" 7 r-i THE GAZETTE. TIIUUSD VY, M i rnli, -!'2. 1'.H- NATIONAL BANKING AGAIN In this iesne appears an ntttcle from Mr. J 1'. Hnillev, i( liinilniiiii, who i!. the state ixaui--r of Ibe Liillz-'UH' Alli ance, and h n active :inil ejtrnest worker for its prinriplf s. Yet, ti e tiAzin'TK if just as honest in its opi'.i.m as Mr. Had ley in in inn, awl it ia liu ri ly just for lnm to 811 y that our aniitle mi li itiuiiul bunk inu wuh "llilUI (1 to tUlMierHi." Tlare is no mystery nhont Ivin1iirr By oaliintf at eltiiiT lia' k in Ueppui't yon can see for y-mr li, in a 8m;tll vl tune furnish' il by IIih wrveriniieiit. how it is done in every p'trlieuhir. Or. il that is not sali--l'iiflti'ry, (lie (iazkttb ohm furnish you donuim-iiis tivini; informa tion oil the sntiji yt which will contirm every statement made in tli b.inks' lit eiatiire. However, man is born to err, and some d'atemonls made in the hint isu of the Oazisitk are not terlinionilv correct. Uauka of 850.0. 0 capital have 5();i i hares, instead of ill); as a ijenor.il statement, n bank is allowed to loan over 10 per cent of its capital Hlock to any one peraou As nan shown iu last issue, the (rnv crnmeat was at ouo tnue the nencpsan borrower of hauks. Inasmuch as i net ii cd money, Ibis was all rinht. Hut now the government oweH the banks mithiiw Ii sells no bonds to them. If it has koimI security, it id perfectly riyht ami just to allow national minks it circulation of 111 per cent, lees than one-loin 111 of then whole capital. It costH the bank pnnie thim; to secure these bonds to sutirfy the government, as well as the people, liomls ore worth 21 per cent premium, ami thei in nit be bought in the mtrkei tlies.-j (lays, a hiiowii in last i--hiih. a cocu lation of $ l.'ijl costs rhj bank 31.7.0. a the Hr.-it item of exp-nse. All national banks are required lo pay the f illowim; revenues to IIih government: One-hail of one per cent., saini auiinally, on the circulation allowed by law; one q inrtei if one per cent, semi annually, mi n)(. iiverime deposits for the halfjear; one quartet of one per cent., semi annually, on en pi I nl not in govern uii'iit lunula. A b ink's stockholders are subject to luc.o tax ition on the m rket valiir? of t.iitur Blea k as personal property, bonds or im bonds. They are collateral to the ynv ei iiineul r..r cireiilalion (uaranleed, and the b, inkers must pay on the actual Value of the stock. 1 ch bank must keep wuh the treasurer of the United Slates, in leiral tender notes, .or the redemption oi its bills, 0 per cent, of the amount uf its cireiilalion. Tallinn n. to consideration the premi linn on bonds, I he tax paid lo the niv eremeut, eic, etc, as ataled in the pie ceding and other p ira-rapha, banks pay veiy well for this circulation. Wo also overlooked lhat part of Mr. Allen's letter of r quiry reuanlinj; tlie (lovernineiit loaning nioaey direct to Ihe banks. It does noihin' of Mm sort. The government names certain banks in tne United States as depositories tor public funds, that it may have cash in evoiy section to d-i the local bunnies. lint it requires mtiiielkiiuj of the banks Tuey mint deposit wnu the tfoverumeot, in bonds, a sum which must tin equal to tlis lariest auioiint that will ever be plaoed in Iheir re-peolive keeping. These bonds lire not to he had fiom the government because, us has been stated before, it is not a borrower now, ami lhcref,re Ihe banks named must pay a heavy premium for the Hecinitli . Tbese fun Is aie liable to be withdrawn at an time, as they are rot loaned, any more than individual de posits are loaned to the banks Tne (ioverninmit does just wli it individuals do who I in vii an extensive oii-iiichh. Wholesale merchanls of this N irthwe Coast linil it convenient, to deposit fiinils in San I'Yanuisnii and New York, that their brancn ollicea nniv have cash lo meet all demands, which is nothing mure mini business, ana me novcrniuent is "business ' in every department, ),,u can all r.-st assured. It has had overmen tury to learn the difference between ihe dull thud of spam.de bedecked fallacies and tla true riot; of genuine facts, burnt' out by experience. In our Inst issue, it was also fated that the trover it was (l heavy borrower from foreign capitalists previous to the paHsatfo i.f the National llniik ant, I'eb. 2,i, '01!, or lo use the phrasiMilojjy of the In tie article in ques tion, "the act of Ihe (id's." What it should have staled, is this: A iter senor. intf the Kreat war loan of I'Yh, '(i'2, fiiuoiiutiu lo Ifolo.OI 0,00,1, there was (rent leal lhat the voveruuient wou il liave to secure aid fruin foiei'n catntal isls, as subsequent developments proved thai tiiaus ere not easily in ule. Hut it is a positive lac I that mil one ilolhir if furriijii- ciiofof inis tuirniirrtl tit the I uiti d stales tttti iuif tin1 retieltitni. ho Mr. Ilaoley is as lilt' I'lllll liclllal lads iis the (Iazuith whs, hi that one lenticular, lint it is a ma ter of recmd that i-voij conceivable plan f ir laisniK money waV luade me of pievions to the pas.oiire ol Ihe Nalioaal Hank act or J'Vb. 'la, 'tij, lo meet Ihe exigencies of the tunes wiiimiit Ihe aid nf Ion inn lucre. 'Ihe nnnrn nieul w as c. nipeiled lo resorl lociineiict limi lieiisuty notes, mid also compound interest Holes ami cevlilicatea of iinlebt ediii KS. Even small loans weie dillicuit to secure. The net of .Inly 17, 'hi, nnlhorized the issue ol only if0,i,00.lllill demand mUes, mu ll us Mr llinlley rel'i rs lo. However, un t'l b. 112, '0l, concress autlim izej ,m llddliloiiiil Issue of $111.0,111.0110 demaiul hour, iiiakinu in ml l)i; l.ullo.UjO Hut this as not all that congress was C 'tn elled Kidti hciivccn the heciuniiiK of tin1 late war and the passage of iheNa ttom.l Hank net. On I'M). , '01, OeO.llllO wt're bio i)iw)al at t! per cent., ,o run 20 yeais. iMaicb 2, 'til, G pi r cent, ticinory uoies were authorizeil. ami ,11),,-liOl.-lfill were i.--ii4il. July 17, 'ol, in, sum of S2."ill,0(l(l,O0O mine was autnor z.'d to be Imriofted at 7 per i ent., lo i nn -M veins, with authority lo issue any part in the Iomu of tri'nsuiy notes, rilliiiin three )caisal7o l0 pel coin, inli n si, in on Holes not lanolin; inleiest, Inn p.,yable on ih'iuiiiid or in tiensuiy cia :itic"tes lor one Near hciinmr 8 On loo per cent, in- teieNi, ihe in let of demand notes not to i xeeed $aO,(l(IO nOO. he denpind nn, H were issin il, and the remaiuinu jJ'JO.I um, (100 hollowed in accoidance wuii me aei of cjIiki'ibs iiiniioriziiiu Ihe same. Tlie demand notcB wane as food miiney im tiit, (lov)'nimeiit evi'r issued, ! entire there was com al Ihe back of them. Ami so we have the little history of ihe .100.00J. 000 demand notes. Like any imnvuhi.,1 Hole, backed by means, they were veil) good. Al'ler. the issue of S150,000.0,l0, leniil t)'tider'llotes in Feb., 'ti2, an, tlM. ,MM Biiiouiils in duly 'ti -i , and Alai, h 'tilt, latler one moiiih attiu- Ihe pnss;,), (, ulti National Hank act,) not over G per (lent, was paid for loans. In 'li,!, iln re were S-l.")0,i,0Oli(iO of "niceu backs" and bunk Lot s in ciiculatiou. Of course this flood of paper soon drove si ccie out of ciiciilation, and hH,. mis seen of imld end siln r, i xe p at the oiistnm I ousis and nib lieasiiries. x Ocptnu this coast, until ihe tiual ri sump tioti, Jan. 1, 1871). lu the iiiiiumn of 1M73 oinae anothi r orssis, eviui more seri ous thllll that of Jackson's lime i.r.nO.i tated in mam by the failure of the im. ' estahlisl e.l low rd.s thecl uc of tbe latter .'ear. .. M'-st of ns leive h'.-irn.-d by pperienee thai Nati iiial B oiks are a safe medium fir .f"iti-- lois'een.. It is very c Uiv in ent t have iliern thronnh which to pin d t 's. at a distance, b ith by check ami Iraft. mill should the law iiuthorizioi ihem he renaled, the hitsmerg worhl ivoiild snlfer. Ir they are such a con venience, reliable, and the if" vern uncut ic not th" loser by thfir existence, why should the National Hankiot; law be re pealed at this time? The cry is to do nwav with Muttons' Banks and bonds altogether, and issio without end demand notes, not bearim interest Mini leifal tender for everv thi ntf Rven if this was done the cudtalis ivoultl m noun' to iret- Ihe bulk of tin m ool the eovernmeat nd the peopl would be Ihe losers. The amount of oo dilation per capita minht be lamer oe paper, but as a fact would not exist ini'iita the perple, and when the day of redemption did arrive, the capitalist would be "in i1." The promise to payji" aood, but pay day comes itself in course of time Like death, it is inevitable The history of banking in Amerio dates back as far as 10U0. when bills ol 'redit were issnpil by Massachusetts. Five vears later William PaiteiRon es tablished, or assisted to establish, th U ink of England, T't is fa'her of bank mix in the colonies took great ititerest i the Mtissacluisetts schi-me. Afterwanl) more paper was issued, which w s re deemed 811 in ourrenoy for in silver About this time, other oolonies, havine also issued milch paper money, oame ii oi pay day in about the same p-tiportion liven the Continental currency, wnicl. promised pay dollar for do l-ir, was re leemed $100 in currency for 81 iu ifohl or silver. Tne "ups and downs" of banking wer many, till the days of state banks, (w biel failed to betlet the matter) those ol Miehiaan bei"K the most uoted. Tb'- iierei-alled "led-doy" banks. The"wihi cat" and "red d"" hanks were notori mpdy uiisafe. A ih'Z'ii )if Ihem would club together to make a show for one onlv, when Ihe examiner rama alonir. aid tlip same siecie would be an hour ii. advanoe of him all along the route. The red-dou" banks were so-named from tin Oolor stumped on the face of their miles. md their movable nature. Established in "lie place Monday, the "haukei" mighi oack Ins carpet hair at- night, ami a C 1 . no-raja) open u p uo nines away j in w 1110 u 'He ue M.ampeu in red iiik oil Hie lac of bis notes the name of the plaoe in wdiieh the 'banking-house" was last es tab'islied Counterfeits were without end. The war of the rebellion made large is sues of credit n oessury, and among fin earliest fiuanoial measures was a tax on hulking, with oertain inducements in tended to f, it government loans b means of banks, nnd out of the betam. geneons sys'em of stale banks nnd bank ing (Wiui one of n homogeneous Hint bsohitely safe ohiiraoler, that of Million al Banks. Argentine Republic is nt present "en joy ug" this "li it' money boom. Thai governtiviit s bankrupt from its experi ments, mere fallacies, which this gov ernment of the United Slates exploded fully u 0 nlnry ag i as being impraeti cable and unsafe. Pay day must mid tcif onmu. A DIFFFRIiN'OR OF OPINION. EotToR fiAZKTTK: V oir editorial mi binkim.' issiim-dt mislead. In tiie first plal-e. I be U government d'd not borrow one ilolhr n any f ir 'L'ti nation or foreign ittdividu unlit aftei the bank act ha I p-i"-i an lieconie h 1 1 w That whs in 'u'3 iiad no need of leiuks. as the act of eon gress in 'Gl gave th it b xlv th riihtto issue sixly million dollars of national . f mand notes, bearing eo interest, at pa' vitb gold. T'mt was go id enough foi me. The hanking system is the giente' swindle evpr peri'elrated on anv peoeh I'h ir banks are exempt fr. m taxati " iuerest dwn i.i goto. IMI percent i their bonds given back to them in ban' ClUrenCV. at a discount of one per Cee' on their bo ds. Th"y loan it to th liei pl- at from 10 to 30 per cent. Is the rigid? Is it jut? Y.oi or 1 can ge' money from no other s-uitee onlv frote the banks, unless we are an employe in an official of Ihe government. Turn y 1 1 1 iiiii:l back, if you please, to the deposit iug banks that had S.'iO.IIOOJ'O,) of the oeuple's money, fir government nr-ney And I h at they loaned to the people at 't 'lB 8 to 10 per cent. , wnich t bey put ii 'heir pockets. Down with the bondi md any system lhat has a tenileiiev l build up one class at he expense of nn I her. Yours. J. P Hadlky. Hardman, Or.. March I), '01. P. H. If you are not parly bound, yon will give this room iu j our paper. J. P. II. I am neither hnndctiflV-d nor shack-eled.-Eu.l To feel bright and oneerl ill nlb-tid to your stomach. Take Simmons Livet Regulator, ORE- NEW LAND LAW'S. About (he last work of congress before adj mrmiient was the repeal of the tun. ber culture and pre-enptiou laws. K iil road corporiiiiona holdina lands will be much beiieliited thereby, as the repeal or tiii-se laivs will make considerable de mand I or such lands. There is il mini suspicion that rail ay influence is re sponsible for this sudden action of con gress, Those who have already made limle'i culture etiliies can prove up eight year I'rom the date of such entry, provided the laws have been fulfilled relative to cultivation, planting and Ihe growth of ihe requisite number of trees; or nftei four years from date of entry, the same oiiu he pnrclius. d ui Ihe rate of $1 25 pel acre. Horn old parlies might as well prep ire lo meet a third opponent iu the cam pdgnof ".12, viz: the Farmer's Party, Alliance, or wh .lover yu desire to call it. 'I heie are reasons to believe that it ill make a formi lahle li.'lil, althoiio;'.! its principles, as given out at prcacut, are very crude indeed. A'lIJi EXAMINE EASTERN GON'S MINE -1. From the Eagle. Sen. Dun. d B II inc iok, n pioneer of eastern uregon, resi ling Here at Long t'reek is in receipt of a letter from an old acquaintance, 0 len C. Hewitt, who is now iu the Sound cminlry. in Wash ington, statiug that it is ids inteniion to visit mill examine tlie mines of Oregon vhtleoii his present tour. He asks in formation ifcgarding the class and stahil '.V of the boom of the mines of Grant county, with a view of investing iu them noiiiu nay prove lo lis valu iole prop erty. Mr. Hewitt came to Calilorma iiii thirty years ago Iroiii the Atlantic 'nasi, and has for the last nineteen y e .rs been foreman of one of California's bug -t mines, "The K -ystoae." in Amador county, but having exhausted its body of quartz, makes it necessary for him to eek a new Held. fe is very anxious to become interested again iu either placer or quartz properly, and Bhouhl Oram's mining prospect tqmil to prevailing re ports alno'id, be will locale and purchase raining property iu Hub section. noTice. The "Trade's Display," or "Merchants' Carnival," that wi.s to have been given by the "Epworth L-agne." has been given up on account of an unwillingness on the part of some of the young IndicB to take the parts assigned lliem. Instead of the above, supper, sociablo aud musical entertainment will be given at the hall on Weduesday evening, March 25, to which all are cordially invited. I'lianking the business meu, nnd the young ladies who have so kindly offered Mieir assistance, and hoping lhat the change will be no great disappointment lo them, we are sincerely Yours. "Epwoiitn Lbaope" Committee, I t Wiii'i bj 1 1 iTf r s 1 1 1 rrrt i trm If Ell B B uy UUUUI1 ig Do yoa tno .v that a littb couqh 13 a dangerous thing 1 A: 0 toj aware that ii ot ten fastens on thei luiv;s and far too often runs into Consumption and eud3 ia Death? 1 eoplo Buffering from Asthma, a Hronc'.iitis. Pneumonia and Consumption wiU all a tell you that j "ITSTARTEO TITH eGLD.nS Can you aflorj, to ccjloct it? Can yoa trifle" with bo serious a matter if Arc vou tv.-arj that i DR. ACKER'S ENGLISH REiiZDVi I for Coufrhs, CoJd3 and Consumption ij beyond question V.:o proatost of alii P -M.xlern Remedies ? It will sto;i a Coujc'i ia 0112 ni',-ht. 1 ; wiil check a Coid in f a day. Tt will prevent Croup, relieve Asta:n and cure Consumption if taixn I in time, " You can't afford to ba without it." A 55 cent liott'.e tnav cave you 1 ? SlOO in Doctor's bills may save your life I Ask your druggist for i"t, cr write 8 j" to W. II. HooKEit & Co., 40 West Broadway, New York, tor book. q B B I I a ;c.E BE i... C3...e 10 ooul-h.il jU.omu:i Ui 11 tit,, ilei I ilier, ) II eg"U. M-rmii coppix, il liig,rnii. rRAXli Mel'AHl.AND, 1 1 c 1 1 1 1 1 1 e )'. A Tlii,' Line direct finin the East. Finn sty lish liat-i, new sliapes. mi l i;tltoi ts. G-'nt's Hue sine s. l ulios' ami i-liild-von', si, ,m, nil slvl 's. S W 10 ilC. C . I'lKtxr S I). D:.E.S .il i'ii,-...y P 111)'! A .1 of i0 TO 20 kriiigyjrf.re BMff.i PER CENT. REDUCTION LADIES' & CIIILDIN'S WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY AND LEGGINS anil EIGHT Ml LIS ITEMS. K,'gs and btilfervery acarte. Mr. dohii lngraliam is very sii k. Ttiis is a beautiful day, clear wat nr. Kin liter's Alliance is iu n flourishing C 11 litloll rilocknicn have to feed now as tin ground is all coveted with snow. SI. 'lulling is not very good as ihe snow is loo dei p ami rmids not well broken. Mr. Lovegiei n's daughter has bud 1, relapse ami is siitTciag very much with heart disease. Cliir Jones and wife were the guests of Mr ami Mrs. Ed. Ashbangh, and had to return in the snowstorm When do we et our Ilcppner papers? On " onilav iifler I hey have been punter, on Thursday, Vb tam e, 18 Hides. Mrs. Kiiighlen has been visiting with her il.'iigiilei, MrB. Anson Wright. She relumed honi" nn last S itnrday evening, much to the satisfaction of Mr. Knight en and the boys, who h ive been keeping h 'I'lielor's ball for soine days past. March a, Til. I. O, N. for Uoleyu, P A. Hrini 11 & Mi-Cully, Fuller, J H. Mattnon, Edwin. Peterson. Fred, 2. luminous, Thomas, 3 811110ns, D. T. Woods, Alex M. Oialiam. V. H. )lron. calling DON'T SAY Ilnre is no help fot catarrh, hay fever ami cold 111 Ihe head, since lli,'iisiiiiils testify Unit Ely's Crasih llidln has 1 nlni ly curi d 1 In 111. It sii el d'des tie diiiigerous uses of liquids and sinitls. It is insily 11 1 plied into the ttos ttilu and gives r lief at ouce. I 1 ice 5tlc. LINOEUINO EP1STLE3. List nf letters remaining nnoalled iu the pnstollioe at Heppner. Atherlon, L. Q. Holeyn, J. N. Demmaik, Jus. Miker, II. MitKiiiney, John. Peterson, Mrs. N. Smilli. Wil 11. Stewart, Z. Hull, annuel. Please say "advertised" w heu for these letters. A Mat.T'Qiiy. P. M. RKSULU I IO S ()!' ( UNDdbHNnE. WllEUEAR.oiirltro. M. S. Oriskell. in the detith of his companion has met with a grievous trial anil irreparable loss. h'esnlrt'd, that we, the members of Whiini .re Lodge, N" 45. A O U V.. Ulead 10 hliu our heartfelt symiadby. E E 'I H ol phi in, ) H. P. li(iiiouu8, Com. K. A. lfouu. ) Do not weaken yourself by drastio pun; 11 lives. Take Hituiuous Liver Kegnlator. MIIS. A. M. SLOCUM I10ALL ! CALL!! N.xt door to T. V. Ayers' Drug StorR, Uariigues litiililitig, Uopptioi', uivgoti. ernoline Si deep ip to (in ivo soon. V A I! I! ANTED TO CUliE TIIE K'AIS! IJ.ioks ml Silvonviiro (jiv, ti (iwny to unrcusli ciistoiners Agents for OLIVER CHILLED i'LO'Vy. Groceries, Hardware, Etc. Lnropst Stock nnd Riooost Assiutineiit to Oivgmi. Mail Orders Solicited. lie found in GO TO Job FOR ALL work, Ecpmiing nnd Furniture. Cti)l)onida Tnliles, Slands Buby r.uogiefj, Mouldings, .Minors nnd (.'urtiiiu Poles, Dirt'ct from the Etist Thenp for Cnsb. a v1, Agent For the La Grande NEXT ICOR TO MINOR BROS., to Marble Works. HEPPNER, OREGON E. Q. SLOrUM. E. II. bUM'UM. HEPPNEU FUllXITUHE Co., Dealers in and Manufacturers of ill Mi i hik j d Qmce Mm, Malti-esses, L.ounes, Wall Paper and Carpets. A FULL, LINE OF OASKRl'S AND BURIAL l?OBKS. TJNDERTAK- CJTS FECIAL INO A SPECIALTY. RATES ON PICTURE FRAMES. m Cull ill Leezer & Tl'i'iuimoti's for 11 free sample eiin nl folium & Htiitf ti-f I'h njle ieKe, tlie be8t niniiiifi etureil. Free from iteiils nntl itunrtiiiteeil not to irnm; egpeeiHllv Hilnpleil for eoi'- heel-i, henr iiiin nnd jonrioilR, dim 11 lirit cIuns rem I'd v lor mud fever, burns, bruises nuil eriiokeil lioofs, Columbia Brewery Depot, .AUG UST BTJC HLER, Of tlip ColnnilTJi Rrowory. at Thn D-illcn, wotiM inform tho citizn'ia nf "Morntw an'l nrrnu(t(l!r;ff countit-a Umt Im lui- li'H'tl fnt n -I iliii li. Nut-Mr tin City H'mvry in Hiptin r, ui.ii hue octuhlisliofi dupot nt tliu well known Bland, fin Ihu salu f the beHt Lager Beer and Porter, eitlior in the ko or b iltlpd, which he will b) plR-isptl to atipply custmiersin Riiy qiiiiutity wliolefulu mid retail. The Public, are invited foeallaml examine liin stock ivilli the (isHiu-anee that the; will pint it fi rst-class. IJte I he ll'-pjmer Depot mil be in charge of Mr. Dim Osiuers, who will cbee mm He hiipplv all orders. COFFIN & McFARLAND Ahviys "Inlifi 1 lie cuke" wlien it pomes to Imviiit; a complete shiek of Geneinl Meicliiiinlifje, nuiled to the wuii Ih nf this country. See Ihu Infest piitterns of Vo,,eii Dress (ioods in atripes, lai s ttnd suliJ colors nil sold nt prices to pleiise. I'iiiest line of LADIES BND mm SHOES 113 SLIP?E8S! Our slice ilepiutiuent cmitiof he excelled in style, quality nnd low prices. Ilund nnd Sewed shoes in Button, Con gress nnd Luce. Heuvy Urogitus nnd Bouts of till kinds. Hats and Caps, Woolen Underwear and HOSIERY. Blnnkets, Robes. Gloves, Mitlens, Trunks, Vulisep, Sew ing Machines, Guns, Pi.-tols, Wiillpttper, Doors, Windows m I Ghiss, FninU nnd Oils, Ifm ness nnd Saddles. Our Sun Jose, Cid , Saddles nre giving the best of satisfaction. AVe hnve u line assortment of sidesaddles mid others. Dtoves nuil linwnte. If yon need a cook t,"tl.. I, .(.'.. i .1 . I, I -i , ... )Mi..i ui-uuiig Biuve, iiou i tun to see these giods. Coiiimou lienting stoves blove, ur i-li iu nil range ck in sizes. And Ilnrrows, Clocks nnd Watches. Chop Feed, Seed Rye, Alfalfa and Timothy, Wheat, Barley nnd Oats. Blacksmith's coal, Sulphur, Lime and cSalt, Cedar Shin gles, Groceries nnd Hardware. Fem.iline Sheep Dip, something new. Guaranteed to cure the scab iu sheep or no pay. A call at our Establishment will prove Our claim of having the Largest stock, Greatest Variety, of goods, the best equipped store, combined with low pricesthatan bo found iu niiy other town in Oiegoi). To every purchaser of $25 worth of goods, W(, will give a fine U book. Orders from the country carefully nnd promptly filled. Country produce bought nnd sold. Agents for Christy & IViae. COFFIN & McFARLAND Tbe National Bank Building, Heppner, Oregou. UKI'PNKK, OltKUO.N, T. Y. AYERS, Jr., Proprietor, (SuecoBsor to A. D. Johnsim.) Fine Payette Nursery, TliiM-cnrono sidewalks nn I'ppor Main street rt tiidn 11 blin k ui the I'alnco lintel, which is not l.i kvepl iK whli mi riM id it Htnieture, or with ihe if . ..per oi pedes riiuiB. Tlie eoitncil should order walks u.ali ami Unit Ijilleut down, whk-h uriiHiiieiiiH oi.r I'pper.Maln street. MIsb Ada Kilenji, who lias been stoppi'ip nt Mr. J. M. liiiKer'a iur Bone two ueiks, liim re lumed to her ho. no, o.i III iton ereek, w here she huh railed ihronnh the Hiekness ol' her tuiitt, .MrB. Joe t-iH'kiiiau. ruK-iiMrruus are safk. IVisiniM Who A;p Alremly In INmscswion Tan licit) ill. From the Unify Chroniele. JnblAii.i 8 Or , MnrHi 0. Wl. Th inUi)in tniv of it teWtfrain from llio i Ion. Com , ti. J4 (.), whs reccivvii liv (Inn A -!wii vr, r.'t'intcr V , S lmnl Mioo at La lir unit' on the Tilt lust., Hint liv htm Mut (o the rouititnr ui Uh ntlioo: Wamunoton. 1). ('., Mundi 7.-3;3o p nt - 'ih t inptmn lihia'H nniv le ho- eel-toil u-liHit Pi-nleiiicnt is nlhw'd prim ru March 3, lH'JI, dale of apputval of iv peidiiitf not iT i ilnred m tune i ftor el llt'iufiit. Sigueil l.liis W. GK'KFt OoinmisHintier, This tiivoi nppliomts win hHp inmle HeUlotiunt nn or before Mmoh 3, 18)( tiinet days in whioh to ninke L). ti' This iIoch not npplv to IIih fuifoileil hunt's hioh urn md Mtihjnt tn pro emp tiou. John W. Lkww, Uinister. I.KXINUTON LOCALS. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Otllee at The Palles, Or., March 10, tS'H Nodee ia herehy on that the follow Ing na neil ueiiler lm nled noilce of hin intention iu make final proof li bu). port of hl elaim, and lhat mi id proof will he made helore the Frank ii. pnort , i . i oimnissioiier at LeliiKton, (.ir., on May I, iMd. l: .MAI! I II .V .1. rKM.AND, (widow of lie. try re.. land, deeeased.) Ihl. .ini, for tlie .h'4 t-ee 1 p. k '.' E, .she names tlie followlny wltinsseB to prove her eontiiiuo.iB rehidenee upon and etil.iwiiio.i ot Btiitl land, '.: Knben J. Hill, (Jeor.ne W. Sperry, Mrs. Kll n J. MeAllHier and Uituu Harnett, all of Lexington, Morrow lo., or. Jons V. Lwis, lli'.-i.'l. UeKiBter. OF PAYETTE, IDAHO. The Largest General Nursery stock in the Mountains. i or mi 1IW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Send for Catalogue and Price List. Address, PAYETTE NURSERY, Keeps a Full Liue of DniM, Chemicals. Patent, T,.;u - - -v..,. uv..., j. unci Articles, Albums, Etc., Etc. Domestic and Impaired Cigars Al ways in Stock. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COJU'OUNDED LAY OR NIGHT. School Books tf. School Books W. A. KIRK. J. 0. HAYES KIRK HAYES 13 DEALEHSIN Saddles, llfianess, Wliips, Smiv, ami every Conceivable Article kept in a Fiit Class Harness Shop. Pnyettp, Tilnho. iuhkI nil Kim,!. Spring With sprintf cuiiies tbe fnrliinl limisii . r .1 v ( .mk & C-J Inn lifiv mmi nn Hi't-me . 'V as I., hiin- peinl, mill I lie I i.ilein nf Niiiiurinl Hunk riltHD wen' Itllll'lv HMIr,-lr,l ty tr.-iisniy depiwilH. N'Hit!,,re m n 1 1 1" iliBir. reluxiutf iu ISTa 7i, Willi it'Cuvery fully The snow it 18 iiliiinst bere. tii'mpH. Mr. Frnuk (liirwin fume over from Se utile In lonk HI ter his IninolinrHSs riiuoh He nv times nre dull over tbere ne well ne liere. P. A. Tniter is Iwok from no enteiiil-il vii-u lo the vulley. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijiml Oltii'i'Rt x llranili', (ir., Murrh 4, lyil. Nmli-y la htTi'liy sti'en Unit the li'Uo.i in nniiiiil ut'iikT has nlvil nutli-e in litti inie.itio.i in imike tiiuil prooi t i supinti:! m lus i-lai u, ami thill mil'! priiol" ii 111 be iiiiuli' hi'iore the fitniuy Clerk ol Morrow County, ut llepuuer, oregmi, on April JO, 1KH. vl.: KUNE-iT Cl lTKIt, D. s. No. ,l(tt!,v (or the K'.. si.. XWi. s i. WV MV4 MV. , ip. 4, j. R, ;, j;. w. u Uo uanii'i the lotion ini: u ituossi'ii lo prove hu eomliinouit ri'Bliieuee upon iiml ciiltt Hiioii ol, said Laml, vi: KoUTt Maiteso'', Ceo. Griiv, J. W. I.i'ttlu. J. Ctinni't', all ol Uoppner, tuviton. A. CI.K IVPH, lllil.'l. KeiMMer. Kniiik H. Sunw, (1ninmissi"ner V S Clreint I'lutrt lit ln-xil'tlt"!!, O'., 18 Miiiinir z il I., receive fee for puhl iMlinu ol tiual ino)l. 4U tl. NOT1CK OK 1NTKNTIO.N. Ijitul Ollli'o at U (Iranile, Or., Feb. tl, 1S:U. Nolh'e in hereby ptven that the tolloiiiiiK nalnt'il i-ttli'r litia hUil no1ii-eo( his intention to make ttnal prool in support ot his eiaiin. anil that Willi prooi will he maile belore . K. KUib, Connniimioner I'. 8. cireuit Court, at Ueppner, Oregon, on March -, lxl. xU: KOllEtlT JOHNSON. 1. No. Hit, (or the SK1, See. J, Tp. '.' S, IS "7 E. W. M. He nanien the (nllowinii ii itnensi's to prove hid eo iiinuo.. ri'sute.iee iimui ami eol.i . a.ion oi, Haiti laiut, 1 : leiiranee Me Km ire. J. T. Tolls nnd A. Tlllanl. Li'iia. Oreyoa; J. J. I'oUB, Repp n-r. Orviro i. Ui ll. A. CLiAVuK. ilvl.ler. NOTICE OK INTENTION. l.nnil Ollieent l. lirninle. Or.. Feb. 11. ls:lt. Nolii-e in hereliy yi,en that the iollo'i i ijj nanieil letller has liU-H nolk'e of his 1 itentio'l to make tiual proni In toipport ot his elni n, ami that Kniil prool uill be tiui'le berore County Clerk oi Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon', on March ;lli, ls.il. lr. JUKI. C.11O0M, Ps. Will'., lor the S'.. stt See. 1, Vj NVi4 See. 1J. Tp. I S. K 27 K. w; V. M. lie nanies tire iollow iut: w itnesses to prove Ills oo-illiiuous reshteuee upon, anil iMitliatiou ol, anitl Intnl. vi: Aubiisi Hale, Thonws It. Miller. Willi.) Ml D'lil ean ami Jtiiui'S II. Ceuliuiil, all oi Heppner, ()r. A. Ci. : .v :, il:l-IH. liesister. SHEIUFF'S SALE. NOTICE 0? INTENTION. t. 9. I.nud Oillfo, Thi IhiUcs, Or., Fob. 11, '01. Notice t liorchy civon that ttip follnwiinr hhmumI settler li-m liKsl inticf oMiis i'lti'ntinn to Mm kf li'ial rnin in (umpnrt nihU i-ltii'it. jhhI ttu.t sni.l prom w ill lt iiKi.U' lit-fore Frnuk II, Sunw,. C. S, I'lvit'tiissi nor at Lt's.iuynHi, Ort'inm, on Mtiri-h 2 Ixu, i.; JOHN T. VcMIU.AN, .s.vS.Tp, l?s. R K. W. M. inif itMcsHi'i to pun f his upon mill cultiviition of Ps. T-X tor the NV He iitimcs t!u fnll eoMtiniioiis rt'aiiU'iu' snitl Imul, vi : William K. :riiott. W. Tl. MrAUstor. Cvrus Boon nd Krtiisom LiL-imllt'ii. all oi Loxiimton. Oregou. John W, l.wt-. 1 Yoit'm, O-i, Stkr Tit mniiii. .8 i Hie ("Win t Mni.il itli.''vo h t'liirul h.fM in IVtil M .11. ii' I,X'tH't'Hi. ' r.. on ; Mutoli 17 1S)1. Kv r-l-'ty invit. .1. Gon irnifl In.f) lM,-n ftiirny''tl I'oi Mi'-ocfusicn, i n"t n LT'ttfl liiiiM in imnurtd. Sn'Mi'-t m Mis. Suiiumcr't Uutei. 3H ilG. 1Y VIRTIT. OF AN FXKCfTlON T)VL Issued by the County Ck'rlt of the Conniv oi Monuiv, Mute of Oiet:oii, (triteil tlie 11th dnv ot r vliTi .iiry liVl, h (.'erttiin iiction in the etreuit lor saiil (.'u nity mul ,-tuip, wheri i the National Hank of llepp-ier, ur.. has recovered judgment anai iht E. K. ."v inbunie for tlie sum of Three Tho.maiid due Hundred I liirty-threeund Tiven-ty-iour One hundredths dollars ::. Jl), and eosth and diohtireeinenis tu ed at One and .Mxty ix one hundredths doliai'B Ul.oG). uu the luili day oi l-ebr.iary. Notice ia hereliy gi.en that I will cri Saturdav, the liih day oi ,.nri h, i.v.n, at the Front Door oi me to ir. no ise i i tieppuer, iu mini (.'ounty. at one o'clock l.i the after ntn of said dav xell at p dilie ai.e.io.i to ihe highest bidder for Wwh the lullo.vi n described piOHTly. lo-w it: &'2 ttf oi Ut No. 4, Block No. oi orif,d uil to n ot Hcppin-r. orero i; alsii Lits 10. u a id Uiu Itlock No. 1, iu boouey s HUtiiiion to tlie tow n of Hepp ner. ureijon, e cept l.o. eo uiueui'i.iat point on North It ie lot IJ, Hiock 1, Kooney's ad di.iou to the tow ti of Heppner. Orego n, t t) feet West iro n East li ie of section Township m ith oi bane -i East, W. on .-H-cifo i It ie. the ice South i-t feet, thence West UW feet. 1 he net Nor.h 1-' feet to North It.ie ot Lot 11. sa.ne adtii.iou, thence East to place of bciji mi iii. A 1 so a i,or lto by lm feet o it of tlie o itheas. eor icr oi Kdd Lot No. U, Block No. 1, Loo ey s adtii.tou liereuutre Hold. Also Iah v t ume ici . at a point on Section It r c feet Nor.h of the North. esi corner of Lot I. Mock l.i, ."tai.iibt'rry'8 addi ion to the town of Hcpp ier. Oregon; thence West lVMeet, thence : onh feel. the. ice East I'm feet, thence, ftvith , xS leet to ihe nlace of lM-Lri:i;iiu ti-.... 1 and leviiii uhh as the property of said E. K. i ibur e and to sutisiy the sai.I e .eeutio.i i i fa orof ihe National Hank ot Heppner against Mil E, K. w i b ir ie tor fi.l.r...'4. toaether with an cob s and disburse. lien. that have and uiav accrue it.ued at llepjmer, Or., Feb. 11, l.U. .Eo. N0I1I.E, ll-'-lh;. tlu-riil". linn IIIH III. t II I III .1 I I'M I I l Co to their etore for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. WnrrHnled for five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines and get cash prices. "ATN KTTCKF.T. - . HFPrKT?.OTFnW. G. B. H ATT. J. H. no.Mia. PltOPRIETOllS OF THE CITY BAliBER SHOP, In E. Minor's Buililinu.j These Oentlem-n are well kn.nv,, as hnviiia Mnstererl the Wnrinl .Art, ,,,,, of i,s I,prtt Features. Call on lliem for b Good Shave or Hair Cut. Splendid Bath Rooms in Conm MAN STKF.I.-T l- ........ .... S 9 , - - i,. .utnor s ciitiiiun;, etion. HKPPNEK. HEY! HEY ! ! COME ON ! Si "li On il e 7 b int., Joe Deal, a gut. to Ilk ite of Let ns (jo to Mat Liclitentbiil'g Exclusive Boot and Shoe Stor i.T our winter ...twear. Rp Imm II,. k.. c.i.:. . . .. . . ami shoe, tl.e FMM mski.,:.: . " ""..innnnii, lirtht h,,i bWt..oll.' F,,t,ear nm.t I I...., . 1 .. .L '' 'f 'n.lM r. I maHes. A SUi-h burKiiina us ymi fiu.l at f siunilanl iii.-isfn. quality ooumdereti, lo get MAT LICHTENTHAL'S, MAIN STKEET, . . . IIKPpr, QUEGOX.