The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, March 12, 1891, Image 7

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i:e gazette.
THURSDAY, March 12, 181)1
Union P.wific Railway-Local Caad.
No. SI, mixed. I..,v..
N't. :1V. " nrrivHi
except Hilllu.-iY.
crfltlSu. m.
A'-ltl) p. m.,
Ktiicf1 lenves for Cniiymi City daily
eiwi i miimiuv. miik.jiia. m.
A r rives
5:0C P. M.
Tliere ir
..:' ,
dully, exL-cpt MomUy, nt
KMvniK of Ki linirH in time
Oiisi tuliiinj this route to
THIS PAPHIi ih kept on till. at K. (. TliiltA'a
I Advert iKi -a Am-ncy. til tl B!i Merchant
r-xcHJifK". i-an r niii'-isiio. t aliiumm. whore co..
trtiotts for Hdv.Ttn-iittf -tin be made for it.
C.W L'IMlil lt ni..4 Ffth street. Port.
land. Oi-oiron. -in authorized to inHke advertising
CO'iirHiMP tor uie n.'nuildr UAZI-TTB.
Lpxine'mi. W. H. MuAllister.
WiiirtiFr. J. F. Knrny.
fMoui(in, Mr. Bennett, Moody's wiirp
hmise. Unit Creek, Eaijle.
Gnllnwny, Boll SIniW
Gn'tppliHtry. Or., W. 8. Pnnnfin.
Otittitis rVnirip, Oannr l)eVnul.
MHtlfunii, AMfti MnForrin.
Nye. Or.. II C. Wi-itlit.
H Hrl itui i). ()r.,C. M. Si"iioer.
Hiirailion, Gniut Co., Or., Miittie A.
lone, T. .T. Carl.
Prairie City. Or., R. R. McHnley.
f'i'iivon Citv. Or., S L. Parrisb.
Pilot Rook. G. P. Skeltnn.
Davville. Or., Mr. Admits. P. M.
John ny. Or.. Postmaster.
Athena, Or , John Eilini'on.
iKih'l. ii. Or , W ill. O. MeCroskev.
Mttnnt. Vernon, Grant Co., Or., Post
luitMipr. Kiuht Mile, Or, Mrs. Andrew Asli
bnuyli An fluent wanted in every precinct, tf.
For Week KniliiiK WriltiPMlll)'. March II IKII1
IMenn I I I Mean I Pre- Clmr.
Date lt'tiiti. vhz. Hint, liar, cip. acier.
Mar. Si 17 l)
tl, 21 il
71 Kl 5tl
411 !M
II aK.'ll
10 8 1 All
11 27 IK)
.null urn
411.111 1 lull
50 51) 1 S8IIU
45 oil : 2.Vl'l
30.10 ;
an. 7
3'l.o2 1 (Mil
a 1 105 ' una
an. i I mm
I o.oo
j cloudy
f iii r
' clear
47 llo : Oil
45,iKt 27 no
4i.n. i in.ui I .iu as
A. SMITH. OljBorvor,
Here and There.
Dinner, Plintogniphpr. 96-lf.
Thos. .Ultea rpiieieiited, Tuemiiiy.
Iliah "titer is reported iu the South.
I. W. Lime's folks are convale&ciuR
from rt'OHtit aiokuens.
Thiw. J Carl, of one, wns n visitor to
Hepjinpr Tliurstlny hist.
Thos. Blips i Inn k from Crook counly
where haa been to buy atock.
Tlieo. iJunner i'h n mailer and geto there
all the s tine tiikiuu picturen. 96-tf
Mrs. J. R. Simon is quite ill, which
her very niun frientls will regret to bear,
'TJnole" Hilly Gillinm in rei orted as
very ill. J. U. nylicKiiu is utteudiug
I c.m't dunce ronnil dunces. I'm too
bHhful to hut uiy Him uroiind the nirl.
A. R.
. li C I, of Hirdtwin, onrae down
Moiiilay wilb ' Stiltnu," reluiuiiii home
The healthy people yon meet have
healthy livers. Tliey take Siminoue
Liver Re uiinor.
Reports from Rock Creek state that
there were no losses of stock in that
section thii winter.
Coffin & McFnihnid shipped in 130,000
pounds of ass o ted merchandise duriutf
Hie uionth of Febtuiiry.
F. M. Kny, representine Hexter, May
& Co., was a pleasant visiior anion); old
frieiitlH here lust week.
A iiiohi watchman is biully needed in
Heppner. The iiiarshid cannot remain
on tltiiy tiny and niht.
J. F. Willi. Cniniiiiinder of R-iwlins
Post, G. A, li , at L-'xiiK'toti, whs a caller
at this se-t lift in ihiicIi Tursday last.
Work ttn fie Portland and Pnet
Soiiittt liriincli of I he Union l'acitio will
likely be continued in the. near future.
An i If itt "ill be made to h ve the
Imperial hand of M 'xicu at tlm North
PuciUu Industrial Kxpo-itiou next fall.
'Ih s paper lea'us that Oliver Wright,
who lost one of his eyes in Portlaud re
cent I), Iihh rt covert d eulirely from in
juries received
"Doi a" ami Mtmt. Paikins wern in
Heppnf r last Friday us witnesses for Mr.
"Wil.iamsou. who "proved up" ou bis laud
ou ihtit occtmion.
All C' in i ti n mem i uis must be aocom
pained bv the n una of thq writer, ns a
an. tier of good faith. Otherwise, the)
Will nut be published.
L'K Heitdiiz pulled nnt Tuesd ly
mot iiiii lio Uidi. with "Suit. hi," the tine
horse owned by John English. The
horse will be sol. I there.
A few warm days have dissipated the
6now ha ks m tnis vicinity. Lot we nre
inhumed I hat iniicii of it is still linger
ing in the tvmtli of Mtu.-ow.
Homer left for Grant
county yesit rday wi ruing, vin Wagner.
He will lepieseut this pHprr ou his tour
of that section, which will occupy sever
al weeks.
The last of the first series of olnb
daiioes will be given ou the eve the 2lrb
inst. It will he eulirely an invitation
BlTiir. and no guest will be expeoted to
Contribute tut) toint' towards it.
A bin ber an I stone iiimsou. named re
fuejtnei) Pi.ii nLd Mi C'oi ui" k, hud a
sh -otitig sciape at the discatles last 8a t-
urday, boln receiving wouiiils, McUor
.mark being ibingeroii-ly injured.
Mr J. Al. Garrison, the poultry man
4)f Fort; st Gtove, has been importing
largely - it li fpeonl leretenoe to the egg
ttatie. H.s let iling (owls w ill rank w ith
nny East or Wtst. bend for catalogue.
Eagle. Our representative is rather of
the opinion Unit it .Sen. Ulacktuau ooiihl
have been present, he might have favored
the enabling act Oiliet view the mat
ter from an entirely oiff-rent Btiiudpt.iut.
O ir friend, Cias. U i) se, and n young
nun u imed Allen, nearly c ime M blows
last l'hursd ty evening at the Al iiiutdin
Home. It wis occasioned by some re
lu.irK mule by Allen winch Charley did
Dot fancy.
i Ait a i n.n. ,
A gray-beaded father of Ileppiier, who
. i i . . ,, ..
lias an altti active tlauuliter, tuiiirfs that I
the voting people have little resprol for
gates. He also iin;,,,tes them to remem
ber that the trust has advauced the
price of coal oil.
It is evideut tbat the TJniciD Pacific
people are anxious to Bnil coal near the
present terminus of their Heppner
brunch lu mat event, this road -Mil be
extended to the mines, if Ibis sheet is
Lot greatly mistaken.
Th G.izsrrs reipctlnlly nominates
BilRidit, oi LmgC een, to Hd the
p .sitiou I it .-ly vaj.tte I tiy Henry Welch
over on Jo in Divf t'ue buter retires
load-d wito honors, au I it U hoped his
auootauur will do as wnll.
A colore 1 porter, 11 timed Easton, was
set upon by ihree railroaders at Pendle
ton late last week, the colored gentleman
retaliating with a tM One nl i lie trio
also tjrvil several shots. They nte all
no tier at rest, and the oase is being in.
vt stiL'itteil. Only one of the partit a was
injured, an engineer receiving a tlesh
Oie.l- O i S im! Hollow, at 3 o'clock
p. in. on Nitnrdiiy last, Mis. Heiny
1'o'iell, aged 60 years. The remains
were interred in the Heppner cemetery
tut Hie followitiL! SiiiiiI v afieriio i t. Mrs.
Powell was a very esliui title lady, ret.
pected by all. Th sorrowing relatives
have the sy patliv of this couiiuuuitv
Harney Daughert) reports lambing in
pr. git ss il.'Wn on "llw snnil " Sheep
men have met ilb Uo 1 i-ses this winter
Air. utitiguerry among uie. niiinu -r, au.l
it is hoped that a gootl crop of lamb "ill
Den. t vested mill liittt oul will net
gootl, ronnil figiire.
aiiss ii.iiua VanU'iyn was given a
uitiiiiay party la t lliursday eve at tne
home of her parents iu Heppii 't. she
having arrived at the age of seven ea-s
"U this date Quite a number of her
little fiieuds "tie present ou this ucoaS'
F ora what ye editor can learu. the
mines ol Grant counly are attracting
unusual attention nod the whole dis
trict bids fair to be 11 filed with pros
peotois this season. The Granite diS'
trim will make tuiliious for some one,
While Geo. Uonser unit wife were
sleighndlng helnw town Wednesday ot
last week, their cutter was badly wreok
ett crossing the railroad. Geo. bad the
sleigh built over, and now has oue ol
the best winter rigs in town.
Br . J. N. Browu returned from bis
"Valley" I tip yesterday. Mrs. Brown
remained below with tier parents, and
will return in a few weeks.
Dr. L. F- Shipley informed ve local
man yestetday that A. H. Peltys was itu
proving, though very sick.. el. lim (tun
ilv have all recovered.
G. V. MoHaley and D. C. Cnhoe have
recently sold ll.eir wools in the E Ht at
'23 cents per pound, uettiug nearly VJ
cents at Heppner.
Mr. frank Kellogg informs us that
Judge Bird ii expected to lie able to
hold the May term of court at The Dalles.
r'rnm a personal letter to the proprie
tor of the UAZreriB, he learns tnat Mis.
A. Andrews, of A!p ue, is seriously ill.
Judge, Fee will likely preside at the
coming term of circuit court.
Mrs. Joe Ltickman 1b seriously ill.
C. W. Oaey left daturuuy for Kansas.
It. C. Wills has returned fro n 1'ortland.
Jus. Koyse was over Monday fro.n Men.
Ihos. Hager left for Pendleton yesterday.
Jus. Ciiiuiilfwill go East with Sam Palmer.
"Iltippy Jack" w 111 leave for Montana soon.
John Kerns is out, after a three week's sick
ness. E. Minor is expecting one of his brothers here
Geo. Swaggtirt says his stock are in good con
dition. C. V. Ityehard, our soda man, has put up a
nice lot of iee.
Frank silttv and Fred Wink arehere to procure
sheep lor Idaho ra ige.
J. li. Caution is a free man again, having been
pardo.teil out of prison.
A. L. Moore, of biottx Citv. Iowa, and W. 9.
Brown, of Nebraska, are iu to bay sheep.
Hip" Van Winkle had a serions s nashup on
Tuesday last, up the creek, his team running
away with the hack.
The popularity which Hood's Sarsapa
rilla has gained as a spring medioine is
wonderful. It possesses just those ele
ments of health-giving blood purifying
and and appetite-restoring which everv
body seems to need at this season. Do
not continue in a dull, tired, nusatisaoto
ry condition when you may be so much
lieneliietl by Hoods Sars ipaiillu. Il
put i ties the blood and makes the weak
Suhprise Party Thirty-two bright
cliildieu gathered at the Si. E. parson
age on the afternoon of March 7. It was
a surprise party, and given in honor of
Mi-s Fay Thompson's fifth birthday.
Tho time was spent pleasantly, and at
4 t Ylook a supper of cake Hnl candy was
served At 5:3J o'clock me little prattlers
departed for their several homes, having
behind thorn many pretty and useful
presents, which will serve hb mementoes
for years to come.
A CENTDRY of progress has not pro
duced a remedy pqual to Ely's Cream
halm for oatarrh, cold in Ilia head and
hay fever. It, is not a liquid or a snuff,
but is peifeotlv safe and easily applied
into the nostrils. It gives immediate
relief and cures the worst cases.
Odr Coal Mines- - E. G Locke arriv
ed here Monday evening last from Pen
dleton. since bis Inst visit here, he has
made an examination ot the Fossil
mines, and while he finds an excellent
quality of coal at that placp, there is not
as much in sight as he anticipated. He
says it is a tlitf tre it upheaval fr im any
of the Morrow entity prospects, dipping
to" aid the John Day river. Ue left
Tuesday morning for Untter oreek.
where be sats no coal has been struck to
his knowledge, other reports to the con
trary notwithstanding.
The Worii Enriched.
The facilities of the present day for th
viroduction of evcrythiuj that wiU con
luce to the material welfare and comfoi
t mankind are almost unlimited an
v-hen Syrup of Tijs firt produce
.he world was enriched with the onlj
perfect laxative knov.n, as it is the only
rer.iedy -which is truly pleasing and re
freshing to the taste and prompt anc
e.Tcctual to cleanse the system gently ii
Ihe Spring time or, in fact, at any timi
and the better it is known the more pop
ular it becomes.
The report that the Hepnner "branch"
will be reduced to one train a week, i
absolutely false and without, foundation.
The whole thing is so absurd that this
p-sper has considered it unnecessary
berptofore to shv anything about it The
Heppner branch hauls freight ami pnss.
engers daily without regard to wind,
weather or expense.
The following advertisement, publish
ed by a prominent western patent medi
cine house would inliott that, they re
gard disease ss a punishment for sin :
"Do yon wish to know tlip quickest
way to cure a severe cold? We wdl tell
you. To cure Cold quiokly. it must be
treated before the cold has beenm-4 set
tied iii the system. This can always be
done if yon choose hi, as nature in her
kindness to man give timelv warning.
: ami plainly tells yon in nature's way,
j that as h pnni-diinent for some indiscie
... l... . m -i I ii
I" . yn sre to oe niniuicti who h etui
. , , . ,
nn km y"i choose to w irtl it off hy
prompt aotion. The firs sytnptomB of a
cohl, in most cases, is a dry, loud cough
and sneezing. The congli is soot fob
lowed by & profuse watery expectoration
and the sneezing by A profuse watery
discharge from the nose, in severecasps.
,em ja B thill, white C utting or. the
tongne. Whaltod.i? It is only neces
sary to take Cbamlierlaiu's Cough Kerne,
dy in double doses every hour. That
will greatly lessen the severity of the
cohl, and m most esses will effectually
Counteract it, and cure what would bav
been A severp cold within one. or two
hits time. Trv it and be convinced,
, 50 cent bottles lor ala by Shivum-Juhn
I Ed. Gazkttk :
I The G. A. U meeting of Feb 23. nt
; Kiitltt We C"ntre scho 1 house, was a
' grand success. The Post co'iiitiander, J.
r. Willis. T Ljpxiiig'on, any it. as the
iipm t-Hinp nre he has ntlcntieil nice he
lias been in Eastern Oregon. The Post
is certainly very fortunate iu having
bun fttr commander, us he seems to he
the right, mail, iu the right place. Not
withstanding the snow storm, Mr. ,1 F.
Willis, ti T. Kmilh, Mr. Biaithhy mid
Air. Hill, all of Lixuig'on, attended llie
loeting, all acfomimiiied by their wives,
who are all W. R. Cs Thus the soldier
showed they had not lost their bravery,
ami thejr wives were willing to brave tl e
storm with thpin. which, considering ih,
distance, (17 miles) required a strong
h-ve of putt n tistn lit induce them to an
company their s thljer husband. The
a I claim they fell repaid for iheir jour
ney, as they enjoyed the entertainment
provided for them by the pe iple til
Eigh Mile. The following is the p;o
gramme which was prep .red for the en
The meeting was oalled to ortler by 0
B .Stanton.
Song by Mr. Willy "I know that m
Uetleeme. Lives"
Address of Welcome by Mrs Andrew
Ashbatigh; responded to by Post V tin. J.
F. Willis.
S'ng by the choir "A Thousand
Declamation by L. P. Jones "Re
markable Vision "
Declamation by Harlan Stanton "Go
ing to Fight, Mit Sigel."
Solo by Mrs. Stanton.
Deolatuation by Moses Ashbaui'b -
"The American Flag "
nnng by the choir "Patriotic Glee."
Dialogue by Harlan Stall ou and L. P.
Jones "Rival Politicians."
Declamation by Fiauk Fuqua "The
Song by the oboir "Marching Throuith
Select readoig bv G. W. Smith
"Shake Snyder's ride."
Helect readmit by J. F. Willis.
Declamation by Harlan Stanlon
"'Glorious Stars anil Stripes."
Declamation by Mrs. Cora Ashbatlgh
Richmond ou the James."
Song bv the choir "Teuting on the
Oltl Camp Ground."
Mr Win. Ingram, an old sober, made
an address iu which he gave some inter
esting war remiuiscenoes and incidents in
camp life, etc , uot forgetting a Lillipu
tian trine won always hnntetl up the
Idler and staved wilb him. Thev were
known as the "G'eybncks."
Next in order w i the soldiers experi
ence meeting, and as Mr. Willis was
Post Com., the president of the meeting
thought it best for him to preside over
this portion of the meeting tie pre
sided This portion of the "camp fire"
wa very interesting. We had seven. I
volunteer speeches anil soiil'S. Mr.
Boo'hhy gave an interesting talk on the
'Object of the Post." Mr. Willis, Mr.
Aubrey and others talked for the good of
the cause. The meeting closed by Mr.
Willis remirkiog that he was verv
hungry, ami he imagiuetl from the great
ti umber of mysterious looking boxes Unit
hat! been carried in by so many persons,
i hat there was going to be something to
ea .
After this closing speeoh, tttbles were
spread. Oyster soup, coffee and other
things too numerous to mention were
served to the satisfaction of all, ami
about one o'clock all repaired to their
homes, al! agreeing that a "camp tire"
w's a very enj lyable affiir at
any other time to Eight Mile. Four new
members were received into the I ost
while the meeting whs iu session during
the day, which was held with closed
Doors opened after four o'clock. Mr.
Willy played the organ. P Halley kind
ly loaned the organ, although it was
snowing very fast. The hon-e wa-iorowd-ed.
Snow is two feet on ths level, ou
Eight Mile, at present wiiting. '
E. M. C.
To the piirifioHlian of your blood, for h!
uo season is tbp u-uly so susceptible to
the benefits to be derived from a gootl
medicine, as iu March, April hiii! way.
Hootl's Snrsaparilla is the people's favor
i'e spring medicine. It stands nm qnall
pd for purifying tbp l lnnd, i tiling sotof
llla, salt rhelliu, em., regulating the kt l
uejs and liver, repiiiiiug reive tissuts,
streiitlheping and iuvigoruting the
whole body, ns well as checking the
progress of Hcnte and chronio disease,
and restoring the alHicted parts to a
natural, healthy condition. If vou have
never tried Hootl s narsaparilla for yo r
"spring medicine then do so I his seaso.
From thd Advocate.
Frank Kelhufir, ot Heppner, wns in
town .Monday, ou his way to I'ue Dilles,
on leitul business.
Attorney J. N. Brown and wife, of
Beppuer catna down Wednesday, en
route to enjoy the milder climate ol the
valley for a few seeks.
The tramps mentioned Inst week as
having broken into Blalock & Mariner's
store at Blaloaks, waived examination
before Justine Eui, Friday, and were
bound over to the grand jury with boutN
flxel at 3,)0. They state.l their strue
names to be .lol-.n Deermi;. J Duval',
Ed. Scliw ntz, Fnnk Williams ami Uha.
Cepon. Deputy .Mieritr Munker his
tbem in charge at the old jail, as the jail
at Condon is overorowded.
Dr. B. F. Vaughan visited his little daughter
at Pendleton last week.
It is that impurity In the blood, which, ac
cumulating la the gl.-.ntls of tho neck, pro
duces uiislght'y lumps cr swellings; which
causes painful ruiinhiff sores on tLo arms,
legs, or feet; which deve'opos ulcers In ths
eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or
deafness; which is the origin cf pimples, can
cerous growths, or the many other manifesta
tions usua'.'y ascribed to ' humors;" which,
fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption
and dentil. Being the most ancient, It Is tho
most! of i.!l diseases or affections, for
very few persons are entirely free from IU
How Can
It Co
Ty t.klng Tlood's Barsaparill.i, which, by
the rcmr.rkahlo cures it has accmi.!!:licd,
often when other medicines have failed, has
proven itself to be a potent and peculiar
medicine for this disease. Some ot these
cures aro really wonderful. If you suffcrfrom
scrofula, be sure to try Hand's SarMr.parilll
"My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof
ulous sore ncc k from t he time she w-r.s22 mnnlhs
old till she l ecame six years of .-re. L imps
formed In Iter neck, end one of them after
growing to the size of a rlgeon's egg, became
a running sore for over three years. Wo gave
ber Hood's B.-.rsararilla, when II e lump and
all Indications of scrofula entirely dis
appeared, and now the seems to he a healthy
child." J. fi. rAEMi.E. Kaurlghl, t. J.
tf. B. Be sure to get only
Hood's SarsapcriJIa
8oldrryaIldnifrgM.ts. flisltforfr,. Prepared onlr
if C.L UOOI CO.,, Lowell, liius.
IOO Doses One Dollar
JURY 1,1 ST.
The following is the list of jurymen
as drawn at the March term of the conn
ty court :
Geo. W. Stewart, Stockraiser ..
. . .P dryville
... IIf)tfier
. . . .1 i icCily
. . Lct.igtnir
Wells spring-
hry Fork
. Eiulit .Mile
..Eight Mile-
... llepinn r
. Eight Mile
. . H.'iimllle-
. l.eing;o t.
. Eight Mile.
. .. H.-pp ler.
... Alpl te.
. I'i te Citv.
Eight Mile.
llepn icr.
. ..Lexington
j g. r. .smi h, turner
C. M. It tg,
T. E. Fell, Merclwit .
t'lets. Herrot, Far tier
Geo. s. I'ratte, "
J. II. Ely
J. I. .Mort'land. "
Ike Larye. MoekraistT
N. li. We t'tty, Far. tier
J. M. Biker, "
J. II. Allen, "
Tints, tnttiid. sfockrttiser
Thad. Ar imtrong, Far ner
Geo. Iltirringto'i, Moekruiiter .
J. A. Kristoe, Farmer
A. II. Hooker.
T. ft. Downing, "
A. Kovtte. "
Joseph,, Mason, Stot'krtiiPer
J. .s. Voonu-. Farmer
John Wittltlell, "
Atisoa E. rk-lit, tockraiser. .
Henry I'o.veil, Fur. tier
(J. A. Hale. "
Peter lire iner, "
Thos. -tarhitt. stoekntlser
Irvitt lllitke. Fanner
J. (.'. Kirk. Moekraist'r
K. H. u liitwim. Fanner
C. . n, Merchant
Onr Y.inng Men of pt-rhi Proclivities tn
Give an Exhibition in the "Manly Art."
Arrangements are being made for n
boxing entertainment, to ooonr on th
24th or 25th irst., the exact time to be
decided soon and announced by means
of posters.
The evening's sport w ill be initiated
by a series of sparring matches, to con
elude ,uth a "go" between Billy Wil
morth, of Boise City, and Billy Ross, of
this place, the former to stop the latter
iu eight rounds, I be winner to take the
gnte receipts. The smallest 'hms allow
ed by law to be used, Marqiii ofQneeus
burj rules to govern the mutch.
Miss Filor niiea was in
S. C. parly Fri.ltty evening last.
at the II.
Jus. Lejilicy fed Hm lu'inl of horses for John L.
Wilson this w inter, losing only one colt.
J. P. Rhea is feeding a car lo-nl of beef cattle
that will average !ritK pounds per head.
Joseph Putimin, of Mo-imm nt. Or., has an itt
teresiitig arlit-le to I'lirnierH ami stockincu on our
first page.
DR. A BORN, Fourth and Morrison
Streets, Portland, Oregon, the most suc
cessful physician on the American conti
nent for the speedy, positive, absolute
and permanent cure for Catarrh of the
Head, Asthma, Rionchitis, Pneumonia
ami consumption. Twenty five years'
successful practice.
Iustaiitjneous relief and pcriBancnt cures often
elk'leil upon fist consnltalion.
Dr. A born, by his original, modern,
soientitio methotl, eiTeota
Speedy mid railical cures of the nioi
tbslinaie and long s'anding eases
of Nasal Catarrh, Ozena, Deafness. Dis
charges from the Etrs, Asthma, Bron
chitis ami Consumption.
Als i tStomuch Disorders, Bilious Colic,
Gall Stones and Jauudioe, Heart, Liver,
Kitlnev, lil older mill Nervous A tTeciions;
Diseases of Men. Also all ailments pe
culiar 1 1 women.
Dr. A born can be consulted from now
until July 5th, when be leaves for
Note. Home treatment, securely pack
.ed. sent, by ex pre s to any part" of the
Pacific Coast and Territories for those
who cannot possibly cull iu person.
tlljune 1.
The Road to Health
Cannot be successfully traveled with
out cooJ l.oall!.. To ro-ch wealth or any
1 cove'.eJ po&Kion in lio requires the full
poscecsicn or.d cpcratloncf r.1! the fac
ulties Ur.d ra'.cro has endowed us wKh.
Thece conditions cannot ext:t unless t':e
phytlcal being Is In perfect working
orr'er, and this Is Impossible when the
Hv:r and spleen aro torpid, thus obstruct
ing C e secretions, causing indigestion
end c;:peps!a, wi'.h all of their accom
panying horrors.
English Dandei;cn Tonic
exerts a specific Influence over the liver,
excites it to hoalO.y cc'.lon, resolves Its
chronic onnorrjcmcr.'s, end prcmo'.es the
Secretions; cures ir.c.rjesl.on and constl-
irpcr.s tho apc'.IIe, tones up
the entire cys'.cm, end mckei life worth
Lund Ollice at Thp Dullef, Or., Feb. 21, 1S01.
Notu-c Ih licroly ylvcii that the fcilloiviiiK-imm-ed
Bcttkr has lilnl notice of IiIh lutcntioii to
inaketinal proof in miiiport of hl claim, and
that said proof will be made, before County
Clerk of Morrow County, ut Heppner, Oregon,
on April ;J, lsiii, v:
D. 3. No. fiOT, for the S; NE'4, SlA SICW, SE1
oK'a See. , To S, tfi E. '4
He names the following wltTiesHCH to prove his
continuous residence upon, uud cultivation of,
said land, vi,:
(). E. FariiBworth, Ed. S, Coy, Frank P. FaniB
worth, C. J. Anderson, of Hurt! ituut, Or.
411-11. John W. LKWt, HeRfHter.
Land Office at La Grande, r., Feb. IS, 1801.
Notice Is hereby given Ibat the following-named
nuttier has tiled notice of his intention to
make ti mil proof in support of bin Main, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk oi Morrow Co., Oregon, ut Heppner, Oru
Kon, on April 1, ls:H, viz:
D. 8. No. 10,101, for the NEj oee. 'IA, T 1 8, R H7
He natnes the followlnc witneBses to prove his
co Mi nions residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, vi.:
Job -i Kenny, Fell Johnson, Andy Tilbml,
Pat KeU'Khar, of Heppner, or.
4U-W. A. Clewrr, Repister.
Land Office at Ln Grande, Or., Feb. 1, 1891.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tilid no: ice of his inteuiion to
make Jinal proof in s.ipport of bis claim, ami
that said proof ill be made b 'fore W. ti. Ellis,
Com. I. a. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oreuon,
on April 1, lft-JI,
JO-E!'!! T, f'OTT.-J,
D. fi. No. 10, 1?s, for the NWU HWV, V' XWW.
NK4 NWH w.'. : T 1 S, K z K, W. M.
He iiairies the follow! ig witnesBeB to prove his
coniimio is residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land,
1 hoirms MeEutfre. Robert Johnson, Terrenee
.McEntire, Andrew 'iillard, of I-ena, Oregon.
Hl-i'J. a. CaiVBit, liegister.
Land OlhYc at Lu Oraude, Or., Feb. Ih, IWt.
No. ice is hereby gl.en tbat the follow! rig-named
M'tilcr has filed uutlc? of his intention to
make final proof hi support of his ebdin, anil
thai said pr of uill be made before W. U. Ellis,
Con. I. circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon,
on April , iwi, i':
D. S. No. 1(1,11, for the s'i Ntt 4 and lots 3 and 4
w. 1 2 .-. K -t, E. V. ST.
Jaitii-s Oorner, luke special notice.
He names the follow i ig w itncHNes to prove his
co itluuous residence uim, and cultivation of,
soid land, vi,:
Tbomtis M' Entlre, Terrenee McEntire, Robert
Johnson, Andrew Tlllard, of Lena, Oregon.
41I-I'.i. A. Ci.ka v kr, Register,
Land Office at Thf Dalles. Or., Feb. fi, IWH,
Noilce Is hereby given tbat the fulluwing
named settlor has liled notice of his Intention
to make final proof 1 i support of his claim, and
that said proof will t made lefore W. It
Ellis, I.', ft. Coiiiniissfoner at Heppner, Morrow
county. Or., on March ln'.d, vi:
Hd. :ilt, for riieSU sec 12, lp2S, R 2fi E, W. M. 1
Me names the folio .i tug w ltness-s to prove his
ro'iti iuoim residence upou and cultivation of j
Siilo bind. I
Joiin II. (ientry. W. C Iicy, V. W. Kirk and !
Wm. linn on, nil ol Uepputr, or. j
Joun W. Lewfs.,
4U-417. HaliAx. I
Land Office t The Dalles, Or., Feb. 9, ism.
Ptolice Is hereby gh en that the Itillowing
natned settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support nl bis chtliii. and
that said proof w ill be matte before Frank H.
Mttiw. I. s. Comndssioncr at Lexington, dr..
on March 21, mill, viz:
Hd. 2S01. for the WUSWii, NEl.iSWi.,SF.i -,V' .
Sec IS, Tp 1 X, K 21 E, W. XI. ' t
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of.
said laud, viz:
Charles W. Reed. Sylvester White. Joseph Fil
kilts mid Charles Fiikius. all of saddle. Morrow
county, Or.
John W. I.kwis,
--7- liegister.
Ijtnd Office at The Dalles, Or.. Feb. 9, lswl.
Notice is hereby triveti that the following.
named settler has tiletl notice of his intention to
make tlnal proof in support of his claim, ami
that said proof will he made helore Frank 11.
-now, i . s.. commissioner at Lexington, or., on
March ai, Will, viz :
Hit. Soil, for the SE1 Sec , Tp 1 N, R 2H E, W. M.
He names the fnlfowlixr ultn..Ha,.H t r.r.,.a
his continuous residence uron. and mltivutioi.
of, said land, viz:
ylvesler White. Paul ra'dson, Joseph Fii
kius and Charles Fiikius. all of SHil.ili. Morrow
county, or.
John h . Lrwis,
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
, T. Thompson,
Rachel s. Thompson,
To Rachel S. Thompson, Defendant.
ami answer the cotuolalnttileti at-Hiiist vnu
iu the above entitled suit w ithin ten davs from
the date ot the sen lee of this iiiiiniions upon
you, it served w ithin this county: or, if served
within ttliv other countv of this state, then w lib.
in twenty days from the date of the service of
tins s.tiunioiiB upou you; or, it served by publi
cttiioa, then ou or before the first day of the Cir
cuit Court of said County and state, to-wit,
Monday, March 2:1, lam, and if vou fail so to
answer or appear for w ant thereof, the plaitititl'
will take judgment against you, disBol, iog the
bonds of matrimony now existing between you
and plaintiil, on the grounds of desertion, ami
for s, tell relie! as is prayed for hi his complaint
nletl herein.
'I his summons Is served on you by publica
tion, by virtue of an ortler ittaile by Hon. 1.. K., Judge of the 1st Judicial lllstrict of
Oregon, t hich said order Ih dated at The Dalles,
Oregon, February 12, lsul.
412-417. Att'y for l-laiiulil'.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Morrow.
The National Bank
of Heppner,
It. W. Beardo t and I. M.
riper, el al .
Defendants, j
To R. W. Beardou and I. M. Piper, Defendants:
1 and a.ts.ver the Cu.nptuiut tiled
you in tile above entitled actio i within ten davs
fro u the date of the SlTVidU Of tllltt QllllllllUi s
upon you, il served vviJiU tli iu County; or, ii'
surve-i in d.iy OlIilt County oi i his dtiue, ill en
wiilii i day fro. a the dateoi the Henit-e
oi iliis tsuuiuioiiB upo.i you; or, ii st.TveU by
publication, then on or belore the tirst day oi
the next ter.n of the Circuit Court of Huid Coun
ty and .stale, to-wit, March it, 18U1, and if vou
tail bo to auHvver, for want thereof, the I'lainiilt'
will (ake judK-ueut ugai.iBt yoa for the mini oi
One Hundred and M.iety-ulne dollars
balance due on pro.nisHory note, and ten (lu) per
cent. i.itereHi fro.n JHiptember .it), lw.iu, and ior
attoriiey' teeB, and co.s and diBbiirsenientB,
'ihis N.iiiiiiio.iS Ih beredo.i you by publication,
by Irene of an order made at The Uallcs, Or.,
by llo. i. L. K. Webster, Judge of the First Ju
dlcbil District of Oregon, oaid order is dated
February lu, lsyl,
W. R. ELLI9,
412-117. Att'y fur i'lai itltf.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Morrow.
Foster Adams,
1' Wan till',
Ellar Adams,
To Ellar Adams, Defendant.
and a.iswer (be eo nnlai itnled aLrainHt vnu
in the aboe entitled suit whhlii ten days from
the date of Hie service of this smn upou yon, if served within
this county; or. U served within any other
county of this state, then within twenty days
from the dale ot the service ot this summons
noon vou: or. if served bv nublicaiion. then no
or belore March i i, is-.ti, the tirst day of llie next
ter.a oi the Circuit Court of said eountv and
suite, iii id if you tail so to answer or appear, for
want thereoi, the plaintiil' will take Judgment
ugainst you, dissoh l.ig the bonds of uiairimouy
now e.vis.i ig betwee.i yuu ami plaiutiil', as pray
ed for in his co up)ui:tt.
This Buniiiio.iS isHerveilon you by publication,
by irtue of au order of Hon. L. Ii. Webster,
Juige of the Kirm;Judietal Dist.oftir , which said
ortler wus made at ihu Dalles, Oregon, Eebiuary
10, itvJl.
W. R. ELM -i,
4PM17. Att'y for Plolutiir
In the Circuit Court for the County of Morrow,
state ot Oregon.
The American Mortgage Co,'
of Scotland, Limited,
Plain tills,
Mvlan E. Handy and Phoebe
Defendants, j
To Mylan E. Handy and Phoabo Handy, Defen
and answer the complaint liled ag'ilnst you
in the above entitled cause, by the first day of
the next regular term of the above entitled
court, to-wit: March 2;li, A. D, initl ; and if yon
fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaiulltl's
will take judg nent against you for the stun of
eight hundred and twelve dollars, with interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum
fro.n Fcby. 4, IK'.H until paid; for the mm of
fifty-six dollars with i lite rest thereon at the rate
of eight per cent, per annum from Dee. 1, Ik'.hj
until paid; for the sum of oue hundred and fifty
dollars attorneys fees hi id forcoslBaud disburse
ments oi this suit; and for the foreclosure of a
certain morigage executed by you in favor of
plaiiitiil'and conveying the following described
premises, to-wit: the E1. Sec. W, Tp. 2 V, . il
E., W. M.,ln Morrow County, Oregon, and for
such other relief as is demanded in the com
pbtiht. i his summons is published hy order of
Hon. James A. Fee, Judge of the sixth Judicial
district of the Stale of Oregon, bald order dated
at Pendleton, Or., Feb. 5, 'lJl,
111-117. Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Cirrnit Court of th State of Oregon,
for Morrow County.
Margaret Dun ton, Plaintiil', 1
vs. I
John A. Hendrixand Icathy
J. Heiidri.t, Defendants. j
To John A. Hendrlx and Icnthy J. Hendrlx,
In the name of the Htate of Oregon, Yon are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you lu the above entitled
cause by the first day of the next regular term
of this court, that being the iid day of March,
A. D. 1'.M, and it yon fail so to answer, for want
thereof the plaintill'will take judgment against
vou for the sun of Two Hundred and -Sixtv Dol
lars (f-'')i Kith Interest Ht the rate of 10 per
cent, per annum from Nov. '21, HHf, and the fore
closure of a mortgage, given to secure the same,
ou the Northwest quarter of Section Twenty-six
(id), Township Three ( t) South, Range Twentv
six ('2i'.) E.VV. Si., and for such further relief as is
demanded lu the complaint.
This summons Is published by order of Judge
James A. Fee, Judge of the Sixth Judicial dis
trict of this State. Said order dated at Pendle
ton, Or., Jan. 17, 'ill.
Heppner, Jan. 21, 191.
410-110. Attorney for Plaintiff.
Land OhVe at La Oratide, Or, Feb. II, 1WM.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof iu snport of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before County
Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Or., on
March MJ, , lwl, viz:
Ds. No. lf)iV, for the W1 SE1 and NE'i SWJ.i
and aE'-i SWl4 ec. ii, Tp. II S, li 11 E, W. If.
Frederick II. Staddou, take sia'dat notice.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
aid land, viz:
August Hale, Thomas R. Miller, William Dun.
can and Joui Groom, alt of Heppner, Oregon.
A. Clk ivkk.
4l-'i-41. Register.
Mrs. Johnny Hngertind children, accompanied
by I-e and lima, linger, spent Krl'biy I ant at Mr.
Jas. linger attractive buuie, on Upper Willow
Only selling to make room for an immense
spring stock, soon to arrive.
How's This?
Overalls, 15,25 and 50 cents a pair; child
ren's shoes, 25, 50 and 75 cents a pair,
less than half cost.
SPECIAL BARGAINS in everything es
pecially in dress goods remnants.
DON'T YOU FORGET the P. S D., in the
Blackman & Co.,
ISuooeeBnor to
The L-irirpHt S'nk of Clnlhinfir pver hronvM to Hpppnpr, b'nfflit. FOR
OASH in tlif EfiHl, and will Da hoM nt nric nevfr hnril of hpforn
BOYS' SUITS ht $1 'y aiict upvH'dH. MEN'S nnd yOUl,HS, SUITsj
: TO
1 o
Ow'ihk to tlii" milil winter, will offer fur the next THIRTY DAYS
Ten to Fifteen Per Cent. Below Former Prices.
MA.Y ST. -
For First Quiility Goods at Lowest Prices,
Hanlwnrp, Tinwiirp. Gn cpiit-K, oiifi'dinnery, i'ood find Willow Wr.
Ariit for New llonm hihI KivoiitM Kewiua Miiuliiue.. Luiiibermku'i
Tunis a rJn oi illy. llilitBt uiurkot pricti (mid fur farm pio luoe.
tf. , Corner Main and Willow Streets, Ileppner Or,
Ijmd Office at I.a Oraiuli-, Or., Feb. 27, mi.
Notlct- Il hereby Kl.eii tlmt llie follow lutf
nauied vetller Iihs ..led notice ol IiIh I ileuliun to
make tlnal proof li a.ippurl of IiIh chil ii. anil
thai laid proof w III be made helore the lloulity
Clerk of borrow County Or., on April l.'ah, lolll,
IM. No. 072.1, for the SU t-E and (iE)4 SW'i Sec.
i. Tp. 3H, K 27 K, '. .l.
lie name! the follovvtn witiiemn'R to prove tita
conlliinoul upon and eul.l.aliuu of,
aid laud, vl:
Win. H. Verkel, W. It Newman, Thoinaa
Oweni and AuUy otevenion, all ol Heppner, or.
A. Cl.K .VKK,
Hi-1 JO. Iteijlater.
Ulld Ollleo at The l)alle, Or. Feb. 'Z7, '91.
Notice la hereby Klven Unit llie IoMovvIiik
nameil aettler liaa filed notice ol bin liileiition to
make Itnal prool in ani.iH.rtof hia clultn. and that
laid proof Mill be made before IV. li. Kllht, I'. M.
Coiiuniwloiier, ai Heppner, or., on April 11, '111,
Hd. Nn. 1.V17, for the WU SE'i and iH NWU
Sec. HI. Tp. .1 n, II .n K. W. fl.
He nainel the folio..! u MitncflHCH to prove h In
coiitiniiom upon and eultt.alioii of,
laid land, vl:
VV. II. Hindi. H.irvc Itoh, W. II. MeAtec ami
Joaepli Tolbert, all ol Heppner, or.
JjU.n W. I.KWl",
Und Ollice nt The D.illei, Or., Feb. 1. 1891.
No.lce la hereby ulien that tho following
na iled netiler liaa Hied mil lee ol hl Inleiilion to
make prool I i mpirt of liil claim, and
that miiil proof will be made before County Judge
of .lnrrotv County, ut Heppner, Oreitou, ou Alrii
II, lam, vU: '
Hd. No. 31 1(1, for the W' SWJi, NE'i SWii. NWW
ali 4 pee. Ill, I' i ri, K 'iit E.
lie na.nea the follow lim wltneuel to prove hll
co ni iiio ii rehldence upon, and cullivatlon of.
laid laud, f.: '
He ry hl.anii, John Vaunt, Wm. Eltei, C. N.
IVelc, ol LcvluKton, oreKou.
;l1 ' 'J J.111.N W. Lewis, Re(Uter.
Und Office at La (iranrte. Or., Feb. 1, 1891.
Notice Ih hereby Kiveo that the following-named
icltler hn liled notice of hli Intention to
make liual jro.if l't inpportof till claim, and
that aaiil proof w ill be made before C'ouiitr
Clerk ol :.:orro.v Co.. OreKou, at Heppner, Ore
Ku.i, o.i April I, Ihji, vl.:
D. S., for the NE' NW1 and NW NgW.
-h' , SK .-ee. .11, T 1 rt, R E, W. M.
He iia,.ien the IoIIo.vI.ik w iloeiaei to prove hie
eo i.l nioua reKidenee upon, and eultl.atloil of,
Huid huid, 1 1.:
Job. i Kenny, Felix, Thomai Oilailcn,
Ja ma ll.ii uhcrly. of Heppner, Oregon.
Allien King uit apeclal notice.
Jll-IK. A. CLCAVia, Reftfaej