1 if III-.-- Then Subscribe tor the DO YOU WANT " GAZETTE." THE WORTH OF YOUR MONEY ? Li EIGHTH YEAR. 1IE1TNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 12. 1891. NO. 416. reeBrand THE GAZETTE. OII8 PATTKHSUN Proprietor. V.tWl'Klt ClUWKOltD Bus. Mwimjer- A fiMt per yi'Hr, $1.2.1 for six months. 10.75 f ,ir t riH tu ns; in iiilviineu. If paid for at Din end of nix months, i.fio ti yeur will be churned. A0VEKTI8INQ RATES. t inoh, sinule column, per month $ 1 .K0 a 2 S0 H S 00 Vi .0 " ' ri.ou DOUBLE COLUUX. 2 inches $ 00 I 5.(0 column 8-5 y. 15.0(1 Iioenl nilveriisinir 10c per line, Each subse quent i:i-rliiiii UL Imlf rates. ofitoials. d,iv rnor Sec of Suite Treasurer But-t. InBtrncTinii .. . ... . Jmlire Seventh District.. rl. Peimnyer. ft W. Mcllrlde. . Phil MptTlian. . .K. i. McKlroy. J. I. Hird. ... W. U. Wili-on Umlriut Attorney. . MOltltOW COUNTY. Joint Senator Henry niyckman. lieiiresi'iitnl ive J ' ' I linmpson. I uuntyJuihre .JiihimKeuhly. ' CnmiinVsioiierH J. A. lhompBon, 11. U. Vuualin. riei-k I. W. Morrow. sheriff'. .,',',li":-,N:,l'l,e- " Treasurer J. W. Mutlimk. Assi-ssnr J- .1. ic(Jee. t-imejor -. B 'ne. - cWmol Sup't W l,.HnllM. t 'oroiier .fumes Duushertj. H UPPNKB TOWN OFFICKKS. Mnjoi , .....T.J- M;'k.- r .i.ii." i . V- furiisworih. I . M. JMInry. VV. ,T. McAt' e. S. P. (JurriBUes, in Morpin a..d Frank tiiliiuiu. ,,,.,.,7,.,,,,, ,.A. A. Huberts. iV-nsiue! , VJ1"'' SllU'sillll W- BECIiEI SCOIETIEE- llnru LmliW No. 20 K. of P. meet" hit. A-- en Tiie-dny itvi'iunK lit 7.3(11 61 2f h 1'pir l'a"" Kaii"""1 1,11 5'T;Sl ii R- Sojiminilwhp'ihern.iT ViStS?' vi'eil l.'Ullei ll. V. W. HtCBi X? W. li Saliko. K. of It. & A. en Tiie-dny itvi'iunK lit 7.S0 o ciocK tn it te mui. rHtiotini nun minu ter enriliHliv 11 -. ItYCHABn. ('. ti KAWLiNb post, N i.ai. o. a. ll. Meets nt Lexington. Or., the last rlnturdny of ach month. All veterans are invited to join. C.C. Boon. J, Willis. Adjutant. If Commander. CITIZEN'!) ALLIANCE. State Organior, J. I'. Iladlcy, of Hard man, Or. Address him at this place. r'lSO'ESSXOlT.A.Xj. A. A. HOllIIKTS. TJaI Ettatc, Insurance and Collection Office in COUNCIL CHAMBERS), Heppner, tf Oregon I. N. HUOWN, Attorney ut Law. J A3. D. HAMILTON. Brown & Hamilton Practice in all courts of the state. Insurance, Ul aetata ,llti ,n rL 111 I I'l'l im lt4. Prompt attention uiven to all business entrust ed to llii'in. OpponUe Gazette Office, Heppner. tf May Street Saloon! TIJTTEE& BATES. The Finest Liquors mid Citfrscnntnnll.v onlinnd Opposite Minor Bros., Mnj Si HEPrNER, - OBE(JON. First National Bank . OF IIErPNER, O. A. U1IEA. FUANK KKI.LO0O, President. Vice-President. George IF. Coiiser, Cashier. Transacts a Geuernl Banking Business EXCHANGE On all parts o! the world Bouoht and Sold, Collections made at nil points on Rea- nuvuUie lerm. Knri lus t rd Ti tlivtft d 1 1 fits, UW.CO N.VriONAI. 15ANK of H1ZLTX1ZK WM. PENLAXI). ED. It. BISHOP. ricslilent. Cnkliier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, COLLECTIONS Made ou Favorable Terms. LXCHANGU BOUGHT & SO 1.1) RF.PPNER. tf OREGON L. D. BOYED, C0NTR1CT0R AND BUILDER, Special Attention Given to estimates on an kinds of work. PROPRIETOR OF IIEITNER BRICK YARD Office Lower Main Street at A. M Gunu's resilience. ij-u. HEPPNER, OREGON. YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY NEWSPAPER OrMaeazlneYouWant AT THE GAZETTE SHOP.". XV. II- UTTER, TAILOR. OPPOSITE MINOltS HOTEL, UKrP;EB, OK work none in the liest manner, and price nit the times. GRANT COUNTY TRADE SOLICITED. UT'I IiK, Tte Ttilior. The Morrow Co. At all Stntiona on the And after Sept. 15th will ARMOUR'S PA'KIG Which they ship direct in car THE POSITIVE CURE. i ELY BKO'i'UliiO. M wht-1 THE OREGON LAND CO. with its Home Office at Salpm. Or., (in the Branch Offices 111 rortla d, Astoria ami Albany, has for ante a large lot of Grain. Stock and Fruit Farms, also City and Subuibau Property. THE OREGON LAND CO. Was specially organized for the viding large tracts of laud, and has, and subdivided over ozuu acres or lami into nve to twenty acre tracts. The success of this undertaking is showu in the fact tliHt out of 280 tracts of laud plac ed iu the market, 225 have been sold. We olnim Hint ten nored of oho'ce land in fruit will yield a larger inooms than 1W. acres in wheitt in tlie iMi6issippi valley. We also make valuable inipriiveiKeiita in the way of muds, fences, etc. We oati Bell a Bmiill tract of land for the same nav for a Inrite farm. Send for pamphlet, mnps and pr'oe list. D'rom Terminal or interior Pomta the it RAILROAD! Is tbe I'ua to take It is tbe DINING CAR ROUTE. It run Tbrougb VESTIBTJLED TRAINS EVERY PAY IN TUE YEAR TO (No Cbnugo of Oars; Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed, rt'LLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Lalesl Equipment TouristSleepingCars Best thai enn be constructed and in bicb accommodations are botb FREE and furnished (or blilr of First or Hecoud-Class Tickets, and Elegant Day Coachs. A Continuous Line oonneotinu'witb all Lines, affording Direct and Uuiuter rnpted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations canbe Secured m advance inrouyn any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS To and from all points iu America. Eng. land and Europe can lie purchased nt any Ticket Office of this Company. Fall information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTOX Assistant fienersl Psssencer Aaen A'o. 121 First St.. Cor. Washinaton, tf. PORTLASD UUEGOS WHEN YOU WANT Plrt-Cla kt T' C D TTT UlJiN 1 rLlLJlll That tbe best nlaee to et i is at tbe OAZETTB a. HOT. Heppner, : ; tf ; Oregon. Northern Panic JI PPHfifc Land & Trust Co. Heppuer Branch. supply the trade only with HOUSE SUPPLIES lots, at lowest wholesale prices. If fmmiw Bt, Now Vort Wcc eo cts.1 State Insurance Building), and purpose of buying nnd subdi during the past two years, bought price per acre aa yuu would Have ti QUICK TIME fo San Francisco and i ll points in Cali forniu via tbe Mount Shasta Route of tbe The Great Highway Through California To All Points East and South. The Scenic Route nf the Pacific Coast PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPEBrt. Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cabs at tached tn express trains, affording superior accommodations for second, class passengers. Fare from Portland to Sacramento and dan Fran cisco: tTnlinilteil 12 S Lliiiit.il Klint-t'lnss 20 " eeiud-CliU4H Id Duion Ticket Office No. 134. First St., Corner Alder, Purtlaud, Oregm. It. KOEHLEll. E. P. UOUEItS. t( Manaira". tt 1. r.ul PmH Depot, Fifth and I Streets. STAR RETT'S nun seedsi The Best Because Always Reliable. ESTABLISHED 1874. SPETAL PRICES TO MARKET GARDENERS. raSend for Catalogue for 1891.J Address, GEO. STARRETT, 411-423. Walla Walla, Wash. Hatt & Romig. City Barber Shop and Bath Rooms. a. Pickled PitfR Foot and fine Mariuirte Herring at una usiner . A fine lin of gold pens, pencils, etc., at Siocum joiinbtoD urug i. v. For White finh, ljike troat anri Salmon in balk uIbo Maekerftl und Hal men beiliPM in kitw. frtt U Lwzcr 4 TUouipou . tho leadiutf grocen ni lleuuner. a. H. ifluukman A. Co. have an Mel ;aivf nnnnnil MerrliHudn hu ts. Htocktrifn cHunot do btier t liHti pitTioi.izn 11. lilackmun 4 Co., of Heppner Pioneer Bri -k. a Tii't llttrnw Coanty Irfind & Trust Co. handle Armour pH-ktiK Kdt, Hiiviuit merctiantit the ir .iKht irom rurt'aua tu lleppuer, and on manv thiiiim much mum. n. FerHeveraiiCH. uluk ai d entmriw will mttke money in this wild, wild WVnt. hut it in of no avail uiitHtH vm net In a bHruMirm. in ttntt-itfur. eopeciBlly. io to Mat Liutuentlial's fur yjur barfiiiii in txxitsanu shoee. a. (Junttjiner aure and mnkft those el 'tlipfi larite. 1 wipt io put cm Um or nfti-ett ptmndii tilmrtli." Tnil'ir "Yn. air. 'lukinit a eouriw nf trentmeuti'" 'ustoniMr-"No. I'm ju'! ItRck fntiu my Taetion." Ifhebouirht tint clnthent H, Kuckiiiftu 4 ( tlntpii.t r-iure be would have no trouhln in 4- t-iim a t-t-H' fit. a. wnit voa want your hinen ahrd or wnon reAired, yu (irunt county people, dm't forget i'M. JTv". .1 .Jit -"r. : . eHr.i,M,i f furmlnre from the East. Buy tbein tor big bargains. $u V, SICK Torpid liver- For these complaints taka Simmons Liver Regulator. It keeps the btomacb clcarand previ nts any of the above poisons from Bottinsr in the system, or. if there already it will drive them out, no matter how strongly rooted or lcng-stamiinK. and you will again have good health and be happy. Have you a pain in the side, back or under the shoulder-blade ? It iu not rheu matism but dyspepsia. Tak Simmon Liver Regulator. Does your heart throb violontly after unusual exertion or excitement 1 It is not heart biseuso, but ludigestion. Take Simmons Liver Regulator. "As a matter of conceived duty to liumanity I Wish to bear my testimony to the uniailine virtues of Simmons Liver Regulator. If people could only know what a splendid medicine it is, there would be many a physician without a patient and many an interminable doctor's bill saved. I con lider it infallible in malarial infection. I had, for many years, been a perfect physical wreck from a combination of complaints, all the outgrowth of malaria in my system, and, even under the skillful hands of Dr. J. P. Jones, of this city, I had despaired of ever being a well woman again. .Simmons Liver Regulator was recommended to tie. I tried it; h helped me, ar.d it is the only t ling that ever did me any good. I persevered tn is use and I am now in perfect health. I know ywir medicine cured me and 1 always keep If as a Reliable 'stand by' in my fcimily." Mk. May Ut Camden, Ala. LITTLE EVER 0 NOT GRIPE, SICI'IH 6 A CONSTIPATE. Sue Cure for Sick Headache, and nil troub.etturtti g from digestion or Constipation 1 in proves the &itiiIiion hv I'liHfvinif iha Ittund. rhdnwean b nicely nHjunted to ru t th eats at n- pill enn nevur be tci Inr-e a 'lose. Ettpy to tHk as oo much lunar. 43 I'UIh put up In a Mrnv vial which can b- nrrtd m erttfiOKket. 1 flrii f Wrr In TravHi-ra and Itu.Inf -')len. Nna (irnnUr with ii'fri'rnl" Trurir Hurl. Su'd farrymktri; Sit. ft IwltJ ( to BtJDpf ifaitt ano urt-av iiocib lor la UMph DR. HARTEfJ'S IROW TO Win. V rt'HIKIFS the Bl.nnil; nKl;tI,ATrS Hit MVFRl lid KtDVRVS ftnri RKSTOItKRtli,. IIVIll I.ITATKD to IIKaLTII nnd VHKIHOLS STKKNDTX of VoutHF THE OR. HARTER MEDICINE GO. ST LOUIS. U& SETTLERS May now File or Make Final Proof AT I.EXIXGTON. IIKFOEE r HANK II. KMira, United states Conmlwiloiicr. He 1 nlo prepared to attend to all other btnlness relating to public londi In Morrow County. 410-tf. ibe mum mi. Votes Gathered By Those Who Are Progressive. VPPLICABLE TO OUR SECTION. Anil With a Vleiv of DeiielHtlns the Stockman Farmer, llortlcultorlut. Dairyman, Etc. W011T1I KNOWING. Lots of moisture, don't it? The days nf Inn vesting pickled pork nre iibnnt emled. Fine fruit, ton. Farmers smile when tliey think bnw nioe nnd wet Hie soil is. You'll get tbere, by nnd by. friend". A stib-ierilier wnnts to henr from our fnrmer friends s to tbe variety nf wheat beat ntbipled to Jlnrrow cinitny aud Eiistern Oregnu. EVE HAY vs SAGE BRUSH. In the f irm depnrtmentnf tbe Gazrttb if the 26th nit. is the follnwina item: "One nf my neighbors Buys be would mllier have sajje brimb tlmn rye liny. Will some sl.'Ck mini, who lias bad ex perieuce with rve hs n winter feed, give results in Gazette? Odsekvkb." The value of rye liny ns a winter feed for stuck depends priuoially on tbe soil it grows nn, where it is out nud tbe way it is taken care of. Ou rich, bottom land it wi 1 grow inim six to eight feet high, nud ia too coarse to bo of much value for feeding ; but wbeu grow n on bench lands, nnd is from three to five fi-et higli.it makes excellent feed for wintering 9took ou. ytock will eat it up cleaner than any other hay I have ever raised, except timothy. I have n milch cow that bs bud untbing but rye hey for tbe past two months, and she looks well, gives a good quantity nf milk; Hud her oalf, now two months old, is as fat ns a pig. I have a pure bred Fercherou stallion that I give what rye bay be will eat nud five or s x pounds of barley per day, nud be keeps iu good oondilion. I leed my oolls rje hay, four and ball pounds of barley and u few oarrots. They look well, nud are making u good gmwtb on this ration. Wbeu I first got these oolts up, I fed Ibem on baled barley buy that bud grown ou rah bottom laud. The oolls would pick this buy over uud leave nbout ball of it, so X would have to clean out their manger every few days, but I have uoi hud to cleau out tbeir manger since 1 uommeuoed feetling rye buy. The oolts have tnkeu this job off of my bauds. AXoHt fuimers let their hay get too ripe be fore outtiug they expeot to get bay and grain cnuiUued ; but tbis is whore the) muke tLe mintake. Nearly nil kinds of bay sbuuld be cut about tbe time it is iu Hie Uit blossom. It contains more digestible nutriment tbeu tbun at an) otber time, aud is a more bealtby feed for stock. When tbe seed begins to form, tunt which wus digestible uutriu..nt iu tbe stalk before, turns to woody fibre aud becomes indigestible, and is injuri ous to stuck. 1 huve no aunlysis of rye bay at bund, but 1 am iuoliued tu think ibat uheu it gets loo ripe it coutnius more woud fibre tbau any otber kiud ut bay. Hye buy bus saved the lives ol tbouiuiuds of dollars wortb nf stock in Griiiit county during tbe Inst decade. It there is any oue iu Morrow county nbo bus any rve bay be wishes to ex change tor sage blush, just bring it ovet here into (Jruut county. We bave u fine sage brush here us ever grew out ol dnois, but still we will "swap" it for u secoud oluss quality of rye buy. Farmers bliuold study the nature ol their soil, uud glow tbe kiud of buy beni adapted to it. JobKi'U l'UTNAM. niuuumeut, Or., March 2, '31. RHEA CHEEK JOTTINGS. Snow about eight inches deep. Mr. Pettys is still very low. He is not expected to live. Frenob Burroughs and li.lle son are on Ibe sick list. Mr. F. J. Allyo and Mr. Kelly are just recovering froui la grippe. Oscar Mitchell is feeding two oar loads of beef steers. He is ulsu feeding about four hundred beud of outtle fur Nate Cecil. K. C. Wills, tbe lone merchnnt, bus re covered from Lii receut illness, aud bus gnu. to Portland, accompanied by bis brother, from Nevada. Mrs. Rosa Jones and little son Ralph lire visiting relatives ou lower Rbeu creek Ibis week. Kiim. March 6, 1891. JOSH BIXLINU9 OUTDONE. Our reporter fouud the following post ed up inside the city limits: Notio Army pirson wishing to beye a black smith shop Can gat oue at Oregon I have a shop the size of the maiue bild - ing isTweunty 20x3j aud a shad on one side for would wnk one lot 51' by 109 lioundirilt feet on Maine street and tools fur iron k woould wirking I will sail the mice fur two bunderdt and fifty dolars t2M feather partioklats inquier at PENDLElON LETTER. Editor Gazette: The anniversary of the birthday of ray namesake, which is involved in some uncertainty as to tbe exact date, was celebrated in PendletOD on Monday even ing in a style befitting tbe occasion. A country onn bave but one father, and some have none at all; and yet again, many fathers have no country, and wouldn't if they could; benoe, all things considered, it is meet and eminently pa triotic that a country so paternally bless ed as these United Statts of America, nud a city s favored of tbe gods as Pen dletnn should oelebrate, witb feasting and dancing nnd merrymakings, the birth nf tbe "Father of His Country." And that's what we did. There were two uiapqiiernde balls, oue prize concert minus the prizes a banquet by tbe board nf trade, nud several minor festivities tn commemorate the event, nnd 1, as the only living represen'ative of the illnstri ons name, took in the whole program, ohampagne, etcetera, and the next morn ing my incorruptible ancestor's bat, nl the zenith of bis fume would have been too small for me. The diphtheria scare is ngain over, the Lord be praised, this time without any deaths occurring. Prompt action of tbi city nflioials confined 'he disease to tin one family, in which it originated, and all the patients are recovering. All day tbe snow, in great, feathery flakes, bus been Cuming down, ceaseless ly, heavily, until it is now piled lo the depth of about fourteen inches. Thit first snow of auy oonsequence that bus fallen this season, nnd those whose iu olinntions lead and pooketbooks peimit, are making the air merry witb the jangle and jiugle of sleigh bells. Sleighs of all eizes aud descriptions nud learns of all styles aud conditions are scud Jing along iu spite of the steady fulling of the snow. The Tribune, of tbis city, h again changed Lntids, for the fourth lime with in a year. It is said that Dr. Strange, the retiring eil.t r. it genial gen'leman and a good writer, will go to Oaksdale. Washington, to take charge of the paper there. His mauy friends wish him uu bounded success wherever be may go. Pendleton has not raised the subsidy required to secure the manufiioturiug enterprises. She will prububly not do so at nil, nud thus oue more opportunity of being something more than a seoond rute. country town, will puss ber by. Her citizens evidently believe in the scrip tural injunction, "Blessed be nothing." At uuy rule, they ate very, very slow. In recnguitiou of Senator Haley's ier. vices in trying lo secure "au open river'' for the iulaud empire, some of the Eiist ern Oregon newspapers nre booming that gentleman for congress from the uew dis trict created by tbe last apportionment law. Tbere is little doubt that be could get the nouiinatiou, if be wished it, and his woik us a state legislator, shows that ibe wants and rights of bis constituents would be attended to, if be were eleoted. But his party is not "iu it," ia Oregon- aud it is doubtful if he, or any other democrat, oould be elected. It is rumored that one of Pendleton's prominent attorneys Una tbe p le that will kuook the iittoruey-geuerulship per limiuon ntrthe limb. llotv much there is iu the rumor, your oorrespoudent oun not say; but it oomos from a rather re liable souroe, so the Gazette has it for what it is worth. At nuy rate, true or false, the office might go farther and fare worse. Tbe town is filling up with strangers, attruoted hither by the sale of the reser vation hinds. A great many are, or seem to be meu nf small means, that element which flock to plaoes where there ia a prospeot nf lively times, like buzzards iboiu a slaughter pen. Tbere are soures of men here who are dead broke, or the next door to it, and the police make a mighty harvest of those who bave no "visible menus of support." Tbe bad weather uuw setting in is bound to cause suffering among this olaas, who must go ou short rations nud sleep wherever night catches them. Of course, many of tbein are shiftless and no-account, but many of them are honest men, who would work if tbey could, aud these must suffer aloug with the unworthy. U id pity the pour, any way. They ought tu have a squurer deal in the next world thuu iu this. If tbey don't well, it will gn pretty roufcli with 'em, in tbe opinion of Ge iKoe W'AsuiNaroN, Ju. C0B03U HILL. I have just arrived in Cohosh, after spending some time iu convincing the court officials that it was all right iu any one admiuisteiing ou the estate of A. 15 Ilk. You see that when I bad it settled np the estate lucked tslj UU nt paying me fur my services, and wbeu tbe poor man died be was supposed to be worth Slo.OjO or t'iU.IXXJ, and they thought if I hud got awny with it, I oughttn divide. Well, we fixed it ull up, but don't you tell any F. A., nor one of Pink's deteotives, or tbero will be b to pay. The F. A- will want to jug me, and Pink man will want me to divide witb bim. He will take it all for bis Uinre. Well, Put, I will tell you of a fine go ' we have on the F. A. that the hayseeds huve orgaiiiz.nl here. We have got a man to go into it who will either boss to suit us or will ruiu it. That ia, will bave the milk or kiok Ibe pail over. We can't afford to have poor white trash ia puolic office, (uot it Ib.re is any pay in it.) The men nt Brains (with bg B) are the only ones fit for it. Some of the granger, ia tbe town of Defiauoe nre claim ng that the business men of Cohosh are some of tbe worst v. Mains in tbe county, but if w. had them ou our books, we would "bust" them in the next six months. There should be a law passed to prohibit any Grange stores-tbey ere unconstitutional J that is, we can't skiu them. Solomon was a wise man in his day. but if he was alive now, and would stop over night in the oitv of Cohosh, bs would be skinned nf both purse and olntbes ond g t fired out for a "chump." The retailing business is down to Bach i fine point that yon oan't find a abort tailed dog in tbe corporation. Well, I will go down to tbe depot and meet our senator and representative and tee ho.v much of a swag tbey got to make that wagon road from tbe Butter oreek coal mines, and to see whether I oan nave the rnnuing of that j b. If I am one of the committee, the state of Ore gon (that is, this part of it,) will run witb whiskey on election day. Then yon will see me get the hayseed. March 4, 1891. Lou. HOW If WAd. The following appeared io the Long Creek Engle of n recent date, under th. Jiiptinn of "A Citizen's View:" Editor Long Creek Eagle: I understand that seme time last week mme parties in Long Creek banged State Senator Blaokman in effigy, because (he Hill had failed to pass in the senate giv ing Graut county the right to vote on the re-looution of the oouuty-seat. All my interests, ull my sympathies, all my friends have been and are in Long Creek. Long Creek, "witb all her faults, I love ber still." But I must con fess that iu sh,.me I bave to admit my dleginnoe to Long Creek, after th. hang ing iu effigy of Senator Blaokman. No sessiou of the state legislature ever saw "Old Grant" Detter represented, both in the senate aud tbe house, than th. last. No state Beuator or representative from Graut ever did more for their con- itituenoy than Blaokman and Duatin. Blaokman and Dustin bave doue more for Grant oouuty in one session than baa been doue for ber siuce she was a county of rhe state of Oregon. Tbe promises of in ternal improvements is to be greater this year tbau all years of her past history combined, aud tor this oonditiou iu th. main is the Hon. Henry Blackman re sponsible. In tbe Inst legislature, no one worked harder aud more zealously for tbeir con stituents than did tbe Hon. Henry Black man. The records of tlie last legislature will oonfirm tbis statement. But it is mid that he failed to pass the re-location bill iu the senate, when it had passed tbe bouse. As to whether or not be would have supported tbe bill, I know not. Ouly thin, know, nud throw down th. gauntlet for denial, that at the time tbe bill fur re-location ourae np, Mr. Black man was ou a sick bed, and his life hung in the baluuce. I further make tbe as sertion that though Senator Blaokman bud used every effort iu his power to carry tbe bill, still it would have been beyond bis rower and unavailing to have it enacted, as it was luoidly understood by tbe eeuute that no new counties should be created, and uo bills for the re location of connty seats should pass, and tbe legislature of the past session confirms this view. No one has a guar antee of bis health or life, and Seuator Blaokman was no exception to tbe rale. I submit to all eveu-miuded men of Grant oounty that Sou u tor Blaokman did all in bis power for bis constituents, aud I may say, more than was expected of him. The oitizens of Grant county ought to have received him hack iu pride aud n j lioing. Iu tbe senate he stood in tbe first rank. He ought to be the glory and ornament of any constituency, and we prediot that in less than a year tbe ephemeral prejudice against Senator Blackmail will have passed away, and the same men w ho banged him in effigy will look on tbeir notions io shame nod regret, and look nn him ns aa able and influential legislator, to whom tbey will look for future favors, and not look in vain. S. S. Dennimo. REPEALED. Land offices have received the follow ing telegram from Com. Gruff, of th. general laud office: "Timberoulture and pre-emption laws this day repeuled. Al low no further eut.ies thereunder in claims hereafter initiated. My wife cured of malaria by Simmons Liver Itcgulatnr. J. N. Thompson, Pas tor M. E. Church. Leigh, Neb. A GREAT SEED FARM. . Sir I'liiiiLiP Miller, the great English borticnlturi-t, writing iu 1740 says: " The best method to huve cabbages good is to procure fresh seed from abroad every year, for it is apt tn degeuerate in Eng land iu n few years." The above is a simple illustration of Ibe fact that the best seeds will rapidly degeuerute u:uler unfavorable oonditious. Tbe wise will take heed, therefore, and buy tbeir seeds of D. M. Ferry & Co., Detroit, Michigan, whose world wide reputation as the best and m jst hsliabls. as well as tbe most ixtinsivk seed grow ers aud dealers, is due to the fact that they take advantage of every oiroum stauce of climate, soil, methods of cul ture, selection of seed-plants, etc, to pro nurti the best possib e seeds aud keep them np fo that high standard. Mend nnr uame to the firm's address, and you will receive a oupy of tbeir U& Annual for 1SU1, fre.