THE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, March 5, 1S91. NATlOSAL 1SAXKI.XG SYSTEM. In thin iVsiip niir ju-H n ronimU'ticHliini from uiiH .f ihi' OAZhilEs, bHnkrt me Minted , ua to llicir bouds, cir Culittiou. He. No iiiKtitiiiiou in its wuikinirs ami ob jerJB i so truHHlv iiiir'pMr-eiiti tl nhii luisii Mtr.-tn-Ml by mi my "iplt. In h inifcfp imij ri t v t tf rnt'i.' ntncn, IhtTf m m iiitt'iiii.'n In ul. fully pi j i i icp tli pub lie Hi.':'ini Hie i ali'ii l bu.linu' s.-ittUJ, , lit it i ilom', b"rer. J't tlMips tit" fill r puj(l tn ii U'lncni h'-r Hit H'hMm nl a naieiii ol wild-i:ti bai-knti.', bi-brc- the I l wur. Tn lu-oifsily fur a ni"re M'UU'c i-ynti m t; biilllttliv' iH'Oitnu- fV lent. Innif bi'f'itti lin net dt Hih "GiV Ih'tii'h at tbm time IIktc fc other icjinuiih f r a iiiitiimul liuikiiu.' lax. The yivi hniHiit ;ih a h' nvy Ixirr.juvr. Most of tlitt uione cam from fnn-ijiii b'iils. The yuvcru ni''l:t saw that tllM "iiubl H )Otl fHHlilr in thp 11 tit i ' biit)'.r completely m 'itied to a Mens, tmd t tti tf re fui iiialaleil i potn winch u'liilil Urny nil-Hit two te.iiltn. Viz: To (.si.ibiinl( a secure, b uikiiiu y- j b'lll, itllil tit llt-lhe lIlH Alllf'ilt'M pft'pl ! th" i reililoi'M ol (lie irovernnient. The novernment., however, Iijih huiu ceasr-tl iioi rowniif, ami th b hhIh, vvliiuh inttt tie (leposiiej with Uih y'Vernmeiil lis Ntcuriiy I lie t.,,l"""ltld ciicilhilioii. lire b uihl in the nuikula at their mar k4 ('lie.e, I'nr examp-e, lake a unhon;i bank o ijfill.lHH) cap lal stick. Thin i divided inio 5U .Hharew, untune of wiiiu.i Diiist he h pnihre.ited in any way. Foil' jut ('"ill. It -n.lH lo the value of $l'4 5lHi lijiiNl bi' ili'pMMip'M Mih the uovtTnm in . fur w Inch they tillow a bank "or ri'ou- .i!n f iV' .ci pent , or $11,250. Tiiivt- ye;tiH aui, tnene lam is cut in the mil jot SH.OUJ pieniinm, unit are now wotih 3S1,,.UII pn'iiuiim- f4 7"iti inure than Hi H iiouiil ol hunk noted which 1 he govern Hint ihhiii'H the bank. Wherein tit' h I it; 11 1 it I nut in thin It ii- a fninbiiiatioii l calttitil HKurfiiinK tfOtlJMJ? 'J'hen the Ijaiik miir jn from 8V to SiUJ l.'i each pt-le ined in priming Ur noteH, and every tinm the b.inK i elector viNitM the iimiif mam u'.h 51) iiioie, no mailer bow m my tim H Hh'iiihl unoiirte tn in tke those visiih. (J dniitiily, iIih hunk ex uuinei -oeH tliroiiuh Ihe filial ik of a bank ab 'lit din e a yviir. but it iln rf in t In- leant "crooked new' in tlie repuit, or Hlmiild tliMie lie d.ihtfi r oi CollapMe lii'in rniNinjiniiyt meat, be(ian H. and the bank iiiumi pay lo it. Hmiever, tile bank cashier ran detn-nd lip'in ti examiiiali"ii of a bank during e ioti yeai ol' ilH exiKlenee. This m lor the protec tion oi the people iih well at the ove) n meut. Ax a malterof fact, private banking is much more prolitahle than natiomil bank int, if pcole would yive it thefiaiue pal rojinne 18 the biiu-r. Tbeie are no iv fiiriOiiitiH in in ikiny I ans mid lakha tin a ti,Ni(.'(H hh neen rit y. Ni nat ional 0 i n loioi over !j'-.tltH) to one man. Y in can do hh you please about tbw in a pi I Vale iiiHtiiiitioii tint inont people iin d'ftmid that a private bink does no! atl'onl I lie hccuiity to depositors as a Uii i loon I one. Ti e statement that t lie government it the mint ceHsary borrower of money thai it dot h not in t il, in mder to set up llnk over the couiiliy, ih not true. 'I he wv cinnii'hl iHsiitH no '" bonds To Luihk HtM'iu it, but mn it nlrendy ntaled. liiusl lie (Uirhastd iu the in ol bond-lioldi iH w bo do hoi eaie to ivr iij their invt Miht'hlM in thin lr,e. 'J'Iiih ih to secure the people mid the yovei nmeiJt Uautst loss. H the noverumeiit cmitiunefl paum, ( IV llie in lionid di lit Hi the Mime rale it Ioih for some yeais past, b.inU as securi ties W ill he Hooll out of tpi' Hlioii. At tin pri tseiil, the oVcrnieeiiL is sulnnin no 1oih by iin nation iianltH, .nut Hie peoph me t j j s injx tie bout (its of a banldn BVb in lie-1 mil un! ly niporior pi an. ever put into txteuoi! tiy H e United blabB. SK NOTICES. TU'ir rutilir.itiiiH Cmth'H a MiNlakfM lia IhohIoii Aiienij; Sell If r. Etlitor Ctncltc: In your ihsuc of Iimt week was pub lished a repnul from the TimeH-lMoiin tiiineer of the li'st notice insuetl by th. itll'nii rs of the U. S land ollice at Tie J,illeH in leiianl lo tlie loift ited lunl-. In that nolioe .Mai oh 17lh wimiveii ji tlie date on and i.ller whinh the res tort d lahtlH ill Tlie DalleR district Would b open to entry and pumlm-c llndi-r tie foi lei I me act. As publication ol t ha tiottee without eXiilan atlon liaN created i in iNinkm mi press it ut aiiiotir leaderH o the (lAi'Ti'ii, allow hie to call jour at tention lo the tact that ad lition d in hiiucuoiis Iroiu the nent ml land ollice at (ibiiitloit to l hit leihter and reoeivei at the lidies u (h'SMii uIimI a mw nolle', w liich w us subsi ipiHtiil v isHiti'd from I In )aileH. Mini Inch sen Apnl ( h as tin . oe on and idler wljcli bouh'Hlead en ti it n a nt I applied 1 ions in put ch ise nndr 1he toiieituie aol Would be received at that . (line. All v. eanl lands in Morrow noiitity in ctuileu in laiiu'tt 'A, 'J-l, 2"i ami lb" an n,l j el to eat i v at I be U lie", and all in r..n. i-h i!7, 2S ami 2) at (I and- (.-x oept.ol a ure, huoIi bttnls in IhhIiiIip--ti ids as ire slitl u tniiu d by the North em riteilie con pt n.) 11 un stead en tiiis and npplieat i-ns lo puioluise uudei I be loi It tiCl will he leceived lit Lm ( on ami alb i Maich Ubtti. Am iheie i ci iiMih n.ble confusion re jjudinn what I nds me restoretl am. what me t pom tiilteltun I wt!i Pt ie in ties coiim-c ion Hint persons I tin si d will liud at m t llice a ni'ip show inu ii I the Hhton d hunts iouI those still In I I by the (lompaiiv op account of tie c inp" ite'i i ii m de brun h, brsub'H coi Mi idistrai-is and pI 'tHol eve town plop in tin O 'linty. 1 ill lect ive home plead t nil h h and appbciMie s to pureli at (lit lesion d ho iU in both diti icm. N. t Iteii.y ai ij l .liMeo wph the eircU'i (itm ci s leaibnk' He n unto, uinn seit'Cis lue also until tl ty Ui! t' le m .o d tic ii b it hen to it in the no ttct of H so r .Hoi : ASiiistiloN. D (, Feb. 18, VI. Lcjistcr unit hvvvivcr, The thtllvs, ( : lo notice ol iesP rmy uiith r lust mo tions t l eiiruuiy 3, uicbide a iiotiD to rior applicant that their applii'at ioiih 0 iibrnil up n ihciu no nht-'. ami y to n ll.e u n in at ion takis t llVct all Ibe hiinls ill h or'ii to eiili Uuiler tin bn fciinicact witboul ntuM In niuHi apph iiilttM.H, which shall If held j ctr.i lo b.od iiuiice. I.k w A. ukuMT, C m lien, t mi I IMliee. Thin b lic am w aw induced by t Im- l-.oi tint in lli (.tint tbi t tie cneiihn ol Jan Ulli J al ICMtalt il ll.i til id lilt It lit Ih lis II lo h t tic ti I It lit tl M l, it tew t pUcatioi h w cie net ivt ti in 1 be lailt s dutinii a da or t w o in .lm ban , and it it b is lo tin in uid. 1 tin Mt att ti l . tl liiebt ctiMuie ei ; 1 1 ii s a 1 lo v i tl n aid 7 o.t lands lit-w (oiltilid will, I it in lhfoi im d, Ktutul j!u tl, but tie pu-tieptioii ti.ii ns air in- Vahtt. 'llnieis n ptioitc probahilty that the pre-1 in 1 1 ion and 1 1 m her ciil i me ac's will l,e it p idt it it in ill: the pM K'ht si H"h f CtiuiiKM lel a piovi-ioti uonh w tit r b tliosH w no havr coin pi ie.1 will tin- lad r I ,w tot loin 4-n i h may tmv tlien claims Ut tf I b ' r i.ere. FliAMC H. fclNOW, U H. Cum. J. ORE LU L EG I SLA TIOS. ' The nonfHrc-fi on the bill for (be ropenl of the tiiu'ter O'dtitit law, ami Hiuwnbt tor of land lawn Hiier'i'ly, b ve praoti C illy re; fttied fit etfret ment o i an entire. I new bill, which will lm h mwht for ward at i lit) lirst o 'p'-rriiii tyt wn a tek iptim in a rtcent ish:ih of the Oreifoniiin. riieHiibj ct matb r of lite bill lias Pt he past two a myress -h b-eu in dispute between the housf ami the nennte, and for a o:jf lime 'In c nrereea duriiuf tb'8 ooiitfie-H f iili-d to come to an nmler-itand-imr. Tim bill aifree l iiiHin will change lie fenetitl tool Mvt-iii of the .vrii m-ht. I In h'b tiist repeals tin- limber nultuie :ict. w ith a res' rvati in in fnv r "I isMia li I rl-i nil beo iMfioe iuiii (t. d In ("lilpUllllU Ihe period of cu IV il loll n cl.iiuis a re ilv accmin , it ii ptovideil the t 111 ' ill 1 1 1 i il il fro ll flirt date of eu t'V. TIjh n ces .r acts of cititivati'ii tuiht ih parf-tnu'd wiitiiu t'ta prop-r time 'I In- pit partition of the land n d .he plantini; "f tie. s must be c inclined art acts of cultivation. I'erso h bo have Hum pi led wi It ihe provisions of the tiui Iter culture act for Puir etHH m ty prove up their eliilins by Hie pa ment tif $L 2o per ..ere. The desert laud not is ameiul etl In req'iinu the ti bi of u m ip show hit; Hie ntetbo I of i eel on .tion, and no it'isoti sh dl receive p ite its f u I nul tin ier toe itC, nnl m be bus i wt led in I e work of recl.nn tl m at 3 p-i .ore, to be t-Xneiideil within each ye r. Alter tunc yeats Him t itle may be secuietl by the (mvuih it of ftl per acre. 'tiectiou ol the Keyi-ed Slatutep x ameiiiiu i n f Hi d any o ma li le settli 'iia baVc1 tlie riuht to trauflere any p r ion 'f ins cl inn f ii- riL'ht ot way for ii - Ration pU'-Mses, n well as Tor church CeUleter.S railway (IT Hctoo plir, OSes. L'ue pie-emption law is also repealed, X'-c, t as ii Hie cl unit hietifore luin ateil, and tX'epi ..s to pie eiupii iiK b .Miiiiiit'M under law. !S"0inu 'Slii if lOiiemleil so Unit peiHoiiKalrenilt leidinu lb I acies of 1-onf, or w ho ab.oiilon tnen it Niileiue ou Iheir own lanil, shall le t nave ihe rilit to make a homestead en try. Kuti ies mii't b suspeuiled bo ci .tetiou of chrioii eiiurs. the U illeo States is estopped f i tail tne vaca , inn of any paicnf or claims beielofnit collated. uule.-.s Miit is bro'it;hT Wi'hin ii v t- ea(tt. ami on liilure claims within ot years, it is p ovi le l ih it in C do rn.lo, .Moiitaii.i. N t th and -S mtit U .kota. Ao.nin and Hie K"'d and uiiVet reuiom f Ncvaila and Unli, it shall bo ulH.iieui left-use to any tiroseculion for treHpnst o show tinnier cult are for ajfi icnl . urai, iniuiii, unotnt.ici it: 1 1 vf !' domestic II' ,ioes and not I i iinspoi ted out of lb' 'lute, l'his provis.ou, Uovc'er, iu not I apply to raiim.nlti V MICIIKU- CKNTUAL RATLIiOAU EMl'L 'Y13 w INS HIS CASE, Al'TElt SEVEN VEAUS CON 1 EST. While einpl ixed as aii'-nt of the Miohi ,''in Central L( oboad Company, at Atlan ta, .Mich., my kidneyn beeaine Uih aMed, uid tioni an impovi fished and import -tale ol the bio oil, tn) general heallli wr- 'ti 1 1 rely uudei iiiu.ed. I cons tit ted the leailiun; ph)sinians of this oily and Aim V'bor. and ail pronounced my cast Itnuht's disease. In October last, 1 lif jiiii taking lliblt ird's Hmcuiu tlie Srup. out am t"-ibty a well man. It tiiF-n li me pleasure to tender siilfei iiitf bimi.iuil li v iot d Hint I can, and 1 w to sa h -i T I Hunk it the greatest bin il, kidney :iud liver iiicdicine in Hie world. E. l.-Aitzinicnii, Aeut M. C. H H , Aibi.-n. Mich. Sold by T. W. Ayera. Jr., tJeppner, Or NOOFFEiSE MEANT. Some time ayo, while ovpr at Lout Ciei h, Ihe ednor was tven some liifiue,- uv tlie 10 tfle m ot leaulinjr tlie numb i ( Hheep in Cir. .nt county. As a ui ttb i iT fact Ihe fiuivs o llie aNseH-tor huh t n k iiiHpeclor I id not uuree, nor do t he .iii,i w heie in Uieon, ow inv; lo the pecu HaiititH of the ascf-Huieiit laws In -n leavoiin lo bnii',' ab.-ut hoiiih aruu iimi Uv belter I i t m conn riling aHseri.-iinn ami taxalioii, this paper has K'V tl lie lo tome iieWNpuper comment over lltere. There was no intend u to di-credit tbt Urines of stock inspector, W. V. Ilintou. Alore than that, we aciteiit then as b jitu ibsolutely correct. The diirleiice It -iween Mi. Ilinton's liifiir 8 ami those ob lamed b the assessor, show bow ui n neep are browsing on (bii'H'H heatilifn h provided by ua lire, vh ai no lia iay one cent for it. The unine con litionti exist in Morro loiinty, ami in eveiy state, and lor tti f it x r wo je,iin nut newHp;ipers sboul a'tlale some remedy fur thes vii.-, lull the in xt sessi n of Oreun'a leL intiire may bf ripe for action. THE USUAL treatment of ca'arrh i wry unH.iiisraclory, as llnuisandH ot de -p. limit: paitenlH o ii teslilv A trust .vortby medical wnler savs: "I'ropei foc-d trealnii-nt is posi iVelv neceessnn to siuici's, hut most of the remetbcn n use by ph ysieians alf'oi d let 'einporary bent-lit. A cmc oatiuot tie x ptCtetl from PlodV, pOWiter'H, tlonclier ,tul w iiste.-." Ei 'h Ore Hit Halm is i 'euii'tly winch tt 'luhineN the impoilmit o ij 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 s i f (puck action, s.t cilia rura Mve power wiln pei feet s.tfety and pit a. ,t it I neas to Hie at lent. Tim new conu'y piintintt law, pasf i) on I'Ynh.) 1.isI,(2iHi nl') by Ihe Oreyoi eu slatiire, will u into ellVoi M v 1st It piovides for ihe stdeoHou of one news paper in ei'Ch county, and two new, paptrs in ooiintji m ul Id.i tR) mill ovet uavtnc laicsi citcu alien in the uoiioiy, lo publish llie piocct'dinns of Ihecoiinn iioiut. 1 he pi ice idtowfd by taw is 6i teiitM per stpi.irc of ieit lines of brev.e or its equivalent, The bill it nott p rii -inn, non monopolistic, and iT uufairi.t is nIuiwu ui 111 'OA in sehoiion of 111 ia .aitin'y papers, Hie atfiieved piihiiahe' lias (he ilyht of appeal in colli t. Ti't law will prove a koimI investment foi t)r 'ii at a measure of tOoitotuy, nun tbe iCfciMuhve coitiin the oi lite prcn i hm ch Hon b tl sain tied w iih Ihe rt hti.t i t In n lata i s." J (Vfoti Eivjle, hvvouii Ch vehind's Midi free coimij; letiet, the thmoiT'itio tit p'pern weie Olirllmt NllVtr h-kiHlllilolt WHH 11 )UlM meiitmie. All nl once It ih discovered thai it doivii'i ami nut lo auytbintf, and w ill i ot i i tt r into the next pits dt mini caiu:ituru, ho fur as the t-vo it iP pin Hen toe v nnerued. Now, why ihe clu ne? It Hiinws plainly Cleve lalul )s a leader )i', ate) (hat the demo emtio bre bert h will change llouleutiie l to follow loin. Wim.R Hip forit ited lip dn in The l, ll, s tiistrii t w idiutt be open to entry till Apnl ti. 'HI, H e I n tir.-htle dislm t has pi .ft tl and eai Iter d ile to' tout t Vent Alitriili '0. '91. t.e satiitf as appeared in tlie "ct iltd" notice iu last l-stie. No one tn fcointf to be lobbed out of their bind, so test easy tid Hie dale of tilum ariivts, and Iheu proceed. There have been numerous aniuYatii'tf delatince the pHKsiiu ot the lotfeituie net, but ttiev i t soou i e a an eutl. 1'fcMH.KToN bt qiieied her colons on tl. ii i i urn I n in ivib ni. Our Eastern O:iijoi. (tos did ine besl lbe conld till ih r Hie cm t un si slices. I'rie ro a I stood in tbe way ol ivtivthietf lot uur section. SbSATOlt HfAHSi1. 01 Calif -rnia, ilit-J iu WwliiLglou, i. uu the b.U ult. V A UN Kit NEVV-d.' The chilil it burn, and its sir namt is pan is. Lew Farmer got left on bis imptuttd di oi. (ieiiMial remarks nt Parmer's oppniny dance; Little cold this even intf." 'Y'. it is ho' "Where are all tbe yirU t ' "Gone to lb-1 dance at the Halt." ''Look- : blue ii it I cnillv, don't H?" Well, f will tell Win, Lew, thin place i- W'HH't of money, bnt Ihe bo s ilou't let 75 keep them away from where Him : an Ii tve n k'O fl 'ime w i 1 1 1 footl music, 'tilt I h ifooil bull to dance ill, i th' t: -ni l have gone- over the- bid and tr- t lane' fr e of ill clni'ue in a dd sh tl tint is liable to ntm ie down at at i line. lr look-4 bn). any w y. Tlie horse rae on titles Phit was ru n Hi" 2'i I, Pai uiei s ui'ire wjnnintf In 111 inches, t'rcti) uloe, but it took d"Ub die si. ikes, all the same. The d-n en at Ihe Four II II til on the n iu ht of the 231 waft a ra d siicci ss, ''Verwuie remarking that it was the host hinee ever held iu Ihe hall. On the 15th we had a rand timo a' the ball ill ihe way of u literary entei- taimueiit, wlnoli was u succesn old ami vounif erj themselves hugely. Feb. 7. Hiniw; l.j h, some snow; 251 h, ''Hi as skookum'' hud . Sbick ares aithn the storm in rood 'bape. There has been no loss, as )el. School was nut at "Tbe Basm" las' Fridav, but will reopen in uli oit tw week-". Al Ism Vbt te, ' I he l3anin"schnol uiarni, has yone ti Loin Crtek to attend the tt-tiehers institute, held in (bar place in the 27th. Thetlitncl i now tliviih'd. oid 1 do not know what the two faction? vjll fuss about unless it is the tlis'ricl (iroperty, winch consistH of a fnw old Iti dies and ioi old tuiub ed down sluinly, voitb all oil $0. winch I hope the new listru-t will tftd, not wisbiiii; them tny barm. M'. Kdito . the city of O'Flwnrville i Ihe uioHi. iiidustrjoiis place in Oregon. Von can sit In your dour thai is, on Hull ami hnxtft- street, ami w,ich Hie inisy ladiett as they jrn by in Iheii s'oil'Iis. If yon were to shut wuir eyes you would 'bink that you wete in Chicago or New York, sure, but you are out. I will uli ne or thij time. Ta, ta. Si-ick Ear. Febrnan 2d. 13!)1. Halt & llumig, Ci:y Harber Sh:p nnd Itiith itnnlllH. n. Pickled l'is Fut?t find fiau .Marinirto lli-rrhn,' a iJitn Osuht'm. it. A Huh line of k U1 pin, pencils, etc., at S locum -JttlntriUia UruK iji.'h, it. l'or While find, bukt 1rn;tt and Salmon in huik dsn Mtinkerol and Hal inn 'i hu.lies in k 1 1 h, un in ."ezpr & TliuaipBo , tlm hatlint: grucrTH nf i'inier. a. ti. lllai-kman & Co. Imvw an exel sivf fient-nil b ri'liandiMe lrrt'. KtK'km ii cannot tin heller luin piittn izm ll, Uliicliinuu & Co., of lleitpnor'a I'mtiei-r Iin k. li I'n ' Jlnrmw CtHinty bund & Trust. Cn lutiallt1 vrnnair l'acki"tr I'o.'h .huIh, mmvihk niert'lmntit tie lr uziil I nan cortuuu lo iiotpi.c-r. mu on n;in l Ili i uh niiioli llliiru. ii. I'nrscvcnuict'. pluck ai tl enterprise will niaku noiiey ui Oils W.JiJ. WlUl West, lau it in nt ivnd itnlettri J""U ml hitf t)ar,tinH. in fnot urHr, f-Mfciati. da to -VI nt tacliteiitluil s tor ynur mi'tf'iiiiH in IhhiIh ami shne. h. I'liHlniiiHi "I(h tmro mid makn thoe cl I lien itiue. 1 expi'Ot u put nu ten or til'lfeii puuiids hnrll." 'J'ltil'ir "Yfs, wir. 'lukiiitf a wmi-ite nf irealinHitr UHtniiu-r INt. 1 iu jur-l nark .mm my vacation." if lm h.rinrh) Inn i-imhiHai 1 1. It ack limit Sl ('t).'K t-li'K'i t Hii' hu wtmld luoe in trnnhln in if t aiUft i.eiL' til. u. Wh-'ii vai witut yuiir IntrrtBH slmd ur wauii 1'epHirisl, y (iraiit uiiin'y nile, (Pm't fiatii't .hat L. bliu, li .rU Iiiih n Hliap ut Fox. a The tleppuer t'u in it ure Co nr. expHft- in a car loud of Furniture from the I'etst. Buy them for bit: bargains, a NOTICE OF INTENTION. No. ice in hereby 'bea Unit 1 lie I'ollon i ik-j 111. 1 icil HCLllcr liutt lili-d anllrenl Ji ih 1 ilt'liiliia ti make luiul pruol' 1 1 H ippoi't oi IiIk clui.a, tuut ihat tiiihl ni)l will bn nuide bcioic W. tt. Kllm, Co iiiidKBio ier U. S. Cird.U Court, ut .Ifpp.iLT, Oivg o.t March .l is'.tl, vU: KtlBEUT JOHNS. )N, l)i. No. 101:10, lor tho sV;4 .ec. 2, Tp. 2 S, R '27 IC, . M. He oaoieH the fulloH i-ifj witnesses tn prove liis 'o i.l iiiO'.i) rcitidu.ife upun anil cuhi.u.lo.i 01, mid hi al, H : ieiiruiu-o MeK Hire, J. T. PoPb and A. Tillnnl, I am at, Urego.i; J. J. 1'iaiH, llepp icr, (Iri'KO 1. llil-ilS. A. U.iAV,CH, KukisUT. NOIIUE OF INTENTION. bund OUlr-cnt U tiruiidc, Or., Feb. 11, MM. No. Ice In hereby nboa ihat llie I'tilinniis 111. aetl scaler has lileil uolice of IUh i itc.iliu 1 t iiiiike lintil pit in f i 1 Rippnrt oi Iuh ciai a. id hut ua PI prunl will he nunle Insure fount)' , lerk m Mniro.v (.'nutty, at llepp. ier, ureo.i, 1.1 .March M, l..U, JtH-.I, (lltOOM, Dr. O.nn, for the SW'i See. t, X'ii NWU See. .', Tp. 1, icili, W, W. m. He ati aeu the mllinl in witncrisoH to prove his o ul moan re8ldeuec upon, n ul t-abbaliti.t of, iai.l lit ai, i .: Auk ib. ll.tle, Thomtw II. Miller, WIlHu-n Dan .il.i tl ai Ju.acs U. I'u.ilu.tU, all of llcppiiei1, Ur. A. Ci-i iVrlll, 4l:M18. Ke-isler. N0TIC13 0? INTKN'ITON. V. S. Laud Otliro, The balles, Or., Feb. 11, '01. Notice In hereby Kbun that tlie IoIIoaI i Dl neil seller ban ulcd no, ice of bin 1 ite 11 lo 1 lo .aike iltiitl pruoi to b ijtporc of hiriclai ii, and Ibt.t taid pronf will be nuide hefore Fra.ik II. Smnv, .1. o. Co aotlHdto ler at, oreKou, ua lurt'h Irt'Ji, John t. McMillan, lis. 7-2U. for the NWSee S.Tp. 1 S, R25 E, W. M. He ua iie the inllo.t i w it.ieMHib In pro e hi ,-n i t int) m upoa tiud cal.i.tition of aid la nl, 1 : illla 11 K. Burnett, W. II. MeAUater, CvrnB C. Licualleii, ult uf LlwLihUu, -rt'goa. Jims W. Lwis, Ibl-UH. iieMinter. NOTT015 OF INTliNTTON. Land Olllee at The Dalles, Or.. Jan. . iS'.n. No lee In hereby icb'ea that the follow iiii iied sell ler linn uleil 1.0 tee tf hi inteniio.i 10 aake inuil pmoi 1 1 Hujipon of bin clai 11, in id Int. said proof will he made bemre llie Hon. Co mty Judge of .worrotr Coaniy, at llepp. icr, vUl-ko.i, o.t .tlareli ti, iA.n, vi.: DAVID WILLIAMSON, for the NW'4 .-oe. :ll. Ti. 1 N, K 2. K. W. M. ile oa lien the lollou 1 1 w itnetteM In prove Ills eo ni mo, in reside. ict. upon nod eul.i.itiio.i 01, said la id, vi-: Ike ILowiril, Porn Parkins. ILtrvov Purkbio and, all of, or. John W. L fwtf, llO-llo. Keyister. SHEUIFl-'vS SALE. BY VIHTt'E OF AN F.K(MT!0X Pl'LY iHH.ieti ty the Co inty I lerk of llie Cnamv 01 AtnnoA , mto 01 Oregon, dated the 11th d'y ol Fehr-.tiry ti eerniiii aciion pi ihe circnii inr nab! Co iaty a id .iH.e, vvlierei 1 ttie Nit ioial Ita.ikol llepp. .er, nr., hit a retn.ered Jminiiicnt I ....ol W ... i,l,..r i,,r ih.i u 1 in t I Thti.itotxd 11110 Ibiiidred i hi rty-ib ree and Tweti-iy-10 .r Out; liiu.dredibit dollars and eon. ai;d diMb,m'.i.eiiKi taxed at one and .-Utv-aix one hit idredth8 tlolluiB (l.wi). 011 the lOilt tla) oi Fetr.ary, t.v.ip No. tee U hereby giip'i that I 111 o'l Sitturdiiv, the iuh day 01 .Wtrch, l.v.'l, Ht die Pro it 1'onr 01 the Co ir. llo ise i ( llepp. .tr, in said Cmmiy, al one o'clock 1 1 ihe ttt-er txni ol naid duv Hell at p .bite ai.edo.i lo die hllu til bidder lor Vitsli, lite lolioA l ig described proM-ny, ni-n if nf Ot i.iU No. I. Hinck Ni. il oriti, al tn 11 .11 Hep, ater. tbeno 1; mIko Una It'. 11 it .il tJia llUuk j t. 1, la l.oone sitoulttoii lo llie town nt llcpp ner, oreito.i, e eepl Lo. en aiaeaei irat point tio North ii .e lot u. Block t. l.noiiey s nd dl to. 1 lo ihe (o.t a ol llepptu-r. invito 1., l.mj feet West iro it Fast 11 ,0 of fecdo.t ii, Tow.mhlp i .-oath 01 ha ijie Ai East. W, M. o.i Mfiio li 10, lite toe So. ith I- feet, ilienee Went UW left, tlie..ev North IJ k-et lo North li w ol UU It. Mddidon, thoiiee Eaat to place ol" tH'KbnibiK. Also tt Uu ton by lou leet o it 01 the KiUieasi corner 01 naid Lot No. I J, Biock No. 1, Loo ie add! ioa here.oiore unld. Altio Uu eo.mne ,vi ui a poiat on Sect lou U. v teet North ol ihe Nnnlm t-s. cor ter nf Pot I, Rlnek i-i. 9tu.nLK-rr ttddi io.i 10 ihe (own of Hepp ier. Oretio.t; Vct Kk) teet, ilietiee or. a teei, die.iee L.n. LVi uvt, the. ice ro uh feet 10 ihe aUee of beut ml nr. lakea J and levied upo:i at ihe proper v oi sttl K. ti. iK'nroi I lie Nitdo .nl H.o.k 01 lle; ier tiai .sr (Uii, I K. K. I d,.r ie lor fi.t.ii.Jt. mrOilier it h all and thai ha. e and amy at i-r .e Rued at Ucpuucr, Or Feb. tl. WL oto. Nont,fc:, iU-UU. tltcrid'. AMiiiiiufi cm so .. : M Can toj OR. ACiCEK'3 ENGLISH . . ii .1 -I . ' i I il dern 1 t-mwlies ? It will sto;i a Uoa;-1 1 1 r.u r.i';..t. 1 ; V.-..1 chec k a la o ( a day. Tt wilt nrevont Croiri, niiero A.4.ii oiU euro t.'o is inntioa it ta.rca f in time " You car -t afford tr bj wit'iov.t i " A t i cent Ijott.e may caru youfj - $100 i I'Dootor's bills may save your l.fe ! Ask your lrup;i.-t for i;, tr vntoi to W II Hooker & Co., 43 West lSroadwnv, New YorU, liook. ij BIB B I a H B B 'B O tl B I 1 ! 10 : C (i " 1 TO 20 PER CENT. LADIES' & CHILDREN'S WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY AND LEGGINS mhsTa. m. s locum BS5T('ALL! CALL!! Next door to T. W. A yew' Drug Store, Giirriyues liiiililing, llHiiner, Oieyon. 11 -.go 'iy. z FOR A Job Work, Repairing and Eurnniturc. Cup boards Tables, St.mds, Baby Buggies, M(iu'dins, Mirrors, and Curtain Poles, Direct from the E ist, Cheap for Ca.h. f'llll'rFl'lHllillff 11 Slll'CI tV HEY! HEY ! ! I.ft ns t:n to Exclusive Boot and Shoe Store, for our winbM-footwear, fie keepR the bst Btu;liiu-ham & Mecht booffl itiol hIiocs, the Kiti'L'tt 2 5 t Shoe mnl other eo.uN nf Hfamlanl inatten, A hijf Bt-onk, Foot.'ear nnift be bought cheap, quality GounJert tl, lo get gilt-It baiaii'H us oii find at MAT LICHTENTHAIJS, MAIN STii-KKT, G. B. II ATT. -PUOi'ltlETUHS UF THE CITY HA1U3ER SHOP, In E. Mimir'n DuililiiiL'. TliPfii nonllonT'n iirp ivfll kti .wit ih luivintf Mafltpi-Pil tho Tniiwil'iiil Ait' in "II "f lis Iillii"llllt. Feiillirt'd. Call uu them fur a Goml Shnve or tluir Cut. Splendid Bath Rooms in Connection. MAN STKEtT, - - ' li. Minor', - - tltrPNFit. K. (i. si.orUM. IIEPPNEli FU11MTU11E Co., Dealers in and Manufacturers cf hi & M whll Mai tresses, Ijounjje.. Wall Paper ami Oar-pets. A FULL, LINE OF CASKHL'S AND r.CHTAL l'.OliKS. UNDERTAK ING A SPKJtVLTY. CWSrECIAL HATES ON PICTURE FRAMES. Columbia Brewery Depot, AUG LIST I3UCIILIilR, TropL'iotoi, Of the Cohuiihiii Rrewory. at Tim 1) illo-. wn ihl inform the oitiz''is nf Morrow nnd turn indli g cituiitiud Hint li h i h'ii"'tl f'-n n f ilnt II. Nnt'nr th t'itv ltHWry in Mennn -r, ui.d bus established m depot Ht the well known staud, fur llio ttalu uf the bust Lager Beer anil Porter, either in tho ki'it or b ttl'ii, wVc'i hi wit! h. pt.nil to supply custoTteruia Hny (inutility wlmttwilt mid rt'lail. The Public art- iiiritid ioctill ami' liift slock ivilh iin' ussiiraitcc ihat thcij u-ill pad it first-class. T" Tin' II. .itiir I . 1 ill lie iu i-liui e of Mi. Daa Oauiern, who ill cheer full. Miiily nil nulors. If Payette Nursery, OF PAYETTE, IDAHO. The Largest General Nursery stock iu the Mountains. ld lIOLiLlj AM) IiMilL I Send for Catalogue and Price List Address, PAYETTE NURSERY, 93-Sm. rajette. IJulio. mm cjifi! a a a a a a a uiti ie- w n 0 4 ft n 4 V tl why tin vm mmnn Uoyo-i Uno.Tthat a Lt'-brouh ijaO.aagorousij thin"' A. 3 JOJ awarotliatii ot ten fastens on the lunjjand lart.K) often run3 intoltonsumption nndB eudj U ja;!'.? 1 co;lo Et'.ITering f.-om Artiima. I3roc'..iti3. lneuniou-j zd (Joaui;)'oa v.-.J tilj tell you t:w.t if r.Cor.l ti rr-loct i:? C'.-.n yx tr:3e' with go scrims a isattcr t -"O you t. .vai J i-'--t P In-rtnfl n-iw'.- i1 M"ioflct rf 11H RE! M-nOt-HHlLii-bleVorks COME ON Mat LiolilpnHnil's HKPPNKR. OliEGOX. J. H. ROM IG. E. II. SI.OCUM. and Dies Fisrske, I I II I II Arllniftoiii S A Hitr Linp cliri ot fimii tli( E'ist. Fin.' kI li-h Iml, iicvr fill I ie-. Illl I p-lttl'I'll-l. G'lll's Hit H H. I'lli.'V Mini rllilll- imii' sii iii siyiM. sw jo sn, u.v Lmj:ii v s d. 1JI.ES at rcluiy P. iocs. A cui -loa.1 nf Fernolin to arrive Fo .11. W A I! I! A NTED To CUliK Tl IK 15 ink-. Mini Silvrn'iiiv iiv 11 ii'y tn mil c.itli custoiin i u. AgeuU for OI.IVKU CHILLED i'LO'VH. Groceries, Hardware, Etc. Lnrirpst Sl'xk ami niafist Assnrtineiit to be fonml in (Instill. Muil Oi ilfiri Solicit i y a x a l w Alwnys "liilift llip cmKp" uIipii it rrniPB lo liiiviiif n ciiiiipletf' Kl.H'k (if GhiipciiI Meicliiiixlisp, Fiiilpil tn Hip hiiiiU of thin t'linntiy. Ste Uih liitpet inH.'i'iis v(if WiKilcii Dipss (iiinil.s in sti ippH, 1 ii s mnl sulij colors nil sold nt pricps to please. Hnest lino ..f LfllES' P10 GlILil-HJ'j IJ SIM Our slice ip).irtineiit ciiiitioF lie excelled in wt) Ie, q'liilily mnl low pripea. Hand mid Sewed shoes in Button, Con gress mid Lace. Heavy lirog ius and U.joU of all kinds. hats and Caps, Woolen Underwear and HOSIERY. BIiuiUpIs, Ilolips, Gl"VPs, Mitlpns, Trunks, Valise?, Sew ing Machines, Guns, I'i-tols, Wallpaper, Doors, Windows nn I Glass, Paints mid Oils, Harness and Saddles. ' Our Sim Jose, Cal , Saddles lire giving the liest of sii' isfaction. AYp. have, n fine assortment of side saddles mid others. Stoves and Tinware, If yon need a, c ink blovo, range or pnilnr hpiiting sti.vp, don't fail (o hp nr tl. cl in these giods. Common heating stoves in nil sizes. Wlclsll Wins, HacRs H MMi plows And Harrows, Clocks and Watches. Chop Feed, Seed Hyp, Alfalfa and Timothy, Wheat, Unrley n ml Oats. Blacksmith's coal, Sulphur, Lime mid Salt, Cedar Shin gles, Groceries and Hardware. Feiiiiiline, Sh.-ep Dip, something new. Guaranteed to cure the scab in sheep or no pny. A call at our Establishment will prove Our claim of having Hip Largest stock, Greatest Variety, of goods, Ihe best equipped store, combined with low prices, that can be found in m;y ol her town in Oregon. To pvery purchaser of S23 worth of goods, w will give a line $4 book. Orders fiom the country carefully and promptly filled. Country produce bought and sold. Agents for Christy & IFise. COFFIN & MeFAllLAND, The National Bank Building, Heppner, Oregon. FOR SALE CHEAP Twenty-o ng hi Full hi Mtsin WILL SELL UR XSOS'ALE F0 f!AS '. Olt WILL TRADE J'OliO Ol), M ICKl'tl AN I A HLE HOUSES. Til ICY CAN UK SEEN AT .MY HAN H. ! IiiH I' M I M'lS SOU I'H-W ES 1' OP 11AKD.UAN. ON THE MIDDLE KOIUi Ol1' HOCK CHEEK. G ICO HG 10 W. I1AKDMAN,P - OXTPST DXJCBr STOKE 11ISI IVNKIt, OltKiiUN, T. V. AYERS, Jr., Proprietor, (Successor to A. D. Johnson.) Keeps a Full Liue of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Albums, Etc., Ktc. Fine Domestic and Impoited Cigars Al ways in Stock. o PREStTtIPTI0N3 CAUEFULLY ( OJIl'OUNDED DAY Oil NIGnr. School Books ! tf. School Books ! W. A. KIRK. KIRK IV DEALEtlS IN Saddles, Hniness, Whips, Spurs, nnd fvery Conceivable Article kept in a First Clms Harness Shop. Reptilriiis; t Specialty ! Go to tlinir etore fur h Improved WHITE SEWIN'O MACHINE. Warrnnted for five years. Dun't buy elsewhere till y.m ex.unii.e tlioir machines anil gel cash prices. 1UINSTEEET, . UEPrXER.OEEGON. J'RANK MoPAM L AD, llttm r. Good S! IP 'J. McFARLAND I! STJilWVIlT, - OUEGON. J. ' HAYES HAYES i vi o o Cz