THE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, March 5, 1801 Union Pacific Railway-Local Card. N't. SI, inixixl. Iphvp. llf'pnner 9:1 r. m, Ni. " itrrivwt " 5:1111 p. m., dail exclt Siinilit.v. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Stiiiro lonvm for Ciinynn City dnil ert l Pujiiliiy, nl 6:'U) a. m. Arrives - ilmly, except Mun.lny, b' 5:M' r. m. 'I'linrH if Kiivinir nf Ifi liiinrn in ttrrti nn.! Kill i chnI by tukititf this mute t Cunyon rpIIS PAPI'.ll it kr-it on tile nt K. C. TlnkeV I Ailvi-ilini ii AcHin-y. Ill Hid R5 Mi-rcliant Fx.'li'i' H-- t-'n" I'riiiH'ifru. ('tilirornia. whom uo... triune for nitviTtiHni: nn Ito mailt- fur it. t'.W L')MI,KHit("l)..4-.'il Ffth Mrwt Pnrt- limit, Ort'mi. 'in- miiliorizi-il in miike ailvurtisin,- cunlruitf fur tlin Il.-iiuiidi- (iAZi-TTK. THli (J A Z KIT KM AGENTS. Ijpxini;'"". W. li. McAllister. WiiLMipr. J. F. Stirny. A rl i nut Mr. lietitiett, Moody's wiire limine. 1 a CippI;. Fngle. Onlliiwiiy, li"') Slmw OnuFi liHiiy. (Jr.. W. 8. Pnrniiin. Cnmns l'mim-, Oi-iir DpVhhI. MiillpFnn. AHhii MnFi'rrin. Nye. Or.. II C. Wriulit. llnnlniiiii. Or.,C. M. Si"HOPr llmiltiin, Grunt Co., Or, Muttie A. Hii'lio. ..n, T .T. Curl. I'niiiiH City. Or., R. K. Mennley. (Vnw'ii Oii v. Or., S L. Purriab. I'ilni V. Slti'llim. Pn.wilK ()'., Mr. A.liiiim. P. M. John ji y . Or.. I'ti-iiniiHter. Allit-im, Or . Iiil'ii K.litii'riii. lYuilltl Or. Win. G. MiCn'fkey. An Htrrnt wanted in i-very precinot. If SKJSAI. SKItVlCK ItKI'tlltK. For Wwk KinKim Writm-mlny. Mnrcll 4 IHMI Fib sir -.11 ki to mi it-vim' V7 1 1 .11 .'Hill. lilll I All ll 2-1 III Ml . ill mi l 1, INI I llur 1 17 :m a i m I 10 im Ui.n n.ntl 0'l 0 i.'i II M ' cluntl: . uloiir I . h, Hi. Olllllll ! Illt'ltf I fair I n. l on i ;i .im 3, inn I ati.ui 4 2jiu ai.m. li id I.I1II5 o 0.1 6 7-'. , SJil.5 OKI J.ini .10 4U I Oil) A. Sl-tiTII. Ubeerver. Here and There. f l;eri liHvera mc still dro ping in. Dunner, 1 l if ti" l r. !6 I A'liHim Klniililiick is "Vi r from Li Gnu (Ih, I in iilprii. Mr Mini M p. .1. N Brown left yester day for SttltMii, I" reiniiin few tin) , HViuliini! lit iiiviim Hip bliiikstiiitli iinil InitolierH foii'.i'lliini; to lu. Min Unity Hiyitn left ti e timt of III. week fi r Iter l.miie lieHr Gwwbeiry. Then. HiiDner in it ritxtler and et then all Hie s ,ut Mkinu pictiireit. 96 H Toe mtpxiiiii "ell ii enlinged to eevei' inclu s in ilinnit ti r to ii dcplb of uvtr 4Ut feet. : pnutnr Bliifkmiin is improving in heiilth. liui is .-nil in the hospital hi Pint anil. Bill Uionn wns over from Lnue R ok liixi 'i'liiiisdny to Met miUioiuo for tils sick ih.uhli i. Ur. Sniple reports Mrs. Petlys nnd' futility inih Ii bctirt, but snys Mr. Petty is )el quite til. 11. M. Thornton bus bien laid np foi repiiirH, linvm cut Ins foot tvilb mi 1 1 a few (Ih)S iiuo. A new HpM pi r is very mni li like nn in diM'Inal iii" tulke u deal- w ll oc casioniill) irein'. Tlie II. S. 0 On lieMrii will fiirnit-b tbe niiiMO lor Hie 8 Club's ihinco to liirio t v, iniii:. ,). II, i.f Sind Hollow, re putted lent) ot v inter in Ins uetjjliboi Looil -iiiiiinluy. Unit S. C. riiiiitli ooines nut wi'li n linger ml. tils "icli, tidvettisiug bin fuinnuie lntiiie.''S. It L U iitkii s n potted lens snow in the niniiii'iiius liixi Saturday ILau on 'tin- H n" lib ive lo vn. ' Uncle" Jolt n Lrclinnno reports two feet !) miow in Ins pa 1 1 f the Bin. 8. lie is S"j"tiiuii'u in tonn it lew da)S. Hmi) Weleli i talking seriously of piiiMhu tip ii brick bunding, but if on hbk him iiboiu ii re will deny It. Ililtuer liiineuren, of Kijdit Mile, wl.n liai been quite ill look ii rt I ipse ltit niek, unit is not txpected lo live. The dinctors nf the fl'ipner school Jinve deeid d lo clone nt the end of tbe eveu tii'iiilh'n ti tin, or oil Muicli 2.1th. Mnior Mi. tlnck mid Hie new members f the council t'i'ik their first les-mua in the oik bdoie them, Muudtty eveuitij! Just. Kiaiik II Sin w, commissioner of the XI b. ii nit '.'nun. nt Lutiimtmi, uiede 4 Iiih , ffice a call while iu tbe city jester day. A A. Cm rut hers, of O'ii, is n tir.itlie of the onni! m .ii killed .il Ciinby. Or., on Hie 131 itist., bv the tj. P. passengei tram. O-cnr finri;, while oonstingon Hallnok bid )eBeiiliiy inoiiiiiis.', was run over by Hie timelier wagon, receiviujf Borne eVete biulsi s. S E J .iipb, of Kiitht Mile, and A. L. Hull, ot La Oiai d. , called on this Ihsi S.ilnnli.y. 'lbe lutter is here itti a view of locating. Mr. Lislie Sperry was a visitor Hi Miner eni Iv I his week He reports H C. Wills on the tiieud. The latter id Hi pLilliinil at present iiud-r trenlmei.t. Tli" 13) ear-old son of Or E.J Thomas, of Ho it i vei, wi.s iicci.lenlally ki led a few data lie- by liiedisebargenf a 3J-cnl Hiin. the ball sniki g him m the temple. J. C. Arnold, an old tesiileiit ..f Waits Imrg. W nh , and an isieenied friend of the edit, r of Hi's paper, whs drowned in the wiiteis ot Pitt,et sound ou the 20ib iust. Burn-Near Gooseberry Siriugs. Feb. 2G. lotbe wife .if J. S Y-uli'K, B nine piotnil boy. Mm In r mid child doing ell. hut J .ke is uo better, as this is bit 8 1 si boy. Dr. .1 W Rismiis bus served lbs town Well UK iimihIi.,1, nnd Ills Colltinn.itinll 111 that pus th.ti by the town council, shows B proper iipi.reoiu'i.M ou tbe pari of Mint boumatile body. Eastern people are forever peitere.l by neak llin ves lio ev. n pmlmu uews papers from rt.. in steps. This imms has But degenera'e.i M level, uud it is liopi d ueVi r will. A mill lax is nattily en.nh to nib the Heppner -oil .l as It sliuiiitl be font term ot eight m b tb.wever, IheVresent IkiuiI "ill do tlie best th 'y can under tiie cncuuisiaiiees. 'So'iireClff sue Hi man Cald- Wbl I. hhlH. IIH-ll Ki lit Mileis. made i nr Hvrictiltuiiil to a q.ian. r a plehSnni vi-it s. r iay. luesii.ov in fr.'in two to ll.iee le. I deep in their taction. A fall - f sn iw. Mttiir.lay and Simd iy, mrj.e..ii ij in a l aliotit n ie too'. B'lr i.ns. it ail the nr. i dels li) r- ferrnitf I" our wvi.llicr lepoit. our reuderi mh See (bat it uas sot bceo severely oold. I" a reoent gns of this pasr, n lltlb iiisoiihI np,earei iii p..iii,'ii will Misses Etta .Miner anil Hetty Bryan. this place It was inaiiufiit!iiire,l l mine of our young frieml ., uniting nm of a j k" perpplriiteil on Charley I.wi-. "id Whs n it iiileiided in any wuv to r -fl'ft nn th young ladies. Mr. Ije i o' oiy one ele. Our lonal readers are te loubt aware of this, but as the vomu oeople have relatives and friendi who le ule at a di-ibmce, and who the Ga .kttk weekly, tbe editor m ikes this ex planation. D'ed At the resi-1nnn of W F.Ruarl n Hepniier. mi the 3 inat . of "irnp." Oiaiidnia" V ilnewib, aee.l 57 ypurs. fi nonths and 13 days. Mrs. Wilmorll a.l btpti ailini; fur several days prevmu o her death, ami it was not nnexiiectpd -ilie wns liiinwn by all as Grandma.' n. d Hept'iier siistiiins n severe loss i' he the demise of Ibis fnod and kind ol.l Lily. The relatives have the svuipatln f all On Feb. 22. nt the linnr of midnight .vh-n tlie iiiinit'e enmn of Cornnci.nia. 'n Uitinii conn'y. was resting in appHren.' alety, an avalanche of sn.iw swejit. ilowr lie ni.iiiiitiiiii side, crashed aiiaii'st tin 'rainway of the Eastern Oregon Miniuc Onmpaiiv anil i coim letl). -as an exohainje. Three men. employ Jes i.f the eonipaiiy, Hni;h Cllrrej. II. Il.ihteiii ami Jules NickolK.ui. were hill ed in I he snow, and b..d not beeu found it last. l.COolints. Hei pner's people nre rfepi-ing for a trand social event, at. which ever, bu-d less will he represented by Fome yiuinL' 'nly. apprpriuely hi tired. Ills undei he iiiaiiiigenient. of Ki v. E. E. Tnnmn on. tiKSisied by nn ratiers of the M E. ihnreh and ethers, mid will occur ie ibonl. two weeks Fnttlier infoimatioi. "ticernins! tbo same will begiveu iu our iexr isme. A L. Ayeis is biok fp-m tlie vullej uiun, aul t In tiiLfltr he tint skippeo ur Eastern Oregon winter this t me, out when a ttian is haiiletl off the r.ail itui.i an istiiue and riuniuice, ilowu inti. -ii.iw dtil'ts iu the tivocation of feeduie iock. it is 0 in vi i mi ii i . .r grave in he premises This lsAirred's experience The id lor of this puper is under ever. I.isttuir i.b. inations to Jiiilue Keithly nn.l Alec Thompson for stei iinf iu at Hi. e"1 pel lime in our prospective tb.m ie -nil. and nolnprotuieiug the alfair. You uik'ht 1-nr.i s 'tnei htnu ah.iitt Ibis c.,se uy seeiuittlie geutleuieu personally. Cass Mai lock, accompanied by bis son. ri.l.. ciitue in from Pett.ih tun Tues.lay. Cuss has bfeu off nod oOO for H-pellu oil lor the uouniig si r.on, but be refuses an) such urines, bavin..' eutereil it in i tie races at Sheepshead Bay iu 'U4. .' 4 i)S lliai's the hlu.l cf st.iok yutt get b) br. etlitig t" i-ieon. Tbe uase of Albert M itteson vs Isn c Larte was called before Judge Kent. I) lie ti. Mt nt the we, k. hut ua ciiuiiniieil Mil next, let iu oil account of siuttless ll. .Ur, Lt.trite's family, tir. Alaltesou wants loiuaes for tbe former pasiutliig sheep ou Ins laud. New dime down Tuesday Unit Mrs. J..I111 Lnelluig. who lives near bad died that morning, ttlie was alllicleil ii) Hits unknown eptibtuic called 'gup. I'tie reo.ains were inlerted in tbe Uard man ceiuetei), ou Wednesday, Motion was made by Morgan that the nmiLOe aotiimntee ex. .mine the repoits I Heiisuier, recorder ami tiiarsbal, all. I eport al eat best oouveuieno , and ins i null lepnri be published. SeOUJcd by Uarriiies, aud cariied. Dr. J. F Ciopp. the Walla Walla sen Haiioniiusi. denies tieing the Spokane uat-qnerader, iu oomp.iity with tt fair one It is lipped Hint ttie iloclor Call sustain the ileniel if ibe allegattou, uuil also whiplbe '.dligatiir." Seu.ilor D ilph und the remainder of ibe Norlli w. nt delegation ill coUbTess aie endeavoriUL' to secure the rigbt-of nay tuna tlie goveiument for the pot tage road at tbe Casoailes. L iny Sullivan, the clpinipion Rlnirger of Anloii.i, was i. ueiilly fiin d $1.10 in the Uiii ed Slilt. t Cll t at PolllHIIll tin ooaiiling a vessel without the permission ot the CHptaill. Our Assi8 .r McGeebas returned from the Ltal'is where he h.-s been to prepare a tulip rf MolruW Count)'s deeded land He has not ei j '.vi'd good hcllb during his iih.-eiicd. Last Sunday, the first inst., two puss eng. r trains on tbe Walla Wills branch lepeated the ezperinient of trying to pars on the s Hue truck, Injuring scVctiil -evcrelv. ' K.iZZle D zz'e" is the latent social name, it's aliotit u second cousin to "Lit le I'edio." Frank Gilliam can ex plain the gauie better tiiau au)oue iu 'own. Dr. Cropp, the Walla Walla man lm not into irouble at Spokane, has "white washed" his case, but it is an extremely light coat. Least said, the better, Dock. While Mr. and Mis. Towns Mathews were III town Till'Sil-", thetr little Otilhl heci'ine quite ill, h- t had recvereil sullicieiit.) uu Wedu. suiiy mui uiug tu re turn boine. Messrs. blocnm, Minor, Ro.jfers and Rob. rts n turned Hun. lay from Ibeir hiintiiiij tri . They got back with some game anil a btoken sled. We cannot buy j ib slock on longer time than 60 dir s. Customers, do )ou know what this s? Dr A L. FnX was calVd nut late lni-t week to nee Tbo.. McCulluiigh, who is dahKerouly ill. Titos. Hager is visiting h:s bro hers heie, having arrived from Missomi early tl.i- week. Tbs Gazettb is ranch plened to see some of "tr young people aspiring lo be teachers Our friend, O d Hn't, win noticed to roam over towards Clark's C.iliyou Sun day lust. Miss Happie P dter nl Mrs. W B. Poller It-f t Wednesday m .ining for Hood liiver. Mrs. Sum Kinsman was severely bruised while coasting Monday evening. Mrs A. A. Curtis is q tileill at tbe r8 id. lice of her mother. ,ltrs. H .jes. The last fall of snow has brought to the Mtrf. ce some ele.tiul Itiruouts. "Rip"' Van Winkle sins Hie snow is feet deep ill the mountains. Georife W Hunt lias sold bis railroad hues I" the Northern Pacific. Ves Tippet ai d Ed Hinti'O were in TneMh.y In in liiilnr oreek. It is said thai the Laplanders have got down as far as Pine City. llor s ire leponeil to be dying up timard the mountains. Hank Schii linger reports bis sheep iu good i ouditiou. Elmer Slocnm has beeu slightly iudts pnsed tnis w eek. 'One of mv citnoiners came in to-day ami asked me for Ine be-t cunt: cine 1 bail." says Lew Yoneif. a ur. mi neiit dniggi-t "I Nennii.n Grove. N. I. '(li comae 1 sb iwe.l Ci auiberl.iiii'B Coiiub Uemedv ami he did not k I" see anv other. 1 have fever yet soi l a ineili line I U tt woll.d Imweu and ie,l v H .Veie cold quick y unit ,to. s 1 l.ave soot l oir O. Z 'II of It will - i ih'e s xiy d.,)s, and .1.. ivt kn-w ..r a SUI 'le C .se Whele il lalleil In gIV . " . .. ... - ..i-f . " fJI .. t the niosl peri ... - - - hotles lor W bljt-uui Joliustuu awwwii . im rTirrrrTnT'iTTT' r Hapi aMO MfSfvPi, Oir friend. L. W. Lewi', of Hariliimn. took lesnn. ndrivitiif astaiesleiub oi'- dav last week That was not. what he desired to acquire. 'nt. it so happens that n person will earn in this wo.nt.oi world, anviiow. dr. l.ewin took the driver's place that he night brin. ,vpr a young lady acqu unt il, ce from .M.irnineiit, whom bo desired niulit h" at H ir.lranu to attend a soc nl v nt On the return trip the vehicle vas overturned, sm .sbini' tip tbilP.'S an I .reakine tbe harness, it was ,ikn this In ill ikini ti short turn on the mountain -"ad, the horses beads were so ttrned 'hat thev o mid I iok back to Ilie rear. like an pnuineer with his train nn a urve. Bro. Lewis nsnullv wears n beavi b'ack niU'stiiche which b id been removed ery recently, ami the coniiletianoe that oomed up amid the somber pirns wit oo much for the "slnK-ei.". and ovei hp bank they went. We g.i inlo letails rather explioiily as a wnrninu to otliers. .Mr, L-wis will hardly comtuil such an error ngniu. Conxcir, Committki-s Tbe followirp ire the standing committees of our town 'toiincil, for the fiscal year '91-2. W'as oid Means, Matloty, Morian and Farns worlh; Finance, F-.rnsworlh Gilliam and M.iAtee; Fire an I Water, Gilliam, Mor oin and Garnine; Sir-els and Public Properly, tiariii'ites, McAipe and Mor. ian; Heiilth and Police, McAfee, Gipri. iies and F-irnswoitb; Elections. Nlorgan. M ill. try and Garritfiies ; Onlinatieos. Fariiswoi'tli, Mallory and Gilliam. The ihair nan of each c I'limi'tee, respec 'ively, is the first named ns urraiiged above. SuccrsFt ii I BACtiiiUS -The followinir were urilllted Celtificiltcs to teach at the ex iiiiiiiation last week : John K Ely. of Saddle, seo aid grad-; R iy 1 H. L. McAHter. of Lexinuinn. Alii-s-s E tn Reed, of 8 id. lie, Kdiih Sat.i, of Sand Hollow. I. .urn Williams. C irrie Rush and Marilia Neville, and Mr. W.J, well of Heppner, eaob received grade. . Hunt third Dhatii of Mtts. l'nt!-KKLt..-Tbe friends and relatives of M. S. Driskell were naine. I to b -ttr of her death last Satnr- biy, at her home in Clark's Cnnvm. She had tieen dangeroit-ily ill for iiboni two weeks behire her death, and it. was not mil xpeotpd. She wns a most esti mable lady. -Mid leaves a husband an 1 several small children to mourn her loss. Cmnty Court is giiiiditig on tbe usual grist. SCHOOL MEEITNG. Although the school meeting Inst Mon day was extensively advertised, hut few were present. Ill the last issue of the Gazette the time of the meeting was mentioned as the first Satur day in Man b. which was a very griev ous error, and one Hint should not have Cciirred. However, the matter was set as iipipIv iicht as possible by ft bulletin fr m tins office School Oh rk, A. M. Gunn, reported about $5 1,1 in bis hands at il te of meet inn, niili iiboiu $400 outstanding which is colleolbile. I'hos Morgan and C 9 VanDnyn were lint forward for directors, Mr. Morgan heititf elected on Ibe Hist billot. A. M Gunn was mentioned for school clerk, but deoiine.l in favor of J. D. Hamilton. Mr. C. M Mallory was also lint in nomination, aud ou ballot tbe latter was chosen. Successful candidates nn being called upon responded iu neut and appropriate sppeohes. The meeting voted nn assessment of 4 mills, after which it adjourned. PRATTLE OF THE TOBOGGAN. What the Bays nnil Girls Say When There' nn Naughty Iteiini'ter Near. I'm n good pilot, some times. W. S. I'm sure I didn't loll all Ibe way down. --Mies E. W. I wear gcgglen, but the gills don't. That's why I itde alone. She!. I'll net my name iu the paper if I have tol.reak mi neok 0. L. I'll hold my p..oe if I have to buy a brand new hied this winter. Al. R. If may be fun for these young boys, but we old mar'ied men don't see it that way. do we? W. B. P. If Lee was there, I know he'd let me ride-Miss L W. I've g..t n "peach" of n stpd, but my girl's not here, )ou know P. 0. ff the h. s-i wasn't here, I'd slide till 2 o clock. Bert B. Bald headed men must keep Ibeir bats on. v tilts IS. MEETING OF CITY DADS. Tln-y Tat uu tlie (init'Iiil lluriiPss for tlie KI. rat Yeai nf '!)(! Ul. I At n regular sessi oi of the town coun cil, I st Monday evening, the following conncdiiieii were present. Mayor T. J. Ma'lock pre-id ng: S. P. Gtirrigup, W. J. M -Alee. Thus. M.l'gall. Frank (tillialli and C. M. Mallory ; diueut. O. E. Fariis worlh. Minutes nf hist regular meeting rend and approved. Bills allowed: Marshal Rnstnns. SC8; It oor ter Uobetts, w33.32; J. H. lileck iihi. SIS7.J. Aloti ui was ni ide by G irrignes that no more of Kleckner's b'lls lie allowed that came in endorsed "O. K. ' liy n tnird liariy. Sec inded by iM.illory.'and Oar tied. Motion was made by Morgan Hint the marshal be instructed to enfotce the ot dm nice of 11 ppner. Seconded by Garrignes, nnd carried A little stormv t lk was indulged in i s a finale, and then the body n.ij nrned. JDK, A-BOKN. AT rORTLANl) UNTIL JULY 5th DR. A BORN. F'-urtli nnrl M.-rriPo.. tSir-v-tH( I'ot tlnml, Orpinii, Mip tnt rik; ('proIiiI I'liysirifin on (Iih Amtrirun C"itti Dfiit f"r Ihp Hn'H(iy, pnNiiive, iih.uliiti ami nrmHMeiit v.nrt for (Jiilnrrb nf tin HhiuI, A'-tMiin. iJitincliiti-, Phhu ni-m i,i himI fonKnmittiin. Twfiit five eit.H- liistiiiiliiiPOu.srtlieranilpernieut cures oftcu th'M upon li.iit eous'.iltalijD. D", Aljorn, by liis uriKitiHl, nirxicrn, SoifUtitio tueflnal, cffr-uU Speedy aid radical cures of the most tyiiule and sanJing cases of NorhI Cstt rrht Ozciiit, OenfTieHR, Iifl. ctutrk'HH frttrn (Iim Eirn. Atlmpi, Brup cbiiitt Hihl (uni-nm.'ii-'ii, AU 6:tiiiinili Dm-tiIm-h, liiliodH C"ic, 0;i'l S o"f h 11 m I J-iumlicH, Ut'itri. Livr, I Knln, "r Jml Ncrvim-i A fT- riiiniti; Ll''HHHH nf Alt'tl. AlatJ Mil HltlUKilU pw j CUliiT t . WiMhHII. i Dr. Alto'ii i'uii 1h mnfinlteil fmrn tm-v j iiniil Jul otli, wlieu lie Itftv'S I'T I Eur ! N"TK. II'HHt t ra n't, si iiroly l urk I U r h t( oiiy pat nf Mie F.ii'iltf (1- iif-I ami 'IV itiiriH-i bir tlmxe . WLU CUliUut pU5llji Oull iu J'-'M"U. I ill-jane 1. OVEll THE Ii:i,L AGAIN. Fro-n the Paste. The Chinook last Friday pblVPil haV.'C with the snow iu the Loni: Cieek valley. Perry Shinks, .f Fox valley, who was hrowti front a hois some time since, -ut onii.g a fractured j-tw, was in town last Monday. Oils Caspary, John B. V m-g snd rchy Hunt acre up from H .?tack last Sitiirilay. I. -11111 milters lief. -re Com uiissioner li.dT aits lbe miss on of these eiltlelllPU As we i;o to press wnr.l cnies in that the reifitl -r March t nn oT circuit court Ii is been postponed until ;ihe third Mot lay in April, on ni-couni of an act uhi.di nassed Hie leglsl .' il re I'll aitgoii! the time if holdito: c- U't iu Hie sixth judicial i-tnet. The 1'AGIjK'k readers will lie reli bly lufoiUied ou this topic next week We nre informed of a little trouble that ook Hlace tit Davville recently between ..lie lirallll nod Oh tr t-s tji.lro, in whllli Br. uu l-n-eiviti several iejii'ies iuierally which i.fierwaid caused his dealh ih nroveii by n p -st mortem i x-nuination held by Dr. Orr, of Cunyon Cdy. I.ndro had a pieliniinaiy hearino ht-hue Justice Kiilison of (iac.vou City and was held in the sum of $irll.) t swer to the oraud jury lor the coirue of ii lliclinir i joins cniisliiL' the death f Hr.illn. i'alll'iif to give i le p quired bond, be w.ib commit etl to lbe county j til. From the News. Slier. IT I'n-sap arrived home on the the staoe Friday nwhf, lunch to the sur-li-e of evenliodi, who supposed be went ''broke" at Saielil aud Was hoofing it In. nie over the B .rlmv ungou road iu company with Maetiue. Long Cieek cinz-ns "I muhled to" the suggest ion of I he EWS t hat (heir town Would prosper as well by any olhei name, and the city has been incn poraled under the name of "Gleinli.n." Much m oe poetic and hih-soutiditig tbati "Long Creek" Aloni! about ten or eleven years ago when Mr. i) B. U -t ii hurt was planting '-is 40 tin e nrchaul, near this city Hu people called him cnzv. ibit be went ahead and to -k tin d cute oi his liees. Now they all bent- pioltiscly, untl Mr. H 'ilililirr III iliuaes 1. 1 dispose id ad the fruit and cider they pr.aluc'. B-f-i.hs his otciiard is an ornaui ;ut to Graut ooiinly, Cninl nniintv showed f ivor t.t her ow u candidate for j .int senator at the p dls Inst June, hut. Mo'-ro and Harney swelled the m j .rity f..r Mr. lilackman. Subsiqueiit events have gone to show that Senator Blackmail has no clieiisbed revenge against, the pp.. pie of (Irani count), hut bis liar. lest, work a us done iu our behalf, to secure wagon road up propiialions. And then Tor the oit zjns nf l.-uig Crcelt to tretit hiui so bhame full)! STAND YOUlt GROUND. Wl you make up your mind to take H aid's Sarsapaiilla, do not be induced to buy some other preparaMoti iusteii:. Clerks ra y claim that "outs is as a Hood's" ami all II, at, but 'lie perjiiliui meiitof Hood's Sarsaiatilla cannot lie equaled. Tlteief.oe have imllting to do wuh snlisliiutes, and tn-ist upon having Hood's Sarsp irilla, the best blood pun tier and btlildiiig-iip medicine. ST1IAY N0I1CE. Taken up on my ranch, in Hand Ibd low. one biiudie cov, aged about five )eitf , bt'iiiuliil J G on Hie right, hip. and has a half crop iu the right ear. Owner can have same by proviug proper ty and paying charges. Foster Adams. He., Or. M ch 5, '!)!. 41,-10 You'll On, Sunn -Th i members of the Cornet Band . ill give a grand ball in Penl oid Hall, at Lexington, t ,r.. on Maioli 17 1 SO 1 . t' v.r In nly invited. Good IIIIISIC h..S lieeli eiioned till' I be OCCUStl IU , ami a grand time is assured. Siliui-r at Mrs. Siimm -r's hotel. 314 41G. Are you marrieii ? It not. send yoni iiildii-ss w iih sieiup, to t.'ie Americ oi Coi-respouilieg Club, i . 0. Mov (U3. Claikshurg, . Va. 37lJ Hi. Frank H. Snow, Commissioner U S Circuit Court, lit 1 XllL't"H, O .. Is rim I ii ir'z l to receive fees for pubilcal ion of final p roots. 41 1 If. NOTICE OF INTENTION. LandOllireat The H ilk, Or., Feb. , 1S.H. NoTee is hereby kIvch hai ihe iollo.viiiK-naui-ed BeEtler Iimh i leil i.o.lee of his i itemlou to make tiiml proof in Nippon of hiw elul n, and that sail piooi' will lie made before County Clerk of Muiro.v County, at llepp.ier, Oregon, 0.1 ApriliJ, 1..'I, E IK llK'!(i?T!tOM, D. H. No. (1707, lor ihe -V;4 NE 4, S SKt el''. rrCC. .), I ) li .ti Vi. He uo lies ihe folio a i w ihiesses tn pro e his cou'iitio.B r. side.. ee upo t, and e.ilii.ailo i of, said html, l : o. E. Fur is vor:li, E 1. Co , Fra ik V. Farns worth, C. J. Auderso of Hard. mm, or, 4li-l'J. J iii n W. L :w.-, Ut-Kiuter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Laud Ollice a' L-t Ora idc, or., Feb. 1, 1W1. Noiiee Is hereby that ihe IoIIim i jk-named set. Ier has i leil notice of his i itc itlou to make liiial proof fi s.ppnrinf his clal n, nnd thai said proof uili be n.atle before the County Clerk of .uorro.v Co., oreKo.i, nt Heppner, Ore KO.i, ou April I, isu, vl: IHOMA. (ill.FILI.KN, H. P. No. Kl.liil, for (he NE .-ee. i, TI S,R 27 E, W. M. He ua iioh tlie follow Ihk uitiiesseB to prove hts co i I ino 8 reside. ice uptj.i, aud eul.I.atlou of, Bald la id, l .: joii i Keuuy, Felix Johnnou, Andy Tlllard, I'at Keleghar, of Heppner, or. ili-i.). A. Ci.7.vvit( HcKlster. NO'IICE OF INTENTION. Lmd OMieeat Lu Oramh', Or,, Feb. IS, 1K01. No it-e is hereby yi e.i thai ihe lollo.v iny-named settler has i.lnl no lee oi his iuteuiio i to make niiai pmoj 1 i s ppnrt oi his ehii u, and tba. Bitid pnioi v ill be madebu'ore V. It. Kills, Co n. i . circiii Ctj irt, at Hepijuer, Oreuoti, on April I, l.vd, l; J ) E 'll T. POTT.!, I). H. No. in,s, for the NW'i , SV,f, XWU, NE4 N ,-ee. : , T I S, It E, V. M. He na lies the 'oihuv i ik w Itnesses to prove his eo ill mo ,s residence upo. it and e.jltl.alion of, said laml, i : i im mis Mi-E ilire, I'obert Johnson, Tcrrence MeE ulre, AntlreiV i iiiurd, "i Lena, Orej-'o i. Ill-U. A. Ci.iiVicit, HeKiHter. NO'IICE OF INTENTION, La-id O'lice at Lu Oru idc Or., F;). K tWL No ice is hereliy gl e i iliat ih, idIIkj, i iK-nam-ed se iLrr has til.-d no itf hts i iie iiiu:i tti make ti iitl proul 1 i n .or: of tiin el i u, and tlia said pr oi t id be made before i;. Ellis, Co u. i ...( 'i re . i Co.r,, at Heppner, Ore.m, o.i April I, kH, . i : J il M J. I'OTT-i, I). S. No. KM'), nir ibe , SlA ami lots 3 and oee. -2, T t K .7 E. L" Ja ues ti .r ier. tnke hpi i-i;;l no" lee. He iia.m-s .be folio . i m itneHH 's tn prove his eo oi mo .s reside. ice up'j.i, id euLi lalion of, Hoid land, vi: 'I ho mis Meivitire, Terrcuci- McEutire, Itobert Job ison, Amirew I ill.ird. ot l'im, Oregon. Ml-l.K A. Ci, ku, Register, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Laud OflVe at The Halh-s. Or., Feb. fi, lf'd. No ice Is li'-it-by -Lei 'hat the lolhMitg lia jled seller Im.t . fed No'jee nf Ul neutiou to make niiai proof i i n ippoT; of his clal u, ami Mint LiId oroof be made beiore W. tt Eiiis. i . Co im irhio :er at Ibmpuer, Morrow co uiiy, or., o i :.;ir''ii -SAM I LL U il LE'ON, , in-. l:-V.F.. W. M. i i Hs s to prti , e IiIh U. Id f .1.1.11,1:-,! .if IM -.M, for lie -'A' I '. He -.a ,. s ih- !.. :.i i .. i CO t i l -tt .H T'-HI-ie ,1V i.po.l Kiiid ianil, v i : Jon . il Oeu'rv, W. ('. Ll V.ji. o.i. nil ol liei;.n.r. . W. W. Kirk and JtllM W. Lxwis, 4U-U7. iOUUr, NOITCM Of I N VtiS t'lo.v banrt Olttee t The Hallps. Or., Feb. a. lS'H. Nn ti-e is herel,y Ki ea that the lollouinc nami'.l sctller liss lileil noll.-e of ht tiltenlton to niake Himl proof in najiiMirt of his ,-lni a. mat , that siikl proof will he nairlp before Frank 11. ' Snow, 1'. ri. t'oMimissloiit-r at l.e.tin;tu. Or.. ; on March 21, Ism, vt.: i r.Vl'L TltOF.lHilN, ltd. 2ST.1, for the vi,.SVi. M:'i.sVW,.SKijsi; see is. in 1 X. U JI R. W. I. lie imau'i! the folio a tug witneasea to prove Ids eo. itpinoas renl.lcacu upon aud cullh ulhui of, Btii-t Irt'i.t. viz: (.'linrles W. Itooil. Sylvester White. Joseph Fil kliai anil Charluii Filkiim, ull of cadiile, Morro'.'-' eouiity, Ur. John W. I.kwis, 412-117. l-'ecisler. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Oflipe nt The Palten. Or., Feb. n. 1S:l. Noiieu is hTt'liy trtvi'ti that the follniiiK fui'iu'd m'ttltT has rili'il tiotii-c of ti i iiiiiMitton t i nuke tiiml ftroof in n inport oi IMh cbiini. anil that Htiiti prnuf u ill he niatie heiore l-'innk II. -ikhv, I'. S. (.'o.innissioiier nt Lexington, Ur,, on March -H, vi: ('IIAHLK3 V. KKED, IM. rill, for the SK" i Sec Tp 1 N, li il K, V. M. lie iitniH's the ftilloiii witncsHcH i iH'fe hin co iti nimis rchitleiice upon, and cultivation oi, ii;uil hi'iU, pylifser White, raul irtrilgon, Joseph Fil ki iim and Vharles Filkiiis, all oi saddle, iiorrtnv county, ur. John V. L':wt, 412-117. lieister. SUMMON?. In the Cirenit Co irt of tlie State oi Urcsr.u, for the Co.iniy of Morrow. J. T. ThoinpHon, I'Uil.iUif. vs. Uaehela. rho-npnon, D.'fu. i To Rachel s. Tliompso-i, Defendant. IN THE NAME OF I HE dl'A'I E i l 0RE0"N": VT-OU ARE 11EUEBV HEiJl'IUKn TO APPEAR a id a .8. er ilie eo uplai it t. led uui s, yo.i 1 i the abo.e u.iii led h .L u i hi i te.i utiyK iro u the da. e ot tlie 8c r Ice of this H unitio .u npo.i yon, ii served iti.hii ihis eomty;or,if Ber ed i.lii.i any o.her eo-iuty oi' this ataie, the.t t ih t i me.iiy dayn no u the da e of the sonice of this s 1UI...O n upo i yo..; or, if Hurt ed by p .Mi ca, lo t, ihe.i o i or heiore ihe day oi ilie ir e.iit L'ouri of said L'o.iuiy a id oai e, it)-i , .io .day, Alarcii i , i.i.H.a .d ii yo.i tail ko .o ii. h.i er or appear for u il t lliereol, ilie pLni ili.i nitl aal nt yo.i, uismil . i (i the ho .ds of Kia.ri tiO y loa e.-iH.t i.viw ee.i a id plai ni i, o.i the Kro.M.ilu oi di sci'.io i, a .d tor s .en relief ub is prayed for l.i hit, eo... ..led herei.i. t Ins H.i., t. no is 1b served ou you by publico iii) i, uyxirttie of a.i order made by Hon. I i. eiiB er, J.ulKe of 'he ii Judicial Uis rie. oi iMVKu i, v said order is dated ai i he Dalles, oieuo.i, Feuraary 1, iojl. W. 11. ELI.I.4, 412-117. Att'y I'orilui.iaX bUUMOXS. In the Circuit Court of the Slnte ot Oregon, for the Co.i.ity oi Jiorrov. The Nuuo.m I Bank 1 of llcuii ier, i'hil.itlll'. u. U. W. Beardo uud . M. I 1 ipor, e. al i lfel'eudants. J To R. W. Ueardo.i I. M. Filter, Defendants: IN TIIE NAME OF i'HE STATE Ul' OKi'XiON: V'OU AiiE HEtiEli i" KE iUI.tEl) Ty APi'EAR 1 a d a..H-er uie Co nplal.n tiled aKal ttt yo.i l.i Uie auoiu e ui.led i " Lhi i le.. nays no u the Ua.e ui the her.iee of Uiie) au,uii.o s uhi i yo.i, ii Herveti wl.Iiii llin louniy; or, ii Her.e.i l.i a iy o iier Co.t.iiy oi ibis .-ta.e, .lie.i ni.lii i luL'.uy davb fro .i ihc da.e of the Bt i'.it tt of iina iMiitiino .a upo i yon; or, ii served by p.ilnicaiio i, the. i o.i or heiore tlie i.ri day oi tiie ..u.vt ter a oi he Circ.i. Court of said Couu iy iiuti ota.e, io-uii, .uareu -( i.v.u, a.ui il you mil ho iO a .ti.i er, lor na it ihereof, the i lai nhi i ul oike j.ult;.. tent itKai mt yo.i lor the sa.n ol U.,e li.i.uireii a id .i iL'i-.ti.iU dollars (fl'-ti'), due o,i pru.uiusory uo.e, u.ul tea (in) per I'c.ii. i ueiVB. no. a cepte .ther .ai, im, a..d ior iiitor.-ey ti lees, a id cos h a.ui disitui'se mC.iih. i Iiih .M in Her , ed o.i yo.i by p.ibliriwion, hy .ii' of u.i oiuer .iiiuiu at, lite naues, ur., oy ilo i. 1.. ii,, Jde ol ilie Firs.. J,i uieiai DU.rmc oi ureK'J--' M order is da.ed Fcuraiy iu, loul. W. H. ELLIS, 41M17. Att'y lor i lai 'I V. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for thu county oi Jiorroiv Foster Ada us, is, "I iL.lili; i i lai vs. Ellar Ada ns, Ujfe.ulaut. J To Ellar Adams, Delendnnt. IN HIE NAME uF .llEal'ATEOF OREtiON: V' OU AiiE HE.vEBl" KE il InED TO AIM EAR I a al a .h.i er die eo ipltti it i. led ngul St you i i ihe alio, e iii w i.hlu ten thiys iro n the ua.e of the beniee of I lilts hum ti.ti .8 upo i yo.i, if Her.ed ui hi ihia eoiuy; or ti Her.-e.l wi.ui i auy o.hei eoiutyoi thi8 h. a. e, tlie i ui hit tueuy dns iro ii tlie da e oi ite sei'iiee ol thin hu .iiuO h upj i yo t; or, ii ser.ed by p.thlica io i, ilie.i o.i or Ojiure Ma re 1 1 , i . . , me .ii'Ht. day ol tiie ue ier a oi ihe Cire tit Co .r. of Hani eo.iiny a d 8 a.e, a al ii yo.i lull so .o a -h.i er or appear, lor a it tiiereo., ihf plal ili.l' Mill lake j .iIk . OKiif .8- yo.i, tliHBtil i K'helio iIkoi h.a.ri ,,o y ..u.v e .in i .k oe.vee i yo.ia-.d plai niu', as iray ei ior i ids eo ..plai a. i ins s i.ii.ito s is ser .ed om you by publico' lo by tii'me oi a i onler ot ilu i. L. ii. t.eiiH er, J .hIkc ol Uie Fii'h:,.! ..tiieial Dihi. oi ur , widen ho id order it as .nude, ai I he D.uieH, un-go-i, Feb: nary iu, lo.ll. W. li. ELM 41J-I17. Att'y for ioi.i.l.V SU.MMOiN.S. In the Circuit Court for the County of Morrow ntate ol OreKou. The Auierleau .Morrpitfio Co, ) oi .-cotlauU, Li.uLetl, i'lai.itill's, I vi. Mvlon E. Handy aud l'lnrbe Handy, l Defendants J To Myhtu E. Handy aud I'lncbe Handy, Djfen i da us. IN THE NAME (tF TIIE STATE OF OLE d N, r)U AitE HEiiElty UK JLIKEl) I'O AIM'EAK I ami ii i.b. ter tlie co uplai it i.led ok dost ui 1 i the abote e-uLled ca.ise, by the nrst. day of the hcaC reK Tar ier.ii ol the aho.e coi led eo in, lo-tvl.: March 2:id, A. I, JrS.-l ; and il you fail so loiiuSiver, lor wa it thereof the plai.niii's Mid take i idK uent nmiium yon for the s mi oi I eiKht ti-iiidnid a id tael ,e dolhirs, wi.ii i ilerest ihereo i at the rate ol eiulit ( er cent, per a intim fro ii Feby. I, l.-i.M uinii paitl: ior tlie hiui of uiiy-si tinllars 1th llnerem thenoii at ilie rate of eiKht per cent, per rtunum from Itc. I, KO umil paid; ir the nil ol one hundred a id llfty tltdhti's attorneys lees ami for coHts and dlslmrse u;e us ol this h .L; a ul lor ihe lorcclos ire oi a eer ai i nior.KaKe eeeuled hy yoii i i faior of iii.l'a ul co ive Lite the liillo.i I.ik described ore. nines, to-w ft : the .-E 4 nee. 'I p. 1 N., it. '." E., W. M., l.i Morrov Co mty, oreuo i, and for 8 ii'h o.her relief as is demanded in lite com plaint, i his m iniinniiB is published by order oi Ho. i. Ja ties A. Fee, Judge ol Ihe iili jutlieial tlis;net of tiie .Male oi Oregon, raid order dated at 1 e.ulleto.i, Or., Feb. o, 'A, J. N. ItKOWN. 111-117. Attorney tor I'laiuliil'. SUMMONS. In th Circuit Cemrt of thd Htalo of Oreon. fur Morrow onnty. Margaret D. niton, t'laintlll', ) vs. ! John A. Heudrltnnd Leuthy f J. Hemlri Defendants. j To John A. Heiidrix and lA-athy J. Hendrlx, Defendants: 1 i tlie mi ne of the State of Oregon, Von arc hereby req .ircd to appear and huh.i er the com plaint I.led agal utt yoi i i the aho.e entitled ca sebvibn itfHt day of the net regular terui I oi this court, that bel ig Ihe 2-rd dav of March, 1 ll li t-ii.i inti km li UHI..I nr li.r u A. 0. IrvH. and ii von tail no lo hum, ter, lor n 1 thereof the plain. Ll' v. ill take j idguumt ngai'ist I you for tlie s nn if T o H mdred and M1x ml- lars (-'iio), w HJi interest at tbe rate of IU per i Cent, per annum from Nov. 21, 1k, aud the fore closure ol a mortgiiK", given lo secure the same, ou lbe Nor t Iih est tj tarter of .-cciiou T em y si t ; (jo), lo w. ship ibree ( i) .-o itii. ifituge I t euty l si v E. tV. .tl., a, nl f'ir n ich further relief as is I demanded 1 i the eo Mpliiiut. Tins s minions is p ihlislied bv order of Judue Jn'iit H A. Fee, Judge of the Si tll Jmlh lnl dis I priet ol this htale. Said order dated at Pendle ton, ttr., .nm. 1., n. Hi ppner, Jan. !, IH'JL J. N. IlttOWV. 410-110. Attorney for I'lalulilL NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijiud OMlce nt La Oramle, Or., Feb. 11. KM. No ice is hereby gLeu that tlie loilo iig-lia-ncd setiler lias tiled no ice of his i itenlioft lo make Umil proof i i s ipport of hiscl.ii u, ami Ihut said proof niil be unide la-fore County (Clerk ot Murrutt onnty, at liepjnier, ijr., on JAMEi IL PEN LAN I). Ds No. in. for the U1 j ,-K':, Hud NE1 ; V ami .L i V'i. .-ee. i'.,Tp.:in. il 21 E. W. M. ' Frederick IL Staddon, take special no i- e. ' He nn ues ihe foil ot I ig w Vwwh Uy prove Ids ! co ill hems reside. ice upon aud cnl.i .atioii of, - said laud. i Aug. si il-tl", Tho'iitis It. Miller. WiUhim lun i can ami Joel Oroom, all of Ik-pp ier. Oregon. I A. ClK tVJiH, 4JU& MgUUr. -X- -1 WlixV'L ! . s 7TT TCTSa .".fj .-TT.It' t Jvr?!irasrriiMH Don't Know That lackman & Co. Can fur ibh y n neat ttii:R Hnits for both mpn and boys, Ladies Drees Good of eh guiit patterns, BOOTS AND SHOES, fits. Ihim mm hw mdm Stockmens' Outfits, for Trail Use, Guns, Ammttnilion, Glasswnt-R nnd Qneensware. Aguuts fur tlte Celebrated Bain Wagons and Hacks? WELL ! WELL ! WELL ! "TYTTT-Y Now you have that Information. Yep, nnd Mirny oilier things kept in n Inrge, well-appointed Btuie like H. lSliioltninii H Co.'h. Every tiling is gold tit the lowest piHsibta pric3i. H. Blackman & Co., MAIN STREET. HEPPNER, OREGON. NIOW NEW GOODS! (Succeemiior to MEPPNJR, TO ARRIVE T!ip Lirtrnur H'ock irClolhiniT i-vor bnnuht to Hpppnpr, hmiirlit FOU CASH in th KhhI, nnil will Iih hoI.I nt 'r-t m-VHr h--inl nf h.-for. IIOS' hlJIIVS nt $1 2j unit upwur.N. MEN'S nnd VOU IUS' SUITS, Owin t) the inil.l wintor, will nff.-r for thi npxt TIIIUTY DAYS lOO OVERCOATS ! Ten to Fifteen Per Cent. Helow Former Prices. MINOR BROTHERS, MAY ST. - JIHPPJSTJCR, OR. I'ur First Quulily Uuuilu itt Lowest Prices, LEEZER & THOMPSON -DEALEHH IN- Harilivnrc, Tinwuro. On ciiep, ' onftclicncry, nod nnd Witlmr Wnre. Agents fur Ni'w Homo nnd v nit- Setting MncliineM. LuiiiberiQau'f TuoIh u Spi cinlty. llitiiHL uiinkuc price paid for farm proJuoe. tf. Cornor Main and Willow 8trotHt Iloppnor Or. NOTICE OF INTEN'ITON. Lnnd Oiliceal I.a (.ramie. Or., Feb. L7, isin, Notice Is hei'etiy gi.e.i imil the tttllo.t iie( na ued sealer Iiuh i li-il uo. lee oi his i i io nake umil prom li sipporiol hUcialn, ami dun said prooi t ill be made heiore Hie County Clerk of Jiorroiv County ur.,o.i April i.ab, liJi. WALlElt CUO-lfV, 1)8. No. D7'A for Ihe .S'fc SE !4 und SK KW- Sec. 2, i p. -A A, K li K, W. M. He ua ues the folio lug witnesses to prove his co i.iiiiO .il residence upon ami etihi.atiou ol, Hai'l laml, vl.: Wm. II. Vcrkes, W. K New umil, 'lliomns Owens and Andy oievenson, all ot Heppner, or. A. Cl.K ,i V K H , 41,.j0. bet'lster. NOT U; 15 OE INTENTION. Und Ollice at I he lulles. Or. Feb '27. "d. Notice Is hcrehy gLeu tiiat Ilie loilo tl ig- na ued sell Ier lias ..led i oihe of tils iue.olo make tliial prooi Iiih.pi-ori 'ti liis clal ti. antl ilutt sai. i prooi ii in T tM- in- : . i. -"- ' umiBsio.ier, m uij'i' tii mi,, u.i .ipn vU: D. W. HAIKU, ILI. No. IViT, for iho W . E'i and NLj NV'j ST. .11. Ill U .-. U .', v., W . U He iiauicH the tt. I tg t itnesses to pro. e Mr upon a. id e.d.i , utlou co oi Minus rcsld said Inod. ir: w. 11. lit Mh, Ibirve Hrsli, W. IL MeAtce ami JoKepil Tolovrt, ua oi llpiier, -r. JuilN VV. Lswt-, 415-420. Kiitr. Jl-LV .'",.1 , 'HEal ' WHAT! ! jmj iiiiuviu fJtll';llVkJ FIRM V- NEW PJ1ICES! XV. O. MINOR.) OIlEGOISr. THIS WEEK! NOTICE OF INTENTION. Laml Ollice ot The Dalles, Or., Feb. !. 1ML No, ice is hereby gLen that the followloR. na iud set ier has hk-d i.o'.icu ui liis 1 iteutioil to make nniil proot 1 i s ipport of Ins claim, and thai stiid prool will be made before County Judg oi Morro.t County, at Heppner, Oregon, on April il, l.iji, il.: ALFRED IL FALMEIt, lid. No. ;illl'., , for the WA SW4, NK'iSWJi, NWW i' 2 s, It ff, t nl'. , M'C. 10, i' ; He na s ihe following witnesses to prove hit co n luiuins residence upon, ami euliU atiou ol, sat'l land, i, : He. uy hi;soti, John Vaunt, Win. Lutes, C. N. I'eek, oi Lexington, Oregon, di ij John W. Lxwih, Hegliter. FOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Ollice at La (iramte, Or., Feb. 18, 1801. No, ice is hereliy git en that the follow lug-nam-d sehlcr has J.led notice of his Intention to make Una! proof ii 8 ipport of his claim, md tii,u K,ii, I mil,.! will be matle heiore Couuiv t lei'K oi .orro.v t o., uregou, ueppner, ur go. i, ou April I, inji, vi'.; I'AT KELEGHAR, D-H. 10,1)',. for tho NE '4 NW' and NEJ$, I ."1-4 ' lle h the lollop i ig u Iwichhcb to prove bti rehiiK'-.ct! up.i.i, c.ilttvmion of, eo i i I said I ind. il .loliN Kenny, Felix Johnson, ThotniiB GlltHlen, Ja ues D i -giieny, ol lli-pp.ier, Oreguu. Alixirt King Uktt spudai Ui-i'J. A., KgUtr, J