THATS' iT. CURES RiEWISW!. 18 Hill Street, feuu Francisco, CaJL, April 21, 1890. "Having ba b re ly mil it ttil wihi rlitu mai'sm, i..y im.tlicr oiid daughter with son- throat, we liuvp, t yt'icmcjnJKt Jacob 0,1,1-ccn cured." LoCii I;uut"S. PAIN, CURES IV3&URALGEA. EUcnvillo, N. Y., Jan. 0, U90. "T FiitTercd with neuralgia, boiiRht a boiUo of f-'t. .hu.nb.-i Oiland tjin recovered. I iruuU."! a sprained ttiiklu Willi uuic results."' i ii'w. M. Van Gordhr. CURES SC5AT8CA. Baltimore, lid., Dec. 10, lft'D. I BiifTcrcd ft 1 nfj tirao wi h Friaticpn nshl tliu; fiunl in roliil' til 1 Si. Jacobs Oil, wufcu Cviinplcti-ly . "red m. i has. A. I' ALSO CURE3 Promptly and Permanently LUMBAGO, SPRAOKIS, ESTABLISHED IN 1S77. Wyandoftes, Plymouth Hooks. Lit'lit VpiiiiiiIis, Hose and Snmle Comb Brown Leiihorns, Fotrid".e Cochins, Hoinhins and S.l verSpnii"lid llanihit us. 1.000 YOUNG FOWLS Heady (or Delivery. BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR CHOICE SELEdlONS. 0iy Fowls Hav8 no Sogrior. In America, and arc the best on this cast by a ureal dilTerence. I ODAKANT E KATISFAt TION TO KVEItY CUSTOM EH. Bend Tor Uutnii mm. Addrpss J. M. UAKUISON, Box 03. iTim.3:i(i. Forest drove, Or L. SIIEPHARD, FOX, OREGON. All nrdors promptly attetuled to. Prices to suit fho 'rimes. STOCKRAISF.R! HKIM'NKH OltKOON. Cntt in tii iimli'iliuHl finr mrki(I iimhIiowii hImivh. Hom'K I' tin nlil Klmiiliicr. Our entile nuie in Mormw, nml UmalillH Oonnlieri. I will .y ftHHMHI rewiinl for tlie nrrt'st tun! diHtvietiiiii f tiny pernou oti'itluiK my tock. 'rmo imo:viici JeweliyEMisM 3s-OP- Jta.OBorGr Still Continues to Sell watches, : '::r-: oijOOics, O BW ELiIlY, ETC.. At the Lowest Possible Prices. A largo stock of Gold Pens, Anna thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Go d and Silver Watches Always A Full Line of TVXCJWXCVIj IKTHT1T.U- litis been added to his laruo anil well selecled slock. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL WorK Ginrnutoocl. 8TUIIKuipmile Minor. l)mlnli .V M"y Ml. Ilupiiuei', -lf OrcBoii ARTHUR SMITH, IMiACTlCAIi WATCHMAKER ! Opposite Gazette OIHce, HEPPNF.U, : : OREGON. Watches, Clocks, A .N 1 Vi)tlCiU S . 1 1 - 1 , Creat Remedy S. P. FL011ENCE WiiU'hi-n Cli'inioit, JI.W, Maiunpriiittn Fitted - il.W. All work quaranistl fur one vir. tf .. .! I. I , fflJMll IJIJ.I M Tli farmer smih'ih? BUCKLIN'S AKXICA SALVE. The B i Salvo in ilit world fur Cuts bruises. Horcs. Ulcers. Salt Klieum, Fiver Sores, Teller, Chapped Hand", tlliiJ IilniriH. Crn, nml nil Skin Kruntious. a id positively cures Piles, or tin p'ly re. : qilireu. 11 in griiarail lecu 10 Kive prrit-i-i satisfaction, or money refunded. Prifle 25 cents per box. For sale hy T. AyerH, Jr. Nov 14. '0. .1. A. Ely, i ( S niille, whh in attendance h! the Hie toucher's tXHiiiination, belli in Heppner lust week. TWENTY DuiXAk UOLD PIECES. Mrs. J.'lin Curtis, of Peoria, III., writes: "Used one In x "f Osae Pill pievioiis to my 8-eoiiit confinement; they winked Jtke a oliHrtn. Would pui i20 Tor h box nit!, cr than do without tliein, us itiey Irive proved i Godsend to me." Write Osat'e Medicine company, Wichita, Kus., fir particulars, and their hook to wives, mailed tree, hold by drnuists. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Heppner Ote Kon. 3!)8-l r. Word came in Saturday ninminu an. nouiiciio; Hie ill ath of Mrs. Al. S. Dris kell, o( Clark's Canyon. TO CONSU ill'lTVES, The undersigned having bpen restored o hi allli by ciniple means, after suffer. hut for several ) ears Willi severe Iihik itil'. ciion, and dread disease cnn sumption, is anxious to make known to Ins tellow BiiU.'te'S the means or cure. To those who desire it, lie will oheer fully send (tree of charge) a. copy of lb -prescription used, vihicii they will tiud a sure eiire for cotisnnip'ion, asthma, catnrrii, bronchitis and all throat and liihi.' maladies, lie hopes all Hulferers w ill try Ids remedy, as it is invaluable. Those dcHirint; the prescription, which will cost tin m noihiiiK, and may prove n blessing, will please address Kev. Ed waud A. Wilson, WilliataabiHi!. Kmus County, New York. 4UU-302. What jndife "ill act for Morion cuuutj at the comiiii! term of c nirt? HEMAltltAliLE KESCUE. Mrs. Michael Curtain, l'lninlield, III., makes tlie statement that she CiiukIu cold, which settled on her Iiiii(.'b; she whs tipiited for n month by her family physician, hut tfrew worse. Ho told her she wus a hiiu:ten victim of uohhuiHj. tiim and that no medicine could chip her. Her driitfijist suunested Dr. Kinu's New Discovery for Consumption; she boii'dit a bottle and to her ilchuht found herself beiiehtled from the first dose. She cnutiuued iis use and alter lakinu tell bott les, found herself Bound and well, now does her own housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery nt T. W. Ayeis' Dru Store; htre bottleb 5Ui). mid 1.UU. 2 From ll VirKlnla paper It is learned thill O A Swinney is posim ister at Dell, Urnynn Co., Va., ii place more or less familiar to some of our readers. The writer bus "bearu lll" of such n place himself. EUPEPSY. This is what yon ous,dit to have, in 1 fact, you must have it, to fully ei joj Hie. I'hoiis in U are No.irchiiiK for it dal ly, and iiioiirtiiuif because they Hud It not. Thousands upon tlioiisainlii or Hol lars are spent annually by our people in l Im hope mat they may ulltini llns boon And yet it may he h id by all. We uuar antee that Eh ctiie liitters,if used accord ing to diieulions and the use persisted in, w II Iniutf you u 1 digestion anil onsl tlie demon. Dyspepsia, and install instead Eupepsy. We recommend Eleu trie Liilters t or Dy ipepsia and all dis eases of Liver, Siomach mid Kidnpys. Sold at 5.1c and lfl.00 per bottle by 1 . W'. Ayeis.Jr. Newt. Grilli.ii mmuowu Iroin his sheep camp Sunday, nud is not scared yet ovei prosptcis. IllUliAKD'S UHEUMAl'IC AND L1VEH 1TLLS. These Pills are scientitically compoun ded, and uniform in ailion. No Kripinj; pain so cotiiiiiouly follo.iini' Ihe use ,u Pills. They ale adapted to both adults mid children with perfect safety. We k'uaiaiitec liny have no qual In the cure of Sick Hisadauuu, Const ipntion, Dyspep sin mid liiliiiiisiiess; ami, us mi appetizer. I hey excel any oihtr piepiiratiou. Our leponer nolicid Barnoy Da eh eriy, of lJnlter creek, m town last S itur day, who n pints evcryhody (veiliUK in that vicinity. WE CAN AND 1)0 Guarantee Dr. Acker's Wood Elixir, foi it has been fully demons! rated tu flu people nf tliis country that it is superior In all olhiir preparations for blood dis eases. Ills a i silive cure for Byphililic iioisoiiinti, nil', is, eruptions anil pimples It niiritics l lie whole sjHleni a ud llior oiikIiIv luiilds up Ihe coi sliliilinii. Sold hy Slociiin Johuslon Dniu Co. Fred Wihiiiiilh leluiiied from tl:e up per country some tune hko, ami l" work uiK lor Nolsi Jones, out nt the Sherman laiich. IS LIFE WOKTII LIVING? Not it you (jo thniiiuh life a dyspeptic Dr. Acker's Dyspcpsu Tablets are a o ilive cine lor ihe worst forms of Dyspipiin, Indigestion. Fhiluieiicy ami Coiisiip.ilioii Giiaran.eed and sold by the Sliiuuiii-,, diinton Druu Co. '1 he edilor enjoys a trip to Lonil Creek because he mccls so lminy uood iieoph lliere. And he also ku iws Hint he will net to slop over wild L 01 8 lliulsell, lln ever iici'tiiniiiiidalinij host of the hotel at Moiiitiuciit. GOD'S L1LES,-1NG TO HUMANITY -So siijs ail Oregon pioneer niuet years old. FouKsT linovR, Or., March 10.- I have nseil the OliEtiO.M K1DNKV EA nml uliliinied luiiiieiliaie leln f. It Is God' lilessinn to Immunity. I take pleasim in lecouiiiieiidinii it to the idlticted. 1 am now neiu ly iniiely years old, catu to Oreiiou in 1S-1J in ihe employ of tlie Hudson's It iy U puny, and since I be- van iisiiiv lheOKEGt)N K1DNEV 1 EA I enjoy unod bealtli. Daviu Mu.Niiou. Geo. Lu'reh is the boss of the ouliuery dcpaltllit lit down ill lieeney's. CATAUlill CANT BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they ciiiiiuit leach the sent i f the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or ooimlitutiouiil di-ease, and in order to cure it yyo have lo take internal remedies. Hall'e Cnlii'i h cure is taken intern illy, ami ncis dreclly on Ihe blood end ill noons suifaoes. Hub's Caiiurb cure is 110 quack medicine. It whs prescribed by one id the nest physicians in this country for ears, and is 11 regular pn seription It is iiiiiiiiosed of the best tonics kuoan. ' com Lined wiih tlie best liloo.l pniitiers. 1 nciing diiectlv 1 11 Ihe 111. icons unlaces Tim neilVct Coiiibinaiion o( Ihe I wo 1 j ingre bents, isw hai produces such won I iierfiit ii'snlts in curing caturiu. Send I for It B' hee. F. J. CHENEYi CO., Pi ops., Toledo, 0. buld by drugoists, price 76o. LEXm ION LOCALS. K"cr thin" quiet in Ibis burg. Good eleiKhiiig, itli enow about six inches deep. Tbe O A. R. belt nrj "all day" (essioti Hgt Saturday The favorite amusement is o lustini: on the hill north of town. Wilb prpsent prospects, the ioe orop will be short this year. R J. Hill has been nndpr the wenther for til" last week, but is some better uow and is able to be out. R. II. Wliilson was at Arl:ni;hin three or four days last week on business. lion. J. C. Tlrimpson letnrueJ from tbe state oupitol yesterday. The Women's Relief Corps had an pn tprlHinmPi't lit the church last Fiiday uil t, which proved a success. A protracted meeting; is being beld at the Congregational ohurili, and is con ducted by Rev. Mr. Roberts from Tbe Dalles, Or. C W. R dd completed his term of soliool last Friday. He taif.'lit in the Thomson district u term of four mouths. The Lexington Cornet Bind held ils regular nieelititf last Monday eveuiuu to elect officers for the ensuing year. The following oflicers were chosen: W. J. Davis, president; E. D. P-dmer vice president; N. A. Lench, secretary; W. F. Barnett, treasurer; C. A. Hudson, bund leader: J. L. Gibson, assistant leader; Carl Br-ach, janitor. The band will uive A grand ball oil March 17, at Penhind's Hall. Ke.ideh. Lexington, Or , Feb. 24. "Jl. FACTS WORTH KNOWING. In all diseases of the nasal mucous tnprthrane the reni'dy used must he non-irritnliiu?. 'The medical profession has been slow to lea. n Ibis. Noihiiu; satisfactory can bb accomplished with douches, Minlls, powders or syri.iges opc.iuse they are all irritatnm; do not tho'ongbly reaou the afrected surfaces and should he abandoned as worse ih in failures. A multitude of persons who bid for years boru all the worry and pain i hat Catarrh can intlict testify o radical cures wrouuht hy Ely's Crenm Baliu ARLINGTON N01ES. From the Advocate. J. J. MeGee assessor of Morrow coun ty, stopped in town a few days this week on bis way home after a couple of weeks spent in The Dalles laud oflioe preparing plats and maps to assist him in assessing his conuiv. The editor of a nper published in Jef ferson county. Ph., has been electeJ to the legislature, and he observes: ''We shall eudeavor to avoid the pitfalls of tin, iitiil our constant pr yer w ill be. 'Lord preserve us from the big head,' which of all maladies is the worst.'' A man n it far from beie sold his son in law one half of a cow and then refused u divide the milk, maintaining that be sold only 'be front half. The son in law was also required to provide all the feed i he cow consumed, and compelled to carry water to ber three times a day. Ueoently the o iw hooked the old man, old now be is suuiug his fou-iu-law for damages. Five tramps broke into Bl ilock& Mar iner's store at lilalock last Monday night and again on Wednesday night, the sec. olid time stealing u large nssorineut of ieiierat merchandise, besides robbing the U. S. mail, the postofUce being in the store. They were unested Friday morn ing in the Garretsou bouse, two miles he low Arlington, hy city inui'slml Keeuey with the itoleD property in tlir ir posses sion Their examination takes place this afternoou b. fore justice Ehi. "THE JERSEY LILLY." Anoi.E8I!a CoTTAai:. L. B., July 2. Gentlemen: Although it is verv usual for me to use any lotio.i.s or washes, still, in answer to your reqnset, I have tried Wisdom's Violet Cream and Rohertiiie. The former 1 consider es peoinlly ellicacious in cases of roughness f the skin, and I have been using -t every day for the hist fortnight, I have found Ihe Underline an excelleiit pre par ition in cases of tan. sunburn, etc., caused hy exposure lo March winds and a July sun. lours faithfully, Lti.i,iii Lanuthv. To Messrs. Wisdom & Co. WANTS INFORMATION. Allen's Ranch, Feb. 22, 1891. EuiTon Gazette: There is a great difference in Ihe opinion of us ignorant farmers in Ibis part of Morrow county, in regard to the banking business Some ay that the National banking system is only a thieving plan, oivicooted by those high in power, to rob Ihe poor granger and till the pockets of the already rich, while otheiB seem to think that they are -stiiblished in the interest of all iilikp and of great utility and convenience. I have not met ivith any one that seems to know just what kind of bonds the Danker invests his money in to start a bunk. Seme think lliey go into ihe 111 iikel nml buy bonds that are .H int lb it were issued years ago -bouds that are in the bandt of individuals, or my np having them. Some say lams. is invest their money in the same bonds 1 hut have been r. deemed, wh le others I as well as Ihe most exikssive seed kru . . 1 - 1 , ,'is nnd de, Iters is due to the fact thai h,ok the government makes special ; ,,, r ,, ry oirilnl bonds as the bankers want them. 'i Lm(,f f climate, soil, tnelhods of cul see, some of U9 are wrong, i.ud perhaps nire, selection of seed-phiuls. etc., to pro. M 'cure the best poss.h e seeds mid keep Thinking yon would be willing b. se. : Zt address, us right through tbe oolunins f your I Hm ill( w(n ,.,.(.Hive 0opy 0 : tlx ir Seed paper, hence this letter. If yon think it 1 Anuiuil fur IStll, free. best, print the Hbove and then give nsj m , . tlie modm o;.ei'iiufi of starting 11 b ink. j j-q.1 SALE ! Ore tiling more. Some seem to think that tbe government loans the money A sheen ranch and range on . . .... .i,! Snake river, iu Idaho. For further par- irmu ,ue goieruiiieui ..c..-..., bankers without interest. Tell us the fuels iu the case, and I am autistic! yon will oonfer quite a favor ou many nf your subscribers. IV Allen. Simmons Liver Regulator i the foe of mnliiriii as l ilnows 1 II ihe bile and pie- vents its iieciiinillHling W. S. Biihlwin, miiiuiLPr of (be Aphro m . 1. I-...'- , l,.iiU inil 11 New Yoik Cilv. was iu Heppner last preemptions! conilnuted ll .ni. sleads . week. Mr. Hi'ddwin 1)" Iraveled ner ! honld apply for a rebate tl,rn..l, b rank , the greater pint of Ihe UuiUd States iutll Suuw, at Lexington Ue ui-kes no Ui mtarest uf hi. firm. ohurgea uuloss Bucoessf ul. 410 ' MOKE LAND SLUSH. Filing Cminiii In- Itrrrirrd Itpfnre April (llti. j New Notice Published. ! I 8mee tbst lust ih of the fUzETrn. it j lias been noticed that the date of tiling on the f .rl'-ited Umb is deferred from Mmcli 17. 1S9I. to April 6, 1S9I. This it owing to an error in the tirst notices published by our laud nllices. In J-1 ;,, ! ntr-t. nml nn n-.w reirn lutly dition to the nonces published in Ihe j receiving new goods and will make cus last issue of Hie Oazhtie, Ihe following torn niiiiie punts rum $7 K. 15- best has been appended: -The ,-latenie,,. in j regard to instruct ions of February 3 lf j reslrictr cting Hie forfeited lauds of the Northern P.icidc tinilroad grant to home stead entry only was a consti uction of the si oond section of the act of ppteiii bei 29, 1.S9J. The hinds lire- subject to disposal us otherwise provided in said act in nocordance with instructions in circu ar of January 3, 1891, issued there under. In iiotioe of r'slor'ng under instruc tions of February 31, include a notice to prior applicants that their applications conferrel upon them no rights, and that when Ihe restoration takes effect nil ibe lands will be open to entry under the for feiture net, without regard to such lip plications, which shall be htld rejected by said notice." These binds will be open to entry on uud alter Monday, April G, 1891. HOW'S THIS! We rfiW One Humlrptl DulliirR Kwnrd for ii i y nf Giitiin Ii Dial ctm not lie cureH hv rnkinu' U'lli's ('.ilrrb Onn. 1 J. OHKNEYvt C O. IVnpH , hilnKO. We, the tiinIerHiynftl, have knn J Cheney for the last 15 mr.i, timl hcliev him pMiiVcMy htiiinnt)H in all l-usifit-s tninsii(!liiiiH, unil Hii;inci;i!ly able lor-iiiy nut any ob'i',.'"""1 until' hy their (inn West I'i Truax, Whult siilu DruL'Kis'H, T led", Ohio. Wtihlin. Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale DiuuuiHtri, Toleito, Ohio. HiiII'h Oiihu i h Cur is tnlten internally, fieii"K dirfCtly upu the hi not! nml ntuouiiH HiirFiiei'S . f Hih hvs hiii Priti", 75o. per. hut'ln. S'kl hy nil Diii'Uts The Bntrer rreek (5iat prospectors rt' liu.nnii i'Upplieu herr, which (ht-y cliiim to bJ stiviny money on, its compared wit PemJIehni, luul besides it is uuiich nearer. WIIAI' THE PAI'lLlW SAY. CONSOLATION I'liOM THE VAI.tEV. From the fe'iileni .Stiitesiiain. At Ihe uiee'ing of the next legislature, that 5 per cent, fund for "internal im. provemetits" w ill amount to if 1 50,0! 0 to &2U0.0o0, or perhaps even more. Now that llie wa 'on roud men have heir eyes on this, they will be here in 1H93 in full force. In th.) null ing counties, where wagon roads are needed, tbe mail, qnali ficitliun for a legislative candidate will he his supp-sed ability for securing road money. TWO TO MAKE A BARGAIN. From an E ii'hiiage. The Maiqais of Lorne laughs at the idea that Canadians are coin ting recip rocity because they prefer the slurs and stripes. Wei', suppose not. Reciprocity in I mile and annexation urn very diffii' ent iilfa'rs. And then, when it i-oiues to the stars nud stripes, it takes two to make a bargain.! Ton. From the Pendleton Trilmne. We have been boasting about our beautiful ne.'er-euding Bummer climate ill Pendleton all winter until wo have perhaps aroused a spirit of indignation against us with the chief of the weather bureau, and he has turned on the snow beau an Oh! Where did that snow bull come from? The Orogoniaii bus Ihe largest circu l.i I i i m i of any dailv, Sunday or weekly paper a est of the Ricky Mountains, and in order to fiiither increase its circula tion they have selected with great oare. a large list of valuable books mil other useful tirlii'bs. and are offering them as premiums to each new subscriber, to any of ils si'veriil is-niHR for yearly subscrip tions. The Cb'efoiiiimshoul I be in every household. Send for premium list t-i lb Ori'foimu Publishing Co., orilnnd. Oregon. 4(1941(5. duel) and colds kept, off hy taking Simmons Liver Rrgulator to regulate the si stem. Advertise in your homo papers. An enterprising publisher puts all the gain into his plant, or in some other enter piise. lu the end the business poilion of the community are Ihe gainers, both directly and indirectly. Th s. Qiiaid returned last Wednesday from Long Creek where he had been to liny sneep or nam rainier, mr u nun . .1 , . hiniL's back uoinl renorts from the tie. public. hioh sooner or later ill lead all the towns of Grant County 111 general prosperity. Hon. Joe Thomas arrived at IL ppiipi last Thnisday, after nil absence from these Vre purls for some mouths. He has spent most of tlietimeiu Fori Worth, 'Texas, and will likely rclnrn there nex summer or fall. He repoi ls"hard times" down Iheie Ihe universal cry. A GREAT SEED FARM. Sin ' ItiLLIP Mill. nil, the creat Enclish Inn ticiiltii' i t. writ. ng in 1740 says: "The best method lo have cabbages good 18 to piociue fiesh seed from abroad every year, for it is apt to degeuernle iu Eug 1 ,inl in a few years." 'Ihe above is a simple illustration of ihe fact that tin' best seeds will rapidly degenerate under Unfavorable conditions Tlie wise will take heed, therefore, and bnv their seeds i f D. M. Ferry & Co., Detroit. Miehiiron. whose vmrl I wide rt.i,iiintiou as the nssr mil m st 111:1. iadlk ... :..,, the Gazelte utTice. ' ' 413-tf. FOR RENT OR SALE. One hundred and sn'y ncres of bunch grass, uiceiv siluiited. Call at Gazette ollice. ' Ji.lf. FOR SETTLERS. . , . . 'i .si, m r... ti...:.! Se ers who nave nam Hi", 00 Fun SAL ' Tb Bvrno and McCullonifb idaep. nn Willow cn-ek, 10 null ahove Heinier For terms, apply im ner-on or bv l.'llpr, to Frank Byrne, Fossil, Od iam poiint.v, Oreifon. 410 tf. lAII.OIIIM. I have opened awell appointed tailor ing estii'ibshiMPiit in tnv new build """"" ' mamc. aa A. An'iHASisii K. Special forms' in leiral blanks printed to order nt the Gazbttb ollice. ' None but the best h'L'll blank leip-r lis-d A fill- line of b'unks I'm' ju-iices. etc, is kept in s'ock. ar prices as low as Salem. Poilhiud or I'euiiletou. end lu your or ers. May Street Saloon! TUTTLE ii- BATES. X The Finest Liquors "ml Ciioirscniiitnnlly onhaiid Opposite Minor Bros , M iy St HEPPNER. - OlUiliON. STAIIUETT'S HUH SEEDS! The Best Ikcause Always Reliable. -ESTABLISHED 1871. SPE IAL mm TO MIRKET GA'.DENERSL tF"Scnd Tor dialogue for 1H91..3 Address, GEO. STAR RETT, 411423. Wnll Walla, Wash. - THE- UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. "Overland Route." TICKETS all Principal Points in the United Stin es, Canada audEurupe. I'LEGANT NEW 1)1X1X0 CARSs Pullman Palace Sleepers, FREE COLONIST SLEEPING CARS i I-. . . u n I? Tmiino frt Hun I hrjuyhon all Express Trams to eOMAHA,. Oottnoil ISlt,xffs ICA.TiXSyV.iS CITY Without Change. Close Connection at Portland for f .in Francisco and Piigct Sound Points. A L, L 1 1 ION ST KAMCliS Leave Portland for Sun Francisco every four (4) days, making the trip iu (it) hours. C'afiiri, $10. Steerage HS.0U Bound Trip Unlimited, J0,00. For further particulars inquire of any agent of the company. T. IF. LF.K, ;. MF.T.UN, G. P & T. A. General Traffic Manaaer tf. FOHTHE cure of IVITALLY WEIK). M.i. Iustiit:ss oi study; wure liul I AliK Vlt ltl lO M HMil ivirun i.c.n I. i o si lev n is i.m, i i i., ;,;,Ty, i.oisi.sui, 1.11:1.1 1,11 1 jnii. in.i; aii .I nioi;ij,,iiiili Impaired niil w-fakeiicil pi'i'imitiii'.dy in npi't nticniuL' ol.l nge. WKEH WE SAYCyRESttiiiSnS ,n m:niy tlinn-.-iinl cusi'rt ircalcd uil'l curfit In ntf-t In cl p y cnr. A-piliii'iirp ot mil' I: if n in frnf, JiaiT19 Tli.JI ntoii. yti'iii? or ld. siufciiite from ttile prcnl.'ut irn ii Me pIupiiM Fi'tid iln'ir ml i !(- - oin' inn turnl-n I piestioin tn lie nu-i. '-I. t'ntl fti m:iy lit.nv tlie true -nin!ii Ion j if ieli r,i.,l l-l .I-C- Sllfllh illf IS Clii'Cl (l lU'OMlit f lilt. Loftitcd" in New Vrk itifi-r 1 inv rt I.rui.s). we offer ill a flritice :o h" ri:ii"l t-.- ( lir- r I rl.i ;i i dl Tatl iUn TrcatMout, THE HAt?". RETirOY CO.- fVlfp-. Chemi ta, 9 nTT.T-n-rArj ptiieft, rrw yopk. Coua, CtMdi. Influenza, Bronchltlt, Ho.irrt?ness. Vvhoonina Couah.Crouo. fare Throat, Asthma, and evcr- aticctton of the Throat, Lunqs ni Chest, ncltulniK ConstifrmHor. -jeedy auii:enuanen;, '.iij;nt! .incd " I, Buttt," i tun In? fhp trtitl liver, utroncth nit l hv tl iuel It iti u.i ii. r-crj ti luic it buucln, Utl.i urc lilii'iiiitletl u Ult A?JT1-DIL!0L38 WEClGiN Li 1 "ntrtrl I fNlrlo C!;etn iri net irt viKi ri''04iiietl.ii-ii.f3 niv.i'vsu'. it larpriipi iiK s i ,i t v-vi im i he Ntetl l i'4iti i n-tm. i ie-jintv sw-ur Could. t.u.c hiiiail. Ll icu, U.-t'l, Sell Evcryvvlierc OOitc 41 HuiToy S-U w York 1 1 PACKAGE i$rk o'tvtoo piop ni'i'lirnl ii'tl IB .1 Mii. in or piirt; si XI AL - I, :i I, Its rant t:i?l-il tu v. mill. S Yor 'fish mk .-JiSL .Vgdrcrriiirt-tE.lC.!ftKr,M. A.J Ti'ger, n,-ft:nj CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS SCROFULA CGUG..QRCOLQ Throat AiT:cticn Wasting of F.e:h Or any Dtsetse where the Throat and Lungs are Iiijhimrd, Lark of Stmiyth or Acrvo t are Jnjlnmrd, J.ark of Strength or ncrv Power, you can Oo relieved and Cured by ii xk OF PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophospnitcs. PALATA3LE AS WALK. Ash for 8cotts Emn'ston, and fct no ea jylanattOH or solicitation induce you to Leapt a substitute. Sold by all Druggists, SCOTT & BQtVHS.Cht mlsia, M.Y, STOI'h r.liAXllS. WliilH you keep ,onr mihsetiptinn paid up yri can k.-ep yimr hnuij in frpeof chnrKe. A i list in. (I. !).( utile uninu. i 1' mii left hit nnti li(irrif h.iiiib lnjuitl uti rirjltt tilionltlor. Knnifc KiltIiI A ne. I V, AtiriiiiH, IHiyville. Or-b'traiulit mHrkiicroKS tlit )IikU ai:ii twu criipB mid n in tliu rinl't fr; iCXKt'N. .1. Un-KtH ItllWM ill) t IP ITL'Ilt- hllllUltl-r. hnne in (iinnt eouiiiy ami Heur vallt-v. PO udtltvr-ri also ttl II trtini.tii. 0 Ii AtiKiiiH, Iimch. J, .ti rtjlit "lifMiltler: ett -tie, ' H oil : ristit hip Kange in (Jnint und Moi rtw rimi ierj. Ailkms, J .1 Mtirsew, JA contierted on left fliu k: entile, Hiunenn i-f hip. Hirumii Alp. iJmiiie 4'iiy, Or. (in rnttle. 0 LP ts-'iiiiMfiuti on Uft hip; Imri-en tin left Millt ni id v nf le i'ii mwi'. i(aiire in (htu,t eoui ti'. .Jnlmiiy Ajuiih. Ikmh'h Inh d d tiiattictiu lot t liip: riiltle Maine mi riiht liip. aloo t'tup off riht I t-ar mid upper hit ou mii hih. j lllcitkiiiiiii. (ieo.. tlnnliiiaii HurscH, n Han u I left t-liouldfr: ou tie, -nine u riultl houhhT. i iii.nicter,.!. W , Ih.rihnan. Or. 1'nllle, b;ai,d ed i on Iff i hip in d iliijiih; split in each ear. Iiurko. y 8t ( JimiK I'reen, Or On cattle, MAY eminiMui'il ji Ji-ft hi p. ciop off left eitr. un il v l.aH crop riulit. iloixp.i. Hituiu brand on litfi bhouhkt'. liiinj,'o iu CirttiiL tii.d Moin-w county. A l!tjw.-miiii, .Mount Vernoi nt (I Iliirns-Callle, A B mi fiyht liiji, iwo crops in ciuttt enr; samu on liuini s. on i ith- HhtmJdt:r. Hfiuu in Uiunl mid Itai'i ey eoiini lee, Jerry hi'iimnm , horses bon ded 7 on righ sliuiild. r; eaitit' 11 on l lie left Hide. Left en; hall crop iu d ri'd ear upper hIo), hidliin. Wi" -lloreH, J lion r;ht t!i'.i, cattU same on ciyht lnp;plit in uaeh ear. lii-iiliHit, ( y ltniws, ii m left fhouhler. Mm f. A. Hene, hoirseh bnuided XII on lefi Bf"ii!ler or wtitle; trait. Httme on lefi side an ' ttplit in lull ear, upper hall erop iu rinli!. lirmvn, J . I' Ii ri mid entllo biuntU-d S witil ox-yoke above on left nhoiildi-r. lirown, J Oiiorbeb. circle 0 with dol iu 03 teiou Iff; hip: eaitle. htune. Hoyer, V ii, Lena llornpH, box brand or rv? hip cattle, f-aiiM. Willi split in each eitr. iiii-', 1'. O. HorueH, 1' it on ltjft tthoulder; cat tie. sunt" on lefi hiu, W .1 lin.wnlee. Fox, Or-PnttJp. JB connected on left Mdo; crop on left enr and two Mplitaai d ni i (.Idle p.ece cut out on nglit ear; on Iioihoh same lira d on tho left tlnyh; Itaiiyu in Fox valley, Urni't ci.iii ly. K fain. Cakb. Or- VI) on hornes on left stiflf; U with tpiarttT firclu over it, on left tdiouhlir, and on left ntjfie on all col tu under riyfutb;oi. letl t-houlder only mi nil lioreeu over 5 ioare. All ranne ii tirant uounly. 'J1 B annnn. hoi ('reek. Or--T on cattle on ri(j;ht Nde, crop off riuht ear ami ulit in left ear. Uur lioibeH Maine brand on left nhuuldor. ltantfe ii (irantcouniy. To Curl Doub b crosj on each hi i on cnttle. swallow fork and untlur bit in tilit ear. split iu left ear. liui jjc in Urai.tcaiiiny. n sliti-p, ii-- Vtrti . )lU)1 H(1, , ,llL nl ,liul()er, Kar mark l ewin, crnpoti Jell, ear, puuelietl uiiin-r hit in rifiht. UitlierH, crop iu riht atul unier hull crop m left far. All rang pi tirant couuiy. A. A. crohliy, caitle trtiUdeiJ (or 11 U col necled) on the riht nhoitlder. alt, r iiiHiier. A batnt Vernon W on ra (le or lefi bip. cop and Hplii in left ear; 7W cinnfecled on hoiHi H on lult shoulile . Uane in (iratt Co. Ii I hittei en. Fnnrie I ltv. (tr i tck. hiinillt' down on i-attle rii. ht hip and Klit in riulit en : liorHe.s, rianr bniLU on J liilu Bhuulder. haiiKe in Graii i ( ooK, A. o ., Jjpna llorKCB, Wltm riR!it flliXlL Jei Cal lie. ttaine on r irht liin: ear mark 8J;;ara ciot oil left anil Kphl in riht. ( urrirt. It Y- Itorwet, on leu niinn. Cocliran, . I! Wontiment. (r Horses branded 'I' 1 it A on I. fi nhmlder. Cattle, same on ri'hl hip. swallow furk in nht ear and crop off left. Cox A EiifihKli. Jiartiuiaii Ou.llJ, (J wtltl ii ceiiler: Iuhhom. CK on It-ft liiu. Cupper, 11 A Horw-n tl t! on lift Hhoulder cattle 11 C on b-fl wide, nH-dlow fork on riyhi ear It. K. Cochran. Moiiuinent. (iraut Co, Jr. llorscs bun (I' d circle with bat beneath, on lefi Hhoulder cat lie sautu brand on both hips, liuirt under blope bolb earn and dewlap. Chapin ll.Morsi8 branded on right hip. Cattle hniiided Ihe t-nnie. H Ij CntMi. Uayvillti. Or Cuttle branded two ompH and a Bulit in It ft ar; ou hot son a revt-ised on b-ft htifie. Aiwo have tho foduwinn nr.n.ds on rail le; It on lei t hp. 7 on rml.t hip, 'it ou left, slumld'-r. iwo parallel barn on left t-houlder. Kar iiiiu k. two crops. in. h(eM brat dt-d (fO witli bin over them, on left bhuulder; cuttle Hame oil left hip. DonnlasB, W M Cattle, It lon riht side, swa ow-foik in each ear; horses. It Don lefi bin. iHitiCin. W, V., Joint i'iy Quarter circle V i righi shoulih-r. boih on hoines ui.d cuttle, liaime Giant e,u iy. Di iskell. W. K. Horses branded K tntidoof t. on left Hhoulder. t ftltle same on left bide o1 neck. 1 tnnon, H K. Mount. Vernon--7U comtpcled ot entile nu nulit hip. under 8o e in riht ear ui'tler bit iu left enr; sttme bianilou hutseeoi rii:li iiin. banue in Giant, count v. J.B.hlyA hoi s. I mi set branded VI ,Y or left holllder, cattle Name ou left hip. hole it riiihl ear. Italpb Fik. Prairie City. Or IIores, It F or rifht slmti (I t; cuttle, ou right hip. ltimge in Grant county. I-leek. Jackson. Horses, 7F connected oi rittlit shoulder; caitle hiiuih on riuht hie Far mark, hole in nirhl and cron off left. Florence, b A Catlte. LFon riyhl hip; horeo Fwith bar tinder on ritdit shoulder. Horence. M V Horses, F on riht shoi Ide : call le. F ou rilit hip or thih. ArnintniiiK, .1. ('., Acton T with bar under t on left ulioultlcrof liorBeb: cattle uauie on tef bip. (iav, Henry GA V on left shoulder. Goble, Frank Horses. 7 Fou left tttifle; cattl-. wnine on ritdit hip. Gilnian-Freijt h, Land and L;vn Stock Co.. Fop. sil. (Jr. Ilotses, anchor IS mi i f l shoulder ; venl. Biinn nn left ct ti". ('utile, wimo on bmn hips: ear mark, crop off riuht ear and nnderbit in l-ft Itanyc in (iiiliani, Grant, ( rook u d Morrow Com. ties. I'.lmer Gentry, Kclin, (r --llorpes bninifed II. S. with a quarter circle over it. on leit htiHe liat tre in Morrow and Umalillaeounlies. Fra k fiii tiiir, Vi ValleyMulo f'.oew!th toe cork on cattle on ribs and under in each mr; bo set- same brand on left Blitle. J . C. Gill rt-nier. I'nnrte Ci.v, Or.-On liorseH. O -O tin left Miould r and stifle; cattle, on rih; Bide, lijutk'e- in Giant county. C K (.laze nt d A I' Si jfler. flayville.Or HortM b brai.di d (f on r'cht sliouhh r; on caitle. Btripe ilnwti t'.ie ft shoulder. Also I1 H ot lu rs( r on left hhonldcr. n- tl muno on right hip on cuttle. I ai'tfC in tirant c-.ili ly. II in ton A Jenkf, lbtiiiiltoii. Ur Cat lie, f wo bar on either hip; crop in rit'lit ear aj d spl.t in left. Iloirii s. J on riirht thi-rh. Ilai tf- in (irant coiint . Himhtp, iiuimel, Wattnt-r, (ir T F L on rijrht shoulder on hoinet-; on cat lie. on right hipui d of left side, swallow fork in riht ear and slit in left Itarge iu Hns1acti disinc. Moir w connly. 1 drt'hi Hall. John Day Call b K It on righ hip; horses same on right shoulder. 1 anjp ii, Gram county. liiel A. llde, Prnirie City. Or. -AH combined on hmsi-f on riglii shoulder; cMlfie ou rigid hip Hat ge in Grant coitmy. Hugh's. Mat, heppner. Or IIopi, shaded heat I on tlie left Mionlder. Knilije Slortow Co. 1 d llolU.way. r-Hild e. Or., hoi ten at tl cut! It branded I'. II coniiectetl, with bar under it. Huiisaker, 11 'lloraes, f on left shoulder; ca He, Hon left hi. Haulifly, Albert Nye, Orejon. Horses, AH conn, cud on left hhoulder; Cattle on the left i lp. crop off lefi ear, J F Hudson. Vnunt Verron JF formectwl ni hoins on right tliinh; on cattle M JJ on ritfhi hip. UtuKein Grant and Harney. it uuiphrt') s, l. iiurdiutui-lioi-btH, li tin leti tht! L Hunt, Wm, E. Horses branded bar cross ot left stmuhler: cattle Btinip on left hip. Hajes, J Al Horses, wineglass on left should?! ca't le, sjnite on right hip. Ivy. Alfred. Ion Crevk. Or ('nttle 1 D on ritrht hip.eropnff leftear and bit iri right. HorseB same biaud on left ehim.der. Koiigtt iu Grunt contiv. D Jenkins. Mount Vernon J on horse on left shouldet; o cattle. J on l-ft iupandlwn smooth crops on both can. iiangein Fox and Iti-iirvall js. J..n. s. M. Pilot F.'.ck. Or. Cnttlp triau gle with half c r-'lf mi ntdil h p. in d r bIoIm on right tnr. him! tipper lopj ou K-ft eur. liauge in Umtn i! la coumy. Jimkiu. S. M. Horses, borseshew J on Iff' shoulder. Cattle, the sain, linn ire on Light 1 J.iiinsoo. Fi,lix--Hor's. circle T on left siip i cui i h -iiine on riht hip, under tMtif orttp in rijJil , hi 1 1 split to 111 eitr Kirk. .T T Uor8 6U ou left tUioulderr cattle. tin un Ivfl hip. Kirk. J C-llurtee. 17 on titiier flank Jcaltl 1? Mike Kenny, horses hrinal"!! KNY on lef hipi rHItle mnne uud Cli'i' oil Ifll t ur ; iiinl,T plojie ua II, e liulit Keller. Ilieltlr I -K K in snnrA. r-ntt'o on left hip; liaise eaini on le; t .:.,uil r. Jim gi- Bear valley. P. ll. aoihi-ss. Ilauilo' .lirina cii.c iy. Ur. W II Kimlsrlinal. .Mmiiit V riii.n, O, 1 L nil ealilei'li I leti suit's. n-.v:illuw fin k in 1,-ft eur aid iinner fK.p in rein etir. I.oism, same binnil nil iclt sli, hie. tt:i -tit- in Gr.cil eauny . K-tsm-y. I'll. Hiiplli'r. ill. louses. .1 I. nail nee of i-luli-i on i,-ii siitle. liui. in 1'iuutillu unil i urmiv eniiiiin s. Al i L sh-y. Moiiiinietit. I lr. trinnvle r7twith all 1, lies i xn I diui t ln.ilv ..f lii.irt. .,! Lit i,r. - es on leo sli.-nioi r. on eia'de. diuiii-.iai ,ai n-ft sintu sit.n in iikiii nml iiutit-r na i u 1,'H nr. lla 'K'i in lireit uon-iiyaa.l i.,, p.ntsof John Day. 11 ijiiiir.'i c Fi tii ie City, i ir i at lie. Z on nglu lop; tmrst s, Mimu . n r.-J.t shouid r. Jiui go in (iiio t cm- iy, Lolt.-n. ttti puen h on left hip on cttie. crop at tl spin on right ear. Hits s Ntuie hnutd mi It'll shittihler. i. at go Itiaia cou..iy. P. (. ud tit't'SB. tux. Uivgoli. uienaJlen, 'ohn V . Ih irsw braniletl half-cir clc J I- colinec.ed ou b'lt -hmdthir. (,'h le. BiunP on leli hip. Ibtngf . near l.exiiigmn. George Gord. ho'Neshnii Um1 double II eot, nccied.tSoiuttimea cubed a awuitf ii, on left sin'tiHier. J. V. Leuhfi;., horses branded L N on the left Bhouhler. tank tirai ded the snme on leti bip; wal lie over right eye, Ihrco si its in tight, ur. Minor, Oscr.i iiuiu, .HiJon nglanip; horsea M on letl Hhouita-r. Aloigan, b .N Uorwea, Al ) on left Bhouldot , cattle, same on le-H hip. Alc,( utnbur. .las A. At wood Horses, M with bar over mi tight shouhitir. li. i. Ah.ui.. Lei.u: liorses-old mares ZZ on rigot tiio; yoang su.oK, s.tuli znm icft shouidt-r. Al organ. Ihos Jltiises. ciicie T on loll niioul der tti, a left Hindi: catUi. L ou riulit lliigh. Murjiky, J. J., Fox, Oi-.-hoikck A It on the leit s,.ouider. l jh i i same on right hip; ear uii.i k, crop ami paL in J ti ear uud u atei bit iti right. Jh'ises also 4 on kli hl.lli'. Niuep. K K. lla. ge in Grant Mitt-lieu, ..-ic'tr. t'ei.j.svillo Horses, 7 on ritflii hip; came. i7on rtghi side. itlcCnuuti. Jj ii iiorhcs. Fij;uro !i ou each sliotil Jer. caitle. Mj, on hip. VJ AlcKeru. Mount Ye-moti, Or-X I o cattle oiirighllup, crop in rignt ear. Imll crop in left, Biiuit biaudou hursiB ou left hi . iuiiigc iu Grant couuty. flit t kit. Harnev llorm's TH nui- in.l nn Infi nhoulder; fame same. tiitliao Gl'.il.t county. P. O i ddress. Fox. (Jregon. (J. V. Alcilalh-y, hamillon. Or. On Horses, 8 with hall circle ti.uier on ielt slmultler; ou ( 'at He, four bum cotniecled ou top on tha nglit Bide. Huugw in Giant County. ttt al. Andrew. Gone Hock Horses A N con nected on tctt shoulder; callie same on liolh bip-. ;e,vaiao, u. u. MurnuB .N with hall Cltcift over n on lull ulnailder. m'diKe, L iioibeu, circle? on left thigl:; cat tle, wutio on l"ft Int.. O'Fiynt', K. Uiigter, Or. - Ilnmds horses T i i on Ielt t-houliu-r; cal lie on both In is. I Jainis v w onaiiv rait.d ody. Uuimi recorded. Job ph tHver, ( aii.oii t Hy, ytf a UIi citio on left, nip; on Ihu-slh, sumo on lefi thigli, Hiiugo in Grant county. ( Mh-r. 1 Vi ry . Lone ltock-1' O u left slum. del Ptitnliiu J-meph. Aloiiutneui. nr., brantls hor es -I P Com, ccicil. tin ri'hi shuuhh i; emtio the snmcuutlie nghl hip and iindei -lopo lu right ear. Pearson, Olavc HorKcs, qimrler circle sliield on ielt shoulder and 4 mi h-u hip. Caitle, fork m lei: -Mr, tight cropped, Utou left hip. liunge on l.ight Mtie. William Pop-. Mount V. rnon I Ton cattloon left hip, two slits in ielt eat; a, mo brand oa hoisusoii .ej siillo. liaiiL'e in (jiaiil couuiy. Parker A. (iiuiii-oti. iltiiainan llorsco iP on I'll shoulder. iijer, J. il Acton -Horses, JK ctmnectcd on left si u u blur; eultio, biuiiu on left hip, under bit in each ear. Henry Paihorg, horses branded with a Itomaa (Tob on Ielt shouldt'i; cattle branded with lio man cross, t tar at bottom, on Ielt hip. A. C. Pettys, Pettysvtile ilore!j, diamond P on left shoulder. Cuttle, J H J coi.necttd and in. veiti-don left hip; crop oil split in fight wattle or iiisideof right fore leg above the knee. John T Powo'l, Oayville, Or Horses, .IP con nec etl ott iefi sh aiiocr. Caiite OK coiim-cted oit tell hip, two uud. r Imlf eio b. title on each ear, will tie u tiller throa , liungelll uraut county, Itlckard, li. O.. Cu. yuii i ity-1' C on left -liou.d- r, on horM-8 only. It iio Cuuyou cretk anil hear vailt-y. Grant comity. Itootl. Alnlrew. liariluiaii ilorses, sipiaro cross with ijuarLer-ciicle over itou lell. sttlle. Itemrger. Chrib Hornet. C ti on lei t shoulder. W m. llniiio, AJonuinenl. Jlrandu hoineM ll ou right shoulder. Itauge Giaiuand Alorrow coun ties. Itoyse, Aaron. Heppner. OrHcrses, plain V on cil snou.uer; caiiu, snme liraini it-veiscu on right ht ai d crop oil nglu ear. itaugo iu Alor row couuiy. luirhbros., Heiipner, Or. Horses brnnded X on ihe righ bhoui. er; cattle, IX ou Urn left hip, crop ..ff 1,-it enr and ilewlap on nock, liauge iu Alorrow and uifjoinii-K coot.iiui. Itust UtJiia.u, tVn.Kt Or Horses It on Itfi s.iouiuei; entile. U on ielt hip, crop off right car, undo bit ou letl car. cheep. H en weaiht'is. lound crop off righ tar. It to i go Umu tdht and AXoiiowc mi, lies. lieaney, iii.diiw itxr-Ltnn, Cr. HoiRe tiraiidetl A H .hi rigltt sliou.dt-r, vent quarter circle over btii, d; cuttle uunie on right tup. it. ii ge .ili'iTuw com ly. Itojse, m. IJ, Oanyville, Or lilt connected with tpiai'ti'i' circle over lop on catiloon rignt bip unit crop oft right ear anil spl.t m leit. uoiaen name titMi d o.i iefi shouidi-r. Hango in Morrow, Grant ui.d G.liiam counties. liPier. J F, nuur. Or--Turpe parallel bars Willi bar over on home.-- oa ien hip; on can le, left sidu. two Binooth crops, two spins in ouch ear. tuuige iu Auddle Foriv of John -Jay. uucu.i'. J u HoiouB. Jo ou leit shoulder. Cut tle. O on right hip. X Hpr.ty, J. F. Horses branded SF connected or. right r-iioulder: calllo sittne on both lii s. Haiong.t i' Heppner, Or llOTS.B branded S A on ielt shoulder; caitle same on ii ll hip. 8 .inner, G G, tatter, ur 11oi-?cb. iwu-bur S on I. it siille. P um b iwo hiu s on lell side, a crop .ind ih. to spins m tight ear, swallo-v fork and ULd'.M lnt in lefi, cutUtt. ciou catt.w imr tlatu on muses. Hiu ge iu titan coumy. A Ij. Sw.igar(, IZ'Ut, hornes brantlp ' 2 on left -Jiouiiler; euiile sain Ou ieTl tup. Ciop oil tar uu, wuitu) on lell mod leg. biraight W. K n.-rses sluuled J 8 on left Blille; cattle J ei on tott hip, swallow fork iu rigid ear, underbit in Ielt. bajer. 1U0I -1 lorses, 8 on fight sliouldor; cuttle- ..quart) on right bip and 8 on right shoulder. bwnggaii, L, Alpine Horses, 8 8 ou right" -hoUider. Mipp. i'hoH. HofBCB, 8 A P on left bip; cattle -a ii i u on ielt hip. hears, iv ii ilorsos barover 3. ltauno in Fox valley. FO hdthesB, F.-x, ur. bhoue, Jjr A J 1 101 ses, Uts on on left hip; cat tie, same on lull side, wuille on lull hide ol neclC , '-ars cut sharp al pi:iul. hituili, E. F, IMoi Itock, Or. Cat le, horse ho on ielt sid.. crop co.-.e iu left ear. Hor-tos, 1 ou left thinh Lui.go in Uwauilu and Grant count R-B. John shrier. pox valley 0 connected on horses on l.giit hip; tu.iie, same on nht hip, urup ..11 rigni fiiiio.u ui.Utr b,t n. ielt ear. Kangu iu Gra. t coumy. tiiinih Ur.tB , John Day, Or II Z oncaltleott lu l Bhouiuer. bievei.bon. Mrs A J Cuttle, 8 on right hip t wallow -lorn, in lell hut. bpcrry, b. G-CuiGe, W C on leff hip, crop oft right and under bit in left ear.dulap; horseB. SV C on Ielt shoulder. bwagguri. G W HorsoB, 44 ou left sboaldei ; ,-aUle, 44 on left bip. uvcnun, vjeo., liuruumu norseB circle cod tell shoulder, bin tilt, li. li. Lone Hock. Or. Horses branded a eri'osed seven on Uf( shoulder; calllu tMiulo oil ieilsidu. iuuige. Giinam couuiy. hit'itii Geo.jiutses uitmthfl li 8 tn left flans Thompson, J A lioiset, & un lell ciioulu. r; atlllo, Z on let) shouhter. lip,, ets. b L Horses. C on leTl ahoulder. 1 tu ii;r It. V .small cupital T leit snoulder, hojaes; emtio buiiiu on letl hip with split iu both ears. lit rnton.-il. M Jone, Or. -Horses branded 11 1 eonnecitd on ielt slide; tJie. p samo brund. P'Jhoiuas, Mount Veinon -'1 F coniiectetl on caitle on r.giu lup, , wallow furk m right ear und unit rhit in same ear; hoit-s, sa.ue luai.dou rislit Btilie. ItHlige in John Dili Vailey. o A Ihe-Ktir. fruirie tiny V on cuttle and on Jefi ohouhler. John iuienian, 1'iHirio City, Or. On liorBes, IU mi leu stitte; on canle. U wdu bar under ua .eti hip. lUingo in Graiil. cou.t.y. W li Varifo,t mtb, or Caitle. W with qoarter circJn over it, on .ett Hide, split in right t ar. non-e B..iue bru d ou leit dhottidor. H-iUtfe io Giatit couuty 1- G Wood, Dayvillo, Or-Hearton horsefj on leltsi.tlejuLi cam.'. un leit snle and under bit lit ieft ear. Itange in Giant county. Wrighi, buas A itepp .er. Ur, tattle branded S Vt uu the right hip. q mru crop otl riK"i oar and spi tin iHit. Friu.cis Nui-ace. Mount Vernon -Square on caiiiH on the led lup, upper slop- i,, lie Uft eai iindut uer siupt- in iigi.l ear. 8 me urand on liiii'-n-hiHi riultl bltou.d,-r. itiingo iu Harney and tirant count v. vvtb-ier, J. 1. Heppner. Or.-Horsps branded wnh Uu over j tin imht shoulder; cattle same on i ignt hip. crop oil ief t eur ui.d spill in eacli. l.ui.te, Alorrow cou..iy. S ade, iienry. Horses branded ace of spades on 1 i shouliler and ielt ( utile bruudtl oHine on lell sine u d letl hip. eGs, A o iluisof , ere on lefi ehoulder; catr BUlue. John Wolfinger, J,,hn Ony City On hnrse, lUrtt) p rat ei ours o.i left Buould.-r; i on sheep, oil in bum eara. iiuifo in Grunt und Ma.huer UOUhliett. iu. d. J II. (Iardmau Circle 0 on lef Hugh, Woodward. John lioiw,, p couuecuti ou lefi shoulder. Watkins, Lishe, horses branded UK connected Oil lell e title Wallace, Charles Cuttle, W on nght ihigb, hols in tefl ear; horses, W ou riKht Bhuulder, tritmt sunieon tefl shoulder. Wien, A A Cuttie. running AA with barac on nifhi I.. .i. J. IS. Vouii'j:, GotwI'Prry, Or. Tboit ihe ru:Gt shoulder. W. 11. Crowley. Long creek circlf 5 nil left shoulder. Horses, branded Horses branded Whiitier linw., Or-wy, Hirrey connty, ("h- - Hres ihit Vi It. ei,,n. n.i lefi ..'-nhlpT William-, V.-.i-c '--qimrter ciri le over three lwir-tt.' le:t lop. Inttb . tit'h'n .1 h .-. Ita.iga tiruut cnunij; p. O. adonis. Hamilton. Or. Williams. J O Ijtuig Creek. Or liorse. qoar ii .-ime wer uove oars on i-iir. lup: Cattie tat