pay ttliU
tor a box rather than do without them,
as ihey b:ive proved a U"dseiid to lue.''
WnleOsiiL'e Medicine company, Wichita,
Kits., for particulars, and their book to
.vives. mailed I ree. Sold by druKKists.
Sold by T. W. Ajers, Jr., Heppner Oie
kou. 3'J8-lyr.
Farmers' Alliances are beina formpd in
every pint of Uiunlilla, and will count at
next election, sure.
. ev. F. M. Shrotit, Pastor United
Brethren Church, Blue Mound, Kan.,
says: "1 feel it my duty to tell' what
wonders Dr. Kind's New Disoovery has
done for me.. My lunns were badly dis
eased, and my pari-dioners thought I
could live only a few weeks. I took five
buttles of Dr. Kind's New Disoovery and
im sound and well, training; 20 potiiids
in weight."
Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny
Folks Combination, Mites: "After a
thorough tiial and convincing eviilenoe.
I inn Confident Dr. Kiiil's New Discovery
for consumption, beats 'em till, aud cures
when even lliinti else lulls. I lie (jreat
est kindness I can do my miinv thou-
iind friends is to urne them to try it"
Free trial bottles at T. W. Ayers'. Jr.
Di UK Store. ReKiilar sizes 50 oents and
Sl.M. 3
It's better t have winter in season,
then there's nofearof hnviut! to "ploiiKb"
throitli snowdrifts wlieii it should be
springtime, .Miss "Annie."
These Pills are scienlitieally onniponn
ded, and uniform in action, No griping
inti n so commonly follim inn the use d
1'ills. They ate ntiapted to both adults
ind children with perfect safety. We
guarantee they have no equal in the cure
'! Sick Hkadaumic, Constipation, Dyspep
sia ami Biliousness; and, as an appetizer,
they excel any other preparation.
John Kenny was around to see ns last
Saturday. 11m says several horses are
dtint; up towards the mountains, and
that the late snow has beeu very bard on
outside Outtle, (.eneinllv.
Is the complaint of thousands suffering
irom asthma, consumption, coughs, etc.
Did you ever try Dr. Acker's English
Itemedt ? It is the best preparation
ituonn for all lung troubles. Sold on
a positive uuaratroe at '2.1(1. and oOc. by
Sl'icuui Johnston Di ng Co.
In last issue it was stated that Thos.
Qasid had been over to Ling Ciek to
oiiy sheep for Sain Palmer. That's what
ine Eagle said. Mr. Quaid siijh he hub
Inlying lor himself, and no oue else.
It is sin pi'r ing that people wilt use a
''oiiiniiiii, ordinaiy pill when they can
weenie u valuable English , ne for the
Pilule money. Dr Acker's English pills
no a iositii'e vine for sick headache
ml all liver troubles. They me small,
-weet, easily taken, and do not gripe
Foi sale by Slocum Johnson Ding Co',
Heppner, Or.
The H. S. C. party, lu-t Friday even
ing, was a grand success, the H. S. C.
orchestra luriiisliing the lnusio, nssisted
oecitHioiially by the "Yazoo" baud.
So sas au Oregon pioneer ninety
ytars ohl.
rotiusT Grovk, Dr., March IU. I have
ised the DtiEHON KIDN EY I E.V and
blaiiied ininieilinte relief. It is God's
blessing to humanity. 1 take pleasure
in lecommenihiig it to the ntllieied. 1
'ini now tieai Iv ninety years old, came
to Oregon in 1S42 in i lie employ of the
Hudson s Hay I'ouipany, ami since 1 be
gnu using the OREGON KIDNEY TEA
1 enjoy good health. David Munuok.
cannot leach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh Is it blood or constitutional
tlii-ease, and iu order to cure it yyo
have to take internal remedies, llall'e
Catarrh cure is taken internally, nnd
acts directly on the blood aud iniioous
ili (noes. Hub's Catairh cure is no;
quack medicine. It was pre.-oribed by I
one of the nest physicians in this country
for ears, and is a regular prt scripliou
It is composed of the best tonics kuon ,
coinliitied w ith the best blood purifiers, ;
HU'ing dnectly i n the mucous suifaces. j
'i'he perfect coiohina'iou of the two i
inure lietits, is what piotimes such won !
dertul tesoii in curing cttarib. Send'
for tt sliniohials free. j
F. J. CHENEY Jt CO., Pi ops., Toledo, O.j
tiuid by druggist, prio 78o,
Tuesday, March 4.
Court met in regular session, Hon.
Julius Keithley, judge, presiding; Geo.
Noble, sheriff; J W. Morrow, clerk; J.
A. Thompson aud Harvey Vaugbn, oum
missioners. The following bills were pnid:
Ike Bnsey.p U er account 8 29 75
J. W. Matlock, treasurer 50 00
W. O Minor, pauper nco't., 81.30;
allowed 4 00
Otis Patterson, stationery 9 00
Hi man Caldwell, road and bridge
account 8 62
Minor Bros., pauper acooiiut. .. 0 t(l
Blake, MoFall & Co., stationery. . 2 &j
Leezer and Thompson, court
bouse nnd j til 6 75
Sloonm-Jolinston Drug Co., pau
per account 3 10
Gilliam & Bi6bee, roaditud bridge
account 1 43
Gilliam & Bisbee, court house and
jail aceouut 1 10
W. G. Buyer, salary ns stock in-
iuspeotnr 200 00
Jus. Yeaaer, court bouse and jail
account 4 50
Wm. Blair, pauper account 43 3j
J. C. Hudson, teachers1 examin
ation 9 00
S. C Smith, pauper Bcoonnt 31 00
W. II. Robinson, pauper account,
$44 1)0; allowed 40 00
The report of Lnlber Hamilton as road
supervisor of Cist. 27 accepted, aud bill
of S3 paid.
Clerk Morrow presents affidavits of J
H. Penland aud seven o'hers for coyote
bounty, and issue of scrip oouUrmed.
O. II. Hudson's resignation as super
visor of Dist. 11 accepted, and J. F.
Brewers appointed.
Report of Andrew Resney, anpe rvisor
of Dist. 10 aocepled, aud bill for i30
The following bills were allowed in Ibe
case Slate of Oregon vs J. D. Brown :
G. W. Rea. jm-tice fee $ 15 Go
E. Casey, wit. 2 days 12 miles 4 2j
H. Wade '' 10 " .... 4 00
H. Lewis " " " 10 " .... 4 0J
E. L.Mntlock, wit.2days,2miles. 3 10
V. Gentry. " " ' 10 1 50
J. D. Hamilton, ' 1 " .... 1 50
The following bills were allowed in the
case, State of Oregon vs Wes Ray:
G. W. Rea. justice fees 8 70
The following bills were allowed in the
case State of Oregon vs Constantine:
O. W, Rea. justice fees 10 50
Nettie Peterson, witness 0 50
Peterson ; . 6 51)
Johuny Fiiend G 50
G. W, Rea, justice fees 8 2d
AtignsCharlston's resignation as super
visor of Dist. 2J accepted.
The following bills were allowed for
drawing preoiuct jury:
G. W. Rea, justice 3 00
F. J. Ealloek, $3.00; allowed.... 2 Oil
E. L. Matlock, $3.00; allowed.... 2 00
The following bills were allowed in the
case Stale of Oregon vs Wes Ray:
Joe Woolery, wituess 5 5.)
S Hopkins 5 5U
Abe Lieuallyn, wituess 0 30
Wm. Hendrix. wituess 6 00
W. R. Ellis, Pros, attorney 6 00
Wednesday, March 5.
Application of E. G. Sperry et ol for
road accepted, and Marion Smith, T.J
Allvn and J M. Kees appointed viewers;
0. B. Crane surveyor, aud all to report
April 6, ill.
Application of W. S. Parmnn et n! for
road accepted, and Ed. Rood, Jay Bat'
and N. R. McVay appointed viewers; C
B. Crane surveyor, to meet April 8, 189t
Application of John Her et al for road
accepted, and Hiram Clark, Steve Le
laude and A S Wells uppoiuied viewers;
0. B. Crane surveyor, aud to meet April
11, '91.
Application of Albert Mattesnn, M. E
Brown et al for road accepted, aud Jhb
Taibert, Albert Osmin and Win Biird
appointed viewers; C. B Crane surveyor,
aud to meet April 14, 1891.
The following miscellaneous bills were
A. L attend, pauper. .$ 8 00
Mrs Donahoo, court house and jail
washing 9 00
Otis Patterson, stationery 2 00
Geo. Noble, sheriff fees 541 52
J. J. MoOee, expeuse 122 50
Varney & Fisher, expense 3d (0
Julius Keilhly, Co. judgesalary . . 100 00
J. A. Thompson, Com 's salary ... 8 00
Pauper nooonut 9 25
E. G Sperry resigns ns road seper-
visor, and Tbos. Carl appointed for
Dist. 9.
The following bill of costs were al"
lowed in the case Stato of Oegou vs Ike
J. T. Hoskins, justice fee, 811.70;
allowed $
F. L. Hoskins, wit, 1 d 12 m
10 70
2 70
1 50
1 5ll
1 5,)
1 80
1 GO ;
18 90
11 00
J. Junkies,
Chns Baker,
J A McCiiiuber " ' "
F. Jackson, " ' " 3 in
S. Galloway, 1 ' ....
R. L. Shaw, constable sale, $24;
Miscellaneous bills:
Haivey Vaughn, Coni'ssslary. . . .
The petitions of W, G. Boyer and
Henry Sebiiziuger, each asking appoint
ment as scab inspector, were ignored '
and therefore held rejeoted, Nathan Mo-
Bee reoeiving the appointment, w ith sal-1
ary of StiOO, the last legislature giving
authority to ooiinty courts to fix the sill-1
ary for such services.
Adjourned to meet the first Monday iu
This remedy is becoming si well known I
aud popular ns to need no special men- j
Hon. All who Have used jMectno Bit
ters sing the same soug of praise, A
purer medicine does not exist and it is
guaranteed to ilo nil that is claimed.
Electric bitters will cure all diseases o 1
the liver ami kidneys, will remove pirn-!
pies, boils, salt renin and other affections '
caused by impure blood. Will drive
malaria from the system and prevent as
well as cure all malaiiH1 fevers. For
cure of headache, constipation nnd in
digestion tiy Electric Hitters. Entire
satisfaction guaranteed, or money refit ml
ed. Price 50o. aud $1.00 per bottle at T. J
W. Ajan' drug store. '
There is a miner afloat that Willows
Jnnctiou will soon be theend of it freight
division, ami Unit the Heppnpr train will
oonuect with the main lin-nt that place.
The report has good foundation.
''On? of my cuoionifre CHtne in tn-cjny
and MRkeil run fr the b'st. ooiiirb djpiIi
cine I U;ui." Btiyn Ijw Yotintf, a dp mi.
npiit (iniifirit f Npivmnii GroVM, Nl.
'(f ooniKH I plumed i-im CliHIllhrM-luilt'H
Contih Uf tUHilv am) lie dtil not nak to st-e i
nny othtr. have uever vt fluM a incur
LINO lU'll n ll( iiwsru initi irirtr n ,
severe cold so quickly ns that remedy
dofS. I have sold four dozen of it with- i
In the last sixty days, and do not know
of a single case where it railed to give
the most perfect sa'iifiction " 50 cent
bottles for sale bv Sloeum Johuston I
Dm g Co.
The "Kids" of Rhmi crpek have some-
thing o. n terest in this issue. Tlie-lil.le i
peoplt" ought to write for the OAZETri!
evety week.
That's what makes a news-
We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewniil
for any case ef Cntari li that can not be
cured bv taking Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A: CO. Props , loledo.O.
We, tiie undersigned, have known F.J.
CJIieney for the lasl 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honoiahie in all business
transactions, and financially able toe-rry
nut any obligations made liy their firm
West A Trunx, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, (),i.
Walding. Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, otiio.
Hall'sCataiih Cure is taken internally,
acting rlirectly upon tno blood and
mucous surfaces i f the sys.em Price,
75c. per hot'le. Sold by all Druggists
The Butter creek coal prospectors are
buying supplies here, which I hey claim to
be saving money on, as compared wit
Pendleton, and besides it is much nearer.
Frank Gentry leported 2) inches of
snow last week in his iiart. oT Black
Horse, while at W. C. Lacv's. in the
3(j j
same neighborhood, there are fully
Indies. There's not somucii now.
While employed as no'ut of the Michi
gan Central Railroad Company, at Augus
ta, Mich., my kidneys became dis ased,
and fiotn an impoverished and impure
state ol the blood, iny general health was
entirely t consulted the
leading physicians of this city and Ami
Arbor, and all pronounced my ase
Uright's disease. In October last, I be
gnu taking Hiblinrd's Rheumatic S rap,
and am to-day a well man. It nifords
me pleasure to rendersulFering humanity
any goi d that I can, and I w isli to sav
that I think it Hie greatest blood, kidney
aud liver medicine in the world.
E. Laiiziliiiie, Ageut M. C. R R ,
Albion, Mich.
Sold by T. W. Ayers. Jr., tieppaer, Or
Tiie Floppner Burial Club will give n
putty (hi I be evening f tli 20th inst., nt
which friends will he invited Tliisends
their H'Bt series "T daucea, but Ihey will
be followed by another.
Handy fur travellers is Simmons Livor
"emulator in powder. It can be carried
in the pocket.
Link SwiiL'tr-'irt, of Atbenn, writes the
shun that Itr-v. Ad kins, of Hi'pner, is
holding a protracted inert iny lit Weston,
-md is Imvuitf oood ByicoenR, twenty be
inn converted already, and more to fel
low. He adds, ''Ljt the tfoud work go
S. K Gamines visited the "Liltle
Liiiira" recently, and reports the tunnel
completed 85 feet. They are sanguine
of complete nucoess, having paused
through bine porphyry rock, ami narrow
titreidu of ore, whioh an expert UBBurea
the Cu. are yood iadioationa.
The undersigned having bpen restored
ohollh by simple means, after s n f'
wu for Heveral eais wiih Hevere lung
fiJFt ction, and that dread diseaRe cui
sumption. u anxious to make known to
hi tellow H'tlT-'ie'S the means oF cure.
To those who tbaire it, he wdl cheer
fully Rend (tree of chari'e) a oonv o' III;
I prescription ued, they wilt Had
asnre cine tor consumption, asthma,
catarrh, bronchitis and all throat ami
lunu maladiet. He hopes all snlTerers
will try his remedy, as it is invalu be.
Those desiring the prescription, whioh
will cost tin m nothing, and may prove
a blessing, uiil please address 11ev, Ed
wAito A. Wilson, Williamsburg. Khi-.'s
Cmiitv, New York. 4UU 3G2.
The Orrijnuian has the largest circu
lation of any daily, Sunday or weekly
teiper aest of the R ,eky Mountains, and
iu order to ftnther increase its circnla
tion they have selected with great care,
a large list of valuable books and other
useful articles, and are otlVriug them as
premiums to each new suliscriher, to any
of its several issues for yearly suliseriii
lions. The CbvooiiMiishoul I be in every
household. St-nd for premium list to the
Oi'i'goniaii Publishing; Co., orthnid,
Oregon. 409-410.
A flood sheen ranch and range on
Snake river, iu Idaho. For further par
ticulars, ii quire at the G.vziiLTK ollice.
One hundred and sixty acres of bunch
grass, uiec'y situated. Call at (tAZi-vrxtc
ollice. 4d6-tf.
Settlers who have pnid S100 for their
pre etupt ions or commuted homesteads
honld apply for a rebate through Frank
H Snow, at Lexington. He makes no
ohaige unless successful. 410 tf
The Byrne nnd MeCnlhmgh place, on
Willow creek, 10 miles above Heppner
For teinis, apply tu person or by leMcr,
to Frank By rue, Fossil, Gibiam county,
Oiegon. 410 If.
I A 1 1, OKI. V.
I have opened nwell appointed tailor
ing estiihlishmeiit in my new build
ing on May street, aud aiunow regularly
receiving new goods and will make cus
tom made pants mm $7 to 815 best
goods iu the market.
A. Abxhamsick.
Special forms in legal blanks printed
b order at the Gazette ollice. None
hut the best legal blank paper used. A
fuli line of blanks lor justices, etc., is
kept in s'ock, at prices as low as Salem,
Port land or Peualetou. r.eud iu your
or ers.
Taken up on mv ranch, in Sand Hol
low, tine brindie c.ov, aged about live
tear , li'ainbd J G on the right hip,
hii.I Ims h I alf cioti in the right ear.
Oiyner can have same by proving proper
ty and pat iny chaig 8. j
FosTKii Adams.
Hepppoer, Or., Mach 5, '91. 4119 1
"I never jump at conclusions," said
the pastor. "No," said the elderlv mem.
ber cf his congregation who takes liber
ties, "I have noticed that from your ser
moiis. You preach a conclusion very
slowly." Washington Post.
The four ) ear-old of the family was
orange, when he nearly
swallowed a seed. On rescuing it from
, ,. i i i ,, ,
mo,,lh- lie "t Hli a pleasant
smile and said, 'Mamma, the s-ed lost
its balance in my mouth and almost f
,iUIVU 1V throat."
I have di-o ivered why Rome eyes nr.
cross," remarked the professor "Why
is it ?" nskeu the judge. "You know that
,nPrB im "q'leous nnmor in the eye."
' Yes." "Well, when this is iu an ill
humor, it naturally follows that the eye
is cross." Tid-Bits.
"I have observed," remarked a n eau
old bachelor, tn ieir to be funny, "that I
when one has fortune and adds Miss to
it he has misfortune thereafter." "Then
you ought to many a widow," responded
a ladv in black, and the funny niau went!
into his shell. Washington Star. j
After a serious quarrel, two small
girls ran to tl etr teacher for redress of
grievances. The one most fleet of foot
was first served, and said vehemently :
"M iss Mabel, Belle Baldwin hit me right
iu the lung!" "Well, and what did yon
do?" "Why, I never did nothin' at all
only just by uccident, I pulled her hail !'
B.bhy (to young Feather)): What
kind of lnusio was yon playing on Ibe
piano Inst night, Mr. Featherij 1 Feather
li: What kind of music. Bobby? Why.
I played sel.-clions from different operas
It's called operatic muaic. Bobln : Thou
Clara was wrong. I heard ber tell ma
that you had been entertaining her yyilh
some allcdged music. Harper's Bazar.
A Boston gentleman recently invitrd a
visiting Englishman out to eat oysters.
The bold Button, when Ihey arrived al
the saloon, ran his eye over the bill of
fare until it fell on the nnnoneeemeut
"clam chowder." "What is a clam, any.
ay ?" said he. "Oh, a clam is a sort of
shell fish," was the reply "not quite so
delicate as an oyster, but very good."
"Well, now," was the rej liuder, "do yon
know I always took it for a vegetable."
"Overland Route."
i'o all Principal Points in the United
(states, Cauudu uudEurope.
I 'nil man Palace Sleepers.
Run Though on all Express Trains to
Cotuieil I31ffss
icyvixrjsjfvs city
Without Change.
Close Connection nt Portland for
Fraucisco and Puget Sound Points.
Leave Portland for San Francisco every
four (4) days, making the trip it. 00
Oidin, $16. Steerage SS.00
Round Trip Unlimited, $30,00.
for further particulars inquire of any
agent of the company.
r. w'. LEE,
,S. (;. M ELLIN, G. P & T. A.
General Traffic Manaaer. tf.
plinrp Coughs, Colds. Influenza, Bronchitis,
(lUflLO Hoarreness, Whooping Cough, Croup,
fore Throat, Asthma, nnd every nflechon of the
Toroat, Lungs and Chest, including Consumption.
Speedy and permanent, 'jenume sijned "L Butts."
HERE-'S The "Sucker .
Th one thint you'll elwavfi, d h every cow
boy duttii hfn he por ( n ihe fpun? rcund-up
isaKUti Trand " Poinrntl Slicker. T! cy mak
ih onty perfect saddle coat, and come e iilur b nck
or yel'ow. Thfy protect the hoJe froLt d iht
tidvr'i b.nly. being nide to f.i round ttie ruis.t. ol
Ihe Jadd a entirs. When ucd as a ni ktrj toat,
the ri es:n jiecc neatly o.rap each o hir,
nuknif a ovfroiat rth a t'oib e t h na
proot In'iit. When riding, the .d' le o d vcsjl
bone, (rrrn pommel to cini.e, ard iha t.dcrii en
tirely piot -ctcd n evr-y part ot ht biy. 1 hes
41 Siickcri,' beinj ot extra ud:h, make ftna
fc'.anke iorcamp. D war- i f r onliless irrtia
e-ery g.irmem sumnd i h" r ts!i iand " Tiada
Mik. IVm't axct't anv inferi r whrn you
can hA Ihe ' Fish Brand Sucker" dSiverrd walw
cut extra cost. I'artKulors and Uustratcd cataiocua
A J. TOWER. Boston. Mas.
if fill fao
Throat Affection
Wasting of Flesh
Or any Btscnsetrherr the Throat and Luna
ora Inflamed, lack of Streuolh or Km
rower, you can bo relieved and Cured by
With Hypophosphltes.
Ask for Scott'a Emu'sion. and let no ex
planation or solicitation induce you to
ttcctpt a substitute.
Sold by all Druggists,
SCOTT & BOWNE.Chemlsts, N.Y.
Are yon married ? If not. Rend your
nddreHH with Htanip, to te American
Corispnndirl Club, 1'. O. J-ov (!I3;
Clarksburg, . V.i. a7u 412.
While yon koopmir unhsniiption rnid up yci
can ki ii your brand in freeof charge.
A lliwou, u. Lt.i itiiit) braml, u u n left lur
nnd Ikiihcis saiua hnind on riglit uliouliler. ltunf
KwUl Mi la.
1 T Adkins. Dnyville. Or-HtrainliI mark acrot-s
the illicit in ii i two cnipB uud a hIk in 1 he rihl ear;
hoiwef. x up-nle down nti the hliniild- r.
Iitnt) in (joint couaiy aial Hear vidluv. 1' O
uddrt'i-8 hIno at udtunii.
V (( .AdkNir.. .iiii'n, ,i, .n i-itrht louldt-r; m -th
, C it on iitflit hip liunge in (i rant und Ulor
nv couutifi.
AdUiiiK J .1 Mia-M'H, ,JA coniii'trted on le't
fiat k: caltn-. saint'Mii nfi hip.
lUniiim Alp. lJi:uiie City, Or. On radio. O
LP uiriiin(Ut'ij ia iu f L hip; hur-H on lt-1't Miilt
ttiid war icon iiirff. iiaiiKu in (iian uui.i,ty.
Johnny Ajiti. tuat-cM laai drd trianKHMni loll
hip; chUIh h;inu' on ritiht hip. aUo crop oil riyhi
tar and upntT hit on miiiih.
lih'nkinnii. ito.. tlaniiuan Morsos, n tnn oi
left shoulder: faith, nuiih on riuht f-lionld- r,
l nnnifh'i', J. V., Hi nlman, (Jr. i'iiti brand
ed li on It-fi hip ai.d tlntd,; Hpln in cut'lt eur.
Burke. St 1ohk ftentt, Or On cafllc.
M. Y L'oimoL-o-d on Jtdl hip, ciop oft loft car, un
d -r liitlr crop off rijdil litani's, hjiido hrand on
Mfi tiliouhkr. llaufio iu tiiunt and Mumw
A liowi-iniin. Mount Vurnnr. ard niiiTs-t'Hltli.
A li tat ritflil hip. two mips in ench inr; snrne on
horst'H. on liuln ntioukler. iiauyo in Uiaut and
Hart.ey conniief.
Jerry lnihinan, horars brardod 7 on rinlii
shouldi r; caith It on 1 ho It'ff. Hido, Jjt'ft our
half crop and ngiil ear upper slopM.
Hariou. Wt" -Uta-HeH, J It on v.Ui Uiijh; cnltlp
same on riht hip;Kplil in each ear.
Iteimelt. t'y Horsi'M. Hon lef t btionhler.
Mrs. ('. A. lienc-'. Immwh hrantlt'il XB on left
ahnulder or M.itlu; catt.o wimp on left side ant'
apliL in 1 1 . f t ear, upper half crop in rich!,
Hinwn, J. lJ ii .ii'sin tuni cattlo brunded tj wit'
oK-yokc aliove on left -thcndd.T,
Urown, J CllitracB, circle 'J withdot. in ne:
teion litft hip: caille. name.
Hoyer. W (j, Lena Hornet, lox brand or r.f'
Lip citiilu, hiUiiH. Willi pl i L in each ear.
Bene, t'. O. Iloines, 1' li on le-fl Bliouldnr; cat
tit, won" on lefL liio.
W.J Bn.uulee, Fox. Or-rHttlo. Jll connecled
on lefr Hide: t-rop ai left ear and two gplita and
middle p.ecc cut nut on right ear; on horses name
braid oh the left thigh; Kuntpj in Vux valley,
(i I'Hiit ciiuiity,
E Cain. Cnleb. Or- YD on horaca on left stifle;
U Witt, quarter circlo over it, on left. Hhoulder,
and on left taitie on all cniu tinder rycarb;on
Jt-ft r-huulder only on all horhenover 5 yours. All
rano in Urant county.
T ItCiiimon. Lorn Creek, Or T on cattle on
riLjlit nidi', crop off richt ear and slit in left ear.
(Jar IntiHCB mime bnind on left yliuulder. ilanse
in (irant crmmy.
T li Curl Dotib'e crne on onch hiponcattto,
Hwalh'W fork and under bit in richt car. Hplii in
left ear. ltai e in (frant cminiy. On nheep, ie
verti d A aud Bpeur i-oitit on sh-mlder. Kar mark
o-. ewt-B, crop tin JefL ear, puuehed upper liit in
right, Wi'thers, crop iu riuht and uu.ier lialf
crop in left ear. All raiifj.' in Grant county.
A. A. Crohby, caille. t landed "l- (ur H li con
netted) on the right Hhoulder.
Walt.T ( iirwiier. Mount Vernon Won cattle on
left hip. C:op and split in left ear; 7W connected
on hniHi aon Iwlt hhoiilde . Itaiic in (irant Co.
It Chittenden. Piaine. City, Or i ick. liundle
down on entile rilit hip and up it in right t-a ;
borweH, HHinH hrand on riylu sltuulder. iiungu iu
Grant county.
Cook, A. J.,, (Klnii rightsh-jaUer
Cattlo, naiiieon r ght lop: ear mark sipiara orop
011 left and split in right.
Cum n. it V- HoraeM, on left nlifle.
Cochran, ." II Monument, tir Ibjrhes branded
r 1 & A on It ft hh .uliler. Cai tie. same on richt
hip, swallow foi k in vt ear and crop oil left.
Cox A Engliwh, HaiOtiian, (J with iu
cenier: horHes. CK on Jett 'liu.
Cupper, ii A Horse HO on I- ft shoulder
cattle Ii t ' on li ft side. n.-.lh)w fork on riuht ear.
1. K. Cochran. Monument. Grant Co Or.
HorseH hiaiidi-d circle with lnii beneath, on left
shoulder cai I le. panic brand on buih liipB, mark
under Blope buih ciii'm and dewlap.
Ohapin 11. Horses branded on right hip.
Cattle hrauded the same.
H L CrtifM. Hayvdle. Or CaHle branded two
crops and a split in left . ur; on hoi-fes a
reversed or left sidle. Also have the following on f att e: 12 on ielt li p, 7 on richt hip,
12 on h ft sii.iuld'T, two piir.dlel liars on left
t-lioiilder. Ear marks, two crops.
Wm. hom-H itrai ded OO with bar
over them, on left shoulder; cai tie same on left
Douglas, W M Cattle, H loii right Bide, swai
low-fork in ench ear: horwes. H Don left hio.
Duncm. W. P., John -M' Quarter circle on
right hhoulder, boih on horaes ai d cattle, liiuige coll ty.
Orif-kell. W. K. Hort-eB branded K inside of O
on left shoulder, t aiilo same on left side ot
I a.non, K K Mount Vernon--7U connected on
cattle fin right hip. under sln.e in right ear,
urder bit in left eur; same brand on hoiaes on
right hip. bailee in Grant county.
J. 11. Ely A hot s. 1 1 tunes branded ELY on
left shoulder, cattle Name on left hip. hole ir
riyht ear.
Italph Kink. Prairie City, Or, Ii V on
right t-lum d.T; cattle, on right hip. Itange in
Grant county.
Meek. JacKson. Hore8. 7F connected or
riuht shoulder; cai tie same on riuht hip
Eur mark, hole in right and crop off left.
Florence, L A Cattle. LF on rikhthip; horer
F with bar under on right shoulder.
Florence. M P Norses, F on right shoi Ide. ;
cattle. F on right hip or thigh.
Aruihtronc, J. I'., Acton T with bar under o
on left shoulder of horses: cattle same on lefi
Gay, Henry GAY on left shoulder.
Goble, Frank 11 orses, 7 F on left Btifle; oatth ,
BJime on riir lit hi.
Gilmiin-Fivnch, Land nnd Live Stock Co.. roc
sil. Or. Hoibi's. iinchor H on left Hhoiildei ; vent,
sain on left sr. fl--. Cut lie. same on both hips;
ear murks, crop off right ear and nnderbit in l f t.
Itance in Gilliam, Grant, Crook ut.d Morrow
com. ties.
Elmer Gentry, Kcho. Or --Horr-pB brnntlpt! H,
8, with a ciuartor circle over it, on lelt atitie
liaitgein Morrow and Umiitillaconuties.
Era k Mi Gnr, Fox Valley Male i.oew:th to.
cork on cattle on ribs nnd under in ench ear;
ho ses sinae hrsnd on left si fie.
J . C. tiin rtnier, Prairie Ci y, Or.-On horsi-p,
0 -O mi left should r nnd stitle; cattle, on na hi
side. Hiince in tiiant county.
C E (ilaze aid A P Snyder. Dayvillp.Or
Horist-s brand d K on right (houldr;un cattle,
stripe down the 'lt shouloer. Aleo P H on
hiTseson left choalder. and same on right hip on
cattle. Fauge in ttrant coin ty,
Hin ton & Jenks, iiutnilton. Ur Cnttle,two bars
on either hip; crop iu right ear at d spht in left.
Hoist s. J mi rijihi thigh. Kangn in I i runt county,
HncheB, iSnmnel. Wagner, Or 'I' F L on right
shoulder mi horset-; on cat lie. on riuht hip ai d on
left sate, swallow fork iu riht ear and shl iu left
ange in Hiiystai'k diBlrici. .Morr w Cfninty.
I dwin Hall, John Uay Catile K H on right
hip; horses smne on right shoulder, rang-in
Gr.ini ciaint'-.
Jliel A. Hjde. Prairie City. Or. -AH comhined
on horsee on nghi shoulder; cattie ou righl hip
lim ge in Gr.-uit cminiy.
lluchn, Mat, Heppner. Or Horses, shaded
heart on the left s-honlder. Kange Morrow Co.
tul lliilU'Wuy, tMuid.e, Or., iiorr-es and catllf
branded K li cnnnectel, wiih lar under it.
ilnnsaker, Li -llorBfB, y on left shoulder; ca'
tie, Hon left hi;
Hardisoy, Albert Nye, Oregon. Horpp, AH
connieitd. on left shoulder; Cuttle on the left
1 ip. mm off left ear,
J F H.Mison. Mount Vernon JF connecter on
horns on right thiiih; on cnttle N B on
right hip. ittu gein Grant and Harney.
Humptireys, w d. JJuidumu-ilurtres, li or lefi
thv k
Hiatt, Wm. E. IIoreeB branded bar croes ou
left siiouldr: cuttle same on lef: hip.
Hayes. J M Horses. wiiieglusBim left Bhouhlet
cnHle. siime on rtcht hip.
Ivy. Alfred, hirnt Creek, Or t'nttle Don
riirht hip. cmuKlT ieTtear ami bit i" riclit. llnr-e
sjoiiH bti'Ld on lelt idiou.der. Knnge iu Grout
H W Jenkiin. Montit Vernon J on horara on
left shoulder; t aitle. J on Ml hip ard two
pmoo h crops on both cars. Kangeiu Fox ai.d
IkNir all : s.
Junkm. H. M. IIorBCs. horepshoo J on left
shoulder. Cattle, the am. Kange on Eight
Johnson. Felix Horse, circle T on left utie
eaii ie. -wine on right hip, uudut tittlf crop iu right
ai.d sulit oi kft eur
Kirk. J T lioratM 60 on left ihouJder: catUe,
60 ou lf t hii.
i m-' -sgr- 'caf- m m i
I Kirk. J CUorsmi. 17 ou either flank; uaitie 7
on riKiiiAide.
Mine Ktjiiuy, horses branded KNY on lef hip;
iltie ttiiiue and crop uU it-it ta; uuder eloite ou
ne JlMil
Kelie,, iiicliarJ-lfi K in square, cattle on left
liip; hoisftt Hixuie uu luit Biu.u.Oi-r. Im gr- Jii-af
.Oiey, p. u. uuiiicos. iiiabtiu.oia..l com ty, ur,
W G kimuerlund. Mount Vt riic.n. Or 1 L ou
catllooll ngi.lbU.l t,.n bioea.t.vudiow fork iu hft
cite ui.ii uuiit un.p iu ,.g,a tttl, I.ujsuu,
'..ami ou ,it bo . tta-ge m Gr.tul c.auuj.
hieney I'll, iKj.pner, ur. i.oisi-B. ., Land
nou ui uiuba tin luuBtitle. hai go in tmalillu
uud a nrow couiui. n.
H i L.sley, tUo-tumeut. Ur--A ti iunglp miwith
mwiiu ieii biiou.ot i, on uiuuu.ud tu 't.ft
Bhoacier.Hp.munyi,,,,, UUlW. bt u uraut cuti-nynuj piruof John Uayl
riKhL inpiiiorai-H, wmjo Ln ntul etaiu.dtr. Jia, ua
li. Ullti.l UjUij, b"
lull'-n, cut , L on left hip nn catile
rop .o u sptll oli right ear. liwrs, B brancl m
.l.Mioaioer ..a..Ku cou..iy. P. i,. utU
diets. 1'uX. Uregou.
u ii.uiuu, ooui. iV.-llorsos branded hatf-cir
Ueui-Ko 1M, lioiiiiu,.Ued doable 11 coi -
sr""" cui",a "wi" ;i- St
J. . l-onliei, Imrsos branded L N on th. left
e.oLlUer,cuieu,u,.Ueui,. u.e ,,",'
.U oiie'l'tBhaVaur ULUe' iU I'lylu ni; ijrH&
Inn uveroii iiKhtBlioalai-r. ' "
li. li. :tiui.. L.ei.u: nuiaes old mares 77 n
Uor ui.u ..-It tnuili; crn.K.. ,,(,l '
u.uik,eiop...lsl,.ulu l.u ear auu a. u" at
l.u. 1,'ei.. 1 tuuxu. ii k.
u::0-11" ii.t -la1''"' """"" v"r""u-Or-XI n emtio
l)ni1B,l,..p,L-,1,.u iib.,1 L,, Uan cup iu 1..R
'u,lJu;!,","""""'-"'iai . i.u.,Ko...u,uut
l.ou.d,V,'.''!irne)'ll"niM 'U c"" ected on left
ion', :" "a'"!u ''"'t umy.
U. V. iiu.iuuli, Or. On llorsi'H is
will. ,,1.1, uuvie ....,. ..uVhuu,;;." u S
lour U.H u u, uu . , r
l.iuiilu in uuu.i y,ou.iij'.
. imi... A..U10.V. Uim, lt"ek-lloree A N on-
.IOCH-.I ul. ,,-U B1.UU1UU.-I uuttiu ...., boll. 1.1.,-.
u.'.ru"u,.i',"- " ',.,. U1,i
U.Vl .. Ull icl. Bl.iMuUu.-.
lyunlj.u, n,-uire, cirelu? .... l0ri liiit;!:; cnl-
tlC. fH.U.U oj, lul. t.L.
o'iw, 1l. tingLfr. Or.-Hniuds lme,
, ""V I UU Jt m,S. mura.
J.,s. 1,1. ui.n-i, . ..,., , ), ol. j .j uu u iUmj
luj;u..,i'c.m"tr1'1" ""
Vj.iei. l e.ij. lt..ek-l' o . lull hI,ii.,I0,
, e J'ei'". .ilu,.a.u.-ul, nr., uian.lB ti.a
hi,.t,ui, u u..uu.s.u, , f.Kat
,j 01nvn.-llreus, quuru.r elTBle MM
m le r ." , " iu,t '""
uu r,gut ,u"5. ,Ur"''"--u- "ip. ltua
V ula.ui i p... Mouai Veraoii-l T en entile on
elll.ip, i , m Kll
l..,.B... ., ,.,!. i.uuu.uuiautu.,u...y.
l.a,"',.1,'., Act"" ll"re,JHi:oaaeclwt uu
lu oaui.TOi-0' iU'''UU'"''U'"'II''U'"1'- u""Br b"
li.-ury futberg. horses brauded Kuiuan
..l.b ou lelt oi,uuiuoi;ua,t.e Ui.iuuea WUU llu
Ulun inuh, uutuuu, uu lu u, p.
A. t . 1-UUja, l-uilyBHiiu liurso., Uillino d P
oil elt.liou.uor. Luiiit,, o UJ cu..u.-nuU uud.,,.
.,u, T "'Pi "''" "u 'leui-..uu .put in
Vn.""U0UI 1't'"t
Juiiu TP,io!l, Dnyville, Or IforBes, .1 H con.
leu iu uu .ou iiuiu.ior. l u.iiu utv u..uum,twl uu
! , ''' two u"u"' iMlt ei.,e, uiio ou .uii eur.
wll.BU....uria,u. liauBolu ur.nituuuuiy.
j ''""1',1': u - l "" tll- u uu left
Miou.u. r, uu We ,,. u .uju t'utiyuii ureuic
an., oeur vu.ley, orant uuuuty.
Ituuu. Auuiew, iiumiuiiu-ilorBea, s.iuure crua.
will, iiuutiui-co ulu uvur it ou iu.t auilu.
lieuo Ker, iJiin-Uu,w,. lK oi, iull alioulder.
vim. Hum.,, .iiuuauitul.-biuuaB uuiacs it ou
riBi.l Bl.ouiuer. l.uuB u.uutuuu Jiur.uw cuuu-
Iti.yse, Anriin, Heppner, Or-11c run, plain V on
.ett hauu.Uei-i oatuu, muuu Uii,.i ,cve.M.U ua
iat nip u,,ii eiup ull ngut ear. luugu m .ilor
luw uuuniy. a
l.utb, Hei.pner, Or Horaes branded X
ou the i i-iBit. Bl.uiu. e.i cattle, l.y. uu ...u irtt nip,
u.ut, e.t i-ur u.,u uwWiiip uu ,,uc:. l.uuao .u
lU.aiuVV tU,UUUjol,.I.1ycU..i.Uu,
lluBt vv.ii.,..,., i-uua.,,,, Ul..lor,e, 1( on
Itt.BlluUlUUIJ cattle, U UU .u. t III,,, dup ulf
HUH ear, uuueiu.t ou lelt u.,i-. oHep. K uu
"'''"''"''" ear. l..& Uuia
t.UltutiU .U.uiuwc tUul.ea.
l'';''"''. a,U.lw itiinstun, Or.-Huiso
ta .uueu A 11 uu right aliuu.u,!-, vout guiiiler
wrco over t,; cuttle uu,o u.. .-.gut u.p.
lt....Ku Jtwi ruw cuu.ay.
ItojBU, t.m. i., Ui.uyville. Or-Hlt connected
won cn. lo uvur .op uu c.lltlu ol.,u
uuu cup uu rigia eur auu .,u .u lull. u,u..i
BU.uu urui.uo.. ion Bi.uu.Uer. lluugu tu Uuiruw,
uraiil auu Uili.uu. cuui.tiea.
lli.Loi-, J ; iou.-r, or Tares Imrallol hum
Will, ui.f uvorou liu.soa o.. leu ...p; uu oulllo, lelt
b.Uo. twu B.uoull, crui.B, tw p. iu ouch uur. m J.iuuio tura ul Julm jJiiy.
Uuiai.-B.jOu..ioiioaouldor. Cat
tle, (j OU t'lglit l.iu.
. X
hp.ay, J. F. llor8B8 branded SI' coancctod or.
rmnto.u.uiuer: catuu aaaio uu uula hub.
ruong, 1. 1: iltp,,ur, ur-i.utu uruudod a A
oa jell buwiiuwi ; cutlo uu ictt a.p.
Skinner, u L,, i.l.ter. ur-ilura. s, twu-barSon
l.u bl.Uu. r...,,, b ivvu uiiib uu lu.t ante, u erou
uuU ia.i-UBjauB iu ugat elll., BWdli,, tul.K ,U15 -ULU.-ru.t
o, ..-li, cutuo. o ou urn...., migcr tuait ou
uu.aea. lliu.uu in
A. L. S.v..ggu.-i, r;;.,., (uroo0 brtindp 1 I
on left
Bliuu.(ler;cuiiiuau.iiu ou lo. inp. Clop oil
w..., ...v,u lKU mull .eg.
buuigiii w. K-uuraca Blinded J 8 on left
Btiiiui cu.lle J si uu let nip, Bwuliow lorn tu right
eur, unuiuu.t lu loll.
bwiusgwi, l., Aipiiio Hcrses, tj a on right
bupp. Ihua-llursoa, BiPiio loft hip; outtle
BUluo ua .on liip.
bears, .v a-ilores baroFer S. ltiingo ia Foi
Tulley. t Oiiiiii.eBB, f ox, ur.
bl.uuo, Llr A o nuioca, uib ua on left hip; oat
lie. m.a.u ou loll BiUo. wuttlo ua lull aide ul hock
curb cut Bluirp hi pi.aut.
biuiili, li, r, IM, Uuck, Or, Cot le, liurae
Bliuo oi, iol l a.d.-, crop c.uao in .ert eur. Huram,
4uu lull li.igi, i Uumiiilu..nd urant
Julm blirter. yulley-NC eonueoled on
llora.-B in. Inpi eu.tie, aa.ue on r.giu hip.
ciup ..II riui,t.uiu..u u.,Uer b.lm lei tour. 1Iiu,k
in Lira;. t couiiiy. B
biu.ia iji-,.b, Julia i)ny, Or-H Z on cuttle on.
lu taliuuiuer.
biewii.auu. JlrB A J -Cuttle. B on rielit hio
bwuHiav-Iuik iu lelt uur.
bporry, L u-t utile, W 0 on teff hip. crop oU
tight and unuel ulliu lelt our, dulap; liorseB, W It
uu leltBliuul.lor.
bwuggun. ti W Horses, 44 ou left shouldei :
came, 4 uu left lap.
Sleui.n, Ueu., liurdrnua Horses circle ooo
lelt al.uuidor,
buoia, li. li. Lono Itusk, Or. Horses branded
ii cruaaed aoven ou lei, ai.uulder; cuttle biiiuo ou
leltBido. lluUKo, O.liiiini coaiily.
bieitli Ciou..l..,raes biiindwi u b on left flnnic
lliuiupauu, J A lt.uo.ja, J uu lelt aauutu. r;
, CUllle, Z ul. lull sltuul.lL.r.
llPeClB. b 1 liuraea. l; on loft shoulder.
luiuer ll tv., uapiial T la. I aiiouldor.
KirT"' BU"1" "" lu'1 l"y W"'' lu bo'"
Ih nitiin. II. M.. Iune, Or.-ltinses brnndid
11 1 eouueut. d on iol t aliUo; she. p uino biuud.
V Thuuiiuj, mount eiaua TK connected on
eutlle uu r.giii inp, awnlh.w in r.gnt eur and in aaiuo ear; liuit. aa.ue bruudou right
slide. Itl.tige lu Joliu Llay valley.
o A lucnor. I'.uirie ll.ty on cattle and
UOisesou left ahuulder.
John luieiuu.., 1'riorie City, Or.- On llursee.
IUuii lellatido;uii euille. O Willi bur uuder uu
loll hip. luinge in llnnit. couu.y.
yv 11 rtnrreu.ruieo, Or-L'uillo. W with quarter
circle over ,oll side, apot iu rigut ear.
Horse. Um d otl iert ahuaider. Ifc.Uge ia
Lrruitt couuty
t L, Hood, Duyrille, Or-Heart on lnirae9 0l
let BI,tieiua ci.ltlH. !n tlt ,,ie uiu uuder bit
in ieli ear. llauge la Orant ceaaly.
Wright, SiiuaA Uepp , or. Or. Dattle branded
... - H.U1D ciup urx ngut uur
tu.d spl t to le.l.
rntucia nai.uoe. Mount Vernon-Pquare on
Cllllle uu the lelt hip. upper Biup- i ,u Jeft
ear and ui.der slop,, n, r,gt r. B uie liriuul
ou huraea ua riBlit ahuulder. ltiuige iu iluruey
and t7i-i.ut
Mebaier, J. 1. Heppner. Or.-IIorses branded
will bar over J ou rigid shoulder; emtio same
on right hi,. crop .,11, elt eur u..d tu eacU.
Lattgu, Murruw
W ade, llenry.-Hurses brnnded nee of spnilaa
on ie.t shoulder and lelt hip.
aauie uu lelt m.iIh u..,i .ur. i....
Lattle branded
W ells, A b liui-aes, 60 ou left shoulder; cat! a
John ff'olfinger, John Hay t'itv-Un horsea,
three uura uu left snoalder; i on alieep.
btl in built eiua. Kuuge in tiruut iu,d .Mu.huer
W'ytaed. J H, Hardman Circle f on lef thigh.
Vo.Blwi,rd, Johu-llot,. 'JV counecunl on
leu shoulder.
Watkinn Lisho. horsea branded UE connected
on tell aline
Wallace, t'harlea Cattle, W on nclitthigli.hola
in lelt ear: horses. ou right shoulder, sum.
aauie on left shoulder.
Wien, A A Cattie, miming A A with barao ar
on nglil I.,.,,
J. S. Young.riiKiel.erry,Or.-Ilore branded
1 b on Ihe right shoulder,
yv ti ....t.. i . ...
... ... , ...,r,. t,s creea jtoraea Drundnd
circle 5 uu lefi ahuulder.
. " iirwy. tjHniey conniy.tir
Wl.lo.a, li..-, n tt - .
Williams. Vrisco- quarter cir. le uvei
,!., U.XH eiioie a ul ii .raes. I
tiruii. euuiu .! V il .ii.iiw. ii....,:i
Williams. J t) Long Creek. Or-tiorae., qnar.
tr circle over three bars on l3ft hip; cattle sajou.
ad aliHa each tu. HuMiaOm....' '-